Ijcrr: A Study On Nuclear Energy: Sustainable Solution For Ensuring Energy Security or Emerging Future Threat
Ijcrr: A Study On Nuclear Energy: Sustainable Solution For Ensuring Energy Security or Emerging Future Threat
Ijcrr: A Study On Nuclear Energy: Sustainable Solution For Ensuring Energy Security or Emerging Future Threat
Sustainability is characterized by the environmental friendly process best fitted for eco-systems
and the capacity to maintain a process smoothly indefinitely. Maintaining sustainability in
every aspect is the key for continuing human race in the long run. Recent energy insecurity
problem and global climate change has led the concerned to take a fresh look at the benefits and
risks of nuclear power for better future and find out a sustainable solution. Risk from fatal
accident and radioactive waste management for a long period of time surely diminish the
benefits of nuclear power, such as no green house gas emission and significant amount of
power supply with minimum infrastructural development. As nuclear power is all about
balancing the benefit and the risk, therefore this paper summarizes the benefit and risk causing
from nuclear power to find out a sustainable choice for future energy demand.
Keywords: Nuclear energy, climate change Group on Energy and Climate Change
effects, radioactivity, energy demand, (AGECC) for universal access to modern
sustainable development. energy by 2030 [2] is a daunting prospect,
given the intertwined challenges to tackle
1. INTRODUCTION natural resources security, energy
Modern age is passing an energy deficient insecurity and climate change impact. At
time and the coming days will definitely be present, nuclear power appears to be the
starved for energy. About 1.4 billion best choice for many nations. However,
people (20% of the global population) do integrating nuclear power into a country‘s
not have access to electricity and 2.7 billion energy infrastructure is not without
people (40% of global population) rely on challenges. It has a great prospect of
traditional biomass for basic energy needs supplying sufficient amount of energy with
such as cooking and heating [1]. Increasing creating less impact to the environment but
global energy demand combined with the in the long run there still remains a doubt
need to minimize Green House Gas (GHG) about its sustainability.
emission will require the diversification of
energy sources, while still ensuring that the 2. Sustainable Development
bottom 2 billion people- those who live on Human beings are said to be at the centre
less than USD 2.5 per day have access to of concerns for sustainable development.
modern energy services. Achieving the We are entitled to a healthy and productive
goal set in April, 2010 by the UN Advisory life in harmony with nature. States are seen
6 International Journal of Current Research and Review www.ijcrr.com
Vol. 04 issue 03 February 2012
as having the right, within the principles of following the industrial revolution [8]. The
international law, to exploit our own global average temperature has increased
resources and the responsibility to ensure by 0.3˚C to 0.6˚C, and the sea level rose 10
that any activities within our jurisdiction do to 15 cm in the past 100 years. If
not cause damage to the environment or greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions continue
other States. In addition, the right to to increase at the present rate, it is
development must be fulfilled so as to predicted that the average global
equitably meet the developmental and temperature will increase by about 1˚C by
environmental needs of present and future the year 2025 and by 3˚C at the end of the
generations. Eradication of poverty is seen century [9]. The increase of atmospheric
as a required element of sustainable GHG concentration results to a large extent
development. Climate change is a pressing from human activities [10, 11]. Scientists
threat to the sustainability of life on earth predict if no effective protection policies
[3]. It is a highly complex problem that is for the environment are put into place, the
unpredictable, reflecting an intricate global temperature will increase by 1˚C to
interaction of organizational production 3.5˚C, and the sea level will increase by 15
processes, government management and to 95 cm. This will make many countries
regulation, natural forces, and individual uninhabitable by 2100 [12]. The second
behaviour [4]. It is generally held that assessment report of Inter governmental
sustainable development requires attention Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) stated
to the following things: that the CO2 concentration in the
Food availability and protection. atmosphere rose from 280 to 358 ppm in
Water availability in adequate 1994 [13]. The World Meteorology
quantities. Organization (WMO) also pointed out in
Disease prevention and medical greenhouse gas annual report in 2007 that
treatment. the CO2 concentration had already raised to
Steady and abundant supply of 383 ppm [14]. CO2 is the main GHG
energy specifically, electricity. emitted from various sources and power
Sewage treatment. sector is solely responsible for 30%
Infrastructure development such as emission of CO2 throughout the world [15].
schools, factories and
transportation. 4. Nuclear Energy: An Emerging
3. Global Climate Change Effects The star, of which our sun is one, relies on
In recent years, dramatic environmental nuclear fusion for their output of heat, light
changes have caused extraordinary climate and other radiations. If one believes in the
changes around the globe. This has made Big Bang Theory, then the Earth may be
countries all over the world to focus on considered as a fragment of the Sun. Fusion
greenhouse effect issue and consider it reaction is exactly what is happening on the
seriously [5]. It is an important problem Sun. Energy from fission reaction is
that can‘t be ignored because the derived from a nuclear reaction involving
greenhouse effect causes global warming uranium or plutonium as the fuel which
[6, 7]. In the past century, research and originally comes from the fragment of the
literature has concluded that carbon dioxide Sun. Nuclear reactors are either the slow
(CO2) concentration increased by 28% thermal kind using moderators or the fast
Table I. The list of countries with their respective nuclear programme [17].
5. Problems With Nuclear Energy waste that will last for tens of thousands of
The disadvantages of nuclear energy years [18]. On average, uranium ore
include: the storage and management of contains only 0.1% uranium. Most nuclear
dangerous high level radioactive waste, the reactors require one specific form of
possibility of proliferation of nuclear uranium, uranium-235 (U-235). This form
materials and potential terrorist represents only 0.7% of natural uranium.
applications, the high cost of building To increase the concentration of U-235, the
nuclear facilities and the possibility of uranium extracted from ore goes through
accidents. Common people awareness is an enrichment process, resulting in a small
another issue that may also regard as a bar quantity of usable ‗enriched‘ uranium and
for nuclear energy programme. These huge volumes of waste. If nuclear power
disadvantages are listed below with production expands substantially in the
respective description. coming decades, the amount of waste
5.1 Radioactive Waste requiring safe and secure disposal will also
High-level radioactive waste is very significantly increase. High-level nuclear
dangerous. It lasts for tens of thousands of waste can last for thousands of years before
years before decaying to safe levels. It is being safe again, so this is a major hurdle
highly radioactive and is a major barrier for which must be overcome before nuclear
the expansion of nuclear power. More than power can expand. Radioactivity can be
fifty years of commercial nuclear energy turned out fatal for human body. Table II.
use has left the world with a legacy of tens shows major problems caused by
of thousands of tons of highly radioactive radioactivity.
Table III. Global Views about Nuclear Energy before the Japan Earthquake (Fukushima
Nuclear Power Plant Tragedy) in 2011 [19].
This changing mind setup of common people create dilemma among decision makers to take
any major decision about launching nuclear power programme.
Table V. Nuclear power station incidents since 1952 with respective INES level and IAEA
description [20].
Year Incident Country IAEA description
Reactor shutdown after the 2011 Sendai
2011 Fukushima 5 Japan earthquake and tsunami; failure of emergency
cooling caused an explosion.
Reactor shutdown after the 2011 Sendai
2011 Onagawa Japan
earthquake and tsunami caused a fire.
Severe health effects for a worker at a
2006 Fleurus 4 Belgium commercial irradiation facility as a result of high
doses of radiation.
Degraded safety functions for common cause
2006 Forsmark 2 Sweden failure in the emergency power supply system at
nuclear power plant.
Thirty-five litres of a highly enriched uranium
2006 Erwin United States
solution leaked during transfer.
United Release of large quantity of radioactive material,
2005 Sellafield 3
Kingdom contained within the installation.
Overexposure of a worker at a power reactor
2005 Atucha 2 Argentina
exceeding the annual limit.
2005 Braidwood United States Nuclear material leak.
Partially spent fuel rods undergoing cleaning in
2003 Paks 3 Hungary a tank of heavy water ruptured and spilled fuel
Fatal overexposures of workers following a
1999 Tokaimura 4 Japan
criticality event at a nuclear facility.
1999 Yanangio 3 Peru Incident with radiography source resulting in
6. Nuclear Energy: Sustainable Solution impact studies and the length of time from
or Future Threat planning to design and construction of the
Nuclear energy is clean and has a potential nuclear infrastructure typically last no less
to guarantee the world to serve with an than several decades. Plus nuclear waste is
everlasting supply of fuel without affecting still considered to be more controversial
resources sorely needed for other than fossil fuel emission, often requiring
applications. However, so far little has large underground storage facility. Despite
possibly been known about the damages these obvious hurdles, perhaps the most
associated with nuclear power generation. important challenge for this industry is
The valuation of damages is further about the risk of fatal accident and
complicated because they are likely to spreading radiation. Because casualty and
occur only after several decades. Therefore fearful damage from such accident is not
it is difficult to estimate the benefit of that so easy to handle by sending
nuclear energy avoiding its risk. Nuclear emergency rescue team and providing
power generation is seemingly profitable. immediate shelter or medicine, the brutal
However when real costs are taken into effects of this type of damage pass from
account, nuclear is often more expensive one generation to another through
than fossil fuels. For instance, nuclear radioactivity and can be caused of an
energy takes a long time to produce. The everlasting suffering for human race.
process of permitting, environmental