BRI Museum in Purwokerto
BRI Museum in Purwokerto
BRI Museum in Purwokerto
In this recent days, who is not familiar with Bank BRI? Bank Rakyat Indonesia
(BRI) is the largest bank in Indonesia which has assets in about 583 trillion rupiah (data
was taken on August 2013) and continues to grow today.
Bank BRI is the oldest bank which has a long history in Indonesia. It was
founded on December 16, 1895 by Raden Aria Wirjaatmadja, in the cool little town of
lush, Purwokerto, Central Java. This museum located on Jl. Sudirman No. 57,
Purwokerto. BRI Museum does not look like a museum building in general. The shape
of the building resembles a regular home building.
The items which is displayed are not too many. We can see the coins of the
money from Majapahit, banknotes Chinese, Japanese, Dutch era, the period of
independence, the legacy banking machines and relics belong to Raden Aria
Wirjaatmadja. Visitors are free from charge. They only have to fill in the guest book
which is provided there. Besides, there also guides who will show and explain to the
visitors all about the museum.
According to the story, in 1894, a Patih Banyumas whose name has been
familiar since my childhood through Warta BRI, Raden Aria Wirjaatmadja, party
invitations to attend the circumcision of a Master. In the midst of the party, he wondered
why a teacher can have a big and luxurious party. At that time, a lavish party marked by
the presence of the officials, the dishes are abundant and their Tayuban art that became
the epitome of luxury party in Banyumas society.
When he published an official letter to establish the first Rural Bank for natives.
On 16 December 1895 Hulp en Spaarbank der Inlandsce Bestuurs Ambtenaren (Bank
Owned employee assistance and saves pradja Praja Holder Natives) operates the first
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