English Revision
English Revision
English Revision
Raj: The giraffes live _____ the entrance______ ( in, near) a shaded area. Have your lunch_____ (at, on) the cafe and after that you can see the birds. You will also enjoy loo ing ___ (at, before, fro!) the !on eys swinging _____ the trees. The ele"hants live _____ (to, neat) the !on eys. # ho"e you enjoy your visit _____ (between, to) the $oo.
'. O,ey- diso,ey *. +i e- disli e -. +ove- )ate /. &rust- mistrust 10. Begin- end 11. 6o- undo 12. (ome- go 1!. 7n8ure- )eal 1#. Add- su,tract 1%. 5nderstand- misunderstand
'uestion Tag
3.g- You are )appy. (au(iliary) n*t )subject....... if the state!ent is "ositive) You are )appy9 aren:t you; <o)n )as not come to sc)ool today (au(iliary)subject.... if the state!ent is negative) <o)n )as not come to sc)ool today9 )as )e; &)e clowns ma e everyone laug). &)e clowns ma e everyone laug)9 don:t t)ey; (#f there is no au(iliary in the sentence use do+does+did+didn*t as re,uired) &)e elep)ant does not eat meat9 does it; %-./#&0 /&%.% 1. Stand straig)t = imperative sentence> Stand straig)t9 will you; 2. +et:s wal faster =imperative sentence> +et:s wal faster9 s)all we; !> 7 am clever9
7 am clever9 aren:t 7; 3?. 1 ()andra set out to ,uy a new ,ull 2 3ac) winner )as an inspiring tale to relate ! &)e peasant were ready to offer t)em s)elter # A notice was put on t)e sc)ool notice ,oard % &)e animal does not )ave any faults ' +et:s plan t)e scene now. * &)e ivy leaf was still t)ere on t)e wall. - &)e man gave no answer. / 4ive me t)e document 10 7 am )appy today.
& /onjunction is a word that joins two words, "hrases or sentences (on8unctions are classified as@ a) /o1 ordinators: and, but, yet, for, so, or, conse,uently, therefore, nevertheless, neither...nor, not only... but also, either... or, etc. b) %ub1 ordinators: who, what, when, where, which, why, who!, that, if, since, because, though, although, as, how etc. 3?- 1 5nderline t)e con8unctions and state w)et)er t)ey are co- ordinators or su,-ordinators. 1. 7 now it ,ecause 7:m t)e true owner of t)e animal. 2. 4od is ind and 7 am sure )e understands my position. !. All )appened e1actly as Arospero )ad planned. #. &)ey were fortunate t)at t)e ,oat )ad reac)ed t)e island. %. ()andra got a terri,le s)oc w)en )e entered Mani:s s)ed. '. &)e duc lings were tiny ,ut were a,le to swim. *. 7 )ave a dancing class t)erefore 7 cannot visit you.
-. 7 was very ,usy so 7 did not see you enter. /. 3it)er you are la$y or you do not want to study. 10. ")erever )e went9 )e placed candles and recited prayers wit) ot)er pilgrims. 3?-2 2ill in t)e ,lan s using t)e correct con8unctions@1. ")at would you doBBBBBBB a stranger )urt you; = w)enC if> 2. A great man )as said9 D BBBB ,orrowBBB lend9 and you:ll ,e )appy: =neit)er...norC ,ot)... and> !. 7 would love to come to t)e weddingBBBBBB 7 am invited. = w)enC if> #. &)e ceremony was BBB longBBBB ,oring. = eit)er...orC,ot)... and> %. Aras)ant BBBB li es singingBBBB dancing. = eit)er... orC neit)er... nor> '. 7 will loo after t)e ,a,yBBB its mot)er comes ,ac . = w)enC until> *. BBBBB c)oose t)is dressBBBB t)at oneE ,ot) are pretty. = eit)er...orC,ot)... and> -. My ,rot)er was)ed t)e dis)esBBB 7 was cleaning t)e ta,le. = untilC w)en> /. BBBBNeena BBBB S)ilpi ,oug)t a new froc eac). = eit)er...orC,ot)... and> 10. Sonam ept waitingBBBBB it was -: o cloc . = w)enC until>