1-Point Perspective Ink Drawing Rubric
1-Point Perspective Ink Drawing Rubric
1-Point Perspective Ink Drawing Rubric
Composition & use Student demonstrates Student demonstrates basic Student demonstrates Student demonstrates highly
of space minimal comprehension of comprehension. Drawing comprehension of how to developed comprehension
compositional strategies. does not meet two of the organize a drawing. Drawing of how to create a strong
Composition is lacking in following criteria: balance, does not meet one of the composition. Objects fill the
unity and balance, and unity (everything fits following criteria: balance, page and the drawing has a
objects do not fill the space. together), space filled. unity (everything fits feeling of unity and balance.
Drawing appears unfinished. together), space filled. Drawing is meticulously
planned and executed with /4
strong attention to detail.
Value Student demonstrates Student demonstrates basic Student demonstrates Student demonstrates a
minimal comprehension of comprehension of the comprehension of the thorough comprehension of
the element Value. 1-2 tonal element Value. 3-4 tonal element Value. 5- 6 tonal the element Value. 7- 8 _____x2 =
values are used and the values are used and the values are used and the tonal values are used and
lightsource is unclear. lightsource is not consistent. lightsource is consistent. the lightsource is clear and /8
Meaningful design Student demonstrates Student demonstrates Student demonstrates ability Student demonstrates ability
choices insufficient ability to create limited ability to create to create original and to create insightful, original,
original artwork. Student original artwork. Artwork expressive artwork. The and expressive artwork. The
attempted to add some may be highly influenced by design is well planned and design is original and
details but they are minor another artwork and/ or communicates something communicates something
(1-3) in essence and require communicates minimal to no simple. Student effectively unique, specific, and
further exploration. ideas. An attempt was added details (7-9)to meaningful. Evidence is
made to add details (4-6). enhance this drawing. clear of a solid attempted to
_____x2 =
There could be more added add details (10+) to enhance
to enhance this drawing. this drawing. /8
Self-reflection & Student demonstrates little Student demonstrates Student demonstrates ability Student demonstrates
Making ability to think critically and minimal ability to think to think critically and discuss strong ability to think
connections discuss what did and did not critically and discuss what what did and did not work. critically, make insightful
work. Student is unable to did and did not work. Student supports 2-3 connections, and discuss
support observations with Student supports 1 observations with evidence what did and did not work.
evidence from artwork. observation with evidence from artwork. Student clearly supports all
from artwork. observations (4 or more) /4
with evidence from artwork.
One- Point Student rarely demonstrates Student demonstrates basic Student demonstrates Student demonstrates
Perspective ability to use one point understanding of how to use understanding of how to use strong ability to use linear
perspective correctly. one point perspective in one point perspective in perspective in his/her
Vanishing point is not used his/her drawing. Vanishing his/her drawing. Most drawing to create the illusion
consistently and many point is not used objects have orthogonals of depth. Rules of
shapes have inaccuracies. consistently and several that recede to the vanishing perspective are used to _____x2 =
Drawing appears unfinished. shapes have inaccuracies. point. Some objects may be accurately show 3-D objects
simple and/or have on a 2-D picture plane, and
inaccuracies in their all orthogonals correctly
execution. recede to the vanishing
Pen & Ink Student rarely demonstrates Student demonstrates ability
Techniques ability to use pen & ink to use 2-3 pen & ink Student demonstrates ability Student demonstrates ability _____x2 =
techniques correctly to techniques correctly to to use 4-5 pen & ink to use 6 or more pen & ink
create a variety of lines and create a variety of lines and techniques correctly to techniques correctly to
to convey different textures. to convey different textures. create a variety of lines and create a variety of lines and /8
to convey different textures. to convey different textures.