Apple Treee Soil Depth
Apple Treee Soil Depth
Apple Treee Soil Depth
This is well illustrated in Figure 1, which shows soil test levels for phosphorus (P) at
50-foot intervals on a grid in a field that appeared to be uniform. The field was
heavily leveled in preparation for rill irrigation, which explains the extreme
To obtain samples that represent conditions in the field, it is extremely important that
the sampler closely follow the sampling instructions given.
Figure 1. Variability in soil test P in a 12-acre field.
If a sampling tube is not available, one can use an irrigation shovel in an attempt to
simulate the sampling done by a tube, but, at best, the sampling job will not be as
good. If sampling is difficult because of gravel, hardpan, etc., one may have to use a
soil auger. For sampling below 3 feet, a King tube is best in soils not having gravel
or stones. The King tube requires pounding with a heavy hammer.
Figure 2. An open-face sampling tube. The tip is
slightly enlarged on the outside and slightly
tapered inward on the inside for efficient
extraction of samples.
Before Planting
An established orchard involves a large capital investment and is expected to remain
in production for many years. Improper or insufficient sampling usually means
improper fertilization. Improper fertilization before planting cannot be readily
corrected after planting and the problem may continue for the life of the orchard
resulting in cumulative reduction in profits.
l. Divide each field into sampling units (Fig. 3). This refers to areas
within a field that are known to be different from one another because
of slope, soil depth, cropping and fertilizer history, drainage, areas of
poor growth, etc. Each of such areas can be considered a sampling unit.
If a sampling unit is less than 2 acres, take 8 to l0 soil cores, l foot in
depth, throughout the unit. This is called a composite sample. If the unit
is greater than 2 acres, sample it intensively.
3. Map the field. Obtain a Soil Conservation Service map of the farm
showing soil type and physical properties, such as slope, soil depth, and
soil texture. Become familiar with the names and properties of all soils
on the farm. This is an excellent resource and a useful base from which
to map in further detail.
Figure 3. Soil sampling an 18-acre
field containing five sampling units.
Units 1, 2, 3, and 5, each comprising
1 acre or less, are sampled by taking
one composite sample in each. Unit 4
is sampled intensively. Each circle,
approximately 10 feet in diameter,
represents a "point" sample. Each x
represents one sample core taken with
a soil tube. Each point sample
comprising five cores is kept separate
from all others and is analyzed
Before Replanting
Soil sampling and testing procedures for orchards to be replanted can follow the
same general principles as before a new planting except that:
l. Old apple tree sites should be sampled separately, if this is feasible.
Tree sites can be identified either by sampling immediately after
removal of the tree or by a very intensive sampling for short distances in
two directions to determine areas of highest and lowest arsenic (As)
2. It may be advisable to run the special tests (As, salts, pH, B, NO 3N)
as well as the tests for P, K, and Zn.
Established Orchards
Cover Crop. Soil testing for predicting fertilizer needs for established fruit trees is
more complex than for field crops and has some limitations. However, except for N.
it can be said that "what is good for the cover crop or sod is good for the trees." Soil
testing of surface-foot samples taken between trees is considered to be of value for
both cover crop and trees. The sampler should follow somewhat the sampling
principles outlined under "Before Planting" section. Such samples should be tested
for pH, salts, P, EC, Zn, and B.
Sampling should be done where the fertilizer was applied—usually from at least
halfway inside the drip line to the trunk. Research has shown that the problem is
frequently within 2 feet of the trunk. Sample by foot-depth increments to a depth of
3 feet, depending on the soil depth, in a manner similar to that shown in Figure 4. A
good procedure is to sample from good and poor trees for comparison. Tests should
include pH, B. As, salts, and NO 3 N. Interpretation should be made with the help of
the Extension agent or other qualified person.
Monitoring Sites. Test soil every three years to monitor the levels of salts, pH, and
B in the area of fertilizer application inside the drip line. Take samples from
individual trees by foot-depth increments to 3 feet and from four sides of the tree. It
would be desirable to select one tree in every acre for this purpose. The purpose is to
avoid low pH levels, excessive salts, and either too low or too high soil B levels.
Soil Testing
Send samples to commercial laboratories located in various parts of the state.
Assistance in sampling, packaging, and locating laboratories can be obtained
through the county Extension offices.
A.I. Dow Extension Soil Scientist, Prosser; F.A. Rushmore, Area Extension Agent, Wenatchee; A.R.
Halvorson. Extension Soil Scientist, and R.B. Tukey (deceased). Extension Horticulturist, Pullman,
Washington State University.
Issued by Washington State University Cooperative Extension and the U.S. Department of Agriculture in
furtherance of the Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914. Cooperative Extension programs and policies are
consistent with federal and state laws and regulations on nondiscrimination regarding race, color, gender,
national origin, religion, age, disability, and sexual orientation. Trade names have been used to simplify
information: no endorsement is intended. Revised from and replaces EM4429. January 1991. Subject
codes 371, 230. A