Petrochemical Processes: Segment 3
Petrochemical Processes: Segment 3
Petrochemical Processes: Segment 3
Petrochemical Processes
BASF AG 307 Lurgi Oel Gas Chemie GmbH. 281, 298, 307, 320, 321,
Borealis A/S 310, 315 324, 325
BP 310, 316 Mitsubishi Chemical Corp. 277
BP Chemicals 281, 318 Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. 312, 317
CDTECH 283, 287 Niro Process Technology B.V. 306, 326
Chevron Phillips Chemical Co., LP 311 Novolen Technology Holdings C.V. 314
Chisso Corp. 316, 322, 326 Research Institute of Petroleum Processing, Sinopec 304
Chiyoda Corp. 271 Scientific Design Co., Inc. 294, 295
Davy Process Technology 280, 282, 285, 286, 287, 297 Shell International Chemicals B.V. 294, 296
Dow Chemical Co. 282, 293, 295, 317 SNAICO Engineering S.p.A. 282
ExxonMobil Chemical Co. 301, 305, 311, 327 SNIA BPD S.p.A. 282
Fina Technology Co. 324 Stone and Webster, Inc. 290, 304
GTC Technology Inc. 278, 285, 323 Synetix 297
Haldor Topsøe A/S 273, 296, 299, 300 Technip-Coflexip 291, 292
Hydro 303 Uhde GmbH 274, 276, 286, 298, 302, 303, 322
INVENTA-FISCHER 308, 309, 325 Union Carbide Corp. 293, 295
Kellogg Brown & Root, Inc. 271, 274, 275, 280, 289, Univation Technologies 312
304, 320 UOP LLC 272, 279, 283, 288, 292, 303, 306, 321
Linde AG 273, 290 Vin Tec GmbH 286, 322
Lonza S.p.A. 297 Washington Group International, Inc. 284, 288, 306,
324, 326
Ammonia Ammonia
Application: To produce ammonia from a variety of hydrocarbon feed- Application: The Linde ammonia concept (LAC) produces ammo-
st& ranging from natural gas to heavy naphtha using Topsoe’s low-energy nia from light hydrocarbons. The process is a simplified route to ammo-
ammonia technology. nia, consisting of a modern hydrogen plant, standard nitrogen unit and
a high-efficiency ammonia synthesis loop.
Description: Natural gas or another hydrocarbon feedstock is com-
pressed (if required), desulfurized, mixed with steam and then converted Description:Hydrocarbon feed is preheated and desulfurized (1).
into synthesis gas. The reforming section comprises a prereformer (optional, Process steam, generated from process condensate in the isothermal shift
but gives particular benefits when the feedstock is higher hydrocarbons or reactor ( 5 ) is added to give a steam ratio of about 2.7; reformer feed is
naphtha), a fired tubular reformer, and a secondary reformer, where pro- further preheated (2). Reformer (3) operates with an exit temperature
cess air is added. The amount of air is adjusted to obtain an H2/Nz ratio of 850°C.
of 3.0 as required by the ammonia synthesis reaction. The tubular steam Reformed gas is cooled to the shift inlet temperature of 250°C by
reformer is Topsoe’s proprietary side-wall-fired design. After the reform- generating steam (4).The C O shift reaction takes place in a single stage
ing section, the synthesis gas undergoes high- and low-temperature shift in the tube-cooled isothermal shift reactor (5), where process steam is
conversion, carbon dioxide removal and methanation. generated from condensate. No process condensate effluent from the
Synthesis gas is compressed to the synthesis pressure, typically ranging LAC plant is generated, thus eliminating a condensate treatment system.
from 140 to 220 kglcm’g and converted into ammonia in a synthesis After hrther heat recovery, final cooling and condensate separation (6),
loop using radial flow synthesis converters, either the two-bed S-200, the the gas is sent to the pressure swing adsorption (PSA) unit (7). Loaded
three-bed S-300, or the S-250 concept using an S-200 converter followed adsorbers are regenerated isothermally using a controlled sequence of
by a boiler or steam superheater, and a one-bed S-50 converter. Ammo- depressurization and purging steps.
nia product is condensed and separated by refrigeration. This process lay- Nitrogen is produced by the low-temperature air separation in a cold box
out is flexible, and each ammonia plant will be optimized for the local (10).Air is filtered, compressed and pursed before being supplied to the cold
conditions by adjustment of various process parameters. Topsoe supplies box. Pure nitrogen product is further compressed and mixed with the hydro-
all catalysts used in the catalytic process steps for ammonia production. gen to give a pure ammonia synthesis gas. The synthesis gas is compressed
Features, such as the inclusion of a prereformer, installation of a ring- to ammonia-synthesispressure by the syngas compressor (1 I), which also
type burner with nozzles for the secondary reformer and upgrading to recycles unconverted gas through the ammonia loop. Pure syngas elimi-
an S-300 ammonia converter, are all features that can be applied for exist- nates the loop purge and associatedpurge gas treatment system.
ing ammonia plants. These features will ease maintenance and improve The ammonia loop is based on the Ammonia Casale axial-radial three-
plant efficiency. bed converter with internal heat exchangers (13), giving a high conversion.
Heat from the ammonia synthesis reaction is used to generate H P steam
Commercial plants: More than 60 plants use the Topsoe process (14),preheat feed gas (12) and the gas is then cooled and refrigerated to
concept. Since 1990, 50% of the new ammonia production capacity has separate ammonia product ( 1 5). Unconverted gas is recycled to the syn-
been based on the Topsoe technology. Capacities of the plants con- gas compressor (1 1) and ammonia product chilled to -33°C (16) for
structed within the last decade range from 650 mtpd up to 2,050 mtpd storage. Utility units in the LAC plant are the power-generation system
being the worlds largest ammonia plant. Design of new plants with (17), which provides power for the plant from H P superheated steam,
even higher capacities are available. BFW purification unit (18) and the refrigeration unit (19).
Licensor: Haldor Topsoe A / S . Economics: Simplification over conventional processes gives impor-
tant savings such as: investment, catalyst-replacement costs, mainte-
nance costs, etc. Total feed requirement (process feed plus fuel) is approx-
imately 7 GcaVmetric ton (mt) ammonia (25.2 MMBtdshort ton)
depending on plant design and location.
Commercial plants:The first complete LAC plant, for 1,350-mtd
ammonia, has been built for GSFC in India. Two other LAC plants, for
230- and 600-mtd ammonia, are under construction in Australia. There
are extensive reference lists for Linde hydrogen and nitrogen plants and
Ammonia Casale synthesis systems.
References: “A Combination of Proven Technologies,” Nitrogen,
March-April 1994.
Licensor: Linde AG.
W \L J
Benzene Bisphenol-A
Application: To produce high-purity benzene and heavier aromatics Application: The Mitsubishi BPA process uses ion-exchange resin cat-
from toluene and heavier aromatics using the Detol process. alysts to react phenol and acetone to produce high-quality Bisphenol-A
Description: Feed and hydrogen are heated and passed over the cat-
alyst (1). Benzene and unconverted toluene and/or xylene and heavier aro- Description: Phenol and acetone are reacted in a BPA synthesis reac-
matics are condensed (2) and stabilized (3). tor (I), which is packed with the proprietary cation-exchange resin-base
To meet acid wash color specifications, stabilizer bottoms are passed catalyst (named “4PET”). This catalyst has a higher acetone conversion,
through a fixed-bed clay treater, then distilled (4)to produce the desired higher BPA selectivity and longer life than conventional catalysts. Unre-
specification benzene. The cryogenic purification of recycle hydrogen to acted acetone, water and some phenol are separated from the reactor efflu-
reduce the make-up hydrogen requirement is optional (6). ent by distillations (2, 3, 4). Acetone is recycled to the BPA reactor (1);
Unconverted toluene and/or xylenes and heavier aromatics are recycled. water is purged as waste. Phenol is mixed with fresh phenol and purified
by distillation (5). The stream, which contains BPA, phenol and other
Yields: Aromatic yield is 99.0 mol% of fresh toluene or heavier aromatic impurities are fed to the crystallizer (6),where phenol-BPA adduct crys-
charge. Typical yields for production of benzene and xylenes are: tal grows. Separated adduct crystals are washed with purified phenol in
Type production Benzene Xylene a solid-liquid separator (7).
Crystals are then melted and sent to the prilling tower (8),where
Feed. wt% spherical prills are produced as the final products. Solidified BPA is con-
Nonaromatics 3.2 2.3 veyed to storage and shipping facilities.
Benzene - 11.3
Toluene 47.3 0.7 The mother liquor is recycled back to the BPA reactor from solid-liq-
CB aromatics 49.5 0.3 uid separator (7). Part of the mother liquor is fed to the purge-recoverysys-
C9+ aromatics - 85.4 tem where impurities are partially decomposed and recombined to form
Products, wt% of feed
BPA. Undesired impurities are condensed and discharged as tarry mate-
Benzene* 75.7 36.9 rials. The optimal purge ratio from the mother liquor controls product
CB aromatics** - 37.7 quality while minimizing raw material unit consumption.
* 5 45°C minimum freeze point
* * 1,000 ppm nonaromatics maximum
Product quality: Typical values for BPA prills:
BPA purity, wt% 99.9-99.98
Economics: Basis of ISBL US Gulf Coast: Freezing point, “C 156.7-1 56.8
Estimated investment, Blbpsd 6,700 Melt color 8175°C. [APHA] 5-1 0
Free phenol, wtppm 5-20
Typical utility requirements, per bbl feed: 2.4-BPA isomer, wtppm 50-1 50
Electricity, kWh 5.8
Fuel, MMBtu 0.31 * Commercial plants: In 2001, Mitsubishi Chemical Corp. (MCC)
Water, cooling, gal 450 acquired from Chiyoda Corp., all intellectual property for BPA technology,
Steam, Ib 14.4 including licensing rights. MCC is improving this process and has developed
* No credit taken for vent gas streams a new catalyst-4PET-which enhances the performance of this process.
MCC’s first BPA plant at Kashima, Japan, started up in 1998 with
Commercial plants: Twelve plants with capacities ranging from about 70,000-tpy (70-Mtpy) capacity. In 2000, the unit was revamped to 100
12 million to 100 million gal/y have been licensed. Mtpy by incorporating the improved process. In 2002, MCC’s second
Licensor: ABB Lummus Global. BPA plant at Kurosaki, Japan, started up with 100-Mtpy capacity and
uses 4PET catalyst. In addition to these plants, two additional plants are
operating, and one plant is now under construction:
Company Mtpy Startup
Shin Nippon Bisphenol (Japan) 95 1991
Taiwan Prosperity Chemical Corp. (Taiwan) 25 1995
Mitsubishi Chemical Corp. (Japan) 100 1998
Mitsubishi Chemical Corp. (Japan) 100 2002
Blue Star Chemical Cleaning Corp. (China) 25 (2003)
Licensor: Mitsubishi Chemical Corp.