Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture
Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture
Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture
fi 157
IpSj J.
■gllti: J
Fundamentals of
Landscape Architecture
Fellow, American Society of Landscape Architects
6417-1 Edition 2
Fundamentals of
, 1 This text, “Fundamentals of Landscape Landscape Architecture
V ; Architecture,” has been technically edited by
; David T. Jones, Director of the School of
. J Architecture and the Building Trades, in
. ''■■*** ^ Yl which the instructional service for tliis text
*S Provided. l*1 editing this text, Mr. Jones’
aim has been to ensure that the material pre
sented to the student meets the high standards
of technical accuracy, ready application, com By
pleteness, and readability to which every ICS
text must conform. KARL B. LOHMANN, B.S., M.L.A.
Mr. Jones is a graduate in architecture of the University of Fellow, American Society of Landscape Architects
Pennsylvania. He is a member of the American Institute of Archi
Member, American Institute of Planners
tects, the Pennsylvania Society of Architects, and the Construction
Member, American Society of Planning Officials
Specifications Institute. He has had extensive experience in the
field of architecture.
Serial 6417-1
/m ,
7r'OC \
WSfr- ! 9/9
What This Text Covers . . . r-rrr
Here is an outline of the instruction text you are about to study..
'mtf T)
Refer to this outline while you are studying. It will give you a
helpful general view of the contents of the text. You might also
i Fundamentals of
check off each, item of the outline as you complete the corresponding i
section in the text. Later you can use the outline to help find
Landscape Architecture
those parts of the text to which you would like to refer again.
■ 3~~]f H P in
tain sections of the country: the French influence was evident
in New Orleans; the English, in New England; the Spanish,
Om □c
h in California. Today, with the development of rapid methods
of transportation and communication, sectional differences in
the United States have almost disappeared, so that among con
i 8
| .• •] f¥7 temporary gardens, the typical New England or California
; garden, for instance, is very rare.
i I
New Expression in Landscapes
7. As you have seen, landscape design has developed along
: *r-y.
i ;
the lines of two principal traditions, the formal and the in
formal. The formal tradition, as shown in Fig. 1, has behind it
elements of order, proportion, rational planning, and beauty.
It revealed an intimate formality in the earlier English gardens
; Too often, however, the formal tradition led to a slavish regard
for preconceived patterns and designs, and to undue drafting-
| board influence.
FUNDAMENTAJLS of Landscape Architecture
6 Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture 7
which not just views but also the use of space, space relations,
and new materials, as well as freedom of form, are important
considerations. The design may be formal or informal, or a
combination of the two.
■y. Perhaps the biggest change that has occurred in landscape
architecture is in the concept of the relation between house
and garden. Until recent years the garden was designed to
walk in or through. Today the garden is designed to live in,
and the use of glass walls has made the garden a part of the
i min
l IJ Mil
living area of the house.
The use of glass, more than anything else, is responsible for
the great interest today in Japanese gardens, since the Jap
iiiiiii anese with their sliding walls have for centuries done away
I 11 /HI
mi I H
• i : i n'
with the ironclad division between the indoors and the
»; 11 • / #
IIIHH In the United States the technological revolution which
accompanied the early twentieth century abolished pumps,
hi. huh in
IIIIUI Hum outhouses, and chicken runs, and eliminated the distinction
11111111tj iiiii.
ings are built only for use by people, the scale should be
selected with this fact in mind. The scale for a landscape
design should be determined in the same manner. Whether
the scale of a design is large or small, is, therefore, determined
by the relation which certain of its parts bear to the require
ments of man.
Landscapes may vary in scale according to their purposes.
In the garden for a residence, for instance, the parts are made
small in scale. But in the landscaping for a government build
UliS^ . s :*
! ing, the parts are made larger and more impressive. In other
: ;
words, the scale may be larger in public and important land
scapes than in domestic landscapes. In any design, however,
! the scale should be uniform throughout. i ¥
Unity. Any landscape design must have unity; that is, the
different parts of the design must be united and should express Fig. 3. Contrasts in Color and Texture
their purpose in a single harmonious composition. Where the
i! landscaping supplements a building, landscaping and building
; must combine to produce a harmonious whole.
! roportion. Proportion is the relation of the shapes of the
anous features and parts of a landscape design to each other.
® must be a harmonious relation, between the various
and the masses of a design, as well as between the
masses themselves.
Proportions cannot
design f .r°poition Is cl°sely allied to scale. A landscape
cated nf C 1SaStlOUS ^ same proportions were dupli i
cated at monumental scale.
Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture 9
10. Landscape architecture involves much more than
planting a few shrubs around a building after the building
has been completed. The primary objective of landscape
architecture is to achieve beauty and utility in the fullest use
of the out-of-doors. It is concerned with the arrangement of
natural and man-made forms, and with land-planning prob
lems of every kind. It requires a knowledge not only of design
but also of construction.
The landscaping of a building should be planned when
the building is being planned. The building should look as if
10 Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture
Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture 11
it belongs to the site, and the site should blend with the sur-
roundings. Proper landscaping can provide a beautiful setting 911.3 PROPERTY LINE 908.1
Nature of Landscape ■
public grounds adjoining buildings, and parks and such areas, -WATER MAIN
which have been planned for use by people. SEWER
Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture
34 Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture 3.5
but these are often compensated for by the sense of space that water, the adaptability of the terrain, the possible holding
comes from the extended views. qualities of the lake bed, the depths sufficient to restrain objec
The building up or cutting away of land to achieve a tionable vegetative growth in the water, and the construction
desired result usually involves disturbing the topsoil. This of a water-holding dam. Possible loss of lake capacity through
always happens where walks, drives, and foundation walls silting should not be overlooked, since it may become a serious
are being constructed. Where cutting is necessary, the top j threat. Adequate controls of erosion must be established for
soil should be stripped and placed to one side for future the feeding streams.
replacement as needed.
i i
Convex and Concave Surfaces 21. Dams up to 30' in height may be built of earth, rock
IS. Besides ground levels and slopes, there are the varia fill, arched masonry, or buttress and timber forms. A dam
tions in ground that come into play with convex and concave constructed of earth is sensitive to the erosive action of water
surfaces. The treatment of such surfaces passing from one and is subject to speedy deterioration. This type of dam can
plane to another with modulated gradations that shade into be advantageously modified by the addition of rock fill. The
each other provides the landscape architect with one of his cost of maintaining timber dams exceeds that of maintaining
j most interesting problems .in design. These gradations are other more durable ones.
important on embankments, where, instead of abruptly joining A dam should be fitted into the lines of its lake. This
planes, there may be a blending of natural forms. can be done by making it irregular in plan and section, and,
The necessary shaping of the surface can often be deter upon occasion, by laying the lower courses in natural ledges
mined by eye with the use of a line and stakes. But, on other of rock.
jobs, the aid of leveling instruments may be required in
J staking out the plot. Shore Lines and Islands
22. In man-made lakes the original configuration of the
: Use of Water ground itself may produce satisfactory shore lines. In any
19. Water is one of the most satisfying elements of design event, the shore lines should follow long, sweeping curves,
the landscape architect has to work with. It varies endlessly with alternating bays and projections. In cross section they
in character and emotional appeal. It can be used to provide may either lead away from the water gently, or break sud
j evei-changing vistas; it contrasts against and reflects foliage
and sky. It offers opportunities for the preservation or creation
denly into cliffs or rocky crags. Large stretches of water
require sizable trees grouped boldly on or near the banks.
of streams, lakes, ponds, fountains, small dams, and pools. It Shore lines can be planted with water-loving plants backed
offers a medium for growing plants. by masses of shrubby growth.
To protect against erosion, and to maintain slopes at steep
: Lakes
angles, stones may be thrown together loosely over the sloping
20. Either natural or man-made lakes can-serve as land- surfaces. Concrete walls or stone masonry may be utilized in
J scape features. Man-made lakes depend some instances where flood and ice conditions are severe.
■i upon the available
Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture 17
Vile Drain Ti|e . Outlet Pipe
Large Stones.. TurL
Waier Level-
— Concrete-
‘ Cinders 8“
LOverflow Pipe
Oram Outlet
(a) Reinforced concrete pool
(h) Informal pool
; and aspen—may be used to give special protection to slopes
of lakes.
If islands are to be created, they should be placed so as to
simulate the results of natural forces. They should appear to
be emerging hilltops or extensions of promontories that jut
out over the water, or to match irregularities that occur on
the adjacent shore.
i Pools
23. Garden pools should be located and shaped to suit the
style, size, and shape of the garden. They may be geometric
or natural in shape. Two natural-looking man-made pools
are shown in Figs. 5 and 6.
The depth of a pool will depend on the purpose for which
it is intended. As a general rule, the pool should be shallow
where there .are children. For growing lilies, a depth of 18"
Fig. 6. Pool with Natural-Appearing Outline to 24" is required. Moving water is desirable for fish.
Fundamentals of
Landscape Architecture Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture 19
——'---------- - j '
!* t-J
l ’ J
r - t; 1
IllSfesBWlilai Eg
•• *-i
i structed so that it can be drained and cleaned when desired. portions, private pools need not adhere too closely to these
requirements. Whatever the type of pool, it should respect
Fountains the use, form, and space relations of the garden. An irregu
24. Many garden pools include a fountain of some kind. larly shaped pool is shown in Fig. 9.
Fountains may be free standing and serve as central orna-
ments in themselves, or they may be part of a terminal vista,
26. The landscape consists of such familiar elements as
say at a wall or on a terrace. A well used against a garden
ground, water, sky, and structures. Landscapes are subject to
wall in this manner is shown in Fig. 8.
change brought about by man and by nature. The landscape
Fountains may be quite simple, with but a single jet, nr
architect is interested primarily in landscapes altered by
with additional jets operating from different points so that
man. The process of grading a landscape, a man-made
their streams interlace. Or they may be complex, including
Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture Fundamentals Landscape Architecture 21
20 of
change, involves the consideration of plane, concave, and elements, or upon plants and flowers that are easy to manage,
convex surfaces. and to avoid plantings that require laborious trimming.
Water is one of the most satisfying elements the landscape
arcliitect has to deal with. It provides a contrasting and Plant Forms ,
reflecting surface for sky and foliage, and may be used in 28. Plant forms should be chosen to fit the spaces for
either formal or informal landscape designs. It becomes an which they are intended. Nowhere will you find this rule more
element of landscape design in the form of lakes, pools, dams, generally violated than at the foundations of homes, where an
and fountains. It offers a medium for growing plants. i overabundance of planting or meaningless vertical forms are
frequently seen. The selection of plant forms is subject to the
Vegetation guiding principles of good design, such as scale, balance,
rhythm, unity, harmony, and proportion.
General Characteristics and Uses A three-foot hemlock may look just right under the window
27. Among the most important materials used by the land when it is planted, but it is a forest tree, and in five years will
scaper is an infinite variety of plants, including shrubs, vines, cover the window entirely.
trees, grasses, perennials, and annuals. The proper use of these
plants can contribute greatly to the usefulness and beauty of Textures
a landscape. Depending upon the effect desired, the land 29. Plants vary in texture according to the size and shape
scaper may group them in masses, arrange them in rows, or of their leaves. Leaf sizes range from the smallest leaves of
set them out individually in isolated but strategic positions. heather and juniper to the sizable leaves of magnolias, palms,
Plants have varying characteristics of flowering and fruit and elephant ears. Leaves may be linear, like pine needles,
ing; varying degrees of suitability to soil, temperature, light, or lance, oval, or heart shaped. Individual leaves may vary too
and moisture; and varying resistance to pests and disease. in their edges and points, their degree of thickness or stiffness,
Plants may be used for a landscape cover or for enclosure. their veining, and their smoothness or roughness. The foliage
They may be used to provide shelter and fragrance; to yield arrangement—thin, dense, even, bunched, erect, stiff, pliable,
fruits, herbs, and vegetables; to enrich the landscape. The tremulous—may affect the texture. Trees may lose their leaves
! use and choice of plants is affected by the demands of design, in winter and show their branches and trunks.
the physical needs of the plants, and human preferences. All these factors account for the different textures in vege
; With their varying habits, forms, textures, and colors, tation, ranging from soft, delicate textures to the coarse
! plants may be used to create interest and beauty as well as textures of large leaves. Textures in turn may produce emo
to serve practical needs. tional reactions in the viewer, such as cheerfulness at the
The design and maintenance of a landscape are closely sight of glossy, gay leaves sparkling in the sun. An impression
related. The manner in which plants are used often depends of majesty is conveyed by thick textures, one of quiet restful
upon the amount of care that can be given to them. Where ness by uniform textures, where leaves are small, regular, and
care must be limited, it may be necessary at the outset to sub thick. Sparse, scattered, and broken textures may produce
stitute paving for grass, to depend largely upon structural restless effects.
22 Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture 23
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24 Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture 25
CE 5
in different climatic zones, but in any zone plants can be in ss gfil 'Vs £3
■*- c
selected to obtain agreeable color patterns. The bark of trees ------^ LU
varies in color from the whites (of birch) through the grays,
_________ ^ CO ^
ss §
ViV, Ui"
browns, and reds to near black. u
In general, color should be used in a disciplined manner as fc-
part of the overall design. Strong accents may be used to z
strengthen the visual effect. Gaudy showings in fancifully con a
ceived shapes without organic relation to anything are to o ss 2^ SS ss S w
be shunned. 3 w
in Vs 'Vs 'Vs si SS S3
In selecting plants, you should be familiar with the ranges :\S
of color available, and the possibilities for harmony and
lijjl «2 ViV X-$
£3 6
judicious contrast. X
sfs SS 3
31. Trees are found in a variety of sizes, forms, colors, and
textures. They may be symmetrical like a sugar maple or irreg 3 SS SS 5 Vs
ular like a mossy-cup oak. They may be square (when -11 'Vs ssf 5
Small trees noted for autumn color
Flowering dogwood, Amur maple, Tatarian maple, and
2 sour gum
Large trees distinguished by autumn color
a Sugar maple, oaks, sassafras, and tupelo
Columnar-shaped trees
Deciduous trees: Pyramidal European linden, columnar Nor
way maple, columnar English oak, Bolle and Lombardy
Conifers: Arbor vitae, Cryptomeria, red cedar, Hicks yew
28 Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture 29
Weeping trees
o* *
Horticultural varieties of numerous species: Maple, birch,
•5 sl-s 5 1 beech, poplar, oak, willow, and elm
2 5 o
£ x5 1* Trees for Windbreaks and Solid Screens
Su Poplar, willow, spruce, hemlock, American beech, white pine,
o and hornbeam
tu *§ UJ 5 1! Evergreen trees
STSi 5b
Fir, cypress, Cryptomeria, holly, juniper, spruce, pine, hem
lock, thuja (arbor vitae), and Sciadopitvs (Evergreen trees
retain their green mantle throughout the year and have
many valued uses in landscapes. Some are pyramidal (firs),
loosely pyramidal (umbrella pine and Japanese cypress),
b uU b o
*! strong and beautiful (pines), graceful and dignified (hem
1? Aril r'iif
S ill lock). They are chiefly fine and dense, and vary greatly in
S 12s
X -• — X color. Their character is distinct, positive, assertive. They
complement and intensify the warm colors of other plants;
S S-5
<1 they furnish dark shadows and heavy contrasts.)
M -ifeggi 32. Shrubs offer a wide range of characteristics. They, too,
s.Infill are both deciduous and evergreen and grow to various forms
and heights. Some of the shrubs are shown in Fig. 13. A few
o ♦1 0 Vs o §
shrubs are classified here according to certain characteristics.
Low-growing shrubs'
32 Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture 33
Blue: Cornflower, larkspur, lupine, ageratum, verbena, and l'-2': Achillea, ptarmica, fragrant balm, columbine,
forget-me-not Funkia subcordata, Lychnis viscaria, and Ice
Annuals according to height land poppy
2'-3': Bleeding heart, Canterbury bell, cardinal flower,
Less than 1': Sweet alyssum, ice plant, lobelia, pansy, and flameflowers, gas plant, and peony
portulaca 3'-4': Adam’s-needle, giant daisy, larkspur, Oriental
l'-2': Baby’s-breath, marigold, mignonette, and poppy, sunflower, and tree peony
petunias 4/-6/: Coneflower, hollyhock, Japanese eulalia, joe-pye :
2'-3': Amaranthus, Bertolonia, cotton, poppy, and weed, and zebra grass
scabiosa Over 6': Bugbane, giant rye grass, giant reed, sacaline,
Over 3': Castor bean, cosmos, giant hemp, and Nicotiana and sunflower
Perennials Ground-cover perennials for embankments
34. Perennials are flowers that live on for three or more Moss pink, Japanese spurg, bearberry, and periwinkle
seasons, while the so-called biennials live but for two years —
they grow from seed one year, and flower and die the next. Perennials according to color
There are some 2000 species and variations of perennials, and White: Achillea, ptarmica, Adam’s-needle, Astilbe japonica,
if the iris and the dahlia are included as well, the number daisy, day lily, and rock cress
amounts to some 5000. Lilac, magenta, purple: Beardtongue, blazing star, gas plant,
Perennials are easy to manage and need little care. They fringed pink, rock cress, and shooting star
grow under trees, among shrubs, in rockeries, along ponds, Blue: Anemone blanda, Clematis davidiana, Rock Mountain
on banks, in borders, and in shade or sun. columbine, forget-me-not, Iris laevigata, and larkspur
Most effective results may be obtained by planting peren Yellow: Columbine (chrysantha), coneflower, gaillardia,
nials in masses of lights and darks, in a harmony of hues and golden tuft, Iceland poppy, and sunflower
tones, rather than by introducing many kinds with spotty Pink: Bleeding heart, hollyhock, Lychnis viscaria splendens,
results. moss pink, peony, and dianthus
A few of the perennials are listed here in selected groupings: Red: Anemone japonica, fragrant balm, cardinal flower,
Clematis viorna coccinea, coral-bells, and peony
Perennials for massing
Fragrant perennials
Delphinium, Pyrethrum, columbine, Shasta daisy, violet, sweet
lavender, coreopsis, sweet william, foxglove, and Canter Gas plant, golden tuft, groundnut, rock cress, rocket sweet,
bury bell and Scotch pink
Perennials according to height Perennials for shady places
Less than 1': Candytuft, English daisy, forget-me-not; moss Anemone Pennsylvania, bluebell, bugleweed, Helleborus niger,
pink, rock cress, and shooting star Phlox divaricata, and shooting star
34 Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture 35
Drought-resisting perennials foliage alone. For that reason, they show up best if grouped
with other foliage-covered plants. Many of them thrive and I
Coneflower, inula, sedum, and Yucca filamentosa
blossom year after year. A friable, well-enriched, sandy loam
For moist or low ground conditions suits them best. The hardy bulbs can remain in the ground
Fragrant balm, cardinal flower, Funkia, Iris laevigata, joe-pye from season to season, while the more tender ones, such as
weed, and Ranunculus aquaticus gladioli and dahlias, must be lifted and wintered under cover.
Adam’s-needle, Anemone japonica, eulalia, Funkia, giant reed, Hyacinths, tulip, narcissus, triilium, spring colchicum, crown
and plume poppy imperial, dog’s-tooth violet, and anemone
yellowish white, or purple. While they may be planted in a May: Daffodil, hyacinth, jonquil, Leucojum aestivum, and
perennial border, or in front of shrubbery, they do best in tulip
separate beds. June: Anemone, harebell, Spanish iris, and Cuban lily
Chrysanthemums are one of the glories of the autumn. July: Blazing star, star hyacinth, tigerflower, and zephyr I
They include large-flowered, pompon, and button varieties, in flower
many shades and mixtures of color. August: Blazing star, gladiolus, giant summer hyacinth,
hyacinth squill, and tigerflower
Roses September: Starry hyacinth, Guernsey lily, meadow saffron,
36. The principal types of roses are the hybrid teas, hybrid and autumn snowflake
perpetuals, polyanthas, hardy climbers, and shrub roses,
including the rugosa hybrids. The hybrid teas are the most
common . The hybrid perpetuals are quite hardy and are 38. The irises are among our most beautiful flowers and
especially suited to the more northern states. Polyanthas are come in a considerable range of colors. Many of them are
dwarf and bush plants. Hardy climbers are suitable for fences, hardy and easy to grow. They include the bearded, or German,
arbors, trellises, and banks. iris in low, intermediate, and tall forms. This type grows from
thick roots, or rhizomes. The beardless and bulbous group
Bulbs includes the Siberian, Japanese, and water irises, well suited
37. No garden should be without its bulbs and their bril to the southern California climate.
liant and beautiful flowers that appear throughout the summer. Bearded irises can be planted in a perennial border, in front
Nothing can exceed the brilliance and variety of color of of shrubbery, or in a bed by themselves. Dwarf types can be
used as edgings for flower borders.
bulbous plants, although few of them are desirable for their
36 Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture 37
to a look of stability. Rock arrangements are subject to the Because spring-blooming bulbs bloom early and don’t
same general principles applying to other phases of land interfere with rock plants, they may be spread in masses '
scapes. Each stone should be laid so that water runs back among the alpine plants..
into the rock openings. There are thousands of alpines and dwarf perennials for
you to choose from. Some dwarf annuals may be included,
Rock Garden Plants 4 or dwarf species of bulbs, iris, and broad-leaved evergreens.
42. The purpose of a created rockery may be to keep soil Among the numerous plants that can be used in rock gardens
from washing down along steps or to serve as a dry wall for are the following few classified groups:
flowers. Since alpine and other plants used in rock gardens
require a maximum of winter sun, they should be planted Plants to be used in soil pockets
with that in mind. These plants should not be allowed to burn Golden tuft, Carpathian harebell, Scotch pink, hardy candy
in summer. Ample drainage must be provided. tuft, tunica, double-flowered lychnis, shooting star, stone-
The pockets and crevices that are created for plants should
crop, and gypsophila
contain soil favorable to their growth, or else plants should
be selected to fit the existing soil. A deep, moist soil is good Plants for overhanging ledges
for most rock garden plants. Peaty soil is best for members of
Arabis alpina, Daphne cneorum, Phlox subulata, stonecrop,
the heath and orchid family. A soil composed largely of
Veronica rupestris, and myrtle
crushed rock or gravel is best for mossy and starry saxifrages
and low-growing sedums. Leaf mold favors the primrose and
For deepest recesses
lily families.
Lily of the valley, showy lady’s-slipper, large yellow lady’s-
Planting Details slipper, bleeding heart, Japanese spurg, violets, polvgon-
43. The rock garden should not be planted too thickly. atum, and Trillium grandiflorum
Enough space should be available for each plant to develop.
Several plants of a kind grouped together are more effec For conspicuous positions
tive than individual plants scattered here and there, each Columbines, gas plant, foxglove, eryngium, lychnis, Oriental
plant different. poppy, and fritillaria
Plants such as low-growing sedums should be placed in the
sunniest positions; the more delicate ones, such as alpine In moist positions
primulas, should find shelter in nooks. Such plants as cerastium Calla, Indian paintbrush, forget-me-not, Potentilla, and but
1 i
and dwarf phlox may be used to overhang ledges. Some tercup
plants, wild ginger for one, can get a foothold on the steepest
slopes. On the tops of rocks and in most conspicuous locations,
the Acanthus mollis, Spiraea aruncus, and columbine can be Mugho pine, andromeda, dwarf box, Erica vagans, spreading
used to advantage. yew, Daphne cneorum, and Retinospora obtusa
40 Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture 41
Colonial bent grass is a dense and mat-forming turf. It 48. Immediately before any seed is sown, the soil must be
grows rapidly and thrives in summer when Kentucky blue- raked and smoothed. The seed can be sown either by hand or
grass and the fescues are rather dormant. It withstands close with a seed spreader, and preferably on a calm day so that the
clipping, but suffers the disadvantage of starting late and seed will not blow about. After the seed has been sown, the
stopping early. Its moisture and fertility needs are high, and ground should be rolled to embed the seed in the soil. Where
it is susceptible to disease. erosion presents a possible problem, slopes can be covered
densely matted lawn with hay, straw, or burlap (with strips staked down), to keep
Creeping and velvet bents form
and are used primarily for putting greens. They require fre-
i the seed from washing away before it can take root.
quent mowings, and top dressings once a year. Watering and Mowing !
Redtop and rye grasses germinate rapidly and are used
49. The seeding should be followed by a fine spray of
either alone for temporary lawn effects or in mixtures to hold water. The seeded area should thereafter be watered twice a
soil in place until slower grasses take hold. They do not stand day. As the seed germinates, the amount of water applied at
up long under close clipping. one time may be increased and the frequency of applica
Meyer zoysia makes a dense turf, but it is a warm-weather tion reduced.
grass that turns completely brown with the first frost and The grass must be mowed often, but not too closely; it must
remains so until late spring. be well fed and leaves must be raked off. Later, it may need
Clover makes an early start in the spring. It will grow on repairing, reseeding, and rebuilding. Certain bugs may appear,
poor soil and will help to supply the soil with nitrogen. It such as beetles, chinch bugs, sod webworms, and ants. Lethal
offers the disadvantage, however, of growing in patches with doses of chemicals, such as Chlordane, DDT, or lead arsenate,
uneven results. Also, it stains clothing and is slippery in will be necessary to rid the lawn of these pests. If and when
wet weather. weeds make their appearance, there are potent weed killers
Bermuda grass is the most common and desirable grass in available for dealing with them, or they can be pulled by hand
the South. Other creeping types used in that area are centipede with the aid of a weeder. Brown patches of fungi are treated
blue couch grass and the Manila grasses. These are propagated with fungicide.
better vegetatively than from seed. -
Sodding i
Grass-seed mixtures are preferred to a single species,
because mixtures produce satisfactory turf more quickly than i 50. For immediate lawn effects in any season, for steeply
do single species of grasses. 1 sloping areas subject to erosion, or for edges of drives and
' The nature of the soil upon which the turf is to be grown walks, you may employ sodding. The main objections to sod i
will have a lot to do with your choice of grasses. Kentucky ding are cost, the difficulty in securing sod, and the possibility
bluegrass, for example, is a lime lover. Bent grasses and of its heaving in winter.
fescues tolerate moderate acidity; fescues give best results on Sod is cut into pieces of convenient length, width, and
sandy soils; redtop and meadow fescues prefer wet soils, thickness, and the pieces are put in place without crowding
while sheep fescues thrive in dry soils. to ensure an even surface. It is best to prepare the sod the
44 Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture 45
afternoon of the day before it is to be laid. Both the ground the earth spaces, of a landscape have already been discussed
and the bottom of each piece of sod are moistened, and the in connection with plants and lawns.
sod is laid. The junctions of the pieces are filled with fine soil There are also structural earth-floor surfaces that are avail
and tlie sod is beaten down gently with a sod pounder. | able for use. Structural earth-floor surfaces have to meet such
f a variety of specifications that they can never completely
measure up to them. For example, they should have the right
51. Plants include a wide variety of trees, shrubs, vines,
texture. In many cases, they must be smooth enough to permit
flowers, and grass.
dancing, and yet rugged enough for games. They should com
They may be used to provide color, fragrance, fruit, ground
bine well with other surfaces, not only in the landscape but
cover, shelter, shade, and enclosures. As an element in design,
also in the house itself. Furthermore, they must be dry and
they should be selected according to the compositional and
clean, durable, not too costly, and not too hard to construct.
functional effects desired.
No one surface can be expected to fill all of these require
ments. The following observations apply to a few of the struc
tural kinds, as distinguished from the living kinds, that you
Types of Enclosures : may use.
52. You are familiar with the way in which the space in !
house may be subdivided. In a similar way, you may sub Bark, Gravel, and Crushed Rock
divide the space in a landscape to fit the purposes to be 54. Bark, especially the bark of oak, cut into small pieces,
served. Like the rooms of a house, landscapes have floors makes an attractive and comfortable earth-floor surface. One
(floorscapes of lawn, ground cover, structural materials), walls drawback of bark is that it scatters unless it is confined
(wallscapes of vegetation, screens, masonry), and ceilings between headers. It is useful on paths and under apparatus in
(skyscapes of overhanging trees, arbors, sky). The man-made a playground. The practice is to place this material over a
or natural enclosures must be integrated with the design 2" to 3" gravel or sand foundation.
pattern created for the area. Gravel makes a clean and durable surface. It is, however,
The enclosures of outdoor space help to establish the lines rather uncomfortable underfoot, and weeds tend to grow
of a design pattern. Enclosures may also be used to provide through both gravel and crushed stone. Gravel is also apt to
partial or complete vistas, or to conceal objectionable views. get kicked or rolled out of place, onto grass or other pavements. i
f i
Enclosures help to promote privacy, prevent or direct move
Soil, Cement, and Asphalt
ments either of people or of domestic animals, reduce sounds
i 55. Cement and garden soil mixed together produce a hard,
and winds, and lessen the glare of the sun.
The careful selection and arrangement of enclosures is of dry surface, which is not, however, as strong as concrete. ii
fundamental importance in landscape design. ! Asphalt, if properly installed, produces a surface almost as
tough as brick or concrete, and is one that can be quickly :
Requirements of Floor Enclosures installed. A disadvantage of asphalt is its heat-retaining quali
53. The living materials that can be used on the floor, or ties and its unattractive appearance. Some varieties are suit-
5'Bovs r-0“0.C^
1 §-|" Bors r-6"O.C. I rr> ,
Sr j
n M
rfl Eoch Way
I n 1
Weep Hole
J Bars l,-6"0C.
% Low Water Level
Fig. 14. Patterns for Brick Walks
sand, but for greater permanence should be set in mortar
over concrete. All sorts of paving patterns are possible with * Low water Level.
brick. Various patterns for brick walks are shown in Fig. 14.
Different kinds of tile may also be used as a surfacing; they !
are laid in sand or mortar, or over concrete. i
Flagstones provide an excellent surface. Flagstones come
in subdued colors, and in irregular shapes and thicknesses.
You should select them with discrimination. If the soil is well
drained, you need no other foundation than the earth itself. *
(a) Concrete-and-stone retaining wall
Otherwise, there must be a 2" foundation of sand or a con (b) Rip-rap retaining wall 1
(c) Battered-stone-and-concrete retaining wall !
crete-slab foundation. (d) Free-standing brick wall 1
k A
48 Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture 49
treatments. The surface may be smooth, it may be brushed Stone, brick (with or without mortar), and concrete are
with a push broom for a broom finish, or it may have the among the most favored materials for walls. The easiest stones f
aggregates exposed. Moreover, concrete can be treated for to use for walls are of stratified horizontal limestone, shale, or
different color effects. sandstone. They split and chip rather readily, however, unless
Simple or elaborate mosaic surfaces may be produced with mortared solidly to prevent water infiltration. Granites, on the
pebbles placed in mortar. other hand, are tough and durable.
Brick walls have many uses and offer attractive possibilities
Vertical Enclosures in texture and color.
58. Vertical enclosures include structures, screens, and
Stone Walls
plants of different heights and varieties. Low railings, low,
solid walls, and seats serve as enclosures without obstructing 60. There are two kinds of stonework: 1) the rubble type,
the view. Wire mesh fences, latticework, or stiff thorny plants in which uncut stones are fitted into the wall in a natural,
may be used to keep children or dogs in or out of an area. irregular pattern, with no continuous joints, and 2) the ashlar
Some enclosures do not obscure the view. Among them are type, in which cut stones are placed in regular courses.
trellis or lattice frames, with or without glass or other fillers; The stones when placed should produce harmonious and
rows of poles; louvered, split-wood, or other open-joint fences; pleasing patterns. A large proportion of the more sizable
and masonry provided with openings. Taller barriers of solid stones should appear in the lower courses. Stones of the same
wood, masonry, or sheet materials are used to block both shape should be kept apart; they should not be placed side by
vision and movement. side. To ensure proper bonding, each long stone should be !
Enclosures may consist of wood, masonry, sheet materials, overlapped by two smaller ones.
or vegetation. They may be of split, rough-sawn, or finished Dry walls are built of flat stones fitted together without the
lumber; concrete block; brick; tile; stone; poured concrete; or use of mortar. Some dry wails are free-standing; others are
stucco on a wood frame or on concrete block. They may be ! built to retain earth. High dry walls require large stones
throughout. Such walls must not be more than 4' to 5' high, f
of sheet materials such as plywood, glass, plastics, or metal.
Trees and shrubs often make the best enclosures, particularly and must be at least 2' thick at the top, with the bottom
shrubs that grow erect and have little spread. If privacy can somewhat thicker for stability. When these walls are built to
not be obtained with plants, structural enclosures are used. retain earth, the stones must be placed with the back ends H
tipped into the ground and the stones slanting slightly upward
Walls toward the front. The crevices are filled with rich soil and i
59. Walls are used to define areas, to ensure privacy and plants. Retaining walls generally need provisions for carrying
protection, to hold up earth, and to serve seating purposes. water through or around them, such as ditches, gutters, drain !i
tile, weep holes, or gravel backfill.
The requirements of masonry walls are stability and attractive il
appearance. For stability, the foundations of any masonry
Brick Walls
wall should extend below the frost line. Various kinds of
masonry walls are shown in Fig. 15. 61. Brick walls which are to be a foot or two high and to
Types of Fences
64. Fences may be of either the closed or the open type.
Wire Fencing i;
65. Wire fences, although not especially attractive in
appearance, find an important use for marking boundaries or ti
for enclosing areas such as vegetable gardens, kennels, or
swimming pools. The fences frequently consist of wire mesh
I attached to wooden posts. Wooden rails may also be added
i for an interesting effect. Wire fences also may be all steel. The
wire must be stretched taut, and the steel posts ordinarily are
set at 10' intervals and in concrete. In rural areas, barbed
wire is often used.
Privet (Amurense) 3' l'-6" Z-O”
Yew (Hicksi) 2' l'-0“ 1-3“
54 Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture 55
fully trimmed, such as small-stemmed privets, should be set Pergolas and arbors overarch walks, and may be used to
from 10" to 14" apart in the row. Barberries and fragiant lead to more substantial terminals of interest. They may be
honeysuckles may be set 15" to 20" apart. From 2 to 3^ may used as terminal features in themselves. As vine-supporting
be needed between such plants as hemlock and yew. The elements, they provide a basis for imaginative design. Such
spacings for various types of hedges are shown in Fig. 18. structures may be made entirely of wood or metal, or partly
Also shown is the method of indicating hedges on plans and of wood and partly of brick, stone, or concrete. They may be
elevations. Hedges must be kept well back from sidewalks, quite rustic wooden structures, with bark retained or removed,
paths, or adjacent properties, so as not to reach out over them. or they may be made of planed wood such as redwood,
The best hedge plants include privet, box, taxus, arbor vitae, Douglas fir, or cypress. Because of termites and fungi, wood
hemlock, barberry, rugose rose, hornbeam, lilac, mock orange, supports need to be anchored in concrete. Supports, however, :
crataegus, and viburnum. may be made of stone, laid up in cement mortar, with cap- i
stones of the same material.
Overhead Enclosures Materials that are lighter than wood and just as strong,
71. In addition to vertical enclosures, there are horizontal such as aluminum, which is rustproof, may be used. The
overhead enclosures for you to consider. These may provide strength and character of pergolas will depend upon the vines
for either partial or complete overhead protection, through they are expected to support. Wistaria, for example, requires
extensions of the house, independent structures, or overhang large, strong structures. When a solid roof is to be added,
ing foliage. There may be open structures of laths, trellis- additional bracing will have to be provided.
work, or netting, or outdoor skylights with translucent mate i Turf is not practicable for the floors of pergolas, because
rials such as canvas, plastics, or glass to give diffused light. of the dense shade of the covering vines. Brick, slate, or stone
These materials can be set in removable panels. floors are good for this purpose. Cement floors are the least
Trees with their branches overhead may be depended upon desirable. I
to provide shade, to cut off heat, and to reduce glare and
sound. Since some trees are out of all proportion to the size Lath Enclosures
of a place, be cautions in selecting the number and sizes of 73. In the hot sun of southern California, many plants
trees. Choose small trees for small places. A balance of light will not grow out of doors in the direct rays of the sun. f
and shade should be sought. Hence, the lath house is frequently used as a protective cover
£ ing to cut down on the amount of direct sunlight. Such a
Open and Semienclosed Structures !;
structure usually has a pitched roof; its wood laths are spaced ;
72. Pergolas, arbors, and lath houses are open-type struc one lath apart on the vertical sides and the top. Or the top i
; !
tures, while garden houses, bathhouses, pavilions, and over may be formed with alternating laths above and below the
looks are semienclosed. You should think of both types in framework for more even lighting effects. Joists must be heavy
terms of their function and structure and their relation to enough to support hanging baskets of flowers, if desired. Glass
space. They furnish overhead, or horizontal, as well as ver panes can be used if protection is sought from rain, with slight
tical, planes of enclosure. i overlaps of the panes; for such purpose, a well-framed struc-
56 Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture 57
ture is needed. When glass is used, roller shades of muslin
or other material can be used to control the light.
Flows of Movement
The Garden House 77. In a well-planned house, the movements between and
74. The garden house can be a pleasant, semienclosed within the rooms are minimized for convenience by placing
structure, located somewhat away from the house and con close together rooms that are interrelated in purpose, such as
S i
nected to it by an arbor or a path, or it may stand at the the kitchen and dining room. Openings between rooms are
corner of a terrace or in the corner of a walled garden. It can established for easy passage and convenient placement of
serve as a focus of special interest. It should be an integral furnishings. Furnishings and equipment are located in logical
part of the garden scheme. sequence for the purpose of saving steps. i
Flows of movement are equally important in outdoor areas.
Work and Storage Centers Movements from one position to another, in and out and
across and around the area, from and to the house determine i
75. In any garden there is often need for a work center.
: This can be located in almost any part of the garden. Adequate the logical routes of terraces, walks, and paths. They help to
storage facilities can make garden work less laborious and determine the advantageous placement of structures and func
much more agreeable, and can be made to fit in well with the tional areas. They are important factors in the overall design
overall scheme. Quite an assortment of material? may be of the landscaping. j
stored in such a center, including tools needed in lawn upkeep, :
seed sowing, propagating, transplanting, and potting; fertiliz
78. Paths may serve to lead people to and from entrances,
ers, soil conditioners, and pest eradicators may also be stored.
to points of special interest, around a sizable lawn space or
The work center can be simple, consisting merely of an L
meadow, they may run beside a terrace, a lake, a stream, a !
wall upon which things can be hung and within which things
can be stored. Or it can be subdivided by enclosures of panels pool, or into and through a nearby woodland. I
Paths are often omitted in the modem garden, where they
and fencing. The work center should include work bench, pot r
are supplanted by spreads of lawn or paving that invite one :
racks for plants, and easy-to-clean floor surfaces.
to stroll in any direction. ;
Summary A modest path might be 3W to 4%' wide for two persons
walking abreast. Where numerous people are expected to '
76. Like the rooms in a house, outdoor space may be r
enclosed by floors, walls, and ceilings. Enclosures may be nat gather, the width must be enlarged accordingly. A path may
be planted in grass if it is not to be used intensively; other
ural or man made. They are an element of landscape design.
wise, harder material must be used, such as gravel, broken
Floor surfaces may consist of vegetation or structural mate
rials of various kinds..Vertical enclosures may consist of trees, stone, tarvia, brick, or cement. t
Landscape Architecture Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture 59
58. Fundamentals of :
Brick Steps on j [ the same drive. This must allow for free circulation of traffic
Concrete Foundation
-•8-4- and space for parked cars. There should be room for turning, I
Large Steppingslone Small Stepp’mgstone
and there should be room adjacent to the forecourt for driving
t—-=T'l,-8"to2,-0" C V.'3 :
Line of Excavation
'---------— -2f-4"
— 1-8“ to 2-0“ Cinders
4* Tile
6“ gntsi'Line of Excovotion
r-e" tor-e i
into the garage.
Another possibility is a horseshoe drive giving access to
the front door. In such a case adequate parking should be set
can be few or numerous, narrow or broad, straight or curving, solution on a small property, is a road leading straight into
simple or divided. Above all, steps are for use by people and the garage. This requires backing out the length of the drive.
The only way to provide for parking is to widen such a drive ?
so should be scaled to the human figure.
Long, unbroken flights of steps are to be avoided, and so as to leave room for at least an extra car.
landings need to be provided where the vertical distance t :
exceeds, let us say, six feet. For outdoor steps, it is customary
81. The movements within and around an area must be i
to make the tread wider and the riser lower than for indoor !
i considered in the overall planning of the landscaping for that :■
terials. Houses with but one story cover more land than do Placing the House
houses with two stories and an equal number of rooms, with 84. Today, with the emphasis on indoor-outdoor living,
the resulting advantage of closeness to the ground of all it is difficult to think "house” without also thinking “garden." :
rooms. Some houses are simple, boxlike structures; others Ihe fact that the house has been shrinking in size has made
ramble irregularly and have numerous comers, angles, and the planned garden important as a factor in increasing the
curves. Some houses have no overhangs, while others have living area, actually and visually. And as mentioned in Art.
wide overhangs. All these features have a direct bearing on 7, the disappearance of pumps, outhouses, and chicken runs,
the layout of the house grounds. common in the 18th century, has made it possible to place the :
Houses, moreover, differ widely in the number, placement, contemporary house in the midst of a garden.
and outlook of windows and doors. The floor level may be i
The house should be placed so as to allow for the most
even with, below, or above ground level. These details estab effective use of the grounds. The front yard should be of
lish a variety of relationships with the outdoors. such proportions as to conform to local set-back requirements,
and should provide a suitable setting for the house. It should
83. Properties vary in size, in shape, and in the presence !
include access by walk and drive to the house and garage, and
or absence of trees, boulders, structures, or other existing
a space for parking.
features that may need to be recognized, preserved, or re
moved. And of obvious importance is the local climate, The best arrangement of house and grounds is the one that
which determines the nature of the planting and the extent offers the maximum amount of ground for the garden area.
to which the outdoors can be used. For tlie typical city lot, longer than it is wide, usually more
The layout of domestic properties must not only take into space is released for garden use if the house is placed to the
account physical and climatic characteristics, but must respect front and to one side. Space at the front of the house gen
as well family needs and attitudes and such economic con erally has little family use since it is open to public view.
siderations as initial outlay and the cost of maintenance. Such space, however, can be given privacy by the use of
The outdoors, like the house, should be designed for screens and planting. In placing the house, orientation
should always be considered; in most sections of the country
people, not for plants and garden furniture. A layout de
pends upon the size and makeup of the family, and on the ! the afternoon sun shining into the major glass areas is unac- !
Landscape Architecture !
Fundamentals of Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture 63
ceptable. Such glass areas are usually oriented to the east. A pool, if a part of the living area, may take a variety of
And in all cases, the outdoor areas should be adjacent and forms, with shallow depths for wading or reflections, or
accessible to those indoor areas which they are to extend and greater depths for swimming. It may be set apart in an area
supplement, When properly planned, the indoor and out- by itself or it may be located in or near the center of the living
door areas will often appear to be one space. area.
The sound and sight, reflected light, and playful motion of
Living Areas fountains make them important focal points in the outdoor
85. The outdoor living area should be adjacent to and living area.
accessible from the indoor living area. It is a poor plan that
provides the only access to the outdoors by way of the Dining Area
kitchen. The outdoor living area extends the functions of in
86. Outdoor dining areas have the same requirements as
door living to the outdoors. It provides a place to sit, enter
indoor dining areas. The surroundings should be beautiful,
tain, eat, sleep, and sunbathe. private, and quiet. The outdoor dining area must relate to
The elements that are a part of the outdoor living area are the indoor food-preparation area, even though food-prepara
likely to be the lawn, terraces, paths, trees, flowers, screens tion facilities may be part of the outdoor area. This does not
for privacy, pools, garden houses, fireplaces, and barbecues. mean that outdoor dining should be*confined to one space.
The terms “terrace” and “patio” are often used for much Actually, variety in the dining places makes for interest.
the same thing. Originally, the terms were quite different in However, the regular dining area should be conveniently
meaning. The word “patio” referred traditionally to an inner located in relation to the kitchen.
courtyard, or hollow square, open to the sky. The word The outdoor dining area may be a visual extension of the
“terrace” referred to a raised level space or platform of earth kitchen and may include such related features as a barbecue, :
supported by a wall or bank of earth. Frequently, it referred or a herb and vegetable garden. Seasonal vegetables are i
to a level strip of raised ground parallel with a house. often beautiful in their own right. A vertical wall or fence of
Today, either term suggests one of the most important strawberry plants, for instance, can be a useful and decorative
areas of outdoor living. It may be away from the house or feature.
it may be near the house and surfaced to permit dancing; it
may be small or large. It is related in proportion and size to f Play Areas
the house and the uses intended for it. It may be rectangu 87. Some people are interested largely in areas for out
lar, curving, straight, or angled, informal or formal in outline. door play and sports, while keeping in mind possible conver
It may reach out some distance, even at unpredictable angles,
sion of such areas later on to more passive uses as the children i
seek a tree here for shade, a vantage point there for a view '
grow up and leave home.
or breeze. It may encompass lawn spaces, trees, or other
The assortment of possible recreational facilities includes
features. Its floor may be of brick, flagstone, lawn, or other
materials. swimming pools; archery ranges; bathhouses; bowling and
putting greens; courts for tennis, badminton, volleyball, and
Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture 05
64 Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture
shelter, and background. Enclosures may be formed of struc
basketball; shuffleboard; quoits; croquet; paddle tennis; and
tural or living materials. In properties that are greatly re
clock golf. stricted, walls, screens, and treillage will be particularly
Small children require a sunny play area near the house,
useful. There may be pergolas or creeper-covered bowers,
near a covered porch, and within view of the kitchen. This
or permanent structures with roofs and openings equipped
area may be combined with a drying yard; or it can be a small } perhaps with sliding screens.
grassy plot, fenced in and containing a sandbox, a swing, a
seesaw, climbing apparatus, and a space for playing croquet. Shrubbery or fences properly planned will insure the re
Such an area might be used in later years for teenage games. quired privacy.
While grassy surfaces are generally best for small chil
drens play, there should be smooth, hard spaces upon which Garden Furnishings
they can ride tricycles and scooters and roller-skate. Also in 90. People need places to sit in outdoor living areas; they
cluded might be a wading pool, so located that, when the need tables for food, drinks, and reading matter. They need
children are grown, it could serve as a reflecting pool. outdoor cooking facilities, either permanent or movable.
A playhouse for children has all sorts of possibilities, both
Permanent seats should be carefully placed in relation to
in its architecture and inside equipment. A large tree may the landscape design, whether against a wall or hedge or in
suggest the construction of a tree house. the open. They are usually placed to take advantage of a
view, and an adequate stretch of paving is provided beneath
Service Area !
and in front of them. They should be capable of withstand
88. The service area complements the activities of the ing all sorts of weather. i
Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture 67
66 Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture
plants available, their color, foliage, size, longevity, branch
plantings or other hideaways for cats and other predatory ;
patterns, and care. Careful planning is necessary if beauty is
animals. The pedestal should be given a firm foundation and
to result.
should have a direct pipe connection with the water supply.
Sundials depend a great deal for their success on propei Maintenance
placement. They may be located centrally or in a secluded
nook, preferably with a substantial foundation. A sundial of 92. An important factor in the design of outdoor areas is
maintenance. A garden, for instance, changes from season to
simple outline can be quite effective. !
season and from year to year. Someone must guide its
growth; someone must maintain it. The question of who will
maintain the outdoor areas should be decided in the initial
91. The planting of garden areas must be related to the
planning of house and outdoors.
interests, time, ability, and pocketbook of the individual
owner. This is one of the many reasons why the initial con Some garden elements require more maintenance than
centration in the design of neighborhood landscaping should others. Among those requiring perhaps the greatest amount
be on the major tree planting for the whole community rather of care are annual and perennial flowers, trimmed hedges,
than on small-scale planting within the individual property trimmed shrubs and trees, plants requiring special soil and
lines. One family might prefer colorful, exotic plants which frequent watering, and lawns that are too small to be cut with
require time and exacting gardening knowledge; another a power mower.
family might prefer a more maintenance-free garden and use Lawn, however, usually makes the best cover for large
perennials which provide year-round beauty with a minimum areas, and if large enough to warrant a power mower, is not.
of care. In selecting plant material, it is important to know too difficult to maintain. Trees and shrubs which do not need
and select plant material that is indigenous to the region, so great care should be chosen. Many plants may be potted and \
that maintenance can be held to a minimum. Also, keep in moved from indoors to outdoors and back again. Raised
mind the expected size of a plant, its rate of growth, and its flower beds enclosed by masonry curbs make the flowers
longevity. These characteristics will determine the place of easier to reach and to care for.
a plant in the garden, as well as the necessary maintenance. Surfaced areas can be beautiful and are often the easiest
You should know the colors and textures of plant material, areas to maintain. Flagstone and brick walks and terraces
their seasonal changes, the size of their leaves, and their have a charm of their own; attractive results have been ob
shininess or dullness. You should know how to combine tained with colored concrete. Keep in mind that masonry
these elements so that they blend or contrast with the archi surfaces hold the heat and may require shade or washing
tectural background provided by the building. down at night.
Flowers generally flourish best in sunny portions of the
outdoor living area. They may be planted in separate beds The Layout
or in continuous borders. 93. Variations in such factors as the plan of (he house,
Trips to nurseries will familiarize you with the kinds of physical and climatic conditions, orientation, family needs and
Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture 69
budgets for outlay and maintenance pose complex problems
HEDGE^ for the designer. These problems can be solved by a variety
of treatments. Economics may limit the treatment but it
need not limit beauty. In each layout the overall treatment
/{ I should aim for simplicity, directness, dignity, comfort, and
beauty. The success of any layout can be measured by the
extent to which it achieves these objectives.
The layout drawings for a house should always show the
The layout for a country house is shown in Fig. 21. The
— FENCE planting schedule is indicated by numbers, which are identi
fied in the legend.
Of particular interest is the layout in Fig. 22, which shows
how outdoor areas can be related to indoor areas.
j In this layout, the living-dining room has an outdoor din
j ing area which is accessible from the kitchen. Also adjacent
to the living-dining room are two quiet gardens, one of which -
can be reached from the den. Accessible from the living :
dining room by way of the vestibule is the entry garden. The
bedroom suite has its own garden. Notice that the service
area, which can be reached from the kitchen and garage, is
screened from the other outdoor areas.
70 Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture
Legend for Fig. 21
1. Monterey pine 20. lime
2. table grapes 21. Eucalyptus polyanthemus
3. star jasmine 22. azaleas and camelias
4. transcendent crab 23. deodar
5. wax-leaf privet 24. juniper pfitzer
lsL\L\ i 6. rose of Sharon 25. flowering quince
o 7. wild strawberry 26. Strelitzia reginae
CE No f (ground cover) 27. goldmine loquats
g y
8. sweet olive 28. dichondra
^ 7T 7T7 9. herbs (under shrubs)
vf 29. Podocarpus macrophylla
V) so 10. jacaranda 30. Agapanthus africanus
V v' V J X 11. Photinia serrulata 31. Magnolia santangeana
>• 12. liquidambar 32. poinsettias
z 13. avocado 33. persimmon
o 14. apricot 34. white oleander
•< I 15. orange 35. cut flowers and rose garden
« 16. peach 36. mock orange
£ 17. plum 37. purple-leaf plum
z 18. lemon 38. pyracantha
o 19. apple
should aim for simplicity, directness, dignity, comfort, and
so>< beauty. You will find that the following factors usually affect
the layout:
72 Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture 73
from those indoor areas which they are to extend and
o supplement. When properly planned, the indoor and
c outdoor areas will often appear to be one space.
o Neighborhood Landscaping
S3 ih
I . Q
Fundamental Considerations
95. For the individual home owner, problems of land
o g i |
** 0
scaping are usually oonfined to the relations that exist be
tween an individual house and lot. Frequently, one of these
£ S
£ problems is to make the best of a lot in a neighborhhod in
D tQ i
z which little thought was given to landscaping when the area
% o B was originally subdivided. Today, fortunately, there is a
0o 0: : realization that it is a short-sighted policy to develop an area
5 solely with the idea of obtaining as many lots as possible, and
D 0 w
cc that the best results are obtained when the landscaping is con
1 > I
o «A
sidered in the initial stages of planning the neighborhood.
It is not within the scope of this text to consider the many
a _j2 0
zu aspects of site planning. However, in planning any neighbor I
ill! § ! hood, basic considerations such as access, privacy, shade, and
II 5a O
-!i a 1. -- u '•
windbreaks are fundamental.
! affording a direct approach to each plot. Various types of
plans can be used to accomplish this end. One of these is
the cluster-type plan.
£ 1m 0
v f
! v, a i A cluster-type plan may include a few or many clusters of
houses. Each cluster is built around a court. Parking space
is provided in the court. The access roads afford an approach
to the neighborhood but discourage through traffic.
A single cluster of homes arranged around a central court
Landscape Architecture Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture 75
Fundamentals of
£1“ 7 *s.v
1 \
.mm ia :1
>• o
Landscape Architecture Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture
76 Fundamentals of
Hill )V(|/<IVl IV I ..
Fic. 25. Tall Trees for Wind Baffles; Medium-Height Trees for
Shade; Low Shrubbery for Privacy
Community Planting
97. Since visual environment is an important psycholog-
Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture 79
7S Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture
indicate the low shrubbery which provides privacy between
ical factor in everyone’s life, the overall landscape problem lots and around the house.
should be considered in advance. In planning a new neigh
borhood, whether it is part of a large tract or a small piece of Summary
land, and whatever type of plan is to be used, the lots should 98. Although, you may find that most of your landscaping
be planned to permit houses to be so located as to preserve problems will be confined to the relations that exist between
the best trees. Many fine trees have been destroyed by an individual house and lot, you may at some time or other
builders who felt that they could save time by building on become involved in the development of an entire neighbor
completely cleared land. The landscape architect should hood. In such a case, you should keep in mind such funda
survey the area and mark the trees which should be saved. mental considerations as access, privacy, and the control of
He should take into consideration the future locations and wind and sun.
orientations of the houses in order to give each home the best
When a neighborhood group of homes is being planned,
view while still securing shade and maximum privacy. As in
the existing trees, natural grades, and elevations of the entire
nature, a continuity of major tree planting can create a unified
site should be carefully considered. By retaining the natural
appearance by relating houses to each other as well as to the
conditions of land and trees, it is often possible to save money
surrounding terrain.
in development and to have a more valuable and attractive
Planting is necessary for sunlight and wind control; such
! neighborhood.
control is important if space is to be livable. Plant materials ;
can be classified according to use into three major groupings, : 99. This completes your study of this text, but we hope
as illustrated in Fig. 25.
not your study of landscaping, which is closely related to
1. Tall trees for wind baffles, such as poplars, cypresses, I
many of the problems of everyday living.
and elms. I You have learned that the object of landscape architecture
2. Medium-height trees for shade, such as maples, wal 1
is to achieve utility and beauty in the fullest use of the out
nuts, olives, and peppers. doors. The outdoor space consists of such familiar elements
3. Low shrubbery for visual screens and control of wind as ground, water, sky, and structures. Many of the same fac
blown debris, such as boxwood and privet; as a rule, tors govern landscaping as govern architectural design; some
planted screens can be more beautiful than man-made
of these are scale, unity, proportion, contrast, and color.
! Fundamentals of
Landscape Architecture
Serial 6417-1 Edition 2
Examination Questions
Notice to Students.—Study this instruction text thoroughly be
fore you answer the following questions. Read each question care-
fully and be sure you understand it; then write the best answer
you can. You will profit most if you answer the questions in your
own words. When you complete your work, examine it closely,
correct all the errors you can find, and see that every question is
answered; then mail your work to us. DO NOT HOLD IT until
another examination is ready.
1. What aid is generally required before you can lay out the
landscaping for a house on a hill site?
2. In planning the landsoaping for your home, how can you
utilize a pool as an element in the design?
3. Explain briefly what considerations you would keep in
mind in selecting trees for your home site. i
4. In planning an outside area, what consideration should
determine the location of walks, steps, and paths? ,
5. What are the primary objectives of landscaping?
6. What basic change has occurred in recent years in the
concept of garden design?
7. a) Name five trees, each with different physical char
i acteristics.
/ b) Name five perennials, each with different physical
c) Name five vines, each with different physical char
8. Where would you place the outdoor living area of a
house in relation to the house?
2 Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture :!
9. a) Name the types of trees you would consider planting
along the curb in front of your- house.
h) Name the types you would not consider. ;
10. Name five structural materials that you would consider
for use as a terrace floor. List briefly the characteristics
of each material.
11. a) List the structural materials and the thickness that
you would use for the following: 720 (07) 157 v.4 ‘
i i
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