Road Network PDF
Road Network PDF
Road Network PDF
SOCCSKSARGEN’s Updated Regional Development Plan (RDP) draws from the effective
execution of development programs and policies in the first three years of its implementation.
The Regional Development Council (RDC), in crafting this plan, took stock of the
accomplishments achieved and challenges encountered in the first three years of its
implementation. Various stakeholders were engaged through a series of consultations to
ensure that the entire process of development would be inclusive.
With a renewed desire to deliver inclusive growth, this plan provides the spatial
dimension to the Updated PDP by identifying region-specific resources, needs and
interventions. While SOCCSKSARGEN’s Updated RDP provides the framework for local
development, strategies are parallel with the national plan to ensure alignment of national
and regional policies and programs.
This plan is a living document that validates RDC’s commitment to achieve the region’s
development goals. We hope that through this Updated RDP, development in
SOCCSKSARGEN shall be appropriately guided through the prudent use of its vast natural
resources and a productive partnership between government and an engaged and active
We, in NEDA, fully support the region’s desire for inclusive growth as we all strive to not
leave a single Filipino lagging behind our country’s economic successes.
Secretary of Socio-economic Planning
NEDA Director-General
National Economic and Development Authority
Koronadal City, SOCCSKSARGEN
The main reference in the validation of the PPAs was the RDIP, 2011-2016. The
validation of the PPAs and the identification of new proposals for implementation during the
period 2014-2016 were spearheaded by the Regional Development Council (RDC) XII through
its Sectoral Committees. Consultations were likewise conducted among the private
sector/non-governmental organizations and local government units to enhance the RDIP.
The validated RDIP is presented in two parts. The first part is an assessment of the
implementation of the RDIP, 2011-2016, particularly during the first half of the medium-
term, i.e., 2011-2013. It likewise contains an explanation of the validation process of PPAs for
2014-2016. And the second part of the RDIP contains the list of PPAs by strategic outcome as
proposed by the various regional line agencies, state universities and colleges and
government-owned and controlled corporations.
On behalf of RDC XII and its Secretariat, the National Economic and Development
Authority (NEDA) XII, may I express my deep gratitude to all who participated in the
validation of the RDIP.
A. Status of Kilos Abante Projects, 2011-2013 (As of June 30, 2013) III - 1
DOLE Department of Labor and Employment
DOST Department of Science and Technology
DOT Department of Tourism
DOTC Department of Transportation and Communications
DPWH Department of Public Works and Highways
DRR Disaster Risk Reduction
DRRM Disaster Risk Reduction Management
DRRMCs Disaster Risk Reduction Management Councils/Committees
DRRMO Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office
DSWD Department of Social Welfare and Development
DTI Department of Trade and Industry
EO Executive Order
GID Governance and Institutions Development
GOCC Government-Owned and Controlled Corporation
Ha Hectare
HRDMP Human Resource Development Management Plan
HUC Highly Urbanized City
HVCCs High Value Commercial Crops
IAs Irrigators’ Associations
ICC Indigenous Cultural Community
ICT Information and Communication Technology
IDPs Internally Displaced Persons
IEC Information, Education and Communication
IFMA Integrated Forest Management Agreement
IHL International Human Rights Law
IPRA Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Act
IPs Indigenous Peoples
IRA Internal Revenue Allotment
ISP Internet Service Provider
JAGS-CT Jose Abad Santos-Glan-Sarangani Cooperation Triangle
KALAHI-CIDSS Kapit-Bisig Laban sa Kahirapan – Comprehensive Integrated Delivery of
Social Services
Kg Kilogram
Km Kilometer
KRA Key Result Area
LGPMS Local Government Performance Monitoring System
LGU Local Government Unit
LHB Local Housing Board
Lm Linear meter
LPRAT Local Poverty Reduction Action Team
LSDP Local Shelter Development Plan
LTO Land Transportation Office
MALMAR Malitubog-Maridagao
MDG Millennium Development Goal
MFI Micro Finance Institution
MFPC Multi-sectoral Forest Protection Committee
MGB Mines and Geo-sciences Bureau
MinDA Mindanao Development Authority
MMIP Malitubog-Maridagao Irrigation Project
MRBDMP Mindanao River Basin Development Master Plan
MRF Material Recovery Facility
MSMEs Micro Small and Medium Enterprises
MT Metric Ton
NAPOLCOM National Police Commission
NCIP National Commission on Indigenous Peoples
ND No data
NEDA National Economic and Development Authority
NGAs National Government Agencies
NGOs Non-Government Organizations
NGP National Greening Program
NHA National Housing Authority
NHTS-PR National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction
NIA National Irrigation Administration
NIPAS National Integrated Protected Areas
NIS National Irrigation System
NNC National Nutrition Council
NRIP National Road Improvement Project
NSCB National Statistical Coordination Board
NSO National Statistics Office
NTC National Telecommunications Commission
OFW Overseas Filipino Workers
OPAPP Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process
PA Philippine Army
PA Protected Area
PAMANA Payapa at Masaganang Pamayanan
PAMB Protected Area Management Board
PAG-IBIG Pagtutulungan sa Kinabukasan: Ikaw, Bangko, Industriya at Gobyerno
PAO Public Attorney’s Office
PCA Philippine Coconut Authority
PCCP Portland Cement Concrete Pavement
PDEA Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency
PDP Philippine Development Plan
PDPFP Provincial Development and Physical Framework Plan
PEM Public Expenditure Management
PESO Public Employment Service Office
PFM Public Financial Management
PFMAT Public Financial Management Assessment Tool
PHIC Philippine Health Insurance Corporation
PhilGEPS Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System
Php Philippine Pesos
PIA Philippine Information Agency
PLPEM Provincial/Local Planning and Expenditure Management
PNP Philippine National Police
PNP-SAF Philippine National Police-Special Action Force
POs People’s Organizations
PPA Philippine Ports Authority
PPA-DOJ Parole and Probation Administration-Department of Justice
PPP Public-Private Partnership
PRAISE Program on Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence
PRAT Poverty Reduction Action Team
PRC Professional Regulation Commission
PRO Police Regional Office
PSR Private Sector Representative
PSS Problem-Solving Session
PWD Person With Disability
RA Republic Act
RAP-LGU Resettlement Assistance Program to LGUs
RATE Run After Tax Evader
RBPMS Results-Based Performance Management System
RDC Regional Development Council
RDI Research and Development Institute
RDIP Regional Development Investment Program
RDP Regional Development Plan
RE Renewable Energy
RGC Regional Government Center
RoRo Roll on-Roll off
RPMC Regional Project Monitoring Committee
RTC Regional Trial Court
SCPPO South Cotabato Provincial Police Office
SIFMA Socialized Integrated Forest Management Agreement
SKPPO Sultan Kudarat Provincial Police Office
SKSU Sultan Kudarat State University
SLF Sanitary Landfill
SLGR State of Local Governance Report
SMEs Small and Medium Enterprises
SMI Sagittarius Mines, Incorporated
SOCCSKSARGEN South Cotabato, Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat, Sarangani, General Santos
SOCOTECO South Cotabato Electric Cooperative
SPPO Sarangani Provincial Police Office
SRIP Small River Impounding Project
SSF Shared Service Facility
SUCs State Universities and Colleges
SUKELCO Sultan Kudarat Electric Cooperative
TESDA Technical Education and Skills Development Authority
TIEZA Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority
TOT Training for Trainors
TVET Technical-Vocational Education and Training
TWSP Training for Work Scholarship Program
UHC-AHA Universal Health Care - Aquino Health Agenda
USM University of Southern Mindanao
VIILPs Various Infra Including Local Projects
VPA Volunteer Probation Aide
VPA Volunteer Probation Aid
WDP Wastewater Discharge Permit
WQMA Water Quality Management Area
Chapter 1
Revalidation of the
Regional Development
Investment Program (RDIP),
Chapter I
1. Introduction
From among the PPAs in the RDIP, a set of Kilos Abante projects was identified by
Regional Development Council (RDC) XII at the beginning of the plan period. These projects
were the priority new project proposals that had no firm fund commitment from funding
institutions and their implementation was deemed crucial in the attainment of the region’s
strategic outcomes.
The PPAs were reviewed and validated annually, i.e., from 2011 to 2013, by the
RLAs/SUCs/GOCCs, the RDC XII Sectoral Committees, and the RDC XII Full Council. The
validated annual investment program (AIP) served as the one of the bases in the preparation
of annual budget proposals of RLAs/SUCs/GOCCs and the review of these proposals by the
RDC. This process was done to ensure that the PPAs were aligned with the priorities of the
Social Contract of the Aquino Administration and the attainment of the regional strategic
outcomes. The implementation of the AIPs was likewise tracked by the RDC to determine
which PPAs were funded during the fiscal years under review.
In compliance with Memorandum Circular No. 58, Series of 2013, issued by the
Office of the President, RDC XII updated the SOCCSKSARGEN RDP, 2011-2016 and
revalidated of the Regional Results Matrix (RRM) and the RDIP, 2011-2016. The Guidelines
for the Updating of the RDP/RM/RDIP was approved by RDC XII during its Reorganizational
Meeting on 14 August 2013 through Resolution No. 58, Series of 2013.
2. The RDIP and the AIP-Budget Tracking Reports
The SOCCSKSARGEN RDIP, 2011-2016, also represents the priority PPAs of forty (40)
RLAs/SUCs/GOCCs that submitted their respective investment programs proposed for
implementation during the plan period. It is acknowledged that the other regional and local
government entities also implemented various development projects in the region but their
PPAs were not captured in the RDIP as they were identified and funded by their respective
central offices. In the case of local government units, most PPAs in their investment
programs were funded through their internal revenue allotment and sources other than the
national government.
Table 1 presents the number of agencies with PPAs in the RDIP per strategic
outcome, including the number of agencies that submitted AIP-Budget tracking reports for
CYs 2011-2013. Some agencies have PPAs listed in more than one strategic outcomes. There
are also agencies which were unable to submit PPAs for the RDIP but nonetheless prepared
their AIPs and the same were endorsed by the RDC for funding. Hence, the numbers of
agencies with PPAs in the RDIP and those that submitted tracking reports are not necessarily
Table 1
Number of RLAs/SUCs/GOCCs with PPAs listed in the RDIP and
AIP-Budget Tracking Reports, CYs 2011-2013
3. RDIP Implementation, CYs 2011-2013
The total investment requirements in support of the implementation of the RDP for
the period CYs 2011-2013 amounted to about PhP 45.736 Billion (Table 2). Based on the
reviewed and approved AIPs during the period, an aggregate of PhP 49.717 Billion was
needed to implement 1,499 projects. Further, only 768 projects in the AIP were funded in
the amount of PhP 28.487 Billion or about 57.37 percent of total. Compared to the RDIP
requirement, the actual budget provided was only 62.29 percent.
Per strategic outcome, the biggest budget provided was for the improvement of
access to quality basic services in the amount of PhP 12.313 Billion, particularly for
education, health and social welfare related PPAs. The next two highest budgets were
provided for PPAs supporting increased and sustained growth in agriculture, fishery and
industry in the amount of PhP 7.835 Billion and toward attaining effective infrastructure
support in the amount of PhP 7.153 Billion, respectively.
PPAs for improving ecological integrity received more than the proposed budget at
almost 119%. Those for good governance generated the least with around 12% of their
proposed budgets receiving funding support.
The PPAs under adequate and reliable power supply in the RDIP were proposed and
implemented by DAR XII for agrarian reform communities.
Table 2
Proposed and Approved Budgets for PPAs included in the RDIP and
AIP by Strategic Outcome, FY 2011-2013
3.1 Increased and Sustainable Growth in Agriculture, Fishery and Industry
Of the PhP 9.439 Billion requirement for agriculture, fishery and industry from CY
2011 to CY 2013, about PhP 8.268 for 165 PPAs was included in the AIP, 2011-2013 but only
114 PPAs or about 69% .PPAs were provided funds in the total amount of PhP 7.835 Billion
(Table 3). However, the total approved budgets were more than 100 percent of what was
proposed in the AIP for FYs 2012 and 2013.
Table 3
Increased and Sustainable Growth in Agriculture, Fishery and Industry
Proposed and Approved Budgets for PPAs, CYs 2011-2013
By agency, the Department of Agriculture (DA) XII had the highest percent of AIP
approved at 143.22 percent (Table 4). The other agencies that received at least 100% of
their proposed budget for priority PPAs were the Bureau of Fishery and Aquatic Resources
(BFAR) XII, Department of Tourism (DOT) XII, Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) XII and
National Food Authority (NFA) XII. The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) had the least
at only 0.95%.
Table 4
Increased and Sustainable Growth in Agriculture, Fishery and Industry
Proposed and Approved Budgets for PPAs by Agency, CYs 2011-2013
Approved Budget
AIP for PPAs Percent of AIP Percent of Budget
Agency/SUC/GOCC (PhP '000) (PhP '000) Approved Approved
On the other hand, the biggest share of the total budget approved was for PPAs
supportive of agriculture production proposed by DA XII (35.37%) and for irrigation facilities
proposed by NIA (28.39%). The budget of NFA, which was around 30% of the total approved
budget, was largely for the procurement of rice and not for agriculture production.
To attain the targets toward attaining equal access to quality basic services, an
estimated amount of PhP 19.427 Billion was needed to fund various social development
related PPAs listed in the RDIP, CYs 2011-2013 (Table 5}. Upon validation during the annual
updating of agency investment programs, the requirement for CY 2013 almost doubled. This
contributed to the significant increase of the requirement to PhP28.034 Billion during the
three-year period. However, only 326 PPAs of the 627 projects proposed in the AIP were
funded. Those funded PPAs cost an aggregate amount of PhP12.313 Billion or 43.92 percent
of the AIP. Nonetheless, in terms of amount, the approved budget was around 63.38 % the
RDIP requirement.
Table 5
Equal Access to Quality Basic Services Proposed and Approved Budgets for PPAs
CYs 2011-2013
Among the social sector agencies/SUCs, CHED XII received about 156.25% more than
the proposed budget for its PPAs during the period (Table 6). The rest received much less
than what was proposed, with SKSU getting the least at only 14% of its proposed budget.
More than half of the approved budget of PhP 12.313 Billion (or 56.13 %) for PPAs
during the period was for DSWD XII. Out of DSWD’s approved budget of PhP 6.9 Billion, PhP
4.7 Billon was for the Pantawid Pampamilyang Pilipino Program. The next highest budget
allocations were for the PPAs of DepEd (PhP 2.746 Billion) and DOH (PhP 1,161 Billion),
respectively. The bulk of these amounts were for education and health manpower support
and facilities/equipment.
For the SUCs, only less than one percent of the budget proposals of their respective
AIPs were approved. This could be attributed to the attrition of budget support from the
national government to SUCs to make them more self-reliant in their operations.
Table 6
Equal Access to Quality Basic Services Proposed and Approved Budgets
for PPAs by Agency, CYs 2011-2013
Approved Budget
Agency AIP for PPAs Percent of AIP Percent of Total
(PhP ‘000) (PhP ‘000) Approved Approved Budget
DOH XII 3,277,423.00 1,160,731.00 35.42 9.427
DepEd XII 11,227,992.00 2,745,945.00 24.46 22.301
TESDA XII 130,356.00 65,855.00 50.52 0.535
CHED XII 20,300.00 31,718.00 156.25 0.258
DOLE XII 315,163.00 180,853.00 57.38 1.469
DSWD XII 9,509,972.00 6,910,709.00 72.67 56.126
PHIC 294,829.58 208,424.23 70.69 1.693
NNC 2,710.39 1,901.50 70.16 0.015
NCIP 89,021.00 47,917.00 53.83 0.389
POPCOM 65,257.00 10,375.00 15.90 0.084
USM 70,150.00 18,700.00 26.66 0.152
CFCST 145,602.00 75,315.00 51.73 0.612
SKSU 332,802.00 45,891.00 13.79 0.373
CCSPC 59,308.00 20,017.00 33.75 0.163
MSU-GenSan 139,791.00 98,651.00 70.57 0.801
DAR XII 2,229,869.00 653,839.00 29.32 5.310
NHA 123,088.00 36,000.00 29.25 0.292
Total 28,033,633.97 12,312,841.73 43.92 100.000
A total of PhP 13.640 Billion was proposed for PPAs in the RDIP, CYs 2011-2013, for
the attainment of effective infrastructure support strategic outcome (Table 7). Based on the
validated AIPs during the period, the total amount was PhP11.233 Million to fund 275
projects. However, only PhP 7.153 Million was approved for 76 projects. The approved
amount represented about 63.68% of the total AIP and 52.44% of the RDIP requirements,
Table 7
Effective Infrastructure Support Proposed and Approved Budgets for PPAs
CYs 2011-2013
The Land Transportation Office (LTO) XII received 680.43% of its proposed budget for
PPAs (Table 8). It should be noted however that the approved LTO XII budget included funds
for its operations. For roads, bridges and flood control projects proposed by the Department
of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) XII, only about 69.28% were provided funded but
these comprised around 95% of the total budget approved for the infrastructure sector.
Table 8
Effective Infrastructure Support Proposed and Approved Budgets for PPAs
Proposed and Approved Budgets for PPAs by Agency, CYs 2011-2013
PPAs for the improved ecological integrity in the RDIP were proposed by the
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) XII and the Environmental
Management Bureau (EMB) XII amounting PhP 472.962 Million (Table 9). The total
validated annual investment programs of these agencies, however, amounted to
PhP545.021 Million for 42 projects. The approved budget for the PPAs of PhP646.768
Million was 118.67% higher than the proposed budget in the AIPs and 136.75% higher
than the RDIP.
Table 9
Improved Ecological Integrity Proposed and Approved Budgets for PPAs
CYs 2011-2013
About 93.27% of the approved budget for PPAs for ecological integrity related
PPAs were provided for DENR (Table 10). The bulk of the DENR’s budget was for the
National Greening Program. EMB XII, on the other hand, received only 8.34% of its
proposed investments.
Table 10
Improved Ecological Integrity Proposed and Approved Budgets for PPAs
Proposed and Approved Budgets for PPAs by Agency, CYs 2011-2013
Table 11
Good Governance Proposed and Approved Budgets for PPAs
CYs 2011-2013
As of June 30, 2013, only five (5) were able to construct their office buildings at
the Regional Government Center, namely, DepEd XII, CHED XII, BFAR XII, EMB XII and
BJMP XII. On the other hand, DPWH XII, BIR, and DBM XII constructed their office
buildings outside of the complex.
As shown in Table 12, only 21.61% of the proposal of DILG XII was provided with
funds. However, DILG’s budget comprised 98.66% of the total budget approved for
good governance PPAs.
Table 12
Good Governance Proposed and Approved Budgets for PPAs
Proposed and Approved Budgets for PPAs by Agency, CYs 2011-2013
Approved Budget
AIP for PPAs Percent of Total
Agency (PhP ‘000) (PhP ‘000) Percent of AIP Approved Budget
DILG XII 101,567.00 21,948.00 21.61 98.66
NEDA 73,135.00 - -
NSCB 8,596.00 298.00 3.47 1.34
Total 183,298.00 22,246.00 12.14 100.00
* Inputs from MGB XII, DTI XII and OCD XII were placed under the agriculture, fishery and industry
PPAs for sustaining peace, development and security required PhP 2.506 Billion.
Only about PhP 1.454 Billion for 249 projects was included in the AIPs of concerned
agencies (Table 13). Of which, only about 38.03% of the fund requirement of the AIP
was provided and 22.07% of the RDIP.
Table 13
Sustained Peace, Development and Security Proposed
and Approved Budgets for PPAs
CYs 2011-2013
The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) XII had the highest
percent of its AIP approved at 82.66% (Table 14). For the Philippine National Police
(PNP) XII, only 52.21% of its AIP was approved but it accounted 53.96% of the
PhP553.145 Million approved budget for the security sector. The rest of the agencies
received less than fifty percent of their proposed budgets.
Table 14
Sustained Peace, Development and Security Proposed
and Approved Budgets for PPAs
CYs 2011-2013
The RDC XII identified the following priority new projects, tagged as Kilos
Abante Projects that were deemed critical in the attainment of the region’s strategic
development outcomes during the plan period but with no firm fund commitments.
The Kilos Abante Projects consist seventeen (17) priority projects classified by
sector, viz: (a) Social Development – 3 projects; (b) Economic Development – 2
projects; (c) Infrastructure Development – 10 projects; and (d) Governance and
Institutions Development – 2 projects.
The three (3) social sector projects are: (a) Establishment of Drug
Rehabilitation Center in Region XII; (b) Establishment/Upgrading of South Cotabato
Provincial Hospital into a Regional Hospital; and the (c) Establishment of Regional
Training Center. All these projects are still in the proposal stage with no definite
funding source. The establishment of the Regional Training Center has been
recommended by TESDA XII to be removed from among the Kilos Abante projects as
the purpose of establishing the center is already addressed by other government
academic institutions. The two other projects are still in their planning/preparatory
The two (2) economic sector projects are the (a) Tampakan Copper Gold
Project and (b) Environment Conservation and Protection Landscape with three
major sub-projects, Development of the Allah Valley Landscape, Kabulnan
Biodiversity Conservation Project, and the Mindanao River Basin Priority
Programs/Projects. The feasibility study of the Tampakan Copper Gold Project has
been completed and was issued an environmental clearance certificate by the DENR,
subject to certain conditions. On the other hand, some LGU-funded subprojects are
currently being undertaken in support of the development of the Allah Valley
Landscape. The preparation of feasibility studies is also ongoing for the identified
priority projects for the Mindanao River Basin.
For the governance and institutions development, five (5) agencies have
already constructed their office buildings at the Regional Government Center at
Carpenter Hill, Koronadal City and all the provincial and city/municipal local
government units of the region have already organized their respective Local
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Councils as of December 2012.
4. The Process of Validating the RDIP, 2014-2016
Consistent with the guidelines on the Revalidated the Philippine Investment Plan
issued by the NEDA, the Revalidated RDIP shall serve as:
The RDIP revalidation involved the preparation of the assessment report on the
implementation of the RDIP during the period 2011-2013 with inputs from the various
RLAs/SUCs/GOCCs in the region, highlighting their respective contributions to the
attainment of the regional development goals and objectives. The RLAs/SUCs/GOCCs
likewise reviewed and validated their respective proposed PPAs for the period 2014-2016.
The agency validation involved the prioritization of their PPAs using the sector effectiveness
and efficiency rating (SEER) criteria.
The RDC XII Sectoral Committees also validated the Kilos Abante Projects and
expanded its coverage to include not only new major projects with no fund commitments
but also other critical ongoing projects with region-wide impact in terms of the attainment
of the regional strategic outcomes.
5. The Summary of the Validated RDIP, 2014-2016
The highest total investment requirement for 2014-2016 is for social development at
PhP 50.446 Billion (or 36.37%). The next highest requirement is for the PPAs that will
improve the region’s competitiveness in agriculture and fishery sector at PhP 49,320 Billion
(or 35.55%). The PPAs that will accelerate infrastructure development requires about PhP
31.1 Billion. These reflect the development focus of inclusive growth and poverty reduction
in the region.
About PhP 97.759 Billion or 71% of the total requirement for the period are for
ongoing PPAs, while PhP 3.233 Billion (2%) are for pipeline projects (Table 16). The proposed
projects will require PhP 37.729 Billion.
Table 15
Table 16
From among the PPAs included in the Validated RDIP, 2014-2016, the RDC XII Sectoral
Committees selected major priority PPAs per strategic outcome. The list has been expanded
to include not only the priority proposed PPAs but also the ongoing major
programs/projects that are critical to the attainment of these development strategic
outcomes. Some of the Kilos Abante Programs/Projects from the original list, 2011-2016,
which are not doable by 2016 have been excluded.
6.3 Accelerating Infrastructure Development
c. Flood Control Projects along Ala River and Rio Grande de Mindanao
6.5 Social Development
There are fifteen (15) core investment programs (CIPs) with Region XII component
which are included in the Philippine Investment Plan (PIP). The CIPs are (a) new major
capital programs and projects and expected to be submitted to ICC for review and approval
within March 2013 to March 2015 or PPAs approved by the ICC to be implemented starting
2013 up to 2016 or solicited Public-Private Partnership (PPP) programs/projects covered by
the ICC review and approval process; (b) implemented by RLAs/SUCs/GOCCs, regardless of
financing scheme, or through national government supported LGU projects; and (c) with
budgetary implications in FYs 2014-2016. Solicited PPP proposals are projects identified
from the regional/provincial/local development investment programs (RDIP/PDIP/LDIP) and
have been approved by the local sanggunian and the appropriate local development
councils or the Investment Coordination Committee for PPP implementation.
The CIPs are the following:
Chapter 2
The Validated
Regional Development
Investment Program (RDIP),
Strategic Outcome : Accelerating Infrastructure Development
12 Flood Control Projects along Ala River Isulan and 13 projs 245,000.00 13 projs 165,000.00 13 projs 245,000.00 39 projs. 655,000.00 Proposed & Continuation of on-
Lambayong, SK going projects.
13 Flood Control Projects along Rio Grande de Cotabato City 2 projs 110,000.00 2 projs 110,000.00 2 projs 110,000.00 6 projs 330,000.00 Proposed & Continuation of on-
Mindanao River going projects.
3. Support to the Modernization of the Cotabato City 338,300.00 488,690.00 411,500.00 1,238,490.00 Proposed
a. Health Facilities Enhancement Program
Infra 25,000.00 25,000.00
Equipment 13,300.00 13,300.00
b. Continuation of Four Storey to Seven Stories (PPP) 300,000.00 300,000.00
and Completion of expansion and Modernization
Construction of Dormitory in the R-NEAP - (RELC) Gen. Santos City 2 storey -20 10,000.00 1 dormitory 35,000.00 1 dormitory 35,000.00 2 storey -20 80,000.00 Ongoing
SOCCSKSARGEN rooms with 30 with 30 rooms
rooms rooms
6. Amalgamation of State Universities and Colleges 2,000 2,000 2,000 6,000 Ongoing
SUCs Amalgamation advocacy activities 4 activities 2,000 4 activities 2,000 4 activities 2,000 12 activities 6,000 Ongoing
433,682.70 600,690.00 688,500.00 1,722,872.70
TOTAL 431,682.70 600,690.00 688,500.00 1,722,872.70
1. Construction of Critical Infrastructure for Peace and Security - Philippine National Police (PRO) XII
1. Construction of Police Stations Matalam, North Cotabato; 7 30,057,300.00 8 48,537,220.00 7 33,400,220.00 22 111,994,740.00 Propposed
Antipas, North Cotabato;
Kabacan, North Cotabato;
Midasayap, North Cotabato;
Tantangan, South Cotabato;
Sto Nino South Cotabto;
Polomolok, South Cotabato;
Malapatan, Saranagni;
Maasim, Saranagni; Makar,
GSC; Tambler, GSC; Glan,
Sarangani; Malungon,
Sarangani; SK Pendatun,
Cotabato City; Esperanza
Sultan Kudarat; Sen. Ninoy
Aquino, Sultan Kudarat;
Isulan Sultan Kudarat,
Kalamansig, Sultan Kudarat;
Lutayan, Sultan Kudarat;
Lambayong Sultan Kudarat;
Kidapawan City
2. Construction of South Cotabato Koronadal City 1 15,137,000.00 1 15,137,000.00 Propposed
Provincial Police Office
3. Purchase of Lot and Construction of Koronadal City 1 93,000,000.00 1 93,000,000.00 Propposed
PRO XII Headquarter
2. Construction of Critical Infrastructure Projects to Ensure Public Safety - Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) XII
4. Construction of BFP XII Regional Koronadal City 1 30,000.00 1 30,000.00 Proposed
Office with Fire Sub Station
5. Construction of Provincial Fire South Cotabato, Sultan 1 2,000.00 1 2,000.00 1 2000 3 6,000.00 Proposed
Offices Kudarat, Sarangani
6. Construction of Fire Stations Lake Sebu, South Cotabato; 4 8,000.00 3 6,000.00 2 4000 9 18,000.00 Proposed
Alamada, North Cotabato;
Arakan Valley, North
Cotabato; Banisilan, North
Cotabato; Lutayan Sultan
Kudarat; Bagumbayan,
Sultan Kudarat, Sen. Ninoy
Aquino, Sultan Kudarat,
Maitum and Maasim
7. Repair and Rehabilitation of Fire Region XII 5 1,250.00 5 1,250.00 5 1250 15 3,750.00 Proposed
10. Procurement of Ambulance/Rescue Gen. Santos City, Tacurong 2 3,000.00 2 3,000.00 1 1,500.00 5 7,500.00 Proposed
Truck for City Fire Offices City, Koronadal City,
Kidapawan City, Cotabato
City Fire Offices
11. Procurement of Ambulance/Rescue Region XII 1 1,500.00 1 1,500.00 1 1500 3 4,500.00 Proposed
Truck for Stations with EMS
3. Construction of Drug Rehabilitation Center - Philippines Drug Enforcement Office (PDEA) XII
Strategic Outcome : Conservation, Protection and Rehabilitation of the Environment and Natural Resourcestor
2014 2015 2016 Total
Programs/ Projects Location Cost Cost Cost Cost Status
Target Target Target Target
(P’000) (P’000) (P’000) (P’000)
1. National Greening Program - Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) XII
National Greening Project (has.) Region 329,230.00 348,192.00 971,818.00 - 1,649,240.00 On-going
Sub-total 329,230.00 348,192.00 971,818.00 1,649,240.00
2. Forest Protection - DENR XII
Management of Forestland & Forest Resources Region XII 600.00 636.00 672.00 1,908.00 On-going
Forest Protection Region XII 1,730.00 1,810.00 1,910.00 5,450.00 On-going
Sub-total 2,330.00 2,446.00 2,582.00 7,358.00
3. Management of Protected Areas
Management of Protected Areas Region XII 11,088.00 15,930.00 16,150.00 43,168.00 On-going
Sub-total 11,088.00 15,930.00 16,150.00 43,168.00
4. Geohazard Assessment and Mapping - Mines and Geoscience Bureau (MGB) XII
Geosciences Development Services 2,462.00 2,926.00 3,364.00 8,752.00 On going
Sub-total 2,462.00 2,926.00 3,364.00 8,752.00
5. Air and Water Quality, Solid Waste and Mineral Management - Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) XII
Air Quality Management Clean Air/Linis Hangin
273.00 293.00 318.00 884.00 On going
Water Quality Management Clean Water/Sagip Ilog 1,422.00 1,445.00 1,460.00 4,327.00 On going
Toxic Substances & Hazardous Waste Mgnt. 215.00 220.00 229.00 664.00 On going
Solid Waste Management 80.00 85.00 98.00 263.00 On going
Sub-total 1,990.00 2,043.00 2,105.00 6,138.00
TOTAL 347,100.00 371,537.00 996,019.00 1,714,656.00
Summary of Validated Regional Development Investment Program (RDIP), 2014-2016
by Strategic Outcome by Agency
2 Competitive and Sustainable Agriculture and Fishery Sector 25,392,335.84 19,850,803.50 4,076,862.77 49,320,002.11
Preparation of Eco-tourism Mngt. Plan (no.) Cotabato and 4 1,200.00 - - - - 4 1,200.00 On-going
South Cotabato
Implementation of Eco-tourism Mngt. Plan Cotabato and 3 9,000.00 5 15,000.00 5 15,000.00 13 39,000.00 Proposed
(no.) South Cotabato
Sub-total 10,270.00 15,080.00 15,100.00 40,450.00
3. Halal Laboratory Project - Department of Science and Technology (DOST) XII
A. Philippine S&T Program for the 251,784.00 276,962.00 304,658.00 833,404.00
Development of the Halal Industry
B. Halal Plant Surveillance and Audit Regionwide 5,235.00 5,759.00 6,335.00 17,329.00 proposed
Sub-total 257,019.00 282,721.00 310,993.00 850,733.00
4. Mining Industry Development Program - Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) XII
Mineral Lands Administration South Cot., Sultan 2,941.00 3,530.00 4,018.00 10,489.00 On going
Kudarat &
Sarangani Prov.
Sub-total 2,941.00 3,530.00 4,018.00 10,489.00
TOTAL 270,752.00 301,343.50 330,123.50 902,219.00
2 Industry Clustering Development Project All Congressional 519.50 10.00 10.00 539.50
No. of industry clusters assisted Districts 7 5.00 7 5.00 7 5.00 7 15.00 On-going
No. of sub-sectors assisted 25 5.00 25 5.00 25 5.00 25 15.00
No. of industry cluster plans prepared/updated 7 7 7 7
Number of trees planted 1,040 30.00 1,145 30.00 1,260 40.00 3,445 100.00
No. of product clinics conducted 1 60.00 60.00 60.00 1 180.00
No. of designs introduced 1 20.00 1 20.00
No. of beneficiaries 30 30
No. of LGUs adopting local policy 1 50.00 1 50.00 50.00 2 150.00
No. of policy proposals considered for action 1 1 2
No. of incentive codes reviewed 1 1 1 3
No. of info packages disseminated 1 30.00 1 30.00 1 30.00 3 90.00
No. of investment forum/dialogues/ clinics 1 20.00 1 20.00
Creation of command centers 1.50 1.50 3.00
5 Business Permit and Licensing Systems All Cities and 100% 500.00 100% 500.00 100% 500.00 100% 1,500.00 On-going
(BPLS) Municipalities
Philippine Business Registry (PBR) 100% 100% 300.00 100% 300.00 100% 600.00 On-going
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014 – 2016
7 Project Management Office of the Regional General Santos City 1 240.00 1 1.50 1 1.50 1 243.00 Proposed
Competitiveness Coordinating Committee
8 Philippine Traceability for Revitalized South Cotabato; 500.00 500.00 500.00 1,500.00
Agricultural Competitiveness Enhancement General Santos City
(P-TRACE) Project
Industry Study for Coconut, Cacao and Coffee 3 500.00 3 500.00 3 500.00 3 1,500.00 On-going
9 Production Innovation Program (PIP) All Cities and 500.00 500.00 500.00 1,500.00 On-going
No. of new products developed 8 500.00 10 500.00 13 500.00 31 1,500.00
Amount of Domestic Sale generated 2 5 6 13
No. of MSMEs assisted 8 10 13 31
10 Construction of DTI Building Regional Center, 1 35.00 1 35.00 Proposed
Koronadal City
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014 – 2016
11 Systems Updating (ISO-QMS) and Upgrading Kidapawan City; 8 4.00 8 4.00 8 4.00 8 12.00 On-going
of IT Equipment & Software Midsayap, Cot.;
Koronadal City;
Tacurong City;
Gensan City;
Cotabato City,
Alabel, Sarangani
(i) conceptualized 10 6 6
(ii) developed/implemented 4 4 4
(iii) monitored 6 6 6
No. of capability building program:
(i) tourism planning 6 6 6
(ii) product development 2 2 5
a) Mining Industry Dev't. Program Sot. Cot., Sultan 10 2,038.00 10 1,505.00 10 2,198.00 30 5,741.00
Kudarat & Sarangani
b) Mineral Investment Promotion South Cot., Sultan 3 672.00 2 989.00 2 658.00 7 2,319.00
Program Kudarat & Sarangani
c) Communication Plan for Mineral South Cot., Sultan 4 231.00 4 1,036.00 4 1,162.00 12 2,429.00
a) Geohazard Survey & Assessment South Cot., Sultan 15 2,020.00 15 2,103.00 15 2,422.00 45 6,545.00
Kudarat & Sarangani
b) Geological Mapping
c)Groundwater Resources Assessment South Cot., Sultan 4 442.00 4 556.00 4 644.00 12 1,642.00
Kudarat & Sarangani
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014 – 2016
Establishment of business centers/show Regionwide 1 200.00 2 330.00 2 363.00 5 893.00 On-going
Reproduction & distribution of info Regionwide 1,000 200.00 1,200 220.00 1,270 242.00 3,470 662.00 On-going
education communication (IEC) materials
Strengthen & monitor Cooperative Regionwide 56 200.00 56 264.00 56 290.00 168 754.00 On-going
Development Councils
Conduct/coordinate coop summits, Regionwide 12 250.00 1,200 385.00 1,270 424.00 2,482 1,059.00 On-going
congresses, fora, trade fairs/exhibits,
business matching & road shows & other
related activities
Dissemination of rules & identification of Regionwide 24 240.00 24 264.00 24 290.00 72 794.00 On-going
remedial measures & distressed
cooperatives & the implementation of
such measures
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014 – 2016
Consultation-dialogue with the LGUs Regionwide 1 133.00 1 146.00 1 161.00 3 440.00 On-going
re:creation of the coop office and lobby
with the different congressmen of the
amendment of the local Gov't Code for
its mandatory creation
Collaboration and coordination with Regionwide 2 213.00 2 234.00 2 257.00 6 704.00 On-going
LGUs on the establishment of the credit
surety fund (CSF)
Expansion of coop membership to the Regionwide 25 133.00 25 146.00 25 161.00 75 440.00 On-going
Consultation-dialogue with the coops on Regionwide 2 2,704.00 2 100.00 2 100.00 6 2,904.00 On-going
consolidation, merger and federation
B. Technology Trainings
No. of Trainings Conducted 46 4,414.50 51 4,855.95 54 5,341.55 151 14,612.00
No. of Firms Assisted 347 382 401 1,130 -
No. of Participants 926 1,019 1,070 3,015 -
C. DOST-Academe Technology-based
Enterprise Development (DATBED)
No. of Schools Accredited 4 4 4 12 -
No. of Projects 4 4 4 12 -
No. of Student Beneficiaries 8 9 10 27 -
D. Consultancy Services
No. of Firms Assisted 1,471.50 1,618.65 1,780.52 4,870.67
A. MPEX 20 22 23 65 -
B. CAPE 20 22 23 65 -
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014 – 2016
E. Technology Clinics
No. of Technology Clinics Conducted 30 1,471.50 33.0 1,618.65 35 1,780.52 98 4,870.67
1. Construction of the Philippine National Brgy. Paraiso, 10,000.00 11,000.00 12,100.00 33,100.00
Halal Laboratory Building Koronadal City
B. Community-based Projects
E. Halal Gelatin: Production of Halal Regionwide 12,000.00 13,200.00 14,520.00 39,720.00 proposed
Gelatin from Collagen of Oreochromis
III. POOR COMMUNITY Sen. Ninoy 5,000.00 5,500.00 6,050.00 16,550.00 proposed
Sarangani, Pikit,
North Cotabato,
Banga, South
3. Brown rice Project General Santos 2,000.00 2,200.00 2,420.00 6,620.00 on-going
4. Ceramic Pot Filter for Water Tantangan, South 2,000.00 2,200.00 2,420.00 6,620.00 on-going
Purification/ Filtration System Cotabato
5. Hybrid Automated Weather Station Regionwide 350.00 385.00 424.00 1,159.00 on-going
7. Tsunami Early Warning System Regionwide 350.00 385.00 424.00 1,159.00 on-going
Packaging and Labeling Design Provided 58 2,452.50 64 2,698.00 67 2,967.80 189 8,118.30 ongoing
No. of Firms Assisted 232 255 268 755
Increase in Sales (P'000) 17 18 19 54
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014 – 2016
4. Continues upgrading of DOST XII ICT 2,000.00 2,200.00 2,420.00 6,620.00 proposed
facilities in compliance with E.O. 893
B. Establishment of the Regional Koronadal City 60,000.00 66,000.00 72,600.00 198,600.00 proposed
Packaging R&D Center
C. Upgrading of the Cotabato Region Regionwide 4,200.00 4,620.00 5,082.00 13,902.00 proposed
Information Sharing Network
A. Construction of the DOST Regional Koronadal City 55,000.00 60,500.00 66,550.00 182,050.00 proposed
Office Building in Koronadal City
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014 – 2016
A. Acquisition of Office and Regional Office 15,000.00 16,500.00 18,150.00 49,650.00 proposed
Laboratory Equipment, Furniture and and 4 Provincial
Fixtures Offices
B. NSTW Regional Celebration, RICE, Regionwide 3,250.00 3,575.00 3,933.00 10,758.00 on-going
Competitive Industry
and Services Sectors
List of Programs/Projects/
Activities by Strategic
Outcome and
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014 – 2016
1. Production Support
a) Establishment of Community Regionwide 9,882.00 10,870.00 12,175.00 32,927.00
Seed Banks
b) Production & Distribution of RS Regionwide 7587 6,070.00 6,677.00 7,478.00 20,225.00
c) Support to Hybridization Regionwide 4200 13,440.00 14,784.00 16,558.00 44,782.00
d) Provision of Early Planting & Regionwide 2614 3,137.00 3,451.00 3,865.00 10,453.00
e) Disaster Response Regionwide 33,574.00 36,932.00 41,364.00 111,870.00
FMR, Lebak
Concreting/Rehabilitation of Kalamansig, SK -
Riverside to Sitio Pusot FMR,
Concreting of Lampari-Lamsalome- T'boli, SC -
Lambangan Road w/ exit to
Koronadal, Tboli
Concreting of Sitio Bato-Datal Polomolok, SC -
Lanao-Bluan-Purok 2 Kalyong-
Amguo Bolodaya, Polomolok
Concreting of Lagunde FMR Pikit, Cot 5.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 90,000.00
(Putaw, Bulawan, Edzap,
Kadingilan), Pikit
Concreting of Brgy. Basak-Brgy. Magpet, Cot 3.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 60,000.00
Balite-Brgy Mahongcog FMR,
Concreting of Sitio Kamandag to Makilala, Cot 4.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 75,000.00
Sitio Malumpini Rd, Bulatukan,
Concreting of Poblacion - Arakan, Cot 3.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 60,000.00
Anapolon - Datu Mantangkil -
Binoonga - Napalico - Katipunan
FMR, Arakan
Rehabilitation of road junction sitio Bagumbayan, SK 5.00 32,500.00 32,500.00 32,500.00 97,500.00
san vicente to sitio janiuay,
masiag, Bagumbayan
Opening of Upper Village - Tupi, SC 5.00 32,500.00 32,500.00 32,500.00 97,500.00
Lampari Banga FMR, Tupi
FMR of Brgy Basag, sitio Lusok Polomolok, SC 3.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 60,000.00
and Malo, Brgy. Basag, Polomolok
FMR of Blagan, SanJose, Blagan, GSC 3.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 60,000.00
Fataldao, General Santos City
Rehabilitation of Prk Maligaya Koronadal City' 3.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 54,000.00
Junction, Brgy. Mabini, Koronadal
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014 – 2016
Concreting of FMR & Construction Surallah, SC 1.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 45,000.00
of Concrete Bridge at Lamlaho,
FMR of Datalbila, Sitio Datalbaca Malungon, Sarangani 4.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 75,000.00
and Datal batong Proper,
Rehab of Brgy Gasi FMR, Kiamba Kiamba, Sar 3.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 60,000.00
FMR of Tahakayo, Blat, Langaran, Maasim, Sar 3.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 60,000.00
Kyumad, Maasim
Construction of Sitio Cotabato City 3.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 60,000.00
Lumbayanague to Sitio Gantang,
Cotabato City
Rehab of Capayuran to Montay Libungan, Cot 1.84 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 15,000.00
FMR, Libungan
Rehabilitation of Upper San Mateo- Aleosan, Cot 1.84 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 15,000.00
Sitio Bato FMR, Aleosan
Alamada, Cot.
City, Aleosan,
Pikit, Antipas,
Magpet, Pres.
Roxas, Arakan,
Carmen, M'lang,
Kabacan, General
Tupi, Koronadal,
Norala, Sto. Nino,
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014 – 2016
TOTAL 2,856,617.00 3,195,200.00 3,491,023.00 9,542,840.00
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014 – 2016
(PHF & E)
1. Farm to Market Roads & 30.60 km/30 286,461.00 30.60km/ 264,370.00 23.77/145 248,470.00 799,301.00
Bridges lm 45 lm
Concreting of Purok 7 - Purok 15, Brgy. Mabuhay, GSC 2 12,500.00 12,500.00 Pipeline
Brgy. Mabuhay FMR, Phase 2
Concreting of Upper Blagan FMR Brgy. San Jose, GSC 2 12,500.00 12,500.00 Pipeline
Concreting of Purok Nangka FMR Brgy. Conel, GSC 1 11,500.00 11,500.00 Pipeline
Concreting of Purok Kidam - San Brgy. Olympog, GSC 2 13,131.00 13,131.00 Pipeline
Vicente FMR
Concreting of Purok Sarana - Brgy. San Jose, GSC 2 13,000.00 13,000.00 Pipeline
Purok Upper Blagan FMR
Concreting/Upgrading of San Brgy. Tinongcop, 3 18,000.00 18,000.00 Pipeline
Felipe - Tinongcop FMR Tantangan, SC
Concreting of Libas - Maibo FMR Brgys. Libas and 2 17,015.00 17,015.00 Pipeline
Maibo, Tantangan, SC
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014 – 2016
FMR Carmen, NC
Concreting of Purok San Jose - Brgy. Baluan, GSC 2 16,554.00 16,554.00 Proposed
San Isidro FMR
Concreting & rehabilitation of Brgy. Tinagacan, GSC 2 18,600.00 18,600.00 Proposed
Purok 20 to Purok 8 FMR
road component
Construction of (45 lm) Dalol Columbio, SK .17/45 19,570.00 19,570.00 Proposed
Bridge with road component
Concreting of Columbio-Lutayan Columbio & Lutayan, 1 6,000.00 6,000.00 Proposed
Construction/concreting of NHJ- Kalamansig, SK 1 7,000.00 7,000.00 Proposed
Obial FMR
Construction/concreting of Sta. Kalamansig, SK 2 1 7,000.00 7,000.00 Proposed
Ana - Paril FMR
Concreting of Nicaan - Banisilan Libungan & Banisilan, 2 5 44,400.00 44,400.00 Proposed
B-20 B-15
Operation of BFAR Prov'l Offices Koronadal City, Gen. 6 2,500.00 6 3,000.00 6 3,500.00
Santos City; Kidapawan,
No. Cot.; Sarangani,
Isulan Sultan Kudarat
-No. of Gillnets Sarangani, Sultan 1,200 4,560.00 2,000 8,000.00 2,000 8,400.00
Kudarat, South Cotabato,
North Cotabato
-No. of Hook & Lines Sarangani, Sultan Kudarat 200 120.00 500 550.00 500 600.00
-No. of Fish Pot Sarangani, Sultan Kudarat 100 150.00 300 330.00 300 360.00
-No. of Tuna Handline Sarangani, Sultan 950 665.00 2,000 1,600.00 3,000 3,000.00
Kudarat, General Santos
-No. of Non-motorized banca Sarangani, Sultan 150 750.00 200 1,200.00 300 2,100.00
Kudarat, South Cotabato,
North Cotabato
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014 – 2016
Quality & Assurance Laboratory General Santos City 1 1,700.00 1 1,700.00 1 1,700.00
Fish Health Mngt & Inspection General Santos City 1 1,410.00 1 1,233.00 1 1,233.00
- No. of Mangrove Propagules Sarangani, Sultan 300 3,000.00 500 5,000.00 500 5,000.00
Planted ('000) Kudarat, General Santos
- Coastal Resource Mngt 100.00
- Motorized Banca Sarangani, Sultan 120 6,000.00 200 12,000.00 300 21,000.00
Kudarat, General Santos
- Marine Engine Sarangani, Sultan 100 2,000.00 200 4,200.00 300 6,600.00
Kudarat, North Cotabato,
General Santos City
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014 – 2016
1. Planting/Replanting
a. Participatory Coconut Regionwide 4585 18,340.00 4585 has./458500 18,340.00 4585 18,340.00 13755 55,020.00 On going
Planting Project (PCPP) has./458500 seedlings has./458500 has./1375500
seedlings planted/1720 seedlings seedlings
planted/1720 farmers planted/1720 planted/5,160
farmers farmers farmers
Regionwide 4,505 12,160.00 4,505 12,160.00 4,505 12,160.00 13515 36,480.00 On going
has./450,500 has./450,500 has./450,500 has./1351,5000
b. Coconut Seedlings seedlings seedlings seedlings seedlings
2 B. Regulatory Services
1.Registration Regionwide 499 registration 506 registration 506 registration 1514 registration
certificates issued certificates issued certificates issued certificates issued
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014 – 2016
2. RA 8048 Regionwide 150 hectares 160 hectares 170 hectares 480 hectares - On going
determined senile determined senile determined senile determined senile
sites/2,618 farmers
Construction of perimeter Fence Lebak, Sultan 3,961,167.00 3,961,167.00 Proposed
with pedestrian & vehicle Gate Kudarat
(617.49 m.)
Provision of water line & fire Lebak, Sultan 45,000.00 45,000.00 Proposed
hydrant Kudarat
Replacement of Skylighting of GID Lebak, Sultan 195,000.00 195,000.00 Proposed
Warehouse (26 sheets by 12 feet Kudarat
and 13 sets ventilators)
Construction of NFA Regional Koronadal City, 9,000,000.00 9,000,000.00 Proposed
Office Building South Cotabato
Repair/repainting of Provincial Koronadal City, 380,000.00 380,000.00 Proposed
office South Cotabato
Provision of Wooden Pallet shed Koronadal City, 250,000.00 250,000.00 Proposed
South Cotabato
Provision of Mech. Dryer shed Koronadal City, 750,000.00 750,000.00 Proposed
with dust collection system South Cotabato
capable for three units dryers
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014 – 2016
Provision of Mech. Dryer shed Kabacan, 720,000.00 720,000.00 Proposed
dust collection system for one NorthCotabato
unit dryer
Construction of Guard House Baguer, Libungan, 58,000.00 58,000.00 Proposed
-DNYD (has.)
Cotabato 3,662 2,442 1,110 7,214 -
Sarangani 203 136 62 401 -
South cotabato - - - - -
Sultan Kudarat 1,492 995 452 2,939 -
Total 5,357 3,573 1,624 10,554 -
Cotabato 500 700 700 1,900 -
Sarangani - - - - -
South cotabato - - - - -
Sultan Kudarat 500 1,000 1,000 2,500 -
Total 1,000 1,700 1,700 4,400 -
Generation of LADIS (no. of forms)
Cotabato 325 - - 325 -
Sarangani 6,000 6,000 4,793 16,793 -
South cotabato 14,000 14,000 9,843 37,843 -
Sultan Kudarat 10,000 10,000 6,541 26,541 -
Total 30,325 - 30,000 - 21,177 - 81,502 -
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014 – 2016
Sultan Kudarat - - - -
Total 2 100.00 - - - - 2 100.00
- No. of Dev't Plans mainstreamed to Cotabato 1 2.00 1 2.13 1 2.13 3 6.26
Sarangani 1 2.00 1 2.13 1 2.13 3 6.26
South cotabato 1 2.00 1 2.13 1 2.13 3 6.26
Sultan Kudarat - -
Total 3 6.00 3 6.39 3 6.39 9 18.78
3) Gender Responsive Capacity Dev't
of ARBs
- No. of ARBs trained in ARCs & Non- Cotabato 4,850 1,697.50 6,216 1,989.12 6,316 2,021.12 17,382 5,707.74
Sarangani 2,100 735.00 4,530 1,449.60 4,730 1,513.60 11,360 3,698.20
South cotabato 3,000 1,050.00 6,075 1,944.00 6,135 1,963.20 15,210 4,957.20
Sultan Kudarat 3,200 1,120.00 5,200 1,664.00 5,300 1,696.00 13,700 4,480.00
Total 13,150 4,602.50 22,021 7,046.72 22,481 7,193.92 57,652 18,843.14
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014 – 2016
2. Road Construction Ned, Lake Sebu 10 km 30,000.00 6.5 km 15,000.00 16.5 km 45,000.00
3. Rural Access Sultan Kudarat 6 proj 30,800.00 5 proj 21,400.00 11 proj 52,200.00
Competitive and
Sustainable Agriculture
and Fishery Sector
Measurable Outputs/Targets and Financial requirements (Php '000)
PPAs Location 2014 2015 2016 TOTAL Remarks
Target Cost Target Cost Target Cost Target Cost
2nd Congressional District
LOCALLY FUNDED 67.624 km. 15 Lm. 7 Proj. 1,469,082.00 32 km. 0 Lm. 5 Proj. 801,000.00 22.269 km. 0 Lm. 5 Proj. 577,187.00 121.893 km. 15 Lm. 17 Proj. 2,847,269.00
A.) National Roads & Bridges 1,247,242.00 667,000.00 512,187.00 2,426,429.00
a.) Roads 52.354 km. 1,232,242.00 29 km. 667,000.00 22.269 km. 512,187.00 103.623 km. 2,411,429.00
b. Bridges 15 Lm. 15,000.00 - - - - 15 Lm. 15,000.00
B.) Flood Control & Drainage 7 Proj. 110,000.00 5 Proj. 65,000.00 5 Proj. 65,000.00 17 Proj. 240,000.00
C.) Tourist Road 15.27 km. 111,840.00 3 km. 69,000.00 - - 18.270 km. 180,840.00
1st Congressional District
LOCALLY FUNDED 29.204 km. 0 Lm. 7 Proj. 719,692.00 19.125 km. 0 Lm. 5 Proj. 480,875.00 16.800 km. 0 Lm. 5 Proj. 426,842.00 65.129 km. 0 Lm. 17 Proj. 1,627,409.00
A.) National Roads & Bridges 579,692.00 255,875.00 201,842.00 1,037,409.00
a.) Roads 25.20 km. 579,692.00 11 km. 255,875.00 8.800 km. 201,842.00 45.129 km. 1,037,409.00
B. Flood Control & Drainage 7 Proj. 60,000.00 5 Proj. 65,000.00 5 Proj. 65,000.00 17 Proj. 190,000.00
C. Tourist Road 4 km. 80,000.00 8 km. 160,000.00 8 km. 160,000.00 20 km. 400,000.00
1st Congressional District
LOCALLY FUNDED 10 km. 230 Lm. 3 Proj. 476,000.00 12 km. 60 Lm. 5 Proj. 357,000.00 10 km. 0 Lm. 5 Proj. 251,000.00 32 km. 290 Lm. 13 Proj. 1,084,000.00
A.) National Roads & Bridges 391,000.00 267,000.00 161,000.00 819,000.00
a.) Roads 7 km. 161,000.00 9 km. 207,000.00 7 km. 161,000.00 23 km. 529,000.00
b. Bridges 230 Lm. 230,000.00 60 Lm. 60,000.00 - - 290 Lm. 140,000.00
B.) Flood Control & Drainage 3 Proj. 25,000.00 5 Proj. 30,000.00 5 Proj. 30,000.00 13 Proj. 85,000.00
C.) Tourist Road 3 km. 60,000.00 3 km. 60,000.00 3 km. 60,000.00 9 km. 180,000.00
2nd Congressional District
LOCALLY FUNDED 22 km. 20 Lm. 4 Proj. 572,820.00 44 km. 0 Lm. 8 Proj. 1,050,000.00 36.23 km. 0 Lm. 8 Proj. 880,290.00 102 km. 20 Lm. 20 Proj. 2,503,110.00
A.) National Roads & Bridges 407,820.00 920,000.00 810,290.00 2,138,110.00
a.) Roads 17 km. 387,820.00 40 km. 920,000.00 35.23 km. 810,290.00 92 km. 2,118,110.00
b. Bridges 20 Lm. 20,000.00 - - - - 20 Lm. 20,000.00
B.) Flood Control & Drainage 4 Proj. 65,000.00 8 Proj. 50,000.00 8 Proj. 50,000.00 20 Proj. 165,000.00
C.) Tourist Road 5 km. 100,000.00 4 km. 80,000.00 1 km. 20,000.00 10 km. 200,000.00
Sultan Kudarat 1st Congressional District
LOCALLY FUNDED 5.304 km. 120 Lm. 14 Proj. 553,453.00 2 km. 40 Lm. 14 Proj. 341,000.00 2.18 km. 0 Lm. 14 Proj. 305,140.00 9 km. 160 Lm. 42 Proj. 1,199,593.00
A.) National Roads & Bridges 198,453.00 166,000.00 50,140.00 414,593.00
a.) Roads 3.414 km. 78,453.00 2 km. 46,000.00 2.18 km. 50,140.00 8 km. 174,593.00
b. Bridges 120 Lm. 120,000.00 40 Lm. 120,000.00 - - 160 Lm. 240,000.00
B.) Flood Control & Drainage 14 Proj. 255,000.00 14 Proj. 175,000.00 14 Proj. 255,000.00 42 Proj. 685,000.00
C.) Tourist Road 1.89 km. 100,000.00 - - - - 1.89 km. 100,000.00
Sultan Kudarat 2nd Congressional District
LOCALLY FUNDED 68.539 km. 0 Lm. 1 Proj. 1,586,317.00 28 km. 150 Lm. 1 Proj. 812,694.00 28.08 km. 150 Lm. 1 Proj. 1,545,580.00 125 km. 300 Lm. 3 Proj. 3,944,591.00
A.) National Roads & Bridges 1,576,317.00 802,694.00 1,540,580.00 3,919,591.00
a.) Roads 68.539 km. 1,576,317.00 28 km. 652,694.00 28.08 km. 1,390,580.00 125 km. 3,619,591.00
b. Bridges - - 150 Lm. 150,000.00 150 Lm. 150,000.00 300 Lm. 160,000.00
B.) Flood Control & Drainage 1 Proj. 10,000.00 1 Proj. 10,000.00 1 Proj. 5,000.00 3 Proj. 25,000.00
Lone Congressional District
LOCALLY FUNDED 36.205 km. 20 Lm. 3 Proj. 907,578.00 15 km. 20 Lm. 9 Proj. 405,000.00 10.249 km. 20 Lm. 9 Proj. 294,807.00 61 km. 60 Lm. 21 Proj. 1,607,385.00
A.) National Roads & Bridges 732,563.00 365,000.00 254,807.00 1,352,370.00
a.) Roads 30.985 km. 712,563.00 15 km. 345,000.00 10.249 km. 234,807.00 56 km. 1,292,370.00
b. Bridges 20 Lm. 20,000.00 20 Lm. 20,000.00 20 Lm. 20,000.00 60 Lm. 60,000.00
B.) Flood Control & Drainage 3 Proj. 55,000.00 9 Proj. 40,000.00 9 Proj. 40,000.00 21 Proj. 135,000.00
C.) Tourist Road 5.22 km. 120,015.00 - - - - 5.22 km. 120,015.00
Maguindanao 1st Congressional District ########
LOCALLY FUNDED 4 km. 320 Lm. 2 Proj. 522,000.00 3.000 km. 40 Lm. 3 Proj. 229,000.00 3.000 km. 40 Lm. 3 Proj. 229,000.00 10 km. 400 Lm. 8 Proj. 980,000.00
A.) National Roads & Bridges 412,000.00 109,000.00 109,000.00 630,000.00
a.) Roads 4 km. 92,000.00 3 km. 69,000.00 3.000 km. 69,000.00 10 km. 230,000.00
b. Bridges 320 Lm. 320,000.00 40 Lm. 40,000.00 40 Lm. 40,000.00 400 Lm. 240,000.00
B.) Flood Control & Drainage 2 Proj. 110,000.00 3 Proj. 120,000.00 3 Proj. 120,000.00 8 Proj. 350,000.00
TOTAL 242.736 km. 725 Lm. 41 Proj. 6,806,942.00 155.503 km. 310 Lm. 50 Proj. 4,476,569.00 128.805 km. 210 Lm. 50 Proj. 4,509,846.00 527.044 km. 1245 Lm. 141 Proj. 15,793,357.00
Regional Development Investment Program , 2014-2016
10. Nati CIS Sultan Kudarat 35.00 1,600.00 35.00 1,600.00 Pipeline
11. Salaman CIS Sultan Kudarat 559.00 38,360.00 559.00 38,360.00 Pipeline
12. Marigaeg CIS Sultan Kudarat 117.90 6,480.00 117.90 6,480.00 Pipeline
13. Sangay Paril CIS Sultan Kudarat 50.00 56.00 3,200.00 50.00 56.00 3,200.00 Pipeline
14. Kanipaan CIS Sultan Kudarat 51.65 4,000.00 51.65 4,000.00 Pipeline
15. Lambayong RIS Sultan Kudarat 296.00 35,529.00 296.00 35,529.00 Pipeline
16. Tacurong IS Sultan Kudarat 700.00 10,000.00 700.00 10,000.00 Pipeline
17. Bo. 7 CIS South Cotabato 215.00 500.00 25,383.00 215.00 500.00 25,383.00 Pipeline
18. Malaya CIS South Cotabato 31.00 184.00 4,720.00 31.00 184.00 4,720.00 Pipeline
19. San Felipe CIS South Cotabato 30.00 45.00 5,000.00 30.00 45.00 5,000.00 Pipeline
20. Cacub CIS South Cotabato 97.00 8,000.00 97.00 8,000.00 Pipeline
21. Lambusong CIS South Cotabato 123.00 1,745.00 123.00 1,745.00 Pipeline
22. Duengas CIS South Cotabato 46.00 8,100.00 46.00 8,100.00 Pipeline
23. El Kek CIS South Cotabato 75.00 4,531.00 75.00 4,531.00 Pipeline
24. Magsaysay CIS South Cotabato 105.00 220.00 14,800.00 105.00 220.00 14,800.00 Pipeline
25. Magsasay-Polomolok CIS South Cotabato 81.00 9,720.00 81.00 9,720.00 Pipeline
26. Silway CIS South Cotabato 40.00 60.00 5,234.00 40.00 60.00 5,234.00 Pipeline
27. LMT CIS South Cotabato 30.00 55.00 9,500.00 30.00 55.00 9,500.00 Pipeline
28. Marbel # 1 RIS South Cotabato 1,878.00 26,064.00 1,878.00 26,064.00 Pipeline
29. Marbel # 2 RIS South Cotabato 1,641.26 48,232.00 1,641.26 48,232.00 Pipeline
30. Banga RIS South Cotabato 2,545.00 23,768.00 2,545.00 23,768.00 Pipeline
31. Siluay Buayan RIS South Cotabato 24.00 4,000.00 24.00 4,000.00 Pipeline
32. Glan Padidu CIS Sarangani 100.00 10,000.00 100.00 10,000.00 Pipeline
33. Sulu-Blucon CIS Sarangani 30.00 5,000.00 30.00 5,000.00 Pipeline
Regional Development Investment Program , 2014-2016
2. Mablanga CIS Sarangani 24.00 16.00 3,400.00 24.00 16.00 3,400.00 Proposed
d) Repair/Establishment Ground IP
1. Simsiman PIP North Cotabato 10.00 600.00 10.00 600.00 Proposed
2. Tambak PIP North Cotabato 10.00 600.00 10.00 600.00 Proposed
3. Kiblat PIP Sarangani 50.00 1,500.00 50.00 1,500.00 Proposed
4. Kawas PIP Sarangani 30.00 900.00 30.00 900.00 Proposed
5. Malandag PIP Sarangani 15.00 450.00 15.00 450.00 Proposed
6. Bartolome PIP Sarangani 15.00 450.00 15.00 450.00 Proposed
7. Sitio Balacayo PIP Sarangani 10.00 300.00 10.00 300.00 Proposed
Sub-total 140.00 - - 4,800.00 140.00 - - 4,800.00
e) Line Project
1. Lun Masla IP Sarangani 715.00 250,000.00 715.00 250,000.00 Proposed
2. Allah RIS South Cotabato 1,882.00 30,000.00 1,882.00 30,000.00 Proposed
Sub-total 715.00 - 1,882.00 280,000.00 715.00 - 1,882.00 280,000.00
TOTAL CY 2016 2,732.00 314.00 7,877.00 939,897.00 2,732.00 314.00 7,877.00 939,897.00
GRAND TOTAL NIA-REGION XII (CY 2014- CY 2016) 14,010.00 2,203.50 30,215.92 4,942,150.00
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014 – 2016
3. Renovation of Koronadal District Office Koronadal City one bldg 2,000.00 2,000.00 Proposed
4. Renovation of Kidapawan District Office Kidapawan City one bldg 2,000.00 2,000.00 Proposed
5. Renovation of Tacurong District Office Tacurong City one bldg 2,000.00 2,000.00 Proposed
6. Renovation of Surallah District Office Surallah, South one bldg 1,500.00 1,500.00 Proposed
2. Rehabilitation of RC Wharf (Phase 1), Makar Wharf, General 173ln.m. 60,050 115 ln.m. 39,950 288ln.m 100,000 Proposed. For DOTC
Port of General Santos Santos City approval. The operational
area is already damaged
which reduce the equipment
3. Port Expansion and Reclamation with Makar Wharf, General 11,00sq.m. 250,00014,000 sq.m. 323,004 12,400sq.m. 291,996 37,400sq.m. 865,000 On going preparation of
Open Storage (37,400sqm) Phase 1 and Santos City detailed engineering at Head
2 Office.
4. Port Development (Phase 1 and 2) Makar Wharf, General 84ln.m. 250,000 150ln.m. 441,740 66ln.m. 191,000 300ln.m. 882,740 On going preparation of
Installation of Quay Crane (300lnm) Santos City detailed engineering at Head
5. Glan Port Improvement Glan, Sarangani 15,000 59,000 74,000 On going preparation of
(Rehab/Widening of existing Rock Province detailed engineering at Head
Causeway & PCCP (159.6x3m); Office.
Construction of PTB (125 sq.m.);
Perimeter Fence, gates & Lighting;
Extension of existing wharf)
2 Conc. Of Matalam-Lampayan- Matalam/ 14 km. 321,379.00 7 km. 161,000.00 7.654 km. 176,042.00 29 km. 658,421.00 Proposed & Continuation
Antipas Road of on-going projects
3 Conc. Of Paco-Roxas-Arakan Valley Arakan 11 km. 259,601.00 6 km. 138,000.00 2.582 km. 59,386.00 20 km. 456,987.00 Proposed & Continuation
Road of on-going projects
4 Conc. Of Kidapawan-Magpet-Panao- Magpet 1 km. 32,660.00 1 km. 23,000.00 0.576 km. 13,248.00 3 km. 68,908.00 Proposed & Continuation
an Rd. of on-going projects
5 Const./Impv't. of Binay-Noa-Basak- Magpet 15.6 km. 359,260.00 10.0 km. 230,000.00 7.446 km. 171,258.00 33.0 km. 760,518.00 Proposed & Continuation
Temporan-Arakan Road of on-going projects
6 Completion of Malaang Bridge Makilala 1 km. 35,000.00 1 km. 35,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
Approaches (4 lanes) of on-going projects
B.) Flood Control & Drainage 7 Proj. 110,000.00 5 Proj. 65,000.00 5 Proj. 65,000.00 17 Proj. 240,000.00
1 Const. of Kabacan & Binay River Pres. Roxas 1 Proj. 20,000.00 1 Proj. 20,000.00 1 Proj. 20,000.00 3 Proj. 60,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
Flood Control of on-going projects
2 Const. of Mlang River Flood Control Mlang 1 Proj. 20,000.00 1 Proj. 20,000.00 2 Proj. 40,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
of on-going projects
Strategic Outcome: Accelerating Infrastructure Development
Agency: Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) XII
Measurable Outputs/Targets and Financial requirements (Php '000)
Programs/Projects/Activities Location 2014 2015 2016 TOTAL Status
Target Cost Target Cost Target Cost Target Cost
3 Const. of Malasila River Flood Makilala 1 Proj. 20,000.00 1 Proj. 10,000.00 1 Proj. 10,000.00 3 Proj. 40,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
Control of on-going projects
4 Drainage along Paco-Roxas-Arakan Pres. Roxas 1 Proj. 20,000.00 1 Proj. 5,000.00 1 Proj. 5,000.00 3 Proj. 30,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
Valley Road of on-going projects
5 Const. of Marbel River Flood Control Pres. Roxas 1 Proj. 20,000.00 1 Proj. 10,000.00 1 Proj. 10,000.00 3 Proj. 40,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
of on-going projects
6 Const. of Bual River Flood Control Tulunan 2 Proj. 10,000.00 2 Proj. 10,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
of on-going projects
7 Const. of Mlang River Flood Control Mlang 1 Proj. 20,000.00 1 Proj. 20,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
of on-going projects
C.) Tourist Road 15.27 km. 111,840.00 3 km. 69,000.00 - - 18.270 km. 180,840.00
1 Const. of Kidapawan-Ilomavis- Kid. City 3.27 km. 100,000.00 - - - - 3 km. 100,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
Tourist Road of on-going projects
2 Const. of Jct. National Highway Makilala 12 km. 11,840.00 3 km. 69,000.00 - - 15 km. 80,840.00 Proposed & Continuation
(Davao-Cotabato Road) to New of on-going projects
Israel Road
2 Conc./Impv't of Banisilan-Guiling- Banisilan 11.67 km. 268,410.00 7 km. 161,000.00 6.33 km. 145,000.00 25.000 km. 574,410.00 Proposed & Continuation
Alamada-Libungan Rd of on-going projects
Strategic Outcome: Accelerating Infrastructure Development
Agency: Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) XII
Measurable Outputs/Targets and Financial requirements (Php '000)
Programs/Projects/Activities Location 2014 2015 2016 TOTAL Status
Target Cost Target Cost Target Cost Target Cost
3 Conc. of Dualing-Baliki-Silik Rd Aleosan 5.78 km. 132,940.00 3 km. 69,000.00 1.254 km. 28,842.00 10.034 km. 230,782.00 Proposed & Continuation
of on-going projects
4 Const. of Kapinpilan-Lumupog Road Midsayap 2 km. 46,000.00 0.125 km. 2,875.00 - - Proposed & Continuation
of on-going projects
2 Libungan Flood Control Libungan 1 Proj. 10,000.00 1 Proj. 10,000.00 1 Proj. 10,000.00 3 Proj. 30,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
of on-going projects
3 Drainage Canal for Buluan Creek Pigcawayan 2 Proj. 10,000.00 1 Proj. 10,000.00 1 Proj. 10,000.00 4 Proj. 30,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
of on-going projects
4 Desilting of Libungan River Pigcawayan 1 Proj. 5,000.00 1 Proj. 10,000.00 1 Proj. 10,000.00 3 Proj. 25,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
of on-going projects
5 Drainage & Slope Protection along Aleosan 1 Proj. 5,000.00 1 Proj. 5,000.00 1 Proj. 5,000.00 3 Proj. 15,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
Dualing-New Panay-Midsayap Road of on-going projects
6 Const. of Kabacan River Bank Kabacan 1 Proj. 20,000.00 - - 1 Proj. 20,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
Protection at USM Compound of on-going projects
C. Tourist Road 4 km. 80,000.00 8 km. 160,000.00 8 km. 160,000.00 20 km. 400,000.00
1 Construction of Road Leading to Alamada 4 km. 80,000.00 8 km. 160,000.00 8 km. 160,000.00 20 km. 400,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
Asik-Asik Falls of on-going projects
Strategic Outcome: Accelerating Infrastructure Development
Agency: Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) XII
Measurable Outputs/Targets and Financial requirements (Php '000)
Programs/Projects/Activities Location 2014 2015 2016 TOTAL Status
Target Cost Target Cost Target Cost Target Cost
1st Congressional District
LOCALLY FUNDED 10 km. 476,000.00 12 km. 357,000.00 10 km. 251,000.00 32 km. 1,084,000.00
A.) National Roads & Bridges 391,000.00 267,000.00 161,000.00 819,000.00
a.) Roads 7 km. 161,000.00 9 km. 207,000.00 7 km. 161,000.00 23 km. 529,000.00
1 Concreting of GSC Circumferential General Santos 2 km. 46,000.00 3 km. 69,000.00 3 km. 69,000.00 8 km. 184,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
Road (Western Section) City of on-going projects
2 Conc./Widening of Tupi-Marbel Tupi 2 km. 46,000.00 2 km. 46,000.00 - - 4 km. 92,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
Road (Tupi-Polomolok Section) of on-going projects
3 Conc./Widening of Digos-Makar General Santos 1 km. 23,000.00 2 km. 46,000.00 2 km. 46,000.00 5 km. 115,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
Road (Ligaya-Katangawan Section) City of on-going projects
C-2 C-5
4 Conc./Widening of Jct. Digos-Makar- General Santos 1 km. 23,000.00 2 km. 46,000.00 2 km. 46,000.00 5 km. 115,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
Buayan Road (Lagao-Buayan City of on-going projects
5 Conc./Widening of Tupi-Marbel Tupi 1 km. 23,000.00 - - - - 1 km. 23,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
Road (Poblacion Section) of on-going projects
2 Const. of Banwalan Bridge II 120 Lm. 120,000.00 30 Lm. 30,000.00 - - 150 Lm.
B.) Flood Control & Drainage 3 Proj. 25,000.00 5 Proj. 30,000.00 5 Proj. 30,000.00 13 Proj. 85,000.00
1 Buayan River Bank Protection General Santos 1 Proj. 10,000.00 1 Proj. 10,000.00 1 Proj. 10,000.00 3 Proj. 30,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
City of on-going projects
2 Drainage along Makar-Kiamba Rd General Santos 1 Proj. 5,000.00 1 Proj. 5,000.00 1 Proj. 5,000.00 3 Proj. 15,000.00
3 Drainage along Makar-Tupi Road Tupi - - 1 Proj. 5,000.00 1 Proj. 5,000.00 2 Proj. 10,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
of on-going projects
Strategic Outcome: Accelerating Infrastructure Development
Agency: Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) XII
Measurable Outputs/Targets and Financial requirements (Php '000)
Programs/Projects/Activities Location 2014 2015 2016 TOTAL Status
Target Cost Target Cost Target Cost Target Cost
4 Const. of Drainage Protection along General Santos - - 1 Proj. 5,000.00 1 Proj. 5,000.00 2 Proj. 10,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
Jct. Digos-Makar-Buayan Rd City of on-going projects
5 Const./Improvement of Drainage Tupi 1 Proj. 10,000.00 1 Proj. 5,000.00 1 Proj. 5,000.00 3 Proj. 20,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
along Makar Tupi Road (Poblacion of on-going projects
C.) Tourist Road 3 km. 60,000.00 3 km. 60,000.00 3 km. 60,000.00 9 km. 180,000.00
1 Upgrading of Canary to Brgy. Polomolok 3 km. 60,000.00 3 km. 60,000.00 3 km. 60,000.00 9 km. 180,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
Landan Road (Mt. Matutum Eco of on-going projects
Park) Tourist Road
1 Conc. of Surallah-Lake Sebu-Maitum Lake Sebu 12.86 km. 295,820.00 35 km. 805,000.00 30.23 km. 695,290.00 78 km. 1,796,110.00 Proposed & Continuation
Road(Tasiman-Kibang Section) of on-going projects.
2 Conc./Widening of Cotabato-Alah- Koronadal 3 km. 69,000.00 3 km. 69,000.00 3 km. 69,000.00 9 km. 207,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
Marbel Road City/Banga/ of on-going projects.
3 Conc./Widening of Marbel-Dulawan Tantangan 1 km. 23,000.00 2 km. 46,000.00 2 km. 46,000.00 5 km. 115,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
Road of on-going projects.
1 Const. of Bulok Creek River Control Koronadal City 1 Proj. 10,000.00 1 Proj. 10,000.00 1 Proj. 10,000.00 3 Proj. 30,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
of on-going projects.
2 Const. of Banga River Control Banga 1 Proj. 10,000.00 1 Proj. 10,000.00 1 Proj. 10,000.00 3 Proj. 30,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
of on-going projects.
3 Const. of Alah River Control Sto. Niño 1 Proj. 15,000.00 1 Proj. 10,000.00 1 Proj. 10,000.00 3 Proj. 35,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
of on-going projects.
4 Const. of Various bridge Abutment - - 4 Proj. 5,000.00 4 Proj. 5,000.00 8 Proj. 10,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
Protection of on-going projects.
5 Const. of Drainage Channel at Koronadal City 1 Proj. 30,000.00 1 Proj. 15,000.00 1 Proj. 15,000.00 3 Proj. 60,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
Carpenter Hill with road dike to of on-going projects.
Marbel River
C.) Tourist Road 5 km. 100,000.00 4 km. 80,000.00 1 km. 20,000.00 10 km. 200,000.00
1 Const/Impvt. Of Road Leading to 7 Lake Sebu 5 km. 100,000.00 4 km. 80,000.00 1 km. 20,000.00 10 km. 200,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
Falls (Poblacion-Seloton 7 Falls of on-going projects.
Lahit Road)
2 Conc. of Isulan Highway-Jct. Dukay- Isulan 0.684 km. 15,732.00 - - - - 1 km. 15,732.00 Proposed & Continuation
Bagumbayan Rd. of on-going projects.
Strategic Outcome: Accelerating Infrastructure Development
Agency: Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) XII
Measurable Outputs/Targets and Financial requirements (Php '000)
Programs/Projects/Activities Location 2014 2015 2016 TOTAL Status
Target Cost Target Cost Target Cost Target Cost
3 Conc./Widening of Dulawan-Marbel Tacurong City 2 km. 46,000.00 1 km. 23,000.00 1 km. 23,000.00 4 km. 92,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
Road (Kalandagan Section) of on-going projects.
B.) Flood Control & Drainage 14 Proj. 255,000.00 14 Proj. 175,000.00 14 Proj. 255,000.00 42 Proj. 685,000.00
1 Const. of River Control along Ala Isulan 4 Proj. 20,000.00 4 Proj. 20,000.00 4 Proj. 20,000.00 12 Proj. 60,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
River (Panas-Bambad Section) of on-going projects.
C-2 C-8
2 Const. of River Control (Ala River) Lambayong 2 Proj. 100,000.00 2 Proj. 20,000.00 2 Proj. 100,000.00 6 Proj. 220,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
of on-going projects.
3 Const. of Drainage Canal along Tacurong City 1 Proj. 10,000.00 1 Proj. 10,000.00 1 Proj. 10,000.00 3 Proj. 30,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
Dulawan- Marbel Rd. (Gansing-New of on-going projects.
Carmen Section)
4 Const. of Drainage Canal along Ala Isulan 1 Proj. 5,000.00 1 Proj. 5,000.00 1 Proj. 5,000.00 3 Proj. 15,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
Valley- Cotabato Road (Kalawag- of on-going projects.
Poblacion Section)
5 Channeling of Ala River Basin Lambayong 6 Proj. 120,000.00 6 Proj. 120,000.00 6 Proj. 120,000.00 18 Proj. 360,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
of on-going projects.
1 Const./Improvement of Junction Tacurong City 1.89 km. 100,000.00 - - - - 1.89 km. 100,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
National Highway (Makilala-Allah of on-going projects.
Valley Rd.) to Baras Bird Sanctuary
Strategic Outcome: Accelerating Infrastructure Development
Agency: Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) XII
Measurable Outputs/Targets and Financial requirements (Php '000)
Programs/Projects/Activities Location 2014 2015 2016 TOTAL Status
Target Cost Target Cost Target Cost Target Cost
Sultan Kudarat 2nd Congressional District
LOCALLY FUNDED 68.539 km. 1,586,317.00 28 km. 812,694.00 28.08 km. 1,545,580.00 125 km. 3,944,591.00
A.) National Roads & Bridges 1,576,317.00 802,694.00 1,540,580.00 3,919,591.00
a.) Roads 68.539 km. 1,576,317.00 28 km. 652,694.00 28.08 km. 1,390,580.00 125 km. 3,619,591.00
1 Conc. of Isulan-Bagumbayan-Ninoy Bagumbayan/ 45.106 km. 1,037,438.00 24 km. 552,000.00 23.077 km. 695,290.00 92.18 km. 2,284,728.00 Proposed & Continuation
Aquino-Kalamansig Road Ninoy Aquino of on-going projects.
2 Conc. Of Kalamansig-Palimbang- Kalamansig/ 23.373 km. 537,579.00 4.378 km. 100,694.00 5 km. 695,290.00 32.751 km. 1,333,563.00 Proposed & Continuation
Maitum Rd. Palimbang of on-going projects.
3 Conc. Of Road leading to Kalamansig 0.060 km. 1,300.00 - - - - 0 km. 1,300.00 Proposed & Continuation
b. Bridges - - 150 Lm. 150,000.00 150 Lm. 150,000.00 300 Lm. 160,000.00
1 Const. of Various bridges along Kalamansig/ - - 80 Lm. 80,000.00 80 Lm. 80,000.00 160 Lm. 160,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
(Kalamansig-Palimbang Section) Palimbang of on-going projects.
2 Const. of Bridges along SNA- Sen. Ninoy - - 70 Lm. 70,000.00 70 Lm. 70,000.00 140 Lm. 140,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
Kalamansig Rd. Aquino of on-going projects.
B.) Flood Control & Drainage 1 Proj. 10,000.00 1 Proj. 10,000.00 1 Proj. 5,000.00 3 Proj. 25,000.00
1 Const. of Seawall Protections Palimbang 1 Proj. 10,000.00 1 Proj. 10,000.00 1 Proj. 5,000.00 3 Proj. 25,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
of on-going projects.
Strategic Outcome: Accelerating Infrastructure Development
Agency: Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) XII
Measurable Outputs/Targets and Financial requirements (Php '000)
Programs/Projects/Activities Location 2014 2015 2016 TOTAL Status
Target Cost Target Cost Target Cost Target Cost
Lone Congressional District
LOCALLY FUNDED 36.205 km. 907,578.00 15 km. 405,000.00 10.249 km. 294,807.00 61 km. 1,607,385.00
A.) National Roads & Bridges 732,563.00 365,000.00 254,807.00 1,352,370.00
a.) Roads 30.985 km. 712,563.00 15 km. 345,000.00 10.249 km. 234,807.00 56 km. 1,292,370.00
1 Rehab./Impv't. of Digos-Makar Road Malungon 1 km. 23,000.00 1 km. 23,000.00 1 km. 23,000.00 3 km. 69,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
(Calinan-Banate Section) of on-going projects.
2 Conc. of Sarangani-Davao del Sur Glan 2.035 km. 46,805.00 2 km. 46,000.00 0.675 km. 14,605.00 5 km. 107,410.00 Proposed & Continuation
Coastal Road (Cablalan-Balangonan of on-going projects.
3 Const./Impv't. of Maitum-Lake Sebu Maitum 7.08 km. 162,748.00 6 km. 138,000.00 4.15 km. 95,450.00 17 km. 396,198.00 Proposed & Continuation
4 Const./Impv't of Alabel-Little Baguio- Alabel 20.87 km. 480,010.00 6 km. 138,000.00 4.424 km. 101,752.00 31 km. 719,762.00 Proposed & Continuation
Demoloc Road of on-going projects.
b. Bridges 20 Lm. 20,000.00 20 Lm. 20,000.00 20 Lm. 20,000.00 60 Lm. 60,000.00
1 Const. of Bridges along Alabel-Little Alabel 20 Lm. 20,000.00 20 Lm. 20,000.00 20 Lm. 20,000.00 60 Lm. 60,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
Bagiuo-Demoloc Road of on-going projects.
B.) Flood Control & Drainage 3 Proj. 55,000.00 9 Proj. 40,000.00 9 Proj. 40,000.00 21 Proj. 135,000.00
1 Const. of River Control Maasim/ - - 5 Proj. 10,000.00 5 Proj. 10,000.00 10 Proj. 20,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
Structure/Protection of National Kiamba/Maitum of on-going projects.
Roads & Bridges/Approaches
2 Const. of River Control & Shore Glan 1 Proj. 20,000.00 2 Proj. 10,000.00 2 Proj. 10,000.00 5 Proj. 40,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
Protection of on-going projects.
Strategic Outcome: Accelerating Infrastructure Development
Agency: Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) XII
Measurable Outputs/Targets and Financial requirements (Php '000)
Programs/Projects/Activities Location 2014 2015 2016 TOTAL Status
Target Cost Target Cost Target Cost Target Cost
3 Const. of Saub River Control Maitum 1 Proj. 10,000.00 1 Proj. 10,000.00 1 Proj. 10,000.00 3 Proj. 30,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
of on-going projects.
4 Const. of Kalaong River Control Maitum 1 Proj. 25,000.00 1 Proj. 10,000.00 1 Proj. 10,000.00 3 Proj. 45,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
of on-going projects.
1 Const./Improvement of Junction Glan 1.97 km. 45,205.00 - - - - 1.97 km. 45,205.00 Proposed & Continuation
National Highway (Sarangani-Davao of on-going projects.
White Beach Resort del Sur Coastal
Road) to Gumasa
2 Const./Improvement of Jct. National Maitum 3.25 km. 74,810.00 - - - - 3.25 km. 74,810.00 Proposed & Continuation
Highway (Sarangani-S.K. Coastal of on-going projects.
Road) to Pangui-Wali-New La Union
2 Conc./Widening of Cotabato-Alah- Cotabato City - - 1 km. 23,000.00 1 km. 23,000.00 2 km. 46,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
Marbel Road (ND Boys-Esteros of on-going projects.
3 Const./Impv'ts of Cotabato City Cotabato City 1 km. 23,000.00 1 km. 23,000.00 1 km. 23,000.00 3 km. 69,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
Circumferential Road (Tamontaka- of on-going projects.
Pagalamatan Section)
Strategic Outcome: Accelerating Infrastructure Development
Agency: Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) XII
Measurable Outputs/Targets and Financial requirements (Php '000)
Programs/Projects/Activities Location 2014 2015 2016 TOTAL Status
Target Cost Target Cost Target Cost Target Cost
4 Const. of Access Road to Cotabato Cotabato City 2 km. 46,000.00 - - - - 2 km. 46,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
City Sea Port of on-going projects.
b. Bridges 320 Lm. 320,000.00 40 Lm. 40,000.00 40 Lm. 40,000.00 400 Lm. 240,000.00
1 Const. of Miwaroy Bridge Cotabato City 200 Lm. 200,000.00 20 Lm. 20,000.00 20 Lm. 20,000.00 240 Lm. 240,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
of on-going projects.
2 Const. of Tarbong Bridge Cotabato City 120 Lm. 120,000.00 20 Lm. 20,000.00 20 Lm. 20,000.00 160 Lm. 160,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
of on-going projects.
B.) Flood Control & Drainage 2 Proj. 110,000.00 3 Proj. 120,000.00 3 Proj. 120,000.00 8 Proj. 350,000.00
1 Dreging of Rio Grande de Mindanao Cotabato City 1 Proj. 100,000.00 1 Proj. 100,000.00 1 Proj. 100,000.00 3 Proj. 300,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
(Quirino Br. - Bucana Section) of on-going projects.
2 Const. of Revetment at Rio Grande Cotabato City 1 Proj. 10,000.00 1 Proj. 10,000.00 1 Proj. 10,000.00 3 Proj. 30,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
de Mindanao (Lugay-Lugay Section) of on-going projects.
3 Const. of various Revetment for Cotabato City - - 1 Proj. 10,000.00 1 Proj. 10,000.00 2 Proj. 20,000.00 Proposed & Continuation
protection of Bridges Abutments of on-going projects.
along Cotabato City Circumferential
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014 – 2016
4. Pier Development Kalamansig Port, 60 m berth 35,000.00 35,000.00 Proposed. For
Kalamansig, SK length further
5. Construction of Timaco Port Kalanganan II, 50,000.00 40,000.00 90,000.00 Pipeline.
Cotabato City
2. Removal of Elevated Cotabato Airport 0.9 km 2,500.00 0.9 km 2,500.00 0.9 km 2,500.00 2.7 km 7,500.00 Ongoing. The total project
Ground/Shoulder Grade Correction cost is P10M and the total
target shoulder grade
correction is 3.6 km (1.8 km
per side)
3. Phase II -Terminal Building Cotabato Airport 3,250.00 one 3,250.00 Ongoing. The total project
Improvement building cost of the phase II
improvement of the terminal
building is P6.5 million.
4. Construction of New Control Tower Cotabato Airport 4,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 one tower 8,000,000.00 Proposed. The total project
cost of the construction of
the new control tower is P8.0
5. Construction of Cargo Building Cotabato Airport 6,000.00 6,000.00 one 12,000.00 Proposed. The total project
building cost of the construction of
the cargo building is P12.0
6. CFR Station and Water System Cotabato Airport 3,000.00 3,000.00 one station 6,000.00 Ongoing. The total project
Rehabilitation cost of the project is P9.0
Pipeline. For
1. Expansion of Existing Terminal General Santos
25,000.00 25,000.00 implementation in early
Building City Airport
2. Installation of Additional General Santos one set 30,000.00 one set 30,000.00 Pipeline. For
Conveyor/Carousel City Airport implementation in early
Construction of Regional Office Building General Santos City one bldg. 30,000.00 30,000.00 Proposed
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014 – 2016
2 Conduct trainings on Local Assessment personnel Region 12, Kor. City 2 708.00 2 708.00
3 Conduct trainings on Local Treasury Personnel Region 12, Kor. City 266 1,223.00 266 1,223.00
Conduct Audit (Assessment and Revenue Audit) Region 12, Kor. City 500.00 500.00 500.00 1,500.00 On-going
4 Conduct GAD Advocacy Program Region 12, Kor. City 21 100.00 18 100.00 18 100.00 57 300.00 On-going
5 Conduct Senior Citizens and differently-abled persons Region 12, Kor. City 30 20.00 25 20.00 25 20.00 80 60.00 On-going
6 Conduct Assessment & Revenue Audit Region 12, Kor. City 18 18.00 20 25.00 18 25.00 56 68.00
7 Conduct Target setting Region 12, Kor. City 24 21.60 24 25.80 24 30.00 24 77.40
8 Conduct Quarterly conference, Annual Awarding Ceremony Region 12, Kor. City 200 720.00 225 810.00 225 810.00 650 2,340.00
and General Assembly
9 Construction of office building Region 12, Kor. City 1 14,145.00 1 14,145.00 Proposed
Building Program for all Revenue Cotabato City Purchase of lot and 65,595.85 65,595.85 Pipeline
District Offices construction of
office building
construction of
office building
Towards a Resilient
and Inclusive
Financial System
II - E
M Project 3. Alliance Building in the RiverBasin Regonwide 44 LGUs 150.00 44 LGUs 150.00 On-going
H Project 4. TA on LG CCA/DRRM 54 LGUs 150.00 54 LGUs 150.00 54 LGUs 150.00 54 LGUs 450.00 On-going
M Project 5. Community Based Training on CCA/DRRM 650 Brgys. 100.00 650 Brgys. 100.00 On-going
PROGRAM : Mainstreaming Peace and Development in Local Governance
H 1. Payapa at Masaganang Pamayanan (PAMANA) 16 LGUs 480.00 16 LGUs 480.00 On-going
H 2. Seal of Law and Order and Public Safety 54 LGUs 150.00 54 LGUs 150.00 54 LGUs 150.00 54 LGUs 450.00 Pipeline
H 3. Seal of Good Social Protection for the Basic Sectors Regonwide 54 LGUs 150.00 54 LGUs 150.00 54 LGUs 150.00 54 LGUs 450.00 Pipeline
H 4. BUB 49 LGUs 650.00 49 LGUs 650.00 On-going
H 5. Provision of Public Water Supply (SALINTUBIG) 24 LGUs 600.00 24 LGUs 600.00 On-going
H 1. Local Governance Performance Management System (LPGMS) 54 LGUs 250.00 54 LGUs 250.00 54 LGUs 250.00 54 LGUs 750.00 On-going
H 2. Seal of Good Housekeeping 54 LGUs 500.00 54 LGUs 500.00 54 LGUs 500.00 54 LGUs 1,500.00 On-going
H 3. Full Disclosure Policy 54 LGUs 300.00 54 LGUs 300.00 54 LGUs 300.00 54 LGUs 900.00 On-going
H 4. Performance Challenge Fund 54 LGUs 500.00 54 LGUs 500.00 54 LGUs 500.00 54 LGUs 1,500.00 On-going
H 5. Local Governance Watch -
LZV PIPELOG 54 LGUs 200.00 54 LGUs 200.00 54 LGUs 200.00 54 LGUs 600.00 On-going
CSIS Regonwide 5 Cities 400.00 45 Muns 500.00 - 54 LGUs 900.00 Pipeline
TOTAL 6,480.00 4,800.00 3,400.00 14,680.00
Validated Regional Development Investment Program (RDIP), 2014-2016
a. Capacity building and coordination of multi-hazard mapping and 9 305,973.60 9 351,869.64 9 404,650.04 1,062,493.28
vulnerability assessment activities
156 26,450.00 156 30,417.50 156 34,980.13 91,847.63
b. Inventory of e-copy hazard maps of AOR including
community/locally-driven in the absence of scientific hazard maps
c. Identification of Danger Zones within AOR 156 26,450.00 156 30,417.50 156 34,980.13 91,847.63
d. Inventory and inspection of critical buildings, infrastructures and 9 19,837.50 9 22,813.13 9 26,235.09 68,885.72
vital installations
e. Resources Identification (Equipment, Manpower, Facilities) 9 19,837.50 9 22,813.13 9 26,235.09 68,885.72
f. Consultation with key stakeholders in identifying, assessing and 9 39,675.00 9 45,626.25 9 52,470.19 137,771.44
prioritizing hazard and risks
g. Conduct of Risk Analysis: -
1) Sharing and dissemination of risk analysis results 9 19,837.50 9 22,813.13 9 26,235.09 68,885.72
II. Strengthened Civil Protection and Community Resilience to -
6 305,973.60 6 351,869.60 6 404,650.04 1,062,493.24
a. Contingency Planning Formulation Workshop
6 33,062.50 6 38,021.88 6 43,725.16 114,809.54
b. Capacity Building: -
4 305,973.60 4 351,869.60 4 404,650.04 1,062,493.24
1) ICS – Incident Command System Training
4 13,225.00 4 15,208.75 4 17,490.06 45,923.81
9 305,973.60 9 351,869.60 9 404,650.04 1,062,493.24
2) DANA – Damage Assessment & Needs Analysis Training
9 26,450.00 9 30,417.50 9 34,980.13 91,847.63
9 305,973.60 9 351,869.60 9 404,650.04 1,062,493.24
3) DRRM – Disaster Risk Reduction & Management Training
Validated Regional Development Investment Program (RDIP), 2014-2016
1. WASAR – Water Search & Rescue Training 2 26,450.00 2 30,417.50 2 34,980.13 91,847.63
2. CSSR – Collapsed Structure Search & Rescue Training 2 26,450.00 2 30,417.50 2 34,980.13 91,847.63
3. USAR – Urban Search and Rescue Training 2 26,450.00 2 30,417.50 2 34,980.13 91,847.63
d. Coordination, Maintenance, and Monitoring of DRRM Structures -
and Mechanisms:
1) Provision of Technical Assistance and Secretariat Services to 6 117,438.00 6 135,053.70 6 155,311.75 407,803.45
1) Information, Education, Communications (IEC) and Media 9 13,225.00 9 15,207.75 9 17,488.91 45,921.66
Campaign on DRRM including observance of significant events 9 13,225.00 9 15,207.75 9 17,488.91 45,921.66
f. Accreditation, Capacity Building and Mobilization of Disaster 9 13,225.00 9 15,207.75 9 17,488.91 45,921.66
Volunteers and National Service Reserve Corps, CSOs and Private
Validated Regional Development Investment Program (RDIP), 2014-2016
1) Mobilization of Regional and Local DRRMC Rapid Assessment 39,675.00 45,626.25 52,470.19 137,771.44
Teams 13,225.00 15,207.75 17,488.91 45,921.66
2) Activation of Incident Command System (ICS) 13,225.00 15,207.75 17,488.91 45,921.66
3) Conduct of Early Recovery activities 39,675.00 45,626.25 52,470.19 137,771.44
13,225.00 15,207.75 17,488.19 45,920.94
4) Conduct of Recovery and Post-Disaster Needs Assessment
IV. Conducive policy environment on disaster risk reduction 13,225.00 15,207.75 17,488.91 45,921.66
and management
V. Strengthened and effective OCD as an organization -
a. Capability Enhancement of OCD Personnel 52,900.00 60,835.00 69,960.25 183,695.25
b. Career advancement & development of OCD personnel: -
Validated Regional Development Investment Program (RDIP), 2014-2016
5 D. Development and Management of the Crime 104 138 114 145 116 152 334 435
Prevention Programs
• Conducts seminar-workshops relating to crime prevention
• Organization of Student Crime Prevention Committees
• Monitoring of organized crime prevention committees
• Reproduction & distribution of crime prevention/ IEC materials
• Implementation of different activities related to
National Crime Prevention Week (NCPW)
• Collection/consolidation Crime Statistics Reports
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014-2016
- Participation of inter-agency meeting and/or
linkages to other concerned agencies
· GAD Program
- GAD related projects/activities undertaken
MFO 2: POLICE BENEFITS SERVICES 20 8,000 22 8,000 25 8,000 69 24,000 on-going Personnel
5 1. Investigation/Adjudication and Payment of claims (PS) (PS) (PS) Services
for permanent disability /death benefits of PNP members
• Application for claims received
• claims investigated
• claims adjudicated
• claims paid
5 2. Administration of the Scholarship Program for the 29 480 31 500 33 520 93 1,500 on-going (subsidized
PNP dependents (R.A 6963 as implemented by by C.O)
NAPOLCOM Memo-Circular No. 95-011,as amended)
• application received/processed
• no. of grantees paid/reimbursed
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014-2016
High III. Legal Information Drive Slected Barangays in 24 720.00 24 720.00 24 720.00 Proposed
Region XII
High IV. Hiring of Lawyers Region XII 4 2,880.00 4 2,880.00 4 2,880.00 Proposed
Medium V. Construction of Regional Office Building Regional Center 1 16,000.00 1 16,000.00 1 16,000.00 Proposed
Medium VI. Buying/Purchase of PAO Regional Vehicle Region XII 1,920 1,920.00 1,920 1,920.00 1,920 1,920.00 Proposed
Strategic Outcome : Sustained Peace and Security, Administration of Justice and Good Governance.
2014 2015 2016 Total
Rank Programs/Projects Location Target Cost Target Cost Target Cost Target Cost Status
(P000) (P000) (P000) (P000)
1 Investigation Services for Petitions
for Probation, Parole, Executive
300 75.00 450 110.00 500 150.00 1250 335.00 ongoing
Clemency and Suspended Sentence
for First-Time Minor Drug Offenders
2 Supervision and Rehabilitation
Services for Probationers, Parolees,
Conditional Pardonees and First-Time
12 Field
Minor Drug Offender on Suspended
Sentence 1000 504.00 1350 600.00 1400 650.00 1250 1,754.00 ongoing
3 Restorative Justice Programs and Process 200 24.00 340 50.00 380 75.00 920 149.00 ongoing
4 Therapeutic Community Treatment Modality 800 384.00 880 400.00 930 450.00 2610 1,234.00 ongoing
5 Jail Decongestion Program 120 6.00 120 10.00 120 10.00 360 26.00 ongoing
6 Volunteer Probation Aide Program 250 300.00 250 300.00 250 300.00 750 900.00 ongoing
7 Agency 7 Strategic Pathways: Support to
Operations 12 1314 12 1378 12 1479 36 4171 ongoing
Construction of the PPA-DOJ Regional Office No. XII a 2 storey
building at 300 sq.m. per floor area or a total of 600 sq.m.floor
Koronadal City 1 8,300.00 8,300.00 Proposed
area, including provision of office equipments and furnitures, and
Renovation of Therapeutic Community Training Camp Kidapawan City 1 1,000.00 1,000.00 Proposed
*12 Field Offices composed of Lanao City, Marawi City, Cotabato City, Maguindanao, Cotabato Province, Kidapawan, Isulan, Tacurong City, Koronadal City
South Cotabato, General Santos, and Sarangani Province.
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014-2016
Acquisition of 800 sq.m. land for Regional Office Koronadal City Acquired 4,500.00
Allocation for relocation allowance for NSO XII Koronadal City Allocated 528.00
TOTAL 57,878.00 - - -
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014-2016
Generator Set 80kVA Koronadal City 1 unit Generator Set 1,100.00 1,100.00 Proposed
Social Development
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014 – 2016
B. Implementation of health Regionwide 160 health 8,224.00 160 health 8,874.50 160 health 9,589.50 26,688.00 on-going
regulations and standards facilities, 156- facilities, 156- facilities, 156-
Food Food Food
Establishment, Establishment, Establishment,
330 drug 330 drug 330 drug
establishment establishment establishment
C. Local health assistance Regionwide 4 prov,5 cities 186,514.00 4 prov,5 cities 201,014.10 4 prov,5 cities 216,964.10 604,492.20 on-going
including health systems
development and public health
program support
G. Health Facility Enhancement
Program (HFEP)
Improvement of OR Complex,
Delivery Complex, NICU, SICU,
ICU/CCU and Conversion of
Existing AVR to Pediatric Service
Wards, OB-Gyne Wards
Renovation expansion of Imaging
1 Repair of Classrooms All Divisions 735 elem &98 sec 41,657.00 808 elem & 274,800.00 889 elem & 50,405.00 735 elem &98 366,862.00 On-going
classrooms 108 sec 118 sec sec
classrooms Classroom classrooms
2 Supplementary Feeding All Divisions Food & In-kind 3,300.00 Food & In- 3,800.00 Food & In- 4,000.00 Food & In-kind 11,100.00 On-going
Program kind kind
2 Synchronized All Divisions Year-Round 250.00 Year-Round 300.00 Year-Round 300.00 Year-Round 850.00 On-going
Pupils/Students Activities Activities Activities Activities
Curricular & Co-
Curricular Activities
2 Alternative Delivery All Divisions 12 Elementary and 7,000.00 24 9,000.00 28 11,000.00 12 Elementary 27,000.00 On-going
Mode 24 Secondary Elementary Elementary and 24
and 24 and 28 Secondary
Secondary Secondary
2 Government Assistance All Divisions 48,020 385,214.00 52,385 420,233.00 56750 455,252.00 48,020 1,260,699.00 On-going
to Students and
Teachers to Private
Education (GASTPE)
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014 – 2016
2 Establishment of All Divisions 2 Science HS 10,000.00 2 Science 10,000.00 2 Science HS 10,000.00 2 Science HS 30,000.00 On-going
2 Construction/rehabilitatio All Divisions 88 Science Lab, 51 31,200.00 88 Science 31,200.00 88 Science 31,200.00 88 Science 93,600.00 On-going
n/improvement of school Clinics, 17 Libraries Lab, 51 Lab, 51 Lab, 51
facilities such as basic Clinics, 17 Clinics, 17 Clinics, 17
science laboratory Libraries Libraries Libraries
rooms, clinics, libraries
2 Establishment of All Divisions 8 Speech Labs 7,000.00 7 Speech 7,000.00 7 Speech 7,000.00 8 Speech Labs 21,000.00 On-going
Speech laboratory per Labs Labs
municipality (44 speech
2 Computerization All Divisions 136 Comp Lab Elem 19,000.00 37 Comp Lab 19,000.00 37 Comp Lab 19,000.00 136 Comp Lab 57,000.00 On-going
Education Program for Elem Elem Elem
Elementary Schools
(Computer lab)
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014 – 2016
2 Support to ESEP HS All Divisions 8 Secondary 2,123.00 8 Secondary 2,123.00 8 Secondary 2,123.00 8 Secondary 6,369.00 On-going
Schools 1 per Schools 1 Schools 1 per Schools 1 per
Division per Division Division Division
2 Support to Special Elem All Divisions 8 Secondary 1,000.00 8 Secondary 1,500.00 8 Secondary 2,000.00 8 Secondary 4,500.00 On-going
2 Synchronized In-Service All Divisions 22,538 teachers 67,614.00 22,734 68,202.00 22,970 60,910.00 22,538 196,726.00 On-going
Training for Teachers for teachers teachers teachers
K to 12 Curriculum
(Cascading Model)
2 Operationalization of Gen. Santos 14 Res. trainings 9,000.00 16 Res. 10,000.00 16 Res. 12,000.00 14 Res. 31,000.00 On-going
NEAP - City trainings Trainings trainings
2 Construction of Gen. Santos 2 storey -20 rooms 10,000.00 1 dormitory 35,000.00 1 dormitory 35,000.00 2 storey -20 80,000.00 On-going
Dormitory in the R- City with 30 with 30 rooms
NEAP - (RELC) rooms rooms
3 Intensive QATAME on All Divisions 261 Schools 1,305.00 509 Schools 2,545.00 763 Schools 38,150.00 261 Schools 42,000.00 On-going
SBM Levels of Practice
- Gradual increase in the
number of Level 3 in the
level of practice
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014 – 2016
b. Conduct Consultative Conference with 5 conferences 500 5 conferences 500 5 conferences 500 15
Industry, Professional Association and conferences
c. Provide Technical Assistance to HEIs 92 HEIs 300 92 HEIs 300 92 HEIs 300 92 HEIs 900
a. No. Trainings sponsored/held Relating to 9 disciplines 300 9 disciplines 300 9 disciplines 300 9 disciplines 900
the conduct of Graduates Tracer Studies of
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014-2016
12 4. Civil Society Organization Consultation 1 consultation 95 1 consultation 95 1 consultation 95 3 consultation 285 on-going
9 5. GAD advocacy programs/activities 8 activities 600 8 activities 600 8 activities 600 24 activities 1,800 on-going
11 6. National Greening Program (NGP) 92 HEIs 460 92 HEIs 460 92 HEIs 460 1,380 on-going
10 7. Conduct of Advocacy Activity on Road 3 activities 180 3 activities 180 3 activities 180 6 activities 540 on-going
2 9. Typology advocacy activites 3 activities 300 3 activities 300 3 activities 300 9 activities 900 on-going
a) HEIs' Programs 92 HEIs 800 104 HEIs 1,000 104 HEIs 1,200 104 HEIs 3,000
b) Implementation of the new/revised 92HEIs 800 104HEIs 1,000 104 HEIs 1,000 104 HEIs 2,800
c) Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014-2016
h) Drug Education Program 40 HEIs 300 40 HEIs 300 40 HEIs 300 40 HEIs 900
i) Acquisition of Vehicle for use in
Monitoring &
Evaluatuon of HEIs and its programs 1 1,800 1 2,000 1 2,000 1 5,800 proposed
> Full Merit @ 15,000.00 per semester 150 slots 4,500 300 slots 9,000 350 slots 10,500 800 slots 24,000
> Half Merit @ 7,500.00 per semester 150 slots 2,250 150 slots 2,250 150 slots 2,250 450 slots 6,750
> Office of Presidential Advisory 50 slots 500 50 slots 500 50 slots 500 150 slots 1,500
for Peace Process (OPAPP) @ 5,000.00
per semester
> DND-CHED-PASUC @ 2,500.00 per 25 slots 125 25 slots 125 25 slots 125 75 slots 375
> Tulong Dunong @ 6,000.00 per 150 slots 1,800 150 slots 1,800 150 slots 1,800 450 slots 5,400
a. Persons with Disabilities
b. Solo Parent
c. Selected Peoples Indigenous Ethnic
> CHED-SENATE Study Grant @ 5 slots 13 5 slots 13 5 slots 13 15 slots 39
2,500.00 per semester
> CSGP-Congressional District @ 120 slots 600 120 slots 600 120 slots 600 360 slots 1,800
2,500.00 per sem
> Study Grant Program - Poverty 300 slots 18,000 300 slots 18,000 300 slots 18,000 900 slots 54,000
Alleviation ( 4Ps)@ 30,000/sem
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014-2016
1.4 Social Marketing Advocacy of TESD Programs- Regional/Provincial 20 Tri-media 120 132 145 20 Tri-media 397
1.8 Skills Competition Program Provincewide 4 Sectoral Programs 500 5 550 6 605 15 Sectoral 1,655 ongoing
1.5 Institutional Awards(TESDA Best! Batang Provincewide 8 Provincial 180 8 PO 198 8 PO 218 8 PO awardees/ 2 596 ongoing
TESDA/Kabalikat Awards awardees/2 RO awardees/ awardees/ 2 RO awardees for
Awardees for the 2 RO RO National
National awardees awardees
for for National
1.5 Youth Profiling and Starring Career Program Regional.Provincial 20,000 Students 150 21,000 165 22,000 182 63,000 497 ongoing
1.8 Strengthening Information System for Real Time Regional 1 system 200 1 system 200
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014-2016
1 • Issuance of Certification of TVET Regionwide 21,250 Certified 200 21,500 220 22,000 242 64,750 Certified 662 ongoing
1 • Free Assessment thru NATCAC Program Regionwide 2,500 clients served 180 2,600 198 2,700 218 7,800 clients 596 ongoing
1.1 • Assessment Center Accredited Regionwide 20 Centers Acredited 158 25 174 30 191 75 Centers 523 ongoing
1.1 • Competency Assessors trained and accredited Regionwide 50 assessors trained 315 55 331 60 347 165 assessors 993 ongoing
1.1 Registration of Institution Based Programs Regionwide 45 Programs 100 47 110 50 121 142 Programs 331 ongoing
F-19 F-20
Registered Registered
1.3 • Compliance Audit and Evaluation of TVET Regionwide 40 Programs audited 200 42 220 45 242 127 Programs 662 ongoing
Programs for compliance audited for
1.5 • TVET Trainers Development with Integration of Regionwide 250 2 150 2 150 8 batches of 550 ongoing
Green Skills Program 4 batches of
Trainings conducted
Technical Vocational Education and Training
Delivery Program
1.3 • School Based Program - Conducted by the Regionwide 28,000 graduates 200 29,400 220 30,000 242 87,400 graduates 662 ongoing
1.3 • Center Based - Conducted by TESDA TTIs Provincewide 3,500 graduates 4,250 3,600 4,675 3,800 5,143 10,900 graduates 14,068 ongoing
1.3 • Technology -Based Community Training Regionwide 15,000 graduates 1,757 15,750 1,933 16,000 2,126 46,750 graduates 5,816 ongoing
Program-Rural Development Program
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014-2016
1.3 • Enterprise Based Training Regionwide 1,500 graduates 525 1,575 578 1,600 635 4,675 graduates 1,738 ongoing
Program/Kasanayan sa Hanapbuhay
1.2 Training for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP) Provincewide/ District 1,500 scholarships 18,020 1,600 19,822 1,800 21,804 4,900 scholarships 59,646 ongoing
granted granted
1.2 Private Education Scholarship Financial Provincewide/ District 800 scholarships 11,324 850 12,456 900 13,702 2,250 scholarships 37,482 ongoing
Assistance (PESFA) awarded awarded
1.8 National Greening Program Regiowide 200 220 242 662
1.7 Gender and Development Program Regionwide 5 programs 485 5 534 5 587 5 programs 1,606 ongoing
1.2 Various Trainings in Support to BuB Projects Regionwide Trainings for Various 15,000 15,000 pipeline
F-19 F-21
North Cot 2,500 13,600 2,750 14,960 3,025 16,456 8275 45,016
GSC 1,500 8,000 1,650 8,800 1,815 9,680 4965 26,480
Sarangani 1,000 5,600 1,100 6,160 1,210 6,776 3310 18,536
Sout Cot 2,000 10,900 2,200 11,990 2,420 13,189 6620 36,079
SK 1,600 8,600 1,760 9,460 1,936 10,406 5296 28,466
Subtotal 9,300 50,529 10,230 55,582 11,253 61,140 30,783 167,251
2 3. Career and Employment Counseling Cot City 15 1 17 1 18 1 50 2 On-going
(institutions reached) North Cot 160 7 176 7 194 8 530 22
GSC 100 4 110 5 121 5 331 14
Sarangani 50 2 55 2 61 3 166 7
Sout Cot 100 4 110 5 121 5 331 14
SK 100 4 110 5 121 5 331 14
Subtotal 525 22 578 24 635 27 1,738 73
MFO II - Capacity-Building Services for
1 4 DOLE Integrated Livelihood Cot City 465 9,459 512 10,405 563 11,445 19,864 31,309 On-going
North Cot 1,431 10,625 1,574 11,688 1,732 12,856 22,313 35,169
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014-2016
North Cot 25 13 28 14 30 15 83 42
GSC 15 8 17 8 18 9 50 25
Sarangani 15 8 17 8 18 9 50 25
Sout Cot 10 5 11 6 12 6 33 17
SK 15 8 17 8 18 9 50 25
Subtotal 100 50 110 55 121 61 331 166
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014-2016
Sultan Kudarat 41,084 Hhs 542,309 41,084 542,309 41,084 542,309 123,252 Hhs 1,626,927
North Cotabato 66,720 Hhs 880,704 66,720 880,704 66,720 880,704 200,160 Hhs 2,642,112
South Cotabato 34,688 Hhs 457,882 34,688 457,882 34,688 457,882 104,064 Hhs 1,373,646
Gen. Santos City 8,953 Hhs 118,179 8,953 118,179 8,953 118,179 26,859 Hhs 354,537
Cotabato City 11,329 Hhs 149,543 11,329 149,543 11,329 149,543 33,987 Hhs 448,629
2 Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program Sarangani Prov. 1,273 Hhs 16,804 1,273 Hhs 16,804 Ongoing
(Modified Conditional Cash Transfer) Sultan Kudarat 1,881 Hhs 24,829 1,881 Hhs 24,829
North Cotabato 2,291 Hhs 30,241 2,291 Hhs 30,241
South Cotabato 1,341 Hhs 17,701 1,341 Hhs 17,701
3 Sustainable Livelihood Program (SEA-K) Sarangani Prov. 5,720 Families 57,200 5,720 57,200 5,720 57,200 17,160 Families 171,600 Ongoing
Sultan Kudarat 8,216 Families 82,160 8,216 82,160 8,216 82,160 24,648 Families 246,480
North Cotabato 13,343 Families 133,430 13,343 133,430 13,343 133,430 40,029 Families 400,290
South Cotabato 6,937 Families 69,370 6,937 69,370 6,937 69,370 20,811 Families 208,110
Gen. Santos City 1,790 Families 17,900 1,790 17,900 1,790 17,900 5,370 Families 53,700
Cotabato City 2,265 Families 22,650 2,265 22,650 2,265 22,650 6,795 Families 67,950
d. Women In Especially Difficult 200 WEDCs 4,103 263 395 324 486 787 WEDCs 4,984
e. Persons with Disability 220 PWDs 3,806 194 970 256 1,280 670 PWDs 6,056
f. Older Persons 140 OPs 140 250 250 300 300 690 OPs 690
6 Supplementary Feeding Program Sarangani Prov. 21,434 Children 60,790 27,861 66,866 30,647 73,553 79,942 Children 201,209 Ongoing
Sultan Kudarat 19,090 Children 60,070 27,531 66,074 30,284 72,682 76,905 Children 198,826
North Cotabato 33,606 Children 83,575 38,305 91,932 42,135 101,124 114,046 Children 276,631
South Cotabato 11,366 Children 63,367 29,043 69,703 31,947 76,673 72,356 Children 209,743
Gen. Santos City 3,597 Children 18,499 8,478 20,347 9,325 22,380 21,400 Children 61,226
Cotabato City 3,561 Children 7,990 3,661 8,786 4,027 9,665 11,249 Children 26,441
7 Social Pension for Indigent Older Persons Sarangani Prov. 1,383 Older Persons 8,298 1,700 10,200 2,000 12,000 5,083 Older Persons 30,498 Ongoing
Sultan Kudarat 1,975 Older Persons 11,850 2,400 14,400 2,900 17,400 7,275 Older Persons 43,650
North Cotabato 3,771 Older Persons 22,626 4,500 27,000 5,400 32,400 13,671 Older Persons 82,026
South Cotabato 2,177 Older Persons 13,062 2,600 15,600 3,100 18,600 7,877 Older Persons 47,262
Gen. Santos City 105 Older Persons 630 130 780 160 960 395 Older Persons 2,370
Cotabato City 362 Older Persons 2,172 430 2,580 520 3,120 1,312 Older Persons 7,872
8 Support to Local Poverty Reduction Sarangani Prov. 5 LGUs 19,190 5 LGUs 19,190 Proposed
Program (BuB)
Sultan Kudarat 10 LGUs 35,380 9 LGUs 35,380
North Cotabato 14 LGUs 32,589 14 LGUs 32,589
South Cotabato 9 LGUs 33,905 9 LGUs 33,905
Gen. Santos City 26 Brgys 2,968 26 Brgys 2,968
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014-2016
10 National Youth Program Service (cash for Regionwide 3,386 OSYs 65,720.00 3,386 OSYs 65,720 Ongoing
a. Pillar 2 (Community Driven Dev't. Cotabato Prov. 97 brgys 29,100.00 97 brgys 29,100 Proposed
b. Sustainable Livelihood Program (LGU- Regionwide 80,180.00 80,180 Proposed
led livelhood projects)
12 Construction of Group Home for Girls Regionwide 1 facility 9,000.00 1 9,000 Pipeline
13 Construction of Substitute Home for Regionwide 1 facility 10,000.00 1 10,000 Proposed
b. Establishment of School of the Living Aroman, Carmen, Cotabato 1 school 250.00 1 school 250.00 Proposed
Tradition (3rd District)
Region Wide 4 1,000.00 4 1,000.00 9 schools 2,000.00
c. Traditional Costume and Beads Making Barongis, Libungan, 75 IP Women 150.00 225 IP 150.00 Proposed
Cotabato (1st District) Women
Kidapawan City, Cotabato 75 IP Women 150.00 150.00 Proposed
(2nd District)
e. Construction of Tribal Hall Milaya, Midsayap, Cotabato 1 building 200.00 4 800.00 4 600.00 9 buildings 1,600.00 Proposed
(1st Disitrict)
5 2. Advocacy and Indigenous Peoples 714.72 448.83 498.60 1,662.15
Empowerment Program (Mandatory
Representation in Local Policy Making
Province areas/sites
6, Municipality of Banga,
South Cotabato (2nd District)
c. ADSDPP Formulation of the T’boli and Maitum and Kiamba, 1 1,500.00 1,500.00 Proposed
Manobo Tribes Sarangani (Lone District) ADSDPP/CAD
d. ADSDPP Formulation of the Blaan Tribe Tampakan, South Cotabato 1 1,000.00 1,000.00 Proposed
(1st District) ADSDPP/CAD
e. ADSDPP Formulation of the Blaan Tribe Salnaong, Columbio, Sultan 1 1,000.00 1,000.00 Proposed
Kudarat (1st District) ADSDPP/CAD
Region Wide 8 8
8. Livelihood and Entrepreneurships 6,370.00 3,544.00 3,582.00 13,496.00 13,496.00
6 Development Program
a. Acquisition of Post Harvest Facilities 1 112.00 1 124.00 236.00 Proposed
b. Assistance to Small Scale Business 1 161.00 1 177.00 338.00 Proposed
c. Support to Backyard Piggery 1 43.00 1 48.00 91.00 Proposed
d. Support to Abaca Production 1 43.00 1 48.00 91.00 Proposed
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014-2016
p. Abaca Machine Stripper Datal Bukay, Glan, Sarangani 3 IP 150.00 150.00 Proposed
(Lone District) Beneiciaries
q. Banana Production Bagacay, Alabel, Sarangani 10 IP 60.00 60.00 Proposed
Province (Lone District) Beneficiaries
c. Support to High Value Crop Production Blaan, Malabod, Datal 30 hectares/ 600.00 1 43.00 1 48.00 691.00 Proposed
(Coco-Seedling Distribution) Tampal, Datal Bila and Upper beneficiaries
Biangan, Malungon,
Sarangani (Lone District)
Sen. Ninoy Aquino, Sultan 3 hectares/ 50.00 50.00 Proposed
Kudarat (2nd District) beneficiaries
Polomolok, South Cotabato 5 hectares/ 100.00 100.00 Proposed
(1st District) beneficiaries
Malungon, Sarangani (Lone 9 hectares/ 170.00 170.00 Proposed
District) beneficiaries
d. High Value Crop Production (Fruit T'boli, South Cotabato (2nd 30 hectares/ 600.00 600.00 Proposed
Plantation) District) beneficiaries
Regionwide 354 6,390.00 16 8,000.00 16 8,000.00 22,390.00 Proposed
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014-2016
grantees grantees
3 9. Upper Glad I Resettlement Project Midsayap 150 12,000 150 12,000 proposed
3 10. Makilala Resettlement Project Makilala 150 12,000 150 12,000 proposed
3 11. Libungan Resettlement Project Libungan 150 12,000 150 12,000 proposed
3 12. Banisilan Resettlement Project Banisilan 150 12,000 150 12,000 proposed
3 13. Kabacan Resettlement Kabacan 150 12,000 150 12,000 proposed
4 14. M'lang Resettlement Project M'lang 150 12,000 150 12,000 proposed
Sultan Kudarat 340 24,000 600 48,000 300 24,000 1,240 96,000
2 15. Calean Resettlement II Tacurong City 130 12,000 130 12,000 proposed
1 16. Isulan Resettlement II Isulan 210 12,000 210 12,000 proposed
3 17. Lebak Resettlement Project Lebak 150 12,000 150 12,000 proposed
4 18. Bagumbayan Resettlement Project Bagumbayan 150 12,000 150 12,000 proposed
4 19. Lambayong Resettlement Project Lambayong 150 12,000 150 12,000 proposed
4 20. Pres. Quirino Resettlement Project Pres. Quirino 150 12,000 150 12,000 proposed
4 21. Esperanza Resettlement Project Esperanza 150 12,000 150 12,000 proposed
4 22. Columbio Resettlement Project Columbio 150 12,000 150 12,000 proposed
Sarangani 495 24,000 450 36,000 945 60,000
1 23. Springhills Resettlement Project Alabel 302 12,000 302 12,000 proposed
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014-2016
II Indigenous Peoples' Housing (IP Housing) 700 70,000 700 70,000 600 60,0002,000 houses 200,000
South Cotabato 200 20,000 200 20,000 100 10,000 500 50,000
F-38 F- 39
1. Government Employees' Housing Koronadal City 1,000 240,000 1,000 240,000 proposed
1. Government Employees' Housing Koronadal City 1,000 240,000 1,000 240,000 proposed
a. NGO CCSPC 15 150 20 200 35 350 On-going
b. GO-Sponsored CCSPC 850 4,560 900 8,100 950 8,550 2,700 21,210 On-going
c. Institutional CCSPC 80 640 250 2,500 260 2,600 590 5,740 On-going
4 Conduct assessment survey Regionwide 1 100 2 250 2 275 5 625 On-going
Conduct of curriculum review and revision
5 CCSPC 3 300 6 600 8 800 17 1,700 On-going
7 Conduct capacity building programs CCSPC 90 220 150 375 170 425 410 1,020 On-going
8 Implementation of the NSTP CCSPC 2 100 2 110 2 120 6 330 On-going
SUB-TOTAL 7,345 14,665 15,865 37,875
Conduct researches that address to the needs
Sultan Kudarat
of the community.
1 and Parang,
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014-2016
system Maguindanao
1 c. Techno-demo for polyculture of fish and Parang,
2 100 2 110 2 120 6 330 On-going
crabs Maguindanao
d. Techo-demo for salt farming 2 100 2 110 2 120 6 330 On-going
e. Training of housewives farmers and
Cotabato City 2 300 2 330 2 360 6 990 On-going
Gender Agenda for Development (GAD)
extension programs conducted
a. Training of housewives on making
Muslim Delicacies Cotabato City 50 200 60 240 70 280 180 720 On-going
b. Training women brgy officials
governance Cotabato City 15 50 15 55 15 60 45 165 On-going
c. Educating OSY Women - Literacy
Program Cotabato City 30 100 30 110 30 120 90 330 On-going
TOTAL 2,300 2,550 2,800 7,650
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014-2016
3 Upgrading Library Holdings CCSPC 1,000 1,000 2,500 2,500 4,500 4,500 8,000 8,000 On-going
4 Decrease the FTE faculty Student Ratio CCSPC 74 19,314 77 20,097 151 39,411 Proposed
1 Installation of built - in sound system and CCSPC 1 1,500 1 1,500 Proposed
ventillation CCSPC GYM
2 Installation of Primary Transmission Line CCSPC 1 2,000 1 2,000 Proposed
Laboratory Building
12 Construction of Student Center Building CCSPC 1 5,000 1 5,000 2 10,000 Proposed
13 Construction of 2-Storey Dormitory Bldg CCSPC 1 10,000 1 10,000 Proposed
14 Construction of Research and CCSPC 1 10,000 1 10,000 Proposed
Development Center Building
15 Acquisition of Motor Vehicles CCSPC 2 2,000 2 2,000 On-going
1 Conversion of CCSPC into a State CCSPC On-going
University as lone state run college
within the heart of Cotabato City. (R.A.
16 15. Establishment of Statistical Center Region XII MSU-GSC 5,000 5,000 Proposed
10 Curriculum review program All Campuses 6 800 7 1,200 7 1,200 20 3,200 on-going
Accreditation Program (Continuous accreditation
5 activities of curricular program offerings by 4 2,450 5 2,622 7 2,806 16 7,878
different accrediting bodies)
IEC project (Publication of bulletins and radio
13 station (DXNP) enhancement) All Campuses 2 100 2 100 2 100 6 300 on-going
12 Collaborative Curricular Consortium Programs All Campuses 6 800 7 1,200 7 1,200 20 3,200 on-going
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014-2016
Strategic Outcome: Social Development
2014 2015 2016 Total
Rank Programs/Projects Location Status
Target Cost (P'000) Target Cost (P'000) Target Cost (P'000) Target Cost (P'000)
11 Enhanced NSTP Program All Campuses 4 200 4 200 4 200 12 600 on-going
A. Oil Pam
8 proposed
1. Mitigating the impact of chemicals through Sultan Kudarat Prov.
8 probiotics production for oil palm 1 250,000 1 250,000 proposed
8 C. Coffee proposed
1. Enhancing profitability of coffee in Region XII. Sultan Kudarat Prov.
1.1 Enhancing Propagation and production
of demorphic coffee cultivars with organic
8 1.2. Organic and Synthetic hormones as flower 5 500,000 250,000 5 750,000 proposed
inducer for coffee
1.3 Soil fertility evaluation of coffee
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014-2016
Strategic Outcome: Social Development
2014 2015 2016 Total
Rank Programs/Projects Location Status
Target Cost (P'000) Target Cost (P'000) Target Cost (P'000) Target Cost (P'000)
1.4 S&T Based Integrated Nutrient and pest Sultan Kudarat Prov.
management of coffee in Region XII
8 1.5. Post harvest and marketing practices of 250,000 250,000 proposed
coffee growers in Region XII
8 D. Rubber proposed
1. Verification and Improvement of innovative
8 D. Bamboo proposed
1. Collection Conservation and production of
8 bamboo proposed
8 F. Goat proposed
1. R & D Program on Halal Dairy Goat
8 Production 500,000 500,000 proposed
8 G. Culture proposed
1. Coping mechanism of indigenous people in
8 Daguma Range amidst climate change 150,000 150,000 proposed
8 Publication of R & D Journal, Techno Series All Campuses 175,000 250,000 350,000 775,000 proposed
Sultan Kudarat
9 Urban Poor Adoption Program (UPAP) 4 80 4 80 proposed
Sultan Kudarat
9 Child Care Extension Program (CCEP) 4 60 4 60 proposed
Sultan Kudarat
9 Farmer's Field School 4 100 4 100 proposed
Sub-total 18 705 18 705
17 Completion of University Gymnasium ACCESS Campus 1 2,000 1 2,200 1 2,420 3 6,620 proposed
18 Construction of Gymnasium to other Campuses Satellite Campuses 1 2,000 1 2,200 1 2,420 3 6,620 on-going
1 2. Conduct of Needs assessment survey USM, No of agri-industry 2 100 2 100 2 125 6 325 Proposed
Kabacan,North surveyed
1 3. Conduct Manpower Demand & Supply USM, Kabacan, No. of studies 2 125 2 125 2 125 6 375 Proposed
1 4.1. Institutional Quality Assurance for USM, Kabacan, No. of visits by the 4 300 4 300 4 300 12 900 Ongoing
Monitroing & Evaluation of Higher North Cotabato assessors/No. of
Education Program (IQUME) meetings
1 6.1 Capacity Building Programs of Faculty USM, Kabacan, No. of training 3 300 3 300 3 300 9 900 ongoing
and Staff North Cotabato programs
1 6.2 Conduct of Accreditation Programs No. of degree 4 150 4 150 4 150 12 450 ongoing
1 7.1 Information Campaign No. of schools 5 300 6 300 7 300 18 900 ongoing
1 9. Opening of ladderized programs No. od ladderized 2 200 2 200 2 200 8 600 ongoing
1 10. Conduct of Review Classes No. of licensure 4 150 5 200 5 200 550 ongoing
degree programs
1 Proj. Drying Characteristcs of rubber as USM, Kabacan, Efficiency of rubber 200 200 200 600 ongoing
affected by different insulation materials North Cotabato drying
1 Proj. Fertilizer Management & Yield USM, Kabacan, Rate and yield of 200 200 200 600 ongoing
Stimulation to increase production North Cotabato rubber
B. Coffee/Cacao
1 Proj. Response of coffee/cacao to organic USM, Kabacan, 200 200 200 600 ongoing
fertilizer application under pernnial crop- North Cotabato
based cropping system
1 Proj. Development of High Yielding Cacao USM, Kabacan, 200 200 200 600 ongoing
1 Sdy.1. Hybridization and Selection for USM, Kabacan, 200 200 200 600 ongoing
Yield and Quality (Aroma and Flavor) of North Cotabato
Cacao Hybrid
1 Sdy. 2. Resistance of Cacao Hybrids to USM, Kabacan, 200 200 200 600 ongoing
Major Insect Pest and Diseases North Cotabato
1 Proj. Diseases of Selected Spices at USM, Kabacan, 200 200 200 600 ongoing
PICRI-USM North Cotabato
D. Oil Crops
1 Proj. Design and development USM, Kabacan, 200 200 200 600 ongoing
1 Proj. Management of Major Insect Pest of USM, Kabacan, 200 200 200 600 ongoing
Oil Palm North Cotabato
1. Massive Campaign to rubber product regionwide no. of rubber 2 400 2 400 2 400 1,200 ongoing
quality control consciousness plantation
1 2. Study on product certification status and 500 500 500 1,500 ongoing
1 3. Latex analysis USM, Kabacan, no. of samples 200 200 200 200 200 200 600 ongoing
North Cotabato
1 4. Conduct and attendance to trainings no. of trainings 1 200 2 250 3 300 750 ongoing
1 1. Commercialization of Technologies USM, Kabacan, no. of technologies 3 400 4 400 5 400 1,200 ongoing
North Cotabato
1 2. Extension Training regionwide no. of trainings 5 500 5 500 5 500 1,500 ongoing
1 3. Fabrication and demonstration of proto- USM, Kabacan, 1 500 1 500 1 500 1,500 ongoing
type equipment developed by USM North Cotabato
1 4. Establishment of Demonstration Farms regionwide demo farms 5 500 5 500 5 500 1,500 ongoing
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014-2016
Strategic Outcome: Social Development
SUC: University of Southern Mindanao
2014 2015 2016 TOTAL
Rank Programs/Projects Location Indicator STATUS
Target ('000) Target ('000) Target ('000) Target Cost
1 Prog. Corn R & D Program USM, Kabacan,
North Cotabato
Prj 1. Development of White and Yellow commercial release 2 600 2 600 2 600 1,800 ongoing
Corn Hybrids and OPVs of open pollinated
1 Prj On-Farm Research Outreach for USM no. of sites 8 400 8 400 8 400 1,200 ongoing
White Corn in Southern Mindanao
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014-2016
Strategic Outcome: Social Development
SUC: University of Southern Mindanao
2014 2015 2016 TOTAL
Rank Programs/Projects Location Indicator STATUS
Target ('000) Target ('000) Target ('000) Target Cost
1 Prj. Agricultural Technology Promotion no. of municipalities 4 200 4 200 4 200 600 ongoing
Training on mobilization for community regionwide 4/100 (batch/ 440 20/700 3,080 20/700 3,080 44/1500 6,600 proposed
support group nor peer counselors total pax)
Training of Barangay Implementers on 37 barangays of 4/148 (batch/ 445 4/148 445 on-going
Infant Young Children (IYCF) Cotabato City total pax)
Training- workshop on Local Nutrition regionwide 4 provinces 1,000 5 cities 1,200 9 2,200 proposed
Planning for LGUs (batches)
Orientation on CGS/Auto OPT for 5 cities/ 4 provinces 60 pax 500 60 500 pipeline
DCNPCs (pax)
Training on Basic skills for BNS 5 cities/ 4 provinces 1/30 250 1/30 300 2/60 550 on-going
(batch/pax) TOT
Training on Nutrition in emergencies for region-based 1 batch of 100 1 100 on-going
Nutrition Cluster Members training
Coordination and Technical Assistance regionwide 150 200 200 550 on-going
to LGUs on Nutrition Program
Management, BNS Project, PGN,
Local Nutrition Media Campaign regionwide number of 1,000 1 1,000 1 1,000 3 3,000 on-going
IEC materials
4 Innovative Projects
regionwide 2 pilot projects 847 2 pilot projects 932 2 pilot projects 1,026 5 pilot projects 2,805 proposed
Validated Regional Development Investment Program 2014-2016
No. of LFAs 1,986+907*(90,000) 260,370,000.00 998*103,500 103,293,000.00 1,097*119,025 130,570,000.00 4,988 494,233,000.00
No of Ammo/SFAs 45rds1,646+ 907*(22.00) 2,527,000.00 45rds*998*(25.00) 1,122,000.00 45rds*1,097*(29.00) 1,431,000.00 9,038 5,080,000.00
No of Mags /HFAs 1,986+907*6*1,800 31,244,000.00 998*6*2,070 12,395,000.00 1,097*6*2,380 15,665,000.00 4,988 59,304,000.00
2. Motorized Banca for Acquisition of motorized 8*256,884 2,055,072.00 8*295,416 2,363,000.00 8*339,728 2,717,000.00 24 7,135,072.00
High rescue operations banca
3. Patrol Trike Acquisition of Patrol 132*150,000 19,800,000.00 132*172,500 22,770,000.00 132*198,375 26,185,500.00 396 68,755,500.00
4. Police Fast Boat Acquisition of Police
Fast Boat 1 4,500,000.00 1 5,175,000.00 1 5,951,250.00 4 15,626,250.00
5. Additional RHQ, PRO 12 1,600 mtrs 6,992,320.00 6,992,320.00
Construction of
Concrete Perimeter
6. Construction of REO RHQ, PRO 12 1 6,000,000.00 6,000,000.00
High 7. Construction of RHQ, PRO 12 1 3,375,000.00 3,375,000.00
Motor Pool
8. Concreting of road RHQ, PRO 12 30,000,000.00 30,000,000.00
network inside camp
9. Purchase of Lot for Koronadal City 1 72,000,000.00 72,000,000.00
PRO 12 Headquarters
at Koronadal City
Validated Regional Development Investment Program 2014-2016
South Cotabato PPO:
Police Office
Construction of Midsayap, North 15,137,000.00 15,137,000.00
Midsayap (Standard Cotabato
type "A") Municipal
Police Station
Construction of Antipas Antipas, North Cotabato 4,771,460.00 4,771,460.00
Municipal Police Station
● Livelihood Services Region-wide 500 282.00 500 282.00 500 282.00 1,500 846.00
● Educational Services Region-wide 250 40.00 250 40.00 250 40.00 750 120.00
● Guidance and Counselling Region-wide 1,952 20.00 1,984 20.00 2,048 20.00 5,984 60.00
● Physical Fitness Services Region-wide 2,745 48.00 2,790 48.00 2,880 48.00 8,415 144.00
● Therapeutic Community Modality Program Region-wide 700 120.00 750 120.00 790 120.00 2,240 360.00
78% Recruitment of Personnel Region-wide 40 40 40 120 -
74% Procurement of Logistical Supports Proposed
● Firearms (30% Long FAs) Region-wide 40 1,916.00 40 1,916.00 40 1,916.00 120 5,748.00
● Prisoners Van Region-wide 5 3,850.60 - - 5 3,850.60
2 Construction of PDEA RO XII Building Koronadal City -1 Building 20,000,000.00 20,000,000.00 Proposed
3 Construction of Provincial Offices/ Four Provinces (Sultan -4 buildings 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 Proposed
Buildings Kudarat, South
Cotabato, Sarangani and
Cotabato Province)
4 Purchase of Motor Vehicle and Koronadal City - 1 SUV 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00 Proposed
Surveillance Equipment - 32 Radio Hand
Set with Eartube
- 5 Spy Camera
- 5 Video camera
5 Construction of Lock-up Cells (Jail) General Santos City - 5 lock-up cells 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 Proposed
Facilities with comfort rooms
High Suppression of Destructive Fire Region XII 484 response to fire 7,964.77 508 response to 8,434.69 533 response to 8,932.33 25,331.79
incidents in region fire incidents in fire incidents in On-Going
12 region 12 region 12
High Investigation of causes and origin of Region XII 263 fire incidents 255.08 276 fire incidents 270.13 290 fire incidents 286.07 811.28
High Provision of Emergency Medical and Region XII 96 EMS response 401.88 101 EMS 425.59 106 EMS response 450.71 1,278.18
Rescue Services response Proposed
High Repair and Rehabilitation of Fire Region XII 5 Fire Stations 1,250.00 5 Fire Stations 1,250.00 5 Fire Stations 1,250.00 3,750.00
Stations repaired and repaired and repaired and Proposed
rehabilitated rehabilitated rehabilitated
High Replaced worn-out fire hoses
- Procurement of Firehoses Region XII 190 length of 3,019.10 190 length of 3,019.10 190 length of 3,019.10 9,057.30 Proposed
firehose firehose firehose
High Replacement of Firefighting Gears
- Procurement of Personal Region XII 100 sets of PPE 5,996.40 100 sets of PPE 5,996.40 100 sets of PPE 5,996.40 17,989.20 Proposed
Protective Equipment
High Replacement of Self Contained
Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)
- Procurement of Self Contained Region XII 20 sets of SCBA 3,000.00 20 sets of SCBA 3,000.00 20 sets of SCBA 3,000.00 9,000.00 Proposed
Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)
Validated Regional Development Investment Program (RDIP), 2014-2016
- Procurement of Computer Sets Region XII 20 units 500.00 20 units 500.00 20 units 500.00 1,500.00 Proposed
High Purchase of Sevice Vehicle for Regional Office, 4 units 4,800.00 3 units 3,600.00 3 units 3,600.00 12,000.00 Proposed
HIgh Purchase of Motorcycle for Municipal All Fire Stations 11 units 715.00 10 units 650.00 10 units 650.00 2,015.00 Proposed
Fire Offices
High Construction of Provincial Fire South Cotabato, 1 Fire Office, South 2,000.00 1 Fire Office, 2,000.00 1 Fire Office, 2,000.00 6,000.00 Proposed
Offices Sultan Kudarat, Cotabato Province Sultan Kudarat Sarangani
Sarangani Fire Province Province
High Procurement of Aerial ladder General Santos 1 unit Aerial Ladder 50,000.00 1 unit Aerial 50,000.00 2 units Aerial 100,000.00 200,000.00 Proposed
firetruck for City Fire Stations City, Koronadal Firetruck Ladder Firetruck Ladder Firetruck
City, Tacurong
City, Kidapawan
City Fire Offices
High Construction of BFP XII Regional Koronadal City 3 Storey Office 30,000.00 30,000.00 Proposed
Office with Fire Sub Station Building Constructed
Validated Regional Development Investment Program (RDIP), 2014-2016
High Construction of Fire Stations at Alamada, North One Storey Office 2,000.00 2,000.00 Proposed
North Cotabato Province Cotabato Building with
Firetruck Garage
High Arakan Valley, One Storey Office 2,000.00 2,000.00 Proposed
High Construction of Fire Stations at Lutayan, Sultan One Storey Office 2,000.00 2,000.00 Proposed
Sultan Kudarat Province Province Kudarat Building with
Firetruck Garage
High Construction of Fire Stations at Maitum, One Storey Office 2,000.00 2,000.00 Proposed
Sarangani Province Sarangani Building with
Firetruck Garage
Sarangani Building with
Firetruck Garage
Conservation, Protection
and Rehabilitation of the
Environment and
Natural Resources
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014 – 2016
Strategic Outcome : Conservation, Protection and Rehabilitation of the Environment and Natural Resources
Agency/SUC/GOCC: Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) XII
2014 2015 2016 Total
Rank Programs/ Projects Location Cost Cost Cost Cost Status
Target Target Target Target
(P’000) (P’000) (P’000) (P’000)
1 National Greening Progress (has.) Regional Total 329,230.00 348,192.00 971,818.00 - 1,649,240.00 On-going
Plantation Establishment (has.) Regional Total 15,934 244,247.00 15,925 239,010.00 18,075 874,100.00 49,934 1,357,357.00
Maintenance and Protection (has.) Regional Total 42,528 84,983.00 54,591 109,182.00 49,932 97,718.00 147,051 291,883.00 On-going
Strategic Outcome : Conservation, Protection and Rehabilitation of the Environment and Natural Resources
Agency/SUC/GOCC: Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) XII
2014 2015 2016 Total
Rank Programs/ Projects Location Cost Cost Cost Cost Status
Target Target Target Target
(P’000) (P’000) (P’000) (P’000)
3 Forest Protection Regional Total 1,730.00 1,810.00 1,910.00 5,450.00 On-going
Regional Office 80.00 80.00 100.00 260.00
Cotabato 570.00 598.00 618.00 1,786.00
Sultan Kudarat 254.00 265.00 285.00 804.00
South Cotabato 442.00 464.00 484.00 1,390.00
Sarangani 384.00 403.00 423.00 1,210.00
Sultan Kudarat 4,000 174.00 4,000 185.00 4,000 185.00 4,000 544.00
South Cotabato 8,321 362.00 8,321 384.00 8,321 384.00 8,321 1,130.00
Sarangani 7,000 304.00 7,000 323.00 7,000 323.00 7,000 950.00
Multi-sectoral Forest Protection Regional Total 5 400.00 5 400.00 5 500.00 5 1,300.00 On-going
Committee (MFPCs)
organized/strengthened (no)
Regional Office 1 80.00 1 80.00 1 100.00 1 260.00
Cotabato 1 80.00 1 80.00 1 100.00 1 260.00
Sultan Kudarat 1 80.00 1 80.00 1 100.00 1 260.00
South Cotabato 1 80.00 1 80.00 1 100.00 1 260.00
Sarangani 1 80.00 1 80.00 1 100.00 1 260.00
4 Management of Protected Area Regional Total 11,088.00 15,930.00 16,150.00 43,168.00 On-going
Regional Office 500.00 500.00 650.00 1,650.00
Cotabato 727.00 140.00 155.00 1,022.00
South Cotabato 127.00 140.00 155.00 422.00
Sarangani 64.00 70.00 90.00 224.00
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014 – 2016
Strategic Outcome : Conservation, Protection and Rehabilitation of the Environment and Natural Resources
Agency/SUC/GOCC: Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) XII
2014 2015 2016 Total
Rank Programs/ Projects Location Cost Cost Cost Cost Status
Target Target Target Target
(P’000) (P’000) (P’000) (P’000)
Operationalization of Protected Area Regional Total 5 500.00 5 500.00 5 650.00 5 1,650.00 On-going
Mgt. Board (PAMB) (no.)
Regional Office 5 500.00 5 500.00 5 650.00 5 1,650.00
(Cotabato) (2) (200.00) (2) (200.00) (2) (260.00) (2) (660.00)
(South Cotabato) (2) (200.00) (2) (200.00) (2) (260.00) (2) (660.00)
(Sarangani) (1) (100.00) (1) (100.00) (1) (130.00) (1) (330.00)
Implementation of Eco-tourism Mngt. Regional Total 3 9,000.00 5 15,000.00 5 15,000.00 13 39,000.00 Proposed
Plan (no.)
Cotabato 3 9,000.00 3 9,000.00 3 9,000.00 9 27,000.00
South Cotabato 2 6,000.00 2 6,000.00 4 12,000.00
Strategic Outcome : Conservation, Protection and Rehabilitation of the Environment and Natural Resources
Agency/SUC/GOCC: Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) XII
2014 2015 2016 Total
Rank Programs/ Projects Location Cost Cost Cost Cost Status
Target Target Target Target
(P’000) (P’000) (P’000) (P’000)
5 Nature Conservation Program Regional Total 205.00 218.00 231.00 654.00 On-going
- IEC through the conduct of Dalaw Regional Office 4 70.00 4 75.00 4 80.00 4 225.00
Turo (no.)
Cotabato 3 45.00 3 47.00 3 49.00 3 141.00
Sultan Kudarat 4 30.00 4 32.00 4 34.00 4 96.00
South Cotabato 2 30.00 2 32.00 2 34.00 2 96.00
Sarangani 2 30.00 2 32.00 2 34.00 2 96.00
6 Coastal and Marine Resources Regional Total 10,298.00 7,434.00 6,944.00 24,676.00 On-going
Management and protection of Regional Total 673 400.00 2,441 1,034.00 2,441 1,034.00 2,441 2,468.00
mangrove areas (has.)
* CY 2014 Mangrove - CENRO Cot. 37 22.00 127 52.00 127 52.00 127 126.00
stands/Plantation maintained (ha.)
Sultan Kudarat
- CENRO Kal. 320 190.00 1,998 801.00 1,998 801.00 1,998 1,792.00
South Cotabato
- CENRO GSC 37 22.00 37 15.00 37 15.00 37 52.00
Sarangani 279 166.00 279 166.00 279 166.00 279 498.00
- CENRO Kiamba 117 70.00 117 70.00 117 70.00 117 210.00
- CENRO Glan 162 96.00 162 96.00 162 96.00 162 288.00
Strategic Outcome : Conservation, Protection and Rehabilitation of the Environment and Natural Resources
Agency/SUC/GOCC: Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) XII
2014 2015 2016 Total
Rank Programs/ Projects Location Cost Cost Cost Cost Status
Target Target Target Target
(P’000) (P’000) (P’000) (P’000)
Reef Management PPP-Adopt Reef Regional Total 3 300.00 3 300.00 3 300.00 3 900.00
Strategy (no.)
Sultan Kudarat 1 100.00 1 100.00 1 100.00 1 300.00
South Cotabato 1 100.00 1 100.00 1 100.00 1 300.00
Sarangani 1 100.00 1 100.00 1 100.00 1 300.00
Coral Reef Rehabilitation & Protection Regional Total 6,200 6,508.00 3,020 4,000.00 3,080 4,000.00 12,300 14,508.00 On-going
Regional Office 3,100 3,254.00 1,510 2,000.00 1,570 2,000.00 6,180 7,254.00
Sultan Kudarat 1,000 1,050.00 400 530.00 400 530.00 1,800 2,110.00
South Cotabato 300 315.00 110 150.00 110 150.00 520 615.00
Sarangani 1,800 1,889.00 1,000 1,320.00 1,000 1,320.00 3,800 4,529.00
Technical Assistance on the Regional Total 4 2,000.00 3 1,500.00 3 1,500.00 7 5,000.00 Proposed
Implementation of ICM Plan (no.)
Sultan Kudarat 1 500.00 1 500.00
South Cotabato 3 1,500.00 3 1,500.00
Sarangani 3 1,500.00 3 1,500.00 3 3,000.00
7 Cave and Cave Resource Regional Total 3,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 17,000.00
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014 – 2016
Strategic Outcome : Conservation, Protection and Rehabilitation of the Environment and Natural Resources
Agency/SUC/GOCC: Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) XII
2014 2015 2016 Total
Rank Programs/ Projects Location Cost Cost Cost Cost Status
Target Target Target Target
(P’000) (P’000) (P’000) (P’000)
Preparation of Cave Management Regional Total 5 1,000.00 - - - - 3 1,000.00 On-going
Plan (no.)
Cotabato 1 200.00 1 200.00
Sultan Kudarat 3 600.00 1 600.00
Sarangani 1 200.00 1 200.00
Implementation on Cave Management Regional Total 2 2,000.00 7 7,000.00 7 7,000.00 16 16,000.00 On-going
Plan (no.)
Cotabato 1 1,000.00 1 1,000.00 2 2,000.00
Sultan Kudarat 1 1,000.00 4 4,000.00 4 4,000.00 9 9,000.00
8 Management of Critical Habitat Regional Total 500.00 600.00 1,000.00 2,100.00 Proposed
9 Technical Assitance with Partner Regional Total 21 6,740.00 32 11,940.00 47 17,810.00 100 36,490.00
LGUs in ENR Sectors
Regional Office 1,770.00 3,900.00 6,700.00 12,370.00
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014 – 2016
Strategic Outcome : Conservation, Protection and Rehabilitation of the Environment and Natural Resources
Agency/SUC/GOCC: Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) XII
2014 2015 2016 Total
Rank Programs/ Projects Location Cost Cost Cost Cost Status
Target Target Target Target
(P’000) (P’000) (P’000) (P’000)
Cotabato 550.00 660.00 705.00 1,915.00
Sultan Kudarat 550.00 660.00 705.00 1,915.00
South Cotabato 1,050.00 1,160.00 1,235.00 3,445.00
Sarangani 1,050.00 1,660.00 1,765.00 4,475.00
partners/LGUs assisted (no.) Forestry Regional Total 4 200.00 4 240.00 4 300.00 12 740.00 On-going
Lands Services (no.) Regional Office 8 1,600.00 15 3,700.00 30 6,500.00 53 11,800.00 On-going
PAWCZMS Services (no.) Regional Total 7 3,000.00 7 3,500.00 7 3,710.00 21 10,210.00 On-going
Cotabato 1 500.00 1 500.00 1 530.00 3 1,530.00
Sultan Kudarat 1 500.00 1 500.00 1 530.00 3 1,530.00
South Cotabato 2 1,000.00 2 1,000.00 2 1,060.00 6 3,060.00
Sarangani 3 1,000.00 3 1,500.00 3 1,590.00 9 4,090.00
Research Services (no.) Regional Total 2 170.00 6 600.00 6 600.00 14 1,370.00 On-going
Regional Office 2 170.00 2 200.00 2 200.00 6 570.00
Cotabato 1 100.00 1 100.00 2 200.00
Sultan Kudarat 1 100.00 1 100.00 2 200.00
South Cotabato 1 100.00 1 100.00 2 200.00
Sarangani 1 100.00 1 100.00 2 200.00
10. Land Distribution (no.) Regional Total 1,581 2,088.00 2,008 2,840.00 2,458 3,640.00 6,047 8,568.00
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014 – 2016
Strategic Outcome : Conservation, Protection and Rehabilitation of the Environment and Natural Resources
Agency/SUC/GOCC: Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) XII
2014 2015 2016 Total
Rank Programs/ Projects Location Cost Cost Cost Cost Status
Target Target Target Target
(P’000) (P’000) (P’000) (P’000)
Regional Office 704 916.00 1,000 1,400.00 1,200 1,800.00 2,904 4,116.00
Cotabato 271 362.00 252 360.00 302 460.00 825 1,182.00
Sultan Kudarat 202 270.00 252 360.00 302 460.00 756 1,090.00
South Cotabato 202 270.00 252 360.00 302 460.00 756 1,090.00
Sarangani 202 270.00 252 360.00 352 460.00 806 1,090.00
Patent Issuance (no.) (Commercial & Regional Total 8 40.00 8 40.00 8 40.00 8 120.00 On-going
Cotabato 2 10.00 2 10.00 2 10.00 2 30.00
H -H-1
FPA - Residential (no.) Regional Total 869 1,132.00 1,000 1,400.00 1,250 1,800.00 3,119 4,332.00 On-going
Cotabato 269 352.00 250 350.00 300 450.00 819 1,152.00
Sultan Kudarat 200 260.00 250 350.00 300 450.00 750 1,060.00
South Cotabato 200 260.00 250 350.00 300 450.00 750 1,060.00
Sarangani 200 260.00 250 350.00 350 450.00 800 1,060.00
Agrilcultural (no.) Regional Office 704 916.00 1,000 1,400.00 1,200 1,800.00 2,904 4,116.00 On-going
Strategic Outcome : Conservation, Protection and Rehabilitation of the Environment and Natural Resources
Agency/SUC/GOCC: Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) XII
2014 2015 2016 Total
Rank Programs/ Projects Location Cost Cost Cost Cost Status
Target Target Target Target
(P’000) (P’000) (P’000) (P’000)
(Sultan Kudarat) 5 250.00 5 300.00 8 560.00 18 1,110.00
- Lebak, Kalamansig,
12 Clonal Nursery and Production of Regional Total 6,900.00 4,200.00 6,200.00 17,300.00
Seed Production Area/IPT maintained Regional Total 4 1,400.00 4 1,200.00 4 1,200.00 4 3,800.00
Cotabato 1 350.00 1 300.00 1 300.00 1 950.00
Sultan Kudarat 1 350.00 1 300.00 1 300.00 1 950.00
South Cotabato 1 350.00 1 300.00 1 300.00 1 950.00
Sarangani 1 350.00 1 300.00 1 300.00 1 950.00
Validated Regional Development Investment Program, 2014 – 2016
Strategic Outcome : Conservation, Protection and Rehabilitation of the Environment and Natural Resources
Agency/SUC/GOCC: Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) XII
2014 2015 2016 Total
Rank Programs/ Projects Location Cost Cost Cost Cost Status
Target Target Target Target
(P’000) (P’000) (P’000) (P’000)
13 Building Outlay (no.): 1 3,500.00 2 7,500.00 2 7,500.00 4 18,500.00
Completion of DENR XII Regional Regional Office 1 3,500.00 1 3,500.00 2 7,000.00
Training Center & Hostel
Strategic Outcome: Conservation, Protection and Rehabilitation of the Environment and Natural Resources
Agency/SUC/GOCC: Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) XII
2014 2015 2016 Total
Rank Programs/ Projects Location Cost Cost Cost Cost Status
Target Target Target Target
(P’000) (P’000) (P’000) (P’000)
1 Air Quality Management Clean Air/Linis 273.00 293.00 318.00 884.00 On going
Hangin Program
Bantay Usok/Tambutso (Emission testing of Regionwide 50 50.00 60 55.00 60 55.00 170
Bantay Tsimneya Regionwide 120 130.00 120 130.00 150 145.00 390
Strengthen Ambient Air Monitoring Regionwide 5 66.00 5 71.00 5 76.00 15
Airshed Operationalization Kidapawan City & So. 2 27.00 2 37.00 2 42.00 6
Industrial Firms Monitoring Regionwide 230 185.00 250 190.00 250 195.00 730
Adopt-A-Estero/River Program Regionwide 2 20.00 2 25.00 1 30.00 5
3 Toxic Substances & Hazardous Waste 215.00 220.00 229.00 664.00 On going
Monitoring of Firms with CCO Registration Regionwide 20 68.00 20 68.00 20 68.00 60
Strategic Outcome: Conservation, Protection and Rehabilitation of the Environment and Natural Resources
Agency/SUC/GOCC: Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) XII
2014 2015 2016 Total
Rank Programs/ Projects Location Cost Cost Cost Cost Status
Target Target Target Target
(P’000) (P’000) (P’000) (P’000)
Monitoring of Hospital as Hazwaste Regionwide 35 80.00 35 85.00 35 90.00 105
Inspection Hazwaste Treatment, Storage & Regionwide 1 13.00 1 13.00 1 13.00 3
Disposal (TSD) Facilities
Monitoring of Hazwaste Transporters Regionwide 4 14.00 4 14.00 4 14.00 12
4 Solid Waste Management 80.00 85.00 98.00 263.00 On going
Provide technical assistance to LGUs for the Regionwide 3 30.00 3 35.00 3 40.00 9
closure & rehabilitation of Open Dumpsite
Environmental Compliance Monitoring & Regionwide 320 230.00 350 230.00 350 230.00 1020
Status : Proposed
The final location of the project will still to be decided on by South Cotabato Province.
Status : Proposed
The original proposal is for revision. The Local Health Board (LHB) of South Cotabato
passed a resolution proposing the establishment of a Regional Hospital to be located in
South Cotabato instead of upgrading the existing South Cotabato Provincial Hospital into
a regional hospital. Another proposal forwarded is to upgrade the Surallah District
Hospital in to a regional hospital instead of constructing a new hospital.
II. Economic Development Sector
SMI updated its project development plan. Construction could potentially commence in
2015 and commercial production in 2019. DENR issued an environmental compliance
certificate for the project, subject to compliance of certain conditions required by DENR,
such as, ensuring that project area does not cover those where mining is prohibited and
ensuring social acceptability through consultation with stakeholders, among others.
The project proposal has been submitted for ODA funding. However, there are already
on-going projects in the area which are funded by the concerned local government
units, such as the Riparian Zone Management and Reforestation Resource Management
Status :
Pipeline – four (4) projects
Proposed – three (3) projects
Of the seven (7) feasibility studies drafted as companion documents of the Mindanao
River Basin Integrated Management and Development Master Plan, four (4) projects are
with fund commitment from the national government (DPWH):
ii. Ala River Flood Control Project (construction and revetment)
Location : Lambayong, Sultan Kudarat
Project Cost : PhP 491,340,000.00
iii. Pulangi River Flood Control Project (construction of dike with steel sheet piles)
Location : Pagalungan, Maguindanao
Project Cost : PhP 3,208,930,000.00
The other three (3) feasibility studies prepared are for the following projects:
Status : Ongoing
f. Gen. Santos City International Airport Development Project
Implementing Agency DOTC - CAAP
Project Cost (PhP’000) PhP 1.7 Billion (for new terminal building only)
Status : Ongoing
Rehabilitation of the airport is almost completed. Activities include the upgrading of fire
fighting facilities; procurement of passenger bridge; expansion of vehicle parking area;
installation additional carousels and procurement of one (1) x-ray machine.
The draft master plan for the development of the General Santos City Aerotropolis is in
the process of legitimization. Fund sourcing for the priority projects identified in the
plan is ongoing. The cost for the new terminal building is PhP 1.7Billion.
Status : Proposed
The Integrated Public Transport Terminal Plan for Koronadal City is already completed.
Status : Ongoing
Of the twenty-nine (29) projects proposed for implementation during the period 2011-
2013, twenty-one (21) projects are completed, seven (7) ongoing and one (1) for
iii. Flood Control Projects in Ala Sub Basin 372.500
- 4 projects completed; 5 projects ongoing (including the
construction of the Ala Flood Control Structure Phase IV)
i. Irrigation Projects
Implementing Agency NIA XII
Project Title Cost
(PhP ‘000)
IV. Governance and Institutions Development Sector
Status : Ongoing
LGU-Koronadal City, being the duly designated Regional Center of Region XII, has
assigned a site for the Prime Regional Government Center (PRGC) at Barangay Carpenter
Hill that will house support facilities and amenities to complete a complex where the
different department, bureaus and offices of the National Government assigned in
Region XII will establish/construct their respective office buildings.
Of the expected 65 regional line agencies, bureaus and offices, only five (5) have so far
constructed their respective office buildings within the PRGC, namely, DepEd XII, CHED
XII, BFAR XII, EMB XII and BJMP XII. However, there are other 11 agencies that have
constructed their offices outside of the PRGC and 27 agencies are renting office spaces
in the city. Twelve (12) agencies have not yet transferred to Koronadal City.
Status :
All LGUs in Region XII have already organized/established their respective Local Disaster
Risk Reduction and Management Councils as of December 2012.