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Sir Francis Drakes story embodies one of the most complicated aspects
in the study of history: perspective. To England, Drake is a dashing
hero. To Spain, El Draque is a dangerous criminal. These different
points of view enrich the story by showing that Drake can be both
hero and scoundrel, both conqueror and thief. It is these opposing
perspectives that render the exploration of the past into such an
immersive and fascinating search for the truth.
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VOL. 2 NO. 1
Features Departments
18 Akhenatens Failed Revolution 4 NEWS
His monotheistic sun cult was erased by his successors. But
intriguing traces of Akhenatens religious and cultural revolution
managed to endure. Emperor Elagabalus
shocked Rome with his
rebellious behavior, in a reign as
30 The Rise of the Great Wall scandalous as it was short.
Built to repel the tribes of the steppes, the Ming-era wall is a symbol
both of Chinas might and the vulnerability of its vast northern frontier. 10 DAILY LIFE
54 Last Days of Rome
En route to Botany Bay,
After Visigoths sacked the capital in 410, the fall of the
western Roman Empire was only a matter of time. sick and underfed,
the convicts penned into Britains
prison ships would become the
66 The Golden Age of Piracy first white settlers of Australia.
Blackbeard and his ilk terrorized the Caribbean in the 90 DISCOVERIES
1700s. Pirate fact and myth have been fused ever since.
The mummies of the
Taklimakan Desert in
78 Building the White House China have perfectly preserved
The iconic residence took shape against the backdrop European features. Where did
of the first, turbulent decades of the United States. these people come from?
istorians have long prepared for this. Shipwrecks of trade between Greece and
known the eastern were found literally every- Turkey, and southern areas
RICH CARGO Aegean is teeming where. Adding 12 percent to of the Mediterranean as far
DNA analysis of the
with shipwrecks, and the total of known ancient afield as Egypt, turned the
Fourni amphorae is
expected to confirm local fishermen and sponge wrecks in Greek waters in on- Aegean into one of the great
that most contained divers helped them find them. ly two weeks, of the 22 craft shipping corridors of the clas-
olive oil, wine, and Acting on tips from these lo- found, more than half are from sical world.
garum, a fish sauce cals, a joint Greece-United the late Roman era. Expedition members es-
that was a popular States expedition team made The newest vessel found timate dozens more ancient
ancient condiment. one of the top archaeological dates to the 1500s, and the wrecks may lie in Fournis
Smaller jars may have
finds of 2015: 22 shipwrecks. oldest is thought to have sunk hazardous reef-strewn wa-
contained jams,
honey, nuts such as We expected a successful some time between 650 and ters, a vivid reminder that
hazlenuts and season, said George Kout- 480 b.c., the period in which the ancient trade in olive oil,
almonds, and luxuries souflakis, director of the ex- the political and philosophical wine, and fish sauce could be
like perfumes. pedition off the tiny Fourni innovations of ancient Greece lethal as well as lucrative. The
archipelago, but no one was were taking shape. Centuries boats themselves rotted long
manifestations of the cultural diversity of the
ancient Mediterranean world they supplied. The
materials used to build one vessel might come
from many places: wood from Lebanon, and other
components from Greece or modern-day Israel.
The cargo hailed from many places as well. An
amphoras shape often reveals its origins. In the
Fourni find, rare teardrop-shaped containers are
thought to come from the Greek island of Samos,
and may date from as early as 650 b.c. Long,
narrow amphorae from Sinop, in modern-day
Turkey, date from the third to seventh centuries a.d.
joint Greek-U.S. expedition investigated an ancient wreck near THE FOURTH CENTURY B.C.AROUND THE TIME OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT.
the Greek archipelago of Fourni. The rich variety of storage
jugs, known as amphorae (above), found during the two-week
project are shedding light on trade patterns in the ancient
Greek and Roman eras. Equipped with the latest in navigational
technology the team (below) nevertheless relied on Fournis
local fishermen to locate the wreckage sites of the 22 ships.
he man who became infamous section on the teenage emperor is sup-
Alexander, Elagabaluss
cousin, arrives in
Rome. Elagabalus
Julia Maesa, Elagabaluss
wants him killed, grandmother, brought about the
but is stabbed
to death by the return of the Severan dynasty.
Praetorian Guard.
mary source for most of the sen-
sual extravagances associated
with Elagabaluss reign, providing
details like: Indeed, for him life
was nothing except a search after
pleasures . . . He used to strew ros-
es and all manner of flowers, such
as lilies, violets, hyacinths, and nar-
cissus, over his banqueting-rooms,
his couches and his porticoes, and
then stroll about in them. He would
refuse to swim in a pool that was
not perfumed with saffron . . . And
he could not rest easily on cushions
that were not stuffed with rabbit
fur or feathers from under the
wings of partridges.
Romes great enemy in the Middle East. conspired to have Macrinus overthrown. Elah-Gabal in his home city in Syria.
Macrinuss popularity took another hit In his place, she suggested a new heir: her According to one account, he captured
when he signed an ignominious peace teenage grandson Bassianus. To the attention of the Roman soldiers sta-
treaty with Parthia, leading to more dis- strengthen his claim to the throne, Julia tioned there. Allegedly they would come
content among his eastern troops. But spread the rumor that he was Caracallas to the temple to see him, both fascinat-
Macrinuss biggest error was underes- illegitimate son. Young Bassianus did ed by and attracted to his good looks that
timating just how much Caracallas bear a striking family resemblance to he further enhanced by wearing costly
family wanted to return to power. Caracalla, although he was, in fact, just a jewelry and trinkets.
cousin. To further back her play, Julia Backed by the military and false claims
Grandmother, Puppetmaster bribed the Roman troops stationed in of parentage, Julia Maesa managed to get
Julia Maesa, sister-in-law to Septimius Syria to secure their support. her way. Bassianus was presented to the
Severus, had an unmatched talent for Around this time, Bassianus had in- centurion Publius Valerius Comazon and
intrigue and political maneuvering. To herited his familys position as high his troops. Fully convinced of his good
put her family back on the throne, she priest and was worshipping the god Severan credentials, they proclaimed
ual practices and spurred them on, a large imperial guard, exceeding that his death. Elagabalus, who would wear
promising generous prizes if they com- provided even for visiting dignitaries, nothing but Chinese silk next to his skin,
plied with his bizarre demands. Zoticus arrived at the palace for his as- was adamant in his wish to die in style.
The most coveted positions of state signation with the emperor. But the Despite such lavish preparations, his
were held by the charioteers, athletes, charioteer Hierocles, fearing he was end was brutal and inglorious. Just as she
and slaves whose job it was to satisfy about to be usurped in Elagabaluss af- had engineered the beginning of his ca-
Elagabaluss carnal needs. The emperor fections, bribed the imperial cupbearers reer, Julia Maesa masterminded the end
had a particular fondness for Hierocles, to administer a drug to Zoticus that of Elagabaluss controversial rule. She
a charioteer whom he called husband. robbed him of his legendary prowess. convinced him to adopt his 12-year-old
Elagabalus kept many other lovers be- Elagabaluss behavior outraged Rome, cousin Alexander as successor, who rap-
sides Hierocles, however, and would from the Praetorian Guard to the Senate idly became popular across Roman soci-
deliberately allow himself to be discov- to the common people. ety. Alarmed, Elagabalus plotted to have
ered with other favorites in the hope of him killed, but news of the assassination
being punished with a beating from Julia Strikes Again plot triggered a military revolution.
Hierocles. A Syrian oracle had once warned Elaga- Siding with the young Alexander, Ju-
Elagabalus opened up the imperial balus that he should expect a short life lia looked on as her 18-year-old grand-
baths to the public so that he could en- and violent death. Preferring the idea of son was stabbed to death by his soldiers.
joy watching the users bathe naked. He killing himself to that of being assassi- Elagabaluss body was tossed into the
had his servants scour the streets and nated, the emperor stockpiled silver dag- Tiber where it was carried by the waters
ports in search of men who seemed par- gers and poison. He even had a very tall from the Cloaca Maxima sewer, passing
ticularly virile. They came across Au- tower built and decorated with gold and into history as the stereotype of the
relius Zoticus, an athlete from Smyrna, diamonds so that should the critical mo- decadent, mad Roman emperor.
who apparently fit the bill. Escorted by ment arrive he could throw himself to Juan Pablo Snchez
En Garde!
Duel Citizens
In 17th-century France insults could be deadly. Gentlemen fought
duels to protect their reputations from slights and slander, but
these encounters could often erupt into bloody street violence,
leading the practice to be banned despite enduring popularity.
n May 12, 1627, at about wounded. Although duels had the air of
two oclock in the af- formality, they too often descended into
ternoon, the Count of chaos and bloodshed.
Bouteville and the Mar-
quis of Beuvron met in a Affairs of Honor
Paris square, for the express purpose of The cry of En garde! and the sound of
defending their honor. A skilled swords- drawing swords was common in Paris
man, the 27-year-old Bouteville was a and other French cities. The custom
veteran of many duels and had killed at was widespread in other countries,
least half of his opponents. One of his but France seems to have been the
victims had been a relative of Beuvron, dueling capital of Europe. Affairs of
who spent months trying to arrange a honor were so ingrained in the national
duel with the count for vengeance. consciousness that they appear in some
The two men removed their coats, and of Frances most iconic stories, such as
fought, first with a sword and dagger and The Three Musketeers, written in 1844
then with a dagger alone. Their duel by Alexandre Dumas and set in the
ended with a grapple, each holding a swashbuckling 17th century.
dagger at the others throatat which Duels took many forms. Sometimes
point, both men decided to stop. Even so, they sprang from a chance encounter
blood would indeed be spilled that day: without any formal preparation. For
Their friends, witnessing the duel, had example, in 1613, the Chevalier de
become embroiled in a scuffle that left Guise was walking along
one of them dead and the other seriously Rue St.-Honor in Paris
Market vendors go about their business
while two duelers fight, exhorted by
their seconds, on the Pont Neuf in Paris.
Detail from an anonymous 17th-century
painting. Muse Carnavalet, Paris
A Matter of Skill . . .
and Honor
A FRENCH NOBLEMAN, the future Cardinal of Retz, recounts how,
age 20, he challenged a man with whom he was competing
for a ladys affections. His vivid account of the duel reveals
A series of rituals were usually how he managed to satisfy honor and emerge unscathed:
associated with duels. One of these
We fought the next morning. I tried to pick up my own sword
was the preliminary challenge. When
After launching a thrust at me that to stick it in his kidneys but as he
a mans honor had been offended, he
brushed past my chest, he passed was stronger, he crushed my arm
could challenge the offender to a duel
over me [i.e., he advanced with and I was unable. We stayed that
by speaking to him, slapping him, or
his left foot to catch and disarm way until he said, Lets get up.
sending him a written message. For
him]; he threw me to the ground There is no honor in a fistfight.
example, after burying his father, the
and would have been at a complete You are brave young man and
Baron of Luzs son sent his squire to
advantage had he not dropped have my esteem. You can say I
Guises house to present him with
his sword when he grabbed me. gave you no reason to fight me.
a card that read: Monsieur, you are
hereby invited to do me the honor of
meeting me, with sword in hand, to affairs of honor could also take place in attempted to wear protection concealed
receive justice for the death of my father. the city. In the 1630s Cardinal Richelieu in their clothes.
This gentleman [the squire] will take complained that duels have become so The most popular weapons of choice
you to the place where I await you with common in France that the streets are were swords, specifically rapiers.
a good horse and two swords of which turning into battlefields. These elegant instruments did not
you may choose the one you prefer. The cause mutilations or disfigure the
duel took place. Having killed the father, Rules of Combat rivals facethey were, however, the
Guise then killed the son. A series of informal rules regarding most lethal of all swords. Although
Duels often took place on the outskirts clothing and weapons ensured the honor firearms were considered contrary to
of town where the authorities would not of all participants. Duelists often fought the aristocratic ideal of personal bravery,
interfere. In Paris, an area near the Seine in shirtsleeves with their chests exposed many cases of duels with pistols are
known as the Pr aux Clercs was well to a rivals sword. While prohibited recorded, especially later in the 17th
known as a popular spot for dueling. But from wearing armor, some combatants century.
A new feature of duels in the 17th
century was the presence of seconds.
In 1662 Louis XIV issued a These men not only accompanied the
duelists and made sure the rules were
series of decrees to put an followed, but also couldas in the
end to the raging violence Bouteville caseend up fighting each
la fureurof dueling. other, too. When a second defeated his
rival, he could even go to the aid of the
duelist he was accompanying, creating a
The Art of the Duel
THE GREAT FRENCH PRINTMAKER Jacques Callot made a series of engravings in the first part of the 17th century that
chronicled the life of his period. Entitled Caprices, the series included several pictures of men dueling. The images
are notable for their high level of realism, not flinching from the blood and violence of such spectacles.
The dagger
A shorter blade
was paired with the The dress code
sword to deflect As a sign of their
thrusts. courage, duelists wore
no protective armor.
did run counter to the notion of settling century French chronicler, Tallemant spectacles. Legislation against dueling
scores between two men. Writing in the des Raux, it can be calculated that, of became ever stricter, in spite of the
second half of the 16th century, the great the hundred or so duels and challenges fondness some had for this tradition.
essayist Michel de Montaigne noted: he describes, more than a third did not Bouteville, for instance, was arrested
Tis also a kind of cowardice that has take place because prior agreement had straight after his duel with Beuvron, and
introduced the custom of seconds, been reached. Of the duels that did go Cardinal Richelieu had him sentenced to
thirds and fourths . . . they were formerly ahead, half ended in the death of one or death. King Louis XIV later issued edicts
duels; they are now skirmishes. more combatant. banning duels in the late 1600s.
In spite of the potential for chaos Although the practice declined over
introduced by seconds, alternatives to Out of Favor the years, it lingered until surprisingly
fighting existed that could both satisfy Other historians have calculated that late. The last duel in France took place
honor and prevent tragedy. In addition during the reign of Henry IV of France in 1967, when Ren Ribire challenged
to the opportunity for reconciliation (1589-1610) around 10,000 duels took a fellow politician for having insulted
before crossing swords, duelists could place in the country, involving 20,000 him. Filmed for posterity, the sword-
accept satisfaction from the moment duelists, 4,000 or 5,000 of whom lost wielding combatants agreed to halt only
one of them slightly wounded the other their lives. Some duelists used the after Ribire was wounded twice.
in duels to first blood. Sometimes ritual as a cover for butchery. A certain Alfonso Lpez
fights were a farce to save face and Chevalier dAndrieux, for instance,
Learn more
the two opponents might accept killed 72 men until he was tried and
satisfaction after exchanging a couple of executed. BOOKS
blows. But many duels ended with the Increasingly, throughout the 17th Touch: The Duel in Literature
John Leigh, Harvard University Press, 2015.
death of one of the participants. From century, the authorities had reason for
Gentlemens Blood: A History of Dueling
information provided by a mid-17th- concern at the proliferation of such Barbara Holland, Bloomsbury USA, 2003.
t the end of the 18th centu- sentences for crimes as petty as stealing The government believed that the best
ry, the authorities in Brit- a loaf of bread. Every year, thousands of solution to overflowing jails was to ship
ain found themselves faced people convicted by the courts needed the prisoners to a penal colony far from
with a serious social crisis. somewhere to serve out their sentences. British shores. It wasnt the first time
As the industrial revolu- If the industrial cities seemed grim, such an idea had been put into practice.
tion took off, rural workers flocked to the jail conditions were much worse. Debt- In previous decades, following the Trans-
cities, which were rapidly expanding but ors and small-time criminals, who made portation Act of 1718, many convicts had
fraught with poverty and poor living con- up the majority of inmates, shared over- been sent to the North American colonies
ditions. The result? A rise in crime. crowded cells with crime barons and such as Maryland. But the outbreak of
The justice system of the time was murderers. Prisons started to burst at the American Revolution in 1775 put an
exceedingly harsh, handing out long jail the seams, and conditions deteriorated. end to this practice, and another solution
WA L E S Botany
had to be found as quickly as possible. sailed up the coastline of Australia on his from having a permanent British colony
From 1776, convicts were incarcerated in celebrated voyage aboard H.M.S. Endeav- in the Southern Hemisphere, although
whatever premises were available. Dis- our, and claimed the area along the east the primary motive seems to have been
used ships, known as hulks, were soon coast, now called New South Wales, for finding a solution for the ever worsening
being used as makeshift penitentiaries. the crown. Joseph Banks, the expeditions situation in the domestic prisons. When
But they were little more than a stopgap biologist, noted the existence of a natu- the so-called First Fleet set sail from Lon-
for a situation reaching crisis point. ral harbor that he felt would offer ideal don for Botany Bay in 1787, six of its elev-
Following a failed attempt to send conditions for a new colony: Now called en ships were crammed with prisoners.
convicts to colonize territory Botany Bay, it was named for the rich di- After an epic voyage, which included an
in West Africa, the cabinet of versity of plant life found there. attempted mutiny, the exhausted con-
Prime Minister Lord North voy finally arrived in Australia in Jan-
considered an alternative The First Fleet uary 1788.
destination for deportees: Various plans were drafted detailing how It did not take long for the crews to re-
Australia. the process of colonization would work. alize that Bankss reports had been over-
In 1770 Captain Politicians in London noted the commer- ly optimistic. Botany Bay was far from
James Cook had cial and military benefits that could result bountiful. It lacked even the most basic
elements needed to set up a colony. Its
harbor was so shallow that only small
Botany Bay, described by Captain boats could dock. Worse still, the land
Cook in 1770, was considered the could not support crops, and drinking
water was scarce.
ideal location for a new colony. Arthur Phillip, expedition chief and fu-
ture governor of the colony, gave orders
CAPTAIN JAMES COOK, THE FIRST BRITON TO SIGHT EASTERN AUSTRALIA for the fleet to sail on farther around the
coast in hope of coming upon somewhere disastrous first years. The politicians, to build their new colony from scratch.
more suited to their needs. A few miles half a world away in London, had gravely Hundreds of men had already died in
away, they did at last find a spot that ful- misjudged the deportees capacity for the transit, and many others were weak with
filled their expectations. At the time, they type of work required. The great majority disease or malnutrition.
called it Port Jackson, although soon it of them were from big industrial cities,
would become known as Sydney, named with no experience of living off the land. Rough Passage
for Lord Sydney, the British minister who When the new colonists arrived, sick and The lack of discipline and the inhumane
had planned the expedition. traumatized after their journey, Phillip conditions in which the prisoners lived
The honor paid to Lord Sydney might found that they did not have the skills, were making life intolerable. The work
seem surprising in light of the colonys experience, or the raw physical strength was hard and violence commonplace.
Prisoners were regularly beaten, and, un-
surprisingly, the men grew unproductive
A Clash of Worlds in Botany Bay
FIRST ENCOUNTERS between colonists and Aboriginals boded ill for Australias future. This anonymous drawing,
now at Londons Natural History Museum, has prompted differing interpretations. It is known the armed
men approaching the Aboriginals were surgeons, but are they coming to punish or to help?
meager consignment of provisions, the yielded terrible consequences for those who managed to survive the journey
fledgling colony of New South Wales was on board. died soon after.
on the edge of collapse from starvation In addition to adult men, women,
and disease. children, and the elderly were also pas- A Nation Takes Hold
Despite these hardships, the British sengers. The British penal code set a Many years later, after overcoming
government did not suspend, or review, minimum age of nine years for depor- the initial chaos, New South Wales did
its policy of sending convicts to Austra- tation. Some women ended up resort- begin to prosper and start to set up its
lia. Prisoners continued to arrive in the ing to prostitution to survive the jour- own trade routes. The opportunities
thousands. Men and women were packed ney during the long months of the sea in this vast continent soon attracted
into ships holds. Occasionally on the crossing. new colonists from Britain who came
long, hazardous crossing they would be In cramped and filthy quarters, dis- not as deportees but as entrepreneurs,
allowed up on deck, where they always ease rapidly spread through the human attracted by the offer of cheap prison
remained under close guard. Other than cargo, often not long after setting out labor. By 1825 the European population
these brief interludes, the deportees had from Britain. Typhoid, cholera, and yel- surpassed 50,000. By 1851 it had grown
almost no opportunity to breathe fresh low fever killed huge numbers of de- to 450,000. Ten years later, it had al-
air for the whole voyage, which lasted portees before theyd even set foot on most tripled.
for months. Australian soil. Among the passengers, As the new nation began to grow, it was
Worse still, the government paid the it was common practice to conceal the hard to overlook that its foundations
ship owners a fee per prisoner regard- deaths in the hope of getting hold of the were built on the suffering of its first
less of whether they arrived in Australia deads food rations. Corporal punish- convict settlers, a complicated legacy
alive or dead. The ships guards had no ment was routine, and most inmates that lingers today.
economic incentive to guarantee even were at an absolute breaking point long
the most basic of conditions, which before they even arrived. Many of those igo Bolinaga
In the 17 years of his reign, Akhenaten dramatically
transformed Egyptian art, culture, and religion, but this
pharoahs legacy was not celebrated. It was shunned.
khenatens death in 1336 b.c. was sudden and
unexpected. Rather than a burial in the Valley
of the Kings, the traditional resting place of the
royal family, he had designated an unconven-
tional tomb carved into the cliffs of the wadi
near Armana, some 250 miles to the south, where it would
face the rising sun. From there, the late kings new city
Akhetatenwas visible, stretching along the east bank of
the Nile River. Akhenaten was given a proper burial, but the
priests observing the rites could hardly have imagined how
his name would soon be stricken from history.
During his reign, Akhenaten abolished worship of many
deities and installed the sun disk Aten as the one and only
god of ancient Egypt. After his death, the old religious rites
were restored and Akhenatens were erased. Later genera-
tions would remember little of his radical reign, even though,
together with his beautiful consort Nefertiti, he had trans-
formed ancient Egypt, quickly bringing about far-reaching
changes in art, architecture and, especially, religion.
A colossal statue of Akhenaten found
at the sanctuary of Aten in Karnak can
be seen today in the Egyptian Museum
in Cairo. Akhenatens successors
may have toppled and buried it in an
attempt to stain his legacy.
Artistic innovation
and historical
confusion surround
Akhenatens reign.
It is not known if
this relief, on display
at Berlins Egyptian
Museum, is of
the pharaoh with
Nefertiti, or of his
son, Tutankhamun,
with his queen.
The controversial pharaoh had not always the solar cult, even encouraging people to wor-
been known as Akhenaten. Rising to the throne ship the solar disk Aten as a deity. Five years into
as Amenhotep IV, the first years of his reign fol- his own reign, his son and heir would quick-
lowing the death of his fatherAmenhotep ly take this religious policy to an unthinkable
IIIwere fairly uneventful. For the first five extreme, changing his name to Akhenaten
years, he reigned from the city of Thebes, cen- beneficial to Aten.He rapidly constructed his
ter of the powerful cult to the god Amun. The new, Nile-side capital of Akhetaten (known to-
pharaoh had new monuments erected at Karnak, day as the archaeological site of Tell el Amarna,
several dedicated to Aten, the sun disk. He chose 190 miles from Cairo). From there, he decreed
a new building technique, using small sand- that Aten would be ancient Egypts sole deity.
stone blocks known as talatat. These blocks The sun disk became the pharaohs personal di-
were easy to transport and made construction vinity and the pharaoh an intermediary between
quicker and easier, a useful symbol for a reign Aten and the people.
soon to be marked by such swift change. A famous inscription on the tomb of the
The late Amenhotep III had gained a courtier Aya in Akhetaten includes a text in
certain reputation for his emphasis on which the tenets of the pharaohs new religion
Akhenatens monuments to Aten
in Karnak were later taken apart.
Its sandstone bricks were reused
in temples to glorify the restored
god Amun.
The death of Akhenaten and the brief reigns of his immediate successors marked the end KNOWN AS TALATAT,
of the cult of Aten. Later pharaohs eliminated any trace of the cult of Aten and, later, even FROM THE TEMPLE OF
the existence of Akhenaten himself. Horemheb and Ramses II were particularly zealous in AKHENATEN IN KARNAK.
erasing the existence of their heretical predecessor. Temples and monuments dedicated
to Aten were demolished and the eponymous capital city founded by Akhenaten was
abandoned and fell into oblivion.
Before Akhenaten, Horemheb, an army Grandson of Ramses Ia
Egypts kings gave much general, was named heir to general, with no royal
land and wealth to the the throne by Tutankhamun, bloodRamses II set
cult of Amun, enabling the but was later pushed out to style himself as
priesthood to amass aside by Aye. When the model Egyptian
huge economic power. Horemheb finally took pharaoh. One way to
It was little wonder the the throne after Ayes prove his credentials
new religious reforms death, his priority was was to continue the
upset the priests: to return Egypt to its policies of his grandfather
Banning the cult of former values. Central and his father, Seti I,
Amundepicted, to this campaign was and erase all traces of
right, in a later a return to traditional the heretical pharaohs,
statue protecting forms of worship, in especially Akhenaten,
Tutankhamuncut which Amun was whose abandoned
them off from their reinstated as god of the royal city was further
main source of monarchy, and the focal plundered for building
wealth and point of state worship. materials during
social status. Ramses IIs reign.
SINCE THEIR DISCOVERY in 1907, the remains
from tomb KV55 in the Valley of the Kings
have caused much controversy. At first, it
was argued they belong either to Akhenat-
ens mother, Queen Tiye, or to Nefertiti.
Against the tide of academic opinion at the
time, Egyptologist Arthur Weigall believed
the remains were of Akhenaten himself.
LATER ANALYSIS of the remains seem to
have proved Weigall correct: They belong
to a man, albeit a willowy one. A recent
study suggests that the person died around
age 35. The skull is two standard devia-
tions larger than the rest of the body, an
unusual feature that matches sculptures
of Akhenaten. The persons blood group
is A2MN, the same as Tutankhamun,
Akhenatens son.
WHO MOVED but took their policies to new extremes, with the leader of another great power of the Mediter-
THE BODY? the full support of his wife and family. ranean at that time, the Hittite Empire, which
Visitors to Cairos extended across what is now Turkey. The an-
Egyptian Museum Akhenatens Death nals of the Hittite king Suppiluliuma tell how,
view what is thought The events following the death of Akhenaten soon after receiving news that Akhenaten had
to be Akhenatens
sarcophagus (above). are still debated among historians. It seems fair died, a letter arrived at the Hittite palace sent
Found far from its to surmise that the response to Akhenatens from a queen of Egypt, who was referred to as
original burial site, death among his people would have been di- Dakhamunzu.The mysterious missive read as
experts believe it was vided. Many had decided to follow Akhenaten follows:My husband is dead and I have no son.
later reburied in the
Valley of the Kings. in his reforms, whether out of religious convic- They say you have many sons. You might give
AMR NABIL/AP IMAGES/GTRES tion, opportunism, or both. For these, his death me one of your sons to become my husband. I
would have come as a bitter blow. would not wish to take one of my subjects as a
Many other members of the ruling class, how- husband . . . I am afraid.
ever, had seen their power and status stripped The kings of Egypt had never before al-
away by the sudden exaltation of Aten and the lowed a foreign prince to marry into the roy-
abandonment of Amun. Chief among these were al family, so it was natural for Suppiluliuma
the priestly class, whose livelihoods had long to suspect a trick. He sent one of his agents
depended on the preeminence of Amun. Among to investigate. On his return, the envoy de-
this group, Akhenatens death would certainly livered a letter to the Hittite king. It was
have been celebrated rather than mourned. a reply from the Egyptian queen and read:
It is also unclear who immediately ruled Egypt Why did you say they are deceiving me?
after Akhenaten died. Some historians believe . . . I have no sons . . . They say your sons are
that Nefertiti became the sole regent after his many: So give me one son of yours. To me he
death, but some scholars are not so sure. One will be husband, but to Egypt he will be king.
piece of evidence supporting this theory is the Finally, convinced of the noble intentions of
correspondence between an Egyptian queen and the queen, and tempted by the possibilities of
Crushed under
Akhenaten, the cult of
Amun later thrived under
the 19th-dynasty pharaoh
Seti I, who built the Great
Hypostyle Hall at the
temple dedicated to
Amun in Karnak.
From the first moments of the child pharaohs
rule, the old religious guard moved into action
and swiftly restored the cult of Amun. In the
third or fourth year of his reign, Tutankhaten
changed his name to Tutankhamun: living
image of Amun. Tutankhamuns new political
program is set out on the so-called Restoration
Stela, later adapted by the pharaoh Horemheb.
It describes how the temples to the old gods had
been left devastated but were beginning to be re-
stored. While not abandoning the ideological in-
novations of his father, Tutankhamun returned
to some of the old rites. This may not have been
so difficult to achieve. Despite the radical re-
forms effected by Akhenaten, it had been im-
possible for him to root out the traditional and
deeply held beliefs. Akhenaten had been able to
impose reforms in the upper echelons of society.
Even so, he failed to ensure that the inhabitants
of far-off Memphis stopped worshipping their
god, Ptah.
Dying without children, Tutankhamun was
succeeded by Akhenatens former courtier and
general Aye, who died just four years later. He was
replaced by another military figure, Horemheb.
From this period, religious practices returned
to the arrangements that preceded Akhenaten,
whose legacy began to be dismantled.
SHIFTING having a family member on the throne of Egypt, The destruction of the Aten cult reached
LOYALTIES Suppiluliuma decided to accept her petition. its height in the 19th dynasty, beginning with
Basking in the rays Shortly after, a discreet delegation left the Hit- Ramses I, and later consolidated by his son,
of Aten, Akhenatens tite capital, Hattusa. Among its members was Seti I, and his grandson, Ramses II. A colleague
son and his wife
Prince Zannanza, chosen by the Hittite king to of Horemheb, Ramses I also was a military fig-
are depicted in
sumptuous relief fulfill the Egyptian queens request. But rumors ure but had no blood ties to Egyptian royalty.
on the royal throne, spread about the queens missive. Her detractors Akhetaten was abandoned, and the royal court
now held at the within Egypt were outraged at the unorthodox returned to Thebes. Ramses I declared that the
Egyptian Museum, marriage proposition and sabotaged it. The Hit- lists of royalty be modified to make the names
Cairo. Known
as Tutankhaten, tite delegation was attacked on its way to the Nile jump from Amenhotep III straight to Horemheb,
Akhenatens heir later Valley and the suitor assassinated. omitting Akhenaten and his immediate succes-
changed his name Was this mysterious Egyptian queen, who sors. Many archaeologists believe this is why
to Tutankhamun, in had lost her husband and had no sons, Nefertiti? Tutankhamuns tomb remained relatively in-
honor of Amun.
Although there is no conclusive proof, some his- tact for centuries. Forgetting about his existence
torians now believe this doomed bid to marry a meant that no one remembered to look for him.
Hittite was indeed made by Akhenatens widow, Wiping out all traces of Akhenatens legacy,
not least because Dakhamunzu, in the Hittite however, proved difficult. The imagery of the
language, means the kings wife. Hymn to Aten is strikingly similar to what is
known now as Psalm 104 of the Bible. The mem-
Amun Returns ory of this interlude, in which Aten was wor-
If Nefertiti ruled following the death of Akhenat- shipped as Egypts one god, may well have filtered
en, her reign lasted only a few years. The throne into the later scriptures of a monotheistic tribe
passed to the ten-year-old Tutankhaten and of the eastern Mediterranean: the Hebrews.
believed by some historians to be the only son
of Akhenaten. His mother may have been Kiya, JOS MIGUEL PARRA ORTIZ
Horemheb, depicted
here on his tomb,
was the last ruler
of the 18th dynasty.
He dismantled
the temple that
Akhenaten had built
to Aten in Karnak.
In a land bathed in intense desert light, the sun god
Re had always been one of the foremost gods of
Egypt. Even as the cult of Amun grew, he would
often appear as a composite: Amun-Re. Later, under
Akhenaten, the sun would be worshipped as its most
visible manifestation: the disk named Aten.
The royal family makes
a sacred offering of lotus
flowers to the solar disk.
Lotus flowers were a
symbol of resurrection and
can also be seen here upon
the altars.
The largest figure is the king
himself, his features bearing
the distortions typical of
other representations of
Akhenaten in this period.
Behind him, smaller in size,
are his wife Queen Nefertiti
and two of their daughters.
Only Akhenaten and
Nefertiti were allowed to
worship Aten. Everyone
else used the couple as
intermediaries, which
explains why depictions of
the royal family were often
found in homes.
In the art of the period,
known as Amarna style,
figures appear with thick
lips, rounded thighs,
and protuberant bellies.
In addition to the king,
such traits can be clearly
seen here in the depiction
of Nefertiti.
Rising and falling across Chinas northern
hills, much of the Great Wall was built by
the Ming dynasty in the late 1500s in a
supreme effort to safeguard China from the
marauding tribes of the steppes.
The Rise of the Great Wall
Northern invaders attacked China for centuries, and the
Ming dynasty responded with a strong defense, a wall
stretching 5,000 miles. The Great Wall is a world wonder,
but how effective was it at keeping out the enemy?
The Great Wall of China
Extent circa A.D. 1600
II Defensive areas
Imperial capital
Ningxia III II
IV Jinzhou
ver A Crossing six Chinese
PEOPLE Lanzhou ell
provinces, the
S Y Tengzhou
middle sections of
the Ming Great Wall
split into outer and
inner walls (left).
The space between
the watchtowers, as
seen today (right)
in a stretch of the
wall near Beijing,
was calculated
to allow for quick
esolately the wind rises. b.c., but the best-preserved sections were built
We march thousands of miles over during the Ming dynasty (1368-1644). The Great
vast distances. Wall is a marvel of engineering and triumph of
Why do we cross the deserts? human ingenuity, but the verdict is out on how
To build the Great Wall. well it worked at its primary function: keeping
This poem, written by Emperor Yangdi at the people out.
beginning of the seventh century a.d., is a lyrical
reminder of the centuries spent by the Chinese Northern Aggression
building a wall to repel foreign invaders. Just one The primary threat to the Chinese came from
among many defensive strategies that China the northern neighbors. Nomadic herders had
employed, the Great Wall stretches more than inhabited the bordering steppe territories since
5,000 miles long. Rather than one continuous the fourth century b.c. The harsh environment
wall, it consists of many smaller pieces, all built produced enough for the people to survive, but
during different eras in history. The earliest for- not much else. The northerners envied the
tifications date back as far as the seventh century goods and luxuries enjoyed by their southern
dynasty seizes power, and
northern steppe areas are
annexed by the Chinese
Empire. The wall steadily
falls into irrelevance.
This ink drawing
from the 15th-16th
century shows the
Mongols greatest
military strengths:
swift, sturdy
horses and skillful
neighbors, such as fine textiles and a wider va- ceeding Han dynasty attempted economic as
riety of agricultural products. well as military strategies to deal with outsiders.
The nomads population was significantly They paid subsidies while simultaneously con-
smaller than that of the Chinese but posed a se- ducting campaigns on the steppes and building
rious military threat nonetheless. Astride their a new defensive wall. But these tactics failed
quick, hardy steppe ponies and armed with pow- to stop the invaders. Instead of ceasing their
erful bows and arrows, their warriors were ca- attacks, the northerners learned that not only
pable of launching effective raids on the border- could their incursions gain them quick access to 3
ing Chinese states and taking what they wanted. goods, but they could also be used as a threat to
Chinese emperors resorted to numerous request even more aid from the Chinese.
strategies to keep the nomads out, including Over the next thousand years, relations con-
engineering, warfare, and diplomacy. The first tinued in this fashion. Then, in the 13th century
emperor of a united China, Qin Shi Huang Di a.d., a chief called Temjin unified the Mon-
(221-210 b.c.), created one of the first gols, shifting the balance of power in favor of
unified lines of fortifications the northerners. Temjinwho had become
along the entire northern emperor of the Mongols under the name Gen-
border, linking existing ghis Khanattacked northern China in 1211 and
structures built by captured the capital in 1215. His grandson, Kublai
previous states. The Khan, would succeed in capturing all of China
emperors of the suc- and founding a new dynasty: the Yuan.
The Great Wall was not the result of a
single project. It was built in stretches
over a period of more than two
centuries. The first parts were built in
the west and the wall was extended
4 eastward as the nomads sought out
unprotected areas for their incursions.
The first walls built by the Ming were
made in the traditional way, with earth
and adobe to create a mud wall. Later
in the 16th century, a more expensive
and durable system was developed.
Two brick walls were built on a stone
base. The space inside was filled with
compacted dirt, gravel, and sand. The
illustration to the left shows how this
model may have been carried out.
1 Hard at Work
Civilians as well as soldiers worked on building the
wall. The civilians were rewarded with tax breaks. The
builders sometimes mutinied, as they did in Datong in
1524 when the garrison killed the superviser.
2 Baked to Last
Cooked in kilns at 2102F (1150C) for seven days, the
bricks were of the highest quality. Modern experiments
have calculated that this manufacturing process made
them as strong as reinforced concrete.
3 Strong as Rice
Stronger even than the bricks was the mortar. In some
stretches the bricks have worn away and only the
mortar is left. Recent analyses show that the mixture
contained a secret ingredient: rice flour.
4 Thousands of Miles
The Ming Great Wall extends for nearly 5,000 miles. In
some sections there are double or even triple stretches,
so the walls total length is estimated at just under
5,500 miles.
IN THE SUMMER OF 1449 Wang Zhen, a corrupt and incompe-
tent court eunuch, convinced the young emperor Zhengtong
to raise a vast army to end the Mongol incursions. After
a month fruitlessly roaming the frontier, Wang Zhen
ordered his army back to the capital. On August 30,
however, the armys rear guard was annihilated by the
Mongols. That same afternoon, another contingent
was surrounded and destroyed. The next day the Chi-
nese army camped next to the small fort of Tumu, only
to find that a Mongol detachment had ridden ahead A FEAT OF
and blocked the way to the nearby river. The army set off ENGINEERING
again, but the Mongols attacked. After weeks of march- The Great Wall
ing, two days without water, and attacks from every di- is nearly 30
rection, the Chinese soldiers fled. Half a million men feet high along
were defeated by only 20,000 Mongols. Half of the some stretches,
Chinese troops were killed. Among the huge numbers and often built
through rugged
of prisoners was the emperor himself. and mountainous
terrain, such as the
region (right) near
The Yuan dynasty didnt last long. It was over- Chinese to trade the goods so desperately needed
thrown by a peasant revolt in 1368. The Mon- on the steppes. According to Great Secretary Li
gol court fled the capital and took refuge on the Xian in 1459, the Mongols constant need for
steppes. Chinas new reigning dynasty, the Ming food and clothingis a calamity for China.It was
(1368-1644), began an aggressive campaign to not until 1571 that a powerful courtier, Minister
prevent the Yuan from attempting to return to Wang Chung Ku, convinced Emperor Longqing
power. But going on the attack would prove di- to change the policy. Trading posts were built
sastrous in 1449, when they suffered a devastat- on the border. The number of Mongol attacks
ing defeat at the Battle of Tumu. From the 15th fell, and China could wind down its expensive
century on, the dynasty moved more and more military campaigns.
onto the defensive.
Despite it being an unpopular policy among One Brick at a Time
the Ming dynastys emperors and civil servants, In parallel with these diplomatic and economic
foreign aid was repeatedly sent to the Mongols maneuvers, the Ming embarked on building the
to contain them, an outlay that became a bur- Great Wall. Extensive construction began in the
den on public finances. Such measures failed 16th and 17th centuries. Much of this massive
to prevent a surge in border barrier snaking up and down the hills still stands
attacks by the emboldened today. Earlier fortifications had taken the form of
Mongols, in part a earthworks, but under the Ming program, they
tactic to force the would be made from a stone base covered with
brick. An astonishing 5,000 miles in length, the using grappling hooks to climb the wall. But just
new fortifications were vastly more ambitious as they reached the top, the snorting of their
than any of the previous structures, costing as horses alerted the Chinese guards.
much as a hundred times more than earlier walls,
according to some chroniclers. The Ming rulers Watchers on the Wall
were determined their wall would withstand The lives of the guards stationed along the walls
both nomadic aggression and the slower assaults vast length were extremely tough. In 1443 a doc-
of weather and time. ument from the Ministry of the Army admit-
So far, its victory against erosion is an un- ted that soldiers on the northwest border are
qualified success. The barriers military effec- exposed to wind and cold. Whether they serve
tiveness, however, is somewhat harder to assess. as watchmen on the signal towers or guards in
Chinas northern border continued to suffer a the passes . . . they may be away from their base,
very large number of attacks. Sometimes these family, and children for months or years, and are
were undertaken by armies numbering as many often lacking for clothing and food. It is true they
as 100,000 men, as well as by smaller groups of are paid monthly but they often have to spend
nomads. One example of the their money on weapons or horses. Their suf-
latter took place in Wo Yan in fering from hunger and cold is indescribable.
1555, when a score of Mon- These harsh living conditions could partly ex-
gol warriors attacked a tow- plain the low morale among the soldiers. There
er in the middle of the night is evidence of widespread distrust between civil
1 Living Quarters
The top of the Great Wall itself is where the soldiers ate
4 and slept when they were not on guard duty or working
the land. The smaller upper floor could be used as a
room for storing equipment and arms.
2 Parapets
The tower and wall were equipped with battlements to
protect the defenders. The embrasures allowed them
to shoot bows, crossbows, and, especially from the
16th century, firearms from behind cover.
3 Officers
Each tower was assigned an officer who in turn
reported to officers of five towers, ten towers, longer
stretches of the wall called circuits, and, finally, the
walls nine military zones.
4 A Larger Defense
In spite of its imposing size, the Great Wall was only
the most visible part of a fortified area that included
watchtowers on both sides of the border and walled
cities where border patrol units were stationed.
CONTACT BETWEEN northern nomads and the people of China was
based as much on trade as war. On the steppes, the Mongols couldnt
grow many crops, making agricultural trade with the Chinese essential.
There was also high demand among
nomadic tribes for sophisticated tex-
tiles such as silk and cotton, as well as
metal to make weapons. The Chinese,
meanwhile, coveted the nomads
small horses for war. They could not THE FAR
raise the large number of mounts WEST
they needed in Chinese stables, and Located in a
the nomads seemed to have more desert area
horses than anyone else. However, of Gansu, the
there was an imbalance in these trade Jiayuguan (right)
relations: The Chinese could man- is the first gate at
the walls western
age without horses, but the Mongols end. Built as a
could not forgo food or clothing. border fort in
the Ming Great
servants and the men. In 1554 one official ac- place as watchmen and our soldiers replace their
cused the border troops of cowardice: Whenever troops as herders. This means that no strategic
the enemy approached the wall, he said, they information about our defenses goes unnoticed
fled without putting up any resistance. In 1609 by the Mongols. For all the Great Walls mag-
another account suggested lack of resources nificence as a structure, it was only effective if
may have been at fault. Since the guards on the manned by disciplined troops. The remoteness
towers felt unable to defend themselves, they coupled with the harsh living conditions tested
would not raise the alarm if they spotted Mon- even the most steadfast.
gols nearby, preferring to pretend that they had
not seen them. The Rise of the Manchu
Chinese troops along the wall also had a great Weakened by two centuries of conflict with the
deal of friendly contact with the nomads. In spite Mongols, the Ming lost power internally. They
of opposition from their superiors, Chinese bor- yielded power to the Manchus after a peasants
der guards often traded with their enemies. In revolt in 1644. The Manchu, or Qing, dynasty
extreme situations, soldiers even openly col- (1644-1912), hugely expanded Chinas borders
luded with them. northward, making the Great Wall largely un-
In 1533, according to one revealing account necessary as a defensive measure.
from a civil servant, soldiers on observation The wall stands as the worlds largest military
towers served as guides for Mongol war parties structure and has been designated a UNESCO
during their incursions into Chinese territory. World Heritage site. It remains a potent symbol
In 1550 the military commander of the north- of the collective pride of the Chinese people.
ern city of Datong reported: Our troops and Even so, Chinas iconic military monument was
rangers often go into Mongol lands to trade with an imperfect defense in its long struggle against
them and have made friends there. Four leaders, the irrepressible nomads from the north.
The easternmost point of the
Great Wall is at Shanhaiguan,
where extensive fortifications
were built in one of Ming-era
Chinas most strategically
sensitive sites.
The city is surrounded
by outer walled sections
about 2.5 miles in length
The wall runs a short
way along the coast and
then turns toward the
river and the town itself.
n 399 b.c. Athens had not recovered from its defeat in the
Peloponnesian War with neighboring Sparta, a conflict
that lasted from 431 to 404 b.c. The loss marked the end of
the brief Athenian golden age of the fifth century. Dur-
ing the war, Sparta had temporarily overthrown Athenian
democracy for an oligarchy. After democratic rule was restored
to Athens in 403, an uneasy citizenry perceived threats to
their traditions in many places, including Socratesteachings.
The trial of Socrates took place against this backdrop of
deep political and intellectual turmoila tragic conclusion
to the career of the founding father of Western thought.
This indictment and affidavit is sworn by Meletus . . . against
Socrates, the son of Sophroniscus of Alopece, ran the text of
the charge.Socrates is guilty of refusing to recognize the gods
recognized by the state and introducing other, new divini-
ties. He is also guilty of corrupting the youth. The penalty
demanded is death.
He left no writings
of his own, yet
Socrates method of
thinking inspired his
disciple Platoand
all philosophers since.
Monsiaus painting
depicts Socrates
visiting Aspasia,
Pericles consort,
seen by some
as a traitor. Such
friendships fueled
claims that Socrates
ideas were an affront
to deities such as
Athena, patron
goddess of Athens
worshipped at the
Parthenon (right).
In the years leading up to the trial, Athenss to Athenian gods and customs. Diopeithes, who
political climate was ever changing. At the end may have been a priest or diviner, had proposed
of the war, victorious Sparta installed a group introducing this charge at the height of the Pelo-
of 30 men, later nicknamed the Thirty Tyrants, ponnesian War. Since then, it had proven itself
to rule Athens. In 403 pro-democracy forces a useful weapon in cases denouncing a political
ousted them and returned to power. rival. Under Athenian law, the elderly philoso-
The resulting truce between backers of the pher was to be judged by a jury of citizens, who
Thirty Tyrants and the restorers of Athenian would pass judgment after hearing both the ac-
democracy was uneasy. By 399 the atmosphere cuser and the accused.
remained tense and divided, which ultimately Political motives lay behind the charges
spelled doom for Socrates. against Socrates. His accuser, an undistin-
guished young poet named Meletus, was the
The Charges pawn of two well-known Athenian democratic
Socrates was accused of impietyasebeia politicians, Anytus and Lycon. To Socrates de-
which was a crime under Athenian law. It con- fenders, the aim of the charge was malicious:
sisted of actions that demonstrated disrespect His accusers wanted to silence him for being
critical of traditions. To his detractors, however, tion of intervening in democratic affairs and
PLATO, Socrates was just one of many sophists, a type processes. He only sought to perfect citizens
AND HEIR of philosopher derided for slippery reasoning, morality by encouraging them to gain knowledge
Although traditionally whose false wisdom was drawing Athenians of essential matters. Hence his habit of asking
depicted as an old away from religion and spreading disturbing people what virtue, justice, piety, and genuine
man (as below, ideas among young people. Others recalled that good consisted of, and encouraging them to find
in The School of among Socratesfriends were the great military answers to those questions without concern for
Athens by Raphael),
Plato was not yet
leader Alcibiades and the politician Critias, one money or power. Socrates even dared remind the
30 when Socrates of the Thirty Tyrants, two figures seen as traitors jurors that the Delphic oracle named him the
was condemned. He to Athenian democracy. wisest of Greeks. At first, he himself did not
spent the rest of his Plato and Xenophon, two of Socrates disci- understand the oracles pronouncement; later,
life preserving his ples, recorded the philosophers lengthy defense he discovered it was because he had admitted
teachers memory.
speech. Rather than beg for mercy, Socrates pre- that he knew nothing.
sented his life as evidence. He had always acted, Socrates defense failed to persuade the jury
he said, in the service of the truth and for the of his innocence. They found him guilty, albeit
education of his fellow citizens. He had never by a slim majority. In Athens, those convicted at
been a sophist, did not charge for his lectures, the first vote had a right to propose an alterna-
and did not run a school. He claimed he had tive punishment to the one proposed by their
always been a good citizen. As proof of the accuser. In Socratescase, the requested penalty
latter, he mentioned that he had fought in was death.
the Battles of Potidaea, Amphipolis, and
Delium during the Peloponnesian War. He Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
also denied being an enemy of democracy The philosopher then gave a second speech in
as he had refused, at great personal danger, which he reaffirmed his innocence, presenting
to obey an order from the Thirty Tyrants. himself not as a threat to his fellow citizens, but
Socrates insisted that he had no inten- as a beneficial figure. He even proposed that he
The circular Tholos at Delphi, where
the oracle uttered one of its most
celebrated paradoxes: Socrates was the
wisest of men because he admitted he
knew nothing.
ATHENS PUNISHED those who challenged
traditional beliefs with philosophical ar-
guments, and Socrates was not the first
to fall afoul of such laws. A contemporary
of Socrates, Anaxagoras (grouped, left,
with Socrates, Euripides, and Pericles),
scandalized Athenians by denying the
sun and moon were godshe considered
them to be fiery masses of rockas well
as rejecting auguries as a ridiculous belief.
According to some authors, he was prose-
cuted as a result of such unorthodox views.
Diagoras of Melos fled from Athens to avoid
prosecution for heaping scorn on the Ele-
usinian Mysteries. Diogenes of Apollonias
physical theories, which included the claim
that the true principle of nature was air,
were considered controversial enough to
endanger his life, according to a later author.
be allowed to stay in the Prytaneion (the seat of with the Delia, a festival honoring Apollo during
CRACKING government in Athens), supported by the city which it was against the law to execute anyone.
as if he were a hero or a winner of the Olympic The Crito, a dialogue by Socrates disciple
A statuette of
Socrates (below) Games. Socrates added that he would accept a Plato, recounts how his friends offered him an
does not reveal the fine but that he was not willing to change his easy escape from prison, which Socrates refused
philosophers funny behavior because he did not fear death. Further- because he wanted to obey the laws of the city in
side. After the trial, more, the afterlife would be full of exciting op- which he had always lived. In another dialogue,
a disciple said the
portunities for a philosopher. the Phaedo, Plato records Socratesconversation
hardest thing to
accept was that I shall be able to continue my search into true with his friends in his final hours. The philoso-
Socrates did not and false knowledge, he is recorded as saying. pher tried to console them by arguing for the
deserve death. The I shall find out who is wise, and who pretends immortality of the soul. Socrates finally bade
philosopher replied: to be wise, and is not . . . What infinite delight them farewell, drank the hemlock prepared for
Would you feel would there be in conversing with them and ask- him, and died with an enigmatic utterance:We
better if I did?
ing them questions! owe a rooster to Asclepius!As Asclepius is the
A second vote then took place and the jury, god of medicine, some interpreted his remark to
believed by scholars to have numbered 501 men, mean he was about to be healed of the sickness
condemned him to death with a majority of 280 of life, but the exact meaning is uncertain.
votes to 221a much wider margin than before. Socrates death soon came to be viewed as a
Socrates forgave the jurors and argued that no scandalous crime against Athenian democracy.
one knew whether life was preferable to death. His brave defense in the face of death turned
him into an iconic figure in support of intel-
Philosophical to the End lectual freedom, a thinker nobly prepared to
Although those condemned to death were defend his moral convictions no matter what
usually executed immediately after the ver- the cost was to himself.
dict was read, in Socrates case the penalty CARLOS GARCA GUAL
was delayed for a month. The trial coincided THE COMPLUTENSE UNIVERSITY OF MADRID.
Work on the Erechtheion
and its famous Porch of the
Maidens was begun on the
Acropolis by one of Socrates
friends, the great statesman
Pericles. On completion in
406, war-torn Athens was
already facing decline.
In his dialogue Phaedo, Plato left a detailed account
of Socrates last day, as related by the philosopher
Phaedo of Elis, who was present. The French painter
Jacques-Louis David used this text as the basis for his Glowing lamp,
showing that the
famous The Death of Socrates. The 1787 painting sun had already set
shows the moment the philosopher is about to drink
the cup of poison at dusk, the time the Athenian
authorities set for him to take his own life. Cup of hemlock
handed by the jailer
to Socrates
Socrates wife leaves
the prison behind two
servants. It is thought they
had actually made their
farewells earlier in the day.
Socrates great disciple
was not at the prison that
day, as he was sick. David
nevertheless included him in
the scene, depicting him as
an old man.
One of Socrates jailers
(an official chosen by
lot) weeps as he hands
Socrates the cup of poison.
A roll of papyrus
with text written by
Socrates during his
The philosopher may be These two young disciples The narrator of Platos
pointing in the direction of from Thebes have earnestly account, his long hair tied
his forthcoming journey, or discussed philosophical with a ribbon, covers his
this might be a final gesture matters with Socrates face in grief at his teachers
as he concludes his lecture. during his last day. imminent death.
Of all Socrates disciples,
he will express the greatest
pain and anger when the
philosopher finally drinks
the lethal hemlock.
A loyal friend since
his youth, he faithfully
accompanied Socrates
throughout his last day, and Seat bearing an
is the last person to whom owl, the symbol of
the philosopher speaks. the city of Athens
The Visigoths defeat the
Romans at the Battle of
Adrianople, in which the
Roman emperor Valens is slain.
Emperor Theodosius I allows
the Visigoths to settle in the
provinces between the Danube
River and the Balkans.
Theodosius dies. His sons,
Honorius and Arcadius, take
control of the western and
eastern halves of the empire.
ROMES fter Augustus became emperor in
401 LINGERING 27 b.c., the Roman Empire took its
GRANDEUR place at the center of the Western
The Visigoth king Alaric enters
Italy to seek a treaty with The ruins of the world and held it for nearly six cen-
Rome. In 402 one of Honorius Roman Forum retain turies. A dominant force in culture,
generals, Stilicho, defeats him. their magnificence economics, politics, engineering, and military
despite the passage
of time. In the fifth might, the empire controlled territory stretching
408 century the Forum from the Atlantic Ocean to the Caspian Sea. At
Stilicho is deposed and was still home to the its heart was Rome, the glorious capital city. But
executed. Shortly after, Alaric Senate and a symbol the center could not hold forever, and Romes
returns to Italy and this time of Romes steadfast
endurance. fortunes began to decline in the third and fourth
besieges Rome.
GIOVANNI RINALDI centuries. The events leading to the fall of Rome
would prove to be as dramatic as those of its rise.
409 In the fourth century Romes glory days
While Honorius is in Ravenna, were far behind it. Limited resources strained
Alaric supports a coup in Rome,
in which Flavius Priscus Attalus the empire as encroaching barbariansthe
is proclaimed emperor. Germanic tribesloomed along its northern
borders. To address the threat, the empires
410 power bases moved farther from Rome to man-
Alaric lays waste to Rome in a age the conflicts on the frontier. In the western
three-day spree of burning and Roman Empire, emperors in this period started
pillage. Alaric dies later that year to live in cities such as Trier, Milan, and Aq-
and is succeeded by Ataulphus. uileia, located in modern-day Germany and
northern Italy.
As the empires power weakened, the city of Theodosius I reached an agreement with the THE HIGH
Rome also diminished in political and military Visigoths in 382. They would be recognized as COST OF
importance but remained an attractive target to an independent nation under the nominal lead- OBSTINACY
its enemies. A potent symbol of wealth, Rome ership of the emperor. The Visigoths occupied The stubborn
represented the empire itself and retained an terrain to the south of the Danube and, in return refusal of Emperor
aura of magnificence through the buildings and for a subsidy, provided much needed recruits for Honoriusdepicted
below on a gold
improvements made by earlier emperors. the Roman army. cointo negotiate
To protect itself, Rome built up its defenses at Theodosius died in 395 and his two sons, with Alaric led to
the beginning of the fifth century. The city walls 18-year-old Arcadius and 10-year-old Honorius, the first foreign
were doubled in height, the gates were fortified, succeeded him. Arcadius controlled the eastern occupation of Rome
in eight centuries.
and the city placed on alert. In 406 groups of half of the empire, and Honorius, the western ART ARCHIVE
Suebi, Vandals, and Alans crossed the Rhine, oc- half. The new, inexperienced leadership further
cupying parts of Gaul. It was the latest in a series weakened the fragile Visigoth alliance.
of threats against an empire reeling from the at- The Visigoths believed they were owed
tack by another Germanic people that had been subsidies by the empire. Their leader,
prowling its borders for yearsthe Visigoths. Alaric, a former commander in the
Roman army, marched on Constanti-
Eastern Conquests nople to demand that Emperor Arca-
At the end of the fourth century, the Visigoths dius bestow them. At first, Arcadius
found their land and resources increasingly en- refused, which caused the Visigoths
croached upon by the Huns, and were looking to plunder ports and cities in Greece.
to expand into territory lying within the Roman To stop the bleeding, Arcadius relented,
Empire. After numerous clashes with the Ro- and appointed Alaric magister militum,
man army in the Balkans, the Roman emperor master of soldiers, in the east. Having got
STILICHOS DEATH what he wanted, and secured his title in the east,
Alaric decided to head west with his troops.
hen the emperor Honorius came to the im-
perial throne, he was only ten years old. The Westward to Rome
empire had been divided between him and On arriving in Italy in 401, Alaric conquered
his brother, the western part controlled by Venice and the fertile plain of the Po River, near
Honorius and the eastern part by his older brother, Arca- present-day Turin. Although the Visigoths ben-
dius. His youth and inexperience led to his quickly gain- efited from provisions as they advanced through
ing a reputation for weakness and incompetency. Instead Italy, Alaric was concerned at the long-term
of engaging in military and decades. Accused of com- prospects of feeding his troops. He determined
political matters, he report- plicity with the invaders to present his demands to the emperor Honorius
edly spent his days feeding to overthrow the emperor, at his imperial residence in Milan.
birds in the imperial pre- Honorius had Stilicho ar- Forcing through an easy truce with the Ro-
cinct. He was dominated rested in Ravenna and im- mans in the western empire was not to be. Fla-
by his regents and advisers, mediately decapitated. vius Stilicho, a general who was himself of non-
who bent him to their will. Historians say that Hono- Roman origin, stood in Alarics way. Stilicho had
In 408 they pushed him into rius misdeeds and poorly been a hugely influential figure under Theodo-
making the most disastrous thought out actions led di- sius rule, helping to unite the empire. He exer-
decision of his reign: the rectly to the sack of Rome, cised supreme control over the western army
execution of Stilicho, the following which he faced as magister militum. Stilicho gained even more
general who had managed a long series of threats to power after Theodosius died, working closely
to hold the barbarians at the imperial throne until his to guide the inexperienced Honorius.
bay on the frontiers for two death, from dropsy, in 423.
Alarics men were unable to break through the
defensive forces outside Milan, and Alaric was
forced to change course and move south to Pol- command. The wider threat of border incursions MILAN,
lentia, where his troops clashed with Stilichos was growing ever more grave. Having crossed CAPITAL OF
Roman soldiers. After a close battle, the Visigoth the Rhine, the Vandals and Alans were gradually THE WEST
forces were defeated. Stilicho and his men cap- gaining ground. In Britain and Gaul support was Until it was moved to
tured the Visigoth camp and Alarics wife and gathering around the usurper Flavius Claudius Ravenna in 404, the
capital of the western
sons. Stilicho gave Alaric an ultimatum: Leave Constantinus. Stilicho believed the Visigoths Roman Empire was
the Italian peninsula or never see the hostages military strength could stem the tide. Milan, home to
again. After a last-ditch attempt against the Ro- But Alarics men did not come cheap, and such splendid early
man forces at Verona, Alaric complied. Stilicho had to persuade the Senate for the Christian monuments
as the fourth-century
In triumph, Honorius traveled to Rome where funds necessary to pay thema deeply unpopu-
Basilica of St.
he paid his respects to the Senate in an attempt lar measure. Opponents circulated treasonous Ambrose (above).
to consolidate political unity. Fearing that the re- rumors that Stilicho sought to seize power for GRAND TOUR COLLECTION/CORBIS/
cent victory over the Visigoths would be short- himself, which reached the emperors ears. In
lived, Stilicho, meanwhile, decided to transfer 408 Honorius sided with Stilichos detractors
the court from Milan to Ravenna, near the Adri- and had him arrested and then executed. With
atic coast, a port city protected by swamps and Stilicho dead, the hard-liners, who opposed bro-
fortifications. Neither the emperors gestures to kering any kind of deal with the Germanic invad-
the Senate, nor his generals strategic shift would ers, gained the political ascendency and scuttled
be enough to avert the coming catastrophe. Stilichos agreement with the Visigoths.
Released from any binding commitment to
The First Siege protect the empire, Alarics reaction was im-
Stilicho managed to forge an arrangement with mediate. He reentered the Italian peninsula and
the Visigoths under which they could remain marched on Milan, from where Honorius fled to
in the western empire but under his military take refuge in Ravenna. Unwilling to attack this
THE GATES stronghold, the Visigoth chieftain led his forces This distancing had a religious element, too.
OF THE NORTH instead to Rome. The city shut its newly fortified While Theodosius had Christianized the em-
The Porta Nigra gates against them, but the Visigoths managed pire, pagan opposition still predominated in the
(Black Gate) opens to take the citys harbor, Portus Augusti, at the Senate in Rome. Christianity had undoubtedly
into a residence of mouth of the Tiber. spread to some extent among the nobility there,
the western Roman
emperor in the city Dependent on its harbor for provisions, Rome but many voices still claimed that Theodosius
of Trier, Germany. was now effectively under siege. Alaric demand- conversion to Christianity would bring about
The residence was ed all the gold and silver in the city, as well as the his downfall. The nobility in Rome considered
a favorite target for release of all barbarian slaves. According to the themselves to be guardians of the citys glori-
attacks by northern
tribes throughout
historian Zosimus, when the Roman delegates ous past and of the faith in the ancient Roman
the fourth and fifth asked Alaric what he would let them keep, he gods. It was these gods, many believed, who had
centuries. replied simply, Your lives. made the empire great and powerful. Theodo-
sius decision to impose Christianity was a be-
Rome Surrounded trayal, which they feared would lead to disaster.
This moment of crisis highlighted just how In 408, seeing themselves surrounded by
much power Rome had lost. It had been decades Alarics forces, the citizens of Rome were all
since the Senate in Rome had truly represented too aware of their isolation. They could not
the imperial aristocracy or had been an effective expect outside help from the de facto imperial
advisory body to the emperor. Its members capital in Ravenna. Inside the city, the situa-
aristocratic landowners of extensive terrains tion had become intolerable. Fear and paranoia
spread throughout the provinceshad become ruled the day. Christians and pagans blamed
disenfranchised under the emperor Theodo- each other for what was happening. Purges
sius, who had created a new and loyal civil ser- were launched against anyone thought to be
vice class. a barbarian sympathizer.
Following the sack of Rome, the fleet carry- After Alarics death, Honorius still faced When she was captured by the Visigoths
ing the Visigoth forces to Sicily was sunk in many adversaries. In Gaul a usurper tried during the siege of Rome, Galla Placidia, sis-
a storm in 410. Alaric died during the same to seize power but was eventually defeated ter of Honorius, was around 20 years old.
winter. According to The Origin and Deeds of the by a senior general, Constantius. An astute Ataulphus, Alarics successor, later married
Goths, written in the sixth century by Byzantine military figure, Constantius managed to her in Narbonne, and they had a son who
historian Jordanes, the Visigoths diverted the recruit the Visigoths, now settled in Gaul died soon after. Ataulphus was assassinated
course of a river in order to bury Alaric along- under the rule of King Wallia, to help fight in 415, and the new king, Sigeric, humiliated
side the hoards of treasure he had amassed against other groups Galla Placidia by making her walk behind his
during his campaigns. The river was then re- of barbarians who had horse. Sigeric was in turn assassinated and
turned to its natural course so that it covered penetrated the empire Wallia, his successor, returned Galla Placidia
their leaders tomb. All the slaves who had in Hispania. Honorius, to her brother in Ravenna. There she married
taken part in the burial who had no sons, the co-emperor Constantius,
preparations were named Constantius and bore a son, the future
executed so that co-emperor with him Valentinian III, to whom
they could not reveal in 421, but the new co- she acted as regent
the location of the emperor died shortly on his accession.
sepulcher. Alarics after. Honorius died Later, she dedicat-
nephew, Ataulphus, in 423, succeeded by ed herself to Chris-
succeeded him as his nephew, Emperor tian works until her
chief of the Visigoths. Valentinian III. death in 450.
The senators struggled to keep negotiations No longer content with simply looting the ALARICS
with Alaric going, hoping they could get him city, the Visigoth king now set his sights on NEMESIS
to reduce his demands. Finally, Alaric agreed power. Alaric already knew enough about Ro- Half Roman, half
to 5,000 pounds of gold and 3,000 pounds of man hierarchies to use this to his advantage. Vandal, Stilicho
rose to power under
silver as well as silk tunics, purple cloth, and the At the end of October 409, the Visigoth army
Emperor Theodosius.
release of all barbarian slaves. Religious statues once again massed at the gates of the city. But The only surviving
had to be disrobed in order to provide silk for the this time Alarics intention was not a siege. He likeness of him
ransom that would pay for their release, fanning asked that the Senate spurn Honorius author- appears on a relief
the flames of religious tension between Chris- ity and appoint a new emperor, a request that from the Basilica of
St. John the Baptist in
tians and pagans. did not fall on deaf ears. The pagan nobility Monza, Italy.
After Alaric had raised this siege, his army were keen to listen to Alaric, in part wanting BRIDGEMAN/ACI
had become the greatest military force in the to avert another siege as well as a chance to re-
territory, thanks to his recruiting of the freed store fealty to the traditional gods of Rome.
barbarian slaves. The chieftain knew, howev- They turned to Flavius Priscus Attalus, a
er, that one victory would not be enough. The respected prefect, who was proclaimed
40,000 men who now served him had to be fed. emperor in a ceremony that followers of
The gold and silver he had seized would not Honorius immediately condemned as an
last long. So Alaric reentered negotiations with attempted coup.
Honorius and again pushed for military honors Alaric, meanwhile, had once again oc-
in the western empire, money, and land where cupied Portus Augusti in an attempt to
he could settle his people. But as the months pressure Attalus into meeting his demands.
passed, Honorius continued to reject Alarics Attalus succumbed and gave Alaric the ti-
demands. Enraged, Alaric decided to take direct tles he desired, as well as sharing out hon-
action against Rome. ors among the Visigoth chiefs. Galla Placidia,
The owners of this golden casket hurriedly
buried it to hide it from Alarics troops as
they stormed Rome.
oman senators and other influential families felt could serve as a bargaining chip in future accords
that Alarics last siege would end in the citys being with Ravenna.
sacked. So much had been taken by the Visigoths Alaric knew, however, the attempted coup
during the first two sieges that there was little of could only prosper if he could continue to sup-
value left in Rome. If the soldiers infiltrated the city, they port his army. He looked to gain the support
knew that Alarics forces would seize everything they could, of the African provinces and the income from
which led to families squirreling away what remained of their taxes, but they remained loyal to Honorius,
their valuables. Niches were including Venus bathing and the interruption in the supply line made
carved into walls and patios and a sea nymph riding a the coup attempt futile. Following its failure,
excavated in order to make hippocampus. A portrait of Alaric won back Honorius favor by deposing
secret hiding places for the a husband and wife appears the usurper Attalus. For a short time, relations
precious belongings they on the golden lid of the cas- between Honorius and Alaric became a little
hoped to save from the ket (above), and is accom- less hostile.
looters. Valuables once be- panied by an inscription that
longing to a noblewoman, reads: Secundus and Pro- The Final Blow
Projecta, were hurriedly jecta, may you live in Christ. As alliances and counteralliances swiftly shift-
buried on Esquiline Hill. The chest remained hidden ed, it was obvious that the truce could not en-
Among the items hidden for centuries, unclaimed by dure. A minor skirmish, possibly unintended,
was a chest made of silver its original owners, until its convinced Alaric that Honorius was not to be
and gold. It was decorated discovery at the end of the trusted and for the third time the Visigoth king
with mythological scenes, 18th century.
threatened Rome. The city was in no condition,
either militarily or politically, to withstand
yet another siege. On the night of August 24, empty. Houses and temples were stripped of DECLINE
410, the Salarian Gate was opened, and the anything valuable. Hostages were taken. And AND FALL
Visigoths flooded into the city. the world looked on in disbelief: An early St. Augustine and
How the gate came to be opened remains Christian leader, Jerome described it when he other Christian
authors attributed the
a mystery. One account suggests that it was wrote,The city which had taken the world was
sack of Rome to the
opened by slaves who had been given as a itself taken. decadent behavior
gift from Alaric to the Senate, as a gesture Alarics triumph would be short-lived. He of its citizens, a
of goodwill. The other version, much told made the decision to head south to Sicily. A view reflected in
in pagan circles, accused Christians of the storm destroyed the fleet that he had seized in Romans During the
Decadence, painted
treachery. Reggio, and soon after, Alaric fell ill and died. by Thomas Couture
For three days, the Visigoths plundered His sudden demise was attributed by many in 1847.
Rome. Despite evidence that Alaric attempted Romansinvoking either the new Christian AKG/ALBUM
to control his troops, looting, assault, rape, and god or the old deitiesas divine retribution
murder occurred throughout the city. Fires were for his impious pillaging of the Eternal City.
started and sacred precincts looted, including For Rome, the sack was a fatal wound from
those of Christians. Amid the frenzy, the cupola which it would never recover. A second sack
above the altar in the Basilica of St. John Lateran came in 455 when the Vandals plundered the
disappeared. Made with 1,600 pounds of silver, city for 14 days. In 476 Odoacer, a German chief-
it had been a gift from Constantine. The areas tain, deposed the last Roman emperor of the
of the city where the senators lived were set west, Romulus Augustulus. The eastern empire
ablaze, although the center of the city escaped would survive, but the age of Rome had ended.
relatively unscathed.
Alaric finally gave the command to with- JUAN MANUEL CORTS COPETE
draw. Rome was devastated. Storehouses were HISTORY AT PABLO DE OLAVIDE UNIVERSITY IN SEVILLE, SPAIN.
Started in the late 16th century, the Castillo
de Los Tres Reyes del Morro formed part of
Havanas complex defenses against pirate
attacks. The Cuban port both sheltered
the Spanish treasure fleet before its return
to Spain, and protected the vital shipping
lanes between Cuba and Florida.
Popular pirate motifs are found in storybooks and history books. Where do these myths come from?
known, were almost 100 percent black. LIFE
mas. Adventurers continue looking for the hoard DOUBLOON governed by pirates, such as the Brethren of the Coast on the
reportedly buried by the pirate Captain Kidd, a FROM THE 1717 island of Tortuga near Hispaniola, and, in the 18th century, the
treasure-hunting fervor no doubt fueled by Robert THE PIRATE SHIP Republic of Pirates in Nassau. Freedom was a perk, but money
Louis Stevensons 1883 novel, Treasure Island. WHYDAH and goods were their main motivation.
Eye patches and
wooden legs?
MISSING LIMBS WERE not just fic-
tion. Pirates risked serious injury
from the tough, violent life at sea.
Arms, legs, and eyes were the
body parts most commonly lost.
being trapped among such an infamous bunch of
crooks,reads one statement from 1722.[Their]
entertainment consisted of uncontrolled drink-
ing, monstrous cursing, horrendous blasphem-
ing, shameless defiance of the heavens and
mocking of the fires of hell. Only sleep put paid
to the noise and carousing.
There is no doubt pirate ships did not instill
the same rigid discipline as merchant ships or
the navy, partly because the work could be shared
among a larger crew, so they had free time for
drinking, gambling, and music. There were fre-
quent fights, as was only natural among crews
that were united by a desire for sacking and loot-
ing rather than national loyalties.
Even so, other witnesses say pirate ships were
not just a free-for-all. To maintain the crew and
ship, they had to organize guard duties, assign
sailing tasks, and administer provisions. Some
crews, such as that of Bart Roberts, had codes
of conduct: gambling, fighting, and belowdecks
drinking were banned, and each mans share of
provisions, clothes, and, of course, booty, was
assigned in advance. Captains also had absolute
authority during pirate attacks.
Such rules were often approved by the entire
crew who, in turn, elected their captains. This or-
ganization is strikingly different from the hier-
BLASTING THE A General History of the Robberies and Murders of archical arrangements on naval vessels. At their
BUCCANEERS the Most Notorious Pyrates, published in 1724 by best, pirate crews were often highly meritocratic.
Construction of Captain Charles Johnson (some historians sug- The best qualified membersthose with nauti-
Brimstone Hill on St. gest Johnson was a pseudonym of Daniel Defoe, cal knowledge or the strong personality needed
Kitts began at the
the author of Robinson Crusoe). Correspondence, to maintain order among natural rebels in an
height of the golden
age to protect the colonial and naval reports, statements by former undisciplined settingquickly rose through
British colony from captives of pirates, and newspaper articles also the ranks, regardless of social rank.
the dual threat of provide a wealth of information about piracy
rogue pirates and during those years, helping historians under- Hideouts and Havens
the French.
stand how pirates lived in that period. Piracy thrived in places where crews could lie low
and repair their ships, which is why the Carib-
Pirate Ships bean, dotted with hidden coves and uninhabited
During the golden age, many pirates had the best islands, became the preferred location. Larger pi-
equipped and most advanced ships of that time. rate hideouts soon took root within established
Fast and maneuverable, sloops were the pirate harbors, where ringleaders could recruit men and
craft of choice, 40 feet long with one or two sets enjoy their booty, such as the island of Tortuga,
of oars, and armed with up to ten cannon. Crews just off the coast of Hispaniola. Later, Tortuga
aimed to capture larger boats, such as three- was succeeded by Port Royal, Jamaicas main
masted ships, which would then be armed with port. Described as the most wicked and sinful
up to 30 cannon. Such vessels enabled them to city in the world, Port Royal was devastated by
engage warships. Blackbeards ship Queen Annes an earthquake in 1692.
Revenge reportedly had 40 guns, and Bar- The principal center during the golden age
tholomew Robertss Royal Fortune carried 42. was Nassau, now the capital of the Bahamas. Af-
Many accounts of pirates lives aboard their ter the English governor lost control of the port, a
ships comes from captives. It was not long be- powerful pirate republic grew up there, funded by
fore I realized that any death was preferable to the loot brought back by the great pirates of the
PICTURE timemen like Benjamin Hornigold, Charles pirates sought. Tobacco, sugar, and cocoa were
PERFECT Vane, John Rackham (Calico Jack), Samuel Bel- profitable commodities. During the golden age,
Idealized in this lamy (Black Sam), Edward Teach (Blackbeard), goods could be brought to ports and sold to re-
19th-century Italian and Bartholomew Roberts (Black Bart). spectable traders from neighboring islands.
engraving (above),
Mary Read and Anne
In the second half of the 17th century, fre-
quent pirate sieges were mounted against All Good Things
Bonny were notorious
in their time as feared wealthy cities. Spanish ones, such as Portobello, The boom in piracy did come to an end. In the
members of Calico Cartagena, Havana, and Panama City proved early 1700s European nations began to intro-
Jacks pirate crew. attractive targets and were sacked by pirates. duce stronger antipiracy laws, increase the
Other attacks happened in North America, such number of warships in the area, and offer re-
as Blackbeards successful 1718 siege of Charles- wards to those who turned in pirates. In 1717
ton, South Carolina. England offered pirate captains and crews am-
Unprotected merchant vessels remained the nesty, threatening those who refused with no
most common targets. Few ships put up any re- mercy if, and when, caught.
sistance to pirates. Once aboard, pirates sought Over the following years, the buccaneer cap-
out the cargo and treasure and would use intimi- tains fell one by one. Black Sam died in a ship-
dation to get it. There were reports of particu- wreck in 1717. Blackbeard died fighting the Brit-
larly sadistic pirate captains. According to the ish Navy the next year. Calico Jack was executed
testimony of several victims, Charles Vane had in Jamaica in 1720, and Black Bart was killed in
a predilection for torturing sailors. Edward Low, the Gulf of Guinea in 1722. What could not be
another pirate from the same period, murdered erased was the memory of those freebooting
an entire ships crew of 32 in 1724 for throwing years, the tales of cruelty and valor that live on
its cargo overboard before surrendering. today in literature, music, and film.
Pirates were happy to seize whatever loot they
could: gold, silver, gems, and other valuables MARA LARA MARTNEZ
were prized, but it was not always treasure that NUMEROUS BOOKS ON THE MIDDLE AGES AND SPAINS IMPERIAL ERA.
Lured by treasure ships lying at
anchor, even Sir Francis Drake
El Draque, the Dragon, in
Spanishfailed to sneak past the
formidable defenses of San Felipe
del Morro in Puerto Rico. The
current structure dates from the 17th
and 18th centuries, built to defend
against British imperial ambitions.
New York Newp
ke Bay
1 1716 Bellamy 2 1716 He recruits
travels to Florida to 40 pirates in the
recover treasure from a Gulf of Honduras. South
Spanish shipwreck. He Together they capture
finds 5,000 gold reals. a Dutch ship.
Carolina 1717 Bellamys crew
Charleston attack several ships in
the Chesapeake Bay,
including a 100-ton
St. Augustine
9 1717 In the
Windward Passage,
GULF Bellamy sights a slave
OF MEXICO ship, the Whydah, which
he chases and boards.
3 1716 Bellamy joins
Eleuthera Ba
other pirates near Cuba,
including Hornigold, who Nassau Island ham
puts him in command of
the sloop Marianne.
lori da
S t r aits of F
Havana Island
Honda Isle of ge
ha dP
Gulf of Honduras
a pirates growing fleet
Samuel Bellamy started off small. He grew his fleet by capturing several
merchant vessels, each better armed than the last, and with a larger crew.
1717 A storm
wrecks the Whydah
off Cape Cod. Bellamy
dies with almost all his
ONE OF THE MOST notable characters colleagues to elect him captain. He
146-strong crew.
from the golden age of piracy was then began a frenzied series of raids
Samuel Bellamy, nicknamed Black on merchant ships, managing to cap-
Sam. He was born in England, enlisted ture around 50 in little more than a
as a sailor at a young age, and left for year. In February 1717 he captured
N the New World. In 1716, when he was the Whydah, a slave ship, after firing
NW NE 27, he decided to go off in search of a single warning shot from his can-
the treasure lying aboard a Spanish non. He sailed the Whydah up the
ship that had sunk off the coast of American coast until a storm took
W E Florida. He set out in a canoe to the him by surprise in Cape Cod on April
Campeche coast of Mexico, where 26, 1717, sending Bellamy, most of his
he recruited a small band of pirates. crew, and all of their plunder to Davy
SW Several months later, he joined forces Joness Locker. The wreck was found
S with Benjamin Hornigold, who put in 1984, together with the crafts can-
him in charge of the Marianne. Bel- non, personal possessions, and the
lamys leadership skills soon led his pirates considerable treasure.
in a canoe
5 1716 Hiding out in 6 1716 With two aboard the Marianne
French Hispaniola, the ships and 170 men,
aboard the Sultana
pirates elect Bellamy as Bellamy sails to the
aboard the Whydah
their captain instead of Virgin Islands where he
The Whydah's route after
Hornigold. captures the Sultana. it was captured by Bellamy
Ship captures
Bellamy finds 130 runaway
pirates who decide to join
his crew, swelling his ranks Guadeloupe
C A R I B BE A N Martinique
Ve n ezuela
Architect James Hoban (right) and
President George Washington (left)
supervise construction on the Presidents
House in this 1932 painting by N. C.
Wyeth. Hobans plans (opposite) were
Washingtons choice during the selection
process for the buildings design.
It is difficult to imagine a city other than Washington, D.C., as the
United States capital, but in the 18th century, many Americans
objected to George Washingtons selection of this rural spot. He
believed the new nation would grow best here, anchored by its
impressive first structures, including the Presidents House.
HE WHITE HOUSE first acquired its
ew realize that the United States cap- Congress authorized the location of this
ROOSEVELT ital was designed amid controversy. new capital in the 1790 Residence Act, which
After the Secretary of the Treasury Alexander required that by the year 1800 the federal gov-
assassination of Hamilton and others wanted the capital ernmentthe president, Congress, and the
President William to be located in a northern commer- Supreme Courtrelocate from its current lo-
McKinley in 1901,
Theodore Roosevelt cial center. Southern leaders proposed that the cation in Philadelphia to the city that would be
succeeded him, federal city be built in an agricultural region to named Washington. At that time, there were
becoming the avoid concentrating financial and political pow- to be two public buildings ready for occupancy,
youngest sitting er. Businessmen in Philadelphia and New York a House for the President and a House for
president of the
United States.
sought to lure the president by building great the Congress. The president commissioned
GRANGER/ALBUM residences for him, but George Washington se- French-born architect and engineer Pierre
lected a site currently located between Virginia Charles LEnfant, who had fought on the side
and Maryland on the Potomac River. He believed of the Americans in the Revolution, to design
that the location would be the seed for a great the capital city, the U.S. Capitol, and the
capital city, the equal of Paris or London. Presidents House.
1791 1792
Laborers work on the house construction on the Presidents improvements to the White
for eight years before it is ready House continues. They lived there House, including adding a grand
for occupation. for just four months. staircase and repairing a leaky roof.
supply would last. Stone was needed to build Len,Dick,Bill, and Jim were black labor- IRISH
the Capitol as well. Washington agreed that ers hired from their masters. Experienced car- INSPIRATION
the Presidents House could be reduced to two penters and master stonemasons were rare in James Hoban
modeled the
stories by eliminating the raised basement. As America, so most of the skilled builders were Presidents House
Washington said, the Presidents House and Scots, Irish, and English. after Dublins
the other government buildings ought to be The D.C. commissioners, charged by Con- Leinster House
upon a scale far superior to anything in this gress with building the new city, initially (above), which today
Country and predicted that one day the origi- planned to import workers from Europe. Re- houses the National
Parliament of Ireland.
nal house would not be large enough. Luckily sponse to recruitment was dismal, but they ALAMY/ACI
Washington understood that the design was found good hands among African Ameri-
basic enough to enable future presidents to cansenslaved and freeto increase the labor
make additions. force that built the White House, U.S. Capitol,
and other early government buildings.
The Men Behind the House Labor disputes and arguments over pay with
Spread out over what is today Lafayette Square
and the North Lawn of the White House were
brickyards and kilns, the carpenters hall, store-
houses, the cookhouse, and the stonecutters
lodges. On the South Lawn were a sawmill and
Today the White House
at least one pit for tempering bricks. There were requires 570 gallons of paint
several pits for sawing logsone man standing to cover its exterior walls.
above and another in the hole, sawing the log
with a long saw in between. Sawyers listed on INTRICATE CARVINGS FRAME THE DOORS OF THE NORTH PORTICO.
government payrolls such as Jerry,Charles,
HE WHITE HOUSE cornerstone was
artisans were common. Four stonecutters THE FIRST Act, but he lived there just four months before
threatened Hoban, and he asked the constable LADY he lost office. Abigail Adams arrived two weeks
for protection. The toughs were run out of town. after her husband, getting lost several times on
Abigail Adams
Vice became a concern as the hardworking men (below) was the first
the unmarked roads. The house was intensely
reveled in gambling and drunkenness. When first lady to live in cold and damp during the winter of 18001801;
Betsy Donohue, the wife of one of the carpen- the White House. fires in the fireplaces barely heated the six hab-
ters, opened a house ofriotous and disorderly She lived there for itable rooms. Abigail Adams complained in a
conduct, she was fined but by no means shut four months, during letter on November 21, 1800: I could content
which time she hung
down. Her house, which was owned by Hoban, her laundry to dry in myself almost anywhere three months; but sur-
was moved and reopened off the public land. the unfinished rounded with forests, can you believe that wood
A routine developed in the workmens village East Room. is not to be had because people cannot be found
that grew up around the White House during its to cut and cart it?
construction. Sunday was a day for hunting and When the Adamses moved in, the biggest
fishing or perhaps taking a coach ride to big-city room on the first floor, or State Floor, was
Baltimore to spend the weeks wages. the unfinished East Room, which occupied
the entire east end of the building and was
The First First Family intended as an audience room for public
George Washington died on December 14, 1799, events. An unfinished oval room (what
before the Presidents House was finished. The is now the Blue Room) was at the center
building begun in 1792 had taken eight years to of the plan to facilitate public receptions
be ready to house the president, but Washington where guests traditionally stood in a circle
would not live to see it. On November 1, 1800, waiting to greet the president.
John Adams became the first president to occu- The rooms readied for the Adams family on
py the building, as required by the Residence the State Floor were a levee room in the south-
This oval-shaped room sits on the first
floor of the White House. For most
of the houses history, it has served
as a formal receiving room for the
presidents guests.
I pray Heaven to bestow the best of Blessings
on this House and all that shall hereafter
inhabit it. May none but honest and wise
Men ever rule under this roof.
Letter from President John Adams to Abigail Adams, November 2, 1800
THE FIRST west corner, a dining room in the northwest cor- nesses, and two carriages bought with funds
INHABITANT ner, and a breakfast room (now the Red Room). intended for household furnishings. He pre-
The second On the west end of the second floorthe family ferred to travel on horseback and kept only a
president of the floorthere were bedrooms for the president market cart. Jefferson ended the great public
United States, John and the first lady, their young granddaughter receptions, and turned the State Dining Room,
Adams was the first
to live in the White Susanna, and an office for the president and his where they had been held, into his office. He
House. In November secretary, William Smith Shaw. But the Adams erected a post-and-rail fence around the house
1800, he moved family did not live there very long. After a bitter and established the main entrance on the north
in, even though defeat in the 1800 presidential election, Adams side, demolishing the temporary wooden south
construction was
incomplete. left Washington in the early hours of the morn- entrance stairs.
BRIDGEMAN/ACI ing of Thomas Jeffersons inaugural on March 4, Jefferson appointed architect Benjamin Hen-
1801, skipping the ceremony. Abigail Adams ry Latrobe as the surveyor of public buildings
had departed weeks earlier to prepare their in 1803 and put him in charge of any improve-
home in Quincy, Massachusetts, and was ments to the Presidents House. Latrobe, born
not sorry to leave Washington. in England to an American mother and an Eng-
lish father, had practiced in the United States
Respect for Tradition for seven years. Like Jefferson, he was multi-
The third president of the United lingual and an accomplished musician. They
States detested the formal etiquette of shared an intense interest in architecture, sci-
Adamss party, the Federalists, although ence, invention, philosophy, and religion. For
Jeffersons lifestyle and tastes were any- six years under Jefferson, Latrobe worked at
thing but simple. He immediately sold the Presidents House, completing repairs to a
off President Adamss seven-horse badly leaking roof, installing a grand staircase,
stable, the silver-trimmed har- solving a drainage problem, constructing water
closets, landscaping the grounds, and designing made an official entrance on the north. He began JEFFERSONS
classical east and west colonnades, which still a stone wall around the house, planted trees and VISION
remain today. flower gardens, and built graveled driveways. President Thomas
Jefferson often contributed to Latrobes de- Renovations did not always go smoothly. Jefferson made plans
signs and occasionally caused the architect some Jefferson planned an arched carriage gate, de- to improve the White
House grounds,
annoyance. Of Jeffersons ideas for adding wings signed by Latrobe, at the center of the East including planting
to the White House, Latrobe wrote,I am sorry Wing, but the work was delayed and the mor- trees, adding gardens,
that I am cramped in this design by his prejudices tar would not set in the winter cold. In the and leveling the grade
in favor of the old French books, out of which spring, the supporting timbers were removed of the South Lawn
he fishes everything. Latrobe was contemptu- and the stone arch toppled to the ground. The PANORAMIC IMAGES/GETTY IMAGES
ous of his rival, Irish architect/builder James ruins were quietly taken away, leaving a va-
Hoban, continuing in his letter to construction cant space and an East Wing with two parts
supervisor John Lenthall that the colonnade col- for many years.
laboration wasexactly consistent with Hobans Despite all his tweaks, Jefferson did not
pilea litter of pigs worthy of the great Sow it change the appearance of the house substantial-
surrounds, & the Irish boar, the father of her. ly. Although this was not the residence that he
Latrobe mistakenly addressed the letter to Jef- would have built himself, he recognized it as part
ferson, but the gentlemanly president returned of George Washingtons legacy and saw the need
it to him, saying he had not read it. for continuity. Sensitivity to this sort of sym-
Jefferson also improved the presidential bolism was to characterize the presidents who
grounds from a barren site that had been left lived in the White House from that time on.
after construction of the White House. With the NOEL GROVE, WILLIAM B. BUSHONG, AND JOEL D. TREESE
wing additions, built for domestic use, he sepa- GROVE, BUSHONG, AND TREESE ARE CO-AUTHORS OF INSIDE THE WHITE
rated the upper and lower lawns of the site and (NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC, 2013), FROM WHICH PORTIONS OF THIS STORY ARE EXCERPTED.
1 4 3
Potomac Park and Tidal Basin. House; this would eventually become
THEN AND NOW 2 This area was designed to be the site the National Mall. 4 At the western
of a vast presidential palace, to be end, LEnfant envisioned a monument
1 Until the late 1800s, the banks of the built on a ridge overlooking the Po- of the equestrian figure of George
Potomac River were much closer to the tomac River, with large surrounding Washington. The Washington Monu-
White House than they are today. grounds. 3 LEnfants plan included a ment is now located near this site.
Heavy flooding in 1881 prompted a Grand Avenue 400 feet in width ex- 5 Per LEnfants plan, what had been
large infill project that created todays tending due west from the Congress Tiber Creek was turned into part of the
James Hobans White House Design
James Hoban (ca 17621831) rose from well known in South Carolina for his ability
journeyman carpenter and wheelwright to as an architect and builder. George Wash-
become the architect of the worlds most ington selected his proposed design for the
famous house. Born in Ireland, he studied Presidents House in 1792. The White House
at the Dublin Societys drawing school un- image famous throughout the world is Ho-
der Thomas Ivory, an advocate of the Geor- bans, inspired by Irish Georgianstyle coun-
gian neoclassical style. He immigrated to try houses, notably Dublins Leinster House.
the United States about 1785 and became JAMES HOBAN, WAX BAS-RELIEF LIKENESS
Washington Canal, with a towpath for Pennsylvania Avenue, and was one of itol, deviating from LEnfants vision of
transporting supplies. Later deemed a the first roads constructed in the city. a splendid avenue without obstruc-
health hazard, the canal was filled in by This stretch is now the site of presiden- tion. 8 Increased security following
1872; today, Constitution Avenue runs tial Inauguration and funeral parades, the 1995 Oklahoma City bombings and
on top of the former waterway. 6 The and other public events. 7 The south September 11, 2001, attacks led to Penn-
broad diagonal avenue running 1.2 wing of the Treasury Buildingcon- sylvania Avenue being permanently
miles between the Presidents House structed from 1855 to 1860blocks the closed to vehicular traffic in the area
and Congress House became known as view from the White House to the Cap- around the White House.
ying in the huge from him was still acrid.
Tarim Basin de- LOU L A N
The mummies stood out
pression in north- Desert
( ru i n )
for another reason, one that
ern China, the fascinated Hedin and oth-
Taklimakan Des- N I YA er researchers ever since:
ert is one of the most in- CHINA Their physical features
hospitable places on Earth. looked clearly Caucasian
Its name in the Uygur lan- or European and not Asian.
guage means those who
enter never leave. Who Lived at Loulan?
The Swedish traveler and After Hedin, other ex-
geographer Sven Hedin was oasis city on the trade route plorers were drawn to the
one of the first Westerners known as the Silk Road that region. Following the re-
to brave its sandy wastes. had once connected Asia moval of many thousands
On March 28, 1900, He- with Europe. of relics to European muse-
din spotted the remains of Among the most strik- ums, in the 1930s the Chi-
wooden houses on a knoll. ing of the Taklimakan rel- nese authorities banned
He managed to dig up a few ics were a large number of foreigners from under-
coins and some ancient Chi- mummified remains. One taking any archaeological
nese utensils. A ferocious of the first to be found was activity in the area. Large-
sandstorm then interrupted discovered by Hedin him- scale archaeological activ-
his work, and he had to find self in 1915. The extreme ity ceased until 1979, when
shelter. When the storm arid desert conditions had joint Chinese-Japanese
abated, the explorer saw preserved the body in a kind expeditions made aston- One of the most spectac-
that the wind had uncovered of time capsule. Hedin re- ishing discoveries in oa- ular finds was made in Lou-
a city of brick buildings. corded: The individuals sis towns on the Silk Road lan in 1980. A group of Chi-
Hedin identified the site as skin was stuck to his body, such as Niya (Minfeng) and nese archaeologists uncov-
Loulan, a once prosperous and the smell emanating Cherchen (Qiemo). ered the perfectly preserved
emblematic European explorer of the end of
the 19th century. He spent most of his life trav-
body of a woman from 3,800 was later dated to around eling through almost unknown regions. Having
years ago, naming her the 1000 b.c. Near him were traversed the Central Asian desertswhere he
Loulan Beauty for her strik- also found three female stumbled on Loulan
ing facial features. Hers was mummies and a boy. All in 1900Hedin dis-
the most high-profile find the specimens are excep- covered the sourc-
among a set of bodies with tionally well preserved, es of the Indus and
Caucasian features found especially Cherchen Man, Brahmaputra Rivers
in the area. Like her, all had whose tattoos are still five years later. He
been impeccably preserved clearly visible on his skin. also reached the city
beneath the sands. Mummies continued to of Lhasa in Tibet, but
In 1985, in Cherchen, the be unearthed throughout he could not enter
mummy of a man was ex- the 1990s, including Ying- because foreigners
humed. Cherchen Man, as pan Man, a 2,000-year-old, were prohibited.
he was soon nicknamed, tall mummy with a gold leaf
preserved by the dry climate. Some of the most striking examples are on display
in the Museum of Ethnic Minorities in Chinas northwestern city of rmqi.
Cherchen Man Mummy of a Boy Loulan Beauty
Found in Cherchen, this mummy is a Found beside Cherchen Man, this small Aged 40 to 45, and just over five feet
man who died around the age of 55, and child was wrapped in woolen fabric tall, she is one of the oldest mummies.
who stood nearly six feet tall. His legs and buried with a sheepskin bottle. It is She was found in Loulan, wearing
were bent, his skin elaborately tattooed, thought to be the oldest known feeding sheepskin clothes and shoes, and a hat
and he was wearing woolen garments. bottle in the world. decorated with goose feathers.
funerary mask, red and tall, blonde, and redhead- forward is that the mum- has been such that China
brown clothes, and notably ed with high cheekbones, mies belonged to the tribe has only authorized genetic
Caucasian facial features. a prominent nose, and, in known as the Tocharians, studies in recent years. In
Between 2003 and 2005, some cases, blue eyesin a people of Caucasian or- 2010 DNA analysis under-
archaeologists made anoth- contrast to the traits typical igin, whose culture domi- taken by Chinese research-
er spectacular discovery atof modern-day East Asian nated the Tarim Basin, and ers suggested that, by the
the Xiaohe Tomb Complex, populations. whose physical traits are early Bronze Age, the region
100 miles west of Loulan. One of the scientists who mentioned in ancient Chi- was populated by peoples
Boat-shaped coffins there has dedicated many decades nese chronicles. From the from both East and West.
contained the oldest mum- to studying them is Victor seventh century a.d., the In 2015 a team led by
mies yet found in the region,
Mair, of the University of Tocharians were absorbed Chunxiang Li, an ancient
dating back almost 4,000 Pennsylvania. Having ana- by the Uygur tribes who DNA specialist from Chinas
years. Among these was the lyzed DNA from some of the settled in the region, and Jilin University, concluded
Xiaohe Princess, a woman mummies, Mair has con- are of Turkic origin. that the mummies ances-
whose facial features are cluded that the regions sole Today, Uygur separat- tors had come from south-
stunningly clear, and who inhabitants, between 2100 ists strongly identify with ern Siberia and Europe. Until
still sports a mane of hairand 1000 b.c., were peo- the mummies. Their non- climatic conditions turned it
and eyelashes. ple with European features. Asian features are cited into an inhospitable desert,
At the end of this period in the Uygur nationalists the Tarim Basin was a place
East and West around 3,000 years ago argument that the region where diverse peoples met
The Taklimakan mummies East Asian peoples started should not be part of a Chi- and prospered.
have certain physical fea- to appear in the region. na. The political sensitivity
tures in common: Most are One theory currently put surrounding the mummies Pedro A. Fernndez
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