Pattern Discovery in Time Series, Part I: Theory, Algorithm, Analysis, and Convergence
Pattern Discovery in Time Series, Part I: Theory, Algorithm, Analysis, and Convergence
Pattern Discovery in Time Series, Part I: Theory, Algorithm, Analysis, and Convergence
We present a new algorithm for discovering patterns in time series and other sequential data.
We exhibit a reliable procedure for building the minimal set of hidden, Markovian states that is
statistically capable of producing the behavior exhibited in the data the underlying processs
causal states. Unlike conventional methods for fitting hidden Markov models (HMMs) to data, our
algorithm makes no assumptions about the processs causal architecture (the number of hidden
states and their transition structure), but rather infers it from the data. It starts with assumptions
of minimal structure and introduces complexity only when the data demand it. Moreover, the
causal states it infers have important predictive optimality properties that conventional HMM
states lack. Here, in Part I, we introduce the algorithm, review the theory behind it, prove its
asymptotic reliability, and use large deviation theory to estimate its rate of convergence. In the
sequel, Part II, we outline the algorithms implementation, illustrate its ability to discover even
difficult patterns, and compare it to various alternative schemes.
Keywords: Pattern discovery, hidden Markov models, causal inference, statistical complexity,
computational mechanics, information theory
1. Introduction
Recent years have seen a rising interest in the problem of pattern discovery (Crutchfield, 1994,
Hand et al., 2001, Spirtes et al., 2001): Given data produced by a process, how can one extract
meaningful, predictive patterns from it, without fixing in advance the kind of patterns one looks
for? The problem represents the convergence of several fields: unsupervised learning (Hinton and
Sejnowski, 1999), data mining and knowledge discovery (Hastie et al., 2001), causal inference in
statistics (Pearl, 2000), and the statistical physics of complex and highly organized forms of matter
(Badii and Politi, 1997, Feldman and Crutchfield, 1998, Shalizi and Crutchfield, 2001, Varn et al.,
2002). It should be carefully distinguished both from pattern recognition (essentially a matter of
learning to classify instances into known categories) and from merely building predictors which,
notoriously, may not lead to any genuine understanding of the process (Crutchfield, 1992). We do
not want to merely recognize patterns; we want to find the patterns that are there to be recognized.
We do not only want to forecast; we want to know the hidden mechanisms that make the forecasts
2002 Cosma Rohilla Shalizi, Kristina Lisa Shalizi, and James P. Crutchfield.
Shalizi, Shalizi, and Crutchfield
work. The point, in other words, is to find the causal, dynamical structure intrinsic to the process
we are investigating, ideally to extract all the patterns in it that have any predictive power.
Naturally enough, an account of what pattern means (especially in the sequential setting)
is crucial to progress in the above fields. We and co-authors have, over several years, elaborated
such an account in a series of publications on the computational mechanics of dynamical systems
(Crutchfield and Young, 1989, Crutchfield, 1994, Upper, 1997, Feldman and Crutchfield, 1998, Shalizi
and Crutchfield, 2001). Here, we cash in these foundational studies to devise a new and practical
algorithm Causal-State Splitting Reconstruction (CSSR) for the problem of predicting time
series and other sequential data. But, to repeat, we are not giving yet another prediction algorithm;
not only is the predictor delivered by our algorithm provably optimal, in a straightforward sense
that will be made plain below, but it is also a causal model.
The overall development is broken into two parts. Here, in Part I, we first review the basic ideas
and results of computational mechanics, limiting ourselves to those we will use more or less directly.
With this background in place, we present the CSSR algorithm in considerable detail. We analyze
its run-time complexity, prove its convergence using large-deviation arguments, and discuss how to
bound the rate of convergence. By way of elucidating CSSR we compare it to earlier computational
mechanics algorithms for causal-state reconstruction. Our conclusion summarizes our results and
marks out directions for future theoretical work. Thus, Part I focuses on the theoretical aspects
and motivating concepts that lead to CSSR. In the sequel, Part II (Shalizi et al., 2002), we show
experimentally how well CSSR does at reconstructing the causal architecture of known processes
from data and see how various parameters affect the reconstructions. There, we compare it with
other well known procedures for inferring Markovian structure in time series.
2. Computational Mechanics
Consider a discrete-time, discrete-valued stochastic process, . . . S2 S1 S0 S1 S2 . . ., with Si taking
values in A, a finite alphabet of k symbols. At any time t, we can break the sequence of random
variables into a past (or history) S t and a future S t , both of which in general extend infinitely
far. Assume the process is conditionally stationary; i.e., for all measurable future events A, P( S t
A| S t = s ) does not depend on t.1 We accordingly drop the subscript and simply speak of S and S .
When we want to refer only to the first L symbols of S we write S and, similarly, S denotes the
last L symbols of S . (Lower-case versions of these random variables denote particular instances.)
The problem of predicting the future is to go from S to a guess at S or, more generally, a guess
at the future distribution P( S ). There is thus a function from particular histories s to predictions
P( S | s ). Every prediction method therefore imposes a partition on the set S of histories. The cells
of this partition collect all the histories for which the same prediction is made; i.e., s 1 and s 2 are
in the same partition cell if and only if ( s 1 ) = ( s 2 ). The cells of the partition are the effective
states of the process, under the given predictor. We will, by a slight abuse of notation, also use
as the name of the function from histories to effective states. The random variable for the current
effective state will be R and a particular value of it . The set of states induced by will be denoted
Clearly, given a partition R of S , the best prediction to make is whatever the distribution of
futures, conditional on that partition, happens to be: P( S |R = ( s )). Getting this conditional
1. Every stationary process is conditionally stationary.
2. It is important to distinguish, here, between the effective states of a given predictor and alternative states used
in particular representations of that predictor. In some of the hidden Markov model examples we will discuss in
Part II, what are called the (hidden) Markovian states are not the same as the effective states of the predictor,
since the former are not equivalence classes of histories. It is always possible, however, to derive the effective
states from the HMM states (Upper, 1997).
Pattern Discovery in Time Series I
distribution right is nontrivial, but nonetheless secondary to getting the partition right. The result
is that the problem of finding an optimal predictor reduces (largely) to that of finding an optimal
partition of S .
In what sense is one partition, one predictor, better than another? One obvious sense, inspired
by information theory,3 employs the mutual information I[ S ; R] between the processs future S and
the effective states R to quantify goodness. This quantity is not necessarily well defined if we
consider the entire semi-infinite future S , since I could be infinite. But it is always well defined if we
look at futures S of finite length. Since I[ S ; R] = H[ S ]H[ S |R] and the first term is the same
for all sets of states, maximizing the mutual information is the same as minimizing the conditional
entropy. There is a lower bound on this conditional entropy, namely H[ S |R] H[ S | S ] one
can do no better than to remember the whole past. Call a set of states (a partition) that attains
this lower bound for all L prescient. We have shown elsewhere (Shalizi and Crutchfield, 2001)
that prescient states are sufficient statistics for the processs future and so, for any reasonable loss
function, the optimal prediction strategy can be implemented using prescient states (Blackwell and
Girshick, 1954). We will therefore focus exclusively on conditional entropy.
In general, there are many alternative sets of prescient states. To select among them, one
can invoke Occams Razor and chose the simplest set of prescient states. (In the computational
mechanics framework minimality is not assumed it is a consequence; see below.) Complexity here
is also measured information-theoretically, by the Shannon entropy H[R] of the effective states R.
This is the amount of information one needs to retain about the processs history for prediction
the amount of memory the process retains about its own history. For this reason, it is called the
statistical complexity, also written C (R). Restated then, our goal is to find a set of prescient states
of minimal statistical complexity.
It turns out that, for each process, there is a unique set of prescient states that minimizes the
statistical complexity. These are the causal states.
Definition 1 (A Processs Causal States) The causal states of a process are the members of
the range of a function that maps from histories to sets of histories. If ( S ) is the collection of all
measurable future events, then
0 0
( s ) {s S |F ( S ), P( S F | S = s ) = P( S F | S = s )} , (1)
Write the ith causal state as i and the set of all causal states as S; the corresponding random
variable is denoted S and its realization .
Shalizi, Shalizi, and Crutchfield
probabilities of these transitions. Specifically, the probability of moving from state i to state j on
symbol s is
(s) 1
Tij P( S = s, S 0 = j |S = i ) . (3)
Note that
X X (s)
X 1
Tij = P( S = s|S = i )
sA j S sA
= 1.
We denote the set of these labeled transition probabilities by T = {Tij : s A, i , j S}. The
combination of states and transitions is called the processs -machine; it represents the way in
which the process stores and transforms information (Crutchfield and Young, 1989). Examples for a
number of different kinds of process including HMMs, cellular automata, and chaotic dynamical
systems are given in (Crutchfield, 1994). An -machines entropy rate h (M ) is the transition
uncertainty averaged over all of the causal states.
Proposition 2 The causal states are homogeneous for future events: That is, all histories belonging
to a single causal state have the same conditional distribution P( S |) of future events. The causal
states are also the largest sets (partition elements) that are homogeneous for future events: every
history with that future conditional distribution is in that state.
Proposition 3 The processs future and past are independent given the causal state.
Proposition 5 The -machine is deterministic in the sense of automata theory; i.e., given the
current state and the next symbol, there is a unique successor state.
Following practice in symbolic dynamics (see, e.g., Lind and Marcus (1995)), we also say that
the causal states are future resolving. That is to say, for each state i and symbol s, there is at most
one state j such that Tij > 0.
For more on these properties, and the reasons for calling -machine states causal, see Shalizi and
Crutchfield (2001), especially Sections IIIV.
Finally, there is one additional result which is essential to CSSR that we give it together with a
summary of its proof.
Proposition 7 If a set of states is homogeneous for futures of length 1 and deterministic, then it
is prescient.
Proof : A rough way to see this is to imagine using homogeneity to obtain a prediction for the
next symbol, updating the current state using determinism, then getting a prediction for the second
symbol from homogeneity again, and so on, as far forward as needed.
More formally, we proceed by induction. Suppose a deterministic set R of states has the same
distribution for futures of length L as do the causal states. This implies that they have the same
Pattern Discovery in Time Series I
distribution for futures of shorter lengths, in particular for futures of length 1. We can use that fact,
in turn, to show that they must have the distribution for futures of length L + 1:
L+1 L L
P( S = sL a|R = ( s )) = P( S L+1 = a|R = ( s ), S = sL )P( S = sL |R = ( s ))
= P( S L+1 = a|R = ( s ), S = sL )P( S = sL |S = ( s )) .
Determinism implies
L 1
P( S L+1 = a|R = ( s ), S = sL ) = P( S = a|R = ( s sL )) .
L+1 1 L
P( S = sL a|R = ( s )) = P( S = a|R = ( s sL ))P( S = sL |S = ( s ))
1 L
= P( S = a|S = ( s sL ))P( S = sL |S = ( s ))
= P( S = sL a|S = ( s )) .
Since the causal states fulfill the hypotheses of the proposition and are minimal among all pre-
scient sets of states, they are also minimal among all sets of states that are deterministic and
homogeneous for futures of length 1.
Shalizi, Shalizi, and Crutchfield
has a single causal state. Thus, initially the process is seen as having zero statistical complexity
(C = H[S] = log2 1 = 0) and high entropy rate h log2 k. From this starting point, CSSR
uses statistical tests to see when it must add states to the model, which increases the estimated
complexity, while lowering the estimated entropy rate. The initial model is kept only if the process
actually is IID. This leads us to expect that CSSR converges from below to the processs true
model, in the sense that the number of states grows from 1 to the true value; likewise the estimated
complexity C grows from 0 to the true complexity. We justify this view in our analysis of CSSRs
convergence properties below and demonstrate it empirically in Part II.
A key and distinguishing property of CSSR is that it maintains homogeneity of the causal states
and determinism of the state-to-state transitions as the model grows. The result is that at each
stage the estimated model is an -machine, satisfying the criteria above, for an approximation of
the process being modeled. One important consequence is that the degree of unpredictability (the
processs entropy rate h ) can be directly estimated from the approximate -machine.5
Naturally, one can apply a standard statistical test e.g., the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test 6
to this hypothesis at a specified significance level, denoted . If one uses the KS test, as we do
here, one avoids directly estimating the morph conditional distribution and simply uses empirical
frequency counts. Recall that the significance level is the probability of type-I error (rejecting the
null when it is true). Generally, the KS test has higher power than other, similar tests, such as 2
(Rayner and Best, 1989). That is, the KS test has a lower probability of type-II error, of accepting
the null hypothesis when it is false. We will see in Part II that the algorithm is not very sensitive
to the precise significance test employed.
We modify the set Sb only when the null hypothesis is rejected. When we reject the null hy-
pothesis, we fall back on a restricted alternative hypothesis, which is that we have the right set
of conditional distributions, but have assigned them to the wrong histories. We therefore try to
assign child suffixes whose morphs differ from their parents to existing states. Only if this alterna-
tive is itself rejected do we create additional, new distributions to explain or capture the apparent
non-Markovianness. This increases the cardinality of S. b
5. In general this calculation cannot be done directly for standard HMMs, which are nondeterministic (Blackwell
and Koopmans, 1957).
6. See Press et al. (1992, sec. 14.3) and Hollander and Wolfe (1999, pp. 178187) for details of this test.
Pattern Discovery in Time Series I
Throughout, we shall write (A) for the number of times the event A happens in the data s N
the count of A.
Thus, there are four CSSR parameters: the measurement alphabet size k, the length N of the
data stream sN , the length Lmax of the longest history to be considered, and the significance level
of the null-hypothesis statistical test. There are three procedures in CSSR: Initialize, Homogenize,
and Determinize.
I. Initialize. Set L = 0 and Sb = {b0 }, where
b0 = {}; i.e.,
b0 contains only the null sequence
. We regard as a suffix of any history, so that initially b
maps all histories to
b0 . The morph of
b0 is defined by
1 1
P( S = a|Sb = b0 ) = P( S = a) , (5)
so the initial model is that the process is a sequence of independent, identically-distributed random
variables. As a consequence, the statistical complexity vanishes (C (S) b = log2 1 = 0) and the
entropy rate is maximal (h (S)b = H[ S = a] log2 k).
II. Homogenize. We first generate states whose members are homogeneous for the next symbol
states whose histories all lead to the same morph. Said differently, we generate states whose
member histories have no significant differences in their individual morphs. We do this as follows.
1. For each b calculate P
b S, b N ( S |Sb =
b) the future distribution from that state, given the
data sequence.
(a) When L = 0 and the only suffix is and we could have seen any history; so we use Eq.
(5) above.
L 1 L L
(b) For each sequence s bN (S
b, estimate P = a| S = s ). The naive maximum-
likelihood estimate,
L L 1
1 L
b N ( S = a| S = s ) = L ( S = s , S = a)
, (6)
( S = s )
is simple and well adapted to the later parts of the procedure, but other estimators could
be used. This distribution is the morph of the history s .
b is the weighted average of the morphs of its histories s
(c) The morph of the state
with weights proportional to ( S = s ):
b N ( S = a|b 1 X L L 1 L
b N ( S = a| S =
P ) = ( S = s )P s ), (7)
z L
s b
where z = L
s b
( S = s ) is the number of occurrences in sN of suffixes in
2. For each b test the null (Markovian) hypothesis. For each length-L history
b S, s
b and
each a A, generate the suffix a s of length L + 1 a child suffix of s .
(a) Estimate the morph of a s by the same method as used above, Eq. (6).
(b) If the morphs of a s b do not differ according to the significance test, add a s
and to
Shalizi, Shalizi, and Crutchfield
(c) If they do differ, then test whether there are any states in Sb whose morphs do not differ
significantly from that of a s . If so, add a s to the state whose morph its morph
matches most closely, as measured by the score of the significance test. 7 (This is the
restricted alternative hypothesis mentioned above.)
(d) However, if the morph of a s is significantly different from the morphs of all existing
states, then create a new state and add a s to it, along with its morph.
(e) Recalculate the morphs of states from which sequences have been added or deleted.
3. Increment L by one.
4. Repeat steps 13 until reaching the maximum history length Lmax .
At the end of state homogenization, no history is in a state whose morph is significantly different from
its own. Moreover, every states morph is significantly different from every other states morph. The
causal states have this property, but their transitions are also deterministic and so we need another
procedure to determinize Sb (see Proposition 7).
III. Determinize.
1. Eliminate transient states from the current state-transition structure, leaving only recurrent
2. For each state b
b S:
3. From the new, deterministic states eliminate those which are transient.
Since this procedure only produces smaller (fewer-suffix) states, and a state with one suffix string
in it cannot be split, the procedure terminates, if only by assigning each history its own state. When
it terminates, Sb will be a set of states with deterministic transitions. Moreover, since we create
deterministic states by splitting homogeneous states, the deterministic states remain homogeneous.
Now, as we noted, the causal states are the minimal states that have a homogeneous distribution
for the next symbol and are deterministic. If we had access to the exact conditional distributions
from the underlying process, therefore, and did not have to estimate the morphs, this procedure
would return the causal states. Instead, it returns a set of states that, in a sense set by the chosen
significance test, cannot be statistically distinguished from them.
Pattern Discovery in Time Series I
Word Count Word Count Word Count Word Count Word Count
0 3309 00 1654 000 836 0000 414 1000 422
1 6687 01 1655 001 818 0001 422 1001 396
10 1655 010 0 0010 0 1010 0
11 5032 011 1655 0011 818 1011 837
100 818 0100 0 1100 818
101 837 0101 0 1101 836
110 1654 0110 814 1110 841
111 3378 0111 841 1111 2537
Table 1: Count statistics for words of length 4 and shorter from 104 samples of the even process of
Fig. 1. The total count at each length is 9, 996 words.
We have a two-symbol alphabet, A = {0, 1}. There are two recurrent states, labeled A and B
in Fig. 1. State A can either emit a 0 and return to itself, or emit a 1 and go to B; we take the
version where these options are equally likely. State B always emits a 1 and goes to A. The labeled
transition matrices T are thus
0.5 0 0 0.5
T(0) = and T(1) = . (8)
0 0 1.0 0
We take Lmax = 3 and = 0.01. We simulated the even process for 104 time steps and
accumulated the sequence statistics for words of length 4 and shorter, given in Table 1. Since
one slides a window of size Lmax + 1 = 4 through the data stream, there are 9, 996 length-4 words.
Observe in Table 1 that sequences containing odd-length blocks of 1s, bounded by 0s, do not appear.
That is, words of the form {012k+1 0, k = 1, 2, . . .} are forbidden.
Overall, the data contains 3309 0s and 6687 1s, since for simplicity we fix the total number of
words at each length to be 9, 996. The initial state AL=0 formed at L = 0, containing the null suffix
, therefore produces 1s with probability 0.669.
The null suffix has two children, 0 and 1. At L = 1 the probability of producing a 1,
conditional on the suffix 0, is P(1| 0) 1655/3309 0.500, which is significantly different from
the distribution for the null suffix. Similarly, the probability of producing a 1, conditional on the
suffix 1, is P(1| 1) 5032/6690 0.752, which is also significantly different from that of the
parent state. We thus produce two new states BL=1 and CL=1 , one containing the suffix 1 and one
the suffix 0, respectively. There is now a total of three states: AL=0 = {}, BL=1 = {1}, and
CL=1 = {0}.
Examining the second generation of children at L = 2, one finds the conditional probabilities
of producing 1s given in Table 2. The morphs of the first two suffixes, 00 and 10, do not differ
Shalizi, Shalizi, and Crutchfield
Suffix w P(1| w)
*00 818/1654 0.495
*10 837/1655 0.506
*01 1655/1655 = 1.000
*11 3378/5032 0.671
Suffix w P(1| w)
*000 422/836 0.505
*100 396/818 0.484
*010 0/837 = 0.0
*110 837/1655 0.506
significantly from that of their parent 0, so we add them to the parent state C L=1 . But the second
two suffixes, 01 and 11, must be split off from their parent BL=1 . The morph for 01 does not
match that of AL=0 , so we create a new state DL=2 = {01}. However, the morph for 11 does match
that of AL=0 and so we add 11 to AL=0 . At this point, there are four states: AL=0 = {, 11},
BL=1 = {1}, CL=1 = {0, 00, 10}, and DL=2 = {01}.
Let us examine the children of CL=1 s L = 2 suffixes, whose statistics are shown in Table 3.
None of these split and they are added to CL=1 .
The children of DL=2 are given in Table 4. Again, neither of these must be split from DL=2 and
they are added to that state.
Finally, the children of AL=0 s L = 2 suffix are given in Table 5. 011 must be split off from
AL=0 , but now we must check whether its morph matches any existing distribution. In fact, its
morph does not significantly differ from the morph of CL=1 , so we add 011 to CL=1 . 111 must
also be split off, but its morph is similar to BL=1 s and so it is added there. We are still left
with four states, which now contain the following suffixes: AL=0 = {, 11}, BL=1 = {1, 111},
CL=1 = {0, 00, 10, 000, 100, 110, 011}, and DL=2 = {01, 001, 101}.
Since we have come to the longest histories, Lmax = 3, with which we are working, Procedure
II (Homogenize) is complete. We begin Procedure III by checking which states have incoming
transitions. (We now drop the time-of-creation subscript.) State C can be reached either from itself,
state A, or state B, all on a 0. State C is reached from D on a 1 and state D can be reached from
state C on a 1. Finally, state A can only be reached from B on a 1 and B only on a 1 from A.
Figure 2 shows the resulting estimated full -machine, with transition probabilities.
Continuing on, though, we note that states A and B are transient. Accordingly, we eliminate
them and go on to check for determinism. Every suffix in state C goes to one in state C by adding
a 0 and to one in state D by adding a 1, so we do not split C. Similarly, every suffix in D goes to
one in C on adding a 1, and state D never produces 0s. Hence D also does not need to be changed.
Since both states are future-resolving, the system of states is too, and we exit the determinization
Suffix *w P(1| w)
*001 818/818 = 1.000
*101 837/837 = 1.000
Pattern Discovery in Time Series I
Suffix *w P(1| w)
*011 841/1655 0.508
*111 2537/3378 0.751
Table 5: Conditional counts for child suffixes of state AL=0 s L = 2 suffix 11.
A 0|0.331 0|0.497
1|0.751 1|0.669 C D
Figure 2: The full -machine reconstructed from 104 samples of the even process of Fig. 1. State A
(inscribed circle) is the unique start state.
loop. Finally, we have not created any new states while determinizing, so we do not need to prune
new transient states.
The final result is an -machine with the two states C and D and with the estimated labeled
transition probabilities
b (0) 0.497 0 b (1) 0 0.503
T = and T = .
0 0 1.000 0
We have just seen CSSR reconstruct the even process with length-3 histories. Nonetheless, it
is important to realize that the even process is not a third-order Markov chain. Since it matters
whether the current block of 1s is of even or odd length, the process has a kind of infinite memory.
It is in fact strictly sofic (Weiss, 1973), meaning that, while it has a finite number of states, it is
not equivalent to a Markov chain of any finite order. For this reason conventional Markov-model
techniques find it difficult to learn strictly sofic processes. In fact, many standard methods cannot
handle them at all. CSSRs ability to do so follows quite naturally from its design, dictated in turn
by the basic results of computational mechanics.
Shalizi, Shalizi, and Crutchfield
The time needed to make one determinizing pass is k Lmax k, and the maximum number of passes
needed is k Lmax , since this is the worst case for the number of states which could be made. So the
worst-case time for determinization is k 2Lmax +1 . Now, s is k Lmax , at most, so the overall time for
Procedure III is O(k 2Lmax +1 ). Note, however, that if removing transients consumes the maximal
amount of time, then determinization cannot and vice versa. So this is a very loose upper bound.
Putting this together, we get O(Lmax k Lmax ) + O(k 2Lmax +1 ) + O(N ), which asymptotically is
O(k 2Lmax +1 ) + O(N ). Observe that this is linear in the data size N . It is exponential in the
alphabet size k, but the exponent of 2Lmax + 1 is very much a loose worst-case result. It applies
only in extreme cases; e.g., when every string spawns its own state, almost all of which are transient.
In practice, the run time is much shorter than this bound would lead one to fear. Average-case
results replace the number of strings, here bounded by k Lmax , with the typical number of distinct
sequences of length Lmax the process generates with positive probability, which is 2Lmax h (Cover
and Thomas, 1991). Similarly, bounding s, the number of states, by k Lmax is generally excessive and
better approximated by 2C .
Pattern Discovery in Time Series I
Since we use the KS test, it is reasonable to employ the variational distance. 8 Given two distri-
butions P and Q over A, the variational distance is
d(P, Q) = |P (X = a) Q(X = a)| . (9)
Thus, the empirical conditional distribution (morph) for each suffix converges exponentially fast to
its true value, as the suffix count n grows.
Suppose there are s suffixes across all the states. We have seen the ith suffix ni times; abbreviate
the s-tuple (n1 , . . . ns ) by n. We want the empirical distribution associated with each suffix to
be close to the empirical distribution of all the other suffixes in its state. We can ensure this by
making all the empirical distributions close to the states morph. In particular, if all distributions
are within t of the morph, then (by the triangle inequality) every distribution is within 2t of every
other distribution. Call the probability that this is not true q(t, n). This is the probability that at
least one of the empirical distributions is not within t of the states true morph. q(t, n) is at most
the sum of the probabilities of each suffix being an outlier. Hence, if there are s suffixes in total,
across all the states, then the probability that one or more suffixes differs from its true morph by t
or more is
X 2
q(t, n) 2ke8ni t (18)
2k+1 se8mt , (19)
where m is the least of the ni . Now, this formula is valid whether we interpret s as the number
of histories actually seen or as the number of histories needed to infer the true states. In the first
8. This metric is compatible with most other standard tests, too.
Shalizi, Shalizi, and Crutchfield
case, Eq. (19) tells us how accurate we are on the histories seen; in the latter, over all the ones we
need to see. This last is clearly what we need to prove overall convergence, but knowing s, in that
sense, implies more knowledge of the processs structure than we start with. However, we can upper
bound s by the maximum number of morphs possible s (k L+1 1)/(k 1) so we only need
to know (or, in practice, pick) L.
Which string is least-often seen which ni is m generally changes as more data accumulates.
However, we know that the frequencies of strings converge almost surely to probabilities as N .
Since there are only a finite number of strings of length L or less, it follows that the empirical
frequencies of all strings also converge almost surely.9 If p is the probability of the most improbable
string, then m N p almost surely. Hence, for sufficiently large N ,
k L 1 8N p t2
q(t, n) 2k+1 e , (20)
which vanishes with N .
We can go further by invoking the assumption that there are only a finite number of causal states.
This means that causal states form a finite irreducible Markov chain. The empirical distributions
over finite sequences generated by such chains converge exponentially fast to the true distribution
(den Hollander, 2000). (The rate of convergence depends on the entropy D( P|P) b of the empirical
distribution relative to the true.) Our observed process is a random function of the processs causal
states. Now, for any pair of distributions P (X) and Q(X) and any measurable function f : X Y ,
d(P (X), Q(X)) d(P (Y ), Q(Y )) , (21)
whether f is either a deterministic or a random function. Hence, the empirical sequence distribution,
at any finite length, converges to the true distribution at least as quickly as the state distributions.
That is, they converge with at least as large an exponent. Therefore, under our assumptions, for
each i, ni /N pi exponentially fast there is an increasing function r(), r(0) = 0, and a constant
C such that, for each 0,
P pi > CeN r() . (22)
(r() is known as the large-deviation rate function.) The probability that m N (p ) is clearly
no more than the probability that, for one or more i, ni N (p ). Since the lowest-probability
strings need to make the smallest deviations from their expectations to cause this, the probability
that at least one ni is below N (p ) is no more than k L times the probability that the count of
the least probable string is below N (p ). The probability that an empirical count ni is below its
expectation by , in turn, is less than the probability that it deviates from its expectation by in
either direction. That is,
P(m N (p )) P ni N (p ) (23)
P(ni N (p )) (24)
k P(n N (p )) (25)
k L P p > (26)
Ck L eN r() . (27)
9. Write Fi for the event that the frequencies of string i fail to converge to the probability. From the ergodic
S P(Fi ) = 0 for each i. If there are s strings,
S the event
Ps that represents one or more failures of convergence
is si=1 Fi . Using Bonferronis inequality, P( si=1 Fi ) i=1 P(Fi ) = s 0 = 0. Hence, all s strings converge
together with probability 1.
Pattern Discovery in Time Series I
With a bound on m, we can fix an overall exponential bound on the error probability q:
Solving out the infimum would require knowledge of r(), which is difficult to come by. Whatever
r() may be, however, the bound is still exponential in N .
The above bound is crude for small N and especially for small t. In the limit t 0, it tells
us that a probability is less than some positive integer, which, while true, is not at all sharp. It
becomes less crude, however, as N and t grow. In any case, it suffices for the present purposes.
We can estimate p from the reconstructed -machine by calculating its fluctuation spectrum
(Young and Crutchfield, 1993). Young and Crutchfield demonstrated that the estimates of p ob-
tained in this way become quite accurate with remarkably little data, just as, we shall see in Part
II, estimates of the entropy rate h do. At the least, calculating p provides a self-consistency check
on the reconstructed -machine.
Shalizi, Shalizi, and Crutchfield
If every history is correctly assigned to a precausal state, then nothing can go wrong in Procedure
III (Determinize). Take any pair of histories s 1 and s 2 in the same precausal state: either they
belong to the same causal state or they do not. If they do belong to the same causal state, then by
determinism, for every string w, s 1 w and s 2 w belong to the same causal state. Since the causal
states are refinements of the precausal states, this means that s 1 w and s 2 w also belong to the same
precausal state. Contrarily, if s 1 and s 2 belong to different causal states, they must give different
probabilities for some strings. Pick the shortest such string w (or any one of them, if there is more
than one) and write it as w = va, where a is a single symbol. Then the probability of a depends
on whether we saw s 1 v or s 2 v.10 So s 1 v and s 2 v have distinct length-1 morphs and belong to
different precausal states. Hence, determinization will separate s 1 and s 2 , since, by hypothesis, the
precausal states are correct. Thus, histories will always be separated, if they should be, and never,
if they should not.
Since determinization always refines the partition with which it starts and the causal states are
a refinement of the precausal states, there is no chance of merging histories that do not belong
together. Hence, Procedure III will always deliver the causal states, if it starts with the precausal
states. We will not examine the question of whether Procedure III can rectify a mistake made in
Procedure II. Experientially, this depends on the precise way determinization is carried out and, most
typically, if the estimate of the precausal states is seriously wrong, determinization only compounds
the mistakes. Procedure III does not, however, enhance the probability of error.
To conclude: If the number of causal states is finite and L is sufficiently large, the probability
that the states estimated are not the causal states becomes arbitrarily small, for sufficiently large
N . Hence the CSSR algorithm, considered as an estimator, is (i) consistent (Cramer, 1945), (ii)
probably approximately correct (Kearns and Vazirani, 1994, Vapnik, 2000), and (iii) reliable (Spirtes
et al., 2001, Kelly, 1996), depending on which field one comes from.
Pattern Discovery in Time Series I
Thus, attached to each non-leaf node is an empirical conditional distribution for the next symbol.
If node n has descendants to depth K, then it has (by implication) a conditional distribution for
futures of length K.
The merging procedure is now as follows. Consider all nodes with subtrees of depth L = D/2
(Crutchfield, 1992). Take any two of them. If all the empirical probabilities attached to the length-L
path in their subtrees are within some constant of one another, then the two nodes are equivalent.
They should be merged with one another. The new node for the root will have incoming links from
both the parents of the old nodes. This procedure is to be repeated until no further merging is
possible.11 It is clear that, given enough data, a long enough L, and a small enough , the subtree
algorithm will converge on the causal states.
All other methods for -machine reconstruction currently in use are also based on merging.
Take, for instance, the topological or modal merging procedure of Perry and Binder (1999).
They consider the relationship between histories and futures, both (in the implementation) of length
L. Two histories are assigned to the same state if the sets of futures that can succeed them are
identical.12 The distribution over those futures is then estimated for each state, not for each history.
As we said, the default assumption of current state-merging methods is that each history is its
own state. The implicit null model of the process is thus the most complex possible, given the length
of histories available. This null model is whittled down by merging, and the estimated statistical
complexity falls as N grows. State-merging algorithms, so to speak, converge from above on
the true model. In all this, they are the opposite of CSSR. State splitting starts by putting every
11. Since the criterion for merging is not a true equivalence relation (it lacks transitivity), the order in which states
are examined for merging matters, and various tricks exist for dealing with this. See, e.g., Hanson (1993).
12. This is an equivalence relation, but it is not causal equivalence.
Shalizi, Shalizi, and Crutchfield
history in one state a zero-complexity null model that is elaborated by splitting. It converges
from below, both in the number of states and in the complexity. Conceivably, one could develop
unbiased estimates of complexity by combining merging and splitting algorithms properly.
Unfortunately, state-merging has inherent difficulties. For instance: what is a reasonable value
of morph similarity ? Clearly, as the amount of data increases and the law of large numbers
makes empirical probabilities converge to true probabilities, should grow smaller. But it is grossly
impractical to calculate what should be, since the null model itself is so complicated. (Current
best practice is to pick as though the process were an IID multinomial, which is the opposite of the
algorithms implicit null model.) In fact, using the same for every pair of tree nodes is unreliable.
The nodes will not have been visited equally often, being associated with different tree depths, so
the conditional probabilities in their subtrees vary in accuracy. An analysis of the convergence of
empirical distributions, of the kind we made in Section 4.1 above, could give us a handle on , but
reveals another difficulty. CSSR must estimate 2k probabilities for each history one for each
member of the power-set of the alphabet. The subtree-merging algorithm, however, must estimate
the probability of each member of the power set of future sequences, i.e., 2 k probabilities. This is
an exponentially larger number, and the corresponding error bounds would be worse by this factor.
The theorems in Shalizi and Crutchfield (2001) say a great deal about the causal states: they are
deterministic, they are Markovian, and so on. No previous reconstruction algorithm made use of this
information to guide its search. Subtree-merging algorithms can return nondeterministic states, for
instance, which cannot possibly be the true causal states.13 While the subtree algorithm converges,
and other merging algorithms probably do too, CSSR should do better, both in terms of the kind
of result it delivers and the rate at which it approaches the correct result.
5. Conclusion
5.1 Future Directions
A number of directions for future work present themselves. Elsewhere, we have developed extensions
of computational mechanics to transducers and interacting time series and to spatio-temporal dy-
namical systems (Crutchfield, 1994, Feldman and Crutchfield, 1998, Hanson and Crutchfield, 1997,
Shalizi and Crutchfield, 2002). It is clear that the present algorithm can be applied to transducers,
and we feel that it can be applied to spatiotemporal systems. Work on both extensions is currently
One can easily extend the formalism of computational mechanics to processes that take on
continuous values at discrete times, but this has never been implemented. Much of the machinery we
employed here carries over straightforwardly to the continuous setting, e.g., empirical process theory
for IID samples (Devroye and Lugosi, 2001) or the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The main obstacle
to simply using CSSR in its present form is the need for continuous interpolation between the
(necessarily finite) measurements. However, all methods of predicting continuous-valued processes
must likewise impose some interpolation scheme, and perhaps one along the lines of Bosq (1998)
or Fraser and Dimitriadis (1993) would work. Continuous-valued, continuous-time processes raise
more difficult questions, which we shall not even attempt to sketch here.
Potentially, -machines and our algorithm can be applied in any domain where HMMs have
proved their value (e.g., bioinformatics (Baldi and Brunak, 1998)) or where there are poorly-
understood processes generating sequential data, such as speech, in which one wishes to find nonob-
vious or very complex patterns.
13. It is sometimes claimed (Palmer et al., 2002) that the nondeterminism is due to nonstationarity in the data
stream. While a nonstationary source can cause the subtree-merging algorithm to return nondeterministic states,
the algorithm is quite capable of doing this when the source is IID.
Pattern Discovery in Time Series I
5.2 Summary
We have presented a new algorithm for pattern discovery in time series. Given samples of a con-
ditionally stationary process, the algorithm reliably infers the processs causal architecture. Under
reasonable conditions on the process, the algorithm almost surely returns an incorrect architecture
only finitely many times. The time complexity of the algorithm is linear in the data size. We show
in Part II that it works reliably on stochastic processes defined over subshifts of finite type, strictly
sofic systems, and HMMs, and reasonably on infinite-state processes. In addition to the arguments
made here that CSSR will consistently outperform prior causal-state-merging algorithms, in Part
II we demonstrate that it performs significantly better than conventional HMM algorithms and
context-tree methods.
Our work has been supported by the Dynamics of Learning project at SFI, under DARPA cooperative
agreement F30602-00-2-0583, and by the Network Dynamics Program here, which is supported by
Intel Corporation. KLS received additional support during summer 2000 from the NSF Research
Experience for Undergraduates Program. We thank Erik van Nimwegen for pointing out the parallels
between state-splitting machine reconstruction and procedures introduced by Bussemaker, Li, and
Siggia (2000). We thank Dave Albers, Dave Feldman, Rob Haslinger, Cris Moore, Jay Palmer,
Eric Smith, and Dowman Varn for valuable conversation, and Ginger Richardson for initiating our
H[X] is the expectation value of log 2 P(X). It represents the uncertainty in X, interpreted as the
mean number of binary distinctions (bits) needed to identify the value of X. Alternately, it is the
minimum number of bits needed to encode or describe X. Note that H[X] = 0 if and only if X is
(almost surely) constant.
The joint entropy H[X, Y ] of two variables X and Y is the entropy of their joint distribution:
H[X, Y ] P(X = a, Y = b) log2 P(X = a, Y = b) .
Shalizi, Shalizi, and Crutchfield
(The limit always exists for conditionally stationary processes.) h measures the processs unpre-
dictability, in the sense that it is the uncertainty which remains in the next measurement even given
complete knowledge of the past.
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