Reducing Features To Improve Bug Prediction.: Exercise 1
Reducing Features To Improve Bug Prediction.: Exercise 1
Reducing Features To Improve Bug Prediction.: Exercise 1
Design evaluation has done through the empirical analysis of the solution’s result. In that paper
the two main variables were main affecting the bug prediction performance and they are (1) type
of classifier (Naïve Bayes, Support Vector Machine), and (2) which metric (accuracy, F-
measure) the classifier is optimized on. They were using the four permutations of these variables
are explored across all 11 projects in their data set. For each project they have performed metric
calculations like accuracy, buggy precision, buggy recall and buggy F-measures. From DSRM
model they were observed their result and tabulated their data in to their research paper so that
they can observe and make the decision about their artifacts. In later they have mentioned the
effect of their feature’s technique based on their observations. Finally, they have successfully
established their design artifact which will leads the solution for the current problem regarding
the software bug prediction.
Research contributions (what were the contributions and were they clearly presented?)
The main contribution that has come up from an answering some research questions whose
are found within the article. At first, they tried to show that which choices lead to best bug
prediction based on the performance using feature selection. Secondly their main contribution is
that I noticed about the range of performance of the best-performing Bayesian (F-measure
optimized) classifier across all projects when using feature selection.
Research rigor
The research rigor of this article is Quantitative based on the empirical analyses from different projects.
At first the author wants to identify the problem and then showed their research design artifact of
technique for reducing the problem. Later they have analyzed empirically from different projects of data
and evaluate their design through their prediction of analysis.
Shivaji, S., Whitehead Jr, E. J., Akella, R., & Kim, S. (2009, November). Reducing features to
improve bug prediction. In 2009 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software
Engineering (pp. 600-604). IEEE.