Experiment No1 Opk
Experiment No1 Opk
Experiment No1 Opk
Xilinx Tools is a suite of software tools used for the design of digital circuits implemented
using Xilinx Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) or Complex Programmable Logic
Device (CPLD). The design procedure consists of (a) design entry, (b) synthesis and
implementation of the design, (c) functional simulation and (d) testing and verification.
Digital designs can be entered in various ways using the above CAD tools: using a schematic
entry tool, using a hardware description language (HDL) Verilog or VHDL or a
combination of both. In this lab we will only use the design flow that involves the use of
Verilog HDL.
The CAD tools enable you to design combinational and sequential circuits starting with
Verilog HDL design specifications. The steps of this design procedure are listed below:
1. Create Verilog design input file(s) using template driven editor.
2. Compile and implement the Verilog design file(s).
3. Create the test-vectors and simulate the design (functional simulation) without using a
4. Assign input/output pins to implement the design on a target device.
5. Download bit stream to an FPGA or CPLD device.
6. Test design on FPGA/CPLD device
A Verilog input file in the Xilinx software environment consists of the following segments:
Header: module name, list of input and output ports.
Declarations: input and output ports, registers and wires.
Logic Descriptions: equations, state machines and logic functions.
End: endmodule
All your designs for this lab must be specified in the above Verilog input format.
Getting Started
To start ISE, double-click the desktop icon,
10. Enter inputs and outputs as shown in figure 6. Click Next and then Finish.
16. Select input a and right click and select Force Constant and put binary value in
Force to Value as shown in figure 11. Click OK. Repeat the same for all the
Figure 11-ISim
17. Select Simulation and click on run as shown in figure 12.
Figure 12-ISim
18. Behavior of the circuit will be shown in the waveform window in figure 13.
In the processes window, expand User Constraints and double click on I/OPin
Planning (Plan Ahead) Post Synthesis as shown in Figure 15.
Answer Yes when asked if you want to create the UCF file. This will create the
constraint file but also open the Plan Ahead application. Wait for the Plan Ahead to
fully open as shown in Figure 16.
Figure 16-try
In the I/O Port window, expand All ports and then expand Scalar ports and enter the
pin numbers in site column for inputs and output as shown in Figure 17. Pin number
is shown below:
NET "a" LOC = P74; Input port DIP SWITCH is connected to FRC1.
NET "b" LOC = P76; Input port DIP SWITCH is connected to FRC1
NET "c" LOC = P100; Output port LEDS is connected to FRC3
Go to File and click on Save Design. Close the Plan Ahead window.
You will now see the .ucf file in your hierarchy. Double click it to edit the file as
shown in Figure 18.
Double-click the Implement Design process in the Processes tab as shown in Figure
19. Notice that after Implementation is complete, the Implementation processes have
a green check mark next to them indicating that they completed successfully without
Errors or Warnings.
7. ISE iMPACT window opens. Double click on Boundary Scan . Keep the cursor on
Boundary Scan window and right click. Click on Initialize chain as shown in Figure
8. The Assign New Configuration File dialog box appears. Click on Bypass as shown
in Figure 22.
9. Again Assign New Configuration File dialog box appears. select the try.bit file and
click Open as shown in Figure 23.
10. Device Programming Properties dialog box appears. select Device 2 file and click
OK as shown in Figure 24.
11. Right-click on the xc3s400 device image highlighted in green color, and select
Program as shown in Figure 25.
12. After successfully downloading the program in the kit the massage will appear
Program Successful as shown in Figure 26.