Inglês Instrumental

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The text discusses the myth of how Pandora opened a box containing all the evils of the world. It describes how Zeus hid fire from humans and Prometheus stole it back, angering Zeus and leading him to take revenge.

Zeus did not want men to use fire, so he hid it away. However, Prometheus found it and took it back to Earth, angering Zeus.

Zeus created Pandora to take revenge on Prometheus and humankind. He gave her a box and told her not to open it.


Instrumental III
Antonio Serur
CLASS 1 e 2
About Neil Armstrong.....................................................................................91
My Daily Routine ............................................................................................92
Dialogue – Did you have a good weekend? ..................................................93
Unscramble the words ...................................................................................94
Questions about travel and holidays .............................................................94
CLASS 3 e 4:
About Walt Disney ......................................................................................... 96
Inglês Britânico x Inglês Americano .............................................................. 97
Dialogue – Foreign Exchange ........................................................................ 97
Text study: Durham Region ............................................................................ 99
Unscramble the words ................................................................................. 100
Vocabulary – Personal Questions ................................................................ 100
CLASS 5 e 6:
Inglês Instrumental III

Simple Past I – Regular Verbs ......................................................................101

Text study: Dick Mallory ..............................................................................103
Unscramble the words ................................................................................103
CLASS 7 e 8:
About Leonardo da Vinci ............................................................................104
Simple Past II – Regular Verbs .....................................................................105
Lista do Inglês Britânico x Inglês Americano ...............................................106
Dialogue – At the Post Office .......................................................................106
Vocabulary – How to ask Personal Questions politely ..............................107
CLASS 9 e 10:
Simple Past III – Irregular Verbs ...................................................................108
Simple Past – Negative & Interrogative Form ...........................................109
Dialogue – Taking a picture ..........................................................................110
Irregular Verbs List ........................................................................................110
CLASS 11 e 12:
Text Study – Are you discouraged? ............................................................. 112
Dialogue – Reservations Airline .................................................................. 114
Unscramble the words ................................................................................ 115
Lista do Inglês Britânico x Inglês Americano ............................................... 115
CLASS 13 e 14:
Text Study .....................................................................................................116
Vocabulary - Opposite .................................................................................117
Dialogue – A ticket to London! ...................................................................118
Extra Knowledge about century ..................................................................118
CLASS 15 e 16:
Simple Future Tense ....................................................................................120
Extra Vocabulary ..........................................................................................121
Crosswords ..................................................................................................123
Extra Vocabulary – Talking on the telephone .............................................124
CLASS 17 e 18:
Countable & Uncountable nouns ...............................................................126
Dialogue – Plans & Excuses ........................................................................128
CLASS 19 e 20:
Curiosity – “Surfing the Amazon” ...............................................................130
Dialogue – International Transfers .............................................................131
Extra Vocabulary – During the Call ............................................................134
REFERÊNCIAS ...........................................................................................................135
ATIVIDADES AUTOINSTRUTIVAS ............................................................................138

88 Instituto Federal - Paraná

Cada vez mais os estudantes percebem o quão importante e necessário é dominar
a língua inglesa. Esse idioma tornou-se um dos principais veículos de comunicação no
comércio mundial, no trabalho, no turismo, nas competições esportivas, no acesso a
internet, entre outros. Por isso, é preciso conhecer a língua inglesa para não se sentir
isolado no mundo globalizado de hoje.

Como em qualquer idioma, para se expressar com eficácia é preciso muito mais do
que dominar regras gramaticais e ter um bom vocabulário; é preciso ter continuidade, isto
é, estar lendo sempre. E de preferência ler sobre o que gosta como arte, música, cinema,

Inglês Instrumental III

computação, culinária etc.

Esta apostila apresenta farto material com vocabulário cuidadosamente escolhido;

com textos atraentes, e com uma gramática preparada para oferecer ao aluno bom
conhecimento da matéria, seguida de exercícios práticos visando ajudar no ensino da
língua inglesa.

Curso Técnico em Secretariado 89

Nota sobre o autor
Antonio Serur

Conhecido como professor Tony - possui especialização em língua inglesa, pela

House – LONDON. É autor de material didático para os cursos de ensino médio, pré-
vestibular e técnico-profissionalizante. Exerce a docência desde 1995.

Atualmente, é professor no Colégio Marista Paranaense, no Colégio Positivo, no

Inglês Instrumental III

Colégio TOP GUN, no Instituto Federal do Paraná/Projeto e-Tec Brasil, na modalidade

a distância para os cursos de Secretariado e Administração. Tem excelente domínio do
idioma Francês e Árabe.

90 Instituto Federal - Paraná

CLASS 1 Class 1

Dear students, nas aulas 1 e 2 vocês aprenderão a descrever uma roti na diária, 
usando vocabulário específi co para os períodos de descanso (fi nais de semana, feriados 

Inglês Instrumental III

e férias). E para complementar nossos estudos, adiciono uma informação extra. 

Então, let’s do it!

Neil Armstrong
This astronaut was the first human to
walk on the moon.
He stepped onto the moon,
He said:
“That’s one small step for man, one 
giant leap for mankind.”

“Um pequeno passo para o homem, um gigantesco salto para a humanidade.”

Curso Técnico em Secretariado 91

Class 1 Dear students, qual é a sua roti na diária? A que horas você acorda, 
deita, trabalha etc.? Leia com atenção o exemplo abaixo, e em seguida 
escreva sobre a sua própria roti na.  

Hi, let me tell you about my daily routine.

First, I get up at 8:00am, then I brush my teeth,
have a shower, and eat breakfast.
I go to work at 8:50am, and I start work at 9:30am.
Then I have lunch at 1:00pm, and finish work at 5:30pm.
I go to bed at 11:00pm. That’s my day!
Inglês Instrumental III


Hi teacher Tony, let me tell you about my daily routine.






Key Vocabulary
Daily - diariamente to fi nish - terminar
Routi ne - rotina Bed - cama
First - primeiro to come - vir
to get up - levantar From - de
to brush - escovar also - também
to have - ter To read - ler
Shower - chuveiro to watch - assistir
to eat - comer Watch - relógio
Breakfast - café da manhã comedy - comédia
to go - ir News - notícias
Work - trabalho gym - ginásio
to start - começar Let’s - vamos
to lunch - almoçar together - junto

92 Instituto Federal - Paraná

CLASS 2 Class 2

. for Life
When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that 
you have a thousand reasons to smile.
Unknown Author

Hello  dear  friend,  você  deve  lembrar  que  no  primeiro  módulo  trabalhamos 
diálogos, e neste não será diferente. Então vamos ao nosso primeiro diálogo. Are you 

Inglês Instrumental III

ready? So let’s do it!

Key Vocabulary
- Weekend - fim de semana
- tired - cansado/a
- tired out = exhausted - exausto/a
- to bet - apostar
- That sounds like fun = It seems funny - parece divertido
- sort of = something like that - algo assim, algo parecido


Did you have a good weekend?

Tony: Hi, Renato. Did you have a

good weekend?

Renato: Yes, I did. But I feel tired today.
Tony: Really? Why?

Renato: Well, on Saturday I cleaned the house and played tennis.

Tony: And I bet you studied, too.

Renato: Yeah. I studied on Sunday evening. What about you?

Tony: Well, I didn’t clean the house and I didn’t study. I stayed in bed
and watched TV.

Renato: That sounds like fun, but did you exercise?

Tony: Sort of. I played golf on my computer!!

Curso Técnico em Secretariado 93

Class 2

- St. Valenti ne´s Day, February 14
- St. Patrick´s Day, March 17
- Easter, April 24
- Mother´s Day, second Sunday in May
- Father´s Day, third Sunday in June
- Independence Day, July 4th every year
- Halloween, October 31
- Thanksgiving Day, 4th Thursday in November
- Christmas Day, December 25 every year
- New Year´s Eve, December 31
Inglês Instrumental III


Ex: CELSO  CLOSE = fechar






Seguem algumas sugestões de perguntas feitas sobre viagens e feriados, que 
poderão ajudar você nos diálogos.
• How many days was your vacation?
• How was your vacation?
• How was your trip? How much luggage did you take?
• Were people friendly?
• Did people speak English there?
• What was the most interesting thing that you did
during the vacation?
• What was the most interesting thing you did during
the holiday?
• What was the best food you ate during your
• How do you feel after a long vacation?
• How much money did you spend on your last vacation?
• Where did you stay?
• Did you stay in a hotel?
• Did you have any problems?
94 Instituto Federal - Paraná
• Did you use a lot of English? Class 2
• How did you get there?
• How long did it take to get there?
• What did you do there?
• What kind of food did you eat?
• What was the weather/food/scenery like?
• What were the people/restaurants/like?
• Where would you like to go next?
• Who did you travel with?
• Where in the world would you most like to go for your next vacation?
• How long did it take you to get there?
• Have you ever run out of money when you are on holidays?

Inglês Instrumental III

• Who is the most remarkable person you have ever met on holiday?
• How would you feel if there weren't any holidays?


Curso Técnico em Secretariado 95

Class 3 CLASS 3

Walt Disney
This artist and film producer was the
Inglês Instrumental III

creator of Mickey Mouse. Mickey

Mouse’s first animated cartoon appeared
in 1928. Mickey Mouse soon became
the world’s most popular animated
cartoon character, and he received
over 2,000 letters a day.




“England and America are two countries separated by a common language.”

“Inglaterra e Estados Unidos são dois países separados por uma língua em comum.”
(George Bernard Shaw, escritor irlandês - 1856-1950)

Segundo o arti go, o inglês é falado de maneiras diferentes nos dois lados do Atlântico.

Com o passar dos anos, as diferenças entre o inglês britânico e o americano levantaram
debates e discussões fervorosos. O inglês britânico moderno é altamente influenciado
pelo inglês americano, fazendo com que muitos contrastes desapareçam. A pronúncia
é, em alguns casos, bem diferente, mas a grande maioria dos cidadãos americanos e
britânicos entende facilmente uns aos outros, ressaltando que estas diferenças são de
importância mínima.

96 Instituto Federal - Paraná

Até mesmo nos dias atuais você ainda irá ouvir pessoas comparando o inglês Class 3
britânico e o americano e discutindo qual é o “melhor tipo de inglês”. Tais discussões,
todavia, revelam no final das contas nada mais que uma preferência pessoal de alguém.
Texto extraído de:

A seguir, apresento uma lista das palavras mais comuns. Na primeira coluna, a
palavra em inglês americano; na segunda, no inglês britânico e na terceira, a tradução
para o português:

American   British Portuguese

airplane Aeroplane avião
apartment Flat apartamento
area code dialing cod código de área

Inglês Instrumental III

bar Pub bar, taverna
billfold Wallet carteira
busy engaged (phone) ocupado (telefone)
candy Sweets doces
cookie/cracker Biscuit biscoito
corn sweet corn, maize milho
crazy Mad louco
diaper Nappy fralda
drugstore, pharmacy chemist’s farmácia, drogaria
elevator Lift elevador
eraser rubber, eraser borracha (escolar)
fall/autumn Autumn outono
first floor, second floor etc ground floor, first floor térreo, primeiro piso
french fries Chips batatas fritas
garbage/trash Rubbish lixo
garbage can, trashcan dustbin, rubbish bin lata de lixo
gas/gasoline Petrol gasolina/combustível

Dear friend, abaixo temos um diálogo dentro de uma agência de câmbio. Que tal
aprender a fazer essa troca? Are you ready? So let’s do it!

Foreign exchange

I´d like to change some pounds into US dollars.

Cashier: Hi. May I help you?

Paul: Yes. What´s the buying rate for the British Pound?

Cashier: 1.5 U.S. dollars to the pound.

Paul: Okay. I´d like to change some pounds into US dollars,


Cashier: Sure. How much would you like to change?

Curso Técnico em Secretariado 97

Class 3 Paul: Six hundred pounds.

Cashier: Very good. May I see your passport?

Paul: Here you are.

Cashier: How would you like your bills?

Paul: In fifties please.

Inglês Instrumental III

98 Instituto Federal - Paraná

CLASS 4 Class 4


By teacher “Tony”

01. Match the columns.

1. to look for ( ) capturar, pegar

2. amount ( ) culpado

Inglês Instrumental III

3. foot ( ) quantia

4. to demand ( ) procurar

5. to catch ( ) fugir

6. to arrest ( ) exigir

7. to hunt ( ) caçar

8. guilty ( ) pé

9. beside ( ) além de

10. besides ( ) ao lado de

11. to flee ( ) prender, deter

“Durham Region police are looking for a man who robbed a bank. A man about
age 30 told a teller he had a gun and demanded money. He escaped on foot with a small
amount of cash about 2.45 p.m.”

02. Select the following statement(s) which (is), (are) supported by the text.

a) Hunt ends after police arrested a teenager carrying a gun and some money.

b) Officers found footprints beside the dead man’s body.

c) Bank robber flees on foot in the middle of the day.

d) Detective Sergeant Durham was found guilty of bank robbery.

e) Police catch a man carrying a small amount of money inside a bank.

Curso Técnico em Secretariado 99

Class 4

Ex: CELSO  CLOSE = fechar




Inglês Instrumental III

Segue, abaixo, uma lista de perguntas que você pode usar para conhecer melhor
as pessoas e a fazer novos amigos.

Extra Vocabulary
Where are you from? Você é de onde?
What do you do? O que você faz?
How old are you? Quantos anos você tem?
Do you have any brothers or sisters? Você tem irmãos?
Do you have children? / Do you have kids? Você tem filhos?
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Você tem namorado (a)?
Are you married? Você é casado (a)?
Are you involved with anyone? Você é comprometido com alguém?
What's your sign? Qual é o seu signo?
Do you like...? / Do you enjoy...? Você gosta de...?
Where do you live? Onde você mora?
Do you live in Curitiba by chance? Por acaso você mora em Curitiba?
Do you live alone? / Do you live by yourself? Você mora sozinho (a)?
Who do you live with? Com quem você mora?

100 Instituto Federal - Paraná

CLASS 5 Class 5

Dear students, nas aulas 5 e 6, vamos aprender como aplicar o passado simples
(simple past) dos verbos regulares (regular verbs). Para complementar nossos estudos, 
trago uma informação extra sobre a palavra Holiday (feriado). Então, let’s do it!

Inglês Instrumental III

2000 B.C. - 1800 A.D.
Many people spent one day a week on religion.
This was called a “holy day” in England, and the
English word holiday comes from this expression.
On this day people rested and prayed.


Hello dear student,

Você deve lembrar que no primeiro módulo trabalhamos o presente simples (Simple
Present). O estudo da aula de hoje é sobre o Simple Past (passado 
simples), que é dividido entre os verbos regulares e os irregulares.

Nessa aula trabalharemos apenas com os verbos regulares.

É bem simples! Are you ready? So let’s do it!

Simple Past

Advérbios e locuções de uso frequente com o Simple Past:

Yesterday - ontem
Last - passado
Ago - atrás

Curso Técnico em Secretariado 101

Class 5 Usamos o Simple Past para fatos ocorridos no passado e em tempo determinado.

Verbos Regulares  d ied ed

• Acrescenta-se D quando o Simple Form terminar em e ou ee:

to smoke  smoked to agree  agreed

• Para verbos terminados em Y precedido de consoante, o Y torna-se i e

acrescenta-se ed:

to try  tried to study  studied

• Acrescenta-se ED em todos os outros verbos.

Inglês Instrumental III

to obey  obeyed to turn  turned

Let´s try guys.

01. Complete with the verbs in the Simple Past.

a) They ______________________ the discrimination. (to notice)

b) My parents ______________________ me two hours ago. (to call)

c) We ______________________ a lot of money. (to love)

d) She ______________________ a lot last night. (to cry)

e) I ______________________ to have lunch here. (to decide)

f) My mother ______________________ hard yesterday. (to work)

g) She ______________________ for the test last night. (to study)

h) We ______________________ our teachers yesterday. (to obey)

i) I ______________________ with her about everything yesterday. (to agree)


102 Instituto Federal - Paraná

CLASS 6 Class 6
Dick Mallory is a book publisher. His office on the fortieth floor of a skyscraper in the
center of New York City is the world he works in. The world he lives in is a white house on
a quiet street in a suburb 30 miles from the big city. Whether he is at work in the heart of
the big city or at home in the quiet suburb, Dick's life is tied to machines. In many ways he
represents modern man in the big city, modern man in the machine era.

01. According to the text, Dick Mallory:

a) lives in a skyscraper in the center of New York City.

b) lives and works in a white house, far from New York City.

Inglês Instrumental III

c) lives in the center of New York City.

d) works at an office in a very high building.

e) uses to write books that he publishes himself.

02. How many regular verbs are there in the text above? 


Behind a great man there is always a great woman.

Atrás de um grande homem há sempre uma grande mulher.
Popular proverb (Ditado)


Ex: CELSO  CLOSE = fechar








Curso Técnico em Secretariado 103

Class 7 CLASS 7
Dear students, nas aulas 7 e 8, vamos conti nuar aprendendo a conjugar os verbos 
regulares (regular verbs)  no passado simples (simple past). Também teremos uma lista 
de novas palavras específi cas entre o inglês americano e o inglês britânico.

E para complementar nossos estudos, apresento uma informação extra sobre um 
dos maiores arti stas do nosso tempo, Leonardo da Vinci. Então, let’s do it!

Leonardo da Vinci
This Italian painter lived from 1452 to 1519.
Inglês Instrumental III

In about 1504 he painted the Mona Lisa,

the most famous painting in the world.
The Mona Lisa is now in the
Louvre Museum in Paris.
It was stolen in 1911, but it was found
again two years later.


104 Instituto Federal - Paraná

Be Careful

Se um verbo terminar em uma consoante precedida de uma vogal forte (tônica),

dobra-se a consoante final acrescentando “ed”.

to beg  begged to stop  stopped

to prefer  preferred to occur  occurred

Mas preste atenção agora! A sílaba tônica é na primeira, então a consoante final
não se dobra.

Inglês Instrumental III

to listen  listened to open  opened to visit  visited

OBS: Verbos terminados em “x” ou “w” nunca dobram.

to row  rowed to fix  fixed to relax  relaxed

Let´s try guys.

01. Write, in a correct way, the four verbs which have the wrong conjugati on.

a) to snow: snowed f) to worry: worryed k) to fix: fixed

b) to use: used g) to prefer: prefered l) to drop: dropped

c) to stop: stopped h) to jog: jogged m) to dance: danced

d) to miss: missed i) to listen: listened n) to enjoy: enjoied

e) to open: openned j) to slap: slapped o) to visit: visited


Curso Técnico em Secretariado 105

Class 8 CLASS 8

A seguir, mais uma lista das palavras mais comuns. Na primeira coluna, colocamos a
palavra em inglês americano, na segunda, seu no britânico, e na terceira, a tradução para
o português:
American   Briti sh Portuguese
highway, freeway main road, motorway estrada, rodovia
Mad Angry enfurecido
mailbox pillar box caixa de correio
Mean Nasty mesquinha
Movie, film Film filme cinematográfico
Movie theater Cinema cinema
Inglês Instrumental III

pants, trousers Trousers calças compridas

parking lot car park estacionamento
pavement road surface calçamento, pavimentação
railroad Railway ferrovia
Raise rise (in salary) aumentar
rest-room, bathroom (public) toilet toalete, banheiro (em restaurantes, hotéis etc.)
sidewalk Pavement calçada
resumé CV currículo profissional
schedule, timetable Timetable horário
sneakers trainers (=sports shoes) tênis esportivo
stand in line Queue fazer fila
store/shop Shop loja
subway Underground metrô
Truck lorry, van caminhão
two weeks fortnight, two weeks duas semanas
vacation holiday(s) férias
Zee zed “zê” - o nome da letra “z”

Dear friend, o diálogo a seguir ocorre no guichê do Correio. Então vamos conhecer 
a maneira correta de se enviar cartas. Are you ready? So let’s do it!

At the post Offi
Air mail, please.
Postal clerk: Yes, madam?
Mrs. Ryefield: How much is a stamp to send a letter to
France, please?
Postal clerk: Air mail or surface mail?
Mrs. Ryefield: Air mail, please.
Postal clerk: That will be eighty-five cents.
Mrs. Ryefield: Four stamps, please. How much is that? mail.htm
Postal clerk: Three dollars and forty cents.
Mrs. Ryefield: There you go.
Diálogo adaptado de:
106 Instituto Federal - Paraná
Class 8

w w w. a u d i o e n g l i s h . n e t / e n g l i s h -
l e a r n i n g /e n g l i s h _ d i a l o g u e _ p o st _
offi   ce_1.htm

Ouça o áudio do diálogo original e outros mais...

Inglês Instrumental III

01. Choose the best alternati ve to complete the proverb below. 

a) person / blind b) woman / blind c) wife / death

d) wife / deaf e) wife / dead

Segue, abaixo, mais uma lista de perguntas (de ordem pessoal) que com certeza 
serão de grande ajuda!

How to ask personal questi ons politely
Como fazer perguntas pessoais sem ofender.

Can I ask (how old you are)? Posso perguntar (quantos anos você
You don’t have to answer if you don’t Não precisa responder se você não
want to... quiser...
Sorry if I seem too personal Não quero ser inconveniente
I don’t mean to be nosy Não quero ser intrometido
Just out of curiosity... Só por curiosidade...

Curso Técnico em Secretariado 107

Class 9 CLASS 9

Dear students, nas aulas 9 e 10, vamos aprender não apenas como aplicar o passado
simples (simple past) dos verbos irregulares (irregular verbs), como também suas 
formas negati vas e interrogati vas.  Então, let’s do it!

“We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by

learning to see an imperfect person perfectly”
Sam Keen
Inglês Instrumental III



Verbos irregulares são aqueles que não obedecem às regras normais de conjugação,
ou seja, à adição de d, ed ou ied. Verbos irregulares são assim chamados exatamente por
possuírem formas diferentes ou iguais. Infelizmente, a única opção que o estudante tem é
a de memorizar a conjugação desses verbos.

Exemplo: Paul brought his sister to our party. (to bring) = Paul trouxe a irmã dele a
nossa festa. (trazer)

Let´s try guys.

01. Fill in the blanks with the Simple Past Tense of the verbs in parentheses.

a) They _____________________ to the beach last Sunday. (to go)

b) I _______________ my courses last year. (to begin)
c) I _____________________ well last night. (to sleep)
d) He ______________________ very good to me. (to be)
e) The child ______________________ a nightmare. (to have)
f) We _______________ him some money. (to give)
g) We _______________ several hours studying English. (to spend)
h) He _______________ meat and salad. (to eat)
i) They _______________ wine. (to drink)

02. Choose the best alternati ve to complete the proverb below.


a) alone / ride b) agree / trust c) agree / alone d) argue / tired e) argue / trust
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CLASS 10 Class 10

Dear students, agora vamos trabalhar as formas negati vas e 
interrogati vas do passado simples. 

Simple Past - Negati ve & interrogati ve

Na construção de frase negativa ou interrogativa, deve-se usar sempre o auxiliar:

Did ; Didn’t

Quando o auxiliar é usado o verbo principal volta para Simple Form.

Inglês Instrumental III

 Negati ve form: She didn’t clean the house.
Exemplo: She cleaned the house.
 Interrogati ve form: Did she clean the house?

Let´s try guys.

01. Rewrite the sentences in the negati ve form.
a) Judy drove her mother’s car yesterday.
___________________________________________ Drive – drove
b) Meg drank a lot last night.
Drink – drank
Break – broke
c) The dog broke the vase.
___________________________________________ Give – gave

d) Anna gave Louis a BMW.


02. Rewrite the sentences in the interrogati ve form.

a) Lucas saw the accident.
______________________________________ ? See – saw

b) Tom left home earlier today. Leave – left 

______________________________________ ?
Buy – bought
c) My dad bought a new house.
______________________________________ ?

Curso Técnico em Secretariado 109

Class 10 Dear friend, a seguir temos um diálogo de como pedir educadamente a alguém para 
ti rar uma foto sua. Are you ready? So let’s do it!

Taking a picture

Could you please take a picture of us with this camera?
Paul: Excuse me. Could you please take a picture of us with this camera?
Man: Sure. Which button do I press to shoot?
Inglês Instrumental III

Paul: This one.

Man: Do I have to focus it?
Paul: No, this is a focus-free camera. All you have to do is point and press the button.
Man: All right. Say "cheese".

Practi ce makes perfect
A prática faz a perfeição
Popular proverb (Ditado)

My dear student, a lista de verbos irregulares que apresento certamente vai ajudar na
construção de frases gramati cais, como também ampliará seu  universo de palavras.

Infi niti ve   Simple past Past parti ciple +ing form Translati on
to be was, were been being ser, estar
to become became become becoming tornar-se
to begin began begun beginning começar
to bend bent bent bending inclinar-se
to bite bit bitten biting morder
to bleed bled bled bleeding sangrar
to blow blew blown blowing soprar
to break broke broken breaking quebrar
to bring brought brought bringing trazer
to build built built building construir
to burn burnt / burned burnt / burned burning queimar
to buy bought bought buying comprar
to catch caught caught catching pegar
to choose chose chosen choosing escolher
to come came come coming vir
to cost cost cost costing custar
to cut cut cut cutting cortar
to deal dealt dealt dealing negociar, lidar
to dig dug dug digging cavar
to do did done doing fazer
to draw drew drawn drawing desenhar
to dream dreamt / dreamed dreamt / dreamed dreaming sonhar
to drink drank drunk drinking beber
to drive drove driven driving guiar, dirigir
to eat ate eaten eating comer
to fall fell fallen falling cair
to feed fed fed feeding alimentar
to feel felt felt feeling sentir
to fight fought fought fighting lutar , combater
to find found found finding encontrar

110 Instituto Federal - Paraná

to fly flew
Simple past
Past participle +ing form
flying voar
Translation Class 10
to forget forgot forgotten forgetting esquecer
to forgive forgave forgiven forgiving perdoar
to freeze froze frozen freezing congelar
to get got got/gotten getting conseguir, obter
to give gave given giving dar
to go went gone going ir
to grow grew grown growing crescer
to have had had having ter
to hear heard heard hearing ouvir
to hide hid hid/ hidden hiding esconder
to hit hit hit hitting bater
to hold held held holding segurar
to keep kept kept keeping guardar, manter
to know knew known knowing conhecer, saber
to learn learned / learnt learned / learnt learning aprender
to leave left left leaving deixar / partir
to lend lent lent lending emprestar

Inglês Instrumental III

to let let let letting deixar , permitir
to light lit / lighted lit / lighted lighting iluminar
to lose lost lost losing perder
to make made made making fazer
to mean meant meant meaning significar
to meet met met meeting encontrar
to pay paid paid paying pagar
to put put put putting pôr
to read read read reading ler
to ride rode ridden riding cavalgar
to ring rang rung ringing tocar
to rise rose risen rising levantar, aumentar
to run ran run running fugir
to say said said saying dizer
to see saw seen seeing ver
to seek sought sought seeking buscar
to sell sold sold selling vender
to send sent sent sending mandar, enviar
to shake shook shaken shaking sacudir, balançar
to shine shone shone shining brilhar
to shoot shot shot shooting atirar , disparar
to shut shut shut shutting fechar
to sing sang sung singing cantar
to sit sat sat sitting sentar-se
to sleep slept slept sleeping dormir
to smell smelt/smelled smelt/smelled smelling cheirar
to spell spelt/spelled spelt/spelled spelling soletrar
to spend spent spent spending passar, gastar
to stand stood stood standing ficar , estar de pé
to steal stole stolen stealing furtar
to swear swore sworn swearing jurar
to sweep swept swept sweeping varrer
to swim swam swum swimming nadar
to take took taken taking levar, tomar, pegar
to teach taught taught teaching ensinar
to tear tore torn tearing rasgar
to tell told told telling contar, narrar
to think thought thought thinking censer
to throw threw thrown throwing arremessar
to understand understood understood understanding compreender
to wake up woke/ waked up woken/ waked up waking up acordar
to wear wore worn wearing vestir, usar
to win won won winning vencer
to write wrote written writing escrever


Curso Técnico em Secretariado 111

Class 11 CLASS 11

Dear student, complementando o estudo sobre SIMPLE PAST dos verbos regulares e
irregulares, veremos à incrível trajetória de uma das personalidades políti cas mais 
importantes da história dos Estados Unidos. Então, let’s do it!
Inglês Instrumental III





Event Year
He had to work to support his family after they were forced 1816
out of their home.
His mother died 1818
Failed in business 1831
Lost his job and couldn’t get into law school. 1832
Declared bankruptcy, and spent the next 17 years of his life paying off 1833
the money he borrowed from friends to start his business.
Was engaged to be married, but his sweetheart died and his 1835
heart was broken.
Had a nervous collapse and spent the next six months in bed. 1836
Was defeated for Congress 1843
Was defeated for Congress. 1846
Was defeated for Congress again. 1848
Was defeated for Senate. 1854
Was defeated for Vice-President -- got less than 100 votes. 1856
Was defeated for Senate for the third time. 1858
Was elected President of the United States. 1860
Fonte: Extraído de

112 Instituto Federal - Paraná

Class 11
THIS MAN WAS _______________________. (1809 -1865)

(e homenageado em notas de 5 dólares)

______________________ was the 16th President of the United States. He was one
of the greatest leaders in the world. As President during the American Civil War, he fought

Inglês Instrumental III

to preserve the United States and abolish slavery. He succeeded in both. He was a great
President and a hero.

He is pictured on both the penny and the five dollar bill.

His face is on the front. …and the Lincoln Memorial is on the back.


Curso Técnico em Secretariado 113

Class 12 CLASS 12
Dear friend, abaixo temos um diálogo de como fazer uma reserva para viajar 
de avião. Preste atenção às palavras usadas para esse ti po de situação.                      
Are you ready? So let’s do it!

Reservati ons (airline)
Do you have any fl ights to Sydney next Tuesday aft ernoon?
Inglês Instrumental III

Reservati ons clerk: Northwind Airways, good morning. May I help you?

Mary Jones: Yes, do you have any flights to Sydney next Tuesday afternoon?
Reservati ons  clerk: One moment, please... Yes. There´s a flight at 16:45 and
one at 18:00.
Mary Jones: That´s fine. Could you tell me how much a return flight costs? I´ll be
staying three weeks.
Reservati ons clerk: Economy, business class or first class ticket?
Mary Jones: Economy, please.
Reservati ons clerk: That would be €346.
Mary Jones: OK. Could I make a reservation?
Reservati ons clerk: Certainly. Which flight would you like?
Mary Jones: The 16:45, please.
Reservati ons  clerk: Could I have your
name, please?
Mary Jones: My name is Mary Jones, that´s
M-A-R-Y J-O-N-E-S.
Reservati ons clerk: How would you like to
pay, Ms. Jones?
Mary Jones: Can I pay at the check-in desk
when I pick up my ticket?
Reservati ons clerk: Yes, but you will have
to confirm this reservation at least two hours before departure time.
Mary Jones: I see.
Reservati ons  clerk: Now you have been booked, Ms. Jones. The flight leaves at
16:45, and your arrival in Sydney will be at 9:25 a.m., local time. The flight number
is NWA 476.
Mary Jones: Thank you.

Diálogo adaptado de:


114 Instituto Federal - Paraná

Do not put off  for tomorrow what you can do today.  Class 12
Não deixe para amanhã o que você pode fazer hoje.
Popular proverb (Ditado)


Ex: CELSO  CLOSE = fechar



Inglês Instrumental III



A seguir, mais uma lista de palavras comumente usadas e suas respecti vas formas de 
escrita. Na primeira coluna, colocamos a regra no inglês britânico; na segunda, no
inglês americano, e na terceira, exemplos nas duas formas:

Briti sh - American English - Spelling Rules 

Briti sh English American English Example (Briti sh - American)

centre - center
1 words ending in -re change to -er
metre - meter
2 words ending in -our change to -or colour - color
3 words ending in -ogue change to -og catalogue - catalog
4 words ending in -ise/ize ending only in -ize realise/realize - realize
final -l doubled after - l not always doubled after travelled - traveled
short vowel a short vowel modelling - modeling
defence - defense
6 words ending in -ence change to -ense
licence - license


Curso Técnico em Secretariado 115

Class 13 CLASS 13
Hello dear student, sabemos que para você dialogar precisa ter uma base
sólida de conteúdo e de vocabulário. Assim sendo, as aulas 13 e 14, se propõe 
a ensinar inúmeras palavras novas; a aumentar seu nível de conhecimento; a 
facilitar  sua compreensão sobre a estrutura da língua inglesa, e a ajudá-lo a 
criar diálogos do dia a dia. Are you ready? So let’s do it!

Never regret of what you’ve done but of what you quit to do.
Inglês Instrumental III

Jamais se arrependa do que fez e sim do que deixou de fazer.

Popular proverb (Ditado)

01. Find what he bought yesterday.

A student has had $150. Yesterday he went to the market and spent the exact
amount of $120.

a) He bought a hair dryer and shoes.

b) He bought a VCR. Price: $95 Price: $150
c) He bought a bicycle and shoes. HAIR DRYER SHOES
Price: $25 Price: $89
d) He bought a bicycle and a hair dryer.
e) He bought a VCR and shoes.

É muito importante saber o uso correto dessas palavras.

Então, dear friends, let’s do it!

02. Match the columns.

1- almost ( ) remind

2- to smell ( ) arrest

3- to cause to remember ( ) teenager

4- to put in prison ( ) nearly

5- youth between 13 and 19 ( ) sniff

116 Instituto Federal - Paraná

03. Choose the correct alternati ve. The opposite of the following adjecti ves are: Class 13
1. old 2. difficult 3. cheap 4. long 5. bad

a) modern / expensive / short / easy / good

b) modern / easy / short / expensive / good

c) easy / good / modern / expensive / short

d) short / expensive / easy / modern / good

e) modern / easy / expensive / short / good

Inglês Instrumental III

04. Choose the best alternati ve to complete the proverb below. 

A FRIEND IN _______ IS A FRIEND _______.

a) indeed / need b) indeed / nearly   c) need / nearly

d) need / indeed e) need / in need


Curso Técnico em Secretariado 117

Class 14 CLASS 14
Dear friend, abaixo temos um diálogo dentro de uma estação de trem. Que tal 
aprender como comprar passagens e perguntar sobre os horários e plataformas? Are 
you ready? So let’s do it!

A ti cket to London, please.
Paul: What time does the next train to
Inglês Instrumental III

London leave?
Railway  Stati on  Clerk: At 16:35, from
platform 8.
Paul: Is it a direct train to London?
Railway  Stati on  Clerk: No, you have to
change trains at Birmingham.
Paul: I see. One ticket to London, please.
Railway Stati on Clerk: Single or return, sir?
Paul: Single, please.
Railway Stati on Clerk: 64 pounds, please.
Paul: Here you are.
Railway Stati on Clerk: Here´s your ticket and change, sir

Dear student, você entende de séculos? Tem ideia a qual século pertencem as a datas 
abaixo? Vamos enriquecer o nosso conhecimento geral tentando responder as três 
perguntas. Are you ready? So let’s do it!

I: In what century was the discovery of Brazil?

(1 _ _ _ ) ; [ ................ ] century

II: In what century was the French Revolution?

(1 _ _ _ ) ; [ ................ ] century

III: In what century was the end of World War II?

(1 _ _ _ ) ; [ ................ ] century

118 Instituto Federal - Paraná

Instruction for Life Class 14


Unknown Author

Dear student, abaixo indico o site de um dicionário virtual bem interessante (free 
dicti onary – dicionário gratuito). Basta digitar a palavra e aparece a tradução com a 
devida pronúncia. Acesse você vai gostar!

Inglês Instrumental III

htt p://www.thefreedicti


Curso Técnico em Secretariado 119

Class 15 CLASS 15


Unknown Author

Dear students, hoje aprenderemos como aplicar o futuro simples (simple future), e 
também conhecer palavras novas. Então, let’s do it!

Inglês Instrumental III

The Simple Future Tense expressa uma ação futura. Em Inglês o verbo sozinho não
consegue expressar um tempo verbal, aí entram os auxiliary verbs (verbos auxiliares). Para
que possamos dizer que algo será feito no futuro usaremos “Will” como uma das opções.

WILL + VERBO no infi niti vo

Ex: They will play tennis tomorrow. (Eles jogarão tênis amanhã.)


Ex: They won’t play tennis tomorrow. (Eles não jogarão tênis amanhã.)

Para se formar uma pergunta no futuro em inglês coloca-se o verbo auxiliar antes
do subject/sujeito e deixa-se sempre o verbo em sua forma base.

Ex: Will they play tennis tomorrow. (Eles jogarão tênis amanhã?)

• Expressões que geralmente indicam futuro: tomorrow; next; soon; within

Let´s try guys.

01. Fill in the blanks with the Future Tense of the verbs in parentheses:

a) He ___________________________her a new house. (to buy)

b) Peter ___________________________ Ann. (to marry)

c) Dinner ___________________________ late today. (to be)

d) They ___________________________ to Europe in July. (to go)

e) I ____________________________ more. (to study)

120 Instituto Federal - Paraná

02. Complete with Will or Won’t : Class 15
a) Next year she __________ be older.

b) We __________ be in 2013 next year.

c) If you don’t study more you _________ pass.

d) I _________ work hard to earn a lot of money.

e) She _________ go to school because she is sick.

Inglês Instrumental III

03. Rewrite these sentences in the Simple Future.

a) She studies French at university.


b) He spoke Russian.


c) I am a good student.


d) I saw my English teacher.


e) My brother went to school on Sunday.



Curso Técnico em Secretariado 121

Class 16 CLASS 16


Benjamim Franklin

A frase acima é atribuída ao norte-americano Benjamim Franklin. Saiba quem ele foi, 
conheça sua biografi a. 
Inglês Instrumental III

Saiba mais sobre o jornalista, cienti sta, diplomata e 
inventor norte-americano.
htt p:// as/

01. Match the columns according to the appropriate translati on:

a) in a week ( ) na próxima semana

b) next week ( ) daqui a um mês

c) soon ( ) em breve

d) tomorrow ( ) amanhã

e) in a month ( ) daqui a uma semana

02. In English : As aulas começarão na quinta-feira. 

a) The classes will starte on Tuesday.

b) The classes will starte on Thursday.

c) The classes will start on Tuesday.

d) The classes will start on Thursday.

e) The classes will starts on Tuesday.

f) The classes will started on Tuesday.

g) The classes start will on Thursday.

122 Instituto Federal - Paraná
É muito importante saber o uso correto das palavras abaixo. Elas certamente poderão Class 16
ajudar na construção dos diálogos. Então, dear friends, let’s do it!

03. Match the columns.

a) farewell ( ) ferver
b) wealthy
c) To enchant ( ) rico
d) garbage
e) wrist ( ) estranho
f) ashtray

Inglês Instrumental III

g) to concern ( ) lançar
h) to boil
i) nephew ( ) pulso
j) to launch
k) damage
l) weird

There are no clue numbers in the grid. Use your powers of deduction to put the
right words from Portuguese to English in the correct positions in the grid. All the E’s have
already been filled in.


Curso Técnico em Secretariado 123

Class 16 Leia as perguntas e expressões relacionadas a Ligações Telefônicas de uso pessoal.

Talking on the Telephone
Personal calls - Ligações Telefônicas de uso pessoal 

Calling Ligando
Inglês Instrumental III

Hello? Alô?
Who’s calling, please? Quem está falando?
Hi, may I speak to (Tony), please? Oi, Gostaria de falar com (Tony), por favor.
Hi, is (Tony) there? Oi, (o Tony) está?
This is (Renato). Aqui é (o Renato).
I’m a friend of his/hers. Sou um amigo dele/dela.
I work with him/her. Trabalho com ele/ela.
Hi it’s (Maria). Oi, é a (Maria).
Are you busy? Você está ocupado(a)?
Did I catch you at a bad time? Você está podendo falar?
I tried calling you earlier, but… Tentei ligar antes mas...
Did you get my message? Você recebeu meu recado?
I didn’t get any answer. Ninguém atendeu.
I guess you were out. acho que você não estava.
The line was busy. Estava ocupado.
I kept getting a busy signal. Só dava ocupado.
I got your answer machine. Caiu na secretária eletrônica.
I got your voice mail. Caiu na caixa postal.

Adaptado de:

124 Instituto Federal - Paraná

Amazing!  Class 16
Quer ver algo surpreendente?

Inglês Instrumental III

Visite a amiga virtual e verá o que acontece.
tt s/tt s_example.php?sitepal


Curso Técnico em Secretariado 125

Class 17 CLASS 17

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn’t supposed
to ever let you down probably will.
You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it’s harder
every time. You’ll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours
was broken. You’ll fight with your best friend. You’ll blame a new love for
things an old one did. You’ll cry because time is passing too fast, and you’ll
eventually lose someone you love.
So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you’ve never
been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of
happiness you’ll never get back.
Unknown Author
Inglês Instrumental III

Dear students, estamos quase na reta fi nal do nosso curso. Tenho a certeza de que 
agora você se sente mais seguro, mais preparado para enfrentar novos desafi os. E 
para solidifi car a aprendizagem,  nas aulas 17 e 18 vamos aprender novas palavras, 
aprimorar os diálogos e reconhecer quais são os substanti vos (Nouns) contáveis e 
quais são os incontáveis. Então, let’s do it!

OK Guys!
Let´s use our brain!
01. Circle the noun(s) that can be used with Many:


02. RAIN 12. MUD 22. MILK




06. STEEL 16. WHEAT 26. HAM

07. WINE 17. MEAT 27. JAM

08. INK 18. MONEY 28. MICE

09. SALT 19. FLOUR 29. DUST

10. BUTTER 20. HAIR 30. BEER

126 Instituto Federal - Paraná

Class 17

Usados com substanti vos não contáveis Usados com substanti vos contáveis
How much....? (Quanto) Few (pouco)
Too much (demais) How many...? (quantos)
So much (tanto) Many (muito)
Very much (muito) Too many (demais)
Little (pouco) So many (tantos)

Inglês Instrumental III


We don’t have much work around here. (Nós não temos muito trabalho por aqui.)

There aren’t many jobs. (Não existem muitos empregos.)


Curso Técnico em Secretariado 127

Class 18 CLASS 18

Bett er late than never. 
Antes tarde do que nunca.
Popular proverb (Ditado)

Dear friend, abaixo temos dois diálogos sobre planos e desculpas. Vamos 
aprender como convidar alguém, e como aceitar ou recusar um convite.                         
Are you ready? So let’s do it!
Inglês Instrumental III

Plans & Excuses

Dialogue I:
Tony: Let’s go to a movie together.
Stephanie: I’d love to. When shall we go?
Tony: How about next Friday evening?
Stephanie: Let me see..... Oh, I am sorry; I’m having
dinner with a friend.
Tony: How about the following Tuesday?
Stephanie: That’d be great. What shall we see?
Tony: Austin Powers?
Stephanie: No, that’s boring. How about Spider Man 3?
Tony: Sounds good to me. When shall we meet?
Stephanie: Seven? In the Kent Tavern?
Tony: Great, see you there.

Dialogue II:
Tony: Would you like to come to a movie with me?
Stephanie: When do you want to go?
Tony: How about next Friday evening?
Stephanie: I’m sorry, I can’t. I’m having dinner with a friend.
Tony: How about the following Tuesday?
Stephanie: I go to evening class on Tuesdays.
Tony: Oh, maybe some other time?
Stephanie: Yeah, I’ll give you a call.

128 Instituto Federal - Paraná

Just to remember! Class 18

Some uncountable nouns in English are countable in other languages.

This can be confusing!
Here is a list of some of the most common, easy to confuse uncountable nouns.
accommodati on   informati on

Inglês Instrumental III

advice progress
baggage pasta
bread news
equipment money
furniture luggage
garbage knowledge

Dear students, “SPORCLE” é um site de variedades, muito diverti do e competi ti vo. 
Mentally Sti mulati ng Diversions (Diversões mentalmente esti muladas).                       
Vale muito a pena conhecer GUYS!

Curso Técnico em Secretariado 129

Class 19 CLASS 19

Dear students, chegamos ao fi nal de nosso curso, acreditando muito no seu sucesso. 
E para aproveitar nosso últi mo encontro, vamos conti nuar prati cando com novas 
palavras e diálogos. E para complementar o estudo, trago uma informação extra sobre 
“Surfando o Amazonas.” Então, let’s do it!

POROROCA: Surfi ng the Amazon

The world’s longest wave is not found in the ocean, but on the _________ Amazon
River. _________ February and March, the phenomenon known as the Pororoca rolls
up the Rio Amazonas, creating _________ of up to four meters _________. Brazilian
Inglês Instrumental III

surfer Picuruta Sálazar holds the record for the _________ ride on the Pororoca,
cruising down the Amazon for 37 minutes over 12 Km in distance.

01. Fill in the blanks with the right word below to complete the paragraph above. 


Assista ao vídeo, é show brother!
pororoca-surfi ng-amazon.html

130 Instituto Federal - Paraná

Dear friend, abaixo temos um diálogo dentro de um banco. Vamos aprender as Class 19
diversas maneiras de efetuar uma transferência bancária. Are you ready? So let’s do it!

International transfers
How long does it take?
Bank clerk: Hello. Can I help you, madam?
Mary: Yes. Could you tell me how to send some
money to someone with an account with a bank
in Germany?
Bank clerk: Well, you can pay by mail, telegraphic
or SWIFT transfer. Or you can have a banker´s draft and mail it yourself to the

Inglês Instrumental III

Mary: Which is the best way?
Bank clerk: It depends on the amount and how fast you want that person to receive
the money. A SWIFT transfer is the fastest method but a banker´s draft is usually the
cheapest. How much do you want to send?
Mary: $800.
Bank clerk: Why don´t you send it by
mail payment order?
Mary: How long does it take?
Bank clerk: About a week.
Mary: I don´t know. Can I send it more
Bank clerk: Sure. You can have a Telegraphic or a SWIFT transfer.
Mary: I see. How can I pay by Telegraphic Transfer?
Bank clerk: You have to fill out this form, madam.
Mary: ok.
Diálogo adaptado

Key Vocabulary
to send ____________________
account ___________________
swift transfer_______________
draft _____________________
payment __________________
to fill out __________________

Curso Técnico em Secretariado 131

Class 19
internati onal_transfers_3.htm
Inglês Instrumental III


132 Instituto Federal - Paraná

CLASS 20 Class 20

É muito importante saber o uso correto dessas palavras, as quais certamente poderão
ajudar você em diálogos. 

Então, dear friends, let’s do it!

01. Match the columns.

1- take down ( ) encontrar por acaso

2- come about ( ) adiar

Inglês Instrumental III

3- come across ( ) decolar; tirar roupa

4- put off ( ) escrever

5- take off ( ) acontecer

6- take for ( ) confundir

02. Match the columns.

Adjecti ves for People

a) He never tells a lie. ( ) He’s boring.

b) He’s not interesting to listen to. ( ) He’s lucky.

c) He always wins when he gambles. ( ) He’s lonely

d) He has no money. ( ) He’s honest.

e) He has no friends. ( ) He’s poor.

03. Find all family words. Write one word into each gap.  


Curso Técnico em Secretariado 133

Class 20 Leia abaixo as perguntas e expressões aplicadas durante a Ligação Telefônica.

Oh, hi (Tony). I’m glad you called. Oi (Tony). Que bom que você ligou.
I got your message, thanks. Recebi seu recado, obrigado.
Oh, good, I’ve been expecting your call. Ah, que bom. Estava esperando sua
Inglês Instrumental III

Can you hang on just a moment/ Pode aguardar um momentinho/

second? segundinho?
Just a second. I have another call. Só um segundo. Tem alguém na outra
Can you hear me OK? Dá para me ouvir bem?
Can I call you back? Posso ligar para você de volta?
Do you want me to call you back? Quer que eu te ligue de volta?
This calling must be costing you a Essa ligação vai sair muito cara para
fortune. você.
I’m kind of in the middle of something Estou no meio de um negócio aqui.
right now.
Can I call you back? Posso ligar para você mais tarde?
Oh, you know what? I have to go. Olha, eu tenho que ir agora.
I’ll call you right back. Eu já ligo para você.
What’s your number again? Qual é o seu número mesmo?
Adaptado de:

Sorry, we got cut off. Desculpe-me, caiu à linha.
I think we got a bad line. Essa ligação está péssima.
I can barely hear you. Estou ouvindo você muito mal.
I’m getting an echo. Estou ouvindo um eco.

Adaptado de:


134 Instituto Federal - Paraná


Neil Armstrong on the moon’s surface – Photo Credit Nasa - Neil Armstrong na superfície
da lua – Crédito da foto Nasa. <
credit_neil.html> Acesso: em 07 mai. 2010.

Portrait of Astronaut Neil Armstrong, commander of Apollo 11 mission - Retrato do

astronauta Neil Armstrong, comandante da missão Apollo 11. <
office/pao/History/alsj/a11/ap11-s69-31741.jpg> Acesso: em 07 mai. 2010.

Inglês Instrumental III

Imagem 21_Feriado - Calendários e feriados. <
origem-dos-feriados/> Acesso: em 07 mai. 2010.


Portrait of Walt Disney – Retrato de Walt Disney <

disney/pictures/pictures.html> Acesso em: 07 mai. 2010.

Walt Disney Signing a drawing of Mickey Mouse – Walt Disney Assinatura de um desenho
de Mickey Mouse <>
Acesso em: 07 mai. 2010.

“Inglês Britânico x Inglês Americano - British x American English.” Só Língua Inglesa

<>. Online. June 15, 2010.

“Diferenças de Vocabulário – Differences in Vocabulary.” Só Língua Inglesa <http://www.>. Online. June 15, 2010.

“Conversação Geral – General Conversation - Perguntas Pessoais – Personal Questions”

Só Língua Inglesa <
php> Oline, June 15, 2010


“Weekend short story – Breve historia del fin de semana” OM MULTIMEDIA <http://www.> Online. June 17, 2010.

Dear God – Querido Deus

jpg Acesso em: 17 jun. 2010.


Quadro “Mona Lisa”, de Leonardo da Vinci, Museu do Louvre, Paris – França. <http://> Acesso em: 26 jun.

Curso Técnico em Secretariado 135

Selo Leonardo da Vinci - ”Máximo postal da França emitido em 09/07/1952; nasceu
em Vinci (Itália) e morreu em Amboise”. <
personalidade_leonardo.html> Acesso em: 26 jun. 2010.

“Diferenças de Vocabulário – Differences in Vocabulary.” Só Língua Inglesa <http://www.>. Online. June 26, 2010.

Cartoon - Post Office <> Acesso em: 26 jun. 2010.

Dialogue “At the post office” Audio <

learning/english_dialogue_post_office_1.htm> Acesso em: 26 jun. 2010.

“Conversação Geral – General Conversation – Como fazer perguntas pessoais sem ofender
Inglês Instrumental III

- How to ask personal questions politely” Só Língua Inglesa <http://www.solinguainglesa.> Oline, June 26, 2010

CLASS 11 – 12

Abraham Lincoln <

AbrahamLincoln5-500.jpg> Oline, July 01, 2010

Abraham Lincoln <> Oline, July 01, 2010

Cartoon – Airlines <>

Oline, July 03, 2010

Dialogue “Reservations (airline) Do you have any flights to Sydney next Tuesday
afternoon?”- Audio <
dialogue_air_travel_reservations_airline_2.htm> Oline, July 03, 2010

“Diferenças de Vocabulário – Differences in Vocabulary.” Só Língua Inglesa <http://www.>. Online. July 03, 2010.

CLASS 13 – 14

Imagem - Trem <

html> Acesso em: 06 jul. 2010.

Dialogue “A ticket to London, please.”- Audio <

english-learning/english_dialogue_railway_travel_2.htm> Online. July 06, 2010.

CLASS 15-16

“Conversação Geral – General Conversation – Talking on the Telephone Personal calls -

Ligações Telefônicas de uso pessoal.” Só Língua Inglesa <
br/conteudo/situacoes/sit_diarias12.php> Online. July 06, 2010.

Free demo to create avatars using Text-to-Speech (TTS) by Setipal <http://www.oddcast.

com/home/demos/tts/tts_example.php?sitepal> Online. July 06, 2010.

136 Instituto Federal - Paraná

CLASS 19-20

Pororoca – surfing the amazon <

amazon.html> Online, July 13, 2010.

Remittence - Remessa <> Oline, July 13,


Dialogue “International transfers - How long does it take?”- Audio <http://www.
htm> Oline, July 26, 2010.

“Talking on the Telephone - During the call - Durante a ligação” Só Língua Inglesa <http://

Inglês Instrumental III> Online. July 26,

“Talking on the Telephone - Problems during the call - Problemas durante a ligação” Só
Língua Inglesa <
php> Online. July 26, 2010.

Curso Técnico em Secretariado 137

Ati vidades Autoinstruti vas
One of most successful chart artists of the 1980s, Madonna (bom Madonna Louise Ciccone,
1959) worked in various dance troupes before joining disco artist Patrick Hemandez
backing singers in 1979. Later that year she joined Breakfast Club as drummer and vocalist
and in 1980 formed Emmenon (AKA Emmy), made solo demos and starred in her first film
“A Certain Sacrifice”.
Who’s Who in Rock & Roll, Reed International Books, London

01. Leia o texto acima, e depois marque a alternati va que apresenta a tradução das pa-
lavras em negrito.
Inglês Instrumental III

a)  em meados - violinista - aparições

b)  por volta - contrabaixista - interpretações
c)  no final - baterista – apresentações
d)  no início - guitarrista - demônios
e)  tardiamente - trompetista - demonstrações

02. Assinale a alternati va que é a correta versão da frase apresentada.
“Eu quero que eles se sintam em casa.”
a)  I want that they feel the house.
b)  I wish they would touch home.
c)  I wish they had homely feelings.
d)  I want them to feel at home.
e)  I’d like them to make themselves a house.

03. Tell me, why __________ you so angry?
a)  was
b)  wasn’t
c)  were
d)  did be
e)  didn’t

04. Complete the blank with the verb to have.
That girl _______ too many tasks to do last weekend. 
a)  there is
b)  had
c)  has
d)  is
e)  have

05. Your memory is good. You _________ my name.

a)  destroy
b)  recycle
c)  remember
d)  pollute
e)  filter

138 Instituto Federal - Paraná

The Inner Man
Their marriage was a perfect union of trust and understanding. They shared everything
- except his desk drawer, which through the years remained locked. One day, curiosity
overcame her. Priced open, there was - nothing. “But why?” she asked, confused and
ashamed. “I needed a space of my own”, he replied sadly.
By Christine M. Banks
Fonte: The new Cambridge course 4: teacher upper-intermediate

06. Their marriage was perfect for all the following reasons, EXCEPT:
a) They had many secrets.
b) They shared their things.
c) They trusted each other.
d) They understood each other.

Inglês Instrumental III

e) They believed in each other.

07. All the statements below are true, EXCEPT:

a) The couple had a happy marriage.
b) The husband needed his own space.
c) They were married for a long time.
d) There was something in the drawer.
e) The empty drawer was always locked.

08. The only statement which is true is

a) He wanted her to keep things in his drawer.
b) He threw away the things in his desk.
c) She wanted to know what was in his drawer.
d) She wanted the drawer for herself to use.
e) She was the only one to use the desk drawer.

09. The man felt sad finally because

a) he had a letter to hide from her.
b) his wife had opened the drawer.
c) the drawer was completely empty.
d) the wife had broken his drawer.
e) they had always shared everything.

10. Marque a alternativa que completa corretamente os espaços em branco da sentença

The Milky Way is a galaxy and it ______ billions of stars. ______ millions of galaxies like
the Milky Way in the Universe.
a) have - Have
b) there are - There are
c) is - There is
d) has - There are
e) has - Have

Curso Técnico em Secretariado 139

11. A tradução correspondente, em inglês, para “Você não sabe que o teste de matemá-
ti ca é amanhã?” é:
a)  Don’t you know that the Math test is tomorrow?
b)  Do you know not that the Math test is tomorrow?
c)  Do not you know that the Math test is tomorrow?
d)  You know not that the Math test is tomorrow?
e)  Not you know that the Math test is tomorrow?

12. Complete the blank with the verb to have.
That girl _______ too many tasks to do last weekend. 
a)  there is
b)  had
c)  has
Inglês Instrumental III

d)  is
e)  have

The Internet
The Internet links people together via computer terminals and telephone lines (and in
some cases wireless radio connections) in a web of networks and shared software, allowing
users in one area to reach other users anywhere in the “net”. Among the services available
through the Internet are telnet, granting users access to more powerful computers; usenet
newsgroups, allowing open discussion between users; archives with access to scientific
and government research; and electronic mail. The Internet evolved from a computer
system built by the Pentagon in 1969. It came to Brazil in December 1994.
Adapted from The World Almanac and Book of Facts.

to link - to connect
wire - a long thin piece of metal
wireless - without wires
network - a large number of lines which cross each other or meet at many points

13. Segundo o texto, qual ou quais das afi rmações abaixo está ou estão correta(s)?
I. A Internet é um meio de comunicação.
II. A Internet dá acesso a diversos serviços.
III. A Internet permite contato apenas com computadores mais potentes.
a)  I
b)  II
c)  I eII
d)  I e III
e)  Il e III

140 Instituto Federal - Paraná

14. Segundo o texto, qual ou quais das afirmações abaixo está ou estão correta(s)?
I. A Internet permite correspon­dência eletrônica.
II. O Pentágono liberou o uso da Internet.
III. Um usuário brasileiro da Internet pode trocar informações com ou­tro usuário no Japão
ou na Coreia.
a) I
b) II
c) III
d) I e II
e) I e III

15. _________ any time to write that report?

Inglês Instrumental III

a) Did she have
b) Had did she
c) had she did
d) Did she has
e) Did she had

16. Now choose the right answer:

The Second World War ____________ in 1939, and ____________ in 1945.
a) begins / ends
b) began / ends
c) began / ending
d) begin / end
e) began / ended

17. There _______ roses in the garden last summer but now there ______ nothing else
than sand.
a) was - am
b) were - am
c) was – are
d) was - is
e) were - is

18. Complete these sentences with the appropriate for WAS ou WERE.
We ______ in Italy.
I ______ in Italy last week.
Fortunato ______ in Italy yesterday.
a) was; was; was.
b) was; were; was.
c) were; was; was.
d) were, were, were.
e) n.d.a.

Curso Técnico em Secretariado 141

19. Complete with WHERE; WHEN; WHAT TIME; WHY.
– _______ did you go yesterday? Downtown.
– _______ did Montresor arrive in Italy? Three days ago.
– _______ did your plane arrive?  Around 9:30.
– _______ did Fortunato stay home last night?  Because he was ti red.
a)  Where; When; Why; What time
b)  When; What time; Where; Why.
c)  Where; When; What time; Why.
d)  Where; Why; What time; When.
e)  n.d.a.
Inglês Instrumental III

20. Marque a alternati va que completa a sentença abaixo com os tempos verbais ade-
________ Jim everything that he _________ to see, but _________ a single word about
a)  Show - wants - don’t say
b)  Don’t show - wants - don’t say
c)  Shows - want - doesn’t say
d)  To show - want - not to say
e)  Show - is to want - don’t says

Today, most towns have some very large shops which we call stores. In these almost
anything we need can be bought under one roof. Big stores sell food, furniture, toys,
clothes, electrical and household goods.

21. Very large shops signifi ca:
a)  big slices of bread or meat.
b)  department stores.
c)  large glasses of beer.
d)  companies that sell household goods.
e)  places where we buy toys.

22. Under one roof quer dizer: 
a)  at the same moment.
b)  the same idea.
c)  the top of the house.
d)  in the same place.
e)  an identical result.

23. Household goods são:

a)  bondade doméstica.
b)  doces caseiros.
c)  qualidades domésticas.
d)  beleza do lar.
e)  utilidades domésticas.

142 Instituto Federal - Paraná

24. “No, I don’t know what you mean” é provavelmente uma resposta à pergunta:
a) Doesn’t she play the violin?
b) Are you happy today?
c) Do you know what I mean
d) Is she going to the movies?
e) Does she read well?

25. A forma interrogativa de “Beto lives in Paris” é:

a) Does Beto lives in Paris?
b) Do Beto lives in Paris?
c) Is Beto live in Paris?
d) Does Beto live in Paris?
e) Does not Beto live in Paris?

Inglês Instrumental III

26. Assinale a alternativa que identifica a continuação do diálogo.
Do you still have ticket to Londrina?
Yes, we do.
When does the next bus leave?
a) R$ 35,00
b) Seats 21 and 22
c) Only aisle seats
d) From gate 5
e) In twenty minutes

27. Mark the alternative that presents the verb to be.

1) They’re physicians.
2) He’s many problems.
3) George’s house has a beautiful garden.
4) Shirley was at home yesterday.
5) Are tigers a kind of cat?
a) 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
b) 1 / 4 / 5
c) 1 / 3 / 4 / 5
d) 1 / 2 / 4 / 5
e) 1 / 2 / 3 / 5

Curso Técnico em Secretariado 143

On my first trip abroad, I handed my passport to the Dutch immigration officer. He
examined my papers, looked at me very carefully, and then back at my passport. After a
long pause, he spoke. “May I congratulate you, madam,” he said, “for looking so unlike
your passport photograph.”

28. In “...for looking so unlike your passport photograph”, the underlined word has the 
same meaning as:
a)  similar
b)  alike
c)  pleased with
d)  different
e)  suitable
Inglês Instrumental III

29. In “I handed my passport to the immigrati on offi
  cer”, the underlined word means 
the same as:
a)  gave
b)  filled in
c)  gabbed
d)  refused to show
e)  sent by mail

30. O ofi cial achou a mulher mais bonita _________.
a)  de chapéu
b)  em pessoa
c)  no passaporte
d)  quando jovem
e)  sem maquiagem

31. “Dutch” is _________________.
a)  the capital of Germany
b)  the masculine form for “duchess”
c)  the language spoken in Denmark
d)  a person born in the Netherlands
e)  a word that mean “foreign”

32. In “He examined my papers ...” the underlined word can be replaced by:

a)  looked for
b)  looked over
c)  looked like
d)  Looked forward to
e)  looked after

144 Instituto Federal - Paraná

I TRY MY BEST to teach my children good manners. So one day as I set a cup of milk in front
of my two-year-old, I asked, “What do you say?”
She looked at me thoughtfully, then smiled, lifted the cup and said, “Cheers!”

33. The mother tries to make her children

a) amusing
b) healthy
c) intelligent
d) polite
e) responsible

34. The child said “Cheers” because she

Inglês Instrumental III

a) didn’t know what else to say.
b) didn’t want to drink the milk.
c) thought the milk was very good.
d) wanted the milk to be warmer.
e) was very happy with her mother.

35. The mother expected the girl to

a) apologize to her
b) drink the milk
c) thank her
d) Greet someone.
e) say goodbye.

36. Choose the right alternative according to the Simple Future Tense.
a) She will to speak English with me.
b) I’ll came here tomorrow.
c) He’ll won’t stay there.
d) We will study a lot for the English test.
e) We’ll will study a lot for the English test.

37. Marque a alternativa correta.

When ____________ back home?
a) he will get
b) will he get
c) he will gets
d) will he gets
e) will he to get

Curso Técnico em Secretariado 145

38.  Circle  the  only  correct    alternati ve.  Are  the  sentences  below  Cor-
rect  (C)  or  Incorrect  (I)  according  to  the  use  of  the  Simple  Future  Tense? 
(__) I think I will to buy this jacket.
(__) They will travel to New York next year. 
(__) I will be waiti ng for you this Saturday.
a)  (C) (C) (I)
b)  (I) (I) (C)
c)  (I) (C) (C)
d)  (I) (C) (I)
e)  (C) (C) (I)

39.  Circle  the  only  correct  alternati ve.  Are  the  sentences  below  Cor-
Inglês Instrumental III

rect  (C)  or  Incorrect  (I)  according  to  the  use  of  the  Simple  Future  Tense? 
(__) Don’t run so fast! You will be ti red!
(__) I’ll won’t visit my grandma this weekend.
a)  I - I
b)  C - C
c)  C - I
d)  C - C
e)  C - I

40. Marque a alternati va correta.
Your English teacher ______ early tonight because he is ti red.
a)  ‘ll will sleep
b)  will
c)  won’t sleep
d)  will slept
e)  will sleep

41. Marque a alternati va correta.
Next year we __________ in 2010.
a)  won’t
b)  will be
c)  won’t be
d)  will
e)  won’t

42. Marque a alternati va correta.
Today is Saturday. Tomorrow _______ Monday.
a)  won’t
b)  won’t be
c)  will be
d)  will
e)  won’t

146 Instituto Federal - Paraná

43. The Simple Future of the sentence below is:
My sister went to school in the evening.
a) My sister will went to school in the evening.
b) My sister’ll went to school in the evening.
c) My sister will to go school evening.
d) My sister will go to school in the the
e) My sister will to went to school in the evening.

44. Find the correct negative form of the following sentence:

Simon went with her upstairs.
a) Simon didn’t not go with her upstairs.
b) Simon went not with her upstairs.

Inglês Instrumental III

c) Simon wentn’t with her upstairs.
d) Simon did not went with her upstairs.
e) Simon didn’t go with her upstairs.

45. Find the correct negative form of the following sentence:

She slept early yesterday.
a) She sleptn’t early yesterday.
b) She slept not early yesterday.
c) She didn’t not sleep early yesterday.
d) She did not slept early yesterday.
e) She didn’t sleep early yesterday.

Misery Gets to Earth

In the beginning, the Earth was inhabited only by men. At that time the gods Zeus and
Prometheus had a quarrel. Zeus did not want men to use fire, so he hid it far away from
them in a place where they could not find it. However, Prometheus found it, and took it
back to Earth.
Zeus got very angry with Prometheus, and decided to take revenge on him and on all men.
So Zeus made the first woman - Pandora. Pandora received gifts from all of the gods and
goddesses. She was very beautiful and charming. Zeus gave her a small box, but told her
not to open it.
Pandora married the brother of Prometheus. Gradually Pandora became curious about
what the box contained. One day her curiosity became too strong. She opened the box,
and a great number of tiny monsters flew out. They were: hate, envy, anger, jealousy,
revenge, selfishness, greed, cruelty, disease, and all of the curses that often make us
humans miserable.
Pandora quickly closed the box, but it was too late. The only thing left in the box was hope
(Oxford Press, 1st edition)

Hid (passado de hide): esconder
However: entretanto
Greed: avareza
Curse: maldição

Curso Técnico em Secretariado 147

46. Mark the CORRECT alternati ve according to the text.
In the beginning.
a)  two gods wanted men to use fire.
b)  a goddess got very angry with Prometheus and with all humans.
c)  Pandora decided to take revenge on Prometheus.
d)  a goddess got angry with Zeus.
e)  Zeus got very irritated with Prometheus.

47. According to the text, choose the CORRECT alternati ve:
Zeus decided to take revenge on Prometheus because.
a)  Men found fire.
b)  Zeus made a charming woman.
Inglês Instrumental III

c)  Prometheus gave fire to humans.

d)  Prometheus got angry with Zeus.
e)  Zeus could not find where fire was.

48. In the second paragraph there is a reference to the fact that
a)  Pandora received a lot of gifts on her wedding.
b)  The first woman was extremely pretty.
c)  Prometheus was a rather insensible god.
d)  Zeus was the god that married Pandora.
e)  Zeus wanted to take revenge on a few gods.

49. Choose the CORRECT alternati ve according to the text.
Pandora opened the box because
a)  She got very curious about her gift.
b)  She was a woman like all the others on earth.
c)  She got angry with her husband.
d)  She wanted Earth to become miserable.
e)  She was a selfish woman.

50. I’II ___ soccer this aft ernoon.
a)  plays
b)  playing
c)  play
d)  played
e)  to play

148 Instituto Federal - Paraná

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