Smart: Week 5 - 114AAD Workshop 5: Show and Tell
Smart: Week 5 - 114AAD Workshop 5: Show and Tell
Smart: Week 5 - 114AAD Workshop 5: Show and Tell
By the end of this session you should have gained useful feedback from your peers (identified strengths and weaknesses), defined a clear
strategy moving forward and practiced articulating your ideas.
You have 20 min.
In your teams you must prepare to present your brand-style board. You can make your presentation as serious or fun as you
wish, but you MUST discuss the following points:
- Start by explaining the team exhibition’s ethos (manifesto). What prompted your branding identity?
- What research has led you to your conclusions?
- Design of the board and how this reflects your future approach to your group homepage.
- Logo(s) (concept, method of differentiation)
- Use of fonts (what stays the same, what changes across individual outputs)
- Use of colours (what stays the same, what changes across individual outputs)
- Use of layout and space (what stays the same, what changes across individual outputs)
Additionally, each individual member must state their concept using three words only:
1 a word that defines the theme/big idea
2 a word that defines the visual style you’ll approach
3 a word that defines what you want your audience to get out of your website and other printed material
You will have around 10 minutes to present and receive questions and feedback!
Immediately after your pitch you must plan ahead. Identify specific and measurable goals that are aligned to the module
timetabled critiques and note an action plan using the format below:
Specific Goals
Measurable (how are you going to achieve the goal? What do you need to do or learn?)
Time-bound (set an exact date by when you should accomplish the task)