Digital Systems1
Digital Systems1
Digital Systems1
14. Suppose a 3variable truth table has a HIGH output for these input conditions : 000, 010, 100 and 110. What is the
15. How many fundamental products are there for two variables? How many for three variables?
20. Write the SOP expressions for a circuit with four inputs and an output that is to be HIGH only when input A is
LOW at the same time that exactly two other inputs are LOW.
21. What is the output of an XNOR gate when a logic signal and its exact inverse are connected to its input?
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22. A device is needed to indicate when two LOW levels occur simultaneously on its inputs and to produce a HIGH
output as an indication. Specify the device.
23. The most suitable gate for comparing two bits is ________________________
24. Which of the following gates can be used an inverter?
a) AND
b) OR
c) XOR
b) AND
c) NOR
b) literal term
d) always 1
b) ( A B)( A B C )
and (b)
29. An example of a POS expression is
a) A B C
b) A( B C ) AC
c) ( A B )( A B C )
d) AND-OR Logic
(c) the positive OR symbols produce OR operations (d) all of these answers are true.
(e) none of these answers are true.
32. All Boolean expressions can be implemented with
(a) NAND gates only
(b) flip-flop
(c) comparator
(d) register
34. If a 1-of-16 decoder with active-LOW outputs exhibits a LOW on the decimal 12 output, what are the inputs?
(a) A3A2A1A0 = 1010
(d) A3A2A1A0=0100
(c) multiplexers
(d) encoders
(b) de-multiplexers
36. A circuit with many inputs but only one output is called a __________________
37. A logic circuit with one input and many outputs is called a _________________
38. If an S-R latch has a 1 on S input and a 0 on R input and then S input goes to 0, the latch will be
(a) set
(b) reset
(c) invalid
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(d) clear
40. For a gated D latch, the Q output always equals the D input
(a) before the enable pulse
41. Like the latch, the flip-flop belongs to a category of logic circuits known as
a) monostable multivibrators
b) bistable multivibrators
c) astable multivibrators
d) one shots
d) cause the output assume a state dependent on the controlling (S-R,J-K, or ) inputs.
43. For an edge-triggered flip-flop,
a) A change in the state of the flip-flop can occur only at a clock pulse edge
b) The state that the flip-flop goes to depend on the D input
c) The output follows the input at each clock pulse
d) All of these answer
44. A feature that distinguishes the J-K flip-flop from the S-R flip-flop is the
a) toggle condition
b) preset input
c) type of clock
d) clear input
J=0, K=0
d) J=0, K=1
b) J=1, K=1
46. A J-K flip-flop with J=1 and K=1 has a 10 kHz clock input. The Q output is
a) constantly HIGH
b) constantly LOW
c) decade counters
d) modulus counters
b) 32
c) 8
d) 4
b) 3 flip-flops c) 4 flip-flops
d) synchronous clocking
52. Which one of the following is an example of a counter with a truncated modulus?
a) Modulus 8
b) Modulus 14
c) Modulus 16
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d) Modulus 32
53. A 4-bit ripple counter consists of flip-flops the each have a propagation delay from clock to Q output of 12 ns.
For the counter to recycle from 1111 to 0000, it takes a total of
b) 24ns
c) 48ns
d) 36ns
b) a decade counter
c) a truncated-modulus counter
b) 0010
c) 0101
b) 100
c) 1000
57. A 10 MHz clock frequency is applied to cascaded counter consisting of a modulus-5 counter, a modulus-8 counter,
and two modulus-10 counters. The lowest output frequency possible is
a) 10 kHz
b) 2.5 kHz
c) 5 kHz
d) 25 kHz
58. A 4-bit binary up/down counter is in the binary state of zero. The next state in the DOWN mode is
a) 0001
b) 1111
c) 1000
d) 1110
b) 1111
c) 1101
d) 1100
b) a flip-flop
c) a byte of storage
61. To serially shift a byte of data into a shift register, there must be
a) 1 clock pulse
b) 1 load pulse
c) 8 clk pulses
62. To parallel load a byte of data into a shift register with a synchronous load, there must be
a) one clock pulse
63. The group of bits 10110101 is serially shifted (right-most bit first) into an 8-bit parallel output shift register with
an initial state of 11100100. After tow clock pulses, the register contains
b) 10110101
c) 01111001
d) 00101101
64. With a 1 MHz clock frequency, eight bits can be parallel entered into a shift register
a) in 8 s
c) in 1s
b) four flip-flops
c) five flip-flops
d) twelve flip-flops
c) four flip-flops
d) twelve flip-flops
b) five flip-flops
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67. When an 8-bit serial in/serial out shift register is used for a 24 s time delay, the clk frequency must be
a) 41.67 kHz
b) 333 kHz
c) 125 kHz
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d) 8 MHz