in Agricultural Engineering
Semester – I
Sl. Subject Course No. Credit
1. Engineering Mathematics - I MTH 101 3(2+1*)
2. Engineering Physics PHY 101 3(2+1)
3. Engineering Chemistry CHM 101 3(2+1)
4. Workshop Practice ME 101 1(0+1)
5. Surveying and Leveling CE 101 3(1+2)
6. Engineering Drawing CE 102 2(0+2)
7. Environmental Science ES 101 3(3+0)
8. Electrical Circuits EE 101 3(2+1)
9. English and Communication Skills ENG 101 3(2+1)
Total 24(14+10)
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high Tc superconductors. Spontaneous and stimulated emission, Einstein A and B
coefficients, Population inversion, He-Ne and Ruby lasers, Ammonia and Ruby masers,
Holography-Note. Optical fiber, Physical structure, basic theory. Mode type, input output
characteristics of optical fiber and applications. Illumination: laws of illumination, luminous
flux, luminous intensity, candle power, brightness
Practical: To find the frequency of A.C. supply using an electrical vibrator; To find the low
resistance using Carey Foster bridge without calibrating the bridge wire; To determine
dielectric constant of material using De Sauty’s bridge; To determine the value of specific
charge (e/m) for electrons by helical method; To study the induced e.m.f. as a function of
velocity of the magnet; To obtain hysteresis curve (B-H curve) on a C.R.O. and to determine
related magnetic quantities; To study the variation of magnetic field with distance along the
axis of a current carrying circular coil and to determine the radius of the coil; To determine
the energy band gap in a semiconductor using a p-n Junction diode; To determine the slit
width from Fraunhofer diffraction pattern using laser beam; Determination of ultrasonic wave
velocity in a liquid medium; To find the numerical aperture of optical fiber; To set up the
fiber optic analog and digital link; To study the phase relationships in L.R. circuit; To study
LCR circuit; To study the variations of thermo e.m.f. of a copper-constantan thermocouple
with temperature; To find the wave length of light by prism.
Phase rule and its application to one and two component systems. Fuels: classification,
calorific value. Colloids: classification, properties. Corrosion: causes, types and method of
prevention. Water: temporary and permanent hardness, disadvantages of hard water, scale
and sludge formation in boilers, boiler corrosion. Analytical methods like thermogravimetric,
polarographic analysis, nuclear radiation , detectors and analytical applications of radio active
materials. Enzymes and their use in the manufacturing of ethanol and acetic acid by
fermentation methods. Principles of food chemistry, introduction to lipids, proteins,
carbohydrates, vitamins, food preservators, colouring and flavouring reagents of food.
Lubricants: properties, mechanism, classification and tests. Polymers. types of
polymerization, properties, uses and methods for the determination of molecular weight of
polymers. Introduction to IR spectroscopy.
Practical: Introduction to various carpentry tools, materials, types of wood and their
characteristics and Processes OR operations in wood working; Preparation of simple joints:
Cross half Lap joint and T-Halving joint; Preparation of Dovetail joint, Mortise and tenor
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joint; Introduction to Smithy tools and operations; Jobs on Bending, shaping etc.; Jobs on
Drawing, Punching, Rivetting; Introduction to tools and measuring instruments for fitting;
Jobs on sawing, filing and right angle fitting of MS Flat; Practical in more complex fitting
job; Operations of drilling,, reaming, and threading with tap and dies; Practical test;
Introduction to tools and operations in sheet metal work; Making different types of sheet
metal joints using G.I. sheets.
Practical: Chain survey of an area and preparation of map; Compass survey of an area and
plotting of compass survey; Plane table surveying; Leveling. L-section and X-sections and its
plotting; Contour survey of an area and preparation of contour map; Introduction of software
in drawing contour; Theodolite surveying; Ranging by theodolite, Height of object by using
theodolite; Setting out curves by theodolite; Minor instruments.
Definition, Scope and Importance. Ecosystem: Types, structure and functions : Bio-diversity:
value, threats and conservation. Natural Resources: forest, mineral, soil and water –their uses
and abuses. Environmental pollution –Causes, effects and control measures of air, water,
soil, marine, thermal and noise pollution. Nuclear hazards. Bio-safety and risk assessment.
Rural and urban waste management. Global warming. Environmental act and related issues.
Human population, health and social welfare.
Average and effective value of sinusoidal and linear periodic wave forms. Independent and
dependent sources, loop current and loop equations (Mesh current method), node voltage and
node equations(Nodal voltage method), Network theorems: Thevenin’s, Norton’s,
Superposition, Reciprocity and Maximum power transfer, Star- Delta conversion solution of
DC circuit by Network theorems, Sinusoidal steady state response of circuits, Instantaneous
and average power, power factor, reactive and apparent power, Concept and analysis of
balanced polyphase circuits, Laplace transform method of finding step response of DC
circuits, Series and parallel resonance, Classification of filters, constant-k, m-derived,
terminating half network and composite filters.
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Practical: To familiarize with the components and equipments used in Laboratory; To verify
Kirchhoff’s current laws; To verify Kirchhoff’s voltage laws; To verify Thevenin theorems;
To verify Norton’s theorems; To verify Superposition theorem; To verify reciprocity
theorem; To study the sinusoidal response of RL series circuit; To study the sinusoidal
response of RC series circuit; To study the step response of RL series circuit; To study the
step response of RC series circuit; To study the response of constant K-filters; To study the
response of m-derived filters; To study power consumed in a three-phase circuit.
Practical: Reading Comprehension: Reading at various speeds (slow, fast very fast);
reading different kinds of soft texts for different purposes (for example, for relaxation, for
information, for discussion at a later stage, etc.); reading between the lines. Speaking:
Achieving desired clarity and fluency; manipulating paralinguistic features of speaking (voice
quality, pitch, tone, etc.); pausing for effectiveness while speaking; task-oriented,
interpersonal, informal and semiformal speaking; oral presentation skills, individual and
group presentations. Group Discussion: Use of persuasive strategies including some
rhetorical devices (for emphasizing, for instance; being polite and firm; handling questions
and taking in criticism of self; turn-taking strategies and effective intervention; use of body
language. Listening Comprehension: Telephone conversation, achieving ability to
comprehend material delivered at relatively fast speed; comprehending spoken material in
Standard Indian English, British English and American English; intelligent listening in
situations such as an interview in which one is a candidate. Writing: Listening and note
taking, writing skills, field diary and lab record indexing, footnote and bibliographic
procedures, précis writing, abstracting.
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Semester wise courses for B. Tech. in Agricultural Engineering
Semester – II
Sl. Subject Course No. Credit
1. Engineering Mathematics – II MTH 151 3(2+1*)
2. Computers Programming and Data Structures CSE 151 3(1+2)
3. Applied Electronics and Instrumentation EE 151 3(2+1)
4. Agriculture for Engineers AG 151 3(2+1)
5. Workshop Technology ME 151 3(1+2)
6. Thermodynamics & Heat Engines ME 152 4(3+1)
7. Field operation and Maintenance of Tractors FMP 151 1(0+1)
and Farm Machinery-I
8. Engineering Mechanics CE 151 3(2+1)
Total 23(13+10)
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statements while, do & for; Using nested control structures; Familiarizing with one and two
dimensional arrays; Using string functions; Developing structures and union; Creating user
defined functions; Using local, global & external variables; Using pointers, File Handling.
Semiconductors, p-n junction, V-I characteristics of p-n junction, diode as a circuit element,
rectifier, clipper, clamper, voltage multiplier, capacitive filter, diode circuits for OR & AND
(both positive and negative logic), bipolar junction transistor: operating point,
classification(A,B & C) of amplifier, various biasing methods (fixed, self, potential divider),
h-parameter model of a transistor, analysis of small signal, CE amplifier, phase shift
oscillator, analysis of differential amplifier using transistor, ideal OP-AMP characteristics,
linear and non-linear applications of OP-AMP (adder, subtractor, integrator, active rectifier,
comparator, differentiator, differential, instrumentation amplifier and oscillator), zener diode
voltage regulator, transistor series regulator, current limiting, OP-AMP voltage regulators,
Basic theorem of Boolean algebra, Combinational logic circuits(basic gates, SOP rule and K-
map), binary ladder D/A converter, successive approximation A/D converter, generalized
instrumentation, measurement of displacement, temperature, velocity, force and pressure
using potentiometer, resistance thermometer, thermocouples, bourden tube, LVDT, strain
gauge and tacho-generator.
Practical: To study V-I characteristics of p-n junction diode; To study half wave, full wave
and bridge rectifier; To study transistor characteristics in CE configurations; To design and
study fixed and self bias transistor; To design and study potential divider bias transistor; To
study a diode as clipper and clamper; To study a OP-AMP IC 741 as inverting and non-
inverting amplifier; To study a OP-AMP IC 741 as differentiator amplifier; To study a
differential amplifier using two transistor; To study a OP-AMP IC 741 as differential
amplifier; To study a zener regulator circuit; To study a OP-AMP IC 741 as a active rectifier;
To study a OP-AMP IC 741 as a comparator; To familiarize with various types of
Soils: Nature and origin of soil; soil forming rocks, soil forming processes, important soil
physical properties; and their importance; soil particle distribution; soil inorganic colloids –
their composition, properties and origin of charge; soil organic matter – its composition and
decomposition, effect on soil fertility; essential plants nutrients – their functions and
deficiency symptoms in plants; important inorganic fertilizers and their reactions in soils.
Agronomy: Definition and scope of agronomy. Classification of crops. Principles of tillage,
tilth and its characteristics. Soil water plant relationship and water requirement of crops,
weeds and their control, crop rotation, cropping systems, Relay cropping and mixed cropping.
Horticulture: Scope of horticultural crops. Soil and climatic requirements for different
horticultural crops, improved varieties, criteria for site selection, layout and planting
methods, nursery raising, plant growing structures, pruning and training, fertilizer
application, Garden tools, farm implements and structures for horticulture crop management.
Practical: Determination of bulk density; particle density and porosity of soil; Determination
of organic carbon of soil; Identification of crops and their varieties seeds and weeds;
Different weed control methods; Judging maturity time for harvesting of crop; Study of seed
viability and germination test; Identification and description of important horticultural crops;
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Study of different garden tools; Preparation of nursery bed; Practices of pruning and training
in some important horticultural crops.
5. Workshop Technology (ME 151) 3 (1+2)
Practical: Introduction to welding equipment, processes tools, their use and precautions;
Jobs on ARC welding – Lap joint, butt joint; T-Joint and corner joint in Arc welding; Gas
welding Practice – Lab, butt and T-Joints; Introduction to metal casting equipment, tools and
their use; Mould making using one-piece pattern and two pieces pattern; Demonstration of
mould making using sweep pattern, and match plate patterns; Practical test; Introduction to
machine shop machines and tools; Demonstration on Processes in machining and use of
measuring instruments; Practical jobs on simple turning, step turning; Practical job on taper
turning, drilling and threading; Operations on shaper and planer, changing a round MS rod
into square section on a shaper; Demonstration of important operations on a milling machine,
making a plot, gear tooth forming and indexing; Any additional job.
Thermodynamics properties, closed and open system, flow and non-flow processes, gas laws,
laws of thermodynamics, internal energy. Application of first law in heating and expansion of
gases in non-flow processes. First law applied to steady flow processes. Kelvin-Planck and
Claussius statements. Reversible processes, Carnot cycle, Carnot theorem. Entropy, physical
concept of entropy, change of entropy of gases in thermodynamics processes. Difference
between gas and vapour, change of phase during constant pressure process. Generation of
steam, triple point and critical point. Internal energy and entropy of steam. Use of steam
tables and Mollier chart, heating and expansion of vapour in non-flow processes,
measurement of dryness fraction. Classification of steam boilers, Cochran, Lancashire,
locomotive and Babcock-Wilcox boilers. Boiler mountings and accessories. Desirable
properties of working fluid used for power plants. Rankine cycle. Expansive and non
expansive working. Saturation curve and missing quantity, governing. Calculations of
cylinder dimensions, Introduction to compound steam engines. Air Standard efficiency, other
engine efficiencies and terms. Otto, diesel and dual cycles. Calculation of efficiency, mean
effective pressure and their comparison. Measurement of IP, BP and heat balance calculations
(not involving combustion). Engine efficiencies and performance.
Practical: Study of boilers; Study of various mountings and accessories of boilers; Study of
steam engine; To measure dryness fraction of steam; Performance test of steam engine; Study
of I.C. engines; Study of valve timing diagram of 2-stroke engines; Study of valve timing
diagram of 4-stroke engines; Performance test on 2- cylinder diesel engines; Performance test
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and heat balance test on a four cylinder horizontal diesel engine; Practical test; To conduct
Morse test on multi-cylinder petrol engine; Comparison of different temperature measuring
methods; To verify inverse square law of radiation; To verify Stefan-Boltzman relationship;
To determine the emissivity of a given material.
7. Field Operation & Maintenance of Tractor & Farm Machinery–I (FMP 151)
Practical: Introduction to various systems of a tractor viz. fuel, lubrication, cooling,
electrical, transmission, hydraulic & final drive system. Familiarisation with tractor controls
& learning procedure of tractor starting and stopping. Driving in forward and reverse gears.
Driving safety rules. Hitching, adjustments, settings and field operation of farm machinery.
Familiarisation with different makes & models of 4- wheeled tractors. Starting & stopping
practice of the tractor. Familiarisation with instrumentation panel & controls; Road signs,
traffic rules, road safety, driving & parking of tractor; Tractor driving practice forward &
reverse driving practice; Tractor driving practice with two wheeled tractor trailer forward &
reverse; Study and practising the hitching and dehitching of implements; Study operation and
field adjustments of m.b. plough & disk plough; Field operation of trailing & mounted disk
harrow; Field operation and adjustments of seed drill/planter/sprayer.
Practical: Problems on; Composition and resolution of forces, moments of a force, couples,
transmission of a couple, resolution of a force into a force & a couple; Problems relating to
resultant of; a concurrent - coplaner force system, nonconcurrent - coplaner force system,
nonconcurrent - noncoplaner force system, parallel - noncoplaner force system, system of
couples in space; Problems relating to centroids of composite areas; Problems on moment of
inertia, polar moment of inertia, radius of gyration, polar radius of gyration of composite
areas; Equilibrium of concurrent – coplaner and nonconcurrent – coplaner force systems;
Problems involving frictional forces; Analysis of simple trusses by method of joints and
method of sections; Analysis of simple trusses by graphical method; Problems relating to
simple stresses and strains; Problems on shear force and bending moment diagrams;
Problems relating to stresses in beams; Problems on torsion of shafts; Analysis of plane and
complex stresses.
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Semester wise courses for B. Tech. in Agricultural Engineering
Semester – III
Sl. Subject Course No. Credit
1. Engineering Properties of Biological PFE 201 3(2+1)
Materials and Food Quality
2. Soil Mechanics CE 201 3(2+1)
3. Soil & Water Conservation SWC 201 3(2+1)
4. Farm Machinery and Equipment – I FMP 201 3(2+1)
5. Farm Power FMP 202 3(2+1)
6. Watershed Hydrology SWC 202 3(2+1)
7. Engineering Mathematics - III MTH 201 3(2+1*)
8. Agribusiness Management and Trade ECO 202 3(3+0)
Total 24(17+7)
1. Engineering Properties of Biological Materials & Food Quality (PFE 201) 3 (2+1)
Practical: To find the shape and size of grains and fruits and vegetables. To determine bulk
density and angle of repose of grains. To determine the particle density/true density and
porosity of solid grains. To find out the co-efficient of external and internal friction of
different crops; To study the separating behaviour of a grain sample in a vertical wind tunner
(Aspirator column). To find the thermal conductivity of different grains. To determine
specific heat of some food grains. To determine cooking quality of rice. To determine
impurities and invisible stress cracks in grains. Preparation of a ready reckoner of change in
unit weight of food grains as affected by change in its moisture content (w.b.) (5% - 25%).
Milling quality of paddy; Determination of hardness of food material; Detection of
adulteration in food products viz. milk, ghee, honey etc.
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2. Soil Mechanics (CE 201) 3 (2+1)
Introduction of soil mechanics, field of soil mechanics, phase diagram physical and index
properties of soil classification of soils, general classification based on particles size, textural
classification and I.S. soil classification system stress condition in soils, effective and neutral
stress, elementary concept of Bousinesque and Wester guards analysis, newmark influence
chart. Shear strength mohr stress circle, theoretical relationship between principle stress
circle, theoretical relationship between principal stress mohr-coulomb failure theory, effective
stress principle. Determination of shear perameters by direct shear to be circle, theoretical
test. Numerical exercise based on various types of tests. Compaction composition of soils
standard and modified protector test, abbot compaction and Jodhpur mini compaction text
field compaction method and control. Consolidation of soil: Consolidation of soils, one
dimensional consolidation spring analogy, Terzaghi’s theory Laboratory consolidation text,
calculation of void ratio and coefficient of volume change, Taylor’s and Casagrand’s method,
determination of coefficient of consolidation. Earth pressure: Plastic equilibrium in soils,
active and passive states, Rankine’s theory of earth pressure active and passive earth pressure
for cohesive soils, simple numerical exercise. Stability of slopes: Introduction to stability
analysis of infinite and finite slopes friction circles method Taylor’s stability number.
Introduction; soil erosion - causes, types and agents of soil erosion; water erosion - forms of
water erosion, mechanics of erosion; gullies and their classification, stages of gully
development; soil loss estimation - universal soil loss equation and modified soil loss
equation, determination of their various parameters; erosion control measures - agronomical
measures - contour cropping, strip cropping, mulching; mechanical measures - terraces - level
and graded broad base terraces and their design, bench terraces & their design, layout
procedure, terrace planning, bunds - contour bunds, graded bunds and their design; gully and
ravine reclamation - principles of gully control - vegetative and temporary structures; wind
erosion - factors affecting wind erosion, mechanics of wind erosion, soil loss estimation,
wind erosion control measures - vegetative, mechanical measures, wind breaks & shelter
belts, sand dunes stabilization; sedimentation - sedimentation in reservoirs and streams,
estimation and measurement, sediment delivery ratio, trap efficiency; characteristics of
contours and preparation of contour maps; land use capability classification; grassed water
ways and their design; introduction to water harvesting techniques; introduction to stream
water quality and pollution.
Practical: Study of soil loss measurement techniques; Study of details of Coshocton wheel
and multi-slot runoff samplers; Determination of sediment concentration through oven dry
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method; Problems on Universal Soil Loss Equation; Preparation of contour map of an area
and its analysis; Design of vegetative waterways; Design of contour bunding system; Design
of graded bunding system; Design of various types of bench terracing systems; Determination
of rate of sedimentation and storage loss in reservoir; Design of Shelter belts and wind
Practical: Introduction to various farm machines, visit to implements shed and research hall;
Field capacity and field efficiency measurement for at least two machines/implements; Draft
& fuel consumption measurement for different implements under different soil conditions;
Construction details, adjustments and working of M.B. plow, disc plow and discharrow and
secondary tillage tools; Introduction, construction and working of earth moving equipment;
Construction and working of rotavators and other rotary tillers, measurement of speed &
working width; Working of seed-cum-fertilizer drills, planters and their calibration in field;
Working of transplanters and operation; Weeding equipments and their use; Study of
sprayers, dusters, measurement of nozzle discharge, field capacity etc.
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6. Watershed Hydrology (SWC 202) 3 (2+1)
Numerical analysis: Finite differences, various difference operators and their relationships,
factorial notation, interpolation with equal intervals, Newton’s forward and backward
interpolation formulae, Bessel’s and Stirling’s central difference interpolation formulae,
interpolation with unequal intervals, Newton’s divided difference formula, Lagrange’s
interpolation formula; numerical differentiation, differentiation based on equal interval
interpolation, first and second order derivatives by using Newton’s forward and backward,
Stirling’s and Bessel’s formulae; maxima and minima of a tabulated function, numerical
integration, numerical integration by Trapezoidal, Simpson’s and Weddle’s rules; Difference
equations, order of a difference equation, solution of linear difference equation, rules for
finding complimentary function and particular integral; numerical solution of ordinary
differential equations by Picard’s method, Taylor’s series method, Euler’s method, modified
Euler’s method, Runge-Kutta method. Laplace transforms: Definition of Laplace transform,
Laplace transforms of elementary functions, properties of Laplace transforms, inverse
Laplace transforms, transforms of derivatives, integrals, transform of function multiplied by
tn, transform of function divided by t, convolution theorem; application of Laplace transforms
to solve ordinary differential equations and simultaneous differential equations, Laplace
transforms of unit step function, unit impulse function, periodic function.
8. Agribusiness Management and Trade (ECO 202) 3 (3+0)
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Semester wise courses for B. Tech. in Agricultural Engineering
Semester – IV
Sl. Subject Course No. Credit
1. Farm Machinery and Equipment – II FMP 251 3(2+1)
2. Irrigation Engineering SWC 251 4(3+1)
3.. Crop Process Engineering PFE 251 3(2+1)
4. Fluid Mechanics CE 251 3(2+1)
5. Theory of Machines ME 251 3(2+1)
6. Heat and Mass Transfer ME 252 2(2+0)
7. Field Operation and Maintenance of FMP 252 2(1+1)
Tractors and Farm Machinery – II
8. Advance Computer Science & CSE 251 2(0+2)
9. Fundamentals of Probability and MTH 251 2(2+0)
Total 23(14+9)
Principles & types of cutting mechanisms. Construction & adjustments of shear &
impact-type cutting mechanisms. Crop harvesting machinery : mowers, windrowers, reapers,
reaper binders and forage harvesters. Forage chopping & handling equipment. Threshing
mechanics & various types of threshers. Threshers, straw combines & grain combines, maize
harvesting & shelling equipment, Root crop harvesting equipment - potato, groundnut etc.,
Cotton picking & Sugarcane harvesting equipment. Principles of fruit harvesting tools and
machines. Horticultural tools and gadgets. Testing of farm machine. Test codes & procedure.
Interpretation of test results. Selection and management of farm machines for optimum
Practical: Familiarization with various Farm machines related to harvesting, threshing, root
harvesting, combine etc; Study of various types of mowers, constructional details, materials
and working; Study of various types of reaper, constructional details, materials and working
& performance; Study of various types of reaper binder, constructional details, materials and
working; Study of various types of potato harvesters, constructional details, materials and
working; Study of various types of groundnut harvesters, constructional details, materials and
working & performance; Study of various types of forage harvester, constructional details,
materials and working; Study of various types of sugarcane harvester, constructional details,
materials and working; Study of various types of maize sheller, constructional details,
materials and working & performance; Study of various types of threshers, constructional
details, materials and working & performance; Study of various types of cotton pickers and
strippers, constructional details, materials and working; Study of various types of harvester
tools, constructional details, materials and working; Study of various types of combine
harvester, constructional details, materials and working; Study of various types of straw
combines, constructional details, materials and working; Study of various types of fruit
harvester equipment, constructional details, materials and working.
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2. Irrigation Engineering (SWC 251) 4(3+1)
Irrigation Engineering: Irrigation, impact of irrigation on Human Environment, some major
and medium irrigation schemes of India, purpose of irrigation, sources of irrigation water,
present status of development and utilization of different water resources of the country;
Measurement of irrigation water, weir, notches, flumes and orifices and other methods; water
conveyance, design of irrigation field channels, underground pipe conveyance system,
irrigation structures, channel lining; land grading, different design methods and estimation of
earth work and cost; soil water plant relationship, soil water movement, infiltration, evapo-
transpiration, soil moisture constants, depth of irrigation, frequency of irrigation, irrigation
efficiencies; surface irrigation methods of water application, border, check basin, furrow and
contour irrigation; sprinkler and drip irrigation method, merits, demerits, selection and
design; Participatory irrigation management. Economics of water resources utilization.
Practical: Measurement of soil moisture by different soil moisture measuring instruments;
measurement of irrigation water; measurement of infiltration rate; computation of
evaporation and transpiration; land grading exercises; design of under ground pipe line
system; infiltration-advance in border irrigation; measurement of advance and recession in
border irrigation and estimation of irrigation efficiency; measurement of advance and
recession in furrow irrigation and estimation of irrigation efficiency; measurement of
uniformity coefficient of sprinkler irrigation method; measurement of uniformity coefficient
of drip irrigation method; field problems and remedial measures for sprinkler and drip
irrigation method.
Scope and importance of food processing, principles and methods of food processing.
Processing of farm crops; cereals, pulses, oil seeds, fruits and vegetables and their products
for food and feed. Processing of animal products, Principal of size reduction, grain shape,
size reduction machines; crushers, grinders, cutting machines etc. - operation, efficiency and
power requirement – Rittinger' s, Kick’s and Bond’s equation, fineness modulus. Theory of
mixing, types of mixtures for dry and paste. materials, rate of mixing and power requirement,
mixing index. Theory of separation, size and un sized separation, types of separators, size of
screens, sieve analysis, capacity and effectiveness of screens, pneumatic separation. Theory
of filtration, study of different types of filters, rate of filtration, pressure drop during
filtration. Scope & importance of material handling devices, study of different types of
material handling systems; belt, chain and screw conveyor, bucket elevator, pneumatic
conveying, gravity conveyor- design consideration, capacity and power requirement.
Practical: Preparation of flow and layout charts of a food processing plant; Determination of
fineness modulus and uniformity index; Performance evaluation of hammer mill;
Performance evaluation of attrition mill; Study of cleaning equipment; Separation behaviour
in pneumatic separation; Study of grading equipment; Evaluation of performance of indented
cylinder and screen pre-cleaner; Mixing index and study of mixers; Study of conveying
equipments; Performance evaluation of bucket elevator.
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4. Fluid Mechanics (CE 251) 3 (2+1)
Properties of fluids: Ideal and real fluid. Pressure and its measurement, Pascal’s law, pressure
forces on plane and curved surfaces, centre of pressure, buoyancy, metacentre and
metacentric height, condition of floatation and stability of submerged and floating bodies;
Kinematics of fluid flow: Lagrangian and Eulerian description of fluid motion, continuity
equation, path lines, streak lines and stream lines, stream function, velocity potential and flow
net. Types of fluid flow, translation, rotation, circulation and vorticity, Vortex motion;
Dynamics of fluid flow, Bernoulli’s theorem, venturimeter, orifice-meter and nozzle, siphon;
Laminar flow: Stress-strain relationships, flow between infinite parallel plates - both plates
fixed, one plate moving, discharge, average velocity, shear stress and pressure gradient;
Laminar and turbulent flow in pipes, general equation for head loss-Darcy, Equation,
Moody’s diagram, Minor and major hydraulic losses through pipes and fittings, flow through
network of pipes, hydraulic gradient and energy gradient, power transmission through pipe;
Dimensional analysis and similitude: Rayleigh’s method and Buckingham’s `Pi’ theorem,
types of similarities, dimensional analysis, dimensionless numbers. Introduction to fluid
Elements, links, pairs, kinematics chain, and mechanisms. Classification of pairs and
mechanisms. Lower and higher pairs. Four bar chain, slider crank chain and their inversions.
Determination of velocity and acceleration using graphical (relative velocity and
acceleration) method. Instantaneous centers. Types of gears. Law of gearing, velocity of
sliding between two teeth in mesh. Involute and cycloidal profile for gear teeth. Spur gear,
nomenclature, interference and undercutting. Introduction to helical , spiral, bevel and worm
gear. Simple, compound, reverted, and epicyclic trains. Determining velocity ratio by tabular
method. Turning moment diagrams, co-efficient of fluctuation of speed and energy, weight of
flywheel, flywheel applications. Belt drives, types of drives, belt materials. Length of belt,
power transmitted, velocity ratio, belt size for flat and V belts. Effect of centrifugal tension,
creep and slip on power transmission, Chain drives. Types of friction, laws of dry friction.
Friction of pivots and collars. Single disc, multiple disc, and cone clutches. Rolling friction,
anti friction bearings. Types of governors. constructional details and analysis of Watt, Porter,
Proell governors. Effect of friction, controlling force curves. Sensitiveness, stability, hunting,
isochronism, power and effort of a governor. Static and dynamic balancing. Balancing of
rotating masses in one and different planes. Partial primary balancing of reciprocating
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Practical: Demonstration in mechanisms study using models; Analysis of 4-bar mechanism,
slides crank mechanism and their inversions; Complete velocity and acceleration analysis
(Graphical or Analytical) of few practical linkage mechanisms; Study of gears and gear trains
and motion analysis of some practical complex compound gear train; Motion analysis
Epicyclical gear trains using tabular and formula methods; To design a compound gear train
and epicyclic gear train for a desired speed ratio; Practical test; To study the flywheel and
governor action in laboratory; To graphically synthesize the cam profile for a desired
standard follower motion; Study on the cam follower demonstration machine for follower
displacement as a function of cam rotation angle and phenomenon of follower jump;
Demonstration of static and dynamic balancing in the laboratory. Calculations on balancing a
multi rotor unbalanced system by putting masses in two different planers.
7. Field Operation & Maintenance of Tractors and Farm Machinery-II (FMP 252)
Practical: Familiarisation with tools and equipment used for maintaining & servicing of
tractors & farm machines; Doing the 10-hours service jobs & Maintenance after 50- hours of
operation; Maintenance after 100 hours of operation; Maintenance after 250 hours of
operation; Maintenance after 500 hours and 1000 hours of operation, adjustment of tractor
track; Dismantling and assembling of major engine parts; Visit to tractor/ engine repair
workshop, injection pump injector repair shop; Doing minor repair of electric, mechanical
and hydraulic system; Adjustment and maintenance of primary and secondary tillage
equipment viz. m.b. plough, disc-plough and disc harrow etc.; Adjustment and maintenance
of seeding & planting and transplanting machines; Adjustment and maintenance of plant
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protection equipment; Adjustment and maintenance of reapers & threshers; Adjustment &
maintenance of combine harvesters, straw combines, balers etc; Visit to small scale farm
machinery manufacturers and their repair shops, seasonal repair of farm machinery.
C++ - Language - Introduction, Constants, Inputs & Output Operation, Creating programs
using decision making statements such as if, go to & switch case, Developing program using
loop statements while, do & for, Familiarizing with one and two dimensional arrays, Using
string functions, Pointers, File handling, Object Oriented Program.
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Semester wise courses for B. Tech. in Agricultural Engineering
Semester – V
Sl. Subject Course No. Credit
1. Machine Drawing and Computer Graphics ME 301 3(2+1)
2. Machine Design ME 302 3(2+1)
3. Dairy & Food Engineering PFE 301 3(2+1)
4. Tractor Systems and Controls FMP 301 3(2+1)
5. Electrical M/C’s and Power Utilization EE 301 3(2+1)
6. Database Management and Internet Applications CSE 301 2(0+2)
7. Strength of Materials CE 301 3(2+1)
8. Ground Water, Wells and Pumps SWC 301 3(2+1)
Total 23(14+9)
First and third angle methods of projection. Preparation of working drawing from models and
isometric views. Drawing of missing views. Different methods of dimensioning. Concept of
sectioning. Revolved and oblique section. Sectional drawing of simple machine parts. Types
of rivet heads and riveted joints. Processes for producing leak proof joints. Symbols for
different types of welded joints. Nomenclature, thread profiles, multi-start threads, left and
right hand thread. Square headed and hexagonal nuts and bolts. Conventional representation
of threads. Different types of lock nuts, studs, machine screws , cap screws and wood screws.
Foundation bolts. Design process, application of computers for design, definition of CAD,
benefits of CAD, CAD system components. Computer hardware for CAD. Display, input and
output devices. Graphic primitives, display file, frame buffer, display control, display
processors, Line generation, graphics software. Points and lines, Polygons, filling of
polygons. Text primitive. Other primitives. Windowing and clipping, view port.
Homogeneous coordinates. Transformations. Planar and space curves design. Analytical and
synthetic approaches. Parametric and implicit equations. B-spline and Beizer curves.
Geometric modeling techniques. Wire frames. Introduction to solid modeling. Introduction to
numerical control, basic components of NC system, NC coordinates and motion control
systems. Computer numerical control, direct numerical control, combined CNC/DNC. NC
machine tools and control units. Tooling for NC machines, part programming, punched tape,
tape coding and format, manual and computer assisted part programming.
Practical: Preparation of manual drawings with dimensions from Models and Isometric
drawings of objects and machine components; Preparation of sectional drawings of simple
machine parts; Drawing of riveted joints and thread fasteners; Demonstration on computer
graphics and computer aided drafting use of standard software; Practice in the use of basic
and drawing commands on auto cad; Generating simple 2-D drawings with dimensioning
using autocad; Practice in the use of modify and rebelling commands; Practice in graphics
mathematics, curve fitting and transformations; Demonstration on CNC machine.
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2. Machine Design (ME 302) 3 (2+1)
Practical: Problems based on load and stress analysis of machine components; Problems
based on practical application of theories of failure and fatigue and determination of factor of
safety; Design and drawing of pin connections, Knuckle joint; Design of bolted joints cases
of electric loading; Exercises on design of levers rockers arm for diesel engines; Assignment
test; Problems on design of shafts, keys and coupling; Problems in selection/ design of belts;
Selection of roller bearings use of catalogue; Problems on design of helical and leaf spring;
Problems on gear design of spur gears.
Dairy development in India. Engineering, thermal and chemical properties of milk and milk
products, unit operation of various dairy and food processing systems, process flow charts for
product manufacture, working principles of equipment for receiving, pasteurisation
sterilization, homogenisation, filling & packaging, butter manufacture, dairy plant design and
layout, composition and proximate analysis of food products. Deterioration in products and
their controls. Physical, chemical and biological methods of food preservation, changes
undergone by the food components during processing, evaporation, drying, freezing juice
extraction, filtration, membrane separation, thermal processing, plant utilities requirement.
Practical: Study of a composite pilot milk processing plant & equipments; Study of
pasteurisers; Study of sterilizers; Study of homogenisers; Study of separators; Study of butter
churners; Study of evaporators; Study of milk dryers; Study of freezers; Design of food
processing plants & preparation of layout; Visit to multiproduct dairy product; Determination
of physical properties of food products; Estimation of steam requirements; Estimation of
refrigeration requirements in dairy & food plant; Visit to Food industry.
Study of transmission systems, clutch, gear box, differential and final drive mechanism.
Familiarization of brake mechanism. Ackerman and hydraulic steering and hydraulic
systems. Tractor power outlets: P.T.O., belt pulley, drawbar, etc. Tractor chassis mechanics
and design for tractor stability. Ergonomic considerations and operational safety.
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and planetory gears; Study of brake systems and some design problems; Steering geometry
and adjustments; Study of hydraulic systems in a tractor, hydraulic trailer and some design
problems; Traction performance of a tractor wheel; Finding C.G. of a tractor by weighing
technique; Finding CG of a tractor using suspension/balancing techniques; Finding moment
of Inertia of a tractor; Appraisal of various controls in different makes tractors in relation to
anthropometeric measurements.
Electro motive force, reluctance, laws of magnetic circuits, determination of ampere-turns for
series and parallel magnetic circuits, hysteresis and eddy current losses, Transformer:
principle of working, construction of single phase transformer, EMF equation, phasor
diagram on load, leakage reactance, transformer on load, equivalent circuit, voltage
regulation, power and energy efficiency, open circuit and short circuit tests, principles,
operation and performance of DC machine (generator and motor), EMF and torque equations,
armature reaction, commutation, excitation of DC generator and their characteristics, DC
motor characteristics, starting of shunt and series motor, starters, speed control methods-field
and armature control, polyphase induction motor: construction, operation, equivalent circuit,
phasor diagram, effect of rotor resistance, torque equation, starting and speed control
methods, single phase induction motor: double field revolving theory, equivalent circuit,
characteristics, phase split, shaded pole motors, disadvantage of low power factor and power
factor improvement, various methods of single and three phase power measurement.
Practical: To get familiar with AC, DC machines and measuring instruments; To perform
open circuit and short circuit tests on a single phase transformer and hence find equivalent
circuit, voltage regulation and efficiency; To study the constructional details of D.C. machine
and to draw sketches of different components; To obtain load characteristics of d.c.
shunt/series /compound generator; To study characteristics of DC shunt/ series motors; To
study d.c. motor starters; To Perform load-test on 3 ph. induction motor & to plot torque V/S
speed characteristics; To perform no-load & blocked –rotor tests on 3 ph. Induction motor to
obtain equivalent ckt. parameters & to draw circle diagram; To study the speed control of 3
ph. induction motor by cascading of two induction motors, i.e. by feeding the slip power of
one motor into the other motor; To study star- delta starters physically and (a) to draw
electrical connection diagram (b) to start the 3 ph. induction motor using it. (c) to reverse the
direction of 3 ph. I.M.; To start a 3-phase slip –ring induction motor by inserting different
levels of resistance in the rotor ckt and to plot torque –speed characteristics; To perform no-
load & blocked –rotor test on 1 ph. induction motor & to determine the parameters of
equivalent ckt drawn on the basis of double revolving field theory; To perform load –test on 1
ph. induction motor & plot torque –speed characteristics.
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6. Database Management and Internet Applications (CSE 301) 2 (0+2)
Practical: Basic database concepts, introduction to RDBMS, SQL Commands DDL, DML,
Data constraints; Creating a Table, Specifying Relational Data Types, Table and Record
Handling (INSERT statement, DELETE, UPDATE, TRUNCATE statements, DROP,
ALTER statements),Select command, Joins and functions; Group functions, Set functions,
Joins, set operations, Sub-queries, working with forms, Basics of HTML, developing web
pages using meta tags, dynamic pages using Java scripts, connectivity with RDBMS, Project.
Slope and deflection of beams using integration techniques, moment area theorems and
conjugate beam method. Columns and Struts. Riveted and welded connections. Stability of
masonry dams. Analysis of statically intermediate beams. Propped beams. Fixed and
continuous beam analysis using superposition, three moment equation and moment
distribution methods.
Practical: To perform the tension test on metal specimen (M.S., C.I.), to observe the
behaviour of materials under load, to calculate the value of E, ultimate stress, permissible
stress, percentage elongation etc. and to study its fracture; To perform the compression test
on; Concrete cylinders &cubes, C.I., M.S. & Wood specimens and to determine various
physical and mechanical properties; To perform the bending test on the specimens; M.S.
Girder, Wooden beam, Plain concrete beams & R.C.C. beam, and to determine the various
physical and mechanical properties; To determine Young’s modulus of elasticity of beam
with the help of deflection produced at centre due to loads placed at centre & quarter points;
To study the behaviour of materials (G.I. pipes, M.S., C.I.) under torsion and to evaluate
various elastic constants; To study load deflection and other physical properties of closely
coiled helical spring in tension and compression; To perform the Rockwell, Vicker’s and
Brinell’s Hardness tests on the given specimens; To perform the Drop Hammer Test, Izod
Test and Charpay’s impact tests on the given specimens; To determine compressive & tensile
strength of cement after making cubes and briquettes; To measure workability of concrete
(slump test, compaction factor test); To determine voids ratio & bulk density of cement, fine
aggregates and coarse aggregates; To determine fatigue strength of a given specimen; To
write detail report emphasizing engineering importance of performing tension, compression,
bending, torsion, impact and hardness tests on the materials
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ground water potential, quality of ground water, artificial groundwater recharge planning,
modelling, ground water project formulation. Pumping Systems: Water lifting devices;
different types of pumping machinery, classification of pumps, component parts of
centrifugal pumps; pump selection, installation and trouble shooting; design of centrifugal
pumps, performance curves, effect of speed on head capacity, power capacity and efficiency
curves, effect of change of impeller dimensions on performance characteristics; hydraulic
ram, propeller pumps, mixed flow pumps and their performance characteristics; priming, self
priming devices, rotodynamic pumps for special purposes such as deep well turbine pump
and submersible pump.
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Semester wise courses for B. Tech. in Agricultural Engineering
Semester – VI
Sl. Subject Course No. Credit
1. Agricultural Structures and Environmental CE 351 3(2+1)
2. Drying and Storage Engineering PFE 352 4(3+1)
3. Design of Structures CE 351 3(2+1)
4. Drainage Engineering SWC 351 2(1+1)
5. Soil & Water Conservation Structures SWC 352 3(2+1)
6. Refrigeration and Air conditioning PFE 353 3(2+1)
7. Entrepreneurship Development EXT 351 1(1+0)
8. Renewable Energy Sources FMP 351 3(2+1)
Total 22(15+7)
Theory:- Planning and layout of farm shed. Design, construction and cost estimation of farm
structures, animal shelters, compost pit, fodder silo, fencing and implement sheds, planning and
designing dairy barns, stall barns and loose houses, milking parlor, labour efficiency and waster
management. Poultry housing requirements, common types of poultry houses and their planning.
Design and construction of rural grain storage system Engineering for rural living and development,
rural roads, their construction cost and repair and maintenance. Sources of water supply, norms of
water supply for human being and animals, drinking water standards and water treatment suitable to
rural community. Site and orientation of building in regard to sanitation, community sanitation
system; sewage system-its design, cost and maintenance, design of septic tank for small family.
Environmental pollution and their control, solid waste management system, BOD and COD of food
plant waste, primary and secondary treatment of food plant waste.
Practical: Cooling load of farm building e.g. poultry house. Moisture condensation in agricultural
buildings. Design of layout of dairy farm. Design and layout of poultry house. Design and layout
sheep/goat house. Design of biogas plant. Design of a farm fencing system. Design of ventilation
system for dairy and poultry house. Design of feed/fodder storage structures. Familiarization with
local grain storage structures. Design of grain storage structures. Cost estimation of a farm buildings.
Design of rural/farm roads and culverts.
Moisture content and methods for determination, importance of EMC and methods of its
determination, EMC curve and EMC model, principle of drying, theory of diffusion,
mechanism of drying- falling rate, constant rate, thin layer, deep bed and their analysis,
critical moisture content, drying models, calculation of drying air temperature and air flow
rate, air pressure within the grain bed, Shred’s and Hukill’s curve, different methods of
drying including puff drying, foam mat drying, freeze drying, etc. Study of different types of
dryers- performance, energy utilization pattern and efficiency, study of drying and
dehydration of agricultural products. Types and causes of spoilage in storage, conditions for
storage of perishable products, functional requirements of storage, control of temperature and
relative humidities inside storage, calculation of refrigeration load; modified atmospheric
storage and control of its environment, air movement inside the storage, storage of grains:
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destructive agents, respiration of grains, moisture and temperature changes in stored grains;
conditioning of environment inside storage through natural ventilation, mechanical
ventilation, artificial drying, grain storage structures such as Bukhari, Morai, Kothar,
silo, CAP, warehouse - design and control of environment. Storage of cereal grains and their
products, storage of seeds, hermetically sealed and air-cooled storages-refrigerated,
controlled atmosphere, modified atmospheric and frozen storages. Storage condition for
various fruits and vegetables under cold and CA storage system. Economic, aspects of
Practical: Study of mechanics of bulk solids affecting cleaning, drying and storage of grains;
Measurement of moisture content during drying and aeration; Measurement of relative
humidity during drying and aeration using different techniques; Measurement of air velocity
during drying and aeration; Drying characteristic and determination of drying constant;
Determination of EMC and ERH; Study of various types of dryers; To study the effect of
relative humidity and temperature on grains stored in gunny bags; Design and layout of
commercial bag storage facilities; Design and layout of commercial bulk storage facilities;
Study of different domestic storage structures; Visits to commercial handling and storage
facilities for grains.
Loads and use of BIS Codes. Design of connections. Design of structural steel members in
tension, compression and bending. Design of steel roof truss. Analysis and design of singly
and doubly reinforced sections, Shear, Bond and Torsion. Design of Flanged Beams, Slabs,
Columns, Foundations, Retaining walls and Silos.
Practical: Design and drawing of steel roof truss; Design and drawing of RCC building;
Design and drawing of Retaining wall.
Drainage, objectives of drainage, familiarization with the drainage problems of the state,
Surface drainage, drainage coefficient, types of surface drainage, design of open channel,
sub-surface drainage purpose and benefits, investigations of design parameters, hydraulic
conductivity, drainable porosity, water table etc., types and use of subsurface drainage
system, Design of surface drains, interceptor and relief drains. Derivation of ellipse
(Hooghoudt’s) and Ernst’s drain spacing equations. Design of subsurface drainage system.
Drainage materials, drainage pipes, drain envelope. Layout, construction and installation of
drains. Drainage structures. Vertical drainage. Bio-drainage. Tile Drains. Drainage of
irrigated and humid areas. Salt balance, reclamation of saline and alkaline soils. Leaching
requirements, conjunctive use of fresh and saline waters. Economic aspects of drainage.
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5. Soil and Water Conservation Structures (SWC 352) 3 (2+1)
Practical: Design of H-flume; Design of Parshall flume; Construction of specific energy and
specific force diagram; Measurement of hydraulic jump parameters and amount of energy
dissipation; Hydraulic design of a straight drop spillway; Determination of uplift force and
construction of uplift pressure diagram; Determination of loads on headwall and construction
of triangular load diagram; Stability analysis of a straight drop spillway; Hydraulic design of
a chute spillway; Design of a SAF energy dissipater; Design of small earth embankments and
water harvesting structures; Cost estimation of structures.
Practical: Study of vapour compression and vapour absorption systems; Study of eletrolux
refrigerator; Solving problems on refrigeration on vapour absorption system; Experiments
with the refrigeration tutor to study various components of refrigeration; Determination of the
coefficient of performance of the refrigeration tutor; Experiment on humidifier for the
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determination of humidifying efficiency; Experiment on dehumidifier for the determination
of dehumidifying efficiency; Experiment on the cooling efficiency of a domestic refrigerator;
Experiments on working details of a cold storage plant and air conditioning unit; Experiments
with air conditioning tutor to study various components; Determination of the coefficient of
performance of air condititiong tutor; Estimation of refrigeration load; Estimation of cooling
load for air conditioner; Estimation of humidification and dehumidification load; Design of
complete cold storage system.
Entrepreneurship behaviour, Entrepreneurship development, Entrepreneurship management –
Meaning, Concepts, Need for enterprise emergence and characteristics of an Entrepreneur;
Factors affecting Entrepreneurial growth-Economic, Social, Cultural, Technological,
Situational and Legal requirements for establishment of a new unit; Entrepreneurial
motivation and competencies; Establishment of a small business – Identification, selection,
formulation and appraisal of a sound enterprise, Infrastructure and Policy support for
Entrepreneurship development; Management in small enterprise-basic concepts of capital
management, inventory management, production and operation management, marketing and
human resource management, production and orientation management. Technical Appraisal
– Factors to be considered for personnel training; SWOT analysis, Network Analysis, Critical
Path Method (CPM), PERT. Causes, consequences and corrective measures for industrial
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Semester wise courses for B. Tech. in Agricultural Engineering
Semester – VII
Sl. Subject Course No. Credit
1. PROJECT - I PRJ 401 3(0+3)
2. SEMINER SEM 401 1(0+1)
3. In Plant/Industrial Training-I TRN 401 4 (0+4)
Student will have to take minimum of 15 credits courses from the following cafeteria courses
Sl. Subject Course No. Credit
1. Food Packaging Technology PFE 401 3(2+1)
2. Design & Maintenance of Green House PFE 402 3(2+1)
3. Waste and By-Product Utilization PFE 403 3(2+1)
4. Development of Processed Products & PFE 404 3(2+1)
5. Food Processing Plant Design and Layout PFE 405 3(2+1)
6. Micro Irrigation Systems Design SWC 401 3(2+1)
7. Watershed Planning and Management SWC 402 3(2+1)
8. Minor Irrigation & Command Area SWC 403 3(2+1)
9. Environmental Engineering CE 401 3(2+1)
10. Gulley & Ravine Control Structures SWC 404 3(2+1)
11. Remote Sensing & GIS Applications SWC 405 3(2+1)
12. Reservoir & Farm Pond Design SWC 406 3(2+1)
13. Tractor Design & Testing FMP 401 3(2+1)
14. Hydraulic Drive & Controls FMP 402 3(2+1)
15. Farm Power & Machinery Management FMP 403 3(2+1)
16. Renewable Energy Technology FMP 404 3(2+1)
17. Human Engineering & Safety FMP 405 3(2+1)
18. Biomass Management for fodder & FMP 406 3(2+1)
19. Production Technology of Agricultural FMP 407 3(2+1)
20. Mechanics of Tillage and Traction FMP 408 3(2+1)
21. System Engineering MTH 401 3(3+0)
Total 23
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3. In Plant/Industrial Training-I (TRN 401) 4(0+4)
The student will undergo Practical Training of one (01) month duration at suitable training
institutes/organizations/industries in 4th semester of the degree programme. The students will
be evaluated in this course based on training report submission, presentation and viva-voce.
Factors affecting shelf life of food material during storage; spoilage mechanism during
storage; definition, requirement, importance and scope of packaging of foods; types and
classification of packaging system; advantage of modern packaging system. Different types
of packaging materials used. Different forms of packaging, metal container, glass container,
plastic container, flexible films, shrink packaging, vacuum & gas packaging. Packaging
requirement & their selection for the raw & processed foods. Advantages & disadvantages of
these packaging materials; effect of these materials on packed commodities, Package testing,
Printing, labeling and lamination. Economics of packaging; performance evaluation of
different methods of packaging food products; their merits and demerits; scope for
improvements; disposal and recycle of packaging waste.
Practical: Study/visit to a functional green house; planning and layout of green house &
associated utilities; Material selection for the construction of green house; Measurement of
temp. using thermomseter, thermistor & thermocouples inside the green house; Measurement
of humidity & air velocity using various methods; Measurement of solar radiations inside the
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green house; Application of psychometric charts; estimation of cooling requirements in a
green house; estimation of ventilation requirements; Thermal performance of green house;
Application of data loggers for simultaneous estimation & control of different parameters like
temp., RH, solar radiations etc.; Calculations of environment indices inside a green house;
Structural analysis of green house; Economic analysis of green house; Visit to a commercial
green house.
Types and formation of byproducts and waste; magnitude of waste generation in different
food processing industries; concept scope and maintenance of waste management and
effluent treatment, Temperature, pH, Oxygen demands (BOD, COD), fat, oil and grease
content, metal content, forms of phosphorous and sulphur in waste waters, microbiology of
waste, other ingredients like insecticide, pesticides and fungicides residues, Waste
utilization in various industries, furnaces and boilers run on agricultural wastes and
byproducts, briquetting of biomass as fuel, production of charcoal briquette, generation of
electricity using surplus biomass, producer gas generation and utilization, waste treatment
and disposal, design, construction, operation and management of institutional community
and family size biogas plants, concept of vermi-composting, Pre-treatment of waste:
sedimentation, coagulation, flocculation and floatation, Secondary treatments: Biological
and chemical oxygen demand for different food plant waste– trickling filters, oxidation
ditches, activated sludge process, rotating biological contractors, lagoons, Tertiary
treatments: Advanced waste water treatment process-sand, coal and activated carbon filters,
phosphorous, sulphur, nitrogen and heavy metals removal, Assessment, treatment and
disposal of solid waste; and biogas generation.
Practical: Waste characterization: (a) temperature (b) pH (c) solids content (d) turbidity (e)
BOD (f) COD; Determination of ash content of agril. wastes; Determination of unburnt
carbon in ash of paddy straw; To study about briquetting of agricultural residues; Estimation
of excess air for better combustion of briquettes; To study about extraction of oil from rice
bran; To study about waste treatment plant in food industry; To study about utilization of
whey; To study about recovery of peel oil; To study about recovery of germ and germ oil
from by-product of cereals; Practical on bioconversion of agro-wastes; Practical on recycling
of agro-wastes and by-products; Visits to various industries using waste and food by-
Applications of unit operations to the food industry, analytical processing concepts with
regards to mass and energy balances, equipment involved in the commercially important
food processing methods and unit operations; value addition to cereals like rice, wheat etc.
Parboiling of rice, quality of processed products of rice & wheat. Processing of pulses, spices
and condiments; extruded food product, fermented food product, frozen and dried product,
technology of meat, fish and poultry products, technology of milk and milk products.
Technology of oilseeds and fat products, snack foods, Fruits and vegetables product: candy,
nutraceuticals, food product development trends, food additives and labeling. Process
equipment for thermal processing-evaporation, dehydration, drying, blenching,
pasteurization, distillation; mechanical separation-filtration, sieving, centrifugation,
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sedimentation; mechanical handling-conveying and elevation; size reduction and
classification-mixing; kneading, blending.
Practical: Working principle and operation of Engleberg huller; study of different cleaners
and graders used in agro processing industries; working principle, operation and
maintenance of paddy destoner-cum-cleaner, rubber roll sheller, paddy separator and vertical
cone whitener; familiaraization with operation and performance of machinery and
equipments of Satake rice milling unit of 500 kg/hr; planning and layout of roller wheat flour
milling & rice milling; visit to milk plant; visit to roller flour mill; visit to markfed canneries;
visit to fruit/vegetable processing plants; flow process diagram and study of various models
of the machines used in a sugar mill.
Meaning and definition of plant layout. Objectives and principles of layout. Types of layout.
Salient features of processing plants for cereals, pulses oilseeds, horticultural and vegetable
crops, poultry, fish and meat products, milk and milk products. Location selection criteria,
selection of processes, plant capacity, project design, flow diagrams, selection of equipments,
process and controls, handling equipments, plant layout, Plant elevation, requirement of
plant building and its components, labour requirement, plant installation, power and power
transmission, sanitation. Cost analysis, preparation of feasibility report.
Practical: Planning, visit and layout of flour milling plant; Planning, visit and layout of rice
milling plant; Planning, visit and layout of milk plant; Planning, visit and layout of bakery
plant; Planning, visit and layout of fruits and vegetable dehydration plant; Planning, visit and
layout of beverages industry; Planning, visit and layout of edible of extraction plant;
Planning, visit and layout of ice-cream plant; Planning, visit and layout of sugar mill plant;
Planning, visit and layout of honey/turmeric/chillies processing plant.
Past, present and future need of micro-irrigation systems, Role of Govt. for the promotion of
micro-irrigation in India, Merits and demerits of micro-irrigation system, Types and
components of micro-irrigation system, Micro-irrigation system- design, design synthesis,
installation, and maintenance. Sprinkler irrigation - types, planning factors, uniformity and
efficiency, laying pipeline, hydraulic lateral, sub-mains and main line design, pump and
power unit selection. Drip irrigation – potential, automation, crops suitability. Fertigation –
Fertilizer application criteria, suitability of fertilizer compounds, fertilizer mixing, injection
duration, rate and frequency, capacity of fertilizer tank. Quality control in micro-irrigation
components, design and maintenance of polyhouse; prospects, waste land development –
hills, semi-arid, coastal areas, water scarce areas, Benefit and Cost analysis.
Practical: Study of different types of micro-irrigation systems and components; Field visit of
micro-irrigation system; Study of water filtration unit; Discharge measurement study of
different micro-irrigation systems; Study of water distribution and uniformity coefficient;
Study of wetted front and moisture distribution under various sources of micro-irrigation
system; Design of micro-irrigation system for an orchard; Design of micro-irrigation system
for row crops design of spray type micro-irrigation system; Design of micro-irrigation system
for hilly terraced land; Study of automation in micro-irrigation system; Study of micro
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climate inside a Polyhouse; Study of maintenance and cleaning of different components of
various systems; Design of sprinkler irrigation system; Design of landscape irrigation system
Watershed management - problems and prospects; watershed based land use planning,
watershed characteristics – physical and geomorphologic, factors affecting watershed
management, hydrologic data for watershed planning, watershed delineation, delineation of
priority watershed, water yield assessment and measurement from a watershed; hydrologic
and hydraulic design of earthen embankments and diversion structures; sediment yield
estimation and measurement from a watershed and sediment yield models; rainwater
conservation technologies - in-situ and storage, design of water harvesting tanks and ponds;
water budgeting in a watershed; effect of cropping system, land management and cultural
practices on watershed hydrology; evaluation and monitoring of watershed programmes;
people’s participation in watershed management programmes; planning and formulation of
project proposal; cost benefits analysis of watershed programmes; optimal land use models;
case studies.
Major, medium and minor irrigation projects – their comparative performance; development
and utilization of water resources through different minor irrigation schemes. Basic concepts
of command area – definition, need, scope, and development approaches: historical
perspective, command area development authorities; Interaction/collaboration of irrigation
water use efficiency and agricultural production. Planning and execution of on farm
development activities with in the scope of command area development; Use of remote
sensing techniques for command area development; case studies of some selected commands;
Farmers participation in command area development.
Practical: Topographic survey and preparation of contour map; preparation of command area
development layout plan; land leveling design for a field; earthwork and cost estimation;
irrigation water requirement of crops; preparation of irrigation schedules; planning and layout
of water conveyance system; design of Irrigation systems; conjunctive water use planning;
application of remote sensing for command area development; technical Feasibility and
economic viability of a command area project. Study tour to minor irrigation and command
area development projects.
Importance of safe water supply system. Domestic water requirements for urban and rural
areas. Sources of Water supply. Intakes and transportation of water. Drinking water quality.
Indian Standards of drinking water. Introduction to water treatment. Importance of sanitation.
Domestic waste water: quantity, characteristics, disposal in urban and rural areas. Sewer:
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types, design discharge and hydraulic design. Introduction to domestic wastewater treatment.
Design of septic tank. Solid waste: quantity, characteristics and disposal for urban and rural
areas. Introduction to air pollution. Types of pollutants properties and their effects on living
beings. ISI standards for pollutants in air and their abetments.
Remote Sensing: Definition and principles of remote sensing; Energy sources and radiation
principles; Nature of electromagnetic and thermal radiations; Propagation of radiations
through the atmosphere; Atmospheric window; Active and passive remote sensing systems;
Types of remote sensors and scanners; Satellite data products; Spatial temporal, spectral, and
radiometric resolutions; Spectral signatures of different earth features (vegetation, soil, and
water); Vegetation indices; Background and history of Indian Space Programme; Image
interpretation: True color, Pseudo color and False Color Compositions; Visual image
interpretation: elements of image interpretation, techniques of image interpretation; Digital
image processing: image pre-processing, image processing, image transformation; Image
classification: supervised and unsupervised classifications; Introduction to microwave
Global Positioning System (GPS): Introduction to GPS navigation techniques; GPS satellites;
Segments of GPS systems; Principles of GPS navigation; GPS broadcast signals; Accuracy of
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GPS systems; Sources of error in GPS; Error corrections; Principles of Pseudo range and
differential GPS systems.
Geographic Information System (GIS): Definition and objectives of GIS; Basic components
of GIS and standard GIS packages; Types of data: spatial and attribute data, data-entry,
storage and maintenance, query operations; data structure; Data format: raster and vector data
models in GIS; Basic analysis tools in GIS: buffer analysis and overlay analysis.
Practical: Familiarization with remote sensing and GIS hardware and softwares;
interpretation of satellite imagery; introduction to topographic sheets; on-screen digitization
of maps; Digital image processing; Image enhancement techniques; Image classification:
supervised and unsupervised classifications; Creation of simple GIS database and data base
query; GIS supported case studies in water resources management.
Practical: Study of different types and materials of earthen dams; Determination of the
position of phreatic line in earth dams for various conditions; Stability analysis of earthen
dams against head water pressure; Stability analysis of earthen dams against foundation
shear; Stability analysis of earth dams against sudden draw down condition; Stability of
slopes of earth dams by friction circle method / different methods; construction of flow net
for isotropic and anisotropic medium; Computation of seepage by different methods;
determination of settlement of earth dam; Input-output-storage relationships by reservoir
routing; design of farm ponds; cost estimation of farm ponds and other structures.
Procedure for design and development of agricultural tractor, Study of parameters for
balanced design of tractor for stability & weight distribution, hydraulic lift and hitch system
design. Design of mechanical power transmission in agricultural tractors. Design of
Ackerman Steering and tractor hydraulic systems. Study of special design features of tractor
engines and their selection. Design of seat and controls of an agricultural tractor. Tractor
Practical: Design problem of tractor clutch – (Single/ Multiple disc clutch); Design problem
on spur gears; Design problem of bevel gears; Design problem of helical gears; Design of
gear box(synchromesh/constant mesh); Design of variable speed constant mesh drive;
Selection of tractor tires – Problem solving; Problem on design of governer; Problem related
to selection of hydraulic pump; Engine testing as per BIS code – various test; Drawbar
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performance in the lab; PTO test and measure the tractor power in the lab/field; Determining
the turning space, turning radius and brake test, hydraulic pump performance test and air
cleaner and noise measurement test; Visit to tractor testing centre/industry.
The role of mechanization and its relationship to productivity, employment, social and
technological change; performance and power analysis; cost analysis of machinery: fixed cost
and variable costs, effect of inflation on cost; selection of optimum machinery and
replacement criteria; Break-even analysis, reliability and cash flow problems; mechanization
planning; case studies of agricultural mechanization in India.
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Performance evaluation of a rice husk throatless gasifier engine system; Performance
evaluation of down draft gasifier with throat for thermal application; Performance evaluation
of a fixed dome type biogas plant; Performance evaluation of floating drum type biogas plant;
Estimation of calorific value of producer gas; Testing of diesel engine operation using
biodiesel; Evaluation of briquetting machine using biomass material; evaluation of rice straw
Practical: Calibration of the subject in the laboratory using bi-cycle Ergometer as loading
device, versus different physiological parameters; Calibration of the subject in the laboratory
using mechanical treadmill as loading device versus different physiological parameters;
Study of Respiration gas meter and its use in selected farm operation and their comparison
from energy point of view; Calibration of the subject using Heart Rate Monitor and farm
operation as a loading device; Study of general fatigue of the subject using Blink ratio
method; Study on the use of electromyograph equipment; Anthropometric measurements of a
selected group of farm workers and its statistical analysis; Study of optimum work space
layout and locations of controls of different factors; Familiarization of the noise and vibration
18. Biomass Management for Fodder and Energy (FMP 406) 3(2+1)
Practical: Familiarization with different straw management techniques; on-farm and off-farm
uses of straw; collection, loading and transport equipments for unbruised loose straw;
briquetting machine and preparation of briquettes; straw baler and making of bales in the
field; straw/ fodder chopping machines; straw/ mulching & incorporating machinery;
machinery requirement for baling forage crops for silage.
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Machinery. Cutting tools including CNC tools and finishing tools. Advanced manufacturing
techniques like powder metallurgy, EDM (Electro-Discharge Machining), Heat Treatment of
steels including pack carburizing, shot pining process, chemical vapor deposition (CVD) etc.
Limits, Fits & Tolerances, Jigs & Fixtures, Microstructure Analysis. Industrial lay-out
planning, Quality management,. Economics of process selection. Techno-economic
feasibility of Project Report. Selection of Standard/ critical components. Case studies of
manufacturing of agril. machinery. Servo motors, drives & controllers, CNC controllers for
machine tools. CNC programming. Assembly and plant automation. Storage and
Practical: To draw an exhaustive design plan for a machine & describe its kinematics; Part
modelling of agril. machinery by using standard software; Problem on design of cultivator
and drill parts; Problem on design of sprayer parts and fluid flow; Problem on design of
harvesting and threshing machinery parts; Visit to Central Tool Room/ Industry with
Advanced manufacturing techniques; Jigs and Fixtures – study in relation to Agril
Machinery; Design problems on fits, tolerances and limits; Layout planning of a small scale
industry; Problem on Economics of process selection; Preparation of a project report; Case
study for manufacturing of weeder/ thresher through industry visit; Study of different CNC
controllers/ servo motors; CNC programming; Case studies for manufacturing of tractor
through industry visit
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Semester wise courses for B. Tech. in Agricultural Engineering
Semester – VIII:
Sl. Subject Course No. Credit
1. PROJECT - II PRJ 451 3(0+3)
2. Practical Training at Institution/University. TRN 451 17(0+17)
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