An Overview of Data Mining Techniques
An Overview of Data Mining Techniques
An Overview of Data Mining Techniques
1. Introduction
The growth of available data in the electric power industry motivates the adoption of data
mining techniques. However, the companies in this area still face several difficulties to
benefit from data mining. One of the reasons is that mining power systems data is an
interdisciplinary task. Typically, electrical and computer engineers (or scientists) need to
work together in order to achieve breakthroughs, interfacing power systems and data
mining at a mature level of cooperation. Another reason is the lack of freely available and
standardized benchmarks. Because of that, most previous research in this area used
proprietary datasets, which makes difficult to compare algorithms and reproduce results.
This chapter has two mains goals and, consequently, is divided in two parts. In the first part,
the goal is to present a brief overview on how data mining techniques have been used in
power systems. There are several works, such as (Mori, 2002), that introduce data mining
techniques to people with background in power systems. In contrast, this text assumes
previous knowledge of data mining, describes some fundamental concepts of power
systems and illustrates the kind of problems that the electric industry tries to solve with
data mining.
The second part of the work presents a thorough investigation of a specific problem:
classifying time series that represent short-circuit faults in transmission lines. Studies show
that these faults are responsible for 70% of the disturbances and cascading blackouts
(Kezunovic & Zhang, 2007). Besides, there is a large and growing number of publications
about this problem.
Two types of fault classification systems are discussed: on-line and post-fault. On-line fault
classification must be performed on a very short time span, with the analysis segment (or
frame) being located approximately at the instant the fault begins. Post-fault classification
can be performed off-line and its input consists of a multivariate time series with variable
length (duration). Post-fault is a sequence classification problem, while in on-line
classification the input is a fixed-length vector. Both fault classification systems (and most
data mining applications) require a preprocessing or front end stage that converts the raw
data into sensible parameters to feed the back end (in this case, the classifier).
Besides its practical importance, one reason for the popularity of fault classification is that it
is relatively easy to artificially generate a dataset through simulators. Here, the well-known
Alternative Transients Program (ATP) (ATP, 1987) simulator was used to create a public and
Source: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Real Life Applications, Book edited by: Julio Ponce and Adem Karahoca,
ISBN 978-3-902613-53-0, pp. 438, February 2009, I-Tech, Vienna, Austria
comprehensive labeled dataset. Such datasets are key components to allow reproducing
research results in different sites, which is crucial given the large number of parameters to
be tuned in a fault classification system. Therefore, in order to promote reproducible
research, this work also provides detailed information about the adopted parameters.
The chapter is organized as follows. In Section 2 a brief description of data mining
applications in power systems is provided. The section also introduces basic concepts of
power systems. For a more detailed treatment, the reader is refereed to (Casazza & Delea,
2005). The second part begins in Section 3, which poses the fault classification problem and
discusses solutions. Section 4 presents simulation results and is followed by the conclusions.
rates (e.g., 5 kHz). In many cases it suffices to monitor the root mean-square (RMS) value of
each waveform estimated at each second. Figure 3 illustrates the information about the
voltage amplitude that is provided by the RMS estimation.
Fig. 2. a) Example of ideal normalized voltage waveform of one phase. b) All three phases
with short-circuit between phase B and ground, as registered by an oscillograph
Fig. 3. Example of the RMS waveforms superimposed to the voltage waveforms in a fault
between phase B and ground. It can be seen that the voltage in phase B drops to a value
ower than 1 p.u., while phases A and C achieve values above the nominal.
In summary, most power systems data can be considered as multivariate time series, but the
sampling frequencies may differ significantly and the variables are eventually categorical
(not numerical). Roughly, one can organize the data originated in power systems into three
a. Raw waveforms (voltages and currents) sampled at relatively high sampling
b. Pre-processed waveforms (e.g., RMS) typically sampled at low sampling frequencies;
c. Status variables (e.g., if a relay is opened or closed) typically sampled at low sampling
Due to its higher volume of information, the first category data is sometimes organized in
specific databases, such as the oscillographic database, which stores all data from
oscillographs. The other two categories are sometimes organized in the so-called
Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems (Boyer, 1999). SCADAs are
complex systems that periodically store several thousands of heterogeneous variables and
are an important source of information for data mining. For example, automatically mining
cause-effect relationships in SCADA data is an incipient but promising activity. Some
power systems are affected by events that repeatedly cause troubles but their causes remain
undetected. However, most of the times it is necessary to organize a data warehouse in
order to be able to mine data from a SCADA, and fewer works use such data when
compared to the first category.
Data mining can also alleviate another problem in power systems: when a disturbance is
detected, a large amount of messages and alarms are generated. Protection equipments are
responsible for detecting a problem, and act appropriately, isolating the defective part of
system, for example. Part of this operation is automatic, but some tasks depend on a
specialist. The amount of information regarding the problem cannot be excessive but
should be enough for making decisions. Data mining techniques can be used to filter alarms
and messages and provide the important information to the operator.
Failures in the performance of protection equipments, remote terminal, communications
link and acquisition of date online, and variations in the voltage levels after of the
occurrence disturbance, are factors that difficult the assessment and diagnosis in real time
initial cause of power off.
Another problem of interest to the electric power industry is load forecasting, in which the
goal is to predict the demand for power in specific regions. This can be cast as a
conventional regression problem. Power quality is another area that can benefit from data
mining. Here the goal is to help characterizing how close to the ideal (nominal) parameter
values the system is operating. Small and large deviations are categorized by detection and
classification modules. The location where a power quality event happened is also of
The next section describes tasks and techniques used in data mining.
2.2 Review of data mining applications in power systems
This section briefly describes typical applications of data mining in electrical power systems
via a collection of 18 papers. Table 1 lists the technique, task and application area.
Among the several applications listed in Table 1, the second part of this work concentrates
in fault classification, as discussed in the next section.
Application Area
Ramos, 2008
Decision tree
Hagh, 2007
Saibal, 2008
Chia-Hun &
Detection and
14-bus power
Pang &
Ding 2008
and selforganizing
Power quality
Distributed power
Bhende, 2008
Decision tree
Decision tree
and neural
Detection and
Silva, 2006
Costa, 2006
Not defined
and classification
of consumers
classification and
Classification of
detection for
power system
detection for
power system
Detection and
classification of
Power quality
Electric energy
Faults detection
and classification
Fault classification
Tso, 2004
Transmission and
Detection the
substations most
sensitive to the
Mori, 2002
tree and
Load forecasting
Dash, 2007
Classification and
identification of
Dola, 2005
Vasilic, 2005
Vasilic, 2002
Not defined
Classification of
disturbances in
real time.
Detection and
diagnosis of
transient and
Detection and
Table 1. Summary of tasks, techniques and applications of data mining in power systems.
endpoints of a given line. In these cases the sample is an augmented vector with twice the
dimension of the single endpoint scenario. For the previous example, the sample dimension
for double endpoint measures would be Q = 12 .
A front end converts samples into features for further processing. An example of a modern
front end algorithm is the wavelets decomposition (Vertelli & Kovacevic, 1995).
Independent of the adopted parametric representation, a single sample typically does not
carry enough information to allow performing reasonable decisions. Hence, it is useful to
consider that a front end converts the matrix X in to a matrix Z with dimension K N , as
depicted in Figure 4 (the processing is performed on Z , not X ), where K is the number of
features and N the number of feature vectors.
Fig. 4. The input and output matrices of the front end stage. Q and K are the dimensions of
the sample and feature vectors, respectively, while
A front end is called raw when it outputs features that correspond to values of the original
samples, without any processing other than organizing the samples into a matrix Z . In the
framed raw front end, this organization is obtained through an intermediate representation
called frame. A frame F has dimension Q L , where L is the number of samples called
frame length and their concatenation Z = [F 1 , , F n ] is a matrix of dimension Q LN ,
where N is the number of frames.
The frames can overlap in time such that the frame shift S , i.e., the number of samples
between two consecutive frames, is less than the frame length. Hence, the number of frames
for a fault X n is:
. is the flooring function.
N n = 1 + Tn L / S
Fig. 5. Organizing feature vectors z in a concatenated raw front end. In this case, the ABG
fault with a total of four frames, L = 3 and S = 1 lead to two vectors z of dimension
K = 18 .
As an alternative to the raw front end, the wavelet transform provides information via a
multi-resolution analysis (MRA) (Vertelli & Kovacevic, 1995). When adopting this front end
special care needs to be exercised to fully describe the processing, given their large number
of degrees of freedom.
It is assumed a -level dyadic wavelet decomposition, which has stages of filtering and
decimation (Vertelli & Kovacevic, 1995) and transforms each of the Q waveforms into +1
waveforms. More specifically, the q-th waveform is decomposed into approximation a
and details d1 , d 2 ,, d , for q = 1, , Q . For simplicity, the dependence on q is omitted
Some works in the literature use only one of the details or calculate the average power of the
coefficients (Morais et al., 2007). In contrast, the framed wavelet front end keeps all the
coefficients by taking in account that for > 1 they have different sampling frequencies and
organizing them as matrix Z . For that, instead of using a single L , the user specifies a value
Lmin for the waveforms with lowest f s ( a and d ) and a large value L = 2
min , where
S min is another user-defined parameter.
Fig. 6. Vector of features obtained with a simple RMS front end, which represents each fault
by a three-elements vector. The color and shape indicate the fault category according to the
of these vectors obtained via different simulations (more details in Section 4) with the color
indicating the kind of fault. It can be seen, for example, that the monophasic faults (AG, BG
e CG) and the triphasic fault (ABC) can be distinguished from the biphasics faults.
Moreover, the biphasic faults that do not involve the ground are relatively similar to those
biphasic faults involving ground.
3.2 On-line and post-fault classification
Fault classification systems can be divided into two types. The first one aims at performing a
decision (classification) for each feature vector z or, equivalently, a frame F (giving that z
is just a representation F as a vector). This is typically the goal in on-line scenarios, at the
level of, e.g., a protection relay (Kezunovic & Zhang, 2007). Alternatively, the decision can
be made at a supervisory center in a post-fault stage. The latter case makes a decision having
available the whole matrix Z of variable dimension KNn, where n distinguishes the
individual faults, which having distinct durations in the general case. The on-line and postfault systems try to solve problems that can be cast as conventional classification (Witten &
Frank, 2005) and sequence classification (Ming & Sleep, 2005) problems, respectively.
On-line fault classification must be performed on a very short time span with the frame
located in the beginning of the fault. It is often based on a frame corresponding to half or
one cycle of the sinusoidal signal (typically of 60 or 50 Hz). For example, assuming 60 Hz
and a sampling frequency of f s = 2 kHz, one cycle corresponds to L = 2000 60
approximate 33 samples.
As mentioned, on-line classification corresponds to the conventional scenario, where one is
{(z1 , y1 ), , (z M , y M )} containing M
( )
unitary score for the correct class f i z = 1 while the others are f i z = 0 , i y . With this
assumption, the final decision is given by the max-wins rule.
F ( z ) = arg max f z
i i
Contrasting to the on-line case, a post-fault module has to classify a sequence Z . The
1, , Y
and the training set
classifier is then a mapping :
) (
z1 , y1 , , z M , y M
contains M sequences and their labels. The technique adopted in
this work is the frame-based sequence classification (FBSC) (Morais et al., 2007).
In FBSC systems, the fault module repeatedly invokes a conventional classifier F ( z ) (e.g., a
( ()
( ))
frames. Two possible options consist in calculating an accumulated score g i ( Z ) for each
( )
G ( Z ) = arg max g Z
( )
( )
g Z = f z
i n
n =1
(Z ) =
( ( ))
log f z
i n
n =1
The accuracy of the system G (Z ) can be evaluated according to the misclassification rate
and it is clearly dependent on the accuracy of the classifier F (z ) . The misclassification rates
are E s and E f , for the post-fault (sequence) and on-line (frame) modules, respectively. In
the case of post-fault systems, in spite of E s being the actual figure of merit, it is sometimes
useful to also calculate Ef. However, one should note that estimating E f takes in account all
frames that compose a fault (frames in the beginning, middle and end of the fault). In online applications, such as relaying, taking a decision in the beginning of the fault is the most
important. In order to take this situation in account, this work defines Eo as the
misclassification rate obtained when one considers only the first frame of the fault.
The next section presents simulation results for fault classification.
4. Simulation results
The experiments used the UFPAFaults4 dataset, which can be downloaded from The UFPAFaults4 dataset is composed by 5,500
faults, organized into five sets of 100, 200, . . ., 1000 faults each. The division into these sets is
to facilitate obtaining sample complexity curves (Vapnik, 1999). The sample complexity
indicates how many training examples are required to train the classifier. It can be evaluated
by observing how the performance varies with the number of training examples.
Each fault in the dataset corresponds to three voltage and three current waveforms stored as
binary files with an associated text (ASCII) files, which stores a description of the fault (its
endpoints, label, etc.). The waveform samples are stored as real numbers represented as the
primitive type float in Java (big-endian, 32-bits, IEEE-754 numbers).
The faults are generated with the software AMAZONTP (Pires et al., 2005). Some
parameters for the simulations are randomly generated. The values of all four resistances
were obtained as i.i.d. samples draw from a uniform probability density function (pdf)
U(0.1; 10), with support from 0.1 to 10 Ohms. The begin and duration (both in seconds) of
the fault were draw from U(0.1; 0.9) and U(0.07; 0.5), respectively. The location was draw
from U(2; 98) (percentage of the total line length). Eleven types of faults (AG, BG, CG, AB,
AC, BC, ABC, ABG, ACG, BCG, ABCG) were generated using a uniform distribution.
The voltage and current waveforms generated by the ATP simulations had a sampling
period equal to 0.25 microseconds, corresponding to a sampling frequency f s = 40 kHz. It
is possible to obtain versions with smaller values for f s by decimating the original
waveforms. This operation requires low-pass filtering to avoid aliasing. Details about
decimation and filtering can be found in digital signal processing textbooks, e.g.
(Oppenheim, 1989).
4.1 Normalization
The elements of feature vectors z may have very different dynamic ranges (e.g., voltage in
kV and currents in Amperes). This can cause the learning algorithms to perform poorly.
Therefore, as a pre-processing stage, it is important to apply a normalization process. There
are many algorithms for normalization of time series. This work adopted the so-called
allfault (Morais et al., 2007), which takes in account all duration of the waveforms for getting
the maximum and minimum amplitudes of each phase, and the converting the values to the
range [-1, 1]. A distinct normalization factor is calculated for each of the Q waveforms.
4.2 Model selection
Often, the best performance of a learning algorithm on a particular dataset can only be
achieved by tedious parameter tuning. This task is called model selection and corresponds,
for example, to choosing parameters such as the number of neurons in the hidden layer for a
neural network. A popular strategy for model selection is cross-validation (Witten & Frank,
2005). This is a computationally intensive approach, but avoids tuning the parameters by
repeatedly evaluating the classifier using the test set. The test set should be used only once,
after model selection, such that the error rate on this test set is a good indicator of the
generalization capability of the learning algorithm. When dealing with frames extracted
from sequences, it should be noted that, in conventional classification, the examples are
( )
( )
when examples z , y are extracted from contiguous frames of the same sequence given the
relatively high similarity among them. Hence, in practice it is important to use crossvalidation properly, to avoid overtting due to a training set with similar vectors extracted
from the same waveform.
This work performed model selection via a validation set, disjoint to both training and test
sets. A grid (Cartesian product) of model parameters is created and the point (set of
parameters) that leads to the smallest error in the validation set is selected. For each
coordinate, the user specifies the minimum and maximum values, the number of values and
chooses between a linear or logarithmic spacing for the values.
4.3 Results
The simulations in this work relied on Weka (Witten & Frank, 2005), which has many
learning algorithms. Specifically, the work used decision trees (J4.8, which is a Java version
of C4.5 (Witten & Frank, 2005)), multilayer artificial neural network (ANN) trained with
backpropagation, nave Bayes and K-nearest neighbor (KNN). The choice of these classifiers
was based in the fact that they are popular representatives of different learning paradigms
(probabilistic, lazy, etc.).
The parameters obtained by model selection for each classifier are summarized in Table 2.
The KNN used the squared-error as distance measure and K = 1 neighbors. The nave Bayes
used Gaussian pdfs and does not have parameters to be tuned. For the ANN, H is the
number of neurons in the hidden layer, N the maximum the number of epochs, L the
learning rate and M the momentum (Witten & Frank, 2005). For J4.8, C is the confidence and
M the minimum number of examples in a leaf.
Front end
-H 8 -N 1500 -L 0.2 -M 0.3
-H 20 -N 1500 L 0.2 -M 0.3
-C 0.35 -M 10
-C 0.5467 -M 10
-C 0.7433 -M 10
-C 0.35 -M 10
-C 0.5467 -M 10
-C 0.35 -M 10
-C 0.35 M 5
Table 2. Summary of parameters for the front ends and two classifiers.
The results for frame-based classification using the concatenated raw front end are shown in
Figure 7. The best results were obtained by the ANN, followed by the J4.8 classifier. The best
frame length was L = 9 . It is interesting to note that for L = 1 , ANN achieved an error rate
more than three times the one achieved by J4.8, which could be due to problems in
Fig. 7. Error rate E f for several classifiers and frame lengths L using the concatenated raw
front end.
The results obtained with RMS front end (Figure 8 ) were inferior to the ones in Figure 7, for
the raw front ends. But it is interesting to note that the described RMS front end, which uses
only three numbers obtained reasonable results.
Fig. 8. Error rate E s using RMS front end for several classifiers and frame length L = 33. .
Besides, the interpretation of decision trees trained with the RMS parameters provides a
good insight about the problem. Figure 9 shows an example. In this case, the participation of
a phase in the short circuit can be inferred by a relatively low minimum RMS value. For
example, if this minimum value is above the threshold estimated from the data, then the
corresponding phase should not be involved in the short-circuit.
Fig. 9. Decision tree for the RMS front end that represents each fault with only three
parameters: VA, VB and VC, which correspond to the minimum RMS value of each phase.
Fig. 10. Results for post-fault classification. a) Error ES for post-fault classification. The
ANN-based FBSC achieved ES = 0 for L > 1 . b) Difference Ef ES between the erro rates for
frame-by-frame and sequence classification.
Figure 10 shows results for post-fault classification. Figure 10 a) shows absolute values
while Figure 10b) indicates the difference between ES and Ef. As expected, post-fault
classifiers can achieve smaller error rates than the ones that operate at one frame only. One
can see that the ANN-based FBSC achieves E s = 0% for all values of L but L = 1 . The
classifier J4.8 achieves E s = 0.1% with a computational cost smaller than the ANN.
Fig. 11. Sample complexity for frame-based classification (the error is Ef) with L = S = 9 .
The figure shows the average and standard deviation. It can be seen that approximately
M = 700 examples suffices to train the classifiers.
Figures 11 and 12 show, respectively, the results for sample complexity of frame-by-frame
Ef and one-frame E0 classification with L = S = 9 . Model selection was used for each value
of M, given that the best parameters for the classifier typically depend on the number of
training examples (Rifkin & Klautau, 2004) . Comparing Figures 11 and 12 one can conclude
that more examples are needed to train a classifier that observes only the first frame of the
fault and its misclassification rate E0 is typically higher than Ef under the simulated
5. Conclusions
This work presented an overview of data mining techniques used in power systems.
Among several data mining tasks, fault classification is popular especially because it is
relatively easy to generate artificial data using simulators such as ATP. Other applications
of data mining will potentially impact the electric power industry, but this will require
data warehouses to cope with preprocessing and organizing heterogeneous and large
Even within fault classification, the research methodology needs improvement for an easier
conversion of academic results into effective products. One important issue is the robustness
of proposed algorithms to distinct power system constituent elements, such as the
transmission line lengths. Several algorithms are tested with only one simulated scenario.
This work shows that a very simple RMS front end, which represents each fault by only
three values, can lead to misclassification rates under 1% in controlled conditions. Hence, it
is important to improve benchmarks with publicly available datasets, such as the
UFPAFaults4, and use them to properly evaluate new approaches.
This chapter also presented results comparing different figures of merit for evaluating fault
classification systems. It was shown that post-fault classifiers, which can take the whole fault
segment in account to make a decision, achieve smaller error rates than classifiers based on a
fixed-length (and short) frame. In fact, neural networks precisely classified all test examples
(zero error) in some configurations. Another aspect that was emphasized is that, as vastly
discussed in the machine learning literature, the number of examples to train a classifier
depends on the learning algorithm and the domain (dataset).
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ISBN 978-3-902613-53-0
Hard cover, 436 pages
How to reference
In order to correctly reference this scholarly work, feel free to copy and paste the following:
Jefferson Morais, Yomara Pires, Claudomir Cardoso and Aldebaro Klautau (2009). An Overview of Data
Mining Techniques Applied to Power Systems, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Real Life Applications,
Julio Ponce and Adem Karahoca (Ed.), ISBN: 978-3-902613-53-0, InTech, Available from:
InTech Europe
InTech China