Acid Bearing Rock Policy - Draft 4-11-14

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Acid Bearing Rock

Table of Contents

Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1








Hazards of Acid Bearing Rock (ABR) ...................................................................... 1

Understanding Acid Bearing Rock (ABR) ...................................................................... 1


Sulfide Minerals ........................................................................................................ 1


Sulfuric Acid Formation............................................................................................ 3


Oxidized Cap Rock ................................................................................................... 3

Site Assessment ............................................................................................................... 4


Site Assessment Protocol .......................................................................................... 4


Literature Search ....................................................................................................... 5


Planning the Exploration Program ............................................................................ 5


Prevalent Sulfide-Bearing Deposits in Pennsylvania ................................................ 8


Prevalent Alkaline-Bearing Deposits in Pennsylvania.............................................. 9

Subsurface Investigation .................................................................................................. 9


Sample Collection Methods ...................................................................................... 9


Sample Logging ...................................................................................................... 11


Sample Storage ........................................................................................................ 11


Groundwater and Surface Water Sampling ............................................................. 11

Sample Preparation ........................................................................................................ 12


Sample Selection and Compositing......................................................................... 12


Sample Quantity, Particle Size and Moisture.......................................................... 12

Sample Testing............................................................................................................... 13

Fizz Test .................................................................................................................. 13


Neutralization Potential (NP) Test .......................................................................... 14


Total Sulfur Test...................................................................................................... 15


Kinetic Testing ........................................................................................................ 15

Analysis of Test Results................................................................................................. 16


Maximum Potential Acidity (MPA) ........................................................................ 16


Potential Ratio (PR) ................................................................................................ 16


Net Neutralization Potential (NNP) ........................................................................ 16


Interpretation of Results .......................................................................................... 16

Acid-Base Accounting (ABA) ....................................................................................... 17



ABA Calculations ................................................................................................... 17


Worked Examples for Borehole ABA and Alkaline Addition ................................ 17


Acid Neutralization Methods ......................................................................................... 26


Active Treatment ..................................................................................................... 26


Passive Treatment ................................................................................................... 26


Anoxic Limestone Drains........................................................................................ 27


Open Limestone Channel ........................................................................................ 27


Mitigation .................................................................................................................... 28


Mitigation Tools .................................................................................................. 28


Additional Considerations for Treatment and Mitigation ................................... 32


Treatment of Excavated Materials ....................................................................... 34


Treatment of Rock Excavated Faces (Rock Cuts) ............................................... 36


Treatment of Soil ................................................................................................. 44


Expansive Deposits Pyritic Shales and Sulfate Soils ....................................... 44


Design and Construction Considerations .................................................................... 47


Design .................................................................................................................. 47


Construction......................................................................................................... 48


References ................................................................................................................... 48


Laboratory Test Specifications Cited .................................................................. 48


Technical References ........................................................................................... 49

Acid Bearing Rock



This section deals with the investigation, testing, identification and treatment of
potential acid bearing rock (ABR) in highway construction projects. Some
unconsolidated overburden materials (soils) and fills may also be a potential source
of acidity. When there is indication of the potential for soils to produce acid, the
same processes (geochemical testing, analysis and mitigation) and criteria apply,
however sample collection techniques may differ.

Hazards of Acid Bearing Rock (ABR)

In addition to presenting abrupt and adverse environmental concerns, exposed

acid-generating earth material can also have damaging long-term effects to
highways and highway structures. Potential geotechnical and environmental
problems include:

Corrosion of Concrete and Steel Structures

Destabilization of Cut-Slopes and Fill-Slopes
Ground Heaving of Structures and Pavements
Toxicity to Roadside Vegetation
Toxicity to Aquatic Life
Degradation of Drinking Water Supplies

The environmental concerns presented by excessively acidic leachate are only

worsened by the ability of the acid to dissolve excess metals such as iron,
aluminum, and manganese from the host rock and soils. Excess concentrations of
these dissolved metals can readily develop in the acidic drainage, which then
becomes potentially even more harmful to vegetation and aquatic life.


Understanding Acid Bearing Rock (ABR)


Sulfide Minerals

The primary source of acidity in Pennsylvania sedimentary rocks is sulfide

minerals, with pyrite (ferrous disulfide - FeS2) being the major contributor. Although
pyrite minerals are not always large enough to be visible to the un-aided eye, larger
crystals have a yellowish, metallic appearance. Deposits containing pyrite
concentrations greater than 0.5% have the potential to be significant sources of
acid. Various other forms of sulfide minerals are of lesser concern due to their
chemical stability, and include chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), galena (PbS) and sphalerite
(ZnS), but can be problematic when present with pyrite.

Although there are more than 200 common minerals that contain sulfur, only
those classified as iron sulfide are of potential concern due to the ability of these
elements to promote oxidation, hydration and the release of acid. In Pennsylvania,
there are three potential sulfide deposits types, listed as follows in descending order
of pyrite oxidation reactivity:

Veined Rock Deposits (High oxidation potential)

These epigenetic sulfide compounds were formed in the existing
discontinuities to form veins within the rock deposits, and are a result of
hydrothermal intrusions of deep, hot, mineral-rich water. These hydrothermal
sulfur minerals tend to be highly concentrated in random rock joints and
fractures, are much less common than sedimentary deposits, and are usually
much more difficult to detect. An intensive and extensive investigation would
be necessary to attempt to confidently identify the extent of unknown sulfide
deposits of hydrothermal origin. For this reason, this ABR policy focuses
more on the identification and treatment of sedimentary sulfides; however
beyond the subsurface investigation the general principles are identical for
other sulfide forms. If veined deposits are suspected, they are to be
addressed with contingency actions that must be developed and included
under project specific conditions. The exception would be if some
specifically mapped or previously identified epigenetic condition is known to
exist, then reasonable and appropriate measures should be taken to address
this during design.

Acid Sulfate Soil Deposits (Moderate oxidation potential)

These supergene sulfate compounds can be formed within low-lying
residual soils, mine spoils, or fills in which dynamic fluctuations in
groundwater levels (vadose zone) create conditions favorable to the
deposition of acids and dissolved salts within the soils and weathered rock.

Top of Rock

Oxidized Zone


Dissolved (Vadose) Zone

Potential Acid Sulfate soil

Reduced Zone (Bedrock)

Figure 3.2.1 - Generalized Oxidation Profile

Sedimentary Rock Deposits (Moderate oxidation potential)

These syngenetic sulfide compounds were formed entirely from the original
sediments, and are now disseminated throughout rock deposits. Since
sedimentary sulfur is deposited relatively uniform across the original

sediments, it is relatively easy to detect by investigating across

(perpendicular to) the planes of the bedding. Common syngenetic ABR in
Pennsylvania includes coal and black shale deposits.

Sulfuric Acid Formation

Oxidation of pyrite and other sulfide minerals result in the formation of sulfuric
acid. The oxidation process occurs in the presence of oxygen and water. In the
case of pyrite for example, the summary reaction is:
FeS2 + 3.75 O2 + 3.5 H2O
Pyrite + Oxygen +


2 SO42- + 4 H+ + heat

Water Iron Hydroxide + Sulfate + acidity + heat

The complete process is a multi-step reaction, with each step resulting in more
acidity. As the acidity increases, this feeds the reaction, and the process becomes
a run-away reaction. As the acidity increases, and the pH drops below 6, acidloving bacteria, Thiobacillus Ferroxidans, begin to thrive. These bacteria are
widespread in the environment, and readily oxidize sulfide mineral(s). The
presence of these microbes can increase the rate of sulfide oxidation from 50 to
one-million times.
In addition to the concentration of sulfide minerals, other factors that impact
the rate of acid production include temperature and particle surface area. Heat is a
catalyst for the reaction, and the bacteria thrive at a temperature range of 68 to 95
F (20 to 35 C). Size and mineral crystal structure control the surface area
available for oxidation. As surface area increases, the rate of acid production
increases. Therefore, fine-grained framboidal pyrite particles with diameters of 1
or less, and also long needle-like crystal shaped pyrite, will oxidize more rapidly
than coarse-grained particles with diameters exceeding 50. In undisturbed (nonexcavated) material, the much lower availability of oxygen, keeps the reaction in
check. The oxidation process occurs over many years, keeping acidity in
groundwater at very low levels, and preventing toxicity.

Oxidized Cap Rock

It should be understood that the formation of acid from ABR is a common

process that occurs slowly in the natural environment. There is usually a cap rock
of oxidized material above any ABR. The oxidized material produced acid under
natural conditions, but at a greatly reduced rate that did not result in concentrations
causing environmental toxicity. The process took many years in an undisturbed
state that limited available oxygen. The limited oxygen availability controlled the
production of acid. Once disturbed, the ABR material is in a much different
atmosphere, with greater surface area and much more abundant and available

The presence of this oxidized cap rock (OCR) zone can provide both an
indication of the potential existence of ABR below, and a potential means of
addressing the problem. The thickness of the oxidized zone at any given site can
be variable and irregular. In Pennsylvania, OCR thickness ranges from 0 to over 80
feet, with a more typical thickness of around 20 feet. The oxidized zone can usually
be visually determined by strong red, orange, or white colored metal oxide staining
on the jointed surfaces of rock core samples. In addition, a friable, weathered rock
indicates oxidation. Knowing the limits of the oxidized zone presents an opportunity
to simply avoid disturbance of potential ABR, by limiting excavations into the
material where practical, and still meet project objectives.


Site Assessment


Site Assessment Protocol

Many highway construction projects require a considerable amount of earth

excavation. A sufficient and reasonable level of effort needs to be given during
project design to determine if acid-bearing rock and/or soil exist at the site. If ABR
is present, it is then important to adequately define the type and extent of the
sulfide/sulfate deposits. With this knowledge, earth excavations can be planned
properly. The general protocol for planning and management of ABR is outlined as
1) Review site-specific geologic literature and mapping
2) Perform reconnaissance field survey
3) Contact Regional PA-DEP Office for possible guidance on site geology and
sampling strategy suggestions
4) Develop sampling strategy
5) Perform exploratory drilling
6) Complete background groundwater and surface water sampling and
laboratory analysis
7) Determine composition and species of minerals
8) Perform supplemental exploratory drilling and sampling if needed
9) Perform laboratory testing of rock and soil samples
10) Map subsurface geochemical trends relative to planned excavation
11) Complete the Geotechnical Engineering Report that incorporates all
information from the previous nine steps
12) Develop final project construction earthwork plans and specifications to
address the acid bearing rock and soil deposits to be encountered. This
may require Special Provisions and/or design drawings to detail
requirements for ABR material handling, disposal, and/or treatment.
13) If Acid Rock Drainage (ARD) is anticipated, and the treated discharge is
discharged into waters of the Commonwealth a National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) permit is likely required. Contact the Regional
PA-DEP Office for assistance with the permitting process.
14) Contact Regional PA-DEP Office for review of ABR management plan

15) Monitor and document site conditions during site excavation and ABR
treatment construction
16) Periodically monitor and document post-construction site conditions for a
period of up to three years


Literature Search

The initial step in assessing a site for ABR is to research the applicable
geologic literature and mapping that pertains to the project site. Consult the
Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Geologic
Survey (PA DCNR-GS) Open-File Report OFMI-05-01.1, Geologic Units
Containing Potentially Significant Acid-Producing Sulfide Minerals, located on the
internet at the following link:
This report contains both a map and text providing technical and geologic
guidance in identifying potential ABR formations, and is a valuable first step in
assessing the potential for ABR. Other good sources of information include
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources (PA DEP), especially the
mining offices, and the United States Geologic Survey (USGS).

Planning the Exploration Program

If the site assessment, or any information obtained during project design,

indicates a potential for the presence of ABR, then a comprehensive ABR site
investigation shall be performed as part of the geotechnical engineering report
preparation. Once the anticipated site geology is defined, the locations, depths,
and type of sampling will need to be determined based upon the extent of
excavation anticipated for the project.
Note that Table 3.1 provides the minimum requirements for a preliminary ABR
site investigation (borings and testing). These borings are in addition to
geotechnical engineering borings conducted for site characterization and design. If
initial laboratory testing and Acid-Base Accounting calculations indicate the
presence of substantial ABR, then additional borings and testing must be
considered to further delineate and quantify rock strata containing acidic bearing
minerals and rock strata containing sources of alkalinity. (Rock which contains
>0.5% sulfur may generate significant acidity. Rock which is lacking neutralization
potential (< 30 ppt CaCO3) increases the potential for acidity due to poor
neutralization potential.) See Section 7.0 Acid-Base Accounting (ABA) for more
detailed information regarding the interpretation of testing results.
The more thorough the site ABR conditions are characterized, the lower the
potential costs of mitigation and treatment program, and more importantly the lower
the risk that planned mitigation and treatment measures will be inadequate. The

cost of additional borings and testing necessary to thoroughly characterize the site
is only a fraction of the cost of treatment and mitigation requirements. An
inadequately characterized site will ultimately result in a more costly project to
complete. It has already been the experience of the Department that
disruption, impacts and costs during construction due to inadequately
defined subsurface conditions will far exceed the time and cost of a proper
and adequate investigation, and well designed and executed treatment and
mitigation plan.
The aforementioned term substantial ABR must be considered within the
context of the anticipated methods of mitigation and treatment of ABR, and potential
Acid Rock Drainage (ARD) impacts to the environment.
If the anticipated ARD appears to have the potential for acidity and is unavoidable,
the receiving watercourse classification according to PA Code 25 Chapter 93 water
quality standards should be determined. The classification and baseline chemistry
of the watercourse will play an important role as treated ARD will need to meet
water quality standards established during the permitting process. For example,
treated ARD may not be permitted to enter a High Quality Cold Water Fisheries
stream. It may be permissible to discharge treated ARD to a watercourse already
impaired by acid mine drainage. The level of ARD treatment required will depend on
the receiving stream baseline chemistry, the volume and chemistry of the ARD
discharge, and treatment methods.
It is very important to contact the local PADEP office and the District Environmental
Coordinator in the earliest stages of the project to gain a preliminary understanding
of the ARD discharge requirements. It is also absolutely critical that a qualified
environmental specialist experienced in treatment of ARD be included as part of the
design team.

Table 3.1 Minimum Boring Requirements for ABR Assessment*

(Nb = minimum require number of borings)
Risk Assessment*
Type of Project

No ABR Risk
based on site

Roadway Cuts
(typically Class-1
excavation) or
Retaining Walls
(typically Class-3 or
Class-1 excavation)

(typically Class-3
excavation <200 ft.
in length or width)

(typically Class-3 or
Class-1 excavation
>200 ft. in length or

No additional

No additional

No additional

ABR Risk with

horizontal or slightly
dipping geologic
Rounded to nearest
whole number for L
300 ft
For L < 300 ft, Nb = 2
Where L = cut slope or
wall length
ONE boring
per structure

Rounded to nearest
whole number for L
500 ft
For L < 500 ft, Nb = 2
Where L = length of
excavation for drainage

High ABR Risk or

ABR Risk with steeply
dipping or complex
geologic deposits

Rounded to nearest whole

number for L 200 ft
For L < 200 ft, Nb = 2
Where L = cut slope or
wall length
ONE boring
per substructure

Rounded to nearest whole

number for L 300 ft
For L < 300 ft, Nb = 2
Where L = length of
excavation for drainage

The completion of the minimum required exploratory borings as outlined above may reveal
that the stratigraphy and structure of the rock formation require additional borings to
investigate all strata and materials present. If geologic contacts or discontinuities are
encountered that may yield varying and adverse conditions across the site, then additional
borings may be necessary to investigate all potential sources of ABR.
An adequate number of borings should be obtained to enable the strata to be correlated on
geologic cross-sectional plots. The drilling program must attempt to adequately sample all
suspect strata and materials to be excavated during construction, as well as cut-surfaces
(such as subgrades, foundations, and slopes) to be left temporarily or permanently exposed.
Boring depths shall advance to the deepest anticipated limit of excavation, plus 5 feet.
Vertical borings are typically sufficient for exploration of flat-bedded geology. For steeply
dipping rock or other complex geology, inclined borings may be necessary to sufficiently
explore a sequence of deposits as shown in Figure 3.1. The location and spacing of borings
are dependent upon the orientation of the anticipated sulfide deposits. Near-vertical deposits
will likely require a shorter boring interval than gently dipping deposits. Angled borings are
usually more difficult and costly to obtain than vertically oriented borings. Boring inclinations
up to 30 (from vertical) are usually obtainable. Inclinations greater than 45 are not typically

*The risk assessment and site reconnaissance may include preliminary borings and an
RSGER, and at a minimum include a thorough well documented assessment of the site
geology, field conditions (topography, hydrology,) with special emphasis on identifying
any signs or indicators of potential ABR. These tasks must be completed by personnel
experienced in the identification of field conditions which suggest current or potential
development of ABR. The reconnaissance and risk assessment must be conducted
within the quality and sensitivity of the local environmental conditions, and potential risks
and costs associated with potential environmental damage.


Inclined boring spacing for a known (mapped)

area of vertical inclusion(s) or feature(s). Do not
search (drill) for vertical features without strong
justification. No reasonable amount of borings
can eliminate the possibility of encountering an
unknown vertical feature during construction.
Follow the guidance described in Section 3.3.4

Inclined boring spacing

for possible Sedimentary

Rock Dip
Oxidation Front
Base of Cut

Possible Supergenetic
Sulfate Deposit

Possible Syngenetic
Sulfide Deposit

Known or strongly suspected

Epigenetic Sulfide Deposit

Figure 3.1 - Inclined Borings in Series to Explore Dipping Geologic Sequences

(Cross-Section Not to Scale)


Prevalent Sulfide-Bearing Deposits in Pennsylvania

Various sulfide bearing rock and soil types in Pennsylvania have proven to be
of greater significance related to the generation of acidic drainage. The
following general lithologies are high suspect ABR types:

Black shales, carbonaceous mudstones, carbonaceous claystones typically >25% carbonaceous that create sooty black (not gray) streak
Isolated Sulfide Deposits
Coals and coal remnants
Channel sandstones and channel sands (identified by regular sequence
of turbidite bedding structure shown in Figure 3.2)

Note that isolated sulfide deposits are not part of the normal lithification (rock
forming) process in sedimentary rock formations and therefore may be very
difficult to locate precisely unless previously mapped. There is some evidence
that suggests mapped geologic lineaments are host features to cross-strike
epigenetic sulfide inclusions. Accordingly, mapped lineaments may give
indication to a heightened possibility of isolated sulfide deposits. For this
reason, projects located in areas suspected of these deposits may warrant
some reasonable amount of additional exploration to attempt to identify these
features during project design, with any remaining uncertainties as to the
possible existence of these deposits being best addressed by provisional
actions specified in construction contracts with qualified personnel present
during excavation activities to promptly identify these deposits. Provisional
ABR actions should be included in the construction contract only if project
design activities indicated such a potential, or if reasonable concern can be
supported that they may be present.

Laminated Sandstone
Massive Sandstone
(with graded texture)
Figure 3.2 Common Depositional Sequence of Channel Sandstones


Prevalent Alkaline-Bearing Deposits in Pennsylvania

Various rock types in Pennsylvania are predictable sources of alkalinity, and
can serve to buffer and/or prevent the generation of acidic drainage. The
following general lithologies are common alkaline sources:

Limestones, dolomites
Calcareous mudstones, calcareous claystones
Calcareous glacial tills
Sandstones with calcium carbonate cement


Subsurface Investigation


Sample Collection Methods

There are three common methods of sample collection used in geochemical
site investigations; core drilling, air-rotary drilling, and outcrop sampling.

4.1.1 Core Drilling:

High recovery core borings are often a preferred method due to the ability to
retrieve intact rock specimens. Important features can usually be distinguished in
core samples such as fracturing, fissility, bedding plane inclinations, and fossils. In
locations where hydrothermal ABR (veined deposit of sulfide minerals) is
suspected, the recovery of core samples permits the visual examination and
verification of these features if the deposits are encountered during drilling.
However, due to the isolated nature of these deposits, they are very difficult to
locate with borings. If such deposits are suspected, they are best addressed by
provisional actions specified in construction contracts with qualified personnel
present during excavation activities to identify these deposits, if present.
Core samples can also be valuable in identifying some sedimentary deposits
of sulfide minerals. Obtain only continuous core boring samples. Core drilling
weakly-consolidated deposits such as certain coals and mudrocks may not provide
satisfactory length and quality of core sample. In these cases, air-rotary drilling
may yield better results and should be considered.
4.1.2 Air Rotary Drilling:
The standard-circulation air-rotary drilling method is often advantageous due
to the speed and ease of sample collection. Air drilling advances quickly through
even the hardest rock to produce rock cuttings, or chips that are easily collected
and well-suited for laboratory testing. However, this drilling method can present
some inherent limitations in providing representative samples, particularly noted as

Accurately correlating test results to specific depths and/or strata. To

increase sample accuracy, drill bit advance should be halted for each
sampling increment (3 feet maximum) and the hole blown clean before
subsequent drilling.
Rock chip samples shall be collected from the collection pan only. Material
is not to be taken from the accumulated return material which has collected
on the ground surface beneath or around the drill table.
The entire increment depth must be represented by the sample that is sent
to the lab. The return chips must be collected from the entire run (length)
of each increment. A flat-bottomed pan is recommended to collect the
return chips. To assure accurate representation, the entire amount of
material retained on the collection pan shall be containerized. If an
excessive amount of chips are collected for one increment (greater than 15
pounds (7 kg)), the pan sample can be reduced according to AASTHO T248, Method B Quartering. The intent is to collect all material from the
sampling increment, then draw the representative lab sample from the wellmixed cuttings and discard the remainder.

In highly-fractured, voided rock deposits (such as karst), or loose,

unconsolidated material (such as some fills), adequate compressed air
circulation may be lost, and drill cuttings may not return sufficiently to the
surface. In these conditions, reverse-circulation air drilling or core drilling
methods may be more effective and should be considered.

4.1.3 Outcrop Sampling:

On occasion, it is possible to obtain hand samples of rock from nearby
existing highway or railroad cut-slopes, mining highwalls, or shallow excavations
(test pits). Care must be taken not to sample material that has been exposed for a
length of time, and may be weathered beyond that of material which is to be
excavated during construction.

Sample Logging

The drilling inspector should document the pertinent physical characteristics of

the rock and soil samples, and record the following minimum information for each
sample: lithology, color, streak, grain size, moisture, weathering, mineral inclusions,
effervescence (fizz) in dilute (10%) HCL, structural features, bedding
characteristics, and fossils. High-quality digital color photographs shall be taken of
all boxed cores prior to storage or shipment to the laboratory. Photo files or prints
shall be included with the Geotechnical Engineering Report.

Sample Storage

All samples shall be properly labeled to allow for positive identification of the
sample date, project, boring number, and depth increment. It is important to protect
all collected samples from excess moisture. Core samples shall be transported with
care so they will remain intact and dry. Chip samples from air-rotary drilling are
best stored in one-gallon or one-quart size sealable plastic bags.

Groundwater and Surface Water Sampling

During the subsurface investigation, groundwater samples should be collected

to obtain baseline data as several water chemistry parameters may suggest the
presence of ABR. Generally, if water has a pH less than 5.0, and a combination of
the following: Total Fe greater than 7mg/l, total Mn greater than 4.0mg/l, elevated
sulfide concentrations, and elevated conductivity (>2,000 s/cm) then ABR
conditions may have developed.
Background surface water samples should also be collected at several locations
both upstream and downstream of the anticipated point of ARD discharge. A
detailed understanding of the receiving waters chemistry is an important component
in the design of a suitable treatment system.



Sample Preparation


Sample Selection and Compositing

In addition to acidic materials, the alkaline and neutral materials also need to
be defined in order to properly assess the overall geochemistry of a site. It is
important to sample all zones that could contribute to acid and dissolved metals
production as well as alkaline zones that may neutralize such products. Therefore,
test all recovered rock core (the entire core run) within the designated sample limits.
The maximum length of core for any one test sample is 3 feet. Group the tested
material by sequential depth and strata. Strata thicker than 3 feet must be broken
into two or more test samples. Test the 1 foot of material above and below coal
beds as separate units.
Compositing individual adjacent samples can reduce the number of tests
required, and is permitted under certain conditions. Compositing must not, however,
sacrifice the accuracy in determining the potential of strata to produce acidity or
alkalinity. Multiple sequential thin strata may be grouped into lengths up to 3 feet,
except if a specific unit is suspected of high potential acidity, then test that specific
strata alone (do not combine with adjacent material). Individual samples with
different color, texture or fizz rating may not be combined to create a composite.
Compositing is permitted for equal amounts of up to three vertically-adjacent
samples. The individual samples making up the composite must represent
equivalent strata thicknesses of identical material (all same rock type).

Sample Quantity, Particle Size and Moisture

It is important to obtain an adequate quantity of sample in order that all tests

may be performed properly. For air-rotary sampling, a minimum 1 lb (500 gram)
sample is required for each 12 inches (300 mm) of drilling depth. For a 6 inch (150
mm) diameter boring, this amount is roughly 4% of the material excavated by the
drill bit. All samples will be crushed in the laboratory as needed to allow all particles
to pass the No. 60 sieve (250 m) sieve to achieve a minimum 0.6 lb (300 gram)
sample for each increment.
For rock core samples, the entire length of core is required to be crushed until
all particles pass the No. 60 (250 m) sieve according to AASHTO T 27. Core
samples may also be split longitudinally before crushing in order to reduce the
volume of rock to be processed, unless rock bedding or vertical veining is steep
(relative to the direction of coring) such that a representative sample would be
difficult to assure. A 12 inch (300 mm) length of split 2 inch (50 mm) diameter rock
core yields approximately 1 to 1.5 pounds (500 to 750 grams) of crushed sample,
which is adequate. The remaining half of the split core can be reserved for future
reference or testing. Crushed and sieved particles are to be thoroughly mixed to
produce homogeneous and representative samples for each sample increment.


Rock core samples will be wet upon extraction (due to drilling water). Core
samples must be permitted to air dry immediately after extraction, and shall be
protected from re-wetting or excessive humidity until delivery to the laboratory.
Rock chip samples from air-rotary drilling shall be sealed in air-tight containers. If
chips are moist or saturated and cannot be air-dried prior to containerizing,
schedule the laboratory testing to be completed within 3 weeks of collection.

Sample Testing

Tests that must be conducted to proceed with acid-base accounting are: 1) the
Fizz Rating, 2) Neutralization Potential (NP) and 3) Total Percent Sulfur. There
are a variety of methods and modifications to these tests. The specific versions
required are listed in Table 6.1 and described below.
Table 6.1 Acid-Base Accounting Test Methods
Required Test Specimen passing
Required Version/Method
the No. 60 sieve (AASHTO T 27)
Fizz Rating
Sobek Method
0.02 ounce (0.5 grams)
Sobek Method (Siderite
0.1 ounce (2.0 grams)
Total Percent
Combustion Method
0.02 ounce (0.5 grams)
(ASTM D-4239)

Fizz Test

The purpose of the Fizz Test is to determine the quantity and strength of acid
used in the NP test. The test is subjective and requires judgment on the part of the
individual performing the test, however determination of proper acid addition is
import for the reliability and reproducibility of NP data.
Prepare 0.5 gram of sample consisting of material passing the No. 60 sieve.
Add two drops of 25% HCl solution to the sample. Observe the reaction (if any)
when the acid is added. Look for bubbling or a visual and/or audible fizz. If a
reaction is observed, this indicates the presence of calcium carbonate (CaCO3).
Note the rate or strength of the reaction. Based upon the observed reaction, assign
a Fizz Rating or FR for the sample as indicated in Table 6.2 below.


Fizz Intensity

Table 6.2 Fizz Test

Fizz Rating
Expected NP Range
(ppt CaCO3 equivalent)
0 30
30 90
75 475
450 1000

Neutralization Potential (NP) Test

The neutralization potential (NP) test provides a measure of the capacity of the
material to supply alkalinity. In addition to calcite and dolomite, siderite (FeCO3) is
a common carbonate mineral found in rock associated with the Appalachian coal
beds. During natural weathering, siderite initially provides alkalinity, continued
weathering of the by-products produces an acidic solution. The complete
weathering process for siderite yields a zero neutralization potential, with no net
acidity or alkalinity.
The NP test however does not progress far enough to produce this net zero
NP. Only the initial alkaline production is measured, overestimating the total NP of
the sample. To compensate for the overestimation of alkaline, a correction is
performed by adding a 30% solution of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) during the test
6.2.1 NP Test Procedure:
Prepare a 2 gram of sample consisting of material passing the No. 60 sieve.
Place the sample in a 250 ml flask. Add a quantity and strength of HCl solution as
indicated in Table 6.3, based upon the results of the fizz test. Add distilled water to
bring the volume in the flask up to 100 ml. Prepare a blank flask with the same
volume and strength HCl solution, topping to 100 ml with distilled water, but no
crushed rock sample added.
Heat the flasks and boil gently for five minutes, then allow to cool. Gravity filter
the beakers contents using a No. 40 (0.45 m) filter. Add 5 ml of 30% H2O2 to the
filtered solutions. Boil the solutions in flasks for another five minutes, then allow to
cool. Cover tightly. Titrate the solutions using 0.1 N NaOH or 0.5 N NaOH
(concentration exactly known), to pH 7.00 using an electrometric pH meter and
burette. The concentration (normality) of NaOH used in the titration should
correspond to the concentration of the HCl used in the previous step.
NOTE: Titrate with NaOH until a constant reading of pH 7.0 remains for at
least 30 seconds.


Fizz Rating

Table 6.3 NP Test

Expected NP Range
HCL to
(ppt CaCO3 equivalent)
0 - 30
20 mL of 0.1N
30 - 90
40 mL of 0.1N
75 - 475
40 mL of 0.5N
450 - 1000
80 mL of 0.5N

Range of NaOH to
8 - 20 mL of 0.1N
4 - 28 mL of 0.1N
2 34mL of 0.5N
0 44 mL of 0.5N

If less than 3 ml of the NaOH is required to obtain a pH of 7.0, it is likely that

the HCl added was not sufficient to neutralize .the entire base present in the 2.00
gram of sample. A duplicate sample should be run using the next higher volume
and/or concentration of acid as indicated in Table 6.3.
6.2.2 NP Test Calculations:
1. C (Constant) = (ml acid in blank)/(ml base in blank)
2. ml acid consumed = (ml acid added) (ml base added x C)
3. NP (in ppt* CaCO3 equivalent) = (ml of acid consumed) x (25.0) x (Normality of
acid)*Note: ppt = parts per thousand


Total Sulfur Test

Sulfur generally occurs in three forms in Pennsylvania rock strata: sulfide

sulfur, sulfate sulfur, and organic sulfur. Sulfide sulfur is the form that reacts with
oxygen and water to produce acid rock drainage. Sulfide minerals include: pyrite
(FeS2), chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), galena (PbS) and sphalerite (ZnS). Sulfate sulfur is
often a by-product of the weathering of sulfide sulfur and also is a potential source
of acid. Organic sulfur occurs in carbon-based molecules of coal and other high
carbon rocks, but occurs in compounds that are more stable and are not a
contributor to acid production.
Although sulfur occurs in a variety of forms, the test methods for determining
the concentrations of the individual forms are relatively unreliable. Total sulfur on
the other hand is relatively simple to determine, and the methods are generally very
reproducible and have relatively high precision. While using total sulfur may
overestimate the maximum potential acidity (MPA), total sulfur methods currently
provide the most reliable basis for calculating MPA. To determine total sulfur use
high temperature combustion methods (ASTM D 4239), which are the simplest and
most frequently used, and provide accurate results.

Kinetic Testing

Kinetic test method ASTM D 5744 shall be considered during project design
only if the standard ABA testing results are inconclusive (such as NNP = 0-20, or


PR = 1-2), or if the leachate chemistry of the fill or fill mix design needs to be
quantifiably predicted. Kinetic test methods such as ASTM D 5744 and EPA
Method 1627 are laboratory weathering procedures that use alternating cycles of
aqueous leaching and gaseous oxidation (saturation and draining). These
laboratory weathering tests are not expected to precisely simulate site-specific field
conditions, however these tests do provide a useful measure of the leachate
chemistry (pH, alkalinity, acidity, specific conductance, sulfate, etc.) of untreated
ABR fill samples and also alkaline-treated ABR fill.

Analysis of Test Results


Maximum Potential Acidity (MPA)

The Maximum Potential Acidity (in ppt CaCO3 equivalent) is determined as

MPA = % Total Sulfur x 31.25

Potential Ratio (PR)

The Potential Ratio (PR) is the ratio between the Neutralization Potential (NP)
and the Maximum Potential Acidity (MPA):

Net Neutralization Potential (NNP)

The Net Neutralization Potential (in ppt CaCO3 equivalent) is the difference
between the Neutralization Potential and the Maximum Potential Acidity. Positive
values (+) are net alkaline, negative values (-) are net acidic:

Interpretation of Results

Table 7.1 provides guidance for interpretation of test results and analyses.
Strata that have concentrations of sulfur of more than 0.5 percent may generate
significant acidity. Rock materials that have a neutralization potential (NP) greater
than 30 (measured in ppt CaCO3), and show a reaction during the fizz test, are
significant sources of alkalinity. A Potential Ratio (PR) of less than one will likely be
acidic, and greater than two should be alkaline. In between one and two, the
material may be either acidic or alkaline. A Net Neutralization Potential (NNP) less
than zero should produce acidic conditions, and greater than 20 ppt should be


Percent Sulfur
NP and Fizz Rating


Table 7.1 ABA Assessment

> 0.5 %
May generate significant acidity
NP > 30 and FR 1 Significant source of alkaline
Should be acidic
May be either acidic or alkaline
Should be alkaline
Should be acidic
0 - 20
May be either acidic or alkaline
> 20
Should be alkaline


Acid-Base Accounting (ABA)


ABA Calculations

The premise of acid-base accounting is that the ability for material at a given
location to produce excessive acid or alkaline drainage can be predicted by
determining the total amount of acidity and alkalinity that the various rock layers
have the potential to produce. Calculations for the accounting process are
managed well with a spreadsheet.
For a more thorough description of ABA procedures, refer to references at the
following links:

Worked Examples for Borehole ABA and Alkaline Addition

For the examples shown in this section, NNPL represents the Net
Neutralization Potential for each stratigraphic layer. It is in units of parts per
thousand (ppt) CaCO3 equivalent, and is determined by multiplying the NNP of a
layer, by the layer thickness. Summing the individual NNPL values for the entire drill
column yields the overall NNP of the drill column:
NNPL for the Layer =

(NNP for the Layer) x (Layer Thickness)

The assumptions for the borehole ABA examples include:

Flat bedded geology (minimal dip)
Level topography
The assumptions for the alkaline addition examples include:

Rock material and supplemental alkaline material is well blended


IMPORTANT NOTES about the following Worked Examples:

Borehole ABA Examples:
It should be understood that each of the Borehole ABA examples shown in this section
calculate the ABA for only one bore hole. A complete site ABA would involve multiple
borings, with the appropriate volume of excavation assigned to each hole. The geometry of
the planned excavation and the original site topography would have to be factored in for a
complete volumetric analysis. Sites that involve inclined and folded bedding may require
mapping or preparation of sections for a complete and accurate accounting of all materials
present. A good identification and description of the rock materials, approximate elevations
that the materials are expected to be encountered and approximate thickness of the strata,
must be provided. The site exploration boreholes and any other pertinent field data should
be obtained by a survey crew and mapped. Accurate position and vertical elevation of the
boreholes is essential for accurate strata correlation.

Alkaline Addition Examples:

These examples show the general steps for determining the total volume of supplemental
alkaline material needed based on the fill chemistry, fill volume, and purity of the
supplemental alkaline source. These examples assume all excavated materials will be
mixed sufficiently to be considered uniform fill. This may not be a reasonable assumption
for very large volumes of excavation involving different types of segmented rock deposits
that cannot be blended together. In such cases, alkaline addition rates shall be calculated
separately for each type of material that is expected to be excavated and handled
separately (see Example 6).
The Calcium Carbonate Equivalent (CCE) of alkaline material is directly related to its purity.
Pure calcite, (CaCO3) has a CCE value of 100 whereas pure dolomite (CaCo3 MgCO3) has
a CCE of 108. The CCE of commonly available alkaline materials are shown in the table

Chemical Composition and CCE of Certain Alkaline Materials

Alkaline material
Calcitic Lime - CaCO3
Dolomitic Lime - (CaCo3)(MgCO3)
Quick or Burned Lime - (CaO)
Slaked or Hydrated Lime - Ca(OH)2
Pelletized Lime CaCO3

Calcium Carbonate Equivalent

85 100%
85 108%
150 175%
110 135%
85 100%

Source: Virginia Cooperative Extension - Agronomy Handbook

The following worked examples assume calcitic lime CaCO3 with a CCE value of 85%.
Other forms of alkaline material can be used based on cost and local availability for
neutralization. Unless the specific purity of the alkaline material is known and verified, use
the lower limit listed for the CaCO3 equivalent being used. Contract provision must specify
the CaCO3 equivalency value used in determining alkaline addition rates. The contractor
must recalculate alkaline addition rates if materials with lower CaCO3 equivalency values
are used during construction.


Worked Example 1 - Borehole ABA

This example includes both high NP and high MPA layers.
Table 7.2 Borehole ABA Example 1



1.5 4.5
4.5 7.5
7.5 9.0
9.0 12.0
12.0 15.0
15.0 18.0
18.0 -20.0
20.0 23.0
23.0 26.0
26.0 28.0
28.0 30.0
30.0 32.0
32.0 34.0
34.0 36.0
36.0 39.0
39.0 42.0
42.0 45.0
45.0 47.0
47.0 49.0
49.0 52.0








0.08 17.0
0.18 18.3
0.04 81.3
0.04 167.3
0.46 16.3
0.80 11.3
1.88 11.5
0.96 12.3






- 4.6
- 58.8

- 9.2
- 2.8
- 41.1
- 35.4

Net Neutralization Potential (NNP) for the Drill Column


In this example, the drill column contains areas of both high alkaline potential
and high potential acidity, with a NNP for the column of 335 ppt CaCO3 equivalent;
the column is net alkaline. Because the column is net alkaline, does not mean that
a potential problem does not exist. There is a zone (from 42.0 to 49.0 feet) of high
potential acidity. If this material is excavated, it will have to be mitigated in some
manner, to prevent the production of acid and potential acid rock drainage (ARD).
The mitigation may be accomplished by treating the excavated ABR with a foreign
source of alkaline, or by managing the excavation, and mixing the ABR with the
high alkaline material from higher in the excavation (23.0 to 30.0 feet). The treated
rock could then be encapsulated high and dry in an on-site fill. Mitigation options
are discussed in Section 10 in greater detail.


Worked Example 2 - Borehole ABA

This example looks at a column with only high MPA, and then considers the
necessary alkaline addition.
Table 7.3 Borehole ABA Example 2



1.5 4.5
4.5 7.5
7.5 9.0
9.0 12.0
12.0 15.0
15.0 18.0
20.0 23.0
23.0 26.0
26.0 28.0
28.0 30.0
30.0 32.0
32.0 35.0
35.0 37.0
37.0 40.0
39.0 43.0
43.0 46.0
46.0 49.0













6.5 14.4
3.32 12.7
0.5 -13.7
0.4 - 58.8
0.4 -17.7

Net Neutralization Potential (NNP) for the Drill Column

- 2.8
- 41.1
- 35.4

- 131.6

In this example, the drill column contains one short length of significant
alkaline potential and a zone (from 32.0 to 40.0 foot depth) of high potential acidity,
The NNP for the column is -131.6 ppt CaCO3 equivalent; indicating the column is
net acidic. As the high acidic zone is excavated, it will require alkaline addition. In
order to assure sufficient buffering, and since the acid reaction occurs at a greater
rate than alkaline production, a factor of safety must be applied to the alkaline
addition. Using a minimum factor of safety of 2.0, the alkaline addition should be at
least 263 ppt of CaCO3 equivalent, or 263 tons per thousand tons of ABR (material
from 32.0 to 40.0 foot of depth). Here again, the treated rock could then be
encapsulated high and dry in an on-site fill. The total amount of alkaline addition
required (tons), would be dependent on the area, and therefore mass of ABR,
represented by the bore hole.


Worked Example 3 - Borehole ABA

This is an example where the ABA results are less definitive relative to whether or
not ABR is a problem, and whether treatment is required.
Table 7.4 Borehole ABA Example 3



1.0 4.0
4.0 7.0
7.0 10.0
10.0 13.0
13.0 16.0
16.0 19.0
19.0 22.0
22.0 25.0
25.0 28.0
28.0 31.0
31.0 34.0
34.0 37.0
37.0 40.0









- 0.6
- 0.99
- 0.14
- 0.22




- 1.94
- 1.05
- 0.22
- 0.23

- 0.32
- 0.91
- 0.04
- 0.63
- 1.93
- 0.27
- 0.77
- 1.16
- 0.63
- 0.67

Net Neutralization Potential (NNP) for the Drill Column

- 0.96
- 2.73
- 0.12
- 1.86
- 5.79
- 0.81
- 2.31
- 3.48
- 1.89
- 2.01

- 20.5

In this example there is a net negative NNP of - 20.5, however there is no

single layer that is anticipated as a significant acid producer since the total sulfur
ranges only from 0.01 to 0.03 percent. And while there are a number of negative
PRs, NPs and NNPs, and no significant sources of alkaline, the MPA is very low.
While some values are in ranges indicating a potential for ABR (relative to values
indicated in Table 7.1), there is also little source for acidity. Situations of this nature
will have to be scrutinized closely, to assess the need for treatment or mitigation.


Worked Example 4 - Alkaline Addition for Uniform Rock Type

This example shows the general steps for determining the total quantity of supplemental
alkaline material (SAM) needed for neutralization of ABR waste material from involving only
one, uniform rock deposit. This scenario is likely to occur with a smaller volume, shallow
excavation such as a structure foundation.
Step 1: Tabulate the laboratory testing results:
Site Material

Quantity to be

(ppt CaCO3)

% Sulfur



Black Shale

1,000 tons




Step 2: Calculate NNP of the ABR:


= (0.55)(31.25)
= 17.2 ppt CaCO3


= NPShale - MPAShale
= 0.34 17.19
= -16.85 ppt CaCO3

(<0, therefore, likely to be acidic)

Step 3: Calculate PR of the ABR:


= NP/MPA = 0.34/17.19 = 0.02

(<1, therefore, likely to be acidic)

Step 4: Calculate required alkaline addition:

To help assure ARD will not be generated, set the target site NNP equal to a minimum of 12.0 ppt
CaCO3. A higher target NNP can be selected based on local experience or regulatory guidance.

= (NNPTarget) (NNPShale)
= (12.0) (-16.85)
= 28.85 ppt CaCO3

Apply a factor of safety (FS = 2.0) to assure adequate alkalinity is available. This helps to offset the
effect of imperfect mixing.

= (NNPDeficiency) x FS
= (28.85) x (2.0)
= 57.7 ppt CaCO3 or 57.7 tons of pure lime / 1000 tons of rock

Step 5: Determine the quantity of the specific SAM selected for the project.
This is a function of the purity of the imported alkaline material. In this case, an 85% CaCO3
equivalent (CCE) material (NP = 850, MPA = 0) is selected:
Total SAM required for the project


(NNPRequired) x (Overburden mass) / (CCE)

(57.7 tons/1000 tons) x (1,000 tons) / (0.85)
68 tons


Worked Example 5 - Alkaline Addition for Multiple, Blended Rock Types

This example shows the general steps for determining the total quantity of SAM needed for
neutralization of ABR waste material from involving two or more rock types (deposits) which
can be blended during excavation and placement. This scenario could occur when thin,
inter-bedded or steeply dipping deposits are excavated together. This calculation
assumes all material (including SAM) is blended together.
Step 1: Tabulate site overburden volume and laboratory testing results:
Site Material

Quantity to be Excavated

(ppt CaCO3)

% Sulfur









20,000 tons
(40% of site volume)
30,000 tons
(60% of site volume)


Step 2: Calculate NNP of Site:

NPSite = (% Shale) NPShale + (% SS) NPSS
= (0.40)(0.6) + (0.60)(5.0)
= 0.24 + 3.0 = 3.24 ppt CaCO3
MPASite = (% Shale) MPAShale + (% SS) MPASS
= (0.40)(0.52)(31.25) + (0.60)(0.02)(31.25)
= 6.5 + 0.38 = 6.88 ppt CaCO3
NNPSite = NPSite - MPASite
= 3.24 6.88 = -3.64 ppt CaCO3

(<0, therefore, likely to be acidic)

Step 3: Calculate PR of the ABR:


= NP/MPA = 3.24/6.88 = 0.47

(<1, therefore, likely to be acidic)

Step 4: Calculate required alkaline addition:

To help assure ARD will not be generated, set the target site NNP equal to a minimum of 12.0 ppt
CaCO3. A higher target NNP can be selected based on local experience or regulatory guidance.
NNPDeficiency = (NNPTarget) (NNPSite)
= (12.0) (-3.64) = 15.64 ppt CaCO3
Apply a factor of safety (FS = 2.0) to assure adequate alkalinity is available. This helps to offset the
effect of imperfect mixing.

= (NNPDeficiency) x FS
= (15.64) x (2.0) = 31.28 ppt CaCO3 or 31.28 tons lime / 1000 tons fill

Step 5: Determine the quantity of the specific SAM selected for the project:
This is a function of the purity of the imported alkaline material. In this case, an 85% CaCO3
equivalent (CCE) material (NP = 850, MPA = 0) is selected:
Total SAM required for the project


(NNPRequired) x (Overburden mass) / (CCE)

(31.28 tons/1000 tons) x (50,000 tons) / (0.85)
1,840 tons


Worked Example 6 - Alkaline Addition for Segregated Rock Types

This example shows the general steps for determining the total quantity of SAM needed for
neutralization of ABR waste material from involving two or more rock types (deposits) which
cannot be blended sufficiently during excavation and placement. This scenario could occur
when discrete rock deposits are oriented in thick, flat-lying beds, and will be excavated,
hauled, and placed separately from one another.

Step 1: Tabulate site overburden volume and laboratory testing results:

Site Material
Black Shale
Gray Siltstone

Quantity to be Excavated

(ppt CaCO3)

% Sulfur












15,000 tons
(25% of site volume)
45,000 tons
(75% of site volume)
1,000 tons
(volume not included
in SAM calculations)

Note: In this example the coal volume is sufficient such that the coal should be excavated
separately and hauled to a coal facility for disposal or marketing, and it should not be
blended with the other fill materials. This may not always be the case.
Step 2: Calculate NNP of Each Rock Type:
MPA Shale

= % Sulfur x 31.25
= (0.56)(31.25)
= 17.5 ppt CaCO3


= NPShale - MPAShale
= 10.0 17.5
= -7.5 ppt CaCO3 (<0, likely to be acidic)


= % Sulfur x 31.25
= (0.11)(31.25)
= 3.44 ppt CaCO3


= NP Silt - MPA Silt

= 12.0 3.44
= 8.56 ppt CaCO3 (<20, possibly acidic)

Step 3: Calculate required alkaline addition for the Shale:

To help assure ARD will not be generated, set the target site NNP equal to a minimum of 12.0 ppt
CaCO3. A higher target NNP can be selected based on local experience or regulatory guidance.
Shale NNPDeficiency = (NNPTarget) (NNPShale)
= (12.0) (-7.5)
= 19.5 ppt CaCO3


Apply a factor of safety (FS = 2.0) to assure adequate alkalinity is available. This helps to offset the
effect of imperfect mixing.
Shale NNPRequired = (NNPDeficiency) x FS
= (19.5) x (2.0)
= 39.0 ppt CaCO3 or 39.0 tons lime / 1000 tons fill

Step 4: Determine the quantity of the specific SAM need for the Shale:
This is a function of the purity of the imported alkaline material. In this case, an 85% CaCO 3
equivalent (CCE) material (NP = 850, MPA = 0) is selected:
Total SAM required for the Shale


(NNPRequired) x (Shale mass) / (CCE)

(39.0 tons/1000 tons) x (15,000 tons) / (0.85)
688 tons

Step 5: Calculate required SAM for the Siltstone:

To help assure ARD will not be generated, set the target site NNP equal to a minimum of 12.0 ppt
CaCO3. For this example, a target NNP = 20 is selected based on local experience with this rock
Siltstone NNPDeficiency

= (NNPTarget) (NNPSilt)
= (20.0) (5.86)
= 14.14 ppt CaCO3

Apply a factor of safety (FS = 2.0) to assure adequate alkalinity is available. This helps to offset the
effect of imperfect mixing.
Siltstone NNPRequired

= (NNPDeficiency) x FS
= (14.14) x (2.0)
= 28.3 ppt CaCO3 or 28.3 tons lime / 1000 tons fill

Step 6 : Determine the quantity of the specific SAM needed for the Siltstone
This is a function of the purity of the imported alkaline material. In this case, an 85% CaCO 3
equivalent (CCE) material (NP = 850, MPA = 0) is selected:
Total SAM required for the Siltstone = (NNPRequired) x (Siltone mass) / (CCE)
= (28.3 tons/1000 tons) x (45,000 tons) / (0.85)
= 1,499 tons



Acid Neutralization Methods

The goal of any excavation in ABR is to avoid the generation of ARD and if
proper mitigation techniques have been followed, the production of ARD is in all
probability minimized. In some cases due to site specific and or environmental
constraints generation of ARD is unavoidable and must be treated to the level of
control required. The intent of this guidance document is not intended to be a
design manual for the treatment of ARD. If a site requires water treatment a
qualified professional engineer should evaluate the site water and design an
appropriate treatment system. During the design phase PADEP should be in
consultation and any required permits obtained from PADEP.

Active Treatment

Treatment systems are classified as active or passive the type of system

depends upon the chemistry of the ARD. Active treatment systems are typically
more labor and maintenance intensive as these systems involve mixing of
chemicals, pumps, tanks, and filtration to function as designed. Often these
systems generate byproducts which require disposal on a regular basis. Active
treatment systems are typically used to treat higher levels of acidity and dissolved
metals with sodium hydroxide. Active treatments may be required in the early
stages of oxidation when acid production rates are highest, while passive treatment
may be sufficient as the acid production rate slows with the oxidation of the surface

Passive Treatment

Advantages of this system are: less labor intensive, often only require
occasional maintenance, do not require use of hazardous chemicals, and is
affective in removal of metals and take advantage of naturally occurring chemical
and biological processes. Types of passive treatment systems include anoxic
limestone drains, open limestone channels, limestone settling ponds, and wetlands.
Disadvantages include: does not work well for large flows (> 500 gpm), large
treatment area needed, high construction costs, and highly acid water (<3) can be
difficult to treat. The type of passive system(s) selected is based on the water
chemistry and flow at the project site. The following section briefly describes some
of the types of passive treatment systems available.
9.2.1 Wetlands
The way in which a wetland is constructed ultimately affects how acidic water
treatment occurs. Two construction types are: 1) "aerobic" wetlands consisting of
vegetation planted in shallow (<30cm), relatively impermeable sediments comprised
of soil, clay or mine spoil, and 2) "anaerobic" wetlands consisting of vegetation
planted into deep (>30cm), permeable sediments comprised of soil, peat moss,
spent mushroom compost, sawdust, straw/manure, hay bales, or a variety of other
organic mixtures which are underlain or admixed with limestone.

Aerobic wetlands promote metal oxidation and hydrolysis, thereby causing

precipitation and physical retention of Fe, Al, and Mn oxyhydroxides. Successful
metal removal depends on dissolved metal concentrations, dissolved oxygen
content, pH and net acidity of the mine water, the presence of active microbial
biomass, and detention time of the water in the wetland.
Anaerobic wetlands promote metal oxidation and hydrolysis in aerobic surface
layers, but primarily rely on chemical and microbial reduction reactions to precipitate
metals and neutralize acidity. The water infiltrates through thick permeable organic
subsurface sediment that becomes anaerobic due to high biological oxygen
9.2.2 Limestone Settling Ponds
Water is collected and retained to allow suspended solids time to precipitate
or drop out of water. Iron settles to the bottom of the pond and collects there
which after time need to be removed. For ARD high in dissolved iron, a settling
ponds large surface area permits atmospheric oxygen to dissolve into the acid
water which reacts with the iron and to form iron oxide (yellowboy) and settle out.
9.2.3 Anoxic Limestone Drains
Anoxic limestone drains (ALDs) are buried cells or trenches of limestone into
which anoxic water is introduced. The limestone dissolves in the acid water, raises
pH, and adds alkalinity. Under anoxic conditions, the limestone does not coat or
armor with Fe hydroxides because Fe+2 does not precipitate as Fe(OH)2 at pH 6.0.
9.2.4 Open Limestone Channel
Open limestone channels (OLCs) are another means of introducing alkalinity
to acid water. Long channels of limestone can be used to convey acid water to a
stream or other discharge point. Based on flows and acidity concentrations, cross
sections of stream channels (widths and heights) can be designed with calculated
amounts of limestone (which will become armored) to treat the water. Open
limestone channels work best where the channel is constructed on steep slopes
(>20%) and where flow velocities keep metal hydroxides in suspension, thereby
limiting the ir precipitation and plugging of limestone pores in the channel. Utilizing
OLCs with other passive systems can maximize treatment and metal removal.





Mitigation Tools

The goal of any treatment or mitigation plan is to prevent the formation of acid
more specifically to prevent the acid generation reaction from starting and getting
established. There are three general tools available in designing an effective
strategy to prevent acid production:
1) alkaline addition (buffering)
2) deny moisture
3) deny oxygen
Each of these methods alone could be adequate to provide protection,
however maintaining a moisture or oxygen free condition long term, may not be failsafe or realistic. For this reason, strategies involving all practical and available
combinations of these methods should be used. Buffering (alkaline addition) is
frequently used while also minimizing availability of oxygen and moisture. One or
more of these tools are incorporated in the methods discussed in detail below.
10.1.1 Alkaline Addition
A straightforward and common approach to preventing acid generation is to
add sufficient alkaline to maintain an alkaline environment and neutralize all
potential acidity. It is important to note that the primary purpose of alkaline addition
(maintaining an alkaline environment) is to inhibit the formation of acid. The high
pH of an alkaline environment interferes with the chemical and biological processes
that form acid. Neutralization is in some sense a secondary function, providing a
means to counteract and neutralize any acid that is produced.
Common sources of alkalinity include calcite (CaCO3 also known as calcium
carbonate) and dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2), with a less common source being calcium
hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) applied as a liquid slurry. As discussed, in order to assure
sufficient buffering, and since the acid reaction occurs at a greater rate than alkaline
production, a factor of safety must be applied to the alkaline addition. A minimum
factor of safety of 2.0 must be applied for alkaline addition. This is done by first
calculating the alkaline addition rate (lbs. alkalinity/ton fill) to achieve a target NNP
greater than zero (a target NNP of 12 to 20 is typically selected), and then
multiplying this rate by two. Higher addition rates may be used if justified or
The acid potential in the rock will likely vary considerably with depth, and
therefore alkaline addition rates may have to be adjusted accordingly. In other
words the requirements indicated by the acid-base accounting of boring column
may not dictate the appropriate alkaline addition rate. If certain zones have
significantly high levels of potential acidity, the alkaline additional may have to be

targeted for that zone. At the same time the practicality of material management
during construction operations must also be considered. Required alkaline addition
rates need to balance stratigraphically variable acid potential requirements, with
practical, common sense, construction operations and sequencing. Ultimately cost
will dictate were that balance should fall.
If alkaline addition costs are high, then closer scrutiny may be necessary in
scheduling, sequencing and handling procedures, sacrificing some productivity, or
requiring qualified personnel on-site during all excavation operations to identifying
those areas requiring higher alkaline rates. If the material to be excavated has a
more consistent level of potential acidity, alkaline addition costs are low relative to
the cost of impacting production, the volume of material necessary to treat is low, or
the cost on qualified on-site personnel is excessive, then a uniform alkaline addition
rate may be more appropriate.
The Importance of Particle Size: A factor that must be considered in alkaline
addition is the particle size of both the ABR and the added alkaline material. When
possible and practical, the particle size of the excavated ABR material should be
kept to a maximum. Maximum particle size will provide minimum exposed surface
area (available to oxygen and water), which will also help control the rate of acid
production. The particle size of the added alkaline must be smaller than that of the
suspected ABR. The size of the alkaline particles determines their short-term and
long-term availability or effectiveness as a source of alkaline.
The neutralization potential of alkaline particles smaller than the No. 60 sieve
(250 m) is considered 100% available, that is, effective immediately and within a
period of approximately one year. Particles larger than the No. 60 sieve (250 m)
have less surface area and need years to weather sufficiently so the core of each
particle (not just the surface) can react chemically to any surrounding acidic
conditions. Alkaline particles larger than 3/8 inch (0.375 in.) are considered to have
limited short-term effectiveness due to probable oxidation and armoring of the
particle surface. The particles literally form a rust coating that limits the availability
of the calcium carbonate beneath.
However small (No. 60 sieve size and smaller) alkaline particles also have a
potential drawback. While providing a readily available source of alkaline, the small
particle size also makes the material potentially highly mobile when mixed in a
matrix of relatively large particles. The gap grading allows the fine particles to
migrate. Since one of the primary functions of the added alkaline is to maintain an
alkaline environment to inhibit acid production, it is important that the added alkaline
remain mixed uniformly through the treated mass. The No. 60 material would tend
to migrate to the bottom of a treated fill, where it would be available and capable of
neutralizing any acid solutions that form, but it would not be serving the more
important function of inhibiting acid formation, and preventing the acid production
cycle from starting.


To prevent the migration of available alkaline particles (< No. 60 sieve)

through potentially open graded excavated ABR a mix of well graded limestone
aggregate and agricultural lime should be used for the added alkaline material.
The proportioning of coarse aggregate limestone and agricultural lime would have
to be based on the size and gradation of the excavated ABR. Table 10.1 below
provides required proportioning based upon excavated material particle size. The
proportioning value can be modified as appropriate based upon the actual particle
size of excavated ABR. If the actual particle size of the excavated ABR does not
match the alkaline particle size distribution assumed during design, adjust the
proportioning rate and particle size distribution is adjusted as appropriate.
If the quality of rock to be excavated is anticipated to vary, resulting in variable
excavated rock particle size, the proportioning rate must be adjusted during
construction as needed. For example, ABR comprised of highly fractured and thinly
bedded shale excavated from the top half of a cut and a competent slightly
fractured, thickly bedded sandstone excavated from the bottom half of a cut will
require different alkaline particle size proportions to limit alkaline migration, but also
be available to successfully neutralize any potential acidity. In order to
accommodate potential differences between anticipated and actual particle size
distribution of excavated ABR, alkaline addition materials, (i.e. 2A limestone and
agricultural lime) should be bid as separate items.
Table 10.1 Particle Size for Alkaline Addition
Potential for
Alkaline Addition
Characterization of ABR
Clean Shot Rock

Very competent
Large particle size
Minimal fines
Relatively uniform particle size
Angular to Blocky fragments



75% 2A
25% Agricultural Lime*



50% 2A
50% Agricultural Lime*



25% 2A
75% Agricultural Lime*

Dirty Shot Rock

Significant fines
Generally well graded
Subangular to angular
Wide range in competency

Highly Fragmented

High fines content

Small particle size
Well graded to poorly graded
Variable particle shape,
subangular to flat elongated

*Agricultural Lime 100% passing No. 60 sieve


As detailed in the worked examples (Section 8 - Acid-Base Accounting

(ABA)) the calculated amount of active CaCO3 required to neutralize the ABR
is doubled to apply a factor of safety (FS = 2.0) to assure adequate alkalinity
is available. This helps to offset the effect of imperfect mixing and lower alkaline
availability for the coarse aggregate limestone particles. Added to the calculated
factor of safety, is a built in safety by the larger particle size of the ABR, limiting the
rate of acid production. Just as the particle size of the added alkaline material limits
the availability of alkaline due to reduced surface area of larger particles, the large
particle size of ABR also limits acid production for the same reason. Much of the
acid potential is locked up inside the larger particles, greatly reducing the rate at
which the potential acidity can develop.
If site conditions dictate, a higher factor of safety should be established to
assure adequate alkalinity is available. Therefore the proportion of alkaline
particles (agricultural lime) comprises 50% or more of the alkaline addition for high
to moderate acid production. For clean shot rock, with predominantly large particle
sizes, the proportion of agricultural lime is less than 50% due to the lower potential
for acid production.
The Importance of Mixing: The added alkaline must be thoroughly mixed
with the suspected ABR, to assure proper distribution and alkaline availability. The
following method of mixing has proven to be effective and should yield acceptable
results for most projects:
1. Determine proper ratio (by weight) of imported alkaline to acid-bearing fill
2. Determine capacity (by weight) of project haul trucks
3. Determine necessary quantity of imported alkaline to be added to each truck
4. Load haul truck with excavated acid-bearing material
5. Load the pre-determined amount of imported alkaline material to the loaded
truck. It is not necessary to weigh each load. The required quantity can be
closely correlated to the volume of the loading bucket.
6. Unload the truck at the designated fill area and blade each load to the
required lift thickness. Additional mixing can be achieved by blading, disking,
or raking with rock rippers as necessary dependent upon the size of the
constituents and visual appearance of the bladed material.
10.1.2 Encapsulation (Deny Oxygen and Deny Water)
All fills of ABR or sulfate soils must be encapsulated to isolate the acid
bearing material, as much as practical, from oxygen and water. All practical efforts
should be made to keep the acid bearing material dry until encapsulation is
completed. Encapsulation is always performed in combination with alkaline
addition. The material must be encapsulated in the fill, placed high and dry, a
minimum of 5 feet above the 100-year floodplain elevation and the seasonal high
groundwater elevation. The encapsulation and high placement will limit exposure of
the ABR to both oxygen and water.

If the gradation of the ABR/Alkaline composite fill is significantly different

than the foundation soil then a layer of Class-4, Type-A geotextile should be placed
prior to placement of the fill to prevent mixing, migration, and loss of alkaline
addition material. Once the alkaline addition has been completed, the treated fill is
considered encapsulated when a minimum of 3 feet of capping on top, bottom, and
sides. The capping must consist of low permeability, fine-grained soil having the
following properties:

greater than or equal to 35% passing the No. 200 (75 m) sieve
minimum plasticity index of six (PI 6.0) for fraction passing No. 40 (425
m) sieve

The soil capping must be underlain by a Class 4, Type A geotextile to prevent loss
and migration of the soil into the rock fill. When the ABR fill is very coarse, angular
and/or open graded, the ABR must be choked off with granular material to prevent
puncture of the geotextile. The geotextile and soil capping on the slopes must be
placed concurrently with the ABR fill. The slope of any encapsulated ABR fills is
limited to a maximum 2.5:1, horizontal to vertical. While 2:1 slopes are common
and acceptable, and 2:1 is more than adequate for internal stability a fill with a rock
core, the risks associated with a surficial slide of an encapsulated ABR fill dictate a
flatter 2.5:1 slope.
10.1.3 Submergence (Deny Oxygen)
An effective option to encapsulation is permanent submergence in water. This
too will deny the necessary oxygen for acid production (even though in the
presence of ample moisture), provided the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration of
the water does not exceed that of uncontaminated regional groundwater,
approximately 4 mg/L DO.
Sometimes, situations that normally present a design or construction challenge
can be exploited. For example, with excavations that contain ABR below the water
table, keeping the excavation flooded (if practical) will limit the exposure to oxygen,
keeping oxidation of ABR under control. This may be an effective approach in river
and stream environments with open excavations. It may be practical to flood the

Additional Considerations for Treatment and Mitigation

While the above tools are very effective, the preferred The first option is to
always avoid excavating or exposing ABR when possible and practical, by
alignment or grade adjustments. When this is not possible, treatment and
mitigation is typically necessary. If t is most critical to know what the acid bearing
strata are (i.e. be able to identify the acid bearing rock or soil) and know where they
are located (depth, thickness and lateral extent). For flat-bedded geology,
adequate boring data and sample testing may be sufficient. However in more
complex geology (folded and inclined bedding), subsurface mapping and/or cross
sections indicating the location of suspected ABR strata, may be required.

The same information should be provided for any high neutralization potential
(NP) strata identified during the testing and ABA processes, if in developing the
mitigation plan the alkaline material can be used to help buffer the acid bearing
materials, or be used for passive treatments. Define the extent of all distinct
lithologic types, including coal seams and their carbonaceous remnants, calcareous
deposits, and potential water bearing zones.
The development of an ABR management plan should evaluate the range of
potential solutions. The design process should be guided by sensible goals, and
should include the mitigation plan should achieve the following goals:

Low potential for long-term degradation to any watershed or public water


Reasonable level of confidence that acidic discharges will not develop in

the future.

Low level of long-term maintenance for treatment of any acidic discharge.

Minimize delays and impact to the project construction schedule

Minimize costs required for construction and maintenance associated with

the ABR management plan, and the costs will be reasonable and prudent
for addressing environmental concerns.

Developing a confident mitigation plan must always give adequate

consideration to not only the site specific geologic and hydrogeologic conditions, but
also constructability. These criteria can be extensive and complex and may include
the following:

Site geology (karst is higher risk than non-karst limestone or noncarbonate)

Hydrologic connections to springs and/or streams

Site proximity of private or public drinking water supplies

Availability/proximity of public drinking water

Areas designated as Unsuitable for Mining under Pennsylvanias Surface

Mining Act (areas may be off limits due to existing regulations)

Potential for reclamation of nearby active or abandoned mine lands

(elimination of safety or environmental hazards results in a beneficial use)

Proximity of project to sources of neutralization (i.e., lime piles)

Water quality of the host watershed according to PA Chapter 93

designation. Special Protection Waters such as Exceptional Value (EV) or
High Quality (HQ) would constitute less desirable sites than waters with
less restrictive protected uses such as Cold Water Fishery, Warm Water
Fishery, or Industrial Water Supply.

Conditions of the necessary transportation network for hauling ABR

material (weight restrictions, detour requirements, etc.)

Possible public acceptance or opposition of the ABR management plan

To fully cover all potential mitigation factors, it is necessary to consider both

the material being excavated and any open (temporary and permanent) excavations
or cuts (e.g. cut slope face). So in effect, both cuts and fills may require some type
of special considerations. While there are some similarities in treatment, the
general approach for mitigation of excavated materials and excavation faces is
sufficiently different that they will be discussed separately.

Treatment of Excavated Materials

Handling excavated material that is identified as potentially acid bearing ABR

is primarily a material management issue. Identified ABR or sulfate soils should be
treated as they are excavated. The goal is to prevent the acid reaction from
starting and getting established. Remember that the reaction becomes self-feeding
once the pH level has been sufficiently lowered. The more acidic the environment
gets, the more rapid the reaction becomes. It should be recognized that flat-bedded
or gently-dipping geologic deposits are usually more manageable during excavation
than steeply-dipping deposits or veined deposits that typically are distributed in a
rock mass that does not generally follow normal excavation sequencing. Since
production rock blasting and subsequent excavation is done in successive
downward blocks, horizontally oriented beds of ABR material can usually be readily
separated from overlying and underlying deposits (as in surface coal mining).
It is important that the material of concern be adequately described and that
appropriate personnel be on the project that can identify the material, so that the
required handling and treatment procedures can be applied as appropriate and
needed. The description must include the anticipated depth(s) and physical
characteristics of the suspect material(s), and any other pertinent information.
Identification during excavation is a critical factor in managing the material, to
ensure that it is not used in uncontrolled fills, which can create later problems, and
to effectively manage mitigation costs.
10.3.1 Excavated Rock
Treatment of excavated ABR involves all three of the primary tools discussed
in Section 8.1. See Figure 8.1 for a typical detail indicating minimum requirements
for an ABR fill. First alkaline is added as indicated in Section 8.1.1. The alkaline is
added in the amounts determined according to acid-base accounting procedures
present in Section 7, and must include a 2.0 factor of safety for alkaline addition
rates. The alkaline is provided in the appropriate gradation and thoroughly mixed
following the guidelines discussed in Section 8.1.1 and Table 8.1.


The treated ABR is encapsulated following the requirements of Section 8.1.2.

The treated ABR must be placed and encapsulated in a continuous process. To
prevent infiltration of excess moisture from precipitation, any beaks in placement
that will extend a duration exceeding five (5) days require that a Class 4, Type A
geotextile be placed followed by a minimum of two 6 inch compacted lifts of capping
soil as defined in Section 8.1.2. When the ABR fill is very coarse, angular and/or
open graded, the ABR must be choked off with granular material to prevent
puncture of the geotextile.
3ft min

Capping Soil
(3ft minimum)
Class 4, Type A

3ft min

2.5:1 Max

Treated ABR Fill

5ft min

Greater of seasonal high water table

elevation or 100 year flood elevation

Figure 10.1 Typical Section: Minimum Requirements Treated ABR Fill

10.3.2 Excavated Soil
Excavated sulfate soils are treated similar to ABR by alkaline addition and
encapsulation, except sulfate acid bearing soils present two specific problems not
experienced with ABR. The first is the rate of acid production. Because of the
small particle size, acid production can initiate rapidly and progress very rapidly.
Because of this, the alkaline addition serves much more as neutralization than
simple buffering. The second concern is that the neutralization reaction produces
highly expansive minerals (e.g. gypsum). The specific gravity of gypsum is
approximately 2.3 as opposed to a specific gravity of 4.9 to 5.2 for pyrite, the
dominant sulfate soil mineral. The significantly lower specific gravity of the
neutralization by-product results in an increase in volume from soil expansion,
which can result in significant damage.
For this reason it is impractical to use sulfate soils as engineered load bearing
fills or embankments, since every lift of treated sulfate soils would have to be
permitted to season, allowing the neutralization reaction and expansion to
complete, prior to compaction of the treated material. If the expansion is not
allowed to fully develop, or if portions of the sulfate soil are left untreated (due to
either insufficient alkaline addition or insufficient mixing of the treated soil), then


post construction damage can result. Sulfate soils must therefore be treated
(alkaline addition and encapsulation) and disposed of in waste areas.
Existing deposits of sulfate soils within the footprint of planned roadway
construction, which cannot be avoided by realignment, must be removed, treated
and wasted. Treatment is by alkaline addition and encapsulation. Alkaline addition
rates are determined by acid-base accounting procedures, and must include a 2.0
factor of safety for alkaline addition rates.
Sulfate soils can also be treated by submergence, however this is considered
a high risk approach since it is likely the acid production will likely already have
initiated prior permanent placement below water. Treatment would still be
necessary prior to placement, and then leaching of heavy metals into the water may
be a potential problem.

Treatment of Rock Excavated Faces (Rock Cuts)

Exposed excavations and rock cut slopes with ABR present a different
challenge than handling the excavated materials. As with excavated material it is
best to address the issue as soon as possible and practical after opening an
excavation, as acid generation can begin to establish in as little as 2 to 3 weeks of
the initial disturbance and exposure. Both temporary and permanent excavations
should be addressed. The same principals of deny oxygen, deny moisture and
apply alkaline addition to suspected ABR in excavations. However one significant
difference between the open excavation and the material excavated is exposed
surface area. Generally the total available exposed surface-area of the open
excavation is much less than that of broken, dislodged particles. This tends to
reduce the potential oxidation rate. The obvious disadvantage is the greater
difficulty that can exist in encapsulating a sloping, open excavation in order to
further deny oxygen and moisture.
There are several approaches for treatment and mitigation of ABR and sulfate
soil excavated faces. The selected treatment is primarily a function of the material
(soil or rock) and the slope of the excavated face. The treatments may have some
similarities, but also have specific differences, and therefore will be discussed
individually in the sections below.
Design and construct the rock cut slope according to one of the three methods
(A through C) indicated in Table 10.2 and discussed in detail below. Which method
is selected will be determined according to a variety of site and project specific
conditions and concerns. At a minimum, the following factors must be considered
in assessing the appropriate cut slope design and construction procedures in ABR.
These include:

Is a rock cut slope in ABR avoidable? Have all possible alternatives been
Is the project balanced, borrow or waste?

Right of way requirements.

Expected acid bearing potential of excavated materials and rock cut slope
Anticipated rate and duration of acid production from exposed rock cut
Project scheduling excavated ABR should be treated and encapsulated
as soon as practical, so cuts and fills must be coordinated. Temporary
storage of excavated materials must be avoided.
Are any temporary or permanent measures required for control and/or
mitigation of acid rock drainage?
Are PADEP issued permits required such as a NPDES permit.
Economic considerations (cost).
The geologic structure (jointing and bedding) and rock slope stability of
cut slope in ABR.
Anticipated rock quality (weathering and degradation potential of rock cut
faces in ABR).
Anticipated rate and duration of acid production from exposed rock cut

The last three factors are important in determining which of the methods is
suitable relative to long-term control of acid rock drainage. The last factor, the
duration of acid production from exposed rock cut faces, is important relative to the
feasibility of being able to leave rock cut faces permanently exposed.
The method selected is often driven by cost, but also may be dictated by
available right of way, environmental or other concerns. In general, Method A is
appropriate for rock cut slopes in geologically favorable rock resistant to
weathering, where acidic runoff can be managed for both short and long term
conditions. Method B is for less competent rock, which may be subject to long term
weathering and degradation, but limitations in right-of-way preclude flattening the
slope sufficiently to permit a soil cover. And Method C is for cuts in much less
competent or highly erodible rock, where adequate right-of-way exists to permit
encapsulation of the cut with a soil cover. Methods B and C may also be applied if
necessary for environmental needs or concerns, or if it is desired to limit the
required amount of foreign borrow (however it is much more likely that the cost of
foreign borrow is significantly less than treatment of ABR excavation).


Table 10.2 Treatment of Rock Cut Excavations (Rock Cut Slopes)

Site Parameter/


Cut Slope Angle

Treatment of ABR
waste rock

Treatment of ABR
slope face

Treatment of ABR


Method A
(Section 10.4.1)

Method B
(Section 10.4.2)

Method C
(Section 10.4.3)

No adverse discontinuities;
high resistance to
weathering; good to
excellent rock quality

highly fractured;
Moderately fractured;
moderate to low
moderate resistance
resistance to
to weathering; fair
weathering; poor to v. rock quality
poor rock quality
1:1 to 2:1 with
1:1 or steeper
2:1 or flatter
potential benches
Presplit blasting techniques should be used on all ABR cut slopes
Treat excavated ABR as per Section 8.3.1
1. No slope face coverage,
1. Cover the ABR
1. Cover the ABR
the exposed ABR face is
slope with a
slope face with a
permitted to oxidize and
geosynthetic facing
burn itself out by forming
system (See
an oxidized surface layer
Figure 10.1);
and geocell. Fill
2. If the cut slope is
System to include
the geocell with
completed in ABR with
combination of
coarse limestone
durable (sandstone) and
aggregate (See
low durability units (shale,
geomembrane and
Figures 10.2 and
claystone, underclay,
coal) consider applying
2. Fill geocell with
shotcrete facing to the
large aggregate to
exposed low durability
ballast system
units due to their high
3. Provide cabling
slaking potential. The
through geocell an
shotcrete application has
anchor at top of
two advantages: a) it
slope to support
prevents undercutting and
facing system;
inhibits undercutting and
Cables, anchors
b) it prohibits oxidation of
and anchoring
the exposed ABR surface.
compounds must
Provisions for stainless
consist of high acid
steel welded wire mesh,
resistant nonand associated hardware
corroding materials
should be made.
Treatment types consist of short term active and long term passive systems
and are designed on the basis of water chemistry and amount of runoff
generated; treatment systems for low level acid generation consist of open
limestone drains, wetland or settling pond, and anoxic limestone drains. See
Section 9 for additional information. In all cases a secondary (backup) passive
treatment system should be considered to handle any potential fugitive acid
All piping should be thermoplastic pipe (HDPE); Do not use calcareous
aggregates for drainage applications;


10.4.1 Method A Excavated Rock Face With Slope 1:1 or Steeper

Because of the extreme difficulty and cost of attempting to encapsulate the
face of a steep rock cut slope, an alternate strategy of addressing the problem can
be considered. In Section 2.3, the presence of oxidized cap rock was discussed.
This is acid bearing rock that has been previously oxidized, stripping it of its acid
potential. During the oxidation process, an armoring of iron oxide (essentially rust)
develops on the exposed rock surface that inhibits production of acid runoff. Recall
that in order for a potential source of acidity to be converted to acid, the presence of
both water and oxygen are necessary. One of the issues discussed in Section 8.2
for alkaline addition is the importance of small particle size creating a large surface
area for availability of the alkaline whereas larger particles develop an armoring on
the surface of iron oxide (essentially rust) that inhibits future availability of the
The concept is to use these properties in developing a plan for managing the
exposed face of an acid bearing rock cut slope. Once exposed, the face on the
ABR cut slope can readily produce acid according to its potential acidity, and the
availability of water and oxygen. While none of these three parameters can be
directly controlled on a cut face, understanding the process allows for design of an
effective management strategy.
Based on this information, the desired strategy is to simply allow the rock cut
face to produce acid runoff, collect the runoff, and treat (neutralize by alkaline
addition) the acid drainage prior to release. A rock cut slope completed in good
quality rock, exhibits a limited surface area (as opposed to fragmented excavated
rock). The limited surface area restricts the available potential acidity. Oxygen is
abundantly available to the cut slope face while moisture availability varies. Slopes
with high seepage will have greater availability of moisture. Precipitation events will
also produce moisture. With the three necessary ingredients available (source of
potential acidity, oxygen and water), acid drainage will be produced.
As the intensity of a precipitation event increases, acid drainage will be diluted.
Detention basins and the treatment system must be designed with sufficient
capacity so that a combination of treatment and dilution will result in release of
water meeting required pH levels for a full spectrum of potential run-off rates.
Treatment is often accomplished by metering of a liquid caustic (Sodium Hydroxide,
NaOH) solution into the acid runoff. Metering rates with be determined by the pH
level and flow rate of the runoff. Sodium Hydroxide is frequently used since it has a
100 percent neutralization efficiency, however any acceptable neutralizing agent
with a properly designed system, is satisfactory.
Initially acid production from a rock cut face may be fairly high and the acidic
runoff must be collected and treated prior to release. As the exposed sulfur bearing
minerals in the rock are converted to acid, the level of available potential acidity
continually decreases. Potential acidity locked in the interior of the rock is not
exposed to air, and becomes much less available. An oxidized zone forms at the

face of the slope, reducing the level of available acidity, and in effect protecting rock
within the slope from further oxidation. The slope face essentially burns itself out.
The slope will likely continue to produce acidic runoff, but at a rate and
concentration that can likely be managed long term with a properly designed
passive treatment system. Passive treatment systems are described in more detail
in Section 9.2.
A passive treatment system typically consists of a layer of limestone through
which low level acidic runoff can flow and be neutralized prior to release of the
project. See Section 9.2.4, Open Limestone Channel. This is most effectively and
prudently placed in swales at the base of the cut slope. By placing in a swale
directly beneath the rock formation producing the acidic runoff, the acid cannot
permeate into surrounding soils, resulting in other potential problems (e.g.
contamination of surrounding soils, degradation to pavements and pavement bases,
damage to structure foundations, damage to light post bases and/or foundations,
damage to drainage structure, etc.)
Limestone is most effective in the smallest size practical, however the particle
size must be of sufficient size to avoid washout and erosion during intense
precipitation events. A good approach to satisfy both these needs is to place a
layer of finer graded limestone coarse aggregate (e.g. 2A or 2RC) to provide
greater alkaline availability, with an adequate cover layer of coarser limestone
aggregate (e.g. AASHTO No. 1s) or possibly limestone R-3 rock lining (if required)
to dissipate flow energies and prevent erosion. The slower velocities created by the
larger material in dissipating flow energies will also provide greater reaction time for
The only drawback to a passive treatment system is the potential required
maintenance. As remnant acid runoff from the slope is neutralized by the passive
system, armoring of the limestone forms (essentially a rust coating as was
discussed with alkaline addition), making the remaining alkaline unavailable.
Another important consideration is the selection of pipe material for and
drainage features that may transport (internal exposure) or be subject to external
exposure (permeating the surrounding fill) of acidic runoff or drainage. This issue is
covered in greater detail in Section 11 of this document. In short, neither metal nor
concrete pipe fairs well in acidic conditions, and the use of approved plastic pipe
(e.g HDPE) is necessary for any areas where the potential for acid exposure exists.

10.4.2 Method B - Excavated Rock Face With Slopes Flatter Than 1:1 and Steeper
than 2:1
For rock slopes having a face flatter than 1:1, the opportunity exists to prevent
(or drastically limit) the oxidation process and formation of acid by encapsulating the
slope face. For slopes flatter than 1:1 but steeper than 2:1, this can be
accomplished with the use of a series of geosynthetic materials. The encapsulation

denies both oxygen and water. Water may still reach the slope face from seepage,
however exposure from external sources (precipitation and runoff from above) are
controlled. And since the encapsulation also restricts availability of oxygen, any
water entering as seepage will not have sufficient oxygen to produce acid in
significant concentrations.
The encapsulation can be accomplished by placing a barrier or sequence of
materials forming a barrier, which can seal off the slope face, but are durable and
will provide long life (see Figure 10.1). The option presented here is to first dress
the slope face to as even and smooth a surface as practical. A smooth even face
will prevent air pockets and help protect the barrier system from damage and

Support Cable

Geocell w/Aggregate Fill

(6 inch min thickness)
Rock Cut Slope Face

Anchor for
Support Cable

Min 60 mil Thick

(LLDPE or Co-Polymer)
Min 16 ounce Non-woven
Needle Punched

Figure 10.1 Conceptual Detail for Isolation of Rock Cut with Slope Face
Flatter than 1:1 and Steeper than 2:1 (Method B)

The barrier should consist of a heavy weight non-woven needle-punched felt

type geotextile, similar to a Class 4, Type A geotextile, but of greater thickness.
Class 4, Type A geotextile weighs approximately 10 ounces per square yard of
material (10 oz/sq yd). The barrier geotextile should have a minimum density of 16
ounces per yard to provide adequate protection against puncture for the
geomembrane layer above.
A geomembrane is then placed over top the geotextile layer. The
geomembrane prevents infiltration of water and limits availability of oxygen. The
geomembrane must consist of a flexible, textured surface, minimum 60 mil

thickness linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) or propylene/ethylene copolymer

The geomembrane should be lapped top down (shingle style) and all seams
field welded. A second non-woven needle punched 16 ounce felt type geotextile is
placed over top of the geomembrane to protect the geomembrane from puncture.
Perforated wall geocell is then placed over top the upper geotextile layer to
protect and ballast the geotextile/geomembrane layers. The geocell will likely
require a system of cables anchored at the top of the slope to support the geocell
slope protection. The geocell is filled with an appropriate size coarse aggregate to
provide ballast. Limestone aggregate should be used so that in the event of a
puncture in the membrane, and the subsequent formation and leakage of acid
occurs, a source of alkaline is available for immediate neutralization of the acid.
The dimensions (thickness and cell size) of the geocell, and size of the
aggregate ballast, should be determined according to project specific needs,
however the minimum thickness of the aggregate cover must be six inches.
Note that the procedure indicated in Method A can also be used for flatter
slopes. Cost and environmental considerations may dictate which option is the
preferred solution. Also be aware that the slope may be producing acid runoff until
the geosynthetic cap can be installed. Until that time, any acidic runoff must be
managed as described in Section 10.4.1 Method A. Selection of pipes resistant to
corrosive attack from acid (i.e. plastic pipe), for some or all of the project may also
be necessary.

10.4.3 Method C - Excavated Rock Face With Slope 2:1 or Flatter

For rock slopes with a cut face flatter than 2:1, an effective and relatively cost
efficient soil encapsulation approach is possible (see Figures 10.2 and 10.3).
Slopes with a cut face steeper than 3:1 should be benched to provide a good shear
bond with the soil cover (Method C-1). Slope shallower then 3:1 should not require
bonding benches unless specific site conditions or soil quality would dictate
otherwise (Method C-2).
As with Method B, the soil encapsulation denies oxygen and restricts or limits
water. Water may still reach the slope face from seepage or infiltration, however
with adequate soil cover thickness and proper vegetation, infiltration would be
limited. And since the soil encapsulation restricts the availability of oxygen, any
water entering (as seepage or infiltration) will not have sufficient oxygen to produce
acid in concentrations that would be of concern.
A minimum of 4 feet of soil cover should be used to assure that vegetation root
mass is not impacted by acid materials or byproducts. If the material is actively
producing acid, or is of a highly acid nature, then a layer of agricultural lime must be

placed to buffer the material and neutralize any acid. Required layer thickness
must be based upon the soil acid potential and anticipated acid production rate, with
a minimum layer thickness of 3 inches of agricultural lime. Horticultural, land
management and related specialists must also be consulted for proper vegetation to
be planted for the soil conditions and that will provide adequate erosion control.
Necessary mulch and temporary erosion control measures must be included until
vegetation is established.

Benched Rock Cut Slope

Rise/Run of Benches to Match
Average Slope of Cut and Slope of Soil

Capping Soil
(4 ft minimum)

4 ft min

2:1 Max to 3:1


Figure 10.2 Typical Section: Minimum Requirements Rock Cut with Slope
Face Steeper than 3:1 and Not Exceeding 2:1 Method C-1

Benched Rock Cut Slope

Rise/Run of Benches to Match
Average Slope of Cut and Slope of Soil

Capping Soil
(4 ft minimum)
3:1 Max

4 ft min


Figure 10.3 Typical Section: Minimum Requirements Rock Cut with Slope
Face Steeper than 3:1 and Not Exceeding 2:1 Method C-1


Note that as with Method B, the slope may produce acidic runoff until the soil
encapsulation can be completed. Any acid runoff and drainage must be managed
as described in Section 10.4.1 Method A. Also, the treatments discussed in both
Sections 10.4.1 Method A and 10.4.2 m- Method B, can also be applied for rock
cuts with slopes 2:1 and flatter, should specific site needs, environmental conditions
or economic circumstances dictate.
For situations where sustained acidic seepage exists or is anticipated from a
slope, covering the slope face with a geosynthetic drainage composite and
geomembrane may be necessary. The drainage composite would capture the acid
seepage, which would then be collected in a properly and appropriately designed
drainage system. The drainage system would convey the captured acidic runoff for
treatment and eventual release. The geomembrane would provide a barrier limiting
oxygen and infiltration of water, which could result in increased production and
volume of acidic runoff.


Treatment of Soil

For existing embankment slopes that are exhibiting evidence of being

excessively acidic (oxide staining or lack of vegetation) surface treatment similar to
that detailed in Section 10.4.3 Method C is recommended. The same method
options exist as described in Section 10.4.3, and can be used and adapted as site
specific needs, environmental conditions or economic circumstances dictate and/or


Expansive Deposits Pyritic Shales and Sulfate Soils

There are two mechanisms of expansion that are generally responsible for
excessive volume changes in natural rock and soil materials:
1) Moisture adsorption (typically due to montmorillonite minerals)
2) Chemical alteration (typically due to sulfide or sulfate minerals)
The second mechanism is the subject of this section. Figure 10.5 illustrates the
Although materials that are potentially expansive due to moisture uptake can
be a concern in Pennsylvania, they are not typically associated with ABR and
therefore are not specifically addressed in this policy. Acid forming ABR materials
usually contain sulfide minerals and therefore can be potentially expansive under
certain conditions. One possible case is the addition of neutralizing lime to shale or
soil containing sufficient levels of certain sulfate and clay minerals. This
combination of materials could exhibit accelerated three-dimensional (3-D) swelling.
Sulfate-induced ground heave can also occur when sulfide minerals oxidize to
produce sulfate ions in the presence of clay minerals, moisture, and lime. This
combination can then form problematic minerals such as gypsum or ettringite.

Sulfate-induced heave is a
complex process involving
many determining factors,
making it difficult to predict.
These factors affect the
time-rate of expansion and
the %-volumetric
expansion between the
parent material(s) and final
alteration product(s). Some
of these factors include:

% of sulfide present
Grade of sulfide
Form of sulfide
Distribution of sulfide
Availability of water
Availability of oxygen
Availability and type of
clay minerals
Availability and type of
calcium- rich minerals
Availability and type of
accessory sulfate
Availability and type of
hydrated sulfate minerals

Sulfide (FeS2)
(commonly pyrite)
oxidation of Sulfide (days to weeks to occur)

Sulfate + Sulfuric Acid

(commonly melanterite)
(>200% swell, weeks to months to occur)

Anhydrite (CaSO4)
(commonly calcium sulfate)
At high pH and excessive
calcium present

Gypsum +
hydrated sulfates

(>300 % swell, months to years to occur)

At low pH

(>600% swell)

Oxidation may continue, as sulfate leaches,

micas and swelling Illite clays may form

(months to years to occur)

Figure 10.5 Generalized Sulfide-Induced Swelling Process

(%-swell and time-rate values shown are cumulative approximations)

When swelling shale is anticipated to be used as fill that is not encapsulated, a

mellowing period shall be specified after the lime and water have been added and
mixed with the fill to allow the sulfide-sulfate and sulfate-sulfate reactions to occur
prior to final placement and compaction. Special attention must be given to using
excess water during mixing, mellowing, and curing. Mixing water should be at least
3% above optimum for compaction, plus hydration water.
When common borrow is known or expected to possess elevated sulfate
minerals, such as gypsum, the soluble sulfate level of the materials needs to be
determined according to test method AASHTO T-290. The action points for soluble
sulfate, total sulfur, and sulfide sulfur levels are listed in Table 10.3 It is known that
for rock types other than coal, the %-total sulfur content is not expected to be
significantly different than the %-pyritic (sulfide) sulfur content. For this reason,
ASTM D-4239 is the specified test method for non-coal rock types. Conversely,
sulfide sulfur may be a only a minor percentage of the total sulfur content in coal,
and the forms of sulfur test method ASTM D-2492 is needed.


Table 10.3 - Action Points for Soil, Rock (other than Coal) or Coal Materials
Treated with CaCO3 or CO for the Control of Acid Generation
Sulfate Sulfur
in Soil

Sulfide Sulfur in Potential for

ASTM D-4239
ASTM D-2492
Total Sulfur
in Rock

0 - 2,500 ppm
(0 - 0.25%)

< 0.5%

< 0.5%

Very Low

2,500 - 5,000 ppm

(0.25 - 0.50%)

0.5% 1.0%

0.5% 1.0%


5,000 - 7,500 ppm

(0.50 0.75%)

1.0% 2.0%

1.0% 2.0%


>7,500 ppm

> 2.0%

> 2.0%


Required Action due

to Potential Swelling
If material is to be used as
roadway or structural fill, the
material-alkaline blend must be
tested according to PTM No.130.
During construction, a minimum 7day mellowing period at +3%
optimum moisture is required.
Do not use as structural or
roadway fill due to excessive swell

Materials with a low or moderate swelling potential that are intended to be

used as fill must be tested according to PTM No.130. Materials of concern due to
elevated sulfate levels (0.25% or greater) can be evaluated with the standard 14day test duration. Materials of concern due to elevated sulfide levels (above 0.5%)
however, shall be tested according to PTM No.130 for a duration of 56-days. The
extended test duration is required to permit the sulfide ample time to oxidize to
sulfate prior to expansion. If PTM No.130 cannot be completed on these materials,
or the results of PTM No.130 testing are uncertain or inconclusive, do not use such
lime-treated fill in any area(s) where subsequent expansion or swelling would have
a detrimental impact.
Caution must be taken to avoid the placement of lime-treated fill in a location
that would be susceptible to intermittent saturation from seeps, springs or
fluctuating groundwater that may contain elevated sulfate levels. These types of
sulfate sources can trigger additional 3-D swelling in the alkaline-rich fill. In
contrast, sulfide-bearing deposits that remain submerged (such as below a bridge
footing adjacent to a water body) and undisturbed would not be expected to be
potentially expansive or exhibit 3-D swelling because the oxygen supplied to the
sulfide minerals is restricted.



Design and Construction Considerations



Field Reconnaissance: Effervescence and/or reddish staining (termed

gossan) on existing rock surfaces are revealing indicators of past acidic conditions
where metal oxides have been formed. It should be well documented when these
colorations are observed during the field reconnaissance or subsurface
Drainage Pipe Specification: The selection of pipe material type (ABS,
Aluminum, Cement Concrete, HDPE, Steel, PVC) is an important consideration.
Refer to Pub. 15M, Design Manual 4, Section 12.6.9 concerning requirements for
pipes in corrosive environments. Do not specify metal or concrete pipe in areas
where non-neutralized acidic fill or acidic drainage is expected or could occur. The
acid will react with the alkaline in concrete pipe, and will rapidly oxidize the
galvanized zinc coating of steel pipe. Use thermoplastic or vitrified clay pipe in any
situation where highly acidic drainage is present or may occur, and PE-lined
concrete or metal pipe for moderate to low acidic drainage as outlined in Table 11.1
and Pub. 15M, Section 12.6.9.

Table 11.1 - Selection of Pipe Material in Acid-Corrosive Environment*

Allowable Corrosivity Level of
Soil and Water

Pipe Material Type






Galvanized or Aluminized Steel

PE-lined Concrete, PE-lined Steel
*Always reference the pipe manufacture specifications and Pub. 15M,
Section 12.6.9 for the various pipe material types to assure only pipes with
adequate corrosion resistance (i.e., design life) will be permitted for the
project-specific conditions.

Aggregate Specification: When alkaline addition is required, the use limestone

with a high CaCO3 content (>90%) is preferred due to its notably higher reactivity
than limestone with a high MgCO3 or CaMg(CO3)2 content (i.e., dolomites).
Calcareous aggregates may be used in designed treatment systems where
aggregates have a determined design life, and will be removed and replaced with
fresh aggregate at planned intervals. Class R-3 rock and AASHTO No. 1 aggregate


sizes are considered optimal when long-term alkaline addition is desired for
subsurface flow.
For subsurface drainage collection systems where the water conveyed is
acidic or could become acidic and contains elevated ferric iron or aluminum, use
only non-calcareous aggregates. Calcareous aggregates, such as crushed
limestone, can react with these ions, causing metal precipitates to form and collect
within the aggregate and the drainage pipes. This precipitate can quickly
accumulate and completely clog the drain system.
For surface drainage collection systems, calcareous aggregate and rock can
be used effectively to line ditches and slopes to provide alkalinity to buffer acidic
surface water and rainwater at a project site.


When acid producing rock is expected or suspected to be encountered during

construction, plan to have qualified personnel on the job to perform timely
identification and assessment of the material during excavation. This is especially
important for projects within areas of suspected isolated sulfide deposits that are
typically difficult to locate and define accurately during the drilling program. An
approved contingency plan should be in place that defines a protocol for preventing
the development of ARD during excavation.




Laboratory Test Specifications Cited

AASHTO T-27 Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates
AASHTO T-194 Determination of Organic Matter in Soils by Wet Combustion
AASHTO T-248 Reducing Samples of Aggregate to Testing Size
AASHTO T-290 Determining Water-Soluble Sulfate Ion of Soils
ASTM D-2492 Forms of Sulfur in Coal
ASTM D-4239

Sulfur in the Analysis Sample of Coal and Coke Using HighTemperature Tube Furnace Combustion Methods

ASTM D-5744 Laboratory Weathering of Solid Materials Using a Humidity Cell

EPA Method 1627 Kinetic Test Method for the Prediction of Mine Drainage Quality
PTM No. 130 Evaluation of Potential Expansion of Steel Slags



Technical References

Berg, R.R., 1986, Reservoir Sandstones, Prentice-Hall, Inc., New Jersey

Brady, B.C., Smith, M.W., Schueck, J. (eds), 1998. Coal Mine Drainage Prediction
and Pollution Prevention in Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
Department of Environmental Protection
Caruccio, F., Geidel, G., 1984, Applicability of Overburden Analytical Techniques in
the Prediction of Acid Drainages, University of South Carolina
Cravotta III, C.A., Kirby, C.S., 2004. Acidity and Alkalinity in Mine Drainage:
Practical Considerations
Cummiskey, H.M., 2007, Layering Technology for Acid Remediation Utilizing
PennzSupressD, American Refining Group, Bradford, PA 16701
Dubbe, D.D., Usman, M.A., Moulton, L.K., 1984, Expansive Pyritic Shales,
Transportation Research Record 993
Gold, D.P., Doden, A.G., Scheetz, B.E., 2008, The Need for Interdisciplinary
Interaction in Route Planning and Site Characterization to Avoid Acid Rock
Drainage and Road Bed Heave, The Pennsylvania State University
Harris, P., Scullion, T., Sebesta, S., 2004, Hydrated Lime Stabilization of Sulfate
Bearing Soils in Texas, Technical Report, Texas Transportation Institute
Hedin, R.S., 1994, Passive Treatment of Coal Mine Drainage, Information Circular
9389, U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines
Kleinmann, R.L.P, 2000, Prediction of Water Quality at Surface Coal Mines,
Acid Drainage Technology Initiative (ADTI)
Noll, D.A., Bergstresser T.W., Woodcock, J., 1988, Overburden Sampling and
Testing Manual, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources
Orndorff, Z. Daniels, W.L., 2002, Delineation and Management of Sulfidic Materials
in Virginia Highway Corridors, Virginia Transportation Research Council
Pennsylvania Geological Survey, 2005, Geologic Units Containing Potentially Acidproducing Sulfide Minerals, Open-file Report OFMI 05-01.1
Scheetz, B.E., Ellsworth, C.J., 2007, Preliminary Assessment of Acid-Producing
Rock on Future PennDOT Construction, Pennsylvania Transportation Institute,
prepared for the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
Skousen, J, Rose, A., Geidel, G., Foreman, J., Evans, R., Hellier, W., 1998,
Handbook of Technologies or Avoidance and Remediation of Acid Mine Drainage,
Acid Drainage Technology Initiative (ADTI)
Smart, R., Skinner, B., Levay, G., Gerson, A., Thomas, J., Sobieraj, H., 2002, ARD
Test Handbook, Project P387A Prediction & Kinetic Control of Acid Mine Drainage,
Ian Wark Research Institute
Suthersan, S.S., 1996, Remediation Engineering: Design Concepts, CRC Press

Willert, F.J., 2002, Chemical Process Affecting the Subsoil During Reclamation of
Highly Acidic Minespoil, Ph.D. Thesis in Soil Science, The Pennsylvania State
Zhao, J. Q., 1998, Durability and Performance of Gravity Pipes: A State-of-the-Art
Literature Review, National Research Council of Canada


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