Adjustment of Conditions: Contents: Procedure Adjustment Methods Country-Specific Methods in Austria and Switzerland
Adjustment of Conditions: Contents: Procedure Adjustment Methods Country-Specific Methods in Austria and Switzerland
Adjustment of Conditions: Contents: Procedure Adjustment Methods Country-Specific Methods in Austria and Switzerland
Adjustment of Conditions
Adjustment methods
Country-specific methods in Austria and Switzerland
The topic of rent adjustment has many country-
specific characteristics. Therefore, the topics
presented may not always be relevant in all
countries where this course is conducted.
SAP AG 2008
Course Overview
Contract management
Adjustment of conditions
Business Integration
Corporate use
* This chapter is not part of the standard course and may not be covered
SAP AG 2008
SAP AG 2008
Index adjustment term
object For example, rent
For example, parking space rent
AP adjustment term
SAP AG 2008
List of
Simulate calculated Save
adjustment adjustments adjustment
• Header (ID)
• Adjustment records
Check and Notification
• Log
change, if correspondence
Activate Lease-out
if necessary
Adjustment conditions Rental
run object
SAP AG 2008
If you want to adjust conditions, you can first simulate the adjustment. The simulation generates a
list of possible changes. You can change the values in the list depending on how the adjustment term
has been defined in the contract. If the simulation matches the requirements, it can be used in the
update run.
Various steps must be performed individually for each adjustment run.
The individual steps are:
Determine and process adjustments
Generate correspondence for approval; enter approval or rejection
Activate adjustments
Generate correspondence for adjustment
Where possible, a complete log and results report are created for the steps. If a step is interrupted
during the update run, this is logged with reference to the respective activity. After the cause of the
error has been removed, the adjustment must be restarted at this point.
The system takes into account any periods and limitations that are set by law, if they were defined in
Customizing. Capping rules must be defined in Customizing and assigned to the individual
adjustment methods.
Rent adjustments that are subject to approval (dependent on how the adjustment term is defined in
the contract) can only be activated after the approval has been entered.
Successful, defective, and planned adjustments can be viewed in the contract dialog.
Contract Customizing
Adjustment rule 01 (free adj.): Predefined rule:
• Adj. rate: 5% • Adj. rate: 3%
• Frequency 12 months • Frequency 12 months
• Earliest adjustment • Earliest adjustment
Contract conditions:
• Office rent Office 1 € 2,000 monthly Adj. rule 02
• Store rent Store 1 € 10,000 monthly Adj. rule 02
• Warehouse rent Warehouse 1 € 10,000 monthly Adj. rule 01
• ...
SAP AG 2009
In Customizing, you define adjustment clauses that you can assign in the application.
Adjustment terms can be controlled on an individual basis and users can be given access for
changes. For example, it is therefore possible to define an adjustment term that is not displayed to
the user in the characteristics because this term cannot be changed. You can also exclude individual
fields from changes.
Adjustment methods
Determination of adjustments
Adjustment editing
Approval correspondence
Approval or rejection
Activation of adjustments
Adjustment correspondence
SAP AG 2008
In the free adjustment method, you can change condition amounts in terms of a percentage or an
absolute amount (whole or by measurement unit).
Method-specific settings must be configured for the adjustment run.
You can transfer values when using the free adjustment function. This means that you can generate
new conditions using the free adjustment function.
It can also be a transfer. Starting from an existing condition, you can generate a new condition or
change an existing condition.
The contract contains a rent condition of € 1,000. A percentage transfer could unfold such that 30%
of the € 1,000 would generate a new operating costs advanced payment condition. As a result, a
30% rent reduction and a new operating costs advanced payment including the corresponding 30%
are in the contract starting from the effective from date.
Adjustment Methods
Contract 1: Contract 2:
Index type CPI Index type CPI
Only increase > 5% Only increase > 4 points
Amount passed on 100% Amount passed on 75%
Determination of adjustments
Adjustment editing
Approval correspondence
Approval or rejection
Activation of adjustments
Adjustment correspondence
SAP AG 2009
In the adjustment process with index, the index and the relevant base year are already defined in the
contract. The adjustment is made based on these entries and based on the index points maintained in
For the adjustment term, you can define a minimum change in both percentage and points. A
contract condition is not adjusted unless the corresponding rules in the contract (for the condition)
allow it.
Runtime-dependent parameters
Procedure-specific Customizing
Each adjustment rule is based on an adjustment method. These are predefined in the standard system
and can also be combined. The following adjustment methods exist:
BADI Free with BadI technology
CH01 Adjustment for Switzerland
COMP Comparative apartment
INDX Index
RLRA Representative list of rents
SALE Sales-based settlement
SCSE Service charge settlement
TASK Adjustment measure
The adjustment reason defines the minimum and maximum increase amounts for an adjustment rule,
as well as the crediting provisions.
In the adjustment block you define blocking reasons for the conditions that are to be excluded from
the adjustment for a specific period of time.
Index Adjustment List of Rents Comparative Apartments Adjustment Measure
Define Define fixtures and Define rules for Define field status
parameters for fittings characteristics determining comparative variants
index rule rents
Define Define field status
Define index
list of rents
rebasing factors
Define parameters for
Define basic values adjustment rule
for representative
Define index list of rents
levels Cost structuring
Define special
regulations for
adjustment based on
representative list of
Modify standard calculation rules
SAP AG 2008
There are individual Customizing options for each rent adjustment method.
In order to carry out procedure-dependent Customizing, you first have to define a corresponding
adjustment rule in procedure-independent Customizing.
Index-linked rent adjustment:
You have to define indexes with the corresponding index bases and index levels for index-linked
rent adjustment. The indexes are published by housing and real estate organizations, and by the
German Federal Statistical Offices.
Adjustment based on representative list of rents:
Here you can define various representative lists of rents for various communes or regions. You
assign them to the contract as a term on the Adjustment tab.
Comparative Apartment:
In order to use the adjustment method based on comparative apartments, you have to define a
group of comparative apartments.
In the adjustment rule for comparative apartments, you define (among others)
Which comparative group can be used for the comparison
How the average rent should be determined
To do this, you must have first defined a corresponding adjustment rule in the procedure-
independent part of Customizing.
Alternative 1 Index points for index series Index series, consisting of year, month,
without base year day and index value
SAP AG 2008
Index classes form the basis for further definition of adjustment indexes.
Index classes 5 and 6 in standard Customizing are intended for the real estate industry.
Index class 5 is intended for operating costs settlement according to the operating costs index for
Index class 6 is intended for general index adjustment.
Index series are mathematical series for the description or calculation of price increase rates.
The real estate industry uses price increase rates (for example, cost of living, consumer price index)
as the basis for index-linked rent adjustment.
Index series can be set up with or without a base year. Both variants can be mapped.
When you work with index series based on base years, you have to define the necessary base years
first, before you can configure the index series.
Rental start RA RA RA RA RA . . .
Aug. 1 Oct. 1 t
Aug. 1 Oct. 1 t
Index data Date that adjustment is valid from
Date of rent adjustment run
In both cases, the index for August is available and the new date for the conditions is Oct. 1.
The difference is the date assigned to the rent adjustment run.
SAP AG 2008
You enter the adjustment frequency and delay for the index adjustment data of the adjustment term.
Adjustment frequency: If the entry in the flexible adjustment frequency field is Earliest, the
frequency is taken to mean the minimum duration. Otherwise adjustments can only be made with the
specified frequency.
Example: If the frequency is 1, adjustments can be made at any time. If the frequency is 3,
adjustments can only be made every three months. If the entry for the flexible adjustment frequency
is Earliest, adjustments can be made any time after three months (as long as this is after the First
adjust. From date). In our example, the next possible adjustment is not possible until three months
after an adjustment.
Determination of
new index values
for finished index
SAP AG 2008
With the introduction of a new base year for consumer price indexes, all indexes used previously
have been standardized. Certain index series are no longer used.
SAP recommends permanently converting contracts that are value guaranteed by “expired”
A conversion table is provided for the transitional period. Index series that are no longer valid are
continued, but on the basis of the new index calculations.
SAP AG 2008
You can use the adjustment measure to process the Modernization, Expert Opinion and Custom
Measure procedures.
You first have to enter a measure as the master record.
You then assign the relevant rental objects, that are to apply to the increase, to this measure.
You can define legal rules in Customizing. (For example, in Germany you can only pass on a
maximum of 11% of the modernization measure to the tenant.)
You can automatically set a waiver condition for the object/contract, which shows the difference of
the capped amount to the calculated value.
SAP AG 2009
The adjustment based on a cost efficiency analysis (CEA) is designed only for publicly subsidized
apartments, and is used only in Germany.
During the adjustment, investment costs, current expenses and financing plans are taken into
account. In addition, amenities level factors (which specify the relative desirability of rental objects
due to location) are also considered.
The cost efficiency analysis follows the cost coverage principle, that is, the cost rent and operating
costs should cover the costs for the landlord, however, they should not be profit-maximizing.
The cost efficiency analysis is a special type of adjustment measure.
The cost efficiency analysis is divided into the measure types: partial cost analysis, additional cost
analysis, and main cost analysis.
Partial cost analysis: Defined total costs and the financing plan for all objects involvedAdditional
cost analysis: Contains subsequent basic data for the analysis, for example, in the case of a
modernization or a remodelling It is optional and it is assigned to a partial cost analysis.
Main cost analysis: Groups together several partial and additional cost analyses and does not contain
any data relevant for the adjustment. It is also optional.
In the application, for example, the RE Navigator (RE80), you create a cost efficiency analysis in
the menu tree under "Adjustments".
Value table
Building age from July 1, 1948 to June 30, 1974
Location 3 Good resid. location
Fixtures and fittings 3 Good fixtures/fittings
Size From area to area From amount To amount Mean
20.00 50.00 4.18 5.26 4.69
50.00 70.00 3.22 4.48 3.96
70.00 90.00 2.64 4.35 3.85
The representative list of rents is defined in Customizing according to structure: parameters relevant
for the adjustment (building age category, location class, fixture and fittings category, size class) are
If a representative list of rents, which contains surcharge and reduction classes, is defined, you can
assign the corresponding characteristics to these classes.
When you perform an adjustment using a representative list of rents, only the fixtures and fittings
characteristics that are assigned to the rental object and the relevant representative list of rents are
taken into account.
The system uses the structure parameters to generate a value table that you fill with the current
values from the representative list of rents.
Since the representative list of rents of the individual cities can have not only very different values,
but also very different structures, there are BAdIs and comprehensive control tables which you can
use to enhance the common methods.
Comparative apartment 1
Residential space: 150 m2
Basic rent: € 14.28/m2
3 rooms
Comparative apartment 2
Residential space: 150 m2
Basic rent: € 13.30/m2
3 rooms Rental unit 4711
Comparative apartment 3 Residential
group 1111, Assign
Residential space: 150 m2 space 150 m²
Basic rent: € 13.80/m2 with residential Basic rent:
3 rooms space 150 m² Adjust
2000 €
3 rooms = € 13.33/m²
Comparative apartment 4
Residential space: 150 m2
Basic rent: € 14.50/m2
3 rooms
Third-highest amount:
Comparative apartment 5
Residential space: 150 m2 Adjustment to € 14.10
Basic rent: € 14.10/m2
3 rooms
SAP AG 2009
You can assign each rental object to comparative groups. This comparative group contains a legally-
defined minimum number of comparative apartments (defined in Customizing).
Your own comparative apartments and external comparative apartments can be used for the
comparative group.
Your own comparative apartments, which are vacant at the time of adjustment, are not considered.
In Customizing, you must make settings as to whether rental objects, which are used internally,
should be considered. You must also define whether the new rent amount should be used as an
average amount for all assigned objects or if the n-highest entry should be used.
Calculation of the
Condition Amounts
First year = 500 + (1,250 – 500)/15*1 = € 550
SAP AG 2008
The adjustment by fifteenths is the incremental increase of the main rent to the appropriate main rent
within 15 years from the 1st of January following the sale. This increase is subject to the value
guarantee index.
It can be used to guarantee the value of office space rent according to the regulations of the tenancy
law when an immediate increase is not permitted and instead must be distributed across a time span
of 15 years.
Old main rent € 500.00
Appropriate main rent € 1,250.00
Value guarantee basis: CPI 2000 = 102.6 (5% threshold)
The difference after the value guarantee is (at this point in time) 1,313.35 – 500 = € 813.35
A fifteenth is 813.35 / 15 = € 54.22
This results in an adjustment for the third year to: 500 + 162.66 (3/15) = € 662.66
SAP AG 2008
You use the rent adjustment according to Swiss law to adjust the net rent conditions due to the
following changes:
Relative factors
A change in the rent due to a mortgage rate change is calculated based on the legal rate of change
for the difference between the mortgage rate based on the current rent and the mortgage rate that
should be enforced. The mortgage rate corresponds to the mortgage rates of the cantonal bank of
the canton in which the business entity is located.
General operating and maintenance costs
For calculations the system uses only the flat rates applied in practice for each year for the
reasons for cost increase. These flat rates correspond to the locally different percentage rates,
each of which applies to one year. These percentage rates are recorded centrally in the system
and assigned to the relevant adjustment rule.
General inflation (purchasing power protection for risk-bearing capital)
The system first determines the National Consumer Price Index at the time of the last rent
increase, and then the authoritative index that supports the new increase. The resulting difference
in points is converted to percentages and the result of this computation is multiplied by 40%. The
value of 40% is defined as a computational factor in Customizing and can thus be adjusted in
accordance with legal changes.
Adjustment of conditions (rent adjustment)
SAP AG 2009
SAP AG 2008
Go to the Adjustment tab page. Click (Create Term) and select the term Index
adjustment with suggestion.
Go to the method-specific sub-tab (Index adjustment with suggestion). As before,
click (Expand) to expand the sub-tab.
Choose (Unlink from Customizing) to break the link to Customizing and to be able
to make changes.
Change the Min. Change Pts entry to 1.000 and the Flexible Freq. field to Earliest.
On the Adjustment tab page, go to the sub-tab Conditions. Double-click the line
entry in the Condition column. In the following pop-up, select the entry Office
Basic Rent and press to continue.
Save the contract by choosing either Ctrl+S or (Save).
Select the line for your internal contract and choose (Show detail).
Confirm the data by choosing (Continue) and accept the simulation by clicking
Change from Simulation to Update Mode.
Exit the log and the adjustment dialog screen by choosing (Back) twice.
Go to the Conditions tab page for the contract. The condition amount has not yet
1-4 Activating the adjustment
In the SAP menu, choose: Accounting Flexible Real Estate Management
Adjustment of Conditions Adjustment Edit Adjustments
Place the cursor in the Identification field and call the input help.
Enter your user name in the Entered By field.
Select Enter.
Select Copy in the display to bring your adjustment entry into the selection screen.
Execute the Edit Adjustments program.
Select the displayed line and choose to activate the adjustment.
Go to the Conditions tab page for the contract. Change the management of time
slots (window in the upper screen area) to Display all periods.
Save the adjustment by choosing (Save). Exit the log and the adjustment dialog
screen by choosing (Back) twice.
2-4 Entering the approval and activating the adjustment of the representative list of
In the SAP menu, choose: Accounting Flexible Real Estate Management
Adjustment of Conditions Adjustment Edit Adjustments
Place the cursor in the Identification field and call the input help.
Enter your user name in the Entered By field.
Select Enter.
Highlight your recent entry.
Select Copy in the display to bring your adjustment entry into the selection screen.
Execute the Edit Adjustments program.
Select the line and choose (Show Detail). Choose (Approve). Confirm today’s
date by choosing (Continue).
Go to the Conditions tab page for the contract. Change the management of time
slots (window in the upper screen area) to Display all periods.
Create one for the adjustment date by entering January 1 of the previous year in
the Calculated Fr-Date field. Exit the detail screen by choosing (Continue).
Select all entries and choose (Activate Adjustment). Save the adjustment by
choosing (Save).
Exit the log and the adjustment dialog screen by choosing (Back) twice.
Double-click the number of your vacant apartment. Go to the Adjustment tab page
and select the residential rental line in the upper area of the screen.
Go to the Conditions tab page on the lower part of the screen and click the Active
Adjustment Exists entry.
Exit the results screen by choosing (Continue).
Go to the Conditions tab page of the contract. Change the management of time
slots to Show all time periods.