Positive Thinking PDF
Positive Thinking PDF
Positive Thinking PDF
Positive Thinking
Train Your Mind For
Success And
Francisco Bujan
Positive thinking
Intro ____________________________________________ 12
Positive thinking
Positive thinking
Positive thinking
Positive thinking
Positive thinking
Positive thinking
Positive thinking
Positive thinking
I am not happy right now but I don’t know where to start _____ 366
Change job _________________________________________ 369
Change my life ______________________________________ 370
Change my life – I don’t know where to start _______________ 371
Change my life style __________________________________ 372
Change something in me_______________________________ 373
Change the way I act _________________________________ 375
Change the way I act – I need to free myself first ___________ 376
Change my diet – I don’t know where to start ______________ 378
Clear clutter_________________________________________ 380
Clear the past _______________________________________ 383
Find a new career ____________________________________ 385
Find answers ________________________________________ 386
Get fit – I don’t have time ______________________________ 387
Get rid of an addiction – I can’t take action ________________ 388
I need to free myself first ______________________________ 389
I would like to move __________________________________ 390
Change house – I am not sure of my next move ____________ 391
Renewal power ______________________________________ 392
Something has to change ______________________________ 396
Something is resisting in me ____________________________ 397
Take an important decision _____________________________ 398
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Positive thinking
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Positive thinking
The goal of this e-book is to give you effective strategies to empower
your mind and build up positive mind sets. It is as well to help you
connect with your natural inner sources of happiness.
This e-book will give you key strategies and energy to take steps.
I cover as well:
• Mind performance.
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Positive thinking
Part 1 - Mind
The first step is to understand some basic dynamics about your mind.
Before you even design a strategy or take action, you must see the
underlying dynamics of your mind so that you can measure and
perceive exactly the impact of your actions, attitudes and behaviors.
The goal is to find out where and how you can impact over what
happens in this inner space.
In the next few pages I will describe some of the key mechanisms
which direct the way you think and the way you feel.
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When you are trapped in negative thinking loops, your self talk is a
cycle of thoughts which pulls you down into spirals of limiting beliefs.
Self talk is a stream of inner activity you can consciously influence and
shift if you want to.
The way you think has a massive impact on the way you perform in
Every time you are confronted with a given situation in life, you will
create a mind set which is your “response” to that situation.
When you are confronted with the same situation again, you “call
back” the corresponding mind set.
For instance, you have a given mind set for when you wake up in the
You have another mind set when you have a chat with a friend.
You have another mind set for sports and another one for romance.
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Mind sets
You need to realize one thing: thoughts happen within a mind set.
When you are in a given life situation, you will tend to react to it in the
same way over and over again.
Why is that?
You tend to create emotional and thinking habits and simply keep on
reproducing them.
This is conditioning.
When you are faced with a given life situation for the first time, you
will create a mind set associated with that situation.
You get a fresh wind blowing in your face and you feel overwhelmed
by the beauty of the landscape.
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In fact, you will tend to associate hills with the positive mind set you
experienced that day.
This mind set will stay imprinted in you unless it is replaced by a new
This is conditioning.
This habit will stay the same unless you consciously reprogram
yourself or go through new experiences.
If you want to reprogram your mind, you need to understand how you
can shift a mind set and manifest a new one.
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They are what you read, what you hear and anything else you
Some other impressions simply impact on your mind without you even
being aware of it.
When you are inspired you feel an inner drive or force which brings
you to take action.
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When they fly, you can always see the larger body they are in.
The birds do not perceive the larger “entity” of their group but when
you look at them from the distance, you can see some form of
cohesion or connection between them.
Even when you are sitting and doing nothing, your mind is still
following a stream of inspiration.
This “being alive” means that there are whole streams of thoughts,
emotions and feelings naturally happening in your mind.
Suppose you have an uplifting chat with someone you like, you will
naturally feel happy and energized.
Listening to the news, walking through a busy street, surfing the net,
having a drink in a café, playing with your children are all activities
which will leave an emotional blue print on your mind.
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The surface thoughts are the ones you are not really attached to.
They are your inner values and the “inner knowledge” you are really
attached to.
Your core beliefs are what you want to tackle when you want to shift
from negative mind sets to positive mind sets.
In your self talk, your core beliefs are like miles stones.
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When you feel a certain emotion, what you perceive is only the visible
part of a deeper reality.
Once you understand how these thoughts work and how they are
generated, it is much easier to shift them or generate new ones.
Suppose you wake up one Sunday morning and feel a sudden sense of
inner freedom.
At the same time, you will start thinking about your day and decide to
call some friends.
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Another time you catch yourself making plans for the future.
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What is a feeling?
Feelings are impressions on the surface of your mind.
Your sense of touch will interpret matter and think elements like:
wood, metal, flesh, cold, warm, etc.
The music and the atmosphere will impact on your mind and generate
a series of feelings.
When you hear the music, this might wake up a sense of joy for
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You can get a feeling without having any visible message impacting
through your physical senses.
Even when you are quiet, you are still feeling something.
Some impressions can truly come from outside of your mind while
others are the result of your inner "processing".
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If someone asks you "What do you feel?", you will look inwards and
come with a series of impressions.
You will have a system of core beliefs about who you are and what you
do on this planet.
You are the one who has the greatest influence over the inner territory
of your mind.
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When you feel isolated, you usually miss a connection with a network.
This will connect you with a given network and inspire your actions,
thoughts and beliefs.
In fact, it will give you a mind set you can identify yourself to.
They can as well be limiting depending on the way you stand in them
and the role they play in your life.
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Why is that?
You accept yourself the way you are and project your problems
When you are unhappy, you often end up complaining about your
situation endlessly.
You talk about your problems day after day and by doing so, you
reinforce negative mind sets.
When you keep on feeding these negative thoughts, you stimulate the
cycle of limiting beliefs and strengthen the "victim role" in you.
It is your battle!!!
What I can do though, is first send you this wake up call and second,
give you effective and powerful strategies to deal with this.
If you could see what I see right now, you would kick yourself in the
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Life is short!
If you wait one more day, there are good chances that you won’t ever
reach what you are looking for.
Simple! Don’t. The moment you hate your life enough, that’s the
moment you decide to do something about it. Your greatest
mistake would be to accept a state of depression or
unhappiness as your identity.
That’s another big lie. Nobody can do it for you. The moment
you realize this, you stop waiting and start taking action.
It’s not!!! Your mind is your mind. You can shift the way you see
yourself. Use your past as a platform to project yourself into
your future, no matter what you past is. You have no excuse!
It’s safe, aye? When you tell everyone you are worth nothing,
this is playing safe. You make sure no one will challenge you,
right? Self limiting beliefs are self destructive patterns. Every
time you use one, you destroy your life.
What do you think you are doing? I know you feel nurtured by
other’s negative attention. The truth is that taking the victim role
puts you down over and over again.
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You believe that being "dark" is cool? It’s not. Darkness is not
your identity.
The moment you take the decision to be one, you start moving
towards the place you would like to be in.
The only thing I will feed in you is your inner strength and power.
What I want to do is destroy any negative present mind set right now.
If you are unhappy right now, I believe you have been making a big
mistake and those around you have been comforting you with that.
If you are on a path to self destruction, you are the one who decides
what happens next.
I am here to challenge you and help you shift your present mind set.
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It’s either you wake up right now and take a step or I’ll come after
It is time to shift!
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You are low on energy because you did not master yet effective way of
protecting your mind space and finding key sources of power and
energy in and around you.
If you stay low on energy for a long period of time, you go into states
of depression.
I know this might surprise you but the only way to be happy is to get
your full power back.
This is a fight.
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If you feel strong and still unhappy, this means that the next quality
you need is bliss, pleasure, love or happiness.
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The moment you open the windows and take a couple of deep breaths,
you invite life force in your body.
If you want to travel somewhere, you always need to start with a first
Right now, I could describe a series of actions which would make you
very unhappy within 48 hours.
It is easy:
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• After that, no body care. Don't wash your hands or your face for
two days.
In the same way I could describe you a series of actions which would
make you happy:
What makes you truly happy is when you live within an exciting
stream of inspiration which gives you power, vision and action lines.
You can decide right now to embrace the values of happiness: love,
passion, excitement, power, etc.
What is the force which can keep you from wanting more of these
qualities and manifesting them in your life?
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Your quest
Happiness is a life long quest.
I will be direct.
I would like to shake you and give you some essential tools to
understand what is happening in you.
It is balanced.
Yes! It is an invasion.
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If it's your territory, how come you seem to have so little influence
over it?
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It is a pattern or a frame.
It is a conditioning.
You want to wake up to a new reality and an approach which frees you
from negative states of mind.
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This is a battle
Happiness is your territory.
I am not here to help you nurture your past or even your wounds.
Thoughts and emotions are only waves on the surface of your mind.
If your mother tongue is English, English words will create the frames
of your mind.
If you first spoke Spanish, it's Spanish which will be the core of your
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If you tend to be unhappy, you will get familiar with emotions like
loneliness or sadness.
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If you are unhappy right now, and want to be happy in the future, you
need to invite change and renewal in your life.
You need to create space in your mind so that a new story can be
There is a force in you whose aim is to refresh and change your mind.
It is an agent of change.
If you no longer want your mind set, what you need to do is connect
with your renewal power.
Yes! Power!
To tell you the truth, I don't know what force put you in a challenging
situation but there but its reign is over.
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No need to be scared.
This is what you will do now for the rest of your life.
Your being has a basic human right to feel blessed by every day you
will live from now on.
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Whatever that is, it simply flows through your system and brings a
refreshing stream of life in you.
If you did not get enough love during your childhood, you simply
missed on this flow of life force and love.
This creates an inner emotional gap where you simply feel invaded and
There are all sorts of triggers in life which create energy gaps in your
If this is where you are at now, I know exactly how you feel.
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What you did not get from life, friends, family or partner is still an
invisible potential in you.
Your mind is a subtle architecture and you want a get a boost of power
and fresh energy.
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Happiness is a choice!
It is true!
Happiness is a choice!
When you decide to move on, you literally die to your past.
Your past was this comfort zone you did build for many years.
The sun hitting your eyes can be a traumatic experience if you have
been living in the dark for a long time.
You can either retreat in fear or move forward and take the step.
The moment you take the step, you do face a new environment.
New emotions.
A new home!
Change is stressful.
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You can destroy negative memories by invoking and using this inner
sense of renewal which connects you with your future and destiny line.
Right now, you are taking charge of your emotions and building up a
new energy support system in your being.
You wake up to a new set of emotions which are the emotions of joy,
power, happiness love and success.
Even if they do, realize that right now, you have no choice.
It is a commitment.
It is a decision.
Why is that?
Old frames are destroyed or dissolved and new ones are being built.
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It is not something any one can take away from you because it is
embedded in power and strong frames in your mind.
It is the art of making conscious choices about what you want to have
in your mind.
It is a power kick.
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You remove anything which stops life force from flowing: fears, doubts
and hesitations are gone.
Because you just woke up to the realization that you know exactly how
to do it.
You dare!
What is yourself?
It is not your car, your job, your house or even your thoughts.
It is your spirit.
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You could take off right now and live in the forest for the rest of your
life, your spirit would not die.
Almost a miracle!
You would wake up your survival instincts and find ways of feeding
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Sure, getting validation from others can help but it is no longer needed
for happiness.
Why is that?
Because you live in a sea of consciousness you are connected to all the
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The moment you see yourself as a human being on this blue planet,
you realize your universal identity.
Even when you are busy dealing with the details of your daily life, a
part of you is still aware of this vaster reality.
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When you try to move into your future and connect with power and
happiness you need an extra energy to free yourself from past
patterns you no longer need.
You need to delete the negative patterns in you and recreate new
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Part 2 – Powerful
strategies to shift
your mind set
You want to perform at your best.
You want you mind to be your ally and help you achieve whatever you
want in life.
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It is an event.
If you swim in a river, what matters is not the waves, it is the river
When you wake up in the morning and read a paper, the news
becomes a source of inspiration.
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The books your read, the music your listen to, the people you connect
to, your community, your work, family, friends, inner growth and
spiritual life are all streams of inspiration.
Now, for your mind development, you need to connect with a stream
of inspiration which does empower you.
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Now, if you want to train your body, you go to the gym, right?
If you want to empower your mind, you need to connect with inner
and outer sources of inspiration which support you or give you the
energy and mind sets to develop your mind.
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If you get the feeling that your mind works against you, it is the sign
that something is missing.
It is a space.
It is yours!
You are the person who has the greatest influence over what happens
in your mind.
The moment you realize this, you already wake up your mind power.
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It is form of battle and you want to develop new skills to make sure
that you are the winner of this battle.
You can either let this judgment take root in your mind and let it grow
and expand, or you can reject this judgment, fight back and not let
anyone put you down.
The moment you react and fight back, you use your power.
You instantly realize that your self confidence is under attack and you
do something to tackle this threat.
In a day, you can have many situations where you let someone else’s
negative thoughts impact on you.
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If your body is low on energy, you will naturally feel low in happiness
and satisfaction.
There are two main ways of influencing the way you feel in your body:
exercise and diet.
If you over eat or eat unhealthy, you will naturally lower your energy
A full stomach stops you from performing well or keeping a clear mind.
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Love is about the way you relate to yourself and your environment.
Through action!
Love, respect and care are your ways of nurturing yourself and those
around you.
Dare to take the step when you see an opportunity to express your
love, care or respect.
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I mean, when you realize that you are a living entity somewhere on a
blue planet suspended in space in the Milky Way, you can drop
everything and search for answers.
If you are religious, this might mean exploring deeper levels of your
spiritual life through prayer, meditation, rituals or other practices.
There are dozens of ways you can connect with your spiritual identity.
Many spiritual streams focus on the idea of happiness, inner peace and
even success and satisfaction.
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If you want to move forward in your life, you need to create space!
If your mind and life are full, your future can’t open up.
Drop it!
Identify what drains you and make sure that you remove it from your
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Along the way, the details of your life travel are not yet fixed.
Goals, life vision and destiny are all aspects of your future.
Part of the energy of your mind is aimed at opening doors into your
The moment you take a good decision or make the right choice, you
get this empowering feeling of inner freedom.
If your line of action takes you in the wrong direction, you feel
systematically drained and unhappy. You know something is wrong!
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Ambition and expression of your needs and wants are other values and
mind sets.
In fact they don’t solidify your mind. They make you vulnerable and
pessimistic about life.
You can choose right now positive mind sets and values.
Why is that?
When you want to shift your mind set, you need to repolarize and
recondition your mind to respond differently in given life situations.
This means that you need to repeat the right message to yourself until
your get it.
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You will see that your mind progressively adopts a new empowering
mind set.
It simply takes focus, time, repetition and will power to develop a new
mind set.
It is your ambition.
This is the number one quality you need to shift mind sets.
It is your driving force and what you will invest into your actions.
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Mastering your connection with others means mastering the way you
stand in it.
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Behave like a martial artist ready to defend your territory any time.
You will notice that the moment you have the tools, skills and weapons
to defend yourself, you feel secure and you perform at your best.
Observe the flow of your thoughts and emotions and if you notice that
something wrong is happening, do something about it straight away.
If you feel that something takes you down, take action and shift the
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Once you see an open door, you need to take action and walk through
To take action you need to trust yourself and use your will power and
Don’t let anything or anyone stop you from taking action when you
feel it is right.
You need to respond to opportunities and open doors when you see
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The best way to influence your thoughts is to connect with the right
source of inspiration in you.
Come to the details once your larger life stream is set up.
If you feel that you can’t connect with a positive stream of thoughts, it
is time to go and look beyond the limits of what you already know.
Obviously, if the solution was present within the limits of your comfort
zone, you would be expressing already the full dimension of your life.
You will need to open new doors and invite new streams of inspiration
in your life.
Once you connect with a new stream of inspiration, the shift does not
happen overnight.
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The moment you take action and do something about the real issue or
challenge you face, you realize that life starts flowing again.
Hiding yourself behind doubts, fears and hesitations does not work.
The only way to break the negative pattern is to take action and do
something about the real challenge.
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Part 3 – Negative
thoughts? – Why?
Simply trying to suppress negative thoughts is usually not very useful.
Why is that?
It is an inner call!
In the next few pages, you will discover exactly what is the nature of
“this negative thinking call” and how to use it to empower your mind.
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These loops are usually self destructive. They generate negativism for
yourself and for others.
They are more than thoughts. They have whole sets of emotions and
feelings associated with them as well.
Negative thinking can destroy your life. It puts you down, creates
endless doubts and hesitations in your mind.
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You believe that because you are trapped in self limiting thinking loops
there is something wrong with you?
There isn’t!
In fact, negative thinking is the sign that you are perfectly healthy.
The reason you create mind sets is to protect your mind space.
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When you are consumed by negative thinking, you are not truly
master of your mind any more.
What you want at that moment is an extra power kick which gives you
the possibility to decide what you want to have in your mind.
Protect your territory. Your territory is your life and your mind. It is
okay to do whatever it takes to stay master of your life. Negative
thoughts play a role in this. They are aggressive and protective moves
to defend your mind territory.
Wake up your fighting power. You want to master your fighting skills.
This is the real challenge. Have fighting skills which are effective at
helping you reach your goals.
Your taming power. This is the quality your need to deal with a
negative emotional response you no longer want.
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As you can see, there is nothing wrong with you. All you need is an
extra “taming” quality which gives you the power to direct your
thoughts more effectively.
It is like fire, though. All you need is this extra power kick which helps
you master this natural inner resource of power.
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If you tell your opponent something like “You will never succeed!”, this
is a negative thought, right?
In the context of a verbal fight, you use this thought in a positive way:
you want to win.
Now, imagine what happens with negative thinking loops in your mind:
You take the same negative thought (“You will never succeed”) and
you project it on yourself. This thought is the same as before. It is
identical. It is the same "weapon". It is simply used in a different way.
You become a victim of this thought.
Why do negative thinking patterns arise in your mind and "self attack"
your own being?
It creates an addiction.
You know that these negative thinking loops are self destructive, still
your mind keep generating them.
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I know this can sound crazy but a part of you actually enjoys creating
these negative loops.
Why? Because when you create this loop, you use your fighting power.
How does it work? Suppose you are with a group of friends and
everyone is quite optimistic about the coming evening. A party is
about to start in a few hours and everyone gets ready. You jump in
there and say something like:
“You know what? These parties never work. Every time it is the same
story, the same old boring people! I don’t even know why we bother
You carry the flag of negativism. You generate fight, conflict and by
doing so, you express one of you most basic powers: The need to
conquer, the need to fight and win.
It might look like a negative cause but behind this cause, there is only
one thing: a challenge, a desire to fight, an instinctual impulsion.
Now, if someone comes to you and says: “Why don’t you drop it?”
you’ll realize that a part of your does not want to let go of your
negative thought.
Why is that?
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Because this negative thought gives you power. This is not about
positivism or negativism. It is about how much power you have
compared with others.
Why? Because negativism has become your mind set. It is your inner
architecture and you got familiar with this inner mindscape.
Suppose you have a dog. This dog is aggressive and keeps barking at
everyone you meet on the street.
You might think something like: “Well, this dog is not perfect, but it is
my dog”
You could shift and get a gentle sweet puppy but somehow, you are
used to your Doberman.
In other terms, your dog creates some trouble but gives you power.
Negative thinking can happen in the same way: negative thoughts give
you power.
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Because this is what you are used to do. You know how to do it. When
you pick up the “energy” of it, this gives you a sense of control over
the event.
I know it can sound funny but this is the underlying power dynamic.
Once you finish attacking the party’s positive mind set, you’ll still end
up with the negative thought form strengthened in your mind.
Suppose you go back home. You generated a mind set which needs to
keep on "feeding" itself.
This will turn into a self destructive loop and keep you trapped within a
negative mind set.
That’s unless you know how to drop it and truly master your negative
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Why it happens
Negative thinking is a natural defense mechanism.
It is a mind set.
When you create a negative thought, you are still using your power.
Nature creates it. Your mind creates it. It is sponsored by your inner
survival drive.
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This burning fire trying to break through is your own will power.
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• Step 2 : You need a strategy and the power to take action and
break through this cycle.
The main challenge when dealing with a negative thinking loop is that
it happens in your mind.
After that, you usually wait for the negative thoughts to go away and
hope that they will be replaced by better and more harmonious
emotions or thoughts.
Most strategies out there tell you to focus on positive thinking instead
of letting negative loops drain you.
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Why is that?
You want to use this energy! Not suppress it! You want to go with the
flow of your emotions rather than against them!
Your instincts are powerful! They generate the negative loops. A part
of you creates them.
You use the existing power behind your negative thinking rather than
trying to suppress or delete it.
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In fact, you use exactly the same energy you use for negative thinking
but channel it in a different way in your mind.
I say it again:
From the core of this fire or frustration, realize that your negative
thoughts are actually your way of reacting to something which is
hurting you.
When you create a negative thought, you use your fighting power.
When you transmute negative thinking, you still use your power of
Instead, ad a quality to your mind which will give a new direction and
vision to your fighting power.
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Part 4 – Power
In the first part of this e-book, we will analyze various aspects of the
way power works and affects your life.
I will already give you many hints on where to start if you want to
increase your level of personal power.
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Imagine now that it is this mind architecture which protects your mind
Your life connections and the support you get from your environment
are as well strengthening elements.
If you want to stop negative thinking and negative emotions, all you
need to do is to bring in a new power quality in your mind. This new
power quality will naturally strengthen your emotional base, give you
security and simply protect your mind.
With certain negative emotions, like doubts and fears, this increase of
power is combined with an increase of awareness. You identify why the
doubt is there in the first place: is it a real "warning" doubt or is it
simply an irrational useless instinctual reaction.
These are very powerful techniques. The reason why you have never
tapped into these resources naturally by yourself is simply because
society and normal education does not always put you in touch with
these resources.
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If you have the skills, you have a good time. On the other hand if you
feel permanently threatened by the judgment of others or simply feel
insecure, you'll have a terrible time and feel drained after a couple of
When you wake up your power, you wake up your natural ability to
protect yourself.
There are some simple steps to wake up this inner power. This is what
we do in a coaching session. It is a form of initiation, an awakening of
an inner potential which is already in you.
If you eat a peace of fruit, your respond to a natural instinct. You are
hungry and you eat.
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Now, if you feel threatened and want more power, what would you do?
where would you start? Is there a fountain of fresh power you can
wake up and simply drink from naturally? Yes there is.
All you need is to wake up this stream and know how to tap into it at
will. It's easy and it takes you only a few minutes to get initiated into
it. By phone or in person. Both work perfectly.
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Power kick
Sometimes, all you need is this extra power kick. It's a formless
energy. You can feel exactly when you need it. It's like an adrenalin
This energy comes from you. From within. In fact you already own all
the tools to fully empower your life. You simply might not know exactly
how to access it or where to look.
My role is to help you with that. I give you all the space and time you
need. What you get with coaching is a safe and respectful environment
where you can develop new abilities and tap fully into your inner
natural powers.
In that space you can trust, relax and simply take steps in your own
time. There is no rush. It is a simple and natural opening of your inner
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Positive thinking
As you can see, many element can play a role, strengthen and
empower your emotional body.
You might realize as well that sometimes you feel emotionally very
sensitive or vulnerable.
What are the key elements which create your emotional foundation?
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Positive thinking
Again what can be done about it? The solutions or techniques are
endless: Therapies and healing techniques, spiritual directions, mind
power, NLP, positive psychology, mind machines, yoga, personal
development, self growth, coaching... Did I forget anyone?
The truth is that your "mind vehicle" probably functions okay. It's
often only when you come in a situation of crisis that you decide to do
something about it. Crisis situations are often the moment you decide
to find out more about your mind and the way it functions.
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Where do you train your mind? Where do you train and empower your
emotional foundation?
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I realized that even though everything was gone, there was something
in me which did not die or disappear. I would call this my life power.
I started "rebuilding" my mind and life around this new base. This was
almost 10 years ago and it is still my "energy" base today.
That's the base from which I coach. It's a very specific core of energy
which gives me trust and power in life.
It's so precious that I can't understand how I spend most of my life not
knowing about this resource of energy inside myself.
My role as your coach is to help you get in touch with this source of
natural power. It's a source of power you could find anytime which
gives you a stronger mind foundation.
After some years of coaching and developing ways of tapping into that,
I realized that there are actually very simple ways to wake up this
natural power.
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This power gives you the ability to protect your personal space. It
strengthens your will power, energy level and life force.
At this stage, the only way I help you connect with your inner natural
power is within a coaching session.
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Positive thinking
1 Emotional fuel
2 Valuable targets
3 Build up techniques
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Go with the flow. Be wise. If you hit a wall, figure out what it is. Is it
something you must breakthrough or is it a sign that you should
reorient your targets or strategies? Listen to the signs and learn from
5 Prioritize
Conflicting interests can keep you from reaching your target. These
conflicting interests can be in you or can be related with your
surroundings, friends, profession, family, etc. If you want to hit the
target, you must decide what is priority number 1. You must as well be
able to recognize side tracks and possible distractions.
Your conquering power can be multiplied if you use the right tools.
Deciding to face challenges with bare hands and no resources is very
honorable and thrilling. Realize however that you are in a highly
competitive environment. Building environments to support your goals
could be your key to success.
7 Focus
Some goals are reached overnight. For the targets which require more
attention, the key to succeed is to follow up. 1 step might not be
enough. There is more.
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Positive thinking
When you think battle, winning, you straight away shift your
mind from your daily mood to a high energy mood.
• Focus on win-win
• Build up trust
These are the tools you need to have an impact. It can be life
skills, for instance communication skills. It can be key habit
patterns, like healthy eating. It can as well be real tools like a
lap top or the latest cell phone.
• Join forces
Recognize those who are on the same stream and join forces
with them. Create strategic alliances. Get support and offer
support in return. This is the power of uniting people in the
name of a common cause.
• Challenge yourself!
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Positive thinking
• Train yourself!
Make sure that the skills you need are effective and updated!
You must feel on top and ahead in many ways. This gives you as
well the competitive edge!
Make sure that your mind is your greatest ally. Replace self
defeating beliefs by self empowering ones. Be superconductive
to life. Empower your mind.
• Be awake! Be aware!
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Positive thinking
The preserving force is what you challenge every time you use your
conquering power. Conquering means opening doors. It means
challenging people and making them readapt to a new "you" or a new
This goes for big steps and as well for small steps.
Suppose you want to go for a career shift and start your own business.
This will impact on the company you are presently working for, your
family, friends and environment. It will as well create competition with
those who already are active in that field.
In other terms, when you take the decision to start your own business,
this will impact on maybe hundreds of lives. "Impact" means that
everyone has to slightly reshape their world because of your move.
Your present boss will have to find new staff, your family might need
to move, etc.
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Positive thinking
This is why conservative forces test you. They are the underlying
power sustaining society. These forces are saying: "Are you for real?
Do you truly mean to start your own business or is this only a pipe
dream?". This is why they put you to the test.
So, what can you do to take action? Simple: build up your conquering
If your conquering power is too weak, things won't move. Your boss,
family, company, city will freeze your moves before you even start.
Once your mind is ready, you start telling others who will hopefully
join and support you with your plans.
This moment of opening is the key. This is when things can shift into
change or get frozen by resistance.
To overcome gravity, you concentrate your efforts and will power. You
gather knowledge, know how, and build a space shuttle able to
breakthrough resistance. That's one option.
Seagulls on the seashore found another way to stay in the air. They
master another force of nature, the wind blowing on the sand dunes,
and use that force to fly forever.
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Positive thinking
Conquering power! That's what this female crocodile was building up.
Now here are the good news: at least some aspect of your
environment wants to change. This is what we call the renewal
forces. Transformation. Change. These are part of nature as much as
the preserving forces. Look at the cycle of the planets around the sun.
This movement creates the cycle of the seasons which is the force
behind birth and renewal in nature. Organic growth is a permanent
changing process.
Then, you have the creative force. The creative power. 99.9% of
civilization and today's society was inexistent 2'000 years ago! Where
did it all come from? How did it rise? It wasn't the will of one single
man. It's not even a creative process humankind controls. Cities
simply rise. What we are doing as humans is responding to instincts.
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Positive thinking
First you decide to put a roof on your head, then you go and get some
food. The rest is history.
Now, the frames within the sky scrapers could be called the
conservative forces (nothing to do with a political party!). They are the
sustaining power.
The creative and conquering forces are there as well. Conquering more
space. Expanding technology. In Vitro Fertilization (!!!). It all comes
from a creative drive which moves civilization forward.
If you want more conquering power, simply connect a little bit more
with that part of nature which want to evolve and create. Use this
force in a creative and wise way. Conquering power is strong in and
around you. The only reason you would not breakthrough is because
the preserving forces are too strong for a reason or another.
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Positive thinking
Have you ever felt like there is much more potential than the one you
are using right now?
All these are fine but there is another one. Something deeper and
direct you might not think off. This potential is an inner strength, and
inner power which is waiting to come out and be manifested.
You might not realize that, but you are sitting right now on a dormant
gold mine which is ready to boost your life, energy, career, and
whatever you can think of.
This force is an inner power. It is in the very core of your life simply
waiting to come out.
You were born with a powerful gift: the seed for a physical body, your
mind, a channel of life force.
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Positive thinking
Again, they are positive ones. This shaping of your mind. This
character building is what created your mind as you see it today.
Millions of life experiences, feelings and emotions.
Every single time you laughed in the past, there is a stream of life
force which crossed your mind. It created a channel of energy. It
created a frame which is still present in your mind today.
Imagine how many times you laughed in your life. Imagine how many
times you felt a giggle bursting in you. If you had the ability to do it,
you could recall hundreds of those moments.
The same goes for any emotion. The same goes for any thought. The
same goes for any action and any spoken word.
Now take a second to step back and compare your mind today with
your mind the way it was the day you were born. What do you see?
Do you recognize this virgin mind you had when you were a child? No
thoughts yet, only some instincts and emotions. Your character was
not yet built. There were no memories apart from what you felt in the
Many years later, there are layers of experiences and literally millions
of micro memories imprinted in your mind.
So, what is this power you are not using? You could call it your original
instinctual force. It is a clear channel of energy which activates your
mind and life.
Do you feel sometimes like you are carrying the world on your
shoulders? Do you feel sometimes these hundreds of life anchors
which stop you from moving forward? What are these anchors? They
are undigested memories, undigested emotions which haven't been
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Positive thinking
Imagine for a second a powerful force which has the ability to give you
this extra power you need to move forward and activate the skills you
Imagine again that this force is there, waiting for a signal from you.
It's simply waiting to be activated.
The question is: "How do you tap into this inner potential?", "How do
you wake up this inner natural resource which is waiting to come out?"
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Positive thinking
Your present limits are simply a series of mind frames that you
accept as your present limits.
This is what a meeting with someone special sometimes does for you.
A simple conversation about your goals with someone who is open
minded can have an amazing impact on your life.
A mind frame is like a roof above your head. It protects you from the
rain but stops you as well from seeing the stars at night.
When destructive winds are blowing, you are able to shut down those
doors and simply feel 100% safe.
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Positive thinking
When you build a new house, you can see the scaffolds. You can see
the walls rising, the windows being set up, etc. It is visible.
With your mind, it’s another story. Mind frames are invisible. A
positive emotion is not visible for the external eye. You might feel
someone else’s joy because of its external expression in the form of
speech and body language. You’ll see a smile on the face. You’ll hear it
in the tone of voice.
These signs are the visible part of the iceberg. Behind the surface,
there is a sea of emotions and thoughts.
This first step will give you this blueprint of a region of your mind. You
might be looking at your emotions, thoughts, feelings or desires.
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Positive thinking
Then there is another dimension: the type of mind frame we look at.
This could the materials. Is it an emotion or is it a thought? Is it a
feeling? Is it a formless inspiration? Is it a desire?
All these mind frames are like different materials composing your
The mind might be such a complex vehicle that we still did not find a
way of “mapping” it successfully using a truly suitable model.
If you take a time planner or agenda, what you see is a time frame
with various activities. Again, this is easy to comprehend. Now, the
mind might be so complex that at this stage, any attempt to
comprehend it with our logical skills will be too simplistic and miss the
So, we use simple models. We write a diary of the day’s events and
feelings, We might as well take it one step further and engage into a
psychotherapy. A session with a hypnotherapist might unlock some
keys in the past or open new doors into the future.
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Positive thinking
Now, what would you do if you had more awareness and more power
to actually change things in your mind? Imagine for a second that you
can easily see where there is friction or energy wasted in your mind.
Imagine that you can actually do something about it and remove a
painful emotion or set up a new activity channel which will multiply
your sense of joy and pleasure.
Would you take that chance? Would you go with it and attempt to
understand your mind?
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Positive thinking
Layers of thoughts and habits can stop you from seeing deep enough
and connecting with what is truly there: your instinctual nature.
You can't forget about this aspect of your life. In fact the life force in
your body is a reflection of the life force in nature. A tree contains the
same life force essence as a human being. On an energy or etheric
level, life flows in the same way in the whole of nature. It is basically
the same mechanism.
The moment you feel life disharmony, the best is to go back in nature
and let nature's harmony reflect on your being. This naturally
creates a frictionless flow of life force which harmonizes your being.
This flow of life force is the essence of wellness.
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Positive thinking
What happens when you spend time in nature is very special and very
magical. You tap into new (or ancient) instinctual abilities and simply
create a new equilibrium with this environment.
Now, when you master your relationship with nature, you tend to go
beyond the limits of these activities and see what happens when your
drop all that. You simply relate to nature and discover how it impacts
on your mind.
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Positive thinking
When you master the nature environment, you simply feel at ease and
comfortable within that space.
If you want to try it out, simply go and spend a couple of day in nature
every now and then, this will automatically reconnect you with your
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Positive thinking
When people think of power they often interpret it as the power you
have over others. This is one of the greatest misconceptions about
The first step is to shift your attitude and use controlling power first for
what is yours.
Here are the key life areas where you can first express your power:
• Your thoughts
• Your emotions
• Your belongings
• Your time frame
• Your personal space
• Your actions and behaviors
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Positive thinking
If someone tells you what you should think and tries to force you, they
are again trying to control something which does not belong to them.
If someone takes the keys of your car without your permission, they
are trying to have some control over something which does not belong
to them.
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Positive thinking
Where to start
If you want more power in your life, the best it to take action. Here are
some simple steps you can take
If you feel you gave away your power and want it back, the best is to
take small steps. Start claiming back what is obvious. For instance
clean your room and personal space and get rid of what you don't
want there. No need to be aggressive with that. Remember: you are
backed up by a basic natural law.
When you do this, you set up new boundaries and simply strengthen
your personal foundation. You give power to your base and simply
establish a new equilibrium in your life.
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Positive thinking
When I was 16, one of my best friends argued that my opinions were
too "spacy". I remember his exact words: "Go back to your clouds".
True! I simply realized love was not enough. That's the moment I
searched for another quality to balance up my approach.
The first thing you might realize when you try to connect with your
own power is that you might have lots of misconceptions about it.
In fact deep inside, a part of you could be rejecting the very idea of
You associate "power" with "abuse of power" and in your mind these
two become one single reality.
The first step to empower your life is to get used again with the idea of
owning power.
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Positive thinking
If right now I ask you: "how do you feel about power?" what would
you say?
2. I am okay with it
To get more power, the first step is to open up to it. In fact become
super conductive to power. If you don't like power, power won't like
you back. It's very simple: you can't get more of it if you reject it in
the first place.
The moment you tap into your sources of power, you have to be very
clear about what you want to do with it. You need to be clear about
your values and ethics.
Once you remove resistances and set up a course of action, all the rest
flows naturally.
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Positive thinking
Power is a very natural essence in your life and you were born with all
the abilities to use and manifest it. You connect with it by waking up
some natural reflexes. All your "power moves" are already in you. All
you have to do is wake them back.
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Positive thinking
On the other hand, the natural stream of power can keep on flowing
and create a mighty stream of life force.
You have the choice of what you want to feed. You can feed your
limiting thoughts or you can empower your life in an endless stream of
action and energy.
You have the power to tune into a wide set of energies. You can reflect
them inside and give them space to grow and expand.
Power is a choice. Don't listen when someone tells you power is a bad
thing. It comes from a misunderstanding. It is the confusion between
power and abuse of power.
Many people believe that power corrupts. This is why they stay away
from it. They associate power with abuse of power. When they see the
word "power", it brings in negative images of armies, battle fields and
fanatic dictators. This is very misleading.
Power has nothing to do with that. Power is an essence you can use
for anything. It's like atomic energy or the energy of the sun. It is a
freeing force which leads to immense life satisfaction.
There is competition for power. Sports and business are all geared
towards being the best. Politics is often a battle for power as well. This
competition for power is again a natural instinct.
When someone is trying to stop you from gaining more power, they
are simply expressing this competitive spirit. It's like being on a 100 m
sprint race and having next line's runner trying to stop you.
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Positive thinking
In life, this happens all the time: it can be your next door neighbor
who tells you to shut up. It can be your family, coworkers, friends.
Some people simply don't want you to grow!
On the other hand, those who feel confident about themselves and in a
way "are already there" will have a reinforcing effect on your
convictions and desires to gain more power.
Power is great!
I love power!
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Positive thinking
On the other hand, if you are clear about your choices and simply
empower yourself by clearing doubts and self limiting beliefs, you are
in for an incredible life ride.
To "clean your mind", you can use a force which is called renewal
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You can discuss strategies, design techniques and practice the moves,
but what gives you the final win is stamina, life power, determination.
These are not thoughts forms. They are free energy.
Your mind is great and powerful but your ability to conceptualize can
slow you down. The goal is to hit the target, whatever that target
might be.
You can talk about it or go ahead and do it. If you have to jump in the
water, you can stand next to the waves and think about it, and reason
about or you can jump in the water and let your instincts guide you.
Thoughts can be limiting.
Ignorance can be bliss. Even if you practiced the moves and know the
recipes for success, what gives you the win is your instinctual power to
go for it.
Your inner drives are your fuel. Focus and determination are dynamic
energies in your system. The moment they flow freely is the moment
you act and take decisions in a second. You are 100% in tune with
your destiny line and there is no separation between your action and
your thought. Mind and action are one.
You can make yourself life lists and keep on delaying success because
deep inside you hide in the security of your comfort zone. The moment
you connect with your action thrill, something else builds up. You
realize you love this flow of life force and can't live without it. Life
speed is your natural state.
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Positive thinking
Inspiration, mind set and action are one. Synchronized. This is the
moment magic happens for you. What's on the way? The limits of your
comfort zone. Your instincts naturally wander beyond the limits of
what you already know. Fear and doubts call them back. They reason
an impulsion and take away its strength.
Your inspiration can be fragile in its original state. You can kill that
inspiration by building up a "resistance mind set", or you can build up
the inspiration by being super conductive to it.
The difference between super flow of life force and blocked energies is
simply a mind set. Change your pattern and what you feel is a slow
vehicle can become a high speed jet any time.
It's like connecting with a cleaning force which gives you the tools to
move forward. The challenge? Gaining speed and simply removing
obstacles. 90% of obstacles are related with wrong conditioning.
Millions of seed of doubts projected and anchored in your mind.
Now you are the master of your mind. The power to get what you want
is yours. It is a high speed movement which can take you where you
want to be. This is a move of energies and instincts which are already
alive in you. All you have to do is use them and accept that your
present mind set can be shifted and evolved. Your present mind
landscape is only a temporary identity you did build over the years.
The only reason why this identity is there is because you accept it
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Your instincts have the power to guide you with that. Your can
consciously replace what you no longer need by new tools and mind
What is thrilling is the acceleration. If you stay too long within your
comfort zone, it's the passion and excitement which are gone.
A daily dose of challenges on the other hand keeps you alive, fresh
and moving. That's the magic!
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Positive thinking
You can see your destiny as a formless space of energies which create
an invisible architecture of opportunities actions and behaviors.
When you look into your past, you can see an architecture of events.
In fact its 'easy to recognize a pathway.
When you choose between two careers for instance, you clearly see
two lines of evolution. It is the same when you choose for a place to
live, a city or even an outing for an evening.
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Positive thinking
• Creative power
• Controlling power
• Conquering power
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Positive thinking
Here are some more key ideas about these powers and how they
• Natural powers
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Positive thinking
Types of power
Personal power
77 22
Coercion foundation Skills
Force Education
Instinctual power Education
Violence Instinctual power
Violence Knowledge
Military Mind
power Knowledge
66 Body 33
Political Ownership
Organization Money
authority Belongings
55 44
Networking Sponsorship
Business Family
Influence Invisible
Connections Nature
• Personal power
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Positive thinking
• Skills
These are your natural talents and what you did learn.
Obviously, your education and any training you received
represent valuables sources of power.
• Ownership
• Sponsorship
This works both ways: you can be a sponsor or you can benefit
from sponsorship. These are power systems which dictate a
certain distribution of power.
• Networking
• Political
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Positive thinking
• Coercion
- 131 -
Positive thinking
77 Invisible
Invisible 11
sponsorship Personal
Ownership Invisible
Invisible foundation
Money Nature
Money Nature
Belongings Life
power 22
Skills foundation
Knowledge 55
Mind power
Body power
power 44 Unifying
Creative Unifying
Health Will
Will power
power Controlling
Vitality Protective
Determination Conquering
I use the term personal power for any form of power which is not
related with organizations and politics.
You're welcome to design your own model if you feel this one does not
match with what you experience.
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Positive thinking
• Personal foundation
• Emotional foundation
• Mind power
• Will power
• Body power
Body power, heath and vitality are all related with the well
functioning of the physical body.
• Skills
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Positive thinking
• Ownership
• Invisible sponsors
This area of personal power has not really been too much talked
about. The life force or life power which activates your body is
your first and most basic power. It is the power to be alive. your
connection with nature, its healing and harmonizing power for
instance are other aspect of universal empowering forces.
Check as well the previous chapter for a model which includes as well
political, business, organizational power, etc.
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Positive thinking
Freedom of thought
This aspect of your inner power is actually a human right expressly
described in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Article 18 states:
Article 19 states:
As you can see, being master of your thoughts and beliefs is a basic
human right.
However deep inside, these laws are natural human laws which define
human power and dignity.
Once you are assured of this freedom of thought, the next level of
mind power is to have greater influence over the thinking streams in
This is the moment you start looking for tools to maximize the way
your mind functions.
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Positive thinking
There are many streams of wisdom and teachings which aim just at
that: having greater influence over what happens in your own mind.
Let's take another example and check ideas like manipulation and
influence. Check the world of sales. What about a political campaign.
It's all about influence, right? The question is: "when does influence
become unethical".
Subliminal messages were very short flashes and images which were
projected on screen. The "image flash" was too short to be consciously
recorded by someone but was still recorded unconsciously by the
human mind. The result: if the image was for instance, a picture of a
fresh glass of Coke you could have people rushing to the bar at the
end of the movie and ordering a Coke without really knowing why.
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Positive thinking
What about "positive influence"? Take this example: You see a street
fight starting in front of a night club. Would you like to have the power
to step in there and "positively influence" an aggressor so that the
fight stops on the spot?
We could discuss this further but I feel that at this stage the best
solution is to use your intuition and common sense.
Be wise!
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Here are some examples of what these values (inner laws) can look
like when expressed:
• Professional standards
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Positive thinking
If you want to check further this topic, simply ask yourself these
simple questions:
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Positive thinking
Power definition
If you search for a definition of power you might be surprised to see
how power is defined (check Wikipeda’s page on this topic
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_(sociology) )
Why is it surprising?
When taken one step further, this can lead to coercion which is
domination by creating fear.
Power has many forms and political abuse of power is only one of
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Positive thinking
It is not true!
You can develop an inner sense of ethics and profound respect for life
and never even be tempted to abuse your power.
You can use your power to create, preserve, control what is yours
without ever going into any form of abuse or oppression.
It is an energy source and the way you channel it in your existence will
be directed by your skills and goals.
You can use to create, renew, destroy what you no longer need.
The moment you befriend with that energy you multiply your chances
of life satisfaction.
It is only in the last decades that the awareness of personal power has
been brought to the surface.
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Positive thinking
Many people will reject the idea of power simply because they are
afraid of it or don't know how to use it.
The moment you embrace the idea of power in your life, your remove
resistances and fears and allow a natural and spontaneous flow of it in
your life.
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Positive thinking
Part 5 – Power
The next few pages will show you some pitfalls and key ideas which
will make power easily stream in your life.
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Positive thinking
When people think of power they often interpret it as the power you
have over others. This is one of the greatest misconceptions about
The first step is to shift your attitude and use controlling power first for
what is yours.
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Positive thinking
• Your thoughts
• Your emotions
• Your belongings
• Your time frame
• Your personal space
• Your actions and behaviors
When someone tries to control your actions and tells you what to do,
they are stealing a basic right from you.
If someone tells you what you should think and tries to force you, they
are again trying to control something which does not belong to them.
If someone takes the keys of your car without your permission, they
are trying to have some control over something which does not belong
to them.
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Positive thinking
When you are a manager you are given an extra power. This is the
power to direct and have some form of control over other people's
actions, time frame etc. If you are an employee, you accept to transfer
part of your power to an authority in exchange of a financial reward.
When you sign a contract, what you agree is upon a specific set of
power dynamics.
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Positive thinking
Power transfer
Now, there are many situations where a transfer of power
happens without you noticing it. You can for instance take
someone's power without you having any right to do so. You can as
well loose or give up part of your power without realizing what you
give away and how this happens.
For instance, when the week end comes your agenda might be
filled with appointments, or tasks you really did not plan but were
forced upon you.
You end doing things you don't want to, and simply loose control
over your time frame.
Time is very precious. When you give away your natural right to
control your time, you give away some form of power.
If you repeat this over and over again without being aware of it, you
get frustrated and simply feel powerless.
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Positive thinking
There are ways you can build "reserves of power" but a more direct
way to build power is simply to recover what is already yours.
You realize that this often means taking it back from someone else
who has been "carrying" it for you.
It means gaining back control over your time frame, personal space,
thoughts, emotions, actions and behaviors.
Disinvest from what is not yours and can't influence, and focus on
gaining back control over what is yours.
The real magic of this is that: having power over what is yours is
one of your most basic human rights.
Sometimes you give away that power because you don't want to hurt
anyone or you don't dare to use it.
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Positive thinking
Where to start?
If you feel you gave away your power and want it back, the best is to
take small steps.
For instance clean your room and personal space and get rid of what
you don't want there.
When you do this, you set up new boundaries and simply strengthen
your personal foundation. You give power to your base and simply
establish a new equilibrium in your life.
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The ideas of mind power, personal development, self growth, etc. are
all aimed in that specific direction.
There is a clear ethical boundary and the moment you are stepping
into someone else's "territory" you fundamentally shift your target.
Gaining back control over your thoughts and emotions is a vast topic,
so, we'll need another article for that. There is a simple idea which
summarizes it: "You are the master of your mind"
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Part 6 – Mind
The best way to perform is to have the right mind set.
In the next few pages, I give you key mind sets which empower your
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It is your vehicle!
If you feel your mind is not 100% “with you” and underperforming, the
first step is to realize that you are the one in charge.
From birth, you are given the right to have control and mastery over
what happens in you.
Your mind sets are your inner architecture and you are the designer.
You are the one who builds these mind sets consciously.
Mind power is not some form of magic trick which gives you the right
to control other people’s lives.
Mind power is an energy which is in you and allows you to direct your
own life and mind in the way you want.
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Respond to challenges
When you respond to a challenge, you stretch your limits.
You create stress in your being and this stress wakes up your survival
and conquering drive.
This is the best and most direct way to invite new power in your life.
Right now, you can check your day and ask yourself:
You are not allowed to let another day pass without waking up some
form of new challenge in your existence.
Every time you win, you open new life channels in your being.
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It is an unstoppable force which can drive you to take steps you would
never dream off.
The moment you set up yourself on a path of action and head for a
target, you wake up a natural instinct.
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Dare to fight
Accept to go to battle!
To win any battle, you want real skills and effective strategies.
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If you think too much, hesitate or doubt endlessly, you kill your fire
and destroy your motivation.
It allows you to open doors and stretch the limits of your mind and
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Your mind stays clear and focused.
You recognize side tracks and keep heading for your target no matter
You know exactly what you want and you will get it.
The moment you perform at your best, only one thing matters:
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Total synergy
Synergy is your ability to work with the forces around you.
You know where you are going and you know why!
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Remove resistances
Resistances are useless!
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Peripheral vision
You see the larger picture.
Perception, awareness.
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Body power
Your body is totally aligned with your mind.
Your body is a clear channel of energy because you give it the care it
You train, exercise, eat healthy and maintain total inner vitality.
This is not about muscle, it is about how much life force flows through
your being.
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You are the center of your universe and any situation in life is an
opportunity to perform at your best.
Any word and any action are the expression of your life force.
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Part 7 – Your
performance power
You are born with basic tools.
The goal of the coming pages is to help you reconnect with your most
basic mind weapons.
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Emotional fuel
Emotional fuel is motivation.
It is fire!
The more emotional fuel you have, the readiest you are for action.
Imagine trying to run your mind engine without this basic quality: you
could not even take the first step.
It is your wants.
It is your ambitions.
Your number one goal is to make sure that you own this fuel.
Why is that?
You are the owner of an infinite resource of energy inside yourself and
you are in the cockpit.
Every time you invest yourself in a project, you use some of this
emotional resources.
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You want to make sure that this emotional fuel keeps flowing.
This means that you want to create mind sets which are super
conductive to life.
Blockages, fears, doubts, hesitations are all mind blockages. The more
you respond to them, the more you block your emotional fuel.
As soon as you start expressing your power, you break these patterns.
You reclaim ownership over your life and send out a clear statement:
“I own my life!”
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You are the one in charge. No one but you has the power of deciding
what happens and when.
The moment you express your power, you protect your energy
resources and invest them exactly the way you want.
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Will power
Will power is your ability to go for it and persevere!
You focus on your target and don’t let go until you hit it!
If you are in a battle, you can sometimes win easily, because you have
all the skills and tools you need and because you know how to break
Now, if victory does not happen by itself and you face a high level of
resistance or competitiveness, will power is what makes the difference
and gives you the final victory.
Using your will power concentrates all your energy in a given place and
given time.
You invoke the totality of your resources in one spot and use this
energy to feed your action.
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Conquering power
Any time you head for a new territory, you use your conquering power.
You use this conquering power when you study, when you create a
business, when you make an income, when you expand your
knowledge or when you give yourself a set of goals.
You achieved what you wanted to and now, you focus on securing
what you have.
You might feel the need to head for a new challenge and start a new
You feel that your present territory is not challenging enough and you
need a new kick!
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Survival drive
Survival drive wakes up when your life is in danger.
This original instinct forces you to look for food and shelter.
Now, this survival drive is a quality which wakes up when your life is in
When it comes to basic survival though, this is the number one source
of energy which wakes up and stimulates you to take action.
Anyone who might have been in danger has felt this inner rush of
Your survival drive is not concerned with distant goals and complex
When you are taken by your survival drive, you can see yourself
tapping in resources you did not even know you had.
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The way to invite more emotional fuel into your being is to focus first
on what is exciting.
You might think that you can force your mind to get motivated?
If your targets are boring or from the past, your own spirit says: “No
The best way to kill your emotional fuel is to build walls of security so
thick that life and renewal simply no longer get through.
You might recognize from your own life a moment when you felt
stacked because the flow of life force and motivation stopped.
You might have felt trapped between what society thought you should
be doing and what you truly wanted.
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If you focus on targets which miss this profound level of thrill, you
won’t get anywhere.
Let go of “shoulds”.
This is your life and you own the right to decide for yourself what you
When you focus on what thrills you, you invite a massive flow of life
force in your being.
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Your mind set is your vehicle and before you take action, it is wise to
identify exactly how to stand in it.
Simply take a minute to step back and observe what you truly expect
from the action you are about to take.
The right mind set creates the perfect alignment of forces in your
Usually, you do have choices to make when you choose for the right
mind set.
You see your various options and consciously decide what role you
Your mind set is your vehicle for the coming course of action.
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You do have intuitive senses which tell you exactly where you are at
and where you can be.
The moment you start trusting them more deeply, you realize that you
can unleash a whole new wave of inner potential.
The best way to train this inner sense is use it and to trust yourself.
Your instincts are in direct connection with the deepest part of your
They are a powerful force you can use to unleash your true mind
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Imagine a landscape on which you take away the lines between the
shapes: all you have left is a succession of colors which merge into
each other without definition.
You will see that the moment you follow your natural rhythm and shift
activities frequently, you maintain a high level of excitement and
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Depending on the path you take, this can bring your closer or further
away from your profound goals.
Imagine your mind as clear screen on which you can perceive the
direct consequences of your actions.
Now, making choices means that you are faced with various options.
These different options can be the mirror of different views on life and
different mind sets.
You can expand your choice making space and gain immense clarity
over where you want to go.
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Action is life!
What brings you from where you are to where you want to be is
The real change and result happens when you take action and do
something which reflects the way you stand inside.
This is why action is the best and most direct way to open new doors
in your life.
When you do, you invite a refreshing stream of energy into your being
and wake up your survival or conquering instinct.
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Part 8 - 10 powerful
mind training
These 10 techniques are simple ways to get you moving.
These are not fixed, rigid techniques: they are only guidelines.
They are series of “mind movements” which evolve with time and
You will feel your power and mind sets naturally getting clarified and
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The moment you speak the words, you hear them as well.
You observe your thoughts and you realize that you can actually direct
your self talk.
You direct your self talk and express the thoughts, beliefs and
emotions you truly want to have.
• I feel like I should take action but I don’t know what direction to
• I could directly go the office and speak with Jim about what we
discussed yesterday…
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• That I like his idea, but that we should get a back up plan as
well, just in case we don’t get enough funds…
• So, what you say is that you have two strategies and you want
to agree with Jim about them.
• Etc.
The difference when you speak the words out is that you become an
active creator of this conversation.
When you keep this self talk in your mind, you miss focus and
awareness. In fact, you tend to be passive and let your mind wander
in incoherent loops.
You can think many ideas without them manifesting to the surface of
your awareness.
Expressing verbally your self talk empowers your mind. It gives you
focus and directs your energy in a creative way.
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Not only, you become aware of what happens in your mind but you
direct your thinking stream as well.
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You stand still, eyes open and see yourself as a volume of energy.
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The only thing which matters at this moment is you and the target you
want to reach.
This one minute concentration tells you one thing: total focus!
Keep this practice very short and use it when you feel a challenge
Concentrate for one minute and go for action straight after that.
You can as well use other words and even short empowering sentences
like: “Take action!” or “Win now!”
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With this simple 1 minute focus, you connect with your inner source
and use this extra power to take action.
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Now, you ad the word “Win!” and speak it out (you can even do that
very loudly if you are by yourself in nature) rhythmically with your
This technique energizes you and establishes the “victory” mind set in
The core of this mind set is the word “victory!”, “winning!” or “win!”
When you repeat this word rhythmically in that way you invoke the
victory mind set in you.
In fact, you remove anything which is not aligned with the idea of
victory in you.
This means that you stretch your natural limit when you use it.
When you feel more comfortable with it, you can stretch it in time.
Go for a run on the beach and use the word “win!” to give rhythm,
focus and power to your light jog.
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The moment you use it, you break open new lines of life force in your
mind. You energize aspects of your emotional body and create a new
pillar of energy in the core of it.
Again, if you use this technique over one to three months, you will
truly own it and master it.
Play with that force and make it 100% part of your being.
Use it!
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Imagine a sphere of energy around you. This is your auric field, energy
body or etheric body.
See attacks like arrows which are simply refracted on the surface of
your mind.
You will use a simple martial art technique which is the “Kiai!”
“Kiai!” is the sound you express as you give a kick or punch forward.
As you give a punch forward with your fist, you scream: “Kiai!”.
The moment you sound “Kiai”, you send out a clear statement:
“Defense”, “Shields up”.
If you feel that life is a battle field and that you miss the tools to
defend your territory, this is definitely the technique to use.
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You will empower your emotional foundation straight away when you
do so.
You will as well strengthen your natural mind shield and create a
greater sense of inner security.
You need to identify negative influences and not let attacks come in.
Be wise!
Stay awake and experiment with these ways of protecting yourself and
defending your territory.
This “Kiai!” technique gives you the extra power kick to protect
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Assertive determination –
When you want to reach a target, you must always be aware of side
tracks and deviations.
Imagine your target and increase your focus and concentration on it.
You know what you want and nothing can deviate your from it.
You focus on this goal and you don’t deviate from it.
You establish a visual connection with this target and this is the only
thing that matters.
It is your direction.
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Between now and the moment you reach your target, you will
encounter side tracks and deviations.
The vision of what you want to achieve and what you want to reach
will stay firmly embedded in your mind.
Your mind is 100% focused and no one and nothing will shift you from
your target.
Next step, take a white page and write down a word or short sentence
which summarizes your target.
Use capital letters. Use a black pen. Use big enough letters.
Take this white page, fold it and keep it with you in your pocket or
with other papers.
Every time you come across this paper or feel it in your pocket it acts
as a reminder of your target.
It “crystallizes” the assertive mind set in you and focuses your power.
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This technique is aimed at one goal: removing what could hold you
back. These are memories, thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions or
feelings from the past that you no longer need.
Now, if you feel that anything is bothering you or worrying you, you
want to increase your level of emotional freedom and remove the
source of tension you might identify.
Suppose last week you got angry with your a colleague at work.
Face it.
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The reason this bothers you is because you need to learn something
from it.
The “process” of what you experienced has not yet been solved.
If you were confronted with the same situation again, is there another
possible reaction.
How would you deal with the same situation in a more diplomatic way.
Focus on it and come up with another line of action, even if you find it
emotionally challenging.
Now, recall exactly the steps you would take and what you would say
if this situation would happen again.
Once you have a new effective strategy, go to the next step: Let go
and forgive yourself.
This is a very specific example but it works in a similar way with any
negative emotion, thought or belief.
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This is the force which flows through your being and clears your mind
for new experiences to take place.
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Take a moment to stay silent and start imagining your life 5 years
from now (This is only an example. You can focus on what will happen
next week, in the coming month or in the coming year for instance).
Now, let the flow of thoughts freely create a vision in your mind.
Follow this example to see some mind maps styles I use myself:
Life Vision
5 years
Around this central image, start adding elements which you feel are
important for you in the future.
You can refine and ad as many details as you want to express your life
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It is not rigid.
Goal setting can work against you when you fix targets with too high
Too high expectations can make you feel very frustrated and unhappy
when you realize you won’t reach them.
To avoid this, keep your plan flexible and focus on qualities you want
to manifest in your life rather than fixed material targets.
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You can’t design in advance strategies for everything but you can stay
flexible, open minded, alert and ready to respond any time anywhere.
You don’t have to succeed, you only have to focus on it and try.
No matter what you reached, after one minute, stop and drop it.
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You will notice that if you practice this regularly, you are able to come
with effective solutions for almost anything.
When you find solutions, you use your emotional intelligence skills.
When faced with challenges in life, your survival drive wakes up and
calls a new set of instinctual resources.
Respond with your guts, first impression and complete the picture with
a reality and logical check.
Reason alone can definitely be too slow or limited when you are
trapped in a storm and need to act fast.
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Take a white page and write down their name in the middle of it.
Under their name, write down what you believe are 5 main goals for
The goal of this game is to shift 90% of your positions from negative
or neutral to positive.
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All you have to do is remove the blockages in your mind which could
stop you from encouraging that person’s goals.
Next time you meet that person, make sure that what you say reflects
a positive attitude towards that person’s goals.
This is synergy.
The more you have of it, the more energy flows through your system.
There are dozens of situations in life where the competitive mind set is
immensely draining for both parties.
If you shift some of that to a synergic mind set, you will feel a
tremendous increase of life force flow and satisfaction.
You can repeat this practice regularly specially with persons you find
challenging to relate to.
You will notice that within a month, your relating base can totally shift.
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To succeed with what you want to achieve, you need to be in the right
place at the right time.
Before you start your day, take a white page and write down the lines
of action you can focus on today.
Once these lines are in front of you, ask yourself this simple question:
When you ask yourself this question, you consider other elements like
timing, other people involved, circumstances, etc.
If you take only 5 minutes to reflect on the best line of action, you
could be totally shifting your day.
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It makes sure that you go with the flow rather than struggling to go
Once the great lines of action for your day are set, check a bit more in
the details.
It is your way of tuning in and synchronizing your actions with all the
forces involved.
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Part 9 – Key
strategies to get
what you want
Getting what you want is about satisfying your own conquering drive.
The moment you unleash it, you release natural resources of energy
which start flowing in creative ways.
In the next few pages, I will show you direct and effective strategies to
reach your goals.
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The third step is to identify the possible distractions, side tracks and
challenges you could face along the way.
You want to have some form of road map and vision of where you are
Before you engage yourself with your full power, you will do some test
drives. You will take some small steps to try out and see if anything is
still missing.
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It has to be the right time for you and the right time for all forces
engaged in your project.
At the same time, you alternate your “go with the flow” ability with
stronger inputs of will power and determination.
The best and most direct way to wake up your full synchronicity power
is to use your instincts and intuition.
Using your will power only might require too much effort.
The moment you synchronize your efforts with the right sources, you
realize that you can get a massive support of energy.
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The best way to use challenges is to face them and learn from them.
If you feel you can’t get it right every single time, it simply means that
you miss some experience.
It is not a coincidence.
If you don’t succeed the first time, forgive yourself and see this as a
learning experience.
This is the way you build character, skills and develop the
effectiveness of your mind.
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Shift actions paths and try new ways and new mind sets.
For any given situation there is always a best way to stand in it.
You want to aim for what gives you the greatest satisfaction and
result, right?
Learning form your experiences is the best way to evolve very fast.
Stay silent for a while and identify exactly what you can shift in your
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Join forces!
Focus on win-win!
You are connected with everything that surrounds you at all times.
The best way to open doors is to work with the forces of nature rather
than against them.
Your human spirit has the ability to generate win-wins at all times.
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Every time you sit back and hesitate, you feed your doubts.
The moment you resist the current and focus on your own
individualized will only you have to put up lots of effort.
Once you trust and let go, you notice that your river simply takes you
to the sea.
You can throw anchors and try to stop the movement or you can
consciously lift these anchors and allow evolution to do its natural
It is the energy which sustains your actions and empowers your goals.
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Realize that change and renewal can easily create pressure on your
If your present mind set is not effective, you want to connect with and
integrate a new one.
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You can step back and observe your life from the distance.
However, the best way to perform at your best is to jump in life rather
than checking it from far away.
Because real life is the context in which you will manifest all the
You can practice your moves on the side of the pool, or you can jump
in the water and use your survival drive.
You have resources in you which wake up the moment you are
confronted with real life situations.
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It is in your hand.
This is the first area where you can effectively express your controlling
Now, when it comes to influencing others you can easily cross the line.
Life is precious!
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Sometimes, this side track comes through a connection you have with
You can of course take a rest and temporarily explore a side alley
leading to your goals.
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The ones which reach creation are the ones who have a solid level of
realism in them: they match with reality.
This will make give you greater chances to reach your targets.
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You are going towards the future, not towards your past.
If your vision is focused on recreating the past, this is where you will
go: towards your past.
Going back into the past simply goes against the natural flow of
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The moment you do that, you give away your power of self
If you want to feel empowered and manifest the full potential of your
mind, take responsibility and express the basic powers which are
Use your power to make sure that you are the one in charge of your
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In the next few pages, you will discover some of the keys to secure
long term happiness in your existence.
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If you stay low on energy for a long period of time, you go into states
of depression.
I know this might surprise you but the only way to be happy is to get
your full power back.
You are the master of your existence. You are supposed to own your
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If you feel strong and still unhappy, this means that the next quality
you need is bliss, pleasure, happiness.
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Your quest
Happiness is a life long quest.
I will be direct.
I would like to shake you and give you some essential tools to
understand what is happening in you.
Your mind is a territory. When you are happy, life flows. It is balanced.
You feel good.
When you are unhappy your mind is invaded by negative emotions and
Your mind is your territory. If it's your territory, how come you have
so little influence.
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This is a battle
Happiness is your territory. This is why happiness building is a battle.
I am not here to help you nurture your past or even your wounds.
Sure you can look at them. Sure you can accept the way things are.
Now, what I see are only thoughts and emotions. These thoughts and
emotions are not your identity. They are waves on the surface of your
This is your fire. This is the place from where you wake up now.
If your mother tongue is English, English words will create the frames
of your mind.
If you first spoke Spanish, it's Spanish which will be the core of your
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If you get familiar with emotions like loneliness or sadness, you tend
to identify yourself with them.
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You are truly happy when you learn how to master your own renewal
This renewal force is essential and when you befriend with it, it
refreshes your mind set on a daily base.
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High expectations
Suppose you have been living in this huge villa for ten years and
suddenly you have to sell it for financial reasons.
The reason you feel bad is because of your level of expectations. You
are simply used to another standard of living.
Suppose for a minute that you have the power to stop comparing.
You feel unhappy and generate negative thinking when you are under
your level of expectations.
As you can see, very high expectations can make you very unhappy.
Now, if your goals are too high, you’ll systematically tend to "crash"
It is okay to have very high goals as a driving force and know from the
beginning that your expectations are unrealistic.
Some people play very well with those forces. They use high goals and
targets as a way of overcoming their limits.
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Positive thinking
If you get 7/10 and everyone gets less, you will feel great, right?
Suppose now that you get 7/10 and everyone else gets a better result
than you, you will feel pretty bad.
This is why happiness, satisfaction and the way you feel about yourself
depends immensely on how others are doing.
In a way, you feel good or bad depending on how others are doing.
The way you feel is partly a relative measure of your level of energy
and success compared with your environment.
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Positive thinking
Suppose you are a man and have a male good friend. You recently
went through a break up with your partner. This friend has been
helping you with that.
In the last 2 months, your break up has been your number one
conversation topic.
Your friend got used to your mind set. He knows your emotions and
knows how you feel.
The moment you truly get over your break up and maybe start dating
again, you need to shift the “old” comfort zone you created with this
However, you will have to educate him so that he stops seeing you as
a victim.
The "renewal power" needs to be strong enough to shift not only your
mind, it is has to shift your friend's mind as well.
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These much older mind sets are behaviors and attitudes which were
there from the very beginning.
Suppose you have a few good friends and you have been relating to
them in the same way for many years.
Suppose that’s the way your social circle sees you as well.
They might say things or behave in a way that puts you down.
Suppose you are male, 30 and single and did not have a girl friend in
One of your friends might systematically come and say things like:
“So, where is your date? Oh… that’s right… You have no date”
He does put you down by coming over and over again with the same
Why is that?
If you show up one day with a gorgeous date, it will challenge him.
He’ll need to shift his mind set and the way he relates to you.
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Positive thinking
This is a battle.
Why is that? Because some people can put you down simply to feel
great about themselves.
Why would the person who loves you the most put you down?
Suppose now, that you get yourself a book on positive thinking and
you start working on building a strong and empowering mind set.
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Positive thinking
• “You know, I am really happy for you. Looks like you succeeded
in shifting things around. You are achieving everything you
Imagine now the same dynamic happening not only with best friends
but with everyone in your environment, family, colleagues, social
circle, etc.
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Positive thinking
These impressions impact on your mind and can leave “blue prints” in
the form of feelings.
All these impressions will impact on your mind and generate feelings,
thoughts and emotions.
Within a minute, you created a new mind set which is the reflection of
all these impressions.
You will interact with your environment through this mind set. You will
send all sorts of signals to your environment through expression and
body language.
This mind set is an inner equilibrium that reflects the mind projections
and energy in this café.
You will get for instance a positive feeling from a smile or a kind tone
of voice from an acquaintance.
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If you feel strong and confident, and armed with a very positive mind
set, negative projections will simply bounce on the surface of your
What if you feel really sad because you just had a fight with an ex?
You’ll feel more vulnerable and extra pressure will impact on you,
When you work on your thoughts and feelings, you develop new tools
to defend your mind territory.
This means that you must recognize negative projections and come
with an empowering mind set which protects your inner space.
You must realize that this is a battle for power and energy.
This battle is going on all the time. Some people are very sensitive to
it and systematically feel the judgment of others.
Other people are strong and confident and feel nothing: no challenge!
No competition!
The moment you wake up new potentials in you, you must increase
your level of awareness and recognize sources of challenge.
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Positive thinking
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Positive thinking
You might see different external or internal causes but all these causes
can be summarized to one simple element:
Lack of power
• Lack of skills
• Lack of support
• Lack of resources
• Lack of energy
• Lack of love
• Lack of success or results
• Lack of money
• Lack of social life and friends
• Lack of recognition or validation
• Etc.
All these examples show one thing: when you enter into negative
thinking loops, it shows that there is a power gap somewhere.
When you are negative about your life or your environment, you are
simply in a state of energy depletion.
Energy depletion simply expresses the fact that you don’t have enough
energy or power.
Negative thoughts are the result of a conflict between you and your
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Positive thinking
When you win your life “challenges”, you feel good about yourself.
Suppose you have a business and you achieve excellent sales results
during the year.
This business success can make you very satisfied because you will
feel valued.
The reason you feel great is because your being gets rewarded.
It is a victory.
Can you see how the same result can lead to two very different
feelings depending on the way you stand in it?
When you are dissatisfied about a victory, you forget to celebrate and
stay in the "battle mood".
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Positive thinking
The silver medalist can be very happy and satisfied about his silver
medal. On the other hand she can as well believe it was not good
enough and be very angry and disappointed with her performance.
She has very high expectations and a silver medal is not good enough.
She can actually decide before the race if she will be happy with silver
or not. She’ll tell the reporters:
“I gave it my best shot! This was an incredible race and I’m very
happy with the result”
You might sometimes achieve victories in your life and then forget to
celebrate because your expectations are much higher.
You simply play with motivation forces and keep a much higher level of
focus and concentration.
You already focus on your next step or next challenge even when you
win a victory.
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Positive thinking
If you really miss power and validation for instance, the goal is to
actually shift your level of power and ad extra qualities to your
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Positive thinking
You go to expat events but after a couple of years, you still did not
make any real new friends.
You are a woman. You are married. You traveled with your partner and
don’t have your own profession.
This is a situation which tends to isolate you, right? You don’t get
enough validation from your actions. You miss real personal goals and
You try new studies without really getting a kick from it. You keep
trying but don’t feel really happy.
The real alternative would be to have children now but your partner
wants to wait another couple of years.
Lack of goals
Lack of validation
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Positive thinking
As you can imagine, there are actually strategies to deal with these
challenges. The way to solve these challenges is to take action and
redesign your goals.
You can imagine that such situation could easily generate lots of
negative emotions and feelings simply by the fact that you miss a
close circle of friends for instance.
Now, you can share the way you feel. You can talk about it. You can
try to understand why you end up in this situation. You can dig in the
past. All these strategies are useful but won’t be enough to have a real
transforming effect.
What will shift the way you feel is actually taking action and gaining
more power.
This will nurture your being and eventually help you understand what
is going on.
You will share your experience and get some emotional support.
Once you do that, you want to shift your action plan and come with
new strategies to break through the cycle you are in.
Negative thoughts are only the waves on the surface of your mind.
Deep inside, you want to tackle the real issue:
How to gain back you full power and express your total
This is the real strategy: you want to shift your course of action and
invest into activities which do validate you.
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Positive thinking
This is a reasonable target. You will shift the way you spend your day
and the way you relate to others.
As you can see, you are not targeting your thoughts: you are targeting
your actions and doing something about your life and the way you
stand in it.
Step 3: Take action. Invest in this area. Do something about it. Make
it your priority number one. Break through!
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Positive thinking
However, when the power gap is real and you are truly
underperforming in your life, taking action will be more effective.
In the next few chapters, I have analyzed key life situations which
tend to generate negative thinking and negative emotions.
These are only a few key ideas. Most of these topics are whole life
coaching areas in themselves.
You will find extra resources in the form of e-books and articles on
most of these topics.
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Positive thinking
Life vision
Negative thinking can be generated by lack of life vision and purpose.
You have this key question: “What am I doing here?”
The plans and projects you have for your life are not exciting enough.
You want more. You want to break through and simply achieve things.
This can sound simple and it is! When you wake up in the morning,
you often end up doing only practical tasks. Your driving force is not
excitement. You simply do what needs to be done.
Your new goal is simple! Shift your mind set and focus first on what
thrills and excites you.
Emotional fuel and motivation are very precious. They are your fire.
Use this fire as your driving force and focus at 100% on your passions.
Before you start your day, ask yourself: “What is truly exciting for me
today?” And focus on that.
Everyone has at least some level of freedom. Use that freedom and
focus on what thrills you!
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Positive thinking
Social life
Social isolation and lack of friends can be extremely draining. If you
feel isolated, you want to break the cycle.
This is tough and it is not easy to do, but it is within your range.
If you feel shy and insecure, it is often related with the way you see
yourself and your body.
Every time you step back within your comfort zone, you reinforce
hesitations, doubts and isolation. Don’t!
Move forward and develop new social skills. Make it your priority
number one for the coming month!
Invest in it!
The number one quality people look for when going out is fun!
Dare to be fun!
Shift the way you dress, open up and do challenge yourself. Anything
your try is a success. Don’t worry about outcomes and don’t let
anyone or any rejection stop you.
Social life is challenging. People do confront you. They judge you. This
is a place to build character and wake up your full power.
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Positive thinking
This can happen. You can spend the next few years of your life
complaining about a job you don’t like or sit down today and truly look
deeper into what can be done about it.
However, take simply the time to sit down and truly ask yourself:
If you feel like you need extra power to break though, follow the links
at the end of this e-book and sign in for a few coaching sessions.
I’ll show you some powerful strategies to unleash your full power.
Same goes for business success. If you own a business and are not
getting the results you want, you can do something about it.
To design strategies, you need at least to sit down and think about the
key challenges you face and how to solve them:
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Positive thinking
As you can see, there are dozens of key challenges you can face with
your business. I believe that there is a solution for every challenge.
The answer can sometimes be that you can’t win with your present
action line.
However, your life is easier when you know about it than when you
The truth is that negative thinking loops do not help with that!
To break the cycle, use your mind in a different way: analyze the
situation, design effective strategies and take action.
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Positive thinking
Love life
Another vast area in your life!
The key to love satisfaction is to stay master of your love, not a victim
of it.
What you want is simple: You want to own your love life.
You decide when you give it and to who. You are in charge.
The key challenging situations with your love life have to do with:
Mastering the dating environment: Once you start dating, the goal is
to thrive with your love experience without loosing yourself. You loose
yourself when you love someone who does not love you back enough.
These are some of the key challenges you can face with love and
In this area, coming with the right strategy and mind set is essential if
you want to succeed.
The trick is that most of your dating skills are simply discovered and
learned on the spot. You tend to improvise and simply react to
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Positive thinking
The goal is to step back and understand a bit more about love and
power dynamics.
Once you see really how dating and love works, it is much easier to
come with effective strategies and behaviors.
The greatest mistake you can do right now is believing that you have
no control over your love life.
100% wrong!
You do have great influence! In fact you are the person who has the
greatest influence over what your love life looks like.
Do you realize that you are actually the designer of your love life or
If this is your number one challenge, make it your priority number one
for the next month.
I am serious! Drop everything else and decide today to dig into it.
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Positive thinking
Family expectations
High family expectations and demands can be very draining for you
and make you very unhappy.
If you are in a relationship and have children, you can spend your life
doing things for your partner or your children without ever having a
minute for yourself.
This can be draining and make you loose contact with who you are.
The strategy?
Learn to be selfish.
Put it this way: your moods and emotions influence everyone! You are
an example for those around you.
If you fail to be happy and satisfied about your life, everyone looses.
Create space for yourself and focus first on what you want!
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Positive thinking
Gain back control over what is yours and give when you want to give,
not when you are forced to.
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Positive thinking
Your body is your temple!
This is a big subject and again, I would need a new e-book to treat this
Here are two simple principles to feel great about your body:
The key is to combine both and establish long terms habits and
behaviors you can easily maintain.
Why is that?
Any new life style habit you establish in your day must be based on a
positive enjoyable flow rather than a restraining one.
The main mistake is to try to create habits which are too rigid and
based on discipline only.
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Positive thinking
Moving your body and gaining back control over the way you eat are
the two essential steps in succeeding with weight related issues.
I can help you design new life style and habits which will shift the way
you feel.
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Positive thinking
Foreign country
Being in a foreign country can be tough! You can feel isolated and
pressured in a social environment you don’t master.
It happens especially to wives who travel with their partners and miss
a sense of personal purpose.
When you are in a foreign country, no matter how hard you try, you
might still feel and be considered like an outsider.
You were not born in this city. You came in only a couple of years ago.
You arrived in a community which has its own invisible rules and
accepted behaviors.
Why is that? Because you are different! You speak with a different
accent and simply come in with something new.
When you arrive in a new city, those who have been there for longer
have greater power than you have.
You might welcome them, but your might as well “check them out”
and judge some aspects of their behavior.
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Positive thinking
Your local roots which are related to where you were born and the
places you lived in.
Your global roots which are the connections you established with the
planet and the vaster human family.
When you travel and for instance, visit the pyramids of Egypt, you
connect with your global roots. You dive into deep layers of your past
and your consciousness and establish a connection with an ancient
civilization. This has nothing to do with this life time.
They are a connection to something much vaster than the place you
were born in or your local community.
You can as well connect with the “global” community when you are
If you log on to a dating site, you will meet people from all races and
You can as well establish a circle of friends which stretches over the 8
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Positive thinking
Confidence gap
Here are other ways of putting it:
• Lack of initiative
• Being shy or anxious
• Hesitating too much
A power gap!
Every time you sit back and doubt, fear or hesitate, you reinforce your
negative beliefs.
Every time you take action (whether you succeed or not), you
reinforce your sense of initiative and risk taking.
That’s what you do when you are a child and that’s what you should be
doing as an adult.
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Positive thinking
Sense of connectedness
Sometimes, it is not friends you need.
You want something deeper like a sense of connection with the planet
and humankind.
In fact you don’t know exactly what you are looking for but you know
that something is missing.
You can’t truly say "what" but you feel the urgency to start searching
or looking for deeper meaning to your life.
Again, it is a vast topic and we’ll need another couple of e-books for
that one.
You can sometimes see yourself as this being on a blue planet and
realize how vast space is.
It suddenly strikes you that you are here on this blue sphere on a
galaxy and you simply realize the vastness and reality behind that.
If you feel like you want to explore and understand what is really
behind life, the goal is to start searching for answers and ways to
expand your awareness.
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Positive thinking
You want to open new doors in your consciousness and simply tap in
you full human potential.
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Positive thinking
• It is my choice!
• What is negativity?
Use terms like love, care, happiness, excitement, joy, pleasure, fun.
Use these terms more often. Take action which stimulate your life
force. Positivism has to do with flow and freedom, openness, feeling of
power. Take actions which reflect positivism. Positivism is a territory to
be conquered. Use your power to get where you want to be
When you let negativity flood you, you are simply being tolerant with
yourself, tolerant with something you know is destroying your life and
sending you where you don't want to be.
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Positive thinking
You are in charge of your life. You are the architect of your existence.
You are the person who has the greatest power and influence over
your mind.
You have all the skills and power to be positive in life. All you have to
do is make a choice! Take a conscious decision about it and make this
the priority number one in your life.
Taking action means taking at least small risks. Your attitude towards
risk must radically shift. Risk is my friend! I love risk! Risk gives you
the power to take action.
Action is what takes you from where you are to where you want to be.
Trust and do it. Start feeding your goals!
Gaining clarity and focus towards your goal is accessible to you. All
you have to do is become superconductive to life.
Doubts, fears, hesitations are closed doors. They are what holds you
back. When you listen to your doubts and fears, you are holding back
from life. You are feeding inaction and passivity. To break that cycle
you have to take action. Start by small steps. The first thing that
comes to your mind.
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Positive thinking
You make hundreds of choice every day about your activities, what
you want to do, who you are going to see, etc. From now on choose
for what is fun and thrilling rather than what is practical and already
explored. If it's new, go for it!
Respond to occasions. Respond to what comes to you and let life flow
in those directions. Stop resisting life!
Put humans first. Give and enjoy social contacts. Strengthen your
social skills. Give to people what they need.
Same as music, rhythm is fun. It increases life. When you split your
days and shift activities, speed up, slow down, you intensify your day's
flow and life force.
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Positive thinking
Take a white page and write down 10 simple actions which could
create happiness for you. Write down the first things that come to
your mind.
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Positive thinking
Gaining inner peace means clarifying your mind and your life from
whatever is creating stress and developing a mind vehicle which is able
to deal with life's pressures without being flooded.
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Positive thinking
Go to the exact limit you can comfortably stand. Stay there for a while
without moving. After that take a minute step forward and stop. Step
back. And step forward again. Step back.
This means that you have to invest at least some time and focus to get
rid of whatever scares you. You can immensely stretch your confidence
by taking these small steps.
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Positive thinking
How does a volcano work on the first place? A simple process: excess
of pressure underground.
Your anger is the same: an excess of pressure inside. You can use this
excess of pressure to channel it in the most creative directions or you
can use it as a destructive force. It is energy wanting to break
What you need to add are new skills to use your source of energy in a
creative way. Trying to suppress a volcano won't work. The energy is
there. You have to use it.
Take a white page and write down what comes to your mind.
What is the best use for the extra energy you have in you?
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Positive thinking
Spiritual awareness has nothing to do with religion. When you hear the
term spiritual, you might think of someone trying to convert you to
some form of belief system. For your own sake, put this idea aside for
a while, and open just a little bit to another perspective.
Spiritual oriented actions function with the same principle except that
the salary of your actions won't be money. It will be something else.
What is it?
It is a quality, an energy, life force, joy, happiness. When you get lots
of it at a time, we call that bliss. If there is even more it, you could call
it spiritual trance which is an ecstatic state of intense joy.
How do you reach these states? You reach them through action and
opening up. It can take time and practice. Depending on your mind
patterns, this "filling up" of your being can happen very fast or take
long years.
Here is the problem: while you are reading these words, something in
you might be rejecting them and rejecting the energy behind them.
Why? because of conditioning and ideas you did build up over the
years towards anything spiritual. You laughed at these ideas and
learned to reject them.
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Positive thinking
The trick is that this is why you feel empty. You are rejecting the very
source of energy which can help you. It's okay. It is just a natural way
of protecting yourself and your mind space. You never know what you
will find there, beyond the limits of what you already know.
I can only tell you these words. What will make a difference is action.
Your action! It is really up to you.
PS: there is a chance that you are open and feel that your life is
actually quite "spiritual". If it is the case, it's only a matter of
persevering and going deeper into it. It's just a matter of time and
further action.
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Positive thinking
• Take action
Breaking the cycle means stepping beyond your comfort zone. Take
steps every day to break that cycle. Respond to those who contact
you. Take small risks.
Energy and vitality are super attractive. the more you have of it, the
more people want to be around you. Develop a healthy life style.
Exercise. Eat healthy and energizing food.
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Positive thinking
Clearing your past means taking back control over your life. A
Negative past experience might feel like an intrusion in your intimacy.
To clear that experience, the trick is to gain control over your life and
mind. This means retraining yourself and your emotional reactions. It
means as well developing new skills to protect your being.
The negative imprint in your mind can be strong and powerful. If you
want this print to be gone, you have to replace it by something which
is even stronger and more powerful.
This new imprint will come from your own mind and eventually as well
from external help. It means gaining trust, confidence and power. It
means reconquering your own mind space. In other terms becoming
master of your being.
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Positive thinking
It's not that bad. In its essence negativity has to do with your inner
power. So the source is a positive force. If you systematically withdraw
and avoid expressing what you feel, you suppress lots of emotions and
block all energy from streaming. Use that basic power and force. Do
something with it. Practice sports, exercise, energize your body.
You are the master of your mind. You are the one who has the power
to decide what goes on in it. Put it that way: if you don't do anything
about it, who will? Tolerating something you don't like in you takes lots
of energy. It drains your life! How long before you decide to do
something about it? What would it take to change a negative or
destructive mind frame?
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Positive thinking
The key to take steps is to accept that your actions won't be perfect.
The best way to learn is to experiment. To clear your doubts, and get
answers, you test the waters with some small steps.
The key behavior here, is to take small non committed steps instead of
When you stop hesitating and take action with trust and confidence,
your life will radically shift and flow with renewed freshness.
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Positive thinking
If you feel like you can't move, the best is to take infinitely small
steps. there are endless daily occasions to connect and take it just one
step further.
Of course, this requires some form of decision on your side. Put it that
way: Nobody can do it for you. You are the only one who can get
moving and change the present situation.
Things can be different. Truly, it all starts with this key decision
you can take right now. Take a white page an instead of writing: "I
wish I had a partner" , write: "I want a partner".
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Positive thinking
I lack energy
Here are a few areas you can start with if you miss energy:
Change your diet, get the input of vitamins you need: more fruit,
vegetables. Get rid of junk food. Exercise regularly, move your body,
get fit.
Check you daily activities? Are you excited about your day? Focus first
on what truly thrills you. What are the activities you find exciting?
Make them priority number one. Focus first on what is fun and
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Positive thinking
In situations like these, you get actually used to your present mind
set. It takes determination, and will power to take action and actually
change something in your life.
I feel that right now, the main thing you want is recognition of where
you are at. You want validation. You are not saying something like:
"Gosh. I am sick of this! I will do whatever it takes to shift it!"
Right now, you are still in the "nurturing" stage. You look at these
emotions and feelings. You don't like them but I believe you still did
not reach your "saturation point".
I believe that you are the master of your mind. You are the master of
your existence. You are the person who has the greatest influence
over what happens in your life.
What gets you excited in life is valuable goals! It is values, causes and
actions your are ready to give your life for.
You can connect with a new mind set! You can aim for new refreshing
targets in your existence but to succeed, you want to make it your
number one priority.
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Positive thinking
Doubts, passivity and hesitations are your enemy. What brings you
from where you are to where you want to be is action.
You don't know the right path? No problem. 90% of what you learn in
life is about trying and experimenting. If you want to shift your mind
set, you need to take action, try, experiment and see any step as a
learning experience.
I am not saying this is easy to do. What I can guarantee you is that
the moment you "wake up" and start taking steps (no matter what
they are) you tap into a new set of inner resources. Call these
resources your conquering power, your fighting skills.
I admire you! I admire your move. You posted a question and got
some great answers.
You have a positive base in life. Now, you could have much more but I
believe, you'll need to fight for it.
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Positive thinking
Feel stacked!
It feels like your life wants to connect with something new and
refreshing but you don't really know where to find it or how to express
It's quite normal and it is really good to sit down and ask yourself
these questions.
Every time you step beyond your comfort zone, it feels challenging.
This is why you usually tend to sit back and wait for things to come to
You need to stretch yourself and make it your priority number one.
Learn more about flirting and seduction (there is loads of free tips
about this on the net). Merely thinking about it one day is not enough.
Immerse yourself in it.
You'll learn a lot about yourself by taking steps. If people don't call
you, takes steps and call them. If they don't respond, establish new
contacts. It takes power and determination to break through.
Now is the time! Now is your time! Step forward and do whatever it
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Positive thinking
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Positive thinking
The reason the record keeps playing is because emotions are not
digested. These emotions try to find a way out but don't have the
space to be expressed.
If you want to release these thoughts, the best is to have a chat with
your friend. Say something like:
"You know what, I believe you and I have a strong friendship and I
don't want anything to stand on the way but somehow I am angry with
you for something which happened. As long as I don't tell you, it will
stay around, do you know what I am talking about?..."
To tell you the truth, these thoughts you have are a natural defense
mechanism. It is an instinctual response to an aggression or attack on
your life or your mind.
These thoughts happen because you have natural fighting skills. The
moment you dare to express what you feel, these thoughts will stop
because you give them space.
Don't feel guilty. Express what you feel and move on.
This is an occasion to learn to express what you feel and defend your
life. The moment you do, you'll be able to stand with a stronger
emotional foundation. This is part of your "character building".
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Positive thinking
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Positive thinking
Part 12 – Your
happiness tools
If you want long term happiness, you want to arm yourself with the
right tools.
These tools are mind sets, beliefs, key ideas and attitudes you can
wake up in your life.
In the next few pages will invoke some of the key pillars which give
your happiness power and strength.
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Positive thinking
It is a transition.
Every time you shift your mind set, your enter into a new territory
which requires you to integrate new energies.
It is a move.
It is an action.
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Positive thinking
Remove obstacles
The path to happiness is simple: remove what is on the way.
If life flow generates pleasure, then remove what stops life flow.
It is exchange of energy.
You are a unique being and no matter where you are, life always flows
in your system.
Destroy anything in you which stops the flow of life force in your
Annihilate it!
Dissolve it!
Your path of power gives you the tools to preserve your mind space.
This is the invisible support and love you get from nature and the
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Positive thinking
Even when you are not nurtured by other human beings or friends, the
planet and nature still do nurture you.
The love from the planet or a universal sea of energy sustains this
It opens doors.
Any place.
Any time.
Everyone is!
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Positive thinking
The reason this happens is because your "happiness channels" are not
strong enough yet.
Your mind gets invaded by negative emotions and bliss tends to fade
The moment you feel your happiness channels being shut down, go
and do something about it.
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Positive thinking
It is in you.
It is in your mind.
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Positive thinking
Once your mind is fertile to it, happiness simply grows and expands in
a refined way, creating a protective inner ecosystem.
It is as simple as that.
When you plant a few lettuces in your garden, you nurture the forces
of nature and offer some support to creation.
When you actively care for your children, you take a similar step.
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Positive thinking
You give love and nurture this inner space, this inner dimension of
Music is sound.
Sound is energy.
It dissolves resistance.
Try it!
It is as simple as that.
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Positive thinking
Conquering power
Happiness is a territory to be conquered.
It is okay to use your will power and do what it takes to master your
You are fearless and it is okay to do what it takes to protect your joy
and pleasure in life.
Defend yourself!
Fight back!
Do whatever it takes to not let this attack reach the core of your
They are here to test your resistance and simply check if you did learn
your lesson.
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Positive thinking
It is the ability to choose and decide for yourself what you want to
have in your mind.
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Positive thinking
It is an exchange.
You carry their name to the top of the world and they offer you
financial support in exchange.
When you decide to study and your family supports you in that, they
become your energy sponsors.
They provide financial and emotional support to help you with that.
In exchange, you give them love, respect and you make them proud
when you succeed.
You will have a party supporting your moves and backing you up with
your campaign.
Happiness and life force are as well sponsored by sources of power and
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Positive thinking
If you check the underlying dynamics of your joy, there is always and
"energy sponsor" behind your pleasure, joy or happiness.
If you look into your partner's eyes and have this sudden feeling of
love, the relationship or couple "spirit" sponsors your happiness.
If you are next to the sea and feel bliss when looking towards the
horizon, you are sponsored by the energy of nature.
If you feel bliss when listening to a sonata from Mozart, your joy is
sponsored by an artistic expression.
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Positive thinking
Live music will create a set of emotions which is slightly different than
recorded music.
The news you read activate an inner reflection, thoughts and emotions
which are quiet far away from music's refinement.
You usually feel this mystical union with the ocean and the waves.
If you want more joy and pleasure in your life, you want to perform
more joy related actions.
If you are used to simply receiving, it's time to change your mind.
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Positive thinking
It won't happen.
Every time?
Not always.
I am serious.
It is a choice!
Every time!
It is your decision!
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Positive thinking
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Positive thinking
Where to start?
Every journey starts with a small step.
When you start traveling in that direction, you might take a step, and
think to yourself: "Are we there yet?"
wrong thinking.
You choose for power, life force, joy, pleasure, passion, freedom, love,
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Positive thinking
It is simple.
This is why you want to strengthen your links with your energy
You want to strengthen you link with nature because every time you
love nature, nature loves you back.
It is magical.
People can try to stop you, laugh at you or reject you for fun.
When you reach out to conquer the territory of your happiness, you
create a new mind set which does give you extra power and resources.
As simple as that.
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There are those who smile and enjoy it and those who cannot stand it.
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There are actually systems which teach you or show you how to build
it up.
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Emotional freedom
Happiness is a flow of energy.
Even more? You get mystical trance or ecstasy (not the pill!)
Because the air is filled with particles of oxygen and you need this
oxygen to live.
Oxygen is life.
Symbolically you open your being for the possibility of creating a new
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Positive thinking
It is organic in essence.
It is alive!
When you feel unhappy, it means that some quality is missing: it can
be power, love, energy or anything else.
If you want to shift your mind set, you want to ad the quality which is
The best way to ad this quality is to take action in one way or another.
These habits are steps you learned to take in life and which maintain
the frame of your day.
Some other actions drain your system and stop your life force.
When you consciously establish a new habit in your life, you design a
new architecture which empowers the way you stand in life.
Take a simple habit like having a good breakfast when you wake up.
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Positive thinking
Now, imagine what happens when you establish 20 new positive habits
in your life!
Your day becomes a succession of positive steps and you jump from
one island of power and strength to another island of power and
When you day is filled with positive actions, your mind feels totally
empowered and vibrant!
It’s not!
I agree with you: any change in your life requires energy and focus.
You are not breathing with your will power right now.
It simply happens.
It takes some focus and energy in the beginning because you shift
habit patterns and mind sets.
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Positive thinking
This energy shifts things around and “reorganizes” your inner world.
This is why you feel a slight stress on your being when you engage
yourself on a new path.
Here are some key elements you must respect when establishing a
new habit:
• One day a week, simply let it go. When creating a new habit
you can generate a slight stress or pressure. One day a week,
release the stress and simply let go (Sunday is usually a good
time for that). Everything in life needs a rest. This will make sure
that you can maintain your habit on the long term.
I guarantee you that if you respect these 6 elements, you will be able
to invite new positive habits and attitudes in your life.
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Positive thinking
Imagine that every week, you focus on a new habit, imagine the effect
that this can have on your life within a period of 3 months.
It is a direct and simple way to renew your existence and shift around
what you no longer want.
If the target you selected is quite vast, break your target into small
“affordable” parts.
You break your target into small parts and focus on one of these new
targets every week.
You create an environment and life style which is conductive for your
reaching your goals.
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Positive thinking
So now, you have your big target and eventually smaller individual
Ask yourself:
If the answer is “right now”, go ahead and take a step and take the
resolution of focusing on this new action for a week.
If the answer is “later in the week”, take steps to prepare the ground
and make sure that when the moment comes, you are ready for it.
The following week, repeat the same cycle of selecting a new target
and focusing on it for a week.
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Positive thinking
You want your mind to be your ally and help you achieve whatever you
want in life.
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Positive thinking
When you receive pity and negative projections, it puts you into the
victim role.
You must break the cycle and teach people around you how to look at
you in a different way.
Shift your mind and don’t let your friends, family or colleagues
strengthen the victim role in you.
If anyone tells you “So, are you feeling better today?” in a patronizing
voice, stand up, smile and say something like:
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Positive thinking
If you take it one step deeper, you realize that happiness is about
It is about the people you connect to, your community and your
profound sources of inspiration.
When you read this e-book, you connect with a specific source of
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Positive thinking
Now for every one of these objects write down the adjectives which
come to your mind (like rational, inspiring, superficial, funny, etc)
Now in a scale between 0 and 10, give a mark to these objects about
the power of the source of inspiration behind them.
For instance, if you feel that one of the books you have in front of you
is very inspiring, give it a mark of 8 or 9.
I am serious!
If nothing comes up, let it empty and keep this white open circle on
your desk or stick it on your fridge with a magnet.
Next time you go shopping for clothes or anything else, before you
buy, ask yourself this simple question:
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Positive thinking
Decide right now to surround yourself with elements which score only
8 to 10.
For instance a Hip Hop CD reminds you of a musical style and a certain
way of thinking.
Check the spirit behind the things you own and if any of these scores
lower than 5 on the happiness scale, get rid of them.
No cheating! (☺)
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Positive thinking
When you nurture your body, mind and spirit, you water your inner
space with energy and care.
Love and care feed your being and you can give lots of it to yourself.
Next time you get paid, put aside 10% of what you earned.
• Holiday cruise?
• A new top?
• Training some skills?
• A bunch of flowers?
• A membership for the gym?
• Etc.
Any time you give yourself a treat, you send a clear message:
“I am worth it!”
Now, who do you think should benefit the most from it?
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Positive thinking
Eat breakfast!
If you are struggling with weight related issues for instance, the
natural tendency is to skip breakfast hoping this will lower your
calories input.
Big mistake!
When your body craves for energy, you become weaker emotionally.
This opens up the door to lots of vulnerability and you can get hit by
all sorts of negative emotions.
No need to overeat.
Simply give your body exactly what it needs and your level of
happiness will rise instantly.
If you do already have breakfast, make sure that what you eat is
This is one of the first messages you give to your body early morning.
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Positive thinking
It is an event.
If you swim in a river, what matters is not the waves on the surface of
the water, it is the river itself.
When you wake up in the morning and read a paper, the news become
a source of inspiration.
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Positive thinking
The books your read, the music your listen to, the people you connect
to, your community, your work, family, friends, inner growth and
spiritual life are all streams of inspiration.
Now, for your mind development, you need to connect with a stream
of inspiration which does empower you.
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Positive thinking
Now, if you want to train your body, you go to the gym, right?
If you want to empower your mind, you need to connect with inner
and outer sources of inspiration which support you or give you the
energy and mind sets to develop your mind.
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Positive thinking
If you get the feeling that your mind works against you, it is the sign
that something is missing.
What is missing?
It is power!
Mind power!
It is a space.
It is yours!
You are the person who has the greatest influence over what happens
in your mind.
The moment you realize this, you already wake up your mind power.
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Positive thinking
It is a form of battle and you want to develop new skills to make sure
that you are the winner of this battle.
You can either let this judgment take root in your mind and let it grow
and expand, or you can reject this judgment, fight back and not let
anyone put you down.
The moment you react and fight back, you use your power.
You instantly realize that your self confidence is under attack and you
do something to tackle this threat.
In a day, you can have many situations where you let someone else’s
negative thoughts impact on you.
It can be something your partner tells you just before you take off.
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Positive thinking
The moment you realize what is at stake, you give yourself all the
weapons you need to stay in a clear mind set.
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Positive thinking
If your body is low on energy, you will naturally tend to feel low
There are two main ways of influencing the way you feel in your body:
exercise and diet.
If you over eat or eat unhealthy, you will naturally lower your energy
A full stomach stops you from performing well or keeping a clear mind.
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Positive thinking
Love is about the way you relate to yourself and your environment.
Through action!
Love, respect and care are your ways of nurturing yourself and those
around you.
Dare to take the step when you see an opportunity to express your
love, care or respect.
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Positive thinking
I mean, when you realize that you are a living entity somewhere on a
blue planet suspended in space in the Milky Way, you can drop
everything and search for answers.
If you are religious, this might mean exploring deeper levels of your
spiritual life through prayer, meditation, rituals or other practices.
There are dozens of ways you can connect with your spiritual identity.
Many spiritual streams focus on the idea of happiness, inner peace and
even success and satisfaction.
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Positive thinking
If you want to move forward in your life, you need to create space!
If your mind and life are full, your future can’t open up.
Drop it!
Identify what drains you and make sure that you remove it from your
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Positive thinking
Along the way, the details of your life travel are not yet fixed.
Goals, life vision and destiny are all aspects of your future.
Part of the energy of your mind is aimed at opening doors into your
The moment you take a good decision or make the right choice, you
get this empowering feeling of inner freedom.
If your line of action takes you in the wrong direction, you feel
systematically drained and unhappy. You know something is wrong!
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Positive thinking
Ambition and expression of your needs and wants are other values and
mind sets.
In fact they don’t solidify your mind. They make you vulnerable and
pessimistic about life.
You can choose right now positive mind sets and values.
Why is that?
When you want to shift your mind set, you need to repolarize and
recondition your mind to respond differently in given life situations.
This means that you need to repeat the right message to yourself until
your get it.
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Positive thinking
You will see that your mind progressively adopts a new empowering
mind set.
It simply takes focus, time, repetition and will power to develop a new
mind set.
It is your ambition.
This is the number one quality you need to shift mind sets.
It is your driving force and what you will invest in your actions.
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Mastering your connection with others means mastering the way you
stand in it.
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Positive thinking
Behave like a martial artist ready to defend your territory any time.
You will notice that the moment you have the tools, skills and weapons
to defend yourself, you feel secure and you perform at your best.
Observe the flow of your thoughts and emotions and if you notice that
something wrong is happening, do something about it straight away.
If you feel that something takes you down, take action and shift the
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Positive thinking
Once you see an open door, you need to take action and walk through
To take action you need to trust yourself and use your will power and
Don’t let anything or anyone stop you from taking action when you
feel it is right.
You need to respond to opportunities and open doors when you see
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Positive thinking
The best way to influence your thoughts is to connect with the right
source of inspiration in you.
Come to the details once your larger life stream is set up.
If you feel that you can’t connect with a positive stream of thoughts, it
is time to go and look beyond the limits of what you already know.
Obviously, if the solution was present within the limits of your comfort
zone, you would be expressing already the full dimension of your life.
You will need to open new doors and invite new streams of inspiration
in your life.
Once you connect with a new stream of inspiration, the shift does not
happen overnight.
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Positive thinking
The moment you take action and do something about the real issue or
challenge you face, you realize that life starts flowing again.
Hiding yourself behind doubts, fears and hesitations does not work.
The only way to break the negative pattern is to take action and do
something about the real challenge.
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Positive thinking
Part 14 – Change
You might tend to naturally resist change in life.
Why is that?
In the next few pages, you will discover how to embrace change and
makes sure that your renewal and power has enough room to express
to express itself in your life.
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Positive thinking
Change dynamics
You have a natural tendency to resist change.
Why is that?
Any time you change, you integrate new energies in your life.
It will take you a while to find your roots in your new place.
When you want to change something in your mind, you often tackle
thoughts or beliefs which are deeply rooted in your consciousness.
If you tune into the right source of inspiration, change will happen
more easily.
Now, if your motivation is weak, you might stop half way and not
manage to break through what you wanted to change.
When you want to shift, you need an effective strategy and a vision of
where you want to be.
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Positive thinking
This is why you bought this book, right? Because it gives you a vision,
strategies and the inspiration to take some steps.
Now, the words you read are only a reflection of things you somehow
already know deep inside.
You got this e-book because part of you is ready for some form of
You simply need to bring it to the surface of your mind and clarify your
vision and how to do it.
If you face resistance when you try to take steps, this resistance is
simply the sign that you are stepping beyond your comfort zone.
This is okay.
You invite what we call renewal power in your existence and shift key
elements in the architecture and dynamics of your mind.
Minimalyze resistance.
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Positive thinking
Better performance.
More happiness.
Expanded awareness.
If you want more of these qualities, you need to embrace them, want
them and love them.
Imagine what you can achieve when your mind is stronger and you
have greater mastery of what happens in it.
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Positive thinking
Get rid of what slows you down and unleash your full potential.
Shifting your mind set. To shift your mind set, you need extra power
and effective strategies. Positive thinking and mind power are energy
streams. You establish new mind sets by connecting with new sources
of power and energy in you.
These are powerful tools you can use any time no matter your age,
gender or status.
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Positive thinking
The moment you open the windows and take a couple of deep breaths,
you invite life force in your body.
This sounds simple, right? So, why aren't you doing it?
Yes! Right now. You can stand up. Open the windows and breathe
deeply a few times.
This step can sound like an insignificant step. It is only one drop,
If you want to travel somewhere, you always need to start with a first
Right now, I could describe you a series of actions which would make
you very unhappy within 48 hours.
After that, no "body care". Don't wash your hands or your face for two
days. The list can go on!
In the same way I could describe you a series of actions which would
make you happy:
• Quality food
• Exciting goals for your day
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Positive thinking
You can decide right now to embrace the values of happiness: love,
passion, excitement, power, etc.
What is the force which can keep you from wanting more of the
qualities in your life?
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Positive thinking
Mind conditioning
Any thought leaves a blue print in your mind.
Now, if this thought happens daily it will create an energy line in your
mind which will be imprinted like a major aspect of your inner
If you know how to do it, you can shift habits and reprogram your
mind to react differently in the given situations.
This is what this e-book is about: showing you the exact technique to
effectively reprogram your mind so that the negative thinking reflex is
replaced by a new set of thoughts and emotions.
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Positive thinking
If you want to shift that pattern, you need to repeat the "new"
message over a period of time so that it becomes your new "mind
It takes about one month to ground it in your life and about 3 months
to truly own this new mind set.
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Positive thinking
3 life powers
Any life cycle has three aspects to it: birth, life and death:
When you express a negative thought, you are using your destructive
In fact, you want to free yourself from a limiting situation. Using your
natural destructive power is your way of trying to create space.
Now, because these thoughts are often an attack on yourself and your
self worth, they are self destructive.
Your destructive power does not find its external expression and gets
stacked in your mind and keeps on burning you like a flame.
You use it in all sorts of situations and circumstances. You can express
it in the form of thoughts, emotions, actions, behaviors, beliefs, etc.
Any time you clean your personal environment, you create space and
throw away old things you no longer need.
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Positive thinking
You create space so that new events can happen in your life.
If you were not using your destructive power and creating space, you
would remain stacked in the past and overloaded with memories.
When you exercise and burn calories or toxins, your perform the same
action of body cleansing.
Now, when do you actually take the step to remove the old mind
frames you no longer need?
Your negative thinking loop is your best shot at trying to create space
in your mind but it is not enough.
In this freeing process, the stallion can get hurt and wounded by
throwing itself against the fences.
Nature is not perfect. Your mind tries to function to its best and
sometimes you need to give nature a little push.
The goal is to use your natural freeing power and give it this extra kick
of energy so that you reach your target (creating space and feeling
freer) and don't get hurt along the way..
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Positive thinking
Renewal power
Destruction and renewal are one and same thing.
Before you start with a new one, you need to clear the paper work and
create space so that new projects can be born.
Why is that?
If your mind is packed with old memories, you simply can't focus on
the future.
Destruction is a force you use every day to clear your mind and get
ready for the following day.
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Positive thinking
It is not only your negative thinking you need to solve or deal with: it
is the negative thinking of those around you.
It happens subconsciously.
An invisible race for success and power is happening all the time.
This happens within your social circle, with colleagues at work and with
your family. It happens as well within a community and between
Within your social circle for instance, the competitive spirit can be very
high or low depending on everyone's attitude.
Friends can get very jealous with each other. They can actually attack
each other's success precisely because a part of them is in
This means that its members value more the complicity aspect of their
friendship. The level of care, love and support for each other will be
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Positive thinking
I know it can sound strange, but when you are trapped in negative
thinking, you are “out of the race” in a way.
Negative thinking puts you out of the race straight away. In other
terms, you don’t actually threaten someone’s "victory" in their own
When you put yourself down with negative thinking, you are already
giving up on winning the "success and happiness race".
This is why your friends won't challenge you and try to help rather
than try to compete.
Have you ever tried arriving in a cafe to meet a couple of friends and
say something like:
"Whaou! I feel great today! I got a raise from my boss and just booked
three weeks holydays for July in this magnificent resort in the
"Geese! She always has all this good stuff happening to her"
or is it more like:
"Whaou! I'm impressed. You worked so hard this year! That's your
reward! You deserve it!"
Too much happiness and success can feel like a threat for those who
don't have it.
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Positive thinking
When you decide to break a negative thinking cycle, you might face
the resistance of those actually should care for you.
Why is that?
Today, you take a positive step in your own evolution and deal with
negative thinking. Tomorrow, you might be doing better than they are.
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Positive thinking
Now, if those around you get used to project pity on you, you generate
a very limiting mind set for yourself.
The moment you grow and gain power, you will naturally tend to miss
other people’s pity.
You project and see yourself as a victim. You tend to perfect that role
and behave in ways that reinforce it.
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Positive thinking
Its mother wants to help but it rejects the helping hand. It wants to do
it alone because that’s its way of growing and learning.
The process of inner growth works in the same way: you find inner
sources of power and energy and let go of the external sources of pity,
negative attention and support.
As long as you put yourself in the victim role, you mind set does not
The only way to shift is to reject negative attention and establish your
life in a new mind territory.
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Positive thinking
When you establish a new mind set and develop a new sense of
success in your existence, you want to shift some of your connections.
You are a male and have this male friend who puts you down because
you are 30 and single.
“So, where is your date? Oh… that’s right… You have no date”
“Don’t you get tired of this same joke? Check around you… Do you see
anyone laughing?”
When you shift your emotional base and build up power, success or
happiness, you need to reeducate your environment in the way they
look and relate to you.
There is competition.
The first step is to identify the ones who are challenging your growth.
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Positive thinking
When you want to shift your mind set, the challenge of getting your
environment to evolve with you can be even bigger than shifting
This is why you might feel the need to isolate yourself when you go
through a process of inner change.
Any form of inner growth on your side requires adjustments and shifts
in your environment.
The good news is that you have actually the power to delete resistance
on those levels.
The quality you need to free yourself from other people’s negative
projections is extra power and effective strategies.
When you educate your environment you stay firm with your direction
and decisions.
You might have to repeat your message until those who need to hear
it truly get it.
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Positive thinking
Where to go next
If your life has reached a reasonable level of harmony, and you are
well established materially, the next question you can face is: where to
go from there.
You want to expand your awareness, explore new territories and keep
on growing as a human being.
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Positive thinking
Give yourself a week to gather ideas, talk about it with friends and
identify what you are truly excited in exploring in for instance the next
5 years.
It is your first step into your future: defining targets and directions.
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Positive thinking
A lot of what you create in life is aimed at giving you security and
The moment you go for change, you challenge your existing life set up
(your comfort zone) and take a risk by stepping beyond the limits of
what you already know.
If you resist change, it simply means that you reinforce your comfort
Rather than discovering new lands, you will sometimes opt for
securing what is already there.
You can have a vision of where you want to go but the moment it
comes to taking real steps, you can delay action and simply step back
within the territory of what you already know.
These are natural life processes and the quest for security and comfort
is a natural healthy instinct.
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Positive thinking
If you feel however that you life has become too secure and renewal
stops flowing in it (basically, you feel stacked or even bored ☺ ), you
can consciously invite change into your existence and start taking
small steps.
If a big step is too much, try taking a series of small steps which
brings you closer to where you would like to be.
When you decide to change aspects of your life, you respond to your
renewal or evolutionary spirit.
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Positive thinking
Sure, there are situation in life where you delegate part of this power,
consciously or unconsciously.
If you are a teenager or young adult, you parents often give you
strong guidance and directions.
Now, when it comes to life choices, nobody but you owns the right to
decide what you want to do next.
It is your birth right to have control over your life and the more you
express this power, the better you tend to feel.
The trick is that sometimes, people or other influences tell you what to
It is your life and you are the one who owns it.
If you are unsure of what to do next, you can of course ask for advice
or even ask someone to take some steps for you if you can't.
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Positive thinking
If you don't want to own the key choices of your life, it is okay to
delegate these choices if you want to.
If, however, you feel like you miss control over what happens to you,
it is often the reflection of an unbalance of power.
Somewhere along the line you might have given away power in
various forms without actually realizing it.
You might be 30+ and still behave like your parents have to decide for
There can be dozens of life situations where you can reconquer your
You decide!
Always remember this when your life comes to a point where you have
to take key decisions or set up a long term life line for yourself.
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Positive thinking
It is a spirit.
There are many sources of inspiration you can tap into but often, there
is only one which takes you exactly where you want to be.
This is synchronicity.
Your ability to tap at will into your inner sources of inspiration is a key
life skill.
You don't have to swim with every river which comes to you.
If you are unsure about a choice or life direction, track back your
source of inspiration and identify where it comes from.
If you discover more about your sources of inspiration, you will for
sure get clearer answers about your choices and directions.
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Positive thinking
This means as well discovering more about your own spirit and what
truly guides your steps in life.
The key word is awareness. The best way to increase your awareness
is to open new doors in your consciousness.
You can do this with some simple mediation or focus techniques which
clarify your inner screen and help you see the play of energies and
sources of inspiration in your life.
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Positive thinking
Today, there are so many avenues in your life you can work on, and
consciously design an existence you love and enjoy.
What matters is that you give care to your being in one way or
You take a moment to step back and give yourself the priority for just
half a day a week.
You can of course give yourself much more but if you don't know
where to start, this is the best way to go.
Invest as well in it! Don't think that your being, body or mind are not
worth it.
If you find easy to buy a new set of dishes for your kitchen, don't
hesitate a second to buy a new tie, new dress or a gym membership
for a few months.
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Positive thinking
Put it this way: if you feel greater satisfaction and higher level of
energy, everyone benefits from it.
When you are happy and shining, it's a win-win for everyone.
It is okay to be totally selfish and give first to yourself (at least once a
week! ☺)
What works best is to develop new life skills, gain effectiveness and
satisfaction in key areas of your life like business, love life, social life,
personal and spiritual development.
What matters first is that you understand the dynamics involved and
simply take steps in that direction.
You will notice that your level of life satisfaction can raise a couple of
points instantly the moment you do.
I won't sell you coaching here because you already know that coaching
sessions go in the same sense.
You can care for your being in any way you want.
You can set up goals and warm up to the idea that you are worth it!
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Positive thinking
Empowering your mind and life is the most direct way to energize the
totality of your existence.
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Positive thinking
Part 15 – How to
change your life in
these situations
In the next few pages, we will check key life situations which require
shifts and effective strategies.
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Positive thinking
If you were an artist, you would simply say that you face an inspiration
When you face an inspiration, motivation or energy gap, all you need
is to reconnect with sources of power and renewal in yourself.
When life and inspiration flows, your channels are active and you feel
truly happy.
If some of your channels feel blocked, you feel unhappy and lack
energy or motivation.
There are two steps you can take: The first one is to energize your life
exactly the way it is.
If you work hard, you can give yourself a break and take some time
off, simply to gain back some energy.
The second set of solutions goes deeper: you reorient your goals,
redefine your life purposes.
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Positive thinking
You start changing the way you do certain things in life, find new
targets, or use your money, time and energy in a different way.
It means that you step back a little and observe your life from the
You are the designer and your first goal is to create a life vision you
are truly excited about.
You take what you have right now and ad new qualities and actions to
it. You can as well simply reshape what you have.
Where to start?
If all the goals you already achieved do not satisfy you, start looking
for deeper and more profound targets.
Discovering more about your values, energy and your life gives you an
inner sense of support which radically shifts the way you stand in life.
Does this mean that you need to meditate 2 hours a day and give up
your material wealth?
Not at all.
All you have to do is start nurturing these areas of your life (your mind
and spirit) and define your inner goals in these fields.
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Positive thinking
After that, you can simply conquer these new territories exactly the
way you conquer anything else: by focusing on these topics,
developing some new skills and expanding your awareness.
The moment you set up your mind and will power to gain a more
powerful emotional or spiritual base, you naturally head for new
targets which energize your life.
In many cases, it means one thing: keep the structure of your life the
way it is but ad new qualities to it: life force, fun, power, dynamism,
pleasure, excitement, thrill, vision, generosity, love, complicity,
synergy and so much more.
If you want to go for it, you can as well try solo and reinvent the wheel
on your own.
What matters is that you start exploring your mind and spirit and
discover what truly goes on in it.
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Positive thinking
Change job
The first step is to make a quick assessment of where you are at:
• What can you get in a new position that you are not
getting right now?
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Change my life
Change comes with taking action.
What stops you from taking action can be lack of confidence, lack of
strategy, lack of energy or resources, lack of skills or emotional fuel,
All of that can be overcome with some determination and power. This
is what we focus on in a coaching session: building up confidence and
support to take small affordable steps.
The way to handle that is to increase your awareness and get familiar
with the emotions and forces which are involved in any change.
These are concepts and ideas. Once you want to change something,
the best is to focus on very practical steps you can take.
Every time you sit back and hesitate, you feed your doubts. If you
want to build up trust and confidence, the best is to take action in one
way or another.
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Positive thinking
Ask yourself this question: "If I could change one single aspect of
my life between now and next week, what would that be?"
Write your answer on a white page. Take another page and write down
your possible options to achieve your goal.
Give yourself 1 target per week. In the beginning of next week for
instance write down a target for the week. Write down your options.
Design a strategy. And start working on it.
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Positive thinking
Any step you take should be oriented towards gaining more fun,
freedom and excitement from life. Why? because unless you are
excited about the changes you make, they won't stay for long.
Don't take hard steps that limit your spontaneity and freedom. If you
focus on discipline, you are looking at short term success. If you want
long term success, the best is to follow your instincts, inspiration and
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Positive thinking
Change something in me
What do you want to change in you?
• An emotion
• My way of responding to a situation
• The way I feel about myself
• The way I relate to others
• Etc.
Your mind functions in a similar way. To shift a mind pattern, all you
have to do is replace it by a new more efficient pattern.
If you tend to doubt a lot, all you have to do is replace doubt by trust
and confidence.
If you miss social skills, go and get what you are missing.
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Positive thinking
You start by reducing the challenge to a size that you can handle.
Divide the problem in very small parts and focus on one aspect at a
In the beginning of the week, you identify a key area you want to
focus on. For instance if you want to strengthen your confidence, you
consciously focus on taking risks or steps you did not take before. You
go beyond your comfort zone by taking action. Focus first on small
affordable steps. Once you feel confident with small steps, take bigger
steps, and so on.
Focus on one target for 1 week. Make it your priority and focus
number one.
Change will happen if you take action. This means taking steps and
going beyond the limits of what you already know.
Action is what takes you from where you are to where you want to be.
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Positive thinking
Take a specific life situation and describe in detail how you behave in
that situation.
Take then another white page and describe the way you would like to
act in this situation.
Another option is to simulate the life situation you described and train
your new behavior. The key with training a new behavior is repetition.
It might not flow and feel really awkward in the beginning. Very soon
though, you will notice how you new behavior starts growing and
taking roots in you.
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Positive thinking
• Late dinner
• Lots of snacks
• No regularity in the meals
• No breakfast
• Only 2 meals a days
• Large meals with second serving
• Sweets, candy bars, etc
• Poor in vegetables
• Poor in fruit
• Lots of meet and fish
• Lots of bread
Do you recognize any of these?
Here is what you can do for a start: simply choose one of these and
replace it by a better pattern. No need to take a drastic step. We are
talking about a very simple and small affordable step you can take.
• Regular meals
• Replace bad snacks by good snacks (fruit, muesli bar,
• Cook smaller meals
• More veggies, less meat
• Buy more fruit
• …
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Positive thinking
Just choose one, write it down on a "post it" and stick it on your fridge
as a reminder.
Once this habit feels established and natural for you, focus on a new
Choose what feels natural for you, something which does not require a
big effort.
The key for long term success with eating patterns is to focus on fun,
healthy and enjoyable food, and find out natural habit patterns that fit
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Positive thinking
Clear clutter
Simple, sign in for a one time coaching session.
I know what you are thinking: "too complicate, too expensive, too
I can help you but you need to invest at least some time, energy and
money into it.
Of course you have other options: Find motivation inside yourself, ask
friends, wait until it comes, etc.
If you already tried these and it did not work, I suggest you try
another strategy and see what happens.
What you want is to get results with a minimum of effort, time and
energy. That's exactly what I want for you as well. I am 100%
committed to it.
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Positive thinking
You have now space, time and extra energy. It feels really good
doesn't it?
I know, on the net, you come across lots of stuff. You are bombarded
by a flow of propositions to buy products you often don't need. It is
truly tough to sort out what is needed and what isn't, specially when
dealing with professional marketers whose only goal is to push you to
blind consumption.
• Administration
Take this pile of unsorted bills and paper and sort them out.
Throw away what you don't need.
• Emails
Sort your inbox. Create folders for what you need to keep.
Organize and delete.
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Positive thinking
Clearing clutter is a great way of freeing energy. Once you start, you
feel this energizing and stimulating force. When you finish, you can
almost touch the clarity you created.
Take steps. This will greatly clarify your mind and prepare you for
enjoying more the present and the future.
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Positive thinking
Create space in the present so that you can start moving into the
Identify what is draining you right now and strengthen your personal
boundaries to protect your personal space.
You gain emotional freedom by taking control of your life. You decide
what goes in it. You take control of your agenda, time frame, actions
and activities. This can mean a major shift.
You are the most important person in your life. You are the centre of
your existence. You take the decision and make choices. You are in
power! You are in charge!
• I free myself
I unhook myself from the past. I clear the clutter. I free energy
in me and get rid of anything which holds me back.
Emotional fuel is the key energy which makes me move and take
action. The way to build up motivation is to focus on excitement.
I make anything exciting a priority.
• I gain clarity
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Positive thinking
• I take action!
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Positive thinking
Having extra info will give you the confidence and support you need
right now. Dare to go out there ask straight questions and get answers
from those who can help you.
Take small non committed steps and gather key information. The only
thing that can take you from where you are to where you want to be is
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Positive thinking
Find answers
If you need to find answers, the best is to start asking questions.
Send me an email and tell me what your questions are. I can give it a
go. You have thousands of experts online. You can tap into this infinite
source of wisdom.
If you feel you need to find the answers yourself (it's okay, it's very
stimulating to search and get excited about getting closer and closer) I
can ask you the questions and simply let you answer them.
If you feel you don't want anyone else but you to get involved, simply
take a white page and write down your question in the middle of the
page. Then write down any idea which comes to your mind, even the
ones that you believe can't be right.
You might notice at the end that you get a strong feeling about one of
your answers...
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Positive thinking
This is fine.
It is okay.
Get to meet new friends and make training a more social event.
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Positive thinking
The only reason they stay with you is because something in you
tolerates their presence.
You have an infinite source of power in you which can simply break
through any form of self destructive behavior.
The only thing you have to do is decide once and for all to be in charge
and win a battle against anything which is stopping your from being
where you want to be.
The moment you take a decision without looking back and aim for
where you want to be, nothing will stop you.
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Positive thinking
Find out if there are any negative emotions, fears from past
experiences which are holding you back from taking action.
• Clear clutter
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Positive thinking
Sometimes you are in a period in your life where you want to change
something. Changing location can be the first reflex, but there could
be other options.
Explore other "changing" options, like career and jobs, new life
directions, putting some fresh energy in your relationship, etc. make
sure that if you decide to move, you do that consciously because you
know that it is what you want.
Take a white page and write down the 10 key elements you will find in
Montana that you can't find in Louisiana.
When you know what you are looking for, it greatly strengthens your
motivation and gives you a kick to go ahead and do it.
You are realistic and that's excellent. Don't lose it. Stay with your two
feet on the ground. Estimate how much the moving will cost and how
you will finance it.
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Positive thinking
Take a white page and answer these questions one by one. It will give
you clarity and focus towards your target.
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Positive thinking
Renewal power
The single most important quality to change is not ideas and strategy.
As long as resistance is too big, change does not happen. The situation
simply stays the way it is.
Of course you need as well a clear target, ideas and strategies on how
to do it.
The first quality you will need though is always this: Power, energy,
emotional fuel.
When you have extra power, you can apply it to any area of your life.
Most of the forces in and around you are geared towards creating
resistance and simply freezing your moves.
It is natural.
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Positive thinking
You can connect with this inside yourself or you can connect with
sources of power and energy which will support you in moving
The question is: "do you have what it takes to make that change?"
If the idea of investing a bit of time, energy and money is already too
much, I believe you are stacked my friend.
What you area saying is: "I actually love my comfort and the idea of
stepping beyond the limits of what I know is just too much".
Change is stressful.
You probably know many examples of people who want change but do
nothing about it, right?
They sit back and the idea appears in their mind every now and then.
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Positive thinking
They think about it, get frustrated and then move on with their lives
doing exactly what they were doing the day before.
This means one thing. Their will power is not strong enough.
They miss the inner renewal power which allows you to break through
resistances and shift key elements in their lives.
One day, you wake up and decide: "I am going to do what it takes to
shift this situation".
It is a form of energy you build up, concentrate and use in your life.
To tell you the truth, your power of renewal is more precious than
When you connect with your renewal power, it is your whole life
stream which shifts.
It is as if you open the doors and allow a free flow of life power.
It is refreshing.
You either watch the river from the side or you jump in it and go with
the flow of transformation.
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Positive thinking
Then lift up your natural resistances and accept to go with it, take
risks, open up and move forward.
Definitely yes!
I believe you have a strength and inner power waiting to come up.
Don’t sit on this inner volcano of power without daring to open the lid
and free your energy.
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Positive thinking
• Change is stressful
You, like anyone else have a natural resistance for change. Why?
Because change requires energy. It requires the integration of
new mind patterns. This means that if you engage into changing
something in you, you'll be under pressure or stress during this
transition period.
To go for change, you need to totally shift your mind set. Action
is your friend. Every time you sit back and hesitate, you feed
your doubts and comfort yourself in the present situation. Going
for change means picking up the challenge. You go for it even
though you know that taking action means stepping beyond your
comfort zone.
• Look beyond
Focus on what comes after. Focus on what you can do once you
changed what you needed to. Your mind, body and life are your
vehicle. The sooner you make that vehicle performant, the
sooner you can focus on taking it to the next step. Get rid of
what holds you back. Move forward. Don't stay half way.
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Positive thinking
Something is resisting in me
The first step is to identify what is resisting in you.
• Fear?
• Doubts?
• No clear idea or strategy?
• Not sure of what you want?
• Etc.
It generates pressure.
Sometimes, you simply don't have the time or energy to invest in it,
so you let it go instead of doing something about it.
From the moment you are born, your mind is being conditioned
(Nothing scary. It is positive and just happens for everyone).
When you want to break through and free yourself from an old
conditioning, you need extra energy and extra power. It is quite
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Positive thinking
• For every option, you could choose, what is it that you would
have to let go of?
• How will you feel once you take your decision and move
Sometimes, all you need is simply a little bit of extra power and
confidence. Is this the case for you?
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Positive thinking
However if you feel that change does not happen spontaneously for
you, you can give nature a little help by understanding more about the
dynamics involved and how to empower your transformation path.
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Positive thinking
66 structures
financial Clear
55 22
Free energy
in Clear
44 33
clear Finish
boundaries business
Find out if there are any negative emotions, fears from past
experiences which are holding you back from taking action.
• Clear clutter
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Positive thinking
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Positive thinking
Here are some key mind set which will put you on the renewal high
speed track:
Simply focus on the mind set which matches the resistance you might
• Conflicting interests
• Doubts
I know I can do it
• Hesitations
I take action
• Lack of time
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Positive thinking
I free time
• Lack of knowledge
• External resistance
• Lack of energy
I resource myself
• Lack of focus
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Positive thinking
• Can't afford it
• Inner resistance
• Too risky
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Positive thinking
Take a minute to gain clarity and identify your number one priority.
Deep inside you know exactly what you need the most right now.
This will give you extra fuel and motivation to take steps
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Positive thinking
• Lack of ideas?
• Lack of action?
• Lack of follow up?
• Too high expectations?
• Lack of resources? time, energy or money?
• No clear strategy?
• Lack of support?
• No sense of urgency?
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Positive thinking
44 11
resources Take
and keyinformation
key information
Build up
33 22
control Focus
life small
• Take action
You heard this before: every journey starts with a first step.
Sometimes you don’t have the full picture of where you are
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Positive thinking
going. The best way to gain clarity is to take one step forward.
This allows you to test the waters and gather essential
information, feelings and insights.
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Positive thinking
Take action
Design environments
Design environments
to stimulate and encourage
to stimulate and encourage
your new behavior
your new behavior
44 11
Find support
support Affirmations
Find the right support Identify and use key
Find the right support Identify and use key
with communities, groups,
with communities, groups,
experts and professionals
experts and professionals
Taking action
affirmations and empowering
affirmations and empowering
33 22
Train yourself
yourself Resources
Train yourself Read and research
Train yourself Read and research
to respond or react differently info, resources and tips
to respond or react differently info, resources and tips
in specific life situations on this subject
in specific life situations on this subject
• Affirmations
• Resources
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Positive thinking
• Train yourself
• Find support
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Positive thinking
When you focus on exciting targets and establish your actions within
an exciting context you multiply your level of power and energy.
Focus on these key qualities you want to have in the core of any action
you take or any transformation path you engage yourself into:
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Positive thinking
I hope you enjoyed this material!
Email me at francisco@vitalcoaching.com
For coaching:
For more:
To your power
Francisco Bujan
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