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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This is a review paper on the performances of both conventional and energy-absorbing rockbolts
Received 24 October 2013 manifested in laboratory tests. Characteristic parameters such as ultimate load, displacement and energy
Received in revised form absorption are reported, in addition to loadedisplacement graphs for every type of rockbolt. Conven-
9 December 2013
tional rockbolts refer to mechanical rockbolts, fully-grouted rebars and frictional rockbolts. According to
Accepted 11 December 2013
Available online 19 March 2014
the test results, under static pull loading a mechanical rockbolt usually fails at the plate; a fully-grouted
rebar bolt fails in the bolt shank at an ultimate load equal to the strength of the steel after a small amount
of displacement; and a frictional rockbolt is subjected to large displacement at a low yield load. Under
shear loading, all types of bolts fail in the shank. Energy-absorbing rockbolts are developed aiming to
Laboratory bolt test combat instability problems in burst-prone and squeezing rock conditions. They absorb deformation
Energy-absorbing rockbolt energy either through ploughing/slippage at predened load levels or through stretching of the steel
Yield rockbolt bolt. An energy-absorbing rockbolt can carry a high load and also accommodate signicant rock
Pull test displacement, and thus its energy-absorbing capacity is high. The test results show that the energy
Shear test absorption of the energy-absorbing bolts is much larger than that of all conventional bolts. The dynamic
Dynamic test load capacity is smaller than the static load capacity for the energy-absorbing bolts displacing based on
Drop test
ploughing/slippage while they are approximately the same for the D-Bolt that displaces based on steel
2014 Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Production and hosting by
Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction Garford solid bolts, Roofex, D-Bolts and Yield-Lok bolts, which are
here collectively called energy-absorbing rockbolts but referred to
Rockbolts are widely used today in order to secure underground as yield bolts in some literature. Based on their coupling mecha-
excavation spaces. Conventional rockbolts include mechanical bolts nism, rockbolts can be classied as continuously mechanically
(i.e. expansion shell bolts), fully-grouted rebars and frictional bolts coupled (CMC), continuously frictionally coupled (CFC), or
(such as Split set and inatable bolts, e.g. Swellex and Omega). discretely mechanically or frictionally coupled (DMFC) (Windsor,
Conventional rockbolts are used mainly to deal with instability 1997). Fully-grouted rebars are mechanically bound to the grout/
problems under low or relatively low rock stress conditions. A new rock through the tiny ribs on the cylindrical surface of the bolt
category of rockbolt has recently been developed with the aim of shank and are thus a type of CMC bolt. Split set and inatable bolts
combating high-stress induced instability problems such as rock- such as Swellex and Omega are CFC bolts, since they are bound to
burst and rock squeezing. This category includes cone bolts, the rock mass mainly via friction resistance along their entire
length. Expansion shell and all energy-absorbing bolts are
anchored in boreholes at one or more discrete points and are thus
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 47 73594848.
DMFC bolts.
E-mail address: (C.C. Li).
Peer review under responsibility of Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese
On the other hand, rockbolts can also be classied as stiff, ductile
Academy of Sciences. and energy-absorbing from the point of view of bolt performance
(Li, 2010). A stiff bolt displaces for a small amount prior to failure.
This kind of bolt usually refers to fully encapsulated rebar bolts. It
will be seen later in this paper that a fully encapsulated rebar bolt
Production and hosting by Elsevier only can displace approximately 30 mm when subjected to fracture
1674-7755 2014 Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of
opening. The advantage of this type of bolt is its high load capacity
Sciences. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. which is equal to the strength of the bolt material. A ductile bolt can tolerate a large rock displacement but its load capacity is relatively
316 C.C. Li et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 6 (2014) 315e327
low. Split set is a typical bolt of this type, which in principle can
displace as much as the bolt length at a load level equal to the
frictional resistance on the bolt cylindrical surface. An energy-
Axial stress in bolt
An expansion shell bolt is a typical two-point anchored support 2.3. Frictional rockbolts
device composed of a solid shank and an expansion shell at the far
end of the bolt (Fig. 1). Anchoring of the bolt is achieved through Split set and inatable bolts (e.g. Swellex and Omega) belong to
friction and interlocking between the expansion shell and the the class of frictional bolt (Fig. 3). A frictional bolt interacts with the
borehole wall. The load-bearing capacity of this type of bolt is
dependent upon both the tightness of the expansion shell and the
strength of the rock. Vibrations and stress relaxation may lead to
0 Axial stress in bolt
partial or entire loss of anchoring. Another type of two-point
Shear / axial stress
anchored bolt involves the far end of the bolt being grouted with
resin, which guarantees more reliable anchoring than the expan-
sion shell bolt.
Under a pull load at the bolt head, the shank of the bolt is
Shear stress on bolt
stretched identically in every cross-section, resulting in a constant
axial stress along the length of the bolt, as shown in Fig. 1. The shear
stress on the shank surface is obviously zero because of the hollow De-bonded (fully or partially)
annulus in the hole.
Split set can accommodate large rock deformations but has a low
load capacity.
An inatable bolt is installed by expanding the folded tube to
match the size of the borehole. Its load capacity is not only asso-
ciated with the contact stress between the bolt tube and the
borehole wall (resulting in frictional resistance) but also with the
roughness of the borehole wall (resulting in mechanical inter-
locking). An inatable bolt is maximum loaded in the bolt head if
subjected to a load applied at the bolt plate as illustrated in Fig. 4.
The bolt tube will slip if the bolt length is short enough and the load
capacity is equal to the unit frictional-and-interlocking force times
the bolt length. Slippage will not occur and the tensile strength of
the bolt tube will be mobilised if the bolt length is long enough. In
this case, the pull load capacity of the bolt is high but its
displacement capacity would be simply limited to the stretch of the
placed in the frame of the test rig. A hole is drilled through the
blocks in place, with the bolt then installed in the borehole. For a
pull test, the pull load is applied to the right concrete block (in
Shear stress on bolt Fig. 7b) through two hydraulic jacks, while the left block is xed in
the frame. For a shear test, the right block is xed and the left block
is pushed laterally with a hydraulic jack located at the joint of the
two blocks. The load capacity of the bolt test rig for pull and shear
Slippage section tests is 600 kN and 500 kN, respectively.
Fracture opening
(b) Multi-point anchored bolt.
with grout. Two methods are available with which to apply the
dynamic load to the tested bolt. The rst is the free-fall method, in
which the upper tube is xed on the ceiling and a mass freely falls
onto the impact plate attached to the lower tube (Fig. 8a). Kinetic
energy is transferred to the bolt via the plate and the lower tube.
The test facility at CANMET in Ottawa, Canada, employs this
method to apply the dynamic load. The second method involves
momentum transfer. In this method, the mass and split tubes fall
freely together until the stopper at the upper end of the split tubes
meets a stationary beam (Fig. 8b). The movement of the assembly is
then stopped, with the momentum and kinetic energy then
transferred to the bolt via the plate and the lower tube.
Upper tube
Upper tube
(a) (b)
Fig. 8. Two principles of rockbolt dynamic drop tests. (a) Mass free-fall; and (b) Momentum transfer.
the 1990s, for example by Stjern (1995) and by Dahle and Larsen 4.2. Fully-grouted rebar bolts
(2006). Test results for the studied rockbolt types are presented
in this section. A rebar 20 mm in diameter was fully grouted with cement
mortar in a borehole of 32 mm in diameter. The waterecement
4.1. Mechanical bolts ratio of the mortar was 0.32. Under pull loading, the bolt nally
failed in the bolt shank at the joint (Fig. 10a). The ultimate pull load
A rebar 20 mm in diameter was point-anchored in a hole drilled was 205 kN and the maximum pull displacement was 40 mm.
in the concrete blocks, with an expansion shell positioned at the far Under shear loading, the bolt also failed in the shank at the joint
end of the bolt. Deformation occurred in both the plate and the bolt (Fig. 10b). The ultimate shear load was 199 kN and the total shear
shank during the pull test. Under pull loading, the bolt nally failed displacement was 47 mm.
in the thread at an ultimate load of 160 kN and total displacement
of 55 mm (Fig. 9a). Shank elongation accounted for only approxi- 4.3. Frictional rockbolts
mately 14 mm of total displacement, with the rest attributed to the
elongation of the thread and the deformation of the plate. Under A piece of Split set SS46, 46 mm in diameter, was pushed into a
shear loading, the bolt nally failed in the shank at the joint. The borehole of diameter 42.3 mm. Under pull loading, the bolt did not
ultimate shear load was 217 kN and the total shear displacement fail in the bolt shank but rather slipped in the hole (Fig. 11a). The
was 110 mm (Fig. 9b). pull load reached its ultimate value of 51 kN after only a few
400 400
Expansion shell 20 mm
in diameter Expansion shell 20 mm
in diameter
300 300
Pull load (kN)
100 100
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
Displacement (mm) Shear displacement (mm)
(a) (b)
Fig. 9. Loadedisplacement behaviour of a mechanical bolt under pull and shear loads. The symbols o and x refer to failure in the plate and bolt shank, respectively (Stjern, 1995).
320 C.C. Li et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 6 (2014) 315e327
300 300
100 100
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
Displacement (mm) Shear displacement (mm)
(a) (b)
Fig. 10. Loadedisplacement behaviour of a cement fully-grouted rebar under pull and shear loads. Symbols as Fig. 9 (Stjern, 1995).
millimetres of displacement. Under shear loading, the bolt failed in point. Under shear load, the wires in the twin strand cable failed in
the shank at the joint of the concrete blocks (Fig. 11b), with shank tensile mode. The ultimate shear load was 233 kN, approximately
failure occurring at an ultimate shear load of 160 kN and a shear 60% of the tensile strength, with a shear displacement of 134 mm
displacement of 68 mm. (Fig. 13b).
A piece of inatable bolt, 38 mm in diameter before unfolding,
was installed in a borehole of diameter 48 mm. Under pull loading, 4.5. Fibre glass bolt
the bolt did not fail in the bolt shank but rather slipped in the hole
(Fig. 12a). The pull load reached its ultimate value 121 kN after a A bre glass bolt 22 mm in diameter was fully grouted with
pull displacement of 26 mm and then gradually decreased with cement mortar in a 45 mm diameter borehole. Under pull loading,
the increase of the pull displacement. Under shear loading, the the bolt failed in the bolt shank at the joint. The ultimate pull load
bolt failed in the bolt shank at the joint (Fig. 12b). The ultimate was 380 kN and the maximum pull displacement was 37 mm
shear load was 179 kN and the nal total shear displacement (Fig. 14a). Under shear load, the bolt failed too in the shank at the
59 mm. joint, with the ultimate shear load of 140 kN and the total shear
displacement of 33 mm (Fig. 14b).
4.4. Twin strand cable
5. Static and dynamic tests of energy-absorbing rockbolts
A twin strand cable, 2 12.7 mm in diameter, was cement
grouted in a borehole. The ultimate tensile strength of the twin 5.1. Cone bolt
cable was approximately 380 kN. Under pull loading, the cable
started to slip, i.e. yielded at 170 kN after a small displacement of Invented in South Africa (Jager, 1992; Ortlepp, 1992), the cone
approximately 25 mm (Fig. 13a). Load increased gradually with bolt was the rst yield support device developed to combat rock-
displacement, possibly because of the dilation effect at the groute burst problems in deep mines. The original cone bolt was designed
strand interface, eventually reaching 210 kN after a displacement of for cement grout. It consists of a smooth steel bar with a attened
250 mm. The cable didnt fail when the test was terminated at that conical aring forged on to the far end (Fig. 15a). The cone bolt was
400 400
Split set bolt SS46
Split set bolt
300 300
Shear load (kN)
Pull load (kN)
200 200
(68 mm, 160 kN)
100 100
51 kN
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
Displacement (mm) Shear displacement (mm)
(a) (b)
Fig. 11. Loadedisplacement behaviour of a Split set under pull and shear loads. Symbols as Fig. 9 (Stjern, 1995).
C.C. Li et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 6 (2014) 315e327 321
400 400
Inflatable bolt 38 mm Inflatable bolt 38 mm
300 300
Pull load (kN)
100 100
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
Displacement (mm) Shear displacement (mm)
(a) (b)
Fig. 12. Loadedisplacement behaviour of a 38-mm inatable bolt under pull and shear loads. Symbols as Fig. 9 (Stjern, 1995).
Twin strand cable 400
Twin strand cable
2 12.7 mm in diameter
2 12.7 mm in diameter
300 300
Pull load (kN)
200 200
100 100
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
Displacement (mm) Shear displacement (mm)
(a) (b)
Fig. 13. Loadedisplacement behaviour of a twin strand cable under pull and shear loads. Symbols as Fig. 9 (Stjern, 1995).
400 400
Fibre glass bolt
(37 mm, 380 kN) 22 mm in diameter
300 300
Shear load (kN)
Pull load (kN)
200 200
Fibre glass bolt
(33 mm, 140 kN)
22 mm in diameter
100 100
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
Displacement (mm) Shear displacement (mm)
(a) (b)
Fig. 14. Loadedisplacement behaviour of a bre glass bolt under pull and shear loads. Symbols as Fig. 9.
322 C.C. Li et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 6 (2014) 315e327
100 2011), with the work principle similar to that of the Garford solid
bolt. The anchor is again resin encapsulated in a borehole, with the
smooth bar slipping through the anchor to accommodate rock
displacement. Laboratory test results for Roofex bolts are shown in
0 Fig. 17b and c.
0 20 40 60 80
Displacement (mm)
5.4. D-Bolt
Invented in Norway, the D-Bolt comprises a smooth steel bar
and a number of integrated anchors along the bolt length (Fig. 18a)
Bolt 41 Bolts 32, 41 using 40 MPa grout
200 Bolts 60, 61 using 20 MPa grout
Resin mixer Anchor Smooth bar
Load (kN)
Bolt 32 Bolt 60
Bolt 61
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Displacement (mm)
Anchor Bolt shank bar
Fig. 15. Static and dynamic test results of resin-grouted cone bolts. (a) The bolt and
work principle; (b) Static pull test results of rockbolts, redrawn after Simser et al.
(2006); (c) Dynamic drop test results, redrawn after Varden et al. (2008).
then pulls the conical end of the bolt through the grout to do work
and absorb energy released from the rock. A cone bolt can displace 100 Bolt 75
for a considerable amount if it works in ploughing as intended.
Lindfors (2000) carried out a series of pull tests on cement-grouted
cone bolts in an underground mine in Sweden. The bolts displaced
up to 900 mm at a load level of approximately 170 kN. However, 0 100 200 300
whether the ploughing occurs or not is dependent upon not only
Displacement (mm)
the shape and size of the cone, but also the strength of the hard-
ened grout. The static and dynamic tests on modied cone bolts
showed that the load capacity of the cone bolt varies in a wide Fig. 16. (a) Garford solid bolt and work principle; (b) Dynamic test results of 20-mm
range (Fig. 15b and c). Fig. 15c shows the dynamic test results of 22- bolts with impact input of 33 kJ. Curves redrawn after Varden et al. (2008).
C.C. Li et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 6 (2014) 315e327 323
Rx20S-44 100
100 Rx20S-45 D-Bolt section: 22 mm1500 mm
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Displacement (mm)
Displacement (mm) (b)
Energy absorption: 60 kJ
Bolt section: 22 mm1500 mm
0 0 50 100 150 200 250
0 200 400 600 800 1000 Displacement (mm)
Displacement (mm) (c)
Fig. 18. D-Bolt and test results of a bolt section of 22 mm 1.5 m (Li, 2012; Li and
Fig. 17. Roofex Rx20 bolt and test results (Galler et al., 2011). (a) The bolt and work Doucet, 2012). (a) The bolt, (b) static pull test results of rockbolts, and (c) dynamic
principle; (b) Static pull test results of rockbolts; (c) Dynamic test result. test result.
with the Upset ploughing in the polymer coating when the bolt
(Li, 2010). The bolt is either cement or resin encapsulated in a load exceeds the predened load level. Static and dynamic perfor-
borehole. The anchors are rmly xed in the grout, while the mance data for the bolt are shown in Fig. 19b and c. The dynamic
smooth bar sections between the anchors elongate upon rock load is in general lower than the static load.
dilation. The bolt absorbs energy by fully mobilising the strength
and deformation capacity of the bolt steel. Static and dynamic 6. Discussion
performance data for the D-Bolt are shown in Fig. 18b and c. Bolt
ultimate load is equal to the tensile strength of the steel, while bolt 6.1. On the conventional rockbolts
ultimate displacement is approximately 15% of bolt length. Taking a
bolt section of f22 mm 1500 mm as an example, the ultimate The load capacity of a mechanical rockbolt is mainly dependent
static load and displacement are 260 kN and 165 mm, respectively, upon the strength of the face plate and bolt thread, as well as the
and the ultimate dynamic load and displacement are 285 kN and tightness of the expansion shell. As a result, the load and defor-
220 mm, respectively. The bolt section absorbs approximately 60 kJ mation capacities of this type of rockbolt may vary in a large range.
of energy prior to failure under dynamic loading. Every section of Two-point anchored bolts often lose their support function due to
the bolt works independently; the failure of one section does not failure of the face plate or thread when subjected to pull loading
result in the loss of the entire bolt, with the remaining sections (Fig. 9a). Under shear loading, the bolt shank can be locked by the
continuing to provide rock reinforcement. friction between the shank and the rock, with failure occurring in
the bolt steel (Fig. 9b).
5.5. Yield-Lok bolt The load capacity of fully-grouted rebar bolts is the highest of
the conventional rockbolts, with failure taking place in the bolt
The Yield-Lok bolt consists of a 17.2 mm round steel bar shank under both pull and shear loading. This type of bolt is
(Fig. 19a). The anchor, or Upset, of the bolt is encapsulated in an characterised by high load capacity and small displacement
engineered polymer coating. The bolt is grouted in the borehole, (Fig. 10). In other words, fully-grouted rockbolts are strong but stiff.
324 C.C. Li et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 6 (2014) 315e327
Lc T/R (1)
Table 1
Energy absorption, ultimate displacement and average load of energy-absorbing rockbolts under dynamic loading.
Frictional bolts, i.e. Split sets and inatable bolts, are still characterised by their load capacity (i.e. rebar) or ductility (i.e.
employed to deal with stress-induced instability problems in a frictional bolts). The area under the loadedisplacement curve of a
number of underground projects at present. Their energy ab- rockbolt represents the energy absorption of the bolt. All conven-
sorption, displacement and dynamic load capacity are listed in tional rockbolts have low energy-absorbing capacities. According
Table 2. The average dynamic load of Split sets and inatable bolts to Kaiser et al. (1996), the dynamic energy absorption of a
varies at 5e55 kN and 31e128 kN, respectively. In general, the 19-mm resin-grouted rebar bolt and a 16-mm mechanical bolt is
dynamic load of a frictional bolt is smaller than its static load. only 1e4 kJ and 2e4 kJ, respectively. In contrast, energy-absorbing
According to the test results by Player et al. (2009), the average rockbolts are characterised by their high load and displacement
dynamic load of a friction rock stabiliser is approximately 50% of capacities, with energy absorption usually signicantly larger than
its static load. that of conventional rockbolts.
Table 2 200 Energy-absorbing bolt
Energy absorption, ultimate displacement and average load of frictional rockbolts
under dynamic loading (Player et al., 2009; Hadjigeorgiou and Potvin, 2011).
Pull load (kN)
Bolt type Absorbed Ultimate Average yield 150 Expansion shell bolt
energy (kJ) displacement (mm) load (kN)
6.5. Interpretation of the pull test results with the loading models Conict of interest
The pull test results can be easily interpreted with the help of We wish to conrm that there are no known conicts of interest
the rockbolt loading models presented in Section 2. For a me- associated with this publication and there has been no signicant
chanical bolt (Fig. 1), the axial load is identical at every cross-sec- nancial support for this work that could have inuenced its
tion of the bolt shank. Failure occurs at the weakest point of the outcome.
bolt. The thread of the bolt is usually weaker than the shank. Thus
failure usually occurs at the thread of the mechanical bolt or at the References
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Dr. Charlie Chunlin Li is professor of rock mechanics for three analytical models for rockbolts in accordance with their anchoring mechanisms.
civil and mining engineering at the Norwegian University The models are now frequently cited and used by others and are widely acknowledged
of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Norway. Li received in the circle of rock mechanics. With the help of his analytical models, Li identied the
his BSc degree in 1981 and MSc degree in 1984, both in shortcomings of the conventional rockbolts and found ways to overcome them. His
geological engineering, in Central South Institute of Mining research of rockbolt nally led to the invention of a new type of yield rockbolt, called
and Metallurgy (at present Central South University), and D-Bolt. The D-Bolt is characterised by its high load capacity and high deformability. In
his PhD in mining rock mechanics at Luea University of other words, the bolt is able to absorb a good amount of deformation energy prior to
Technology (LUT), Sweden, in 1993. After that, he was failure. The bolt is particularly powerful in combating stress-induced rockburst and
employed as research associate and then associate pro- rock squeezing. The technology has been welcomed by the mining and tunnelling in-
fessor at LUT until 2000. He worked then in the Kristine- dustry since it was born. NTNU established a company e Dynamic Rock Support (DRS)
berg mine of Boliden Mineral Ltd., Sweden, as mining in 2009 to commercialise the new technology. DRS was acquired by a giant under-
engineer for 4 years. He has chaired the professor in rock ground equipment company e Normet after 4 years because of the bright market of
mechanics at NTNU since 2004, in charge of the teaching the bolt in the world. The D-Bolt is being used today world-widely, for instance in Swe-
and research program in the subject of rock mechanics as den, Canada, USA, Chile, Australia and South Africa, to combat instability problems in
well as the rock mechanics laboratory. He is a member of the Norwegian Academy of deep mines. Prof. Li received an innovation prize e Northern Lights Award by Raw Ma-
Technological Sciences (NTVA). Prof. Lis research interests are in rock failure, stability terial Group for the D-Bolt technology in 2013 in Sweden. Prof. Li has practical exper-
analysis of underground spaces, ground support and application of rock mechanic tise in ground support in difcult rock conditions (for instance rock squeezing and
principles for underground space design. He developed a constitutive model for brittle rockburst), stability analysis of underground caverns and in-situ measurements and
rock materials to take into account the effects of microcracks and cracking on the interpretation. In the past years, he was involved in consulting work in a number of
nonlinear behaviour of the rock. He carried out a thorough laboratory study of the underground mining and excavation projects, for instance, rock support in burst-
acoustic Kaiser effect in rock materials and concluded that the Kaiser effect is a prone rock in LKABs mines, rock support in squeezing and burst-prone rock in Boli-
measure of damage in the rock. He is now focussing on experimental and numerical dens mines and stability analysis and rock support for two hydropower underground
studies of brittle rock failure under low conning pressure, including spalling, slabbing caverns in squeezing rock in Himalayas.
and rockburst. After a thorough study of the performances of rockbolts, he proposed