Multiport DC-DC Converter For Power Management of Multiple Renewable Energy Sources
Multiport DC-DC Converter For Power Management of Multiple Renewable Energy Sources
Multiport DC-DC Converter For Power Management of Multiple Renewable Energy Sources
Kalena Mansi
Madan Vishal
VIVA Institute of
VIVA Institute of
VIVA Institute of
Hedalkar Onkar
VIVA Institute of
This is a new isolated multiport DC to DC converter. The
main purpose of this converter is for power management of
several renewable sources which can be of similar type such
as solar or may be of different type. The proposed DC to DC
converter only uses one controllable switch to each port to
which a source is connected, so it uses a switch mechanism. It
uses topology of less number of switches. Here we use
capacitor on low voltage side which use as power storage
component. Which mainly use when all switches are off so
power will be provided by capacitor. Also on high voltage
side we use filter circuit to smooth the DC pulse to get more
accurate output. In future for AC voltage we can connect
General terms
solar panel, switches
Multiport converter, maximum power point tracking
(MPPT),solar energy
Renewable is very useful energy source. Since this energy is
free of cost and widely present on earth so it is useful mainly
in the field of electricity generation. So main aim of this
project is to connect different renewable sources in the form
of grid type structure. We can use solar, wind, tidal and many
more. The main purpose of connecting so many input is to
satisfy the peak load requirement of todays generation. Today
load demand is so high that one load can not fulfill the
demand. So we connect many number of input. The main
advantage of this idea is renewable enrgy is free of cost so by
connecting different number of input and sum up their power
at output we get large amount of power. In this DC-DC
converter we many use solar as input. The solar is huge source
of energy and also it provide large amount of power. Using
less number of switch we can reduce the complexity of
system. Also each switch for each input to control duty cycle.
Here using MPPT concept we can extract maximum energy
from each input. Which gives us benefit when we get
increment in output power rating.
Here we connect three solar panel on input side which is
connected through MPPT. By varying the duty cycle of each
switch we can adjust the output power. This DC voltage is
actually rippled DC wave. to make this rippled DC into
smooth DC we use filter circuit. This smooth DC is given to
output side where DC load is connected. Mainly we combine
maximum power available from each sources and provide to
the load. As per the requirement we provide the necessary
power to system. MPPT plays an important role in the whole
Multiport DC-DC
Converter for Power Management of Multiple
Renewable Energy Sources
It is more efficient type of system as campared to previous
system. Here complexity is less.In previous system high
frequency transformer is used for stepping up the voltage.In
this system, to increase the voltage can use boost converter .
Here buck converter provide input to battery. Battery is
provided for backup purpose. At night time solar radiation is
absent so battery provide the extra power mainly
multiporting is done. as per output requirement power is
abstract from solar input. Current and voltage sensor are
provide to sense the rating of incoming current and voltage.
Solar panels :-We will be using 3 solar panels of 6
volts,150mA each in our project as an input.
Microcontroller (MPPT charge controller) :-We will be using
a microcontroller in our project for varying the duty cycle of
the switches of buck converter. We will be using arduino
microcontroller. The microcontroller is the heart of MPPT
charge controller. It will sense the voltage and current of each
solar panel and according to that it will active the pertub and
observe algorithm used in it to change the duty cycle of the
switches of buck converter, and our load requirement will be
Buck converter:- The buck converter is used for the
switching operations of the solar panels according to its
modes of operation which is dependent on the load
requirement. If load requirement is not fulfilled by all the
solar panels then buck converter provide remaining voltage by
chopping the voltage of battery.
Battery:- The battery is used for the storage purpose. In case
of excessive generation of power, the battery will store that
excess power. In case of lesser generation of power the battery
will supply its stored power to fulfill the load demand.
Load:- The load is used to check the the successful operation
of the proposed system.The load that we will be using is a dc
Multiport DC-DC
Converter for Power Management of Multiple
Renewable Energy Sources
The input power connector to the solar panels is the screw
terminal solar panel 1,2 and 3 with battery .The another
connector is connected for the load. are the 5A safety fuses.
The buck converter is made up of the synchronous MOSFET
(IRFZ44N) switches Q2 and Q3 and the energy storage
devices inductor L1 and capacitors C1 and C2 The inductor
smooths the switching current and along with C2 it smooths
the output voltage.Capacitor C8 and R6 are a snubber
network,used to cut down on the ringing of the inductor
voltage generated by the switching current in the inductor.
The third MOSFET(IRFZ44N) Q1 is added to allow the
system to block the battery power from flowing back into the
solar panels at night. As all diodes have a voltage drop a
MOSFET is much more efficient.Q1 turns on when Q2 is on
from voltage through D1. R1 drains the voltage off the gate of
Q1 so it turns off when Q2 turns off.
The diode D3 (UF4007) is an ultra fast diode that will start
conducting current before Q3 turns on. It is supposed to make
the converter more efficient.
The IC IR2104 is a half bridge MOSFET gate driver. It drives
the high and the low side MOSFETs using the PWM signal
from the arduino (Pin -D9) .The IR2104 can also be shut
down with the control signal (low on pin -D8) from the
Arduino on pin 3. D2 and C7 are part of the bootstrap circuit
that generates the high side gate drive voltage for Q1 and Q2.
The software keeps track of the PWM duty cycle and never
allows 100% or always on. It caps the PWM duty cycle at
99.9% to keep the charge pump working.
There are two voltage divider circuits( R1,R2 and R3,R4) to
measure the solar panel and battery voltages.The output from
the dividers are feeds the voltage signal to Analog pin-0 and
Analog pin-2 .The ceramic capacitors C3 and C4 are used to
remove high frequency spikes.
The MOSFET(IRFZ44N) Q4 is used to control the load.The
driver for this MOSFET(IRFZ44N) is consists of a transistor
and resistors R9 ,R10.
The diode D4 and D5 are TVS diodes used for over voltage
protection from solar panel and load side.
The current sensors ACS712 sense the current from the solar
panel and feeds to the Arduino analog pin-1.
The 3 LEDs are connected to the digital pins of the
microcontroller and serve as an output interface to display the
charging state.
Reset switch is helpful if the code gets stuck. The back light
switch is to control the back light of LCD display.
Multiport DC-DC
Converter for Power Management of Multiple
Renewable Energy Sources
maximum power is also shown & the operating points for
maximum power transfer are denoted by maximum power
line. In order to ensure the operation PV modules for
maximum power transfer a special method called Maximum
Power Point Tracking (MPPT) is employed in PV system .
The maximum power tracking mechanism makes use of an
algorithm and an electronic circuitary.
The mechanism is based on the principle of impedance
matching between load & pv module which is necessary for
maximum power transfer By using dc-dc converter the
impedance is matched by changing the duty cycle (d) of the
switch. The power from solar module is calculated by
measuring voltage and current. This power is an input to
algorithm which then adjusts the duty cycle of the switch,
resulting in adjustment of reflected load impedance according
to power output of pv module. For instance the relation
between the input voltage (Vi) and the output voltage (Vo) and
impedance of load (RL) reflected at input side (Ri) of a buck
type dc-dc converter can be given as
Vo = Vi * d
Ri = RL / d^2
By adjusting the duty cycle Ri can be varied which should be
same as the impedance of solar pv module in a given
operating condition for maximum power transfer.
A multiport DC-DC converter that uses the minimum number
of switches has been proposed for simultaneous power
management of multiple renewable energy sources. The
proposed converter has been applied for MPPT control of a
three-source solar panel system. The advantage of the
proposed multiport DC-DC converter is its simple topology
while having the capability of MPPT control for different
sources simultaneously. The
proposed converter can be easily applied for power
management of different types of energy sources, such as
batteries, as well.