Intermediate Model Question Papers
Intermediate Model Question Papers
Intermediate Model Question Papers
Septmber, 2011
Copies : 5000
Published by
The Director,
A.P. State Open School,
SCERT Building, Opp: LB Stadium EGate,
Bhasheerbagh, Hyderabad - 500 001
Phone : 040 - 23299568
Printed at
Karshak Art Printers,
Vidyanagar, Hyderabad
Dear Learner,
It gives me immense pleasure for your zeal and enthusiasm to continue education
through A.P Sate Open School. The A.P. State Open School Started the Intermediate
course in Open and Distance Learning (ODL) Mode, equivalent to the regular Intermediate
course offered by Board of Intermediate, A.P., with the orders of Government of Andhra
Pradesh (G.O.Ms.No. 170 Higher Education (IE-II) Dept, dt: 04.09.2010) from the Academic
year 2010-11. About 90,000 learners enrolled with us in the very year of inception of
Intermediate course. Thanks to the learners' motivation for continuing their educational
For the successful completion of the course, I advise all the learners to attend
personal contact programme classes regularly at your designated PCP Centres (study
centers) and get the doubts clarified from time to time. As part of our qualitative
dissemination of education, we are bringing out a comprehensive Booklet on Intermediate
public examination oriented model question papers of all the subjects. I request all the
PCP Coordinators to circulate this model question papers book among all the learners as
well as subject counselors (Teachers) and get them aware of the public examination pattern.
The subject counselors are requested to explain the various facets of the public examination
model question paper to the learners for their better understanding and preparation to the
public examinations.
I wish all the learners will have a pleasant learning experience at A.P. State Open
School and fulfill your cherished goals.
You can also download Model Question Papers
from our
xx |x {j - 1
(Model Paper - 1)
x n
: 3 P] {hE : 100
xn : 1) < |x{j ix Jb , Jhb - 'E', Jhb - 'J' B Jhb - 'M'*
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4) Jhb 'E' 85 +E E + Jhb 'J' +l Jhb 'M' 15 +E E *
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+iH xVx E ` vx *
Jhb- J 3 x 5 = 15
(Sx |tME + xn)
16. S Gi E {S JB* 5
S |{i Ex E {S i E =J EVB*
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{ nJ Vx BE | Y{x i E* 5
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Jhb "M' 3 x 5 = 15
(Yx E - xn)
xxEi C E xnx JB* 10 x 1 = 10
18. xE V x i * (M nE C JB*)
19. cE nx J * (Sx nE C JB*)
20. x h E * (S nE C JB*)
21. x {` {g * ( E nE JB*)
22. x ] J* (r EVB*)
23. '' n E {S n JB*
24. '+{x' n E n JB*
25. '+Mx' n E in { JB*
26. 'V { j {xi ' E BE n JB*
27. '{vx' n ={M E +M E JB*
A.P. Open School Society, Hyderabad.
Sub: English (Senior Secondary)
Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 100
Section - I
1. A. Read the following Passage and answer the questions that follow. lx4=4
Good memory depends upon a good brain. The brain needs a good supply of Oxygen, Glucose,
Calcium, Phosphorus and Iron. So make sure you sit in a well ventilated place when studying. Your diet
should include milk, cheese, walnuts, wheat, green leafy vegetables, ragi and dates. Do not forget that
breakfast is the brain food. Fatty meals, sugar and acids take away calcium from the system. Diets
rich in fibre like fruits and vegetables help to reduce stress.
a. What does our brain need?
b. What should be included in our diet to have good memory?
c. Good Connections is important to improve the memory., (Say True of False) [ ]
d. Diet rich in fiber like fruits and vegetables help to reduce stress., (Say True of False) [ ]
1. B. Read the following Passage and answer the questions that follow 1x4=4
Mars is considered to be a sort of twin of our own planet earth. It is the next planet beyond the
earth in distance from the sun. The diameter of Mars is about half the diameter of the earth and it rotates
around the sun in just under two years. But the Mars has a day that is almost equal in length to our day
in here on earth.
In observing Mars, astronomers have noticed certain things that indicate that a form of life may
be possible there. First of all, Mars has seasons like the earth. In fact, as the season changes in the
Mars, there seems to be changes on its surface. The dark areas get stronger in the spring and summer,
and the colour changes from bluish-green to yellow. Could this be vegetation?
a. The size of Mars is (Identify the right answer) [ ]
i. About half of earth.
ii. Half the diameter of the earth.
iii. Half the diameter of the Sun
b. How much time does Mars take to rotate around the Sun?
c. Mars has seasons like earth., (Say True of False) [ ]
d. Mars has a day that equals in length to our day here on earth., (Say True of False)[ ]
2. Answer any four of the following the questions. 4x2=8
i. How did Gavaskar break his mother is nose?
ii. Are Pythagoras theorem and Newtons Law of Gravity important to all of us in our daily life?
Why do you think we all learn about them?
iii. How does research help in popularasing the use of wind energy?
iv. Why did the doctor invite the man in?
v. What did the pundits advise Veds mother for regaining Veds ........... ?
vi. Why was the intruder a hunted rat?
vii. What weapon did Baldeo carry? Who had made it?
viii. How did Ardhana learn the truth?
3. Answer anyone of the following the questions. 1x4=4
i. What kind of life did Rahuls Grandparents lead when he was a small boy? What was consid-
ered important in those days?
ii. What are the advantages of using wind energy
4. Read the following lines from the Poem Night of the Scorpion and answer the questions given
below it. 1x5=5
I remember the night my mother
Was stung by a scorpion. Ten hours
of steady rain had driven him
To crawl beneath a sack of rice
Parting with him poison- flash
Of diabolic tail in the dark room
He risked the rain again
The peasants came like swarms of files
And buzzed the Name of god a hundred times
To paralyse the evil one
With candles and with lanterns
Throwing giant scorpion shadows
On the mud-baked walls
They searched for him; he was not found.
i. Who does him in the line 3 refer to?
ii. Why did the scorpion come into the house?
iii. What did the scorpion do?
iv. Why did the peasants come in large numbers?
v. Why did they not find the scorpion?
Section - II
5. Read the following Passage given below and answer the questions that follow.
Human Civilization has been around for a short period of 12,000 years. Barely in that short
amount of time, we have dominated nature, with our villages, towns, cities mega cities. The rapid
increase of human population has left us battling with other species for limited resources. Burning of
fossil fuel has now created a blanket of carbon dioxide around the world which is slowly but surely
increasing the average global temperature.
Climate change is one of the most hotly contested environmental debates of our time. Will the
west Antarctic ice sheet be melted entirely? Will it be the end of the world as we know it? May be, may
be not. Either way Antarctica is a crucial element in this debate not just because its the only place in the
world which has never sustained a human population and therefore, remains relatively Pristine in this
aspect; but more importantly, because it holds in its ice covers half million old carbon records trapped
in its layers of ice.
i. How has human life affected nature? 4x2=8
ii. What is the cause of global warming?
ii. What makes Antarctica different from the other regions of the world?
iv. What is the greatest significance of Antarcticas ice core?
6. Read the following Passage given below and answer the questions that follow. 4x2=8
The most exciting adventure would be to go to forest and see wild animals, both the little ones
and the big. Foolish people go there with a gun and kill them and thus put an end to something that was
beautiful. It is far more interesting and amusing to wander about without a gun or any other weapon and
to find that wild animals are not afraid and can be approached. Animals have keener instincts than man.
If a man goes to them with murder in his heart, they are afraid to him and run away. But if he has any
love for animals, they realize that he is a friend and do not ................ If you are full of fear yourself,
then the animal is afraid too and might attack you in self defence. The fearless person is seldom, if ever,
Perhaps the lesson might be applied to human beings also. If we meet other people in a friendly
way, they also become friendly. But if we are afraid of them or if we show our dislike of them, then they
behave in the same manner.
7. Read the Passage given below. Then fill in the table below with properties of synthetic and
natural blood. 4x1=4
Often, there is serve shortage of natural blood. On the other hand, Blood substitutes have per-
suasive selling points. Unlike real blood, artificial blood has a shelf life of only weeks; artificial blood
could be stored in some cases upto three years. And medical personnel could forget about patients
blood type, because the substitute is a perfect match for anyone. That would speed transfusion in
emergencies, where every minute counts. Since molecules of the synthetic blood can be as much as
thousand times smaller than red blood cell, they can squeeze past abstractions a blood clot thats
starving the heart on the brain, killing crucial tissues second by second - to give life saving oxygen where
it is needed.
Synthetic Blood Natural Blood
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
Section - III
8. Do as directed.
A. Fill in the following sentences with passive forms of the verbs given. 3 Marks
There was an exhibition last Sunday. I _________________________ (inform) by my friend.
It ____________________ (inaugurate) by the Chief Minister and ______________ (attend)
by many people. Several attractive exhibits __________________ (display) there. I was lured
by them.
B. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with appropriate form of the verbs given in brackets.
4 Marks
I _______________________________ (like) watching films as it was Sunday yesterday, I
______________________ (go) to the theatre. The film ______________________ (begin).
While I _________________________ (Watch) the film, the Power broke down.
C. Combine the following pairs of sentences using the connectives given against each pair.
4 Marks
i. I met a gentle man. He knows your father (who).
ii. I could not attend college yesterday. I was ill (since).
iii. The police arrived, the thief ran away (when).
iv. Listen to English, you will speak well (if)
D. Read the following dialogues between two friends. Complete the passage given below based on
the dialogue as reported by Salim 4 Marks
Reshmi: How did you do the examination? _____________________________________
Sultana : I haven't done well.
1. Salim told me that Reshmi asked sultana
9. Read the following Passage carefully make notes in points. Suggest a suitable title.
4 Marks
Games are important for human life. Without them it is harder for a person to be sound in body
and mind.
For one thing if a person is to fulfill all the duties that society expects of him, it is important for him
to keep healthy. He may be very intelligent, but that has little meaning if he cannot make use of his
intelligence, because he is always suffering from bad health. In some ways the human body is like a
machine if it is not made use of, it starts to work badly.
Secondly, playing and therefore experiencing winning and losing encourages the spirit of sports-
manship, thus enabling one to deal with lifes problems in a wise and natural manner. Games teach the
truth embodied in the Olympic motto. The important thing in playing is not winning or losing, but the
participation, and I may add doing the best one can.
We have to remember some other things about playing games. However, first it is the physical
exercise that is important for health, not the games themselves and there are other ways of getting this.
It is also possible to be too interested in games. If we let games become the most important thing
in our lives, we may be in danger of changing Olympic motto to the important things is winning.
Never the less inspite of these dangers, playing games can be a valuable activity, and if we take
part in them wisely we can gain great benefits.
10. Read the clues. Understand the story. Write it in not less than 60 words. 5 Marks
Crow - thirsty. fly - here - there. see - pot - garden. sit - pot. There - some
water - pot. crow - think - plan. pick up - pebbles - put - pot. Water - come
11. Read the following letter and write an appropriate reply. 5 Marks
26 Oct 2010
My dear Dad,
It has been a week since I returned from home after Diwali holidays. I have
been busy preparing for my half yearly examinations. Now its time to pay my ex-
amination fee of Rs: 400/-. It has to be paid within a fortnight. I have to pay Rs: 100/
- towards library and laboratory dues totally I needed Rs: 500/-. I request you to
send the amount at the earliest.
Yours affectionately,
H.No: 2-3-4
Write a letter to the Principal of your college thanking him for midday meals given to poor stu-
Section - IV
12. Read the following Conversation and write the message accordingly. 4 Marks
Operator : Good morning. Honda Ltd.
How can I help you?
Caller : Please connect me to Mr. V.V Rao, the sales Manager.
Operator : May I know who is calling?
Caller : G.V. Naidu, the Proprietor of Naidu Motors, Hyderabad.
Operator : Please hold the line. I will check if Mr. Rao is in.
(After checking ............ )
Sorry sir. He is on leave as he is unwell.
Caller : Oh. Then please write down the massage.
We have ordered spare parts to be delivered immediately. We had
paid the cash on 16th of this month. I want to know why there is delay.
Operator : Could I have your phone number please
Caller : Yes. Of course. Its 9247181197.
Operator : I shall pass on the massage to his secretary.
To : _____________________________________
From : _____________________________________
Massage: _________________________________________________
Taken by : ________________________________________________
13. Write suitable response to the following Questions. 6 Marks
1. Is it A.P Tourism booking Office, Hyderabad?
a. ___________________________________________________________________
2. I want to know if tickets are available for the city tour this Sunday.
b. ___________________________________________________________________
3. May I know the places covered in the city tour?
c. ___________________________________________________________________
4. We want Four ($) full tickets and two (2) half tickets to be booked.
d. ___________________________________________________________________
5. Where can we pay the amount and collect the tickets?
e. ___________________________________________________________________
6. We are staying in Royal Inn, Adarshnagar. What is the nearest boarding point?
f. ___________________________________________________________________
14. Write an e-mail massage to your secretary to post pone the Sales Executive
Meeting from 15th to 25th of june. 2 Marks
15. Read the following advertisement in the Saakshi dated: 27.10.2010, Hyderabad.
Prepare your Resume/CV to apply for the Post. 4 Marks
Marketing Executives - 20 Nos In
V R L Logistics Ltd, Secondrabad-500 003
Visit e-mail:
Candidate should be Graduate / Post Graduate with 1-2 years experience
with the knowledge of market. Should be excellent communicator in English
and Hindi and should posses marketing skills.
Send your resume before 29th Nov, to the Vice-President
You may use the following model
Address with your e-mail
Employment objective
Personal Details
Special Skills and Activities
4 Marks
16. You are a health supervisor attached to the P.H.C. Gudiwada (Rural) in Krishna District. You
have been asked to conduct a survey of the number of jaundice cases in three neighbouring
Write a report to the DMHO, Machlipatnam on your findings and the need for the supply of
hepatitis B vaccine to P.H.C Gudiwada (Rural) also recommend a Public Awareness Campaign
to make people aware of preventive measures. You may use the following hints and format.
Hints: 1. No. of cases in the last 2 months
2. Causes
3. Available medical help
4. Requirements
5. Preventive Measures
Contents: Status-
Action Required-
#=< `O
`Q s= `Q (305 T)
WO@s_ \ (APOSS)
PO.. ~uH q^~O
=O : 3 QOII
=~ : 100
K# :
1. D `O S^ qQ<~.
2. Hx qQx ZOH K H# "\H =^#O ~=K.
3. P ~e# =^< iqux ^$+
4. =^<# ^+~ `OQ, JO^OQ ~O_.
5. `x XH\ H ~ O_ =~ K^= O_.
6. =^< ~# `~` XHi iKHO_.
qQO 1
I.(A) HOk ^ XH^xH u^~O ~O_. 4
KII q= xn ~+ =$u "~OQK#O_ E
^=# |OK `=# ^~ = O^ #O`~`<
=_# KO^ ~ #=O|# ~Ou ##^
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"[ ##O|, [` "[ `=, kOk~O
[=OQ=O, |k`^ [OQ K~h
~[# H ~ O , |^~OK ~k # Oa< (15)
(B) HOk Q ^ XH^xH =O ~O_. 2
N=Y=# <H\ K
QO_` KO >
JkQe |_Q
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="Hx u#KO_ F ~ ` = `
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#q^~QH <H\ Q ?
II(A) HOk U"x ~ O\H W~"
O qOKx =^< ~O_. 2510
1. Q*O ^_ `## ~HO K=x D~x iOz# q^" \k.
2. 'i<iy#"_ J# ~O P^~OQ =#= =#` x q=iOKO_.
3. tH H ` H` `O_.
4. '<_ "x =Q} Jx Hq x~Oz# q^" \k .
B. HOk U"x ~ O\H W~"
O qOKx =^< ~O_. 2510
1. g~ ~` UH~ `# Z k~ .
2. P^ xH H^ H}
# `e g~ Kkq# H^ J#~OKO_.
3. *#^ `Ox ^ # H q. `O_.
4. `Q + p#`#, B#`x q=iOKO_.
III(A) HOk U"x =_O\H S^ O qOKx =^< ~O_. 326
1. "` Q ` H`# `O_.
2. "x ^ # ^ # ~O_.
3. #= J#"^ QO `z# i}=q.
4. # H <\H x =H ` "x `O_.
5. B~OQ*| Y ~A <~ H"e# q+ # `O_.
(B) HOk U"x =_O\H S^ O qOKx =^< ~O_. 326
1. 'U\H `O|\ J< Q O H qt+` Z\k .
2. ` #= [iy# O+}# ~O_.
3. x[Q~=# "=# Z=i` _.
4. ^=`` O` H~ _x Hqe# q^" \k.
5. x["# Ki`Q NN QiOz#k Uk.
IV(A)HOk XH^xH W~" O qOKx =^#O ~O_. 155
1. =Oz K_ q=x QOnr HiOz# q^" \k .
2. =`_ `# P`H^ ` " QiOz ~ K# =# "\k.
(B) HOk XH^xH S^ O qOKx =^#O ~O_. 122
1. ~ K q+ O QOnr Ja"\k .
2. QOnr `# P`Ki` K #^q.
qQO 2
V(A) HOk H= XHi QiOz S^ O qOK O_ =^#O ~O_. 122
1. iH =<^ _
2. Hr <~}~=
(B) HOk ~K~ ` XHi QiOz S^ O qOKx =^#O ~O_. 122
1. T@~ H HO`=
2. L#= H <~}
(C) HOk ^ ~< ^ XH^xH S^ O qOKx =^< ~O_. 122
1. '^~O
2. 'zy~K@
(D) HOk Q^ H XH^xH S^ O qOKx =^< ~O_. 122
1. J#"^O
2. <\H
VI. HOk "H U"x ~ O_O\H O^~ O ~ J~O q=iOKO_. 244
1. "H xKO_ H~= ieH
2. HOK"Q#@ H#HO| "Q<
3. <#~E_^y # [#HO^
4. `e
# q+O| (^=<eK)
qQO 3
VII(A)HOk "x U^x XH JOO Y ~O_ 155
1. g gkx i ~ z ^=i #O_ ~HO K=x Q=OKu / =x JkHiH.
2. L^QO H~` xH H~O JkHiH (^)
3. g H=e# =K~x H~` l H~ JkHiH.
(B) HOk "x U^x XH JOO W~" O qOKx "O ~O_. 166
1. P^ xH rq`O OHuH q*<
2. \ K^ =
3. g~ ^iOz# XH H `O
VIII A HOk ~# OH H i OKO_. 122
''~^=^q #= PO^u =#O^e HHf =[=# O|OkOz#k. HHf
Q}u ^==~A ~# =~``== q~ O ^o P^= ##iOz, `=
=~ # N ~^=^qx, `# #=# P<\ #O_ =~lQ ==iOK@ =Y=#
x~~ OK#. P x~ =# ~^=^q ~ . HO^~ *# , ^ =`a=## =O`~A
~| k` =u~HOzi. ~^=^q = ^~ =` `= <kiOz, ^= # Ou ^` #
<He, =O` #=~``== <\H ^~ i## P~OaOz#k. uH# =Hq ~`=
#O_ ~[^~ =# kOK#\ XH =[ @=# Kkq [# P#O^~ = #
K ==#, P L`== =" # q. H^ =OQO`" # k.
B. HOk ~# `QH J#=kOKO_. 122
To learn on in the modern world. Education is for freedom, development and fulfillment in life.
It helps intellectual mind to acquire there knowledge which gives peace, freedom and satis-
qQO 4
IX(A) HOk Ok ^ XH^xH Okx q_n ~O_. 1
1. U=O\=
2. `$}=
(B) HOk ^ XH^x He ~O_. 1
1. { |+
2. "_ { H>
(C) HOk = ^ XH^xH qQ "HO ~O_. 1
1. ^YQ~O
2. ~=H }
(D) HOk qQ "H XH^xx =OQ ~O_. 1
1. H`^ ~ # H O
2. ~=x H~ [O
(E) HOk ^ XH^xH =`` ~O ~O_. 1
1. [OQ
2. K`~=
(F) HOk ^ XH^xH ~ O_ ~^ ~O_. 1
1. U#Q
2. =~_
(G) HOk ^ XH^xH <<~ ~O_. 1
1. H~=
2. H#HO
(H) HOk ^ XH^xH H$ u ^ qH$u ~O ~O_. 1
1. ~[
2. J@q
(I) HOk ~ O_ =# "H# He XH Ot+ "HOQ ~O_. 1
1. KO^_ H#|__
2. H= qHO K~.
(J) HOk =# "H# He OH "HOQ ~O_. 1
1. ~q HO Kk"_.
2. ~q ~O K_.
(K) HOk ` H J#H~}
"Hx ~H J#H~}
H =i ~O_. 1
''="~O K~ `# Jx H$+_ K_
(L) HOk H~ } "Hx H~i "HOQ ~O_. 1
~=xK ~=}_ KO|__ .
(M) HOk H ~ XH L^~} W=O_. 1
1. K^~O
2. `~O
(N) HOk ^ ^xH Q} q[ # K P ^ H}
O K O_. 2
`e`< *"~ #K~ _O uOkk QH # [< .
(O) HOk "HOx JOH~O Uq\ `e ^x H}
O `O_. 2
F H$ h Hi ~[O= PHQO Q F_`#k.
(P) HOk *f U"x ~ O\x O`"H L yOKO_. 2
1. HeH |k KC
2. QiqO^ yO[
3. JO^" # K~
4. Q_
qQO 5
X. HOk <Q =^<<~. "\ XH\ =`" ~# k. P ~#
=^<x QiOz ^x OH `x H ## O_e ~O_. 14 4
1. `e^ O _H, H =^ = `~`= # e# ~ ( )
1. `~~ 2. pH\ ~
3. ~u~ 4. WH ~
2. N "OH> ~ qq^O ^~k ` iOz# q^O ( )
1. H ~ a~^O` 2. PO^ Hq` ~k x
3. HqO a~^O` 4. _e\ @O `
3. f~xH f~O ^xH ^O J# "` ( )
1. q<^ O|O^ "` 2. =$u O|O^ "`
3. =`O |O^ "` 4. @O| O|O^ "`
4. ## tK`~=_ +" # JO= ( )
1. "M#=` 2. `H#
3. O+} 4. e
Intermediate Course
Arabic 310
Model Question Paper
Duration: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Section A 5x8=40
- -
" " .2
- -
" "
: .3
. .
. .
. .
- -
. . . .
. .
.4 :
- -
Elective - 3A -
- -
Elective - 3B -
( ) .
- -
. /
1955-2-29 /
Section B 8x3=24
- -
: .7
- -
.8 ""
- -
" "
.9 :
- -
- -
- -
- 1 ______________
- 2 ______________
- 3 ______________
( )
: .12
- a 1
- b 2
- -
- a 1
- b 2
Elective - 3A -
(A) 13 :
- -
Elective - 3B -
(B) 13 :
- -
Section C 10x2=20
.14 :
- -
.15 :
- -
.16 :
- -
Elective - 3A -
(A) 17
- -
Elective - 3B -
(B) 17 :
- -
- -
.19 :
- a 1
- b 2
- c 3
1919 - d 4
- -
- a 1
- b 2
- c 3
- d 4
.29 :
- -
- -
.22 :
- -
Elective - 3A -
(A) 23 ""
- -
" "
Elective - 3B -
(B) 23 :
Driving license
Issued on
Class / type of Vehicle
- -
Section D 16x1=16
-I ( ) ( ) :
) ( .24
) ( .25
) ( .26
) ( .27
) ( .28
) ( .29
) ( .39
) ( .31
- II :
.32 ______________
.33 ______________
.34 ______________
.35 ______________
.36 ______________
.37 ______________
.38 ______________
.39 ______________
* * * * *
Intermediate (APOSS) MATHEMATICS 311 (E)
Time: 3 hrs Max. Marks: 100
1. All questions are Compulsory.
2. This question paper consists of two parts viz., A and B
3. All questions from Part A are to be attempted
4. Part-B has two options. Candidates are required to attempt questions from one option only.
(Part A)
Each question carries 1 mark. (13 x 1 = 13 marks)
2 3 4
2. Write the transpose of the matrix
6 7 8 2 3
6. Convert into degrees.
7. Write the maximum value of cos .
| x + 1|
8. Find lim .
x 1 x +1
9. Find the derivations of x2 + 5x, with respect to x.
10. Find the local maximum or minimum of the functions y = x3 6x2 + 9x + 7.
11. Evaluate 2
x +1
( Each question carries 2 marks)
x.sec 2
x dy
21. If y = e , find .
22. Find (Sin x + Cos x) dx
23. The age of 10 girls are given below. What is the range? 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 17, 18.
(Each question carries 5 marks)
1 2 1
24. Find the inverse of the matrix 2 1 3
1 3 1
3x 8 3 x
28. Solve for x if 3 3x 8 3 =0
3 3 3x 8
29. Find the equation of the circle which passes through the points (1,0), (0,-6) and (3,4).
dy cos 2(a + y )
31. If cos y = x . cos (a + y), then prove that = .
dx sin a
Optional I
32. Determine the sum of two vectors a = 3i + 2 j 4 k and b = i + j + 2k . (1 mark)
34. Find the equation of the plane passing through the points (1, 2, 3) and 2, 3, 4) and perpendicular
to the plane 3x + y z + 5 = 0 (5 marks)
35. Write the equation of the sphere passing through the points (0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0) and
(0, 0, 1). Find also its radius. (8 marks)
(Optional II)
32. Define debenture. ( 1 mark)
33. Write any one method of construction of Index numbers. (1 mark)
34. A person at the age of 25 years, takes an insurance policy of sum Rs. 50,000/- for 30 years term.
Calculate premium for yearly payment, assuming the following details.
Tabular premium / 1000.. Rs. 40.
Rebate for large sum assured.. Rs. 2 per 1000.
Rebate for yearly payment 3% . (5 marks)
35. Mr. Singh purchases 10 computers @ Rs. 17,500, per computer. On each computer he earns
Rs. 2,000 and pays VAT @ 8%. What will be the total sale prize of these 10 computers ?
Calculate the VAT amount he has to pay. (8 Marks)
9. x ^$ xn J=H[= ZO` ?
10. y = f(x) =HxH (x1, y1) aO^= =^ ~~ Y " `= ~=.
12. P( x ) y Q( x ) gH~}
=H# Q}H= `O_.
1 2 2 1
14. A =i B J~#K AB z BA Jx x~OK=.
1 0 2 2
cos x sin x
16. sin x cos x J# =uH H q= =uH# H#Q#= ?
H< 3
K#: u 5 =~
24. 5 Q}` H, 4 uH G H =i 5 ~# G H #O_ 4 Q}` G
H , 3 uHG H #, 4 ~# G H # fHx XH G H q_O_
g\x Zx q^Q J=~=K ?
25. Q}_ 4= =i 9= ^ =~Q 8 =i 256 J~` P _x x~~ OK=.
26. " = f (x) = sin x (1 + cos x) (0, S) JO`~O Qi+ =i Hx+ q=# H#Q#=.
H< 4
K# : u # 8 =~
28. Q}` # Q=# ^O`=# L yOz D HOk ^xx x~OK=.
1 1 1 1 n
1.3 3.5 5.7 (2n 1)(2n 1) (2n 1)
~ a
16. Show that the motion of simple pendulum is simple harmonic and derive expression
for its time period ?
17. For the circuit shown here, calculate the current flowing in 6 resistor ?
6 12
18. Explain the defects in image formation of optical instruments ?
19. How does a p.n junction diode works as a half wave rectifier ?
20. What is an inverter ? Write how it works ?
21. Explain the various steps involved in audio recording and reproduction?
22. State Newtons second law of motion. Hence derive the equation of motion F = ma
from it. A Constant force of magnitude 50N is applied to a body of mass 10 kg
moving initially with a speed of 10 ms-1. How long will it take the body to stop if the
force acts in a direction opposite to its motion.
a. Define specific heats of gas
b. Calculate Cp and Cv for argon. Given R = 8.3 J mol-1 k-1.
1. Determine the value of acceleration due to gravity using simple pendulum from L
T2 graph.
2. Determine length of seconds pendulum using simple pendulum from L T2 graph.
3. Determine the weight of a given body using parallelogram law of forces.
4. Determine the mass of a given body using parallelogram law of forces.
5. Draw the cooling curve of a body and calculate rate of cooling at three different
points of the curve.
6. Determine the specific heat of a liquid using the method of mixtures. Given specific
heat of solid.
7. Determine the spring constant of a spring using static method.
8. Determine the spring constant of a spring using dynamic method.
9. Study the rate of flow of liquid as a function of pressure head using a burette.
10. Determine the coefficient of viscosity of liquid by finding terminal velocity of the
given body in the liquid (given necessity data , , )
11. Determine the unknown frequency of given tuning fork using sonometer (linear
density value of material of the wire will be given by the examiner).
12. Determine the frequency of given tuning fork resonance column apparatus (velocity
of second at room temperature will be given by the examiner).
13. Find the focal length of the given convex lens using u v method.
14. Find the focal length of the given convex lens by lens displacement method.
15. Find the focal length of the concave mirrors. (Take 4 Observations)
16. Determine the internal resistance of a cell using potentiometer.
17. Determine the resistance of a moving coil galvanometer by half deflection method.
18. Convert the M.C.G in voltmeter, given the internal resistance of the M.C.G.
19. Determine the resisting of the method of a given a wire using meter bridge.
20. Find the resistance of the given wire by using meter bridge.
21. Compare the resistances of the given two wires using meter bridge.
22. Plot the I V characteristics of a given resister.
23. Plot the I V characteristics of a given p n junction diode.
24. Plot the characteristics of an npn transistor in common emitter configuration and
determine the current gain.
25. Plot the characteristics of an npn transistor in common emitter configuration and
determine the voltage gain.
Physics Practical Examination
2. Procedure - 4 Marks
6. Precautions - 2 Marks
8. Viva - 2 Marks
TOTAL 20 Marks
PO^^ F< \ (WO@s_
\ H~)
=O : 3 QO@ Qi+ =~ : 80
Q= - Z
Jx =^< W=
u 2 =~ 13 2 26 =~
1. Qe` iQ xO_ L# >~ # H~ HO>, ` = Qe` LO_ >~# Hey LO_ H~ `~Q x
u H =O k. ZO^?
2. q #Oz 10 H.g. Z`# Zy~ J^ <`# q=#O Q~` `~}O (g) q=# H OKO_.
"~O 6,400 H.g. =i Li`O g q= 9.8 g./O.2 Jx W=|_Ok.
3. H~< nO =u, H~< U q^O Q H ZQ`Ok.
4. XH =O^O` LO_ ~ O_ ^@, ~ \O =O^O` LO_ XH ^\ HO> Z= "K ^<x
W~. ZO^?
5. J#^~ , u~H `~O Q =^ ^ x `O_.
6. O* x=x `O_.
7. @O #Oz f< q^` " i=}O iy`, @O ZH_ =^ >x ^O
`Q ` Ok. ZO^?
8. O~O`~ ~=~# O# x~zOz, OkQH }O, =H= # Q}H =^ O|O^x "O_.
9. { 20 O.g., -25 O.g. =H` "~O_ H@H <O`~x H OKO_. (P 15)
10. XH ZH< 182 V >x `_ #Oz `~}H i OK|_` ZH< `~O QO J#O^#"#
`~O Q^~ q=# H OK=.
11. Ok _ _, r<~ _ _ =^ `_ "O_.
12. UPS =i W#~~ =^ =`x `O_.
13. i=}O, "Q J< ^ #Oz h= Uq J~O K <=.
Q= - a
U"x P~ =^< "O_. 6 5 30 =
14. x - H ^O`x ", x~OK=. H}O H =_x ~ \O K, ^x QuH U q^O Q
15. ~b ^O`x ", gH~} x "O_. U O^~ O ~b ^O`x "H J#=iO
K =K.
16. HO K#O ~ ~`H K#O Jx K, _<=~# HxH gH~}
x L`kOKO_?
17. HOk q^` =Ox 6 x~^O #Oz =OK q^` "x L`kOKO_?
12 :
1. Define mole.
2. How many moles of ammonia are present in 170 gm. sample of ammonia ?
3. Draw the diagrams of s and p orbitals.
4. Explain why Daltons law is not applicable to a system of NH3 and Hcl.
5. What is the effect of temperature on vapour pressure of a liquid ?
6. Which of the following will increase the internal energy of the system ? Give reasons
a. Heat given to the system.
b. Work done on the system.
7. Identify Lewis acids and bases from the following
a. NH 3.
b. OH .
c. BF 3.
d. Al+3
8. What is nitrolim ?
9. How do you restore the colour of old paintings ?
10. Draw the cyclic structure for d glucose and d glucose.
11. Carbon gets into the environment from dead organic matter. Justify.
12. Mention the causes for minamata disease. Write any two of its symptoms.
13. Identify the hybridisation of each of the carbon atom mentioned as 1,2,3 in
CH2 = C2 = CH2.
14. 7.3 gm of H2 and 53.4 gm of O2 are mixed and reacted. Calculate the weight of H2O
formed in grams.
15. Explain the following with suitable examples:
a. Schottky defect
b. Frenkel defect
16. Define the following
a. Heat of combustion
b. Heat of formation
17. Compare the properties of alkali metals and alkaline earth metals with respect to
a. Atomic radius
b. Ionization energy
c. Electro negativity
18. Calculate the magnetic moment of metals in the following complex ions.
a. [Co (NH3)4 Cl2]+.
b. [Cr (NH3)6]+3.
19. Identify the functional group present in the following compound and write IUPAC
names of each compound.
a. CH3 CH2 OH
c. CH3 CH2 Cl
d. CH3 CONH2.
e. CH3 CHO.
20. Any disturbance in the concentration of the constituents of the air cause pollution.
Justify your answer.
21. Basing on the application of the dyes, distinguish between acid dyes and basic dyes.
22. What are the quantum numbers. Write the significance of quantum numbers.
23. What is hybridisation ? Discuss the hybridisation involved in the following examples.
a. C2H2.
b. C2H4.
c. CH4.
24. Apply the chateliers principle in manufacture of ammonia from the following
N2 (g) + 3H 2 (g) 2NH 3 (g); & H = -92 KJ
25. Classify the following hydrocarbons as alkanes, alkenes and alkynes. Write their
IUPAC names.
a. (CH3)3CH.
b. CH3 CH.CH2.
c. (CH3) 4 C.
d. CH3 C.CH
e. CH3 C.C. CH3.
f. CH2 CH 2 .
Chemistry - Scheme of Evaluation
Very Short Answer Questions
1. Definition 2 Marks
2. Atomic weights of N & H 1 Mark
Calculation 1 Mark
3. Diagrams Spherical 1 Mark
Dumbel 1 Mark
4. Application of daltons law Applicable 1 Mark
NH3 & HCl non applicable 1 Mark
5. Temperature increases the vapour
Pressure of the liquid increases 2 Marks
6. a) Heat given to the system. Correct 1 Mark
b) Work done on the system. Reason 1 Mark
7. Lewis acid Al+3, BF3 1 Mark
Lewis base NH3 Cl- 1 Mark
8. CaCN2 + C 2 Marks
9. PbS + 4 H2O2 PbSO4 + 4 H2O 2 Marks
10. Structure of - d glucose 1 Mark
- d glucose 1 Mark
11. Decay of Organic matter 2 Marks
12. Cause for desease 1 Mark
two Symptoms 1 Mark
13. 1st C SP2 2 Marks
2 C SP2
3 C SP2
14. Equation 1 Mark
Mentioning moles 1 Mark
Calculation 2 Marks
Answer 1 Mark
15. a) Shotky defect b) Frankel defect
Definitions 2 Marks
Examples & Explanations (1 + 1 ) 3 Marks
16. Heat of Combustion 2 Mark
Heat of formation 2 Mark
17. a) decreases in period 2 Marks
b) increases in period (1 + 1 ) 3 Marks
18. a) [Co(NH3)4Cl2]+ b) [Cr(NH3)6]+3 2 Marks each
19. Functional group Identification 2 Marks
IUPAC names 2 Marks
20. Any five pollutants 5 Marks
21. Application of the Acid dyes 2 Marks
Application of the basic dyes 2 Marks
Long Answer Questions
I. Identify the anion and cation present in the given salt and report correct salt and record
the systematic procedure adopted in Analyzing the salt. 4 Marks
a. (NH 4)2Co3.
b. NH 4Cl
c. (NH4)2 So4.
d. NH4 Br
e. Al2 (So4)3.
f. Al(No3)3.
g. CaCl2.
h. Pb(No3)2.
i. CuSo4.
j. MnCl2
k. FeSo4.
l. ZnSo4.
II. Estimate the amount of solute present in the given Solution. 6 Marks
3. Estimate the amount of Na2 Co3 present in 100 ml of given solution 0.2 m Hcl
solution is supplied.
4. Estimate the amount of Hcl present in 250 ml of given solution 0.1 m Na2 Co3 is
5. Estimate the amount of H2 So4 present in 1000 ml of a given solution 0.2 m NaOH is
6. Estimate the amount of NaOH present in 500 ml given solution 0.1 m H2 So4 solution
is supplied.
7. Estimate the amount of Na2 Co3 present in 250 ml of given solution 0.1 m H2 So4
solution is supplied.
8. Estimate the amount of H2 So4 in a 100 ml of given solution 0.1 m Na2 Co3 solution is
11. Estimate the amount of Oxalic acid present in a 500 ml of given solution 0.02 m
KMno4 solution is supplied.
12. Estimate the amount of KMno4 present in 250 ml of given solution 0.1 m Oxalic acid
is supplied.
a. Detection elements in the given organic compound 2 Marks
i. Aniline (C6H5NH2)
ii. Chloroform (CHCl3)
iii. Ether (C2H5-o-C2H5)
b. Identify the functional group in the given organic compound 2 Marks
i. Acetone
ii. Acetaldehyde
iii. Phenol
iv. Acetic acid
I. Identify the cation and anion present in the given salt and record the procedure.
1, 3, 9, 8, 11, 5
Note: Any five salts should be given in one batch.
II. Estimate the amount of solute present in the given solution.
Note: Minimum 3 molarities should be given.
a. Detect the element present in the given organic compound.
b. Detect the functional group in the given organic compound.
Any one practical from Sl. nos III(a) to III (e)
( )
- I
: 3 || : 80
: . 13 x 2 = 26 M
1. .
3. S P .
4. NH3 HCl .
5. .
6. ? .
i) .
ii) .
7. .
9. ?
10. - d -
- d .
12. . .
CH2 = C = CH2
1 2 3
II. . 5 x 6 = 30
15. .
a) . b)
16. .
a) b) .
17. .
+ +3
i) [ Co (NH3)4 Cl2 ] ii) [ Cr (NH3)6]
19. , IUPAC
i) CH3 CH2OH ii) CH3 COOH iii) CH3 CH2Cl iv) CH3 CONH2 v) CH3 CHO
20. .
21. .
III. . x 8 =24
22. ? .
23. ? .
24. .
25. ,
Time: 3 hrs
Max. Marks: 80
Instructions to Candidates:-
Answer all the Questions. 2 x 16 = 32
2) Name any two biochemical reactions involved in the biosynthesis of Amino acids
10) Differentiate the macro from micronutrients
11) Write the differences between broad spectrum and narrow spectrum antibiotics.
14) Mention any two differences between the compound microscope and simple microscope
15) How are the Drosophila transferred from one culture bottle to another ?
16) Mention any two medicinal plants with their scientific names.
Answer any Six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 4 x 6 = 24
17) Explain the differences between plant cell and animal cell
18) Name the suicidal bag of the cell? Explain its structure and function
21) Draw a neat and well labelled diagram of the L.S. of ovule.
23) Mention any four bacterial diseases in man and their causative organisms.
24) Describe the steps involved in the production of Bio-gas and mention the precautions to be
Answer any three questions.
26) Draw a neat and well labelled diagram of the T.S. of monocot leaf.
27) How does the population growth influence the urbanization and environmental degradation in
our country ?
28) Agriculture is said to play a major role in providing the important human nee, Discuss it.
1) Hemitoxilin
2) Saframin
3) Leishmans stain
5) Iodin Solution
7) T.S of bone
8) T.S. of Costilege
1) Sponze
2) Earth worm
3) Star fish
4) Dog fish
5) Toad
6) Bat
7) Rohu
8) Pirtia
9) Opentia
10) Ginger
11) Lemon
5. Preparation of temporary mount of onion peel to observe and study epidermal cell.
:- || :- 80
A 16 x 2 = 32
:- 1. .
2. .
1. ?
2. , || .
4. , ?
5. , ?
6. ? ?
7. ?
8. ?
10. ?
11. ?
12. ?
13. ?
14. ?
15. ,
16. ?
B 6 x 4 = 24
5 6 ?
17. ?
18. ?
19. ?
20. ? ?
21. ? ?
22. ?
C 3 x 8 = 24
8 10 ?
23. R-DNA ?
25. (T.S) ?
Part- B
Part C
Part D
E[ - =
7a Wb RWdf f\.
4) f dj WbM V
=) fMWR3 ) 9J \ g) C3E ) f3
=) ) na g) R
F ) a]3E
E[ -
II. 8 3 f_ > Wb_C _Ffd d[V3 f\3. 9x4=36 [.
9) EW_ f_[_ fd
f3C ff_ Wak E f\3.
13) -7-_
14) [fc_ Jk3ZQC E_ f]Q_ f\3.
E[ - g
23) fQ W g3
24) R M \T 3
25) Z 9T[[
26) a_ WM
27) f3 g 3_
IV E[ -
8 3 f @C fC3_ (_ @CWT3) _ d[V3 f\3. 8x1x=8 [.
28) e]f WJ_ WR3f 3V > ak3 M 6f3WYOHiV?
29) 73\ 5 WT[ ------------- 5 C
WT[ Vi3 6]3V?
-7-g f]3V =a]?
31) f fg3V df_Vi Wd iR3 > ] g_di]?
g M fR =a]?
33) f[Ckc c =WO fg3HYV?
34) D_ Rf _ ---------------- f.
35) 9C [g 5Vi ]ma E_Ti?
>.g.A dj uM, TfY
73M\ (>.g.A.\.\.) 2010-11
Z`fd [
- 1
f_3: 2 E3|| R 3 []_: 80
d) f W]_ e) E h
f) [_\_
W]eQ (Mountaineering), M
3 (Trekking) _ [UE_ ]R[_Vi m_W[.
E[ - g
>.g.A dj uM, TfY
[ WfWR[ 73M\ 2010-11
Z`fd 3 - fC
- 1
f_3: 2 E3|| Ec []_: 20
6) 63UW
n WM[_ 7aYV JVf3TRVi a] d3WMC]Q WT _ HjW[.
1 fC`3 433
2 J\VE]3 343
3 fDWM3 340
4 R]a 451
5 W[a 490
6 Ckf 483
7 E3M] 387
8 Wfb3 173
9 _ ] 203
10 COW 168
11 C]_ 199
12 5V3RW]3 190
13 R
] 247
14 6_Y 154
15 J[Y 294
16 C3VE 294
17 T 274
18 TfY 16,988
19 ]3f 468
20 [eY VE 190
21 V_3O 227
22 a]3E 252
23 D[3 160
qQ= - P
II. D HOk "x U"# `qk ["| "=.
u <Q =~ 9 4 36
9. ` O, JO QOnr =## q=iOKO_.
10. ^qH , P^tH ` =^ ^ q=iOKO_.
11.^qH q^ `=.
12. ~` ~" O@ x~}= q=iOKO_.
13. ~`^ ~"O@s ` == q=~<`H ij# KO_.
14. =#= i~H} ``~ O ` q=iOKO_.
15. K # ^#O`~ HO ~` J"iH O|O^ q=iOKO_.
16. =Hb# O K ~[H Jb<^= P=H` L#^ ?
17. x< aH s Hg+< JkH~ q^ q=iOKO_.
18. ~`^ = L^Q=O xf~ q=iOKO_.
19. *a ^< ~#O_.
20. l i# HH ~ ` KiOKO_.
qQ= - W
III. D HOk xO\H =^< "=.
u ~ O_ =~ 8 2 16
21. ~*OQ i~ J#Q <q ?
22. ~*OQ i+`
23. q+ ^`
24. OH~ ~[H J=`~} U"# ~ O_ H~}.
25. P^ xH =[= = ^#` JOK< " O_.
26. OKj `# q=iOKO_.
27. g\ JkH~O.
28. ~[H H~x~H =~O .
qQ= - D
IV. D HOk xO\H =^< "=.
u XH =~ 818
29. ~[hu `=_
30. ~`^ = Q}`O` ~[OQ Z_ J=`iOzOk.
31. ~+u ## U JkH~ } O H~O qk~ ?
32. *a ^< XH L^~}.
33. D-# (e-Governance) J#Q ?
34. ~ (SAARC) ^ # H~O ZH_ LOk ?
35. NIEO # qiOKO_.
36. =K~ K@O Z_ J=H =zOk.
Note :
(i) This Paper Consists of two parts. Part A is from Core Module and Part B is from optional Module.
(ii) Attempt all questions from Part A and any one Group from Part B.
(iii) Answers to questions Carrying 1 mark should not exceed one or two lines each, 2 marks should not
normally exceeds five lines, 4 marks should not normally exceeds ten lines and 8 marks should not
normally exceeds 15 lines.
(iv) The sentence limit is not applicable to numerical questions.
Total : 80 Marks
Answer the following questions. 6 x1=6
1. What do you mean by an Economy ?
2. What do you think about Economic Development ?
3. What is the meaning of statistical Data ?
4. Distinguish between 'Rate' and 'Percentage' ?
5. What is "Micro Economics" ?
6. State examples of " Giffen goods".
Answer the following questions. 5 x2=10
7. What do you mean by "Index Numbers" ?
8. How is "arithmetic mean" of a grouped frequency distribution calculated ?
9. Name different factor Incomes.
10. What is "deductive Method" ?
11. What are "Intermediate Products " ?
Answer any 8 questions. 8 x4=32
12. State briefly the various stages of statistical Enquiry?
13. Explain the meaning of time series Linegraph ?
14. Explain the difference between characteristics of Indian Economy and developed economics.
15. What do you mean by excess supply and demand ?
16. What is "Bank Rate" ? How it check money supply ?
17. Give an account of major failure of economic planning in India ?
18. Illustrate the role of defit budgetary & fiscal deficit ?
19. Distinguish between revenue receipts & capital receipts ?
20. Distinguish between Economic growth and Economic development ?
21. Plot the following data on a diagram is the curve obtained by joining data points on straight line or not
? give reasons.
Price (Rs) Quantity demand
5 100
4 120
3 180
2 200
Answer any 4 questions. 4x8=32
22. What is the World Bank Criterion for classifying world economics into developed and under developed
23. What was the justification for economic policy reforms in 1991 ?
24. Distinguish between closed Economy and open Economy ?
25. How the National Income data collected from the income distribution method can be used to draw
useful conclusions about an economy.
26. How money supply is checked through "Open market operations" ?
27. Prepare a Pie diagramme of a family expenditure from the following data.
Sl. No. Items Expenditure (Rs.)
1 Food 480
2 Clothing 300
3 Education & Entertainment 330
4 Rent 450
5 Miscellaneous 240
PART - B 20 Marks
Attempt either Group 'A' or Group 'B'.
29. Where is santacurz International Airport ? 1
30. What is "Life Expectancy" in India ? 1
31. NABARD 2
32. What do you mean by Extensive cultivation ? 2
33. What are the benefits of social infrastructure ? 2
34. Explain the need and importance of Education? 4
35. "Air Transport is important for Indian Economy" - Explain.? 8
36. What is Sex ratio ? 1
37. What is share of India in world population ? 1
38. Distinguish between current account and capital account ? 2
39. Explain the meaning of foreign Trade ? 2
40. What do you understand by "dependency ratio" ? 2
41. What do you understand by growth rate of population ? 4
42. "Policy of Liberlisation has helped India to expand its foreign trade with less strain on its balance of
payment" - show how it works. 8
PO^^ F< \ (x~ HO_s = H~) J~O (318)
=ki `O - I
K# :
1. D `O ~ O_ qQQ L#k. - Part - A H~ =_ =i Part - B P#
=_ #O_ W=|_Ok.
2. Part - A Jx =^< "=. =i Part - B U^< XH qQO
iQ "=.
3. 1 =~ XH\ ^ ~O_ O
2 =~ S^ O
4 =~ k O
8 =~ k# O =^< "=.
4. OM`H O x|O^# =iOK^.
qQO - A
"`O =~ : 80
H< - I
H< - III
H< - IV
HOk U <yO\H < ["|e= 4832
22. =#~ H~` J#Q <q? =#~ Q `= L Q# QiOz "O_?
23. |_\ q`@# s K@ Q P^~q ?
24. xOu` =i K` PiH == =^Q =` Uq ?
25. P^ =kO ^u ^~ HiOz# ^`O= XH PiH == O|OkOz# L QH~ " #
"Y K @ Z `__#.
26. ^= x '|~OQ =~\ H~H ^~ Z xOu~ ?
27. HOk @O| \ H (=O)# L yOz ~ M z`O xiOK=.
H= OY JOO =O (~)
1 P~O 480
2 ^ 300
3 q^ q<^O 330
4 J^ 450
5 W`~= 240
"`O 1800
qQO - B
Option I
8. Categourise the avenues of Self employment and Explain them
Option II
8. Explain the note of different Departments of a modern office.
Option II
19. Prepare a chart showing two technical tools with full details
20. Give a Biodata for a job of your choice
Answer the following Questions. Each Question carries 2 marks 8x2=16
21. What is Trade?
22. List out any two documents submitted to the Registrar of a company for Registration ?
23. State the meaning of Preferential shares ?
24. Explain the term ' grading' ?
25. Write any two objectives of sakes promotion ?
26. Write two differences between private company and public company?
Option I
27. Explain the types of commission Agents?
28. What are the functions of packers and movers ?
Option II
27. Name any four public Entreprises?
28. Distinguish between outward and incoming mail ?
Answer the following Questions. Each Question carries 1 marks 8x1=8
29. What is mixed Economy?
30. Give one example for Multi National Corporation ?
31. Expand C.P.M. ?
32. Expand SEZ ?
33. Define the term Dividend?
34. Give one example for Tangible and in tangible products ?
Option I
35. Under which Act can a Partnership firm be registered?
36. What is Tiny Industry?
Option II
35. Define wage Employment?
36. What is Office Layout?
PO^^ F< \ x~ HO_s = H~ (WO@~ g_\)
"}[ O =ki `O
H< /qQO - Z
qQ= - a
qQ= -
qQ= - _
Section - A
Marks : 4 x 10 = 40 M
Note : Answer any four of the following questions. not exceeds 40 lines each
7. Ram Reddy and Ranga Reddy are partners. Sharing Profit & Loss in the ratio of 3:2 respectively.
Their Balance sheet as on 31 December 2009 was as under
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Rs. Rs.
3,36,000 3,36,000
on the date they admit Gopinath into Partnership for 1/3 share in future profits on the following terms
and conditions
(i) Furniture and stock are to be depreciated by 10%
(ii) Building is appreciated by Rs. 40,000
(iii) 5% Provision is to be created on debtors for doubtful debts
(iv) Gopinath is to bring Rs. 1,00,000 as Capital and Rs, 60,000 as Goodwill.
make necessary Ledger accounts and balance sheet of new firm.
8. From the summerised cash account of DVK Ltd prepare Cash flow statement for the year ended
31 December 2010 in accordance with As-3 (Revised / using) direct method. The company does
not have any cash equalance
Summerised Cash Account
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
Dr Cr
Balance as 1-1-2010 50,000 Payment to suppliers 20,00,000
Issue of Equity shares 3,00,000 Purchase of Fixed Assets 2,00,000
Receipts from Customers 28,00,000 Overhead Expenses 2,00,000
Sale of Fixed Assets 1,00,000 Wages & Salaries 1,00,000
Taxation 2,50,000
Dividends 50,000
Repayment of Bank Loan 3,00,000
Balance as on 31-12-2010 1,50,000
32,50,000 32,50,000
Additional Information
Next profit before tax for the year 2010 was Rs. 5,00,000
Option - II
Jain & Co. Maintains its store ledger on the FIFO method. Following is a summary of the receipts and
issued of raw material during the month of November 2010
November 2010
01. Opening Balance - 500 units @ 20/- per unit
03. Material requisition No. 17, - 100 units
06. Purchase order No. 28 - 200 units @ 20/- per unit
13. Purchase order No. 31, 40 units @ 21/- per unit
16. Material requisiton No. 19 - units 500
22. Purchase order No. 36, 500 units @ 21/- per unit
28. Martial requisition No. 30, 250 units
30. Shortage 20 units
Section - B
Marks : 6 x 6 = 36 M
Note : Answer any six questions of the following not exceeding 10 lines each
16. From the following particulars of M/s Vidya Reddy prepare Bank Reconciliation Statement as
on 31st December 2010
a) Bank Balance as per Cash Book Rs. 40,000
b) Cheque deposited in bank but not credited upto 31st December Rs. 12,000
c) Cheques issued but not presented for payment Rs. 9,000
d) Bank credited Rs. 8000 for receiving dividend through electronic clearing system
e) Bank charges debited in pass book by bank Rs. 650
17. Shining India Software Ltd offer 80,000 equity shares of each Rs. 10/- to the public payable
as Rs R/- on application, Rs. 4/- on allotment, Rs. 2/- on first call and Rs. 2/- on second call.
All the shares are applicable for and duly allotted. Make necessary Journal entries in the book
of company
Option - I
2-18. From the following information calculate work cost
Direct material Rs.1,00,000
Direct Labour Rs.32,000
Direct Expenses Rs.8,000
Factory overheads Rs. 14,000
Work in progress & Opening Stock Rs. 16,000
Closing Stock Rs. 10,000
2-18 ABC Ltd. Supplies the following information for the year ended 31-12-2009
Cash - Rs. 80,000
Credit Sales - Rs. 20,000
Return inward - Rs. 10,000
Opening Stock - Rs. 25,000
Closing Stock - Rs. 30,000
Gross profit Ratio is 25%. Find out stock turnover Ratio.
Section - C
Marks : 8 x 2 = 16 M
Option - II
25. Interpret the cost sheet
26. State the meaning of materials
Section - D
Marks : 8 x 1 = 8 M
Option -I
33. Debt-Equity Ratio
34. Capital gearing Ratio
33. Prime Cost
34. Economic Order Quanting (E.O.Q.)
PO^^ F< \ x~ HO_s = H~ (WO@~ g_\)
Q}HO 320 (JHO>x) - =ki `O
H< /qQO - J
qQ= - P
18. kQ= =K~O #O_ #Q^ " x"kH# @|_ ==~ #O_
q=~ ~O =yO
O` (J =O) 4,00,000 4,20,000
Oz` `~ Q^ 1,00,000 1,10,000
>O@ 2,80,000 1,60,000
J^# =K~=
1. M` O=`~O O`O =O ~. 40,000 Oz` `~ Q^ ~. 24,000, nxx
~. 20,000 Jq<~.
2. >O@# ~. 40,000 `yO KQ =i =iHx >O@# ~. 20,000 `
P< II (Option - II)
18. kQ= xz# =K~= #O_ Jq# ~ q=# H OK=.
"`= L`u == ~. 1,45,000
~O= ` ~ # ~ 22,000
=yO ` ~ # ~ ~. 6,000
J=H =i O} Y~ 25,000
= 22,000
qQ= - W
qQO - D
P< - 2
33. EOQ
34. = =H.
Note: (i) This Question paper consists of three sections viz., A, B & C.
(ii) Draw neat and labeled diagram where ever necessary.
17. Explain about the factors that influence the selection of clothing ?
18. Sita got employed as a House Keeper. How will you educate on any 8 personal
grooming lalits she should adopt ?
19. What is a finish ? Explain the three basis finishes applied on fabrics ?
20. Write the difference between weaving and sitting ?
21. Discuss the common problem Raju may face as a 17 year old boy ?
22. How will you avail your rights and responsibilities as a consumer in your day to day
life ?
23. Differentiate the terms Growth and Development. Explain the factors affecting
them ?
24. What are the types of modifications in a normal diets to suit therapeutic conditions ?
1. Give the method of preparation of mixed vegetable pickle. Prepare 250g of mixed
vegetable pickle. = 7 marks
2. Draw two rangoli designs for sankranthi festival = 7 marks
3. Record = 4 marks
4. Viva = 2 marks
Time : 2 Hrs.
The third generation computers were introduced in 1964. They used Integrated circuits
(ICs). These ICs are popularly known as chips. A single IC has many transistors, registers and
capacitors built on a single thin slice of silicon. So it is quite obvious that the size of the
computer got further reduced. Some of the computers developed during this period were
IBM-360, ICL-1900, IBM-370 and VAX-750. Higher level language such as BASIC (Beginners All
purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) was developed during this period.
Computers of this generation were small in size, low cost, large memory and processing
speed is very high.
Do the following operations on the above paragraph and also discuss steps.
i) Increase font-style
ii) Change the font-style
iii) Align the paragraphs
iv) Bold
v) Italics
vi) Change the font-colors
vii) Change the font-case
viii) Save the document
1. Basic Concepts
1.1 Introcution
1.2 Objectives
1.3 What is a Computer
1.4 Characteristics of Computer
2. Computer Organisation
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Objectives
1.3 Functional Units
1.4 Memory System in a Computer
1.5 Secondary Storage
Do the following operations for the above and explain the steps
a) Left alignment
b) Spellcheck
c) Unit names in bold and large font
Time: 3 Hrs Maximum Marks: 100
Section -B
Answer any TEN of the following questions
Each question carries 3 marks (3X10=30)
Section -C
Answer any FIVE of the following questions
Each question carries 5 marks (5X5=25)
23. Calculate the Mean for following data?
Scores: 5,6,7,8,9,10
24. Illustrate the cutaneous senses?
25. Is Judgement and Decision Making are interrelated- Justify?
26. Describe five Defense Mechanisms related to your life?
27. Discuss on the threats to good health?
28. Describe the physical and psychological changes during Adolescence?
29. Describe Piagets Cognitive Development Stages?
Section -D
Answer any FIVE of the following questions
Each question carries 7 marks (7X5=35)
Section- A
Section B
Section C
1. Draw the block diagram of a computer and explain each block in it?
2. Write the characteristics of Java?
3. Write a c++ program to find the biggest among three numbers?
4. What is a function? Explain about library functions with examples?
5. What is a class? Explain the accessing of functions from a class using an object?
List of Practicals
Evolution model
1. Record - 5
2. Script - 10
3. Execution & output - 15
4. Viva - 10
SOCIOLOGY - Model question paper
Time: 3 Hrs Marks: 100
Answer all Questions
Each Question carries 1 Mark 1x3=3
Answer all Questions
Each Question carries 2 marks 2x6=12
4. Define Society?
5. Differentiate between primary and secondary groups?
6. What is meant by Social process? Give two Examples
7. What are the four attributes of science?
8. Name the four Varnas found in India?
9. Write two similarities between political Sciences and Sociology?
Section - C
Answer all Questions.
Each Question carries 4 marks. 4x10=40
Section - D
Option I
Marks : 15
(Status of Women)
Answer all Questions
Each Question carries 1 Mark 1x1=1
Option II
Painting Theory
1) Why the term Company Painting is used for a special kind of painting during the
How did Geet Govinda, the famous epic (kavya), influence Basoli painting?
2) Take an example from company school of painting and define the European
influence on it. (1)
Name the region of Deccan School. Name a few of its important centres.
3) What is Pahari Qualam? Name the theme of the Pahari Miniature painting. (1)
Give an example of Deccan painting from Hyderabad school and elaborate its theme.
4) Why Gupta period is known as Golden Age of Art and Architecture? (2)
Describe the Seal with Bull Design and mention its finding site.
5) What is the contribution of the Mauryan Dynasty in the development of Indian Art
and Architecture? (2)
What do you know about Indus Valley Civilization and the finding of Art and Crafts
6) Narrate the story of Mara Vijaya that has been depicted in Ajanta Murals. (2)
7) Why Pamapani Bodhisatva is one of the treasure paintings of the Word Art? (2)
Mention the site of Ellora Temple and describe one of the relief sculptures of Kailash
8) What are the materials used to build the Golegumbud and mention its date and site?
Write the name commonly known for Dance of Siva. Write atleast five lines.
9) Which Indo-Islamic monument is considered as one of the wonders of the world and
explain? (2)
What is lost wax process? How is the technique is related to folk Bronze casting.
10) Appreciate at least once painting from Baburnama. (2)
Chose a painting of the famous artist Nihalchand and appreciate his style.
11) Describe the historical background of Mughal Miniature Painting. (2)
Write the names of different schools of Rajasthan painting and appreciate with their
12) Write short note within five lines (attempt any two from any one of the following
two sets) (2)
A. i) Tanjore Painting
ii) Krishna waiting for Radha
iii) A group of Kashmiri Artisans
B. i) Pahari School
ii) Deccan School
iii) Company School
13) A. Name two of the famous folk paintings from the following regions and write
the main features of any one (2)
i) Maharashtra
ii) Rajasthan
iii) Andhra Pradesh
iv) West Bengal
v) Bihar
Write short note within five lines on:
B. i) Kalighat Painting
ii) Worli Painting
14) Write at least ten lines of appreciation on Amrita Singh and M.F. Hussain. (3)
Assess the role of Rabindra Nath Tagore in formulation of a new form of Painting.
Do you consider Ram Kinker Baij as the pioneer of Contemporary Indian Sculptor?
Give an example of his creations.
15) Describe some of the techniques used in Indian Folk Paintings. (4)
Explain the typical characteristics of Folk painting and elaborate with examples from
Indian folk painting.
How the religious and social themes are expressed in Indian Folk painting? Illustrate
with at least two examples?
Instructions for painting students
15 Makrs
2. The portfolio should consist a minimum Twelve original works of size 15 X 11 and
one sketch Book with sketches from memory, nature and objects etc. Sketch Book
Size should be 8 X 11 with a minimum of 20 pages.
3. If a student fails to submit the portfolio he/she will not be allowed for public
4. A student should get a minimum of 40% marks, i.e., 6 Marks portfolio at least.
Draw the group of arranged objects on the Drawing (including the drawing board )
in front of you as seen from your seat with pencil in correct proportions and correct light
and shade in a size suitably big to the given paper.
Model Question Paper (Practical)
Painting (Practical) 332- P2
Paper II
(English & Telugu Versions )
Draw with a pencil and do a colour illustration in water colours with a suitable back
ground and foreground on may one of the following subjects in a size of 15 X 11.
1. Market Place
2. Rainy day
3. Gram Panchayat
Model Question Paper (Practical)
Painting (Practical) 332- P3
Paper III
(English & Telugu Versions )
(Telugu Versions)
PO^ ^ F<
\ x~ HO_~ =~ H~ (WO@~ g_ \)
=O: QOII 1.30 =~ : 30
APOSS Intermediate
Time : 3 Hrs Marks : 80
Section A
Answer all questions
Each Question carries 1 mark 1x8=8
1. Why media people need to follow ethics?
2. Give an example for non-verbal communication?
3. What is a script?
4. A written copy to be spoken during a radio a programme is called as?
5. What purpose special programmes serve on Television?
6. Identify the main stages in Television production?
7. What is WWW?
8. What are blogs?
Section B
Answer all Questions
Each Question carries 2 marks 2x12=24
9. List at least 4 different forms of Mass media?
10. How mass media can contribute to democracy? State at least two ways.
11. Write the qualities of a good reporter?
12. Define public relations?
13. What is online content generation?
14. What basic skills are required to get employed in new media?
15. Do you think interpersonal skills are getting affected by the Internet use? Elaborate
with examples
16. What would be most appropriate in terms of content to include in an online version of
school news papers?
17. Establish the relationship between operator and shutter?
18. Explain the role of photo editor in photo journalism?
19. Differentiate between news and information?
20. Explain two important reasons for the newspaper boom in India?
Section C
Answer any SIX questions
Each question carries 4 marks 6x4=24
21. Differentiate between print journalism and electronic journalism?
22. What are the popular types of music? Explain with examples.
23. What are the disadvantages of traditional media?
24. Differentiate between traditional media and electronic media.
25. What is Lipan? Where is it found?
26. Illustrate the working principles of film camera?
27. Describe the functions and origin of mass media?
28. Design the structure of a small ad agency?
Section D
Answer any 3 of the following.
Each question carries 8 marks 3x8=24
29. Differentiate between advertising and public relations.
30. Explain four different types of advertising.
31. Illustrate the myths and dilemma about traditional media.
32. Differentiate between various types of television programme.
33. Announcer is responsible for making the radio programme interesting Justify.
34. Do you agree that traditional art forms are disappearing justify your stand and
suggest two ways to preserve them?
Mass Communication
Practical Examination Question Paper
Time: 3 Hours Marks: 20
Q1: Prepare a front page of a news paper with news and Photos?
b. If you are the announcer how would you present it? - Script the
Q3: Write a skit for adult education and present it as a street play.
b. Sound Pollution
c. Child Labour
a. Lifelong learning
b. Skill development
c. Student performance