Mood Affect....
Mood Affect....
Mood Affect....
Mental State:
Concentration Comprehension Retention Hallucinations Delusions
Clear Alert Attention span Aware Perceptive
Insightful Memory (recent,
Focused Drowsy Dull
Reality testing Confused Preoccupied Distractible disoriented
Thought Process:
Tangential Pressured Rambling Racing thoughts Tracking
Processing Abstracting Flight of ideas Generalizing Blocked
Expansive Concrete thinking Grandiose Obsessive Disorganized
Poverty of thought scattered
Flat Blunted Bland Disappointed Dazed
Controlled Constricted Matter-of-fact Sober Serious
Placid Self-critical Calm Composed Comfortable
Self-deprecatory Staring Relaxed Nonchalant Fixed expression
Depressed Hopeless Dejected Self-effacing Despondent
Sad Tearful Apprehensive Subdued Unhappy
Remorseful Lacking energy Guilty Overwhelmed Powerless
Belligerent Tense Irritable Frustrated Anxious
Puzzled Scowling Pressured Fearful Frightened
Agitated Panicky Resentful Angry Sullen
Hostile Indignant Cheerful Bright Smiling
Enthusiastic Eager Energetic Motivated Interested
Animated Happy Spontaneous Exhilarated Euphoric
Elated Labile
1990 Idyll Arbor, Inc. for 1986 Herold and Ogren
Following Directions:
Expressive Joking Congenial Engaging Agreeable
Tactful Articulate Gracious Talkative Warm
Open Self-disclosing Assertive Spontaneous Outspoken
Cooperative Considerate Sensitive Sympathetic Care-taking
Doting Tolerant Supportive Concerned Indifferent
Apathetic Isolating Sense of humor Solitary Superficial
Reserved Self-focused Guarded Suspicious Withdrawn
Argumentative Seclusive Detached Passive Engages in power struggle
Shy Timid Deferring Condescending Submissive
Tentative Dependent Ingratiating Distrustful Docile
Compliant Watchful Aggressive Threatening Dominating
Forceful Intrusive Sarcastic Critical Provocative
Cynical Flippant Competitive Boastful
Social Behaviors:
Placement of seating in group (isolates, dominates, on
Eye contact (direct, occasional, elusive)
Awareness of social/physical boundaries Group skills: parallel, competitive, cooperative
Body posture: open, closed, accessible Verbal/nonverbal