CIV - 2nd Year Syllabus 2017 18 Batch Admiited Students PDF

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• The Department will be an internationally recognized centre for value based learning,
research and consultancy in Civil Engineering and will produce competent Civil
Engineers having commitment to national development.

• To impart high quality Civil Engineering education through competent faculty, modern
labs and facilities.
• To engage in R & D activities and to provide state–of–the–art consultancy services
addressing Civil Engineering challenges of the society.
• To nurture social purpose in Civil Engineers through collaborations.


Civil Engineering graduates are expected to attain the following program educational
objectives (PEOs) 3-5 years after graduation. Our graduates will be professionals who
will be able to
PEO1: Deliver competent services in the field of Civil Engg., with a knowledge of the
principles of engineering and the theories of science that underlie them.
PEO2: Continue their professional development, nurture research attitude, and life-
long learning with scientific temperament.
PEO3: Exercise leadership quality and professional integrity, with a commitment to the
societal needs and sustainable development.


Graduates from the Department of Civil Engineering will have ability to:
1. Apply basic knowledge of Science & Engineering, and analyze complex Engineering
problems to arrive at appropriate solutions in the field’s of Civil Engineering;
2. Design & develop sustainable engineering systems by applying state of art tools and
techniques, to meet specific needs;
3. Work in a team, as a member or as a leader, with good understanding of finance,
management, cultural, societal and legal issues and flair for life long learning.
Engineering Graduates will be able to:

1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,

engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of
complex engineering problems.
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze
complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first
principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering
problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified
needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the
cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge
and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation
of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources,
and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex
engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual
knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the
consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional
engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the
knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and
responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a
member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with
the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to
comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective
presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding
of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own
work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary
12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability
to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of
technological change.
III Semester


Sl.No. Subject Category L T P Cr.
1 MA0405 Engineering Mathematics –III GC 4 0 0 4

2 CV0418 Mechanics of Deformable Bodies FCS 4 0 0 4

3 CV0419 Building Materials & GC 4 0 0 4

4 CV0420 Mechanics of Fluids FCH 3 2 0 4

5 CV0339 Fundamentals of Surveying GC 3 0 0 3

6 CV0341 Applied Engineering Geology GC 2 2 0 3

7 CV0107 Surveying Practice –I GC 0 0 3 1.5

8 CV0122 Metal & Timber Testing FCS 0 0 3 1.5

9 HS0101 CIPE GC 2 - - 1

Total Credits 26

Total Contact Hrs 32

IV Semester


Sl.No. Subject Category L T P Cr.
1 MA0408 Engineering Mathematics –IV GC 4 0 0 4

2 CV0404 Fundamentals of Structural Analysis FCS 3 2 0 4

3 CV0423 Applied Hydraulic Engineering FCH 3 2 0 4

4 CV0424 Concrete Technology FCS 4 0 0 4

5 CV0340 Higher Surveying GC 3 0 0 3

6 CV0109 Surveying Practice –II GC 0 0 3 1.5

7 CV0110 Hydraulics Laboratory FCH 0 0 3 1.5

8 CV0206 Building Planning & Drawing GC 1 0 2 2

9 HS0102 Environmental Studies GC 2 - - 1

Total Credits 25

Total Contact Hrs 32


Sub Code : MA0405 CIE : 50% Marks

Hrs/Week : 4+0+0 SEE : 50% Marks

SEE Hrs : 03 Hrs Max. Marks : 100

Course Outcomes:

On successful completion of the course the students will be able to:

1. Define a Fourier series and translate the periodic function of period 2l in terms of Fourier
series, half range series.
2. Construct and solve homogeneous and non homogeneous partial differential equations.
3. Apply half range Fourier series expansion to solve the boundary value problems on wave,
heat and Laplace’s equations. Compute Fourier and Inverse Fourier transforms of
4. Apply numerical techniques to solve the system of linear algebraic equations, compute the
largest Eigen value and the corresponding Eigen vector of a matrix and estimate a real
root of the given equation.
5. Apply appropriate interpolation formulae for a given numerical data.
6. Estimate the values of the derivatives and definite integrals using numerical techniques.

Unit – I
Fourier series
Convergence and divergence of infinite series of positive terms – Definition and illustrative
examples. Fourier series of period 2l (SLE: Fourier series with period 2𝜋𝜋), Half range series,
complex form of Fourier series, Practical harmonic analysis.
9 hrs

Partial Differential Equations
Formation of PDE, Solution of homogeneous and non-homogeneous PDE, Solution of
homogeneous PDE by direct integration and method of separation of variables. Various
possible solutions of one dimensional wave equation, (SLE: heat equation and two
dimensional Laplace’s equation). Solution of Lagrange’s linear PDE – simple problems,
D’Alembert’s solution of wave equation.
9 hrs
Application of PDE and Fourier Transforms
Application of PDE – Solution of boundary value problems associated with one dimensional
wave equation, (SLE: heat equation) and two dimensional Laplace’s equation. Infinite
Fourier Transforms, Fourier sine and cosine transforms, Inverse Transforms. 8hrs
Numerical Methods – 1
Numerical solution of a system of linear algebraic equations – Gauss Seidel & Relaxation
iterative methods. Computation of largest eigen value and the corresponding eigen vector by
Rayleigh’s power method. (SLE: Rayleigh’s inverse power method). Numerical solution of
algebraic and transcendental equations - Newton Raphson and Regula falsi methods.
9 hrs

Numerical Methods - 2
Finite differences – forward and backward differences, Newton’s forward and backward
interpolation formulae. Interpolation for unequal intervals – Newton’s divided difference
formulae, Lagrange’s interpolation and inverse interpolation formulae - applications. (SLE:
problems on forward and backward differences)
9 hrs

Numerical Methods - 3
Numerical differentiation associated with Newton’s forward, backward and divided
difference formulae. Numerical Integration – Simpson’s 1/3rd rule, Simpson’s 3/8th rule,
Weddle’s rule - applications. (SLE: Trapezoidal rule)
8 hrs

Text Books :

1. Higher Engineering Mathematics – Dr. B.S. Grewal, 42nd edition, Khanna Publications.
2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics – Erwin Kreyszig, vol I & II, wiley publications,
10th edition.

Reference Books :

1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics – H. K. Dass, Chand Publications.

2. Higher Engineering Mathematics – B. V. Ramanna, Tata McGraw-Hill Publications.
3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics- Peter O Neil; Thomas, Broks/ Cole , 7th Edition.
Sub Code : CV0418 CIE : 50% Marks

Hrs/Week : 4+0+0 Hrs SEE : 50% Marks

SEE Hrs : 03 Hrs Max. Marks : 100

Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course the students will be able to:
1. Compute stresses and strains in any element when it is subjected to loads.
2. Analyze the beams to draw shear force diagram bending moment diagram.
3. Transform given stress and calculate their effects.

Unit - I
Stress and Strain
Definitions of stress, strain, Elasticity, Hooke’s Law, stress-strain graph of mild steel,
deformation in axially loaded members, behavior of composite sections, elastic constants.
Relations amongst them, volumetric strain, Temperature Stresses 10 Hrs

Self Learning Exercise: Generalized Hooke’s Law.

Unit – II
Transformation of Stresses
Stress Components on inclined planes, Generalized two dimensional stress system, Principal
planes and stresses, shear planes and shear stresses, Mohr’s circle of stress, stresses in thin
cylinders. 8 Hrs

Self Learning Exercise: Stresses in thick cylinders

Unit - III
Analysis of Beams
Types of beams, forces on cross-section of a beam, definition - Shear force, Bending
Moment, Relationship amongst load, shear force and Bending Moment. Drawing SF diagram
and BM diagram for statically determinate beams. 10 Hrs

Self Learning Exercise: Loading Diagram and BMD from shear force diagram.

Unit - IV
Bending Stresses and Shear Stresses
Definition of Section modulus, Modulus of rupture, theory of simple pure bending. Definition
of Shear flow, equation of Shear stresses in rectangular, circular and symmetrical built up
sections, Shear stresses in Non-Symmetrical builtup sections. 10 Hrs

Self Learning Exercise: Beams of uniform strength.

Unit - V
Torsion of Circular Shafts
Introduction to theory of torsion, theory of torsion for circular sections. Definition of Polar
Modulus, power transmitted by solid circular shafts. 6 Hrs

Self Learning Exercise: Power transmitted by hollow circular shafts.

Unit -VI
Columns and Struts
Short and long columns, Euler’s Theory for long columns, Rankine’s theory for columns.
8 Hrs

Self Learning Exercise: Secant formula for columns.

Text Book
1. M.N. Shesha Prakash, G.S.Suresh, “Text book of Mechanics of Materials”, PHI,
Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi-2011.
Reference Books
1. S.B. Jurnarkar and Dr. H.J. Shah, “Mechanics ofStructures Vol-I” - Charotar
Publishing house, 26th Edition - 2005
2. Dr. P.N. Chandramouli “Fundamentals of Strength Materials” PHI Learning Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi – 2012.
3. Basavarajaiah and Mahadevappa, “Strength of Materials”-CBS Publishers, 2nd
Edition - 2001.
4. Beer and Johnston, “Mechanics of Materials”- Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Company Limited, 3rd Edition – 2004.
5. L.S. Srinath, Prakash Desayi, N. Srinivas Murthy and S AnanthaRamu, “Strength of
Materials”- Macmilan India Limited, 1st Edition - 1997.
6. I.B.Prasad, “Strength of Materials”- Khanna Publishers, 12th Edition - 2006.
7. B.C. Punmia, Ashok Jain and Jain, “Mechanics of Materials”- Laxmi Publications,
1st Edition - 2006.
8. Popov E.P and Todar A Balan, “Engineering Mechanics of solids” -
Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2nd Edition - 2006.

Sub Code : CV0419 CIE : 50% Marks

Hrs/Week : 4+0+0 Hrs SEE : 50% Marks

SEE Hrs : 03 Hrs Max. Marks : 100

Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course the students will be able to:
1. Describe the properties & uses of construction material.
2. Understand the building components & methods of construction.

Varieties of building stones, qualities of good building stones, dressing of stones, selections
and suitability of stones, quarrying of stones.

Qualities of brick earth, standard specifications for shape, size and properties, testing of

Alternative materials
Solid and hollow blocks, aerated blocks. 8 Hrs

Self Learning Exercise: Uses of stones decay and preservation of stones, Bricks for special
use, rammed earth. Stabilized mud blocks

Raw materials, manufacture, types, properties, use of puzzolonic materials such as fly ash,
granulated blast furnace slag, rice husk ash as partial replacement, tests on cement

Fine and Coarse Aggregates

Properties and uses

Mortar, Concrete

Materials, preparation, properties.

Reinforcing and Structural Steel

Types, properties –Stress-strain characteristics 8 Hrs

Self Learning Exercise: Uses of mortar, concrete, reinforcing and structural steel.
Classification of timber, fundamental engineering properties of good timber, defects in
timber, seasoning of timber, ply wood and its uses.


Types, constituents of plastic, properties, uses of plastics in building industries

Paints, Varnishes and Distempers

Constituents of oil paint, characteristics of a good paint, types of paints,painting to wood,

steel, iron and wall surfaces. Varnishes – constituents of varnishes – types of varnishes,
method of applying varnishes. Distemper and application to new and old surfaces. 9 Hrs

Self Learning Exercise: Market forms of timber, Reinforced plastics, Surface preservatives -
metallic coating by hot dipping.

Techniques of Sub Structures

Function and requirements of a good foundation, Types of foundations, Preliminary

investigation of soil, safe bearing capacity of soil, Introduction to types of foundations

Super Structures

Brick Masonry

Different types of bonds – English & Flemish bond; Doors, Windows and Ventilators: types
of doors and windows, ventilators.


Different types of roofs and roof coverings. 9 Hrs

Self Learning Exercise: Causes of failure of foundations and remedial measures, Fixtures
and fastenings

Base preparation, Types of flooring, laying details.

Form work
Material for form work, form work details in RCC columns, beams and floors. 9 Hrs

Self Learning Exercise: Factors affecting selection of flooring materials, Slip forming.
Sustainable Construction
Concept, need, embodied energy and CO2 emissions in building materials, recurring and
operational energy in buildings, total energy in building life cycle, zero energy and water
neutral buildings, green buildings, rating systems – GRIHA (Green Rating for Integrated
Habitat Assessment), LEED-India (Indian Green Building Council), Construction and
Demolition (C&D) waste management- 4R’s Golden rule (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover)
before final disposal. 9 Hrs

Self Learning Exercise: Safety, health and welfare facilities in construction sites.

Text Books
1. B.C. Punmia, “Building Construction”, 10th Edition, Laxmi Publications, New
Delhi, 2007.
2. S.C Rangwala., “Engineering Materials”, 28th Edition, Charotar Publishing House,
Anand, 1997.
3. S. K. Parbin “A Text Book of Geology”, Kataria & Sons Publication.

Reference Books
1. P.C. Varghese. “Building Construction”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2007
2.Sushil Kumar, “Building Construction”, 16th Edition, Standard Publishers & Distributors,
New Delhi, 2005.
3. K.S. Jagadish and B.V. Venkatarama Reddy,1ST Edition,“Alternative Building
Materials and Technologies” New age international (p) ltd.
4. W B Mackay, “Building Construction” Vol 4, Pearson Publications.
5. Chudley “Construction Technology”, 4th Edition. Pearson Publications.
6. Barry, “Construction of Buildings”, 7th Edition, Wiley-black well Publications.
7. National Building Code, BIS, New Delhi.
8. IGBC Manual, GRIHA Manual.
9. IS CODES: 2185 part 1, 8041-1990, 12330-1988, 12600-1989
Sub Code : CV0420 CIE : 50% Marks

Hrs/Week : 3+2+0 Hrs SEE : 50% Marks

SEE Hrs : 03 Hrs Max. Marks : 100

Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Identify the properties of fluid as a continuum.
2. Solve problems on hydrostatics, including practical applications.
3. Use principles of mathematics to represent kinematic concepts related to fluid flow.
4. Use fundamental laws of fluid mechanics- conservation of mass, conservation of
linear momentum, & the Bernoulli’s principle for practical application.
5. Apply basic principles to analyze and solve pipe flow.

Unit – I
Fluids & Their Properties
Concept of fluid, properties of fluid- mass density, weight density, specific volume, specific
gravity, relative density, fluid as a continuum, viscosity, no slip condition of viscous fluid,
compressibility and bulk modulus, capillarity, surface tension-pressure inside a water droplet,
pressure inside a soap bubble, and liquid jet. 5 Hrs

Self Learning Exercise: Vapor pressure of liquid.

Unit – II:
Fluid Pressure and Its Measurements
Pressure at a point, absolute, gauge, atmospheric pressure, Pascal’s law, pressure
variation in a static fluid, pressure equivalents and Unit - s, measurement of pressure-
Barometer, Piezometer, manometer, multitude manometer, differential manometer, inverted
U-tube differential manometer, single column, Manometer, inclined single column
manometer, micro manometer, mechanical gauge- Bourdon gauge. 5 Hrs

Self Learning Exercise: Hydraulic jack.

Unit – III
Hydrostatic Forces on Surfaces
Definition-Total pressure force, centre of pressure, total pressure force on horizontal plane
surface, total pressure force on vertical plane surface, total pressure force on inclined plane
surface, total pressure force on curved surfaces. Introduction to Buoyancy , Buoyant force,
and centre of Buoyancy. Archimedes principle, Metacenter and Metacentric height,
determination of metacentric height, conditions of equilibrium for floating and submerged
bodies 8 Hrs

Self Learning Exercise: Gravity dams.

Unit –IV
Kinematics of fluid flow, scalar, vector and tensor quantities, classification of fluid flow,
methods of describing fluid motion, fundamentals of flow visualization, discharge or rate of
flow, one-dimensional continuity equation, three-dimensional continuity equation in
Cartesian coordinate, circulation, rotation and vortices, stream line, potential function, stream
function, C-R equation, orthogonality of streamlines and potential lines. 6 Hrs

Self Learning Exercise: Flow net.

Unit - V
Fluid Dynamics
Equation of motion- Euler equation along stream line, Bernoulli’s equation, Bernoulli’s
equation for real fluid flow, practical applications of Bernoulli’s theorem - Venturimeter-
orifice meter-discharge equation for orifice meter, Impulse momentum principle-force
exerted by a flowing fluid on a pipe bend. 9 Hrs

Self Learning Exercise: Free liquid jet

Unit - VI
Flow through pipes
Introduction, Reynold’s experiments. Loss of energy in pipes , Darcy’- Weisbach formula,
Colebrook equation, Energy & hydraulics grade lines, Minor losses, combination of pipes,
Flow though siphon pipes, pipe network. 9 Hrs

Self Learning Exercise: Booster pumps

Text Book
1. C.S.P. Ojha, R. Berndtsson, and P.N. Chandramouli, “Fluid Mechanics and
Machinery”, Oxford University Publication, 2010.

Reference Books:
1. Y.A. Cengal and J.M. Cimbala. “Fluid Mechanics”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company limited, 2006.
2. K.R. Arora, Fluid mechanics, “Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machines”, 5th Edition,
Standard Publisher Distributors, 2005.
3. K. Subramanya, “Fluid Mechanics”, Tata McGraw-Hill publishing company limited.
4. F.M. White. “Fluid Mechanics”, 5th Edition New York McGraw-Hill, 2003.
Sub Code : CV0339 CIE : 50% Marks

Hrs/Week : 3+0+0 SEE : 50% Marks

SEE Hrs : 03 Hrs Max. Marks : 100

Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Understand the basic principles of surveying
2. Apply geometric and trigonometric principles to arrive at solutions to basic surveying
3. Employ conventional surveying for data capturing and processing.

Unit - I
Definition of surveying, Objectives and importance of surveying. Primary divisions of
surveying, Classification of surveys. Principles of surveying. Units of measurements,
Surveying measurements and errors, types of errors, precision and accuracy. Maps,
classification of maps, map scale, conventional symbols, topographic maps, map layout, Map
numbering systems. 6 Hrs

Self Learning Exercise: Introduction to Map projection systems. Coordinate systems

(spherical and plane).

Unit - II
Measurement of Horizontal Distances
Methods of Distance measurements, Measurement using tapes, Equipment for taping, Taping
on level ground and sloping ground, Systematic errors in taping and tape corrections, ranging
of lines, direct and indirect methods of ranging, Electronic distance measurement, basic
principle. 6 Hrs

Self Learning Exercise: Methods of setting out perpendiculars. Use of cross staff, optical
square, Obstacles in distance measurement

Unit - III
Measurement of Directions and Angles
Basic definitions, meridians, bearings, magnetic and true bearings, compasses, prismatic and
surveyor’s compasses, temporary adjustments, declination, local attraction. Vernier-
theodolite, fundamental axes, temporary adjustments, measurement of horizontal and vertical
angles. 8 Hrs
Self Learning Exercise: Other uses of theodolite, , Sources of errors in compass and
theodolite survey.

Unit - IV
Levelling and Contouring
Basic terms and definitions, Methods of levelling, instruments, dumpy level, auto level,
digital and laser levels. Curvature and refraction. Booking and reduction of levels, plane of
collimation and rise-fall methods, Differential levelling, profile levelling, fly levelling, check
levelling, trigonometric levelling (heights and distances- single plane and double plane
methods) Contours, Methods of contouring, characteristics of contours and uses. 8 Hrs

Self Learning Exercise: Reciprocal leveling, Errors and Degree of accuracy in leveling.

Unit - V
Traverse Survey and Computations
Traverse, types, procedures, control establishment. Latitudes and departures, rectangular
coordinates, traverse adjustments, compass rule and transit rule. 8 Hrs

Self Learning Exercise: Omitted measurements, plotting traverse survey

Areas and Volumes
Measurement of area – by dividing the area into geometrical figures, area from offsets, mid
ordinate rule, trapezoidal and Simpson’s one third rule, area from co-ordinates, introduction
to planimeter, digital planimeter. Measurement of volumes-trapezoidal and prismoidal
formula. 6 Hrs

Self Learning Exercise: Volume from spot levels and contour maps

Text Book
1. K.R. Arora, “Surveying Vol. 1” Standard Book House, New Delhi. – 2010

Reference Books
1. Alak De, “Plane Surveying”, S. Chand and Co. ltd. New Delhi – 2009.
2. S.K. Roy, “Fundamentals of Surveying”, Prentice Hall of India New Delhi-2009.
3. James M. Anderson, Edward M. Mikhail, “Introduction to Surveying” Mc Graw Hill
Book Company, NY. – 2009.
4. B.C. Punmia, “Surveying Vol.1”, Laxmi Publications pvt. Ltd., New Delhi – 2009.
5. S.K. Duggal, “Surveying Vol.1”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. New Delhi. –

Sub Code : CV0341 CIE : 50% Marks

Hrs/Week : 2+2+0 SEE : 50% Marks

SEE Hrs : 03 Hrs Max. Marks : 100

Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, student will be able to:
1. Describe earth processes.
2. Identify different minerals, rock forms features and process of formation of Rocks.
3. Select site for the Civil Engineering projects by Geological investigations.

Unit – I
Importance of Geology in Civil engineering practices. Internal structure and composition of
Earth. Origin of Earth; Theories of origin- Nebular hypothesis, Tidal hypothesis and gas dust
cloud hypothesis. Introduction to Mineralogy, types of minerals, Introduction to Petrology,
classification of rock and rock cycle. 5 Hrs

Self-Learning Exercise: Parts of Earth - Atmosphere, Lithosphere and Hydrosphere.

Unit – II
Types of Minerals
Rock forming minerals – Quart and its varieties. Feldspars – Orthoclase, Plagioclase,
Microcline.Mica – Biotite, Muscovite.Amphibole – Hornblende.Pyroxene – Augite.Silicates
– Olivine, Asbestos, Kaoline, Talc, Garnet. Ore minerals – Magnetite, Hematite, Limonite,
Iron pyrite, Chalcopyrite, Pyrolusite,Chromite, Galena and Bauxite. 7Hrs

Self-Learning Exercise: Sulphates–Gypsum.Oxides –Corundum.Carbonates –Calcite,

Magnetite and Dolomite.

Unit – III
Types of Rocks

Igneous petrology
Introduction, Definition, Classification, Descriptions of – Granite, Syenite, Diorite, Gabbro,
Dunite, Porphyries, Pegmatite, Dolerite, Basalt, Rhyolite and Pumice.
Sedimentary petrology
Introduction, Definition, classification, Description of – Conglomerate, Breccia, Sand stone,
Shale, Lime stone, Laterite.
Metamorphic petrology
Introduction, Definition, Classification, Metamorphism and its kinds, Description of – Slate,
Schist, Gneiss, Quartzite, Marble. 7 Hrs
Self-Learning Exercise: Process of formation for Igneous and sedimentary rocks.

Unit – IV
Structural Geology

Forms of Igneous rocks, Structure of Igneous rocks mechanism of formation. Primary and
secondary structure of sedimentary rocks and mechanism of formation and their uses in civil
engineering. 5 Hrs

Self-Learning Exercise: Identification of rocks in the field.

Unit – V
Applications and Geological investigation
Importance and engineering properties of Rocks in concrete aggregates, Caddling, Flooring,
Roofing, Road metals, railway ballast.Use of Geology construction of Dams, Reservoir,
Tunnels, Bridges and Highways. Geophysical methods – Electrical method, Seismic method,
Gravitational method, Magnetic method, Acoustic method. 7Hrs

Self-Learning Exercise: Surface and subsurface explorations, bore logging, core sampling.

Unit – VI
Geological agents, types of landforms – Aeoline, Fluvial, Glacial,Volcanic, Tectonic,
Coastal. 5 Hrs

Self-Learning Exercise: Weathering and its types, Soil formation, Soil profile.

Tutorial components
Physical properties of minerals
Identification of minerals (Quartz)
Identification of minerals (Feldspar, Amphiboles, Sulphates, carbonates and
Identification of minerals (ore minerals)
Identification of Igneous rocks
Identification of Sedimentary rocks
Identification of Metamorphic rocks
Thickness of strata problems
Dip and strike problems
Borehole problems
Geological mapping
Text Book
1. Parbin Singh, “A Text Book of Engineering and General Geology”- Sixth revised
Edition- 2001. S K Kataria and Sons, Delhi.

Reference Books
1. B S SathyanarayanaSwamy, “A Text Book of Engineering Geology” – 2000
Edition, DhanpatRai& Co (P) Ltd. Delhi.
2. K M Bangar, “Principles of Engineering Geology” - First Edition -1995, Standard
Publishers, Delhi.
3. S K Garg, “Physical and Engineering Geology” – Third Edition 1999- Khanna
publishers, Delhi 111006
4. K V G K Gokhale, “Principles of Engineering Geology” – Revised Edition 2005, B
S Publications Hyderabad.
5. D S Arora, “Geology for Engineers” – Second Edition, 1982 Mahendra Capital
Publishers, Chandigarh.
6. D Venkata Reddy, “Engineering Geology” - 2011 Edition, Vikas Publishing house
Pvt. Ltd New Delhi.
7. P K Mukherjee, “A Text Book of Geology” – The World Press Pvt. Ltd. Calcutta.
8. Robert F Legget, “Geology and Engineers” – Third Edition McGraw Hill
International edition, Civil Engineering series.
9. Billings M P, “Structural Geology” – Third Edition -1990 Prentice Hall of India
Pvt. Ltd New Delhi.

Sub Code : CV0107 CIE : 50% Marks

Hrs/Week : 0+0+3 Hrs SET : 50% Marks

Total (CIE+SET) :100

Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

1. Follow effectively field procedures required for a professional surveyor

List of Exercises
1. Study of topographic maps and preparation of a chart of conventional symbols.
2. Measurement of distances using tape, direct/indirect ranging, setting out
3. Measurement of bearings/directions using prismatic compass.
4. Determination of distance between two inaccessible points using compass and
5. To conduct a closed compass traverse and adjusting of traverse. To find the area of
traverse by coordinates method.
6. Determination of reduced levels of points using dumpy level/auto level (simple
7. Determination of reduced levels of points using dumpy level/auto level (differential
8. To conduct profile leveling and cross sectioning, plotting
9. To conduct block leveling, preparation of contour plan.
10. Study of parts of a vernier theodolite and practice of taking readings
11. Measurement of horizontal angle by repetition and reiteration methods
12. Measurement of vertical angles using theodolite.

Text Book
1. K.R. Arora, “Surveying (Vol. 1)” Standard Book House, New Delhi. – 2010
Reference Books
1. Alak De, “Plane Surveying”, S. Chand and Co. ltd. New Delhi. - 2009
2. S.K. Roy, “Fundamentals of Surveying”, Prentice Hall of India New Delhi. - 2009
3. James M. Anderson, Edward M. Mikhail, “Introduction to Surveying” Mc Graw
Hill Book Company, NY. – 2009
4. B.C. Punmia, “Surveying Vol.1”, Laxmi Publications pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. – 2009
5. S.K. Duggal, “Surveying Vol. 1”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. New
Delhi. - 2009
Sub Code : CV0122 CIE : 50% Marks

Hrs/Week : 0+0+3 Hrs SET : 50% Marks

Total (CIE+SET) :100

Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course student will be able to:
1. Determine the mechanical properties of metals & timber

List of Experiments
1. Tension test on Mild steel & HYSD Bars
2. Compression test on Mild Steel, Cast Iron and wood
3. Torsion test on Mild Steel (Circular Sections)
4. Bending test on timber & Mild Steel under two point loading.
5. Shear Test on Mild Steel
6. Impact test on Mild Steel ( Charpy & Izod)
7. Hardness tests on ferrous and non-ferrous metals – Brinell’s, Rockwell and Vicker’s.

Reference Books
1. Davis, Troxell and Hawk:, “Testing of Engineering Materials”- – McGraw Hill
Book Co., International Student Edition, New Delhi. – 1982.
2. Suryanarayana A.K., “Testing of Metallic Materials” - Prentice Hall of India Pvt.
Ltd. New Delhi – 2007.
3. Relevant IS Codes.
4. Kukreja C.B. Kishore K. Ravi Chawla, “Material Testing Laboratory Manual” -
Standard Publishers & Distributors - 1996.
Sub Code : HS0101 CIE : 50% Marks

Hrs/Week : 2+0+0 Hrs SEE : 50% Marks

SEE Hrs : 02 Hrs Max. Marks : 50

Course Outcomes
On successful completion of the course the students will be able to:
1. Understand the significance of many provisions of the Constitution as well as to gain
insight into their background. They will also understand number of fundamental rights
subject to limitations in the light of leading cases.
2. Study guidelines for the State as well as for the Citizens to be followed by the State in the
matter of administration as well as in making the laws. It also includes fundamental
duties of the Indian Citizens in part IV A (Article 51A)
3. Understand administration of a State, the doctrine of Separation of Powers.
4. Know how the State is administered at the State level and also the powers and functions
of High Court.
5. Understand special provisions relating to Women empowerment and also children. For
the stability and security of the Nation, Emergency Provision are Justified.
6. Understand election commission as an independent body with enormous powers and
functions to be followed both at the Union and State level. Amendments are necessary,
only major few amendments have been included.
7. Understand Engineering ethics and responsibilities of Engineers.
8. Understand the qualities, which will make them full fledged professionals.

1. Preamble to the Constitution of India. Fundamental rights under Part III details of
Exercise of Rights, Limitations and Important Leading cases. 4 Hrs
2. Relevance of Directive Principles of State Policy under Part-IV, IVA Fundamental duties.
2. Union Executive - President, Vice-President, Prime Minister, Union Legislature -
Parliament and Union Judiciary – Supreme Court of India. 3 Hrs
4. State Executive - Governors, Chief Minister, State Legislature and High Court. 3Hrs
5. Constitutional Provisions for Scheduled Castes and Tribes, Women, Children and
Backward Classes, Emergency Provisions. 4 Hrs
6. Electoral process, Amendment procedure, 42nd, 44th, 74th, 76th, 86th and 91st
Constitutional amendments. 3 Hrs
7. Scope and aims of engineering ethics, responsibility of Engineers. Impediments to
responsibility 3 Hrs
8. Honesty, Integrity and reliability, risks, safety and liability in Engineering. 3 Hrs

Text Book
1. Durga Das Basu ,"Introduction to the Constitution of India"(student edition) Prentice
- Hall EEE, 19th /20th Edition, 2001.
2. "Engineering Ethics" by M.Govindarajan, S.Natarajan, V.S.Senthikumar, Prentice -
Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.


Sub Code : MA0301 CIE : 50% Marks

Hrs/Week : 03 SEE : 50% Marks
SEE Hrs : 03 Total: 39 hrs Max. : 100 Marks

Course Outcomes:

On successful completion of the course the students will be able to:

1. Identify some standard curves. Translate any differentiable function into power series &
compute partial derivatives.
2. Compute measures of central tendency and dispersion for a given statistical data
3. Compute integrals using appropriate methods and Beta - Gamma functions. Evaluate
multiple integrals.
4. Define a Fourier series and translate the periodic function of period 2l in terms of Fourier
series, half range series.
5. Solve first order differential equations using appropriate methods and also solve linear
second and higher order differential equations with constant coefficients

Module - I
Differential Calculus
Introduction to some standard curves. Basic concepts of differentiation. Expansion of
functions – Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s expansion of a function of one variable. Partial
differentiation, Total derivative and Chain rule – simple problems (SLE: Jacobians).

8 hrs
Module - II
Measures of central tendency- mean, median for grouped and ungrouped data, Measures of
dispersion- Quartile deviation, Mean deviation and Standard deviation. Simple application
problems (SLE: Mode).
8 hrs
Module - III
Integral Calculus
Evaluation of definite integrals by the method of substitution, integration by parts,
Bernoulli’s rule of integration. Evaluation of double and triple integrals. Beta and Gamma
functions – Definition, Properties, problems on relation between beta and gamma function
((SLE: Evaluation of double integrals by converting into polar form, derivation of alternate
formulae of Beta and Gamma functions).
8 hrs
Module - IV
Fourier Series
Periodic functions, Fourier series, Dirichlet’s conditions for a Fourier series, Euler’s Fourier
coefficients. Fourier series of period 2l – continuous and discontinuous functions, even and
odd functions, Half range series, Practical harmonic analysis (SLE: Fourier series with period
8 hrs

Module - V
Differential Equations
Solution of first order and first degree differential equations – separation of variables, linear,
exact. Solution of higher order non-homogeneous differential equations - P.I for: eax,
sin(ax)/cos(ax), xn (SLE: Bernoulli’s differential equation).
7 hrs

Text Books:

1. Higher Engineering Mathematics by Dr. B. S. Grewal, 42nd edition, Khanna

2. Higher Engineering Mathematics by H.K.Dass , (2008 edition), Chand Publications.

Reference Books:
1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics – Erwin Kreyszig, vol I & II, wiley publications, 10th
2. N. P. Bali and Manish Goyal : Engineering Mathematyics, Laxmi publishers, 7th Ed.

Sub Code : MA0408 CIE : 50% Marks

Hrs/Week : 4+0+0 Hrs SEE : 50% Marks

SEE Hrs : 03 Hrs Max. Marks : 100

Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of the course the students will be able to:
1. Use numerical techniques to solve ordinary and simultaneous differential equation with
initial conditions.
2. Apply the concept of analytic functions to solve fluid flow problems and discuss the
images of certain plane curves under the given conformal transformation.
3. Compute complex line integrals using Cauchy’s theorem.
4. Apply the method of least square to predict the best fitting curve for a given data and
solve problems on correlation and regression.
5. Solve problems associated with discrete and continuous probability distribution.
6. Solve problems associated with Markov chain using transition probability matrix, testing
of hypothesis and student t- distribution.

Unit I:
Numerical Methods
Numerical solutions of first order and first degree ordinary differential equations – Taylor’s
method, Modified Euler’s method, Runge-Kutta method of fourth order. Milne’s predictor
and corrector method (no proof). Simultaneous differential equations using Taylor’s and
RungeKutta methods. (SLE: Solution of second order ordinary differential equations using
Taylor’s and Runge-Kutta methods).
9 hrs
Unit II:
Complex Variables - 1
Function of a complex variable – Limit, Continuity, Differentiability – Definitions. Analytic
functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations in Cartesian and polar forms, Properties of analytic
functions. Construction of analytic functions-Applications. Conformal Mapping – Definition.
Discussion of w = z2, w = z + (a2 / z), z ≠0 [SLE: w = sinz, ez].
9 hrs

Unit III :
Complex Variables – 2
Bilinear transformations, Complex line integral, Cauchy’s theorem, Cauchy’s integral
formula. Laurent series expansion, (SLE: problems on Laurent series) Poles, Residues,
Problems on Cauchy’s residue theorem.
8 hrs
Unit IV:
Curve fitting by the method of least squares: straight line, parabola and exponential curve of
the type y = abx and y = aebx.(SLE: To fit curves of the type y = axb ) Correlation and
Regression, Multiple correlation and Regression Analysis.
9 hrs

Unit V:
Probability - I
Random variables: Discrete random variables, Binomial, Poisson distributions. Continuous
random variables, Exponential and Normal distributions. (SLE: Mean & SD of Poisson &
Normal distribution).
9 hrs

Unit VI :
Probability-II and Sampling theory
Markov chains – probability vector, stochastic matrix, transition probability matrix.
Introduction and significance of testing of hypothesis – type-I, type-II errors – tests involving
distribution – one tailed & two tailed tests, tests for large and small samples. Student
’t’distributions. (SLE: Chi-square distribution)
8 hrs
Text Books :

1. Higher Engineering Mathematics – B.S. Grewal, 42nd edition, Khanna Publications

2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics - Erwin Kreyszig, wiley publications, 10th edition.

Reference Books :

1. Advanced Engg. Mathematics – H. K. Dass (2008 edition), Chand Publications.

2. Higher Engg. Mathematics – B. V. Ramanna (2010 edition), Tata McGraw-Hill
3. Probability, Statistics and Random Processes- 3rd edition Tata McGraw-Hill Publications
– T. Veerarajan.

Sub Code : CV0404 CIE : 50% Marks

Hrs/Week : 3+2+0 Hrs SEE : 50% Marks

SEE Hrs : 03 Hrs Max. Marks : 100

Pre requisite: Mechanics of Deformable bodies (CV0418)

Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Compute deformation in statically determinate structures.
2. Analyze cables & three hinged arches.
3. Apply moving load analysis for statically determinate beams.

Unit - I
Deflection of beams
Introduction: Classification of structures, Forms of structures, Loads, Compatibility,
Equilibrium, Statistical indeterminacy and Kinematic indeterminacy. Differential equation
for deflection of beams
Macaulay’s Method: Principles of Macaulay’s Method for computing slopes and deflections
in prismatic statically determinate beams. 7 Hrs

Self Learning Exercise: Macaulay’s Method for computing deflection in a cantilever beam.

Unit - II
Geometrical Methods: Slope and deflection
Computing slopes and deflections in statically determinate beams by moment area method
and conjugate beam method. 7 Hrs

Self Learning Exercise: Conjugate beam method for a cantilever.

Unit – III
Energy Method for Deformations
Concept of External work and Strain Energy, Principle of Virtual work, Castigliano’s
theorem for computing deformations in statically determinate trusses, beams and frames.
Unit load method for computing deformations in beams, trusses and frames 9 Hrs

Self Learning Exercise: Castigliano’s theorem for deflection of cantilever trusses.

Unit - IV
Analysis of Cables
Cables – Behaviour, Cable carrying concentrated loads, Cable carrying UDL, length of cable
6 Hrs

Self Learning Exercise: Anchorage of cables

Unit - V
Analysis of Arches
Arches - Behaviour, Analysis of three hinged parabolic arches for bending moment, Radial
shear and normal trust 6 Hrs

Self Learning Exercise: Analysis of three hinged circular arches.

Unit – VI
Moving Loads
Moving load analysis and Influence Line Diagram (ILD) for statically determinate beam for
various load conditions. 7 Hrs

Self Learning Exercise: Concept of equivalent UDL in beams.

Text Book
1. Pandit and Gupta, “Theory of Structures” Vol 1, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.

Reference Books
1. P N. Chandramouli "Structural Analysis 1", Yesdee publications, 2015.
2. R. C. Hibler, “Structural Analysis”, Pearson Education Inc, 5th Edition - 2002.
3. Jeffrey P Liable, “Structural Analysis” CBS College Publishing – 1985.
4. Norris and Wilbur, “Elementary Structural Analysis”, McGRaw Hill, 3rd Edition -
5. C.S.Reddy, “Basic Structural Analysis”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition – 1996.
6. B.C.Punmia, “Strength of Materials and Theory of Structures”, Vol 1&2, Laxmi
Publication, New Delhi.
Sub Code : CV0423 CIE : 50% Marks

Hrs/Week : 3+2+0 SEE : 50% Marks

SEE Hrs : 03 Hrs Max. Marks : 100

Pre requisite: Mechanics of Fluids (CV0420)

Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Apply basic principles to analyze and solve open channel flow.
2. Understand the concept of Dimensional analysis and impact of jet on vanes.
3. Apply the principles of hydraulics for the design of hydraulic machine.
4. Understand the measurement of flow in channels, streams and from tanks.

Unit -1
Open Channel Flow
Basic flow concepts and terminology; Uniform flow- Chezy’s discharge formula, Manning’s
formula; most economical channel sections: rectangular; specific energy, specific energy
curve - critical depth, alternate depth, critical velocity, critical flow; Application of specific
energy to channel transitions: transition through width constriction and provision of humps;
Specific force and its relation to specific energy, hydraulic jump and use of specific force
curve and specific energy curves for finding loss of energy due to hydraulic jump, height of
jump, length of jump calculation.
Self Learning Exercise: Most economical channel sections: triangular, circular and
10 hrs.
Unit - II
Dimensional Analysis and Similitude
Dimensions and units in FM; dimensional homogeneity; Buckingham theorem and use.Model
investigation, types of similarities, force ratios, similarity laws or model laws- Reynolds
model law and Froude model law, undistorted and distorted models, scale effect.
Self Learning Exercise: Dimensional Analysis by Rayleigh’s method
5 hrs.
Impact of Jets on vanes
Introduction, Impulse momentum equation for steady flow, Impact of jet on stationary vane-
plane surface kept perpendicular to the jet direction, plane surface kept inclined to the jet
direction, stationary curved surface on which the jet strikes normally at the centre, jet strikes
the stationary curved surface tangentially; force exerted by the jet on flat moving plate, force
exerted by the jet on flat inclined moving plate, force exerted by the jet on curved moving
plate, force exerted by the jet on series of flat plates, force exerted by the jet on series of
curved vanes.
Self Learning Exercise: force exerted by the jet on unsymmetrical curved vane when the jet
strikes tangentially at one end of the curved vane.
8 hrs.

Unit- IV
Layout of a hydroelectric power plant; definition of heads, head loss due to friction, head loss
in the nozzle, efficiencies of a turbine, power developed by a turbine; classification of
turbines: impulse and reaction turbines; component parts of a Pelton wheel turbine, velocity
triangles, work done and efficiencies for Pelton wheel turbine, working proportions and
design of a Pelton wheel turbine; Reaction turbines, Francis turbine, work done and
efficiencies of a Francis turbine, working proportions and design of a Francis turbine, draft
tube theory. Performance characteristics of hydraulic turbine: similarity ratios for turbines,
performance under unit head, performance under specific conditions and significance of
specific speed, performance characteristics of turbines: main and operating characteristics,
constant efficiency curves.
Self Learning Exercise:Selection of turbines. Cavitation in turbines.
7 hrs.
Unit- V
Introduction, classification of pumps, centrifugal pump, main parts and working of a
centrifugal pump, priming of a centrifugal pump, work done by an impeller, head pump,
performance characteristics of centrifugal pumps (main characteristic curves, operating
characteristic curves and constant efficiency curves), computation of system head curve and
pump selection,
Self Learning Exercise: Pumps in series and parallel. Cavitation in pumps.
6 hrs.
Unit- VI
Flow measurement
Flow through notches and weirs: Types of notches, discharge over a rectangular, triangular
and trapezoidal notches, effect on discharge over notches due to error in measurement of
head, discharge over a stepped notch and the Cipoletti notch; effect of velocity of approach;
Classification of weirs, discharge over broad crested weir, discharge over a drowned or
submerged weir.
Orifices and mouth pieces: Classification of orifices, discharge through sharp edged orifice,
hydraulic coefficients, Experimental determination of hydraulic coefficients, discharge
through a large rectangular orifice, flow under pressure and submerged conditions,
Metering/gauging flumes: modular and non-modular, venture flume, Parshall flume.

Self Learning Exercise: Proportional weir. Discharge through mouthpieces. Time of

emptying a tank.
6 hrs.

1. P N Chandramouli. “Applied Hydraulic Engineering”, Yes Dee Publishing Pvt Ltd.

Reference books:
1. Y ACengal and J M Cimbala. "Fluid mechanics",Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company limited.
2. P N Modi and S M Seth. “Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics, including Hydraulic
Machines”, Standard Book House
3. RKBansal. “A Text book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, Laxmi
Publications, New Delhi.
4. F M White. “Fluid Mechanics”, McGraw Hill Education India Private Limited.
Sub Code : CV0424 CIE : 50% Marks

Hrs/Week : 4+0+0 SEE : 50% Marks

SEE Hrs : 03 Hrs Max. Marks : 100

Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Determine the characteristics of Cement and Aggregates.
2. Design of concrete mixes
3. Understand the properties of fresh and hardened concrete.

Unit - I
Chemical composition, hydration of cement, Types of cement, manufacture of OPC by wet
and dry process (flow charts only), Testing of cement – Field testing, Fineness, Normal
consistency, setting time, soundness, Compressive strength of cement and grades of cement,
Quality of mixing water. 9 Hrs
Self Learning Exercise: Blended Cement

Unit - II
Fine aggregate – grading, sieve analysis, Specific gravity, bulking, moisture content,
deleterious materials, use of manufactures sand. Coarse aggregate – Importance of size, shape
and texture. Grading of aggregates – Sieve analysis, specific gravity, Flakiness and
elongation index, crushing, impact and abrasion tests. 9 Hrs

Self Learning Exercise: Alkali- aggregate reaction.

Unit - III
Fresh Concrete Workability - factors affecting workability, Measurement of workability –
slump, flow tests, Compaction factor and vee-bee consistometer tests, Segregation and
bleeding, Process of manufactures of concrete; Batching, Mixing, Transporting, Placing,
Compaction, Curing, Chemical admixtures – plasticizers, accelerators, retarders and air
entraining agents. 9 Hrs

Self Learning Exercise: Mineral admixtures – Fly ash, Silica fumes and rice husk ash &

Unit - IV
Concrete Mix Design
Concept of Mix design, variables in proportioning, exposure conditions, Procedure of mix
design as per IS 10262-2009, Numerical examples of Mix Design. 7Hrs
Self Learning Exercise: Mix design by ACI code

Unit - V
Hardened Concrete
Factors affecting strength, w/c ratio, gel/space ratio, maturity concept, Effect of aggregate
properties, relation between compressive strength and tensile strength, bond strength,
modulus of rupture, Accelerated curing, aggregate–cement bond strength, Elasticity –
Relation between modulus of elasticity and strength, Factors affecting modulus of elasticity,
Poisson’s ratio. Shrinkage: plastic shrinkage and drying shrinkage, factors affecting
shrinkage. 10 Hrs

Self Learning Exercise: Creep – Measurement of creep, factors affecting creep, effect of
creep, testing.

Unit - VI
Definition, significance, permeability, Chloride attack, carbonation, freezing and thawing,
Factors contributing to cracks in concrete.

8 Hrs

Self Learning Exercise: Sulphate attack, Codal provisions for durability of concrete.

Text Book
1. M.S. Shetty, “Concrete Technology” - Theory and Practice, S.Chand and Company,
New Delhi, 2002.
2. P.K. Mehta "Properties of concrete"

Reference Books
1. Neville, A.M., “Properties of Concrete”, ELBS, London
2. Shetty, M.S., “Concrete Technology” - S.Chand & Co., New Delhi.
3. Gambhir, “Concrete Manual” - Dhanpat Rai & Sons, New Delhi.
4. N.Krishna Raju, “Concrete Mix Design” - Sehgal – publishers.
5. “Recommended guidelines for concrete mix design” - IS: 10262-2009, BIS
Sub Code : CV0340 CIE : 50% Marks

Hrs/Week : 3+0+0 SEE : 50% Marks

SEE Hrs : 03 Hrs Max. Marks : 100

Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Apply geometric and trigonometric principles to arrive at solutions to surveying problems.
2. Analyze spatial data using appropriate computational and analytical techniques.
3. Use the concepts of advanced data capturing methods necessary for engineering practice.

Unit - I
Total Station Instrument
Introduction, basic concepts, measurement of distance using phase difference, total station,
components, adjustments, uses of total station, errors, accuracy, effect of atmospheric
5 Hrs
Self Learning Exercise: Good practices and precautions in using total station

Unit II: Introduction to Curve Surveying

Horizontal curves, elements of a simple curve, designation,. Setting out simple curves by
linear (offsets from long chord and chords produced methods) and angular (Rankine's
deflection angle method) methods. Numerical problems.
6 Hours
Self Learning Exercise: Setting out simple curve by offsets from tangent method

Unit - III
Compound curve, Reverse Curves and Transition curves
Compound curves, elements, simple numerical problems, Reverse curve between two
parallel straights (numerical problems on Equal radius and unequal radius). Transition curves,
characteristics, simple numerical problems on length of transition curve. 6 hours

Self Learning Exercise: Vertical curves, types (no numerical problems)

Unit - IV
Adjustment of Survey Measurements
Introduction to triangulation. Triangulation measurements and computations. Errors,
accuracy, precision, systematic and random errors, laws of weights, RMS error, observation
equations, condition equations, weighted observations, principle of least squares, normal
equations, triangulation adjustments, station and figure adjustments, method of differences,
method of correlates (simple numerical problems).
10 Hrs
Self Learning Exercise: Trilateration

Introduction to Astronomy
Earth, celestial sphere, earth and celestial coordinate systems, spherical triangle, astronomical
triangle, Napier’s rule, simple numerical problems. 8 Hrs

Self Learning Exercise: Time, Units of time, Inter conversion of time

Unit - VI
Introduction to Advanced Surveying and Mapping Systems
Introduction to aerial photogrammetry: Definitions, advantages, applications. Geometry of
vertical aerial photographs- scale, ground coordinates, relief displacement, photographic
overlaps, flight planning, Global Positioning Systems Global positioning systems, segments
of GPS, working principle, Hand held GPS and differential GPS, methods of GPS surveying,
errors and accuracy, applications of GPS. Introduction to air borne laser terrain mapping
7 Hrs
Self Learning Exercise: Introduction to digital photogrammetry, Ground penetration radar

Text Book

1. K.R. Arora, “Surveying (Vol. 1, 2 & 3)” Standard Book House, New Delhi. – 2010

Reference Books

1. P.R. Wolf, “ Elements of Photogrammetry”, McGraw Hill Publications - 2009

2. Satheesh Gopi, “Global Positioning System-Principles and Applications”, Tata
McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. New Delhi. – 2005
3. Manoj K Arora and R.C. Badjatia, “Geomatics Engineering” Nem Chand and Bros. Roorkee –

4. B.C. Punmia, Ashok K. Jain, Arun K. Jain, “Higher Surveying”, Laxmi Publications
pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. – 2008.
5. S.K. Roy, “Fundamentals of Surveying”, Prentice Hall of India New Delhi. – 2009

Sub Code : CV0109 CIE : 50% Marks

Hrs/Week : 0+0+3 Hrs SET : 50% Marks

Total (CIE+SET) :100

Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Employ effectively field procedures required for a professional surveyor.

List of Exercises
1. To determine the elevation of the top of a tower/building by single plane method,
using theodolite.
2. To determine the elevation of the top of a tower/building by double plane method
using theodolite
3. To conduct a closed theodolite traverse and adjusting of traverse. To find the area of
traverse by coordinates method.
4. Introduction to total station, components, temporary adjustments.
5. Horizontal and sloping distance measurement using total station.
6. Measurement of horizontal and vertical angles using total station.
7. Determination of heights of buildings/towers/power line (remote elevation
measurement), determination of distance between two points(missing line
8. Orientation of total station using compass and measurement of magnetic bearings.
9. Measurement of coordinates (N, E, Z) of various points from one instrument position.
10. Traversing using total station (orientation at the first station by compass and at
subsequent stations by back sighting) and area measurement.
11. Detailed survey of an area including creation of job file, selecting appropriate point
codes, measurement of coordinates, downloading of data and preparation of contour
12. Use of hand held GPS for coordinate measurement.

Reference Books
1. Satheesh Gopi, “Global Positioning System-Principles and Applications”, Tata
McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. New Delhi. - 2005

2. S.K. Roy, “Fundamentals of Surveying”, Prentice Hall of India New Delhi. - 2009

3. S.K. Duggal, “Surveying Vol. 1”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. New Delhi.
- 2009
4. B.C. Punmia, Ashok K. Jain, Arun K. Jain, “Higher Surveying”, Laxmi Publications
pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. - 2008

5. K.R. Arora, “Surveying (Vol. 1, 2, 3)” Standard Book House, New Delhi. - 2010

6. Manoj K Arora and R.C. Badjatia, “Geomatics Engineering” Nem Chand and Bros.
Roorkee – 2011.

Sub Code : CV0110 CIE : 50% Marks

Hrs/Week : 0+0+3 Hrs SET : 50% Marks

Total (CIE+SET) :100

Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Estimate various hydraulic coefficients, losses in the pipes and calculation of various
hydraulic machines.
List of Experiments
1. To determine various hydraulic coefficients of Orifice
2. To determine coefficients of discharge on external and Internal mouth piece.
3. To determine coefficients of discharge on Venturimeter, orifice meter,
Venturiflume and Broad Crested Weir
4. To determine friction factors in pipes
5. To determine K-value in minor losses in pipes. Rectangular Notch
6. To determine coefficients of discharge on various notches.
7. To determine coefficients of impact in various stationary vanes
8. To determine the efficiencies of Pelton wheel, Francis and Kaplan turbine
9. To determine the efficiencies of pumps

Reference Books
1. Dr. P.N.Chandara Mouli “Hydraulic Laboratory Manual”.
2. C.S.P. Ojha, R. Berndtsson, and P.N. Chandramouli, “Fluid Mechanics and
Machinery”, Oxford University Publication - 2010.

3. K.R. Arora, “Fluid mechanics, Hydraulics and Hydraulic machines”, 5th edition,
standard publisher distributors, - 2005.

Sub Code : CV0206 CIE : 50% Marks

Hrs/Week : 1+0+2 Hrs SEE : 50% Marks

SEE Hrs : 03 Hrs Max. Marks : 100

Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Understand the concepts of functional planning.
2. Conceptualize and develop plans for Residential Commercial, Educational and
Government buildings satisfying the bye laws.

Unit – I
Orientation and positioning of various components of buildings, Geometric drawing of RCC
dog-legged & open wall stairs. Traditional concepts in building planning, Building standards,
Building Bye- Laws, set back and functions of local authority. 6 Hrs

Self Learning Exercise: Basic concepts in Mass housing and affordable housing, Energy
efficient housing.

Unit – II
Functional design of buildings using interconnectivity diagrams (Bubble diagrams),
Development of line plans for simple residential and public buildings. 6 Hrs

Self Learning Exercise: To develop line plans for Mass housing and affordable housing,
Energy efficient housing.

Unit – III
Plan, Section and Elevation for Residential buildings (i.e. for various plot sizes), Commercial
buildings (i.e. commercial centre/complex, hotel & bank.), Educational buildings (i.e.
primary) school, high school and college), Government buildings (i.e. municipal/corporation
office, post office, primary health centre Zilla Panchayath), for given requirements,
preparation of water supply, sanitary & electrical layout for a given line diagram. 30 Hrs

Self Learning Exercise: To develop a detailed Plan, Section and Elevation for a
economically weaker family considering climatic conditions, availability of local materials
and construction costs.

Text Book
1. Gurucharan Singh and Jagadish Singh, “Building Planning Designing and
Scheduling”, Standard publishers distributors,5th Edition, 2002
Reference Books
1. B.P. Verma, “Civil Engineering Drawing and House planning”- Khanna Publishers,
11th Edition, 1992.

2. M. Chakraborti, “Civil Engineering Drawing” - Published by author, 6th Edition,


3. Shah M.H. and Kale CM, “Building Drawing”- Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Company Ltd., New Delhi.

4. National Building Code (NBC 2016), BIS, New Delhi, 2016.

5. SP 41 (S&T): 1987 - Handbook on functional requirements of buildings (other than
industrial buildings), BIS, New Delhi.

Sub Code : HS0102 CIE : 50% Marks

Hrs/Week : 2+0+0 SEE : 50% Marks

SEE Hrs : 02 Hrs Max. Marks : 50

Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Illustrate the relationship between human life and environment from scientific perspective.
2. Identify the current and emerging problems.
3. Develop the awareness on environmental problems.

Unit – I
Introduction and definition of Environment. Man-Environment, interaction. Impact of man’s
activity on Environment. Ecosystems (kinds, component parts, pyramids etc, Pond ecosystem
as an example), Biodiversivity (Hot spots). 4 Hrs
Self Learning Exercise: The need of Environment Education/Knowledge (from the point of
view of Sustainable Development).

Unit –II
Ecology a) Energy/nutrient flow (food chains etc) b) Biogeochemical cycles (CNS cycles)

4 Hrs
Self Learning Exercise: Concepts of limiting nutrients.

Unit – III
Natural Resources, Water resources – Availability & Quality aspects, Water borne diseases &
water induced diseases, Fluoride problem in drinking water Mineral resources, Minerals,
Energy – renewable and non renewable. 4 Hrs
Self Learning Exercise: Land and Forest Wealth.

Unit – IV
Pollution- Water, Air, Noise. Solid waste generation and allied issues. 4 Hrs
Self Learning Exercise: Sustainable development- Concepts

Unit –V
Some important local and global environmental issues a) Global issues- global warming, acid
rain, ozone depletion. 4 Hrs
Self Learning Exercise: Local issues- specific to the locality
Unit –VI
Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Environmental Auditing.
Environmental Legislation and Acts. Pollution Control boards. Regulatory standards.

6 Hrs
Self Learning Exercise: Environmental Ethics.

Text Book
1.Benny Joseph “Environmental Science and Engineering.”. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company Limited.

Reference Books
1. Gilbert M. Masters “Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science.”
Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Limited.
2. Edward J. Kormondy “Concepts of Ecology” Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Limited.
3. P. D. Sarma. “Ecology and Environment” Rastogi Publications.


Sub Code : MA0302 CIE : 50% Marks

Hrs/Week : 03 SEE : 50% Marks
SEE Hrs : 03 Total: 39 hrs Max. : 100 Marks

Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of the course the students will be able to:
1. Solve problems on vector differentiation. Operate vector differential operator ‘del’ on
scalar and vector point functions and solve problems associated with it.
2. Operate Laplace transform on some functions. Operate inverse Laplace transform on
some functions and use it to solve differential equations with initial conditions.
3. Operate elementary transformations on matrices to solve system of linear equations,
compute eigen values and eigen vectors.
4. Solve homogeneous and non homogeneous partial differential equations.
5. Estimate a real root of the given equation and apply appropriate interpolation formulae
for equal and unequal arguments.

Module – I
Vector Calculus
Differentiation of vectors, velocity, acceleration, components of velocity and acceleration.
Vector differentiation -Gradient, Divergence, Curl and Laplacian, Irrotational vectors.
(SLE: Basic problems on dot and cross products of vectors, Solenoidal vectors).

Module – II
Laplace Transforms
Laplace transform - definition, Laplace transform of standard functions (formulae). Shifting
and derivative properties – simple problems. Unit step function - Problems. Inverse
transforms – Method of completing square and partial fractions. Solution of ordinary
differential equations with initial conditions (SLE: Laplace transform of discontinuous
8 hrs
Module -III
Linear Algebra
Elementary transformations of a matrix, Rank of a matrix by elementary row transformations,
Consistency of a system of linear algebraic equations, Solution of a system of non
homogeneous equations . Eigen values and Eigen vectors of a square matrix (SLE: Gauss
elimination method, Gauss Jordan method).
8 hrs
Module – IV
Partial Differential Equations
Solution of homogeneous and non-homogeneous PDE, Solution of homogeneous PDE by
direct integration and method of separation of variables. Various possible solutions of one
dimensional wave equation and heat equation (SLE: Solution of homogeneous PDE of one
8 hrs

Module– V
Numerical Methods
Numerical solution of algebraic and transcendental equations - Newton Raphson method,
Finite differences – forward and backward differences, Newton’s forward and backward
interpolation formula. Interpolation for unequal intervals – Newton’s divided difference
formula.(SLE: Lagrange’s interpolation formula).
7 hrs

Text Books
1. Higher Engineering Mathematics by Dr. B. S. Grewal, 42nd edition, Khanna
2. Higher Engineering Mathematics by H.K.Dass , (2008 edition), Chand Publications.

Reference Books
1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics – Erwin Kreyszig, vol I & II, wiley publications,
10th edition.
2. N. P. Bali and Manish Goyal : Engineering Mathematyics, Laxmi publishers, 7th Ed.

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