A P S R: Ssessing The Asture OIL Esource
A P S R: Ssessing The Asture OIL Esource
A P S R: Ssessing The Asture OIL Esource
By Preston G. Sullivan
NCAT Agriculture Specialist
February 2001
Making Fertility Assessments
A typical soil analysis will provide a guide to the
current plant nutrient levels in a pasture soil. For
an analysis to be accurate, good sampling
procedure must be followed. Before sampling a
pasture soil:
1. Visit the county Extension office and get their
guide on soil sampling procedure.
2. Look across the landscape and locate all
hotspots. Hotspots are areas of excessive or
unusual nutrient concentration: soils around
feedbunks, hay feeding areas, shade trees,
watering sites, loafing areas, and wet spots.
3. Sample these hotspots separately, or avoid
them during your sampling.
4. Sample according to apparent patterns
such as slope and previous fertilization.
When field areas appear dissimilar, sample
them separately. Nutrients tend to flow
downhill in pastures, meaning that top
slopes will tend to have lower nutrient
levels and the down slope will tend to have
higher levels. Mixing soil samples from all
over the pasture will mask these differences
and lead to wasted fertilizer dollars. When
it comes time to buy fertilizer, if you only
Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas
Abstract: This technical note provides methods to determine biological activity of pasture soils and practical
tips on improving the usefulness of typical soil and plant samples. The soil biology sampling methods are easy
to learn, and utilize commonly available tools found around any farm. Once these biological assessments are
made, more insight into the many benefits of nutrient cycling become apparent. Methods for using soil and
plant samples strategically are also covered.
ATTRA is the national sustainable agriculture information center funded by the USDAs Rural Business -- Cooperative Service.
Table of Contents
Making Fertility Assessments.................................... 1
Assessing Soil Biological Activity/Health .................... 2
When to Make These Assessments ........................ 2
Equipment Needed................................................. 2
Locating Sample Sites............................................. 3
1. Living Organisms .............................................. 3
2. Earthworms ...................................................... 3
3. Soil Smell .......................................................... 4
4. Aggregation ..................................................... 4
5. Water Infiltration............................................... 4
6. Soil Compaction ................................................ 5
Other Observations.................................................. 5
References: .............................................................. 6
Additional Resources ................................................ 6
Assessment Sheet .................................................... 7
need to fertilize the ridge tops, you will be
glad you sampled top, side, and end slopes
5. Make sure that sampling depth matches the
depth that the soil test report will be based
on. Many agronomists advise taking pasture
samples at 3 or 4 inches deep because most of
the grass roots are in the top 4 inches. The
prescribed depth should be in the soil
sampling procedure from your Extension
office. If you do take a sample depth other
than the one the lab specifies, tell them on the
sheet that you did this so they can adjust
6. Prepare the sample for shipping according to
the labs recommendations.
Producers generally have the choice of using a
private laboratory or the state university lab to do
their soil analysis. Commercial labs cost more
but generally have a quicker turnaround time
and a more complete soil test report than
university labs. Though hotly contested by some
researchers, soil analysis featuring the base
saturation percentages provides useful
information for making fertilizer choices. If you
like to get a second opinion, it may be
worthwhile to hire a consultant to help you with
the sampling and the fertilizer recommendations.
To back up your fertilization program you may
want to take forage samples to see what effect the
fertilizer had. You can also utilize soil and forage
tissue sampling strategically by making
comparisons between poor growth areas and
good growth areas, or before-and-after
comparisons. The three tables below show some
hypothetical examples of strategic soil and plant
tissue sampling.
Forage analysis can be used to judge the success
of a fertilization program by identifying any
remaining nutrient deficits.
For example, the before and
after forage analysis shown
in Table 1 shows that the
applied fertilizer met all crop
needs for major and
secondary nutrients. In
addition, soil and forage
analysistaken from
adjacent poor and productive
field areascan be used to
better identify nutrient
imbalances (Tables 2 and 3).
Visit your county Extension
agent or a private consultant
to learn effective methods for
taking a forage sample.
Assessing Soil Biological
Activity and Health
While nutrient status is
essential to soil health and
vitality, biological activity
and soil structure should be
appraised to get a more
complete picture. The
biological soil component
Table 1. Forage Tissue Analysis before and after fertilization.
Nutrient Before Fert. After Fert.
Nitrogen low OK
Phosphorus OK OK
Potassium low OK
Calcium OK OK
Magnesium OK OK
Sulfur low OK
Table 2. Forage Tissue Analysis between a poor area and a good area
Nutrient Poor Area Good Area
Nitrogen low OK
Phosphorus OK OK
Potassium low OK
Calcium OK OK
Magnesium OK OK
Sulfur low OK
Table 3. Soil Test Analysis between a poor and good area of a pasture.
Nutrient Poor Area Good Area
Nitrogen --- ---
Phosphorus OK OK
Potassium low OK
Calcium OK OK
Magnesium OK OK
Sulfur OK OK
creates and maintains many desirable soil
conditions. Its true that many biological
parameters are quite costly to measure and
require hours of laboratory time. Still, others
can be quite inexpensive and convenient to do.
The following assessment procedures can be
performed in an hour or so using cheap,
locally available materials. These procedures
are derived from Early Warning Monitoring
for Croplands, 1998, available from The Center
For Holistic Management (1). For a more
complete cropland assessment, order this
When to make these assessments
Choose a time of year when soil biological
activity is highusually late spring and mid fall.
Select a day when the soil is moist but not wet
moist after all excess water has drained away.
Generally, the soil is right for this assessment
when you cannot roll soil into a ball, and it
crumbles easily in your hand.
Avoid taking samples:
! from wet soilswhen the soil sticks to your
shoes, it is too wet
! during drought periods or times of excessive
! from cold soils
! within a month following tillage, fertilization,
or liming.
Equipment Needed to Assess One Pasture
! Pencil
! Assessment sheet (see page 7)
! Clipboard to hold the paper
! Shovel
! Can or jar capable of holding 16 fluid ounces
(1 pint) but no more
! Small round bottlelarge enough to hold
cup of water
! Bucket with two gallons of water for each
assessment sheet to be filled out
! Watch with a second hand, or a stopwatch
! Tape measure
! Hand grass clippers
! Home-made soil penetrometer, described
! A wire ring that measures 1 foot across, made
of wire or flexible pipe (the length of wire
required to make a one-foot diameter circle is
approximately 39 inches joined end to end,
depending on the thickness of the wire.
Remember to allow some extra length to attach
the two ends and make the ring. Measure the
diameter of the wire ring as the ends are
attached to make sure it is one foot across).
Locating Sample Sites
An individual assessment sheet is to be used for
each pasture (see page 7). If a pasture is highly
variable, assess each distinct area separately. In
each pasture unit, three sampling sites should be
selected. Use field maps, compasses, landmarks,
or global positioning systems to locate
representative sample sites that can be relocated
year after year. These then become permanent
sites for assessing change over time. Each field
site can be marked on a map to aid relocation. At
each sampling site two points will be chosen at
which to do the actual assessment.
Begin by selecting the first point for evaluation at
the sampling site and lay the one-foot diameter ring
on the ground. The following assessments (16) are
most conveniently done by completing all six at the
first point before moving on to the second point.
1. Living organisms
Clip all the standing vegetation within the wire-
ring circle down to the ground and remove it.
Pull back the soil surface litter and look for
signs of living organisms other than plants. A
small hand rake may help in turning the surface
litter. Count the number of different kinds of
living critters (beetles, ants, millipedes,
centipedes, snails, etc.) on the soil surface
within the ring. Record the numbers on the
assessment sheet.
It is advisable to start turning the surface litter
from the outside of the ring toward the center.
This forces mobile critters to the center where
they will be seen by the observer. If you start at
the center and work toward the ring, the critters
have a chance to escape outside the ring
undetected. With this assessment the number of
species (diversity) is more important than the
number of individuals.
A higher number of different types of organisms
indicates more biodiversity. The more
biodiversity, the better the first stage of
decomposition will proceed.
2. Earthworms
While still at the circle, count the number of
wormholes inside the ring. The surface holes are
the vertical burrows of nightcrawler worms.
After counting the wormholes, insert the shovel
to its maximum depth and turn over the
shovelful of soil. Break the shovelful of soil apart
with your hands and count the number of
earthworms present. The smaller worms found
with the shovel will most likely be the surface-
dweller earthworms which do not burrow
Record the numbers on the assessment sheet.
Also note how easy or difficult it was to shovel
the soil. Turning a shovel full of soil also
correlates well with tilth and ease of tillage. The
more earthworms found in this process, the
better. Earthworm burrows enhance water
infiltration and soil aeration. Their digestion of
soil and organic matter cycles nutrients. Worms
are a general indicator of soil health.
Earthworms may not be present in croplands
recently converted to pasture. They should
slowly return over several years from adjacent
field margins as soil health improves.
3. Soil Smell
While still at the hole dug for worm counts,
grab a handful of topsoil and take a whiff.
Record the smell on the assessment sheet as
! 0= putrid/chemical/sour
! 2 = no smell
! 4 = fresh/earthy/sweet
4. Aggregation
Select a soil aggregate (crumb) the size of
this !o" from a handful of topsoil. Make
sure the aggregate is not a rock pebble. Put
the aggregate in the small round bottle of
water or the pint container. Allow it to
stand for 1 minute (use the stopwatch).
Observe if the aggregate is breaking apart
or staying intact. If it stays intact after one
minute, gently swirl the bottle several times
and observe again. If it is still intact, swirl
the bottle vigorously and observe the
aggregate again for intactness. Record the
following scores:
! 1 = aggregate broke apart within one minute
in standing water
! 2 = aggregate remained intact in standing
water but broke apart after gentle swirling
! 3 = aggregate remained intact after gentle
! 4 = aggregate remained intact after vigorous
After vigorous swirling, remove the aggregate
and smash it between your fingers to make
sure it was not a pebble. If it was a pebble,
select another aggregate and do the test
again. Healthy soils have very stable
aggregatesindicated here by a high score.
Unstable aggregates break apart easily and
the individual soil particles can be easily
eroded by runoff water. Higher scores are
generally more common under perennial sod.
Lower scores are generally more common
on soils with annual tillage operations and
clean cultivation.
Move away from the wire-ring circle to a fresh
area. Clip a small area of grass to ground level if
necessary to see the soil surface clearly. Fill a pint
container with water. Holding the container as
close to the soil surface as possible, gently pour
the water on the soil. Try to pour all the water
out within five seconds, the idea being to avoid
disrupting the soil surface with the water flow,
but pouring fast enough to determine how
quickly the water soaks into the ground. Start
timing once all the water has been poured out
(use the stopwatch). When the last of the water
just finishes soaking into the ground, stop the
watch. This is the infiltration time to be recorded
on the assessment sheet. Next, measure the wet
spot across its widest point with the tape measure
and record on the assessment sheet. Pouring on a
slope will influence the rate of runoff. If you are
comparing two cropping practices on sloping
ground, make sure the slope is the same under
both practices since slope will influence the
runoff rate.
5. Water Infiltration
The faster that water enters the soil, the less likely
it is to run off overland and cause erosion. A
well-aggregated soil will take in water rapidly, as
will a soil with high numbers of vertical
wormholes. Texture plays a significant role in
water infiltration. Sandy soils will take in water
more quickly than silty-loam soils, and clay soils
will take in water quite slowly. Finally, since soil
moisture at the time will influence this
assessment, dont put too much confidence on an
infiltration comparison between two fields if one
is irrigated and the other is dry.
6. Soil Compaction
Assessing soil compaction requires making a
simple tool beforehand. The soil penetrometer
can be constructed from a 1/4-inch rod
sharpened on the end as seen in the drawing
below. Start with a rod that is 3 feet long. Use a
file to make one-inch marks from the pointed end
(see Figure 1).
Push your homemade penetrometer into the soil
as deep as you can with modest effort. Record
the inches of penetration up to a maximum
number of 12 inches. Do not record any
penetration depths beyond 12 inches, as we are
not testing for deep penetration. Avoid putting
all your weight into the pushing, or stomping on
the penetrometer to make it go deeper. Record
the penetrometer depth on the assessment sheet.
If you hit a rock or tree root, try again. For
comparison, probe an undisturbed natural area
nearby with your penetrometer. As a secondary
test you may wish to probe deeper with a longer
penetrometer to locate any deeper hard pans
and note them on the comment section of the
assessment sheet.
Figure 1: Home-made Soil Penetrometer
The more deeply and easily the probe
penetrates the soil, the better. Ease of soil
penetration with the penetrometer correlates to
deep root development, ease of downward
water flow (no hardpan), and tillage ease. A
probe that wont penetrate the soil indicates
compaction of the surface layer, which restricts
downward water movement.
Other Observations
Increasing observational skills is always
beneficial. Doing the soil organism
assessment described will enhance
observational skill. Some other useful
observations include plant vigor, plant
coloration, drought tolerance, and the rate at
which livestock manure is dispersed and
decayed. Healthy soil conditions are largely
created by the helpful soil organisms, which
will work for us with a little management to
meet their needs.
Dont be discouraged if the pasture assessment
numbers come up lower than expected the first
time. Rather let the results be an incentive for
continued commitment to soil improvement.
Pursue progress rather than perfection. An
assessment provides a starting point from which
to build toward the future. Set your sights high.
Discard the idea that soils require hundreds of
years to build up. Soils can begin to improve in
just a few months after appropriate decisions are
1) Early Warning Biological Monitoring
April, 2000. 26 p.
To order this publication send $12.00 to:
Savory Center for Holistic Management
1010 Tijeras, NW
Albuquerque, NM 87102
505-843-7900 FAX
Additional Resource
Nation, Allan. 1995. Quality Pasture. Mississippi
Valley Publishing, Corp., Jackson, MS. 285 p.
To order this publication send $32.50 + $4.70 shipping
and handling to:
Stockman Grass Farmer
P.O. Box 2300
Ridgeland, MS 39158-2300
601-853-8087 FAX
Prepared by Preston Sullivan
NCAT Agriculture Specialist
February 2001
The electronic version of Assessing the Pasture Soil
Resource is located at:
The ATTRA Project is operated by the National Center for Appropriate Technology under a grant from the Rural
Business-Cooperative Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. These organizations do not recommend or endorse
products, companies, or individuals. ATTRA is located in the Ozark Mountains at the University of Arkansas in
Fayetteville at P.O. Box 3657, Fayetteville, AR 72702. ATTRA staff members prefer to receive requests for information
about sustainable agriculture via the toll-free number 800-346-9140.
Pasture Soil Assessment Sheet
species/circle #/circle #/shovel score
Site I 1
Site II 1
Site III 1
smell score = 0 putrid/chemical/sour, 2 no smell, 4 fresh/earthy/sweet - for in between smell use odd
numbers 1 or 3.
aggregation score - 1 = broke apart in water after 1 minute, 2 = broke apart after gentle swirling, 3 = intact
after gentle swirling, 4 = intact after vigorous swirling
time required for water to infiltrate into the soil
distance across wet spot at widest point
divide the total in each column by 6
Supporting Information
1. Are there signs of erosion in this field? yes___ no___
2. List the crops and practices done in this field in the last 2 years:
Notes: Notes: