Project Description
Project Description
Project Description
at creating a Courses portal for a campus/organization. This allows registered users of the system to join a course available in the site and access the materials published for the course. People can register themselves as students of a course or Faculty for a course. When a person registers himself as a Faculty, an approval mechanism should be triggered which sends an email to the Administrator for approving the person as a Faculty. There will be an admin approval page where admin can approve the faculty members for the course. The course home page should contain the title of the course and a brief description. There will be a discussion board for each course where students can interact, an announcement section, which contains the latest announcements, and a course content section which gives the links for the material available for the course. For faculty members there will be an extra link for uploading the course content in a zip file format. The course content should be html pages, which should be uploaded in the zip file format. There should be a mechanism for the faculty members to create a test for the course specifying the test title and a set of multiple-choice questions and duration of time of the test. Keywords Generic Technlogy keywords Databases Web Server, Programming Specific Technology keywords Oracle/MS-SQL server, Tomcat servlet Engine., java/jsp/servlets Project type keywords Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing, User Interface Functional components of the project There will be a Course Portal home page where there will be a registration link as well as a login screen is available. There are three types of users in the system Administrator Faculty (for a course)
Note: A registered user can be a faculty for one course(if approved by the administrator) as well as student for another course The administrator should be able to do the following: Create a Course, by providing the course title and description. Approve Faculty members for a Course Delete the members of a Course Publish announcements A page to view all the feedbacks received.
When a user logs in to the system he will have a tab pane which has the following tabs My Course, Announcements, What is New, Register for a Course FeedBack 1) Clicking on MyCourse tab will give all the courses for which the user has access. Clicking on any Course will give the Course Home page for the user Course Home Page content: Course Name and Description Link to view all the students Link to view all the faculty members. Link to View Course specific Announcments Link to Create Course Announcments(only for Faculty members) Link to view a discussion board, This will open up a page where the user can create a topic of discussion, and view all previous threads, reply to any of the thread etc. Link to view all the Course Content All the uploaded course should be browsed for this page Link to upload course content (only for faculty members) Whenever faculty members upload a zip file, the admin should get a message and should extract the zip to the file system. The course content should be html pages. The admin should create a new announcement saying that new course content is available for the course. (Look in to ways in which the file can be published without administrator intervention) Link to Create a Test of multiple choice questions (only for faculty members) Link to Take a Test (only for Students)
2) Clicking on Announcements tab in the home page brings to a page where new announcements can be viewed. This will be basically 3) Clicking on Register for Course opens up a page containing List of All Course available
Against each course there will be two links Register as a student, Register as a faculty Register as faculty prompts the user to provide a valid email-id and phone number and a message will be sent to the admin as an email as well as the message can be viewed by the Admin in the administrator Approve Faculty member page
Steps to start-off the project Make yourself comfortable with fundamental of Java programming and oracle database., JDBC programming Study how a webserver works, What is a servlet? Attempt should be made on creating a mock jsp page which fetches back info from a webserver. Create a development environment comprising of Oracle database, Tomcat servlet engine. Create a test environment for testing Do a thorough requirements analysis Split the modules and devise a phased iterative approach (3 iterations)to go forward.
Requirements Hardware requirements Number Description 1 PC with 2 GB hardisk and 512 mb RAM Software requirements Number Description 1 Windows XP/2000 2 Oracle 3 Tomcat servlet engine 4 JDK 1.4 Alternatives (If available)
Manpower requirements 3-4 students for a period of 6-7 months Milestones and Timelines
Milestone Description
Requirement Specification
Technology Familiarization
System Setup
Number of weeks required to complete A 2 weeks Attempt should be requirement made to identify specification additional features document which can be should be incorporated at a delivered. later point of time. Brain-storming comprising of all the members should be done Understanding 4 weeks of technology. Each person should get themselves as expert in each of the technology and should arrange a half day session to share the info and come up with a BOK (Body Of Knowledge) document for reference Setup up dev 1 week environment with the database servlet engine, also setup a test environment A high level 2 weeks architecture diagram and detailed design of all
5 6 7 8 9
Testing and rework for 1st pahse Implementation of 2nd phase Testing and rework for 2nd pahse Implementation of 3rd phase Testing and rework of the entire application
the modules. Also a datadictionary document should be delivered A working 6 weeks code for the Ist module should be developed. This should bring up the home page as well as admin functionality Testing and 1.5 weeks fixing the bugs The working 4 weeks code for the ist and 2nd phase Testing and 1.5 weeks fixing the bugs The working 5 weeks code for the ist and 2nd phase Testing and 3 weeks fixing the bugs