50 Shea Butter DIY Recipes
50 Shea Butter DIY Recipes
50 Shea Butter DIY Recipes
Raw vs. Refined:
Whats the Difference?
The Benefits cal-laden skincare products on the market.
With its moisturizing properties, as well as its
of Raw Shea Butter abundance of vitamins and nutrients, it is
your skins most eco-friendly ally.
A Skin Superfood
Shea butter has been used in Africa for Raw shea butter is highly versatile and pro-
centuries, and it is highly regarded for its vides a natural, gentle and toxin-free al-
healing properties. It is one of the best nou- ternative to the chemical-laden skincare
ishing, protecting and regenerating seed products on the market. With its moisturiz-
oils in the world. Shea butter effectively ing properties, as well as its abundance of
protects skin from harmful UV rays, harsh vitamins and nutrients, it is your skins most
weather conditions, dryness and environ- eco-friendly ally.
mental pollutants. It also serves as a pow- Raw shea butter has an exceptionally
erful antiaging solution for all skin types. high content of healing and anti-inflam-
It provides the ideal balance of moisture matory components and has been used
and nutrients needed to bring beauty and to treat a number of skin disorders, such as:
balance to your hair and skin, regardless
of your ethnicity, climate or age.
The secret to shea butters efficacy lies Eczema Hives
in its ability to stimulate the production of Acne Dryness
collagen, which is the skins main structur- Psoriasis Rashes from
al protein. After just a few uses, skin will be- Scars poisonous plants
come more supple, with restored elasticity Sun damage Burns
and radiance. This natural seed oil can re- Age-related Minor cuts
store health and beauty to dry, damaged concerns Cracked skin
or lined skin. Insect bites Stretch marks
Shea butter is a perfect year round skin
care solution. It provides protection from
the harsh winds and cold air of winter, as Shea butter absorbs into the skinquick-
well as healing for sun-damaged skin in ly to soothe and calm irritation or inflam-
the summer. mation. Shea butter is also beneficial for
Raw shea butter is also ideal for baby preparing the bodys muscles for exercise
care. Because it is all natural, gentle and and helping speed the recovery process
rich in vitamins and nutrients, it is perfect- afterwards. It can help reduce muscles
ly suited to a babys delicate skin. African aches and fatigue and stimulate the re-
women have used in for hundreds of years lease of toxins from the tissues. In clinical
to prevent and heal diaper rashes and studies, shea butter, when applied to the
treat insect bites, eczema and other skin nasal cavity, has effectively reduced na-
care concerns. Raw shea butter is highly sal congestion. Its healing benefits are
versatile and provides a natural, gentle far-reaching, and it can be used to treat a
and toxin-free alternative to the chemi- variety of ailments.
Anti-Aging Hair
Regeneration Revitalization
For centuries, raw shea butter hasbeen The benefits of raw shea butter are not
recognized as a successful treatment limited to skincare; shea butter is also
for wrinkles. Because it contains a high among the best revitalizers for all hair types
concentration of essential fatty acids, as and textures. From root to tip, it can bring
well as vitamins A and E, it can regener- moisture to dry and damaged hair. It is
ate skin cells and return suppleness and rich in vitamins A and E, which are shown
elasticity to delicate facial skin. In clinical to be effective in mending split ends, re-
studies, regularly applied raw shea butter pairing breakage and soothing dryness.
has been found to rebuild and rejuvenate Shea butter absorbs quickly into the
collagen, resulting in skin that is brighter, scalp to quickly relieve itchiness, dandruff
less wrinkled and even displays less sun or dry skin, without clogging pores. It can
damage. be used to treat scalp conditions such
as psoriasis or dermatitis, without leaving
a greasy residue or causing oil build-up.
Shea butter can also protect hair from
wind, sun or water damage. Additionally,
hair that has been damaged by chemi-
cal treatments or heat styling tools can
have its vitality and moisture restored.
Shea butter-based homemade hair
products can bring back shine, manage-
ability and vitality to dry or damaged hair.
Choosing the Right
Cleopatras Choice raw shea butter is
available in yellow and ivory.The color of the
shea butter is usually determined by where
it comes from in Africa; the ivory shea but-
ter comes from Benin, Africa, and the yellow
Choosing the Right shea butter comes from yellow shea butter
comes from Ghana. While these two variet-
Grade ies can be used interchangeably, they do
have some differences.
Ivory shea butter has a soft, creamy con-
Shea butter is available in various grades sistency. It is a lightweight butter that
A,B,C, D and E. Grade E is given to shea absorbs into the skin quickly, and has
butter that is contaminated with pollutants. a subtle, nutty scent. Many customers
Grade D is reserved for the lowest quality prefer to use ivory shea butter in their
of uncontaminated shea butter. Neither homemade skincare products.
grades D nor E are generally sold for per- Yellow shea butter tends to be a stiffer but-
sonal use. ter with a more overt scent. It is much rich-
Grades B and C are given to shea butter er and generally takes longer to absorb.
that has undergone the refining process, Yellow shea butter is ideal for homemade
which strips the color and odor, as well as hair products, balms and ointments.
the vitamins and nutrients, from the shea Regardless of the color you choose, the
butter. The shea butter will still be an effec- properties and benefits of the shea butter
tive moisturizer, but will be useful for little else. remain the same.
At Cleopatras Choice, we exclusively
sell Grade A shea butter. This grade is giv-
en to shea butter that is raw and unrefined,
meaning that all of its nutrients are intact.
It has the highest vitamin content, giving it
unmatched beauty and healing properties.
Shea butter is perfectly suited for home-
made bath melts and bath bombs. Regu-
lar baths can strip skins natural moisture,
causing it to feel tight and itchy. Incorporat-
ing shea butter into your baths using bath
melts or bath bombs are a great way to
restore moisture and prevent dryness and
A word of caution: once your shea butter
melts dissolve, the floor of your tub will be
Moisturizing Bath Bombs
This spa-inspired luxury is the ideal an-
tidote for a stressful day. While regular INGREDIENTS:
baths can cause skin to dry out, using
these moisturizing bath bombs can help 2 cups Baking Soda
you restore moisture and prevent dryness. 3 tbsp Kaolin Clay
Note: ensure that your workspace is com-
4 tbsp Shea Butter
pletely dry, as any moisture will set off the
bath bombs fizzy reaction. Even moisture 1 oz Essential Oil
in the air can trigger this reaction, so store 1 cup plus 3 tbsp Citric Acid
your bath bombs in an airtight container 4 to 10 spritzes of Witch Hazel
in a cool, dry space.
1.Melt shea butter in the microwave on 7.If the mixture is too dry, apply a
50% power, using 30-second increments few spritzes of witch hazel and stir the
2.Cool the shea butter slightly, then stir in mixture quickly. Too much moisture
the essential oil will cause the fizz reaction, so working
quickly is important.
3.Sift together the baking soda and
kaolin clay in a large mixing bowl 8.Once mixture is thoroughly mixed
and has the consistency of wet sand
4.Mix the powders together completely
and holds together when tightly
5.Add the wet ingredients to the dry squeezed, press the mixture into
mixture, mixing thoroughly silicone molds or muffin tins
6.Sift the citric acid into the mixture and 9.Allow the bath bombs to dry
mix until well-combined overnight
10. Store the bath bombs in an
airtight container in a cool, dry place
9 Bath
Rich Chocolate Bath Melts
These decadent Rich Chocolate Bath Melts
are the perfect way to unwind after a busy INGREDIENTS:
day. The shea butter softens your skin, while
the cocoas antioxidant properties repair 1/4 cup Shea Butter
skin cells and neutralize harmful free radi- 1/4 cup Mango Butter
cals. This recipe makes 24 bath melts.
1/2 Deodorized Cocoa Butter
Instructions: 1 teaspoon White Beeswax
1/2 teaspoon Cocoa Powder
1.Melt the butters and beeswax in a
double broiler. 1/4 teaspoon Dark Chocolate
Fragrance Oil
2.Add the cocoa powder and mix
3.Add the fragrance oil
4.Pour the mixture into silicone candy
5.Freeze for 30 minutes
1.Combine the dry ingredients, ensuring
that there are no clumps
1 cup Baking Soda
2.Add the melted shea butter, essential oil
1/2 cup Citric Acid
and colorant, ensuring that everything is
thoroughly combined 1 tablespoon Shea Butter, melted
3.Spritz the mixture with water from a water 3 ml Grapefruit Essential Oil
bottle about 3 times, until it forms into a ball 1/2 ml Bath Bomb Colorant
4.Tightly press the mixture into silicone
candy molds
SCRUBS AND Reduce the signs of aging
and prevent dry skin with these
BODY WASHES shea butter-based scrubs and
body washes.
Lotion Spray
Light and easy to use, this lotion spray is ide-
al for keeping your skin moisturized through INGREDIENTS:
the warmer months. To ensure precision and
proper balance of ingredients, this recipe will 2 oz Safflower Oil
require the use of a digital kitchen scale. This 0.5 oz Shea Butter
recipe makes 8 oz. of lotion spray.
0.1 oz Stearic Acid
Instructions: 1 oz Cyclomethicone
0.25 oz Dimethicone
1.Using a kitchen scale, measure the
safflower oil and shea butter into a 0.25 Rosehip Seed Oil
microwave-safe container. Microwave in 0.25 Walnut Oil
30-second increments at 50% power, stirring 0.5 Hemp Seed Oil
after each interval
0.15 oz Essential oil, for
2.Weigh out the remaining ingredients, fragrance (optional)
combining with the shea butter mixture and
stirring well
3.Using a funnel, pour the liquid into spray
4.Shake well before each use
1.Place the magnesium flakes into a bowl 8.Beat the mixture well, until all the
and pour the boiling water over them, ingredients are completely combined
stirring the mixture until the flakes have 9.Refrigerate the body butter for
completely dissolved. Set aside to cool 15minutes
2.In a quart-size mason jar, place the 10. Using a hand mixer or immersion
coconut oil, beeswax and shea butter blender, whip the mixture until it reaches
3.Place the jar into a small sauce pan a light consistency
with 1 inch of water, and warm over 11. Transfer the body butter to an airtight
medium heat container and store at room temperature
4.Once the mixture has completely
melted, transfer it to a medium bowl
5.Let the mixture cool to room temperature
6.Using a hand mixer or immersion
blender, beat the mixture at medium
7.Starting with a drop at a time, slowly
add the magnesium mix to the bowl
periment with shea butter. With a wide
range of recipes, it is easy to find one
that suits your preferences. To eliminate
air bubbles from the soap, lightly spritz
each bar with rubbing alcohol.
Please note that some of these recipes call for lye. Lye is a caustic substance that allows
cold press soaps to solidify. While lye is easy to use, it must be handled with care, as it
can cause damage if it comes in contact with your eyes or skin. When handling lye,
please remember to where gloves and protective eyewear. Additionally, any equipment
(bowls, utensils) that comes into contact with lye must be neutralized with a mixture of
vinegar, dish soap and water. Soaps containing lye generally need to cure for approxi-
mately 4 weeks before use.
22 Bar Soaps
Instructions: 6.Stir in essential oils
7.Pour the mixture into soap molds and
4.Once the lye water has cooled, add
sprinkle their tops with lavender buds
the sodium lactate and stir well
8.Cover the molds with plastic wrap and
5.Once the lye water has reached room
allow the soaps to refrigerate overnight
temperature, add it to the oils and blend
with an immersion blender until it begins 9.Once soaps are completely set, remove
to set them from their molds. Allow them to cure
for 4 weeks before use
*Any equipment that the lye comes into contact with needs to be neutralized with a
mixture of vinegar, soap and water
23 Bar Soaps
Lemon Poppy Seed Soap
24 Bar Soaps
Chocolate Mint Soap
25 Bar Soaps
2.Using a food processor or large knife, 7.Stir in the remaining oatmeal, ensuring
chop the oatmeal flakes until they are that it is evenly distributed
half their original size 8.Stir in the essential oil
3.Sprinkle 1 tsp of oatmeal into the 9.To easily pour the soap, transfer the
bottom of each soap mold (see note) mixture to a glass measuring cup
4.Melt the shea butter in a double broiler, 10. Carefully distribute the soap mixture
covering with a lid among the molds
5.Meanwhile, mix the buttermilk powder 11. Allow the soap bars to cool completely
with the hot water. If necessary, strain the in the refrigerator
mixture to remove clumps 12. Once cooled and completely
6.Once the shea butter has melted hardened, remove the soaps from their
completely, gently incorporate the molds, wrap in wax paper, and store at
buttermilk mixture room temperature
26 Bar Soaps
5.Using an immersion blender, blend the 9.Allow the soap to cool in the refrigerator
ingredients for 3-5 minutes overnight
6.Pour 3/4 of the soap mixture into the 10. Once the soap has completely set,
soap mold remove from the mold and wrap in wax
7.Spread the calendula petals on top of paper. Store at room temperature and
the poured soap mixture allow the soap to cure for 4 weeks before
8.Pour the remaining soap mixture into
the mold and use a knife to swirl the soap
into a marble pattern
*Any equipment that the lye comes into contact with needs to be neutralized with a
mixture of vinegar, soap and water.
27 Bar Soaps
Traditional African Black Soap
28 Bar Soaps
Shea butter absorbs quickly, leaving
lips feeling soothed and moisturized,
rather than sticky or waxy. Shea but-
LIP CARE ter-based lip balms are effective in
protecting your lips from wind and sun
damage, while fighting the signs of ag-
ing. Experiment with different essential
oils to discover your perfect flavor
29 Lip Care
Honey Lavender Lip Balm
30 Lip Care
Shea butter protects hair from free
radicals in the air and water, as well as
harsh weather conditions. It effective-
ly locks in moisture, without causing
hair to become greasy or weighed
down. It is useful in treating a vari-
ety of conditions, including derma-
titis, psoriasis, dandruff and eczema.
HAIR CARE Shea butter can also restore moisture
lost through styling processes, such
as perms or dying.
31 Bar Soaps
8.Once the mixture is well blended, cover 11. Allow soap to cool and harden in the
the slow cooker and cook the soap for 1 refrigerator overnight
hour 12. Once the bars have completely solid-
9.Prepare your molds by spraying them ified, wrap them in wax paper and allow
with vegetable spray or greasing with co- them to cure for 4 weeks before use
conut oil 13. To use, massage into wet hair and
10. Spoon the mixture into the molds rinse thoroughly
*Any equipment that the lye comes into contact with, including the slow cooker, needs
to be neutralized with a mixture of vinegar, soap and water
1.In a double boiler, melt the condi- INGREDIENTS:
tioning emulsifier, shea butter, coconut
oil and mango butter 1 tbsp Conditioning Emulsifier
2.Pour aloe vera juice in a microwave- 3 tbsp Shea Butter
safe bowl and microwave on High for
30 seconds
5 tbsp Coconut Oil
1 tbsp Mango Butter
3.Add the warmed aloe vera juice to
the oil mixture 1/3 cup Aloe Vera Juice
(distilled water can be
4.Using an immersion blender, blend
the ingredients until they are well-com-
bined 3 grams Optiphen (this can be
omitted if the conditioner is
5.Stir in the essential oils and Optiphen stored in the refrigerator and
6.Transfer conditioner to a lidded con- used within 1 month.)
tainer 30 drops Ylang Ylang Essential Oil
7.To use, work the conditioner into wet 15 drops Rosemary Essential Oil
hair after shampooing, then rinse thor-
30 drops Rosehip Seed Oil
25 drops Lavender Essential Oil
32 Haircare
Hair Pomade
This hair pomade provides a light/medium
hold. When choosing the right essential INGREDIENTS:
oil, consider your hairs needs. Peppermint
and rosemary essential oils add shine and
3 tbsp Shea Butter
stimulate hair growth; tea tree, lime, basil
and thyme essential oil brings balance 2 tbsp Beeswax, grated
to oily hair; chamomile and lavender are 1/4 cup Jojoba Oil
effective moisturizers; and clary sage and 10-15 drops Essential Oil
eucalyptus can minimize dandruff.
1.Melt the shea butter and beeswax 4.Transfer the pomade to a lidded con-
together in a double boiler tainer and allow it to solidify in the refrig-
2.Once completely melted, stir in jojoba erator
oil 5.Pomade can be stored at room
3.Cool slightly, then stir in essential oil temperature in a dark, dry place
33 Haircare
3.Stir the castile soap, argan oil, 5.Once the mixture has cooled, use
macadamia nut oil, neem oil and essential a wire whisk to beat it until it reaches a
oils into the mixture creamy consistency
4.Allow the mixture to cool completely in 6.Transfer the shampoo to a lidded
the refrigerator container and store at room temperature
7 To use, massage into wet hair and rinse
34 Haircare
Shea butter has been used by Afri-
cas women for centuries for skincare
during and after pregnancy, as well as
caring for their babies delicate skin. It is
highly versatile and can be used to re-
lieve some of pregnancys discomforts.
It is the perfect choice for skincare as
delicate skin stretches, changes and
HAIR CARE develops heightened sensitivity. Devoid
of chemicals, shea butter is an ideal
moisturizer for sensitive skin, and it is a
very safe and natural way to care for
babys delicate skin.
Nipple Balm
Lock in moisture, strengthen the skin and
promote healthy cell growth with this INGREDIENTS:
all-natural nipple balm. Shea butter is ef-
fective in soothing and protecting cracked 1/4 cup Shea Butter
nipples, while encouraging quick healing.
2 tbsp Coconut Oil
While this nipple balm is natural, it is recom-
mended that it is administered after a nurs- Cornstarch
ing session, and wiped away before baby
nurses again.
Paw Wax
38 Pet Care
Solid Dog Shampoo Bars
39 Pet Care
From body washes to lip balms, shea
butter can add healing vitamins and
nutrients to every aspect of your health
and beauty routine, but its benefits
BONUS RECIPES dont stop there. Here are some spe-
cialized uses for shea butter.
40 Bonus Recipes
Natural Mascara
This mascara, made with all-natural ingre-
dients, will deepen the color and add full- INGREDIENTS:
ness to your lashes. Free from chemicals
and artificial ingredients, it is safe to use, will
1 tsp Coconut Oil
not flake off, and removes easily with soap
and water. 1 tsp Shea Butter
1 1/2 tsp Beeswax
4 tsp Aloe Vera Gel
Instructions: 1-2 capsules Activated Charcoal
1.In a small saucepan, melt the coconut (depending on color prefer
oil, shea butter beeswax and aloe vera
gel over low heat, stirring constantly
2.Stir in the contents of the activated 4.Cut a small hole in the corner of the
charcoal capsules bag and insert it into an empty, sterilized
3.Place the mixture into a sandwich bag mascara tube. Gently squeeze the mixture
and allow it to cool slightly into the tube
5.Store the mascara at room temperate
for 3-4 months
41 Bonus Recipes
Instructions: 4.Let the mixture cool in the refrigerator
5.Once the mixture has cooled and has
2.Once the mixture has melted com-
a thick, pudding-like consistency, quickly
pletely, remove from heat and gently stir
stir in the contents of the powdered probi-
in the cornstarch and baking soda until
otics capsules
wellcombined and dissolved
6.Pour the mixture into an empty deodor-
3.Stir in essential oil
ant tube and refrigerate until it hardens
42 Bonus Recipes
Shea Butter Deodorant for Sensitive Skin
43 Bonus Recipes
Instructions: 7.Using a hand mixer, beat the mixture
until it reaches a light and fluffy consistency
4.Stir the mixture well, then set it in the
8.Transfer the shaving cream to a lidded
fridge until it solidifies
container and store in a cool, dark place
5.Once the mixture has hardened, let it for up to one month
soften slightly at room temperature
6.Transfer the mixture to a mixing bowl
and add the baking soda and vitamin E oil
Solid Perfume
44 Bonus Recipes
Soothing Aftershave
45 Bonus Recipes