The Classical Review
The Classical Review
The Classical Review
IN his recent Aspects of the Ancient lead me, however, to conclusions which
World (Oxford, 1946) Dr. Victor Ehren- are partly different from his, partly com-
berg has republished his essay of 1930 plementary to them. Summarily, this
entitled Eunomia with a few alterations seems to be one of the words which, like
and notes. Since he wrote, Sparta's dpxn and 81/07, n a v e retained their primi-
' Eunomia ' has been examined afresh tive, and especially their verbal, sense,
by Andrewes (C.Q. xxxii, 1938, pp. 89 ff.), much later than is commonly supposed.
Wade-Gery (C.Q. xxxviii, 1944, pp. 1 ff.), ' Eunomia ' had clearly an accepted
and Gomme (Hist. Comrn. on Thuc. meaning when Hesiod (Th. 901 ff.)
i. 128ff.); but on the wider meaning made her one of the Horai, daughters
nothing significant has appeared. Care- of Zeus and Themis, and sister of Dike
ful re-reading of Ehrenberg's essay and and Eirene, and of the Moirai. What
study of the passages which he quotes this meaning was we can discover,