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Blooms Course
S. No. Question
Taxonomy Level Outcomes

Part A-Short Answer Questions

1 Explain finite element method? Understanding 1
2 Define degree of freedom. Understanding 1
3 Define boundary condition. Understanding 1
4 What is local and global stiffness matrix. Understanding 1
5 What is the unit of stiffness? Understanding 1
6 What is global force vector? Understanding 1

7 What do you mean by body force? Understanding 1

8 What do you mean by traction force? Understanding 1
9 What are the units of body force? Understanding 1

10 What are the units of traction force? Understanding 1

11 What are the examples of body force? Understanding 1
12 What are the examples of traction force? Understanding 1
14 What is the governing equation of F.E.M? Understanding 1
15 Define potential energy. Understanding 1
16 Define strain energy. Remembering 1
17 Give the expression for total potential energy. Understanding 1
18 Give the expression for shape functions of a linear element. Understanding 1
19 Draw the shape functions of a linear element. Understanding 1
20 Write the expression for the shape functions of a quadratic element. Understanding 1
21 Draw the shape functions of a quadratic element. Understanding 1
22 What is the element stiffness matrix for a linear element? Remembering 1
23 What is the element stiffness matrix for a quadratic element? Remembering 1
24 What is specified boundary condition? Understanding 1
25 What is multipoint constraint? Remembering 1
26 What is the expression for initial strain? Remembering 1

How stress will change with the effect of temperature? Remembering 1
28 What is the expression for a reaction force of linear element? Remembering 1
Part B-Long Answer Questions
1 Using variational approach (potential energy), describe FE formulation Understand 1,3
for 1D bar element.

2 Using potential energy approach, describe FE formulation for plane Understand 1,2
truss Element.
3 Define principle of virtual work. Describe the FEM formulation for 1D Remember 1,3
bar element.
4 Explain the concept of FEM briefly and outline the steps involved in Understand 1,4
FEM along with applications.
5 Describe the elimination approach, with an example. Application 1


FEM emerged as a powerful tool. W

Describe the penalty approach for multipoint constraint with an

Discuss in detail about the concepts of FEM formulation .How is that

Discuss in detail about applications of finite element method

Derive element stiffness matrix and load vector for quadratic element
using potential energy approach.




10 Explain the concept of FEM briefly .outline the steps involved in FEM Understand 1
along with applications.
11 Draw the shape functions of a quadratic element. Understand 1,2
12 Explain the elimination method and penalty method for imposing Understand 1,3
specified displacement boundary conditions
13 An axial load P=300X103N is applied at 200 C to the rod as shown in Application 1,4
Figure below. The temperature is the raised to 60 0 C .
a) Assemble the K and F matrices.

b) Determine the nodal displacements and stresses.


14 Determine the nodal displacement, Element stresses for axially loaded Application 1
bar as shown in the fig. below

15 Derive element stiffness matrix and load vector for linear element using Understand 2,4
potential energy approach.
16 Consider the structure shown in Fig. A rigid bar of negligible mass, Application 1,2
pinned at one end, is supported by a steel rod and an aluminum rod. A
load P = 30 kN. N is applied as

Assemble stiffness matrix and Determine nodal displacement for above
bar element

17 Consider the thin (steel) plate in Fig. The plate has a uniform thickness t Evaluation 1,3
=10 mm, Young’s modulus E = 100Gpa, and weight
density=78500N/m3 . In addition to its self-weight, the plate is
subjected to a point load P = 60N at its midpoint.
a) Write down expressions for the element stiffness matrices and
element body force vectors

b) Evaluate the stresses in each element
Determine the reaction force at the support. consider 1in=1cm for SI

18 Consider the bar shown in figure loaded as shown in Application 1,4

Determine the a)nodal displacements, b)element stresses and support
reactions. E = 200 GPa

19 A bar is subjected to an axial force is divided into a number of quadratic Understand 1

elements. For a particular element the nodes 1, 3, 2 are located at
15mm, 18mmand 21mmrespectivelly from origin. If the axial
displacements of the three nodes are given by

u1=0.00015mm,u3=0.0033and u2=0.00024mm. Determine the following

i)shape function ii)variation of the displacement u(x) in the element
iii)axial stain in the element
Derive the thermally induced stress in the two noded Bar element.

20 Derive element stiffness and load vector Using, Galerkin Approach. Application 1,4
Part C-Analytical Questions
1 Consider the following fig. An axial load P=200 KN is applied as Applying 1,2
shown. Using penalty approach for handling boundary condtions,
do the following
a) Determine the nodal displacements.
b) Determine the stress in each material.
c) Determine the reaction forces.

2 Consider the following fig. An axial load P=200 KN is applied as Applying 1,2
shown. Using an elimination approach, do the following
a) Determine the nodal displacements.
b) Determine the stress in each material.


3 In the fig. given below, a load P=60 KN is applied as shown. Applying 1,2
Determine the displacement field, stress and support reactions in

the body. Take E as 20 GPa.


4 Consider the rod (a robot arm), which is rotating at constant Applying 1,2
angular velocity of 30 rad/s. Determine the axial stress
distribution in the rod, using two quadratic elements. Consider
only the centrifugal force. Ignore bending of the rod.
5 The structure consists of two bars. An axial load P=200 KN is loaded Analyzing, 1

as shown in fig., determine the following: Evaluating
a) Element stiffness matrices
b) Global stiffness matrix
c) Nodal displacements.
d) Stress in each bar.


Part A-Short Answer Questions
Blooms Course
S. No. Question
Taxonomy Level Outcomes

1 Understanding
Represent the truss in local coordinate system. 1
2 Understanding
Represent the truss in global coordinate system. 1
3 Understanding
What are the characteristics of a truss? 1
4 Understanding
Draw a plane truss structure. 1
5 Understanding
What is a member and joint? 1, 3

6 Understanding
Give the transformation matrix of a truss. 1
7 What is the expression for element length of a truss? Understanding 1, 3

8 What is the expression for an element stiffness matrix of a truss in local

Understanding 1, 3
coordinate system?
9 What is the expression for strain energy in a truss element? Understanding 1
10 What is the expression for an element stiffness matrix of a truss in
Understanding 1, 3
global coordinate system?
11 Give the expression for the stress in a truss element in a local
Remembering 1
12 Define a beam with examples. Understanding 1, 3
13 Give the various applications of a beam. Understanding 1
14 Draw the stress distribution diagram for a beam section. Remembering 1, 3
15 Give the expression for the potential energy of a beam. Understanding 1, 3
16 Draw the hermite shape functions. Understanding 1
17 Write the expression for a element stiffness matrix of a beam. Understanding 1, 3
18 What is the expression for a load vector of a beam? Understanding 1
19 What is the expression for a shear force of a beam? Understanding 1, 3
20 What is the expression for a bending moment of a beam? Understanding 3
Part B-Long Answer Questions
1 Assemble the global stiffness matrix and nodal displacement-for the fig. Understand 1,2

shown below solve the problem by using SI units only. Take 1lb =
4.44N 1 in2 = 645.16 mm21psi = 6.89 KP 1in = 25.4mm

The tripod shown in figure below carries a vertically downward load of
10kN at joint 4. If Young’s modulus of the material of tripod stand is
200kN/mm2, determine the forces developed in the legs of the tripod.
Application 1,3

3 For the two-bar truss shown in Figure below, determine the nodal Application 1,4

displacements, element stresses and support reactions. A force of

P=1000kN is applied at node-1. Assume E=210GPa and A=600mm2 for
each element.

4 Obtain the forces in the plane Truss shown in Figure below and Application 3,1
determine the support
reactions also. Take E=200GPa and A= 2000mm2
5 For the truss shown in fig.2 determine the a) displacements and Application 1, 3
b)stresses in the bars .

a) Distinguish between local, natural and global coordinates.
b) For the pin jointed configuration shown in Fig.5, determine;
i) displacement ii) element stress
given ά=10x10-6 per 0C ΔT=500
Comprehension 2,3

7 Calculate nodal displacements and element stresses for the members Application 2,3
shown in fig.
E=200GPa, A=500mmr, and P=25KN.

8 Determine Nodal displacements and Element stresses in the truss shown Application 1
in fig.
Element Area mm2 Length mm
1 600 500
2 600 600
3 600 500
9 Derive the stiffness matrix for a1a 2D truss Element. Apply 1,3

10 Derive the Stiffness matrix for a 3D truss Element. Apply 1,2

11 For the beam shown in Figure below, determine the following: Apply 1,4
a) Slopes at nodes 2 and 3.
b) Vertical deflection at the mid-point of the distributed load. Consider
all the elements
have E=200GPa, I=5X106 mm4.

A beam fixed at one end and supported by a roller at the other end, has a Apply 1
20kN concentrated load applied at the centre of the span (Figure below).
Calculate the deflection under the load and construct the shear force and
bending moment diagrams for the beam.

13 Derive the Hermite shape functions for a beam element. Apply 1,2

14 Draw beam element in global and intrinsic co ordinate system. Apply 1,2

15 Derive element stiffness matrix for a beam element. Apply 1,2

16 Derive element stiffness matrix for a truss element in global coordinate Apply 1

17 For the truss shown in fig, solve for the horizontal and vertical Apply 1,2
components of displacement at node 1 and determine the stress in each
element. All elements have A = 500 mm2 and E = 70 GPa.
18 Derive stiffness matrix and stress equation for a truss element. Apply 1,2

19 For the truss element shown below, if q = [1.5,1.0,2.1,4.3] Tx10-2 in., Apply 1,2
determine the following:
a) The vector q’
b) The stress in the element
c) The K matrix.


20 For the truss given below, a horizontal load of P = 4000 lb is applied in Apply 1,2
the x-direction at node 2.
a) Write down the element stiffness matrix k for each element.
b) Assemble the K matrix
c) Using elimination approach, solve for Q

Part C-Analytical Questions

1 Determine the deflection and slope under the point load for the beam Apply 1,2
shown in fig given.
E=200 GPa, I= 4 x 10-6m4, I2=2 x 10-6m4.
2 A beam fixed at one end and supported by a roller at the end, has a Apply 1,3
20KN concentrated load applied at the centre of the span, as shown in
fig. calculate the deflection under the load and construct shear force and
bending moment diagram for the beam.
Take E = 20 x 106 N/c,2, I=2500 cm4.

3 Determine the nodal displacements and slopes for the beam shown in Apply 2,3
fig. find the moment at the mid point of element.
Take E=200 GPa,, I=5 x 104 mm4, M=6KNM.

fourth distance from the support of shaft:

Determine the nodal displacements and slopes at the position of one-

Take E=200 GPa,, I=6 x 104mm4. The shaft is simply supported at A and
Apply 1

5 Analyze the beam shown in Figure below by finite element method and Analyze 3,1
determine the end reactions. Also determine the deflections at mid spans
given E=2X105N/mm2, and I=5X106 mm4.

Part A-Short Answer Questions
1 What is a two dimensional element. Understanding

2 List any four two dimensional elements. Understanding

3 Enumerate some of the applications of 2-D elements. Understanding

4 What do you mean by discretizing of 2-D elements. Understanding

5 Define shape function. Understanding
2, 3
6 What is the condition for number of unknown polynomial coefficients Understanding
of a 2-D element? 2

7 Express the 2-D element in polynomial series.

Understanding 2, 3
8 What is a CST element?
Understanding 2, 3
9 What is LST element?
Understanding 2
10 Represent the node numbering of Constant strain triangle element.
Understanding 2, 3
11 Represent the node numbering of Linear strain triangle element.
Remembering 2
12 Define Quadratic triangle.
Understanding 2, 3
13 Write the expression for displacements developed in the X-direction of

CST element. Understanding 2

14 Write the expression for displacements developed in the X-direction of

LST element. Remembering 2, 3

15 Write the expression for displacements developed in the Y-direction of

CST element. Understanding 2, 3

16 Write the expression for displacements developed in the Y-direction of

LST element. Understanding 2

17 What is a linear element?



What is a nonlinear element?

Differentiate between linear and non linear elements.

What type of nodes of considered for Linear elements?




2, 3

2, 3

21 What type of nodes of considered for non-Linear elements? Understanding

Part B-Long Answer Questions

1 a) formulate the finite element equations for contant strain Analyze 2, 3
triangle as shown in fig 1.1.Assume plane stress,
E=200Gpa,ν=0.25,thickness=5mm,nodal co-ordinates

X1=1 X2=5 X3=3


Y1=2 Y2=4 Y3=6

Pressure on 1-2 edge is 5N/mm2

b) calculate the element stress for the element shown in fig1.2

for the plain strain condition.Displacement vector given as
[q]=[0 0 0.001 0.002 -0.003 0.002] mm,
E=200Gpa,ν=0.25,thickness=20mm α=2x10-6 per 0c ΔT=50
deg c

X1=0 X2=25 X3=25


0 0
Y1=0 Y2=0 Y3=25

2 Formulate the finite element equations for the element shown in fig2.1 Applying 2, 3
E=200Gpa,ν.=0.3,thickness=5mm,p1=5N/mm2 acting on side jk and
along x –direction P2=2N/mm2acting along on the side and
perpendicular to the side ik.use plane stress condition.
Xi =1 Xj=6 Xk=3
Yi=1 Yj=4 Yj=5
3 a).Explain Iso-parametric, sub-parametric and super- Analyze 2, 3

parametric elements
b) Advantages of iso-parametric elements
c) Write short notes on Gaussian quadrature integration
4 Derive the strain displacement matrix for triangular element. Applying 2

5 For the configuration shown in figure, determine the deflection at the Analyze 2, 3
point load application
Using a one element model. T = 10 mm , E = 70 G Pa ,ν = .3

6 a) Explain Convergence requirements.

b) The Nodal Coordinates of the triangular elements is shown in fig: At
Applying 2, 3
the interior point P,
the x-coordinate is 3.3 and N1 = 0.3. Determine N1N2 and the y-
coordinate of point P.

7 a) Evaluate the integral I=∫ ∫ ( )dx dy in the Evaluate 2

limits of -1 to +1 using gauss quadrature numerical integration

b) Verify with exact solution.

8 Evaluate the element stiffness matrix for the triangular element shown Evaluate 2, 3
in fig. under plance strain condition. Assume the following values.

E=200 GPa, µ=0.25, t=1 mm.

9 For the plane stress element shown in fig. the nodal displacement are Analyze 2, 3
µ1=2.0mm; V1=1.0; µ2=1.0mm; V2=1.5mm; µ3=2.5mm; V3=0.5mm.
Determine the element stresses. Assume E=200 GN/m2; µ=0.3; t=10


10 Determine the nodal displacements and element stresses for the two Analyze 2, 3
dimensional loaded plate as shown in fig. assume plane stress

onditions. Body force may be neglected in comparison to the external
forces. Take E=210 GPa, µ=0.25; thickness = 10mm.

11 W
a)A four node quadrilateral element is shown in fig 1.3.the co ordinates
of each node are given in cm.The element displacement vector is given
as [q]=[0 0 0.2 0 0.15 0.10 0 0.05] cm. Determine (i) the x, y co-
ordinates of a point P whose location at ξ =0.5,ή=0.5 (ii) the
displacement of point P(u,v) (iii)the jacobian at P
Applying 2, 3
b) Evaluate the Integral I= ∫-11 (3ξ2+ξ3) dξ using Gaussian quadrature

12 Determine the shape functions for a 8 node quadratic quadrilateral Applying 2, 3

element(boundary noded).
13 For the element shown in the figure, assemble Jacobian matrix and
strain displacement matrix

14 Derive the a)shape function and b) strain displacement matrices for Applying 2, 3
triangular element of revolving body
15 For the Isoparametric quadrilateral element shown in fig , determine the Applying 2, 3

local co-ordinates of the point P whose Cartesian co=ordinates as(6,4)

node x y
1 2 1
2 5 2
3 7 6
4 1 5
16 A triangular membrane element of thickness=0.1cm with the x,yco Applying 2, 3
ordinates of the nodes indicated node numbers as shown in the figure. if
the material of the element is steel with young’s modulus E=207 Gpa
and poisons ratio=0.3.Determine the following.

a)shape functions of the element N1,N2 &N3
b)strain displacement matrix ,B
c) Elasticity matrix D for plane stress condition
d)element stiffness matrix
x1=1 y1=3
x2=5 y2=4

x3=4 y3=7

17 Explain the concept of numerical integration and its utility in generating Applying 2, 3
Isoperimetric finite
element matrices.

18 Explain the concept of numerical integration and its utility in generating Applying 2, 3
Isoperimetric finite
element matrices.
19 b) evaluate the integral I=∫ ∫ ( )dx dy in the limits of -1 Applying 2, 3
to +1 using gauss quadrature numerical integration and verify with
exact solution.
20 Formulate element equations for the exisymmetric element shown in Applying 2, 3
E=100 GPa, µ=0.3 α=5 x 10-6 Pic0C.

T  600 C
P=8N/mm2 acting perpendicular to side jk

Nodal co-ordinates
ri = 5, rj = 1, rk = 3,
zi = 5, zi = 5, zk = 2,

Part C-Analytical Questions

1 Determine the jacobian for the (x, y) – (ξ, ɳ) transformation for the Applying 2
element shown in fig, also find the area of the triangle.

2 For the point P located inside the triangle, the shape functions N 1 and Applying 2
N2 are 0.15 and 0.25, respectively. Determine the x and y coordinate of

3 For the triangular element shown in fig, obtain strain- Applying 2, 3
displacement relation matrix B and determine the strains εx, εy
and γxy.

Formulate the element equations for axisymetric element shown in fig Applying 2, 3
node R z
i 5 5
j 1 5
k 3 2
E=100Gpa, ν =0.3 ά 5 x10 -6 per deg C
ΔT=60 deg p=8N/mm2 acting perpendicular to jk side

5 Determine the strain displacement matrix for the TETRAHEDRAL Applying 2, 3

element as shown in fig

Part A-Short Answer Questions
1 What is conduction? Remembering 3

2 Define fins or extended surfaces Understanding 3

3 State the applications of fins. Remembering 3

4 Discuss the types of heat transfer Remembering 3

5 What is Convection? Understanding 3

6 What is radiation? Understanding 3

7 What is Fourier’s law? Understanding 3

8 What is Newton’s law of cooling? Understanding 3

9 What is Stefan-Boltzmann law? Remembering 3

10 Write the basic equation of heat transfer. Remembering 3

Part B-Long Answer Questions
1 Derive thermal stiffness matrix for one dimensional heat conduction Applying 3, 4
with lateral surface convection and with internal heat generation.

2 Describe heat transfer analysis for composite wall. Applying 3, 4


Describe heat transfer analysis for straight fin
Derive the Strain displacement Matrix for 2D-Thin plate. Consider the
temperature field with
in the triangular element is given by T= N1T1 + N2T2 + N3T3.

Describe heat transfer analysis for tapered fin.

Determine the nodal temparatures in a composite wall shown in fig. the
wall in maintained at 1000C at the left face and convection mode of heat

3, 4
3, 4

3, 4
3, 4
transfer occurs between the right fare and the existing fluwd. Thermal
conduction K1=0.06W/cm0C, K2=0.2 W/Cm0C, Convection co-efficient
of heat transfer between walls and fluid h=0.1W/cm2 00C and Øf=250C.
Consider unit area A=1cm2 perpendicular to the direction of heat flow.

7 Determine the temperature at the nodal interfaces for the two layered Analyze 3, 4
wall shown in fig. the left face is supplied with heat flux of q 11=5w/cm2
and right face in main fained at 200C.


8 Determine the temperature distribution in a fig of circular goss-section Applying 3

shown in fig. Base of the fin in maintained at 100 0C and tip of the fin is
insulated. Thermal conductivity K=2w/cm0C, Convective heat transfer
co-efficient h=0.2w/cm2, Øf=200C (fluid temperature) and Diameter of
the fin=1cm.

9 Calculate the nodal temperature using one dimensional analysis of a fin Applying 3
as shown in fig. The fin has rectangular cross-section. Assume that the
tip of the fin in insulated. Solve the problem
i. 2 Linear elements
ii. 3 Linear elements

iii. 4 Linear elements and compare nodal temparatures.
Thermal conductivity K=4w/cm0C, Convective heat transfer co-efficient
h=0.1w/cm2 0C and Adjacent fluid temperature Øf=250C.

Determine the nodal temparatures and rate of heat transfer through a
composite wall shown in fig. Thermal conductivities K 1=45w/m0C and
K2=0.5w/m 0C. Convective heat transfer co-efficient h=20w/m2 0C,
Analyze 3

Temparature of left face of wall =800C and Ambient temperature

Øα=250C. Assume the area normal to the direction of heat flow
=1cm2.Use linear elements.

11 Write down the differential equations of 1D steady state heat Applying 3, 4

conduction problem.
12 What are different types of boundary conditions for 1D heat conduction Applying 3

13 Obtain the functional approach of finite element equations for a one Applying 3, 4
dimensional heat conduction problem.
14 Derive one dimensional steady state heat conduction equation. Applying 3, 4
15 Compare the finite element formulations of structural problems with Applying 3

heat transfer problems.

16 Derive one dimensional steady state heat conduction equation and apply Applying 3, 4
to one dimensional fin problem
17 Explain the methodology for the treatment of all three boundary Applying 3
conditions in a 1-D heat transfer element?
18 Derive element equations for a one dimensional heat conduction Applying 3
element by considering the weak form.
19 Derive the conductivity matrix and thermal load vector for the one Applying 3
dimensional finite element for the three boundary conditions.
20 Give a brief description of steady state problems. Applying 3, 4

Part-C-Analytical Questions
1 Determine the temperature distribution through the composite wall Analyze 3, 4
shown in figure, when convection heat loss occurs on the left surface.
Assume unit area. Assume wall thickness
t1 = 4cm, t2 = 2cm, k1 = 0.5w/cm0c, k2 = 0.05w/cm0c, h= 0.1w/cm2 0c
and Tα= -50c.

2 The plane wall shown in fig. The thermal conductivity K = 25W/m0c Analyze 3, 4
and there is a uniform generation of heat in the wall of Q = 400W/m3.

Determine the temperature distribution at five nodes (include two sides
of the walls) in equal distances through the wall thickness.

3 W
Determine the nodal temperature in a composite wall shown in fig
1.4.the wall is mainted at 100 deg c at the left face and convection mode
of heat transfer occurs between the right face and existing fluid .take
k1=0.06w/cm deg c and k2=0.2w/cm deg c. convection co efficient of
Applying 3, 4

heat transfer between walls and fluid h=0.1w/cm2deg c and T =25

deg c.consider unit area=1 cm2 perpendicular to the direction of heat

4 A metallic fin with thermal conductivity K=360W/m0c, 1mm Analyze 3, 4

thick and100mm long extends from a plane wall whose
temperature is 2350c. Determine the distribution and amount

of heat transferred from the fin to air at 20 0c with h= 9W/m20c

take width of the fin is 1000 mm. Assume tip is insulted.

5 Determine the temperature distribution in a fin of circular cross section Applying 3, 4

shown in fig1.5.considering two elements,base of the fin is maintained
at 100 deg c and tip of the fin is insulated.
Thermal conductivity k=2w/cm deg c.
Convective heat transfer co-efficient is h=0.2w/cm2deg c.
Fluid temperature T∞20 DEG C,DIAMETRE OF THE FIN=1cm.

Part A-Short Answer Questions
1 What is lumped mass matrix? Understanding

2 What is consistent mass matrix? Understanding
3 Define Eigen values? Understanding

4 What is meant Eigen Vectors? Understanding
5 Write the expression for element mass matrix for a bar element? Understanding
2, 3
6 Write the expression for element mass matrix for a truss element? Understanding
7 Write the expression for element mass matrix for a CST element?

Write the mass matrix for truss element with an example.

Write the expression for modal analysis of bar and beam elements.

What are the convergence requirements in finite element modeling?




2, 3

2, 3

2, 3
11 List some software packages of FEA.
Remembering 2
12 What are the important steps in ANSYS.
Understanding 2, 3
13 Give some practical problems associated with finite element modelling.
Understanding 2
14 What is the difference between h-method and p-method.
Remembering 2, 3

15 Write the importance of element selection in fem.

Understanding 2, 3
16 Write the importance of boundary conditions in finite element
modelling. Understanding 2

17 List out factors influencing the accuracy of the results

Understanding 2, 3
18 Define free meshing. Understanding 2
19 Define mapped meshing. Understanding 2, 3

20 What is meant by pre processing? Understanding 3

Part B-Long Questions
1 Evaluate natural frequencies for the stepped bar shown fig. in axial Evaluation 2, 3

vibration take E=200 GPa and DENSITY= 7850 Kg/m 3.b)Draw

mode shapes and determine Eigen vector .Take Al=400mm2 and
A2=200mm2 using characteristic polynomial method.
2 Explain the following with examples: Understand 2, 3

a) Lumped parameter model. b) Continuous system model.

3 Evaluate natural frequencies for the canti lever beam using one Understand 2, 3
4 a)Evaluate natural frequencies for the stepped bar shown in fig Evaluation 2, 3
b)corresponding eigenvectors and mode shapes. take E=200Gpa and
density 7500 Kg/m3 .Take A=600mm2and LENGTH L=300mm

2A A

4L 2L

5 a)Determine the eigen values and the associated Eigen vectors of the Applying 3, 4
matrix [A] given by

b) State the properties of Eigen Values.

Determine the Natural frequency of the beam shown in the figure. Applying 3, 4

7 Derive the eigen value eigen vector and mode shapes of the given Applying 3, 4
stepped bar element. When L=length; A=Area of cross-section
E=Modules of electivity and Ƥ=Density of the material.

8 Derive Approximate the first two natural frequencies of a cantilever Applying 3, 4

beam using one element model. EI=Flexural rigidity.

9 Determine the approximate first two natural frequeneves of a simply Applying 3, 4

supported beam using on a element. Flexural Rigidity =EI; Density = Ƥ
Cross-sectional area=A
10 Distinguish between consistent mass matrix and lumped mass matrices. Understand 3, 4
11 Determine the mass matrix for truss element with an example. Applying 3, 4
Consider axial vibration of the Aluminium bar shown in Figure below,
a. Develop the global stiffness and
b. Determine the nodal displacements and stresses using
elimination approach and with help of linear and quadratic shape
function concept. Assume Young’s Modulus E = 70Gpa.

12 Differentiate between Consistent Mass matrix and Lumped Mass matrix Understand 3, 4
13 Consider axial vibration of the steel bar shown in Figure below, Applying 3, 4
a. Develop the global stiffness and mass matrix and

b. Determine the natural frequencies and mode shapes using the
characteristic polynomial technique.

14 Derive the elemental mass matrix for 1-D bar element and 1-D plane Applying 3, 4
truss element.
15 Explain the following with examples: Understand 3, 4
a. Lumped parameter model.
b. Continuous system model.

16 From first principles, derive the general equation for elemental mass Understand 3, 4

17 Determine the natural frequencies and mode shapes of a stepped bar Applying 3, 4
shown in figure below using the characteristic polynomial technique.
Assume E=300GPa and density is 7800 Kg/m3.
18 State the method used for obtaining natural frequencies and Understand 3, 4
corresponding eigen vectors.

19 Determine the natural frequencies and mode shapes of a stepped bar Applying 3, 4
shown in figure below using the characteristic polynomial technique.

Assume E=300GPa and density is 7800 Kg/m3.


20 Consider axial vibration of the Aluminium bar shown in Figure below, Applying 3, 4

a. Develop the global stiffness and

b. Determine the nodal displacements and stresses using elimination
approach and with help of linear and quadratic shape function
concept. Assume Young’s Modulus E = 70Gpa.

Part C-Analytical Questions
1 Consider axial vibration of the steel bar shown in Figure below develop Applying 2, 3
the global stiffness and mass matrix and determine the natural
frequencies and mode shapes using the characteristic polynomial


2 Determine the Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors for the stepped bar shown Applying 2, 3
in Figure below.

3 Evaluate the lowest Eigenvalue and the corresponding Eigenmode for Applying 2, 3
the beam shown in Figure below

4 Evaluate the lowest Eigenvalue and the corresponding Applying 2, 3

Eigenmode for the beam shown in Figure below.
5 Determine the Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors for the stepped Applying 2, 3
bar shown in Figure below.


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Note: This service is not intended for secure transactions such as banking, social media, email, or purchasing. Use at your own risk. We assume no liability whatsoever for broken pages.

Alternative Proxies:

Alternative Proxy

pFad Proxy

pFad v3 Proxy

pFad v4 Proxy