9.1 9.2 Introduction
Development of Flexural Equations and Types of Singly Reinforced Rectangular Beam Section
9.3.1 9.3.2 9.3.3 9.3.4 Development of Flexural Equations Types of Singly Reinforced Rectangular Beam Section Shear Torsion Design of Short Columns with Axial Load and Lateral Ties Design of Short Columns with Axial Load and Helical Reinforcement Design of Long Columns Eccentrically Loaded Columns
Design of Column
9.4.1 9.4.2 9.4.3 9.4.4
9.5 9.6
Working Stress Method of Design for structures and their elements is the same as for Limit state Method except for safety considerations. To be more specific, Codal provision for durability, fire resistance, detailing of reinforcement, serviceability, stability, etc remain the same as for Limit Stress Method. However, the design loads are characteristic loads and the stresses developed due to loads shall be within the corresponding permissible stresses (i.e. characteristic strength divided by Factor of Safety).
After studying this unit, you should be able to
explain the basics of working stress method, design the beams of rectangular cross sections, and understand the design of columns.
Theory of Structures-II
(c) (d)
The strain-stress relation for concrete as well as for steel reinforcement is linear. The modular ratio i.e.
ES formula EC
M 10 M 15 M 20 M 25 M 30 M 35 M 40 M 45 M 50 3.0 5.0 7.0 8.5 10.0 11.5 13.0 14.5 16.0
2.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0
0.6 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
Note : The bond stress given in Column 4 shall be increased by 25 percent for bars in compression.
(1) (i)
(2) Tension ( st or sv ) :
(a) Up to and including 20 mm (b) Over 20 mm (ii) (iii) Compression in column bars ( sc ) Compression in bars in a beam or slab when the compressive resistance of the concrete is taken into account. Compression in bars in a beam or slab when the compressive resistance of the concrete is not taken into account : (a) Up to and including 20 mm (b) Over 20 mm
The calculated compressive stress in the surrounding concrete multiplied by 1.5 times the modular ratio or
whichever is lower
Half the guaranteed yield stress subject to a maximum of 190 140 130 190 190
Note : For high yield strength bars of grade Fe 500 the permissible stress in direct tension and flexural tension shall be 0.55 fy. The permissible stresses for shear and compression reinforcement shall be as for Grade Fe 415.
M 15
M 20
M 25
M 30
M 40
M 40 and above (7) 0.20 0.23 0.32 0.38 0.42 0.46 0.49 0.52 0.55 0.57 0.60 0.62 0.63
(2) 0.18 0.22 0.29 0.34 0.37 0.40 0.42 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44
(3) 0.18 0.22 0.30 0.35 0.39 0.42 0.45 0.47 0.49 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51
(4) 0.19 0.23 0.31 0.36 0.40 0.44 0.46 0.49 0.51 0.53 0.55 0.56 0.57
(5) 0.20 0.23 0.31 0.37 0.41 0.45 0.48 0.50 0.53 0.55 0.57 0.58 0.60
(6) 0.20 0.23 0.31 0.37 0.42 0.45 0.49 0.52 0.54 0.56 0.58 0.60 0.62
0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 and above
Note : As is that area of longitudinal tensile reinforcement which continues at least one effective depth beyond the section being considered except at supports where the full area of tension reinforcement may be used provided the detailing conforms to Cl 26.2.2 and Cl 26.2.3.
c, max N/mm2
(a) (b) (c) How working stress method of design differs from limit state method? What are the basic assumptions applicable to flexural and compression members? Why modular ratio (m) is not calculated as by the formula m =
Es ? Ec
Theory of Structures-II
9.3.1 Development of Flexural Equations
Under the action of transverse loads on a beam strains, normal stresses and internal forces developed on a cross section are as shown in Figure 9.1.
Since applied moment on the section is in equilibrium with the resisting moment developed, three basic equations namely (a) (b) (c) Strain compatibility equation Force equilibrium equation and Moment equilibrium equation is developed as described below.
Strain Compatibility From basic assumption (i) plane section remains plane means that the strain variation across the cross section is linear. The strain is linearly proportional to stress (i.e. fcbc= E cbc ) as per basic assumption (c). The stress equation may be developed as follows :
ct cbc = kd (d kd )
f cbc f ct E = E kd (d kd ) f cbc f ct = kd (d kd )
f ct = f st (1 k ) = f cbc m k
Form Force Equilibrium Applied force = Internal force or, or, or, 178 CT=0 C=T
1 f cbc bkd = f st Ast 2
k j = 1 3
= Rbd 2 = f st Ast jd
1 f cbc kj 2
Balanced Section A balanced section (Figure 9.2) is one, in which under the applied bending moment, the permissible compressive stress in extreme fibre ( cbc ) and permissible tensile stress ( st ) in tensile reinforcement reaches simultaneously.
The coefficient for neutral axis depth, compressive force, tensile force and coefficient for lever arm are denoted with suffix B as kBd, CB, TB and jB,
1 cbc k B j B bd 2 = st AstB j B d 2
= R B bd 2 = st AstB j B d
Theory of Structures-II
Under-reinforced Section An under reinforced section is one, in which due to applied bending moment, the tensile stress in steel reaches permissible value where as the compressive stress in outer face remains below permissible limit (Figure 9.3). This happens when the steel area provided is less than the balanced steel area.
According to mechanics of structure, neutral axis depth is always the centroidal axis depth. It is determined by equating moment of area of concrete in compression and equivalent area of steel in terms of concrete about natural axis, i.e. b k d (Figure 9.3(d)) of kd < kBd.
Over-reinforced Section A section in which the moment resisting capacity (MR) is limited by the compressive stress on outer face of concrete reaching its limiting value ( cbc ) . The stress in steel at this stage (fst) is less than the permissible stress ( st ) indicating that steel provided is more than required to resist MR (Figure 9.4).
The neutral axis depth (kd) is determined as usual by equating moment of area of concrete in compression and equivalent area of tensile steel in terms of concrete about neutral axis.
Mathematically, b . k . d . Hence,
MR =
kd = m Ast (d kd ) 2
1 kd 1 cbc .b . k d d = cbc k j bd 2 2 2 3
To Determine Neutral Axis Depth for Balanced Section From stress diagram
cbc st / m st = = k B d (d k B d ) md (1 k B )
m cbc k B m cbc = k B st
k B ( st + m cbc ) = m cbc
kB =
To Determine Percentage of Tensile Reinforcement for Balanced Section Equating the compressive force and tensile force, C=T
1 cbc b k B d = st AstB 2
p tB % = AstB ( p %) bd 100, or AstB = tB bd 100
ptB % =
50 k B cbc st
Three types of problems may be encountered. These are : (a) (b) (c) Example 9.1 Determine moment of resistance of the cross section shown in Figure 9.5 for fck = 20 N/mm2 and fy = 415 N/mm2. 181 To determine moments of resistance (MR) for a given cross section. To determine maximum compressive stress in concrete (fcbc) and tensile stress in steel (fst) for given cross section and Mapplied. To determine MRB and AstB for a given concrete cross-section.
Theory of Structures-II
k Bd =
= 75.339 kN-m. Example 9.2 Determine tensile reinforcement and moment of resistance for the concrete cross section shown in Figure 9.6 for the following design parameters :
cbc = 8.5 N/mm 2 ; st = 230 N/mm 2 and m = 11
Solution As concrete cross section only is given, Ast and MR may be determined for balanced section :
kB = 1 1 = 0.289 = st 230 1+ 1 + m cbc 11 8.5 kB 0.289 =1 = 0.904 3 3
jB = 1
M RB =
1 cbc b k B djB d 2
1 8.5 250 0.289 500 0.904 500 10 6 2
AstB =
Evaluate stresses in concrete and tensile reinforcement for the section shown in Figure 9.7 to resist MR = 45 kNm for the following design parameters :
cbc = 7 N/mm 2 ; st = 140 N/mm 2 and m = 13.
x2 = 13 4 314 (500 x) 2
x2 + 108.85 54426.67 = 0
Theory of Structures-II
or, or,
x =185.133 mm
M = 1 x f cbc bx d 2 3 1 185.133 f cbc 300 185.133 500 3 2
or, or,
45 10 6 = f cbc =
= 3.697 N/mm2
x M = f st Ast d 3 f st = 45 10 6 185.133 4 314 500 3
= 81.75 N/mm2.
9.3.3 Shear
The formula for calculating nominal shear stress ( v ) remains the same as in limit state method except that Vu and Mu are replaced by V and M, i.e. v =
V for bd
rectangular cross section. The permissible shear stresses ( c ) for different grades of concrete and percentage of tensile reinforcement are given in Table 9.4. Similarly maximum shear stresses c, max in concrete are given in Table 9.6. Table 9.6 : Maximum Shear Stress, c, max N/mm2 in Concrete
Concrete Grade M15 1.6 M20 1.8 M25 1.9 M30 2.2 M35 2.3 M40 and above 2.5
c, max N/mm2
Example 9.4 Design vertical stirrups for a rectangular beam of cross section shown in Figure 9.8 for a shear force of 70 kN. Use M 20 concrete and Fe 250 steel.
v = V 70 103 = = 0.583 N/mm 2 bd 300 400
sv =
s v Asv d Vs
= 142 c/c
9.3.4 Torsion
Codal provisions for design of torsion is the same as those for limit state method except that design forces Vu, Mu and design value of stresses are replaced by V, M and permissible stresses. Example 9.5 Determine the reinforcements required for a rectangular section (Figure 9.9) for the following data : Size of beam = 300 600; Grade of concrete = M 25 Grade of steel = Fe 415; Shear force V = 60 kN Torsional moment T = 20 kN-m; Bending moment M = 60 kN-m
Theory of Structures-II
Solution Assuming 25 for main reinforcement and 8 for shear reinforcement. d = 600 20 8 12.5 = 559.5 mm
T Ve = V + 1.6 b 20 = 60 + 1.6 = 166.67 kN 0 .3
M el
= 95.294 kN-m
m= kB =
280 280 = = 10.98 11 3 cbc 3 8.5 1 1 = = 0.289 st 230 1+ 1 + m cbc 11 8.5 0.289 = 1 = 0.904 3
k j B = 1 B 3
MB =
1 cbc b k B d j B d 2
= 104.274 kN-m > 95.294 kN-m Hence, the section will be under-reinforced
M R = st Ast j B d
or, or,
c = 0.31 +
= 103.51, i.e. 100 mm c/c. Maximum spacing = 0.75 d = 0.75 559.5 = 419.625 < 450
Asv >
( vc c ) b s v (0.993 0.322) 300 100 = sv 230 = 87.52 mm 2 < 100 mm 2
Hence, provided 2 legged 8 @ stirrups 100 mm c/c. Bond and Anchorage The Codal provisions for bond and anchorages remain the same as for design by limit state method except that the permissible bond stresses are as given in Table 9.7. Table 9.7 : Permissible Bond Stress for Plain Bars in Tension
Grade of Concrete Permissible Bond Stress (bd N/mm2) M 15 0.6 M 20 0.8 M 25 0.9 M 30 1.0 M 35 1.1 M 40 1.2 M 45 1.3 M 50 1.4
(a) How moment of resistance (MR) is developed? Prove that MR = (b) (c) (d)
1 f ck k j bd 2 = f st Ast jd . 2
Explain the difference between under-reinforced and over-reinforced sections. How the equations for calculating v and Vs differ from those by limit state method? Is there any basic difference in approach for calculating the Ve and Me values by the two methods of design?
Theory of Structures-II
*The minimum eccentricity criteria mentioned in Limit State Method may deemed to have been incorporated in the equation for P.
reinforcing steel,
sc = Permissible compressive stress for column bars, and
Asc = Cross-sectional area of the longitudinal steel.
9.4.2 Design of Short Columns with Axial Load and Helical Reinforcement
The Codal provisions for the design is the same as those for limit state method.
where lef = Effective length of column, b = Least lateral dimension of column. For column with helical reinforcement b is diameters of the core. For more exact evaluation of permissible load, the reduction coefficient,
C r = 1.25
lef 160 imin
where imin = least radius of gyration. Example 9.6 A column has cross sectional area of 300 300 and is reinforced with 4 25. Determine permissible load if effectively held in position at both ends, but not restrained against rotation having (a) (b) Solution Permissible load assuming the column to be of short one
P = cc Ac + sc Asc
= cc ( Ag Asc ) + sc Asc = 6 (300 300 4 491) + 190 4 491 10 3
= 528.589 kN.
Slenderness Ratio (SR) Unsupported length, l = 3 m For the given end conditions lef =1.0 l = 3 m
SR = lef b = 3000 = 10 < 12 300
Hence, column is short one and = P = 528.589 kN (b) Unsupported length = 5 m for the given end conditions lef =1.0 l = 5 m
SR = lef b = 5000 = 16.67 > 12 300 lef 48b = 1.25 5000 = 0.903 48 300
The cross section and the loads applied are such that the stresses in top fibre (ft) and that in bottom fibre (fb) are both compressive so that the concrete does not crack. The column will be considered safe if the following conditions are satisfied.
cc,cal cc + cbc,cal cbc 1
The resultant tension in concrete is not grater than 25% of the resultant compression for unaxial bending or does not exceed three-fourth of the7 day modulus of rupture of concrete.
Theory of Structures-II
where Asci and ysci are area of steel reinforcement and their distances from n.a., respectively. Example 9.7 Check whether the column section shown in Figure 9.11 is safe. The design parameters are P = 300 kN; Mx = 20 kN-m; fy = 415; Effective cover = 60.
m= 280 280 = = 13 3 cbc 3 7
1 250 4003 + (1.5 13 1) 6 314 (200 60) 2 = 2016471733 mm 4 12 cc,cal = P 300 10 3 = = 2.225 N/mm 2 Ae 134854 M x D 20 10 6 200 = = 1.984 N/m 2 I ex 2 2016471733 P Mx D Ae I ex 2
cbc, cal =
Resultant stresses =
Since both are +ve, the section is uncracked. Check for Safety
cc,cal cc
cbc,cal cbc
1.984 7
2.225 5
= 0.728 < 1
Hence, O.K.
(a) (b) Write down the formula for evaluation of permissible axial load P for a short column with helical reinforcement. How the permissible axial load for a long column is evaluated.
In working stress method of design, the design loads are the actual or characteristic loads and the design stresses are characteristic stresses divided by factor of safety. Due to above mentioned basic differences, the approach for evaluation of design load for a given cross section differs from that of limit state method. The other criteria for design such as serviceability, fire resistance, durability, stability, etc. remain the same as those in limit state method.