Computer Organization and Assembly Language: Lecture 6 - Conditional Processing

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Computer Organization and

Assembly Language
Lecture 6 - Conditional Processing

What Are Booleans?

• Boolean values are either True or False.
• These are usually represented by 1 for True
and 0 for False.
• The most common Boolean operations are
– OR
Boolean and Comparison Instructions

• Using the conditional instructions to conditional

loops and if-then–else structures requires an
understanding of the flags registers.
• The flags register is affected by most instruction
as a byproduct of the operation.
– There are some instruction whose whole purpose is to
change the flags register.
– These include CMP, AND, OR, XOR, NOT, and

The Flags Register

• The Flags Register contain four flags of
particular interest:
– Zero flag (set when the result of an operation is zero).
– Carry flag (set when the result of unsigned arithmetic
is too large for the destination operand or when
subtraction requires a borrow).
– Sign flag (set when the high bit of the destination
operand is set indicating a negative result).
– Overflow flag (set when signed arithmetic generates a
result which ifs out of range).
AND Operation

x y x ∧y
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

AND Instruction
• The AND instruction performs a bit wise AND
operation between corresponding bits in the two
operands and places the result in the first operand.
• The format for the AND instruction is:
AND reg, reg
AND reg, mem
AND reg, immed
AND mem, reg
AND mem, immed
reg, mem, and immed can be 8, 16, or 32
AND Instruction (continued)
• An example of ANDing:
cleared 00001111 unchanged

• The AND instruction can be used to clear selected
bits in an operand while preserving the remaining
bits. This is called masking.
mov al, 00111011b
and al, 00001111b ; AL = 00001011b

Converting Characters to Upper Case

• We convert lower case to upper case by clearing bit 5:
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 {‘a’ }
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 {‘A’ }

array BYTE 50 DUP(?)
mov ecx, LENGTHOF array
mov esi, OFFSET array
and byte ptr [esi], 11011111b
inc esi
loop L1
OR Operation

x y x ∨y
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1

XOR Operation

x y x⊕y
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
OR Instruction
• The OR instruction performs a bit wise OR
operation between corresponding bits in the two
operands and places the result in the first operand.
• The format for the OR instruction is:
OR reg, reg
OR reg, mem
OR reg, immed
OR mem, reg
OR mem, immed
reg, mem, and immed can be 8, 16, or 32

OR Instruction (continued)
• An example of ORing:
unchanged 00111011 set
• The OR instruction can be used to set selected bits
in an operand while preserving the remaining bits.
mov al, 00111011b
or al, 00001111b ; AL = 001111111b
OR: Some Examples
• OR can be used to convert a one-digit value into
its ASCII equivalent:
mov dl, 5 ; binary value
or dl, 30h ; convert to ASCII
• ORing a value with itself preserves the value but
sets to flags
– ZF = 1 if AL = 0
– SF=1 if AL < 0
– SF = ZF = 0 if AL > 0
or al, al ; sets the flags

XOR Operation
x y x⊕y (x ⊕ y) ⊕ y

0 0 0 0

0 1 1 0

1 0 1 1

1 1 0 1
XOR Instruction
• The XOR instruction performs a bit wise
Exclusive OR operation between corresponding
bits in the two operands and places the result in
the first operand.
• The format for the XOR instruction is:
XOR reg, reg
XOR reg, mem
XOR reg, immed
XOR mem, reg
XOR mem, immed
reg, mem, and immed can be 8, 16, or 32

XOR Instruction (continued)

• An example of XORing:
00111111 inverted
• The XOR instruction can be used to reverse
selected bits in an operand while preserving the
remaining bits.
mov al, 00111011b
and al, 00001111b ; AL = 00110100b
XOR Example: Checking the Parity Flag

• Parity flag indicates whether the lowest order byte of the

result an arithmetic or bit wise operation has an even or
odd number of 1s.
• Flag = 1 if parity is even; Flag = 0 if parity is odd.
• We want to find the parity of a number without changing
its value:
mov al, 10110101b ; 5 bits = odd parity
xor al, 0 ; Parity flag clear (P0)
mov al, 11001100b ; 4 bits = even parity
xor al, 0 ; Parity flag set (PE)

XOR Example: 16-Bit Parity Flag

• You can check the parity of a 16-bit register by performing

an exclusive-OR between the upper and lower bytes:

mov ax, 64C1h ; 0110 0100 1100 0001

xor ah, al ; Parity flag set (PE)
AND, OR, XOR and the Status Flags
• All three instructions affect the following flags,
with the result determining their actual values:
– Overflow
– Sign
– Zero
– Parity
– Carry
– Auxiliary Carry

NOT Instruction
• The NOT instruction reverse all bits in an
NOT reg
NOT mem
• Example:
mov al, 11110000b
not al ; AL = 0Fh
TEST Instruction
• The TEST instruction performs an implied AND
operation between corresponding bits in the two
operands and sets the flags without modifying
either operand.
• The format for the TEST instruction is:
TEST reg, reg
TEST reg, mem
TEST reg, immed
TEST mem, reg
TEST mem, immed
reg, mem, and immed can be 8, 16, or 32

TEST Instruction: Examples

• The TEST instruciton can check several bits at once.

• If we wanted to know if either bit 0 or bit 3 is set in the
AL register, we can use
test al, 00001001b ; test bits 0 and 3

0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 ← input value
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 ← test value
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ← result: ZF = 0

0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 ← input value
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 ← test value
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ← result: ZF = 1
CMP Instruction

• The CMP instruction sets the flags as if it

had performed subtraction on the operand.
• Neither operand is changed.
• The CMP instruction takes the forms:
CMP reg, reg CMP mem, reg
CMP reg, mem CMP mem, immed
CMP reg, immed

CMP Results

CMP Results ZF CF

destination < source 0 1

destination > source 0 0

destination = source 1 0
CMP Results

CMP Results Flags

destination < source SF ≠ OF

destination > source SF = OF

destination = source ZF = 1

CMP Instruction : Examples

• Subtracting 5-10 requires a borrow:
mov ax, 5
cmp ax, 10 ; CF = 1
• Subtracting 1000 from 1000 results in zero.
mov ax, 1000
mov cx, 1000
cmp cx, ax ; ZF = 1
• Subtracting 0 from 105 produces a positive
mov si, 105
cmp si, 0; ZF = 0 and CF = 0
Setting & Clearing Individual Flags

• Setting and Clearing the Zero Flag

and al, 0 ; Set Zero Flag
or al, 1 ; Clear Zero Flag

• Setting and Clearing the Sign Flag

or al, 80h ; Set Sign Flag
and al, 7fh ; Clear Sign Flag

Setting & Clearing Individual Flags

• Setting and Clearing the Carry Flag
stc ; Set Carry Flag
clc ; Clear Carry Flag

• Setting and Clearing the Overflow Flag

mov al, 7fH ; AL = +127
inc al ; AL = 80H; OF = 1
or eax, 0 ; Clear Overflow
; Flag
Conditional Structures – An Example

• Compare AL to Zero. Jump to L1if the zero

flag was set by the comparison:
cmp al, 0
jz L1
… …

Conditional Structures – Another

• Perform a bitwise AND on the DL register .
Jump to L2 if the Zero flag is clear:
and dl, 10110000b
jnz L2
… …
Jcond Instruction
• A conditional jump instruction branches to a
destination label when a flag condition is
• If the flag is false, the instruction
immediately following the conditional jump
is performed instead.
• The syntax is:
Jcond destination

Limitations of Conditional Jumps

• Microsoft Macro assembler limits jumps to a label
within the current procedure and within –128 to
+127 of the current address.
• To jump to another procedure, you must use a
global label:
jc MyLabel ; Jump if Carry
; (flag is set)
… …
Examples of Conditional Jumps
• In all three cases, the jump is made:
mov ax, 5
cmp ax, 5
je L1 ; jump if equal

mov ax, 5
cmp ax, 6
jl L1 ; jump if less

mov ax, 5
cmp ax, 4 ; jump if greater

Jumps based on General Comparisons

Mnemonic Description Flags/Registers

JZ Jump if zero ZF = 1
JE Jump if equal ZF = 1

JNZ Jump if not zero ZF = 0

JNE Jump if not equal ZF = 0
Jumps based on General Comparisons

Mnenomic Description Flags/Registers

JC Jump if carry CF = 1
JNC Jump if not carry CF = 0

JCXZ Jump if CX = 0 CX = 0
JECXZ Jump if ECX = 0 ECX = 0

Jumps based on General Comparisons

Mnenomic Description Flags/Registers

JP Jump if Parity PF = 1
JNP Jump if Parity PF = 0
Jumps based on Unsigned Comparisons
Mnenomic Description Flag(s)

JA Jump if above CF = 0 & ZF = 0

(op1 > op2)
JNBE Jump if not below CF = 0 & ZF = 0
or equal

JAE Jump if above or CF = 0

JNB Jump if not below CF = 0

Jumps based on Unsigned Comparisons

Mnenomic Description Flag(s)

JB Jump if below CF = 1
(op1 < op2)
JNAE Jump if not above CF = 1

JBE Jump if below or CF = 1 or ZF = 1

JNA Jump if not above CF = 1 or ZF = 1
Jumps based on Signed Comparisons

Mnenomic Description Flag(s)

JG Jump if greater SF = 0 & ZF =0

JNLE Jump if not less SF = 0 & ZF =0
than or equal

JGE Jump if greater SF = OF

than or equal
JNL Jump if not less SF = OF

Jumps based on Signed Comparisons

Mnenomic Description Flag(s)

JL Jump if less SF < > OF

JNGE Jump if not greater SF < > OF
than or equal

JLE Jump if less than or ZF = 1 or

SF < > OF
JNG Jump if not greater ZF = 1 or
SF < > OF
Jumps based on Signed Comparisons

Mnenomic Description Flag(s)

JS Jump if signed SF = 1
(op1 is negative)
JNS Jump if not signed SF = 0

JO Jump if overflow OF = 1
JNO Jump if not OF = 0

Conditional Jumps Applications

• Testing Status Bits
mov al, status
test al, 00100000b
jnz EquipOffline ; test bit 5

mov al, status

test al, 00010011b
jnz InputDataByte ; test bits 0, 1, 4

mov al, status

and al, 10001100b ; preserve buts 2,3,7
cmp al, 10001100b ; all bits set?
je ResetMachine ; yes; jump to label
Example – Larger of Two Integers
mov dx, ax ; assume that AX is larger
cmp ax, bx ; IF AX >= BX then
jae L1 ; jump to L1
mov dx, bx ; else move BX to DX
L1: ; DX contains the larger
; integer

Example – Smallest of Three Integers

mov ax, V1 ; assume that V1 is smallest
cmp ax, V2 ; IF AX <= V2 then
jbe L1 ; jump to L1
mov ax, V2 ; else move V2 to AX
L1: cmp ax, V3 ; if AX <= V3 then
jbe L2 ; jump to L3
mov ax, V3 ; else move to V3 to AX
L2: ; smallest is in AX
Example – Scanning An Array
TITLE Scanning an Array (ArryScan.asm)
; Scan an array for the first nonzero value.

intArray SWORD 0, 0, 1, 20, 35, -12, 66, 4, 0
noneMsg BYTE "A nonzero value wasnt found", 0
main PROC
mov ebx, OFFSET intArray
; point to the array
mov ecx, LENGTHOF intArray
; loop counter

L1: cmp word ptr [ebx], 0

jnz found ; found a value
add ebx, 2 ; point to next
loop L1 ; continue the loop
jmp notFound ; none found

movsx eax, word ptr [ebx]
call WriteInt
jmp quit

notFound: ; display “not found message”

mov edx, OFFSET noneMsg
call WriteString
quit: call CrLf
main ENDP
END main

Example – Encryption Program

TITLE Encryption Program

KEY = 239 ; Any value Between 1-255
BUFMAX = 128; Maximum buffer size

sPrompt BYTE "Enter the plain text:
", 0
sEncrypt BYTE "Cypher text: ", 0
sDeCrypt BYTE "Decrypted: ", 0
buffer BYTE BUFMAX dup(0)
bufSize DWORD ?
main PROC
call InputTheString
; input the plain text
call TranslateBuffer
; encrypt the buffer
mov edx, OFFSET sEncrypt
; display encrypted message
call DisplayMessage
call TranslateBuffer
; decrypt the buffer
mov edx, OFFSET sDecrypt
; display decrypted message
call DisplayMessage
main ENDP

InputTheString PROC
; Asks the user to enter a string from the
; keyboard. Saves the string and its length
; in variables
; Receives: nothing
; Returns: nothing
mov edx, OFFSET sPrompt ; display prompt
mov ecx, BUFMAX ; maximum character count
mov edx, OFFSET buffer ; point to the buffer
callReadString ; input the string
mov bufsize, eax ; save the length
InputTheString ENDP
DisplayMessage PROC
; Displays the encrypted or decrypted
; message
; in variables
; Receives: EDX points to the message
; Returns: nothing
mov edx, OFFSET buffer ; display the buffer
DisplayMessage ENDP

TranslateBuffer PROC
; Translate the sring by exclusive-ORing
; each byte with the same integer
; Receives: nothing
; Returns: nothing
mov ecx, bufSize ; loop counter
mov esi, 0 ; index 0 in buffer
xor buffer[esi], KEY; translate a byte
inc esi ; point to next byte

TranslateBuffer ENDP
END main
LOOPZ and LOOPE Instructions
• LOOPZ (Loop if zero) and LOOPE (Loop if
equal) let a loop continue if ZF = 1 & CX >
0 (First CX is decremented)
• The syntax is:
LOOPZ destination
LOOPE destination

LOOPZ and LOOPE Instructions :

• Example
intarray WORD 1, 20, 35, 012, 66, 40, 0
mov ebx, offset intarray ; point to the array
sub ebx, 2 ; back up one position
mov ecx, ArraySize ; repeat 100 times
add ebx, 2 ; point to next entry
cmp word ptr [ebx], 0 ; compare value to zero
loopz next ; loop while ZF 1, CX > 0
• LOOPNZ (Loop if not zero) and LOOPNE
(Loop if not equal) let a loop continue if ZF
= 1 & CX > 0 (First CX is decremented)
• The syntax is:
LOOPZ destination
LOOPE destination

LOOPNZ - an Example

array SWORD -3, -6, -1, -10, 10, 30, 40, 4
Msg BYTE " is a positive value", 0
sentine SWORD 0

main PROC
mov esi, OFFSET array
mov ecx, LENGTHOF array
test WORD PTR [esi], 8000h ; test sign bit
pushfd ; push flags on stack
add esi, TYPE array
popfd ; pop flags
loopnz next ; continue loop
jnz quit ; none found
sub esi, TYPE array ; ESI points to value
movzx eax, word ptr [esi] ; print value
call WriteDec
mov edx, OFFSET Msg
call WriteString
main ENDP
END main

Writing IF-THEN

In C++: is In Assembler
if (x > y) x>y mov ax, x
z = 0; ? cmp ax, y
yes jng L1
no mov ax, 0
z=0 mov z, ax
In C++: In Assembler
if (x > y) is mov ax, x

z = x;
x>y cmp ax, y
else jng L1
yes no
z = y; mov ax, x
jmp L2
z=x z=x
mov ax, y
mov z, ax

Writing WHILE loops

In C++: In Assembler
while (x <= y) is L1:

x = x + 3;
x>y mov ax, x
cmp ax, y
yes no
jg L2
mov ax, x
x = x+3 add x, 3
jmp L1

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