LP (Math 1)

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Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St.

, El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104


Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
UNIT LEARNING PLAN in (Math / Grade 1)
Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
Quarter : FIRST
S.Y. 2018 – 2019

Bible Verse: For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-
discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7

Stage 1: Desired Results

Content Standards
The Learner demonstrates understanding of whole numbers up to 100,
ordinal numbers up to 10th , money up to ₱100 and fractions ½ and ¼
Performance Standards The learner able to visualize and represent numbers from 0-100 using a
variety of materials

Transfer Goals The learners can exhibit mastery in counting with sets ,number line and
through place value chart

Graduate Attributes Truth Seeker and Community Builder

Related Values Fairness, Justice, Accuracy, Responsibility, Honesty, and Inquisitive

Meaning Making

Essential Question Why are numbers and number symbols important?

How are numbers and number symbols used in your home and in your
Essential Understanding Numbers are ideas. They can be represented using the number symbols
Number symbols can help in comparing and ordering objects in a set.

Students will know…

 Main Topic: Counting with Whole Numbers
 Sub topics: Counting with sets and with Number Line
Counting through the place value chart
Students will be skilled counting objects and numbers with sets ,number line and through place
at… value chart
 LC in ‘–ing’ form

Allotted Time / Date 40 mins / Monday to Friday

References / Materials Math in Action 1 Textbook

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Stage 2: Assessment Evidence
Performance Task: (Summative Assessment) Fax #: (032)273-1915

Pupils will be able to apply their learning in counting objects and numbers with sets ,number line and
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
through place value chart through making outputs and solving real-life mathematical problems
Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
Mini-Performance Task: (Formative Assessment)
Pupils will use their understanding in performing and answering questions involving Counting with
Whole Numbers, Counting with sets, with Number Line, and Counting through the place value chart in
oral recitation, group participation and written examination.

Appendices & Rubrics

Performance Task (Summative) Mini Task (Formative)
Criteria Very Good Fair
Good (4pts) (3pts) Correct answers will be given appropriate points

Stage 3: Learning Plan

Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 1: 06/25/2018
I. Introduction Fax #: (032)273-1915
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Objectives/Competencies: Ask the pupil if they eat fruit and vegetables
 Visualize and represent Show a picture of fruits and vegetables inFacebook:
a box. www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
numbers from 0 to 100 Then read the situation presented in Math in Motion
sets of different objects II. Interaction
 Count the number of *Firming Up
objects in a given set by Let the pupils count and write in number the fruits and
ones and by tens vegetables in the box
Start a discussion on how numbers and number symbols were
used in the situation.
Graduate Attributes/Related Teach them how to group objects in a set
 Truth Seeker III. Integration
Emphasize importance of *Transfer
eating vegetables and fruits Let pupils group objects in a set
Let the learners answer one or two questions from the Math
Skills Milestones


Day 2: 06/26/18
I. Introduction
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Present a plastic bag with flowers. Then ask the class to guess the
 Identify the number that number of flowers in the plastic
is one more or one less II. Interaction
from a given number *Firming Up
 Visualize , represent , Ask the student if their guess is less than, more than or as many
and compare two sets as.
using the expressions  Then discuss the use of those phrases and how to identify the
“less than”, “more number that is one more or one less from a given number
than” and ‘as many as” *Deepen
Provide more examples
III. Integration
Graduate Attributes/Related Let the students give their own example
Values: *Evaluation
 Community Builder Let the learners answer one or two questions from the Math Skills
“More help is as many as Milestones
Less work”
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104

Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Day 3: 06/27/18
Learning I. Introduction Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)
 Visualize , represent , Show pictures of sets of objects
and order sets from II. Interaction
least to greatest and *Firming Up
vice versa Let them count the objects in the sets
Teach how to arrange the sets of object from greatest to least
III. Integration
Graduate Attributes/Related *Transfer
Values: Let the pupils answer the skill builder in math in motion by pair
 Servant Leader *Evaluation
Emphasize the importance Present their answers to the front and let them arrange it from
of good leadership greatest to least


Day 4: 06/28/18
I. Introduction
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Ask the pupil if they have collection and how many items of that
 Compose and collection they have
decompose a given II. Interaction
number *Firming Up
Discuss what is composing and decomposing set
Explain how to compose and decompose a set
Graduate Attributes/Related III. Integration
Values: *Transfer
 Community Builder Post on the board a picture of ten objects and ask the pupils to
Discuss proper composing compose and decompose the set
and decomposing of group *Evaluation
task Let the learners answer one or two questions from the Math Skills

Remarks: not taken

Day 5: 06/29/18
I. Introduction
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: GiveII a quick recap to the previous lessons
Fax #: (032)273-1915
 The Learners will be
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
going to have a passing II. Interaction
score to the summative *Firming Up Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
test Answering of ,good for 20 minutes, summative test
Checking of Answers
Graduate Attributes/Related III. Integration
Values: *Transfer
 Truth Seeker Peer-Tutoring
Observance of Honesty *Evaluation
in answering a test Ask questions for generalizations

Remarks: summative test is not yet applicable

Had review of previous lessons instead

Prepared and Submitted by:

Ms.Cessandra Cosep Date: June 25,2018

Subject Teacher


Mr.Peter Rago
Subject Area Team Leader

Noted: Noted & Approved:

Mrs. Flordiliza M. Ocariza Sister Cecilia P. Varon, O.P.

Academic Services Coordinator School Director / Principal
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104


Website: www.hrsp.com.ph

Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage

Stage 3: Learning Plan

Day 1: 07/09/18
IV. Introduction
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Present the situation in Math in Motion and talks about it
 Visualize the sets of V. Interaction
objects in the place *Firming Up
value chart Introduce the Place Value Chart and relate groupings of objects to
the situation presented in Math in Motion
Graduate Attributes/Related Discuss the use and how to place digits in Place Value
Values: Chart through visualization of sets
 Truth Seeker VI. Integration
The values of digits in *Transfer
a number can help you Let pupils identify how many ones, tens and hundreds in the given
visualize how large or pictures of sets
small a given number * Evaluation
is Let the pupils identify the place value of the underlined digits of at
least 3 numbers

Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 2: 07/10/18
Introduction Fax #: (032)273-1915
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Objectives/Competencies: Give pupils play money and coins
 Regroup sets into V. Interaction Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
ones, tens, hundreds *Firming Up
and thousands into Show the place value chart with a transparent pocket in each group
place value chart and give recap about it
Discuss on how to regroup sets into ones, tens, hundreds
and thousands into place value chart

Graduate Attributes/Related
Values: VI. Integration
 Truth Seeker *Transfer
Knowing the place Ask some group of pupils to place their play money and coins in
value system will the chart and let them identify the total amount of money
guide you in *Evaluation
determining the values Using a table, let the pupils identify the place value of the
of digits in a number

Remarks: Not taken because the teacher is absent, but taken on


Day 3: 07/11/18
IV. Introduction
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Ask what is the most valuable thing for them and have them price
 Give the place value it
and value of a digit V. Interaction
*Firming Up
Discuss how to identify the place value and value of a digit in a
Graduate Attributes/Related *Deepen
Values: Give their examples on how to identify the place value
 Community Builder and get the value of a digit in a number
Promoting one’s VI. Integration
individual uniqueness *Transfer
through relating it to
place value and value *Evaluation
Let pupils answer Math Skills Milestones
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Remarks: taken on thursday

Website: www.hrsp.com.ph

Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage

Day 4: 07/12/18
IV. Introduction
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Let pupils sing and dance the number song with spelling videos
 The pupils will be able V. Interaction
to read numbers up to *Firming Up
hundreds place in Give a quick recap about the place value chart. Then, give a
symbols number and place it to the place value chart and find the value of
each set
Let them read the number with the help of the chart and
Graduate Attributes/Related provide more examples
Values: VI. Integration
 God Centered *Transfer
We might not be able Let pupil read the numbers without using the place value chart
to read what God has *Evaluation
in store for all of us ,
but we can always
write our plans on
what we want to
accomplish in life
Remarks: Not taken due to GRACE Diagnostic Exam

Day 5: 07/13/18
IV. Introduction
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Let pupils sing the number song with spelling video thrice and
 The pupils will be able after play a spelling game for numbers through finding the missing
to write numbers up to letters
hundreds place in V. Interaction
words *Firming Up
Discuss how to write numbers in words and emphasize
important reminders in writing numbers in words
Show more examples
Graduate Attributes/Related VI. Integration
Values: *Transfer
 Truth Seeker
Emphasize the *Evaluation
importance of correct spelling Let them answer the math skill milestones
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104


Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Remarks: Not taken
Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage

Prepared and Submitted by:

Ms. Cessandra A. Cosep Date: 07/23/18


Mr. Peter Rago

Subject Area Team Leader

Noted: Noted & Approved:

Mrs. Flordiliza M. Ocariza Sister Cecilia P. Varon, O.P.

Academic Services Coordinator School Director / Principal1

Day 1: 07/16/18
VII. Introduction
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Sing and Dance the number song video
Pupils will be able to have VIII. Interaction
mastery in counting with *Firming Up
Whole Numbers Show visualization of sets through objects
Review on how to count whole numbers and identify less than,
greater than, greatest and least
IX. Integration
Graduate Attributes/Related
Values: *Evaluation
 Truth Seeker Give short quiz for counting with Whole Numbers
Learn on how to
compare and order

Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
things according to its Remarks:
number ACCREDITED LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915

Day 2: 07/17/18 Website: www.hrsp.com.ph

VII. Introduction
Learning Explore: (Motivation) Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
Objectives/Competencies: Sing and Dance the number song video
Pupils will be able to have VIII. Interaction
mastery in counting with sets *Firming Up
and with Number Line Show a number line with missing numbers
Review on how to arrange numbers on the number line
IX. Integration

Graduate Attributes/Related *Evaluation

Values: Give short quiz for counting with sets and with Number Line
 Truth Seeker
Number line indicates the
order of numbers


Day 3: 07/18/18
VII. Introduction
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Sing the Skip counting by tens and hundreds song videos
VIII. Interaction
Pupils will be able to have *Firming Up
mastery in counting through Present the place value chart
the place value chart *Deepen
Review on how to identify the place value and value of a digit in a
IX. Integration
Graduate Attributes/Related
Values: *Evaluation
 Community Builder Give short quiz for counting through the place value chart
Be appreciative of
one’s value

Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 4: 07/19/18
II Fax #: (032)273-1915
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
 VIII. Interaction Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related
Values: IX. Integration
 *Transfer


First Day Schedule of First Mastery Test

Day 5: 07/20/28
VII. Introduction
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
 VIII. Interaction
*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related
Values: IX. Integration
 *Transfer


Second Day of First Mastery Test

Prepared and Submitted by:

Ms. Cessandra A. Cosep Date: 07/23/18


Mr. Peter Rago

Subject Area Team Leader
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Noted: Noted & Approved:
Mrs. Flordiliza M. Ocariza Sister Cecilia P. Varon, O.P.
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Academic Services Coordinator School Director / Principal2
Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage

Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 1: 07/23/18
Introduction Fax #: (032)273-1915
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Objectives/Competencies: Let pupils sing and dance the number song with spelling videos
 The pupils will be able XI. Interaction Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
to read numbers up to *Firming Up
hundreds place in Give a quick recap about the place value chart. Then, give a
symbols number and place its digits to the place value chart and find the
value of each digits
Let them read the number with the help of the place value chart
Graduate Attributes/Related and provide more examples
Values: XII. Integration
 God Centered *Transfer
We might not be able Let pupil read the numbers without using the place value chart
to read what God has *Evaluation
in store for all of us ,
but we can always
write our plans on
what we want to
accomplish in life

Day 2: 07/24/18
X. Introduction
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Let pupils sing the number song with spelling video
 The pupils will be able XI. Interaction
to read numbers up to *Firming Up
hundreds place in Present the spelling of numbers 1 to 100 and read it
words *Deepen
Show more examples and emphasize the correct pronunciation of
XII. Integration
Graduate Attributes/Related Let the pupils read one by one the numbers which are in word form
Values: *Evaluation
 Truth Seeker
Emphasize the correct
pronunciation of words

Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 3: 07/25/18
Introduction Fax #: (032)273-1915
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Objectives/Competencies: Let pupils sing the number song with spelling video
 The pupils will be able XI. Interaction Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
to read numbers up to *Firming Up
hundreds place in Using flashcards, pupils read the word form of numbers
words *Deepen
Show them a matching type test in which the pupils ,with the help
of the teacher, have to match the numbers in column A to its word
form in column B
XII. Integration
Graduate Attributes/Related *Transfer
 God Centered *Evaluation
We might not be able
to read what God has
in store for all of us ,
but we can always
write our plans on Remarks:
what we want to
accomplish in life

Day 4: 07/26/18
XIII. Introduction
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: play a spelling game for numbers through finding the missing
 The pupils will be able letters
to write numbers up to XIV. Interaction
hundreds place in *Firming Up
words Present the chart for numbers with its corresponding word form
Provide examples on how to write numbers in word form
Graduate Attributes/Related
Values: *Evaluation
 Truth Seeker Let them answer the math skills milestones for writing numbers
Emphasize the
importance of correct spelling


Day 5: 07/27/18
X. Introduction
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: TeachIIthem hand gestures on representingFaxthe#: relation symbols
 Compare numbers XI. Interaction
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
using relation symbols *Firming Up
Introduce and explain the use of relation symbols
Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
Provide examples from tens place to hundreds place
Graduate Attributes/Related XII. Integration
Values: *Transfer
 Community Builder Group the pupils by three. Two pupils will be given different
How do you compare numbers and the other one will identify the relation symbol to use
things or people? *Evaluation

Remarks: Not taken

Prepared and Submitted by:

Ms.Cessandra Cosep Date: 08/07/18

Subject Teacher

Mr.Peter Rago
Subject Area Team Leader
Noted: Noted & Approved:

Mrs. Flordiliza M. Ocariza Sister Cecilia P. Varon, O.P.

Academic Services Coordinator School Director / Principal
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104


Website: www.hrsp.com.ph

Stage 3: Learning Plan Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage

Day 1: 07/30/18
XIII. Introduction
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Show them the school logo and ask the pupils what they see
 Compare numbers XIV. Interaction
using relation symbols *Firming Up
Introduce and explain the use of relation symbols
Provide examples from tens place to hundreds place
Graduate Attributes/Related XV.Integration
Values: *Transfer
 Truth Seeker Group the pupils by three. Two pupils will be given different
Knowing the school logo numbers and the other one will identify the relation symbol to use

Day 2: 07/31/18
XVI. Introduction
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Teach them hand gestures on representing the relation symbols
 Compare numbers XVII. Interaction
using relation symbols *Firming Up
Review on the previous lesson
Provide examples for comparing of numbers in word and standard
Graduate Attributes/Related form
Values: XVIII. Integration
 Community Builder *Transfer
Is it good to compare
yourself to others? *Evaluation
Let pupils answer the Math Skill Milestones for comparing of

Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 3: 08/01/18
II Fax #: (032)273-1915
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Objectives/Competencies: Show to pupils an illustration of stair. Then,
 Pupils will be able to Ask what is their happiest and saddest moments
Facebook:in life
order number up to XIV. Interaction
hundreds place in *Firming Up
increasing and Explain them what is ascending and descending using the stair
decreasing order illustration
Give examples on how to order numbers properly
Graduate Attributes/Related *Transfer
Values: Help the pupils to arrange the numbers in ascending and
 God Centered descending order
You should be always *Evaluation
thankful to God Ask them to arrange at least two sets of numbers in ascending and
whether you’re happy descending order
or sad


Day 4: 08/02/18
XVI. Introduction
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Teach them the hand gestures to represent the ascending and
 Pupils will be able to descending order
order number up to XVII. Interaction
hundreds place in *Firming Up
increasing and Review the lesson about ordering of numbers
decreasing order *Deepen
Provide examples
XVIII. Integration
Each member of the group will be given numbers. Then, they will
Graduate Attributes/Related arrange themselves either in descending or ascending order.
Values: *Evaluation
 Community Builder Let them present their answers in front through group reporting
Observe teamwork in
doing the class activity

Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 5: 08/03/18
II Fax #: (032)273-1915
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Objectives/Competencies: Ask the pupils which is bigger between the two given numbers
 Pupils will be able to XIV. Interaction Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
order number up to *Firming Up
hundreds place in Give quick recap of the lesson
increasing and *Deepen
decreasing order Discuss to them the used of ordering numbers

Graduate Attributes/Related *Evaluation

Values: Let them answer the Math Skill Milestones for ordering of
 Truth Seeker numbers
Ordering numbers are
used to organize
things(cite examples)


Prepared and Submitted by:

Ms.Cessandra Cosep Date: 08/07/18

Subject Teacher

Mr.Peter Rago
Subject Area Team Leader
Noted: Noted & Approved:

Mrs. Flordiliza M. Ocariza Sister Cecilia P. Varon, O.P.

Academic Services Coordinator School Director / Principal
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104


Website: www.hrsp.com.ph

Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage

Day 1: 08/06/18
I. Introduction
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
 II.Interaction
*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related
Values: III.Integration
 *Transfer


Remarks: No Class

Day 2: 08/07/18
I. Introduction
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Show a video of skip counting
 At the end of the II. Interaction
lesson, the pupils will *Firming Up
be able to visualize Discuss how to skip count
and count by 2s, 5s *Deepen
and 100s through 100 Explain why we need to do skip counting
III. Integration
*Transfer and Evaluation
Each group will skip count either by 10s, 50s, and 100s through
Graduate Attributes/Related recitation
 Truth Seeker
Skip counting is useful Remarks:
when adding and
subtracting whole
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 3: 08/08/18
LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Objectives/Competencies: Show another video about skip counting
 At the end of the II.Interaction Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
lesson, the pupils will *Firming Up
be able to visualize Give a recap of the previous lesson
and count by 2s, 5s *Deepen
and 100s through 100 Provide problem solving example that involves skip counting
Graduate Attributes/Related *Transfer and Evaluation
Values: Let the pupil answer the Math skill milestones
 Truth Seeker
Understanding the
concepts of value and Remarks:
place value
Day 4: 08/09/18
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Show to pupils a video about ordinal numbers
 At the end of the II.Interaction
lesson, the pupils will *Firming Up
be able to identify the Read the story involving ordinal numbers in Math in Motion
first up to 10th object in *Deepen
a given point of Elaborate how and when to use ordinal numbers
reference III. Integration
Ask ten pupils to stand up in front and ask their classmates their
Graduate Attributes/Related *Evaluation
 Truth Seeker
Lead the pupils to
understand how
ordinal number differ Remarks:
from cardinal numbers

Day 5: 08/09/18
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Show to pupils a video about ordinal numbers
 Read and write ordinal II.Interaction
numbers1st up to 10th *Firming Up
Show them a table of ordinal numbers both in symbol and word
Graduate Attributes/Related Teach them how to read and write ordinal numbers properly
Values: III.Integration
 Truth Seeker *Transfer
Ordinal number tell
you the position of *Evaluation
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
object or person in a Let pupils answer the Math Skill Milestones for ordinal numbers
given set ACCREDITED LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915

Remarks: Website: www.hrsp.com.ph

Prepared and Submitted by:
Ms.Cessandra Cosep Date: 08/07/18 Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
Subject Teacher
Mr.Peter Rago
Subject Area Team Leader
Noted: Noted & Approved:

Mrs. Flordiliza M. Ocariza Sister Cecilia P. Varon, O.P.

Academic Services Coordinator School Director / Principal
Day 1: 08/13/18
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Show them the video clips for place value and value of numbers
 Pupils will answer II.Interaction
their review quiz for *Firming Up
place value through Give them the instructions on how to answer the different parts of
hundreds, reading and the quiz
writing whole numbers *Deepen
Give quick discussions if necessary
Graduate Attributes/Related *Transfer
Values: Let them answer each example per part of the quiz
 Servant Leader *Evaluation
Promote the Answer the review quiz for numbers and number sense
importance of
observing honesty in
answering any kind of Remarks: Only had discussions of the correct answer per item of the
test quiz
Day 2: 08/14/18
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Show them the number song video clip
 Pupils will answer II.Interaction
their review quiz for *Firming Up
counting with sets and Give them the instructions on how to answer the different parts of
number line of whole the quiz
numbers *Deepen
Give quick discussions if necessary
Graduate Attributes/Related III.Integration
Values: *Transfer
 Servant Leader Let them answer each example per part of the quiz
Promote the *Evaluation
importance of Answer the review quiz for counting with sets and number line of
observing honesty in whole numbers
answering any kind of Remarks: Only had discussions of the correct answer per item of the
test quiz
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 3: 08/15/18 I.Introduction
Explore: Fax #: (032)273-1915
Learning Show them set of numbers and let them compare it using hand
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Objectives/Competencies: gestures that represents each relation symbol
 Pupils will answer II.Interaction Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
their review quiz for *Firming Up
comparing and Give them the instructions on how to answer the different parts of
ordering of whole the quiz
numbers *Deepen
Give quick discussions if necessary
Graduate Attributes/Related Let them answer each example per part of the quiz
Values: *Evaluation
 Servant Leader Answer the review quiz for comparing and ordering of whole numbers
Promote the
importance of Remarks: Only had discussions of the correct answer per item of the
observing honesty in quiz
answering any kind of
Day 4: 08/16/18
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
 II.Interaction
*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related
Values: III.Integration
 *Transfer


Remarks: First Day of Periodical Test

Day 5: 08/17/18
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
 II.Interaction
*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related
Values: III.Integration
 *Transfer

Remarks: Second Day of Periodical Test

Prepared and Submitted by:

Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104

Ms. Cessandra A. ACCREDITED
Cosep LEVEL II Date: 11/05/18 Fax #: (032)273-1915
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
Mr. Peter Rago
Subject Area Team Leader

Noted: Noted & Approved:

Mrs. Flordiliza M. Ocariza Sister Cecilia P. Varon, O.P.

Academic Services Coordinator School Director / Principal

Stage 3: Learning Plan

Day 1: 08/20/18
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
 II.Interaction
*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related
Values: III.Integration
 *Transfer

Remarks: No Class due to the Culminating Day of Buwan ng Wika
Day 2: 08/21/18
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
 II.Interaction
*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related
Values: III.Integration
 *Transfer

Remarks: No Class
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 3: 08/22/18
LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
II.Interaction Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related
Values: III.Integration
 *Transfer

Remarks: No Class, pupils just have rechecking of their answers in
periodical exam and discussion of the correct answer per item
Day 4: 08/23/18
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
 II.Interaction
*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related
Values: III.Integration
 *Transfer


Remarks: No Class
Only had rechecking of the pupil’s books and complying of all their
lacking activities and outputs
Day 5: 08/24/18
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
 II.Interaction
*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related
Values: III.Integration
 *Transfer


Remarks: No Class
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104

and Submitted by: LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915

Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Ms. Cessandra A. Cosep Date: 07/02/18
Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage

Mr. Peter Rago

Subject Area Team Leader

Noted: Noted & Approved:

Mrs. Flordiliza M. Ocariza Sister Cecilia P. Varon, O.P.

Academic Services Coordinator School Director / Principal

UNIT LEARNING PLAN in (Math / Grade 1)

Quarter : SECOND
S.Y. 2018 – 2019
Bible Verse: For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-
discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7

Stage 1: Desired Results

Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of addition and subtraction of whole numbers
up to 100 including money
Performance Standards Is able to apply addition and subtraction of whole numbers up to 100
including money in mathematical problems and real-life situations.
Transfer Goals The learners can exhibit mastery in applying their learning in adding and
subtracting with and without regrouping numbers into real-life mathematical

Graduate Attributes Truth Seeker and Community Builder

Related Values Fairness, Justice, Accuracy, Responsibility, Honesty, and Inquisitive

Meaning Making

Essential Question Why is it important to learn how to add or subtract numbers?

Why do you sometimes need to regroup when solving for the sums or
Essential Understanding Basic addition and subtraction are commonly needed when buying stuff in
the market or store.
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
To find the correct sum and difference correctly the value of digits must be
grouped II
accordingly to its place value. Fax #: (032)273-1915

Acquisition Website: www.hrsp.com.ph

Students will know… Properties of addition Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage

 Addition of whole numbers with and without regrouping
Subtraction of whole numbers with and without regrouping
Students will be skilled Adding and subtracting numbers with and without regrouping
 LC in ‘–ing’ form

Allotted Time / Date 40 mins / Monday to Friday

References / Materials Math in Action 1 Textbook

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Performance Task: (Summative Assessment)

Pupils will be able to apply their learning in addition and subtraction of whole numbers through making
outputs and solving real-life mathematical problems

Mini-Performance Task: (Formative Assessment)

Pupils will use their understanding in performing and answering questions involving addition and
subtraction in oral recitation, group participation and written examination.

Appendices & Rubrics

Performance Task (Summative) Mini Task (Formative)
Criteria Very Good Fair
Good (4pts) (3pts) Correct answers will be given appropriate points

Stage 3: Learning Plan

Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 1:08 /27/18
Learning LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph

II.Interaction Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related *Deepen

 III.Integration


Remarks: No Class, Holiday

Day 2: 08/28/18

Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)
 Illustrate addition as Give each pupil an illustration of a set then let them count the
putting together or objects in it
combining or joining
sets II.Interaction
*Firming Up
Present the concept of addition. Let them find a classmate who has
the same objects and count them all(sum of objects).Then, ask
Graduate Attributes/Related them to present their answers in front.
Values: *Deepen
 God Centered Review the basic parts of addition sentence and its use
The words of God III.Integration
must be joined *Transfer
together in our daily Through board walk, ask the pupils to illustrate the given addition
actions(cite an sentences
example) *Evaluation
Ask the pupils to answer the math skill builder to check their
mastery in illustrating addition as putting together
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 3: 08/29/18
LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Objectives/Competencies: Let them sing and dance the number song
 Add one digit numbers II.Interaction Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
*Firming Up
Let them count numbers 1-10 using their fingers
Conduct a short game of “show me your (number) fingers”
Graduate Attributes/Related *Deepen
Values: Teach them how to add numbers just using their fingers
 God Centered III.Integration
The words of God *Transfer
must be joined Give addition game using the flashcards(5 participants each round)
together in our daily *Evaluation
actions(cite an Remarks: No assessment, only had the addition game
Day 4: 08/30/18
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Sing and dance another number song
 Add one digit numbers II.Interaction
*Firming Up
Let them count numbers 1-10 using their fingers
Conduct a short game of “show me your (number) fingers”
Graduate Attributes/Related *Deepen
Values: Teach them how to add numbers just using their fingers
 God Centered III.Integration
The words of God *Transfer
must be joined Give addition game using the flashcards(5 participants each round)
together in our daily *Evaluation
actions(cite an
example) Remarks: No assessment, only had the addition game
Day 5: 08/31/18
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)
 Have a short quiz for Sing the number songs for primary learners
adding one digit II.Interaction
numbers *Firming Up
Give a short recap about adding one –digit numbers
Remind them the important keys on how to add numbers easily
Graduate Attributes/Related 1. Continue Counting
Values: 2. Mental Addition
 Servant Leader III.Integration
Promote the value of *Transfer
honesty Let them try to add the given numbers on the board as quick as the
can using any techniques
Answer the short quiz for adding one digit numbers
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104

and Submitted by: LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915

Website: www.hrsp.com.ph

Ms.Cessandra Cosep Date:11 /05/18 Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage


Mr.Peter Rago
Subject Area Team Leader

Noted: Noted & Approved:

Mrs. Flordiliza M. Ocariza Sister Cecilia P. Varon, O.P.

Academic Services Coordinator School Director / Principal

Stage 3: Learning Plan

Day 1: 09/03/18
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)
 Identify the properties Tell them stories that would help to define the different identities
of addition of addition
*Firming Up
Ask some questions from the stories then relate their answers to the
Graduate Attributes/Related definition of the different properties
Values: *Deepen
 Servant Leader Discuss the importance of knowing the properties of addition
Integrating the value III.Integration
of a truthful Transfer
competition through Present them addition sentences using the different properties of
the stories addition and let them find its missing numbers
On their quiz notebook, let them identify the property of addition
being used in 5 given addition sentences

Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 2: 09/04/18
LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Objectives/Competencies: Let them play “mirror yourself” which they need to follow their
 Identify the properties partner’s actions Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
of addition II.Interaction
*Firming Up
Give a short recap of the previous lesson. Then, relate the
preliminary activity to the lesson
Graduate Attributes/Related *Deepen
Values: Teach them how to complete an addition sentence using different
 Community Builder identities of addition
The value of working III.Integration
together *Transfer
Provide each group an illustration board, and let them identify the
property of addition being used in each presented addition sentence
Give them a short quiz for identifying properties of addition
Day 3: 09/05/18
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Show them some pictures that illustrate the properties of addition
 Visualize and add one- II.Interaction
digit numbers using *Firming Up
the properties of Ask them to observe the pictures and ask follow up guide questions
addition *Deepen
Help them how to make addition sentences of the different
identities of addition using the given pictures
Graduate Attributes/Related *Transfer
Values: Give every 3 pupils a picture and let them write its addition
 Community Builder sentence and the property of addition being used
Give importance on *Evaluation
helping each other Use Skill Builder part A to check the pupil’s comprehension

Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 4:09 /06/18
LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Objectives/Competencies: Show them a video about the properties of addition
 Visualize and add one- II.Interaction Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
digit numbers using *Firming Up
the properties of Tell some situations where properties of addition are used. Then,
addition give some related questions to the pupils
Ex. How do you know that they caught the same number
butterflies? ( commutative property)
Recap the previous lesson and provide examples
Graduate Attributes/Related III.Integration
Values: *Transfer
 Truth Seeker Give each pupil a different addition sentence then ask the pupils to
The properties of post each addition sentence under the correct property of addition.
addition make *Evaluation
computation for the Use Skill Builder par B to check the pupil’s comprehension
sum more manageable Remarks:
or easier.
Day 5: 09/07/18
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)

*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related *Deepen

 III.Integration

Remarks: No Class

Prepared and Submitted by:

Ms.Cessandra Cosep Date:11 /05/18


Mr.Peter Rago
Subject Area Team Leader

Noted: Noted & Approved:

Mrs. Flordiliza M. Ocariza Sister Cecilia P. Varon, O.P.

Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Academic Services Coordinator School Director / Principal

Website: www.hrsp.com.ph

Stage 3: Learning Plan Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage

Day 1:09 /10/18
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)
 Have a short quiz for Read them story problems involving properties of addition
the properties of 1. Catching fish in the river
addition 2. Counting no. of objects with different sets
3. Grouping of objects in dissimilar way
*Firming Up
Graduate Attributes/Related Give a short recap about the properties of addition
Values: *Deepen
 Truth Seeker Provide example for each properties of addition
Observance of III.Integration
Honesty in answering *Transfer
a test Through board walk, let them complete the addition sentences
using the different properties of addition
Use Math Skill Milestones to check the pupils ability to identify
the properties of addition being used in each sentence
Day 2: 09/11/18
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Show them again the video about the introduction to addition for
 Add 2 digit numbers the familiarization on how to add numbers
without regrouping II.Interaction
*Firming Up
Present the place value chart and give a short review about it
Graduate Attributes/Related Present situations and add the 2-digit numbers using the place
Values: value chart
 Truth Seeker III.Integration
This can help them in *Transfer
understanding how to Let them try to add numbers through boardwalk
subtract, multiply and *Evaluation
divide whole numbers Find the sum at least 5 sets of numbers without regrouping in their
quiz notebook.
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 3: 09/12/18
LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Objectives/Competencies: Present a picture of a market. Then, tell them a story.
 Add 2 digit numbers II.Interaction Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
without regrouping *Firming Up
To help them solve the presented problem, give a recap on place
value chart. Use the ten block method if necessary for better
understanding of the concept
Graduate Attributes/Related Teach them how to add 2 digit numbers properly using the place
Values: value chart and the value of each digits. And, properly aligning the
 Truth Seeker digits of a number according to its place value
This can help them in III.Integration
understanding how to *Transfer
subtract, multiply and Ask them to place the addends properly into the chart and to solve
divide whole numbers for its difference.
Let them find the sum of at least five given sets of addends
Day 4:09 /13/18
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
 II.Interaction
*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related
Values: III.Integration
 *Transfer

Remarks:No class
Day 5: 09/14/18
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)

*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related *Deepen

 III.Integration

Remarks: No Class

Prepared and Submitted by:

Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104


Ms.Cessandra Cosep Date:11 /05/18
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph

Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage

Mr.Peter Rago
Subject Area Team Leader

Noted: Noted & Approved:

Mrs. Flordiliza M. Ocariza Sister Cecilia P. Varon, O.P.

Academic Services Coordinator School Director / Principal

Stage 3: Learning Plan

Day 1: 09/17/18
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)
 Add 2 digit numbers Show some picture of things with price and paste it on the board
with regrouping II.Interaction
*Firming Up
Ask some pupils to choose two of those pictures as if they are
buying in a store
Graduate Attributes/Related *Deepen
Values: Add up the prices of their two chosen items
 Truth Seeker III.Integration
Basic addition with no *Transfer
regrouping is a skill Let them add another sets of addends through boardwalk
commonly needed *Evaluation
when buying stuff in On their paper, ask them to choose two items pasted on the board
the market or store. and find its total costs

Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 2: 09/18/18
LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Objectives/Competencies: Give addition drill/game using the flashcards
 Add 2 digit numbers II.Interaction Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
with regrouping *Firming Up
Use the story presented in Math in Motion to illustrate addition
Graduate Attributes/Related with regrouping
Values: *Deepen
 Truth Seeker Use the examples given in Math Zone. Then, provide for more
Basic addition with no examples
regrouping is a skill III.Integration
commonly needed *Transfer
when buying stuff in Through boardwalk, let find the sum of the given two digit
the market or store. numbers with regrouping
Give them a short exercise ( 1 to 5 items only)
Day 3: 09/19/18
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Show them an illustration of a sari-sari store and ask follow up
 Add 2 digit numbers questions
with regrouping II.Interaction
*Firming Up
Tell the pupils that they are going to draw their own store. Then,
give the instructions and the format.
Graduate Attributes/Related Emphasize the important keys to remember upon subtracting
Values: numbers with regrouping.
 Community Builder III.Integration
Promoting the value of *Transfer
creativity Give them ideas on how to make their store and how they will
price their given items
Let them pair the items in their store and solve for its total costs
Day 4: 09/20/18
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
 II.Interaction
*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related
Values: III.Integration
 *Transfer

Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Remarks: No Class
09/21/18 ACCREDITED LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915

Learning I.Introduction Website: www.hrsp.com.ph

Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)
 Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related *Deepen

 III.Integration

Remarks: No Class

Prepared and Submitted by:

Ms.Cessandra Cosep Date: 11/05/18


Mr.Peter Rago
Subject Area Team Leader

Noted: Noted & Approved:

Mrs. Flordiliza M. Ocariza Sister Cecilia P. Varon, O.P.

Academic Services Coordinator School Director / Principal

Stage 3: Learning Plan

Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 1: 09/24/18 I.Introduction
Learning II (Motivation)
Explore: Fax #: (032)273-1915
Objectives/Competencies: Show them a video clip involving adding numbers
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
 Have review quiz on II.Interaction
adding numbers with *Firming Up Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
and without Give a short recap on how to add numbers with and without
regrouping regrouping
Remind them the important keys to remember upon adding
numbers with and without regrouping properly
Graduate Attributes/Related III.Integration
Values: *Transfer
 Show them few examples and let them find the sum of the given
sets. Then, provide the instructions of the quiz
Answer the review quiz involving addition of numbers with and
without regrouping

Remarks: Only had the quiz then checking of the correct answers per
Day 2: 09/25/18
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
 II.Interaction
*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related
Values: III.Integration
 *Transfer

Remarks: First Day of Second Mastery Test
Day 3: 09/26/18
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
 II.Interaction
*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related
Values: III.Integration
 *Transfer

Remarks: Second Day of Second Mastery Test
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 4: 09/27/18
LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
 II.Interaction Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related
Values: III.Integration
 *Transfer

Remarks: Remarks: Remarks: No Class, pupils just have rechecking of
their answers in periodical exam and discussion of the correct answer
per item.
Day 5:09 /28/18
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)
Have a game using the Let them sing and dance the different video clips for counting
flashcards for mastery of the numbers
operation addition II.Interaction
*Firming Up
Present them a situational problem involving addition of numbers
Ex. Adding the previous and recent money/ coins savings
Graduate Attributes/Related Give quick recap on the different techniques oh how to add
Values: numbers easily and quickly
 Community Builder III.Integration
“Why do you think we *Transfer
need to save money?” Let them try through answering at least 10 given sets of numbers.
Then, let the pupils play the racing game for adding numbers
which each correct answer is equivalent to one step. The first pupil
to reach the finish line will be the considered winner of the game.

Remarks: No assessment, only had the game

Prepared and Submitted by:

Ms.Cessandra Cosep Date:11 /05/18


Mr.Peter Rago
Subject Area Team Leader

Noted: Noted & Approved:

Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104


Mrs. Flordiliza M. Ocariza Sister Cecilia P. Varon, O.P.
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Academic Services Coordinator School Director / Principal
Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage

Stage 3: Learning Plan

Day 1: 10/01/18
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)
 Visualize the basic Show a video clip about introduction to subtraction. Then, ask
concept of subtraction follow up questions
*Firming Up
Paste a pocket chart on the board with different cut out shapes.
Graduate Attributes/Related Then, call a pair of pupils. One will count the shapes the other one
Values: will decide on how many he/ she will get. Let them write the
 Truth Seeker numbers on the board.
Subtraction is the *Deepen
removal of something Introduce the basic concept of subtraction and the parts of
subtraction sentence
Show them an illustration of subtraction sentences and let them
write it in symbols through pair activity
Find the difference of the 5 sets provided with representation of
numbers through objects
Remarks: Class schedule is adjusted
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 2: 10/02/18
LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Objectives/Competencies: Show a video clip about introduction to subtraction. Then, ask
 Visualize the basic follow up questions Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
concept of subtraction II.Interaction
*Firming Up
Paste a pocket chart on the board with different cut out shapes.
Then, call a pair of pupils. One will count the shapes the other one
Graduate Attributes/Related will decide on how many he/ she will get. Let them write the
Values: numbers on the board.
 Truth Seeker *Deepen
Subtraction is the Introduce the basic concept of subtraction and the parts of
removal of something subtraction sentence
Show them an illustration of subtraction sentences and let them
write it in symbols through pair activity
Find the difference of the 5 sets provided with representation of
numbers through objects

Remarks: Class schedule is adjusted

Day 3: 10/03/18
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Show another video clip involving subtraction
 Subtract one digit II.Interaction
numbers *Firming Up
Read the situation in Math in Motion and preview the previous
lesson through the sample illustrations in the book
Graduate Attributes/Related Teach them how to subtract numbers using the sticks
Values: III.Integration
Graduate Attributes/Related *Transfer
Values: Group the pupils by three and ask them to illustrate their given
 Truth Seeker subtraction sentence using sticks
Subtraction is the *Evaluation
removal of something For practice, ask them to subtract one digit numbers for only 5
items in their quiz notebook
Remarks:Class schedule is adjusted
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 4:10 /04/18
Learning I.Introduction
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)
Learning Show another video clip involving subtraction
Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
Objectives/Competencies: II.Interaction
 Subtract one digit *Firming Up
numbers Read the situation in Math in Motion and preview the previous
lesson through the sample illustrations in the book
Teach them how to subtract numbers using the sticks
Graduate Attributes/Related III.Integration
Values: *Transfer
Graduate Attributes/Related Group the pupils by three and ask them to illustrate their given
Values: subtraction sentence using sticks
 Truth Seeker *Evaluation
Subtraction is the For practice, ask them to subtract one digit numbers for only 5
removal of something items in their quiz notebook
Remarks:Class schedule is adjusted
Day 5: 10/05/18
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)
 Subtract one digit Let them count using their fingers. Then, play the “show me your
numbers fingers”
*Firming Up
Give a short recap of the previous lesson by providing illustrations
Graduate Attributes/Related and examples
Values: *Deepen
 Truth Seeker Teach them how to subtract one digit numbers using their fingers
Subtraction is the III.Integration
removal of something *Transfer
Let them play the racing game using the subtraction flashcards

Remarks: No assessment, only had the play activity for the mastery of
skills in subtracting numbers

Prepared and Submitted by:

Ms.Cessandra Cosep Date: 11/05/18


Mr.Peter Rago
Subject Area Team Leader

Noted: Noted & Approved:

Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104


Mrs. Flordiliza M. Ocariza Sister Cecilia P. Varon, O.P.
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Academic Services Coordinator School Director / Principal
Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage

Stage 3: Learning Plan

Day 1: 10/08/18
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)
 Subtract 2 digits Show them a picture of a kid buying on a store. Then, tell them a
number to one digit story that would relate the concept of subtraction as inverse
number operation of addition
*Firming Up
Teach them on how to subtract 2 digits to one digit number easily
Graduate Attributes/Related through starting counting in the number in the subtrahend then stop
Values: at the number in the minuend.
 Truth Seeker *Deepen
Subtraction as inverse Explain why subtraction of numbers could be done in that way.
operation of addition Use illustration to further understand the concept
Let them play racing game using the subtraction flashcards

Remarks: No assessment, only had the play activity for the mastery of
skills in subtracting numbers
Day 2: 10/09/18
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Show another video clip involving subtraction as inverse operation
 Subtract 2 digits of addition
number to one digit II.Interaction
number *Firming Up
Give a quick recap of the previous lesson through questioning
Provide them situational problems involving subtraction of 2
Graduate Attributes/Related digits number to one digit number. And, ask their help upon solving the
Values: problem
 Truth Seeker III.Integration
Subtraction as inverse *Transfer
operation of addition Let them play “guessing game” through answering this question
“ How much is his/ her money before she bought (item)? “
Use Skill Builder for practice
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 3: 10/10/18
LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Objectives/Competencies: Show another video clip involving subtraction as inverse operation
 Subtract 2 digits of addition Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
number to one digit II.Interaction
number *Firming Up
Give recap on the previous lesson
Provide them situational problems and ask their help in solving
Graduate Attributes/Related the problems through questioning
Values: III.Integration
 Truth Seeker *Transfer
Subtraction as inverse Let them play again the “guessing game” through answering this
operation of addition question
“ How much is his/ her money before she bought (item)? “
Let them subtract at least 3 sets of numbers on their quiz notebook
Day 4:10 /11/18
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)
 Give a quiz for the Provide them situational problem involving subtraction of numbers
subtraction of whole Example “ Knowing the chance of the money”
numbers II.Interaction
*Firming Up
Ask questions to review the previous lessons for subtracting
Graduate Attributes/Related *Deepen
Values: Provide few examples and the important keys to remember upon
 Servant Leader subtracting numbers properly
Motivate them to be III.Integration
patient in answering *Transfer
the quiz Let them find the difference of the 5 given sets through board walk
Subtract numbers using the activity provided in Math Skills
Milestones part A
Day 5: 10/12/18
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)

*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related *Deepen

 III.Integration
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Remarks: No Class due to the culminating dayFax #: (032)273-1915
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Prepared and Submitted by:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage

Ms.Cessandra Cosep Date: 11/05/18


Mr.Peter Rago
Subject Area Team Leader

Noted: Noted & Approved:

Mrs. Flordiliza M. Ocariza Sister Cecilia P. Varon, O.P.

Academic Services Coordinator School Director / Principal

Stage 3: Learning Plan

Day 1:10 /15/18
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)
 Subtract two digit Ask the pupils who among them have usually asked to buy
numbers without something in the store
regrouping II.Interaction
*Firming Up
Paste some pictures of food with price and put in pupils’ paper an
as if amount of their money
Graduate Attributes/Related *Deepen
Values: Ask them what they would like to buy and teach them on how to
 Servant Leader know their change
Return the extra III.Integration
change of the money *Transfer
properly Let them solve the change of their money and write it on a piece of
At the back portion of their paper, ask them to find the difference
of 3 sets without regrouping
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 2: 10/16/18
LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Objectives/Competencies: Show them a picture of a mother buying in a toy store and tell
 Subtract two digit them a short story about it. Then, ask “how much
Facebook: do you think is
numbers with her change?”
regrouping II.Interaction
*Firming Up
Review the lessons on place value and value of a digit
Teach them to subtract numbers through the value of its digits to
Graduate Attributes/Related understand the concept of subtracting with regrouping. Then, provide
Values: examples
 Community Builder III.Integration
What will you say if *Transfer
your parents bought Through by group activity, ask them to solve the given situational
you some toys at problems involving subtraction of numbers without regrouping
home? *Evaluation
Use Math Skill Builder to check their mastery of the lesson
Day 3: 10/17/18
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Show them a picture of a boy buying in a food stand and tell them
 Subtract two digit a short story about it. Note the amount of money , price of the food
numbers with and the change.
regrouping II.Interaction
*Firming Up
Ask follow up questions related to the presented situation. Then,
discuss on how to solve the problem
Graduate Attributes/Related Provide another situational problems involving subtraction of
Values: numbers with regrouping. Give them hints on how to solve each
 Community Builder problem
“ Have you tried III.Integration
giving some of your food *Transfer
wholeheartedly to a street Distribute the problem to each group and ask them to solve it
child?” *Evaluation
Let them present their answers on the board and ask follow up
questions on how they came up with their answers

Remarks:Class schedule is adjusted

Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 4: 10/18/18
LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Objectives/Competencies: Show a video clip involving subtraction of numbers
 Have a review quiz for II.Interaction Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
subtracting numbers *Firming Up
without regrouping Use flashcards to master the subtracting skills
Review through providing few examples on how to subtract
numbers without regrouping
Graduate Attributes/Related III.Integration
Values: *Transfer
 Servant Leader Through quick pair activity, let them find the difference of a given
Promote the value of set without regrouping
honesty *Evaluation
Answer the review quiz for subtracting numbers without regrouping
Day 5: 10/19/18 I.Introduction
Explore: (Motivation)
Learning Show a video clip involving subtraction of numbers
Objectives/Competencies: II.Interaction
 Have a review quiz for *Firming Up
subtracting numbers Use flashcards to master the subtracting skills
with regrouping *Deepen
Review through providing few examples on how to subtract
numbers with regrouping
Graduate Attributes/Related *Transfer
Values: Through quick pair activity, let them find the difference of a given
 Servant Leader set with regrouping
Promote the value of *Evaluation
honesty Answer the review quiz for subtracting numbers with regrouping


Prepared and Submitted by:

Ms.Cessandra Cosep Date:11 /05/18


Mr.Peter Rago
Subject Area Team Leader

Noted: Noted & Approved:

Mrs. Flordiliza M. Ocariza Sister Cecilia P. Varon, O.P.

Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Academic Services Coordinator School Director / Principal
Stage 3: Learning Plan
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Day 1: 10/22/18
Learning I.Introduction Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)

*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related *Deepen

 III.Integration

Remarks: No Class, first day of periodical exam
Day 2:10/23/18
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
 II.Interaction
*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related
Values: III.Integration
 *Transfer

Remarks: No class, 2nd day of periodical exam
Day 3: 10/24/18
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
 II.Interaction
*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related
Values: III.Integration
 *Transfer

Remarks: No Class, practice day
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 4: 10/25/18
LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
 II.Interaction Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related
Values: III.Integration
 *Transfer

Remarks: No, Class Intramurals
Day 5: 10/26/18
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)

*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related *Deepen

 III.Integration

Remarks: No Class,Intramurals
Last week of 1st semester

Prepared and Submitted by:

Ms.Cessandra Cosep Date: 11/05/18


Mr.Peter Rago
Subject Area Team Leader

Noted: Noted & Approved:

Mrs. Flordiliza M. Ocariza Sister Cecilia P. Varon, O.P.

Academic Services Coordinator School Director / Principal

UNIT LEARNING PLAN in (Math / Grade 1)

Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104

PAASCU ACCREDITED LEVEL IIQuarter : THIRD Fax #: (032)273-1915

S.Y. 2018 – 2019
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph

Bible Verse: For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of Facebook:
love andwww.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
of self-
discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7

Stage 1: Desired Results

Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of fractions ½ and ¼
Demonstrates understanding of 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional figures

Performance Standards Is able to recognize, represent, and compare fractions ½ and ¼ in various
forms and contexts.
Is able to describe, compare, and construct 2- dimensional and 3 dimensional
Transfer Goals The Learner becomes responsible in counting , multiplying through the use
of model, visualize and illustrate basic fractions and geometry in
mathematical problems and real life-situations

Graduate Attributes Truth Seeker

Community Builder

Related Values Fairness, Justice, Accuracy, Responsibility, Honesty, and Inquisitive

Meaning Making

Essential Question How can multiplication make counting easier?

What objects around you show fractions?
What activities that you do to make use of multiplication and fraction?
What objects around you represent two or three – dimensional figures?
Essential Understanding Some repeated tasks can be simplified using multiplication
Any object that is divided into equal parts shows fractions
Counting objects quickly and sharing of things or food equally

Students will know…

 Main Topic: The basic concepts of multiplication, fraction, and geometry
 Sub topics:
Students will be skilled Multiplying one digit numbers
at… Visualizing and illustrating basic fractions
 LC in ‘–ing’ form Classifying 2-D and 3-D figures
Monday to Friday/ 40 minutes in a day
Allotted Time / Date

References / Materials Mathematics in Action for Grade 1 Textbook

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Performance Task: (Summative Assessment)
Pupils will be ableACCREDITED
to apply their LEVEL
learning IIin Multiplication and Number Sense
Faxin making outputs and
#: (032)273-1915
solving real-life mathematical problems
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph

Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage

Mini-Performance Task: (Formative Assessment)

Pupils will use their understanding in performing and answering questions basic multiplication, fraction
and geometry in oral recitation, group participation and written examination.

Appendices & Rubrics

Performance Task (Summative) Mini Task (Formative)
Performance Task (Summative) Correct answers will be given appropriate points
Criteria Very Good Fair
Good (4pts) (3pts)

Day 1: 11/05/18
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)
 Count groups of equal Show picture of sets of objects to the class and let them count the
quantities using objects as fast as they can.
concrete objects up to II.Interaction
50 and write an *Firming Up
equivalent expression Use the ideas presented in Math Zone and then relate repeated
addition to multiplication and the idea of skip counting
Introduce the parts of multiplication sentence and its use and its
Graduate Attributes/Related relation to the concept of repeated addition
Values: III.Integration
 Truth Seeker *Transfer
Multiplication will Let them write the multiplication sentence of each given model
help you do speed through pair activity
counting *Evaluation
For practice, let them do the Math Skill Builder
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 2:11/06/18
LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Objectives/Competencies: Let them watch and sing the skip counting song ( by 2 to 5 only)
 Make multiplication II.Interaction Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
sentence using models *Firming Up
Show them illustrations of the different multiplication
models.Then, ask to them to count the numbers groups of the same
objects, the number of objects in each group and the number of
Graduate Attributes/Related objects in all
Values: *Deepen
 Truth Seeker Help them on how to make multiplication sentence using the
Multiplication will models
help you do speed III.Integration
counting *Transfer
Let them make multiplication sentence by giving a model to each
Paste their answers on the board and ask related questions to their
Ex. “How do you know that it is the multiplicand, multiplier or
Day 3: 11/07/18
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Let them watch and sing again the skip counting song ( by 2 to 5
 Make multiplication only)
sentence using models II.Interaction
*Firming Up
Ask questions to review the previous lesson.
Graduate Attributes/Related Provide some examples and emphasize some important keys in
Values: making multiplication sentence
 Truth Seeker III.Integration
Multiplication will *Transfer
help you do speed Show them models of multiplication sentence and let them write it
counting in symbols through board walk
Let them answer the Math Skill Builder to check pupils’
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 4: 11/08/18
LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Objectives/Competencies: Let them watch and sing the skip counting song ( by 2 to 5 only)
 Make multiplication II.Interaction Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
sentence using line *Firming Up
arrays Show them illustrations of line arrays. Then, ask the pupils to
count the number of columns, rows and the number of objects in
Graduate Attributes/Related Help them on how to make multiplication sentence using the
Values: line arrays
 Truth Seeker III.Integration
Multiplication will *Transfer
help you do speed Show them multiplication sentence using line arrays and let them
counting write it in symbols through board walk
Answer the math skills milestones part A only
Day 5: 11/09/18
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)
 Make multiplication Let them watch and sing the skip counting song ( by 2 to 10)
sentence using line II.Interaction
arrays *Firming Up
Ask questions to review the previous lesson.
Provide some examples and emphasize some important keys in
Graduate Attributes/Related making multiplication sentence using line arrays
Values: III.Integration
 Truth Seeker *Transfer
Multiplication will In their bond paper, let them illustrate the two given multiplication
help you do speed sentences using line arrays
counting *Evaluation
Ask them few questions related to their output upon receiving it

Prepared and Submitted by:

Ms.Cessandra Cosep Date: 01/07/19


Mr.Peter Rago
Subject Area Team Leader

Noted: Noted & Approved:

Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104

Mrs. Flordiliza M.ACCREDITED
Ocariza LEVEL II Sister Cecilia P. Varon, Fax
O.P.#: (032)273-1915
Academic Services Coordinator School Director / Principal
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph

Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
Day 1: 11/12/18
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)
 Multiply one digit Let them watch and sing the times table song (multiples 1 to 5 only)
number using repeated Practice adding the same numbers using the flashcards
addition II.Interaction
*Firming Up
Show them a multiplication model and line arrays. Then, relate the
concept of multiplication as repeated addition
Graduate Attributes/Related *Deepen
Values: Review the parts of multiplication sentence and its use
Truth Seeker Provide some examples through making use of sticks illustration
Multiplication as repeated upon adding the same digits
addition III.Integration
For practice, give them a board walk activity
Use Math Skill Builder to check their understanding of the topic
Day 2:11/13/18
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Let them watch and sing the times table song (multiples 1 to 5 only)
 Multiply one digit Practice adding the same numbers using the flashcards
number using repeated II.Interaction
addition *Firming Up
Present some pictures of food with a price on the board. Then ask
them how many of it they would like to buy.
Graduate Attributes/Related Teach them on how to find the total price of the food that they
Values: choose
Truth Seeker Show them repeated addition sentence and ask them to change it
Multiplication as repeated into multiplication sentence through board walk
addition *Evaluation
On their paper, let them choose one food only. Give them a format
on where to write the quantity, the price and the total amount that
they would have to pay
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 3: 11/14/18
LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Objectives/Competencies: Let them watch and sing the times table song (multiples 1 to 5 only)
 Multiply one digit Practice adding the same numbers using the flashcards Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
number using repeated II.Interaction
addition *Firming Up
Present them situational problems involving multiplication as
repeated addition
Ex.1. Buying a certain number of the same item
2.Counting the same sets of numbers
Graduate Attributes/Related *Deepen
Values: Ask follow up questions about the presented situations. And, give
Emphasize on how to guide questions upon solving the problems
be responsible when it III.Integration
comes to money *Transfer
Show them repeated addition sentences through models and
symbols. Let them write it into multiplication sentence through
group activity
Let them present in front their answers and ask them few questions
related to it
Ex. “How do you know that it is the multiplicand, multiplier or
Day 4: 11/15/18
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Let them watch and sing the times table song (multiples 1 to 5 only)
 Multiply one digit Practice adding the same numbers using the flashcards
number through skip II.Interaction
counting *Firming Up
Show them models of multiplication sentence and ask them to
observe the number of objects in each set
Ask them on how they can count the presented number of objects
Graduate Attributes/Related easily and quickly. Then, discuss the relation of the concepts of
Values: skip counting to multiplication
Community Builder III.Integration
Emphasize on how to *Transfer
be responsible when it Give each group sets of objects and let them count it through skip
comes to money counting and write its multiplication sentence.
Ex. Counting the total objects per each row and column
For practice, use Math Skill Builder for multiplication as skip counting
Day 5: 11/16/18
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)
 Have a quiz for For familiarization, let them watch and sing the times table song
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
multiplication of (multiples 1 to 5 only)
whole numbers LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915
*Firming Up
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Give a short recap of all the topics for multiplying numbers
*Deepen Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
Graduate Attributes/Related For them to be guided, give few examples on the board
Values: III.Integration
 Servant leader *Transfer
Motivate them to be Give the instructions provided in the book
patient in answering *Evaluation
the quiz Let them answer the math skills milestones part A and B

Prepared and Submitted by:

Ms.Cessandra Cosep Date: 01/07/19


Mr.Peter Rago
Subject Area Team Leader

Noted: Noted & Approved:

Mrs. Flordiliza M. Ocariza Sister Cecilia P. Varon, O.P.

Academic Services Coordinator School Director / Principal
Day 1: 11/19/18 I.Introduction
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Show them a video clip of introduction to fraction. Then, ask
Classify a whole and equal part follow up questions
*Firming Up
Graduate Attributes/Related Show them a picture of a cake. As if slicing it into halves through
Values: folding and cutting the picture. Then ask them to observe its
God Centered sizes .After, review the parts of a fraction and introduce to what is
Do you think cake is the only unit fraction
important during birthdays? *Deepen
Show them examples of unit fractions
Give each group different illustration of fractions and let them it in
symbol and identify if it’s a unit fraction or not.
Let them present their answers in front and ask follow questions
related to their group activity
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 2:11/20/18
Learning LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph

II.Interaction Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related *Deepen

 III.Integration

Remarks: No Class
Day 3: 11/21/18
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: II.Interaction
*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related III.Integration

Values: *Transfer
 Community Builder *Evaluation
Remarks: No Class
Day 4: 11/22/18
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Show the a picture of any round and square shaped food
 Visualize the parts of II.Interaction
fraction *Firming Up
Fold and cut those pictures into equal parts and share some of its
parts to the pupils. Then, ask follow-up questions
Graduate Attributes/Related Introduce to them to what is fraction and its parts(numerator and
Values: denominator)
 Community Builder III.Integration
Do you share your *Transfer
food equally? For practice, give them a board walk activity
Answer Math Skill Builder part A to check their understanding of
the concept
Day 5: 11/23/18
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)
 Write fractions Tell them of a situation about sharing of food
Ex. Slicing the cake and pizza into equal parts
*Firming Up
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Graduate Attributes/Related Give each of them of an illustration of an object that is already
Values:PAASCU ACCREDITED LEVEL II into equal parts. Then, instruct them
divided on(032)273-1915
Fax #: what to do on it.
 Community Builder *Deepen
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Do you usually share Give short recap about the parts of a fraction and its use. Provide
your food equally? an example to serve as their guide upon doing the www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
Facebook: activity
Ask the pupils to write the number of the shaded part on the top of
the line and the number of all equal parts below
Let them present their answers on the board and ask related
questions regarding to it
“How many shaded and equal parts in the figure?”

Prepared and Submitted by:

Ms.Cessandra Cosep Date: 01/07/19


Mr.Peter Rago
Subject Area Team Leader

Noted: Noted & Approved:

Mrs. Flordiliza M. Ocariza Sister Cecilia P. Varon, O.P.

Academic Services Coordinator School Director / Principal

Stage 3: Learning Plan

Day 1:11 /26/18
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)
 Have a review quiz for For familiarization, show and let them sing the time table song
multiplication II.Interaction
*Firming Up
Give a quick review of the lessons
Graduate Attributes/Related Provide few examples to serve as their guide
Values: III.Integration
 Servant Leader *Transfer
Observe honesty in Provide the instructions per part of the review quiz
answering the quiz *Evaluation
Answer the review quiz involving multiplication

Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 2: 11/27/18
LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Objectives/Competencies: To serve as quick review, show them the video clips involving
 Have a review quiz for basic concepts of fraction Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
fraction II.Interaction
*Firming Up
Give a quick review of the lessons
Graduate Attributes/Related Provide few examples to serve as their guide
Values: III.Integration
 Servant Leader *Transfer
Observe honesty in Provide the instructions per part of the review quiz
answering the quiz *Evaluation
Answer the review quiz involving fractions
Day 3: 11/28/18
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
 II.Interaction
*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related
Values: III.Integration
 *Transfer

Remarks: First day of third mastery test
Day 4: 11/29/18
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
 II.Interaction
*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related
Values: III.Integration
 *Transfer

Remarks: Second day of third mastery test
Day 5:11/30/18
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)

*Firming Up
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104

Attributes/Related II
*Deepen Fax #: (032)273-1915
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
 III.Integration
*Transfer Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage

Remarks: No Class, Bonifacio Day

Prepared and Submitted by:

Ms.Cessandra Cosep Date: 01/07/19


Mr.Peter Rago
Subject Area Team Leader

Noted: Noted & Approved:

Mrs. Flordiliza M. Ocariza Sister Cecilia P. Varon, O.P.

Academic Services Coordinator School Director / Principal

Stage 3: Learning Plan

Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 1: 12/03/18
Learning LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
 Visualize 2D figures Let them watch and sing the video about 2D figures
Then ask them to look around their classroom if they
Facebook: can see some
Graduate Attributes/Related *Firming Up
Values: Introduce to them to what is a 2D figure
 Two dimensional *Deepen
figures are closed Present them the basic 2D figures. Then, let them read its name
shapes using straight and the number of its sides
or curved line III.Integration
segments *Transfer
Show them cut out 2D figures and ask them what objects they can
associate to each of it
Ex. “ Circle is to plate”
For practice ask them to connect the dots in Math Skill Builder to
make 2D figures
Day 2: 12/04/18
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: To familiarize the figures .Let them watch and sing the video about
 Identify the basic 2D 2D figures
*Firming Up
Give each of them a paper with either a name, number of sider or
Graduate Attributes/Related illustration of a 2D figure. Then, ask them to find their match
Values: according to name, illustration and the number of sides
 Two dimensional *Deepen
figures are closed Ask the group to present their papers in front. Then, paste of all of
shapes using straight their answers and review the basic 2D figures
or curved line III.Integration
segments *Transfer
Let them play a racing quiz game. Show them an illustration of 2D
figure and ask them to what its name. Next, show them number of
sides and ask them to what figure it is. Lastly, show them the name
of figures and let them tell the number of its side
Connect the name of the 2d figures in column A to the figures in
column B
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 3: 12/05/18
LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Objectives/Competencies: To familiarize the figures .Let them watch and sing the video about
 Classify concave and 2D figures Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
convex 2D figures II.Interaction
*Firming Up
Show them figures formed by straight and curved line segment.
Then, let them sort the figures with straight and curved line
Graduate Attributes/Related segment.
Values: *Deepen
 Truth Seeker Introduce to them to what is concave and convex figure. Teach
If the shape has dents them also the going in hand gesture for concave and going out for
in it, it’s a concave convex figures. Use the presented figures for examples
Present them again the illustration and ask them if it is a concave
or a convex 2D figure
Use Math Skill Builder for practice which they have to color the
concave to red and blue for convex figures
Day 4: 12/06/18
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Let them play the concave and convex hand gestures using the
 Classify concave and hep2x hooray mechanics
convex 2D figures II.Interaction
*Firming Up
Review to them the difference between concave and convex 2D
Graduate Attributes/Related For examples, show them 2D figures and ask them if it is concave
Values: or convex
 God Centered III.Integration
Do you like the heart *Transfer
shape? Do you know it Each group of pupils will stand in front and they will do the :going
symbolize for love? in” hand gestures if the shown figure is concave and “going out”
(cite an example that gesture for convex figure
promote the love for *Evaluation
and of God) Use Math Skill Builder part A to check their understanding. Ask
them to color all the concave figures with blue and red for convex
Day 5: 12/07/18
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)

*Firming Up
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Graduate Attributes/Related *Deepen
Values:PAASCU ACCREDITED LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915
 III.Integration
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
Remarks: No Class due to the Teacher’s Congress

Prepared and Submitted by:

Ms.Cessandra Cosep Date:01 /07/19


Mr.Peter Rago
Subject Area Team Leader

Noted: Noted & Approved:

Mrs. Flordiliza M. Ocariza Sister Cecilia P. Varon, O.P.

Academic Services Coordinator School Director / Principal

Stage 3: Learning Plan

Day 1: 12/10/18
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)
 Draw the basic 2D To familiarize the figures .Let them watch and sing the video about
figures 2D figures
*Firming Up
For review,show them an illustration, name and number of sides of
Graduate Attributes/Related a figure and ask them to give its name or sides
Values: *Deepen
 Community Builder Instruct them on how they will draw and label the 2D figures in
Promote to them the their bond paper. Provide them a format to follow
value of sharing and III.Integration
returning properly the *Transfer
borrowed things from Ask them questions to help them visualize the 2D figures
their classmate “ How many sides are there in a circle, triangle, square, rectangle,
or pentagon?”
Ask them few questions related to their output upon receiving it
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
12/11/18 ACCREDITED LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915

I.Introduction Website: www.hrsp.com.ph

Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Let them watch, sing and dance the 3D figures video
Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
 Visualize the basic 3D II.Interaction
figure *Firming Up
Introduce the basic 3D figures using mockups and its definition
Present them again the figures one by one and ask them the things
Graduate Attributes/Related that represent the figure. Enumerate their answers on the board
Values: III.Integration
 Community Builder *Transfer
It’s not about you winning or Let them play the racing game in which the quickest player who
losing in the game. It’s about can name the showed 3D figures or things that represent a 3D
having fun and how you play figure will win the game
the game *Evaluation
Connect the name of the 2d figures in column A to the figures in
column B
Day 3: 12/12/18
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Let them watch, sing and dance again the 3D figures video for
 Visualize the basic 3D familiarization of the figures
figures II.Interaction
*Firming Up
Show them again the mock ups and ask them what figure it is
Graduate Attributes/Related Show them some things and ask them what 3D figure that it
Values: Represents. Then, ask them to get a thing that can be found inside
 Truth Seeker their classroom and also ask for what figure it represents
A 3D shape has length, III.Integration
width and height *Transfer
Show them the different 3D figures or read its definition. Then, ask
them to name it
Give them a short quiz (1-5 items only) for matching the figures to
the objects
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 4: 12/13/18 I.Introduction
Explore: Fax #: (032)273-1915
Learning To familiarize the figures .Let them watch and sing the video about
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Objectives/Competencies: 3D figures
 Draw the basic 2D II.Interaction Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
figures *Firming Up
For review, show them again the mock ups of some 3D shapes and
ask them to give its name
Graduate Attributes/Related Instruct them on how they will draw and label the 3D figures in
Values: their bond paper. Provide them a format to follow
 Community Builder III.Integration
Promote to them the *Transfer
value of sharing and Ask them questions to help them visualize the 2D figures
returning properly the “What 3D figure that looks like a party hat?”
borrowed things from *Evaluation
their classmate Ask them few questions related to their output upon receiving it
Day 5: 12/14/18
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)

*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related *Deepen

 III.Integration


Remarks: Dec. 14- No Class due to Culmination Day

Dec 17- Review day ( Only had review quiz and checking of
their answers
Dec.18-Unit Test
Dec 19- Christmas Party

Prepared and Submitted by:

Ms.Cessandra Cosep Date:01/07/19


Mr.Peter Rago
Subject Area Team Leader
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104


Noted: Noted & Approved:
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph

Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
Mrs. Flordiliza M. Ocariza Sister Cecilia P. Varon, O.P.
Academic Services Coordinator School Director / Principal

Stage 3: Learning Plan

Day 1: 01/07/19
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)

*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related *Deepen

 III.Integration

Remarks: No Class, only had the rechecking ,discussion of correct
answer per item ,recording and giving the scores of their unit test
Day 2: 01/08/19
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Show them number, letter and shape cards. Then, ask if how often
 Introduce the repeating they use it at home
patterns II.Interaction
*Firming Up
Give each pupil a number, letter or shape card. Then ask some of
Graduate Attributes/Related the pupils to stand in front to create a pattern
Values: *Deepen
 Truth Seeker Discuss to them on how to find the missing attribute of a repeating
Knowing how to recognize pattern. Tell them to observe what first attribute being repeated in
repeating patterns help pupils the pattern and where does it repeat
recognize cycles and it III.Integration
promotes logical thinking. *Transfer
Ask them to observe the pattern made in front. Then, let them try
to guess what shape, letter or number must come next. And for the
pupil holding the next shape, letter or number must stand in front also
to complete the pattern.
Let each pair complete the repeating pattern given to them
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 3: 01/09/19
LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Objectives/Competencies: Show them videos of repeating patterns for kids
 Determine the missing II.Interaction Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
term/s in a given *Firming Up
repeating pattern using Read the story in Math in Motion. Discuss the story by asking the
up to two attributes pupils where else they see patterns similar to what shown in the
Using the examples given in the Math Zone, discuss the concept of
repeating patterns
Graduate Attributes/Related III.Integration
Values: *Transfer
 Truth Seeker Provide them another repeating patterns and let the pupils find its
Knowing how to recognize missing attribute through board walk
repeating patterns help pupils *Evaluation
recognize cycles and it Use Skill Builder for practice on analyzing patterns and identifying
promotes logical thinking. the next object in the series. Guide the pupils in identifying the
attributes shown in each series

Day 4: 01/10/19 I.Introduction

Explore: (Motivation)
Learning Show them again the videos of repeating patterns for kids
Objectives/Competencies: II.Interaction
 Determine the missing *Firming Up
term/s in a given Post in the classroom pictures of artworks that show repeating
repeating pattern using patterns. Ask the class to look at all pictures then discuss their
up to two attributes observations
Teach them the technique on how to complete repeating patterns
easily by looking a certain object in the series and to where does it
Graduate Attributes/Related III.Integration
Values: *Transfer
 Truth Seeker Give each group an illustration board and let them write the
Pattern recognition can missing attribute for each presented repeating pattern
help them organize *Evaluation
sequence of events that Ask the pupils do part A of Math Skills Milestones to measure their
occur at regular skill on recognizing repeating patterns( 1 to 5 only)
intervals helping them Remarks:
predict the next thing
that will occur
Day 5: 01/11/19
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)
 Have a quiz repeating Show them the video clips for repeating patterns
pattern and let them II.Interaction
create one repeating *Firming Up
pattern Give them the instructions on how to answer the different parts of
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
the quiz
*Deepen Fax #: (032)273-1915
Graduate Attributes/Related Give quick discussions if necessary
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Values: III.Integration
 Truth Seeker *Transfer Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
Pattern recognition can Let them answer each example per part of the quiz
help them organize *Evaluation
sequence of events that Answer the review quiz for completing patterns
occur at regular
intervals helping them
predict the next thing
that will occur

Prepared and Submitted by:

Ms.Cessandra Cosep Date: 03/15/19


Mr.Peter Rago
Subject Area Team Leader

Noted: Noted & Approved:

Mrs. Flordiliza M. Ocariza Sister Cecilia P. Varon, O.P.

Academic Services Coordinator School Director / Principal

Stage 3: Learning Plan

Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 1: 01/14/19
LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Objectives/Competencies: Let them play addition and subtraction of one digit numbers using
 Introduce the the video Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
continuous patterns II.Interaction
*Firming Up
Review about the adding , subtracting and skip counting of
Graduate Attributes/Related numbers
Values: *Deepen
 Truth Seeker Share some easy continuous patterns to the class and discuss on
Knowing how to recognize how to know the next attribute. Then, introduce the concept of
repeating patterns help pupils increasing and decreasing pattern
recognize cycles and it III.Integration
promotes logical thinking. *Transfer
Using their tv, show more interesting continuous patterns and let
them answer it by pair in their papers.
To check their understanding, let them do the Math Skill Builder
Day 2: 01/15/19
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Show them videos of continuous patterns for kids
 Determine the missing II.Interaction
term/s in a given *Firming Up
repeating pattern using Read the story in Math in Motion. Ask them how patterns were
up to two attributes used in the story
Use examples given in Math Zone. Guide pupils in determining the
operation to use to solve the missing element in the series
III. Integration
Graduate Attributes/Related *Transfer
Values: Through group activity, let them try to make their own repeating
 Community Builder pattern with provided guide lines
Integrate the concept Ex. 1.Make a repeating pattern using the shapes heart , circle and
of having an open square
mind and respect for 2. Make repeating pattern using color red, blue and green
diversity 3. Make repeating pattern using numbers or letters
To determine pupil’s understanding of the lesson based on the
previous activities in class, use the items provided in the Skill
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 3: 01/16/19
LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Objectives/Competencies: Show them the videos of continuous patterns for kids
 Determine the missing II.Interaction Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
term/s in a given *Firming Up
continous pattern Review the technique on how to add and subtract numbers easily.
using up to two Then, provide some examples for continuous patterns
attributes *Deepen
Teach them the technique on how to solve continuous patterns
easily by observing the relation of the first attribute to the second
Graduate Attributes/Related and what operation is being used in the pattern
 Truth Seeker III.Integration
Pattern recognition *Transfer
promotes critical Through boardwalk, let them find the missing attribute of each
thinking and helps continuous pattern
pupils improve their *Evaluation
ability to organize For practice let them do the Math Skill Builder part A (1 to 5
physical objects only)
Day 4: 01/17/19
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)
 Have a review quiz Show them the video clips for continuous pattern
continuous pattern and II.Interaction
*Firming Up
Give them the instructions on how to answer the different parts of
the quiz
Graduate Attributes/Related *Deepen
Values: Give quick discussions if necessary
 Truth Seeker III.Integration
Pattern recognition *Transfer
promotes higher-order Let them answer each example per part of the quiz
thinking and logical *Evaluation
thinking Answer the review quiz for completing continuous pattern

Remarks: No Class, only had the review quiz

Day 5: 01/18/19
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)

*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related *Deepen

 III.Integration
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104


*Evaluation Fax #: (032)273-1915

Remarks: No Class, HRSP Sinulog Website: www.hrsp.com.ph

Prepared and Submitted by: Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage

Ms.Cessandra Cosep Date: 03/15/19


Mr.Peter Rago
Subject Area Team Leader

Noted: Noted & Approved:

Mrs. Flordiliza M. Ocariza Sister Cecilia P. Varon, O.P.

Academic Services Coordinator School Director / Principal

Stage 3: Learning Plan

Day 1: 01/21/19
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)

*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related *Deepen

 III.Integration

Remarks: No Class
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 2:01/21/19
LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Objectives/Competencies: Show them the video clips for continuous pattern
 Have a review quiz for II.Interaction Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
repeating patterns *Firming Up
Give them the instructions on how to answer the different parts of
the quiz
Graduate Attributes/Related Give quick discussions if necessary
Values: III.Integration
 *Transfer
Let them answer each example per part of the quiz
Answer the review quiz for completing continuous pattern
Remarks: No Class, only had the review quiz
Day 3: 01/22/19
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
 II.Interaction
*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related
Values: III.Integration
 *Transfer

Remarks: 1st day of Third Periodical exam
Day 4: 01/23/19
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
 II.Interaction
*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related
Values: III.Integration
 *Transfer

Remarks: 2nd day of Third Periodical exam
Day 5: 01/24/19
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)

*Firming Up
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104

Attributes/Related II
*Deepen Fax #: (032)273-1915
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
 III.Integration
*Transfer Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage

Remarks: No Class, only had the rechecking ,discussion of correct
answer per item ,recording and giving the scores of their 3 rd periodical

Prepared and Submitted by:

Ms.Cessandra Cosep Date:03 /15/19


Mr.Peter Rago
Subject Area Team Leader

Noted: Noted & Approved:

Mrs. Flordiliza M. Ocariza Sister Cecilia P. Varon, O.P.

Academic Services Coordinator School Director / Principal

UNIT LEARNING PLAN in (Math / Grade 1)

Quarter : FOURTH
S.Y. 2018 – 2019

Bible Verse: For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-
discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7

Stage 1: Desired Results

Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of time and non-standards units of length, mass
and capacity
Performance Standards is able to apply knowledge of time and non-standard measures of length,
mass, and capacity in mathematical problems and real- life situations.
Transfer Goals The learners can exhibit mastery in measuring the days of the week, months
of the year, time, length, mass and capacity

Graduate Attributes Truth Seeker and Community Builder

Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104

Fairness, Justice, Accuracy, Responsibility, Honesty,Fax
and Inquisitive
#: (032)273-1915

Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Meaning Making
Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage

Essential Question What are some tools you use when doing measurement?
Why is it important to know how to measure?
Essential Understanding Weighing scales and balance scales are used to measure and compare the
mass of objects. Meanwhile, ruler, tape measure, and retractable meter for
Knowing the days of the week and the months of the year will help them
keep track of the activities that they need to do every week.
They need to know to differentiate the different units to identify which is
appropriate for measuring specific attribute

Students will know…

 Main Topic: Measuring the days of the week, months of the year time, length, mass and
 Sub topics: capacity

Students will be skilled Knowing how to measure days of the week, months of the year time, length,
at… mass and capacity meaningfully and effectively
 LC in ‘–ing’ form

Allotted Time / Date 40 mins / Monday to Friday

References / Materials Math in Action 1 Textbook

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence
Performance Task: (Summative Assessment)
Pupils will be able to apply their learning about measurements of the days of the week, months of the
year time, length, mass and capacity through making outputs and solving real-life mathematical problems

Mini-Performance Task: (Formative Assessment)

Pupils will use their understanding in performing and answering questions involving measurements the
days of the week, months of the year time, length, mass and capacity in oral recitation, group
participation and written examination.

Appendices & Rubrics

Performance Task (Summative) Mini Task (Formative)
Criteria Very Good Fair
Good (4pts) (3pts) Correct answers will be given appropriate points
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104


Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Stage 3: Learning Plan
Day 1: 01/28/19 Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)

*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related *Deepen

 III.Integration


Remarks: No Class, Personnel’s Day

Day 2:01/29/19
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Show them pictures of common different daily activities of a
 Introduce the days of primary pupil. Then, ask them related questions
the week Ex.” Do you also have physical activities in school during
Graduate Attributes/Related *Firming Up
Values: Introduce the days of the week using a calendar
 Servant Leader *Deepen
“How do you spend Present to them the teacher’s daily plan activities using illustrations
your time wisely?” III.Integration
Group the pupils into seven and they have to do the presented tasks
on the board through pantomime activity
Ex. “ Monday Group- studying in the school”
What are the days of the week?
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 3: 01/30/19
LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Objectives/Competencies: Let them sing the days of the week song
 Tells the days of the II.Interaction Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
week in the right order *Firming Up
Show them a calendar and ask who among them can already read a
calendar? Then, give a short overview about its used and introduce
the days of the week
Graduate Attributes/Related *Deepen
Values: Let them read the days of the week for familiarization and ask the
 God Centered common activities they do in different days
Do you pray every III.Integration
day? Why do we need *Transfer
to pray every day? On the board, write the days of the week and let them arrange it by
writing numbers 1 to 7
For practice, let them do the Math Skill Builder
Day 4: 01/31/19
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Let them sing again the days of the week song
 Make an output for II.Interaction
their daily life routines *Firming Up
Using the cards with written days of the week, let them read for the
familiarization of the spelling and its proper order
Graduate Attributes/Related Give them the instructions on what to do for their output which
Values: they have to draw their usual activities in each day of the week
 Community Builder III.Integration
How can you help the *Transfer
people around you Let them make their output and guide them if necessary
every day? *Evaluation
Ask few questions related to their output upon receiving it
Day 5: 02/01/19
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)

*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related *Deepen

 III.Integration

Remarks: No Class, Math Culmination Day
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104

and Submitted by: LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915

Website: www.hrsp.com.ph

Ms.Cessandra Cosep Date:03 /15/19 Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage


Mr.Peter Rago
Subject Area Team Leader

Noted: Noted & Approved:

Mrs. Flordiliza M. Ocariza Sister Cecilia P. Varon, O.P.

Academic Services Coordinator School Director / Principal

Stage 3: Learning Plan

Day 1: 02/04/19
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)
 Tells the days of the Let them sing again the days of the week song for familiarization
week in right order of its proper order and spelling
*Firming Up
Using the textbook, ask the pupils to read the story problem in
Graduate Attributes/Related Math in Motion to start the activity
Values: *Deepen
 Truth Seeker Show them numbers 1 to 7 only and let them identify what day of
Knowing the days of the week it represents
the week and their III.Integration
correct order will help *Transfer
them keep track of the Pair them up. Then, explain to them the activity which they have to
activities they need to say the day as they hop per number placed on the floor. The teacher
do every week. will just say what day they will stop.
What is the 1st, 2nd, 3rd , 4th, 5th , 6th or 7th day of the week?
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 2: 02/05/19
LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
 II.Interaction Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related
Values: III.Integration
 *Transfer

Remarks: No Class, Chinese New Year
Day 3: 02/06/19
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Let them sing another days of the week videoclip
 Solve problems II.Interaction
involving days of the *Firming Up
week Present to them a real life situational problem involving days of the
week. Then, ask follow up questions
Show them a chart of the days of the week that are arranged
Graduate Attributes/Related according to the calendar. Teach them the use of “before and after” in
Values: determining the correct day in the problems involving the days of the
 God Centered week
What do you do in III.Integration
times you are in *Transfer
trouble? (promote God Use the number line to help them visualize in answering the
centeredness) following problems
Ex. “What is the day before Monday?”
“What is 3 days after Thursday?”
For practice, let them answer the Math Skill Builder
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 4: 02/07/19
LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Objectives/Competencies: Show them the video clips for the days of the week
 Have a long quiz for II.Interaction Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
the days of the week *Firming Up
Give them the instructions on how to answer the different parts of
the quiz
Graduate Attributes/Related Give quick discussions if necessary
Values: III.Integration
 *Transfer
Let them answer each example per part of the quiz
Answer the review quiz for the days of the week
Day 5: 02/08/19
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)
 Tell the days of the Let them sing again the days of the week song
week in the right II.Interaction
order *Firming Up
Put numbers 1 to 7 on the floor and tell to the pupils the
mechanics of the game
Graduate Attributes/Related Explain and demonstrate to them that they have to follow the
Values: teacher in what day to stop. Then, they have to tell the name of the day
 Community Builder as they hop from the 1st number.
Promote the III.Integration
importance of *Transfer
teamwork Pair them and let them do the game. Tell them to what day they
will stop
Ex. “ Start hopping going to Friday”

Remarks: No assessment, only had the game activity for the mastery of
the days of the week

Prepared and Submitted by:

Ms.Cessandra Cosep Date: 03/15/19


Mr.Peter Rago
Subject Area Team Leader

Noted: Noted & Approved:

Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104


Mrs. Flordiliza M. Ocariza Sister Cecilia P. Varon, O.P.
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Academic Services Coordinator School Director / Principal
Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage

Stage 3: Learning Plan

Day 1: 02/11/19
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)
 Tell the months of the Let them watch a video clip for the months of Year. Then, ask
Year in right order “When is your birthday?”
*Firming Up
Introduce the months of the year give specific famous event for
Graduate Attributes/Related each month
Values: *Deepen
 Truth Seeker Using tag boards, let them play a game which they have to read the
Knowing the months of the different months of the year
year can help pupils III.Integration
understand and appreciate *Transfer
different historical or Show them numbers 1 to 12 and let them try to identify to what
religious celebrations month of the year it represents
For short group quiz, let them arrange the months of the year by
writing the numbers 1 to12
Day 2: 02/12/19
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Let them sing the months of the year song
 Tell the months of the II.Interaction
year in right order *Firming Up
Read the class the poem in Math Zone. Then, ask follow questions
and give short recap of previous lesson
Graduate Attributes/Related Taught different techniques to remember the number of days in each
Values: month such as the use of their knuckles
 Truth Seeker III.Integration
Knowing the months of the *Transfer
year can help pupils Let them read the 12 months of the year using tag boards. Then,
understand and appreciate after let them paste it in proper order on the board
different historical or *Evaluation
religious celebrations To measure pupils’ knowledge and understanding, let them do the
Math Skill Builder
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 3: 02/13/19
LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Objectives/Competencies: Show them a calendar and ask who among them already know how
 Determine the day or to read a calendar properly Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
the month using a II.Interaction
calendar *Firming Up
Explain to them the use of calendar and how to use it. Then, ask
them to locate their birthday and what day does it fall
Graduate Attributes/Related To deepen the pupils’ understanding of the different months of the
Values: year as well as telling the exact dates from the calendar, use the
 Servant Leader examples given in Math Zone. Then, integrate the concept from the
It can help pupils previous lesson
anticipate upcoming events III.Integration
and plans ahead for *Transfer
different activities every Let them find to what day of the week does their birthday fall using
month their calendars
For a short quiz, let them answer 5 items for telling the day of the
Day 4: 02/14/19
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: For familiarization, let them sing again the months of the year song
 Determine the day or II.Interaction
the month using a *Firming Up
calendar Give them famous catholic dates and let them guess what specific
event being celebrated on each given dates
Ask them to use their calendars to know the day of the following
Graduate Attributes/Related given dates. Also, ask them what is the most important date in their life
Values: and why
 God Centered III.Integration
Be mindful of the most *Transfer
important dates for Ask them to determine the day of some important catholic dates
Catholics and why it is *Evaluation
being celebrated To measure pupil’s knowledge and understanding of the use of a
calendar, use part A of Math Skills Milestones
Day 5: 02/15/19
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)
 Tell the month of the Let them sing again the months of the year
year in the right II.Interaction
order *Firming Up
Put numbers 1 to 12 on the floor and tell to the pupils the
mechanics of the game
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Graduate Attributes/Related Explain and demonstrate to them that they have to follow the
Values:PAASCU ACCREDITED teacherLEVELinII what month to stop. Then, they have to(032)273-1915
Fax #: tell the name of the
 Community Builder month as they hop from the 1 number.
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Promote the III.Integration
importance of *Transfer Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
teamwork Pair them and let them do the game. Tell them to what month they
will stop
Ex. “ Start hopping going to September”

Remarks: No assessment, only had the game activity for the mastery of
the months of the year

Prepared and Submitted by:

Ms.Cessandra Cosep Date: 03/15/19


Mr.Peter Rago
Subject Area Team Leader

Noted: Noted & Approved:

Mrs. Flordiliza M. Ocariza Sister Cecilia P. Varon, O.P.

Academic Services Coordinator School Director / Principal

Stage 3: Learning Plan

Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 1: 02/18/19
Learning LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
 Have a review quiz for Show them the video clips for the days of the week
the days of the week II.Interaction Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
*Firming Up
Give them the instructions on how to answer the different parts of
the quiz
Graduate Attributes/Related *Deepen
Values: Give quick discussions if necessary
 Servant Leader III.Integration
Promote the value of *Transfer
honesty Let them answer each example per part of the quiz
Answer the review quiz for days of the week

Day 2: 02/19/19
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)
 Have a review quiz for Show them the video clips for the months of the year
the months of the year II.Interaction
*Firming Up
Give them the instructions on how to answer the different parts of
the quiz
Graduate Attributes/Related *Deepen
Values: Give quick discussions if necessary
 Servant Leader *Transfer
Promote the value of Let them answer each example per part of the quiz
honesty *Evaluation
Answer the review quiz for months of the year
Day 3: 02/20/19
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
 II.Interaction
*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related
Values: III.Integration
 *Transfer

Remarks: No Class, First Day of Fourth Mastery Test
Day 4: 02/21/19
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104

LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915
*Firming Up
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph

Graduate Attributes/Related *Deepen Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage

 III.Integration

Remarks: No Class, Second Day of Fourth Mastery Test

Day 5: 02/22/19
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)

*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related *Deepen

 III.Integration

Remarks: No Class, only had the rechecking of correct answer per item
and recording of their scores

Prepared and Submitted by:

Ms.Cessandra Cosep Date: 03/15/19


Mr.Peter Rago
Subject Area Team Leader

Noted: Noted & Approved:

Mrs. Flordiliza M. Ocariza Sister Cecilia P. Varon, O.P.

Academic Services Coordinator School Director / Principal

Stage 3: Learning Plan

Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 1: 02/25/19
Learning LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph

II.Interaction Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related *Deepen

 III.Integration

Remarks: No Class, Holiday
Day 2: 02/26/19
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Show them an analog clock and ask who among them already
 Introduce the analog know how to read the time using the analog clock
clock and its use II.Interaction
*Firming Up
Introduce the parts of the analog clock and its functions. Use hand
gestures if necessary in representing its parts
Graduate Attributes/Related Teach them how to read the clock through hour hand
Values: III.Integration
 Truth Seeker *Transfer
The little hand of the Show them an interactive video which they have to tell the time by
clock shows the hours hour
while big hand shows *Evaluation
the minutes. Using Use Math Skill Builder for practice
both hands let us know
exactly the time Remarks:
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 3: 02/27/19
LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Objectives/Competencies: Let them sing the my daily tick tock song
 Tell time through II.Interaction Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
o’clock *Firming Up
Review the different parts of an analog clock and its use. Then, do
the gestures again for better retention
Graduate Attributes/Related Let them answer again the interactive video for telling time through
Values: o’clock
 Truth Seeker III.Integration
The little hand of the *Transfer
clock shows the hours Let them use their clock and ask them to set a specific time in
while big hand shows o’clock
the minutes. Using *Evaluation
both hands let us know Through pair activity, ask them to get a piece of paper from a box
exactly the time which with written time and let them set the time using their paper
Day 4: 02/28/19
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: Show them a video clip about singing and dancing the 5 minutes
 Read the minute hand intervals in the clock
by 5 intervals II.Interaction
*Firming Up
Let them complete the given sequence of numbers which are
skipped count by 5 .Then, review the function of the minute hand
Graduate Attributes/Related of the clock.
Values: *Deepen
 Truth Seeker Show an illustration of a big analog clock. Teach them how to properly
Every day, most of the count the minute in the clock. Then, Let them do again the hand
activities needed to be gestures for representing each 5 minutes interval in the clock
done by the pupils are III.Integration
bounded by time. *Transfer
Group them into 5.Then, conduct the human clock in which they
are going to represent the minute of a clock through hand gestures
“Show 15 minutes”
They will position their hands perpendicularly

Remarks: No assessment, only had the group activity

Day 5: 03/01/19
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)
 Read the minute hand Show them again the video clip for singing and dancing the 5
by 5 intervals minutes intervals in the clock
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
*Firming Up
PAASCU ACCREDITED LEVEL GiveIIa short recap about the functions of
Faxeach part of an analog
#: (032)273-1915
Graduate Attributes/Related clock
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Values: *Deepen
 Truth Seeker Emphasize the important keys to remember upon www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
Facebook: reading an analog
Every day, most of the clock properly
activities needed to be 1. Read the hour hand before the minute hand
done by the pupils are 2. 1 to 12 for hour and 0 to 60 for minutes
bounded by time. III.Integration
Paste clocks on the blackboard and ask them to tell the minutes of
each clock
For practice, Let them do the Math Skill Builder

Prepared and Submitted by:

Ms.Cessandra Cosep Date: 03/15/19


Mr.Peter Rago
Subject Area Team Leader

Noted: Noted & Approved:

Mrs. Flordiliza M. Ocariza Sister Cecilia P. Varon, O.P.

Academic Services Coordinator School Director / Principal

Stage 3: Learning Plan

Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 1: 03/04/19
Learning LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
 Tell and write time Show them again the video clip for singing and dancing the 5
using an analog clock minutes intervals in the clock .Then, ask Facebook:
them why is it important
to know on how to read the time in the clock
*Firming Up
Graduate Attributes/Related Show them the hand gestures for hour and minute hand and ask its
Values: maximum quantities and what to be read first
 Truth Seeker Examples:
Knowing how to tell 1st – hour/short hand ( 1 to 12)
and measure time will 2nd - minute/long hand ( 1 to 60)
help the pupils make *Deepen
use of their time Teach them how to read clock properly by providing them
wisely and plan their examples
daily schedule of III.Integration
activities *Transfer
Group the pupils by 5.Then, let them stand in front to set the clocks
on the board into specific given time
Remarks: No assessment, only had the group activity
Day 2: 03/05/19
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Objectives/Competencies: For familiarization, show them again the video clip for singing
 Tell and write time and dancing the 5 minutes intervals in the clock
using an analog clock II.Interaction
*Firming Up
Review the important things to remember in reading an analog
Graduate Attributes/Related *Deepen
Values: Provide them examples on how to read time using the paper clocks
 Truth Seeker III.Integration
Knowing how to tell *Transfer
and measure time will Give each of them a clock and ask them to set different time. And
help the pupils make for who can set his/ her clock first correctly will be given an
use of their time incentive
wisely and plan their *Evaluation
daily schedule of To check pupil’s understanding, let them do the Math Skill Builder
activities Part A
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 3: 03/06/19
LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
Objectives/Competencies: Let the pupils play the longest line game to introduce the concept
 Estimate and measure of measuring length Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
lengths using II.Interaction
nonstandard and *Firming Up
standard units of linear Show them a ruler and a meter stick. Then, let them differentiate it
measure and introduce the basic length measuring units
1. Ask the pupils to do actual measurements in class, include
estimations. After measuring, ask the pupils to compare its
Graduate Attributes/Related measurements.
Values: 2. Discuss the concept of basic units of measurement( m and cm)
 Truth Seeker III.Integration
Knowing how to *Transfer
measure or estimate Show different illustrations of things and ask them what proper
length will help the unit of measurement to be used for each given pictures
pupils to compare *Evaluation
objects meaningfully Let them identify the appropriate unit of measurement to be used
and effectively of the five given 5 objects in their quiz notebook
Day 4: 03/07/19

Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)
 Compare objects using Read the story in Math in Motion. Discuss in class the method used
the basic units of by the characters to measure the objects
measurement( cm and II.Interaction
m) *Firming Up
Give a short recap of the previous lesson
Provide them illustrations of objects and let them compare its
Graduate Attributes/Related Length. Then, differentiate meter and centimeter
Values: III.Integration
 Truth Seeker *Transfer
They need to know Write a table with two columns (cm and m). Then ask them to
how to differentiate classify the given pictures of object by putting it to the proper
the different units to column
identify which is *Evaluation
appropriate for Use the three sets of activities provided in Skill Builder
measuring lengths Remarks:
Day 5: 03/08/19
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)
 Convert cm to m or Show them a video clip about basic conversion of length
vice versa II.Interaction
*Firming Up
Pair them up. Then, ask them to measure the given objects using
the ruler and meter stick. Then, arrange their measurements into a
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Graduate Attributes/Related table for better comparison
*Deepen Fax #: (032)273-1915
 Truth Seeker Discuss the concept of converting the measurement of lengths and
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
They need to know teach them the technique on how to convert cm to m or vice versa
how to differentiate easily Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
the different units to III.Integration
identify which is *Transfer
appropriate for Let them try to convert units of length through answering the given
measuring lengths examples on the board
Use part A of Math Skills Milestones to evaluate pupil’s
measuring skill

Prepared and Submitted by:

Ms.Cessandra Cosep Date: 03/15/19


Mr.Peter Rago
Subject Area Team Leader

Noted: Noted & Approved:

Mrs. Flordiliza M. Ocariza Sister Cecilia P. Varon, O.P.

Academic Services Coordinator School Director / Principal

Stage 3: Learning Plan

Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 1: 03/11/19
Learning LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
 Have a review quiz for Show them the video clips for measuring time and length
measuring time and II.Interaction Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
length *Firming Up
Give them the instructions on how to answer the different parts of
the quiz
Graduate Attributes/Related Give quick discussions if necessary
Values: III.Integration
 Servant Leader *Transfer
Promote the value of Let them answer each example per part of the quiz
honesty *Evaluation
Answer the review quiz for measuring time and length
Day 2: 03/12/19
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
 II.Interaction
*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related
Values: III.Integration
 *Transfer

Remarks: First Day of Fourth Periodical Test
Day 3: 03/13/19
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
 II.Interaction
*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related
Values: III.Integration
 *Transfer

Remarks: Second day of Fourth Periodical Test
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104
Day 4: 03/14/19
LEVEL II Fax #: (032)273-1915
Learning Explore: (Motivation)
Website: www.hrsp.com.ph
 II.Interaction Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage
*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related
Values: III.Integration
 *Transfer

Remarks: No Class for Grade 1
Day 5: 03/15/19
Learning I.Introduction
Objectives/Competencies: Explore: (Motivation)

*Firming Up

Graduate Attributes/Related *Deepen

 III.Integration


Remarks: No Class
March 18 to 22 – No Class

Prepared and Submitted by:

Ms.Cessandra Cosep Date: 03/15/19


Mr.Peter Rago
Subject Area Team Leader

Noted: Noted & Approved:

Mrs. Flordiliza M. Ocariza Sister Cecilia P. Varon, O.P.

Academic Services Coordinator School Director / Principal
Holy Rosary School of Pardo J. Tabura St., El Pardo,

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Basic Education Department
Tel #: (032) 273-1915, 272-4104


Website: www.hrsp.com.ph

Facebook: www.facebook.com/hrsp.officialpage

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