RE Real Estate Management: SAP ERP Central Component

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RE Real Estate Management

SAP ERP Central Component

Release 5.0

Release Notes
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Release Notes Table of Contents SAP AG

13 RE Real Estate Management 1

13.1 RE-FX Flexible Real Estate Management 1
13.1.1 Quarter Days: Fixed Periods for Cash Flow Calculation (New) 1
13.1.2 RE-FX-BD Basic Data 1 Assignments Between Usage and Architectural Views (Changed) 1 Fundamental Changes to the Master Data Tables (Changed) 2 Vacancy Reason and Vacant Rental Objects (New) 3 Link of Master Data to the Records Managem
(New) 4 Resubmission (Changed) 5 Integration of Master Data with FI-AA, PS ,
(New/Changed) 6 Integration of Master Data with Plan Maint
(Changed) 6 Grouping Real Estate Objects into Sets (New) 7
13.1.3 RE-FX-CN Real Estate Contract and Offer 9 Contract/Measurements (Changed) 9 Renewal and Notice Arrangement (Changed) 10
13.1.4 RE-FX-BP Business Partner 11 Role Concept of SAP Business Partner (Changed) 11
13.1.5 RE-FX-RA Rental Accounting 13 Accrual/Deferral (Changed) 13 Rental Accounting (Changed) 14
13.1.6 RE-FX-SC Service Charge Settlement 15 Service Charge Settlement (Changed) 15
13.1.7 RE-FX-AJ Rent Adjustment 17 Help for Entering Graduated Rent (New) 17 Adjustment of Conditions (Changed) 18
13.1.8 RE-FX-CP Correspondence 20 Rent Invoice (New) 20
13.1.9 RE-FX-CO Real Estate Controlling 20 CO Assessment, Distribution and Reposting
Objects (New) 20 CO Settlement of Real Estate Objects (New) 21 Adoption of Measurements in Statistiscal Key Figures (New) 22 Grouping Real Estate Objects into Sets (New) 22
13.1.10 RE-FX-IS Information System 24 Grouping Real Estate Objects into Sets (New) 24 Reports (New) 25

SAP AG iii
Release Notes

13 RE Real Estate Management

13.1 RE-FX Flexible Real Estate Management

13.1.1 Quarter Days: Fixed Periods for Cash Flow Calculation (New)

As of SAP ECC 5.00 (SAP_APPL 500), you can define fixed periods (such as quarter days) for
the calculation of the cash flow. You use these fixed periods when you want to divide annual
rent into equal portions, although the periods themselves are of unequal length.

Effects on Customizing
Make the necessary settings in Customizing by choosing Conditions and Flows ->
- Define Fixed Periods (For Example Quarter Days)

See also
For more information on quarter days, refer to Fixed Periods.

13.1.2 RE-FX-BD Basic Data Assignments Between Usage and Architectural Views (Changed)

As of SAP ECC 5.00 (SAP_APPL 500), the following functions for assignments between usage
and architectural views are available:
Individual Processing:
You can make the assignment either from architectural objects or from usage objects in the RE
You choose either a complete or partial assignment of architectural objects to usage objects.
You can also assign parts of architectural objects to rental spaces. At the same time, you can
copy measurements, for example, from the architectural object to the rental space in proportion
to the assignment made.
Mass Processing:
The program for occupancy planning was enhanced. With these programs you can plan and
redefine pooled spaces and rental spaces with reference to architectural objects, and create

Release Notes

contracts for the rental spaces if needed. You can make an assignment and transfer
measurements for pooled spaces completely and for rental spaces.

See also

Also refer to the Release Information on Changes to Master Data Tables in RE-FX.

For more information, refer to the SAP Library. Choose Financials-> Flexible Real Estate
Management (RE-FX) --> Master Data --> Assignments Between Usage and Architectural Views
(Individual Processing) and --> Occupancy Planning (Mass Processing). Fundamental Changes to the Master Data Tables (Changed)

As of SAP ECC 5.00 (SAP_APPL 500), certain application data is stored in different database
tables than were used up to now. In addition, some field names were changed.
This master data is not converted automatically. Therefore SAP provides report RFREMI50 to
assist with the conversion. This report makes all changes that are necessary for the programs
delivered by SAP.


Before you start report RFREMI50, read the Release information about the vacancy reason, and
enter the associated Customizing settings, since the report uses these settings.

Effects on Existing Data

Release Notes

You perform the upgrade as follows:

- Start report RFREMI50 using transaction . Using the log, check if errors occurred.
- If you use your own user-defined programs that directly access the old database tables, you
have to modify these programs (see SAP Note 681951).
- If you already created your own correspondence forms in your live client (for example, by
copying SAP standard forms) and there are fields in these forms that have changed, you
also have to modify these forms (see SAP Note 681951).

See also
For more information, refer to SAP Note 681951. Vacancy Reason and Vacant Rental Objects (New)

As of SAP ECC 5.00 (SAP_APPL 500) you can enter a reason that a rental object is vacant.
This vacancy reason is time-dependent.
If you want to post costs for the vacancy, the account and cost center to be used for the
posting can be determined dependent on the vacancy reason.
You can enter the reason for vacancy manually. However, you can also have the system set the
vacancy reason automatically when certain events occur that affect the vacancy of a rental object
(such as a change to the term of the occupancy contract, notice being given, and so on).
In addition, you can specify that rental of the object is (initially) not allowed, or only allowed
after a warning message, during the period of the vacancy.

Effects on Customizing
Make the necessary settings in the IMG for the rental object. Choose Vacancy and then the
following IMG activities:
- Vacancy Reason
- Determine Vacancy Reason Based on Vacancy Event
- Determine Vacancy Reason Based on Notice Reason
You process default texts for terms in the contract in the following IMG activity:
- Specify Default Text for Naming Terms

See also
For more information, refer to the SAP Library. Choose Financials-> Flexible Real Estate

Release Notes

Management (RE-FX)-> Master Data -> Usage View -> Rental Object -> Reason for

Also refer to the Release Information on Changes to Master Data Tables in RE-FX. Link of Master Data to the Records Management Component (New)

It is now possible to link master data of Flexible Real Estate Management with the SAP
Records Management (BC-SRV-RM) document management system.
SAP Records Management is a standard solution for electronic record management. It allows
you to flexibly define the record structures (record models), for example, your own specific
structure for a contract record. This makes it possible for you to create your own documents or
references to documents for the processing activities related to your master data.
You can have the system automatically create exactly one record for the following master data
- Business entity
- Building
- Property
- Rental object
- Real estate contract
- Architectural object
- Settlement unit
- Participation group
- Comparative group of apartments
You can use different record models for each object type. However, using a BAdI
implementation, you can specify any record model for the creation of each record. You can
jump directly from the RE Navigator to the record.

Effects on Customizing
You can assign an existing record model to an object type in the following IMG activity:
- Make Basic Settings for Records Management
The BAdI can also be found there, along with additional information.

Release Notes

See also
For more information, refer to the SAP Library. Choose Financials-> Flexible Real Estate
Management (RE-FX) -> Other Functions --> Records Managment in RE-FX.

Also refer to the Release Information on Changes to Master Data Tables in RE-FX. Resubmission (Changed)

As of SAP ECC 5.00 (SAP_APPL 500), you can use the new resubmission rule, A02 (Before
One-Time Occurrence). This rule is part of the standard system and it can be used for all real
estate object types. The rule calculates the resubmission date in relationship to a fixed date: X
Months/Y Days Before Date Z.
In addition, the resubmission function is now also available for the following object types:
- Participation group
- Settlement unit
- Comparative group
In addition, the following mass processing functions for resubmission dates are available in
the menu:
- Using the Process Dates for All Object Types (RECARS) transaction, you can select and
process resubmission dates using various criteria This transaction is available in the
navigation area of the RE Navigator in addition to the display of resubmission dates. The
advantage of having a separate transaction is that it offers additional selection criteria.
- Using the Process Dates for Contracts (RECARSCN) transaction, you can process
resubmission dates that are solely for contracts. Here there are specific selection criteria
just for contracts.
In the resubmission overview in the RE Navigator and in both new mass processing
transactions, you can now display additional data on the real estate object that is involved
in the resubmission. This data includes the object address, business entity, validity period,
and, for contracts, various data on the contract term.
You can also add any additional fields you need using an enhancement (without any
programming code modifications) using an APPEND and a BAdI implementation
(RECA_RESUBMISSION). For more information, refer to BAdI documentation).

Release Notes

Effects on Customizing
Make your settings in the following IMG activities:
- Define Resubmission Reasons
- Define Resubmission Rules
- Make Settings per Object Type

See also
For more information, refer to the SAP Library. Choose Financials-> Flexible Real Estate
Management (RE-FX) -> Tools -> Resubmission. Or see the documentation of the IMG
activity. Integration of Master Data with FI-AA, PS, CO-OM (New/Changed)

As of SAP ECC 5.00 (SAP_APPL 500), fixed assets are integrated differently with the master
data of RE-FX. For projects and CO orders, integration is new. You can now see all assigned
objects (fixed assets, WBS elements, CO orders) on the Assignments tab page in master data
processing. This applies to all object types, for which you can set up an integration of master
data in Customizing.
You can also display the assigned objects in reporting. To see the CO values or asset values of
these objects, you can use BW reporting.

Effects on Customizing
You define the allowed assignment objects for each object type in the Assignment of Functional
Locations/Fixed Assets/Projects/CO Order IMG activity.

See also
Also refer to the Release Information on Changes to Master Data Tables in RE-FX.

Release Notes
______________________________________________________________ Integration of Master Data with Plan Maintenance (PM) (Changed)

As of SAP ECC 5.00 (SAP_APPL 500), integration of master data of RE-FX with Plant
Maintenance (PM) is enhanced. You can now see all assigned functional locations and their
maintenance orders on the Assignments tab page in master data processing. This applies to all
object types, for which you set up integration of master data in Customizing (see the Effects on
Customizing section). For each functional location, there is a detail screen on which you can
see the maintenance notifications for this functional location and enter new ones.

You can display the assigned functional locations and orders in reporting. To see the order
values of these objects, you can use BW reporting.
For automatically creating functional locations, two BAdIs are now available for generating
names and data.

Effects on Customizing
You set up PM integration, for all object types where you want to have it, in the following
IMG activities: PM Integration: Make Settings for Each Object Type. (And if you use the
architectural view Make Settings for Each Architectural Object Type).
- You define the allowed assignment objects for each object type in Assign Functional
Locations/Fixed Assets/Projects/CO Order
- For each object type, assign the notifications that can be entered in PM:
Define PM Notifications for Each Object Type.
- To use the BAdIs for automatically creating functional locations, implement the BAdIs in
Implement Enhancements for PM Integration.

See also
Also refer to the Release Information on Changes to Master Data Tables in RE-FX.

Release Notes
______________________________________________________________ Grouping Real Estate Objects into Sets (New)

As of SAP ECC 5.00 (SAP_APPL 500), you can group different real estate objects that have
the same object type into sets. Sets can be used for the following object types:
- Business entity
- Building
- Property
- Rental object
- Real estate contract
- Settlement unit
Sets are the basis of the following functions, for example:
- Saving frequently occurring selections of the same objects (most reports allow selection
using sets). This also makes it possible to define one or more sets, for example based on
the person responsible.
- Defining groups of objects that should be processed one after the other in the RE
- Defining groups of objects that are receivers of a CO assessment
You can create sets in the RE Navigator (transaction RE80). Here you can also define sets
hierarchically by assigning one set to another (of the same object type). The objects in the
subordinate sets are then automatically part of the superordinate set.
There are also programs you can use for defining sets. In the application menu, choose Tools
-> Real Estate Sets. These programs are reports that you can schedule using background
Using background processing is recommended when your enterprise uses conventions for sets
that apply throughout the enterprise. You could define a variant for example, using dynamic
selections if you like, that selects all rental objects in the Western Region. In this variant,
you assign the set name WEST-REG to these objects. By scheduling the report regularly in the
background, you ensure that the set is always up-to-date and includes any new objects that were
created in this region.
The reports also allow you to automatically generate multiple sets in one run by using a
grouping criterion. For example, you could use the Profit Center as a grouping criterion. The
report then generates (or updates) a set for each profit center that is entered on the selected
objects. All selected objects for each given profit center are assigned to the set for that profit

Release Notes

See also
Name of Sets When Grouping Criterion Is Used
For more information, refer to the SAP Library. Choose Financials-> Flexible Real Estate
Management (RE-FX) -> Tools -> Real Estate Sets.

13.1.3 RE-FX-CN Real Estate Contract and Offer Contract/Measurements (Changed)

As of SAP ECC 5.00 (SAP_APPL 500), you can now also define measurements on the real
estate contract. You process these contract measurements in the contract master data on the
Contract Measurements tab page.
Contract Fast Entry:
For fast entry of contracts, there is an example screen sequence for the contract type
Residential Lease-Out. This screen sequence is called Like Standard Screen Sequence But with
Fast Overview (GCFE). There are three new views (GCFE33-35) in this screen sequence. Now
you can enter the following contract data on one tab page:
- Assignment of just one real estate object (particularly a rental object)
- Assignment or creation of the main contractual partner
- Data on the term of the contract with a notice procedure
- Organizational assignments (profit center, business area)

Effects on Customizing
Make the necessary settings for contract measurements in the following IMG activities:
- Specify which measurement types are allowed for contracts, and if the contract
measurements should also have an object reference: Define Measurement Types.
- Also make these settings for each contract type, if needed: Define Measurements for
Make the necessary settings for contract fast entry in the following IMG activities:
- Specify the screen sequence you want to use for each contract type: Contract Type.
- For processing screen sequences and the predefined views, in Customizing for the contract
choose Dialog -> Change Screen Layout.

Release Notes

See also
As of SAP ECC 5.00 (SAP_APPL 500) the Automatically Generate Contract Number IMG
activity is obsolete. This activity was replaced by the BAdI for Number Assignment, Validation,
Substitution. Renewal and Notice Arrangement (Changed)

As of SAP ECC 5.00 (SAP_APPL 500), the following new functions are available on the
contract on the Term tab page:
- Notice term:
Entering the period regulation is now simpler.
The table that was previously used is now only available in an Expert Mode. You still
need the table in the expert mode to be able to define a period regulation that is
dependent on the contract term.
- In addition you can now set a default value for the notice procedure for each contract
type. For example, you could set the notice procedure required by law for the
Residential Lease-Out contract type.
- Notice term and Renewal term:
- For individual renewal rules and individual notice procedures, you can enter your own
text of any length to describe the given situation (especially for correspondence). The
color of the pushbutton indicates if a text has been stored or not (white if there is no
text, green if there is a text).
- In addition, you can now change the name of those terms that were previously
assigned the names Individual Renewal Rule or Individual Notice Procedure by the
system. Since this name is displayed in the navigation area of the RE Navigator, for
example, it is easier to see the purpose of the rule.
- Renewal term:
You can set the type of automatic renewal for an Individual Renewal Rule using a
pushbutton. The text displayed on the pushbutton shows the current setting.
There is a new mass processing function for giving notice in the Infosystem: Giving Notice
on Contracts report. In this report you can now also select contracts on which notice has
not yet been given, and create notices for them.

Effects on Customizing
You make settings for the default notice procedure per contract type in Customizing in the
Contract Type IMG activity.

Release Notes

13.1.4 RE-FX-BP Business Partner Role Concept of SAP Business Partner (Changed)

The SAP Business Partner, which is also used by RE-FX, up to now did not distinguish
between the business significance of a role and the role's technical attributes (structure of the
processing dialog for partners with this role). All of these attributes were encoded in the role
category (value table TBZ0, in the RE context also called role).

As of SAP ECC 5.00 (SAP_APPL 500), you can now differentiate SAP Business Partners using
these criteria:
- Business role (business partner role)
You define this as suits your needs in Customizing. You can set the field status for each
business role in Customizing.
- The technical function belonging to the business role (business partner role category)
SAP provides the business partner role categories (but you can add to them). You can
program directly on them in the application.
- View (business partner view)
The business partner view defines how the processing dialog is structured in this role
(structure of the views, screens and screen sequences).
For more information, also refer to the Release Information on the SAP Business Partner
The new table of business partner roles is a type C, Customizing table (the old role category
table, on the other hand was type E). This means you can now create new business roles in
Customizing without your having to define views (as the BP dialog screen) for them separately.

Use in RE Context

In addition, there are new functions in the RE Context. You now have new options for
specifying which business partner roles are allowed for which objects. You can make these
settings for:
- Architectural objects for each object type
- Rental objects for each usage type
- Real estate contracts for each contract type
You can also specify that the address of the object is copied when you create a partner in a
given role. This is dependent on the object type, and can also depend on the differentiation

Release Notes

Effects on Existing Data

Conversion of Customizing Settings for SAP Busines Partner
The Customizing tables for business partner roles, business partner role categories, and business
partner views are converted automatically when the system upgrade is performed. This means
that the same screens, views and screen sequences are used for a given role for processing a
business partner as were used before the upgrade. During the conversion, the system creates a
business partner role (table TB003: Define BP Roles) and a technical role (table TB003A) for
each existing role category (entry in table TBZ0). The old role category, which controlled
processing (table TBZ0), is now interpreted as a business partner view. These entries are linked
with one another using table TB003.
Conversion of RE-Specific Customizing Settings
- The Customizing table for role assignment per object type (RE table Settings for Roles per
Object Type) is converted by the Real Estate report RFREMI50. This report also considers
roles that you excluded for certain contract types. This exclusion by contract type is no
longer necessary, since you can now decide in the table which roles you need for each
object type and for each contract type.
- In addition, you have the option of running report RFREMI50BPROLE.
This report links the RE-specific business partner roles in table TB003 with the business
partner views that are provided by SAP in standard Customizing. When this report is run,
only the links are changed. No views are deleted. All views you defined yourself or
changed, therefore, remain as they are, but they are no longer used. However, if you still
need these views, you can assign the view again that was valid before the upgrade. This
applies to roles provided by SAP, as well as to other roles, for example TR0600 for
business partner role TR0600 . However, SAP will no longer provide support for these
views in the future.

Report RFREMI50BPROLE makes multiple assignments, which reduces the number views
that are actually used. As a result, changes you make to a business partner view for a
business partner role automatically affect all roles that use this view. If you do not want to
use this report, you can manually assign roles that use the same views to those views.
Here you can use standard Customizing as a guide. You might want to transport the
Customizing settings changed by the reort to another system or another client. In that case,
use the transport function for the maintenance view: Define BP Roles.

Clearing Out Views That Are Not Needed

For technical reasons, SAP is not able to delete the views in standard Customizing that are no
longer needed. However, you can delete these views manually. Proceed as follows:
- In the Define BP Roles activity, make sure that the views are really no longer needed.
- Call up transaction BUSD and proceed as follows:
- Select the obsolete views. (For RE, the obsolete views provided by SAP have the same
names as the business partner roles.) Choose Delete Entry. If one of the views is still used
after all, the system issues an error message.

Release Notes

Effects on Customizing

- In the Implementation Guide (IMG), check if you want to make changes to the assignments
of business partner roles to business partner views, and create additional business partner
roles, if you need them: Define BP Roles
- Check if you want to make more detailed settings for roles for each object type: Make
Settings for Roles per Object Type

See also
For more information, refer to the Release Information for the SAP Business Partner (CA-BP)
Business Partner Role (Changed)

Also refer to the Release Information on Changes to Master Data Tables in RE-FX.

13.1.5 RE-FX-RA Rental Accounting Accrual/Deferral (Changed)

The Accrual Engine, an SAP tool, is used for posting accruals and deferrals in RE-FX.
There are two different accrual/deferral procedures In RE-FX:
- Accrual of rent paid in arrears
- Deferral of rent paid in advance
As of SAP ECC 5.00 (SAP_APPL 500), you can now:
- Calculate accruals/deferrals for contracts (data transfer from RE-FX to the Accrual Engine)
and post the accruals/deferrals (in one transaction)
- Display accrual/deferral results
- Reverse accrual/deferral postings (reversal of the data transfer)
In addition, you can now summarize the documents per flow type, accrual type, and period.

Effects on Customizing

Release Notes

Make all necessary settings in the IMG under Accrual/Deferral :

- Accrual/Deferral Using Accrual Engine im RE Environment
You make settings for the RE-FX component especially in the following activities:
- Create accrual types for the RE-FX component in Define Accrual Types.
- Enter an accounting principle for the RE-FX component in Define Customer Settings for
- You have to enter a standard accrual method in Define Standard Settings for Accrual
Calculation. Since the accrual objects are created automatically, the accrual method you
enter here is adopted.
- Also assign an accrual type to the flow type under Conditions and Flows in the Define
Flow Types IMG activity.

See also

For more information, refer to the SAP Library. Choose Financials-> Flexible Real Estate
Management (RE-FX) -> Commercial Real Estate Management -> Accounting (RE-FX) -->
Accrual/Deferral in RE-FX.

Also refer to the Release Information on Changes to Master Data Tables in RE-FX. Rental Accounting (Changed)

As of SAP ECC 5.00 (SAP_APPL 500), the following functions in the area of rental accounting
were changed:
Electronic Bank Statement
- By choosing the menu option Account Statement -> Postprocess Account Statement, you
can now correct incorrect entries in the note to payee, and thereby identify incoming
payments that are specifically for Real Estate.
- Also you can now process returned debit memos. This is made possible by standard
Financial Accounting (FI) functions. However, there are also fields for RE-FX, such as the
contract number and contract category.
Customer Incoming Payments
- You can now enter these incoming payments from the contract view. Using RE-specific
transactions, you can select the open items using the customer rather than the real estate
Tenant Account

Release Notes

- An overview of the tenant account is provided in master data maintenance of the contract.
You can see all items for the tenant, either individually (open and cleared) or cumulatively
(by period). From this display you can go directly to creation of an installment plan for
open items. There you can also write off open items as irrecoverable debt.
Line Item Summarization
- You can set up line item summarization for credit or debit items in posting documents,
for example of items from periodic posting.

Effects on Customizing
Make your settings in the following IMG activities and sections:
Regarding the account statement:
- All IMG activities under Prepare Account Statement Entry:
Electronic Account Statement Entry
Determine Incoming Payment Control
- And for control of clearing of customer open items:
Enter Posting Keys for Clearing and Advance Payment
Basic Settings in Company Code
Regarding installment payments and write-offs (tenant account):
- Assign suitable reference flow types to the flow types for installment payments and
- Enter the account determination for these flow types: Assign Account Symbol to Flow
- You can assign a default flow type to reference flow types: Define Document Type
Regarding Document Summarization:
- Activate Document or Tax Summarization in Company Code
- Assign summarization flow types to the flow types:
- Define Flow Types
- Define Settings for Summarization Flow Type

See also

Also refer to the Release Information on Changes to Master Data Tables in RE-FX.

Release Notes

13.1.6 RE-FX-SC Service Charge Settlement Service Charge Settlement (Changed)

As of SAP ECC 5.00 (SAP_APPL 500), the following new procedures, functions, and reports
are available:
- Country-specific for Austria:
You can now perform service charge settlement based on the current occupancy principle.
According to this principle, the tenant who occupied the rental object at the time of service
charge settlement bears the full costs for the entire settlement period, even if the tenant did
not occupy the object during that whole time. To offset this, the tenant is credited with the
advance payments made for the entire settlement period (for the imputed advance payments
agreed for the rental object during vacancy).
For this to take place, the settlement parameters in Customizing have to specify that the
country-specifics for Austria and the current occupancy principle are applied. In addition,
the settlement unit and the rental unit also have to be set up so that they use the current
occupancy principle.
You can set a default for each service charge key (in the IMG) and for each building. On
the building master record, you can use a BAdI (see building BAdI: Number Assignment,
Validation, Substitution) to have the system automatically set the indicator based on the
construction year of the building.

- The assignment of meters was changed:

- Meters can also be assigned to a settlement unit (SU). This makes it possible to
distribute based on consumption measured by meters during predistribution to
settlement units.
- The fixed assignment of a meter to a rental object does not adequately reflect the fact
that rental spaces can be defined flexibly. You can now define meters (measuring
points) in Plant Maintenance (PM) and in RE-FX for a settlement unit or a rental
object (pooled space, rental unit) but not for rental spaces. To settle rental spaces
based on consumption, you assign the meter to the pooled space the rental space
belongs to. You assign the meter to a specific rental space when processing the
pooled space or the rental space itself. This assignment is time-dependent.
- You can use the following reports to select by meters or to enter measurement
documents for them: Display Meters for Rental Objects and Display Meters for
Settlement Unit.
- You can now create multiple settlement units at one time. Either the attributes set in
Customizing are used for this, or the settlement unit structure of another business entity.
- Advance payments can be adjusted based on the results of service charge settlement. This
adjustment is now integrated in service charge settlement, so that you can choose if you
want to make the adjustment along with the settlement run.

Release Notes

- Using the Itemization for Settlement Units report, you can display the postings made for a
settlement unit. This function is also available when you process master data of the
settlement unit. The function is on the new Overviews tab page. You can also display all
rental objects of the settlement unit on this tab page.
- In addition, there is a new function for transfer postings from a settlement unit. Using this
one-time posting, you can transfer items posted on a settlement unit to one or more
different settlement units. You can reverse posted documents using reversal of transfer
from SU.
- The following reports are also available in the service charge settlement environment:
- Costs Overview
This report provides an overview of the costs from the previous year for the selected
settlement unit and cost element.
- Rental objects for settlement units and Settlement units for rental objects
These reports are also available on the Overviews tab page when you process master
data of rental objects and settlement units.

Effects on Existing Data

Also refer to the Release Information on Changes to Master Data Tables in RE-FX.

Effects on Customizing
You make settings needed for the current occupancy principle in the following IMG activities:
- For the settlement procedure: Define Settlement Parameters
- For default values in the settlement unit: Define Default Values for Current Occupancy
You make settings needed for transfer postings from settlement units in the following IMG
- Define the document type for the transfer:
Define Document Type Determination.

See also
For more information, refer to the SAP Library. Choose Financials-> Flexible Real Estate
Management (RE-FX) -> Commercial Real Estate Management -> Service Charge Settlement.

13.1.7 RE-FX-AJ Rent Adjustment Help for Entering Graduated Rent (New)

Release Notes

As of SAP ECC 5.00 (SAP_APPL 500), there is a new function, Generate Grading, on the tab
page for entering conditions, both on contracts and on rental objects. You can use this function
to define a grading for the selected condition type by entering the term (duration), interval and
increase. Adjustment of Conditions (Changed)

As of SAP ECC 5.00 (SAP_APPL 500), two new methods are available for adjusting conditions.
Both of these are based on German legal requirements for adjusting rent of privately-financed
- Rent adjustment using representative list of rents
- Rent adjustment using comparative group of apartments
Calculation of Comparative Rent Using Representative List of Rents
For this method, you enter the set of rules used for determining comparative rent using a
representative list of rents. You do this for each required representative list of rents in
Customizing. Normally the representative list of rents is provided by the city in which the given
apartment is located. The representative list of rents can be extremely different from city to
city, not only in its values but also in its structure. Therefore, customer exits and extensive
control tables are provided so that you can modify and expand on the method. Normally the
following attributes of the rental object are used in the calculations of the representative list of
- Size
- Location
- Building age
- Fixtures and fittings category
- Fixtures and fittings characteristics (these can also be given points as scores, if the
representative list of rents allows this)
When the adjustment takes place, the system usually calculates a rent per area unit, based on
these attributes of the rental object, using the set of rules in the representative list of rents.
This area rent is then multiplied by the area of the rental object to provide the comparative
rent for this rental object.

Release Notes

Calculation of Comparative Rent Using Comparative Groups of Apartments

With this method, you assign a comparative group of apartments to an adjustment rule. This
comparative group contains a minimum number of comparative apartments. (You set this
minimum on the adjustment rule.) The comparative apartments are either apartments in your
own portfolio, or external comparative apartments that you enter in the system with a special
rental object type. During the adjustment, the system calculates the comparative rent of the
rental object based on the actual rents of the objects assigned in the comparative group. Vacant
apartments in your own portfolio are not considered during this process.

Effects on Customizing
Make the settings you need for these adjustment rules in Customizing for Flexible Real Estate
Management in the following IMG activities:
- Define Adjustment Rules
- Define Change Reason
- Define Rounding, Change Reason and Increases per Adjustment Rule
- Define Adjustment Parameters Dependent on Term
Here you can now define not only a maximum increase dependent on the term and
adjustment reason, but also a minimum increase overall or per measurement type.
Also make all settings you need for the representative list of rents in all IMG activities in the
Representative List of Rents section:
- Define Fixt./Fittings Characteristics for Buildings and Rental Object
- If you also want to use a structure for fixtures and fittings characteristics that are not
relevant to the representative list of rents, then make the necessary settings in the
Specify Structure of Fixt./Fittings Characteristics Independent of RLR IMG activity.
- If you want to use special calculations in condition adjustments, you can define
adjustment control using a formula editor. For this see the Define Variables for
Adjustment Control IMG activity under Modify Standard Calculation Rules for
Make your settings for comparative apartments in the following IMG activity:
- Define Rules for Determining Comparative Rent

See also
For more information, refer to the SAP Library. Choose Financials-> Flexible Real Estate
Management (RE-FX) -> Commercial Real Estate Management -> Adjustment of Conditions
(Rent Adjustment) -> Adjustment Method: Representative List of Rents and Adjustment Method:
Comparative Apartment.

Also refer to the Release Information on Changes to Master Data Tables in RE-FX.

Release Notes

13.1.8 RE-FX-CP Correspondence Rent Invoice (New)

As of SAP ECC 5.00 (SAP_APPL 500), you can print rent invoices directly from periodic
posting and send them to your tenants. Using the Create Invoices transaction, you can group
items from Financial Accounting (and, if you choose, also planned items of the cash flow) into
invoices in a separate run. To do so, you enter a grouping for your invoices in addition to the
usual selection criteria, such as due period, posting run ID, and so on. Besides one invoice per
contract, you can also group together several contracts for one business partner into one
The system assigns corresponding invoice numbers when grouping invoices. These numbers are
managed in Flexible Real Estate Management. For the invoices or credit memos created, you
can create correspondence with Smart Forms and the supported output media.
You can reverse the invoices created using the Reverse Invoices transaction. The affected
invoice items are then considered again when you create new invoices.
You can print out the invoices already created using the Print Invoices transaction. In the
invoice overview, the system indicates if an invoice was already printed.

Effects on Customizing
Make the necessary settings in all IMG activities in Customizing for Accounting in RE-FX
under Rent Invoice:
- Number Range for Rent Invoice
- Company-Code-Dependent Settings for Invoice
- Implement Enhancements (BAdI)

13.1.9 RE-FX-CO Real Estate Controlling CO Assessment, Distribution and Reposting on Real Estate Objects



Release Notes

As of SAP ECC 5.00 (SAP_APPL 500), the receiver of a CO assessment, distribution or

periodic reposting can now also be a real estate object. This applies to the following objects:
- Business entity
- Building
- Property
- Settlement unit
In the case of costs allocated to a settlement unit, the costs are distributed to the receivers
during service charge settlement (always net!).
The distribution amounts are usually defined using statistical key figures. You can either post
these key figures directly to the objects using the appropriate individual entry transactions, or
you can adopt them from the measurements (refer to Adoption of Measurements as Statistical
Key Figures).
The objects to which distribution takes places are represented by sets.

Effects on Customizing
Make your settings in all IMG activities in the Actual Postings section:
- For Assessement
- For Distribution
- For Periodic Reposting
- Assign Measurement Types to Statistical Key Figures
See also
For more information, refer to the SAP Library. Choose Financials-> Flexible Real Estate
Management (RE-FX) -> Commercial Real Estate Management -> Controlling (RE-FX) ->
Actual Postings for Real Estate Objects.
Also refer to the Release Information on Changes to Master Data Tables in RE-FX. CO Settlement of Real Estate Objects (New)

As of SAP ECC 5.00 (SAP_APPL 500), you can define settlement rules when processing real
estate objects. Choose the menu option Edit -> CO Settlement Rule in these objects:
- Business entity

Release Notes

- Building
- Property
- Rental object
- Real estate contract
Costs posted to these objects can then be settled (net!) in CO using the settlement rules you
define in RE-FX.
This function was already available in a Support Package for a prior release, but is now
available in its complete form (with documentation and so on).

See also
Also refer to the Release Information on Changes to Master Data Tables in RE-FX. Adoption of Measurements in Statistiscal Key Figures (New)

As of SAP ECC 5.00 (SAP_APPL 500), you can transfer measurement values of real estate
objects to statistical key figures of Controlling (CO), so that you can use these values, for
example, for assessment on real estate objects.

Effects on Customizing
You specify which measurement type corresponds to which statistical key figure in the Assign
Measurement Types to Statistical Key Figures IMG activity.

See also

Also refer to the Release Information on Changes to Master Data Tables in RE-FX.

Release Notes
______________________________________________________________ Grouping Real Estate Objects into Sets (New)

As of SAP ECC 5.00 (SAP_APPL 500), you can group different real estate objects that have
the same object type into sets. Sets can be used for the following object types:
- Business entity
- Building
- Property
- Rental object
- Real estate contract
- Settlement unit
Sets are the basis of the following functions, for example:
- Saving frequently occurring selections of the same objects (most reports allow selection
using sets). This also makes it possible to define one or more sets, for example based on
the person responsible.
- Defining groups of objects that should be processed one after the other in the RE
- Defining groups of objects that are receivers of a CO assessment
You can create sets in the RE Navigator (transaction RE80). Here you can also define sets
hierarchically by assigning one set to another (of the same object type). The objects in the
subordinate sets are then automatically part of the superordinate set.
There are also programs you can use for defining sets. In the application menu, choose Tools
-> Real Estate Sets. These programs are reports that you can schedule using background
Using background processing is recommended when your enterprise uses conventions for sets
that apply throughout the enterprise. You could define a variant for example, using dynamic
selections if you like, that selects all rental objects in the Western Region. In this variant,
you assign the set name WEST-REG to these objects. By scheduling the report regularly in the
background, you ensure that the set is always up-to-date and includes any new objects that were
created in this region.
The reports also allow you to automatically generate multiple sets in one run by using a
grouping criterion. For example, you could use the Profit Center as a grouping criterion. The
report then generates (or updates) a set for each profit center that is entered on the selected
objects. All selected objects for each given profit center are assigned to the set for that profit

Release Notes

See also
Name of Sets When Grouping Criterion Is Used
For more information, refer to the SAP Library. Choose Financials-> Flexible Real Estate
Management (RE-FX) -> Tools -> Real Estate Sets.

13.1.10 RE-FX-IS Information System Grouping Real Estate Objects into Sets (New)

As of SAP ECC 5.00 (SAP_APPL 500), you can group different real estate objects that have
the same object type into sets. Sets can be used for the following object types:
- Business entity
- Building
- Property
- Rental object
- Real estate contract
- Settlement unit
Sets are the basis of the following functions, for example:
- Saving frequently occurring selections of the same objects (most reports allow selection
using sets). This also makes it possible to define one or more sets, for example based on
the person responsible.
- Defining groups of objects that should be processed one after the other in the RE
- Defining groups of objects that are receivers of a CO assessment
You can create sets in the RE Navigator (transaction RE80). Here you can also define sets
hierarchically by assigning one set to another (of the same object type). The objects in the
subordinate sets are then automatically part of the superordinate set.
There are also programs you can use for defining sets. In the application menu, choose Tools
-> Real Estate Sets. These programs are reports that you can schedule using background
Using background processing is recommended when your enterprise uses conventions for sets
that apply throughout the enterprise. You could define a variant for example, using dynamic
selections if you like, that selects all rental objects in the Western Region. In this variant,
you assign the set name WEST-REG to these objects. By scheduling the report regularly in the
background, you ensure that the set is always up-to-date and includes any new objects that were
created in this region.

Release Notes

The reports also allow you to automatically generate multiple sets in one run by using a
grouping criterion. For example, you could use the Profit Center as a grouping criterion. The
report then generates (or updates) a set for each profit center that is entered on the selected
objects. All selected objects for each given profit center are assigned to the set for that profit

See also
Name of Sets When Grouping Criterion Is Used
For more information, refer to the SAP Library. Choose Financials-> Flexible Real Estate
Management (RE-FX) -> Tools -> Real Estate Sets. Reports (New)

As of SAP ECC 5.00 (SAP_APPL 500), you can now select using sets in all reports of the RE
The following new reports are available:
- Master Data:
- Assigned Objects
- Contracts:
- Term
- Notice
- Renewal
- Security Deposit Agreement
- Controlling:
- Actual Line Items - Master Data
- Actual Line Items - Contracts
- Settlement Unit:
- Itemization for Settlement Units (postings made to the settlement unit)
- Display Meters for Rental Object
- Display Meters for Settlement Unit
In the report Information System: Giving Notice on Contracts, there is a new mass processing

Release Notes

function for giving notice. In this report you can now also select contracts on which notice has
not been given, and create notices for them.

See also

Also refer to the Release Information on Changes to Master Data Tables in RE-FX.


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