Soil Sampling: Section Contents

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• Soil Sampling
• Sampling Procedures
• Sampling Patterns Options
• Auxiliary Data Layers
• Sampling under Different Tillage Systems
• Identifying Missed Opportunities trough Intensive Sampling

Soil Sampling
Soil sampling and testing provides an estimate of the capacity of the soil to supply adequate
nutrients to meet the needs of growing crops. The test results are compared to standard response
data to estimate the need to supply additional nutrients for optimum crop production. Traditionally,
the goal of soil sampling was to develop a representative estimate of the average nutrient needs for
a field so that the best single rate of application could be determined.

Less than a teaspoonful of soil is actually used for the laboratory analysis. That small amount must
represent the entire area for which the recommendation is to be made. For example, in a traditional
sampling scheme, one teaspoon or less of soil represents up to 40 acres (that is over 80 million
pounds of soil in the top 7 inches). In more intensive sampling, such as used for site-specific
management, the sample represents a 1 to 2 ½-acre area of the field, and that teaspoonful
represents 2 to 5 million pounds of soil in the acre-furrow-slice. (The "acre-furrow-slice" is
approximately 2 million pounds of soil, representing the top 7 inches of the profile, and is the basis
of most soil test calibrations.)

With site-specific management being implemented on many farms, there is a growing need to
characterize the variability in nutrient needs across the field. Each sample should represent 2 ½
acres or less for best characterization of the variability within the field, to serve as a guide for

1 Efficient Fertilizer Use Manual — Soil Sampling

variable-rate application of crop nutrients. Where field variability is low, larger sample areas are
acceptable; where variability is high; more samples are needed to adequately represent the field.

Sampling Procedures
Think about why you are sampling the soil. The goal is to estimate the capacity of the soil to provide
adequate amounts of the necessary nutrients to meet the needs of the crop (or crops) to be grown.
It should be clearly understood that soil testing does not measure the amount of nutrients in the soil.
The test results can only be used in conjunction with a calibration curve that relates the laboratory
analysis results to a set of crop response data. Without the response (calibration) data, the
laboratory results are meaningless. The samples should be collected in such a way as to best meet
that goal. The sampling pattern should be set to best characterize the variability within the field.


Before sampling, check with the laboratory that will

conduct the analysis to see what sampling depth is
recommended. Sampling depth should be determined
to represent the root zone that the plant will draw
from, but should also be consistent with the sampling
depth used in developing the calibration data set to be
used for interpreting the soil tests. Most soil test
calibrations are based upon a 6 to 8 inch depth, most
commonly 6-2/3 inches. In dry years, when it is
difficult to push the probe into the ground, there is a
danger of not getting the proper depth. Sampling too
shallow will often lead to unusually high soil tests,
because of the tendency for nutrients to become
concentrated near the surface. Shallow sampling will
thus over-estimate the actual soil nutrient status and
Effect of Sampling Depth on P and K Soil Test Results. lead to under-estimating fertilizer rates needed. This
problem is even greater in reduced tillage systems.

Uniformity of soil sampling depth is one of the most critical parts of soil testing, yet it is one of the
most common sources of error. Figure 12.1 illustrates an extreme example that emphasizes the
problem. These sample results represent the difference in soil test P and K results for 4", 6", 8" and
10"sampling depths is Herman Warsaw’s high yield field, which produced 370 bu/acre corn yield in
1985. Though the numbers are not as dramatic, similar variation is common in any field, and is even
more pronounced in reduced-tillage and no-till fields where stratification of nutrients is common.


Whether variable-rate nutrient application is planned or not, sampling the soil in an organized
pattern is a good management practice. It helps ensure adequate representation of the entire field.
Most agronomists recommend sampling on a pattern so that each sample represents about 2 ½
acres (one hectare) or less. At least one sample per acre is preferred, especially in areas receiving
25" or more of annual rainfall and in irrigated fields.

2 Efficient Fertilizer Use Manual — Soil Sampling

Sampling Where Banded Fertilizer Has Been Used

Banded fertilizer applications complicate the process of getting representative sampling.

Researchers in Colorado and Kansas devised a plan that does a reasonable job in such situations.
The recommendation is to take a number of samples between bands equal to 8 times the distance
(in feet) between bands. For example, if bands are 30 inches (2 ½ feet), there should be 20 samples
(8 x 2 ½ = 20) collected between bands for each sample collected in the band.

Soil Sampling Instructions

Important: Accurate soil analysis with meaningful interpretation requires properly taken samples.
Follow all directions carefully and correctly. Sampling technique presents the greatest chance for
errors in results. Laboratory analytic work will not improve the accuracy of a sample that does not
represent the area.

1. Select the Proper Equipment

Collect samples using chrome plated or stainless steel sampling tubes or augers. Avoid galvanized,
bronze or brass tools. Use clean, plastic buckets. Do not use galvanized or rubber buckets, as they
will contaminate the samples.

2. When to Take Samples

Sampling can take place during any period of the year. However, it is best to sample a field at about
the same time of year. Wait a minimum of thirty days to sample after applications of fertilizer, lime or

3. Sample Area
Samples must be representative of the area you are treating. Most often, sampling by soil color is an
acceptable method for dividing large fields into “like” areas. County ASCS aerial photographs can be
used as a guide. Areas that differ in slope, drainage, past treatment, etc. should be sampled
separately (fig. 2). Sampling across dissimilar soil types is not recommended. And finally, the
sample area should be large enough for special lime or fertilizer treatments.

Always remember to remove any surface debris prior to sampling.

Do Not Sample:
- Dead or back furrows
- Fence rows, old or new
- Old roadbeds, or near limestone gravel roads
- Terrace channels
- Wind breaks or snow fence lines
- Turn-rows
- Spill areas
- Fertilizer bands including Anhydrous N
- Unusual or abnormal spots

4. Sample Depth
Refer to Table 1 on page 2 for correct sampling depth. Sampling depth must remain consistent
because many soils are stratified and variation in depth will introduce errors into the analytic results.

3 Efficient Fertilizer Use Manual — Soil Sampling

To test for soil stratification, sample through the soil profile, separately, 0” to 2”, 2” to 4”, 4” to 6”, and
6” to 8”. Remember to take the recommended number of cores per sample. The greater the
difference in the analytic data between samples, the greater the degree of stratification.

5. Number of Cores and Acres per Sample

Various studies have shown that proper sampling requires at least 10 core per sample, and
sometimes 15 or more cores, depending on the nature of the soil and the size of the area being
sampled. A smaller number can introduce variability into the results from different sampling years.
There is no rule for the number of acres to include in a single sample. This must depend on the local
situation. However, the University of Illinois has long recommended that a single sample should
represent to more than 5 acres. Very small sampling areas, such as residential landscape plants
and some small gardens may use fewer cores per sample.

6. Preparing Samples for Shipment

Thoroughly mix the randomly taken core samples in a plastic bucket and remove a separate, well-
mixed composite sample (½ to 1 pint) from the mixture. Place it into the lab’s sample bag, filling it to
the “line.” All samples taken for Nitrogen analyses should be immediately air-dried, shipped early in
the week, or shipped frozen.

Once the sample is in the bag, fold the top down to exclude air and roll it down to close and fold the

Write your sample ID designation (include grid sub sample identification where applicable) and your
customer’s name on the bag where requested.

7. Completing the Information Form

On the Information Form record the same sample, and sub-sample IDs, and the customer name
with the address. In the indicated area include your business name and address. Complete all the
remaining information as required.

Sampling Pattern Options

The sampling pattern should be
selected to best represent the
field, accounting for known
sources of variability (major soil
type changes, past cropping
patterns, etc.). A grid pattern is
usually the best way to be sure
the entire field is represented,
but with the possibility of patterns
developing from past nutrient
applications, cropping effects
and other uniform patterns, it is
advisable to use a sampling
scheme that avoids arranging
Area (Cell) Sampling Technique - Soil test values represent an area. sampling points in a straight line.

4 Efficient Fertilizer Use Manual — Soil Sampling

For conventional sampling, a common approach is to divide the field into cells of about 2 ½ to 5
acres, and collect 5 cores in a zig-zag pattern within each cell to make up the sample. This area
sampling method provides for fairly complete sampling of the field and a good estimate of the needs
for a single uniform application rate to be applied to the entire field.

Grid Point Sampling Technique - Soil test values represent a point (Stratified
Systematic Square Grid)

To better characterize the field for site-specific management and variable-rate application, point
samples can be used to measure the variability across the field. Dividing the field into 2 ½ acre grids
and collecting a sample for each cell, the grid lines help ensure a good spatial representation of the
field that can be used to develop a nutrient map. Again, 5 cores should be collected, but they should
be within a 10-foot radius of the center point for the sample. This provides nutrient information for
the point, and the collection of data for all points in the field provides the basis of nutrient variability
maps. Several different interpolation schemes are used to estimate the nutrient levels across the
field based upon the sample points. The more points, the more accurate the map, but there is a
practical and economic limit to the sample density — inch appears to be about 2 ½ acres per

Stratified Systematic Sampling Triangle, Diamond, or Hexagon.

5 Efficient Fertilizer Use Manual — Soil Sampling

To avoid sampling bias caused by patterns in the field due to tillage, crop residue, fertilizer
application, and other patterns associated with crop production, a staggered pattern can be used. It
helps avoid the pattern bias, yet provides an organized sampling scheme to represent the entire
field. This pattern can be set up by counting rows, using a measuring wheel or using a global
positioning satellite (GPS) navigation system. To gain the benefits of grid sampling, yet also the
benefits of random sampling, the stratified systematic unaligned sampling pattern can be used to
help avoid the effects of any patterns in the field.

Geo-referencing records. The GPS provides

accurate positioning of the sample points, so
that accurate geo-referenced maps of
nutrient levels can be made with geographic
information systems (GIS), and related to
other data sets such as yield maps, soil
survey, and remote sensing imagery. Even if
GPS is unavailable, sample points should be

Stratified Systematic unaligned sampling.

Auxiliary Data Layers

Knowledge of specific sources of yield variability can be used to guide the sampling pattern.
Additional samples may be taken to represent known wet spots, areas where cattle feedlots had
previously been located, etc. Soil Survey maps, yield maps, topographic maps, aerial photographs
and management histories are examples of auxiliary data layers that may be helpful in determining
the best sampling pattern. If these data layers are in a GIS database, they may be used to help
refine the recommendations for the field.

Soil survey maps are useful in determining major limiting factors, such as poor drainage, steep
slopes, and erosion. Soil survey data can be used to identify variation in soil organic matter, soil
texture and other factors influencing changes in soil water content across the field and over time.
This is important information to guide nutrient applications, pesticide rates, and other production

Sampling by Soil Type

Some agronomists prefer to set sampling patterns to reflect variation in soil types within the field.
This plan requires a good soil survey map for the field, which may be obtained from the Natural
Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). Digital soil surveys being developed for many counties
can be incorporated into the GIS database, making all of the data associated with soil types

6 Efficient Fertilizer Use Manual — Soil Sampling

available as a part of the management tool package. In this sampling plan, sample points are set to
lie within the bounds of the different soil types, with care taken to avoid sampling on the transition
between soil types.

Where intensive, site-specific management is planned, it may be helpful to have a special Order 1
Soil Survey prepared for the field. The local NRCS office should be able to help identify a soil
scientist who can prepare such as survey. (Specifications for Order 1 Soil Survey, specifically
designed for site-specific management systems, have been developed by the Illinois State NRCS
office staff.)

As with grid sampling, you will need to choose between area sampling (several cores taken at
random points throughout the soil type boundary and mixed together for the sample) or point
sampling (several cores collected within a few feet of specific sample points within the boundaries of
each soil type). If point sampling is used, the points can be geo-referenced so that they can be
related to other data sets or to future soil sampling.

The number of samples should be based on the known variability within the field. The number of
cores per sample can also be chosen on that basis. Generally at least 5, and preferably 8, cores per
sample should be collected. The cores for each sample should be thoroughly mixed before being
sent to the lab for analysis.

Soil Survey
Soil surveys are an important tool
for nutrient management
planning. They provide useful
information for interpreting soil
test results and predicting
response to added nutrients. Most
of the natural variability in soil
nutrient levels and productivity is
due to the characteristics
documented in the soil survey. It
is an excellent place to start in
designing a sampling plan for
nutrient management.

Topographic representation of soil map.

These diagrams, from Bob
McLeese, Illinois State Soil
Scientist for NRCS, illustrate a common problem with following a strict grid approach to sampling.
The depression area on the topographic map appears on the soil survey map as Peotone-330. If a
straight grid is used to establish sampling points, none of the points lies in the Peotone area, so it is
missed entirely. In fact, of the 64 sample points in this field, up to 40% fall on boundaries between
soil types.

7 Efficient Fertilizer Use Manual — Soil Sampling

Soil Survey

By using a soil survey map or topographic map to "bias" the sampling and be sure the sample points
are well within a given soil type, the influence of soil type and topography can be better taken into
consideration when interpreting soil test values. While the relative importance of soil type of the soil
test results is influenced by many factors, it is helpful to avoid this "Peotone" problem whenever

Straight grid over soil survey.

Whether sampling by soil type or by grid, the soil survey should be consulted in designing the
sampling pattern to be used.

Smart Sampling or Biased Sampling

It is common sense, and good management, to adjust sampling patterns to help account for known
sources of variability, such as topography, previous management patterns, old livestock lots or
fence rows. These features can affect soil test levels and should be considered in determining
sampling points. Even if a grid sampling pattern is used, it should be adjusted for known sources of
nutrient variability. In some cases, you need to avoid these specific features. In other cases, it may
be important to collect samples to adequately represent them.

8 Efficient Fertilizer Use Manual — Soil Sampling

Many combinations of these different sampling patterns could be used. For example, grid sampling
within soil types is a popular variation that gives some of the benefits of both systems. Select the
pattern that will best represent the field. Remember the goal is to best represent the variability within
the field. Design a pattern that will best do that. Even if variable-rate application is not planned,
having the geo-referenced soil test record can be a valuable management resource. It also helps
prepare for future implementation of variable-rate systems.

Choose a time that is convenient and allows adequate time to get results back from the lab and
interpretations and recommendations made in time for the application of nutrients. Sampling time is
flexible, but it is important to sample at the same time each year if you intend to compare results
from one year to the next. A few helpful guidelines:

1. Be sure to note date of sampling in the record system. Some recommendations may require
adjustment factors for samples taken at different times of the year.
2. Avoid mid-summer, especially on sandy soils, where wetting and drying cause movement of
salts and affect the pH.
3. Sample before seeding or liming on acid soils where perennial forage crops will be planted.
4. Avoid late winter sampling on heavy textured soils. Freezing and thawing tend to release
potassium and give unusually high soil test readings.
5. Use October to December sampling for spring fertilizer applications and March to April for fall
fertilizer applications. These periods tend to have the lowest testing variability.

Sampling Under Different Tillage Systems

Different tillage systems provide different amounts of mixing and different depths of mixing of
nutrients. Often nutrients become stratified — or layered — in the soil profile. This can affect
availability of nutrients to the plant, especially if moisture conditions limit root activity at anytime
during the growing season. For example, if nutrients accumulate in the top 3 to 4 inches of the root
zone and the soil dries out in mid-summer, the plant may become undernourished because of
positional unavailability of the nutrients. That is, the supply is actually there, but inaccessible to the
roots due to lack of moisture.

Moldboard Plow

Where a moldboard plow is used at least once every two or three years, nutrients and pH are
uniformly distributed throughout the plow layer. For P, K, and lime recommendations, samples
should be taken to the plow depth — usually about 8 inches. Try to avoid collecting samples from
the last year’s fertilizer band.

Mulch Tillage

Some nutrient and pH stratification can be expected in mulch tillage systems, including chisel, disk
and field cultivator systems. Sampling to a depth of about 8 inches with care to avoid old rows and
fertilizer bands is recommended. Since mulch tillage also helps maintain moisture, this stratification

9 Efficient Fertilizer Use Manual — Soil Sampling

is not necessarily a problem, and may result in concentrations of nutrients in small zones of varying
pH, which may enhance nutrient uptake efficiency.


Where continuous no-till is practiced, distinct stratification of pH and nutrients is observed. Samples
for routine P and K analysis should be taken to a depth of about 8 inches, again attempting to avoid
crop rows and fertilizer bands. Stratification under no-till has not proven to be a problem in most
cases. However, under drought stress, long-term no-till fields may become nutrient deficient in the
lower part of the old plow layer. Monitoring the 4- to 8-inche depth, especially for K, may be helpful.
Deep band placement of K is an effective means of overcoming this weather-related problem. Since
lime is relatively immobile, recommendations for continuous no-till fields where lime is surface-
applied should be based on a 4-inch sample depth. This also means that the amount of lime applied
should be ½ that recommended for a conventionally tilled field at the same pH.

Identifying Missed Opportunities through Intensive Sampling

More intensive sampling can help identify missed fertilizer and crop profit opportunities in high
testing fields. Consider a central Illinois field with an average soil test K level of 358 lb/acre.
According to the University of Illinois Agronomy Handbook, this soil test is in the range where only
maintenance fertilizer application would be needed. Based on a yield goal of 200 bu/acre corn and
60 bu/acre soybeans, the maintenance recommendation would be 134 lb/acre K2O for the 2-year

Sampling on a 1-acre grid, reveals the spatial variability of the soil test level making up that average.
Using the "build up plus maintenance" fertilizer recommendation determined on the basis of the one-
acre cells instead of the field average, 47acres show a need for build up application of K, 30 acres
need maintenance only and 13 acres need no K applied. This means that the field-average
approach (in this case, maintenance only) would put fertilizer on 13 acres that need none, and
would miss the opportunity to supply needed "build up" nutrients on 47 acres.

This field is representative of much of the eastern Midwest, where a long history of fertilizer use has
resulted in field average soil test K levels in the adequate range, but where significant areas within
the field still need build up applications to reach or maintain optimum productivity. There is no way to
determine the total fertilizer market potential represented by these areas unless detailed grid
sampling is done. For most fields, that means sampling every 1 to 2 ½ acres, either on a uniform
grid, or a modified grid that accounts for known sources of variability.

This is just one example of how site-specific management can be used to identify hidden market
potential for fertilizer and at the same time uncover hidden profit potential for the farmer…all in
areas where most people consider productivity to be optimum and fertilizer markets to be mature. Of
course, a true site-specific management system would include other factors, such a yield variability
from previous crops, in determining the recommendations.

Identifying Missed Opportunities through Intensive Sampling

More intensive sampling can help identify missed fertilizer and crop profit opportunities in high
testing fields. Consider a central Illinois field with an average soil test K level of 358 lb/acre.
According to the University of Illinois Agronomy Handbook, this soil test is in the range where only
maintenance fertilizer application would be needed. Based on a yield goal of 200 bu/acre corn and
10 Efficient Fertilizer Use Manual — Soil Sampling
60 bu/acre soybeans, the maintenance recommendation would be 134 lb/acre K2O for the 2-year

Sampling on a 1-acre grid, reveals the spatial variability of the soil test level making up that average.
Using the "build up plus maintenance" fertilizer recommendation determined on the basis of the one-
acre cells instead of the field average, 47acres show a need for build up application of K, 30 acres
need maintenance only and 13 acres need no K applied. This means that the field-average
approach (in this case, maintenance only) would put fertilizer on 13 acres that need none, and
would miss the opportunity to supply needed "build up" nutrients on 47 acres.

This field is representative of much of the eastern Midwest,

where a long history of fertilizer use has resulted in field
average soil test K levels in the adequate range, but where
significant areas within the field still need build up
applications to reach or maintain optimum productivity. There
is no way to determine the total fertilizer market potential
represented by these areas unless detailed grid sampling is
done. For most fields, that means sampling every 1 to 2 ½
acres, either on a uniform grid, or a modified grid that
accounts for known sources of variability.

This is just one example of how site-specific

management can be used to identify hidden
market potential for fertilizer and at the same time
uncover hidden profit potential for the farmer…all
in areas where most people consider productivity
to be optimum and fertilizer markets to be mature.
Of course, a true site-specific management
system would include other factors, such as yield
variability from previous crops, in determining the


• Appendices • History of Fertilizer • Phosphorus • Soil Defined
• Authors • MEY – Maximum Economic Yields • Potassium • Soil Testing
• Environment • Micronutrients • Soil Sampling • Tillage Systems
• Fertigation • Nitrogen • Secondary Nutrients
• Fluid Dry Fertilizers • pH • Site Specific Farming

11 Efficient Fertilizer Use Manual — Soil Sampling

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