Discharge Screw Conveyors Design Selection

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The document discusses screw feeders which are used to discharge bulk materials from storage facilities. Several factors like material properties, screw geometry, and rotational speed impact screw feeder design.

Screw feeders are used for discharging various bulk materials from bins, hoppers, and other storage facilities. They are commonly used to control discharge activities.

When designing screw feeders, it is important to select parameters that are appropriate for the material and application. Factors like material properties, geometry of the screw, rotational speed, and material pressure must be considered.

Feeding & Discharging

Discharge Screw Conveyors

Driving Power and Design Optimisation

K. Hoffmann and
Ch. Pillichshammer,
Discharge screw conveyors are an
indispensable conveying and dosing system.
Th is article presents some of the results
of a research project on the optimisation of
Fig. 1: Discharge screw conveyor for
the drive power and the development dosing of filter cake and mill scale.
of a practice-oriented design.

crew feeders are frequently used for It is particularly advantageous to use screw feeders
discharging various bulk materials if an encapsulated design is required, e.g. for ap-
from bins and hoppers and other plications in the chemical, foodstuff,
foodstuff, bulk-goods
storage facilities. There
There are a number of or waste disposal industries. The
The screw conveyor
screw feeder types in use, depending on can be used for technical-process purposes such as
material, hopper design and other pa- metering, depending on application and material
rameters. Single screws are used for to be conveyed. In addition to these technical-
wedge-shaped hoppers or multiple screw process applications, and owing to its simplicity
feeders for broader outlets of the hopper to in- and rugged design, its low space requirement and
crease discharge capacity and to improve discharg- the relatively low system and maintenance costs,
ing of barely-flowing
barely-flowing bulk material. the discharge screw conveyor is also used for a
There are many reports and papers dealing with the wide variety of transport tasks.
calculation and design of screw conveyors, but only a few
with the calculation and design of screw feeders. This
This pa-
per reports on some investigations concerning different
different 2 Application Example
types of screw feeders, mainly the results of discharging tests
on a test stand. Special consideration is given to material proper- An example from the dosing system sector for filter cake and
ties, geometry, and rotational speed of the screw, and material mill scale is shown in Fig. 1. The system has an installed driving
pressure. Measurement results are compared with some calcula- power of 4 × 11 kW and a volumetric throughput of 2 m3/h to
tions of capacity, material velocity, torque and power consump- 25 m3/h. The bulk density of the filter cake varies within in the
tion of the drive. The prime objective of the investigations is to range of 0.6 t/m3 to 0.9 t/m3 with a moisture content varying
develop a practical procedure for optimising the design of dis- from 35% to 65%. The mill scale has a bulk density varying be-
charge screw conveyors. tween 1.8 t/m3 and 2.5 t/m3 and a varying moisture content of
8% to 12%. This version incorporates four screw conveyors ar-
ranged adjacently and forming the screw floor of a bunker, with
1 Introduction the screws being used as a discharge conveyor. The four screws
(see Fig. 2) also form the supply conveyor for the downstream,
Screw feeders are widespread in the industry for discharging ma- rising conveyor belt.
terial from bins, hoppers, silos or bunker outlets and controlling Since the discharge screws are exposed to far higher forces
these activities. Even though screw feeders use relatively simple than conventional screw conveyors as a result of the silo pres-
components, it is very important that the chosen design param- sure, it is also necessary to take particular care when calculating
eters are appropriate for the application and the material to be the discharge screws. This applies both to the screw and its drive
conveyed. assemblies.

24 bulk solids handling · Vol. 30 · 2010 · No. 1

Feeding & Discharging

Fig. 2: Dosing Fig. 3: Test

system with stand with
discharge screw twin-screw
conveyor. feeder.

The references include a large number of studies aimed at de- The arithmetical results will be verified in practice during the
termining the discharge quantity of discharge screw conveyor, course of this research project. This will be done on the basis of
including considerations on the correct design of geometrical the experimental results from the test system to be constructed
parameters, for instance from B [1], [2], Y and A [4], and the designed conveyor systems.
C [5], H et. al. [6] and R et. al. [7]. One im-
portant reference containing a great deal of practical informa-
tion on optimal design of discharge screw conveyor is provided 4 Screw Geometry
by B [3]. The majority of the publications focus on single
screws whilst there are only a few documents for twin screw The screw should be designed with a corresponding geometrical
feeders and multi-screw feeders, e.g. from Y, A, and H- shape, for example with a variable screw pitch and/or a variable
 [8], [9], [10]. screw diameter, in order to achieve a uniform bunker discharge
The usual reason for multiple screws is to provide a larger out- along the screw. This is particularly important in the case of rela-
let for bulk solids with poor flowing properties. If the distance tively long bunker outlets. R [11] provides one of several
between the screw axes is large enough, they can operate inde- reports on optimal design.
pendently. If the distance is smaller than the diameter, the screws However, for cost reasons, the screw feeders are very frequent-
are overlapping which can lead to increased feeder torques as ly designed with constant geometry, which means that bunker
well as loads and deflections [10]. An advantage of overlapping discharge starts at the rear end and a quiescent zone forms at the
screws is sometimes the self-cleaning effect. During the design
process all these aspects should be taken into account.
Most of the publications mentioned deal with determining
mass output and volumetric efficiency. By contrast, there are
fewer documents available, e.g. from R [11], for determin-
ing drive torques or drive power. One relatively complex investi-
gation was conducted by S [12]. Apart from exten-
sive calculations, this study also compares the results with meas-
urements on a model system.

3 Research Project for Screw Calculation

A joint research project being conducted by the Austrian com-
pany Doubrava GmbH & Co. KG and the Institute for Engineer-
ing Design and Logistics Engineering of the Technical University Fig. 4: Influence of the z-factor.
of Vienna, with the support of the Austrian Research Promotion
Agency (FFG), is aimed at the development of a calculation
method, to calculate the drive torques and the drive screw de-
sign, which is as simple and as practical as possible. Besides vary- Fig. 5: Size of the bunker
ing the screw parameters, it is also necessary to allow for the equipped with three
properties of the material conveyed to be taken into account. In screws.
this context “practical” means that a set of formulae generates
the required values while minimising the input of data on the
screw geometry and bulk material.
To date, no practical design regulations which consider the in-
fluences of bulk-materials, operating and design parameters have
been drawn up for screw discharge conveyors. However, devel-
oping a design process which meets the specified requirements
is an essential precondition for successful project planning and
application of such conveyors.

bulk solids handling · Vol. 30 · 2010 · No. 1 25

Feeding & Discharging

front in the bunker. This was also observable in the

initial tests that were conducted with a twin-screw
feeder (see also Fig. 7 on page 26) and in the follow-
ing tests.

5 Test Stand
First, a test system (Fig. 3) was contructed to obtain
guideline values for the actual drive torques of vari-
ous operating parameters. The bunker in question is
a simple rectangular bunker with a twin-screw as
the discharge element. The two screws linked via a
transmission are driven by synchronous servo-mo-
tors controlled by a servo-inverter. The speed of ro-
tation of the servo-motor can be set to between 0
and 4000 rpm. The acceleration ramp and the
number of revolutions can be varied steplessly using
the Movitools–MotionStudio software from SEW.
Measured value recording is likewise performed
using the SEW software. Actual speed and relative Fig. 6: Drive power for a multi-screw feeder.
motor torque are recorded and saved during the
test by means of the servo-inverter. The drive torque
is calculated in the servo-inverter directly from the g
electrically consumed active power. The actual speed of the drive Fr = λ · L · Im · _v (1)
motor is detected by means of an incremental encoder and for-
warded using Hiperface to the servo-inverter where it is stored. where:
The losses in the transmission must be allowed for in accordance
with the manufacturer’s information and compared with the idle L total conveyor length [m]
measurements in order to determine the torque in the bunker. Im mass flow [kg/s]
g acceleration due to gravity [m/s²]
Series of tests with silica sand: v conveyor speed [m/s]
Grain size: 0.1 – 0.8 mm
Bulk-material density: 1.466 t/m³ This calculation applies only to certain restrictive parameters,
Coefficient of friction of screw helix: 0.38 for example for filling levels of 15% to 45%. However, since screw
Angle of internal friction: 39.2° feeders operate with a filling level of 100%, these approaches
cannot be used here.
To calculating the drive torques of a screw feeder, the individ-
6 Calculation of Drive Torques ual friction resistances and losses must first be determined sepa-
rately and then combined accordingly to produce a total re-
The method of approximately calculating the required drive tor- quired drive torque. The following resistances may occur in the
ques (or drive power), cited in DIN 15262 [13], is mostly used in case of a horizontally-fitted screw conveyor [14]:
practice for simple screw conveyors. It uses a cross-the-board,
specific displacement resistance λ that is specified for certain • friction between bulk material and screw blade:
materials. The sum of all friction resistances Fr is determined on a
d2a − d2i _L
cross-the-board basis, as follows: M1 = ph · rm · π · _______ · · μ · cos αm + sin αm )
4 · cos α s (

Fig. 7: Variation of screw geometry: a) constant diameter and pitch, b) variable diameter, c) variable pitch.

26 bulk solids handling · Vol. 30 · 2010 · No. 1

Feeding & Discharging

Fig. 8: Driving torque: comparison

of calculations and measurements

• friction between bulk material and screw shaft: Note on factor z: Observations of the conveying behaviour and
experience indicate that material is not conveyed with the theo-
M2 = μs · di · π · L · pm · __
(3) retical conveying speed vth = n · s. If we refer to retention of the
material conveyed by comparison with the theoretical convey-
• friction between motive and inactive bulk material: ing speed as z, this equates to a rotation of the assumed bulk-
goods plug. Evaluations have indicated that it is possible to cal-
M3 = μi · da · π · L · pm · __
(4) culate with z = 0.1 to 0.2 with the bulk goods used (see Fig. 4 on
page 25). The following thus applies:
• friction losses in the bearings:
v = (1 − z) · n · s (6)
M4 = M( type,dim,ω ) (5)
nSch = z · n (7)
This corresponds with the findings of R [7], that the
ph horizontal pressure [N/m2] dominant factor influencing the volumetric efficiency is the ro-
pm mean pressure [N/m2] tational motion of the bulk material.
rm force radius of contact [m]
da outside diameter of screw blade [m]
di diameter of screw shaft [m] 7 Parameters and Results
Lb length of bin [m]
s pitch of the screw [°] The influence of the number of screws for scheduled bunker dis-
am mean pitch angle (at radius rm) [°] charge is a key question. For this, it is necessary to know the bun-
μ side friction coefficient (bulk material – screw blade) [-] ker size (see Fig. 5 on page 25), the material and the conveying
μs side friction coefficient (bulk material – screw shaft) [-] quantity to be achieved. The required drive power was deter-
μi internal side friction coefficient [-] mined for a conventional application. The results obtained are
va relative speed of material outside screw blade [m/s] shown in Fig. 6.
vi relative speed of material on screw shaft [m/s] Fig. 8 gives a comparison of measurement versus calculation of
ω angular speed [1/s] the resulting torque underneath the bulk material. The red curve
nm revolutions of the screw [1/s] shows the results of a screw with constant parameters while the
nSch revolutions of the bulk-goods plug [1/s] green and black curve show the results for screws with variable
screw pitch and variable diameter according to Fig. 7.
The shares of frictional resistance mentioned above are de-
pendent on the following parameters:
• geometrical dimensions 8 Conclusion
• bulk-good stresses acting on screw as result of bunker loads
• internal friction of the material conveyed A test stand was initially constructed to perform various dis-
• friction values between material conveyed and screw material charge tests during the course of a research project conducted
However, the speed of rotation of the screw has only a very jointly by the Austrian company Doubrava and the Institute for
slight influence. Design Sciences and Technical Logistics of the Technical Univer-

bulk solids handling · Vol. 30 · 2010 · No. 1 27

Feeding & Discharging

sity of Vienna, with the assistance of the Austrian Research Pro- [4] Y, Y. and A, P.C.: Estimate of the volumetric efficiency
motion Agency (FFG). As a further result of this research project of a screw feeder. Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on
a calculation method for the drive torques and the design of the Bulk Material Storage, Handling and Transportation, New-
drive assemblies for screws could be obtained, that is simple and castle, UK, July 1995.
practically applicable. [5] C, J.W.: Designing efficient screw feeders. Powder and
This calculation method, building on experience and the var- Bulk Engineering, December 1987.
ious publications on this topic to date, can be used to calculate [6] H, G. et al.: Improvement of screw feeder geometry for
the behaviour of both single screws and multi-screw feeders. better draw-down performance. Proceedings of Interna-
Initial tests conducted with silica sand as the bulk goods indi- tional Symposium on Reliable Flow of Particulate Solids, II,
cate that the drive torques measured and the values calculated Oslo, Norway, 1993.
coincide very well. Other investigations and tests with modified [7] R, A.W., et al.: The mechanics of screw feeder per-
and optimised screw geometries are currently being conducted, formance for bulk solids flow control. Trans. Mech. Engi-
for example with variable screw pitch and graduated screw neers, Australia., ME 18 (1), 1993.
diameter [14]. [8] Y, Y. and A, P.: An experimental study of the volu-
metric characteristics of twin screw feeders. World Congress
on Particle Technology 3, Brighton, UK, 1998.
Acknowledgments [9] A, P.: Some issues concerning the design of multi-screw
feeders. Proceeding of the 4th Int. Conf. for Conveying and
The authors would like to acknowledge and thank for the finan- Handling of Particulate Solids, Budapest, Hungary, 2003.
cial support and for production of the test stand provided by [10] H, W. and A, P.: Some observations on the
Doubrava, Austria. Furthermore the authors would like to thank performance of a multi-screw feeder. 8th International Con-
the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) for the financial ference on Bulk Materials Storage, Handling and Transpor-
support of the research project no. 821173. n tation, Wollongong, NSW Australia, 2004.
[11] Roberts, A.W.: Predicting the volumetric and torque charac-
teristics of screw feeders. bulk solids handling Vol. 16 (1996)
References No. 2, pp. 233-244.
[12] S, W.: Zum Förderverhalten von Bunkerab-
[1] B, L.: Interfacing hoppers with screw feeders. bulk solids zugsschnecken mit Vollblattwendeln (in German). Diss., TH-
handling Vol. 6 (1986) No. 1, pp. 215-221. Aachen, 1987.
[2] B, L.: The storage, feed and collection of loose solids. [13] DIN 15262: Continuous handling equipment; Screw convey-
powder handling and processing Vol. 6 (1994) No. 2, pp. ors for loose bulk materials; Principles for calculation. Deut-
65-78. sches Institut für Normung, 1983.
[3] B, L.: Design, selection, and application of screw feeders. [14] G, P.: Master Thesis, TU-Wien 2009 (as yet un-
BMHB, London, UK, 2000. published).

About the Author About the Author

Prof. Dr. K. Hoffmann Ing. Ch. Pillichshammer

Prof. Dr. Klaus Hoffmann studied Ing. Christoph Pillichshammer went
Mechanical Engineering at Vienna through a highschool for Mechanical
University of Technology (TU Wien) Engineering in Austria. After his
and earned his doctor’s degree in graduation in 1987 he started work
1973. In 1982 he was admitted as at Doubrava Ges. m. b. H. & Co. KG in
University Lecturer at TU Wien. Research, development Attnang-Puchheim as design engineer. From 1994 he
projects and lecture activities are mainly focused on has been responsible for development and standardiza-
continuous and discontinuous handling systems and tion in material handling technology. There he qualified
steel structures. He was head of the Institute of Engi- with the design of calculation programs for belt convey-
neering Design and Logistics Engineering of TU Wien up ors, screw conveyors and elevators with emphasis on
to his retirement in 2008. He is currently active at TU dimensioning and layout.
Wien in various research projects in the field of material Contact:
handling and cable-drawn transport systems. Inocon Technologie GmbH
Contact: Industriestraße 17-20, 4800 Attnang, Austria
Vienna University of Technology Tel.: +43 (0)76 74 21800 213
Int. for Engineering Design and Logistics Engineering Fax: +43 (0)76 74 21800 299
Getreidemarkt 9, 1060 Vienna, Austria E-Mail: c.pillichshammer@inocon.at
Tel.: +43 (0)1 58 80 13 07 46
Fax: +43 (0)1 58 80 13 07 99
E-Mail: hoffmann@ikl.tuwien.ac.at

28 bulk solids handling · Vol. 30 · 2010 · No. 1

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