Certificate B Pharm New NEW
Certificate B Pharm New NEW
Certificate B Pharm New NEW
This is to certify that the dissertation entitled “BIOLOGICAL
ACTIVITY OF BITTERGOURD ON DIABETES” is the bonafide literature
survey done by Mr. Santosh Kumar Pradhan in partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the degree of Bachelor in Pharmacy under the guidance of Mr.
Jasaswi Ray Asst. Prof. in Pharmacology.
I certify that the he has carried out her literature survey work
independently along with two other students with proper care, I hereby
recommend that this dissertation be accepted in partial fulfillment of
requirement for the degree of Bachelor in Pharmacy. I am pleased to forward
this dissertation for evaluation.
At last but not the least I would like to extend my sincere thanks to my
parents and all my friends who have rendered their valuable help directly or
indirectly in the completion of this assignment report.
I certify that the he has carried out her literature survey work
independently along with two other students with proper care, I hereby
recommend that this dissertation be accepted in partial fulfillment of
requirement for the degree of Bachelor in Pharmacy. I am pleased to forward
this dissertation for evaluation.