Subject: Digital System Design (DSD) Sem: 3, EXTC
Subject: Digital System Design (DSD) Sem: 3, EXTC
Subject: Digital System Design (DSD) Sem: 3, EXTC
Sem: 3, EXTC
7. Demultiplexer is basically a
a) Parallel to Serial converter
b) Storage device
c) Code Converter
d) Serial to Parallel converter
10. In a BCD adder if the sum is a valid BCD number then the logic state of correction logic is
a) 0000
b) 0110
c) 0111
d) 1000
17.If both inputs of an S-R flip-flop are LOW, what will happen when the clock goes high?
a. The output will reset
b. An invalid state will exist.
c. The output will toggle.
d. No change will occur in the output
18.The simplest type of shift register is
19. The bit sequence 10011100 is serially entered (right-most bit first) into an 8-bit parallel out
shift register that is initially clear. What are the Q outputs after four clock pulses?
a) 10011100
b) 11000000
c) 00001100
d) 11110000
27.The counter Obtained by connecting complement of output of last FF to the input of the
first FF is
a) Jhonson’s Counter
b) BCD Counter
c) Ring Counter
d) Up/down Counter
28. Another name for Up Down Counter is
a) Dual counter
b) Multi counter
c) Two counter
d) Multimode Counter
37.PAL is an abbreviation of
a. Programmable AND Logic
b. Programmable Array Logic
c. Preset Array Logic
d. Preset AND Logic
45. The minimum number of inputs required to be specified in the entity with
which program for UP/DOWN counter can be written in VHDL are
a. 3
b. 2
c. 5
d. 6