Persuasive Speech Plan (Engineers)
Persuasive Speech Plan (Engineers)
Persuasive Speech Plan (Engineers)
Title: New Engineers: 5 Years in the Philippines, Bad?
Specific Speech Purpose: To convince the audience that it is not beneficial
for new engineers to
be required to serve the Philippines for five (5) years
before allowing them to go abroad.
Statement: Engineers should be free to do what they want to do with the
abilities and skills
they have established, after they earn their degrees.
I. Attention Step: Scientists are the Seekers. They are the ones who
search and discover
new knowledge and information with the use of what is
already known and understood. On the other hand,
engineers are the Applicators. They are the ones who
harness these ideas and data for the benefit of human
kind and all living and non-living things.
II. Clarification Step: I am here today in front of you with my speech
entitled New
Engineers: 5 Years in the Philippines, Bad? to show you a
preview of what are the negative effects of engineers
being contained in our mother country for five (5) full
years. According to the Philippine Daily Inquirer, The
Department of Science and Technology graduated more
than 1,400 scholars in school year 2009-2010, but its
highly doubtful if they have found jobs in an industry that
is very small and almost non-existent in the Philippines.
Their statement proves that our topic today has a great
value not only to them, but also to the whole society at
I. The country doesnt have enough money to support all engineers in the
country, both old and new.
A. The income that could be given can only reach a certain amount
that could sometimes support only the person himself.
B. There is low funding for the projects that would be held
1. Funds are not enough for the use of more state-of-the-art
2. Funds arent enough for the purchase of adequate and
long-lasting supplies and materials
II. The availability of job offers are only limited and could not
accommodate all engineers in the country
A. Some tend to go work under companies that can give them
income even if their qualifications are more than needed.
B. Some tend to not work at all because of the limited slots for other
jobs, rather than his job of choice
III. The government is not focused only in the improvement of science and
technology in the country.
Summary Step: Do you now see the consequences being faced by our
engineers being held here to serve our country? I hope you have
understood my side of the story. Let us not waste their skills and talents
and let us just let them go and do what their hearts desire. And in the
end, we will still benefit from it, one way or another.
References: Tapang, Giovanni. PH no place for S&T workers. Inquirer Opinion. 28 Jul. 2011. Web. 12 Aug. 2012
Time: 5-7 minutes