Landscape Architecture

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presenting ibi group’s global practice

presenting ibi group’s global practice

Our Firm
Defining the cities of tomorrow.
We are a global team of dedicated and experienced architects, engineers, planners, designers,
and technology professionals who share a common desire – to help our clients create livable,
sustainable, and advanced urban environments.
From high-rises to industrial buildings, schools to state-of-
the-art hospitals, transit stations to highways, airports to
toll systems, bike lanes to parks, we design every aspect
of a truly integrated city for people to live, work, and play.

Our collaborative and combined approach focuses not only

on creating the best solutions today, but also determining
the right solutions for tomorrow.

We believe cities in the future must be designed with intelligent

systems, sustainable buildings, efficient infrastructure, and
a human touch.

IBI – Defining the cities of tomorrow.

69 offices located in major urban centres within North America, the Caribbean, Europe, Middle East, and Asia
Canada 17 offices | USA 27 offices | International 25 offices
L andscape Architecture expertise.. ...................................................... 5
2  PUBLIC SPACE AND PARKS..........................................................................15
October 2014 3  WATERFRONT AND RIVERSIDE.....................................................................27
4  RESIDENTIAL. . ..............................................................................................37

2 3
We understand that cultural Good design considers all
landscapes evolve along with user groups and improves
the demographic changes community and stakeholder
around them relations while encouraging
ownership of their environment

Landscape Architecture Expertise

At IBI Group, we believe that the most creative and dynamic landscapes can also be the most
INNOVATE resilient and valuable. The sustainable cultural landscapes we create and encourage are a
We strive to know the latest result of our integrated design process, which pairs designers with sociologists, engineers
best practices, using green
with botanists, and planners with historians.
infrastructure to address
multiple site goals With a worldwide team of close to 150 landscape architects working with
some 3000 colleagues in related fields, IBI Group is recognized as an
emerging global leader in the fields of landscape architecture and sustainable
planning. Several of our design team are LEED-certified or are pursuing LEED,
and our studio office environments assist interns on their way to licensure.

IBI Group Landscape Architecture has put together a substantial portfolio

of award-winning projects ranging from large-scale regional developments
and UNESCO national parks, to urban mixed-use projects, waterfront
master plans, and ecological urban parks and complete streetscapes.
Our integrated design approach brings the disciplines together to
collaborate on ideas, refine best alternatives, and work towards a design
solution for our clients, balancing goals of sustainability against costs.

We must understand tomorrow’s challenges and employ solutions today

using best practice green infrastructure technologies. This is the new normal,
and will create and encourage legible landscapes and inspiring places.

IBI Group Landscape Architecture feel responsible to ask the best

questions, and provide the best solutions. These landscape strategies
can shape the future for generations to come.

Our strengths for you are not only the answers that we know, but the
important questions that we ask: How can the project gain asset value
and achieve long-term economic, environmental, and social dimensions
of prosperity, balance, and quality of life? We respond as designers by
applying an understanding of natural processes to the needs of cultural
landscapes, whether regional or local

4 5
Landscape Architecture

Transit Oriented Development and Streetscape

Moving people and goods first is the start of sustainable and effective transit-oriented
development. IBI Group Landscape Architecture provides award-winning TOD services to

enhance the long-term success of transit networks. We recognize the interconnectedness
and symbiosis of convenient transit and surrounding land use value.
While TOD considers how best to accommodate residential, retail,
and office facilities in dense, compact, mixed-use developments that
champion pedestrian/cycle friendly environments and transit ridership
over private automobile usage, streetscape define how pedestrians
interact with the urban and infrastructure elements. Our Landscape
Architecture multidisciplinary team interacts with land use and
transportation planners; traffic and infrastructure engineers amongst
others and apply an integrated approach to solving the problems of
our clients and the demands of our ever-urbanizing planet. Services
include creation of policy documents on the design and program
elements that best promote transit orientation, station area plans,
neighborhood designs, station design, streetscape planning, roadway
design, urban design, policy and guidelines development, market
assessments, PPP, and implementation.
L andscape Architecture
Transit Oriented Development and Streetscape

Salt Lake City Intermodal Hub

Salt L ake Cit y, UTah, usa

IBI Group was selected through design competition to build the new
Salt Lake City Intermodal Hub. The facility encompasses the design
of a 35,000 sq ft terminal for Amtrak, Utah Transit Authority and
Greyhound passengers. The facility will include the retrofitting and
seismic upgrade of an existing warehouse facility that is 18,000 sq ft in
area. The existing building is of historical significance and its existing
character will be maintained.

American Society of Landscape Architects Merit Award

Client Intermodal Transportation Hub

Role Master Planning, Design Development, Working Drawings and
Contract Administration
Scope /Size 3,251 m 2
Status Completed 2010

8 9
L andscape Architecture
Transit Oriented Development and Streetscape

Lundy’s Lane
Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

IBI Group was the designers of record for the Master Plan and first
phase implementation of this 5 acres municipal park for the City of
Niagara Falls. Based on a tight schedule determined by the planned
July 25, 2014, 200th anniversary celebration of this decisive Battle of
Lundy’s Lane during the War of 1812 battle, IBI was selected through
a design competition process in 2013 to undertake this important
cultural heritage landscape. The City’s regional objectives were
to broaden and enhance the Battlefield Park interpretive elements
to enrich the visitor’s experience and develop a comprehensive
community park.

Client Cit y of Niagara Falls

Role Architectural, L andscape architecture design services
Status Completed 2014

10 11
L andscape Architecture
Transit Oriented Development and Streetscape

Kitchener King St. and

City Center District No. 3 Road Restoration
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada Richmond, British Columbia, Canada

IBI Group was retained by the City of Kitchener in 2007 to redesign IBI Group was the prime consultant for the Preliminary Design of
Client Cit y of Richmond
the core streets in the downtown district, which involved developing a a 3 km stretch of the No. 3 Road corridor that is impacted by the
Role L and Use Planning, Master Planning/Urban Design,
Streetscape Master Plan for King Street. The plan was based on the L andscape Architecture, Research, Design and Contract Canada Line’s elevated rapid-transit guideway. Work was done in
principle that an investment in high-quality public realm will serve as Documents parallel by our ‘Urban and Streetscape Design’ and ‘Engineering’
Scope /Size 3 km
a catalyst for private sector investment, intensification and renewal of teams in the observation that a coordinated team effort is required to
Status completed 2011
the City Center District core. The project was completed in 2010, after satisfy both aesthetic and technical requirements.
two years of construction.
IBI Group was responsible for coordinating physical survey, roadway
Innovative design features include; removable bollards to allow alignment, roadway/pedestrian lighting, preliminary landscape design,
for a flexible sidewalk/parking and road closures, water run-off Canada Line station plaza design, municipal utility relocation, and

infiltration planters, and semi-mountable curbs to improve pedestrian external agency utility relocation.
accessibility. Other key elements include; doubling of the urban street
tree canopy, two revitalized public plazas, various seating types,
bike racks, improved lighting, and public art. The project received
the “Green Streets Canada – 2008/09 Award” by Tree Canada and
“Community Places Award – 2010” by The International Making Cities
Livable Organization at its 48th conference.

2013 CSIA National Award

2011 Design Exchange Awards, Gold Award, Urban Design Categor y, CIP
Award – Canadian Institute of Planners
2011 Unilock, Unilock Award of Excellence
2010 International Making Cities Livable Council, Community Place Award
2009 Tree Canada, Green Street Award

Client Cit y of Kitchener

Role Planning, Streetscape Concept, Design Development and
Construction Review
Scope /Size 1.1 Km (6 cit y blocks)
Status Completed 2010

12 13
Landscape Architecture

Public Space and Parks

The experience of memorable public spaces is an essential link for healthy urbanism.
As our cities intensify, our need for open space networks and urban ecology is increasing.

Our landscape architects understand this balance and our creation and encouragement of
these places brings measurable benefits to park users.
Plazas and streets, like all public places, bring people together and
bind communities. Our projects, whether they are transformed urban
zones or streetscapes, urge people of all ages to leave their footprints
at these places. They develop an identity that is unique to each site
and place and sets the framework for future development to ensure a
cohesive signature that will stand the test of time.

Cultural landscapes are geographical areas that have been modified,
influenced or given meaning by people, and that have been formally
recognized for their heritage value. As landscape architects, our role
is to interpret and connect these valued land use histories through
contemporary design.

Public Art
The integration of character-defining elements and land patterns is
a process respecting spatial and visual relationships and traditional
practices. The resulting landscape preserves existing value and adds
meaning to the user experience.

The visual and intellectual experience of art in the landscape

transcends the functionality of the space; celebrates or symbolizes the
locale; and provides the viewer with another layer of cultural expression.

IBI Group landscape architects have been involved in urban

projects where art is a significant element in the design process and
experience of the space. Collaborations with artists bring another
level of placemaking to the projects and enhance the user experience.
L andscape Architecture Public Space and Parks

Young Circle ArtSpark

Holly wood, Florida, USa

IBI Group was selected by the City of Hollywood, Florida, to

completely redesign this historic park by creating a bold and visionary
concept of redevelopment, while respecting the historical context
of the existing walk system as well as the existing tree canopy.
Elements of the park include active and passive water features, a
sculpture garden, and a natural children’s playground while future
improvements will include an amphitheater serving over 2,000
spectators, dance and art studios, and a “black box” theater.

20 0 8 American Institute of Architects (AIA) Florida Design Award

Client Cit y of Holly wood

Role Concept Design, L andscape Architecture and Construction
Scope /Size 5.45 ha
Status Completed 2007

16 17
L title –
andscape Architecture Public Space and Parks

Castle Square Caernarfon Wales

Caernarfon, Gw ynedd, united kingdom

This is one of the most adventurous and exciting new square designs
in the U.K. The creation of a successful, clean, open, shared, surface
space enables clear views to the famous castle which is a world
heritage site. This £3.5M scheme is deliberately simple in approach to
provide as uncluttered a setting as possible to the attractive Georgian
buildings surrounding the square as well as the castle. Natural slate
and granite materials from the region have been used.

The square is designed to take bus, coach, and service vehicles with
no road markings. Existing statues have been relocated within the

square and new lighting, signage, and furniture are installed. A vibrant
new fountain was placed adjacent to the war memorial and Victorian
church at the eastern end of the square to create a counter-point to
the mass of the castle.

Transforming the square into a space befitting its location at the

heart of the town, adjacent to the castle, is considered pivotal to the
regeneration of the local economy.

Client Gw ynedd Council

Role L andscape Architecture, Town Planning, Urban Design
Scope /Size £3.5M Consultancy Study
Status completed 2009

18 19
L andscape Architecture Public Space and Parks
Various Projects 6 Shaw Millennium Park, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
7 Shams Central Park and Public L andscapes, Abu Dhabi, uAE
1 Quarry Park, Calgary, Alberta, Canada 8 Chinatown Park, Boston, Massachusetts, USa
2 Heritage Park, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
3 Rogers Centre Bus Parking + Public Art, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
4 John Street Roundhouse Park, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
5 Sunchun International Garden E xpo 2013, Seoul, KR (South)

2 5

1 6

3 7 8

20 21
The project includes three major
CN Tower Plaza and CLC Front Street Access components – a multi-media sign (designed
Design/Build by Kramer Design Associates), all landscape
Toronto, Ontario, Canada architectural work related to the plazas and

photo by Name Here

IBI Group working with Gr aham Infr astructure civic spaces and a new overhead signature
canopy and ver tical circulation related
directly to the CN Tower.
22 23
L andscape Architecture Public Space and Parks

Rogers Centre Bus Parking +

Public Art King Street Speakers Corner
Toronto, Ontario, Canada Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

IBI Group, on behalf of Concord Adex, prepared a design for this major IBI Group was retained by the City of Kitchener in 2007 to redesign
Client Concord Ade x
public plaza located immediately south of SkyDome (now Rogers the core streets in the downtown district, which involved developing
Role Civil Engineering, Master Planning/Urban Design,
L andscape Architecture, Research, Approvals, Design and Centre). The facility was designed as a public space, to allow for a Streetscape Master Plan for King Street and the City Center District.
Contract Documents, Implementation/Construction Phase parking of chartered buses during major events. As part of the design The plan was based on the principle that an investment in high-quality
Services Phasing
process, the space was defined by a galvanized steel canopy and public realm will serve as a catalyst for private sector investment,
Scope /Size 6,000 m 2
Status Completed 2006 screen which makes up part of the public realm, screens the buses, intensification and renewal of the City Center District in the downtown
and houses a major public art installment designed by Matt Mullican Kitchener core.
of New York City. The public art portion of the work, which in places
The project is successful in working with the Downtown BIA as well
reaches 12 m in height, is highly visible from different view-points
as coordinating with several of the major events that take place in
and through visual iconography describes the character of Toronto’s

the downtown core including; Cruising on King Street, Bluesfest,

Waterfront. The canopy was constructed in Spring 2005, with the
and Oktoberfest.
public art installation to follow.
The project showcases several innovative design features including;
removable bollards to allow for flexible sidewalk /parking and road
closures, infiltration grates to direct stormwater runoff to planter beds
and semi mountable curbs to improve pedestrian accessibility. Other
key elements include the doubling of the urban street tree canopy,
generously wide sidewalks, two revitalized public plazas, various
seating types, bike racks, and public art that all promote a vibrant
pedestrian-friendly streetscape.

Recently the project was recognized with a “Green Streets Canada”

award by Tree Canada which recognizes Canadian municipalities
“who have successfully demonstrated their innovation and creative
approaches in helping green Canada through urban forest programs”.
The project has also been awarded the Community Places Award
2010 International Making Cites livable.

Client Cit y of Kitchener

Role L andscape Architecture, Civil Engineering, Water Resources
Management, Master Planning, Urban Design, Public Outreach
Scope /Size 1,000 m 2
Status Ongoing

24 25
Landscape Architecture

Waterfront and Riverside

We all want to go down to the water – many cities are taking another look at their waterfronts
and riversides and seeing how investment in these areas leads not only to greater property

values and attractive cultural destinations, but how greener infrastructure can protect
shoreline assets and achieve multiple site goals.
IBI Group Landscape Architecture comprises a design team made
up of landscape architects, architects, engineers, planners, and
arborists. We have been collaborating on urban waterfronts and
shoreline restoration projects for over thirty-five years. Our waterfront
master plans are geared towards adding value to the surrounding
land, while integrating recreational trails, public spaces, parks,
and civic platemaking. We understand that visions for waterfronts
go beyond a simple, quick-fix, “beautification strategy” to create
aesthetically beautiful spaces. Our aim is not only to create world
class, ecologically sensitive waterfront showcase projects, but also
weave an implementation strategy, spur revitalization, and bring
economic benefits to the surrounding communities.
L andscape Architecture Waterfront and Riverside

Al Bateen Wharf Waterfront

Mixed-use Project
Al Bateen District, Abu Dhabi, UAE

The Tourism Development and Investment Company hired CRJA-IBI

Group to create the concept design to guide future development of
this mixed-use project on one of the oldest working waterfronts in the
United Arab Emirates.

Our mandate was to help modernize the marina and revitalize this
historic fishing community; the scope included boardwalks, public
open spaces, sidewalks, and all plantings.

The completed 54,000 m2 site will include a San Francisco-style

Fisherman’s Wharf Marina and a destination venue with a luxury

five-star hotel. The redevelopment cost is estimated at AED 1.6 billion.

Client Tourism Development & Investment Company

Role L andscape Architecture, Concept Plan/ Visioning, Design
Development and Contract Documents, Approvals
Scope /Size 54,000 m 2
Status Completed 2009

28 29
L title –
andscape Architecture Waterfront and Riverside

Candlestick Point and

Hunters Point Shipyard
San Francisco, California, USa

Candlestick Point (CP) and the Hunters Point Shipyard (HPS) together
comprise 309 ha of waterfront lands. CP is the home of the San
Francisco 49ers who play in an aging stadium surrounded by surface
parking. HPS is a former naval shipyard that has been closed for 20
years. Master Developer Lennar Urban SF retained IBI Group in 2006
to lead the planning efforts and act as Master Architect to create
detailed plans for a new sustainable mixed-use waterfront community.
IBI has developed a plan that will provide up to 10,500 homes with a
significant amount of affordable housing, two mixed-use retail centres
of approximately 65,030 sq m; a 232,250 sq m R&D campus focusing

on clean / greentech research; a new stadium for the 49ers; and over

132 ha of parks and open space.

IBI Group was retained in 2006 to lead the planning ef for ts (and to act as
Master Architect) to create detailed plans for a new sustainable mixed-use
water front community

Client Lennar Communities

Role Urban Design, L and Use Planning, Master Planning and
Public Outreach
Scope /Size 309 ha
Status On-going

30 31
L andscape Architecture Waterfront and Riverside

St Helens Public Realm

Burlington Waterjet Plaza Merseyside
Burlington, Ontario, Canada St Helens, Merseyside, united kingdom

Located on Burlington’s central waterfront, this 1,000 m2 water plaza IBI Taylor Young  designed the new retails streetscape for St Helens,
provides an opportunity for the community to play, learn, discover, and transforming the tired, under-performing town center into a vibrant,
experience the power of water and wind. Up to 40 water jets, a series high-quality destination. Church Square is a new civic square and
of wind tubes, misters and interactive play areas allow the user to lighting has enhanced the night-time environment.
affect the lighting and flow of water and add to the fun of learning and
providing an animated setting that changes with every visit. Feature
walls and sculptural elements incorporate the waterfront’s identity in
a well-defined plaza that can be programmed for gatherings or can
be open to free play during hot summer evenings. Misters and lighting
provide animation and cool the flexible deck seating area, while various

moveable furniture allows people to use the plaza in ways, depending

on the nature of the programmed activities.

Client Cit y of Burlington

Role Urban Design, Master Planning, Schematic Design, Working Client St Helens MBC
Drawing and Design Development Role Urban Design, L andscape Architecture
Scope /Size 1,000 m 2 Scope /Size £6M urban design masterplan and implementation
Status Completed March 2007 Status completed 2008

32 33
L andscape Architecture Waterfront and Riverside

Kendal Town Park Cumbria Riyuedao Urban Design

Kendal, Cumbria, united kingdom Shenxi New Town, Liaoning Province, china

Kendal is a market town in the South Lakes; it has many distinctive and Riyuedao area is located in Shenxi New town (between Shenyang
Client Benxi Municipalit y
unique features, charming historic buildings, a major river, a diverse and Benxi city). Total planning area is 3.3 sq km; including a 1.3 sq km
Role Urban Design, L andscape Architecture, Architecture,
network of streets and yards, a hilltop castle, and views of the rolling Design Development and Master Planning administration centre and cultural experience area, and a 2.0 sq km
countryside beyond. Today Kendal is also one of the key service Scope /Size 330 ha business and residential area.
Status on-going
centres in the Lake District; ‘however’; it is seen as underperforming
The administration centre includes Benxi Municipal Office buildings
and opportunities to increase footfall to shops and visitor attractions,
and garden courtyard government institutions. The cultural
and entice new business, are key objectives for the town.
experience area includes a science museum, historical museum,
The Design Framework aims to lift the offer in the town, utilising library, planning exhibition museum, and archives. Benxi is a city
elements which are uniquely Kendal. An over-arching framework looks rich with natural scenery; therefore our planning took and integrated
at accessing the town centre, strengthening character and key views approach to respect and nourish the natural landscape.
and providing a safe and legible environment. This is underpinned
by place-making principles; space-specific design guidance and
illustrative opportunities for improvements. Detailed information on
materials, planting, and maintenance provides practical guidance on
delivering a co-ordinated response to the strategic objectives.

In addition to the framework, IBI Taylor Young were commissioned

to design three new spaces in the town, two significant civic spaces,
the Market Place and Fickle Street (an events space) along with
the redesign of New Road Common, changing the space from car
parking to special riverside space.

Client South L akeland District Council

Role L andscape Architecture
Scope /Size £42k design project
Status Completed 2012

34 35
Landscape Architecture

Your arrival at home begins with elegant, thoughtful, and logical landscape design.
Our landscape architects complement this experience by working with architects and

engineers to develop a smooth and inevitable transition between home and elsewhere.
Through years of experience, IBI Group has developed the philosophy
that intelligent design, attention to detail and care during construction
produce buildings of lasting quality and value. IBI Group Landscape
Architecture practice is at the forefront of residential landscape
design and planning by working hand-in hand with the facilities
discipline. The firm’s residential work includes low-, mid- and
high-rise residential towers, as well as mixed-use retail/residential
buildings. In addition to Landscape Architecture services, our
professionals specialize in architecture, interior design, construction
administration, permitting and public consultation, communications,
and 3D computer modeling. In our thirty-five years of experience,
we’ve contributed to hundreds of successful residential facilities.
Our portfolio of residential development demonstrates our ability
to envision and execute environmentally sensitive residences with
timeless style that are completed on time and on budget.
L andscape Architecture Residential

Ali Askar Road Lanscape

Bangalore, INDIA

IBI Group is retained by Nitesh Estates Ltd. in Bengaluru, India

to provide the Landscape Architecture services for a mixed-use
(commercial+residential) development on a 2 acre site along the
prestigious Ali Askar Road. As a part of the scope, IBI Group is
responsible to develop up to detailed design for the landscape of
external areas which include hardscape, softscape and water bodies
as well as the landscape design within the limits of the building
structure. IBI Group will coordinate with a local landscape architect
responsible for developing the working drawings and all liaison with
authorities having jurisdiction.

Client Nitesh Estates Limited

Role SITE DEVELOPMENT, l, andscape Architecture, Concept Plan/

photo by Name Here

Status ongoing

38 39
L title –
andscape Architecture Residential

West End Longfellow

Apartment Complex
Boston, Massachusetts, usa

CRJA - IBI Group worked with the project owners and architects on
upgrades to sites surrounding the West End residential complex in
Boston’s historic West End neighborhood.

CRJA - IBI Group provided full design services for property upgrades
to the West End Longfellow Apartment complex. Improvements
included upgrades to Staniford Street along the project site, which
is bordered by multiple retail storefronts. The project also included a
redesign and dramatic upgrade to the auto court and drop-off area
serving the two apartment towers. A new gatehouse and a re-facing

of the first level podium were also part of the upgrade program, as
were the redesign and upgrade of the outdoor pool deck. A shaded
cabana area, new pool house, and an original, sculptural addition to
an existing vent shaft greatly enhance the pool complex.

Client Equit y Residential

Role L andscape Architecture
Scope /Size 1.2 ha
Status Completed 2011

40 41
L andscape Architecture Residential
Various Projects Various Projects

1 Gaglardi Residence, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 1 Gaglardi Residence, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
2 Tuhaye Park Resort Communit y, Wasatch Count y, UTah, USa 2 333 Sherbrooke + Gilles-Carle, Montréal, Québec, Canada
3 Centro Condominium Rooftop, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 3 Centro Condominium Rooftop, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
4 Libert y Village, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Award 4 Libert y Village, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Award
5 Palace of Pleasure, Chongqing, China
6 Libert y Village, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Award

1 4


42 43

Commercial Vehicles
Information Systems
Intelligent Buildings
Intelligent Transportation Systems
Power Systems
Revenue Systems
Securit y Systems

Civic and Municipal
Higher Education
Hospitalit y
Justice and Protective Services
K–12 Education
Retail and Commercial
Seniors Communities
Stadiums and Special Events

Infr astructure
Ambul ance and Medical Transportation
Freight transportation and Logistics
Governance and Service Delivery
Multi jurisdictional Pl anning
Neighborhood Development

© 2013 IBI Group IBI_Landscape_Architecture-2013-09-CWTO-1

Public Transportation
Site Development
Transportation and L and Use
Transportation Information Technology
Urban and Regional Development
ibi group  | presenting ibi group’s global practice in L andscape Architecture  |  SEPT 2013
IBI Group is a globally integrated architecture, planning, engineering, and technology firm.

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