Language Choice Pre-Intermediate
Language Choice Pre-Intermediate
Language Choice Pre-Intermediate
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Module 1 Time Module 7 Health
1 Tíme prepositions 3 34 Talking about health 57
2 Collocations: Routines 3 35 Confusing words (e.g. octuollylnow) 59
3 Makíng adjectives (windy etc.) 4 36 wi/1 and won't 60
4 Present Simple and Continuous 6 37 wi/1, rnoy and be going to 60
5 Present Simple and Continuous 6 38 Collocations: Accidents 62
6 Collocations: Races 8 Module 8 Nature
Module 2 Fun 39 Compounds: Environment 65
7 Preferences (e.g. l like ...) 11 40 Future Conditional 66
8 Present Perfect (1): irregular verbs 12 4 1 Multi-part verbs (3) (e.g. fight bock) 68
9 Present Perfect (1) 12 42 Pronoun: it 68
10 Opinions: think thot 14 4 3 oll, most, rnony, sorne, no/none 69
11 Modifiers (e.g. very) 14 44 al/, rnost, rnony, sorne, nolnone 69
12 sorne, ony, no, o lot ot o few, o little 15 Module 9 Flight
Module 3 Money 45 Prepositions (e.g. by bike) 75
32 Multi-part verbs (2) (e.g. turn onloff) so 65 Reporting advice, orders and requests 105
Present Continuous
Making adjectives
beautifullsuccessfullwonderfuf I am living in London.
famousl odventurous You/ We/ They are caoking lunch.
aristocraticlhistoric He/ She is practising yago.
dailyl windylf riendlylfunny
/'m nor laughing.
You/ We/ Th ey are not learning to dance.
Present Simple and Continuous
._ is not working now.
We use the Present Simple to talk about: Questions Short answers
• habits and activities we do regularly. --
Are you having dinner? Yes, I am. I No. I am not.
I go to yoga classes twice a week.
Is hel she having a good time? Yes. hel she is. I No. hel she isn't.
Do you meet your friends regular/y?
Where are you goingJ
He doesn't work hard.
• present states. feelings and opinions.
Collocations: Races
He wants to become vegetarían.
Does she know thot fast f ood is unheal thy? cyclingl runnmgl swimmingl rriathlon. roadl track race
We don't hove a garden. mountain bikel swimming event
100 metres/200 me tres sprint (athlet,cs)
Time expressions: always. o/ten usual/y,
breas ts ero el backstrokel crawll f reestyle (sw,mming)
regular/y sometimes. never
mounraml rood bike cycling helmet
swimming capl goggles
running s oes, s, or s
O Prf'f r f'nr<''i ( 1) Complete the description . ~ Opinions. think that Use the cues in bra
complete the sentences. ckets to
1 111ve, y active pcrson and I rea lly like I doina
"Pº' t I c njoy <' football and ten nis and l'm 1 1 think that chess is borina (chess I bo .
1c,1lly • doini;: gymnastics. l'm also crea tive 2 1 don't think _ _ __ _ _ (board rrng).
garnes ¡
,111d I likr ·1 _ t he piano and singing. 1 also like very interesting).
coins .ind st amps but l'm 6_ _ into playing 3 1think _ __ _ _ (photography I fant .
110,11 d gamcs li ke chess. They're really boringl 4 1don't think that _ __ _ _ (yoga ast1c).
1 enjoy ' _ computer games and I do it 8 _ _ very exciting).
night after dinner. l'd like to q _ _ yoga and also 5 1 think that _ _ _ _ _ _ (free running
try ''1_ _ model aeroplanes. challenging).
6 1 don't think _ _ __ _ (making rnodel
Pref erences (1) Modifiers
Verb + noun Modifiers come before adjectives or adverbs:
/ m into chess. That game is very good.
m not into board games. I play it very we/1.
, /1ke sport.
General adject ives
don't /ike yoga.
lt is quite interesting.
enj oy computer games.
lt is very good.
Jon't enjoy gymnastics.
lt is rea/ly nice.
erb + -ing
Negative adjectives
m real/y into acting. lt is quite difficult.
: m not into collecting stamps. lt is very boring.
1 like p/aying chess.
lt is a bit long.
I don't like singing.
lt is really bad.
/ enjoy playing computer games.
I don't enjoy making things. Strong adjectives
lt is rea/ly fantastic.
would like + to try + -inglnoun lt is abso/ute/y terrible.
/'d /ike to try making jewellery.
/'d /ike to try yoga.
some, any, no, a lot o/, a few, a little
every We use:
I play chess every weekend. • sorne with uncountable and countable plural
1do it every Saturday. nouns, usually in affirmative sentences.
There are sorne good museums in Barcelona.
Present Perfect (1) /'ve got sorne new CDs.
We still hove sorne time.
We use the Present Perfect to talk about past
actions when we can see their consequences now: • any with uncountable and countable plural
/'ve had lunch. (so now l'm not hungry) nouns, usually in questions and negative
She hasn't come. (so now we are worried about her) sentences.
We've /ost the key. (so now I can't open the door) Do you hove any biscuits?
I don't eat any meat.
Form: Subject + hove/has+ 3rd form of the verb (see Are there any foreign students in your class?
Irregular Verb List p.115) I don't need any help.
1hove had lunch.
He hasn't had lunch. • no with uncountable and countable plural nouns.
Hove they had lunch? There are no girls here.
I hove no money.
Opinions: think that • a /ot of with uncountable and countable
plural nouns.
lt is very boring.
We know a /ot of people.
1think (that) it is very boring.
He eats a lot of fatty food.
lt's not very interesting.
1don't think (that) it's very interesting. • a few with countable plural nouns.
/'d like a few apples.
/'ve got a few good friends.
• a little with uncountable nouns.
Give me a little time!
We've gota little money.
~ l olio< ,1 t1 om Moncy Complete the description.
'° Present Perfect (2): ever, never, already, yet
Choose the correct adverbs to complete the
1·111 ve1y good '..willl. money. 1 1_ _ no pocket dialogue.
J week. 1 do a part-time 4 _ _ , too at
the weekPnds and 1 ··- - f3O a week. l'm quite
A: Have you found a holiday job 10/reodyfyeg
care ful and I " __ about ESO a month and B: No, 1 haven't. 1 have 2 everlnever looked for a
always pul it in my bank '- - . 1 usually º- - holiday job before. lt's not easy.
money on cosmetics but I don't spend a lot of A: 1 have 3 o/reody/yet found a job ata restaurant. 1
money 'l_ _ clothes. 1 enjoy shopping 10 _ _ can ask them. Maybe they need more people.
shopping centres beca use there is a lot of choice. B: 1 have 4 everl never worked in a restau rant.
A: Well l haven't done any cooking 5never/yet,
~ Quantities Complete the sentences. either! But l'm sure it's easy. Have you 6 ever/
a/reody helped your mother in t he kitchen? lt 's
1 1 bought a really cool JltllL of sunglasses anda
the same.
new _ _ of shoes yesterday.
2 1 always get my mum a _ _ of chocolates and
a _ _ of flowers on her birthday.
a> Collocations: Products Complete the sentences.
3 1 had a _ _ of money last month so I bought a 1 Maybe they're very healthy but I don't like fruit
_ _ of aftershave for my boyfriend. and _ _ _ . 1 love meat!
4 1 was really hungry and thirsty so I bought a 2 1 never buy _ _ _ clothes, like Calvin Klein
_ _ of peanuts and a _ _ of water. jeans, because they're expensive.
5 At the weekend, we bought lots of food and 3 My sister has just had her ears pierced so 1
sorne _ _ of cola and hada _ _ of fun ata bought her sorne silver _ _ _ atan - - -
friend 's house. and crafts shop in town.
4 La Boqueria market in Barcelona has gota
~ Present Perfect (2) Complete the sentences fantastic selection of _ _ _ and seafood but
with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. the Grand Bazaar in lstanbul has got more herbs
and _ __
1 Hove vou bouaht (you / buy) a birthday
present for Eva? 5 1 bought a second-hand _ _ _ jacket in the
2 I _ _ _ (not earn) any money in my lite. market. lt was quite expensive but it goes with
3 My parents _ _ _ (not see) The Lord of the my black boots.
Rings. 6 1 bought sorne _ _ _ clothes ata charity shop
4 _ _ _ (your dad / sell) his car? at the weekend. 1 gota _ _ _ scarf for fZ
5 My sister _ __ (give) her wedding dress to ªnd ª - -- blouse for ES. They are nearly
a charity shop. new and are in very good condition.
6 The rain _ _ _ (stop). We can go out.
7 1 know Mary. We _ _ _ (meet) a few times.
8 Don't worry. The exam _ _ _ (not start) yet.
9 _ _ _ (you / be) to ltaly? What are ltalians like?
10 1 _ _ _ (read) this magazine. You can take it.
Collocations: Money ever, never, already, yet
/'m quite good with money. We often use the Present Perfect with these
/'m very bad with money. time expressions:
/ get ten pounds a week pocket money. They've already bought the tickets far tonight.
I earn thirty pounds a week from a part-time job. (affirmative sentences)
Ido a part-time job. Hove you heard the news yet? She hasn't come back
I save fil teen paunds a month. yet. (questions and negative sentences)
/ don't save any money. Hove you ever slept on the beach? (questions)
I put fifteen pounds into my bank account. He has never travelled by plane. (negative sentences)
I spend money on clothes.
I don't spend money on fo ad. Collocations: Products
I enjoy shopping at street markets.
I buy second-hand clothes and books. Words that go together + ond
There are good places to buy food and drink at
the Boqueria Market in Barcelona and the fruit and
vegetables are fantastic.
a bit of advicel informationlfun//ucklmoney We bought our Christmas turkey at the meat and
(any uncountable noun) poultry section of our local market.
a bottle of perfumelaftershavelwaterloronge juicel The fish and seafood in Spain is fantastic.
milk/cola (liquid) lndian food uses a lot of herbs and spices.
a box of chocolateslmatches There is a new arts and crafts shop in town with /ove/y
a bouquet of roseslflowers si/ver and gold earrings.
a can of colallemonadelbeans (a/so- 'a tin of beons'
etc.) Other collocations
a packet of crispslbiscuitslsweetslchewing guml Designer c/othes are too expensive and I buy second-
peanuts hand clothes in charity shops.
a pair of jeansl socks/sunglasses/glasses/trousersl You can buy men's and women's clothes in that shop.
shoes That shop se/Is cheap electronic goods and I bought
my MP3 player there.
Present Perfect (2) You can buy antique books and furniture at
Portobello Market in London.
We use the Present Perfect to talk about past
actions and experiences if we do not know or are not Materials
interested in exactly when they happened: With money from Christmas, I bought a second-hand
/'ve visited Prague a f ew times. leather jacket, a silk seor/, a cotton b/ouse and sorne
Hove you seen The Birds by Hitchcock? nice si/ver earrings.
She hasn't been abroad.
We've finished the project.
My mother has travelled al/ over the world.
Hove you worked in a shop befare?
Hove you had lunch?
I haven't seen Tom far a long time.
He hasn't read today's papers.
a? l :i 1'1g .,bout book" and fil ms Complete the ~ Multi-part verbs (1) Complete the multi-part
verbs in the description.
book review.
One of rny 1 novels is The Blind Assassin. Last year, we weílt on holiday to Cornwall. The
lt is , _ Margaret Atwood, one of my favourite bus 1 picked us up from outside our house and
writers. lt is long but it is never 3_ _ and I could we 2_ _ to the hotel that afternooíl. The next
not stop read ing it. The story 4 _ _ place in a day, we weílt Oíl aíl excursioíl to Kiílg Arthur's
town in Canada. lt is 5 _ _ two sisters, Iris and castle and carne 3_ _ to the hotel late. Oíl
Laura. Laura meets a young man, falls in lave with Thursday, we went Oíl a boat trip to watch dolphins
him and 6 _ _ dies mysteriously. aíld 4_ _ to the port wheíl it was getting dark.
Suddeílly, we saw a very large whale aíld took
~ Past Si mple and Continuous Complete the text photos of it before it weílt 5_ _ • lt was the best
with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. momeílt of the holiday. We 6_ _ back home t wo
We 1 were drivinq (drive} home after a party in days later.
Decernber when we 2_ _ _ _ (see} a young
woman near the local school. lt 3- - -- ~ Present Perfect and Past Simple Complete the
(rain} but she 4 _ _ _ _ (not have} a coat. She sentences with the correct forms of the verbs
_ _ __ (wear} a white dress. She 6- - - - in brackets.
(look) lost so 17_ _ __ (stop} and ª--- - 1 1 met (meet) my first boyfrieíld Oíl a summer
(offer} her a lift. She 9 _ __ _ (not say} anything camp.
but she 10_ _ __ (get} into the car. A few 2 l'm worried about Giíla. She _ _ _ (ílever /
minutes later, when we 11 _ _ __ (pass) the be) so late before.
cemetery, she suddenly 12_ _ _ _ (disappear}.
3 Your granddad and 1_ _ _ (go) Oíl our first
Fifty years ago, a lorry 13_ _ _ _ (kili} a girl in
date to the zoo.
front of that school when she 14_ _ _ _ (walk}
4 Oh, no, 1_ _ _ (lose) Leíla's phoíle number.
to a dance. Now her body is in the cemetery. 1think
1can't call her!
she 15_ _ _ _ (go} home that night. 5 Where _ _ _ (pareílts / go) Oíl their
~ Adjectives and prepositions Complete the
6 You're so unhealthy! How many cakes
sentence with the same meaning as the
(you / eat) today? - --
one above.
7 My ~oyfriend and me - - - (ílot get on) w ell
1 l love thrillers and crime movies. l've gota big at first.
collection of DVDs. 8 She's so romaíltic. She
- - - (fall) in love
l'm interested in thri/lers and crime movies . hundreds of times.
2 1carne last in the swimming competition . 9 W~ can't start the wedding ceremony. The
1am not very good _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
bncie - - - (not arrive)
3 l've gota maths exam and I really don't want to 10 1 •
l't (watch) a programme about lave in
fail it. 1 erature last ni ght.
l'm worried _ _ _ _ _ __
4 1really hate seeing rats in the streets. They're
absolutely horrible!
l'm afraid _ __ _ _ _ _
5 We sometimes have to give presentations in
class but I don't get worried.
l'm relaxed _ __ _ _ __
1 1
cscribing stories Multi-part verbs (1)
My favourite film is Avatar. My mum picked me up from the sports centre
/t's a science-fiction film ond it is (directed) by ot three o'clock.
,0 mes Cameron. I got to school ten minutes lote this morning.
~1y favourite book is Little Dorrit. I come back to the hotel ofter dinner.
11 is (written) by Charles Dickens. We went straight to the hotel ofter lunch.
¡ wos a bestseller ond now it's o c/assic of I went back to my o/d school lost week.
=nglish literoture. We sai/ed back to the port o/ter two doys ot seo.
_ame people think Dickens is very boring but I think My f riend went away at the end of term.
, 1is book is real/y interesting.
it takes place in o prison in London. Present Perfect and Past Simple
(s about o young girl col/ed Amy. She is born in prison
cnd then gets o Job with on old lady. We use the Present Perfect for past activities when
we do not know or it does not matter exactly when
they happened:
Past Simple and Continuous
I think we've met be/ore.
We use the Past Simple to talk about completed past We've been to London many times.
actions, habits and states: /'ve /ost the cor keys.
Michoel Jackson died in 2009. Spielberg has made o lot of films.
/ didn't /ike hamburgers when I was o child. Time expressions: befare, just, olready, yet, ever,
/ went to schoo/ in London. never
We use the Past Continuous to talk about: We use the Past Simple to talk about past activities if
• activities that continued for sorne time in the it is clear when they happened:
past, around a particular moment. I spent my summer holidoys lost yeor working.
At six o'clock / was cooking dinner. Dickens wrote Oliver Twist in 1838.
• activities that form background for a story or We didn't meet ot John's wedding.
were interrupted by an event. I went to primory school in Hungory.
lt was roining when I orrived in Crocow. !!! We never use the Present Perfect with a time
We were watching a concert on TV when the lights expression, e.g. last week, in 1999, three days ago.
went off.
We often use when with these tenses:
When we got home, I found o note from my sister.
(when = after)
When I wos wolking home, / sow on occident. (when =
at the same time)
•l ) ,1 kn1 c1bout fam,ly Complete the description. ~ Present Perfect (3): forlsince Complete th
sentences with for or since. e
1 ve .a_QL one brother and one sis ter. My
gr andparents. two uncles, one aunt and twelve 1 My famíly has lived in a big city jQ[_ yea
__ live in Norway. 1get 3_ _ well with my 2 My granny has had grey hair _ the War
cous1n. Alice - she comes here in the summer. 1 3 My granddad has been a football fan ·
sorne times argue 4 _ _ my little brother, Edward. team won the World Cup. - our
My mum and 1 5_ _ different tastes in clothes and 4 My mum has worked as a computer expert
ha1rstyles. She can't 6_ _ sorne of my clothes! fifteen years. --
My parents 7_ _ angry when I come home late or 5 We have had a dog _ _ I was a child.
wear 'different' clothes. 6 l've known my girlfriend __ a few months.
7 My dad has been be in lave with my mum
~ Compounds: Technology Complete the words in twenty-five years. -
the description . 8 My brother has liked computer games
primary school. -
In the evenings. 1 usually have a chat 1onlíne with
my friends and then do my homework. 1 use my
computer for projects - 1keep a list of good
f> Collocations: At home Complete the dialogue.
web_ like encyclopaedias and dictionaries. A: What do you and your brother do to help at
1 often 3 down__ things to read later when 1 home?
am working 4 off_ . When I have finished my B: Well, 1 usually 1___lfil_ the table for dinner and
homework, 1 usually go to the 5home_ of we 2_ _ _ the rubbish out every night. My
my Facebook account. 1 6 up_ photos, music sister and I sometimes 3_ _ _ the shopping
and jokes. with my parents, too.
A: Do you ever argue with them?
~ Present Perfect (3): alwayslnever Complete the B: Sometimes! My parents get angry when 1
sen ten ces with the correct forms of the verbs in 4
_ _ _ the bathroom in a 5_ _ _ or whenl
brackets and always or never. spend too 6_ _ _ there. And they don't like it
1 1 hove never enioved (never / enjoy)
when 1 7_ _ _ bad marks at school.
big parties.
A: Do you ever argue with your brother?
2 My sister _ _ _ _ (always / have) a lot B: A bit. He makes too much 8_ _ _ when
he 9_ __ friends round and l'm trying to
of friends.
_ _ _ my homework.
3 My parents _ _ _ _ (never / be) young!
4 There _ _ _ _ (always / be) a lot of bright A: And how often do you go out?
students in this school. B: l'm very busy in the week but I always go
11_ __ with my friends on Saturdays and
5 My granny _ _ _ _ (never / like) big cities.
6 My grandfather_ ___ (always / lave) Sundays.
A: Do you ever come 12_ __ home late?
7 My frien ds _ __ _ (never / be) interested B: l've been a bit late once or twice.
in politics.
8 l _ __ _ (always / be) good at maths.
ralkíng about family Present Perfect (3)
rve got one brother, two sisters ond ten cousins. We use the Present Perfect to talk about situations
1get on we/1 with my grondmother. that started in the past and are still true, when we
1get on okay with my une/e. look at them from the present point of view:
1sometimes argue with my sister. /'ve always loved choca/ate.
My porents ond I hove different tostes in music. She's lived here o// her /ife.
My porents get angry when I spend hours on She's always hada lot of friends.
the computer. We've never been good ot sports.
They can't stand boggy jeons.
Present Perfect (3): forlsince
Collocations: Adjectives and nouns
tight/baggy jeonsltrousers We use time expressions with for and since with the
/onglshort skirtsldresses Present Perfect:
shortllongldyedlbrownlb/acklfair hair • for + a period of time
/'ve known her for two yeors.
She's been my friend for a long time.
Compounds: Technology • since + point in time
Nouns He's been in /ove since Wednesday.
I read that review on o fontastic website. They've lived in this house since they got morried.
/'ve got some new photos on my webpoge. !!! We do not use the Present Simple for these
You con find the information on the home poge. situations:
/ bought a new loptop (camputer) last week. 1live lm"e el/ my lífe.
Adjectives/adverbs 1em he/'e silice ffl0fflilig.
I often do online shopping./1 go online obout two hours
a doy. Collocations: At home
I get information for projects from websites and then
I usual/y toke the rubbish out at night.
work offline.
I always tidy my room on Soturdays.
In real-time chats you get replies from the other person
We do the shopping on Friday night.
My sister usual/y loys the table.
Verbs I sometimes leove my bedroom in o mess.
I sometimes downlood films to wotch because they are My little brother o/ten mokes too much noise.
cheaper than buying DVDs. I sometimes spend too long on the computer.
I uploaded lots of photos to my web poge. My parents get angry with me when I get bod morks or
I am very good at multitosking - / can listen to music, get o punishment at school.
chat online and do my homework at the same time. On Saturdays I go out with my friends but I never
come bock home lote.
/'d like to hove more pocket money.
We hod o porty last week - I hod o// my friends round.
~ Talking about mus1c Complete the description.
ED Verbs and adjectives Complete the sentences
with the correct forms of look, feel or sound.
l'm rea lly 1 Jaro... music and listen to it all the time.
1 like various different z_ _ but 1 3_ _ love
1 That new song by Snow Patrol sound~ really
listening to rock and heavy metal. l'm crazy 4 _ _ amazing. 1 just love the guitar.
groups like Dimmu Borgir and Slipknot. 1 can't 5_ _ z l'm not crazy about those new shoes. They
pop and dance music and l'm not 6_ _ about soul _ __ absolutely horrible!
and jazz either. They're really boring! 1 haven't got 3 _ __ really tired because the concert
a very good singing 7_ _ but I can 8_ _ the finished at one o'clock.
drums a bit. l'd like 9_ _ start a rock group with 4 I ___ rela xed when I listen to classical
my friends and l'd also 10_ _ to learn to play the music.
guitar. 5 The poster for that concert _ _ _ great.
1 love
the design.
~ hove tolnot hove to, canlcon't Choose the 6 My dad's old rock CDs _ __ terrible but he
correct verbs to complete the text . loves listening to them.
7 Are you okay? You _ _ _ very sad.
1 go to a music school. l'm learning to play the
8 1always ___ very happy on Friday
guitar so 1 1c 91don't have to practise every
day. 1 2 have to/can be very careful with my fingers:
9 That listening test _ __ very difficult
1 don't have tolcan't play basketball or volleyball
because they speak very fast.
but 1 4 canlhave to swim. The good thing is that 1
have toldon't have to bring my own guitar - the 10 lt _ __ very cold in here. Can you close the
window, please?
school has a lot of instruments. At weekends our
school band often gives concerts and 1 6have to!
can't play too. ~ Multi-part verbs (2) Complete the verbs.
1 'Can you turn that music _!,J_Q_ ? lt's great!'
e hove tolnot hove to, canlcan't Complete the 2 'Switch - - the TV and go to bed! lt's
sentences with can, con't, hove to or not after midnight.'
hove to. 3 'Can you turn - - the radio? 1want to know
1 In the library you hove ta be quiet and you the football results.'
_ _ _ eat or drink. 4 'Please turn _ _ your mob1le. phones durmg .
2 When you go to the theatre, you _ _ _ arrive the concert.'
on time but you _ _ _ wear casual clothes. S 'Turn th ªt music - - , please. lt's really loud.'
3 lf you are a musician, you _ _ _ practise
every day and usually you _ _ _ sleep until ~ moy, muS t ªnd must not Choose the correct
noon. modals to complete the school rules.
4 In the museum, you _ _ _ touch the 1 Students must~ smoke in the
paintings but you _ _ _ buy souvenirs in the school building.
museum shop.
2 Students maylmustn't borrow u P to five books
5 When you are at a concert, you _ _ _ have a
from the school library.
ticket but you _ _ _ sing along and dance. 3 Students ma11/m
6 On a plane you _ _ _ walk around. You , . us t come to lessons prepared
4 Students ma11/mu t , fi
_ _ _ wear a seatbelt. s s ,. 5 n t ght or use bad language.
tudents maylmustn't take part in after
school activities.
6 Students mustn't/must dama ge
school equipment.
7 Students mustlmu5 t ,
8 Students ;, n t wear shorts or min isk1rts.
on tim must may arrive at their classrooms
Talking about music Verbs and adjectives
/'m,eolly into music. We use verbs + adjectives to describe how
rmnot reolly into hip hop and rap. something is:
1like various difterent styles. look
1just /ove /istening to soul and dance music. These c/othes look great - f /ove the cofoursl
1con't stand country and western. The singer of thot group looks very attractive.
/'mcrazy about world music and folk.
Are you okay? You look tired.
rm not crazy about heavy metal.
1haven't gota very good singing voice. sound
1can play the vio/in. That guitar sounds amazing but it's very expensive.
J'd /ike to play the flute. I don't like heavy metal. lt sounds horrible.
/'d /ike to start a rock group. /'ve spoken to Luke on the phone. He sounds
very unhappy.
anlcan't, hove tolnot hove to feel
The concert was great but it felt very crowded.
We use:
• can to talk about permission or possibility (can+ f fee/ tired todoy o/ter lost night's concert.
Do you fee/ al/ right? You look sod.
infinitive without to).
You can go home now.
We can meet in the library a/ter school. Multi-part verbs (2)
They can write it in pencil. I turn on the rodio when I woke up in the morning.
I turned off my MP3 p/oyer ond went to s/eep.
• can't to say that something is not possible or not f ofwoys switch on the CD ployer when f get into
allowed (can't + infinitive without to). the car.
I can't go out a/ter 10 p.m. I f argot to switch off my computer yesterdoy.
We can't buy the tickets now - the office is c/osed. That song is greot. Why don't you turn the volume up?
The kids can't watch TV a/ter 10 p.m. Con you turn the music down, p/eose? f'm trying to
• hove to to talk about necessity and obligations study.
(hove to+ infinitive).
I hove to write this essay for tomorrow. may, must and must not
She has to practise p/aying the piano every doy.
We use may, must and must not in formal situations,
We hove to buy her a nice present.
often in public notices, written regulations,
• not have to to soy that there is no necessity instructions, etc. We use:
or obligation to do something
• may to give permission (may + infinitive without
(not hove to + infinitive).
You don't hove to buy a ticket - the concert is free.
Students may borrow up to ftve books from
We don't hove to wear uniforms at my school.
the fibrary.
He doesn't have to bring a girlfriend to the earty.
Visitors moy use the kitchen.
mustto impose obligation (must + infinitive
without to)
Students must weor school uniforms.
Visitors must follow the sightseeing route.
• must not to forbid (must notlmustn't + infinitive
without to)
Possengers mustn't keep their feet an the seats.
Students must not use their mob,le phont!s m the
school building.
EI) 1, 'l. r at-out hr,1lth Complete the description. G'> will, may and be going to Complete the
sentences with the verbs below and the correct
My aunt is no t ver y old but she has been 1jn_
forms of the words in brackets.
hospital lot s of times. In the winter, she often
• __ colds and flu and in the summer she gets
bad 1 _ _ fever. In the spring and autumn. she fail work fittfl miss help be catch win
often •- - a bit depressed and tired. She's also
got bad teeth and often has s_ _ . She needs to 1 The sky is very dark. lt is qoinQ to rain . (be
b _ _ more sport, eat 7_ _ junk food and 8 going to)
smoking. -- 2 Lisa is at the doctor's. She _ _ _ _ a little
late. (may)
~ Confusing wo rds Correct the underlined words in 3 Where is your coat? You _ _ __ a cold . (wi/1)
the sentences when necessary. 4 My dad is a doctor. He us wit h t his
project on obesity. (may)
1 Tattoos are ae-t-uaHy fashionable nowodays but
they are actually terrible for your skin.
5 Oh no! lt's eight o'clock! l _ _ _ _ the firs t
lesson . (be going to)
2 Tattoos damage your skin and cause infections.
They also damage you a lot! 6 You're good at running. l'm su re you _ __ _
3 Spanish meal is healthy but people eat their the race. (wi/1)
evening meª1 at 10 p.m.! 7 The test is difficult. They _ _ _ _ . (may)
4 We had a gre.a.t time skateboarding but 8 He's got two dogs, a snake and three budgies.
afterwards I noticed a ~ cut on my leg. He _ _ __ with anima Is in the future. (b e
5 1 ~ creams for my skin but I never u.s.,e a hat. going to)
e wi/1 and won 't Complete the sentences with wi// e Collocations: Accidents Complete the story.
or won't. Last year, l 1 1J..ruj___ quite a bad accident. 1 was riding
1 Don't worry! lt's just a cold. l'm sure you wi/1 be my bike to school when a car crashed into me. 1
fine in a few days. was z_ _ far a few minutes and when I w oke up
2 Epidemics _ _ probably kili a lot of people this in the ambulance, my leg 3_ _ a lot.
century. 1 also had a _ _ in my left arm
3 You've got flu. l'm afraid antibiotics _ _ help and it was s_ _ a bit, but not
you . badly. In the ambulance 1 6
4 Take an aspirin and your temperature _ _ an injection and when 1'80 ~
definitely the hospital, a doctor gave
go down. me an 7_ _ to check my
5 Wash your hands with antibacterial soap! lt leg. 1 had a broken leg but
_ _ kili the germs. my arm wasn't 8 _ _
6 The doctor is very punctual. l'm sure he _ _ • Luckily, 1 didn't need
be late. to 9_ _ an operation.
1 was in hospital for
7 Don't go out in a T-shirt! You _ _ catch a cold!
8 l've put on sunscreen so I _ _ get sunburn. twenty-four hours but it
took me three months to
get º- - my broken leg.
' 1
,. kmg about health wi/1, may and be going to
rve only been in hospital once. We use:
1ve never had a bad accident. • will and won't to express our opinions and
1o/ten hove colds and coughs in the winter. beliefs about the future (often with words
¡ had a bad stomachache last week. like I think, l'm sure, maybelperhaps/
My f riend had flu in December and had a high probably/definitely).
cemperature. l'm sure he'// be a good doctor.
My sister has a lot of al/ergies like hayfever. They wi/1 definitely want to visit the castle.
/'ve got good teeth and hove never had toothache but I know him, he won't stay in bed because of a co/d.
¡ sometimes get bad earache.
• may and may not to make uncertain predictions
¡ often feel tired in the evenings after school.
orto guess.
/'ve never felt depressed but I feel unhappy
You may catch a tropical disease if you go there.
sometimes. This drug may not help him.
After the accident, I felt faint ond very weak.
I felt sick on the boat to France. • be going to to make predictions based on
/ need to do more sport, eat more fruit and sleep more. evidence in the present situation.
/ need to eat less pizza and spend less time on my This test is too difficult forme. /'m goíng to foil.
computer. She's eaten three bags of sweets. She's goíng to
I need to stop eating sweets and biscuits. be sick.
• 1
~ Compound!> Env1ronment Complete the words in ~ Pronoun. it Add it to the story when necessary.
the description .
/t Is difficult to remember when happened. 1 think
In my city, Buenos Aires, there are lots ot green was in November or the start of December. Was
saoces like Lezama Park. There is also La about five o'clock in the evening. Was snowing a
Costanera, a very big nature 2_ _ next to the lot, was very cold and was getting dark. My mobile
Plata River; it has got lots of wildlife with many phone was broken and I wanted to take to town
wild 1_ _ like birds and reptiles . There are also to the shop. Is about two miles from my house to
quite a few environmental problems in my city. the local town of Banff, Alberta. Anyway, 1 went
There are a lot of cars and buses and they cause outside to get my car and then I saw the bear. Was
ninety percent of the air 4 _ _ in the centre. outside the garage looking in the rubbish bins. Was
Water ~ - - is a problem, too and the Plata River very fríghteníng to see because was very large and
and other smaller rivers are badly polluted. There 1 screamed. Saw me and ran towards me very fast.
is definitely climate 6 _ _ in Buenos Aires - my Luckíly, my wife heard me and opened the door.
grandma says that the winters were colder forty 1 went in and closed quickly before the bear could
years ago. catch me.
mpounds: Environment Pronoun: it
T O words: oír pollution, water po/lutlon, green spaces, We use it
n:ture reserves, wild animals, climate change, habitot to refer to something mentioned before:
/vSS The elephant can be very dangerous because it is so
Hyphens: over-fishing large and strong.
J ne word: wildllfe
with common expressions about the weather/date/
distance etc.:
ure Conditional lt is six o'clock and it is raining outside.
, .:? use the Future Conditional to talk about possible lt is Fridoy 10 }une ond it's very cold.
, ture events, when they depend on other future lt 's October ond it's getting dark earlier.
,, ·ents: lt is five kilometres from here to the town.
• 1t rains, we'/1 stay at home.
it + infinit ive + to:
; 'ley may /eave without us if we're late. lt is dangerous to go swimming.
Form lt is difficult to Jeorn a languoge.
if + present simple, willlmay + infinitive
(condition) (consequence) ali, most, many, some, nolnone
willlmay + infinitive if + present simple We use al/, mos t, many, some, no and none of the
(consequence) (condition) with plural countable and uncountable nouns.
We use many with plural nouns only.
We use the Present Simple (not wi//) after when,
• ali = every thing or person of a particular type,
be/ore andas soon as to talk about the future:
the whole amount
/'11 he/p you when I come home.
Ali my friends like dancing.
Be/ore they start cooking, they'/1 cleon the kitchen.
They've eoten ali the meat.
prepositions The Passive: by phrases
1go to school by bus. We sometimes use the by phrase at the end of the
/'d like to go to school by bike. Passive sentence to say who did it:
we go on holiday by plane. The Moon was explored by American spaceships.
/'d tike to go on holiday by train.
¡ come back from schoo/ on foot. Compounds: Airports
/'d /ike to come back from schoo/ on roller skates.
I go on the underground when I go to London. Arrivals
¡ ve never been on horseback. When we got to New York we had to wait hours in
/'ve never been in/on on aeroplane. passport control.
¡ ve never been on a big boat. My suitcase didn't arrive at the baggage reclaim and I
/'d fike to go in a conoe ar kayak. had to go to /ost luggage.
After we went through the arrival gate I phoned my
Jpposites We found a good hotel at the tourist information
experiencedlinexperienced possiblel impossible office and then picked upa car at the car renta/ office.
conventional/unconventional reliablelunreliable
/uckylunlucky usual/unusua/ happylunhappy
We Jeft our car at the car park and went to the ticket
accompanied/unaccompanied knownlunknown
o/fice to buy a ticket.
We got our boarding cards at the check-in desk and
The Passive checked in our luggage.
Form J had to leave a bottle of water at the security control.
Present Simple: amlislare + 3 rd form of the verb I bought a new camera at the duty-free shop in the
The internet is used al/ over the world. departure /ounge.
I am lost in the middle of a forest. The airport was very crowded but we went to the VIP
/ounge because my dad is a frequent business traveller.
Present Perfect: has beenlhave been + 3rd form lt took half an hour to get to the boarding gate from
of the verb. the security control.
The computer has been bad/y damaged.
They astronauts hove been informed about
the danger.
~ Multi part verbs (4) Complete the sentences.
~ T111,. ·n• ,1hout hohr1ay-. Complete the description.
1 something is J}Oina on in the centre of town _1
1 usually go 1 _Q_/)rQad on holiday and don't stay in
can hear police ca rs and ambulances.
Britain. 1 of t en go 1 _ rny farnily to the coast in
2 My farnily comes frorn a srnall town in the
Bulgaria because it's got good weather and lovely
rnountains and I _ __ there every sumrner in
bcaches. We usually stay 1_ _ a hotel because
the holidays to stay with my grandparents.
they are not too expensive. 1 often 4 _ _ sailing
3 The number of tourists has _ _ _ in the last
in the Black Sea and sometimes we go walking in
few years and there are a lot of new hotels in
the fores t s near the coas t. Once, we went to t he
coas t in Turkey and 5 _ _ atan apartment. 1 6_ _ the town.
4 1 usually _ _ _ with rny girlfriend on Saturctay
windsurting every day and we went 7 to sorne
amazing ancient ruins. My 8 _ _ is to go to the night to a club in the centre of town .
USA because it's got fantastic cities like New York 5 1didn't enjoy the film - it _ _ _ for over
and beautiful places like the Grand Canyon. three hours!
6 lt hasn't rained for weeks and the level of the
~ Unreal Conditional Complete the sentences with rivers has _ _ _ a lot.
the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
~ the in geographical narnes Use the cuesto write
1 lf I had (have) a lot of money, 1 would buv sentences about these locations.
_ _ _ (buy) a desert island.
2 lf reality shows _ _ _ (not be) interesting, 1 Lake Titicaca / the largest lake / South Arnerica
people _ _ _ (not watch) them. Lake Titicoca is the largest lake in South
3 1 _ _ _ (take part) in a desert island reality America.
show if I _ __ (not have to) go to school. 2 Prague /capital/ Czech Republic
4 lf 1_ _ _ (appear) in a reality show, my friends
_ __ (laugh) at me.
5 lf there _ _ _ (be) no fresh water on an island, 3 Hvar and Korcula / beautiful islands / Adriatic /
people _ _ _ (can collect) rainwater. Croatia
6 We _ _ _ (die) if we _ __ (drink) only
7 TV channels _ __ (not produce) reality shows 4 Nile / the longest river / Africa
if people _ _ _ (not want) to watch them.
8 1 _ __ (not survive) if 1 _ _ _ (be) on a
desert island alone. 5 Arnerica / situated between / Pacific / Atlantic
Talking about holidays Multi-part verbs (4)
/ usual/y go abroad on holiday, to the Spanish coast. I /ove going out with my friends on Saturday evening.
¡ sometimes go to the country in the south-west You look worried. What 's going on? Did you f oil
af England. your exams?
¡ aJways go with my /ami/y and sometimes a f riend The price of petral has gone up three times in the last
comes with me. six months.
we usual/y stay ata campsite or in a hotel in Spain or The population in my town has gone down because
with my grandparents in England. people hove moved to the cities.
Jo/ten go cyc/ing and sailing and sometimes we /'d like to go back to my o/d primary schoo/ and talk ta
go sightseeing. my old teocher.
My dream is to go to Tahiti because it 's got beautiful The party went on until three in the morning.
coral reefs and mountains.
the in geographical names
Unreal Conditional We use these names without articles:
Form continents: Australia, Europe
if + past simple, wou/d/cou/d + infinitive countries: Bulgaria, Poland
cities: New York, London
We use the unreal conditional to talk about:
lakes: Lake Victoria, Lake Ontario
• impossible situations in the present.
mountains: Mont 8/anc, Kílimanjaro
lf my /ami/y was rich, we wouldn't líve in a sma/1
islands: Majorca, New Zea/and
flat. (we are not rich)
lf / hada job, I wouldn't hove time to watch TV. We use the with these names:
(1 don't have a job) countries: the United Kingdom, the United States
(when they are plural or contain a common noun
• imaginary, unlikely situations in the future .
(republic, state, kingdom, etc.) )
lf I won Mi/lionaires, I would be f amous. (1 don't
rivers: the Amazon, the Ni/e
think 1'11 win Millionaires)
seas/oceans: the Pacific, the Mediterranean Sea
lf / /anded on a desert is/and, I would /ook f ar fresh
mountain ranges: the Alps, the Himalayas
water ftrst. (it is unlikely that I will land on a desert
-ing forms
-ing forms can be the subject of sentences:
Canoeing, windsurfing and sailing are available at
most resorts.
Diving and surfing are my favourite hobbies.
Waiting for planes at airports is real/y boring.
-ing forms come after certain verbs (e.g. verbs of
You can enjoy dancing the night away at
the discotheque.
/ /ove swimming in the sea and surfing.
I real/y hate going on aeroplanes.
I can't stand sightseeing in crowded cities.
I often go surjing and windsurfing when I
am on holíday.
-ing forms come after expressions with prepositions:
l'm real/y into listening to chi/1-out music.
l'm crozy about hiking in the mountains.
~ lntentions and arrangements Complete the
~ Dcm1bing pcoplc Complete the description.
dialogue with the correct forms of the words in
Sheila is a very good friend of 1~ - We've known brackets.
' - - other si nce we were very little. She's tall
A: Hi, Charlotte. l've got two tickets fo~Arctic
and good-looking but she's a bit 3_ _ - she just
Monkeys. They 1 are o/ovina (play) in Prague
loves eating pizzas! She's 4_ _ long, curly blond
tomorrow. Wou ld you like to go?
hair. Sheila loves parties and is an outgoing person
B: 1 can't, 1 z _ _ _ _ _ (go) away to Slovakia
but sometimes she's a 5 _ _ impatient and moody.
today. Actually, my train 3 _ _ _ _ _ (leave)
li, get Match the words and expressions below in two hours.
with the uses of get in the description. A: What 4 _ _ __ (you / do) there?
8: we s_ _ _ _ _ (do) sorne hiking in the Tatras.
bought found argued all the time eliminate And my brother 6 _ _ _ _ _ (try) paragliding,
became (x2) have a good time together receh1ed 1 think. He's
into extreme sports.
A: When 7 _ _ __ _ (you / come back)?
Last week, 1 1got received sorne money from my B: On Sunday. The train 8 _ _ __ _ (arrive)
aunt for my birthday - she and I always 2get on. So at 6 a.m.
1went shopping and 3got a new pair of jeans on
Saturday with a friend. Unfortunately, we 4 got on ~ Collocations: Networking Complete the dialogue.
bodly so 1 5 got a bit depressed and went home. 1 A: What advice have you got about social
6 got an old DVD and sat down to watch it but there
networking for teenagers?
was a problem with the picture and I couldn't 7get B: Well, networking sites are great for teenagers.
rid of it. Then, when it ªgot dark, 1 decided to go to They can 1 kee_o in touch with their friends
bed. and 2_ _ _ videos and music on their
homepages. But there are dangers, too.
íI) lntentions and arrangements What could these A: What are they?
people say?
B: First, people sometimes put a lot of 3_ __
1 Mark is at the airport. He has already checked in information on their homepage. You should
never 4_ _ _ away your name, address or
Tm going to fly to Budapest.'
telephone number if strangers can 5_ _ _
your homepage. And you should be careful when
2 Sally is looking through the TV guide for you 6_ _ _ personal photos online, too when
the weekend. everyone can see them.
Tm watching an old Hitchcock film on Saturday.' A: What about cyber-bullying?
Tm going to watch an old Hitchcock film B: lt's a problem and a lot of peo ple 7_ _ _ from it
on Saturday.' and get aggressive and nasty 8_ _ _ on th eir
3 Alex is waiting in front of the cinema with a homepage.
bunch of beautiful flowers. A: Should you talk to people online? Far example
Tm taking Julia to the cinema.' when a stranger 9_ _ _ a comment on your
Tm going to take Julia to the cinema.' homepage.
4 Katie's friend asks her to walk the dog tonight. B: No. You don't know who the person is when they
'I can't, l'm playing in a concert at the are trying to 10_ _ _ friendly with you. And
school club.' NEVER arrange to meet a stranger you have met
'I can't, l'm going to play in a concert at the online!
school club.'
- -- ~ -- ..
oescribing people lntentions and arrangements
Tom is a very good friendo/ mine. We use be going to to express an intention to do
We've known eoch other for a very long time. something in the future:
/-le's short anda bit skinny but he's quite l'm going to study music.
good-/ooking. She is going to cook something.
He's got long, stroight red hair.
We use the Present Continuous to talk about futu re
He's a bit overweight.
events that we have arranged:
He's usual/y very eosy-going but sometimes he's a bit
Maria is flying home on Saturdoy. (she's booked her
His sister, Kelly, is ta/1 and we/1-built - she's a very l'm going to the theatre tonight. (l've already got the
pretty woman. ticket)
She's slim and has got short, curly blond hoir. We use the Present Simple to talk about things that
She's very outgoing and friendly but sometímes she's are certain to happen and we cannot change the
a bit too tolkative. t ime, e.g. timetables, official events:
Our plane tokes off at 7.30.
get The school year storts on 1 September.
/ got angry when my computer didn't work yesterday. Collocations: Networking
lt gets dark at about six o'clock these days.
Today, / posted a comment on my friend's homepage.
receive/achieve J use my social networking site to keep in touch with
/ gota great present from my une/e at Christmas. my fríends.
I usual/y get quite good marks in maths. / /ook at my homepage twice a doy and post photos on
it at the weekends.
/'m very careful and never give away personal infor-
/ got a book from the library for my science project.
/ got a new mobile phone yesterday - it's amazing!
Strangers can't view the information on my homep-
have a good/bad relationship with age. Only my friends can.
/ get on very we/1 with my cousin and we go /'ve never suffered from cyber-bullying but once a
hiking together. friend of mine received some aggressive messages.
/ don't get on with my y ounger sister - we're I never get friend/y with strangers online.
always arguing.
My younger sister and I don't get on - we're
always arguing.
That shampoo got rid o/ my dandruff.
~ Ad¡Nt1v<'., ( cd and ,ng) Complete the sentence il) make and do Complete the sentences with the
with the same meaning as the one above. correct forms of make or do.
1 Attacks by bears are absolutely terrifying. 1 1..lI1QM_ a big effort in English last year.
Peo ple are terrified of attacks bv beors . 2 Money doesn't _ _ you happy, in my opinion.
2 1 was really excited in the last quarter of that 3 1 have _ _ well at school this year.
basketball game. 4 My brother is very kind and always _ _ th ings
The last quarter of that basketball game _ __ far other people.
5 l'd like to _ _ more exercise but I haven't
3 1 tind arguing with my parents very upsetting. got time.
1 get very _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ 6 1 always _ _ lists of things to _ _
every week.
4 1 get very confused when I read instructions
far computers. ~ not enoughltoo Complete the sentences with
1 tind instructions _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ the same meaning as the one above. Use not
enough and too.
5 That song on the radio is very annoying.
l'm getting very _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1 l'm too young to drive a car.
l'm not o/d enough to drive a cor .
2 We're not rich enough to stay in that hotel.
$ Defining relative clauses Complete the We're too _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
sentences. Use the information in brackets.
3 lt's not warm enough to go swimming.
1 People often suffer from stress. (They work lt's too,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _
too much.) 4 l'm too shy to meet people at parties.
People who work too much often suffer l'm not _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __
from stress. 5 He's not tall enough to be in the basketball
2 1have a few books. (1 have never read them.) team.
1 have a few books _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ He's too _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ __ __ __ __ _ read.
3 1don't remember the day. (1 fell in lave far the ~ Reporting advice, orders and requests Complete
tirst time on that day.) the sentences to report advice about the
1 don't remember the day _ _ _ _ _ _ __ first date.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ far the first time.
1 'Put on nice smart clothes.'
4 l've read an article. (lt describes different A friend told me to out on nice smort clothes .
reactions to stress.) 2 'Choose a quiet casual place far the date.'
l've read an article _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ My brother advised _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ different reactions to stress. 3 'Don't be late.'
5 We didn't find the cinema. (We had our tirst My mother told _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
date there.) 4 'Plan sorne interesting tapies to talk about with
We didn't tind the cinema _ _ _ _ _ _ __
your date.'
our tirst date.
6 Most people híde emotions. (The emotions are
My father advised _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __
5 'Don't talk all the time.'
unpleasant far others.) My sister told _ _ __ _ _ __ __ __
Most people hide emotions _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6 'Be a good listener.'
_ _ _ _ _ _ unpleasant far others. A friend advised _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _
Adjectlves (-ed and -ing)
ThOt noise was real/y anno~ing. I got real/y annoyed by that noise.
T/lOt film was long and bormg. . I was bored by that long film.
The instructions for the computer were confusmg. I got confused by the instructions for the
Mondoy mornings are real/~ ~epressing. I get depressed on Monday mornings.
The football game was exc,tmg. I was real/y excited in the footba/1 game.
l'm very interested in fashion.
1ftnd fashion very interestlng.
The violence in the film was shocking. I was shocked by the violence in the film.
The result of the game was surprising. We were surprised by the result of the game.
His driving was terrifying. I was terrified when I was in his car.
Climate change is worrying. I get worried about c/imate change.
Other adjectives
That horror film is real/y scary. I was real/y scared by the horror film.
Doing exams is stress/u/. I get stressed out doing exams.
Arguing with friends is upsetting. I get upset when I argue with my friends.