Eslbo - Brochure Project
Eslbo - Brochure Project
Eslbo - Brochure Project
Information required:
Description of the country Population
Tri-Fold 3 Columns Major land masses (physical regions)
Two-Sided groups of people
At least 5 pictures At least 5 places and/ or festivals to visit
Flag Links to appropriate sites
Languages Food, traditions, anything else interesting
Climate that you may find
Major cities
ESLBO- Ms. L. Wong Name: _________________________
Content Few of the facts in the Some of the facts in the Most of the facts in the All facts in the brochure
brochure are accurate. brochure are accurate. brochure are accurate are accurate.
Organizatio The brochure format The brochure has some The brochure has The brochure has
n and organization of organized information appropriate formatting excellent formatting and
material are confusing with random formatting. and well- organized very well organized
to the reader . information. information.
Convention Most of the writing is Some of the writing is Most of the writing is All of the writing is done
not done in complete not done in complete done in complete in complete sentences.
sentences. sentences. sentences.
Capitalization and
Most of the Some of the Most of the punctuation are correct
(_______/10) capitalization and capitalization and capitalization and throughout the
punctuation are not punctuation are not punctuation are correct brochure.
correct throughout the correct throughout the throughout the
brochure. brochure. brochure.
Grammar There are more than 5 There are 3-5 There are 1-2 There are no
grammatical mistakes grammatical mistakes grammatical mistakes grammatical mistakes
in the brochure. in the brochure. in the brochure. in the brochure.
Total: _______/40