Lecture 6 Logical and Bit Manipulation Instructions

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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ‫ا

 ا   ا د‬
Royal Commission at Yanbu    ‫ا   ا‬
University College – Yanbu -  ‫ا   ا‬
Department of ACS & AIT
Yanbu Al-Sinaiyah   ‫ ا‬

2ND Semester 2007-08

CS-203 HANDOUT (HO - 6)



Bitwise Logical instructions are the most primitive operations needed by every computer
architecture. The logical operations are performed at bit-by-bit basis.

Intel provides five logical instructions i.e., AND,OR,XOR,TEST,and NOT

All logical instructions need two operands except NOT. It needs only one operand.

The instructions and their formats are as follows:

AND destination, source AND AX, BX

OR destination, source OR BL, 34H
XOR destination, source XOR NUM1, AL
TEST destination, source TEST AL,NUM1
NOT destination NOT AX

• The result of the operation is stored in the destination, which must be a general
register or a memory location as shown in the table.
• The Source may be an immediate value, register, or memory location
• The Destination and Source CANNOT both be memory locations
• The Destination and Source must be of the same size (8 or 16 bit).

All logic instructions, except TEST, modify the destination operand. The TEST
instruction does not modify any of its operands; however it affects the flags similar to the
AND instruction. All logical instructions, except NOT, affect the status flags

6.2 Effects on Status Flag

Since logical instructions operate on a bit-by-bit basis, no carry or overflow is generated.

Carry Flag Overflow Flag Zero Flag Sign Flag Parity Flag Auxiliary Flag
0 0 Modified Modified Modified Undefined

Prepared by: Khurram Tanvir 1 CS203 HO#6

6.3 The Truth tables

Bit1 Bit2 Bit1 AND Bit2 Bit1 TEST Bit2 Bit1 OR Bit2 Bit1 XOR Bit2
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 1 1
1 0 0 0 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 0
Example: AND BL, 0F0h instruction

MOV BL, 01010111b

AND BL, 0F0h

Result in BL is: 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0

6.4 The Usage

The main usage of bitwise logical instructions are: some selected bits in the destination

to set the bit (=1)

to clear the bit (=0)
to invert the bit
to isolate (Mask)

To isolate the bit(s), a source bit pattern known as a mask is constructed. The mask bits
are chosen so that the selected bits are modified in the desired manner when an
instruction of the form:


is executed. The mask bits are chosen based on the following properties of AND, OR,
and XOR:

If X represents a bit (either 0 or 1) then:

X AND 0 = 0 X OR 0 = X X XOR 0 = X
X AND 1 = X X OR 1 = 1 X XOR 1 = X'


1. The AND instruction can be used to CLEAR specific Destination bits while
preserving the others. A zero mask bit clears the corresponding Destination bit;
a one mask bit preserves the corresponding destination bit.

Prepared by: Khurram Tanvir 2 CS203 HO#6

2. The OR instruction can be used to SET specific Destination bits while preserving
the others. A one mask bit sets the corresponding Destination bit; a zero mask
bit preserves the corresponding Destination bit.
3. The XOR instruction can be used to INVERT specific Destination bits while
preserving the others. A one mask bit inverts the corresponding Destination bit;
a zero mask bit preserves the corresponding Destination bit.

Example: Clearing bit 2, 4, 6 and 7 of destination using AND


Destination a(7) a(6) a(5) a(4) a(3) a(2) a(1) a(0)

Mask 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1
AND 0 0 a(5) 0 a(3) 0 a(1) a(0)
Example: Setting bit 7, 6, 5, 3 and 0 of destination using OR

Destination a(7) a(6) a(5) a(4) a(3) a(2) a(1) a(0)

Mask 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1
OR 1 1 1 a(4) 1 a(2) a(1) 1
Example: Toggling bit 7, 2, and 0 of destination using XOR

Destination a(7) a(6) a(5) a(4) a(3) a(2) a(1) a(0)

Mask 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
XOR ~a(7) a(6) a(5) a(4) a(3) ~a(2) a(1) ~a(0)
Example: To clear the 4 low-order bits of BL while leaving
the 4 high-order bits unchanged.
AND BL , 11110000B
Example: To Set bits 15 and 14 of AX while leaving other
bits unchanged.
OR AX , 1100000000000000B
Example: To Inverts bits 1 and 3 of CL while preserving the others.
The instruction XOR CL , 00001010B
Example: To make the high 3 bits of CL equal to the high 3 bits of AL and the low 5 bits
of CL equal to the low 5 bits of BL
The instruction XOR CL , 00001010b

6.5 Changing a letter to its opposite case

For any alphabetic letter, bit 5 of its ASCII code is 1; but for the corresponding
uppercase letter bit 5 is 0. The remaining bits are similar:

Prepared by: Khurram Tanvir 3 CS203 HO#6

Letter ASCII code Letter ASCII code

'a' 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 'A' 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1

'b' 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 'B' 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0

'c' 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 'C' 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1

... 0 1 1 X X X X X ... 0 1 0 X X X X X

'z' 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 'Z' 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0

Thus a lowercase alphabetic letter can also be converted to uppercase by clearing bit 5
of its ASCII code. This can be done by using an AND instruction with the mask
11011111B or 0DFh.

Example: To convert letter

MOV DL , 'j'
AND DL , 11011111B

An uppercase alphabetic letter can also be converted to lowercase by setting bit 5 of its
ASCII code. This can be done by using an OR instruction with the mask 00100000B or

Example: To convert letter

MOV AL , 'M'
OR AL, 20h

To convert a lowercase or uppercase letter to its opposite case we need only invert bit 5
of its ASCII code. This can be done by using an XOR instruction with the mask

6.6 Converting an ASCII digit to a Decimal digit and vice versa

For any ASCII digits, bit 4 and 5 of its ASCII code are 11; but for the corresponding
decimal digit bit 4 and 5 are 00. The remaining bits are similar:

ASCII digit ASCII code Decimal digit Binary code

'0' 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

'1' 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

'2' 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

x 0 0 1 1 x x x x x 0 0 0 0 x x x x

'9' 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 9 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1

Prepared by: Khurram Tanvir 4 CS203 HO#6

Thus another way of converting an ASCII digit to the corresponding Decimal digit is to
use the AND instruction with the mask 00001111B (i.e. 0FH) or with the mask
11001111B (i.e. 0CFH) to clear bits 5 and 6 of the ASCII digit.

Example: To convert ASCII digit 3 into decimal number 3

MOV BH , '3'

Similarly, another way of converting a Decimal digit to the corresponding ASCII digit is to
use the OR instruction with the mask 00110000B (i.e. 30H) to set bits 5 and 6 of the
Decimal digit.

Example: To convert decimal number 6 into ASCII digit 6

MOV BH , 6
OR BH, 30h

6.7 Examining selected bits in the Destination Operand

The Logic Instructions can be used to examine the status of selected bits in the
destination operand.

Example: To check whether bit 2 of AL is set or clear:

test AL,00000100b
. . . ; action if bit 2 is set
jmp DONE
IS_CLEAR: . . . ; action if bit 2 is clear
. . .
6.8 Determine whether a general-purpose register is equal to zero

The followings are ways to examine whether or not any general-

purpose register is equal to zero.


6.9 Clearing a general-purpose register operand or a memory operand

to zero

A register operand can be cleared to zero using any of the instructions: MOV, SUB,
AND, and XOR.

The followings are ways to clear any general-purpose register to zero.

Prepared by: Khurram Tanvir 5 CS203 HO#6


A memory operand can be cleared to zero using either the MOV or AND instruction.

The followings are ways to clear any memory location to zero.


6.10 Shift Instructions

6.10.1 Types of Shift Instructions

There are three types of shift instructions

Logical shift instructions

SHL (Shift Left)
SHR (Shift Right)

Another interpretation:
Logical shift instructions work on unsigned binary numbers


SHL AL, 1 ; shift left AL 1 place

SHR AL, 3 ; shift right AL by 3 places

6.11 Effects of shift instructions on flags

All shift instructions affect some flags like other instructions. However, the way Carry
Flag (CF) and Overflow Flag (OF) affected are different.

Carry Flag (CF) Overflow Flag (OF) Zero Flag (ZF) Sign Flag (SF) Parity Flag(PF) Auxiliary Flag (AF)
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NO

Prepared by: Khurram Tanvir 6 CS203 HO#6

Auxiliary flag (AF): undefined.
Zero flag (ZF), Sign flag (SF) and parity flag (PF)are updated to
reflect the result.
Carry flag (CF): Contains the last bit shifted out
Overflow flag (OF)
For multibit shifts : Undefined
For single bit shifts: OF is set if the leftmost bit has changed as
a result of the shift, otherwise cleared.

6.12 Logical Shift Left Instruction (SHL)


SHL shifts the leftmost bit into the Carry Flag (CF) and overwrites the current value of
the Carry Flag.
Each of the remaining bits is shifted leftwise and 0 is shifted into the rightmost bit.
Example: Shifting AL=3 leftwise by 1 bit
mov AL, 3
shl AL, 1 ; shift left AL 1 place

Initially AL = 3 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Finally AL = 6 = 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
CF = 0
SF = 0
ZF = 0 because the result is not equal to 0.
PF = 1 because there are 2 bits 1 in AL.
OF = 0 Why?

Shifting left a Destination operand by N bits multiplies it by 2N. (signed

and unsigned)
Example: Shifting BL=3Fh leftwise by 3 bits
mov BL, 3Fh
shl BL, 3 ;shift left BL by 3 bit

Example: Shifting leftwise AL by CL bit

mov AX, 8F23h ; now AX=36643 (unsigned) or -28893 (signed)
mov CX, 1
shl AX, CL ; shift left AX 1 place

Prepared by: Khurram Tanvir 7 CS203 HO#6

6.13 Logical Shift Right Instruction (SHR)

SHR shifts the rightmost bit of operand into the Carry Flag; the current value of the Carry
Flag is lost. Each of the remaining bits is shifted right and 0 is shifted into the leftmost bit
of operand.

Shifting right a Destination operand by N bits divides it by 2N (only

If the value of the Destination is odd, the division is approximate.

mov BL , 00000101B ; BL := 5
shr BL , 1 ; BL := 2

6.14 Rotate Instructions

6.14.1 Types of Rotate Instructions

Rotate instructions are unparalleled instructions compared to any high level languages.
A rotate operation shifts the bits within a cell without discarding. For example, a rotate
right shifts bits to the right. Instead of throwing away the rightmost bit (LSB), it is placed
in the leftmost position of the rotated cell.

There are two types of rotate instructions:

Rotate Without Carry instructions

ROL (Rotate Left)
ROR (Rotate Right)

A rotate left shifts bits to the left. Instead of throwing away the leftmost bit, it is placed in
the rightmost position of the rotated cell. In addition, at the same time the leftmost bit is
copied into the carry flag.

MOV AL, 1Ch ; AL = 00011100b

ROL AL, 1 ; AL = 00111000b, CF=0.

MOV AL, 1Ch ; AL = 00011100b

ROR AL, 1 ; AL = 00001110b, CF=0.

Prepared by: Khurram Tanvir 8 CS203 HO#6

Example Test Questions
Fill in the blanks

1. Two examples of logical instructions are__________________________.

2. Two examples of shift instructions in 8086 are _________________.
3. TEST instruction in 8086 is used for ____________________.

Specify True or False

1. OR AL,FFh makes AL register contents equal to zero (True/False)

2. OF flag is set if the leftmost bit has changed as a result of the shift (True/False)

Choose the best answer.

ROL instruction is used for

a. Shifting left
b. Byte wise rotate left
c. Bit wise rotate left
d. None of above

Which of the flag is not affected as a result of shift instruction?

a. Parity flag
b. Zero flag
c. Auxiliary carry flag
d. Sign flag

Question: How can an ASCII digit be converted to Decimal Digit using Logical
Instructions. Explain with example

Prepared by: Khurram Tanvir 9 CS203 HO#6

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