Paul Twitchell - Spiritual Notebook
Paul Twitchell - Spiritual Notebook
Paul Twitchell - Spiritual Notebook
Learn about the universal thread that unites every world culture and religion - and how it can change your life. A book to help you SEE and HEAR the Spirit of God.
$12.00 / USA
"I am trying to give everyone who c a n read a means to self-evaluation and a method of understanding his inner experiences." - Paul Twitchell A giant step forward in spiritual literature - the best way to describe this fascinating book. Now learn what saints and mystics knew all along about God and the Divine Force - the inspiration for all Paul Twitchell, modern-day myths and religions. founder of ECKANKAR, Paul Twitchell, world-renowned Religion of the Light and spiritual teacher, is author of Sound of God. ECKANKAR - The Key to Secret Worlds, a spiritual classic. In The Spiritual Notebook, he shows you how to widen your own spiritual vision and find the God Force. Chapter 5 offers three techniques for you to experience the Light and Sound of God. Saints often used similar ones for divine guidance and peace of mind. Try these age-old techniques. They can bring unlimited love, wisdom, and power into every decision and venture in your own life. Chapter 7, "The Steps to the Secret Kingdom," gives twelve secret words you can use to reach a higher spiritual state. Chapter 10 compares fourteen religions, showing the thread of truth in each. And all through The Spiritual Notebook, Twitchell tells how to make your own special way to the wisdom of God. Whatever your religious belief, The Spiritual Notebook can inspire the beginning of your own inner journey. It introduces you to the mysterious Adepts of ECKANKAR and also gives a close-up of how the Spirit of God is all around us. If you want more love, joy, and grace in your own life, you could benefit from reading this book.
ISBN L - 5 7 0 4 3 - 0 3 7 - 3
ECKANKAR Minneapolis
Publisher's Cataloging in Publication (Prepared by Quality Books Inc.) Twitched, Paul, 1908-1971. The spiritual notebook / Paul Twitchell. - 2nd ed. p. cm. Includes index. LCCN: 90-81507 ISBN 1-57043-037-3 1. Eckankar (Organization) - Doctrines. 2. Spiritual life - Eckankar (Organization) I. Title. BP605.E3T95 2000 299'.93 QBI95-20028
T h e paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of the American National Standard for Information Sciences - Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48-1984.
Foreword 1. ECKANKAR, the Ancient Gospel 2. Consciousness Is the Only State Worth Consideration 3. The Ways T r u t h Reaches All People and Things 4. Unlocking the Key to the Spiritual Worlds 5. The Creative Techniques 6. The Unfinished Creation of God 7. The Steps to the Secret Kingdom 8. The Objective Teachings of ECK 9. The Subjective Teachings of ECK 10. The Paths to God and How to Compare Them 11. The Lower versus Higher Powers 12. The Ultimate Awareness of God Glossary Index
he Spiritual Notebook is the greatest landmark in t h e esoteric h i s t o r y of m a n k i n d a n d all worlds within this universe. It is unique in its revelation of the history of man's spiritual progress and honest in its forthright discussions of the ancient new-age doctrine of ECKANKAR which is appearing again in this world as the t r u t h of spiritual life. The book takes up the study of the spiritual line of ECK Masters since the beginning of this world. These spiritually developed Masters are Adepts in the Ancient Order of the Vairagi. They have kept themselves well hidden from h u m a n eyes and ears in order to successfully get their work done for mankind. It is their duty to work for individual Souls who take up the path of ECKANKAR, to be returned to the heavenly realm where they originated. ECKANKAR is the ancient gospel which does not teach there is original sin as most orthodox religions claim. Paul Twitchell has set out to show t h a t every prominent person in history who has contributed some beneficial good to civilization has been a chela of the hidden teachings of ECK. vii
He speaks with authority on the supreme message of ECK which is revealed only to those who have a simple heart. He gives the ultimate way of receiving t h a t which is known as God Consciousness, and he has the true m a r k of a spiritual Master. From all indications it seems t h a t many who look for a spiritual Master do not know the true marks of those who wear this high mantle and serve the races of all people. For more information about ECKANKAR, please t u r n to page 247.
e a t h a n d r e s u r r e c t i o n a r e basic p r i n c i p l e s taught in almost every religion since the dawn of time. But ECKANKAR, which is the mainstream for all religions, philosophies and doctrines, was the first to show t h e people of t h e e a r t h , through appointed saviors, t h a t the mystery of salvation is based on the death of the physical and the redemption of Soul. Philosophical writers and religionists have proven the existence of ECK throughout history. The first known world savior was Rama, who started teaching Its principles orally in the dawn of history. The famous line of prophets in the Israelite tribes were trained in the teachings of ECK, as their prophecies well show. The Greek Masters Apollonius, Dionysus, Pythagoras, Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato were taught the a r t of ECKANKAR by the ancient Adepts. Practically every man who has contributed to civilization has spiritually been a chela, or student, of the hidden teachings of ECKANKAR. This is true of the sciences, literature, art, economics, religions, philosophies, the military, medicine, and psychology. 1
But in order to build a bridge between the spiritual worlds and our physical domain, it is necessary to reconstruct the living chain t h a t links our many and varied religions together. Hellenism, Christianity, and the religions of Egypt and the Middle East must have their original unity restored to them. The traditions of East and West must once again be reconciled. The story of the saviors has been the common property of the Oriental world for thousands of years. Generally, the story is the same: the lowly birth, struggles through the stormy years, the feast culminating in the crucifixion at the vernal equinox in the spring, and ascendance into the spiritual heavens. The light flows from one mighty founder of religion to another, from the Himalayas to the plateau of Iran, from Sinai to Tabor, from the tombs of Egypt to the sanctuary of Eleusis. The spiritual teachings held by the people of these areas have all come out of the heart of the omniscient Deity, the single Source we know today in ECKANKAR, the ancient science of total awareness, as the SUGMAD. The great prophets, those powerful figures such as Rama, Krishna, Hermes, Moses, Orpheus, Pythagoras, Plato, and Jesus, are known to have been students in the various mystery schools - such as the Essene which are all offspring of the ancient order of ECK Masters, known as the Order of the Vairagi Avatars. They are diverse in form, appearance and color. Nevertheless, through all of them moves the impulse of the ECK, t h e eternal Word. To be in harmony with them is to hear and see the Word of God in action. The supreme message can be revealed ultimately to those simple in h e a r t . Its s t a r t i n g point lies where t r u t h pushes aside the cloak of illusion and becomes the shining inspiration to initiates of ECKANKAR. The
linkup of the individual Soul with the essence of the spiritual Word gives the initiate insight into the great mysteries of heaven and earth. The need for spiritual works is universally human, and any individual who assumes he can live without an accompanying spiritual advancement is caught in a self-deceptive trap. Only through the spiritual travelers in the worlds beyond can one find success in the works of the SUGMAD. The four major races t h a t share the globe today are the daughters and sons of varied lands. By successive creations - slow elaborations of the e a r t h - the continents have emerged from the seas at great intervals of time. These intervals the ancient priests of India called the interdiluvian cycles. During thousands of years each continent produced its flora and fauna, culminating in a race of a different color. The southern continent, engulfed by the last great flood, was the cradle of the red race, of which the American Indians are descendants. They are the offspring of the troglodytes, who reached safety at the top of gigantic mountains when Atlantis sank. Africa is the home of the black race, called the Ethiopians by the Greeks. Asia gave birth to the yellow race, as preserved in the Chinese. The white race came last, from the forests of Europe, between the tempests of the Atlantic and the mild world of the Mediterranean. All h u m a n types a r e t h e r e s u l t s of m i x t u r e s , c o m b i n a t i o n s , degeneracies, or selections of these four great races. In preceding cycles the red and the black races ruled successively with powerful civilizations. They left reminders of their supremacy in gigantic ruins, such as the templed structures of Mexico. At the present time the white race has ruled for a long cycle, and if one looks beyond the antiquity of India and Egypt, one will find 3
t h a t its preponderance dates back tens of thousands of years. According to the Hindu traditions, civilization began on the southern continent while all of Europe and p a r t of Asia were underwater. The red race inhabited the southern continent we know as Atlantis. Atlantis was eventually destroyed by a great earthquake, scattering its people. The Polynesians, North American Indians, and Aztecs are descendants of the race t h a t once inhabited this now sunken continent. Following the breakup of the red race, the black race took dominance over the known world. They came out of the region known today as Ethiopia and established their supremacy on the Mediterranean shores. This black movement precipitated a migration of the Aryan, or white, race out of Central Asia and into Iran, India, and countries of the Far East. There they established the first Aryan civilization, mixing with the red, black, and yellow races. During this period men gained ascendancy over women in religious knowledge. The ancient scriptures tell us t h a t no one had the right to speak except the rishis and prophets. Women became subjugated and were no longer a p a r t of the religious group, even as priestesses, as they had been in Egypt. Yet here, too, the black race made their women slaves and their priests semigods. In Europe, however, among the white race, women were still an important p a r t of religious life. They were prophetesses at the many oracles, as evidenced by the pythoness, who gave to the Greeks predictions t h a t governed their nation. Female druids went into battle with their German armies, and other women were accepted as rulers of the inner life for their nations and tribes.
The yellow race had its years of supremacy in Asia, but it concentrated its attention within its own borders, and those of Southeast Asia and J a p a n . The white race then overthrew the black cities t h a t had been established on the European coasts, and later invaded North Africa and central Asia. They released the slaves of the black men, who had been forced into helping create an advanced civilization. Part of this advancement was due to the a r t of holy writing, which was the recording of spiritual ideas by means of certain strange hieroglyphic signs on animal skins, stone, or tree bark. It was at this point t h a t ECKANKAR split off from more general teachings. Instead of becoming a written dogma, the ECK teachings continued to be transmitted through oral instruction alone. The ECK Masters occasionally relayed messages to groups of chelas, but more often they chose to h a n d down the knowledge of ECK through secret teachings to an individual student. The knowledge of how to melt iron ore to make weapons, and the use of writing, were taken over by the white race, who h a d conquered the black cities in Europe. The mixing of these two races produced the Semitic peoples, including the Menes, Egyptians, Arabs, Phoenicians, Chaldeans, and Jews. Thus the Middle East became a belt of mixed races, which in t u r n became a great river of philosophical, scientific, and religious thought. Out of this region came the sacred scriptures of the Jewish Torah, the Islamic Koran, and many other beliefs of Semitic origin. Aryan thought produced the Zend-Avesta; Ramayana; the Hindu sacred writings called the Veda; and the writings of Buddhism. All of these sacred writings, which are the ancestors of modern religions and philosophies, sprang from 5
the oral fountainhead known as ECKANKAR. ECK is the all-embracing Force, the spiritual source of everything t h a t comprises life. This is why we follow the path of ECKANKAR, for it is the mainstream and closest to the pure teachings derived from the Ocean of Love and Mercy, or God. Semitic and Aryan thought can be viewed as two great rivers t h a t have flowed down through the ages. Upon both have floated great ideas of mythology, religion, art, science, and philosophy. But the Semitic and Aryan currents have carried two different conceptions of life. The reconciliation and balance of the two is said to be t r u t h , but this is not necessarily so. ECK is the only current of life, and It alone carries the full conception of truth. The Semitic current provides absolutes and superior principles, which is the idea of unity and universality in the name of a supreme principle, called Allah, God, and other names, and how it applies to the unification of the h u m a n family. The Aryan current provides the concept of ascending evolution in all terrestrial and supraterrestrial kingdoms, the richness of advancing development. The basis of Semitic thinking is t h a t Spirit descends from God into man, t h u s becoming the Godman on earth. The Aryan principle is t h a t spirit within man ascends from m a n to God, t h u s unfolding spiritually until Soul becomes one with God. The first is represented by the avenging archangel who descends from heaven with sword and thunder; the other by the spiritually developed Soul who is able to take the elements from heaven to help the h u m a n race in its struggle to have life more abundantly. Man bears these two principles within himself. He thinks and acts under the influence of one or the other 6
in turn, for they are not harmoniously blended within him. They contradict and fight one another on the battleground of our i n n e r feelings, in our subtle thoughts, as well as in our social life and institutions. Hidden beneath our many social forms and mores are the currents which we may call spirituality and naturalism. They influence so many of our arguments and struggles. We can look to the age of Moses in Egypt, where thirty-three hundred years ago the Semitic principles seem to have been born. Approximately two hundred years before, the Aryan race entered India and established its own principles. Both are said to be founders of religions. Both were well acquainted with the rite of initiation, which is the foundation for entering into the spiritual worlds. We can trace the works of both currents down through the ages, seeing the Aryan influence in the tradition of the Vedas, and how it became a higher civilization, spreading westward into Persia, Greece, and finally into the n o r t h e r n countries of Europe. We can also note the route taken by the Semitic teachings, which came through Moses into the Middle Eastern world. These original teachings of J u d a i s m came finally to Jesus. Like Buddha in the East, he then reformed the religious and traditional Semitic beliefs into a modern concept for every man. The outer form, which has become Christianity, has covered much of the globe. Many religious scholars say t h a t the two currents are irreconcilable and will not be united. But they fail to look beyond the outer forms of these two currents. Most scholars - and even some mystics - have a dualistic and perhaps fatalistic attitude toward these two opposing streams of life, proven by the continuing lack of 7
understanding between the Occidental and Oriental worlds. These conflicting streams of thought appear so much in our lives t h a t usually we fail to recognize them. Newspapers, books and discussions are filled with the conflict between the two worlds. And the individual fights his own inner battles over these opposing streams of life. History has proved t h a t the bloody conflicts between most nations come down to the opposing ideas of Semitic and Aryan concepts. I have stated t h a t ECK is the all-embracing Force of life, and our whole elemental living is made up from within the worlds of God. Those seeking the ultimate experience, or God-Realization, have no judgment of which path to take. This is because most individuals do not have a criterion by which to judge their inner experiences. We live too much in the external, always taking the objective, outer viewpoint, to know much about the inner life and its effects upon our spiritual behavior. Most of us are not very good at understanding ourselves. We are like the young woman who told Michelangelo Antonioni, the Italian film director whose films are based upon the spiritually bankrupt world, t h a t she would like to smoke pot in the Basilica of Saint Mark in Venice, Italy, because it would greatly augment her enjoyment of its beauty. There was nothing profane about her desire to smoke marijuana in a sacred spot. She merely wanted to make her aesthetic emotions more intense. But because she was ignorant of the n a t u r a l ways to do it, she chose marijuana, a drug, which is only an artificial means. Drugs are but another mask hiding the true underlying way to God, the path of ECKANKAR. ECK is hidden in all things, but we hardly see It cloaked behind t h e Semitic and Aryan streams of 8
thought. In a way we are like Alice in Wonderland, who upon leaving the Duchess's abode, did not know w h a t direction to take. She asked the Cheshire Cat which way she should walk, and he told her t h a t it depended on where she wanted to go. Alice said t h a t it did not matter as long as she got somewhere, to which the cat replied t h a t she would do so if she only walked long enough. This is how we search for the Divine Reality, God, t h a t Ocean of Love and Mercy. We bumble around taking any path, whether it is Shintoism, Judaism, Christianity, Islamism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, or Jainism. We fumble through the outer forms of religions and the mysteries of the Cabala, the Eleusinian mysteries, and many others. In the end we come to the same conclusion reached by a friend of mine, just prior to her death. After following an Indian guru for years she said, "I have spent over thirty years being a good person, leading a good life, practicing meditation daily, listening to my guru, and following his instructions. I have fasted, been a vegetarian, been chaste, been initiated, done everything given me in the instructions, but I have not advanced spiritually one iota. I have not seen the Light of God nor heard His Voice. W h a t could have gone wrong?" This story is the oldest tale told by a religious follower. Either he takes one path and fails; or he bargain shops, picking over everything possible, and again ends up a failure. This happens because he fails to look behind the facade of all the many masks placed before him. He fails to see the divine ECK with him as the all-embracing Life Current, vitalizing him, lifting him, and trying to say: "Come follow me!" Even many who manage to find ECKANKAR fail because they judge it by their own experience. They 9
have preconceived notions of what it must do for them and are disappointed when these false expectations are not realized. Here too, as in so many other circumstances, the maxim applies: it is not what ECK will do for you, but what you can do for ECK. This is a basic principle of ECKANKAR and forms the foundation of life. Too many of us want life to do something for us. We call upon God to give us material and spiritual things; then, when our prayers go amiss, we are apt to t u r n away to something t h a t seems to offer more in the way of miracles. Another foundation of life is love. This word, like meditation, has unfortunately been so overworked that we are often misled by the clergy and acolytes. We are told to love and love regardless of what happens to us. Yet love is conflict, obvious and natural. There is hardly a piece of literature or sacred writing t h a t is not based on the conquest of happiness, or the effort to arrive at what we call love. It is the struggle t h a t appears to interest those who produce works of art, literature, cinema, and poetry. But who can give any absolute definition of what love is, or even whether it ought to exist? Love can best be classified as a dichotomy. Its opposite is hate - as beauty is the opposite of ugliness and all other abstracts are contained therein. We are not following these abstracts, though, but the highest known force, the all-embracing ECK. Thus the dynamics of ECKANKAR are not included in the works of love so defined, for ECK is the dynamic of the absolute God, the Divine Vortex. When we see It working in others and observe It within ourselves, we find t h a t all life is changed. Reality becomes something quite different from anything t h a t we have been taught, read about, or experienced in the lower worlds of consciousness. 10
When we step into this state of consciousness, life becomes a whole. Nothing remains in the dichotomic pattern; all things are singular. Love as we knew it is nothing - only an offspring of religious teachings and we live in a state of vairag, or detachment. In particular, we experience a mental detachment from love of the world and from all worldly desires. This should not, however, imply asceticism. It means joy in living and not being disturbed by the things of this world. It is something dynamic, and unlike the ideas of the Semitic and Aryan currents t h a t govern this physical world. So far, our definition of ECK r e a d s : The allembracing spiritual force of the SUGMAD which composes life and makes up all elemental substances, including the component p a r t s of Soul. It is the Audible Life Force t h a t we can hear and see with the spiritual vision and objective sight of materialism. ECK created and comprises all the religious ideas of the lower worlds. Art, writing, music, and sculpture a r e only d e v e l o p m e n t s of t h e h i g h e r i d e a l s of ECKANKAR. ECKANKAR serves as a wheel, whose spokes r u n out to the rim upon which the vehicle is carried. This wheel illustrates how the major religions of the world have sprung out of ECK. Named here are twelve spokes in the wheel of ECKANKAR: they are animism, Hinduism, Islamism, Christianity, Judaism, Shintoism, Buddhism, the mystery cults, Jainism, Zoroastrianism, Taoism, and Sufism. The spokes represent each major world religion of importance to individuals today. They can also represent the various philosophies t h a t have grown out of these religions, but there is little need to delineate them. There is ample evidence t h a t none of these 11
The Wheel of ECKANKAR The major religions of the world have sprung out of ECK. Named here are twelve spokes in the Wheel of ECKANKAR: they are animism, Hinduism, Islamism, Christianity, Judaism, Shintoism, Buddhism, the mystery cults, Jainism, Zoroastrianism, Taoism, and Sufism. The spokes represent each major world religion of i m p o r t a n c e to t h e individual today. Also they can represent the various philosophies which have grown out of these religions. None of these religions, which are supposed to give us comfort and succor, is successful with everybody. This is why the teaching of the divine SUGMAD is divided into twelve spokes. We have to go the route to heaven in our own manner, along the path t h a t is best suited for us, eventually entering into ECKANKAR as the final way. 12
religions, which are supposed to give us comfort and succor, are successful with everybody. This is why the teaching of the divine SUGMAD is divided into twelve spokes. Mainly due to our individual training in this world, we have to go t h e route to heaven in our own manner, along the path t h a t is best suited for us; but in the end it's always the path of ECK. Some people have failed in ECKANKAR because they are not yet ready for it. This is mainly due to a lack of spiritual evolution. Many times, too, preconceived ideas about ECKANKAR and misunderstandings of the basic principles in life will obstruct an individual's progress. These preconceived notions are established largely by metaphysical teachers who are giving us the wrong principles of life. They tell us t h a t nothing is impossible; t h a t once we experience God everything becomes well with us, and we can have everything we desire. Such teachings are only broad, general statements, not even worth the paper they are written on for eyes to see and the mind to study. This is the worst kind of pampering for an individual in our modern times. It makes us the target of unscrupulous salespeople who are only looking for commercial values with which to produce r e t u r n s for their own comfort and convenience. Hence, a student of ECKANKAR cannot be bothered with lower laws, except those t h a t must be abided by in order to live within society and with our neighbors. We must look at life through the overall view of ECKANKAR, which sees and knows all things. This is the 360-degree viewpoint t h a t I have spoken of so often throughout the propagation of ECKANKAR. The central issue t h a t must be dealt with now is t h a t too many people look at ECKANKAR as a means only to projection. This is a semantic error made by too 13
many people who have limited their thinking to lowerplane projection, for ECKANKAR has nothing to do with projection. These people have accepted astral projection but stubbornly refuse to see beyond this plane. If we were concerned only with this phenomenon, we would do well to stop right there, for life in the Astral world entails only another limited state of being. We would be as limited in life there as we are limited in the physical body here, on this plane. It is important, therefore, to realize t h a t we are not projecting, but moving from one state of consciousness to other states of consciousness. If from childhood we had been trained to be thieves, then this would be the state of consciousness in which we would live and abide. But if the conditioning within us as thieves were changed to becoming a doctor or a dentist who serves the public, then we would have moved from a lower state to a higher one. This is the moving from one state to another. We are like children who read and dream of leading the romantic life of a pirate, cowboy, or something equally dramatic, but then m u s t return to reality when the school bell rings. We can live in the state of God Consciousness with full awareness, but until we enter into a permanent state of Being, each return to the actual events of our physical lives will be seen to be a letdown. We can move into this state of God Consciousness, but to stay there we must learn to retain our full awareness of it while continuing to carry out the daily affairs of life. Only then can we consider ourselves successful in our attempt at living the life in God. I am trying to give everyone who can read a means to self-evaluation and a method of understanding his inner experiences. It is absurd to put all our energies 14
into books, study, and discussion, for only through our own inner experiences can these things be truly known. No matter how many books we read or how many teachers we listen to, we cannot truly evaluate either unless we know how to judge our own inner experiences. And we cannot judge the insights of the printed page or a teacher's conversation without having first had insight into ourselves. The struggle for life is not only a religious and philosophical one, b u t one of divine knowledge, too. This knowledge provides us with a permanency of understanding and remains an eternal source of happiness. All these things can be learned through the medium of ECKANKAR, the only and universal path to God. When we come to the final analysis of life, we realize t h a t ECKANKAR will provide us with the whole spectrum. It, of itself, is the all-embracing and universal path to God. All others are contained within its fold, and we are the Children of Light and the victims of semantics.
Consciousness Is the Only State Worth Consideration
Master earns the authority to wear his spiritual mantle and to speak with divine confidence and wisdom by establishing himself in the state of God Consciousness. This is the m a r k of the true spiritual Master, of whom I have spoken so often in ECK lectures and seminars. The true spiritual Master is the Sat Guru, the Light bearer for this physical universe. He is sometimes called the Param Sant, the Supreme One, because he has reached the highest possible attainment in supreme God Consciousness. In order to give out t r u t h and knowledge to the chelas traveling the p a t h of ECK, it is necessary to take up the designation of those highly developed ones serving in the spiritual hierarchy of the ancient Order of the Vairagi. These are the ECK Masters. The true ECK Master is a Sat Guru appointed by the Supreme Deity we know as Sat Nam, ruler of the Soul, or Fifth, Plane and all worlds below it. He is the first manifestation of God, the ultimate SUGMAD. Therefore, it is Sat N a m who appoints each Sat Guru 17
on the various planes throughout the spiritual hierarchy. But the Sat Guru in the material universe today, whom we can see and talk with in the physical form, is our chief spiritual a u t h o r i t y He speaks for God on every plane through all the universes, from the lowest negative to the highest spiritual one. His place here is to contact and uplift all humanity. He is the Vi-Guru, responsible only to God, often bypassing Sat Nam. I have given several lectures on this aspect of the true spiritual Master under the title "The Two Faces of the Master," referring to the Inner Master and t h e Outer Master. The Sat Guru is the Son of God. This same expression was used to describe Christ during his stay on earth. The Sat Guru is directly responsible to the Supreme Deity, and it is only he who can bypass all planes to lead the chela into the heavenly worlds again. There is never a time in all the ages of the world that we do not have a Sat Guru with us. It is difficult to understand a Sat Guru, but those following the supreme path of ECK know the true spiritual Master. They know who is leading the world today, who is uplifting and giving spiritual enlightenment in this age. The true m a r k s of the world teacher are given in the discourse series The Precepts of ECKANKAR. A study of these m a r k s will enlighten any chela and help him recognize the true Master. Briefly, we will now take up a study of the different degrees of highly developed persons whom we call spiritual masters. First, we will speak of the mahatma, which is a title often given to the Sat Guru. In India, this title is used very loosely, generally meaning anyone who has attained some degree of religious eminence. M a h a t m a is formed from two words: maha means "great" and atma means "Soul." Thus the word ma18
hatma means "great Soul." A yogi is a m a h a t m a of a much lower degree t h a n a Sat Guru, and a guru is generally much lower on the scale. A yogi practices a certain system of exercises through which he hopes to attain union with God. This practice is called yoga. Union with God is not, however, what we as followers of the path of ECK are seeking. Union with God is but a phrase meaning t h a t the practitioner expects to be swallowed up by the Supreme Deity and become a passive atom, without any self-determination or freedom of choice. This concept forms the basis of the Hindu religious experience. On the other hand, the follower of ECK expects to become a Co-worker with God. He expects to become active in spiritual tasks, with determination and freedom of choice duly awarded him. Accordingly, we m u s t decide whether we want to be influenced by some sort of materiality or go into the heavenly worlds. The majority of yogis, ancient and contemporary, have only reached the first step on the path of ECK. They have scarcely achieved the Astral Plane, yet they do not know this. We m u s t consider t h a t a spiritual system which has gained popularity among the masses may be one of the worst paths to take. Any system t h a t is popular is rarely a true path to heaven. The m a h a t m a s can be divided into several classes. First is the acolyte, one who has reached the first step on the path to the SUGMAD. He is able to dwell in the Astral Plane among the inhabitants of its city, Sahasra-dal-Kanwal. Second is the sadhu, one who has attained the third region. Often, in India, he is considered the thrice born and wears a triple thread on his arm. This is done to show t h a t he has dedicated himself to the quest for 19
spiritual enlightenment, and has renounced all worldly goods and comfort. Third is the sant, or the adept. The adept is one who has not only attained the Soul Plane, but has established himself there. He becomes a master of spiritual knowledge, an agent of God, and is able to move anywhere in the spiritual universes as he desires. The Inner and Outer Master, of whom I have spoken so much, is an adept. The Christians, in their Bible, give the title of Christ to the adept, while the Buddhists call him the Buddha. Many other recognized titles in various religions are fastened to the adept. Fourth is the ECKshar, or the supreme Sant. He has reached the highest attainment in the God region. These degrees of unfoldment into God, let it be pointed out, are not conferred degrees, but are recognized stages of spiritual experiences. They are gained by Soul's ability to stay with the path of ECK, and by paramount faith in the lofty ideals of ECKANKAR. Many religious orders have fixed degrees of spiritual unfoldment into perfection. The Buddhists, for example, confer the title of Bodhisattva unto those who have gone through t h e t e n stages of unfoldment on the path to Buddhahood, or perfection. But the fact t h a t spiritual perfection does not stop with ten stages or even a thousand stages makes this a pseudo claim. There is always a plus element in the attainment of spiritual perfection. There is always another step to take, regardless of the achievement we have made already. If one should attain complete spiritual perfection then he would replace God, and this would be not only impossible and impractical, but highly preposterous. There are many other titles lower on the spiritual scale. These have been adopted and attached to travel20
ers who have had some attainment in the spiritomaterialistic worlds, the Physical, Astral, Causal, and Mental planes. A rishi is one whose development follows a growth pattern similar to t h a t of a yogi. A m a h a rishi is superior to those who have gained the singular title of rishi, but he is not a spiritual Master. The sadhu, the sant, the ECKshar, and the Sat Guru are so far superior to the rishi and the m a h a rishi t h a t there is no comparison. The Vi-Guru is a higher title, and the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master is the highest. Many other titles are given by different religious orders. The murshid, for example, is supposedly a master among the Muslims and Sufis. These titles are often applied, however, to men who are neither saints nor masters. As pointed out earlier, a sant, or master, is one who has reached the fifth region. This is the Soul Plane, sometimes called the Sach Khand. A sant has reached Soul perfection for Self-Realization within the Order of the Vairagi Masters. The M a h a n t a is t h e highest one can go in these lower worlds. He is a Godman, appointed by the divine SUGMAD for the purpose of giving the Nam, the Word, of the initiation. His chief duty is to show those who enter into initiation the road back to heaven again. He also serves as a guide. The Sat Guru is the authority for the SUGMAD. He is what the Christians know in their Gospel as the Son of God. In other words, he is the trinity discussed in the New Testament and other religious writings of the world. He is the one who has reached the stage of the God State. T h a t a u t h o r i t y should be placed upon t h e one who becomes the savior is not unusual. In Egypt the 21
pharaoh of old was both a god and the son of a god, and Krishna, the beloved god of India, was one of countless sun gods. Many men have become gods, and many gods have become men. But the M a h a n t a is the living Light, in the tradition of the ancient sun gods of Asia. He may walk the e a r t h unknown, but still he is the savior god, after the m a n n e r of Osiris, Attis, and Mithra. Like them he belongs by origin to the celestial world; like t h e m he makes his appearance on e a r t h and accomplishes a work of universal redemption. Like the ancient gods Adonis, Osiris, Attis, and Krishna, he often dies a strange death and then is restored to life. As in the tradition of all these sun gods, his advent and the events of his life are predestined. His way is prepared, and the salvation of those who share his suffering and passion for life and freedom is assured. We are the individual embodiment of the trinity, spoken of so much by the Christians. By this I mean t h a t each person is spirit, mind, and body - the three in one and one in three. So it is with God, spirit, mind, and body. Three in one and one in three. Within spirit we find happiness, awareness, and action; in mind there is thought, volition, and seeking; and in body there is the sensual search for happiness. If we dwell in spirit, or Soul, we are living in happiness, for Soul is a happy entity. It is seldom anything else. When the mind presses in on It too strongly, however, Soul withdraws and leaves the body under the tyranny of mind. To enter into the heavenly kingdom, then, we must do it consciously, and in order to do this we must practice our spiritual exercises consciously. We do not bring down the kingdom of heaven but lift ourselves into those spiritual planes. This is all done consciously, by our own volition. In this way we also develop grace, 22
and through this attribute of God comes love for all things. It is states of consciousness t h a t we are working with, nothing else. These states are: (1) spirit, (2) subconscious, (3) mind, and (4) body. Man is the distributor of the divine ECK, but It reaches into the objective world only in accordance with his state of consciousness. This means t h a t if m a n is working with true spiritual power, he will become a channel for It. He can also be a channel for negative power, but this depends entirely upon the state in which he habitually rests. When we begin to enter into spiritual consciousness and by habit live there, we are no longer seeking. It is possible to enter this state with the aid of others. A man can ride into the other worlds on his friends' thought streams, making him a highly spiritual man. But if one within this group begins to doubt or be filled with suspicion, our m a n can also be pushed down to the bottom of the ladder. The a r t of questioning is hardly more t h a n theorizing. Therefore, those who simply r u n from one teacher to another are still dealing in theory and not in practice. Those who ask questions, who read books and other forms of literature, are following theory. Not until one begins to practice and apply the t r u t h s he learns does he s t a r t to succeed in the worlds of ECK. Theory is only the initial step toward reaching the God State. All together there are three important stages in ECK. First, we m u s t study the books, literature, and discourses in order to learn the theory of ECKANKAR. Second, we m u s t put into practice the spiritual exercises laid down in the discourses. This practice must be continued for a long period of time, perhaps for many years, because we cannot learn to discipline ourselves without practice. Third, we must 23
pass through the books and discourses to become initiates. On this level we find t h a t the secret knowledge begins to enter into the consciousness of the initiate without as great an effort as was formerly required. He no longer seeks but j u s t is. A strange phenomenon exists for the neophyte, however, during the first two stages. He must pay for everything he receives, either in the form of money or some other kind of exchange. This is something t h a t must be done, for the seeker is on the lower levels and cannot t h r u s t himself into the highest realms until he has unfolded properly. Once the seeker has passed these first two stages and has entered into the third stage, he no longer leans upon books, discourses, and other writings. But he does have to serve as a channel for the divine ECK to pour down through him into the outer worlds. In this way he is never charged for any knowledge received, be it from books or via a higher state of consciousness. He h a s now become the ECK, of Itself. Everyone understands ECKANKAR according to the level of his own consciousness. This consciousness is established early in life, between the ages of one and six. It is shaped mainly by his mother's teachings and his training, heredity, environment, genealogy, and early educational instructions. The rest of his experiences in life are mostly materialistic pedagogics. Unless an individual is brought into the teachings of ECK, most of the work given him will be scarcely worth anything. Left to himself, the character traits m a n develops for his adult life are apt to be mostly negative and destructive to himself. These traits are held in check only by the social order in which he lives. It is for the above reasons t h a t everybody who listens to or reads about ECK interprets according to 24
his own level of consciousness. A Christian will see in it the light of his training, and a Muslim will look at it through the screen of his particular religious understanding. This all too h u m a n habit h a s caused many ECK Masters to keep the t r u t h of ECK an invisible side of their teachings. The people of their times did not have the right level of consciousness to accept t h e full truth. Water seeks its own level, and the ECK is somewhat the same, for It seeks to express Itself through a state of consciousness which is ready to receive It. The degree of expression will depend upon the level of consciousness. To some people ECK will appear as spiritualism, to others as some form of cultism, and to still others as a highly complex religious body like the Buddhist or Catholic faiths. ECK takes advantage of whatever opening is available to It, be it a single or collective state of consciousness. Outwardly, ECK makes Its appearance wrapped in the rituals, elegant trappings, and utterances of the founders. A closer examination will show, however, t h a t ECK is hidden in the written scriptures and sacred literature of the world's religious bodies. The ECK seeps into every state of consciousness, regardless of its level. In every m a n n e r of experience It will somehow appear, whether It is in diluted form or the full truth. To receive t h e full t r u t h , however, we must experience the supreme state of consciousness. Never is the experience of God decided together. Such depths of knowing come only to the alone with the Alone. This is why those who are known as saviors, savants, men of God, or gurus often look so lonely, especially the eyes. They have seen and felt the suffering of the world races, b u t they are alone. No one can 25
give one of these love or life save the Supreme Deity. Too often the SUGMAD will leave such a one alone to work out his own dark nights of the Soul. This is why ECKANKAR is an individual path. All may travel it, but not as a collective group. Each must go his own way and experience t h a t which is his own. This is also why ECK is usually for the advanced chela, for unless he has gained enough understanding of the ways of ECK, he will always be dependent on the Master. The Master knows t h a t no one in the physical body can escape death, although many are trying to do so. We cannot find anyone on which it never lights, nor anyone who h a s a charm against it. Only a few, only the handful who have learned the secret of ECK, have found t h a t they can escape death; all others must learn to escape the fear of it. Therefore, all we are here concerned with is states of consciousness. When Saint Paul was writing his famous letters recorded in the New Testament, he said in his Epistle to the Ephesians, "All things t h a t are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light." What he is telling us here is t h a t Light is consciousness. Consciousness is one, or what the Hindus speak of as unity, b u t it manifests in millions of forms and levels of consciousness. This is what I was speaking of earlier when I said t h a t the ECK seeks Its own level with whatever state the individual is dwelling in, and accepts t h a t state as p a r t of the divine Spirit, or ECK. There is no separation of consciousness, for the ECK cannot be divided into p a r t s . We are all there is in consciousness, yet few have realized t h a t they exist as a whole, or one. This is the state of self-recognition,
which I have often pointed out as knowing what is. In truth, we find t h a t there is no reality outside ourselves. The state in which one dwells may be good, bad, or indifferent, but it has nothing to do with the wholeness of ECK. We will become t h a t which we conceive ourselves to be. In other words, the consciousness within us will take on the manifestation of whatever we desire ourselves to be, either in form or manifested thought. Consciousness is a law unto itself, which manifests at our command. We are the law and shape our states of consciousness as we desire. Once we establish our states of being in the Higher Self, then we are free from the tyranny of second causes, and free from the belief t h a t causes outside ourselves can affect us. Consciousness is spirit, and the ECK t h a t dwells within us is also consciousness, or spirit. An example of this is the novel. A novel is only a state of consciousness, as is any nonfiction book. Travel to another place is also a state of consciousness, for if home is different from New York, we would expect to find a different state of consciousness there. This is true of any city in the world, and of any foreign country, for customs and traditions lend variety to the different states of collective thought in each one. Now, if m a n has established different levels of consciousness throughout the world, in cities, states, and countries, we have a strong case for declaring t h a t the other spiritual planes are merely states of consciousness, too. This world can be viewed as being an infinite number of states of consciousness. Accordingly, those worlds beyond the physical can be seen as a continuation of these countless levels of consciousness. The lowest states are in the physical world, but they grow 27
brighter and exceedingly more exquisite as we travel through them to the God State. We are not actually traveling, in the normal sense of the word, but we are experiencing what is known as being there. We know this. Nothing can change our faith and happiness in this knowledge. It is again a recognition of the state we are dwelling in, and the realization t h a t we shall never separate ourselves from this state. The worlds beyond are states of consciousness that we move into as Souls, not bodies. We never travel in the Astral, Causal, or Mental bodies, but always as Soul, the real self. This is the reality of life and must be accepted as such. In Soul Travel, what we are really working with are the fields of awareness and recognition. When we enter into the next plane, we become aware of it, recognize whatever is there for us to view, and retain complete perception of t h a t world. We are free to choose our own states of consciousness as dwelling places, but we usually end up crying to be saved from the state of our choice. All of these states are lifeless until we enter into them and become one with each. This is the whole secret of life: to enter into a state of consciousness and become one with it. Therefore, when we enter into the Astral world, we become one with it, or achieve unity with it as a state of being. If we instead project there in the Astral body, the silver cord will be p a r t of the equipment we will have to take along. If we move into this state via Soul Travel, however, we are free of any excess baggage such as the silver cord. We are traveling as free agents. Let me point out once more, though, t h a t we are not traveling in the usual sense of the word, but experiencing self-recognition, and living in the sense of the desire fulfilled. Therefore, if we desire to dwell on any of the 28
other planes - or even in the state of God Consciousness - we m u s t live with the attitude of t h e wish fulfilled. This is the knowingness t h a t makes all things come true. Travel such as this is known as inner movement. Our inner self is as real in the subjective world as the physical body is in the world of external things. But the inner self expresses a far more fundamental p a r t of consciousness. This inner self is like the outer one, though, for it must be consciously directed and disciplined through the Spiritual Exercises of ECK. The subjective world of thought and feeling is attuned to the spiritual self of man. It has its own structure and contains living entities. The movement of the spiritual self, Soul, is always causal. What moves It is the inner action t h a t we desire to apply for the subjective experience. All this subjective movement is caused by the action taking place independently of outer body action. In this way movement is made possible on any plane, because the outer body can never follow. It is only the independent action of the subjective self t h a t is in motion and has freedom. This is w h a t makes the Master different from one who has not yet reached this state of perfection. The Master h a s control over his inner body and can move it anywhere without obstacles and barriers standing in the way. The person who is not trained will allow himself to be carried away by negativity, which will bring him under the control of the Kal forces. He is likely to be filled with negative, mechanical chattering and be disturbed over many things arising on the outer. He cannot obtain the proper subjective experiences because he cannot control himself inwardly. This is why I have repeatedly stressed t h a t discipline brings freedom. 29
Once we find the key to controlling the motion of the inner self, then freedom becomes our state of consciousness. We have freedom of choice: to make any decision, travel in any world, and become one who dwells in the God State constantly. This is why I keep emphasizing the importance of the Spiritual Exercises of ECK. For even though many people go through the steps offered them, there are still those who feel t h a t because nothing comes with a few trial efforts, either they are not ready for Soul Travel or the exercises are not the least bit worthy of practice. It is not at all unusual for someone to express dissatisfaction because they practiced the first exercise for two days and nothing came of it. This is the lazy man's way of doing things. We do not expect to attend school for a mere two days and learn the whole of geometry. Relatively few learn the discipline of ECK within so short a period of time. The struggle between the two orders of the world keeps going on, and we are quite overcome by what we term the outer, or negative, self, which takes control of our actions. Therefore, to be in possession of ourselves and have our freedom, it is imperative that we take on the difficult task of self-discipline. Unless we do so there will never be any freedom, and we shall lack the opportunity of inner movement into the higher states of consciousness. When we come to the realization that spirit is the underlying cause of all effects, other bits of learning fall into place. Among these is the knowledge t h a t we can have no dependency on either persons or things, but only on the ECK. It is this inner power t h a t will shape our whole lives and become manifested through our states of consciousness into the outer world. 30
To reach this state we do not use denials, affirmations, prayer, rituals, nor any of the many other traditional forms of outer discipline. None of these can help us, for we must strive to reach perfection through the Spiritual Exercises of ECK. Tradition, habit, customs, environment, and heredity will imprison anyone, leaving him unable to do the work in disciplining the inner self. Let me stress t h a t this is not a mental discipline. It is a discipline of the emotional feelings and imaginative forces. If one faithfully follows the spiritual exercises, he will see them taking over in this continued contest between willpower and the imaginative forces. In the end we find t h a t the imagination will win, always, for it is the generator of emotion. This is what self-discipline entails; the control of the subjective self. But it will not take place until the control we place over it is strict, for imagination can also bring fear, unhappiness, and all the negative qualities of life. We must always remember, though, t h a t under control it can give us love, freedom, and happiness. Therefore, if I should say t h a t my kingdom is not of this world, I would mean t h a t I live in t h a t state of consciousness where everything is beauty, Light, and Sound. Anyone who reaches this state realizes that he will be under constant attack from the negative force, which would like to pull him back down. This is why those living in the higher states are able to give love in return for the assaults on themselves from loved ones and strangers. They know t h a t they must in order to retain t h a t plane of existence. Consciousness is therefore the only state we know worth consideration in our study of ECK.
The Ways Truth Reaches All People and Things
ruth has its own peculiar way of reaching the objective world through the individual consciousness of every living thing. This includes the consciousness of minerals, plants, and animals, as well as man. The supreme SUGMAD pervades the macrocosm with ITS Name, or Word, which we call the ECK. God, or the SUGMAD, is also present in the microcosm. ITS Name, the ECK, though all-pervading, cannot be experienced by the physical senses of any living thing. It must be experienced via the consciousness. If this is so, then we m u s t realize t h a t the real spiritual form is distorted by the senses. The mind experiences the objective world through the physical senses. Therefore, the inner universe cannot be realized unless we are able to separate Soul from the mind and the physical senses, and visualize Truth directly. This is possible if one follows the path of ECK. ECK can be the universal path of man, but he makes it difficult. This difficulty is caused largely by 33
a lack of knowledge t h a t it exists and lack of will to follow it. These two difficulties, however, are easily solved by the appearance of the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master, who has followed the true path and realized Truth. No m a n has solved the problems of life by philosophy, religion, or mysticism. Regardless of what so many in these three fields of spiritual endeavor have said or written, none have been able to give Truth. The totality of spiritual experience lies in the h e a r t of the ECK. It is only when one has entered into the ECK and become the instrument of God t h a t he knows about Truth. T r u t h uses m a n for Its divine purpose by entering into his lower consciousness and enlightening him. This is done for the purpose of evolving man spiritually so t h a t he can continue to unfold. Truth lifts man through the veils of daily death. Each time we pass the veil of death into another plane beyond the physical, we die in the lower state of consciousness. A new concept of life is born, and we are given a deeper and broader view of all things beyond the h u m a n senses. And, when we have reached the end of the road in this life, we must pass on into the great beyond with no fear of death. Through the preparatory experience of daily death we act with a natural tendency to accept other planes as p a r t of our eternal journey. Occasionally I receive letters from persons who are j u s t embarking upon what we call old age. They are fearful of death because to them it represents nothing but a dark world, one in which there is only black nothingness. They understand death only as stepping across the line of physical life into something unknown, much as the ancient people believed t h a t be34
yond the Rock of Gibraltar was only a world of nothingness. I have always tried to get it across to these people that the greatest adventure lies beyond life in the physical body, and t h a t all of us have the opportunity to explore this world provided we take up the Spiritual Exercises of ECK and practice them faithfully. Only when we have learned the knack of leaving the physical consciousness to enter the higher states can we know that death is but a door to the universal worlds. Those who become skilled in the practice of ECK will be happy people, for it is by crossing the bar of death that one meets his inner Master and learns the t r u t h of what lies beyond. Those with this ability are taught to become masters of all inner planes, and at the death of the physical bodies of their loved ones, they are able to save t h e m from fear, pain, and torment by taking them across the bar of death to the higher spheres. There is a vast difference between those who have been initiated in ECKANKAR and those who have not, which shows up at the death of either. The initiated go into the heavenly worlds, but the uninitiated remain within the cycle of birth and death to reap the good or bad harvest of their deeds. The seat of Soul in the waking state is located at a focus behind the two eyes, known variously to us as the Tisra Til, the Third Eye, or the Tenth Door, though it is perhaps most commonly referred to as the Spiritual Eye. To travel in the subtle, spiritual worlds, the mind and Soul must first be collected and our attention fixed on this spot. It is the window between the physical and spiritual worlds. Sometimes the t h o u s a n d c u r r e n t s of spiritual forces in the Astral Plane, which gives energy to and
supports our Physical Plane, are called the thousandpetaled lotus, or the thousand-headed serpent. But to those who have not developed their Spiritual Eye, these forces may appear to be a single, spiritual flame. A pale, outer manifestation of this still exists in churches and temples where candles burn in imitation of the astral flame. The ringing of bells in places of worship is also a copy of the transcendental bell t h a t represents the sound of the Astral Plane. Man is a microcosm of the vast macrocosm comprising all of creation. As the greater consciousness seeps into the smaller consciousness via whatever opening it may have, so does the universal penetrate the personal. And, when the latter is hardened or filled with negative power, it must be opened in some m a n n e r t h a t will allow the macrocosm to fill it with spiritual forces. There is another aspect, however, which interests us even more. This is the inner, mystical experience brought on by the movement of Soul. As we read about the experiences of those who have left their h u m a n state of consciousness and ascended into higher states, we learn t h a t it is possible for most persons to have similar experiences. These higher states, the true spiritual planes above the Soul world, are beyond the duality of the physical. Here we do not find good and evil, ugliness and beauty. All things are indivisible, all-comprehending, and alltranscending. Realization of the God State is not a neutral or indifferent state. It is the combination of all ecstasy, knowledge, and love in the purest and most concentrated essence. Once we have transcended all lower planes and entered into the true God World, we discover Its illumination and divine consciousness in everything. Within the diversity of physical and psychic phenomena we 36
discover this true, hidden unity, this singular p a r t of God working in all things. We now know and see the God force in everything. By this time, however, we have gone beyond all desires, and our deeds are performed without any desire for personal gain. Therefore, we need not seclude ourselves on great mountaintops, in caves, or in the jungle to give up desire. During Soul's travel in the upper worlds, It experiences t r u t h s beyond the intellectual grasp of man. When we try to use words to describe these experiences, however, anyone who has not known Soul Travel will find what seems, to him, to be great contradictions. There are no contradictions in these t r u t h s , but because they are t r u t h s revealed at different levels of consciousness, they may appear to contradict each other. Absolute Truth is known only in the h e a r t of the SUGMAD. But how many of us will ever reach this level of pure reality? The higher we go, the truer is our view of God. The t r u t h s of any individual plane remain forever true for t h a t plane, but these t r u t h s are always superseded by the t r u t h s of the higher planes. Truth, therefore, is relative on each plane to the ultimate Reality. One question always comes up with every neophyte on the path of ECK: Could he do better with Soul Travel by learning self-hypnotism? The answer is no. The work of ECK involves, as said before, fixing the attention on some inner point within ourselves. Now, we know t h a t concentration is required in hypnotism, clairvoyance, and other forms of occult practice, but these practices do not yield any spiritual unfoldment, nor even any spiritual knowledge. They are merely offshoots of ECK. The graduated scales of T r u t h mentioned above are often the downfall of many seekers after God. This is
true of the various religions of the world. The spiritualists, for example, establish their heaven in the Astral world. It is called the Summerland, and most followers of this movement go no farther t h a n that when they die. Similarly, the Christian religion has established its heaven on the Fourth, or Mental, Plane, where most of its followers dwell in a place called Paradise after they leave this world. None of them, not even the great s a i n t s , h a v e traveled much beyond this particular abode. On closer examination, the Fourth Plane appears to be the heaven for most orthodox religions. The followers of Judaism, Islamism, Buddhism, Taoism, Bahaism, Jainism, Shintoism, Sikhism, and Mithraism, to name but a few, adopt this plane of existence after quitting their physical bodies. An important thing to remember at this point is t h a t when any m a s t e r or founder of a religion leaves this world, t h a t religious body loses its divine spark. This is because the founding master acts as the polarity between his own followers and God. In a m a n n e r of speaking, he is God manifested on earth. Without him there is no linkup between the Supreme Power and the remaining disciples. In the case of true religious groups, we find that when a master leaves his bodily form he no longer has anything to do with the world of physical matter. Generally he is succeeded by another, and those who are ready to follow t h e new master will go to him. In the case of ECK, however, it matters little whether one's Master has gone beyond or not. The Living ECK Master is always ready to serve whoever wishes to follow him into the worlds beyond. When an individual develops some sort of religion through priests, creeds, and organizations, it is hardly 38
more than an outer form. Few who follow such a path will find the way to enter into the kingdom of heaven as taught by all ECK Masters. Only the Living ECK Master has the key to the secret kingdoms. We must sacrifice the world and our gross self before we can have a glimpse of the lofty T r u t h and Absolute Reality. But this supreme sacrifice is not the renunciation of physical life as we have lived it, as it is so often misconstrued. It is the renunciation of the mind and its hold upon us. Those who are worldly minded are seldom able to perform these transcendent travels to other planes. Before we can experience Soul Travel we must be purified. To do so we must uplift ourselves through association with the Master, and through reading and listening to his discourses. Conventional religions do not require this of their practitioners, but satisfy only those who look upon spiritual inquiry as a secondary thing to the life they live daily. Upon examination we find three types of consciousness. First is sound sleep, in which there is no awareness or consciousness of anything. This is lowest on the scale, and what we call death consciousness. Animals often use it when attacked by larger and stronger animals. We ourselves are guilty of this, on occasion. When we wish to avoid certain elements of life we will often fall into this state of unconsciousness. The second type of consciousness is dream consciousness, in which we have vague awareness. During this dream state everything is often disjointed and disorderly, and when we awaken we are commonly unaware of what has taken place. It is usually characterized by the absence of any control over the will. Consciousness becomes clearer in the waking state. In this condition we find our experiences are consistent 39
and our perceptions clearer. We know what our situation may be, though our knowledge is based upon appearances. But, in accordance with the spiritual reality, we are still without conception of Truth. We are only working with the intellect, which is the highest faculty on this plane but also very unreliable. The next ascending step is the immortal state. Once we have taken this step we have consciousness of the higher planes, where all things are subtle and Truth is the Ultimate Reality. At this stage the brain and the physical organs cease to operate, even as they do in sleep or a trance. The True Self takes over, and only by our spiritual senses do we function within these worlds. This final step is gained only by Soul Travel. There are likewise three major divisions in the whole of creation. These are the material worlds, the spirito-material worlds, and the pure spiritual regions. The material universe, called the Pinda, consists of six planes of subtle matter. These planes constitute the psychic chakras t h a t are so well known in the yoga philosophy. Unfortunately, these have been mixed up and hashed over by so many writers with only secondh a n d knowledge of the Oriental religions t h a t we scarcely know anything about this system. For our information, however, these six planes or chakras are the six nerve ganglions in the spine corresponding with the psychic centers of the lower universe. The lowest of t h e s e is t h e a d h a r c h a k r a , or mulchakra. It is the four-petaled lotus, centered at the rectum and light red in color. It is the seat of the earth element and the first stage of the yogis. The sound to be used here is kaling. Next is the swadhistana, or indri, chakra. It is focused at the reproductive organs and represents the creative powers. It is the water element and the second 40
stage of yoga. The sound repeated here is onkar. It is within the swadhistana chakra t h a t the kundalini lies wrapped in sleep, waiting for the right concentration to arouse it. The practice to control this force is called Kundalini Yoga, and the light for this center is yellowish. It is also known as the six-petaled lotus. The third center is called the manipurak, or nabhi, chakra, or the eight-petaled lotus. Here the light is blue, and it is the seat of the fire element. It is located opposite the navel in the spinal cord, and it represents the sustaining and nourishing power. The manipurak chakra is the third stage in the practice of yoga, and the sound repeated is hiring. Fourth is the a n a h a t a chakra, which is t h e twelvepetaled lotus. The a n a h a t a chakra is focused on the heart center and represents the destructive power. It is also the breath center and the seat of the air element. The light in this fourth stage of yoga is whitish, and the sound to be repeated here is sohang. Fifth is the vishudha, or kanth, chakra, which is the sixteen-petaled lotus. It is concentrated at the throat and is the seat of the ether element. The color here is purple, and the sounds the yogis use for repetition are shring or ashtang. The sixth plane is represented by the dodal chakra. It is the two-petaled lotus and is black and white in color. It is located behind the two eyes and is the sixth stage of the yogis. The dodal chakra is ruled by the mind element, and is opened by a repetition of the word Aum. The sixth chakra is the seat of Soul in the waking state. Its resting place is the Third Eye, the Tisra Til, as mentioned earlier, and it is above the six centers of material creation. It is from this place of rest t h a t the chela must come forth in his Atma Sarup, or Soul body, 41
to meet the awaiting Master and travel with him in the higher worlds. The word to use here is HU. Those who are on the path of ECK never go below this chakra. They know t h a t for real spiritual experience they must ascend from the Tisra Til into the planes of pure Spirit. Here is the world of the gods, where heroes of myth and legend live. They are not there to be worshiped, though; they are there to render service unto the chela. Brahm, Vishnu, and others must serve him, for they are, in a m a n n e r of speaking, servants of Soul. Here Soul, in the company of the Master, travels across the starry sky to the Moon Worlds, and from these to the Lightning Worlds, which the Vedanta religionists mention. But past all this, travel Soul and Master, to the first plane we call the Astral. And beyond this It goes through the Causal and Mental Planes to the Soul Plane, where begin the worlds of pure Spirit. Above the Spiritual Eye is the last subtle opening for Soul to leave the body without descending to the spirito-material chakras. This is called the crown chakra by the yogis. Others call it the thousand-petaled lotus. But it is the last place for Soul to leave the body, and the easiest place to succeed with Soul Travel. No m a n can enter into the heavenly spheres with his mind on things of the objective world; neither can he have any experience with God should his thoughts be with anything on t h e Astral, Causal, or Mental planes. We must close the nine doors of the objective world and concentrate upon the tenth or eleventh door. The nine doors of the outer worlds are: the two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, the mouth, the sex organs, and the rectum. These are the openings, or doors, in the body which can hold communication with the external 42
world. When one practices the Spiritual Exercises of ECK, all attention m u s t be withdrawn from these lower doors and placed upon the Spiritual Eye. When all the outer world has been closed out, and even in the inner world of our thoughts our attention is fixed unwaveringly at the Tisra Til, then we are ready to step across the invisible veil between the objective and subjective worlds. We should lose all feeling and sensation of the existence of the body. This point at the root of the nose, the Spiritual Eye, is the tenth door of the body through which Soul passes into the worlds beyond. This is the subtle door t h a t must be opened to let us enter into the worlds of the invisible, which is the realm of God. We look out through this door at the other worlds like a child who stays by a window watching the birds in the garden. His longing and hope to get through the window and play in the garden is magnified by his own imagination of what pleasures await him outside. We must apply this same principle in Soul Travel. We must desire to reach the inner worlds and imagine the enjoyment we will have in each. When Soul passes through the spiritual window, It enters first into the Astral world, which is a much finer universe t h a n the one in which the physical body lives. We cannot see this world with physical eyes, but instead we view everything on this plane with astral senses. This is true also of every higher plane we pass into: we view each plane with the senses of t h a t plane. The chela proceeds through subplanes known as the Sun Worlds, the Moon Worlds, and finally into the Lightning Worlds, which constitute the beginning of the pure Astral worlds. This is conceived by many yogis to be the supreme heavenly world, and Jot Niranjan, the ruler of this world, is likewise considered to be the 43
Supreme Being. Many religions regard this world as the supreme heaven, because they do not know any better. Between the Sun Worlds and the Moon Worlds there exists a zone of the pure Astral Plane called the Ashta-dal-Kanwal. When the chela enters this zone, his whole life changes. Here he meets with the Living ECK Master in his N u r i Sarup, or Light body. The Master will appear j u s t as he does in physical life, except now his body is brilliantly illuminated. The chela is received with much joy, and from this moment on they are never separated through their journey to still-higher regions. Up until this time most of the chela's success with Soul Travel has been small. Now, however, there is a change. No longer does he need to sit performing the spiritual exercises and repeating the zikar, for now he can enjoy the presence of the Master constantly. The perfect vision of the Master is much more effective t h a n the zikar for concentration. This phenomenon is called the Dhyana, when the very sight of the Master inspires tremendous affection. It is now t h a t the Sound Current will make contact with the chela in Its greatest manner. The chela will find himself listening to It with intensity and being delightfully absorbed in It. From then onward his progress will be steady and accelerated. The Dhyana and the Sound Current, or Bani, as It is more commonly called, go together. Both are interlaced into one another until it is almost impossible to separate them. When we go beyond the spirito-material planes, we enter into the true spiritual worlds t h a t comprise the h e a r t of God. Only by the use of ECK can we take the straight road to this absolute kingdom. All other prac44
tices leave us in the lower worlds, because the vehicle they use is not purely spiritual. The ECK makes use of a true spiritual entity, and consequently gets us access into the pure spiritual regions. Whoever is properly initiated into the mysteries of ECK by a perfect Adept may easily scale spiritual heights t h a t are inaccessible to those who follow any other path to God. All religions regard reality from their own viewpoint, and therefore they frequently end up with a onesided look. This is because none of them are free of maya or the negative forces. When we deal with the negative, we find t h a t we are really dealing with the Kal Niranjan, the personification of the negative. And maya is, of course, the veil of illusion. The entire Pinda universe is a huge prison with many rooms and cells. Our warden is the Kal Niranjan. But our true home is in the Sach Khand, our name for the secret Kingdom of God. The Kal Niranjan does not want to let any of his subjects be free to enter t h e spiritual worlds, nor does he want us to travel in our Light bodies toward GodRealization. The Kal makes us believe t h a t things are going to be better in this world by conjuring up prophets and moral, social, and political reformers who continually attempt to set the world right. But these are the agents of the Kal. They act only with his power and only make their reforms within his prison walls. None of them can tell us our real destiny is in the Sach Khand, for they themselves are unaware of it. The ECK Masters, on the other hand, come from outside this prison to liberate all Souls from the Kal's possession forever. It is with the help and grace of these Masters t h a t we leave this dark land of illusion and begin the journey homeward again. 45
Despite all the comforts provided by the Kal, we cannot leave his world for those higher until the Master releases us and takes every Soul away from it. Until this is done, the cycle goes on in the Kal's dominion, and Souls living there have no true peace. An ECK Master will not teach us how to improve this world, even as the social and political reformers try, but he will wisely teach us how to leave it by going out of the physical state and into the heavenly ones. From time to time incarnations of the gods appear in this world to reestablish righteousness, to protect the good and destroy the wicked. But their reforms, like those of the prophets who occasionally reappear, are all in the sphere of morality. None of them take us to the Absolute Reality. These incarnations are known to us as the saviors. Many of them, like Jesus, Krishna, and Zoroaster, have been the founders of world religions. Yet none of them are able to take us into our true home with the Supreme Deity. The history of this planet is filled with the incarnations of prophets, saviors, and reformers who have tried to straighten out the world. But above all these we find t h a t the ECK Masters are the true agents of God and t h a t they come from the h e a r t of the Divinity. They are merciful and filled with compassion for those trapped in the meshes of the Kal power. They are free from the law of the Kal t h a t binds most Souls to the prison of earth. They are not concerned with good or evil or the laws of karma, but with the totality of God. They are true Godmen who come to show us how to transcend the morality and iron shackles of these lower worlds. The Kal and his chief manifestation - maya, or illusion - have in their power all men, angels, gods, magicians, priests, cults, yogis, m a h a t m a s , sages, 46
mursheeds, and m a h a rishis. Only the Sat Guru and the Vi-Guru are agents of t h e P u r u s h o t t a m a , t h e supreme creative energy. This energy is known as spiritual power. Self-Realization followers who take much of their teachings from the yoga of Patanjali put immense faith in the three gunas: sattva, rajas, and t a m a s light, motion, and darkness. But these are aspects of the Universal Mind Power and proof of the workings of the Kal. As followers of ECK we m u s t go beyond all things of the lower worlds, which include the mind, and be a p a r t of the realm of God. The ECK Masters live in sublime humility, remaining practically unknown to the masses, who consider ordinary prophets, reformers, and mystics to be the higher beings. Social and political reformers make great names for themselves in this world and become gods for the people. But the Masters are hardly ever either recognized or followed, except by a few. There are four classes of students on the path of ECKANKAR: 1. Those who read and talk about the discourses but do not practice the spiritual exercises. They expect instant success with scarcely any effort. These people are leaners and w a n t everything to be done for them, instead of having to do something for themselves. This is, however, the stage of their spiritual growth, and perhaps they should not be in the study of ECK. 2. Those who study the discourses and listen to the Master but, not being completely successful, become restless and take up the study of other works. These may get a glimpse of the transcendent realms but they are never at home in them. 47
3. Those who obey the Master and follow him completely but do not have the spiritual unfoldment to get into the h e a r t of the secret kingdom. They are faithful and they try, but the Master will not force their unfoldment, as such action would only ultimately slow their progress. 4. Those who have attained the freedom to travel into j t h e absolute center of God and have made their permanent home there. Here are developments one can more readily recognize in people. These are: (1) Those who talk about God and the divine wisdom without having attained either by inner enlightenment. These people have many questions and want to have meetings with other persons. (2) Those who do the Spiritual Exercises of ECK with zeal and earnestness, putting their h e a r t s and interest into the works. This path brings to those who follow it a spiritual realization of God. (3) Those who have reached the stage of ultimate Truth and have the ability to dwell in the higher planes. This is the ultimate goal of ECK. It is attained only after one has completed the second stage of development and has made his home in the subtle spiritual realms. Those in ECK who have reached this position are known as the ECKshar, for they live in the ethereal regions of God. They have become the ECK and will adopt a body only during the hours of the day when they have to deal with the people of this physical universe. Those who travel the p a t h of ECK must be bold and adventurous. The hardships are great until the t r u e worlds are entered. But in order to reach this higher level of spiritual consciousness each Soul is required to go through the trials of fire and water in the inner worlds. As the acolyte treads the path of ECK, his old concepts of God die within and a new understand48
ing comes into his life. He dies to his old life and is reborn to the new. The Mahanta looks upon all individuals as perfect Souls who have not recognized their t r u e selves. It is his responsibility to help each Soul to both regain Itself and learn to take advantage of the opportunity to reach heaven again. The M a h a n t a flatly states t h a t the concepts of orthodox religion are wrong in t h a t we do not have to wait for the death of the physical body to reenter heaven. And not only can we do it daily, but we can also dwell there while retaining use of the body on earth. Therefore, those following the path of ECK are not interested in the metaphysics of religions, nor the philosophies of man. Their attention is riveted on the higher worlds, for they know t h a t anyone who desires it can obtain Jivan Mukti, or salvation here and now. Those immersed in world religions say this cannot be done, but the ECK Masters assure us t h a t the opportunity is always awaiting those truly interested in trying to obtain this supreme goal. Unless we find the SUGMAD now, in this life, and reach those subtle spiritual planes while still living in the physical body, what guarantees the religionists' claim t h a t we can do so following physical death? Therefore, we should not place all our hopes in receiving salvation after death, but continue to search here for the transcendental secrets, and in this life dwell in the knowledge of the Ultimate Reality. We should understand t h a t the religions, philosophies, and creeds of this world represent little more t h a n death cults, for never does salvation occur here on earth, but always in some heavenly kingdom after death. Beliefs like these made it a common practice among the primitive Christians to seek death in any m a n n e r possible, 49
that they might enter into their promised salvation. The Muslims were taught to believe in a delightful paradise where man was given all that he had missed in his earthly life. Both liberation from this world and life in the secret kingdom of God are possible in this lifetime. It all depends upon us.
Unlocking the Key to the Spiritual Worlds
CK cannot be resolved with any religion or philosophy at the mind level. It is always in conflict with the many teachings and preachings of this world. This is true and will always remain so because neither religions nor philosophies are able to go above the mental level. Consequently, until one breaks through into the higher regions, this conflict is never resolved. The Living ECK Master can lead the chela through this mental level provided he is allowed to do so. But as long as the chela does not accept the ECK teachings as truth, there will always be dissension within him, the feeling t h a t nothing is right. He will battle with himself and fight against both the t r u t h and the Living ECK Master, until he is completely exhausted. When the chela reaches this state of utter mental and physical fatigue from chewing over points and arguing with others about spiritual matters, then he is apt to take one of two courses. He has come to the fork in the road. Here he must decide whether he wants to go to the left, thus quitting the path of ECK, or the right, which is accepting it fully. 51
Should he quit and take the left-hand road, it would lead him into a state of confusion and floundering. As he tried to travel it, he would find his way beset with obstacles t h a t he would have to overcome. In a very real sense, his state would be t h a t of Christian in Pilgrim's Progress, who met with every means possible in the hands of the negative power to stop him from traveling the road to God. Should he take t h e right-hand path leading directly to God, he would find he must give up every preconceived notion in his life t h a t had been formed since childhood. He would surrender himself to God. He would give up everything within himself and be guided by the mystical power of the ECK. Because of Its greater wisdom and Its u n d e r s t a n d i n g of the weaknesses and strengths of the individual chela, the ECK will take all who surrender to Its guidance into God-Realization. This is the key to the spiritual worlds. We must surrender to the ECK, and It will give us everything in life. None can deny this, but many will argue so fiercely against this method t h a t they will appear to be driven out of their minds at times. The struggle between the mind powers and the ECK is very severe at times. It is more so in men t h a n in women. Now we have reached the h e a r t of the problem of opening the way into the spiritual worlds, for frankly, metaphysics is all theory. It involves very little practice except on a mental level, and many times this amounts to hardly anything for those seeking the higher consciousness. Repetition of words and phrases from sacred scriptures is good, for it opens the consciousness and allows the ECK to flow through. It also raises the vibrations of those who practice such methods. But there is a limit to 52
this: the whole key lies in whether the individual practicing this method h a s the necessary awareness to be successful at it or the patience to develop this awareness. The study of metaphysics creates a lot more problems t h a n it solves, for those who teach the mind-level religions are hindering their students r a t h e r t h a n helping them. They give the student a lot of sophisticated data and drop it into his lap without saying anything more. This creates a barrier between the student and the point of surrender, and also fosters arguments with the teacher and other students on the mental levels. I have said many times t h a t every individual is on a different level in all departments of their lives. The Jeffersonian theory t h a t all men are created equal is wrong. We do not all hold the same state of awareness for many reasons, the chief one being t h a t in this life we are concerned with environmental awareness. This is true also, to a large extent, in the spiritual worlds. We do not hold the same spiritual environmental awareness as others do, but as I have often said, everyone is different. Therefore, I must give each one a different approach into the h e a r t of God. Each of us must find his own way, but I will point out the way. I cannot give you God-Realization, but I can offer the opportunity to reach this stage of spiritual development. It is in the nature of woman to surrender, and consequently more women t h a n men will give up everything for the ECK. The life of a woman is usually governed by the invisible things of life, mainly love, while a man tends to be active and violent, to conquer, plunder, and challenge. He is mostly concerned with life, and to him love is more or less an episode. He feels important when physical and spiritual love are united 53
within him, t h a t is, when he is conscious of his masculinity in association with the creative powers. To m a n this is t h e t r u e definition of living in the spiritual heights. The spiritual key we are about to discuss is a paradox within this physical universe. When we consider it, we must remember one thing: t h a t spiritual virtues do not reign in this world except by strong personalities. Sometimes these people are unsuccessful at exerting their positive influence in a world ruled by negative forces. Therefore, it is usually the Living ECK Master who is able to overcome any manifestations of the Kal power. The key itself lies in t h e element of nonattachment. We know t h a t in this physical universe violence begets violence, but kindness and other spiritual virtues will not always beget spiritual virtues. This is because each is an aspect of the higher law. The same holds true for love, for love of itself will not beget love. To understand this, take a look at the saviors of the world. J e s u s Christ, for example, was not universally loved by the peoples of his day. He was, in fact, a very hated figure, because he was stirring up too much trouble with the Romans and upsetting the social structure of the Jews. This is indeed an example of love begetting hatred. It all comes back to one thing, and t h a t is t h a t we are living in a negative world, which very few people realize. Too many are being told t h a t love will get them everything in this life, which is not exactly true. While this is an ideal way of living, at the same time it is not very practical. I am not saying t h a t a person should live a life of distrust and hatred, but I do think we must realize t h a t love is not the way. Nonattachment is the only real key to living in this physical universe. If we 54
learn this, our lessons are completed and our karmic burdens will pass away. When a person enters into this life to study ECK, he must remember t h a t his ideal is freedom, and not love so much as nonattachment. This is the vairag state, in which we are detached from worldly desires and, in particular, a mental love of the world. This does not imply asceticism, which is to reject all material things and live in a state of non-being - like a vegetable - and think only of God. This is the key to the spiritual worlds. This is w h a t unlocks the door and gives us the entry into the Kingdom of God and the glories of heaven. The state of successful detachment from a love of worldly things is what the ECK Masters have reached. They are members of the ancient Order of Vairagi Masters, and if any of them need to live here in the physical realm, they can accept social responsibility while at the same time remaining detached from all things. This is a difficult state to reach, but when one does, he becomes free of all material life. He has successfully achieved t h a t level of spiritual development so many are striving to reach. It will take others longer, according to their level of spiritual development. We enter the path of ECK knowing t h a t life gives us what we take from it. If we t a k e detachment or spiritual unfoldment, then all will go well and the key is ours to unlock the heavenly kingdom. Thus the ECK is not an idea image, but an ideal one. We are always unfolding and striving to enter into this image of idealism, and it is for this reason t h a t nobody nor anything - be it in this material world or in the spirit worlds - can defeat one who is submerged in the ECK. The ECK takes care of Its own, protects and loves us with Its omniscience, omnipotence, and 55
omnipresence. It acts as an ideal and brings all Its forces into play against those who try to take advantage of or h a r m Its followers. It is for this reason t h a t the Living ECK Master is so important. He is the true channel for the ECK within this world, and like all other men on this physical plane, he consists of a mortal physical body and an immortal body. This mortal body is subject to the laws of n a t u r e and m u s t function accordingly. It must be fed, washed, and taken care of so t h a t the best use can be made of it. The Living ECK Master uses this physical vehicle to give his message to the world. It forms the outer messenger and serves those who are seeking the true path to God. The physical body is, in fact, the instrument of the ECK, serving Its purpose in this world. And, interestingly, it is not immune to any of the ailments t h a t attack us upon the physical plane. Many people believe t h a t a spiritual master is free from all harm, disease, and the problems that beset the rest of humanity. But this is in no way true. If it were so, then many of the masters would not have been martyred, died of disease, or been killed while preaching the message of God. Few of the saints died free from violence. R a m a k r i s h n a left his physical body due to cancer of the throat; Krishna, the Christ of India, was killed by his enemies when they tied him to a tree and shot arrows through his body. Of course, many ECK Masters have escaped this kind of treatment. This is because they practiced the Spiritual Exercises of E C K A N K A R which enabled them to reach a higher level of life. This higher level in t u r n freed them from the h a r m inherent on this physical plane. It is for this reason t h a t we say the ECK protects and gives Its cloak of guardianship over all Its 56
followers. Once we have achieved any degree of spiritual development in ECK, It takes over our lives and guides us through t h e obstacles of the lower worlds with a deftness t h a t defeats all the negative forces at work against us. The Living ECK Master is also the inner, spiritual form. He takes care of all chelas who are under his guidance. This inner form is the spark of divinity, the original cause of all t h a t there is. The Master has the same three a t t r i b u t e s as t h e supreme SUGMAD: (1) God Awareness; (2) realization of the Master, or the great channel; and (3) realization of the ECK Itself. Soul builds and controls the physical body by these attributes. This creative process depends upon the spiritual unfoldment of Soul and the degree of Its awakened consciousness. This explains why each person is different from another. This is also in accord with the Law of Spiritual Evolution, which presupposes inequality in all things and beings and their continued effort for self-improvement in life. Thus we find three characteristics of m a t t e r in the physical body of man. The first of these is inertia. No material substance or body is activated or moved by itself unless an inner force or an outer one causes this motion or activity. Usually it is the inner force t h a t moves the body. The second characteristic is disintegration. Every form or body, be it plant, animal, or the physical body of man, is in a constant struggle to liberate itself from the control of Soul, or the spiritual entity responsible for its creation. This conflict between the ECK and matter manifests as life. The physical body will exist on the plane of its natural habitation as long as Soul is able to control it and direct it toward useful activities and purposes in 57
life. Under these conditions the ECK Masters are able to maintain control over their bodies for indefinite periods of time, even for centuries. The very moment this control Soul has over the body s t a r t s to diminish, to the point t h a t It loses Its supremacy over matter, the body, through its latent characteristic of disintegration, will s t a r t breaking down until death ends the physical life of this person. The third characteristic of m a t t e r is transformation. When the physical embodiment is broken down into its primordial elements and then revitalized by the force of the negative power - or nature - these elements will be utilized again in accordance with the laws of ECK by another Soul. Soul takes the primordial elements and rebuilds a new physical body to suit Its own needs and to continue Its purpose of physical life on earth. The process of the ECK acting upon m a t t e r in this manner was started at the beginning of time in this physical universe and will continue through all the yugas, known as the Day of God. The yugas are based on the Law of Spiritual Evolution, and continue to the end of time, which is known correspondingly as the Night of God. Then all beings, with both their earned experiences and developed Soul consciousness, return to the heavenly worlds. When the physical universes are destroyed, m a n will be stripped of his material bodies and pulled up into the higher regions to rest until a new physical universe is again established. Then, if any individual Soul has to return to accumulate more experience or complete his unfoldment, a place is made ready for him. This is what we know as the ebb and flow of divine consciousness in m a t t e r within the cosmic ECK. This cycle serves each Soul in Its journey along the path to 58
God, for Self-Realization is a state of consciousness achieved through spiritual unfoldment in the media of matter. Through this process we reach an understanding of how the ECK forces work throughout the cosmos. A complete understanding will also give purpose to, and solve the mystery of, creation in eternity by the divine SUGMAD. The detached state is by far the most important step a chela can take in preparing himself for the great spiritual works. Everyone who comes to ECK must be truly prepared and well qualified before he can receive initiation. If he is not ready, it will do him little good to attempt entrance into this state whereby he can expect to receive secret instructions from the Inner Master. He must be able to make his own way in life - to earn his own keep and not live off another. Whatever a person h a s been in the past is now of no consequence. Whether he has been a hardened criminal or an individual with loose morals, once he enters the path of ECKANKAR, it is his attitude and not his past deeds that count. The first step in ECKANKAR is viveka, or right discrimination. The chela must learn to discriminate between what will be good for his spiritual advancement and what would be wasting his time. Man being what he is, the supreme consciousness is often wasted, for m a n has no recognition of the True Self. He is the ECK, like the Living ECK Master, but he does not yet recognize his full potential. Until the chela sees everything in this world as the working of the SUGMAD, every variety of evil contained in the Kal's bag of tricks will continue to hold him back. But eventually the chela will arrive at the state referred to in the Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad t h a t all is one, but every sage will have a different name for it. 59
What is being specifically referred to here is love, for love is the adhesive force t h a t holds everything together. It is the love of God, then, t h a t keeps the universes from coming unglued. This is known as the doctrine of universal unity. When we speak of it, we are dealing directly with the h e a r t of God. Once we recognize t h a t all things are governed by this great Law of Love, we can proceed along the path without serious interference from t h a t negative bag of tricks. When we discover t h a t we are safely beyond the reach of the Kal influence, we have reached the state of recognition Moses experienced when standing before the burning bush. "I AM THAT I AM," he heard God say. Only now we have arrived at the point wherein it can be said, "I Am This!" In the Indian philosophy it is stated differently, as, "Thou Art That!" This is not quite true, though, for it implies something outside of ourselves speaking the words. A similar expression is also found in another p a r t of the Sanskrit writings stating, "I Am That!" This again, however, refers to something outside ourselves. The true meaning of all these sacred expressions is "This I Am!" This means t h a t the individuality within the person is able to separate Itself and become Its own. At the same time, however, it implies an understanding t h a t all things are of the same divine essence and t h a t each of us is the ECK. Therefore there is no difference between the supreme ECK and each individual Soul. All are p a r t of the ECK Itself. We are all expressing the divine Cause in every act of our daily lives. We are not God, nor are we any p a r t of the Deity, as claimed by the Hindus. What we are, is a p a r t of the cosmic force called the ECK, and by both entering into It and taking p a r t in It, 60
we are one with the Allness of Life. It is here t h a t the Indian teachers m a k e their error, in mistaking the ECK for God. It is not God, but It is the essence of God. It is the p a r t of God t h a t we know as the Light and Sound. We must remember always, though, t h a t the more we enter into the ECK - the more we are a p a r t of It - the more individualized Soul becomes. It enters into a state of freedom beyond any conception possible within this physical world. For this is the purpose of ECK: to preserve the individuality, which leads to complete liberty. And the kind of liberty offered by the ECK does not restrict itself to the limited political freedom offered by the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. There is such a vast difference between political and spiritual freedom t h a t we in the h u m a n state of consciousness cannot have even the smallest amount of understanding about it. All freedom t h a t comes via Soul is a revelation of the divine SUGMAD through the Light and Sound. The state of supernatural grace to which we ascend (not t h a t which descends upon us, as promised by the religionists) can be gained through the Spiritual Exercises of ECK. The initiate knows this, for he gains certain spontaneous experiences from the practices given him via personal instruction from the Living ECK Master at the time of initiation. And, while studying under the Master, the initiate reaches even higher levels of experience. Furthermore, I wish to state at this time t h a t the term bilocation, which is the ability to be in two places at the same time, is no longer in the vocabulary of ECK. This word has been dropped from our terminology because it sounds too much like astral projection. The 61
expression Soul Travel is used instead, as it gives more depth and breadth to the teachings of ECK. Perhaps at this point it would be best to clarify the definitions of ECKANKAR and ECK for all who follow this path. These definitions should serve as springboards in answer to any future questions. ECKANKAR: The Ancient Science of Soul Travel. Movement of the inner consciousness, which travels through the lower states until it ascends into the ecstatic states. Here the subject feels he possesses an awareness of the religious experience of being. This awareness is achieved through a series of spiritual exercises known only to the followers of this science. ECK: the science of total awareness t h a t grows out of the experiences of Soul Travel. The subject gains this high state of religious awareness at his own volition, via the Spiritual Exercises of ECKANKAR. The latter is correlated only with the movement of the inner consciousness - Soul - within the regions of time and space. The ECK goes above these regions, beyond time and space, where all is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. Hence the term total awareness. This total awareness is the key we use to enter the Kingdom of God. It is a channel, a tunnel, beyond what other groups call the Christ Consciousness. This state, known to us as the ECKshar, is what we all must come to and go through to become the ECK. This spiritual state leads to a perfected consciousness from which we are able to reach the esoteric heights: We must spiritualize the mind and body by saturating ourselves with the spiritual ideal. ECK must therefore come first in the life of every initiate. And It will demand more and more of the individual until It has all of him. The person will suffer, cry, complain, and resist all the changes the ECK is 62
making within him, but it is a useless struggle. The sooner he ceases to fight against any changes, the sooner he gains true freedom. The ECK will break down all the prejudice, intolerance, possessiveness, vanity, craving for drugs and alcohol, laziness, anger, u n k i n d n e s s , faultfinding, attachment, bigotry, and impatience, all of which are listed as attributes of the Kal. The ECK will tear out the influence of the Kal power and put in its place the spiritual n a t u r e of Itself. It will establish the God influence in our lives, whereby we become an instrument of the Divine Power. As such we work within this world, uplifting others and putting their feet on the path of ECK. It will reward us for being obedient to Its will by guiding our lives into the proper channels. It will take care of our physical welfare as well as our spiritual endeavors by taking us into the h e a r t of God. There the eternal joys are ours. Principally It gives us individuality and freedom, for, as stated previously, the whole purpose of ECK is the preservation of individuality. This state of freedom, however, is never understood by anyone living within the physical senses. This freedom has nothing to do with economics and the physical successes of life, for even the poorest of men can live in Its state of being completely free. I have often told my chelas: "I will stretch you so far t h a t it will seem to you t h a t you are a rubber band. It will h u r t at times, but if you will stay with me then you will one day look back and wonder if you are the same person who started out with me." We are working to reach a state of devotion and service. The Living ECK Master is an inspiring example to anyone who wishes to take this first step on the path to God. This method is called the way of 63
discipleship, for if one tries to live and think like the ECK Master, he will consequently discipline himself, t h a t the true spiritual works may enter into his life. The very core and substance of the teachings of ECK is to love the SUGMAD and your fellowman. If one does not have this love, he is only wasting his time in trying to approach the Master. The major test in every man's life when he desires to become a chela is whether or not he has a love for all t h a t lives. This is the universal love t h a t binds the universe. The Living ECK Master loves all chelas and all life despite the love t h a t a chela has only for himself. This is the m a r k of the Living ECK Master. He loves all things more t h a n they would love him, and any man more t h a n he loves his self-indulgences. This is a love t h a t surpasses all h u m a n understanding. Therefore, the chela m u s t accept his share of the Master's love with an attitude of devotion and service. Never once should he waver or weaken in this love nor in his loyalty to the ideals of the ECK, for they are apparent in t h e Master's characteristics. In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna established ideals for the chela who h a s made the proper mental preparations to travel the path of God. He tells Arjuna to do the following things in order to lay a foundation for the spiritual life. First, one should learn to endure the contacts of m a t t e r - h e a t and cold, pleasure and pain - for they come and go. They are not permanent. And, as Soul is always invulnerable, the wise never grieve for the dead or t h e living. Soul, which is the Real Self of every man, cannot be harmed either in life or in death, so there is no need to worry about what may happen to anyone. One m u s t learn to take as equal either pleasure or pain, 64
gain or loss, victory or defeat. The chela m u s t learn to be above the opposites of life. Krishna makes it clear t h a t one m u s t be concerned with the action, and never with the results or what it will bring. One should never be motivated by the results of any action, nor should he be attached to inaction. All the while he should be balanced evenly in success and failure. The chela m u s t be mentally stable and indifferent to anxiety, pain, anger, passion, or fear. He m u s t be without attachment. When one reaches any one of these states or deeply longs to enter into them, then he is ready to become a chela on the path of ECK. When he is worthy, the Living ECK Master appears to greet him. Of all these, though, the most important step in the mental preparation of the chela is vairag. Most people who take up these spiritual works do so after a long search through many books and movements. They have spent a great deal of time reading whole libraries on various subjects. But after awhile they learn t h a t in modern times, neither belonging to a specific group nor studying under certain teachers can give man the ultimate way to resolve his problems and lead him to God. When all else has failed, we find t h a t the ECK has always been there, awaiting the end of our weary search. Yet even after being accepted by t h e Living ECK Master, many chelas will still want to read every sort of book, belong to three or four different religious movements, take discourses from several others, and try to absorb everything they can get their hands upon. This is somewhat of a habit, but it comes mostly from the desire to clarify one's own thinking on spiritual matters. This, too, is the basic reason why so many seekers on the path t r y to get themselves close to a Master. 65
They only want to ask questions to get their own thinking straightened out, but as Sudar Singh, the great ECK Master, once replied to a large number of questions asked of him, "What is there to say? Have faith, believe in God." The chela seeking to enter the works of ECK should first have a clear understanding of what It is and what the ideals of the ECK Masters are, insofar as he can at his level of spiritual understanding. These ideals, of course, are of far greater value t h a n any rules or principles. If the chela has accepted what he has found in his study of the works and has become filled with the ideals of the ECK Masters, then his next step is vairag. Vairag is, as mentioned before, the detachment of oneself from the outer world. The chela simply removes his thoughts from the love of the world and from worldly desires. This should not be confused with asceticism, for in ECK we think more in terms of giving up the desire for the external things rather t h a n the things themselves. One does not detach himself from the world, leaving his family, his social responsibilities, and his work. Rather, vairag means t h a t we must detach ourselves in our innermost feelings from interest in the things of our everyday lives. We do not cease to identify ourselves with our environment or possessions; instead we give up our affection for them. They are simply no longer the essence of our life and thought, and in this way we are independent of them. This still applies to those close to the chela, such as his family; but it does not mean t h a t he cannot love them. Instead, he now has more control t h a n before, which means he can maintain his own freedom. This is the h e a r t of the matter. This is the key to the spiritual 66
worlds. If the chela truly practices this, his life will never be injured by physical losses. The material world and all the people within it belong to the passing show. And, if all t h a t m a n may take with him when he leaves this world are his inner possessions, then why should they not be the best, the highest in spiritual experiences? All physical things are but a momentary interest in life, they are not his own, and his attachment to them is temporary. They are like a loan to us, for we must have them and use them here in this life. The chela who has gained the quality of nonattachment, or vairag, m u s t not assume an attitude of selfrighteousness. This would defeat his aim in life and nullify the progress of his spiritual unfoldment. He must keep vanity away from his mental door and be humble in the presence of all. The greatest m a r k of anyone who has attained the higher levels of spirituality is humility. The chela realizes t h a t he is in the awed presence of some supernatural force, and he knows t h a t he m u s t bow to it. We must avoid bondage to the world and its objects of sensual desire, for when we want to possess something we enter into slavery. We m u s t never look for rewards, for when we do we become bound to these rewards, and k a r m a is our master. We must have no concern for the rewards of our actions. We m u s t reach the state of mind in which we are like the sun, which shines upon all without asking anything in return. This is how the chelas should regard the Living ECK Master, for he is the ideal. He gives his love to all alike and never asks anything for it in return. Soul lives by giving, and never by receiving. The paradox is t h a t one gets most by giving most. Those in poverty are those who receive without giving. 67
When one gives without ever thinking of rewards, he is in the first stage of immortality. The ECK Masters did not reach their high state by fleeing from pain, or from finding comfort or sensual pleasures. Detachment from worldly things in a serene manner is the last step before entering the door to complete freedom. When one has reached this stage of spiritual unfoldment, he will find t h a t his humility grows, and the blame formerly put upon others is only a reflection of his own faults. This is the highest ideal t h a t he can reach; therefore, he is always in the act of self-purification instead of trying to reform others. This is t r u e detachment, t r u e vairag. For we m u s t learn that it is typical of h u m a n consciousness to quickly place the blame of faults and problems in another direction t h a n our own door. The real trouble, of course, lies within ourselves. Once we have learned this, we quickly realize the law t h a t states: "One's true self includes the whole of life, and the wrongs of others are their own wrongs." What does this mean? It means t h a t we have no problems t h a t are not the problems of the entire h u m a n race. We cannot, therefore, consider the Living ECK Master as an ordinary person, like the rest of us, for upon his shoulders fall the problems of the whole world. He is the singular one who is responsible for all the things t h a t go on within the universes of God. This sounds very strange, but it is true. One must look to the Living ECK Master, then, for he is not only bearing the errors and mistakes of your past lives, but he is trying to get each individual to realize his own responsibility for his thoughts and actions. Once this realization is reached, the individual will be able to lift the burden from himself and be of assistance to others. Until he does, though, it will be 68
the responsibility of the Master to get him into the heavenly worlds, where he may learn the best way for himself. Few realize it, but this is the reason for world karma and racial k a r m a . It is also why no ECK Master will attempt to change or resolve the k a r m a of the h u m a n race. The h u m a n race comprises the World Soul, and by trying to resolve its karma, the Master would only take on more. As it stands he also refuses to step in and relieve the world of its earned debt. The h u m a n race must take on its own responsibility for its debt and work it out. This will be possible in approximately thirteen million years, at which time the earth will come to an end in this universe. The Living ECK Master is the true teacher for all the universe, including every planet, star, and constellation. He is responsible for the works of ECK on every plane, in every spiritual world, from the h e a r t of God to the lowest of the physical universes. There are many study groups involved in ECK trying to unfold individually as well as collectively. Whether these study groups are in cities on the planet Mars or within the cities and communities of the nations of this world, the Living ECK Master is there with them, teaching and giving revelation to all who are seeking and wanting to find God through ECK. He is able to give freedom to many now, through initiation. He can help them find the spiritual key because they are ready. Many others are not yet ready. They will have to take time to unfold to the level upon which they can receive the key of life through the Master. Once the perfect state of vairag is reached, one finds himself left without desire. This is the true secret 69
of every great Master who has entered the h e a r t of God. If one wants nothing he gains everything. But if one allows desire to r u n him, a battle is fought between Soul and mind t h a t never lets one rest. Desire is the offspring of the senses. When these senses want something, their power overwhelms the mind and enslaves Soul. From there the mind goes on creating k a r m a and becomes entangled in the net of the Kal, the negative power. This is the purpose of the Kal - to slyly entangle the mind and eventually take over Soul. The terrible fight between the ECK and Kal in this world is often described in my lectures and writings. Man becomes the battlefield between these two forces, which in this world are somewhat equal in strength. He is torn asunder in their fight to establish supremacy over him. If m a n fastens his attention upon something spiritual, some aspect of God, something t h a t is imperishable, it will liberate him. But should he keep his mind on things of the material world - an attachment to his wealth, poverty, job, family, or whatever it might be in these lower worlds - he will be bound to it. Therefore we should have no attachment to anything. The desireless state is our salvation; it is our freedom and liberation from the material levels. When we become afraid t h a t all is going to be taken from us, then we are letting ourselves be trapped in the Kal power. While we are living in the h u m a n state, we cannot allow ourselves to be pulled by the Kal into its negative trap. On this physical plane we live always within a dualistic consciousness t h a t pulls us downward, while its opposite pulls us upward. We must therefore establish a desire in the opposite direction from the Kal. This 70
is the crux, the secret of life. We m u s t learn to be stronger in our desire for God. Despite the teachings of Buddha, who was one of the first to succeed in establishing desire as the problem of man, few have ever reached the desireless state. But we know t h a t there is only one way to establish ourselves in it and this is through the ECK, t h a t marvelous Sound Current flowing out of the throne of God and touching all things within Its universes. When we have consciously entered into this state, all things become possible for us. The very key to the spiritual worlds is placed in our hands and we open the door to enter them. There is no other way except through the Living ECK Master, who places the key in our hands.
At the start of this chapter I want to point out t h a t there is no reason to believe t h a t the masses of people will ever take much interest in ECK, except when the whole social structure of a country is under attack or the world is falling to pieces. It is doubtful whether they even should, for the existing minor hubbub of metaphysics, spiritualism, orthodox religions, and cults would become extinct if the voice of ECK were added to the already present confusion. In all this struggle and welter of living in the physical universe, the Living ECK Master must always contend with correcting the chelas' efforts. He is put into the position of having to say, "No, t h a t is not right," whenever a chela s t a r t s to do something the wrong way. This is because the chela is not yet advanced enough to have spiritual knowledge of the right way to do things. This world is always foreign to the ECK Adept, for he is continually at the opposite pole of the negative force. This force is out to destroy him, as it did all saviors and savants who have come here to give out truth. 73
His interest is not in this world, as is t h a t of the reformers and sociologists who want to make justice for all in the physical plane. The Living ECK Master is interested only in the heavenly state. And, as this is where he wants all Souls to go, he must spend his time within the world of matter helping them get out of it. He m u s t show them t h a t they can live in the beyond even before physical death takes away the body. He does this through a series of creative exercises, called the Spiritual Exercises of ECK. These were instituted for the chela, t h a t he may have a full, satisfactory knowledge t h a t he is experiencing the subjective, or divine, adventure in the God Worlds. We of ourselves can go no further t h a n this, but leading the way is the Living ECK Master, who takes care of the flock following this secret path to heaven. He is concerned for the sinner and the lost, for even they are capable of taking responsibility for themselves and following the Master's instructions to the last word. I have said many times t h a t what we are working with is states of consciousness and not projection of inner bodies, as so many people believe. The planes of the visible and invisible worlds should be thought of as states of consciousness. Therefore, movement from one inner plane to another is simply a matter of expansion of consciousness, while here on the physical plane we m u s t move about via planes, automobiles, trains, and the like, not to mention simple leg-power. What we are actually doing is moving the body from one physical place to another, where different states exist. We are aware t h a t there is a different state of consciousness existing in Athens from t h a t in Salt Lake City, due to various factors t h a t include race, geographical position, customs, and habits. Such examples exist all over the world. After we have traveled for a while, 74
though, we find t h a t there is some commonality between all races and all individuals. When we find something in common, we soon discover t h a t we are not far from our original state of consciousness, formed in our own community. When we see this is true of the Physical Plane, we must begin to realize t h a t each plane of existence has the same commonality within its own sphere of influence. In a sense, the Astral Plane will be completely different to those visiting there from the Physical, but once it is visited with any degree of regularity, proof will be shown t h a t this plane, as well as the Causal and Mental, are the phenomena of the mind stuff. This is true because the Universal Mind Power rules the lower worlds. We know it mainly as the negative force, but all religions and cults think it to be the true God power. We must realize t h a t the negative force is controlled by the Kal Niranjan, who is actually a p a r t of the spiritual hierarchy of God. He is stationed at the negative pole of creation - at the top of the three worlds - and is the creator of the spirito-material worlds. This is why so many ancient rishis believed the Kal was the Supreme Creator and why so many religionists today accept him as the highest of all, the divinely ultimate God. In contrast with the Kal Niranjan is the SUGMAD, true God of the world and the positive power. IT rules the whole of creation, from the God Worlds to the end of all universes of universes. It is a very significant fact that no other member of the spiritual hierarchy has the power to create Souls. They do have creative powers, but none to either create or destroy Souls. It is very important to note here t h a t all worlds of the Kal force are created and r u n according to the 75
mechanics of time and space. It is a universe of imperfection, but as long as we are within it, Soul dwells in time and space and must abide by the laws of the Kal. It is the duty of this negative power to hold us here, and it is our duty to escape. This is further reason for our interest in Soul Travel. ECKANKAR, as stated previously, is the Ancient Science of Soul Travel and is concerned only with movement in time and space. ECK, however, extends to the realization of God Consciousness, or total awareness, and is found in the higher worlds. These worlds are above the Fifth Plane and are known as the worlds of pure Spirit. ECK is thus the thread, so fine as to be invisible yet so strong as to be unbreakable, t h a t binds together all beings in all planes, all universes, throughout all time and beyond all time into eternity. It is the thread t h a t has woven the history of this world and other worlds, binding events together, so t h a t each generation can understand the past karmic effects t h a t will dominate its present life. The ECK comes out of the God Center, that nameless and inaccessible world. It flows out like a gigantic wave, carrying all Its power and all life upon Its breast to the outermost bounds of creation - which would be the negative pole where Kal Niranjan rules. Then It flows back again to Its original source, taking with It all Souls t h a t are perfected and will become Co-workers with God. When the ECK enters into the region of the negative force, It does so with such powerful effect that the result is as startling as a bolt of lightning. This is why so many persons become fearful of traveling beyond this worldly plane. Upon witnessing this strange phenomena just below the Soul Plane, they often retreat 76
into the physical state of consciousness and do not want to return to such awesome sights. Then, too, the physical shock of the ECK entering into the magnetic field of the individual is likely to be felt with shattering impact. For here again t h e ECK is entering into the negative field which in p a r t comprises an individual's m a k e u p in the physical world. When the ECK, the spiritual force, meets with the negative, the physical force, such as entering into the flesh, the resultant impact can shake the receiver badly. This occurs when an individual opens himself to the ECK force in some manner; for example, through reading too much, through attempts at meditation, or through spiritual exercises he has either read about or had laid down for him by his spiritual director. Frankly, there is great danger in undergoing instructions from books bought on open shelves or taken from any school or city library. Consciousness is an area not to be tampered with, unless one is under the guidance of a competent master. The only guides whom I know to be capable of handling persons who get into this field of consciousness are the ECK Masters. This is the reason why so many neophytes are suddenly plagued with problems and do not know what is troubling them. They think it comes from some outside cause and put pressure on themselves to read more and study deeper works, only to find their troubles increasing. Even the saints can connect many of their deep-seated problems to this sort of thing, for this is the danger awaiting those who are crying and seeking God too deeply. I discourage this type of thing, because too often it leads only to h a r m for the individual. One must be prepared physically, mentally, and spiritually to receive t h e spiritual forces as they enter 77
into him. Man cannot meet this ECK power without some foundation, without some structure of understanding and knowledge of what It is and how It works. He m u s t develop stamina in the emotional body and a vitality t h a t will allow him to keep his balance while undergoing certain degrees of intake of this powerful force emitting from the t r u e Godhead. Inflow of the ECK is affected by the emotional state and mental processes. This is the p a r t of us t h a t becomes aberrated and must be cleared before the full impact of this God power can be of any great benefit to us. This is why I have emphasized the various means of leaving the physical, or human, state of consciousness and performing in the higher states. For some reason we have many different types of instructions given by the mentalists, metaphysicians, and psychotherapists. These are long, drawn out, and given to discussion and argument. We know t h a t on the whole these approaches are a failure, for they seldom get beyond the basic states or attitudes with which the person entered this world and what we call his karmic debt from past lives. In ECK the cause for failure among so many of Its followers is due to five modes of destructive mental action called the five passions. These are perversions of normal faculties t h a t affect the emotional states of the person following ECK. The basic passions are: lust, anger, greed, attachment, and vanity. Any one of these will hold an individual in the physical plane and keep him from traveling in the worlds beyond. These passions will dry up the wellsprings of creativity within us. They will bring unthought-of aberrations, rising largely from fear and anger. It is fear t h a t concerns us most here, for fear of the unknown is one of the outstanding causes for failure in ECK. To it can be 78
attributed the downfall of many who want to move out of their physical state of consciousness into the higher states. Fear of the unknown breaks the spirit of the aspirants even before they t r y any ECK techniques. They are victims of their own emotional imaginings of things lying beyond their physical senses, even beyond their preconceptions of life in the invisible worlds. Anyone who has this unconscious fear of the unknown - or fear of ridicule from the orthodox - will have a very hard time succeeding at Soul Travel. It is a trap laid by the negative force to keep the aspirant from getting out of the body. It is a greater t r a p t h a n that offered by anger or vanity, which are themselves formidable factors in keeping people from Soul Travel. Three creative techniques are presented below. They are actually connected with the ECK, t h e Sound Current. This is the creative Spirit of God, known to Christians as the Holy Ghost, or Comforter. Metaphysicians call It the Cosmic Power. We are dealing now with the Sound and Light. Therefore, accompanying the spiritual exercises is the zikar, which is the repetition of the holy names. In the works of ECK we do not dwell upon the state of meditation, as do many of the Eastern religions. The first of these three creative techniques is called the Surat technique. Its practice focuses on Soul hearing the melody of ECK. As we advance into the inner worlds, the music of the ECK becomes greater, until it ultimately merges into the SUGMAD, the Godhead. The Surat way is r a t h e r simple. It is chiefly a spiritual exercise t h a t involves sitting in silence. The participant sits in a straight chair, both feet on the ground. P u t t i n g b o t h h a n d s i n h i s l a p , fingers 79
interlaced with palms up, the practitioner places his attention on the Tisra Til, the Spiritual Eye. The subject then takes five deep breaths and begins repeating the word HU, the universal name of God. After a length of time has elapsed, he takes five more deep breaths and continues softly chanting the word HU. It is pronounced as H-U, in a long drawnout manner. His attention remains fixed on the Tisra Til. He does not t r y to see anything; he just holds it there. After another pause, he again repeats his five deep breaths, bringing them to a total of fifteen. Following this he slows down chanting the name of God until it is very, very slow. Breathing softly, he begins to listen to what he is singing. His chanting slows, until it is halted completely. His attention is then switched to listening to the esoteric sounds as the HU rolls through him. He s t a r t s vibrating like a machine; and he may shake considerably, but he does not let this frighten him. Very soon he begins to hear a humming sound in the back of his head, spreading out into his body, until he becomes a p a r t of the sound. Then various p a r t s of the ECK melody start. Sometimes it is the roaring of a waterfall, other times the sounds of violins or flutes. This means he is out somewhere on the far planes of the higher worlds, beyond the Fifth, or Soul, Plane, and traveling in the Atma body in the realms of God. These sounds will gradually become a melody of celestial music unlike a n y t h i n g heard before. Its beauty is so entrancing t h a t he, now in this state of glory and beauty, will actually be in a high state of spiritual consciousness. He falls in love with this godly voice and never wants to r e t u r n to his earthly role. He has to, though, for it is demanded of him t h a t he serve 80
out his life here before passing on permanently into the worlds of glory. Only by visiting these heavenly heights and hearing the celestial music does one know t h a t life is nothing within the lower planes. But the danger here lies in his wanting to live completely in the higher worlds, while still living in the physical body. We have our duties to perform in this physical world, and we have responsibilities to our families. In seeking God, too many have found this spiritual enlightenment to be somewhat of a t r a p . The glories of it can make one shirk his worldly responsibilities. This is the test of Soul; for if we are able to tread the path of ECK and dwell in Its glories, we should be practical in our life here on earth. We should accept w h a t is here and not allow ourselves to live a one-sided life. The physical and spiritual must go hand in hand if we are to truly live the life God intends for us. Too much emphasis is placed on God-Realization, with the result that, in some cases, a saint is scarcely more than a spiritual ne'er-do-well. Throughout religious history many who made claims to God-Realization as opposed to those who actually achieved it - turned out to be of little assistance to their fellowmen. A true follower of God, one who has received the higher realization and dwells in this state, is generally a hard worker in the physical body. He drives it unrelentingly, until it screams in its fatigue and begs to rest; but the surge of the ECK within him will not let go. It will force him onward in the work of God, pressing him to pass on the message to the plane or world in which he lives. He does this quietly, without the bombastic m a n n e r so typical of the missionaries and crusaders of various orthodox faiths. It is done regardless of where t h e 81
individual may be, whether he is traveling through the worlds beyond this physical one, or while engaged here in his daily routine. The second of the three creative techniques is called the Nirat. The Nirat technique utilizes the seeing power of Soul, which It uses to witness the subtle entities of the higher worlds. Often, the Soul using this technique will find the path to the other worlds illuminated by Soul's own light, much like the headlights of a car, cutting through the darkness of night, illuminate the road ahead. As with the Surat technique, the subject sits in silence. He positions himself in a straight chair, fingers interlaced in the lap, both palms up. He again fixes his attention on the Spiritual Eye. This time, however, he puts his attention on the Light, concentrating only on the white Light within the door of the Spiritual Eye. This is the subtle gateway to the Astral world, the first one to pass through on the way to higher worlds. With his attention fixed on this doorway, the subject is not to look directly at what has been established on the screen of his mind, but he is to look obliquely. If he stares at it in direct confrontation, it will disappear; but when he looks at it from the right or left, from the side, the image of the Light stays. Now very softly he begins to practice the zikar, the repetition of the holy names of God. If the chela is a Second Initiate or above, it will suffice to chant his secret word. If not, he chants the names of the various sounds on each plane t h a t he m u s t pass through in order to reach the Soul region. These are: Alayi, (Physical), Kala, (Astral), Mana (Causal), Aum (Mental), Baju (Etheric, or subconscious), and SUGMAD (Soul Plane). 82
These are the various sounds of the ECK as It passes through each plane. By chanting these Sounds the chela is able to lift himself up through the corresponding planes into the Soul world. He begins to see the Light, via the Sound. It is doubtful, though, t h a t he will hear any of the sounds at this time, for the focus of his attention is on the Light. This Light of God appears on all planes, but the Light t h a t should interest the chela the most is the Blue Star. It will come into focus after the technique has been practiced for a certain length of time. This star represents the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master, who will appear later in his own Radiant body. At the outset the neophyte is not developed enough to witness the Living ECK Master within himself. Thus the Master appears often as the Blue S t a r and sometimes as a misty, pale blue light. The Blue Star or the Blue Light will lead the chela gently onward through the various planes into the Soul region. He must t r u s t It completely, never being doubtful or hesitant about following It, nor wondering where It may lead him. The Blue Star or globe of Light, as It also appears, should be greeted with rejoicing. The chela should be glad that he has been chosen to witness It. Later, the Light will change on some of the higher planes into a magnificent white glow. This is the Light of God. As Soul gets collected and concentrates on the Spiritual Eye and before the position is fixed, the chela will have some preliminary experiences of t h e inner sounds and sights. These occur before Soul is settled down and actually traveling in the inner worlds. Preceding flight he may hear sounds similar to a running train, whistles, and music best characterized as coming from a string instrument of t h e Western world. Then he will 83
hear sounds like the tinkling of small bells, progressing to the ringing notes of a large bell. Following this are lights similar to the glowing of charcoal, then lightning, and finally the gigantic Blue Star appears. Then he is able to see a whole starry sky. He sees the Lightning and Moon Worlds, and is ready for the ascent. Often, he will see forms such as mist, smoke, suns, fire, winds, fireflies, lightning, crystals, and moons. His attention may be scattered at this point, but it will come back and focus again at a single point. The third creative technique is like a triad. In it is practiced the Sound, the Sight, and the contemplation of the Living ECK Master. He awaits us constantly, each and every one of his chelas, at the threshold of the Astral Plane, j u s t beyond the Sun, Moon, and Lightning Worlds. Once he is found, the measure of success in Soul Travel can be said to be dependent upon the degree of interest taken in each chela. This depends mainly on the spiritual unfoldment of the disciple, however, and his own interest in Soul Travel for the purpose of reaching God. If his motive is anything else, it is doubtful he will get very far with it. This is another main reason why so many people do not have success in the works of ECK. Some want it for psychic reasons, others for personal gain; anything but to return to God. This third technique is called the Dhyana, or tassawar. It is done by gazing steadily at the shining face of the Living ECK Master on the inner screen of the mind. The chela's attention should be fixed there for at least a half hour. No longer t h a n this, though, unless he is getting results from his efforts. These results should be t h a t the Master steps into the area of the chela's attention and begins to lift him out of the body to s t a r t traveling into the higher worlds. 84
When he has his attention fixed in this position, the chela s t a r t s singing the Master's name. If the name has two parts, then he can use the first one by adding ji to the end of it. The word is pronounced like jee and is a title of spiritual respect. It is somewhat similar to Sir, the title of honor in England. It is in this position t h a t the Master in his r a d i a n t body awaits the chela. He is always here waiting for his own beloved follower to arrive in Soul form, either at the time of the death of the physical body or during the chela's lifetime while practicing the Spiritual Exercises of ECK. The Living ECK Master is the leader of the flock, guiding those who will follow him out of the physical state of consciousness and into the realms of the other worlds. First, he takes the chela into the Astral world, then the Causal, then the Mental, and eventually he gets him as far as the Soul Plane. Thereafter, they travel together in the t r u e spiritual worlds. This is the connection in the chela of Soul with the ECK Stream of life. It is a liberation, a freedom from the worldly, h u m a n state of consciousness. This generally comes when the chela is initiated into ECK for the first time, usually when he takes the first ECK discourse series. It is then t h a t he is taken out of the body during sleep and given the initiation. This is t h e first; the Second Initiation is given during full consciousness. It is in the latter initiation t h a t the chela gets his secret word and is able to be more fully conscious of traveling in the inner worlds with the Living ECK Master. The Living ECK Master is the leader and must be emphatic, concise, and to the point. Never for one moment will he look back to see if his chelas are following nor to count them. He forges ahead, and those who
follow must keep on the path of ECK as closely as possible behind him. The Living ECK Master never looks back because it is entirely up to the chela to decide whether or not he will follow the Master into the planes of God. This is a personal affair between the Master and the chela, j u s t as it is a personal thing between God and man for m a n to want to love and communicate with God. This is his own private and personal interest, and no other m a n - other t h a n the Living ECK Master - should be concerned with this interest. However, the most important point to bring out here is t h a t the aspirant must give up his seeking of God. This is the first principle of ECK. It is a strange paradox, especially when compared with the traditional ideal t h a t the only way to the Supreme Being is by an intense desire of the heart. Nothing could be further from the t r u t h t h a n this conception laid down by the early practitioners of mystic consciousness. Every neophyte must change his goal from seeking to exploit God to t h a t of discharging his duty to the Supreme Being in his daily affairs. The sooner the chela learns t h a t his duty and responsibility to God lie in the mastership of his daily affairs, the quicker he gets straightened out to embark on the direct passage into the realm of God. This realization brings the chela immediately to God enlightenment without making him wait through long, tedious years of work and no results. It also removes the frustration and scattering of attention t h a t plagued him during his earlier attempts to travel the path to God. Approximately A.D. 600, Seng-ts'an, third patriarch in the famous Chan school of Buddhism, wrote the poem, "On Trust in the Heart." It was on this perplexing question: shall we search for God or just give up and 86
accept what we have? According to this great Chinese student of esoteric wisdom, through t r u s t in the h e a r t which we express as consciousness - we can leave behind in a flash the obstructing alternatives of logical reason and can attain the transcendental realization that is our true goal. This does not separate us from the world of the senses. It simply accepts the physical world in its true light, reality, and meaning. As Rebazar Tarzs h a s always said, the perfect way is difficult for those who pick and choose. We should neither like nor dislike, and all will become clear. Naturally, since there is only a hairbreadth of a difference between transcendental realization and the physical senses, we m u s t cross the line in a nonattached, conscious state. As long as we remain in the state of being either for or against, our progress toward the supreme consciousness is delayed. This struggle, as Krishna told Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita, makes m a n himself a battlefield. In other words, if we accept serenity in God, all obstacles will vanish of their own accord. Therefore, according to Rebazar Tarzs, we m u s t stop talking, stop thinking, and there is nothing t h a t we cannot understand. If we pursue spiritual illumination, he teaches, it will fade away. If we separate ourselves from God as the doer, we become the searcher, always haunted and always trying to find the Ultimate Reality. So we never seek It, for all we want is here, now. We just need to transcend the body to get the objective view and know all things. Life is keeping in balance. By doing the spiritual exercises as given in this chapter, one finds t h a t the SUGMAD, the Invisible, may speak at any moment. It might be a message, a feeling of warmth, or it might be a feeling as though some weight has fallen from your shoulders. But in
some way, within a minute or two, you will receive an inner reassurance: "It is done. God is on the field." The chela's work for this period is then completed. He stands consciously in the presence of God, a beholder, watching God at work. It is the insight t h a t counts, for the Voice of God has been manifested; the presence of God appeared and peace was restored in some disoriented place. This is why the ECK cannot be grasped by the h u m a n or psychic consciousness. It is the flow of the spiritual power t h a t m u s t be realized. It can be recognized only within ourselves by Soul, for we can neither grasp It nor hold It like a thought. It j u s t is. All religions and philosophies make reference to their founder or dominating force. This is usually embodied in a personality t h a t once lived in this world. We can take as examples leaders of some of the major religions today. These are J e s u s Christ, Buddha, Mahavira, Zoroaster, and Muhammad, who are the reference points millions of people today use for spiritual guidance in their lives. But these leaders have gone out of the body now and have passed into the higher planes. Although their words handed down to us are reportedly still in their original form, it is doubtful t h a t they are, for men over the centuries have tampered with them and changed them to suit their own purposes. Also, we are looking to the dead works of departed teachers instead of to the living works of a present Master. No matter how inspiring a book or the written word may be, it is not a guru and should not be taken as such. Unless the spiritual teacher who is responsible for the written works is living, his writings are only reference points. Neither is a teacher, or master, of much use to 88
his followers unless he is in the flesh and can act as both the Outer and the Inner Master. If living, he is a manifestation of the spiritual power. He is the Word made flesh, and can function in both the outer and the inner worlds. Outwardly he is limited by his own embodiment of flesh, but inwardly he is free to do anything or be anywhere, even in many places at the same time. This is the Living ECK Master. The teachings of the ascended Masters are of little use to anyone because they are inner teachers only, without physical embodiment. In other words, they cannot act as channels for the ECK power because they have no physical vehicle through which to channel It. Therefore it is imperative for any sacred teachings to have a living Master. If they do not, the seeker for t r u t h is wasting his time. The chela in the h u m a n body m u s t have a Master in the h u m a n body. This is a fixed law of the ECK. Every Master, when his duties are finished, will hand over his work to another Master who is in the body, who will in t u r n carry on until he finishes here. All ECK Masters, like Rebazar Tarzs, Fubbi Quantz, and Yaubl Sacabi, may live on for years in their physical bodies, far exceeding the normal lifetime of man. Then they will retire and give up their duties to another. However, they still stand in the background, watching and helping the world unfold spiritually toward its higher destination. One can neither sell nor betray the Living ECK Master, for he is a channel of the holy ECK. The slightest act against him returns swiftly to the doer. When one gossips or uses malicious talk about any GodRealized being, he gets the results in quick doses t h a t are not often pleasant. It is an old cliche t h a t a person 89
prays to get something from the divine Source but is quick to criticize Its channel. This is being two-faced. It is an attempt at deceit and certainly will not work with the spiritual forces, for it is a punishable deed. This is the real negative trap, and no one should ever knowingly fall for its luring whispers. A great many do, but it is easy to work one's way out of such entanglements by straightening out the conditions of the mental argument going on inside the individual. Many simply do not know or understand the nature of the Living ECK Master and will take it upon themselves to be snide with him. They likewise do not understand the troubles t h a t befall them as a consequence of their overt and covert attempts to belittle or ridicule the teachings of the blessed ECK. For some reason, they believe t h a t they are above such things simply because they have read a few books or studied under certain teachers and pseudomasters. Even the most simple lies will bring about a quick result which is not of a pleasant nature. One does not realize what these small acts might be, b u t on closer scrutiny we find t h a t they are such minor things as belittling the Master's words; arguing with him over some point; posing needless questions; smoking in his presence; being doubtful of any promise t h a t he makes, whether it be of what is to come into a person's life or some point on ECK; turning against him and refusing to act in accordance with his desires, which are for the benefit of the chela and his spiritual unfoldment; and acting snide with the Master. These are some of t h e things t h a t create a negative attitude toward the Living ECK Master. Of course this is egotism, for the negative power wants the chela in its grasp and will promise anything to keep him there. But the major thing t h a t the Kal 90
never reveals to the chela is t h a t when he creates any overt or covert act against the channel of God, he is creating a heavy karmic debt. He is set back in his progress on the spiritual path of God, and must overcome this burden by starting out again to resolve it. The Living ECK Master knows and understands this, but he never says anything, only watches and waits to give help wherever he is able to do so. The chela is on his own, and whatever he does he must take responsibility for. This is all p a r t of the creativity of ECK, and in the end one finds such negativity to affect him most during the spiritual exercises. He cannot do his best if he is creating even more karma. His efforts at the creative techniques will fall a p a r t and bring him almost nothing by way of results. Too many people cry out t h a t they practiced the techniques laid down in the books and discourses and never got anywhere. They rarely think t h a t it is the result of something they are doing against themselves or against the Living ECK Master. If one searches out the consciousness, or the inner self, he will soon find those little hidden p a r t s t h a t have been unconsciously exposed to others, to the outer world, and especially to the Living ECK Master. The change can be made at any time the chela desires it, but he m u s t remember one p a r t of the great law: resolving k a r m a or undoing negative traits within one's self is not the means to the end, but only a step on the path to God.
The Unfinished Creation of God
he spheres of the many worlds around us are beyond the imagination of man. Should we think about counting them, they would appear to be greater than the number of stars in the heavenly sky. But with the exception of the lower worlds, few, if any, of these planes are finished. Any ECK chela knows t h a t all possible h u m a n situations are ready-made states. Rebazar Tarzs confirmed this when speaking to me on the windy slopes of the Himalayan foothills above Darjeeling, "I am the beginning and the end; there is nothing to come t h a t has not already been made and established in the now of time." He was only quoting the Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad, in which it says t h a t every aspect, every plot and dream of h u m a n history has been worked out. All of these are mere possibilities in the records of each individual, as long as he is not experiencing them. Still, they remain the realties of life t h a t we all can experience. This is how k a r m a operates with each Soul t h a t inhabits a body on earth. It must experience whatever is possible within t h a t one embodiment, then pass on to another, and eventually go through whatever h u m a n 93
situation is possible for each incarnation. We could never experience all situations within one lifetime, so arrangements were made for Soul to have many incarnations sometimes millions of t h e m - in order to learn as much as possible about this world. When Soul is finished with them, It becomes purified. Yaubl Sacabi, spiritual head of the great sacred city of Agam Des, once remarked, "There is a difference between the identity of the individual Soul and states of reality. These states, or conditions, change; but Soul never changes nor ceases to be." What he means is t h a t we are concerned with states of consciousness and not imagination, for imagination is not a state. Soul never changes Its identity. It only changes Its embodiment in different forms on different planes, until becoming established once more on the Fifth Plane. Therefore, we can say t h a t within the h u m a n existence, should we be aware of hate, love, or any other states of consciousness within ourselves, it is a condition or a state because it is divided from imagination. It may be an illusion, but it is nevertheless a state of consciousness in which we are living and of which we are certainly self-conscious at the time. This is a m a t t e r of utmost importance, for it is selfconsciousness of the state t h a t makes it reality. The moment the chela realizes this t r u t h - t h a t everything in his world is a manifestation of activity within himself and t h a t the conditions and circumstances of his life reflect the state of consciousness with which he is fused - then everything becomes perfect in accordance with t h a t state. Experience of this condition makes the chela realize t h a t he is the supreme master of his own world and t h a t the state he identifies himself with will be his 94
subsequent experience in life. He m u s t therefore realize t h a t whatever is his inner state will be his outer, physical karma. Until he learns to be free of any belief in a secondary cause, or t h a t he is the effect of anything other t h a n his own state of consciousness, he will always be a victim of the effects of the other, or outer, worlds. The great t r u t h to be remembered here is t h a t we are living in a world of creation t h a t is finished, as long as we are within the lower worlds. Our problem is t h a t we work only on p a r t s of it, and never the whole. The spiritual worlds, those above the Soul Plane, are the unfinished creations. These are the worlds in which we should dwell, for they are composed of pure spirit and always m u s t conform to whatever Soul desires of it, provided, of course, t h a t Soul is developed enough spiritually to be in a position to take charge. Otherwise, Soul is always led by this unformed essence we know as the ECK. The whole idea of the ECK is to help clear the individual of his h u m a n and spiritual aberrations in a more normal m a n n e r t h a n any of the so-called sciences of the mind today. This is proven possible, for the Living ECK Master will teach the chela how to get himself beyond the worlds of aberrations. This is done by Soul Travel, movement beyond consciousness of h u m a n activity. Too many people think in terms of major processes to get rid of their aberrations. They spend too much money trying to get something done for themselves; trying to make changes within themselves when it is not at all possible. The secret of change is not within ourselves because it is the world around us that is ever-changing. We, as Soul, are not. All things in the lower planes are states of consciousness, subject to 95
change. We m u s t recognize this. Every h u m a n situation is an already-made state, crystallized and set; but too many metaphysicians, preachers, and religious leaders tell us t h a t we must make the changes within to fit the p a t t e r n of conformity. This is altogether the wrong approach. We make no changes in ourselves, but in our false conception of this principle of life. We must accept the fact that all events have already been established in this universe and we can only experience them. Trying to make changes in ourselves results in failure t h a t leads to feelings of guilt, and more often, neurosis. The chela does not understand t h a t it is not he who makes the changes. He must learn instead to regard these already-made states of consciousness from a different, objective, viewpoint. Then he can see every aspect, every plot, drama, and situation as already worked out, and mere possibilities as long as he is not in them. But once he enters into these situations, they constantly present themselves as overpowering realities. Love, being, and anger can all become states. Therefore, the chela's position in any world can also become a state. This means t h a t if he has grasped the knowledge of how to change the states within himself and not himself, and can live in the condition of selfconsciousness within t h a t state, then he has conquered it. He can live on the Astral, Causal, Mental, Etheric, and Soul Plane, and even in the higher worlds without changing the conditions of his physical self on the Physical Plane. When the chela lives within, he can make changes by changing his state of consciousness. This h a s much to do with the chela's character traits, karma, and recognition of w h a t is within himself in relation to these states of consciousness. The chela 96
must recognize w h a t it is t h a t gives him the ability to move through these states. It is not projection, it is Soul Travel; movement from one state of consciousness to another. We must remember t h a t imagination is not a state within itself, but only a mental faculty t h a t God has granted us, t h a t we may enter into the first door of the inner worlds. Other t h a n t h a t it is of little use to anyone. H u m a n existence itself is a state, and when the reality of itself becomes a state, it is divided from the imagination and lives within a certain consciousness. This is a t r u t h known to many, but the secret of it is self-consciousness of the state. This is living within the state and being aware of all t h a t goes on within it. It is the private universe of the individual, which we all have. Each of us carries his own universe with him, and this is the world he m u s t have control of and be able to keep for himself. It is his individual privacy. Once the chela discovers these things, he becomes the master of his own universe, which is a microcosm of the whole. It is the state of consciousness with which he identifies t h a t determines his experience. Once he realizes this, he is released from w h a t he believed was the original cause but was actually only a secondary cause: t h a t he was the effect of some control from the outer world. Now he is no longer the effect of anything but the cause itself, and he is master of his own destiny. Thus, as long as we are living in the h u m a n state of consciousness, the world of creation is finished and its original is within ourselves. At the present, then, we are working only in the field of the completed world, for it is on this plane t h a t the original can be found within us. The world of mental activity is manifested before the observer's eyes, revealing also the course of time as the attention jumps between the rest points of eternity. 97
An infinite abyss separates any two moments, and by our attention, we give life to the circumstances within the inner worlds t h a t manifest outwardly. We must think of the spiritual worlds as containing an infinite number of states of consciousness from which they can be viewed. Think of these states as rooms in the mansion of the great spiritual universe, the house of God. Like the rooms of any house, they are fixed relative to one another. We ourselves are the reality here, as Soul, the living and moving occupant of this great spiritual universe. In this universe situations are worked out, but they are not in effect until Soul activates them. Each situation represents certain mental and emotional activities on the lower planes. To enter into any of these planes, or rooms, we must be in agreement with the ideas and feelings represented therein. Each plane has an infinite number of possible mental and emotional transformations t h a t Soul can experience. If it is the Astral Plane, t h e n we may meet with many whom we knew during our lives on earth. This plane has a definite set of rules and beliefs, and in order to change to another state, such as the Causal, we must simply adjust ourselves to different rules, beliefs, and knowledge. Matching the authenticity of the Causal state with our own is the way we move to it from, say, the Astral. The moment one does this he has traveled from one point in the invisible worlds to another. Therefore, it is important for any chela on the path of ECK to choose the God-Realized state. This is the highest he can serve. And once he has chosen it, all other states of consciousness will become lifeless and drop away. This state can be established only one way. As Yaubl Sacabi says, "To live in the pure state, one must be and act in purity." All things are made and 98
manifested by the Word made flesh. It is the Sound and the Light t h a t bring into being the pure state. The ECK chela is t h u s the Light of the World, the vehicle by which the ideals he has consented to are made manifest to all within his sphere. He lives at the core of this enlightened state, and t r u t h radiates from this center. He never thinks from it but lives and manifests from this, the h e a r t of all. It is only from the state of God Consciousness t h a t what one thinks and acts is ever manifested in the outer worlds. The chela becomes absorbed with the ideal state he wants to realize. He must have a definite set of goals or the mind will wander, and in its wandering take in every negative suggestion it hears. Nothing is more important t h a n the goals on which the mind feeds. If we feed on those thoughts springing from our ideals, then life becomes one with the state of God Consciousness. We are not seeking God but find t h a t we are living within Its splendor. The chela must therefore assume the feeling of already being in the state of God Awareness. He does not do this for a few moments only, but accepts it as part of his own self and carries it around like the fragrance of a rose. It establishes itself in the magnetic field around him and influences all t h a t come within its orbit. Once it gains a foothold, it is very hard to dispel. The crucial point, however, is living within the core of the God State and never hoping t h a t you might. To do this, one applies the concept of polarity. Polarity simply means the state of opposition between two related factors: light and darkness, heat and cold, material and unsubstantial, harmony and discord, positive and negative, good and evil, male and female. Nothing in this world can exist except in relation to its opposite pole.
On this plane we have to work with the polarity of light and darkness. This is one of the most interesting aspects of spiritual Light. While we are still working in the lower worlds we will not be raised to the highest; not until everything is Light and no shadows are found. This is something we must think of when beginning on the path to God. It is only n a t u r a l t h a t in the physical life we think constantly in terms of light and shadow, but this is only a p a r t of the lower worlds. We cannot work in this field without realizing t h a t we gain experience in the physical universe by living in both the shadows and the light. We m u s t learn to live within both opposites; and unless we are well drilled in this lesson, our advancement is delayed on the spiritual path. Only when someone approaches the great Masters to ask them personal favors, to know something about their own problems, do we begin to get an insight into the h u m a n condition. Then we learn t h a t the lower self cannot be satisfied and there is little need to try to fulfill any of its desires. It is this outer nature of m a n t h a t we always encounter when trying to introduce someone to the spiritual works of ECK. It balks, fights any changes, and will not allow itself to be put in any position t h a t makes it differ from the conformity of all h u m a n nature. It never allows any interference with its own belief; and as it is made of the negative materials in life, it will battle anything of a spiritual n a t u r e t h a t tries to enter its realm. The basic fight it puts up is doubt and skepticism. It will not accept any evidence because the negative, or just plain h u m a n nature, will never allow the positive any foothold. Unbeknownst to it, though, most of the great saints and believers in God started in the 100
same way, expressing the greatest amount of skepticism. The ECK enters this mass of doubt in small amounts at first, then gradually bores Its way into the opposition and eventually wins. A basic principle in ECK is that, at one time or another, all bodies within the physical atmosphere must come to rest. Soul Travel is based on this principle. If Soul inhabits a body in this world, It should learn to leave it daily and dwell in the upper worlds, which is Its true home. Someday the body must come to rest, or die, as it is known on this plane, so Soul trains the body to fend for itself. It then lives as much as possible in the heavenly worlds. These m u s t become part of our own world. Then the living Self will dwell with God while the h u m a n p a r t lives on earth, as expressed in the old axiom: My h e a r t is in heaven while my feet are on earth. We are a p a r t of all things, yet as individuals, as Soul, we are accountable only to God. Someday the body will come to rest, and Soul m u s t be prepared not to let Itself be trapped in some other body in this physical environment nor in some Astral shell t h a t has no control over itself. The difference between the finished and the unfinished creations is t h a t God, the SUGMAD, established the lower, finished worlds to provide a training ground for Soul. After Its creation in the heavenly realm Soul is sent to e a r t h as an untried, inexperienced entity. On earth It is like a child who must complete his scholastic work before going out into life and being fitted into society. Eventually, after many incarnations, Soul is purified by Its experiences and returns to heaven. There It is ready to serve God as a Co-worker in some spiritual mission. Soul h a s by then gained experience in the 101
spiritual sense and can choose what It wishes to do in either the spiritual or spirito-materialistic worlds. It may become a planetary spirit, an angel, a cherub, or an agent of God; or It may take any spiritual position as a Co-worker with God as desired. Little does one realize t h a t every time we acquire a new body on e a r t h in our line of successive incarnations, only Soul Itself retains any knowledge of other lives already lived. God seems to draw a curtain on our knowledge of past lives and only lets us remember what has taken place in the particular one we are living. It is only when we s t a r t looking to Soul patterns t h a t all begins to clear up about our past lives. Once this happens we soon learn who we are and what our great mission in this life is. Then we start working to get back into the heavenly worlds. No one can tell us about this. It m u s t be our own experiences t h a t make it possible. Unless an ECK Master brings us to this level of spiritual understanding, then we are without any possible opportunity of returning to the heavenly worlds. This brings us to the four levels of spiritual petition to God. These are not the usual types of common prayers made with the religious fervor of the saints, or t h a t known to readers of occult works. It is reaching into the depths of the spiritual powers to remove those blocks standing between Soul.and God. These four levels are very simple. First is petition, or Asha. This is the lowest method for trying to get a spiritual or materialistic request fulfilled. Many use this type of request, for its simplicity is designed for those who have no other means of asking God for something. It is to beg, seek, or ask the Divine Deity for something t h a t is beyond the seeker's own ability to 102
get. Christ's statement in the Gospels, "Seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you," is an aspect of orthodox teachings, but this aspect has been overused and abused until the general attitude toward it has become somewhat jaded. We cannot go on forever trying to petition God when there is no answer. This is what causes so many people to give up and never even try. What we must all remember here is t h a t in order to gain something from the invisible worlds we must be at a certain level of life. If we are below t h a t level of receiving then it never shall be ours. What we do receive is in exact proportion to the spiritual development we have gained. If we get nothing, it is very possible t h a t we have not made any progress spiritually. These are points to remember. Rebazar Tarzs said t h a t in order to receive anything from God we m u s t be open to acceptance. Too many persons are not independent enough to accept anything from anyone. Too many are dependent upon one another, and this is not a point for anyone to forget. The petitioner must get inside himself to see if life is worthy of his demands, for it never serves anyone who begs and pleads for anything. The second level of spiritual petition is prayer, or Bhakti. So much has been written about prayer and what it can do with and for anyone, t h a t it is almost pointless to say anything further. It is, however, the most overrated form of reaching God t h a t anyone could attempt. The religious bodies have made prayer such a mysterious, secret sort of gathering up something for oneself t h a t it has become a much-abused m a n n e r of approaching God. Even for the millions who use this form of approach it can scarcely be said to work. The problem is t h a t it is 103
difficult to know how much understanding of religious theories and methods of prayer can be made available to the untrained person. Such an individual is apt to get hold of things by the wrong end and so enmesh himself t h a t he comes up with totally unexpected problems. This is the main problem with the praise or thankfulness p a r t of the overall approach to the h e a r t of God. The Lord's Prayer, for example, is supposedly the model of all prayers, designed for those with no other means of raising their vibrations. It is judged that Christ, however, had no intention of giving prayers of this n a t u r e to any who followed him, but the Gospel writers in the centuries following his death made more out of his words t h a n was actually ascribed to him during his ministry on earth. Bhakti is the devotional stage of requesting something from God. Both prayer (Bhakti) and petition (Asha) are still within the karmic realm. The petitioner must therefore accept whatever he gets along with the success of his request. I knew a woman who wanted to get rid of her husband and m a r r y again, but the m a n she was supposedly in love with had little money. In order to have enough for herself and her children, should she remarry, it meant that her present husband would have to leave this life by accident. Then she could get a double indemnity from his insurance policy. Her mental prayers for getting rid of her husband and getting this money were almost successful. Only a change in plans caused him to take a train instead of a plane on one of his business trips. The plane crashed in a freak accident, and all on board died. The woman gave up her plans and forgot the pseudo love affair. The third level of spiritual petition is meditation, or Samadhi. This is only a mental form of worship, in a 104
sense: that is, concentrating upon some goal for endless hours until it is reached. The practitioner of this type of worship sits in silence, his thoughts single-tracked, his senses subdued, and his gaze fixed at the point of his nose in an unseeing manner. He chants the Hindu sacred word aum, and t h a t is all there is to it. Usually, though, the average person cannot do this sort of spiritual practice because he lacks control over his mind and thoughts. The very word meditation is misleading to Western religious followers. It is so common today t h a t we compare it with prayer and use it in our daily language, when a century ago few, if any, would have known what we were speaking about. But it has become a much-abused practice because the yogis have put too much emphasis upon it, and never carried it above the Mental Plane. The sixth chakra in the psychic body of m a n is known as the Do-dal-Kanwal, the two-petaled lotus. It is situated in back of the eyes on a level with the lower p a r t of the eyeballs, but exactly in the center of the brain cavity. It is at a point in the subtle body corresponding to the position of the pineal gland. This is the seat of the mind and of the Soul, which is also the center of control over the body. Above this center is another one called the Chardal-Kanwal, whose function is to supply the fourfold antishkarans, the mental faculties of the mind, with centers of action. These four faculties are: first, Manas, the faculty of receiving and tasting, the mind stuff itself. Second, Chitta, the faculty t h a t takes note of form and beauty. Third, Buddhi, the intellect, the instrument of thought, discrimination, and decision. And fourth, Ahankar, the faculty t h a t executes orders once they are given. 105
Above this center is the Tisra Til, the Third Eye, where all attention is concentrated when meditating. Soul is said to reside in the Do-dal-Kanwal, which is the highest center in the Pinda, or physical universe, and also in the physical body of man. From this center one concentrates his attention on the Tisra Til, skipping the antishkaran center. In this manner the attention crosses the line of the Pinda and enters the Anda, the lowest of the other worlds. This is the Astral zone, the capital of which is known as Sahasra-dalKanwal. Soul is then on Its way along the upper paths in Its journey to God. This is the only place for those who know very little about the a r t of meditation to launch Soul according to this method. Generally, the Orientals love to preach t h a t meditation is the panacea for all problems. But sooner or later we learn t h a t all they are referring to is the Mental realm, which eventually becomes the effects of their own efforts. We find t h a t this Oriental type of meditation brings little more t h a n visions t h a t must be examined to distinguish reality from illusion. So many of these visions are from within the practitioner's own little universe, but he accepts them as something sent by the Supreme Deity, as p a r t of the universal worlds. The practitioner regards them as a reward for his faith and devotion in keeping to his periods of meditation. This self-deception is not always the individual's fault. He h a s nothing by which to measure these subjective experiences, so he m u s t accept them as t r u t h or falsehood. They are usually taken as t r u t h because the meditator does not know any better. In comparison, the Spiritual Exercises of ECK give participants a yardstick to measure whether the reality gained from out-of-the-body consciousness is truth. 106
Thus we say t h a t meditation is merely a passive state in which one tries to draw God-Realization into himself while sitting in the asana, or yoga position, to attain oneness with God. The practitioner hopes the attributes of God will descend into his physical body and act as a panacea for all ills. The next stage on the path is contemplation, known to ECK chelas as the Anitya. This is to direct attention to some object, to muse upon it and study it, or simply ponder the matter. Contemplation differs from meditation because the object or vision gives purpose to our attention. It is a natural point of concentration. The practitioner scans his subject with the attitude of knowing, coupled with awareness and judgment. Meditation practically makes it a case of either concentrate or fail, while contemplation does not do this. Contemplation is getting very close to the highest form of worship, for it carries the practitioner beyond the Mental planes and into the Fifth, or Soul, Plane. This is because the main starting point is the crown chakra, the Sahasra-dal-Kanwal, or the thousandpetaled lotus. By contemplating this region one begins to travel via the path of ECK into the higher realms. We are dealing here with levels of consciousness and not creations of a fertile imagination. Neither are we talking about worlds within, but again about levels of consciousness. As Rebazar Tarzs once said, "These are rooms within the palace and must be considered only in this manner. We are going from the smaller rooms into the larger only through the state of Soul movement, which is moving the attention from one point to another." The attention is withdrawn from the outer world and placed at the top of the head, then held there in 107
contemplation of whatever the practitioner desires. It must be on the higher t r u t h s , though, or failure will occur. Then these levels of consciousness - call them worlds if you m u s t - exist only for us, for the outer worlds have been shut out completely from our consciousness. Slowly Soul will gather up all Its forces at the crown chakra until It finally penetrates the inner aperture, leaving the physical world altogether and entering into a higher region. At this particular moment Soul passes through the inner gates of light and steps into a new world. This has nothing to do with the kundalini, which is one of the so-called mystical forces within man. The kundalini comes under an entirely different type of training, mainly yoga exercises. It has nothing to do with the Spiritual Exercises of ECK. Nor have many spiritual travelers who have gained the higher planes found much use for t h e release of the kundalini until self-control and mental purity have been established over it. The next and final step is the Hukikat, or Nirvikalpa. This is the deepest form of Samadhi, in which the meditator cannot distinguish himself from the object of meditation. This is p a r t of the highest form of contemplation, but we use the word meditation because it is more familiar to the reader. All the previous steps in prayer or meditation are only preparation to the Hukikat stage. This is entering into oneness with T r u t h and Reality. But here we m u s t stop and explain something t h a t has always bothered students of the spiritual works. We never become one with God, as the metaphysicians and religionists claim. What actually happens is t h a t we become one with Spirit, the essence of God. 108
This is what is so often poetically named the Breath of God. There is no p r a n a y a m a in ECK. Therefore, the practitioner is not tied to the lower worlds via breath control. His mind m u s t be detached from this world, and his attention put upon the radiant form of the Living ECK Master, who is always with him, no m a t t e r where he might be in physical distance. The Zikar, or chanting of the holy word, comes before t h e Dhyana with the Master. Then following this comes the Bhajan, a form of exercise not known to any other system. It consists in listening to the ECK, the Sound, the Audible Life Stream. This Sound has many names, but we know It as the ECK. All space is filled with It, and It is the Sound of all revelation to the Masters. It is always going on within, around, and about man, but he does not usually hear It because his consciousness is centered entirely in his material universe. When we can hear this heavenly music, though, all other sounds become indistinct to us. Now you should be able to understand what is meant when someone in ECK claims t h a t the Living ECK Master is the ECK Itself He has become one with the ECK, and It has penetrated him until finally no action, whether in the Soul, Mental, or Physical realm, is performed unless it is directed by the ECK. He has become the Channel for God. How one reaches these spiritual heights cannot be put into words. These heights do exist, and a very few do reach them, but they usually cannot describe j u s t what the results were and what their experiences have been. It is literally impossible to say t h a t an individual can get into these heights by any specific technique. The story of Saint Francis's sufferings and his desires to have the experience of God are beyond 109
the conception of the normal senses. So are the stories of any saint who has reached these heights. This is also true of the lives of the ECK Masters. For example, Sudar Singh, the great ECK Master of Allahabad, India, was the son of a wealthy merchant who gave up everything to get this experience in God. His story is most inspiring to the followers of ECK. In his youth Sudar Singh, like Saint Francis, gave up an inheritance t h a t would have left him well-off for the rest of his life without lifting a hand. But wealth meant nothing to Sudar Singh. He gave away his rich clothing and went off in rags to become a beggar, t h a t he might rid himself of a stigma hindering his way to God. He had to learn t h a t a chela must obey without asking questions. This is the essence of the relationship between the Master and chela. But first he had to find a Master, and this was the most important part of his seeking. He announced this to many of his friends and bravely went out to find his Master. But pride and vanity were standing in his way because he believed t h a t giving up his wealth was all t h a t was needed to become established on the path to God. Like all others Sudar Singh had much to learn. He went to the home of a very important government official who invited him there to study the teachings of ECK, but Sudar Singh was somewhat bored with this idea. Meanwhile, Rebazar Tarzs appeared to this government official in his home and told him t h a t Sudar Singh was coming to visit for a few days to ask questions about his Master. Since he was the Living ECK Master t h a t this young m a n was seeking, Rebazar wanted to be there acting in the role of a servant to wait upon him. Sudar Singh arrived a few days later, very proud of his rags, and spent approximately thirty-six hours ask110
ing question upon question. Meanwhile, the pseudoservant, whose duty it was to wait on the young seeker, patiently stood around in his disguise to see w h a t course of action Sudar Singh would follow. After several days Sudar Singh left, very disappointed t h a t he had not fulfilled his quest in his host's home. He had completely overlooked Rebazar Tarzs and, on leaving, remarked, "There is nothing in the teaching of ECK for me." He went from city to city asking questions and hoping to get the answers. His search lasted a year before t r u t h dawned on him. He was in the foothills of the Himalayan mountains north of Darjeeling, when one hot afternoon he stopped to rest. Hungry and tired, he began to wonder if this was the end of it all and if he should r e t u r n to his father's home and ask forgiveness. He fell into a light sleep. Suddenly he was awakened by a sound. There was a m a n with shining, coal black eyes and with short dark hair and beard standing beside him with a pitcher of milk. "I am Rebazar Tarzs," the m a n said, "whom you have been searching for. Meet me in the old marketplace of Srinagar one month from today, and I will accept you as my chela to learn the secrets of heaven." We are not all this fortunate, but the road is always open for anyone who wants to work his way through the successive levels to dwelling in constant bliss. It is then t h a t we find there is a vastness, a depth, and a broadness about ECK t h a t most of us fail to grasp. Unless we find this and understand it, and unless we compare it with history and the other aspects of h u m a n existence, then we should stop, for we shall not go any further. It also means t h a t anytime anyone begins the way of ECK he should stop searching through books and 111
other means of reaching God. We cannot travel two paths at the same time. This does not mean t h a t we should become dogmatic about ECK, but the troubles we encounter on Its path are due mainly to the fact t h a t we cannot give up preconceived notions and ideas about our spiritual destiny and all t h a t goes with it. Therefore, whoever is capable of lifting himself into the areas beyond the Soul Plane will open himself as a channel for God. This is one of the most important features of ECKANKAR. It means t h a t all who want to serve God and become a Co-worker with God must sooner or later step across the dividing line between t h e spirito-materialistic worlds and t h e spiritual worlds. When one begins his ascent to heaven, he first becomes the acolyte, which is followed by being an initiate, later the Mahdis, and finally the Adept. These are the stages t h a t he will go through, until he finally enters into the Ancient Order of the Vairagi to become a Master. His t u r n will come to be the Living ECK Master, should it be so established among the hierarchy of the Vairagi Order. If not, there are other duties t h a t he may take up and perform, helping in the spiritual development of those trying to find their way back to heaven again.
The Steps to the Secret Kingdom
he factors to be discussed in this chapter concern knowing, faith, realization, and experience. All of these are steps into the secret kingdom of God. Without these factors we are apt to slip on the path and have a hard time recovering. Here the chela must consider something t h a t is the foundation of work in ECK. As Rebazar Tarzs once said: "It takes actual experience by t h e individual before belief enters into the picture." This is a fact t h a t the majority of the seekers of God overlook, for without experience none can have realization. This is the most important factor of life in the spiritual worlds, for without experience we do not have either knowing or faith or realization. We m u s t remember t h a t each is a step to the state we know as experience in God, for they fit together as a glove fits the fingers. During a tour of the southern United States some time ago, someone at the Fort Lauderdale workshop asked, "Can you prove all this about God Worlds and realization?" I answered in the negative and left the question hanging for the benefit of the person who had 113
asked it. I cannot prove individual experience, and this is exactly why science does not accept the GodRealized state. None can know it except he who has experienced it. My contention is that anyone who has never reached the God-Realized state is apt to believe in something false. It is an unknown state until he experiences it. He is in the position of the m a n who has read everything about how to play golf, but until he gets out on the green and swings a club, his understanding is still theoretical. He is dealing with belief, or the realm of fantasy, the area in which so many seekers of God fall when trying to travel the path alone. They often become neurotics, paranoids, and perhaps even schizophrenics. This is the danger of trying to read too much in the occult field or overloading oneself with the various discourses of too many groups. Experience, properly interpreted and understood, leaves no doubt in the mind of him who has participated in it. Invariably, it is b u t a piece of semantics for the God-seeker, and he should not be too interested in philosophical belief as his goal. He must know t h a t the experience is true. Until he has experienced Selfand God-Realization, he really does not know one thing about it. He can talk and read everything, but he has still in no way contacted the reality of it. I have said a hundred times in seminars throughout the world t h a t I can write a million words on the subject of God-Realization, talk for hours on end, write books, and tell the world about this glorious phenomenon, but until one experiences it, it means nothing to him. It is but words I say or write, which all come back into the mental realm and mean nothing until the reality of the subject is achieved. Then we know. 114
This is the difference between knowledge and knowing. Knowledge is only information, and the one with a head full of knowledge is often a failure at everything. This is why so many college graduates cannot perform in our society; knowledge is stuffed into their heads by ivory-towered professors who believe t h a t this is the only way to make society work. Few professors have the experience necessary in life to make the student a greater member of the society he has to live in. The chela often reaches the stage where faith and belief hold little comfort for him, because he has recognized the reality of God's truth. Yet he has hardly had any realization of the Living ECK Master, who is known as the M a h a n t a of the age. When someone writes or speaks about his troubles with the Spiritual Exercises of ECK, it is generally because he is a novice and does not really know what he is getting into when taking up the spiritual path of ECK. Primarily he gets himself tangled in philosophical jargon and pseudologic, and finally ends by drowning in a sea of intellectuality. He really believes t h a t all he has to do is follow the set of exercises laid down in the discourses and success will be his. But this is not true, for he soon finds himself in real trouble. He cannot achieve success with the exercises; and this makes him an effect of his own effects, which is about the worst thing t h a t could happen. The t r u t h of the m a t t e r is t h a t the path to God is a lonesome road. The quicker the chela learns t h a t nobody except the M a h a n t a will be with him while traveling his highway to heaven, the quicker will he know that success with anything like the spiritual exercises will come only by his own efforts. Nobody can help him. He has to learn to rely on no one but himself. The 115
M a h a n t a will always be with him, but he is going to let the chela work out his own problems as much as possible. He never intends to make ECK a spiritual welfare program. At the present we can give twelve steps into the secret Kingdom of God. These steps correspond with the various planes. They are the Physical, Astral, Causal, Mental, Etheric (upper p a r t of the Mental Plane), Soul, Alakh, Alaya, Hukikat, Agam, Anami, SUGMAD World, and the Ocean of Love and Mercy, the SUGMAD, Living Reality, which is considered the Godhead. The deeper reason we call these the steps is t h a t too many seekers of God feel t h a t it is a rather less strenuous approach to the Godhead t h a n t h a t of other religious groups. One has to take a good look at the road he is to travel before entering upon it, for we have to meet t h e M a h a n t a in the inner worlds at the place where the three roads meet and all except Soul are slain. This means t h a t the lower bodies and the mind m u s t be temporarily left behind so t h a t Soul is released from their hold and free to travel the high road. One m u s t take into consideration all the planes he must visit during his travels to the Godhead. Here we s t a r t at the lowest plane: 1. P h y s i c a l P l a n e . Its sound is thunder, and the word for chanting is Alayi. Its ruler is Elam. This world is known as the Pinda in the Sanskrit language, and it is the region of the illusion of reality (maya), science, body, and day-to-day events in life. This is the first step on the road to the secret kingdom. 2. Astral P l a n e . Its word for chanting is Kala, and its classical n a m e is S a t K a n w a l - A n d a . The J o t Niranjan is t h e ruler. It is also described as the Turiya Pad. It is t h e source of most psychic phenomena, 116
ghosts, flying saucers, and disembodied spirits. This is the highest plane reached by astral projection and most occult sciences. The sound is t h a t of the roaring sea. 3. Causal P l a n e . Its word for chanting is Mana, and its ruler is Ramkar, the Maha Kal Brahm. This is the region where the memory patterns of past lives hold sway. It is here t h a t all those who can do Akashic readings for others look for the source of trouble in past lives and reembodiments. On this plane one can hear the tinkling of bells. It is the plane of negative reality which affects all below. 4. Mental P l a n e . Its sound is of running water, and the word Aum is used for chanting. This is where the ruler of the three worlds of Vedanta, Buddhism, and Hinduism dwells. He is Omkar, the Brahm, the great Brahman spoken of in the Hindu sacred writings. This plane is the source of philosophy, ethics, moral teachings, and the understanding of conventional Gods and religions. In ECK we realize t h a t in reality this is the home of the Kal Niranjan, the lord of the lower worlds and ruler of the negative forces. He is known by many names, including S a t a n , the devil, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Ahriman, to name a few. The negative power is often known as the Universal Mind Power, which many sects and religions worship as the true God power, but this is only p a r t of the illusion used by the Kal to keep its hold as Soul tries to get back to the heavenly worlds again. E t h e r i c P l a n e . This is the top of the Mental Plane. Its word for chanting is Baju. This is w h a t the psychologists would call the subconscious. It is the source of primitive thought, and is a very thin sheath between the Mental body and the Atma Sarup, the Soul body. Primitive people were closer to this body t h a n any 117
above 12 planes . . . AKSHAR Realization 12. SUGMAD 11. SUGMAD World 10. Anami Lok 9. Agam Lok 8. Hukikat Lok 7. Alaya Lok 6. Alakh Lok 5. Soul Unspoken Word Unspoken Word HU Huk Aluk Hum Shanti SUGMAD SUGMAD Living Reality SUGMAD Lok Anami Lok Agam Lok Hukikat Lok Alaya Lok Alakh Lok Sat Nam Music of God Music of Universe Sound of a Whirlpool Music of the Woodwinds Thousand Violins Deep Humming Heavy Wind Single Note of Flute
2. Astral
1. Physical
of ECK
Description covers all worlds Ocean of Love and Mercy Above the SUGMAD are many planes not yet realized. Nameless plane - Beyond human language; we can hardly speak of it. Inaccessible plane - few enter into this world, no words can describe it. Highest state Soul generally reaches; Soul stays here for eons. Endless world - Eternity seems to begin and end here; unknown world. Invisible plane - Soul finds peace and happiness, does not want to leave. Dividing plane - First realm of the SUGMAD, pure Spirit, pure being, Self-Realization. AND SPIRITUAL WORLDS Unconscious, source of the primitive. Kal Niranjan - Source of philosophy, ethics, moral teachings, aesthetics, Universal Mind Power, God of orthodox religions. Plane of negative reality which affects all below. Turiya Pad - Source of most psychic phenomena, flying saucers, spirits, etc. Highest reached by astral projection and most occult sciences. Pinda - Illusion of reality (maya), science, day-to-day life; plane of matter, energy, space, time; Soul trapped by the five passions: lust, anger, greed, attachment, and vanity.
Copyright 1971 by ECKANKAR. All rights reserved.
others are, because with the development of civilization, racial and individual aberrations also developed in the other bodies of man. Few people, if any, despite the various books and literature appearing for public reading, know anything about the unconscious mind. Many call it the subconscious, but it is really more unconscious than this because it is a clearer channel for those who are seeking to become instruments of God. The ruler here is one whom we know as Sohang, or the Saguna Brahm. Now we come to the dividing line between the lower and the upper worlds. This line separates the psychic regions from the spiritual planes and is known to the chelas as the border between the two grand divisions of the universes of God. Always within the lower worlds we encounter the problems of k a r m a and reincarnation. This is the burden every Soul must bear while undergoing his training within the lower worlds. In the upper regions we gain freedom and selfrecognized individuality which allows Soul to reenter into t h a t state called God Consciousness. 5. S o u l P l a n e . This is the first plane t h a t Soul enters in the pure spiritual worlds. The word here is SUGMAD, with each individual letter spelled out for chanting, and the Light is more brilliant t h a n the imagination can comprehend. The ruler of this plane is Sat Nam. He is the first manifestation of God in the worlds of the Second Grand Division. This plane is also called Atma Lok. Lok means "plane" in the Hindi language. 6. A l a k h Lok. Many mystics who are able to get into the higher regions believe this world to be the end of all life, the abode of God, the Ultimate Reality. The word of this invisible plane for chanting is Shanti (SHAHN-tee). Those who reach this plane m u s t have 120
the power of discrimination to go beyond it, for they find such peace and happiness after establishing themselves here. 7. Alaya Lok. This is the endless world, called so because it is so huge there seems to be no end to it. It appears to be the unknown world where eternity begins and ends, yet it is only another vast spiritual plane. The word here is Hum - like the sound of humming with the lips closed, a swarm of bees, or a high electrical sound. We hear it in practically everything in our daily existence, but do not recognize it. 8. H u k i k a t Lok. This is the highest state Soul generally reaches, but It can still go on into worlds beyond this one. When Soul arrives on this plane, It often has to stay for eons before passing on to the next. The word here is Aluk, (pronounced ah-LOOK, with a long second syllable). 9. A g a m Lok. Followers of ECKANKAR know this as the inaccessible plane, for few, if any, ever enter into it. Here the word is Huk, a short barking sound made with the deep p a r t of the throat. This world is so brilliant there are never any words to describe it. The old mystics used sign language to describe any journey to the high worlds. The same would apply here. 10. A n a m i Lok. This is known as the nameless plane, for there is nothing to say about it. It is beyond the vocabulary of any h u m a n language. The most to be said about it is the single word representative of the Anami Lok. This word is HU, the universal name of God, which is present in every existing language. It is present in the words we speak, in the sound of animals; it is the wind in the trees, the rushing of water, the roaring of waterfalls, and the beat of the sea against a beach or stone cliff. It is everywhere, in every plane below it. We can hardly speak of it. 121
11. SUGMAD World. Here is the beginning of the abode of the SUGMAD. Only those who have become ECK Masters reach this world. Out of this world flows the Word of God, the magnificent music of the universes. Anyone who h a s ever heard It will never want to live in the material worlds again. 12. SUGMAD. This is the SUGMAD, the Living Reality, the Ocean of Love and Mercy. Above this is the Akshar Realization which covers all worlds. The sound here is the Music of God, and it can only be experienced, never put into words. ECKANKAR does not say there are only twelve planes, for above the Anami Lok there are numerous ones not yet accounted for in the explorations of the ECK Masters. But in order not to confuse ECK chelas we give only the number listed here. There are also many planes within these twelve listed regions. Some explorers of the spiritual worlds list fifty or so planes within each world, but this is not quite true, for we know the Astral world contains over one hundred different planes. These are not exactly planes but states, similar in n a t u r e to the states and provinces within each region of the physical. In the higher worlds, above t h e Fifth P l a n e , we do not seem to find divisions of this nature. All is one complete world of its own on each plane. Understand t h a t we work with t h e whole instead of p a r t s upon reaching the true spiritual worlds. The chela m u s t think in terms of allness in the true spiritual worlds. His awareness apparatus works differently on t h e various planes he m u s t go through in order to reach the Godhead. We are never without some state of awareness, even in the mineral stage of consciousness. This awareness is one-pointed on the lower planes, but upon reaching the true spiritual planes it 122
becomes omnipresent and all-encompassing. In other words, one can see in all directions when Soul is in the higher worlds. It is for this very reason t h a t the Mahanta, who is the Living ECK Master, will take the chela through the lower planes first, going gradually into the state of God-Realization instead of immediately. The purpose of this is to keep the chela balanced in his physical life. Too many have been pushed and shoved into the higher state only to return and find themselves no longer fit for life here in this world. Fanatical religious figures have at times dominated history, like Rasputin, the mad monk of Russia. He touched the spiritual state and then reduced himself to the psychic element, due to the n a t u r e of his times. Rasputin, and others like him, abused the spiritual state to become destroyers instead of builders. They lacked a Master who could have carried them safely through the lower worlds into the highest spiritual heaven. It is said t h a t today we are confusing psychic experiences for the spiritual state. This happens because no one h a s a yardstick to compare the differences between psychic and spiritual experiences. The faculties within Soul actually correspond with the invisible planes I have given here. Our perceptions of the planes are then influenced in t u r n by these faculties of Soul. It is a give-and-take affair, and unless we are able to understand w h a t is going on within Soul the individual is apt to become lost and flounder about. Many persons are ignorant of the existence of the inner planes and these Soul faculties. However, anyone who observes life flowing past in the world around him cannot fail to see the tides in the affairs of people t h a t cannot be explained by the material sequence of cause 123
and effect. It is these subtle tides t h a t the Living ECK Master studies, formulating the laws in regard to them and guiding the chelas through the rocks and shoals of daily life. Contrary to widespread belief among those studying various spiritual works, these planes do not lie one above the other. They are simply different modes of existence and can - any and all of them - occupy the same space at the same time just as light, sound, and temperature do. The different aspects of consciousness are built from these different forms of existence, just as the calcium t h a t forms the bones of the body is taken from the mineral kingdom of e a r t h and the water found in bodily tissues is drawn from springs and rivers. This calcium is in no way different from the calcium found in plant tissue or the rocks of the earth's surface. The h e a r t is a pump like any pump, and water in the blood is no different in its action t h a n water in hot-water pipes. Therefore, the same should prevail in the sphere of consciousness. The spark of divine ECK, the innermost core and nucleus of every Soul, is also p a r t of the God realm. Thus mental power with its force and images is p a r t of the kingdom of mind, the Mental Plane. Memory and recall of past lives belong to the Causal Plane, our emotional n a t u r e is p a r t of the Astral world, and the physical body is p a r t of the e a r t h kingdom. It should be remembered, though, t h a t the e a r t h has a subtle electromagnetic aspect as well as a dense one. This fools people doing psychic research, for they believe t h a t this electromagnetic p a r t of the physical body is something greater t h a n the earthly p a r t of it. One thing I should like to interject is t h a t the thin layer between the mind and Soul, which is the unconscious p a r t of the mind, h a s powers t h a t are p a r t of the 124
upper mind region wherein lie the worlds of instinct and the sympathetic nervous system of the body. The physical body receives impressions from the Physical Plane through the five physical senses. It cannot perceive thought, emotion, or things of Spirit except as they are signaled to it by the effect they have on the body. There are perceptive senses - very elementary in most people but very highly developed in some - t h a t correspond with the various levels of consciousness given earlier. We are influenced far more t h a n we realize by the unconscious states of those around us. This is the reason why good morale is important in any organization. This is also true of any state or nation, for any minority group with a sense of outrage or injustice can upset and demoralize a whole nation of people, a government, or a private business. A dictator wins popular support by appealing to the moral injury of minority groups and eventually brings down the established government. Then he replaces the governmental head and rules with an iron hand, failing to see t h a t whatever method he used to bend the minority groups to his purposes will be used by another against him. Governments, believing t h a t they can foster revolutions in other countries and dissolve the established law and order, forget - or overlook - t h e fact t h a t whenever they do this the same happens in their own country. It all boils down to one fact: the inharmonious person works up all kinds of resistances around himself and makes life rough going for himself. History has proven this out. The ways of Alexandra, for example, wife of Nicholas II, added to the downfall of the czars of Russia in 1918. These factors are overlooked by the chela whose main interest is focused upon himself. Should he 125
become powerful in his mental forces without the proper discipline, he could bring ruin upon himself and those around him. Rasputin, the mad monk of Russia, is an outstanding example of this. Napoleon is another whose tremendous mental powers and influence caused a major upheaval in Europe and changed the map of the continent. Rebazar Tarzs once said in a visit, "Nothing should move the dweller in ECK! He must live in God and nothing else. The influence of the psychic worlds shall not touch him." The chela does not want to get into areas of meditation t h a t carry him only into the psychic regions. So many of the Oriental religions hardly let a person get above these planes. Naive people, posing as religious leaders, often lead their even more naive followers into areas of danger by not being able to give them spiritual assistance in the psychic worlds. So many people want to alter their environment until they have control over it and can achieve happiness. This is literally impossible, but it has nevertheless bothered the people of the world since the beginning of time. The history of the e a r t h plane is built upon this false precept, and countless fiction stories were established because the writers believed it to be the basis of happiness. This is not true, for no individual or group of people can change the environment to suit themselves without h u r t i n g others. It is the same old story t h a t whatever one does to take control of the environment never suits the desires and needs of those around him. This basic factor is the cause of all social ills within the world. Reformers and churches are preaching peace to those more naive t h a n themselves. We can never have peace on this planet because it is impos126
sible: E a r t h is definitely ruled by the Kal forces, and they will never allow it to happen. The Kal misleads man. It makes him believe t h a t he can change the environment and bring about peace and happiness for all mankind. But it is only when m a n learns to gain control of his own reactions and learns to rule his own inner self t h a t peace and happiness are possible. This is the answer, for he has then accepted individual responsibility for his own reactions and selfcontrol. The other individual h a s not learned this. Once the chela has grasped this point he has gained great knowledge about entering into the kingdom of heaven. Unless we have such discipline it is impossible for Soul to travel and explore t h e spiritual universes, for God leaves all matters of this nature up to the individual. This being true, there are two things necessary in the ECK chela's training in order for him to enter into the spiritual worlds and enjoy the bliss and happiness that come with his travels. The first of these is t h a t he must never allow mental and emotional conditions to have any power to affect him. The very thoughts, feelings, and emotional outbursts of those occupying space in any given situation in this material universe are apt to affect us in a covert manner t h a t results in outward, or overt, behavior. Often this goes against our very n a t u r e and our relationships with others. This can be in the atmosphere of a room or in an airport terminal where people pass through daily, leaving behind mixed emotions of rage, sorrow, discouragement, and other negative feelings. Any sensitive person can pick up these emotional states without knowing it and react overtly against anyone in his line of fire. The second aspect necessary to the chela's training is that he must never allow his reactions to these 127
influences to r u n riot. He must take charge of them. And to perceive the influence of some negative nature and react to it is not enough. We must learn to counteract it. The whole process of controlling the environment s t a r t s with control of self. Until we cease to be influenced by surrounding conditions, we can never hope to exercise any influence over them. The paradox of this statement is t h a t when we cease to be concerned about the environment, we will have the power to change it. This is the very reason why the ECK Masters have the power of longevity t h a t staggers the imagination. The secret of longevity lies deep in the mystery of the h u m a n body, in what is known to science as the enzyme. Without enzymes, there is no life. They control all the biochemical reactions of all living things: man, germs, trees, and fish. Digestion, breathing, the pumping of the heart, nerve impulses, formation of body tissues, energy to move muscles, and growth of the body all depend upon enzymes. A single cell contains many, possibly hundreds of, enzymes, each directing a specific action and each coming into play at the right time and place. Until the ECK Masters discovered something about them, few persons, if any, ever lived longer t h a n seventy-five to one hundred years. But the fact is t h a t most ancient Adepts of the ECK Order of the Vairagi are well into ages beyond the normal man, in the same continuous body. Rebazar Tarzs, one of the younger ECK Masters, is said to be over five hundred years old. Fubbi Quantz, head of the Katsupari Monastery in the remote mountains of northern Tibet, is many centuries older t h a n Rebazar Tarzs. Heading the order of the ECK Masters is Yaubl Sacabi, whose age far exceeds any of these just named. Other ECK Masters have kept their physical 128
bodies and are now working on other planets in the universe. These Masters have learned the secret of enzymes in the h u m a n body. They have learned to control them, thus giving themselves mastery over the influences of environment, age, and self. They learned long ago t h a t the mere practice of the Spiritual Exercises of ECK brought results. They know t h a t life is not reduced to the simplicity t h a t the metaphysicians, occultists, and religious groups try to teach to the world, like selling a product to the public. All of this only affirms the fact t h a t we must change our efforts toward spiritual principles and s t a r t from there to control the inner self. No responsibility for any act should be blamed upon another, b u t accepted fully by ourselves. This is the first ECK principle in seeking self-discipline. The next step is the practice of the Spiritual Exercises of ECK, as laid down in chapter 5. Once we begin working on these, the inner changes start and our Spiritual Eye begins to open enough for us to see into the beyond. It is then t h a t we are able to s t a r t taking control of our environment. Only through continued practice can we bring ourselves to the point of total control. To be successful in ECK we m u s t spend more time in diagnosis of ourselves to decide j u s t what action is necessary to bring us the needed self-control. There are several things t h a t we might be doing t h a t we can look at to help us achieve a better understanding of ourselves. For example: (1) Denial of reality, or protecting oneself from unpleasant reality by refusing to face it, by getting sick or occupied with other things. (2) Gratifying frustrated desires in imaginary achievements. (3) Attempting to prove t h a t one's behavior is 129
rational, justifiable, and worthy of self- and social approval. (4) Placing blame for difficulties upon others or attributing one's own unethical desires to others. (5) Repression, p r e v e n t i n g painful or d a n g e r o u s thoughts from entering the mind. (6) Preventing dangerous desires from being expressed by exaggerating opposed attitudes and behavior, and using them as barriers. (7) Regression, retreating to earlier developm e n t levels t h a t r e q u i r e less m a t u r e responses. (8) Identifying oneself with persons or institutions of i l l u s t r i o u s s t a n d i n g to g a i n a feeling of w o r t h . (9) Covering up weaknesses or making up for frustration in some area of emotional life by emphasizing desirable traits. (10) Discharging pent-up feelings of hostility on something t h a t is less dangerous than those who may strike back. (11) Reducing involvement and withdrawing into passivity to protect oneself from emotional injury. (12) Presenting a logic-tight argument against anything t h a t might separate one from his own beliefs and religious attitudes, especially when it seems to be harmful to one's ego. (13) Bolstering one's ego for self-worth despite failure, by seeking sympathy from others. These are among the many things t h a t may besiege the chela who wants to look at himself and learn where his weaknesses might lie. One word of caution, however: The chela should not spend too much time trying to search out his weaknesses. These should be touched upon lightly, then kept in the background so t h a t t h e chela will not become introverted. These weaknesses m u s t be initially recognized, then polarized through the Spiritual Exercises of ECK. It can be done provided the chela keeps at these exercises and does not get discouraged. He also has to recognize t h a t many of the conditions in his life are the 130
result of his karma; he must stop his self-sympathy and resentment of them. Conditions brought on by karmic debts are experiences to help the chela progress on the spiritual path of development. Once he has given up feeling sorry for himself and has abandoned his resentment against life, he s t a r t s breaking the karmic ties t h a t bind him to these situations in life. He begins to work off his karma; he is not subjected to the drastic reactions t h a t come from being initiated too soon, nor to what so often comes should he step off the path of ECK. Unless he has come under the tutelage of the Living ECK Master, he could have a rough path to follow. Too many pseudo teachers and masters initiate a follower on first meeting, only to leave him with his hang-ups. These hang-ups are brought into the external with drastic reactions. The poor fellow is usually left to deal with them, suffering through many unnecessary hardships, while the leader blithely casts them aside with some vague explanation t h a t they are j u s t karma. Do not believe this sort of talk, for the only way one can find peace of mind, rid himself of his karmic debt, and take control of himself is to rid himself of aberrations and other problems through ECK. By his ability to leave this physical state of consciousness and travel into the God States, he can find himself a purified vessel. He can be a channel for God and live in this world of matter while at the same time dwelling in the timeless consciousness. Within the totality of h u m a n experience there have been, and are, several kinds of consciousness. Two types of awareness, however, have dominated. They open up different windows of understanding, the one consisting of the Oriental point of view and the other the Occidental. 131
Our Western life has tended to concentrate on the outward and active. Our philosophers and intellectuals have striven to find t r u t h primarily through the exercise of reason. In this m a n n e r they believe the meaning of the universe can be laid bare. Their eyes are turned to the phenomena of the material world; they believe its nature and laws can be discovered through observation, experiment, and logical thought. Western man's chief objective is to control nature via knowledge and bend it to his will. Western history is the story of the conquest of n a t u r e by m a n through reason and science. Thus science and technology have been the achievement of the Western world. On the other hand, the Oriental has the tendency to work on the inner self and the passive. He believes t h a t t r u t h cannot be found through knowledge of material phenomena, which is maya, or illusion. He seeks t r u t h instead through intuition, passivity, and contemplation. He feels t h a t h u m a n history has little or no meaning, but is only a series of meaningless cycles leading to no goal. Life is a prison from which the enlightened m a n will, through knowledge of the ECK, escape into the true God realm. Since we ourselves are instruments for the main body of t h e h i g h e s t s p i r i t u a l i d e a l s k n o w n as ECKANKAR, we must always be watchful in regard to our actions and words. This self-awareness is something t h a t falls in harmony with ECK. It begins to work in a much greater m a n n e r with whoever is capable and ever on t h e lookout for the deeper and subtler aspects of his own inner self, As the instrument for this greatest spiritual power within all universes, we must take hold of the basic idea t h a t we are the chosen people. This makes us different from all others in this world, and we must look upon 132
ourselves as heirs to the keys of heaven. We are the kings and queens of the earthly realm, appointed by the divine SUGMAD to take our places here as ITS representatives. We are to act as godly instruments through which the ECK flows to the world and uplifts humanity. By divine right we have become the chosen people. And, because we have accepted the responsibility of carrying out the will of God, it is necessary t h a t we have faith and knowledge of being the people of God. Those who do not belong in the spiritual works of ECK have either rejected this path or do not know of it. They will have to wait until the time is ready for each to accept the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master. These people are in a sort of limbo, whether it is in the past or modern times. They will go through lifetime after lifetime wondering why they m u s t suffer, for the Angel of Death does not listen to their cries for mercy but places t h e m back into another life to pay for their karma. The Angel of Death is the agent of the Kal Niranjan, who is relentless, merciless, and administers absolute justice to each and all, regardless of their position in life. But he who is under the Mahanta's guiding h a n d will be free of all this: he will be met at the time of death by the Living ECK Master and be escorted to the place where he is to enjoy life in the spiritual worlds. He will never have to return again to the physical plane. By the ECK alone the chela can transcend all lower regions and rise into the heavenly worlds of the SUGMAD. Without the M a h a n t a , the Living ECK Master no one can attain conscious union with the stream of pure life, nor can he go further t h a n the first region of light, which is the Astral Plane. Rami Nuri, the great ECK Master in charge of the Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad at the House of Moksha Temple of 133
Golden Wisdom on Venus, said, "He who drinks of the stream of ECK can never thirst, but in him is a well of water springing up into life everlasting." When the chela begins consciously to participate in the ECK there is within him a well of water ever springing up, sufficient to supply the whole world. This self-cleansing fountain will go on giving life to every Soul t h a t comes in touch with him. He is now the vehicle of God, the channel for ECK to flow through and purge all he meets. Quoting Rami Nuri again, "He who drinks of it will never again search the world looking for food for the inner man. It is there, always within him, the great flowing ECK. It is the SUGMAD shining through him, lighting the world to all who have eyes to see!"
The Objective Teachings of ECK
he problem confronting us all today is a lack of spiritual awareness. But too many people interested in spiritual development seek answers from the field of metaphysics, which creates more problems than it solves. Those instructors who make it sound so simple are hardly any further evolved t h a n the person just beginning his study. These teachers usually just give the student a full package of intellectual nonsense without telling him exactly what to do with it. This neither resolves problems nor advances the aspirant on the spiritual path. But there are markers along the way for him so t h a t he can constantly check his progress, and this is what will be studied in this chapter. If a person does not know where he is going, nor even where he is, this is no excuse for him, provided he does not have any spiritual progress. Therefore, it is likely t h a t the agnostic and unbelieving are more blessed t h a n those who prefer to believe. They may have justified their unbelief, but what have the believers put their faith into to create such determined wills? 135
Man's greatest problem is his sensitivity to the indifference of the universe, the alienness of the world around him. One can only wonder at the absurd persistence of h u m a n beings whose delusions of grandeur are incurable. It appears to those lost in the h u m a n state of consciousness t h a t life is no more t h a n a dream. For those in this state it never becomes a reality. This sensitivity began its development in man's consciousness during the earlier ages of his time on earth. We think of it first starting in the great empire of Mu, which was on t h a t lost continent now lying beneath the vast Pacific. It was the largest empire this world has ever known, existing some 70,000 years B.C. The great cities of the Gobi Desert were p a r t of the empire of Mu, located within a vast region known as Uighur. It was probably the largest p a r t of the empire and certainly the greatest this world has ever known. It was the home of the Aryan race, and it was here t h a t Yuont-Na, now a teacher of the Shariyat-KiSugmad on the Astral Plane, was the leading teacher of ECKANKAR. He lived and t a u g h t in t h e capital city of Khara Khota, which now lies buried deep beneath the sands of the Gobi. Some of the old Naacal records, which are the oldest writings of m a n and kept in one of the Tibetan monasteries, speak of Yuont-Na and his teachings of the ECK. The spiritual works of ECK were popular among the upper classes then, especially among a small group who were t a u g h t by secret, oral instructions. They acted as a channel for the God force, helping to change the n a t u r e of those willing to listen and practice the transcendental exercises of ECK. Generally speaking, it is a waste of time for any spiritual Master to give out the works of God, and this 136
Yuont-Na soon learned. The great majority of readers and audiences are the same the world over. If the Master speaks to them of profound t r u t h s , they yawn; and if they dared, they would leave the meeting. But if told absurd fables, then they are sitting on the edges of their chairs, all ears. Yuont-Na realized t h a t audiences w a n t the doctrines t h a t are preached to them - whether religious, philosophical, or social - to be agreeable. They want them to be consistent with their concepts and to satisfy their hunger. In fact, they want to find themselves in them, which is to say they feel t h a t a spiritual teaching must be personally approved by them. So many persons express the desire to find a religious belief t h a t satisfies them. They usually reject some doctrine with the r e m a r k It does not satisfy me. What is it then t h a t they are seeking in order to become satisfied? That something which m u s t be satisfied is a collection of false notions and feelings, primarily sensual. These are disguised under the ego, I, and manifest as unreasonable attachments to materialities. Ego rejects anything t h a t does not give immediate answers or help. But mainly we are dealing with three types of mentality: those with dull intelligence, those with average intelligence, and those with keen intelligence. The teachings of ECK will always remain secret for individuals with dull minds, who can read and hear what is said to them but cannot grasp anything. Thus the secrecy of the ECK teachings does not depend on the Mahanta, but on the chela. The M a h a n t a can only open the door; it is the chela who m u s t be capable of seeing what lies beyond t h a t door. The Living ECK Master is able to discern the degree of intellectual awareness in those who desire the 137
teachings, and he reserves a more detailed explanation of certain aspects of ECK for those whom he judges able to receive truth. He pours the ideas and principles of ECK into the minds, h e a r t s , and Souls of all who come in contact with him, whether it be upon the outer or the inner planes. But it is up to the chela to work with all t h a t is given. The teachings become like a powerful battering ram, for they are not in accord with the false ideas and notions rooted in the mind of m a n t h a t have delighted him before. Those false teachings now cast him into suffering. The point here is t h a t truth, or the ECK, does not cause the chela's suffering; it is the false teachings that resist. Man loves to cling to something and will happily hold closely to his breast anything t h a t has been given him in the past through environment or teachings that might be alien to both his true n a t u r e and his spiritual progress; but he accepts them without question. This is what causes the chela's suffering when the ECK appears in his life. The conflict between the two is senseless, for when one keeps clinging to his old ideas, the fight is only greater and more prolonged. I remember an occasion when Sudar Singh spoke about his hesitation before beginning his mission. He said: "I remember well standing in front of an audience t h a t was expecting me to utter profound wisdom, but it wasn't possible. "The only words I could think of at the time were, 'I have discovered a profound truth, difficult to perceive, difficult to understand, and only accessible to the wise.' "I was aware t h a t Buddha had the same problem during the first few moments of his initial talk on his great mission. I believe t h a t every t r u e spiritual Master who attempts to speak before an audience 138
experiences this same thing, time and again, no matter how experienced they are in addressing groups of devotees. "The wisdom t h a t we all w a n t to speak of and tell others about cannot be expressed with words or deeds. It must be realized. It must be known by others, by those who listen. "Because people are busy with themselves and find their pleasure in the vortex of the world, it is difficult for men to understand the Law of the ECK: t h a t linked series of causes and effects, the holding down of the sanskaras, the mental formations, ideas, and concepts that depend upon ignorance. "Then what use is it to reveal to m a n w h a t any spiritual giant has discovered at the price of laborious effort? Why should I share the fruits of my labor with others who would destroy such at the wink of an eye, or laugh in scorn at my words merely because they furnish them no pleasure for the mind and body? "I have often wondered why this feeling of compassion for the lost sheep should always be my responsibility. But this doctrine cannot be understood by those filled with worldly desires and unhappiness. ECK is too deep, too mysteriously hidden from the minds of those who carry common thoughts. "So it was my feeling t h a t I should not proclaim the message of ECK because none would be able to understand it, and the only results would be fatigue and annoyance for me. "So my first speech to an audience was not really a speech, but an hour of silence. Everyone went away in different states of mind: some confused, others feeling that they had at last come to the right Master because he did not fill them with words they couldn't understand. 139
"Thus the seeds of wisdom fell upon somewhat barren ground, except for those few who were able to understand the meaning of silence, who knew t h a t I really had nothing to say because words could not express the reality of the t r u t h I had discovered." But Sudar Singh was not left without anything to give to the world. At this point the ECK intervened, put into words the thoughts springing up in his mind, and conquered his hesitation to tell audiences the t r u t h of the struggle between the ECK and the Kal. He brushed away the dust t h a t had settled in the Spiritual Eyes of the ignorant and broke up the false doctrines t h a t had been spread by so many who had tried to travel the path before him. When the Living ECK Master looks over any audience he sees with spiritual eyes those who are able to accept the message of the Sangwa, the secret doctrine of ECK, and those who cannot. He knows t h a t oral teachings are only for those who will understand, who are endowed with greater intelligence than the general masses who gather at such meetings in hopes of finding something t h a t satisfies them. There is nothing in these teachings to amuse anyone. They are for the strong to become stronger, for the intelligent to make themselves more intelligent, and to lead each into the transcendent Light and Sound. These are given instruction in the Temples of Golden Wisdom so they will become the special class, the corps which will be able to understand and accept the true teachings. The wisdom contained in the Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad is secret and reserved in the Temples of Golden Wisdom for a certain class of chelas. For this fact alone it is called secret! Knowledge of ECK is genuinely of divine inspiration and dates from the earliest period of history on the 140
planet of Venus. Its teachings are considered secret but are handed down from Master to chela in an uninterrupted line. Those initiated in these secret teachings are well versed in the wisdom of the famed Temples of Golden Wisdom because the Living ECK Master sees that they get their spiritual education. The attainment of illuminated insight is the real goal of those training in the teachings of ECK. The word teachings is used often, but actually it is a revelation of certain secrets t h a t also show the chela how to use and discover them for himself. Since the M a h a n t a is the Master of the secret teachings, t r u t h learned from any other source is of little or no value. The only t r u t h t h a t is living and effective - t h a t is of value to the chela - is the t r u t h he learns of himself. Only the Living ECK Master is capable enough to give t r u t h as it is to the chela. Unless he is under the Living ECK Master, the chela's gathering of t r u t h h a s little value. He is unable to establish any link with the Godhead and, more importantly, is unable to find a way to discover t r u t h for himself. The Master is the link between the chela and the Godhead, for he is the Living Word Itself. And he does not work only on the lower planes and planets, but in every plane throughout the universes of God. The Living ECK Master has existed in form since the beginning of all worlds. He comes in every age. There is never a time when he does not exist, since the start of time itself. Only his name and body have changed, and since he is the only living form with a linkup between the entities and material life of all planes, he appears to everything in the very form they recognize. The basic recommendation the ECK Master gives to the aspirant is to doubt all things, for doubt is the 141
incentive to learn and to understand what is going on in the inner worlds. Unless one researches and looks for knowledge, via the Living ECK Master, it will never be his own. The chela is never thrown upon his own while traveling the path, though it seems to many t h a t he might be. This is by no means so, for the Living ECK Master is always standing at his side, gently guiding him and taking him over the obstacles to the Godhead. The path is long and so many times the chela becomes impatient, but he m u s t feel t h a t the Master is always guiding every step of his way into the heavenly worlds. The chela is put face-to-face with certain facts, facts which have always seemed so obvious to him t h a t he never gave them a moment's thought. But the Living ECK Master says, "Take a look at these and examine t h e m carefully, for they are reality. Put aside all preconceived notions, empty yourself of all opinions, and take up the study of these facts with doubt in mind. Examine everything about them, including the mental reactions they cause to rise in you." The world then suddenly becomes transparent. The basic fundamental of life is found - t h a t reality is equivalent to existence. In other words, t h a t which is real also exists. It is also t h a t which produces effects, because we have a mental and physical reaction to it. We know t h a t certain sensations in the mind and body can arise from a study of certain facts. Therefore we m u s t learn to be wary of the workings of the mental and physical senses, and then the measurement of our existence in time and space. All this can be gauged in relation to time and space by the mind's reaction to these examined facts. I have always said t h a t the key to spiritual consciousness lies within each of us. Therefore, we must 142
begin to think about the data in the above paragraph. This could well be the key to open t h a t door of Soul for many who have been trying for years. The success of the sea of teachings lies only in the intensity of the contact made between the ECK and the sense organs of the individual. The impressions received by the physical senses from the inner teachings are fixed upon the mind if they are strong enough in their concentrated force to push through the mind barrier. We are concerned here with the strength of the impression, or what is known as awareness. For example, if someone looks at a landscape every day but fails to see the trees, hills, and grass, this means t h a t his awareness is not strong enough to make him see them consciously. This applies to the inner teachings and especially to Soul Travel. So many people travel by this method but fail to have any impressions. This is due to the fact t h a t the inner senses did receive some imprint, but not sufficiently strong for the individual to hold and become enough aware of to create a memory pattern for the physical sense organs to grasp and retain to further enable him to describe what happened during his spiritual journey. Soul can travel in a variety of interesting directions while journeying through the universes. If one is concerned with time and space, he could get into the Atma Plane and take a look back at the Time Track of history. There, if the nature of the ECK were not to unfold Soul into higher ethical standards of conduct, It might try to make a change in the records of h u m a n history - which is possible - and create something different today. Suppose a person wanted to m a r r y a woman who has rejected him and wed another. He wants to travel 143
into the worlds of the beyond and finds t h a t region where he can control time. He goes backward in time and comes to the point where he and the young woman were compatible with one another. At this point he is willing to change the whole course of events and keep her from another marriage by making her his spouse. Supposedly they would then live happily ever after. However, if one tries to change the course of karma, he puts himself in an untenable position. He could take on the k a r m a of the situation, or if he is trying to change an event like Napoleon's march on Moscow, the Lords of Karma may become angry and make him solely responsible for the troubles created by not letting events r u n their own course. Thousands and even millions of lives were tied up in this particular event of history, for those who marched on Moscow with Napoleon were serving out their own karma. Whoever tries to make a change to satisfy himself runs into the problem of being guilty of interfering with the Laws of Karma and must pay a severe penalty. This is a point which the chela must take into consideration when stepping on the path to GodRealization. He may believe in the beginning t h a t this is possible, but what he forgets is t h a t his values regarding life will change, and he will no longer try to keep any hold on another person's life. After all, it is the basis of all the ECK work to be detached from an emotional feeling for another person, and from the material things of life. The next step t h a t the chela m u s t take is to break with his traditional past. Nearly everybody living today in the Western world has accepted Christianity, and those in the Orient have accepted either Hinduism, Buddhism, or another of the six great systems of t h a t 144
world. Naturally, almost everything we have learned has been at our mother's knee, where we were also taught our religious beliefs. The factor remaining, though, is t h a t every chela will come to a crossroads in his life. This is known as the Bihanwi stage of spiritual development. The word Bihanwi means great crisis in the unfoldment of the consciousness, in spiritual growth. This is when the chela must either break with his traditional religious past and accept ECK as the only force of divine nature, or stay at a standstill in his spiritual growth until he comes to the decision himself. ECK does not make any break with a traditional religious past, but It does try to get the chela to look hard at it and make his own decision. It realizes t h a t every man in the world m u s t seek the path for himself and walk upon it himself. Now t h a t a spiritual darkness broods over the land and all people are sick from it, there is proof t h a t the orthodox religions are not doing much for mankind. Man's great problem is t h a t he has not turned to the Living ECK Master to receive spiritual redemption. Religions have been fostered through feelings and metaphysical speculations. And, while each religion serves its purpose in its own time and day, each m u s t eventually give way to something more complete as mankind advances. Hence the ever-recurring need for the Living ECK Master. This is the reason why the SUGMAD makes ITS appearance again and again in this world, through the manifestation of the Living ECK Master. The chela ascends t h e inner worlds one after another until he enters t h a t heavenly region beyond the last materialistic plane. Then he beholds himself as pure Spirit, stripped of all materiality. This is 145
Self-Realization. After this he advances into the higher regions and beholds the sublime manifestations of God, eventually coming to know God. This is GodRealization. Anything less t h a n God-Realization is speculative, imaginary, visionary, and imperfect. This would sum up the beliefs of the mystics, churches, and other forms of outer worship. They all believe t h a t Self-Realization is the ultimate of the Godhead, but the ECK chela is able to reach the God-Realization state via the Living ECK Master and can travel anywhere in the spiritual worlds under his direction. Unless the chela has this guidance and protection, he will never get beyond the higher Astral worlds. It was a bright sunny day in May, 1527. Rebazar Tarzs was visiting the great oracle of Tirmer in the mountains of northern Tibet, when its voice came ringing down from the mountain peak and across the valleys. "Christ is dead!" the oracle announced clearly. At t h a t very moment the attack of Rome was taking place by the constable duke of Bourbon, under Emperor Charles V. He was trying to topple Clement VII from the papal throne. Rebazar Tarzs knew what was taking place. The power of the church in the West was broken. The oracle's announcement was referring to the schisms t h a t broke up the concentration of the church as a stable force in the lives of all Occidental people. The humanist theory swept across Europe; Martin Luther formed the Protestant Church; Henry the VIII broke with the pope and formed the Church of England; Zwingli, J o h n Calvin, and others also broke off from Rome; while inside the church men, as Savonarola had done in the 1490s, led attacks on the immorality of the official church family. 146
Due to a lack of leaders to take the place of the founder of Christianity, the line had come to a halt with Clement VII, who h a s never been spiritually replaced. Today the church is like a fish floundering out of water, gasping for breath. Unless the power of the spiritual mantle is handed down from Master to Master, as in the line of ECK Masters, no religion, philosophy or institution can survive. It must have a living Master at the head, or die. When the teachings of ECK become obscured and corrupt, one of the Masters of Its message will show himself in public to straighten out the world m a t t e r s from the spiritual affairs. Otherwise the ECK Masters keep themselves fairly well hidden from the general public. The fundamental requirements for meeting a genuine Sat-Guru are humility, love, and freedom from the bonds of religions and creeds. The Living ECK Master always teaches t h a t the Kingdom of God is within man, t h a t whosoever seeks it may find it. But he does more than this: He always shows the chela the exact way to enter t h a t kingdom. He does this through Soul Travel, and it is for this reason t h a t a Living ECK Master is essential. No matter how great a past Master has been, he can neither act in this capacity nor take the chela into the heavenly realm. The chela in a physical body m u s t have a Master in the physical body, one who has the inner freedom to be the ECK Itself, yet also have free movement in all the inner kingdoms of God while his h u m a n body works on the h u m a n level. This is a fixed law of the SUGMAD. At the time of his passing every Master turns over his work to another Master in the body, who then carries on until it is his time to leave this world. 147
This is merely the process of the ECK taking up another manifestation of Itself in a physical form. Because the physical body and senses are subject to the Law of Life and Death in this universe, the ECK can use a h u m a n vehicle for only so long. Then It will leave t h a t form and take up residence in another. Usually the Living ECK Master does not die in the same way we know h u m a n death, but merely moves out of this arena of action into another. The Living ECK Master t u r n s over the Rod of ECK Power to his successor at a particular time and then withdraws into the other worlds. Sometimes he stays around, like Rebazar Tarzs, Fubbi Quantz, and Yaubl Sacabi. These beings have passed through the state of Mahantaship, which is the highest spiritual consciousness one can attain in this world. A number of letters pass through this office from those who request an audience with Rebazar Tarzs and other ECK Masters, b u t they do not understand t h a t these great Souls have succeeded in their spiritual missions here and have left the physical worlds, in a sense, and become mighty beings. One cannot have a physical audience with any of them, but can see, talk, and be advised by any, provided he is able to see them with spiritual eyes. At this point we must enter into the absolute truth. Up to this time the chela has dealt mostly with dreams, images, and mirages. The teachings of the religionists have their followers believing in dead images, those which have been but are no longer. In other words, what we usually see are the images of dead things. These are called dead because they are images of the past. William Blake wrote of this in his poetry when he described the Halls of Los, where the events of our lives are all g a t h e r e d in the form of statues. Only 148
spotlighting our attention upon them gives them life. These are the dead images, the events t h a t are made by the k a r m a of today and of the future; the p a r t of our lives that comes out of the past, into the present, and shapes our lives today. Viewed thus, an Akashic reading is scarcely more t h a n a scanning of dead images to find something t h a t has already existed and perhaps made our lives what they are today. This is something few, if any, spiritual seekers want for themselves. What they are interested in is the live image. What then is the live image? It is the image t h a t the chela sees beyond the physical senses. It is not a vision, nor something conjured up in the imagination, but it is seeing reality for what it is with the spiritual eyes. It is not seeing into the future, nor looking at the past, but it is seeing and knowing the forces and currents t h a t are always swirling around one. To know and understand these undercurrents, and to see clearly the pictures of the spiritual world, is to have reality in one's life. Then we learn t h a t theories and doctrines of all kinds are but fabrications of the mind. We m u s t be careful of this fabricating ability, for the resulting theories are misleading and can take us in the opposite direction from the God realm. The pure image is very clear. It is reality of itself, and in it the chela will have varied experiences t h a t do not come with false imagery. In the pure image one is able to see, know, and have all the perceptions of color, smell, taste, hearing, and feeling. This all comes through the spiritual eyes. There is a certain perceptiveness t h a t comes with pure imagery which is unexplainable. One must accept this because it involves the understanding and 149
knowledge t h a t the law itself works differently in the spiritual worlds t h a n in the psychic. And it is the working of the spiritual law t h a t must be taken into consideration. We m u s t either accept or deny the imagery that takes place within our own world. If we are perceptive enough, we can grasp t h a t this imagery is outside our own world, in what is called the universal world. The difference here is between the personal universe and the cosmic universe, but once this is understood we can find the difference between the two and save ourselves a terrible amount of trouble. This is the downfall of those psychics who predict earthquakes, wars, and other disasters t h a t affect mankind. Unknowingly they fall under the illusion of seeing a crackup in their own universe and mistake this for a universal disaster. They create panic among those who are gullible enough to believe such prophecies. The whole problem, though, is t h a t the crackup in their own universe, which they witnessed, could be an indication of the splitting of their own personality, which leads to serious mental conditions. There is a terrible struggle going on constantly between the worlds of imagery and the worlds of psychiatry and psychology. The battle is fought the fiercest between the spiritually minded and the sophisticates. The latter are the so-called realists who t r y to drive followers of the spiritual path insane. If we are watchful, though, there is no need for this to happen to any chela traveling the path of God. Because of this I will build an entire new world t h a t is believable. The facts of pure imagery, or what we call reality, must become as acceptable to us as the facts of the physical senses. Therefore, no chela on the path of ECK should allow himself to fall into this 150
lower state. If he does, his work must be done all over again. He must know and understand t h a t the basis of spiritual law is t h a t when one is dwelling in the higher worlds he is a law unto himself. Because pure imagery is his experience, he is welcome to accept or reject it, for this is the crux of the spiritual life. We become the law of ourselves and therefore m u s t make our own decisions, have faith in what we experience, and know t h a t this is right. Until we accept this basic fact of ECKANKAR, we will not succeed in life in any manner whatsoever. Once we establish this principle in our lives, we suddenly discover t h a t there is a control over all things. This could be known as the "as if" principle, meaning t h a t all manifestation can be brought to its last stage of illusion by simply accepting pure imagery as the final analysis. Then the chela can direct this imagery to create the condition desired and keep its behavior under control. The Living ECK Master teaches the chela to act "as if" he h a s already achieved the states desired in the higher consciousness. The ECK is an invisible current, running through the life of each man. If the physical form, sensation, perception, mental activity, and consciousness are taken away from the individual, one wonders what remains of him. Where do we find m a n existing outside himself? Frankly, we do not find him. What we have j u s t taken away from m a n is his ego, the p a r t of him t h a t makes up the negative consciousness, or the negative self that we call h u m a n nature. The secret wisdom puts emphasis upon doing away with this h u m a n nature, in a m a n n e r of speaking, and taking on a new self, or the spiritual nature. In the absence of the h u m a n self, then, the inner self stands forth and sees 151
all with spiritual sight, and understands all with spiritual knowledge. The ego, or h u m a n n a t u r e , is sustained by a continuous flow or succession called Santana in the Sanskrit tongue. It simply means the continued flow of a stream, and when applied to man, it means the stream fed by karmic activities. Once the individual s t a r t s out on the path of ECK the karmic pattern, or r a t h e r the Santana, will gradually start to dry up like the waters of a creek in hot weather. The good deeds performed in the service of the M a h a n t a do not feed this steady karmic flow, whereupon it can no longer exist. At the present, humanity appears like a procession of a n t s laboring to carry off some object to their nest. When the individual rises out of this parade of mankind and into the higher realms, he drops all racial, national, and familial karma, and his own personal k a r m a s t a r t s working itself off. He begins to find his own identity for the first time in many lifetimes. This is what the Tibetans called the chain of originations. Once the initial cause is created, the effects are likely to r u n throughout the lifetime of the individual and into centuries of future lives. The most striking facet of the ECK teachings is t h a t which concerns going beyond this state. This involves entering into the depth of wisdom; the best, highest, secret wisdom of all things. The terminology used mostly by the Tibetans actually describes the phase of life t h a t shows us t h e spirit behind all life. This is, in effect, the whole of the secret doctrine of ECKANKAR. Those with little knowledge seem to think t h a t life ends in the Astral worlds, those with some knowledge think t h a t life is gained in some sort of realization in 152
the Mental worlds, and those with a greater knowledge than either of these believe t h a t the Atma Plane, or the fifth world, is the end of all things. They believe that Sat Nam is God Itself. They have little logic to determine t h a t beyond lies all of the Absolute Reality. These are all merely states of consciousness t h a t have not yet reached the greater spiritual unfoldment of life. Soul is destined to go beyond wisdom-knowledge. When the ECK Masters decide t h a t an individual Soul has fulfilled Its places in the study of the Shariyat-KiSugmad in the Temples of Golden Wisdom, then It begins to reach out into the worlds beyond the beyond. The Living ECK Master encourages t h a t Soul to travel as far as It possibly can, according to the spiritual unfoldment It has at t h a t particular time. One m u s t remember t h a t no Soul can go beyond Its own capacity, beyond Its own growth. If It should do so, tremendous problems would occur which would not be n a t u r a l and might bring about a relapse, or at least a halt in the Soul's progress. The chela must become an initiate before he can start going into the higher worlds. He m u s t pass the First Initiation, then go through several more before establishing himself in t h e t r u e spiritual worlds and using them as a base from which to work. This is the liberation, the salvation of Soul. It is also called Moksha, the liberation, or more often Jivan Mukti, which means spiritual liberation during this lifetime. While he lives in the spiritual worlds in Soul form, he also lives in a physical body in the material worlds, and he is able to function in both bodies at the same time. Someone like the Living ECK Master is able to live in two or more bodies at the same time. This is not uncommon, and although seldom practiced, it is not impossible to find him operating one physical body in 153
one place and perhaps a thousand miles away be running another physical form also. In the East it is not unusual to find many who believe t h a t by dying they are "going west," an expression t h a t gained some prominence during World War I. The mystics always use the symbolic east, where the sun rises daily, to say t h a t life begins in the resurrection. Some say they are going south into life, but it is generally by going north t h a t the symbolic expression of life is found. This is because north of India lies Tibet and the mighty Himalayan mountains. When the Living ECK Master says we must travel for a long time before reaching the Godhead, he is saying t h a t the secret teachings lead one on the long, hard path. But when asked, Does it lead to the goal of God, he only smiles and remains silent. Eventually the Godhead, or realm of God, is abandoned as a final, absolute objective, for every savior, every saint, and every Master knows there is a plus element in the spiritual worlds. We never reach t h a t state of ultimate perfection for which the mystics always long. Perfection is always one step beyond the last one, and he who has a deep wisdom of God knows this. Therefore he is always contented with what he has until the next level is ready for his unfoldment. This beyond-the-highest stage of God-Realization is associated with nonactivity. Deliverance into the true realm of heaven is sometimes sudden and startling, but mostly it is a gradual growth so Soul can become used to every step and adjust naturally. Liberation is achieved by the practice of nonactivity, which is sitting still and doing something. The teachings are not meant to invoke any particular feelings. The Living ECK Master expects the chela to examine the questions to which his attention has 154
been drawn and find reasons there for a serene indifference. He learns t h a t dislike is a form of attachment turned upside down, and t h a t both like and dislike have the same effect of binding the person who feels them to the particular object or person. He m u s t play out the game of life, be it comedy or drama, until he at least understands t h a t it is all a game. All in all he m u s t learn to look with the same serene indifference at both the incessant workings of his mind and the physical activity displayed by his body. He will learn t h a t nothing of all t h a t comes from him is really himself. He is only physically and mentally the composite of all the things going on within him. The serene, indifferent self is the true self, Soul.
The Subjective Teachings of ECK
henever a chela considers his subjective world like the Mental Plane - he finds a multitude of other beings, including many of his contemporaries. These are people with whom he associates and communicates, whose actions he both watches and participates in as part of a group. While the individual absorbs both the positive and negative energies of these people he is constantly coming into contact with, a continual inhibition is at work. These energies, alien to his own powers, often instill themselves in his Mental self, which is the ego, the I. There they form a swarming throng of selves, which in time make up conflicting opinions, ideas, and beliefs. These other egos become guests in the individual's Mental world and often create problems. It does not matter whether they are in books, on the screen, or actual persons, these egos become p a r t of his own makeup and wield influence over him and the world about him. Some of them actually belong to the past and could include Buddha, Plato, Jesus, Rousseau, Napoleon, Columbus, Jefferson, and Lincoln, to name only a very few. 157
These egos become a problem because Soul, while encased in the body, gets too blind in the physical world to do much about them. Each represents a diversified crowd t h a t is forceful, turbulent, and thirsting for prestige. Each will try to impose the repetition of his own physical and mental image upon the one who accepts them into his own Mental world. It is not the message they left to the world, but the image established through the years t h a t is implanted upon the mind of the individual trying to do research or studying their works and biographies. When the chela becomes aware of the throng of personalities within himself, he should not indulge in any imagination t h a t they represent memories of his past lives. One of the gross misunderstandings of many chelas is t h a t they are reincarnations of famous persons out of the past. This misunderstanding arises from a wrong interpretation of the swarming crowd within themselves. The Asians will often conjure up such stories among the masses in hopes of bringing about miracles and marvelous happenings. The teachings of ECK prove t h a t there is quite a difference between reincarnation and the crowd of personalities t h a t become p a r t of the memories and Mental world of the individual. The energies these living beings set in motion were only the manifestation of multiple energies. Each within themselves, like J e s u s or Aristotle, was the manifestation of living entities before them, whose ancestry came out of the unfathomable depths of the past. Thus the individual chela who comes to the Living ECK Master is filled with these living presences also. He is the center for these beings, unconsciously of course, until the Living ECK Master begins to take these entities out of him and make him strictly an 158
autonomous individual. He then is purified to be a clear channel for God. It is a principle of ECK to break up these entities in the chela and allow him to be himself. None of the swarm of personalities have any further power over him once he steps into the world of ECK. The present Dalai Lama, leader of the Tibetan Buddhist sect, is the reincarnation of the previous Dalai Lama, and so on into the past, forming a chain of reincarnations to some prominent person who began the line. This also happens in families, groups, and even business lines. Thus we find a definite problem arising. The forces combine in the manifestation of a single individual, one or several of them together, and aim at a goal unattainable in the lifetime of the person involved. This is the crux of the reason why so many who preach God-Realization are wrong. Due to these circumstances and other multiple problems, most individuals are not likely to be at the stage of spiritual unfoldment in which Self-Realization is possible, much less GodRealization. Therefore t h e m e t a p h y s i c i a n s ' and religionists' theory t h a t we are able to reach God in one lifetime is only a general hypothesis. For them it is an academic idea, but once the chela understands this swarming throng within himself, then he begins to know the t r u t h about ECKANKAR. It is the only path he can take which will sweep these personalities out of him and make him a clear channel. No other path will do so. It follows t h a t if Abraham Lincoln and others continue their lives in any person or number of persons, then these recipients have no authority to claim they are Lincoln or any other reincarnated personality. Only a fraction of these personalities relive in the individual. S e n t i m e n t s t r a n s m i t t e d by m e a n s of 159
reading or hearing speeches are needed to call up the thoughts, words, and deeds of an eminent personality, in order to bring out the characteristics of one personality who lived in the past. This is another reason why I have often stated that one should give up studying other works too much while on the path of ECK. The chela trying to express himself becomes only a mouthpiece for an entity who had a physical life once and left behind his philosophy at t h a t time. The chela could thus become a clear channel for something other t h a n the SUGMAD, for any entity wanting to use him for its own purpose could crowd out the others and make itself prominent in his life. We in ECK are more interested in seeing the chela become himself, r a t h e r t h a n someone else. This is why the Living ECK Master will never interfere in the affairs of a chela. He guides him so t h a t he develops his own personality. In the beginning there is a certain amount of outside reading done, but then the chela should stop it and bring himself to studying nothing but ECK. This will lead him toward being a clear channel for God. All this lies in the area of attitude. The chela must at all times be faithful to the cause of ECK. If he is not, then he is defeating himself and is left without defense against the swarm of entities within him. These swarms misrepresent themselves to spiritualists, those who depend upon mediums to link them up with disembodied spirits. Entities who have long been deceased will speak through the medium to its recipient. Some of t h e s e e n t i t i e s will say they are J e s u s , Muhammad, Buddha, or dozens of other prominent historical figures. These are not entities playing tricks on the recipient, as many who are enemies of spiritualism claim. 160
But they are some of the inner throng who have become a part of t h a t individual during past lives or within this present life. Also, and most importantly, they are within the medium; and unconscious as he may be of this phenomenon, they use him to get their specific message across. This might be compared to circuits, or valences. The word is not to be confused with the same used in chemistry, but a valence is a proven affinity between two entities, or two lines of power, outside the individual or within him. Nor is this to be confused with any aspect of mental health. The entities placed within the individual during his lifetimes, through certain lines of force, depend on several things. First is religious background. If the individual is a Christian, then the line of force belonging to Jesus will be stronger in him. If he follows an Eastern religion, then Buddha, Krishna, or some other traditional religious deity within t h a t world will be the line of force. This is learned from childhood, usually before the age of six. Second, after having been implanted with an entity of this nature, the individual will find it grows within him according to how it is nurtured. For example, having been raised as a Christian, he supplements his early knowledge of Jesus by reading and attending church regularly, until the entity crowds out most of the others within the individual's life. Third, the individual is unable to get rid of this entity because the more he strives to do so, the more it becomes implanted within him. When anything like a brainwashing job is done on him to change his thought patterns and ideals in life, it is generally a failure unless the individual undergoing this sort of treatment desires to make the change. 161
Those who wish to control the minds of others fail to see something t h a t is vastly more important t h a n brainwashing. Not having any knowledge of psychic phenomena, they r u n into a barrier when they think t h a t all attitudes, thought patterns, and ideals have been washed out of the individual undergoing change by their methods. Freud was wrong in his theory, and so was Pavlov. Both believed they could change the basic structure of man's thinking. They were relatively successful at this, but not in changing the basic n a t u r e of the individual. No psychological method, no amount of physical torture, and no materialistic or mental control can defeat the swarm of entities within the individual. There is an exception to this rule. When the traditional home-training of the individual is neglected, then this can come about. Also, when some entities of the internal throng are already stronger in the direction in which he is being indoctrinated, then the person will be more easily brainwashed. There is a struggle here between the ECK and the individual who wants spiritual works but cannot give up t h a t last traditional value established within him. The swarm of entities we have been speaking about refuse to let go. They will fight desperately to the last ounce of strength to hold on to their channel into this world. Many of the visions and insights t h a t saints, mystics, and holy men write of so much are scarcely more t h a n the visitation of these entities. They make themselves known to saints and others who dwell mainly in t h e visionary fields. Then he who h a s t h e greatest traditional strength within the individual will appear and give messages and will heal, guide, and bring about certain forms of illusions which are always en162
couraged by the Kal force, until the individual actually believes what he thinks has been witnessed. Tradition, coupled with faith in some religion which has strong images of its founder firmly established in the minds of the masses, makes it possible for these entities to break through the barriers into the open. This is a wrong way to attempt spiritual unfoldment of anyone. It causes a seed to be implanted in the deeper self which cannot be broken until t h e aspirant rises above the physical and psychic planes. Once he is able to do Soul Travel and reach the higher worlds, then this swarm of entities will leave. No longer can they be a p a r t of him, for he breaks with his past, and his karma, as well as his future, travels a smoother road. As an example of these entities, let us take a look at Shakespeare. The role of Hamlet is an exceedingly hard one for any actor. The challenge is often beyond the endurance of whoever attempts it. It is known t h a t those who play this role, or any other p a r t in the tragedy, often come to grief or bad luck. It is such a challenge, though, t h a t few consider this when offered parts in the play. This is true also of Shakespeare's famous tragedy Macbeth. Such is the thread t h a t r u n s deeply in the character of every living person. We must remember t h a t those who have passed on into the next life are unable to act as transformers in the physical for those still living there. This is a grave error made by so many people today. They hold the illusion t h a t a person who h a s died and is now living in the Astral or other worlds, including the spiritual, can give them direct assistance. This is not true, however, for they have no physical vehicle through which to work. Every individual living here must use the physical body as his instrument to express t h a t which comes from the beyond. Every Soul 163
leaving the physical body at death must use the body of whatever plane he goes to, be it the Astral, Causal, Mental, or Etheric. He becomes the instrument of God on the plane he dwells upon, but he cannot express himself directly to another person who is living on the physical, or any other plane. Only the Living ECK Master can do this, for he is spiritually developed so t h a t he can act as the instrument of God on any plane, as long as he retains a physical body When the Living ECK Master leaves this plane, he is not capable of being a channel for the physical world, but his successor takes up the responsibility Thus the ascended Masters have little power in this physical plane. This must be understood by the chela because it is very important. Only the Living ECK Master assumes the duty of being both the Outer and the Inner Master. It is for this reason t h a t some ECK Masters retain their bodies so long in this universe. These particular saints of ECKANKAR are staying here for a purpose: to act with the Living ECK Master and those who are able to work into their orbit. They will never bypass the Living ECK Master, though, for he has been given the Rod of ECK Power and supersedes all others in heaven and earth, until the time of either his passing from the worldly body or his retirement in the physical form to do spiritual work. Whoever accepts the Rod of ECK Power is known as the Mahanta. This is a spiritual title designating the highest state of consciousness while still in this world and carrying on the duties of the Living ECK Master. It h a s been passed down for centuries upon centuries from the time of the first ECK Master and Mahanta, to the present. Each who has the title of Mahanta is the divine manifestation of God. It is his duty and responsi164
bility to take those Souls who are ready and have been prepared back to the Godhead for permanent residence. It is for this reason t h a t ECK has nothing to do with the second coming of Christ, as explained in Christianity, nor the Maitreya, who is the next Buddha, in the East. Other religions, too, have been seeking the return of their messiah within their orb of belief, that they may have peace and happiness once again upon this earth. The Egyptian pharaoh of t h a t ancient land was both a god and the son of a god. Events in the life of Jesus are told also in the life of Krishna, the savior of the Hindu religion. Countless men have become gods, through realization of the Godhead, and innumerable gods have also become men. The sun gods of Asia were given the title of Christ, for it is an ancient title among peoples of the pre-Christian era. We find savior gods in various religions, such as Osiris in Egypt, Mithra in Persia, Adonis in Greece, and Attis in Phrygia. They lived, preached their message, died a violent death, and alike were resurrected. It is interesting t h a t the ECK never bothers with large numbers of people. To understand this we must look at the limitations of consciousness in men. This consciousness which we must concern ourselves with is the materialistic n a t u r e . It is puzzling t h a t an individual should believe that materiality is the whole essence of spiritual works. Naturally, he is far from being right, for this is on the negative end of the polarity; in other words, it is the polarity of the Kal. For example, a person wanting an initiation in ECK asked if she must give up cocktails, for she had visitors quite frequently who indulged in alcoholic 165
drinks. She believed t h a t it was imposing on her to give up this habit. As far as I was concerned it made little difference whether she did or not. But what became clear was her attitude t h a t this was more important to her t h a n ECK. This is the most important point t h a t the chela can take up at this level. How far is he willing to go for ECK? No m a t t e r how much I write or speak, it makes little difference if the chela is not willing to sacrifice for the sake of a greater principle. Most chelas approach ECK with hopes of what It can do for them. This is a very common attitude, for few understand t h a t they m u s t work for and with God, and not the reverse. Pampering the h u m a n ego is the greatest error the metaphysicians and religionists have created over the centuries. Everyone is looking to God for help and never in terms of what can be done for God. This is materialism at its worst. It is a popular psychological theory started in the nineteenth century aimed at health and wealth and peace of mind. The middle class h a s been the target of this new concept, started somewhat by Sigmund Freud, Phineas Quimby, George Berkeley, Henri-Louis Bergson and others, only to be carried on by Mary Baker Eddy, Norman Vincent Peale, and many branches of New Thought, as well as East Indians who came to this country with successbringing promises of the positive-thinking philosophy. Faith healers, psychic readers, and leaders in the health, wealth, and peace of mind field have sprung up like weeds. This is w h a t causes the struggle when the ECK comes out again as t h e t r u e message of the SUGMAD. Everyone who is concerned first about their health, pocketbook, or peace of mind comes to ECK for repairs. But when they reach t h a t state in their spiritual un166
foldment when affairs seem to go wrong, they immediately get off the path and head for something else. What they forget is t h a t by entering onto the path of ECK, their karma is speeded up. They will therefore have all sorts of problems which must be broken through, for this is the last incarnation they are going to spend on earth. When they come to t h a t last step of giving up what stands between themselves and God, it is likely they will give up ECK. This has happened~time and again. It means they are still in the materialistic world and want nothing but attachments to things t h a t give them the ease and comfort of h u m a n life. It is an old trick unknown to the individual but well known to the Kal to try and prove a mundane point with the spiritual works of ECK. One is advised not to t r y this, for he will meet with failure every time he attempts it. The next thing we meet on the path of ECK is viewing things as a void. The meaning of this word is emptiness in its own nature, being devoid of selfdistinctiveness and independent of the elements which compose it. This makes it perceptible, active, and efficient. It is different from nothingness. An individual cannot be explained as having nothing because he has all the elements t h a t make up an ego and personality. But the term void is different. The Void h a s a relative meaning. All t h a t exists has relation to something else; it is fastened to something else and exists only because of this. The Void, however, is really a blank, for there is nothing else in relation to it. It is in a sense the original place of all things. Therefore, everything else is relative to It, but It is not in relation to other things. It is what we know in ECK as the Ocean of Love and Mercy, and must be impressed upon the chela as such. 167
This Ocean of Love and Mercy is a state in which no combination of things can be produced and no phenomenon is possible. It is a state in which only a force, subtle and nonmanifest, exists. This force is called the SUGMAD, and ITS child, offspring, or essence - whatever we want to call It - is the Spirit, or ECK. It is this ECK t h a t creates life and worlds. Being the sphere of complete absence of any sort of manifestation, it is impossible to conceive of this Void. This is discussed in the first section of the Shariyat-KiSugmad, called the Book of the Tuza (The Book of Soul). The interesting p a r t of this, according to the Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad, is t h a t the origin of manifestation is not in any place or moment of past time, but it is here and now, produced each instant in the mind of the chela. Every moment of the twenty-four hours, a subjective image of the world as we conceive it rises in our minds, only to sink back again and be resolved in the next instant. It is like the waves t h a t rise in midocean only to fall away into it once more. All this goes beyond the swarm of entities spoken about earlier in this chapter. When the chela comes to this understanding in his spiritual unfoldment, he learns not to be controlled or impressed by these entities. He learns t h a t this place of God, or Reality, is his true home, and it is free from any entities or psychic and materialistic things. The chela becomes liberated and will never again r e t u r n to these worlds of physical and psychic matter. This is the breaking away of ego, which is the illusion of the lower worlds. It is an awakening t h a t is salvation. ECK proposes no other objective t h a n this for the chelas. When one has been awakened, he no longer believes in the little I, the ego of the person, and 168
it is at this time t h a t he rejects all beliefs and is able to distribute the gifts of the SUGMAD. Characteristics formed by k a r m a are weakened and begin to drop away little by little in the prolonged course of the Spiritual Exercises of ECK. The chela will find himself on a clear path, making his way through the relative world, traveling in the worlds of reality, and eventually into t h a t Void we know as the Godhead. He who is ignorant and dwelling in the worlds of matter sees only suffering and the painful round of deaths and successive births with all t h a t they imply. The Living ECK Master is free from all entanglements of the lower worlds t h a t could interfere with the message of the ECK, and he knows and relaxes in the world of God. He has long since been awakened and living in the heavenly worlds, while at the same time using his physical form as the instrument through which the ECK force flows to t h e outer worlds. Thus what m a n h a s wrought belongs in the psychic worlds, and what God has wrought belongs in the spiritual worlds. For example, moral law, which is an astral law, rests on the fact t h a t it is possible for every person to develop in a greater degree only emotionally, since emotion is the principle upon which the Astral Plane is based. It says t h a t m a n may seek to order his life and relationships with others on the basis of love and power. And this is the whole conflict of the astral law of moral purpose. The two forces are antithetical to one another, insofar as it is impossible to spiritually develop in both directions at the same time. When we develop our capacity for power, we weaken our capacity for love and, conversely, to the extent t h a t we grow in our ability to love, we disqualify ourselves for success in power. 169
The humanists say t h a t the force of love will triu m p h over power but this is not true. In reverse they say t h a t the force of power will subjugate love in h u m a n relations. Neither of these is actually true. The humanists also claim t h a t love is good and power is bad. Yet this is not strictly a spiritual subject, but one belonging to the Astral world. We must consider then t h a t it is a psychic law we are dealing with and not anything on the higher levels of life. Most of the world's great men have worked with this law to increase their social, political, and economic leadership. The extreme ends of h u m a n experience in love and power have been J e s u s and Hitler, but all their positions really established were the good and bad extremes of h u m a n experience. But we are dealing now with astral laws, and t h a t means the former position is taken, for m a n attempts to establish holes of oblivion in t h e universe through which all deeds, good and bad, may disappear. This has been a colossal error throughout all history. We try not to get sociological in order to prove the point between love and power, but we do take the stand t h a t love is an emotional force and power is a force of will. How high do they go in man's life? Only to the next plane, and any person who uses either as a sole lever to get himself higher into the worlds of God will certainly determine his own spiritual progress. If he is willing to reach only the Astral Plane and accept t h a t as his spiritual fulfillment, then he should be content to use love and power as his motivation. But then again he is limiting himself to very little progress on the path of ECK, for his true goal should be t h a t of God-Realization and nothing else. The f u n d a m e n t a l issue involved here with ECKANKAR essentially concerns the nature of the 170
conditions governing man's life and welfare. Closely related to and rising out of this problem are the five perversions of the mind which create the conditions of man's life here. These always bring about personal dissatisfaction in the material world and result in the question Who am I? If the individual is traveling the path of love, he is apt to ask this universal question of himself. But if he is traveling the path of power he thinks in terms of What am I? Either way these questions are not much good for anything except introversion. These two questions the chela asks himself are basic in the spiritual life, but he m u s t learn t h a t a final reply does not come with the asking of them. When we speak of the spiritual n a t u r e of man, we speak of something above the material aspirations of the individual. The schism t h a t arises between himself as a h u m a n and as a spiritual self is extremely important. Which is he going to put first? The answer is neither. He should really think in terms of fitting, or putting together, the two selves. They fit like a glove on the hand. While living in this world in the physical body, it is imperative t h a t we use the h u m a n self while developing the higher abilities of our spiritual side. It is necessary t h a t one augment the other and vice versa. Therefore we find t h a t ECKANKAR is for the minority - those who are neither the intellectuals nor the masses. Its works are for the special few who are willing to give up everything in behalf of ECK. The busy, the thinkers, and the wealthy will have difficulty following ECK because of their involvement with the lower worlds. As Rebazar Tarzs once said, "He who follows the senses, he who is interested in business, 171
and he who is interested in guarding his wealth shall never see heaven." Then who shall see heaven? Only those who accept God in their life. Those who follow the M a h a n t a and seek reality through the path of ECKANKAR. Every chela on this path understands t h a t the Living ECK Master is the Light Giver, or the transformer through which he m u s t go in order to find God. Unless he does this, it is impossible to reach the heavenly worlds. The Living ECK Master is the only one ever manifesting in all history in whom individualism and universalism are combined in their full expression. The Living ECK Master stands alone; he is a law unto himself. He does as he pleases, has what he wants, comes and goes absolutely at his own will, and asks no favor of any man. Neither does anyone hinder him in the execution of his will, for he has all things at his own command. If he suffers hardships or inconveniences, it is because he chooses to do so for some reason of his own. He is t h e supreme giver, but not a receiver, for he always pays for what he gets. He does not work by time, nor is he bound by any rule or custom outside of himself. He is a citizen of the whole world. His great love alone binds him to all persons and all living creatures. He is the Master of all men and at the same time the servant of all men, but never fettered by h u m a n bonds. He severed all h u m a n bonds before becoming t h e Master, yet never does he shirk a duty, nor fail any obligations. His love is one of complete detachment, and in loving this way, he gives greater love to all persons. Many feel t h a t he loves them personally, with a warm, personal love, for it is their opinion t h a t he and they have served together in past lives. These persons try to reduce his love for t h e m to a personal, h u m a n 172
level, but never does he give affection, only love. Neither does he ask others to make him the object of their affections, but to give him a detached love. The Master has been with every chela since the beginning of time upon this earth, and with the other planets and the beings on those worlds. He has assumed another embodiment with each life spent in these worlds. It has always been the ECK which has brought about the existence of the Living ECK Master upon this planet and other worlds. It has only changed forms and handed down Its power from one departing Master to his successor. The departing Master always leaves on our calendar date of October 22, and in t u r n his successor always accepts the Rod of ECK Power on the same day, at midnight, in the Valley of S h a n g t a in northern Tibet near the Katsupari Monastery. The ritual takes place at the site of the ancient Oracle of Tirmer under the direction of the ancient sage Yaubl Sacabi, whose age is beyond the imagination of the normal senses. The Adepts of the Ancient Order of the Vairagi meet at the time of the handing of the mantle of spiritual power from the departing Master to his successor. These are the well-known ECK Masters who are the guardians of the Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad in the Temples of Golden Wisdom. Among them are Fubbi Quantz, Abbot of the K a t s u p a r i Monastery; Yaubl Sacabi, supernatural leader of the spiritual city of Agam Des; Rami Nuri, Temple of Golden Wisdom, Venus; Gopal Das, Astral Plane; Shamus-i-Tabriz, Causal Plane; Towart Managi, Mental Plane; Lai Tsi, Etheric Plane; and Ju Chiao, Soul Plane. All the rulers of the various inner planes send their chief representative to this ceremony to greet the Living ECK Master who takes the Rod of ECK Power 173
and the spiritual title of Mahanta. Afterward the Living ECK Master is greeted by each of these rulers within the worlds of God, as he makes his first official journey through them. Besides these, t h e nine secret ECK Masters who are responsible for the hidden knowledge of the spiritual worlds pay homage to the new Living ECK Master. These Masters are responsible for the collection of the secret knowledge and its placement into the greatest of sacred books, the Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad. The Living ECK Master then takes up his duties in this world, to serve humanity and gather up as many Souls as possible to r e t u r n them to the heavenly world. His duties are not with reform, nor social activities, nor anything within the society of men, although he is an ideal citizen and willing to exert himself for those who need him in this manner. Still, he has nothing to do with this p a r t of life. He is only interested in the spiritual welfare of mankind, whom he hopes will turn to him during this lifetime and be t a k e n back to their true spiritual home before physical death. The Master is never given to ascetic practices, nor unreasonable austerities. He insists t h a t everyone should give attention to the health of the body and mind. Anyone given to self-torture or to self-indulgence is not a Master. Nor does the Master ever ask for a living: He earns his own way and will likewise not allow his chelas to be idle while someone else supports them. The Master will never perform miracles for public exhibitions. He may do them on special occasions and for particular reasons, b u t it is usually kept a secret from the public. It is a law among the ECK Adepts of the Order of Vairagi t h a t they never do miracles to win disciples. The lower masters and teachers may do mira174
cles, heal the sick, and do other things, but the ECK Masters will never do them, except on certain very special occasions and for very urgent reasons. The first duty of the Living ECK Master is to link up Souls with the ECK Sound Current. He does not do this indiscriminately, like so many others try to do, through initiation. Every chela must prove himself in ECKANKAR. This is because many are called, but few are chosen. Knowing this, the Master will be careful to whom he gives an initiation in ECKANKAR and not allow anyone to take it unless he feels certain they are ready. Secondly, the Living ECK Master m u s t teach the Way to the initiates, who are now considered his disciples. Since there is only a small group who really know the way through initiation, they have the greater opportunity to become teachers within the works of ECK. The Master alone holds the key to the Kingdom of Heaven for all, but with his disciples come many opportunities to gather up Souls who are wandering along the way. Without the Master no Soul can find his way out of the circle of births and deaths. He may gain either the first or second regions on the pathway to heaven, but there he becomes fixed and unable to move any further. None but the Living ECK Master knows the way beyond that, and his wisdom and personal help is essential. The Master's greatest role is t h a t of redeemer liberator of all Souls from the eternal wheel - but he is also a teacher. He gives instruction in the science of Soul Travel, which no book can ever reveal. The Living ECK Master is the exemplar of the Light and Sound of God. His primary function is to bring light and love into the world so t h a t all persons may benefit from these wondrous aspects of t h e 175
SUGMAD. This does not mean t h a t his chelas alone will have the benefits of the inner Light and Sound flowing through them, but the whole world shall profit thereof by his presence. This is p a r t of the secret work t h a t he does. No one h a s the privilege of following him into the secret chambers of his sanctuary and seeing all the intricate p a r t s of the great work he is doing. His special work is with the chelas, but he also works for all mankind. There is not a living creature or being in the worlds of God who does not receive spiritual benefits from the Living ECK Master, including every individual on this and other planets, t h e constellations and galaxies in the universe. This includes the many spiritual planes beyond the material universes. Sometimes people criticize the Master for not presenting visible proof of what he is doing, but they are not aware t h a t he often halts destructive earthquakes and other disasters which would upset the world population. But he never takes credit nor shows outwardly t h a t it was his efforts t h a t saved perhaps millions of lives. He increases the totality of Light and Sound and love in the world, and every living thing receives benefits from this. One does not have to think about what method he uses but simply looks to the illumination and blessings t h a t the world receives through him. The Master is used by the SUGMAD to bless the world, and whatever comes into the life of the chela should be interpreted as his own personal benefit for spiritual unfoldment.
The Paths to God and How to Compare Them
o man, nor any group dwelling within the material universe, has the capacity to encompass God. For that matter, neither has anyone on any plane within the universes of the SUGMAD. Strange as this may sound, it is true, for not even the saviors or saints have developed that capacity of consciousness. We are faced here with the fact t h a t there is always a plus element in purification. No being has ever reached the state of perfection so often promised and described by the religionists. It is utterly impossible, for God is so immense t h a t we have not the imagination to conceive this unlimitedness. If one can think of eternity and have the least conception or even the tiniest glimpse of it, then it is possible to get a view of God. But not the complete concept. The average person's capacity to accept God into his life is very small regardless of what we might believe. Yet so many teachers and masters have learned this t r u t h the hard way. And they will have chelas who stay with them until the final analysis of their problem. Eventually we all come to the fork of the spiritual road 177
in our desire to reach heaven. At this point the chela must accept the way of ECKANKAR or fall back into his old pattern of beliefs. Many do this regardless of whether or not they have had the initiation, which is why I insist on chelas having at least two years of study in ECK before being initiated. So many Indian gurus give the initiation first to accept the chela, then they lose him to another. The chela does not take his initiation seriously, and the guru has a hard time holding him. This should never be. But ECK is a subtle path, and until one realizes this he is not going to advance very far. For example, a woman requested a healing via a letter and sent along ten dollars as a donation. Later she demanded the donation be returned because, according to her, her prayer to one of the Christian saints had been answered and the affliction healed before the letter left her house. The subtleness of the ECK is t h a t It worked before she had written her letter, while the petition was still in her mind. But in order to confirm her desire for healing she had also requested help from the saint. The ECK used the lady's consciousness and resolved the condition at once. The petition to the saint was only in her mind. The chela's strange desire to get something out of the Divine Source is best exemplified in a famous historical occurrence. The British defeated the French at Quebec in 1759, giving the English colonies along the Atlantic seaboard freedom from the French and Indians. Strangely, the English won an empire at the treaty table several years later, in Paris, but lost their colonies in America by doing so. This is also true of the chela, for when he believes t h a t the Master h a s given him freedom, and then he is 178
asked to assume some of the burdens t h a t must be carried for the works of ECK in this world, the chela will walk away. No one wants to help carry the burden. Naturally, every Master knows this and puts little t r u s t in the h u m a n consciousness. When m a n reverts into that primitive state of mind, he lives in fear and doubt. It is hard for anyone to lift himself out of this h u m a n consciousness. Vajra Manjushri, a great ECK Master, learned this during his lifetime in Persia centuries ago. Approximately 700 B.C. he tried to teach ECKANKAR openly to the Persians, but they were too steeped in their own Mithraism under H a k h a m a n i s h I. Manjushri tried to establish ECKANKAR as the true religion but suffered arrest by the king, a mock trial, and death by soldiers who fired arrows into his body as he was stretched out on a rude block of wood t h a t looked like a large E. He was the Living ECK Master of his time. Those few who had been his followers buried him in a cave with the permission of the king's guard. The next morning, upon entering the cavern, the followers found the body gone and immediately fell into an argument, saying t h a t someone had stolen the body while they slept. Each accused the other. Suddenly a voice halted the quarrel. "My sons, why do you fight among one another over a piece of clay? I have not left you, neither will you nor the world be without me!" Vajra Manjushri stood before them clothed in a shimmering white robe t h a t all but blinded them. He taught them for twenty-five days and appointed Matax Roraka, the greatest doubter of his little band of followers, to inherit the mantle of spiritual leadership and serve as the Mahanta. Then he ascended into the 179
spiritual worlds to take his place among the immortal Adepts of the Ancient Order of Vairagi. The chronicle of the ECK Masters in this world is awe-inspiring and beyond comprehension of the hum a n mind. The old records of the Kadath Inscriptions in the Katsupari Monastery show the history of the Living ECK Masters throughout the universes. This includes those who have served on other planets and constellations. We shall take up the records of these marvelous Adepts in another chapter. However, I point out here t h a t they have been behind major events in the history of mankind and the great changes t h a t have come about in the spiritual and material universes. The Living ECK Master is the agent of God, and each one who serves in this world is considered the Godman over all the other Masters, regardless of w h a t their position has been in the past or present. He is the direct agent of God in this world and therefore all worlds. The universes are the vineyard of the Living ECK Master, and he will colonize all in the name of the SUGMAD. He will place those Souls who have passed beyond on the proper plane and in their proper places as earned in this life. He will take each chela past the Angel of Death to where he is supposed to be. His loved ones can be brought to him wherever he might be, because he has earned the right. But this is provided there is a distinctive bond between the two Souls. Unless this deep desire exists between those Souls who have lived together on earth, and unless their k a r m a has been eliminated, they cannot be together again in the other worlds. But the real chela is able and powerful enough with the elimination of his k a r m a to pull his mate upward into the higher worlds, after their physical deaths. 180
All will eventually leave this world anyway because of the terrible disaster t h a t is coming during the middle part of the twenty-first century. The earth's structure weakened by atomic testing - will break up; earthquakes will sink most of North America, much of J a p a n , the coast of Asia and Africa, and some of Europe also. This means t h a t whoever is in the areas named will likely meet their doom. But now the ECK Masters are trying to get people out fast so t h a t they will never have to return again in a physical embodiment. We have several million years more, as said previously, before the whole world is burned as promised by the ancients. This is the destruction of the lower worlds, and by t h a t time those who are to help in the works of ECK will be taken care of in the worlds of God. One will meet various states of consciousness in ECKANKAR among the chelas. No two chelas will give the same answer to a single question when asked personally. For example, when asked the question What is your goal in life? the typical answer is To help others. In the absence of true knowledge the answer is likely to be the same everywhere. Few realize this is a negative answer and would be surprised if told so. The chelas of ECK should not be interested, in a manner of speaking, in helping their fellowman. What they should be absorbed in is the attainment of GodRealization. For if they are more interested in this t h a n anything else in their lives, it is then likely t h a t any help their fellowman needs will be given. The desire to help one's fellowman is a negative ambition held only by those who are in the lower state of spiritual development. This is one of the better virtues of h u m a n consciousness, found in social reformers, warriors, teachers of schoolchildren, politicians, and 181
public servants. While there is nothing wrong with this ambition, it is, nevertheless, one of the lower states, and no chela is going to consider this as his goal in life. What the chela is really interested in is serving God as a channel for the divine ECK power. When he is interested in serving people, then he has only realized his identity in the h u m a n state of consciousn e s s . He h a s realized who he is and w h a t his relationship is in the world with his fellowman. This is a very common state in which we find those like Albert Schweitzer, Sigmund Freud, Winston Churchill, Thomas Jefferson, Shakespeare, Pasteur, and Rousseau. No criticism is intended toward what these persons and many others have done for mankind, for it is a very marvelous task to help relieve the suffering of a brother in this world. But it is still in the physical and on the h u m a n level. We should be more interested in working for the state of God-Realization which prepares us to work for the universal cause. The world today is filled with darkness, pain, and grief. Every individual must seek the path for himself and walk it himself. The spiritual darkness which broods over the world has created a sickness and the whole of humanity is blind and deaf to the t r u t h of God. Few are interested, nor do they know why they stumble and fall in their spiritual plight of trying to find the path to God. Most persons are suffering from physical illness and heart-sickness; they are worn and weary from their spiritual search. The masses of people are groping along an uneasy way toward some unknown destiny. None have freedom; they are not even masters of their own bodies and generally are slaves to a job, family responsibilities, and social duties. The unrest which is sweeping the world is understandable. In addition to the drug prob182
lem, alcoholism, religious fads, and psychic disruptions, sickness of the mind is growing. But why? Man has nothing to cling to for inner support. He has long been a victim of the metaphysicians and clergy who claim they have the remedy for the disease of restlessness. Buddha never found it. Christ made an unnecessary sacrifice for his people, and other saviors and adepts have tried to bring about the cure. Their search has just not gone far enough, despite the fact t h a t at least three thousand different forms of religion have appeared since t h e beginning of history. In the absence of knowledge the masses have turned to religion, which is better t h a n no light at all. Usually when the founders of religion - who are men of spiritual insight - penetrate some subtle plane and t r y to get established there, they have had to leave this world. Their work is left to immature followers who are generally confused by it. Seldom does any disciple become a real spiritual master, which means they cannot give t r u t h as reality. This is why the world is never without a Living ECK Master. They do not t r u s t the spiritual works of ECKANKAR to their disciples. While we do not condemn religions, it is best to say t h a t none go as far as the t r u e chela desires. Few in churches h a v e ever been able to r e a c h SelfRealization, let alone God-Realization. And we m u s t remember t h a t the ultimate end of all spiritual works is the realization of God, not merely feeling and thinking about it. There is, beyond all books, creeds, and vanities of the world, t h e realization of God. A m a n might believe in the church, have knowledge of the sacred books of this world, and be baptized a hundred times into a hundred different creeds, but he will not have achieved spiritual unfoldment because he has not learned anything about God. 183
Realization of God is not gained by metaphysical speculation, nor by feeling, logic, or any mental device. It is gained when one practices the Spiritual Exercises of ECKANKAR. One cannot get Self-Realization until he is able to do Soul Travel. We will therefore compare the various religions with what ECK is offering the true seeker of God in the world today. There are at least a dozen major orthodox religions throughout the world. In the past there were many more, such as the ancient animistic, polytheistic, and anthropomorphic religions; the religions of Egypt; the Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, and Hittite religions; the mystery religions of Greece; Mithraism; Manichaeism; Zoroastrianism; shamanism; the Norse religions; and the religions of the North American Indians. Close study will show t h a t present-day religions are an adaptation of the ancient religions just named. The modern faiths are Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Islamism, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Sikhism, the Theosophical Society, Christian Science, Shintoism, Spiritualism, Baha'i, and Christianity. The leaders in numbers of followers are Hinduism, Buddhism, Islamism, and Christianity, whose members r u n into the hundreds of millions. All religions, philosophies, and sacred doctrines are the offspring of ECK. Nothing could exist without the essence of the ECK which flows out of the h e a r t of the SUGMAD and builds embodiments, sustains life, and creates Souls. All entities from the mineral consciousness to those serving as Co-workers with God are sustained by the ECK. Each of the orthodox religions had a founder who h a s come and gone in his physical body. It may be noted t h a t in Christianity, Christ is called the Light of the World, and in the Orient, Buddha is given 184
the title of the Light of Asia. Followers of other faiths in t u r n gave their leaders titles similar to this, but the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master is known as the Light of the Universes. Unless a religion h a s a living Master, one who is in the flesh and able to perform in the spiritual body also, t h a t faith is dead. This is fundamental to all religions. It means t h a t every spiritual Master who has walked this e a r t h and taught, was giving out knowledge relative to his own times. This is true of Zoroaster, Buddha, Christ, and other spiritual giants. But it is not true of the Living ECK Masters. The Living ECK Master is timeless in the Atma Sarup. He is the Alpha and Omega, immaculately conceived, raised in the physical form within this world according to the laws of nature, until he eventually dies in this form. He may be kept on e a r t h for a long period of time for particular missions, or he may pass on after only a short time on this planet, to serve in the spiritual worlds. Some live a normal life span, while a few meet with violent deaths. Their mission in life determines just how long they will be in the physical embodiment. Every Living ECK Master must go through the initiation, or rites of accepting the Rod of ECK Power, when he accepts the spiritual mantle. He must, in a sense, publicly state before all the spiritual Masters of the past, the Nine Unknown ECK Masters, and his own Master, t h a t he will fulfill t h e duties of t h e Mahanta while wearing the title. He cannot in any way escape his responsibilities once the Rod of ECK Power is accepted. It is during this ritual t h a t the ECK descends and enters into the new Master, giving him the power of the Word of God. He becomes the actual manifestation of God through this power, which he retains throughout 185
his life here on e a r t h and throughout the universes. There is no spiritual line of Masters so ancient and so all-powerful as the ECK Masters. When living in the physical body as the mentor of humanity, they are saviors of the h u m a n race. Be t h a t as it may, the modern religions and their works are: 1. H i n d u i s m : This is the religion of the vast majority of the people of India. It is the supreme example of polytheism. Its principal gods are Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu. Its holy books are the Vedas, including the Upanishads. Its main feature is cosmic consciousness, which is an enlightenment of the intellectual senses taking one only to the Mental realm, which is the region of Brahm. Offshoots include yoga, Vedanta, and others. The followers of Hinduism cannot go beyond the Mental Plane with their system of meditation. Many yogis hardly reach the pure Astral world. 2. B u d d h i s m : Buddhism is based upon the teachings of Nepalese Prince Siddhartha Gautama, who became the Buddha. He lived about 500 B.C. There are about three hundred million Buddhists in Asia, without counting those outside Asia. It includes t h e M a h a y a n a b r a n c h , which s t r e s s e s salvation and contemplation, a n d T h e r a v a d a (from t h e ancient Hinayana schools), which preserves the monastic teachings of the early believers. This branch is prominent in Southeast Asia. Zen is a p a r t of the Mahayana branch of Buddhism, stressing introspection, selfexamination, and gentleness. Lamaism of Tibet is a combination of Buddhism and the primitive beliefs of t h a t country. Buddhism places its emphasis upon the mental p a r t of man. It originally split from Hinduism, borrow186
ing from it satori, or enlightenment, and cosmic consciousness. Both of these are Mental-Plane phenomena. Followers of this religion seldom get t h a t far. 3. Confucianism: This is really not a religion, although it is called one. It was founded by Confucius, or K'ung Fu-tzu, and is based upon a system of ethical rules for the proper management of h u m a n affairs. Confucius, who lived in the sixth century B.C., was a government official. His works do not have the spiritual value t h a t they are believed to have. There are no significant lines in them concerning Soul Travel or any path to God. 4. Taoism: Taoism arose in China about the sixth century B.C., It is based upon the Tao Te Ching, by the legendary philosopher Lao-tzu. Tao means path, and the basis of early Taoism was t h a t the affairs of m a n should take the path of nature. The religion stresses quietism, contemplation, and the elimination of striving and strong passions. It provided the foundation for many secret societies in China. But nowhere does it stress the factor of Soul Travel or reaching the h e a r t of God. It is very vague about God and the divine aspects. 5. Islamism: The word Islam means "submission to, or having peace with, God." This religion was founded by Muhammad, who was born in Mecca during the sixth century A.D. The moral precepts of the Muslims extend to all areas of secular and civil life. The five duties (five pillars of Islam) of the follower of Islam are (1) the recital of their creed; (2) prayer five times a day facing in the direction of Mecca; (3) almsgiving; (4) fasting in the month of Ramadan; and (5) pilgrimage to the Kaaba, the holy shrine in the city of Mecca. There is not much here to bring one into the spiritual realm, only faith and the belief t h a t after death one will be taken care of in a heavenly paradise. 187
Nothing about God-Realization is found in the Koran, the sacred scriptures of the Muslim faith. 6. J u d a i s m : This is the oldest monotheistic religion in the world. Its followers worship a God called Jehovah, who is the Supreme Being for all orthodox Jews. The sacred book of J u d a i s m is the Old Testament - particularly the Torah, or the first five books, and the Talmud, a collection of later teachings and interpretation. Their creed is a summary of the Jews' experiences over thirty-five hundred years. The mystical teaching of the Jews is the Cabala. It is a doctrine containing mystical interpretations of Jewish scripture, and metaphysical speculations concerning their Supreme Deity, man, and spiritual beings. It is divided into the practical and theoretical. The practical is occupied with instruction in talismans and amulets. The theoretical is divided into the dogmatic and literal. But there is nothing within the whole of J u d a i s m t h a t shows a living Master, nor the Sound Current of ECK. Unless a religion has as its basis the Light and Sound, t h e n it is not built upon a solid spiritual foundation. 7. Z o r o a s t r i a n i s m : This religion was developed in eastern Persia by Zarathustra, who became known as Zoroaster. Its chief sacred text is the Zend Avesta, which is a collection of the writings of Zoroaster. Its modern representatives are the Parsis of India, sometimes called the Fire Worshipers because they look upon fire and the sun as symbolic of the Supreme One. This Supreme Lord is called Ahura Mazda, or Ormazd. The main theme of their writings is the ethical and dualistic struggle between good and evil, or light and darkness. It was formed about six hundred years before the t r a n s i t i o n from a n c i e n t t o m o d e r n t i m e s , w h e n 188
Zoroaster, who was an Aryan, brought to the peoples of Persia and the Middle East a religion t h a t was to change them from a primitive to a cultured environment. Out of this came the famed Order of the Magi, the wise men of the East. Again, we do not find the ECK Sound Current in these teachings, and this m u s t always be the basis for pure works. Zoroastrianism is a dualistic religion, while truly spiritual workings do not recognize evil or any dichotomy in the attributes of the SUGMAD. 8. Sikhism: The Sikh religion is another minor one, limited largely to the Punjab, in India. It was founded by Guru N a n a k during the fifteenth century. A contemporary of Kabir, famed Hindu mystic, he came in contact with the teachings of ECK and t a u g h t what he knew of them. The tenth guru in the line deviated from ECK when he decided t h a t there would be no more living gurus in the line. The G r a n t h Sahib, the sacred book of the Sikhs, would become the guru to all, as the Bible is to the Christians. Guru N a n a k was the only living saint produced in this religion. He gained a high state of consciousness, but none were able to follow him. Yet he did not teach the Light and Sound as it is taught in ECKANKAR. 9. T h e o s o p h i c a l Society: This is a system of religious, philosophical teachings, coupled with the personal experiences of Madame Blavatsky. Together it sums up some of the Eastern wisdoms. It is based almost entirely upon the writings of Buddhism and the Veda and the Upanishads of Hinduism. It does not deal at all with ECK, for its founders do not appear to have known anything about it whatsoever. The Sound Current has been completely sidetracked. Madame Blavatsky was an authority on the Great White Brotherhood, which makes its headquarters in the Himalayas. They are only a p a r t of the spiritual 189
hierarchy on this plane, charged by the ECK Masters to keep a vigilant eye on the world's evolution. 10. C h r i s t i a n S c i e n c e : This is a better-known branch of orthodox Christianity. It was a protest against the general unhappiness with modern Christianity. Mary Baker Eddy, founder of Christian Science, believed t h a t all sin, pain, sickness, and evils of every sort were only mental illusions. Her main textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, is a doctrine of m e t a p h y s i c a l p o s t u l a t e s s t a t i n g t h a t healings are possible in every department of one's life, especially for diseases and ill health. It does not go much further t h a n this. 11. S h i n t o i s m : The origin of this ancient religion is lost in antiquity. Until the fifth century A.D., the Shinto tradition was oral, and no written documents existed. In Japan, however, we find a modified form of Shintoism surviving for fifty-three million believers. It is a set of rituals and customs involving pilgrimages to shrines, festivals, and the worship of several gods. It grew from primitive nature worship, was later influenced by Buddhism, and eventually became the state religion of J a p a n . Shintoism has no ethical or moral system except emphasis on ceremonial life and bodily cleanliness. A sun goddess was long known as the chief deity - the ruler of heaven - until roughly the seventh century, when the emperor became the immortal head. From this a state form of Shintoism was organized to glorify the militaristic philosophy of the government. After World War II, this was disbanded and the present emperor disavowed his divinity. 12. J a i n i s m : This is another religion of India of a n t i q u i t y . T h e l a s t of i t s g r e a t t e a c h e r s - called T i r t h a n k a r a s - was Vardhamana, who lived during the 190
sixth century B.C., Jainism rose as a protest against the ritualism of Hinduism. Its main principles are asceticism and nonviolence toward all living things. This means neither insects, animals, nor people can be killed, and no h a r m can come to nature. According to Jainism, the world is eternal and consists of six elements, but we in ECKANKAR know t h a t it is p a r t of God's n a t u r e to periodically destroy and recreate the lower planes during the great yugas. Jainism h a s no living master, nor does it seem to have any p a r t of the Light and Sound in its sacred writings. Most of Jainism is concerned with karma and its basic principle: h a r m no one. 13. Spiritualism: This movement has grown since World War II due to global crises. Its central theme is communication between this world and the spiritphysical worlds through a medium. This communication takes place on the psychic level. True spiritualism does not believe in reincarnation. It was started in New York by the Fox sisters during the middle p a r t of the past century and grew largely through the expository efforts of Andrew Jackson Davis. The departed Soul goes to what the spiritualist philosophy calls the Summerland. It is a region between the earth spheres and the first region of the pure Astral Plane. 14. Christianity: This is the best-known religion in the Western world. It was created by Saint Paul, who sold the teachings of J e s u s Christ to the world according to his conception of what Christianity might be. He was not a follower of Christ in the beginning, nor did he ever know Him. As with many other religions, t h e words of the original leader have not been given to the world in their true light. Christianity has given a great deal of satisfaction to millions of followers, yet it has had its failures like all religious groups. Its book is the New Testament, containing the Gospels, which are 191
based on the teachings of love and right action. The living leader, J e s u s Christ, placed his spiritual heritage in the hands of Simon Peter, but after his departure the line of spiritual masters passed away. Christianity speaks somewhat of the Sound and Light, but these references are vague. The Word, which is the physical manifestation of the ECK, is stated forthrightly in the Gospel of John, but it can hardly be found anywhere else. Religions are formal teachings belonging to certain races during corresponding periods of h u m a n thought and evolution. Each religion serves its purpose in its own day and time. But each must give way to something more complete as humanity advances. Throughout h u m a n history the basic reason for any and all religions h a s been an effort to know and understand God, but only a few have succeeded. Man has yet to learn t h a t his desires bind him to the object of his desires. ECK says the chela must have complete detachment from every worldly object, to avoid bondage to the things of the material worlds. Anyone who looks for rewards in this world will become a slave to such rewards. He gets most by giving most; by only receiving, one impoverishes himself. The ECK is the way to God. This is our basic teaching. Whenever men pursue creeds, priests, and organization, they will find a religion of some sort but never the way to enter the Kingdom of God as stated by the great ECK Masters. So many have the misconception t h a t moral goodness is a requirement for spiritual salvation. This is not true. Moral goodness comes only from spiritual salvation. The main teaching of ECKANKAR is t h a t if the chela faithfully practices the spiritual exercises, he will 192
enter the kingdom of heaven while still living in the human body. This is the fundamental difference between ECK and all other religions. Also, ECK alone offers a living leader, for as spiritual law clearly states, The chela in a h u m a n body m u s t have a Master in the human body. Any system t h a t does not make the ECK the central theme of its spiritual exercises can never withstand the downward drag of mind and matter. Without the ECK in his life, the chela cannot journey very far on the road to the Kingdom of God. Every advanced chela will attest t h a t there is no spiritual freedom for anyone until he learns to follow the Living ECK Master. The M a h a n t a is a spiritual liberator. He does not work through a spiritualist medium, nor is he the world builder so many religions make of their leaders. The Living ECK Master is here to take a personal interest in all who desire to find the way home to God via the ECK path. The cardinal principle of spiritual law is the necessity of t h e Living ECK Master, a p p o i n t e d by t h e SUGMAD to represent the Kingdom of God in this world. This means t h a t only one who is still in the physical body can be appointed. It is a fixed law t h a t only the M a h a n t a in his h u m a n body can act as the Master for those still in their h u m a n bodies. Only m a n can teach man, and only m a n can initiate man. The departed ECK Master will take care of all whom he has initiated, but he does not accept any new disciples. This is not a limitation of his powers; it is the chela himself who is so limited he cannot receive instructions and initiation from an invisible Master. If the departed Master could take care of new disciples, there would be no need for Masters at all on the physical level. The SUGMAD could do all the work without assistance. But 193
m a n cannot be taught by any other agency t h a n another in a physical embodiment. A humanly embodied Master is necessary because of the limitations of the chela. That difficulty cannot be surmounted in any possible way except for God to manifest Itself in h u m a n form. The next fundamental point of ECK is the ECK Life Stream. Each Living ECK Master has emphasized this Sound Current as the cornerstone of Soul Travel. It is nothing more t h a n the Supreme Deity projecting ITSELF to all planes in all universes in a constant wave of harmonious and musical vibrations, through which flows the life-giving and creative, allcomprehensive power of God. Complete liberation and spiritual freedom gained while living in the physical body is the third ECK principle. It is not necessary to wait until after death to attain freedom, as most religions tell us. This is the f a i l u r e of t h o s e r e l i g i o n s a n d t h e t r i u m p h of ECKANKAR. This freedom is achieved by the Spiritual Exercises of ECK, and if they are not begun during this life, spiritual liberation cannot be accomplished after death. The fourth precept is t h a t one who cannot initiate and lead the chela into the inner worlds is not a Living ECK Master. Initiation is essential, for no one can travel very far without it, and the Living ECK Master is the only one who can give it. The great links in the chain of spiritual salvation are: the Living ECK Master, the ECK Life Stream, and spiritual liberation. This is the way to God via the path of ECK.
The Lower versus Higher Powers
he raging conflict between the Kal power and the ECK power is eternal in the psychic worlds, which are all those below the Fifth Plane. Few chelas ever recognize this battle but blame it upon something materialistic or some person. This is a common practice of the ignorant. The battle is the fight between good and evil. The Kal is, according to Christian terminology, Satan, or the devil, while ECK is the true essence of the Lord of all Lords. It is not the actual Godhead, but a manifestation of God. It is the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, the Divine Spirit which flows from the throne of the SUGMAD. The Kal is the Universal Mind Power, the essence of a being called the Kal Niranjan, the king of the lower worlds. The SUGMAD created the Kal for a purpose. He is the king of the negative power, established on his throne to create obstacles and so test Soul, t h a t It may temper and perfect Itself in Its rounds on the Wheel of the Eighty-Four. In other words, the lower worlds were created as a training ground for Soul to gather knowledge and eventually graduate to the higher worlds so It can serve as a Co-worker with God. 195
Unless Soul takes the path of ECK, there is no salvation or liberation for It. All other paths lead only to the top of the three worlds - the Physical, Astral, and Mental - where sits the throne of the Kal Niranjan. There the individual ends up serving this entity instead of God. The Kal will establish traps, barriers, and false signs leading not to God but to the top of the mind world, where he himself dwells. The ways of the ECK are subtle and forceful. It does not enforce spiritual laws like a civilian police force. It does not bind Souls to Itself with a covenant of words, nor does It reach out and shove a person onto the path to God. Instead the chela will find t h a t It shows the way to God; It nudges him and tries to make him recognize right guidance. The Kal does not work in the same manner. It overpowers the individual with laws and punishments. It degenerates the individual's noble ideals into a futility of purpose. It uses public opinion, traditional beliefs, attachments to desires, and glittering promises of gold and false happiness. It whispers sweet dreams in the chela's ears and promises much in order to keep him off the path of ECK. This is the test, the trial and the ritual of fire that the chela undergoes. The greatest good t h a t he can achieve is to serve the Living ECK Master, and to die in the cause of ECK is the sublime end of all things. This service generates power to work off all the chela's worldly karma, no m a t t e r if he has served ECK for one day or a thousand years. He is taken by the Living ECK Master into the heavenly worlds and placed there because he has earned his place. He shall be the recipient of all heavenly delights t h a t come with living in the higher planes. 196
It matters not whether or not he is able to do actual Soul Travel, for service and self-surrender are the basis for all rewards in heaven. The very fact t h a t he makes an effort at doing the spiritual exercises creates spiritual merit and gives him longevity, love, and a permanent residence in heaven with loved ones. Therefore, all ECK chelas practice the Hakku-Ichiu-ECK, which is bringing the eight corners of the world under the roof of ECK. The chela does not die for the materialistic things of this world, but for the ideal of the SUGMAD. The greatness of the ECK chela is not based upon his intellectual powers but is measured by his willingness to devote all his faculties to the service of the Living ECK Master. The true chela is willing to give up everything in his life to serve the cause of the Master and the ECK. The ECK has a way of enforcing Its decisions, but few ever recognize this. Unless the chela has some means of looking to this subtle guidance which the ECK gives him, he finds failure in his life. The ECK does not use the power of civil law and public opinion, which are aspects of the negative force. This force, in the absence of resistance, takes over the chela and pushes him toward the Kal. The chela m u s t bind himself to the Living ECK Master with deeds and actions, not with the covenant of words t h a t will rapidly degenerate into a noble futility. Until he learns to do everything for the Living ECK Master, and learns t h a t every deed, thought, and interest in life is done in the name of the Master, he is bound to be a wanderer. If he leaves the path of ECK to go to what his senses tell him is better or what he believes is greater, then he is deluding himself and will dwell forever in the lower Astral worlds. He will dwell there until these aspects of the negative are given up; then 197
the Master will lift him out, placing him upon one of the higher planes. Anyone who puts faith in anything other t h a n the Living ECK Master has no support for his life. Unless the chela t u r n s his inner life over to the Master, not much can be done for him. This means t h a t few chelas will succeed because they do not know how to surrender to him, nor do they wish to do this. Too many things stand in their way, the greatest of which is pride. Pride, which is an aspect of vanity, is the worst perversion of the mental faculties t h a t one can have. This is especially true in the spiritual works. When one has spiritual pride he is much further down the spiritual ladder t h a n most chelas. He is in a stalemate and cannot break out of it until he recognizes this deadly perversion of his mind and becomes humble in the presence of the Living ECK Master. One of the most common manifestations of vanity is pretended humility. It makes one swell with pride over some trifling victory or virtue. Self-righteousness is one of the most prevalent and most malignant mental diseases that can affect the chela. It is well known to those who are on the path t h a t egotism is the last to surrender. Its method is to distort the viewpoint, to present everything out of proportion and make itself the center of the world. It destroys all sense of humor, for if a person had a sense of humor, he would not be vain. The chief function of vanity is to block the path of truth. It is one of the main weapons of the Kal. It completely deceives its victims, making them selfsatisfied and content to live in the lower worlds when they should be seeking to get out of the morass of negativity. The methods of the Kal can be very subtle. For example, saints of the negative worlds say they have 198
set out to destroy the evildoers. In the Bhagavad Gita Krishna said, "I come forth for the protection of the good, for the destruction of the evildoers, for the sake of firmly establishing righteousness. I am born from age to age." Compare the two missions. Krishna comes, as the reincarnation of Vishnu, to improve the world. But the Living ECK Master comes to deliver men from the bondage of this world, not to improve it. It is the duty of the Kal, of whom Krishna was an incarnation, to keep this world at least a livable place. Bad at its best, it must not be allowed to get worse for those living within it. Thus, we can compare the two missions one of the negative power and the other of the positive - as the difference between living in a prison and living free. While in prison, the inmates must have things t h a t will make their lives tolerable. So those inclined toward charity offer them something to make their lives in prison more bearable. But eventually one with power to release the prisoner arrives, freeing him and saying t h a t now he may live without restrictions. The agents of the negative power seek only to hold Soul in this world. They make Its life livable while here but do nothing to set It free. But the Living ECK Master, who is the liberator, is here to give each Soul Its freedom and a lift into the heavenly worlds. Krishna says t h a t he comes to destroy the evildoer. This is entirely different from w h a t the Living ECK Master does. He has no intention of destruction, but comes to redeem and liberate the evildoer so he can become a higher chela and eventually r e t u r n to his heavenly home. Thus the ECK Master gathers the desolate, hungry, and weary Souls, and by the aid of the ECK, the Sound Current, delivers them from the bondage of this world. This is the essential difference
between the works of the Living ECK Master and the agents of the Kal. F u r t h e r examination of the difference between the two powers shows t h a t the negative uses various words for their degrees of uplifting Soul to the higher levels. For example, the secret method of meditation for the yogis is the ancient custom of repeating the sacred word OM. This is about all the ancient or modern yogis have ever employed in their meditation. If the student of yoga undertakes to practice this method of meditation he will surely get some results, but not enough to escape the evils of the psychic worlds. He will gain some degree of mental poise and he will find an increase in the joy of living, but this is just about all he will receive. He can become a better and more useful citizen of this world, and dwell in some quiet corner of the Astral world, but he must return to the regions of m a t t e r for rebirth. Even though this is a better position t h a n many, it is still not the ultimate place t h a t the chela wants. Few, if any, yogis go beyond the Brahm Lok, or Mental Plane. But the ECK chela can go far beyond this into the Soul world, and eventually into the God worlds. This is a very important distinction to keep in mind. One must beware, however, of the dangers that beset the path of the chela, for he may be misled into believing t h a t he has actually attained the highest on the spiritual path; that he has reached the regions of immortality and is beyond the reach of the Wheel of the Eighty-Four. Many have believed this only to later discover their mistake; the Kal has taken advantage of their ignorance and established a curtain of illusion to blind them. Some have not discovered this error yet, and it could be many incarnations before they learn of their fatal mistake. 200
No Soul, by the use of OM and the methods of the yogis, ever goes any further t h a n the mind plane. Neither will It escape the mind and the m a t t e r regions until It takes up the path of ECK. Millions of Souls will and can rise to the beautiful worlds of the Astral and Causal planes, where the light is glorious and they experience long periods of rest and enjoyment of earned karma. But this is all a p a r t of the clever scheme of the Kal. Although the Bhagavad Gita says t h a t the yogi will have no more rebirths or deaths, it is not true. It leads to delusion, for the Kal h a s cunningly arranged a system leading the yogi to believe he has found the way, while being held a prisoner by the Kal. This is true not only of the yogi but of most of the great religious and metaphysical systems t h a t t r y to prove they have the ultimate way. The paths t h a t these two lower systems offer are better than no path, but ECK is the only direct way. The follower of either the metaphysical or the religious path can go just so far. Each chela who has gone to the higher planes knows t h a t the higher he goes, the more difficult the path becomes without the Living ECK Master. Soon the stage is reached where it is impossible to go any further without the presence and help of the Living ECK Master. Exposure to mysticism is most intriguing, but few are ready to enter into this spiritual field. Those who are not ready are opened to dangerous psychic forces which bring them into the areas of deep neurosis, paranoia, and schizophrenia. They become a detriment to society, yet they are often praised by the news media and those in responsible and influential positions. Out of this has come psychedelic and zodiacal paraphernalia. These are astral influences, some of the many 201
aspects of the Kal, and not good for the individual or for mankind. They only hold back man's spiritual progress. The chela m u s t never think of the SUGMAD as a gigantic deity sitting on a throne somewhere in space, manipulating people by strings, or as t h a t image Michelangelo established with his famous murals of the Supreme Being. Instead the chela must be aware of the SUGMAD as t h a t Divine Source which has ITS power invested in the Living ECK Master. I say here, "Be aware." This is the difference between the Mental and the true spiritual worlds. Thus awareness is consciousness, and until one comes to recognize it within himself, he will never gain much spiritual unfoldment. Consciousness is beyond the worlds of thought. It is the foundation of ECK, and the whole of the ECK teachings. It is the explanation for the difference between the Mental and Soul Plane. It is the hardest dividing line to cross. The problem of every chela who walks the path of ECK is separating these two states. His first encounter with life is the separation of the physical from the emotional and the emotional from thought. The last state is to separate thought from consciousness. This is almost impossible for many people, and the very reason why they fail in the Spiritual Exercises of ECK. The secret of entering into the consciousness state is detaching oneself from the outer, or sense world, and withdrawing one's attention from all sensory objects. Then the chela begins to concentrate his attention on something inside. So far this is the general method of all systems. But the secret is t h a t the Mental world - which consists of the tools of thought a n d every plane below it comprise t h e negative worlds. They lie within the realm of the Kal Niranjan, 202
whose responsibility it is to keep each Soul occupied so t h a t It is too busy with the wonders of the negative world to desire anything better. Naturally, most of the ambitions and desires t h a t one h a s for God are really in the negative sense. If the chela has a desire and ambition for God-Realization, then he is seeking the wrong way. The words desire and ambition explain clearly t h a t he is using negative tools to seek a positive result. When he detaches himself from these aspects, he begins to gain results in the spiritual sense. He crosses the boundary between thought and consciousness. The chela will eventually realize t h a t the mind is a useful servant but a bad master. It is only the chela of the Living ECK Master who is given every protection against the deceptions of the mind powers. It is only the chela of the ECK Master who can see the difference between the Universal Mind Power and the ECK, as he begins to enter those subtle regions of the mind world. He cannot do without the guidance of the Living ECK Master in these dangerous zones. I have pointed this out strongly in the spiritual works of ECK, especially in the brochure Dangers of the Psychic World for Truth Seekers. The mind will play a thousand tricks upon the chela. It is unreliable and habitually beset by its own thought creations, harassed by its own desires, and dominated by its own passions. The Living ECK Master offers a perfect safeguard against the disasters the chela encounters when following the dictates of the mental powers. The world is a stage for the intellect. It is one of the negative power's fields of operation, and known as the play of the mind. But there is a vast field of consciousness far above and beyond the play of the mind where the perfected chela may enter. 203
Consciousness is the ultimate reality of all things a presence we are aware of but cannot explain. It is an unmanifested force, a presence which has no being, and does not perform any function. This alone makes it different from the Audible Life Current, the ECK. Only because of Its presence are all life-forms conscious. There are various degrees of consciousness, although the knowingness of it is the same. For example, the consciousness of a stone is certainly different from the consciousness of man. So the further into the inner worlds t h a t Soul travels, the greater is the awareness of this consciousness developed. This is what I speak about so often when discussing the higher consciousness and the lower consciousness. It consists of recognizing its existence in each of us and all around us. The religious thinkers mix this with intellect. Others interpret this as God, but it is not. Some think t h a t is the Divine Spirit, but again it is not. It is the force t h a t we call love, t h a t which binds life and all things together in an adhesiveness t h a t cannot be broken. Because of this many religions are founded on love, though not as a conscious fact. It has been built up on the subconscious level, for most people - including thinkers and theologians - think of love in a sentimental fashion. This attitude has created more wars and upheavals in the h u m a n race t h a n anything else in the religious field. In trying to get others to love us, we t a k e up the sword, believing t h a t it is right. Torquemada, the Spanish grand inquisitor during the fifteenth century, believed he was right in creating terror and death for the enemies of the Catholic Church. But he was deceived by the negative power into thinking t h a t his torture of his fellowman was for good and justice. 204
Spiritual law states: "No m a n can discover the Living ECK Master until certain inner preparations have been made." And: "No m a n can receive the initiation into ECKANKAR until he has had the proper spiritual unfoldment. It is the Living ECK Master who is aware of this and the judge as to whether the chela shall be initiated." This is the secret of the relationship between the Living ECK Master and the chela, unraveling the mystery surrounding initiation. The Master never charges for initiation because it is against the spiritual law. When a chela has unfolded spiritually to the point of initiation, then he is able to receive it, for he has worked out enough k a r m a to take care of the payment of the debt. Soul is the real man, the Atma, the Purusha, or the creative spark in the individual. It is the glimmer of light from heaven, a drop of the ocean of Being. It is in Soul t h a t all consciousness resides, and all power. Everything below Soul, even the mind itself, is unconscious, automatic, and mechanical in action. Everything in existence is dependent entirely upon the ECK for its life, and since consciousness resides in Soul, then It, of Itself, is the channel for God. Everything outside of Soul lies in the world of karma. Each must pay his own debts. "No one else can ever pay the debt of another," said Rebazar Tarzs when asked by someone to take the karmic burden of a sick son. "I can give him help but he must, of his own self, pay his debts to God." The Living ECK Master will sometimes take upon himself the karmic debt of another, if he believes t h a t it will help, but not often. He wants every chela to stand on his own feet. He watches over the chela during his struggles against the Kal forces and protects him 205
whenever allowed. The chela has only to look for the Living ECK Master to open the way for him. The Master will help him to awaken all his sleeping faculties and liberate his latent powers. By doing this he will come into conscious contact with the entire system of worlds, both physical and spiritual, filling all space, beyond all time. The exact process by which this can be accomplished is revealed by the Living ECK Master to each chela who follows him. Man himself is so constructed t h a t he is able to consciously communicate with t h e worlds within worlds, and if he is properly guided, he can do Soul Travel. All he needs is the system, and this is the path of ECK. Each and every man, when properly trained, is able to detach himself from the physical body while still living in it and travel to all parts of the spiritual universe. When spiritual power comes to the chela, consciousness will also come to him. The chela must recognize this. He m u s t learn to beware of the price he pays when he sells his will to powers other t h a n the Living ECK Master. If the chela does nothing else but give himself up entirely to the Living ECK Master, he has gained eternity. But should he give himself up to the will of the negative power, he has gained nothing. The chela's greatest problem in the Kal worlds is his struggle with the senses. The senses of the physical self create desire, which is the trap of the lower worlds. The senses overwhelm the mind, when strong enough, and the mind then enslaves Soul. Following desire, the mind goes on creating k a r m a and entangling itself in the web of karmic patterns. The ECK is God ITSELF in expression. The fact t h a t It is audible is extremely important, and this idea m u s t be conveyed, if possible, to all chelas as the sum 206
of all teachings. This is why ECKis the original source, the mainstream of all religious teachings. This is how we know t h a t life springs from what we know as the SUGMAD. The spiritual works of ECK are the primitive teachings of God. It, the Word, is the language of God; It is God expressing ITSELF, which is the h e a r t of all spiritual matters. The word Nam means "name" in Sanskrit; therefore, we speak of the SUGMAD in Name or Word. The Word also means what God says and does. It is the Divine Being in action, but we m u s t separate God in action from God as the Divine Consciousness. Thus we call this action the living ECK, or the Living Word. When we speak of the ECK as the Living Word, or God in action, we are speaking of the media upon which the God Essence, or Spirit, moves. This is similar to a wave emanating from the Ocean of Love and Mercy. The Sound Itself represents all attributes of God and is the only way t h a t God can manifest ITSELF to the h u m a n consciousness. When God manifested ITSELF as the Sat Nam in Sach Khand, the Soul Plane of the spiritual worlds, IT became fully personified, embodied, and individualized for the first time, bringing into manifestation all qualities of the SUGMAD. The initiates of ECK must learn this lesson well about the Audible Life Current. Unless they do, none will receive the Third Initiation. Any chela who refuses to attain the state of self-surrender to the Living ECK Master cannot expect to go beyond the second level of initiation. Unless the chela gives up his questions, vanity, lust, anger, attachment to the material things of life, and greed, he will never have the pleasure of hearing the ECK speak to him. It is only when m a n hears the 207
ECK t h a t he hears God, for the ECK is the Divine SUGMAD expressing ITSELF in everything t h a t is both audible and visible. This Word, or Sound, is the creative energy t h a t gives Soul Its power. By this Sat N a m created the lower worlds and established the Kal Niranjan upon his throne to act as the counteracting force to perfect each Soul. This action was similar to the establishment of an educational system for training children to fit into the social order when they mature. Thus did God establish a training system for Souls, so they might fit into the spiritual order when matured. Those within the framework of the spiritual society are Co-workers with God. Those who have not yet traveled the path of ECK, nor met the Living ECK Master, will have to incarnate over and over on the Wheel of the Eighty-Four until the day arrives when they are spiritually developed enough to meet the Master and begin their journey to the heavenly worlds. Man is so created and constituted t h a t everything connected with him in the h u m a n state of mind has a limited range. His ear can only receive sounds t h a t are within a given range: j u s t so high and no higher, j u s t so low and no lower. Beyond these points he cannot hear existing sounds, because they are out of his range of perception. This is true of all the physical senses. Also, whether or not the individual believes it, it is true of the psychic senses. But it is not true of the senses or faculties of Soul. Once the individual begins to dwell in Soul consciousness, he is capable of knowing and seeing all things. This is why he who is able to do Soul Travel should be able to read the Soul and ECK-Vidya records for anyone. Those who are dwelling in the psychic senses can do neither of these, only Akashic readings and astrologi208
cal charts. The latter is actually a mechanical process. Therefore the ECK, the Audible Life Stream, should be heard and felt in the innermost consciousness, like the whispering of some mysterious voice throughout all space. The melodies of the divine ECK are floating through all worlds, including the lower worlds. This life stream is inside ourselves; it is a p a r t of each individual, but this kingdom m u s t be entered and explored by the Light and the Word of the ECK. The Living ECK Master and many of the chelas pass daily through the gates of death and know the problems connected with this experience. They explore worlds upon worlds beyond those gates, under the guidance and protection of t h e Master and in full consciousness, as a direct result of their practice of the Spiritual Exercises of ECK. The Living ECK Master never loses consciousness, and when he returns to his body, he has complete memory of every experience he went through during the absence from his physical form. This he shows his own chelas how to do. The chela will, in time, learn to step out of his body at will and in full possession of all his faculties. He will learn, under the guidance of the Living ECK Master, to know what he is doing and remain in control of the process. However, if a chela does not learn this during his time on earth, it will not go against him. If he gives love, loyalty, and service to the Living ECK Master, he will work off his k a r m a and earn a high place in the spiritual worlds after death. When the Living ECK Master leaves his body and travels in the other worlds, taking many of his chelas with him, he functions on whatever plane necessary and in the respective body of t h a t plane. He is the Master of all regions and planes. He shows each chela, 209
in the chela's own way, how to discard all bodies and act as a free Soul, anywhere, and unhindered. But always under the direction of the Master.
The Ultimate Awareness of God
hose who follow the path of ECK, by reason of their application of the power of the SUGMAD, come to possess spiritual powers that are not consciously manifested by the average individual. Such awareness lies in the area of God-Realization. When one reaches this level of consciousness he has these powers, styled supernatural, or above and beyond the normal powers exercised by the great masses of people. One must look closely at this, though, because of the difference between supernormal and supernatural powers. They are not to be identified with one another. The supernormal powers are the mind forces, belonging in the area of the Kal power. These are strictly normal powers exercised by those who know how to manipulate the mind forces for their own or others' benefit. Keep this distinction in mind when examining the spiritual works of ECK. The ECK Masters are well versed in supernatural powers. They never use the lower powers for any need, however, and this is the reason why few return after they have passed their earthly incarnation as the 211
Living ECK Master. Each is working at his own respective duty somewhere in the spiritual worlds. If anyone has an affinity for an ECK Master who has passed from this world into the spiritual regions, he should drop it and t u r n to the present Living ECK Master. The departed Masters seldom, if at any time, give the necessary support and help to any chelas except those who were their own during their last respective incarnation on earth. If any chela of the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master should attempt to send out a request to one of these departed Masters in hopes of assistance, he will be disappointed, for rarely will any departed Master respond. The reason for this is t h a t none ever use the lower powers. Should they be called upon to give spiritual assistance, to comply they would have to lower themselves to the level of the chela who made the call. This they do not do. The chela may receive the teachings from any of them at their respective Temples of Golden Wisdom, where many teach from the Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad. But in this case the chela is lifted up to these planes by the Living ECK Master and given over to the Master who is in charge there. The chela cannot go alone, for he is not allowed to enter any Temple of Golden Wisdom unless accompanied by the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master. The ECK always re-embodies Itself in some physical manifestation, in one called the Living ECK Master. To study this phase of ECKANKAR is an enormous task all by itself. Instead, we will summarize some of the works of the past ECK Masters and their lives throughout history. Among the early ECK Masters was Rama who came out of the dark forest of what is now Germany and made his way East. At one point in his travels he 212
entered Persia and established w h a t was later to become the Magi Order, centuries before the birth of Zoroaster, the great Persian sage. Then he went into India and there founded the Indian religions, which are offshoots of ECK. Gopal Das, the great ECK Master and guardian of the Temple of Golden Wisdom on the Astral Plane, lived in Egypt in about 3000 B.C., when the pyramids were being built by the pharaohs at Saqqara. He founded the mystery cults of Osiris and Isis. When he departed from this world, his place was taken by Moraji Desal. This was during t h a t period in history when H a m m u r a b i ruled the Semitic kingdom of Babylon, and the land of Canaan was p a r t of his empire. This was about 1792-1750 B.C., after the time of Abraham. Moraji Desal was a wanderer who traveled most of the kingdom by foot preaching ECK to all who would listen. Although he helped write the great Hammurabic code of laws he was hunted much of the time by the priestcraft, who believed he was preaching a pagan religion. His spiritual mantle was turned over to Shiv Sena, a Hindu who was a prominent leader of the ECK faith. He inspired Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. He was also responsible for such marvelous miracles as the opening of the Red Sea, and it was he who advised Moses to go to the mountain where the Ten Commandments were revealed and given to the people. He eventually retired into the spiritual worlds to work under Sat Nam, on the Fifth Plane. His place was taken by Yaubl Sacabi, whose work was among the Mycenaeans (who invaded Greece during the period between 2000-1700 B.C.). By spreading ECK he became the leading figure among the Greek mystery cults during the early history of the country. 213
Out of this grew the exceedingly fine culture which has since shaped Western civilization. Given the choice to either work in the spiritual worlds or stay in this physical region, he chose the latter and became the guardian of the p a r t of the Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad taught at the spiritual city of Agam Des in the Hindu Kush mountains. This is also the home of the Eshwar-Khanewale, the God-eaters, who p a r t a k e of the cosmic spirit as we do material food. He h a s immortalized his body and is still living in it. His age is beyond the concepts of h u m a n imagination. When he left this sphere of influence, the title of M a h a n t a was turned over to Hari Tita, who was one of the greats during the Trojan War period of Greek history. He ascended into heaven and does his work in the Alakh Lok region. Following H a r i Tita came Lamotta, who accepted the spiritual mantle in the year 1000 B.C. and tried to spread ECK throughout the world. He was hunted down and slain by bands of Assyrians during the time of David the King; and when he passed on, his duties were to assist Rami N u r i on Venus, to teach the Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad to those who come there to learn. Vajra Manjushri was the Living ECK Master in approximately 700 B.C., in Persia. He tried to teach ECKANKAR openly to the Persians but they were too enmeshed in Mithraism. Through the instigation of a priest of Mithra he was arrested by King Hakhamanish I and executed. He is now teaching in the Causal world. Padma Gaya was at Nineveh when it was destroyed by the Babylonians in 612 B.C., and later watched the building of the "Hanging Gardens" by Nebuchadnezzar. He was also present when Solomon's temple was destroyed. 214
Sardar Lhunpo served as the Living ECK Master in Rome during the early years of the Republic. He went into the Causal world to work in ECK. During the time of Buddha, in India, the Master Fubbi Quantz served. At the completion of his mission he immortalized his body and became abbot of the Katsupari Monastery where another section of the famed Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad is located. The ECK Master Chu-Ko Yen was an associate of Confucius in China. He guided the Chinese master by giving him spiritual advice in his work to reach the world and form a greater society. He passed on and became a spiritual guide on the Alakh Lok. When Darius the Great and his army of Persians were fighting at Marathon in 490 B.C. en route to Athens, the Living ECK Master sat on a street corner in the Greek capital and prophesied the defeat of Darius. This was Habu Medinet, one of the greatest of all ECK Masters. He is now serving the SUGMAD on the Mental Plane in the Temple of Golden Wisdom in the city of Mer Kailash, under Towart Managi. His successor was J a g a t Ho, a high spiritual traveler who lived and died in China during the years 4 9 0 438 B.C. He went to the Etheric Plane where he is a Co-worker in the Temple of Golden Wisdom under Lai Tsi. He passed his spiritual title to Phidias the Greek, who was the sculptor of the Parthenon in Athens. He supervised the Doric design of this most famous building in the ancient world, the temple of the goddess Athena. He tried to put into this temple his ideal of the ECK, and one who is fortunate enough to see and study the Parthenon will find the ancient mysteries of ECK. A t h e n a w a s one of t h e e a r l i e s t followers of ECKANKAR. She is considered a legend belonging to 215
Greek mythology, but she was, nevertheless, a fleshand-blood woman who had much of the power of ECK in her grasp, although she was not an ECK Master. Following Phidias came the Living ECK Master Vaita Danu, who lived during the time of Alexander the Great. A Hindu, Vaita Danu was present during Alexander's march into India. He lived for more t h a n one hundred and fifty years because of his great knowledge of the Ayurveda, a system for renewing body health. When Alexander entered into India and conquered the lands east of the Indus River, he settled his armies in camp to rest. It was then t h a t Vaita Danu appeared before him with a sack of water. "Drink this, Alexander," he said, "and all life will be yours." The ECK was testing Alexander, for if he were to drink of the water offered him, this famed conqueror would be released from his insatiable desire for conquest. His Spiritual Eye would have been opened, giving him t h e awareness of immortality as Soul. Instead, he hesitated, thinking the offer was a deception of some nature. In t h a t moment of hesitation, one of his officers sliced the water bag with his sword, thinking it contained poison. As the water spilled upon the ground Vaita Danu said, "You have been tested and found wanting, Sire. You shall die early in life, unhappy t h a t no more worlds are yours for conquering. You shall become a wanderer through life, in b i r t h after birth, until you find the one who will take you to the SUGMAD." He disappeared into thin air just as the officer poised to strike him with the sword. Ju Chiao followed Vaita Danu as the Living ECK Master. He was a young fisherman who took up the call during the Punic Wars between Rome and Carthage. 216
Restless for an understanding of life, he became a warrior under Hannibal but learned t h a t his search for life lay beyond this. He was initiated by Vaita Danu who gave him the spiritual mantle on his departure from this world. But Hannibal did not like t h e teachings of Ju Chiao and had him killed. During the time of Julius Caesar the Living ECK Master was Ori Diogo, who lived quietly in Rome. He foretold the death of Caesar on the Ides of March. Few knew him, but he helped shape much of the world in those days for spiritual advancement. He chose his work on the Astral Plane, where he is in charge of healing for those who come across after death from some accident, disease, or other affliction. Zadok followed Ori Diogo. At the time of his ECK Mastership he was living north of Jerusalem, in the province of Judea. His work was with a small group of followers who had broken with the Essenes, a mystic order of the times. They grew in large numbers as a secret, mystical organization which exists to this day in the Middle East. They accept the Living ECK Master as the Mahanta, for through a secret inner communication channel they always keep in touch with the Master. Zadok saw the m a n named Jesus, talked with him on several occasions, and knew his purpose in this world. Zadok also knew t h a t their missions did not cross. Neither of them had any physical contact with each other after Jesus left the ECK group, with whom he studied for some time under the great Zadok. The Living ECK Master gave Jesus the basic fundamentals of ECK, and J e s u s used them in his own teachings. Out of his knowledge of ECK came what we know today as Christianity. During the reign of Constantine the Great the Living ECK Master was Babla Mohenjo, who was one 217
of the greatest teachers of ECK. He had a small school for ECK chelas near Constantinople. He was at the Council of Nicaea called by Constantine in Bithynia, Asia Minor, during A.D. 325, to get Christians to settle their quarrels and support the empire. He was not at all in favor of what went on at the council, but he never interfered. Joyti Basji was Living ECK Master during the extension of the Mayan empire from the Yucatan and Guatemala into the h e a r t of Mexico. He was responsible for reestablishing the ECK mysteries which had died out s o m e w h a t a f t e r a n o t h e r ECK Master, Quetzalcoatl, had formed the religion of the empire centuries before. Quetzalcoatl had left Atlantis just prior to the final destruction of t h a t unhappy continent and had gone to Mexico to establish the mysteries of ECK. This was around the year 1055 B.C. Many others appeared between this time and during the reign of Charlemagne. Then there appeared the marvelous Living ECK Master Ketu J a r a u l who became the secret adviser of Charlemagne. He taught the emperor the secrets of ECK and helped him in spiritual problems. Priscus followed Ketu J a r a u l . (He is not to be confused with Helvidius Priscus, the ECK Master who was a Roman senator during the time of Emperor Vespasian, in A.D. 69.) "Priscus" is the only name t h a t this Master adopted. He was in England at the time of its conquest by William of Normandy, and at the gathering in France in 1095 where Peter the Hermit preached support for the First Crusade. Priscus accompanied this First Crusade and died in the Holy Lands. Milarepa was the wonderful ECK Master living in Tibet in the eleventh century, whose life reads like a storybook. He began life as a black magician but later 218
became the spectacular saint of Tibet. His secret life was concerned with the teachings of ECK. Ahmad Qavani, the Living ECK Master during the time of King John of England, was present at the signing of the Magna Carta. Rebazar Tarzs was born in 1461 in the mountain village of Sarana in northern Tibet. He developed into mastership under the spiritual guidance of Yaubl Sacabi. It was Rebazar who was responsible for Christopher Columbus's inner guidance. He stayed on e a r t h for seventy-five years teaching ECK, then he retired in the same body to the mountain vastness of the Himalayas. He has spiritually developed several ECK Masters and is responsible for passing the Rod of ECK Power from one Master to his successor. He also developed Peddar Zaskq spiritually. During the early conquest of Mexico and t h e American Southwest, the Living ECK Master was Vardrup, who lived in Germany and came to t h e Americas to give spiritual aid. He raised several Indian chiefs to a high place in the spiritual worlds, as well as many Europeans and Asians. D u r i n g t h e early s e v e n t e e n t h c e n t u r y I s m e t Houdoni was the ECK Master who served while the settlements of Jamestown and Plymouth were being nurtured in America. He served as an adviser to J a m e s I of England and led him into making the King J a m e s version of the Bible. He lived to an age of 135 then entered into the Causal Plane to work for the cause of ECK. The next ECK Master of importance to this study is Tissot Leins, who lived in France during the late seventeenth century, when the Protestants were being persecuted. He was responsible for the migration of the Huguenots and those of other faiths to America. 219
Next is Hipolito Fayolle, who served during the eighteenth century. He came into this world on a small farm near Dresden, Germany, in the usual manner of the ECK Masters - very mysteriously. Few know how they are born, but some family often adopts them during their infancy and while raising them, one member of the family, who is adept at Soul Travel, teaches them at an early age. Most ECK Masters are born either in the high mountains or on some body of water. Hipolito Fayolle lived to the age of ninety-seven and lifted many ECK chelas into the higher worlds. Most of his outer works concerned European and American political figures. He went into the inner worlds to work on the Alakh Lok, the Sixth Plane. The next Living ECK Master pertinent to our study is the very famous Janos Moneta, whose influence on the early eighteenth century helped break up the old established forms of religion, music, and art. He had deep spiritual influence upon the early p a r t of the century. He lived in Sweden near Stockholm and was a friend of Swedenborg, who studied ECK. Much of Swedenborg's life and writings shows the influence of Janos Moneta. When the Master passed on, he went into the Mental Plane to work. During the middle and later p a r t of the nineteenth century Yu Rantga, a Chinese, lived in the Gobi Desert and was the Living ECK Master of his times. During the civil war t h a t caused so much bloodshed, he brought back to the Chinese many of their old religious customs and gave the masses spiritual succor. He left this world after seventy-two years of service and went to the Astral Plane to work. The next Master was Sudar Singh of Allahabad, who spread ECK to Europe and other places on the globe. He lived past his nineties before passing away. 220
Following him is Peddar Zaskq, who was born on a packetboat in the midst of the Mississippi River, a few minutes after a great earthquake shook the midSouth and formed a great lake in this region. He became the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master after studying under Rebazar Tarzs. This is, briefly, the history of the Living ECK Masters who have lived in this world. I have not included those who served between the years and centuries left blank in this summary. Too many persons try to substitute orthodox teachings for ECKANKAR. Too many go to cults, thinking they have found the way for themselves. But each of those who leave the path of ECK, or refuse to accept the Living ECK Master, will come to grief upon the rocks as surely as a captain wrecks his ship on the reef by not listening to the navigator. Again and again I have pointed out t h a t there is no other path than ECK. It is the original source from which all things spring, and anyone who tries another path is trying to s t a r t on a lower rung. It seems so foolish for anyone to use his h u m a n judgment in trying to select a spiritual path for himself, when it is laid out for him to move on to the original and only path to God. Within the Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad is found the quotation, "He who leaves the path of ECK, or refuses to follow it, shall dwell in the astral hells until the Master takes mercy upon him and brings him upon the path again. But he shall first ask the Master to be compassionate, to give him spiritual aid and take him into the Light of God again." No one escapes the suffering t h a t he brings upon himself. If he tries to mix the ECK teachings with any other system, the same results become apparent. He must realize t h a t the discipline of ECK is for his own 221
spiritual good and he should never flinch. Otherwise troubles will begin t h a t have no ending, until the day comes when he t u r n s again to the Living ECK Master and asks to be taken back. The field of mystical or religious experience has always been left to the saints, mystics, and masters. But the ECK has resolved it so t h a t the individual who takes up this particular but only path to God can also have the same experience. The Living ECK Master rids the chela of whatever has aberrated him, by fasting for the chela or getting him out of his abortive state of consciousness. The Order of the Vairagi is the only pure line of spiritual Masters in the world. Although I did not go into any of the very ancient periods of Lemuria or Atlantis, the Living ECK Masters were prominent there. Some persons have tried to identify the Masters with other ancient cults, but they must always remember t h a t ECK is the pure line, the original source out of which all life, religions, and philosophies have sprung. Once they accept this, then all things fall into line. Every religion, every cult, and every philosophy is only an echo or mirror of ECK. Rama was one of the first initiates in the ancient Order of the Vairagi. Before him was Dayaka, who was a great ECK Master in Lemuria. Then there was Kassapa, the Living ECK Master who preceded the antediluvian disaster of Atlantis. The line can be traced all the way back to Gakko who came out of the h e a r t of God into this world about six million years ago. The whole line of ECK Masters has descended from him in an unbroken lineage. Some have been married men, others single. But they have all served the ECK faithfully, giving their full lives to It. Some have lived out lives of longevity 222
like Yaubl Sacabi, Fubbi Quantz, Rebazar Tarzs, or the ancient ECK Master Asoki, who was born during the time of the large empire of Uighur in Central Asia. This was p a r t of the vast empire we know as Mu, or Lemuria. Asoki is still living in the same body he inhabited in those ancient days, some sixty thousand years before the advent of the Christian calendar. He lives near the city of Retz, the capital of Venus. His duties in this universe are to help spread the message of ECK throughout the physical world and the planets. E a c h Living ECK M a s t e r h a s served a s t h e Mahanta, which is God made flesh on earth. Therefore, we look to the Mahanta, for he is the representative of the SUGMAD in our midst today. He h a s what is known as a quinbody, which goes beyond the trinity. All religions speak of the trinity, or the tribodies of their spiritual leaders, but the M a h a n t a is beyond any of this for he uses the quinbodies as his vehicles. They are: the Physical, the Astral, t h e Causal, the Mental, and the Soul bodies. ECK only interests us in the Fifth world. This is what we are trying to establish here and now. It means that everybody chooses t h a t p a r t of T r u t h he interprets to be in his best interest. If he cannot get interested in the Fifth world, as presented him by ECK, he loses faith and disintegrates in personality and self. There are t h r e e o u t s t a n d i n g factors in ECKANKAR. They are the constant presence of the Mahanta, the Spiritual Exercises of ECK, and the chela doing all activities in the name of the Master. These are most important in the life of the chela. It means he must first recognize the Mahanta's presence in every moment of his life. Second, the chela m u s t practice his spiritual exercises faithfully; and third, he must do everything with love for the Master. This last 223
point is certainly the most important for the chela. He must think t h a t everything he does consciously and subconsciously is for the Master and in the Master's name. Unless he does this, he will lose some of his spiritual unfoldment. He will come to a standstill and wonder what is wrong within himself. He must realize the five basic points of ECK. They are as follows: 1. ECK is the ancient, original essence which sustains life in all universes 2. ECK is t h e ancient teaching t h a t is the source from which all religions and philosophies spring 3. The Living ECK Master is the only manifestation of the SUGMAD on earth, and the basis of his teachings lie in the Inner Master 4. The Living ECK Master's only mission is to gather up Souls who are ready and s t a r t them on the path to God again 5. The Living ECK Master is the perfect instrument of the SUGMAD on this plane; often he is the Mahanta. His duty is to make every Soul who comes to him realize he has only one mission in life, and t h a t is to r e t u r n to God and likewise become an instrument of God. These are the basic principles of ECK. One should have them well grounded within himself and know each one of them by heart. For once one realizes what they m e a n and actually understands them, he then will begin to know the true meaning of Soul Travel, and the true meaning of the ECK. ECK has no symbol but It, of Itself. All religions and philosophies have some sort of symbol or talisman which speaks of the Godhead. But since the ECK is the essence of the Godhead ITSELF, there is no symbol but 224
the ECK. It is very hard to say j u s t what is a symbol for Truth. The ancient people used certain symbols in their ceremonies, like the Masons do in their lodge meetings. But ECK cannot have any symbol, for It is w h a t It is! If God is, then ECK is what It is. It cannot be anything else but this. The origin of religion lies in the factor of symbolism. There was a primitive ECK teaching before the Aryan, Semitic, or Tauranian religions existed. It was broken up, though, because of the cataclysmic upheavals t h a t caused separate races, languages, types of worship, and national sentiment. This goes back into the misty dawn of time before history was ever recorded. During those early days the universal God was a p a r t of man's search; and IT still is, even though he does not know exactly what he has been seeking due to lack of inner experience. The collective history of the h u m a n race is a story of man's desperate attempt to find a solution to this search. He has failed because few, if any, cultures have laid down a yardstick by which to measure their successes and failures at God-Realization. All through mythology this universal God has received a name. The Greeks called It Zeus, the Latin name was Jove, It was Wuotan in German, and in Sanskrit It was known as Dyaus. The universal name for this highest Deity has always been the Heavenly Father. All gave It a masculine gender. This, of course, has never been true, for the SUGMAD, which is ITS true name, is neuter in nature. IT is neither masculine nor feminine. Someone asked at one time if the female can go beyond the Soul Plane. No, the feminine self cannot do this, but neither can the masculine. Only the neuter self can. Once Soul reaches 225
the Fifth Plane, then It becomes the neuter self and enters into the greater realms of God. But never as masculine or feminine. This should resolve many of the questions t h a t arose in the minds of readers who have studied The Tiger's Fang. The five problems of the h u m a n state of consciousness are loneliness, death, despair, dread, and anxiety. They are the attributes of the Kal power, and if one does not practice the Spiritual Exercises of ECK he will most likely become enmeshed in these aspects. Then, instead of becoming an instrument of God, he becomes a channel for the Kal. The conflict spoken of in the previous chapter takes over, splitting one's outer personality so t h a t he may even become a victim of society and placed in a mental institution. This is certainly true in various professions today. Many persons who wish to take up the study of spiritual works should really remain with some orthodox religion. A worldwide religion such as Catholicism or Buddhism is a stabilizing force for many people, and they should not venture any further t h a n this. Otherwise, they may become very disturbed as they are opened to psychic forces, and they are likely to be pushed over the borderline between normalcy and neurosis. It is regrettable t h a t the public m u s t be exposed to misbehavior by such people. E n t e r t a i n e r s and movie stars frequently have the problem of psychic disturbance, as well as rock groups, actors, musicians, protestors, and certain others in the public eye. We have now w h a t is known as a paranoid society. The mistake we have made is t h a t the physical universe has established an educational standard t h a t only sharpens the intellect and offers little spiritual development for students. Many believe t h a t the intellect is the criteria for spiritual unfoldment, t h a t it 226
makes them superior to the laws of society. They feel they are outside of social laws and can upset, disturb, control, and manipulate the social forces of life. This is only an illusion of the Kal power. Since the Kal Niranjan is the king of the negative world, he has ultimate power over the senses and intellectual faculties. It is strange t h a t these highly educated people do not see this. It is for this reason t h a t many ECK Masters are not educated according to the social standards of their times. Academic, institutional education is the way of the negative. But we can neither brush it aside nor ignore it, because one has to live in this world. As long as society demands t h a t the individual have a standard of education in order to fit into its ways, then all must have one to make his own way in the negative worlds. But for those who are spiritually developed to a high degree, academic education is not necessary. These persons find a way to live in our social order yet not be a p a r t of it. They still live within the social laws, yet they have spiritual freedom. We must realize t h a t the parapsychologists have been making a major error in their experiments with the psychic sciences. They have been trying to measure the effects of psychic power with the laws of the material universe. Since the psychic power and its aspects are beyond the physical senses, it follows that no law of this world is capable of measuring its effects. And this is where the advocates of academic educational standards make their mistake. No society for physical research, nor any university department on parapsychology, is able to take a correct measurement or make an authentic test in either the psychic or the spiritual sciences. They might think t h a t what they are doing is right, but it never measures up in the long run. They count 227
the failures but never the successes of anyone who is in either field. It is a mistake for any spiritually developed individual to subject himself to any tests of this nature. This, however, does not resolve the usual problems of mankind which I spoke of previously. They are, again, loneliness, death, despair, dread, and anxiety. In fact, neither parapsychology nor any of the other sciences have ever yet found an answer for any of these age-old problems. These problems can be overcome, though, in ECK. Once m a n has learned to travel into the other worlds, he finds his attention is no longer placed on the negative aspects of life. In the inner worlds one finds companionship, life, hope, love, peace, and self-reliance. No spiritual path can promise this, for they have no techniques, no understanding of how to find the answer to overcome the negative. Since h u m a n consciousness is a negative state of being, m a n can never use it to find what he is seeking until he seeks instead spiritual consciousness. When one reaches the spiritual state of consciousness via ECK, he learns many things he could not have understood in his h u m a n state. He now knows t h a t the Living ECK Master does not, nor did he ever, have a Soul mate, as many people believe. Since the Living ECK Master is the ECK, the Living Word, he could not have a Soul mate, ever. Nor has he ever been linked with anyone in the past, as either a h u m a n mate, a relative, or family member. His only connection with anyone is as the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master. The same force, the ECK, polarizes Itself time and again in the h u m a n body, which is the Living ECK Master of any and every period in history. The h u m a n self of the Living ECK Master is only superfluous and should be regarded as such. W h a t is important to every 228
individual who is an ECK chela is the Mahanta, the Inner Master. It makes little difference whether the person who is interested in ECK has read only one book, has j u s t become an initiate, or h a s passed through all the initiations. The Living ECK Master is with him constantly. When the student becomes an aspirant studying the beginning discourses, he can expect the ECK Master to become as much a p a r t of him and guide him as much inwardly as the highest chela in the ECK movement. It makes little difference to the Master who the devotee might be; t h a t individual gets the full protection of the Master's power and the Master's complete love. One of the ways to understand the Living ECK Master's love is called the Tiwaja, the Master's Gaze. It is important to note this, for the subtle knowledge of his loving look at an individual can heal, give spiritual aid and upliftment, or remove karmic burdens. Once the chela learns the importance of the Master's Gaze or the slightest touch of the Master's hand, it becomes a unique knowledge t h a t no others possess. He knows the inner value of being near the Master in heart, mind, and Soul. He knows and unders t a n d s the t r u e m e a n i n g of being opened to the Mahanta, the Inner Master, who can perform miracles. The M a h a n t a is the only being who can perform any miracles. All others are only psychic phenomena. It is he who gives the initiation to the chela and reveals the sacred mysteries of ECK through inner communication. When he announces t h a t the chela is ready for the initiation, his word is final and there is never to be any hesitation on the p a r t of the chela. Once the chela is initiated into ECK, he becomes a p a r t of the inner house. He lives beyond his physical senses in the house of God, whether he knows this 229
consciously or not. If the chela should, by any desire, wish to withdraw from his spiritual home, it is entirely his own decision and the Master never interferes. But he forgets t h a t if he does this, he reenters the world and m u s t take his load of k a r m a which the Master accepted upon initiation. If he leaves the house of ECK his suffering begins, for he h a s descended the ladder instead of climbing, as he should. He is like the swimmer who gets halfway across the river and then t u r n s back, fearful of losing strength to finish the task. He forgets t h a t the swim back is also as long and arduous as crossing the river in the first place. If one goes ahead on the path of ECK and follows the spiritual guidance of the Master, he will eventually reach the ultimate awareness of God. The path lies through the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master via the ECK, the Audible Life Current. The M a h a n t a will guide the chela over the rocky path into the h e a r t of the SUGMAD. He will become the Co-worker with God. He will dwell in eternity in peace and happiness.
Words set in SMALL CAPS are defined elsewhere in this glossary. ARAHATA. ah-rah-HAH-tah of ECKANKAR classes. CHELA. CHEE-lah An experienced and qualified teacher
A spiritual student.
ECK. EHK The Life Force, the Holy Spirit, or Audible Life Current which sustains all life. E C K A N K A R . EHK-ahn-kahr Religion of the Light and Sound of God. Also known as the Ancient Science of SOUL TRAVEL. A truly spiritual religion for the individual in modern times. The teachings provide a framework for anyone to explore their own spiritual experiences. Established by Paul Twitchell, the modern-day founder, in 1965. The word means "Co-worker with God." ECK MASTERS. Spiritual Masters who can assist and protect people in their spiritual studies and travels. The ECK Masters are from a long line of God-Realized SOULS who know the responsibility t h a t goes with spiritual freedom. GOD-REALIZATION. The state of God Consciousness. Complete and conscious awareness of God. H U . HYOO The most ancient, secret name for God. The singing of the word HU is considered a love song to God. It can be sung aloud or silently to oneself. INITIATION. Earned by a member of ECKANKAR through spiritual unfoldment and service to God. The initiation is a private ceremony in which the individual is linked to the Sound and Light of God.
His duty is to lead SOULS back to God. The Living ECK Master can assist spiritual students physically as the Outer Master, in the dream state as the Dream Master, and in the spiritual worlds as the Inner Master. Sri Harold Klemp became the MAHANTA, the Living ECK Master in 1981. MAHANTA. mah-HAHN-tah A title to describe the highest state of God Consciousness on earth, often embodied in the LIVING ECK MASTER. He is the Living Word. An expression of the Spirit of God t h a t is always with you. PLANES. The levels of existence, such as the Physical, Astral, Causal, Mental, Etheric, and Soul Planes. SATSANG. SAHT-sahng A class in which students of ECK study a monthly lesson from ECKANKAR. SELF-REALIZATION. SOUL recognition. The entering of Soul into the Soul Plane and there beholding Itself as pure Spirit. A state of seeing, knowing, and being.
sacred scriptures of ECKANKAR. The scriptures are comprised of twelve volumes in the spiritual worlds. The first two were transcribed from the inner PLANES by Paul Twitchell, modernday founder of ECKANKAR. SOUL. The True Self. The inner, most sacred part of each person. Soul exists before birth and lives on after the death of the physical body. As a spark of God, Soul can see, know, and perceive all things. It is the creative center of Its own world.
SOUL TRAVEL. The expansion of consciousness. The ability of SOUL
to transcend the physical body and travel into the spiritual worlds of God. Soul Travel is taught only by the LIVING ECK MASTER. It helps people unfold spiritually and can provide proof of the existence of God and life after death. SOUND AND LIGHT OF ECK. The Holy Spirit. The two aspects through which God appears in the lower worlds. People can experience them by looking and listening within themselves
and through SOUL TRAVEL.
SPIRITUAL EXERCISES OF ECK. The daily practice of certain techniques to get us in touch with the Light and Sound of God. SRI. SREE A title of spiritual respect, similar to reverend or pastor, used for those who have attained the kingdom of God.
SUGMAD. SOOG-mahd A sacred name for God. SUGMAD is neither masculine nor feminine; It is the source of all life. W A H Z. WAH zee The spiritual name of Sri Harold Klemp. It means the Secret Doctrine. It is his name in the spiritual worlds.
Aberrations, 78, 95, 131 Acolyte, 19, 112 Adepts, 20, 45, 112 Agam Des, 94, 173, 214 AgamLok, 116, 118,121 Ahmad Qavani, 219 Akashic readings, 117, 149, 208 Alakh Lok, 116, 118, 120-21 Alaya Lok, 116, 118, 121 Alpha and Omega, 185 AnamiLok, 116,118, 121 Ancient Order of the Vairagi. See Vairagi, Ancient Order of the Animism, 184 Aristotle, 1, 158 Arjuna, See Bhagavad Gita Aryan culture, 4 - 8 "As if" principle, 151 Asceticism, 11, 55, 66, 174 Ashta-dal-Kanwal, 44 Asian culture, 3 - 5 , 158, 186 Asoki, 223 Astral body, 28, 101 laws, 169-70 projection, 13-14, 61, 74, 97 worlds, 14, 19, 35-36, 38, 42, 43-44, 75, 82, 96,106, 116, 118, 152, 163-64, 186, 191, 201
Atlantis, 4, 218, 222 Atma Lok, 120, 153 Sarup, 80, 117, 185 Attention, 202 Audible Life Stream, 11, 109, 194, 207 Awareness, 14, 23, 27-28, 53, 118-19 Aztecs, 4 Being, states of, 14, 27 Bhagavad Gita, 64, 87, 199, 201 Bible, New Testament, 26, 191 Old Testament, 188 Bilocation, 61 Blue Star, 83 Brahm, 42, 117 Buddha, 7, 71, 88, 157, 160, 161, 165, 183, 184-85 Buddhism, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 20, 25, 38, 117, 144, 159, 165, 186-87 Catholicism, 25 Causal world, 21, 42, 75, 85, 96, 98, 117, 164 Cause and effect, 95, 97, 123-24
Chakras, 4 0 - 4 3 , 105-7 Changes, 96 Children of Light, 15 Chosen people, the, 132-33 Chu-Ko Yen, 215 Christianity, 2, 7, 9, 11, 12, 38, 49, 79, 144, 147, 165, 184, 191 Christian Science, 190 Civilization, 7 Clairvoyance, 37 Columbus, Christopher, 157, 219 Confucianism, 9, 184, 187 Consciousness, 87 awakened, 3 9 - 4 0 , 5 7 Christ, 62 cosmic, 186 dualistic, 70 ECK seeps into, 25 highest state of, 148, 164 h u m a n state of, 36, 61, 68, 7 0 - 7 1 , 78, 85, 97, 136, 151-52, 179, 181, 182, 207, 226 immortal, 40 initiate's, 24 as law unto itself, 27 levels of, 24-30, 36, 74, 85, 107, 118-19, 122-23, 204 psychic, 88 self-, 94, 96 Soul, 5 8 - 5 9 Western vs Oriental, 131-32 Contemplation, 107, 187 Cosmic Force, 60. See also ECK Creation finished and unfinished, 95, 101 mystery of, 59 negative pole of, 75 Creative powers, 40, 54, 75 Death Angel of, 180
consciousness, 39 cults, 49 fear of, 3 4 - 3 5 gates of, 209 physical, 49, 74, 85, 180 violent, 56, 165, 185 Declaration of Independence, 61, 192 Desire, 66, 67, 69-70, 203, 206 Desireless state, 55, 65, 66-67, 6 8 - 7 1 Destruction of lower worlds, 181 Detachment, 11, 55, 59, 67, 68, 87, 192 Dhyana, 44, 84, 109 Dionysus, 1 Disciplines, 30, 31 Discourses, 23, 24, 47, 59, 65, 91, 115 Discrimination, 59 Disintegration, 57 Divine cause, 60 ECK, 23, 24, 26, 145 power, instrument of, 63 purpose, 34 right, 118 spark, 38 wisdom, 48 Doctrines, sacred, 183-84 Doubt, 100, 179 Dreams, 39, 148 Drugs, 8, 63 Earth, 101, 124, 180 ECK aspects of 62-64, 76-77, 129 becoming the, 109 cause of, 160, 196, 197 conflict with, 123 and consciousness, 202 definition of, 11 discipline of, 30, 64, 221 enforces decisions, 197 failures in, 78-79 guidance of, 196
heart of, 34 house of, 230 instrument of, 56 intervention of, 140 is truth, 138 law(s) of, 58, 89, 124 life dependent upon, 205 as Living Word, 207 as symbol of Itself, 224 as original source, 207 points of, five basic, 224-25 preparation for, 77-78 primitive teachings of, 207 purpose of, 61, 63 realization of, 57 shock felt by individual, 77 voice of, 73 ECKANKAR as all-embracing force, 5 - 1 1 definition of, 62 features of, 112 fundamentals given Jesus, 217 ideals of, 11,20 is dynamic, 11 message of, 147 path of, 6, 8, 49, 111-12, 150, 152, 172, 178, 196, 197 principles of, 10, 224 saints of, 164 teachings of, 1, 24, 62, 90, 192-93 works not left to disciples, 183 ECK Masters. See Ahmad Qavani; Chu-Ko Yen; Fubbi Quantz; Gakko; Gopal Das; Habu Medinet; Hari Tita; Hipolito Fayolle; J a g a t Ho; Janos Moneta; Ju Chiao; Lai Tsi; Lamotta; Milarepa; Moraji Desal; Padma Gaya; Peddar Zaskq; Phidias; Rama; Rami Nuri; Rebazar Tarzs; Sardar Lhunpo;
Shamus-i-Tabriz; Shiv Sena; Sudar Singh; Vajra Manjushri; Vaita Danu; Yaubl Sacabi; Yu Rantga ECKshar, 20, 21, 48 Ego, 90, 137, 151, 157, 167, 168 Egypt, 2, 3, 4, 7, 2 1 - 2 2 , 165 Elements, 4 0 - 4 1 Embodiments, reimbodiments, 88, 89, 93, 113, 117, 184 Emotional activities, 98, 169-70 body, 78 outbursts, 127 Energies, 157, 158 Enlightenment, 18, 48, 81, 9 8 - 9 9 , 132, 186 Entities, 29, 82, 101, 141, 157-63, 168, 184 Environmental awareness, 53, 126-27 Enzymes, 128 Eternity, 97, 177 Etheric plane, 117-20, 173 Ethiopians, 3 Experience, 114-15, 131, 151
Failure, 13, 65, 78, 96, 115, 161, 167 Faith healers, 166 Fantasy, realm of, 114 Fear, 65, 76-77, 78, 79, 179 Fifth region, 21, 76, 80, 118-19, 120, 153. See also Soul: Plane Flying saucers, 117 Fort Lauderdale workshop, 113 Fountainhead, 6 Freedom of choice, 19 inner, 147 spiritual, 61 Freud, 162, 166, 182
Fubbi Quantz, 89, 128, 148, 173, 215, 223 Gakko, 222 Genealogy, 24 Ghosts, 117 Goal of Chela, 141 God agent of, 20, 46, 102, 180 approaching, 102-5, 107-9, 112 aspect of, 70 attribute(s) of, 23, 107 awareness, 57, 99 breath of, 109 center of, 48, 76 channel for, 23, 24, 34, 56, 89-90, 109, 112, 120, 131, 132-33, 134, 160, 164, 182, 226 Consciousness, 14, 17, 29, 76, 99, 120 Co-worker with, 19, 76, 101, 208, 230 creative spirit of, 79 day and night of, 58 desire for, 71 essence of, 108 experience of, 13, 42, 109, 113-14 goal of, 146 heart of, 44, 53, 63, 70, 104, 187 house of, 98 influence, 63 journey to, 106 Kingdom of, 55, 113, 116, 147, 192-93 Light of, 9 love of, 60 manifestation(s) of, 17, 38, 120, 146, 185 message of, 56 names of, 6, 82, 188 never one with, 108 path to, 15, 45, 58-59, 86, 91, 100, 110, 182, 187 planes of, 116-25 power, 75, 78, 117, 185, 194
presence of, 88 -Realization, 8, 45, 52, 81, 89, 107, 114, 144, 146, 154, 159, 170 realm(s) of, 43, 47, 80, 86, 132, 149, 154 responsibility to, 86 return to, 84 seekers of, 86, 113-16, 184 state(s), 23, 28, 30, 99, 131 as the SUGMAD, 101 surrendering to, 52 totality of, 46 t r u t h of, 115, 182 union with, 19 universes of, 120, 141 Voice of, 88 world(s) of, 36, 116-22, 169, 170, 174, 176, 181 will of, 133 Godhead, 78, 79, 116, 141, 146, 154, 165, 169 Godman, 6, 21, 46, 180 Gods, 22, 42, 46, 117, 186, 190 Good and evil, 188 Gopal Das, 173, 213 Greece, Greeks, 1-2, 4, 7, 165 Greed, 78 Gunas, three, 47 Guru, 9, 19, 25, 178, 189
Habu Medinet, 215 Halls of Los, 148 Hari Tita, 214 Heart center, 41 sickness, 182 Heaven, 101, 197 ascent to, 112 glories of, 55 heirs to keys of, 133 Kingdom of, 22, 175, 193 Heavenly music, 109 rewards, 197 Hellenism, 2 Heredity, 24
Hermes, 2 Hieroglyphics, 5 Higher planes, 48, 80, 88, 107, 146, 196 Himalayan mountains, 2, 93, 111, 154, 189 Hinduism, 4, 5, 9, 11, 117, 144, 186 Hipolito Fayolle, 220 History of mankind, 1-9, 225 of past Mahantas, 180, 211-23 Time Track of, 143-44 Western, 132 Hitler, 170 HU, 80 HukikatLok, 118, 121 Humanists, 146, 170, 182 Humility, 67, 68, 147, 198 Hypnotism, 37
"I AM THAT I AM", 60 Ideals, 161 Illumination, 36, 87, 141, 176 Illusion, 2, 45, 46, 94, 116, 132, 150, 151, 162, 168 Images, 55, 148-51, 163 Imagination, 31, 43, 93, 97, 149, 177 Immaculate conception, 185 Immortality, 40, 56, 68 Inaction, 65 Individual entities within the, 157-64 path, 26 privacy, 97 responsibility, 127 Soul as, 58, 61, 94 universe, 97 Individuality, 61, 63, 120, 171 Inertia, 57 Initiate/Initiation(s), 2 - 3 , 7, 21, 24, 35, 45, 61, 62, 69, 85, 112, 131, 153, 165, 175, 178, 185, 194, 205, 207, 229
Inner bodies, 28, 29 experiences, 8, 14, 2 8 - 3 0 feelings, 7, 66 force, 57 life, 4 possessions, 67 power, 30 reassurance, 88 self, 29, 31, 124-25, 127 senses, 143 state and outer karma, 95 support, 183 teacher/teachings, 89, 143, 154 universe, 33 Inspiration, 2 Intellect/Intelligence, 40, 132, 135, 137-38, 140, 171, 203,204, 226-27 Interdiluvian cycles, 3 Invisible and visible worlds, 43, 74, 120 Islamism, 5, 9, 11, 50, 184, 187 J a g a t Ho, 215 Jainism, 9, 11, 38, 190-91 Janos Moneta, 220 Japan, 5, 181, 190 Jeffersonian Theory, 53 Jesus Christ, 2, 7, 18, 20, 46, 54, 88, 103, 104, 146, 157, 158, 161, 165, 170, 183, 184, 191, 217 Jivan Mukti, 49, 153 Ju Chiao, 173, 216-17 Judaism, 5, 7, 9, 11, 38, 184, 188 Kadath Inscriptions, 180 Kal agents of, 45 conflict with, 70, 140, 195, 205, 206, 226 illusions of, 196 law(s) of, 46, 76 names of, 117 polarity of, 165
Kal (continued) power, 46, 54, 63, 70, 211, 226 purpose of, 70 scheme of, 2 0 1 - 3 traps, 196 Karma(ic) creating, 70 debts, 55, 9 1 , 131, 205 earned, 201 events made by, 149 Law of, 46, 144 Lords of, 144 purpose of, 6 8 - 7 0 , 9 3 - 9 4 racial, 69, 152, 169 resolving, 55, 91, 163, 167, 180, 205 world(ly), 69, 196 Katsupari Monastery, 173, 180, 215 Krishna, 2, 22, 46, 56, 64, 87, 161, 165, 199 Kundalini, 4 1 , 108
Lai Tsi, 173, 215 Lamaism, 186 Lamotta, 214 Lao-tzu, 187 Law(s) unto oneself, 151, 172 moral, 169 of nature, 56 Lemuria, 136, 222, 223 Liberation, 70, 153, 194 Life allness of, 61 and death, 148 current of, 6, 8 final analysis of, 15 foundation of, 10 fundamental of, 142 goal of, 181 involves keeping in balance, 87 key of, 69 mission in this, 102
opposites of, 65 phase of, 152 preconception of, 79 principle of, 96 problems of, 34 reality(ies) of, 28, 93, 96 secret of, 28 struggle for, 15 symbolic expression of, 154 whole of, 68 Light, 26, 82, 83 of Asia, 185 blue, 83 body, 44, 45 and darkness, 99, 100, 188 first region of, 133 inner gates of, 108 living, 22 and Sound, 31, 61, 99, 176, 188, 189, 191 spiritual, 100 white, 82 of the world, 99, 184 Light Giver, 172 Lightning Worlds, 42, 43, 84 Lincoln, Abraham, 157, 159 Literature, 1, 10, 23 Living ECK Master, gaze of the, 229 guidance of, 83, 85, 115-16, 123, 131, 137-38, 153, 154-55,180, 229-30 mission of the, 145, 147, 164-65, 172-76, 185-86, 193-94, 199, 205-6 nature of the, 90, 172-73, 185 Rama, as first, 1, 2, 212, 222 and Rod of Power, 148, 164, 173, 185 as Soul mate, 228 surrender to, 206, 207 two faces of, 18 Longevity, secret of, 128 Lord's Prayer, the, 104 Love basis of, and power, 169 detached, 172-73
Law of, 60 path of, 171 physical and spiritual, 53-54 works of, 10 of world, 55, 66 Lower Planes, 14, 98, 101, 116-20 Lust, 78 Macrocosm, 33, 36 Magi Order, 189, 213 Magicians, 46 Magnetic field, 77, 99 Mahantaship, 148, 164 Mahatmas, 18-19 Manifestation, origin of, 168 Mankind development of, 2 - 8 problems of, 226-28 Mars, 69 Master(s) acts against the, 90 ascended, 89, 164 audience with the, 148 duties of the, 164, 174, 193 Greek, 1, 2 humanly embodied, 89, 194 Inner and Outer, 18, 20, 35, 57, 59, 89, 164, 229 lives of the, 212-23 Nine unknown, 174, 185 past, 212-23 supernatural power of, 211 Matax Roraka, 179 Material aspirations, 166-67, 171-72 creation, 40, 58 Matter, characteristics of, 57-58 Meditation, 105 Mental. See also Mind activities, 78, 90, 97, 98, 149, 162, body, 28, 117 diseases, 198 door, 67
faculties, 97, 105 fatigue, 51 forces, 124 formations, 139 form of worship, 104 levels, 52 Plane, 42, 96, 105, 107, 116, 117, 118-19, 157, 186 preparation, 65 processes, 78 purity, 108 reaction, 142-43 transformation, 98 Messiah, return of the, 165 Metaphysics, 52, 73, 78, 79, 96, 108, 135, 145, 159, 166, 184, 190 Mexico, 3 Microcosm, 33, 36, 97 Milarepa, 218-19 Mind faculties of, 105 five perversions of, 78, 79, 171, 196. See also Greed; Lust; Vanity inner screen of the, 84 peace of, 166 power(s), 117, 195, 203, 211 sickness of the, 183 state of, 67, 179 stuff, 75, 105 unconscious, 39, 120, 125 Mineral stage of consciousness, 122 Miracles, 10, 174 Mirages, 148 Mithraism, 22, 38, 165, 179, 184 Moon Worlds, 42, 43, 84 Moraji Desal, 213 Moral law(s). See Law(s): Moral Moses, 2, 7, 60 Mu. See Lemuria Mystery schools, 2 Mystic(ism), 7, 34, 108, 154, 162, 188, 201 Mythology, 6
Naacal Records, 136 Nam, 21, 207 Napoleon, 126, 144, 157 Nature conquest of, 132 Law(s) of, See Law(s): of nature path of, 187 Negative ambition, 181 attitude, 90, 166 being. See Kal feelings, 127 force, 23, 31, 36, 45, 52, 58, 79, 197. See also Kal self, 30 Neophyte, 24, 37, 77, 83, 86 Nervous system, 125 New Thought, 166 Niranjan. See Kal Nirvikalpa, 108 Nonactivity, 154 Nonviolence, 191 Nothingness, 167 Nuri-Sarup, See Light: body Objective sight, 11 view, 87, 96 world, 23, 33, 42 Obstacles, 52, 142 Ocean of Love and Mercy, 6, 9, 119, 168, 207 Occult practices, 37, 102, 114 Omnipotence, omnipresence, omniscience, 5 5 - 5 6 , 62 Opposites, 65, 99 Oracle(s), 4 of Tirmer, 146, 173 Oral instructions, 5, 136, 138-40 Ori Diogo, 217 Original cause, 57, 97 Orpheus, 2 P a d m a Gaya, 214 Pain, 64, 68, 182, 190
Papal throne, 146 Paradise, 38, 50 P a r a m Sant, 17 Passion, 65, 78. See also Mind: five perversions of Passivity, 107, 130 Past lives, 78, 102, 117, 124, 161, 172 Pasteur, 182 Pavlov, 162 Peddar Zaskq, 219, 221 Perceptiveness, 149 Perfection, 21, 154, 177 Persia, 7, 165, 179, 188 Personality, 88, 158, 159, 167 Petition, four levels of, 102-8, 178 Phidias, 215 Philosophy, 51, 117, 132, 147 Phoenicians, 5 Physical body, 35, 57, 89, 96, 101, 102, 124-25, 181, 184, 193 environment, 101 fatigue, 51 force, 77 illness, 182 image, 158 karma, 95 life, 14, 34, 38, 57, 118-19 losses, 67 plane, 36, 56, 74, 78, 96, 164 reaction, 142 senses, 33, 63, 79, 87, 125, 142, 149, 150 Pilgrim's Progress, 52 Pinda, 40, 106, 116. See also Physical: Plane Pineal gland, 105 Planes, names and sounds of, 116-22, 124-25 Planetary spirit, 102 Planets. See Earth; Mars; Venus Plato, 1, 2, 157 Polarity, 99-100, 165 Polynesians, 4 Possessions, 66
Power, basis of, 169-70 lines of, 147, 161, 164 of the church, 146 Pranayama, 109 Prayer(s), 10, 31, 103-4, 187 Pride, 110, 198 Primordial elements, 58 Prophecies, 4, 150 Prophets, 4, 46, 192 Psychiatry, 150 Psychic centers, 4 0 - 4 1 , 105 downfall of the, 150, 2 0 1 - 3 experimentation, failures of, 227-28 law, 170 levels, 116-20, 191 phenomena, 36, 116, 119, 123, 161-64, 168 readers, 166 research, 124, 227-28 worlds, 126, 168, 169 Pythagoras, 2
Races of man, 3 - 5 , 6 - 9 Radiant body, 83, 85 Rajas, 47 Rama, 212-13 Rami Nuri, 133-34, 173, 214 Rasputin, 123, 126 Reality absolute, 37, 39, 44, 46, 153 denial of, 129 illusion of, 116 Soul as, 98 spiritual, 40 ultimate, 40, 87, 120 Rebazar Tarzs, 87, 89, 93, 103, 107, 110, 111, 113, 219 Recognition, 28, 60 Reformers, 45, 74, 126 Reincarnation, 46, 94, 101, 120, 158, 167, 191, 211 Religion(s) See also Animism; Buddhism; Catholicism; Christian Science;
Christianity; Confucianism; Hinduism; Islamism; Jainism; Judaism; Lamaism; Mithraism; New Thought; Shamanism; Shintoism; Sikhism; Spiritualism; Taoism; Theosophy; Zoroastrianism Babylonian, 184 Egyptian, 184 failure of, 194 Greek, 165, 184 Hittite, 184 Indian, 60, 166, 190-91 monotheistic, 188 Norse, 184 Oriental, 126, 131-32, 144, 1 8 4 , 1 8 6 - 8 7 , 190-91 orthodox, 49, 73, 81, 103, 119, 145, 184 of Osiris, 22, 165 of Parsis, 188 polytheism, 184, 186 purpose of, 192 Sumerian, 184 Vedanta, 42, 117 Western, 105 Religious belief, 145 experience of being, 62 fanatical, figures, 123 forms, 31, 183 movements, 65 paths, 116, 184-85, 186-92 titles, 21 traditional past, 144-45 Responsibility, 68-69, 74, 81, 91, 127, 129, 164-65, 182, 185 Resurrection, 154 Rishis, 4, 21 Rituals, 25, 31, 173 Rod of ECK Power, 148, 164, 173, 185 Rome, Romans, 54, 146 Rousseau, 157, 182 Russia, 125
Sach Khand, 21, 45, 207 Saguna Brahm, 120 Sahasra-dal-Kanwal, 19, 106, 107 Saint(s), 21, 56, 81, 100, 102, 164, 178 Francis, 109-10 Guru Nanak, 189 John, 192 Paul, 26, 191 Peter, 192 Ramakrishna, 56 Salvation, 22, 153, 168, 186 Samadhi, 104, 108 Sanskaras, 139 Sanctuary of Eleusis, 2 Sangwa, 140 Sanskrit writings, 60 Sardar Lhunpo, 215 Sat Guru, 17-19, 21, 47, 147 Sat Nam, 17, 118, 120, 153, 207, 213 Savior(s), 1, 22, 46, 54, 73, 154, 177, 183, 186 Science, 1, 6, 128, 132 Scriptures, sacred, 5, 25 Secondary cause, 95, 97 Seeker of truth, 24, 66, 89, 149 Self -awareness, 129-30 -consciousness, 94, 97 -control, 108, 127, 128 -deception, 106 -determination, 19 -discipline, 30, 31, 125-26, 127, 128 -dissension, 51 -distinctiveness, 167 higher, 27 -hypnotism, 37 -indulgence, 64, 174 lower, 39, 100 mental, 157 negative, 30, 151 -purification, 68 -Realization, 21, 47, 59, 114, 146, 159, 183 -recognition, 28, 120
serene, indifferent, 155 spiritual, 29, 171 -surrender, 52, 198 -torture, 174 Semantics, 15, 114 Seminars, 17, 114 Semitic principles, 5-9, 225 Sense pleasures, 68, 202, 206 Sensitivity, 136 Seng-ts'an, 86 Serpent, thousand-headed, 36 Service, 63, 64, 86, 196, 197, 209 Shakespeare, 163, 182 Shamanism, 184 Shamus-i-Tabriz, 173 Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad, 59, 93, 133, 136, 140, 153, 168, 173, 174, 212, 221 Shintoism, 9, 11, 38, 184, 190 Shiv Sena, 213 Shiva, 186 Sikhism, 38, 184, 189 Silver Cord, 28 Sinai, 2 Sociology, 74, 170 Socrates, 1 Soul body, 41, 85, 117, 153 as channel, 112 consciousness of, 27-28, 58, 9 3 - 9 7 , 205, 208 control of, 57, 58 dark nights of, 26 door of, 143 experiences, 93-94, 98 faculties of, 123, 208 -identity, 94 individual, 58, 60, 93, 153 initiation of, 175 Master awaits, 85 movement of, 28-29, 36, 95, 107, 143 patterns, 102 Plane, 17, 20, 21, 118, 120 seat of, 35, 41, 105 seeing power of, 82 leaves lower bodies behind, 116
tests of, 63, 81 training ground for, 101 Soul Travel, 30, 37, 4 2 - 4 4 , 62, 79-85, 95, 101, 107, 147, 163, 194 Sound Current, 44, 71, 7 9 - 8 1 , 109, 116-22, 175, 188, 189, 194, 207, 209 Sounds of planes, 7 9 - 8 1 , 116-22 Spirit, 23, 27, 30, 42, 108, 168. See also ECK Spirito-material worlds, 21, 40, 42, 44, 75, 102, 112 Spiritual aberrations, 95 awareness, 22, 39-40, 53, 62, 8 7 - 8 8 , 140, 149, 202, 206 behavior, 8 consciousness, 23, 80, 140 darkness, 145, 182 development, 3, 6, 37, 47-48, 53, 55, 59,102, 112, 131, 135,145, 164,181 education, 137-38 enlightenment, 18, 20, 81 evolution, 13, 57, 58 exercises, 22, 29, 30, 31, 43-44, 56, 61, 74, 7 9 - 8 5 , 115, 129, 169, 184, 192, 193, 202, 209 experience(s), 20, 42, 67, 101-2,123 freedom, 61, 193, 194 guidance, 88 heights, 45, 54, 109 hierarchy, 17, 75, 189-90 knowledge, 20, 37, 73, 152 law(s), 150, 151, 193, 196 leader(ship), 85, 88, 164-65, 173-74, 180, 193 life, 151, 171 mantle, 147, 173, 185 mission, 101, 185 nature, 63, 100, 151, 171 ne'er-do-well, 81 power(s), 23, 75, 88, 89, 102,
132 progress, 135, 138 road, fork of, 177 search, 182 senses, 40 sight, 152 source, 6 task, 19 unfoldment, 20, 48, 55, 57, 58, 68, 90, 153, 159, 163, 166-67, 168, 176, 183, 202 welfare of man, 174 window, 43 word, 3 Spiritual Eye(s) 35, 41-42, 43, 80, 82, 83, 129, 140, 148 Spiritual Travelers, 3, 2 0 - 2 1 Spiritualism, 38, 160, 184, 191, 193 Subconscious, 23 Subjective experience, 29, 74, 106 image, 168 worlds, 29, 43 Sudar Singh, 66, 110-11, 138-40, 220 Sufis, 21 SUGMAD, 18, 26, 86, 106, 188 attributes of, 57 as divine source, 90, 178, 202 and creation, 59, 101 Law of the, 147 representative(s) for the, 133, 202 rules creation, 75 and Soul's freedom, 61 working of, 59 World, 118-19, 122 Sun goddess, 190 gods of Asia, 22, 165 Worlds, 43, 84 Supreme Being. See SUGMAD giver, 172 goal, 49 heavenly world, 43
lower, 40 spiritual, 20, 98 of universes, 75 Vajra Manjushri, 214 Vairagi, Ancient Order of the, 2, 17, 21, 55, 112, 128, 173, 174, 180, 222 Vaita Danu, 216 Valley of Shangta, 173 Vanity, 63, 67, 78, 79, 110, 198, 207 Venus, 134, 141, 223 Vi-Guru, 18, 21, 47 Vibrations, 52, 104, 194 Viewpoint, 13 Vishnu, 42, 186, 199 Visions, 106, 149, 162 Viveka, 59 Voice, 9 Void, the, 167-68 Volition, 22 Waking state, 39-40 Way of discipleship, 63-64 Wheel of ECKANKAR, 11-12 the Eighty-Four, 175, 195, 200, 208 Willpower, 31 Wisdom, 17, 52, 151-52, 175 Word, 2, 21, 33, 192, 207 made manifest, 89, 185 secret, 82 World(s) of creation, 95 evolution, 190 inner, 43, 79, 145 lower, 57, 181 of pure Spirit, 76 religions. See Religion(s): orthodox Soul, 69 teacher, 18 universal, 35, 69 War, II, 190, 191
Tamas, 47 Taoism, 9, 11, 38, 184, 187 Temples of Golden Wisdom, 133-34, 140, 153, 173, 212,213,215 Tenth Door, 35, 42 Theory, 23, 53, 162, 166 Theosophy, 184, 189-90 Tibetans, Tibetan monasteries, 136, 152 Tisra Til, 35, 42, 43, 106 Tiwaja, 229 Total awareness, 2, 62, 76 Transcendental realization, 87 Transformation, 58 Trials of fire and water, 48 Trinity, 21, 22, 223 Troglodytes, 3 "On Trust in the Heart," 86
Uighur, 136 Ultimate experience, 8 reality, 49 Understanding, 66 Unformed essence, 95 Uninitiated, 35 Universal cause, 182 disaster, 150 love, 64 Mind Power, 47, 75, 117, 195, 203 path, 33 redemption, 22 worlds, 106 Universe(s) of imperfection, 76 indifference of, 136
Yaubl Sacabi, 89, 94, 98, 148, 173, 213, 223 Yoga, 19, 41, 108, 186 Yuont-Na, 136-37 Yugas, great, 58, 191 Yu Rantga, 220
Zikar, 44, 79, 82, 109 Zoroastrianism, 5, 11, 46, 88, 184, 188-89
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