Logic Made Easy (2004)
Logic Made Easy (2004)
Logic Made Easy (2004)
How to Know When Language Deceives You
Copyright © 2004 by Deborah J. Bennett
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1 PROOF 29
I ALL 40
All S are P 42
Vice Versa 42
Familiarity—help or hindrance? 41
Clarity or brevity? 50
Some is existential 6 s
Some are; some are not 68
A, E, I, andO JO
Sorites, or heap 8s
Atmosphere of the "sillygism" 8 8
Knowledge interferes with logic 89
Truth interferes with logic 90
Terminology made simple 91
Logic Made Easy is a book for anyone who believes that logic is
rare. It is a book for those who think they are logical and wonder
why others aren't. It is a book for anyone who is curious about
why logical thinking doesn't come "naturally." It is a book for
anyone who wants to be more logical. There are many fine
books on the rules of logic and the history of logic, but here you
will read the story of the barriers we face in trying to communi-
cate logically with one another.
It may surprise you to learn that logical reasoning is difficult.
How can this be? Aren't we all logical by virtue of being human?
Humans are, after all, reasoning animals, perhaps the only ani-
mals capable of reason. From the time we are young children,
we ask Why?, and if the answer doesn't make sense we are rarely
satisfied. What does "make sense" mean anyway? Isn't "makes
sense" another way of saying "is logical"?
Children hold great stock in rules being applied fairly and
rules that make sense. Adults, as well, hold each other to the
standards of consistency required by logic. This book is for any-
i2 I N T R O D U C T I O N : LOGIC I S R A R E
While filling out important legal papers and income tax forms,
individuals are required to comprehend and adhere to formally
written exacting language—and to digest and understand the
fine print, at least a little bit. Getting ready to face your income
tax forms, you encounter the statement "All those who reside in
New Jersey must fill out Form 203." You do not live in New
Jersey. Do you have to fill out Form 203? Many individuals who
consider themselves logical might answer no to this question.
The correct answer is "We don't know—maybe, maybe not.
There is not enough information." If the statement had read
"Only those who reside in New Jersey must fill out Form 203"
and you aren't a New Jersey resident, then you would be correct
in answering no.
Suppose the instructions had read "Only those who reside in
New Jersey should fill out Form 203" and you are from New
Jersey. Do you have to fill out Form 203? Again, the correct
answer is "Not enough information. Maybe, maybe not ."While
only New Jersey residents need to fill out the form, it is not nec-
essarily true that all New Jersey-ites must complete it.
Our interpretations of language are often inconsistent. The
traffic information sign on the expressway reads "Delays until
exit 26." My husband seems to speed up, saying that he can't
wait to see if they are lying. When I inquire, he says that there
should be no delays after exit 26. In other words, he interprets
the sign to say "Delays until exit 26 and no delays thereafter." On
another day, traffic is better. This time the sign reads "Traffic
moving well to exit 26." When I ask him what he thinks will
happen after exit 26, he says that there may be traffic or there
may not. He believes the sign information is only current up to
exit 26. Why does he interpret the language on the sign as a
promise about what will happen beyond exit 26 on the one
hand, and no promise at all on the other?
Cognitive psychologists and teachers of logic have often
observed that mistakes in inference and reasoning are not only
extremely common but also nearly always of a particular kind.
Figure 1. "Blue diamond" experiment.
1. All education majors student teach.
2. Some education majors have double majors.
3. Some mathematics students are education majors.
Proof by Contradiction
being is altruistic." If you can think of one human being who has
ever lived who is altruistic, you can defeat the claim. For exam-
ple, you might get the cynic to admit, "Mother Teresa is altruis-
tic." Therefore, some human being is altruistic and you have
brought down the cynic's claim with one counterexample. As
Albert Einstein suggested, any number of instances will never
prove an "all" statement to be true, but it takes a single example
to prove such a statement false.
In the face of an "all" or "never" statement, one counterexam-
ple can disprove the statement. However, in ordinary discourse
we frequently hear the idea of a counterexample being used
incorrectly. The idea of argument by counterexample does not
extend in the reverse direction. Nonetheless, we sometimes
hear the illogic that follows: She: All women are pacifists. He:
I'm not a woman and I'm a pacifist. (This is not a counterexam-
ple. To disprove her statement, he must produce a woman who is
not a pacifist.)
Psychologists have found that people can be extremely logical
when they can notice a contradiction but that correct inference
is often hindered when a counterexample is not obvious. For
example, in Guy Politzer's study on differences in interpretation
of the logical concept called the conditional, his subjects were
highly successful in evaluating a rule logically when direct evi-
dence of a contradiction was present. Specifically, Politzer's sub-
jects were given a certain statement such as, "I never wear my
dress without wearing my hat," accompanied by four pictures
similar to those in Figure 4 . Subjects were asked to label each
picture as "compatible" or "incompatible" with the given state-
ment. Inasmuch as the pictures illustrated the only possible
combinations of information, subjects weren't required to
retrieve that information from memory. These visual referents
facilitated the retrieval of a contradiction.9
ALL 41
errors decreased when any was used, "If any thing . . . ," and
errors virtually vanished when the universality was made
explicit, "all things. . . ."With the youngest children, though the
errors did not vanish, they were reduced significantly when the
universality was made clear with the word all.
Vice Versa
Given the right example, it is clear that the statement "AU S are
P" is not the same as the statement "All P are S." We would
probably agree "All mothers are parents" is a true statement
ALL 43
O n O D D O O D
Figure 5. Which statements are true?
"All squares are white. All white things are squares."
"All circles are gray. All gray things are circles."
Figure 6. (a) Are all the white things squares? (b) Are all the
squares white? To correctly answer these questions, we must
focus our attention on the pertinent information.
later see, Venn's diagram has the advantage of being much more
flexible. Many other philosophers and mathematicians have
devised diagrammatic techniques as tools for analyzing proposi-
tions in logic. The American scientist and logician Charles Sanders
Peirce (pronounced "purse") invented a system comparable to
Venn's for analyzing more complicated propositions. Lewis Car-
roll devised a system resembling John Venn's—using overlapping
rectangles instead of circles—and used an O to indicate an empty
cell, as in Figure 9. Both Peirce and Carroll were huge advocates
of teaching logic to schoolchildren through the use of graphs such
as these. Educators must have been paying attention, because
schoolchildren today are taught classification skills from a very
early age by the use ofVenn's overlapping circles.
Euler also found the figures valuable as a teaching tool. He
Yellow Nonyellow
cars cars
Figure 9. "All taxicabs are yellow," in the style of Lewis Carroll.
Familiarity—Help or Hindrance?
Clarity or Brevity?
noise. In fact her statement says nothing at all about the noise-
makers one way or the other. I doubt that the students interpret
her this way.
Is the teacher intentionally deceiving the students? Is she hop-
ing that students will misconstrue the statement? Chances are
good that most of the students believe she is actually making the
converse statement that all those who make noise will not get to
play outside. Had the teacher made the statement "All those
who do not sit quietly during the test may not go out and play
afterwards," then the warning doesn't address the question of
what will happen to the quiet sitters. She probably means, "All
those who sit quietly during the test may go outside and play
afterwards, and those who don't sit quietly may not go outside
and play afterwards." In the interest of brevity, we must often
take the speaker's meaning from the context of his or her lan-
guage and our own life experiences.
Since logic defines strict rules of inference without regard to
content, we may be forced to accept nonsensical statements as
true due to their correct form. How is one to evaluate the truth
of "All my Ferraris are red" if I have no Ferraris? In ordinary lan-
guage, we might say that it is neither true nor false—or that it is
nonsense. Yet, the classical rules of logic require propositions to
be either true or not true (law of the excluded middle). Some
logicians have ignored this kind of proposition. They have made
an existential assumption, that is, an assumption that the subject of
any universal proposition exists. Others make no existential
assumption, claiming that the diagrams of Leibniz/Euler and
Venn serve us well to represent the universal proposition regard-
less of whether the class of my Ferraris has any members or not.
"All angels are good" and "All devils are evil" can be allowed as
true propositions whether or not angels or devils exist.13
Of course, things could get much more complicated. We have
The noted logic historians William and Martha Kneale state that
from the time of Parmenides in the fifth century B.C., the Greeks
found something mysterious in negation, perhaps associating it
with falsehood.1 In modern times, some researchers have argued
that negation is not "natural" since it is hardly informative to
know what something is not. However, more often than we may
realize the only way to understand what something is is to have a
clear understanding of what it isn't. How would we define an odd
number other than by saying it is a number that is not divisible by
2? What is peace but the absence of war?
Another argument put forth relative to the difficulty of
reasoning with negation concerns the emotional factor. This
position argues that the prohibitive nature of words such as "no"
and "not" makes us uncomfortable. Some psychologists have
suggested that since negation is fraught with psychological prob-
ber is 4 " but more difficult to see that the implicit negative, "The
number is 9," also negates "The number is 4." 5
Researcher Sheila Jones tested the ease with which differently
worded instructions were handled by individuals. Three sets of
directions were tested that all had the same meaning—one set
of instructions was an affirmative, one a negative, and one an
implicit negative.6 The subjects were presented a list of digits, 1
through 8, and given one of the following sets of instructions:
12 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 34 5 6 7 i 12 3 4 5 6 7 8
Mark the numbers Do not mark the Mark all the numbers
1,3,4,6,7. numbers 2, S, 8, except 2, S, 8.
mark all the rest.
the scope of the negative is the entire assertion, "all men are
just." The scope of the negative in the contrary "No men are
just" is simply "men."The difference between the contradictory
and the contrary is that the contradictory is the negation of an
entire proposition and that is why the proposition and its con-
tradictory are always opposite in truth value. When one is true,
the other is false, and vice versa.
Aristotle recommended that the statement "It is not the case
that all men are just" was more naturally communicated as
"Some men are not just." Several studies have borne out the fact
that this form may indeed be more natural. The smaller the
scope of the negative, the easier the statement is to understand.
Studies have shown that it takes systematically longer to process
the type of denial involving "It is not the case that . . ." and "It is
false that . . ." than ordinary negation. Indications are that state-
ments where the scope of the negative is small, like "Some peo-
ple do not like all ice cream flavors," are easier to process than
ones such as "It is not the case that all people like all ice creams
flavors." 10
A and [Propositions
Figure 11. A Leibniz/Euler diagram of "No S are P."
denial, "No people are honest in completing their tax forms,"
are contraries. In this case, both are probably false.
The Leibniz/Euler logic diagrams represent the universal
negation, "No S are P," as two spaces separate from each
other—an indication that nothing in notion S is in notion P. The
proposition, "No S are P," is seen in Figure 11.
John Venn's diagrams once again employed the use of overlap-
ping circles to denote the subject and the predicate. In fact, all of
Venn's diagrams use the overlapping circles, which is one of its
most attractive features. Using Venn's graphical method, all of
the Aristotelian propositions can be represented by different
shadings of the same diagram—using one piece of graph paper,
so to speak. Again, Venn's shaded region indicates emptiness—
nothing exists there. So in representing "No S are P," the region
where S and P overlap is shaded to indicate that nothing can be
there, as shown in Figure 12.
Earlier, we witnessed the error in logic called conversion that is
commonly made with the universal affirmative (type-A) proposi-
tion. It is a mistake to think "All S are P " means the same thing as
Figure 12. A Venn diagram of "No S are P."
"AU P are 5." Quite frequently one is true and the other is not.
Just because all zebras are mammals doesn't mean that all mam-
mals are zebras. Yet, converting a type-E proposition (a universal
negation) is not an error. "No chickens are mammals" and "no
mammals are chickens" are both true. In fact, any time "No S are
P" is true, so is "No P are S ."This fact becomes crystal clear by
looking at either the Leibniz/Euler diagram or the Venn diagram.
In the Leibniz /Euler diagram, nothing in space S is in space P and
nothing in space P is in space S. In John Venn's diagram, nothing S
is in P and nothing P is in S. Imagine what the diagrams for "No P
are S" would look like. Using either diagram, it is clear that the
figure for "No P are S" would look exactly the same as "No S are
P" with perhaps the labels on the circles interchanged.
If every boy likes some girl and every girl likes some boy,
does every boy like someone who likes him?
Thinking and Deciding
Some Is Existential
r o
S o m e v a l u e s o f x a r e less t h a n 100.
W h i c h o f t h e f o l l o w i n g is NOT c o n s i s t e n t w i t h t h e
sentence above?
A. 5 is not a value of x.
B. 95 is a value of x.
C. Some values of x are greater than 100.
D. All values of x are less than 100.
E. No numbers less than 100 are values of x.
not inconsistent with the fact that x might have some other value
that is less than 100. The second choice stipulates "95 is a value
of x." Indeed, 95 could be a value of x since some of the x-values
are less than 100. The third choice "Some values of x are greater
than 100" could be true; it is not inconsistent with the fact that
some x-values are less than 100. Many individuals will probably
be tempted to choose choice D as the inconsistent answer, but
not if they know that "some" means "some and possibly all." That
leaves choice E, which is in direct contradiction to the given
statement. If "Some values of x are less than 100," then it can't
be true that "No numbers less than 100 are values of x."
A, E, I,andO
1. AIM is all B .
2. All A is some B .
3. Some A is all B .
4. Some A is some B .
5. Any A is not any B .
6. Any A is not some B .
7. Some A is not any B .
8. Some A is not some B . 9
All B are A.
All C are B .
Therefore, all C are A.
No B a r e ,4.
All C are B .
Therefore, no C are A.
AU B are A.
Some Care B.
Therefore, some C are A.
No B are A.
Some C are B.
Therefore, some C are not A.
Notice that these four syllogisms in the first figure produce con-
clusions of all four types, A, E, I, and O.10
These are the only four of the 64 moods that produce valid
syllogisms in the first figure. Examples of those valid syllo-
gisms-—syllogisms "of such form as to be incapable of leading
from true premises to a false conclusion"11 are given in Table 2 .
In each case, if we accept the two premises as true, the truth of
the conclusion is guaranteed to follow. Because there are four
different figure arrangements of 64 different moods, there are
4 X 64, or 2 5 6 , possible syllogisms. Cognitive psychologists
have argued that since the order of the two premises can be
reversed, there are really 5 1 2 different possible syllogisms.12
Only a few of these are valid, exemplifying correct reasoning.
In the early part of his work on syllogisms, Aristotle had
demonstrated how some statements could be reduced to other
statements.13 "No pleasure is good" could be translated to "No
good thing is pleasurable." "Some pleasure is good" reduced to
"Some good is pleasurable."14 Other propositions, however,
were incapable of being reduced; the O proposition "Some
animal is not man" did not reduce. After offering these specific
examples of reductions, Aristotle introduced general reduction
rules. Then he set out to prove which syllogisms were valid and
which were not and was able to decrease the number of valid
T a b l e 2 . Valid S y l l o g i s m s i n t h e F i r s t F i g u r e
Each word in the Latin verse was a formula wherein the first
three vowels indicated the mood (the types of the three proposi-
tions) of the valid syllogism. The consonants indicated the rules
for reduction.The initial consonant indicated the mood-name of
the first figure to which the syllogism was to be reduced. Other
consonants provided the steps by which the reduction was
There were many other tedious rules that logicians brought
to the table for the judging of valid syllogisms—rules such as:
Every valid syllogism has a universal premise. Every valid syllo-
gism has an affirmative premise. Every valid syllogism with a
particular premise has a particular conclusion. Every valid syllo-
gism with a negative premise has a negative conclusion. And so
on. Even invalid syllogisms acquired Latin vocables: Ex mere neg-
ativis nihil sequitur; ex mere particularibus nihil sequitur ("From only
negatives, nothing follows; from only particulars, nothing fol-
lows"). 17 As logician Willard Van Orman Quine pointed out,
none of these memory devices and incantations would have been
necessary if scholars and students had access to diagrams like
Both Gottfried Leibniz in 1686 and Leonhard Euler in 1768
used their circle diagrams to demonstrate the logic behind each
of the valid syllogisms. In addition, Leibniz demonstrated each
valid syllogism with another diagramming method he had
invented—a method using parallel line segments resembling
those seen in Figure 18. *8
All A is B.
All C is A. A Therefore, all C is B.
Both are in the first figure. And in both cases all three state-
ments are true. The issue of validity has nothing to do with
whether the conclusion is true but, rather, whether the truth of
the conclusion is guaranteed by the truth of the premises. In
fact, the first syllogism (AAA) is valid (Barbara) and the second
(III) is invalid. If we check the Latin verse (recalling that the
first three vowels of each word gave the mood), we find no
mood-name among the mnemonics with vowels I I I regardless
of the figure.
When we diagrammed a single proposition, we utilized two
circles because two terms (the subject term and the predicate
term) were involved. Even though a syllogism has three propo-
Mammals / / \ \ Warm-blooded
All mammals are warm-blooded animals.
All whales are mammals.
Therefore, all whales are warm-blooded animals.
Women V y Women
Some lawyers are Some lawyers are
Supreme Court justices. Supreme Court justices.
Women Women
Women Women
Sorites, or Heap
An argument can have more than two premises and more than
three terms. The Oxford English Dictionary indicates that a sorites
was an argument composed of a chain of premises in which the
predicate term of each premise is the subject term of the next.
The conclusion is then formed from the first subject term and
the last predicate term. Sorites was from the Greek word for
"heap" or "pile." In other words, a sorites is a heap of propositions
chained together to produce one long syllogism, like "All A is B ;
all B is C; all C is D; all D is E; therefore all A is £."
As the number of terms increases, the diagrams used to rep-
resent them can get out of hand. John Venn suggested the use of
a diagram with four overlapping ellipses such as the one seen in
Figure 2 2 to analyze an argument containing four terms. Each
compartment represented a possible combination of truth val-
ues for the four propositions. For example, an asterisk is located
in a compartment within the ellipses labeled A, B , and C but
outside the ellipse labeled D, so that compartment represents
things that are A, B , and C but not D. 21
With five terms, ellipses and circles would not do the trick,
so that the Class which, under Mr. Venn's liberal sway, has
been ranging at will through Infinite Space, is suddenly dis-
mayed to find itself "cabin'd, cribb'd, confined," in a
limited Cell like any other Class!24
y7 7 A
yA A /
yA A /
y ViAA
Figure 24. Lewis Carroll's method of diagrams for five terms.
logically follow from the premises. Russell Revlis has noted that
the difficulty in trying to ignore the facts we know to be true is
like the difficulty the juror finds himself in who is asked to dis-
regard inadmissible testimony and base his decision only on the
admissible evidence. He emphasized that reasoners do not have
insufficient logical skills so much as the inability to distinguish
between the information given in the premises and that which is
stored in long-term memory.29
After a great deal of study, psychologists are still baffled as to
the reasons behind our poor performance in syllogistic deduc-
tion. Peter C. Wason and Philip Johnson-Laird have investigated
the mental processes involved in these deductions and admit this
sad state of affairs:
He meant:
for all the study of logic that was to follow. However, to follow
the syllogisms of the Stoics, we need to introduce an essential
word that Aristotle never defined. It is rather surprising that he
did not define the word, since he went overboard defining all the
other commonly used words. But he simply presumed we under-
stood the meaning of this word, and that word is if.
If you lose this case, then you must pay me for the judges
and the law would have found in my favor. If you win this
case, then you must pay me because according to our bar-
gain, you must pay me when you win your first case.
Protagoras must have taught Euathlus well for the young scholar
The story ends as the judges, reluctant to rule one way or the
other, postpone the case.
Deductive reasoning requires a full understanding of the con-
ditional, and whole theories of the word and countless papers
have been written on how individuals reason about the word if.
Conditionals are imbedded everywhere in scientific principles
and are essential to our ability to form hypotheses and make log-
ical deductions. Mastery of the logical conditional is crucial to
cause-and-effect reasoning, and misunderstandings abound by
overinferring as well as underinferring.3
A D 4 7
posed in the conditional:5 "If a card has a vowel on one side then
it has an even number on the other." Furthermore, the rule may
or may not be true. The subject was required to name only those
cards that needed to be turned over to find out whether the rule
was true or false. Subjects rarely selected the correct cards and
adults fared as poorly as children. In this study, as well as many
others that have replicated it, the correct answer was given less
than 10 percent of the time.
The cards showing the A and the 7 are the only ones that can
lead to discrediting the rule. Subjects see the selection of the A
card as fairly obvious. If its opposite side reveals an odd number,
the rule is discredited. If its opposite side shows an even num-
ber, the rule is confirmed. Since the rule says nothing whatever
about nonvowel cards, the D card is of no interest; we don't
care what kind of number is on its other side. And for the same
reason, the 4 card is of no interest whatsoever. Even if the 4 card
had a nonvowel on the other side, it doesn't invalidate the rule
because the rule says nothing about nonvowel cards. However,
the 7 card must be selected, for the reason that if the 7 card has
a vowel on the other side, the rule is not true.
Subjects usually select the A card and the 4 card and some-
times just the A card. One interpretation of this mistake is that
subjects may think that the rule is actually, "Cards with a vowel
on the upper side have an even number on the lower side." The
need to apply the rule to the opposite face is not recognized.6
However, the way the task is constructed, with some cards num-
ber up and others letter up, it seems hard to accept this inter-
pretation of subjects' mistakes.
Regardless of the reasons, in this study and others, subjects
showed a clear preference for selecting potentially confirming
evidence and neglected potentially falsifying evidence. It seems
that our attention is in the wrong place. Due to the formulation of
the problem, our attention is focused on the cards named in the
rule to the detriment of considering relevant cards that are not
named. The mention of values in the rule increases their impor-
tance and biases the subject toward choosing them. Referred to as
the matching bias, people judge as relevant the information named
in the rule and yet ignore important alternatives.7
There are indications that when exposed to the inconsistencies
in their decision making, some subjects were able to overcome
their errors. However, many other subjects were unwilling to
correct their conclusions even in the face of contradictory evi-
dence. Although subjects were wrong, they were confident that
they were right. Even when subjects were shown that turning
over the 7 card could falsify the rule (and they acknowledged
this), they often dismissed the choice with rationalizations.8
The cube task is another fascinating experiment that has been
used to assess a subject's ability to reason with if/then state-
ments. On each side of a cube is either a square, a triangle, or a
circle. The following rule is established: "If one side of a cube has
a triangle, then the opposite side has a circle." Subjects are asked
to imagine Figure 26. Is it possible that there is a square on the
opposite side of the cube? A circle? A triangle? Thirty to 50 per-
cent of the subjects gave the answer that it is possible to have a
triangle on the opposite side (the only wrong answer). 9
Of course, in the English language there are many other ways
of conveying an if/then conditional. The conditional may also be
Figure 26. "If one side of a cube has a triangle, then the opposite
side has a circle."
drinking beer."14 When the claim or rule did not conform to the
subjects' general knowledge or ran counter to their experi-
ences, the subjects fared no better. However, when subjects
knew the rationale behind the rule and it made sense to them,
their performance levels showed an impressive improvement.
Arguing that reasoning normally takes place within "linguistic
structures" and expressions that encompasses meaning, Herman
Staudenmayer takes the position that inferences are not made in
isolation but encompass the variety of processing strategies an
individual possesses and uses to interpret information.15 He
tested subjects' abilities to evaluate conditional syllogisms with
different content and different levels of meaningfulness within
the content. He argued that performance in reasoning tasks
would be affected by the form of the connective used (ifp then q
versus p causes q), the use of abstract material (If X occurs then
Y occurs), and the use of meaningful concrete material versus
anomalous concrete material ("If I turn on the switch then the
light will go on" versus "If she waters the tropical plant then
the light will go on"). In the process of evaluating human rea-
soning, all of these factors have some effect on an individual's
interpretation of the premises and the subsequent evaluation of
the conclusion.
Overwhelmingly, subjects misinterpreted the conditional
statements. Subjects reasoning with abstract material made
more errors than those reasoning with either meaningful or
anomalous material. On the other hand, subjects were more
consistent with abstract material than with either meaningful or
anomalous concrete material. Apparently, individuals had some
system of reasoning (even if that system had no relation to the
laws of logic) and applied it consistently when reasoning with
abstract material where meaning didn't get in the way or jar the
senses. In the case of anomalous material, individuals attempt to
the threat of the inverse, "If you don't eat your dinner, you won't
get dessert." But the statement says no such thing. It speaks only
of the consequences of eating dinner and says nothing whatso-
ever about the consequences of not eating dinner. It is curious
that even though the common interpretation of this parental
warning has no basis in logic, both the parent and the child (and
probably all of us) understand the intention of the statement.
I love the example given by Jonathan Baron. Presented with
the threat, "If you don't shut up, I'll scream," we would all be
surprised if the speaker screamed anyway after you shut up. The
speaker probably intends that your interpretation of this condi-
tional include its inverse. "If you don't shut up, I'll scream and if
you do shut up, I won't scream." This interpretation may be
illogical but it isn't unreasonable; it makes perfect sense. In ordi-
nary discourse, we make practical assumptions about what a
person likely means.38
Today, a statement such as "If the moon is made of green
cheese, then pigs can fly" is considered a true conditional even
though both its antecedent and consequent are false. One reason
that it is convenient to regard this silly conditional as true is
because we would like to consider its contrapositive as true. Its
contrapositive, which is just as silly, has both a true antecedent
and true consequent. "If pigs can't fly then the moon is not made
of green cheese." The reasons for this peculiarity might be
clearer with a conditional that isn't nonsense. "If 3 + 1 = 5, then
3 + 2 = 6" is true since we would very much like to regard its
contrapositive "If 3 + 2 ^ 6 , then 3 + 1 # 5" as true.
If we can avoid the mistakes of inferring the converse, the
inverse, or the biconditional, we can make powerful use of the
conditional in argument, proof, and scientific hypotheses. Fur-
thermore, all type-A universal propositions can be transformed
into conditionals. The universal quantification "All S is P " is eas-
If the first and the second, then the third; but not the third;
whereas the first; therefore not the second.
Any block that has style Z on it must also have style W on it.
Any block adjacent to one that has on it both style S and style X
must have on it style T and style Z.
Figure 30. A sample question from the GRE Practice Test. Notice
how carefully the "and" and "or" statements are presented.
(Source: GRE Practice General Test, 1997. Reprinted by permission of Edu-
cational Testing Service, the copyright owner.)
Hypothetical Syllogisms
first basic inference of the Stoic schema was: If the first, then the
second; but the first; therefore the second.This cryptic passage meant:
If p then q.
Therefore, q.
If p then q.
If not-p then r.
Therefore, q or r.
step is one's thesis and the last step, the conclusion, repeats the
thesis. Since these five-step syllogisms were used for public
argument and explanation, the speaker would want to clearly
formulate his thesis from the very beginning. From these five
steps, Dignâga's logical reform retained only two steps. Modus
ponens, or the Method of Agreement, was a two-line syllogism
with a conditional in the first line that included an example as a
means to justify the rule. The assertion of the antecedent and the
conclusion are combined in the second line:
Not both thefirst and the second; but thefirst; therefore not the
Either thefirst or the second; but thefirst; therefore not the
Either thefirst or the second, but not the second; therefore the
Common Fallacies
Figure 33. A Venn diagram of "if p then q. p."
left, and we put a star in that section as seen in Figure 3 3 . Con-
clusion? The star indicates that there is definitely q.
Notice that if the circles were relabeled S and P, the diagram
in Figure 32 would look identical to the type-A universal cate-
gorical proposition, "All S is P," where we refer to class inclu-
sion. (All S-things are in the class of P-things.)This makes sense
because type-A propositions are easily transformed into condi-
tional statements. "All trains that go to Hicks ville are trains that
stop at Jamaica" can be translated to "If the train is going to
Hicks ville, then it stops at Jamaica."
Let's examine one of the common fallacies that we discussed
earlier. The fallacy of denying the antecedent has as its premises,
If p then q.
Can you figure out the relation of the young gentleman to the
nun? Perhaps the elderly nun was answering in such an elliptical
fashion because she didn't want the nosy abbess to know that the
young man was her son.
Building on the work of De Morgan, Charles Sanders Peirce
contributed much to the study of logical relatives, including
these examples of relatives in his body of work: A is given in mar-
riage to B by C; A praises B to C; A maligns B to C; and A praises
everybody to somebody whom everybody maligns to B.5 Peirce
then applied a sort of algebra to the study of the logic of relations
where he defined the union (disjunction), intersection (conjunc-
tion), relative product, relative sum, complement (negation),
and converse of relatives.
Should we find ourselves in the position of believing that
things are getting far removed from arguments we will ever
have to face or evaluate, let's examine a national standardized
test. In 1977, the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) Gen-
eral Test was altered by the addition of an analytical measure. 6
planted in the first year. Since he never plants kale two years in a
row, he can't repeat K in the second year. Since he always plants
beans when he plants corn, he can't plant corn in the next year
because he plants no more than one of the same vegetables in
the next year. The farmer plants beans, peas, and squash in the
second year. Using parentheses to indicate the different years, the
If the farmer plants corn, the farmer also plants beans that year.
If the farmer plants kale one year, the farmer does not plant it the
next year.
In any year, the farmer plants no more than one of the vegetables
the farmer planted in the previous year.
Question: If the farmer plants beans, corn, and kale in the first year,
which of the following combinations must be planted in the third year?
A. Beans, corn, and kale
B. Beans, corn, and peas
C. Beans, kale, and peas
D. Beans, peas, and squash
E. Kale, peas, and squash
first two years must look like: (BCK)(BPS). From the answers
for planting in the third year, we can eliminate answer E also
because he can't repeat both peas and squash. All of the other
answers include beans. If he plants beans again, he can plant nei-
ther peas nor squash. This eliminates the answers B, C, and D.
This leaves only answer A—beans, corn, and kale. Since A doesn't
violate any of the restrictions, it is the combination that must be
Creating mental pictures and spatial images can assist us in
reasoning logically. Undoubtedly, most of us create a mental
image to reach the conclusion in the following syllogism:
Now the characters which express all our thoughts will constitute
a new language which can he written and spoken.
Same universe
Figure 37. De Morgan's graphical representation of "Every X
is Y." The two solidY-lines illustrate the two cases.
A: AUX is Y. X(1-Y) =0
E: NoXisY. XY = 0
I: Some X is Y. XY ^ 0 or XY = V* where V^ 0
O: Some X is not Y. X(l - Y) * 0 or X(l - Y) = F where V * 0
( 1 - A ) ( 1 - B ) = 0.
A + B - A B = l. 18
•Peirce introduced indices and the summation symbol (X) and product
symbol (II) for logical addition and logical multiplication, respectively. He
attributes the use of indices into the algebra of logic to Mr. Mitchell (Peirce
1883). X meant "some" so that XjX; means that x is true of at least some of
the individuals denoted by i; in other words x\ is true or X2 is true or X3 is
true, and so on. II means "all" and 1 1 ^ means that x is true of all these
individuals; that is, X] is true and X2 is true and X3 is true, and so on. For
example, if €y means i loves j and £ti means i loves himself, then IXX^y =
(€n + €12 + €13 + etc.) • (€21 + €22 + €23 + etc.) • (etc.) means every-
body loves somebody, but XjHrfij = € n • €21 * €31 ' etc. + €12 * €22 * ^32 *
etc. + etc. means somebody is loved by everybody (Peirce 1933, vol. 3, pp.
393 and 498-502).
Negation ~P P -P>-^P
Conjunction p.q p&q pq,pAq
Disjunction pvq pvq P<1
Conditional p^q p^q p<q
Biconditional p= q p~q p—q
In much the same way that Aristotle had tried to simplify his
own system by reducing all valid syllogisms to Barbara or Celai-
ent^ there have been other attempts to invent new symbols to
either reduce or simplify notation. For complex propositions,
parentheses were necessary to resolve amphibolies. For exam-
ple, does "A and B or C" mean "A and (B or C)" or "(A and B )
or C"? Parentheses could be minimized if an order of operations
was agreed upon but further rules would be required.21 In
1913, Harvard Professor Henry M. Sheffer invented a single
symbol, | , that could do the duty of all the operations: negation,
conjunction, disjunction, conditional, and biconditional. Called
the Sheffer stroke operation, every statement of logic can be
written in terms of this symbol alone.22 According to Sheffer,
p | q meant "neither p nor q" represented as ~ (p V q) in the
Peano-Russell notation. However, when the number of symbols
is reduced in an effort to simplify (Ockham's Razor), things get
surprisingly complicated.The simple disjunction"p or ^"repre-
sented as p V q in the notation evolved from Boole, looks like
P IH \p I <7 w n e n written in terms of Sheffer strokes. The bicon-
ditional "if p then q and if q then p," also expressed as "p if and
only if q" and commonly symbolized by p *-* q, would be
expressed as p I p | <fj I <71 <7 | p u s m g Sheffer strokes but is rather
hard to express in language.
Reasoning Machines
Truth Tables
"A or B " is true any time either A is true or B is true and false
only when both are false. "If A or B then C" is always true except
when the consequent (C) is false and the antecedent (A or B)
is true. Those have been highlighted in the table. Now since
"If A or B then C" must be true for the entire rule to be true, we
can eliminate any line in which "If A or B then C" is false (has an
F).We will therefore eliminate those three lines from the table.
Let's add the second part of the rule, "if not-B then not-A?
Before we do, however, let's add a column for not-B and not-A,
so the analysis will be easier. Not-B receives a value "F" when-
ever B has a "T" and a value "T" whenever B has an "F." The same
holds for not-A with respect to A. "If not-B then not-An is false
whenever not-B is true and not-A is false.
Let's eliminate the line where "if not-B then not-An is false
(highlighted) and add the last portion of the three-part rule, "if
C then A "
i68 L o 6 i c MADE EASY
If we eliminate the lines where "if C then A" is false, we are left
with only two lines in the truth table where all three parts of the
rule are true. What does the truth of the rule indicate about the
truth of A, B, and C individually or as a group? Looking back to
the first three columns and the truth values of A, B , and C, we
are able to see that all must be true or all must be false. We can
conclude that if the rule is true, then either all three girls are at
home at the same time or all three are away at the same time.
The fact that Marquand's machine required the premises to be
input in the negative is interesting because it is so similar to
looking at a truth table and eliminating the false scenarios.
Ifl 1 v2 0
If V2 1 1 v2
IfO 1 1 1
Figure 39. Truth values for the conditional and negation under
Lukasiewicz's three-valued logic.
Shaggy Logic
tions. Once again, the Sophists have provoked Aristotle, and this
time they have provoked him into instructing us in how to
detect incorrect reasoning. Here, he enumerates the fallacies
associated with invalid arguments so that we will know how to
refute them and not be taken in by them.
Aristotle classified fallacies into two main categories, those
that depended on the particular language employed and those
that did not. One Aristotle translator commented, "Some of
these fallacies would hardly deceive the most simple minds; oth-
ers, which Aristotle seems to have been the first person to
expose and define, are capable not only of deceiving the inno-
cent but also of escaping the notice of arguers who are employ-
ing them."6
Fallacies that depend on language are fallacies only in the
sense that they produce the false appearance of an argument.
They often employ equivocation, using words with double mean-
ings or words that take on different meanings depending on the
phraseology.7They hinge on the ambiguity of language; they are
sophistical booby traps.The series syllogism, "A ham sandwich is
better than nothing; nothing is better than eternal happiness;
therefore a ham sandwich is better than eternal happiness," is an
example of a fallacy of language. The word "nothing" is used in
two different ways—meaning "zero" in the first premise and "It
is not the case that something is better than eternal happiness" in
the second.
A search on the Internet for "fallacy" will provide a host of
sites replete with lengthy lists of both types of fallacies, accom-
panied by examples of their use. There is the fallacy of assuming
the point that one seeks to prove (petitio principii), sometimes
called begging the question. One can detect its use when, in
demonstrating a certain point that is not self-evident, the indi-
vidual guilty of this offense assumes the point itself (although
it is usually disguised). There is the fallacy of argument ad
The author of the letter above makes her point by employing which
method of argument?
A. Attacking the motives of the author of the unfavorable review.
B. Attacking the book on the same topic written by the author of
the review.
C. Contrasting her own book with that written by the author of
the review.
D. Questioning the judgment of the author of the unfavorable
E. Stating that her book should not have been reviewed by the
author of a competing work.
F i g u r e 40. R e a s o n i n g q u e s t i o n i n v o l v i n g a n a d h o m i n e m
answer is A. The author does not attack the reviewer's book (B),
nor does she contrast her own (C). She may in fact question
Duxbury's judgment and believe the author of a competing
work should not be the reviewer, but she makes her point by
attacking his motive—a desire to promote his own work.
The fallacies of appeal toforce or appeal to the multitude are sim-
ilar in that their premises rely on accepting a position that is
powerful or popular. Appeal to authority similarly establishes the
strength of an assertion on an authority but one who is not qual-
ified to lend weight to the current argument. Argument from igno-
rance (ignoratio elenchi) is ignorance of that which ought to be
proved against an adversary. The culprit sometimes shifts the
burden of proof. Something is true because it can't be proven
false, or something is false because it can't be proven true. An
argument from ignorance can be a red herring argument, or one
that distracts the audience from the issue in question through
the introduction of some irrelevancy.
Genuine fallacies, on the other hand, are fallacies that are
independent of language and that violate the laws of reasoning.8
Fallacies in categorical or propositional syllogistic reasoning fall
into the category of non sequitur arguments, arguments whose
conclusions do not follow from their stated premises. You will
recall that there are 256 different ways that the A, E, I, and O
propositions can be combined into three-line categorical syllo-
gisms (of four different figures), and only a few of these forms
are valid. The syllogisms that violated certain rules of form have
been given names; the fallacies of the undistributed middle,
illicit major, illicit minor, positive conclusion with negative
major, positive conclusion with negative minor, and positive
premises with negative conclusion were all fallacies that dealt
with theform of the invalid syllogism.
Aristotle identified the fallacy of conversion, and it must have
FUZZY L O G I C , F A L L A C I E S , AND P A R A D O X E S 181
Lou observes that if flight 409 is canceled, then the manager could not
possibly arrive in time for the meeting. But the flight was not can-
celed. Therefore, Lou concludes, the manager will certainly be on
time. Evelyn replies that even if Lou's premises are true, his argument
is fallacious. And therefore, she adds, the manager will not arrive on
time after all.
Which of the following is the strongest thing that we can properly say
about this discussion?
A. Evelyn is mistaken in thinking Lou's argument to be fallacious,
and so her own conclusion is unwarranted.
B. Evelyn is right about Lou's argument, but nevertheless her own
conclusion is unwarranted.
C. Since Evelyn is right about Lou's argument, her own conclu-
sion is well supported.
D. Since Evelyn is mistaken about Lou's argument, her own con-
clusion must be false.
E. Evelyn is right about Lou's argument, but nevertheless her own
conclusion is false.
Charles Sanders Peirce argued that the very first lesson that
we have a right to demand from logic is how to make our ideas
clear. "To know what we think, to be masters of our own meaning,
will make a solid foundation for great and weighty thought."32
Logic, reason, meaning, and thought all depend on some form
of communication, even if we are communicating only with our-
selves, and communication depends on language. Next we
examine the problems created by language.
the Middle Ages, logic was symbolized by the closed fist repre-
senting the tight discourse of the philosopher, while rhetoric was
symbolized by the open hand representative of the open dis-
course between the cultured orator and the populace. Renais-
sance author and the "father of deductive reasoning," Sir Francis
Bacon explained the difference between logic and rhetoric:
five possible answers. Then the first condition, "If both G and S
are reduced, W is also reduced" means we can't have G and S on
the list without W. This eliminates none of the answers. The only
answer with G and S is answer A, which also hasW. The second
condition tells us that N with R, N with S, and N with both R
If all of the statements in the passage are true, each of the following
must also be true EXCEPT:
A. A lack of ability to manufacture a variation on a previous
theme connotes a lack of creativity.
B. No scientific idea is entirely independent of all other ideas.
C. Careful analysis of a specific variation can reveal previous
themes of which it is a variation.
D. All great scientific discoverers have been able to manufacture a
variation on a theme.
E. Some new scientific discoveries do not represent, on a deep
level, a variation on previous themes.
Theories of Reasoning
that had the same meanings as all, not, and ip To explain these
rules to one another what meaning would our words have? Surely
they would have the logical import given to them by the current
conventions of logic. So if the words and expressions we use have
perfectly good meanings, why are we inventing new ones?
Even if we are reasonable, we do make reasoning errors, and
we make lots of them. Antoine Arnauld and Pierre Nicole sug-
gested that these errors arise mainly from reasoning from wrong
principles rather than wrong reasoning, in other words from the
matter being reasoned about, rather than the form of thought.
However, Gottfried Leibniz took exception to their statements,
saying that he had often observed that mathematicians them-
selves frequently neglected and failed in the form of thought.
One translator of The Port Royal Logic notes that sometimes we
reason logically from wrong premises and sometimes we fail to
reason logically from sound premises but often we invoke
unsound reasoning from unsound premises:
13. Why should we prefer the statement "All my Ferraris are red" to be true
rather than false if I have no Ferraris? If we declare it to be true, then its
contradictory should be false. The contradictory of "All my Ferraris are
red" is "Some of my Ferraris are not red," which declares that there are
some. Since there are not any (red or otherwise), it is reassuring that the
contradictory statement is false. If the contradictory is false, then the
original statement must be true!
Chapter 4
26. Euler(1997),p.478.
2 7 . Revlis(197S),p. 96.
28. Example from Johnson-Laird in Falmagne (1975).
29. Revlis(1975),p. 94.
30. Wason and Johnson-Laird (1972), p. 129.
3 1 . Howell (1961).
3 2 . Kneale and Kneale (1962), p. 299.
3 3 . Howell (1961), p. 62. An "inbeer" is an "accident"—meaning a non-
essential property. The English has been changed to our modern
34. Kneale and Kneale (1962, p. 299) mention that three hundred years
later the Dorsetshire poet, William Barnes, made a similar effort in An
Outline qfRedecraft (1880) but with no more success on the vocabulary of
3 5 . Harley(1879),p. 200.
36. Euler (1997), CIV, p. 4 6 4 .
37. Euler (1997), CV, pp. 468-69.
19. With modus tollens, both groups performed well with the simple prem-
ise and performance declined with the expanded premise.
20. FORTRAN originally meant IBM Mathematical FORmulaTRANslation
numbers in Essay d'une nouvelle science des nombres to the Paris Academy
when he was elected to its membership in 1701.
9. A picture of the Leibniz stepped drum calculating machine can be seen
at these web addresses: http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/
Bookpages/Leibniz_machine.jpeg and http: / /www-history, mes.st-andrews. ac
.uk/history/ Bookpages / Leibniz_machine2 .jpeg and in color at http://www
. hfac. uh. edu /gbrown /philosophers /leibniz / Calculator / Calculator, html.
10. De Morgan (1966), Heath's introduction, p. x.
1 1 . De Morgan also mentions graphical representations by Johann Lambert.
The inattention to Leibniz could be partly due to the rift between
British and continental mathematicians over the priority of Newton's
and Leibniz's calculus.
12. De Morgan (1966), p. 184 footnote.
13. Harley(1879).
14. Also called the empty set or null set.
15. Boole used the exclusive "or," so that in X + Y, X and Y were mutually
exclusive or disjoint classes (no overlap in membership). Later logicians
found it more advantageous to use the inclusive "or" and we do so today.
16. Also, De Morgan's rules were derived by Arnold Geulincx and included
in his book, which was a popular text of the seventeenth century
(Kneale and Kneale 1962, pp. 3 1 4 - 1 5 ) .
17. De Morgan (1966), p. 119.
18. De Morgan (1966), p. 2 5 5 .
19. Hofstadter(1979).
20. Rucker(1987).
2 1 . The agreed-upon order rules are: the negation symbol only applies to its
immediate follower and operations are performed in this order: con-
junction, disjunction, conditional, and biconditional.
2 2 . Sheffer (1913) called his operation rejection.
2 3 . Gardner (1982), p. 1 2 7 .
1. Jevons(1870).
2. Numerically definite means that "some" has a number or a percentage
attached to it.
3. Harley(1879).
4 . Jevons (1870); Gardner (1982), pp. 9 1 - 9 2 .
C H A P T E R 11
1. Howell (1961), p. 3.
2. Howell (1961) is quoting The Works of Francis Bacon (Spedding, Ellis, and
Health, eds.) VI, pp. 168-9.
3. Fraunce had earlier written The Sheapheardes Logike, using examples
from Edmund Spenser's The Sheapheardes Calendar (Howell 1961, p.
4. Howell (1961), p. 230.
5. Arnauld and Nicole (1887 trans.).
6. Braine(1978).
7. Miller and Johnson-Laird (1976).
8. Miller and Johnson-Laird (1976).
9. Revlis(1975),p. 106.
10. Baron (1988), p. 140, cites the study by Ceraso and Provita (1971).
11. Devlin (1997).
12. Braine (1978); Politzer (1981); Baron (1988).
13. Devlin (1997).
14. Arnauld and Nicole (1887 trans.), pp. 229-30.
15. Byrne, Espino, Santamaria ( 1999).
16. Braine (1978).
17. Gardner (1982), p. 148.
18. Devlin (1997), pp. 167, 218.
19. Henle(1962).
1. Johnson-Laird (1999).
2. LSAC at http://www.lsac.org/qod/questions/analjtical.htm.
3. Byrne, Espino, and Santamaria (1999); Brooks (2000).
4 . McCrone(1999).
5. Howell (1961) states that Al-Farabi's work Liber de Divisione Scientiarwn
was well known by other scholars of the period (tenth century). Other
important scholars were Avicenna (eleventh century) and Averroës
(twelfth century).
6. Bower (2000); Nisbett, Peng, Choi, and Norenzayan (2001).
7. Bower (1996).
8. Arnauld and Nicole (1887), pp. 1 4 - 1 5 .
9. Mental model theories include Johnson-Laird (1975); Johnson-Laird
and Byrne (2002).
10. Pragmatic reasoning theories include Griggs and Cox (1982); Nisbett,
Fong, Lehman, and Cheng (1987).
1 1 . Fillenbaum (1993); Dieussaert, Schaeken, Schroyens, and d'Ydewalle
(2000); Schroyens, Schaeken, Fias, and d'Ydewalle (2000).
1 2 . Arnauld and Nicole (1887), p. 179 and footnote to page 7 on pp. 3 7 3 -
13. Johnson-Laird (1999).
14. Finocchario(1979).
15. Evans (1984).
16. The mean improvement was only 3 percent, as measured by the selec-
tion task.
17. Nisbett, Fong, Lehman, and Cheng (1987).
18. Nisbett, Fong, Lehman, and Cheng (1987).
19. Peirce(1878).
20. Johnson-Laird (1999).
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Aristotle (continued) binary arithmetic, 110, 148, 149, 152-56, 159, 165
categorical reasoning of, 119 bivalued propositions, 168
conditional propositions used by, 118 "blue diamond" experiment, 15-16, 15, 98-99
contradictory pairs of, 35 Boole, George, 2 2 - 2 3 , 24, 149, 151-59, 160,
on contraposition, 115 161,163,208
contraries defined by, 36 De Morgan and, 151
fallacies identified by, 117-78, 180-81, 230n exclusive "or" preferred by, 120
figures recognized by, 75, 222n successors of, 156-57
"if" as undefined by, 95 Boolean algebra, 23, 151-59, 161, 165, 175
language errors classified by, 230n binary arithmetic in, 152—56, 159
on law of noncontradiction, 31 classes in, 1 5 2 - 5 3 , 156
modal theory of, 168-69 computers and, 152, 154, 159
name of, as mnemonic device, 65 conditionals in, 154, 157, 158
on negation, 52, 53, 54, 58-59 conjunctions in, 1 5 2 - 5 3 , 154-56, 157, 158,
nonuniversal propositions and, 64 159,163,164
probabilities and, 175, 176 disjunctions in, 153, 154-56, 157, 158, 159,
on propositions, 40 163,164, 228n
propositions classified by, 59, 60, 63, 70—72, duality in, 154-56, 159
74,118,119,153 equations in, 153
on simple propositions, 53 symbolic notation of, 157—59, 163
on "some," 65 truth values in, 154, 173
reduced statements demonstrated by 78—79 Braine, Martin, 128,200
Sophists and, 73, 177-78 brain hemispheres, 206
syllogisms of, 7 3 - 7 4 , 76, 94-95, 117, 118, Buddhist logic, 128-29, 206-7
124,125,207 Burkhart, William, 165
treatises of, 40
valid syllogisms identified by, 76—77 calculating machines, 148, 149, 228n
arithmetic, binary, 110, 148, 149, 152-56, 159, calculus, 22
165 predicate, 157
Arnauld, Antoine, 194, 197-98, 208-9, 212 propositional, 157
artificial intelligence, 126, 171 Callimachus, 119
Art of Reason, rightly termedWitchcraft, The (Lever), Carroll, Lewis (Rev. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson),
92-93 2 3 - 2 4 , 73, 96
atmosphere effect, 88-89 diagrams of, 47, 47, 87, 87
autological (self-descriptive) adjectives, 189 Carry, Susan, 57—58
Averroës, 232n categorical proposition, 118
Avicenna, 232n as Boolean equations, 153
categorical reasoning, 119, 136, 180, 206
Bacon, Sir Francis, 193 categorical syllogisms, 117, 118, 144, 180
bald man (falakros) paradox, 188 Categories (Aristotle), 40
Barbara, as AAA mood-name, 76, 79-80, 81, 93, causality, 96, 112-15
158 cause-and-effect reasoning, 97, 112, 216
Barnes, William, 224n Celarent, as EAE mood-name, 77, 79-80, 93, 158
Baron, Jonathan, 64, 67-68, 116 Chinese, 146, 147
begging the question (petitio principii), fallacy of, 178 Yi Ching, or Book of Changes, of, 148
Begnffschrift (Frege), 157 Chrysippus, 1 2 3 - 2 5 , 162
Bell,E.T.,22,149 circuit design, 159, 164, 165, 171
Bernoulli, Johann, 46 classes, Boolean, 152-53, 156
Berry's paradox, 190 class inclusion, 44, 45, A6-A1, 51, 195-96
Bezdek, James, 176 as hyponymy, 195
biconditionals, 110-12, 116, 1 3 1 - 1 3 2 , 158, 181, cognitive development, 210, 215, 216
199,213,214,215 cognitive psychologists, 14-15, 55, 78, 98, 99
Venn, John (continued) Wason Selection Task, 99-101, 100, 103-5, 104,
logical-diagram machine of, 162—63 214
Venn diagrams, 46^-7, 47, 51, 220n Whitehead, Alfred North, 157
of conditional syllogisms, 134—36, 134, 135, 136 Wilkins, M. C , 49
jigsaw puzzle version of, 162 William of Ockham, 154-55
of modus ponens, 134-35, 134, 135 William of Shyreswood, 79-80
of negation, 60, 60, 61 Wilson.Thomas, 2 1 , 92, 224n
of particular propositions, 66, 66, 67, 68, 68 Winkler, Peter, 99, 224n
of sorites, 85-87, 86 Woodworth.R. S.,88
of valid syllogisms, 80, 82-84, 82, 83, 84
village barber paradox, 189—90 Yi Ching, or Book of Changes, 148
visualization, 57, 142^4-3, 209 yinand yang, 148
Volapuk, 147
Zadeh,Lotfi, 174
Wason, Peter C , 15, 55, 57, 68, 91, 98-101, ZenoofElea, 3 2 - 3 3 , 192, 220n
113-14, 144, 219n Zwicky.A.M., 115
THOG problem and, 120-21