Barros, 2008 PDF
Barros, 2008 PDF
Barros, 2008 PDF
AbstractThis paper presents the optimal control of the ac There are several multilevel converter topologies available,
currents, the dc voltage regulation, and the dc capacitor voltage with the neutral point clamped (NPC) [1], the flying capacitor
balancing in a three-level three-phase neutral point clamped mul- [2], and the cascaded H-bridge [3] the most studied and used
tilevel converter for use in power quality applications as an active
power filter. The ac output currents and the dc capacitor voltages [10], [14]. Among these, the three-phase three-level NPC con-
are sampled and predicted for the next sampling time using lin- verter is the most widely used despite some difficulty of neutral-
earized models and considering all the 27 output voltage vectors. point voltage balancing [7], [10], [13], [16].
A suitable quadratic weighed cost function is used to choose the Pulsewidth modulation (PWM) and space vector modulation
voltage vector that minimizes the ac current tracking errors, the (SVM) are the most common control techniques used in multi-
dc voltage steady-state error, and the input dc capacitor voltage
unbalancing. The obtained experimental results show that the out- level power converters [19], [20]; however, controlled out-
put ac currents track their references showing small ripple, a total puts can be affected by power semiconductor switching times.
harmonic distortion (THD) of less than 1%, harmonic contents Control methods for multilevel converters based on hysteresis
that are 46 dB below the fundamental, and almost no steady-state comparators, or sliding mode approaches, are robust to model
error (0.3%). The capacitor voltages are balanced within 0.05%, components and semiconductor switching times, and present a
and the balancing is assured even when redundant vectors are not
chosen. Near-perfect capacitor dc voltage balancing is obtained zero steady-state error; however, they need a variable switching
while reducing current harmonic distortion. Some experimental frequency that is higher than those of the SVM and the PWM
evidence of robustness concerning a parameter variation was to obtain similar performance [11], [19], [20].
also found, with the optimum controller withstanding parameter Optimal predictive controllers are based on the linear optimal
deviations from +100% to 50%. Compared to a robust sliding control system theory that aims to solve the minimization prob-
mode controller, the optimal controller can reduce the THD of the
ac currents or reduce the switching frequency at the same THD, lem of a cost function [5], [15], [21][27]. Therefore, predictive
being a suitable controller for power quality in medium-voltage controllers can be tailored to minimize system output errors, at
applications. a given sampling frequency, being suitable in the simultaneous
Index TermsActive power filters (APFs), multilevel converter, control of currents and voltages with coupled dynamics. Pre-
neutral point clamped (NPC), power quality, predictive control. dictive control is a very wide concept, and different approaches
are being applied to power converters with improved results
compared to standard modulation techniques [5], [21], [22],
square of the medium-voltage value, and parallel resonance Assuming that a suitable control system balances the ca-
free, which are properties that are well beyond traditional pacitor voltages UC1 and UC2 , with UC1 UC2 Udc /2, the
capacitive power factor compensation [36], [37]. voltage umk between each leg and the neutral point of the
Therefore, Section II presents the multilevel-converter-based multilevel converter is given by
APF modeling. Section III deals with the optimal control of ac
currents, dc capacitor voltage regulation, and their balancing Udc
umk = k . (2)
in a three-level three-phase NPC multilevel converter APF to 2
choose the optimal vector to enforce the reference output ac
currents and the constant dc reference voltage, and to simul-
taneously balance the dc capacitor voltages. The performance A. Switched State-Space Multilevel APF Model
shown in Section IV of the proposed real-time optimal predic-
tive controller for the multilevel APF is compared to that of Applying the Kirchhoff laws to the multilevel converter APF
the robust sliding mode vector control, which uses the multi- (Fig. 1), the dynamic equations (3) of the ac line currents iL1 ,
level NPC converter redundant vectors to balance dc capacitor iL2 , and iL3 and the capacitor voltages UC1 and UC2 can be
voltages [11]. written as functions of the circuit parameters and k , i.e.,
diL1 R 0 0 11
didtL2 0 R 0 21
di L L L
The NPC multilevel APF (Fig. 1) can be controlled to com- L3 = 0 0 R 31 iL3
dt L L L
pensate the power factor and the ac line iLk current harmonics dUC1 11 C121 C131 0 0 UC1
dt C1
introduced by nonlinear loads (the three-phase bridge rectifier dUC2
C222 C232 0 0 UC2
dt C2
in Fig. 1). The NPC multilevel ac side is shunt-connected to
the electrical network voltages UL1 , UL2 , and UL3 using three
L1 0 0 0
inductors L with loss resistor R to inject currents to cancel 0 L1 0 0 UL1
the harmonic component currents of the nonlinear load. The dc +
0 0 L1 0
voltage Udc must be regulated, and the capacitor voltages UC1 0 0 0 1
and UC2 must be balanced. 1 idc
0 0 0 C2
The switching variables k represent the state of the mul-
tilevel converter active switches Skj , with k {1, 2, 3} and
j {1, 2, 3, 4}. Assuming ideal semiconductors, the three valid R 0 0 1 0 0
L i
combinations of the binary states of the switches Skj of each leg 0 R 0 0 1 0 R2
L iR3
k can be defined as follows: +
0 0 R L 0 0 1
11 C121 C131 0 0 0
1 (Sk1 = 1 Sk2 = 1) (Sk3 = 0 Sk4 = 0) C1
k = 0 (Sk1 = 0 Sk2 = 1) (Sk3 = 1 Sk4 = 0) C212 C222 C232 0 0 0 diR3
1 (Sk1 = 0 Sk2 = 0) (Sk3 = 1 Sk4 = 1).
(1) (3)
k (k + 1)
1k =
k (1 k )
2k =
ki = 2ik ij . (4)
3 j=1
X123 = CX
C. Switched State-Space Multilevel System
Model in dq Coordinates
X1 1 0 X
X2 = 2 21 3 2
X . (5) The relationship between the variables X in coordi-
3 2 2
X3 21 23 2 X0 nates and Xdq in dq coordinates is given by the Park transfor-
mation, i.e.,
Applying (5) to model (3), the coordinates multilevel
X = DXdq
model (6) is obtained, i.e.,
X cos sin Xd
= . (8)
diL R 0 1 2
X sin cos Xq
dt L L L i
0 R
1 2 L
= L L L iL
1 The argument = t is the angular phase of the electrical
dt C1 C11 0 0 UC1 network ac line voltage. Applying the Park transformation (8)
C2 C22
0 0 UC2 to the multilevel converter model (6), the multilevel converter
The dynamic equation of the dc voltage Udc is directly where UCi (ts ) and ULx (ts ) are the sampled voltages. Assum-
obtained from (9) since Udc = UC1 + UC2 , i.e., ing ix (x {, } and i {1, 2}) as the control input during
T , the dynamic behavior of the ac currents is approximately
dUdc 1d 2d 1q 2q
= + iLd + iLq
iLx (ts+1 ) iRx (ts+1 ) + e L T [iLx (ts ) + iRx (ts )]
dt C1 C2 C1 C2
1d 2d 1q 2q
+ iRd + iRq 1x 2x ULx (ts )
C1 C2 C1 C2 + UC1 (ts ) + UC2 (ts )
1 1
+ + idc . (11) L
1 e L T .
C1 C2 (14)
This quasi-linear model of the dc voltage Udc is suitable to
design a linear predictive controller to regulate the dc voltage Assuming (R/L)T 1, the exponential function can be
of the APF. approximated by the first two terms of its Taylor series, i.e.,
e L T 1 + T, T 1. (15)
The ac current and the dc voltage optimal controllers are Using (15) in (14), the ac line currents (14) can be predicted
designed to choose the best output voltage vector that is able to at the next sampling time using the following:
minimize the ac line current iL and iL errors, the Udc voltage
regulation error, and the unbalancing of dc capacitor voltages iLx (ts+1 ) iLx (ts ) + iRx (ts ) iRx (ts+1 )
UC1 and UC2 . The obtained converter model (6) will be R R
solved to predict the state variable values at the next sampling T iLx (ts ) T iRx (ts )
period for all the 27 available vectors.
1x 2x
+ T UC1 (ts ) + T UC2 (ts )
A. Predictive Equations for AC Line Currents T
ULx (ts ). (16)
and DC Capacitor Voltages L
The solution of the ac line current iLx , with x {, }, is To predict the capacitor voltage difference UC1 (t) UC2 (t),
given by [23] the corresponding dynamic equations (6) must be solved. The
solution for the capacitor voltages is given by [23]
L T i i
iLx (ts+1 ) = iRx (ts+1 )+e iLx (ts )+iRx (ts ) UCi (ts+1 ) = UCi (ts ) + iL ( ) iR ( )
Ci Ci
ts+1 i i idc ( )
R 1x 2x ULx ( ) iL ( ) iR ( ) + d (17)
+ eL UC1 ( )+ UC2 ( ) d Ci Ci Ci
where UCi (ts ) are the sampled capacitor voltages at t = ts =
(12) kT . Assume T to be small enough to consider the dc
current idc (t) and nearly constant, and assume that the ac line
currents follow their references, i.e.,
where iLx (ts ) and iRx (ts ) are the currents iLx (t) and iRx (t) at
the sampling instant ts = kT , respectively, and iLx (ts+1 ) = idc ( ) idc (ts )
iLx (t = (k + 1)T ) is the current to be predicted for the next
iLx ( ) iLx (ts )
(k + 1) sampling interval T . The nonlinear current for the
next sampling interval iRx (ts+1 ) can be estimated from the iRx ( ) iRx (ts ), ts < t < ts+1 . (18)
sampled value of the previous period T of ac currents, i.e.,
iRx (ts+1 ) iRx (ts+1 T ), that is updated every period T . Substituting (18) into (17) and assuming ix (x {, } and
Assuming a sampling time T that is small enough, UC1 (ts ), i {1, 2}) as the control during T , the capacitor voltages are
UC2 (ts ), and ULx (ts ) can all be considered nearly constant i
during T (T must be at least ten times smaller than the UCi (ts+1 ) UCi (ts ) T iL (ts )
minimum period of voltages UC1 , UC2 , and ULx ), i.e.,
i i
T iR (ts ) T iL (ts )
Ci Ci
UCi ( ) UCi (ts )
i T
T iR (ts ) + idc (ts ). (19)
ULx ( ) ULx (ts ), ts < t < ts+1 (13) Ci Ci
Fig. 5. Sinusoidal ac currents i1 , i2 , and i3 in a steady-state operation. i1 has a displacement of 2 divisions, and i3 has a displacement of 2 divisions (vertical,
12 A/div; horizontal, 10 ms/div). (a) Sliding mode controller simulations. (b) Sliding mode controller experiments. (c) Optimal controller simulations. (d) Optimal
controller experiments.
Fig. 6. Power spectral density of the ac current i1 in a steady-state operation (vertical, 10 dB/div; horizontal, 500 Hz/div). (a) Sliding mode controller experiments.
(b) Optimal controller experiments.
Applying a positive step (3.5 to 7 A) in the ac current references dynamic response and also indicates that after the rise time,
(Fig. 7, at 35 ms) and a negative step (7 to 3.5 A) at 75 ms the ac current i2 follows its reference, i.e., i2Ref , without a
to compare the performance of the dynamic response for these stationary error [Fig. 7(d)].
two controllers, the results show that they have similar dynamic The optimal predictive controller also chooses the opti-
responses with no overshoot. The zoom of current i2 [Fig. 7(c) mal vector that minimizes the capacitor voltage errors, and
and (d)] at the negative step time (75 ms) shows the detailed these voltages are balanced [Fig. 8(b)], with a mean error
Fig. 7. Sinusoidal ac currents i1 , i2 , and i3 with an amplitude step. i1 has a displacement of 2 divisions, and i3 has a displacement of 2 divisions [vertical,
12 (A/div)/6 (A/Div); horizontal, 10 (ms/Div)/2 (ms/Div)]. (a) Sliding mode controller experiments. (b) Optimal controller experiments. (c) Sliding mode controller
experiments (i2 zoom). (d) Optimal controller experiments (i2 zoom).
Fig. 8. Capacitor voltages UC1 and UC2 with the ac current experiment step variations (vertical, 10 V/div; horizontal, 20 ms/div). (a) Sliding mode controller
experiments. (b) Optimal controller experiments.
Fig. 10. Sinusoidal ac currents i1 , i2 , and i3 with nonnominal parameters. i1 has a displacement of 2 divisions, and i3 has a displacement of 2 divisions
(vertical, 12 A/div; horizontal, 10 ms/div). (a) Double inductance 2 L and half resistance R/2 test. (b) Half electrical network voltages UL /2 test.
Fig. 11. Capacitor voltages UC1 and UC2 with nonnominal parameters (vertical, 10 V/div; horizontal, 20 ms/div). (a) Double capacitance 2 C1 and
2 C2 test. (b) Half capacitance C1 /2 and C2 /2 test.
conditions of Fig. 5(a), showing that small levels of the capaci- TABLE I
tor voltage ripple [Fig. 8(a)] do not significantly affect the ripple AS A F UNCTION OF S AMPLING T IME T
and the THD of ac currents that are controlled by the sliding
mode method.
The sliding mode controller uses a robust control law, im-
plying a parameter-independent dynamic behavior. The optimal
predictive controller, which chooses the optimal vector of the
multilevel converter, is a model-based controller depending on
system parameters [the capacitors C1 and C2 , the inductors L, The ac line voltage during the experiments presented a THD
with loss resistor R, the electrical network UL , voltages (Fig. 1), of about 5%, and the THD of ac currents with predictive control
and the sampling time T ]. To investigate the robustness of is lower than 1%. This illustrates that the optimal predictive
the optimal predictive controller, with industrial component controller tolerates common disturbances of the electrical net-
tolerances, the parameters of the predictive laws were increased work voltage.
100% or decreased 50% in two limit situations: 1) 2 C1 , 2 Table I contains the evolution of the THD of the predictive
C2 , 2 L, R/2, and 2 UL ; and 2) C1 /2, C2 /2, L/2, 2 R, controlled ac currents as the sampling time T increases from
and UL /2 (comparatively to the nominal values of C1 , C2 , L, 28 s to 1 ms. The THD of ac currents increased from 1% to
R, and UL ). The experimental results (Fig. 10) show that, even 10%. During these experiments, the capacitor voltages of the
with these predictive parameter strong mismatches, the ac cur- multilevel converter were always balanced.
rents follow their references, with mostly the same performance The sliding mode controller balances the capacitor volt-
obtained when using the nominal parameters (Fig. 5), and the ages using only the redundant vectors {(2, 15), (4, 17), (5, 18),
capacitor voltages are also balanced (Figs. 8 and 11). This (10, 23), (11, 24), (13, 26)} [11]. Thus, if these vectors are
indicates that this optimal predictive controller also presents not selected, during enough time, from the current errors, the
some robustness to industrial parameter tolerances. capacitor voltage can become unbalanced. Fig. 12(a) shows a
Fig. 12. Sinusoidal ac currents i1 and i2 (vertical, 12 A/div) together with capacitor voltages UC1 and UC2 (vertical, 10 V/div) with a dc voltage having 80%
of its rated value. The time division is 10 ms/div. (a) Sliding mode controller experiments. (b) Optimal controller experiments.
Fig. 13. Experimental results of the nonlinear currents iR1 , iR2 , and iR3 , and the ac line currents iL1 , iL2 , and iL3 , of the active power filter. iR1 and iL1 have
a displacement of 2 divisions, and iR3 and iL3 have a displacement of 2 divisions (vertical, 12 A/div; horizontal, 10 ms/div). (a) Nonlinear current experiments.
(b) AC line current experiments.
This paper has presented an optimal predictive control
method for the NPC multilevel converter, working as an APF
for power quality applications, and has compared the current
controller results with those of a robust sliding mode controller.
Experimental results obtained show that the robustness prop-
erty of the sliding mode, which is particularly useful in the
presence of unknown disturbances, does not optimize the ripple
or the THD of the ac currents.
The proposed optimal predictive controllers, which predict in
real time the state space voltages and currents of the multilevel
converter and compute a quadratic cost function to choose the
optimal vector, present ac currents that track their references
with a smaller ripple and no steady-state error.
The capacitor voltages are correctly balanced and almost
indistinguishable, having a much smaller ripple than that of the
sliding mode controller. The predictive optimal vector selection
Fig. 15. Experimental results of the ac line currents iL1 and iL2 (vertical, can reduce the mean value of the switching frequency and
12 A/div) and the ac line voltages UL1 and UL2 (vertical, 40 V/div) of the lower the cost of the microprocessor and sampling devices
active power filter. iL1 and UL1 have a displacement of 2 divisions, and iL2
and UL2 have a displacement of 2 divisions (horizontal, 10 ms/div). comparatively to those of the sliding mode controller for the
same level of the ac current ripple factor. The optimal predictive
controller also presents some robustness to industrial compo-
nent tolerances, even with parameter deviations from +100%
to 50%.
The balancing of the capacitor voltage using redundant vec-
tors is not assured in all operating conditions. Since all vectors
are analyzed for the capacitor voltage balancing, the predic-
tive controller solves the problem of balancing the capacitor
Since the optimal predictive controller achieves THD < 1%
and harmonic contents that are 46 dB below the fundamental,
this controller is a valuable addition for applications to enhance
power quality. The application of this controller as an APF
reduces the THD of the ac line current from 36% to 1% with
a near-unity power factor (0.997), significantly improving the
Fig. 16. Experimental results of the dc voltage Udc of the active power filter power quality.
(vertical, 40 V/div; horizontal, 20 ms/div).
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in Proc. IEEE PESC, Boston, MA, Jun. 1991, pp. 268275. cosupervising four Ph.D. students. He has authored two books (in Portuguese)
[30] J. F. Silva, Detailed model predictive control for a 3 phase and more than 150 papers in international journals, books, and conferences with
thyristor current source, in Proc. IMACS-MCTS, Moudni, Borne, and reviewers.
Tzafestas, Eds., 1991, vol. I, pp. 236241. Dr. Silva is a member of the Ordem dos Engenheiros, Portugal.