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Procedia Engineering 170 (2017) 293 – 298

Engineering Physics International Conference, EPIC 2016

Innovative Coco Shell Resonator (CSR) Panels for Acoustic Performance

a a
Susilo Indrawati , Suyatno
Lecturer of Physics Department, ITS Surabaya 60111, Indonesia


Coco shell is waste that spread all over Indonesia, especially in Surabaya. Coco shell is rarely utilized, thus create a lot of waste.
Recently, coco shell waste has been gaining popularity because of its unique and strong shape. A lot of craft man has been using coco shell as a
decoration. Coco shell unique shape has been utilized into coconut mosaic; a furniture decoration. This research will utilize coco shell as an
acoustic tile, specifically resonator, so that coco shell has a better value. Coco shell used will be a young coco shell, since it’s a rarely utilized
waste. The resonator will be tested in regard of its ability to absorb and scatter sound. The test will be using ISO 354 [1]. The objective of this
research is to make a resonator that not only have a value in room acoustic, but also special aesthetically pleasing. Room acoustics prefers to any
room that need a treatment regarding acoustics, as in music studio room, broadcasting room, praying room, home theatre, music room etc
© 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of the Engineering Physics International Conference 2016
Keywords: Coco shell resonator, acoustic room, acoustic tile, resonator

1. Introduction

Indonesia is a country that have one of the largest coconut trees plantation in the world. But it’s a shame that Indonesia
couldn’t make coconut farmer prosper. It’s different from Philipine where even though the total area of coconut plantation is
smaller than Indonesia, they make more income than Indonesia. On 2015, philipine generate US $ 757.3 millions export value
from coconut, where Indonesia only generate US $ 228.7 millions. Philipine generate much more export than Indonesia because
they managed to divesify their coconut product
One of the processed product from coconut is coconut shell. Coconut shell briquette charcoal is one of the processed
product from coconut shell that become a prime export commodity. In the hand of crafter, coconut shell can be made into bag,
desk lamp, and decoration. Lately, coconut shell can be made into high price product such as coconut mosaic which roughly
priced at 65 US $ per square meter. But even though it’s high value, it’s only from aesthetic point of view.
Azma Putra, Yasseer A(2012) [2], in their research “ Utilizing Sugarcane Wasted Fibers As A Sustainable Acoustic
Absorber” stated that sugarcane could reduce sound by 0.65 at 1.2 – 4.5 kHz frequency.
Nursalam Aslam (2015)[3] made an acoustic diffuser wall panel from a coconut shell. Just like coconut mosaic, the
research of the panel did not cover the acoustic characteristic such as their ability to scatter sound wave. Because of that, the
panel only have aesthetic value, and did not have a proven acoustic value yet.
This research will make an acoustic resonator panel from a young coconut shell. Young coconut shell is chosen because
it’s rarely used and only became a waste. Young coconut shell is then sorted based on their size, and will be studied on their
ability to absorb and scatter sound wave. The shell is processed into hemispherical shape which then fitted into a board in
convex and concave position dan convex and then stuffed with sugarcane dregs.
On B. J Smith book[4], the material absorption value can be calculated using the relation between room reverberation
time before and after the material are placed inside the room. The equation is based on Sabine reverberation time:
α: diffuser absorption coefficient
V : reverberation room volum (m )
A : material size (m )

1877-7058 © 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of the Engineering Physics International Conference 2016
294 Susilo Indrawati and Suyatno / Procedia Engineering 170 (2017) 293 – 298

T1 : room reverberation time without material (second)

T2 : room reverberation time with material (second)

In addition to absorption coefficient, sound pressure level is also measured to determine the scattering pattern of the acoustic
panel. The panel measured is not only the convex and concave position, but also a perforated coconut shell in convex position.

2. The object of the study (Model, Process, Device, Sample preparation etc.)

As stated before, the material used in the resonator is young coconut shell. Since coconut shell is a natural material, the shape
and size is varied between shells. The material is then handled in the same way as possible. The coconut is dried and cleaned
form the leftover fiber, then cut into a shape with 10 cm diameter and 4 cm tall. The processed coconut shells is as shown below
in Figure 1 :

Fig. 1. Diffuser a. convex shell acoustic panels b. concave shell acoustic shell

The sample for absorption coeffient measuring is in 1,5 m by 1,5 m size. The size is refered to coefficient measuring based on
ISO 354 where for a room with 300 m3 volum the material size is 3 m by 3 m, since the reverberation room used have 150 m
volume, then the material size is half, 1,5 m by 1,5 m. To determine the scattering pattern the material is arranged in 0,6 m by
0,6 m size. The sample manufacture is refering to measuring method by Fang-Ming-Lin (2010) [5].

3. Methods

This research begin with problem recognition then literature study. After sufficient literature study, the research then
advanced into data acquisition stage. YMEC sound measurement software full system is used in this research, which are
consisted of 3 programs, real time analyzer, sound analyzer and environmental Noise Analyzer.
Equipment like sound level meter, Loudspeaker and amplifier, also software installed in the computer then can be used to do
data acquisition. On this research, there are two kind of measuring. The first kind is reverberation time measuring to determine
the material absorption coefficient. The second kind is sound pressure level measuring to determine the scattering pattern of the
panel made.
3.1 Reverberation Time Measuring
Reverberation time measuring in this research is based on “Acoustics- Measurement of sound Absorption in a Reverberation Room,
International Standard, ISO 354- 1985” as close as possible. Since there’s no reverberation room matched the ISO 354 standard in ITS,
there’s a lot of method by Carlisle and hooker (2004) [6] that replicated in this research. Reverberation time measured to determine
sound absorption coefficient value. The measuring is done at the reverberation room in Building Physics Laboratory on Physics
department FMIPA ITS. The room is 140,058 m . The measuring methods is as shown below in Figure 2:

Fig.2. Reverberation time measurements

Susilo Indrawati and Suyatno / Procedia Engineering 170 (2017) 293 – 298 295

Data acquisition is done by measuring room reverberation time before and after the treated material placed inside the room.
To get the room reverberation time, impulsive sound source is needed, which in this case is using a loudspeaker. The impulsive
sound is from YMEC software. The impulsive sound behavior is captured by the microphone that send it to the computer that
been installed with YMEC software. YMEC then process the signal and separated the reverberation time into octave band. From
the reverberation time data acquired, the absorption coefficient then can be calculated using equation 1. The measurement is
done before and after the material is inside the room.

3.2 Scattering Pattern Measuring

Scattering pattern measuring is different from the previous method. This method only measure the sound pressure level in
front of the panel (see figure 3) . Measurement is done by measuring the sound pressure level in front of the panel at a certain
angle from the panel. The angle used is from 0 ˚ to 180 ˚ , with 10˚ increment. At each angle, the sound level meter is positioned
between a loudspeaker and a panel with fixed distance. The sound pressure level is measured by turning on a sound from the
fixed loudspeaker and then the data from the sound level meter is recorded using YMEC software. At some angle a background
noise measured by cutting down the sound source completely. The steps are similar for all materials, where the measurement is
taken before and after the materials are place inside the semi-anechoic room. The differences between the sound pressure level
before and after the materials are placed then calculated to acquire the scattering pattern.

Fig. 3. Measurement of the scattering

This method are adopted from Trevor J cox [7] research regarding the measurement method. The semi-anechoic room used
size is 3,5m by 5,9m by 3,2m, so the distance between the diffuser and the microphone is 1,8m and the distance between the
diffuser and the speaker is 2×1,8 which is 3,6m. Measuring without material give the value about the incoming sound wave or
commonly known as direct SPL, while measuring with the material give the value of the incoming and reflected sound wave or
commonly known as total SPL. The following formula can be used to calculate the reflected SPL.


= scattering pressure N/m
= SPL with material (SPL direct + scatter) (dB)
= SPL without Material (dB)

4. Results and Discussion

This research used two measurement methods. The first method is to determine absorption coefficient using reverberation
room method, while the second is to determine the scattering pattern using anechoic room.

4.1 Measurement of absorption coefficient

This measurement using method reverberation chamber standard ISO 354- 1985, the data is reverberation
time. The reverberation time measured before and after the material is placed inside the room. Absorption
coefficient using Sabine equation (1). The measurement results are shown below:
296 Susilo Indrawati and Suyatno / Procedia Engineering 170 (2017) 293 – 298
Table 1. Absorption coefficient value (α)

Frequency Absorption coefficient value (α)

(Hz) Convex shell Concave shell
125 0.06 0.02
250 0.10 0.13
500 0.28 0.23
1000 0.70 0.03
2000 0.11 0.12
4000 0.21 0.06

We can see from the table that the value for the convex and concave shell have big difference on 1000Hz frequency. For the
convex shell, the value at 1000 Hz is 0.7, this means that the shell absorb 70% of the sound at 1000 Hz. It’s very different for the
concave shell, where the value only 0.03 which mean only 3% of the sound absorb. It can be concluded that if a room have a
problem at 1000 Hz frequency then convex shell can be used to absorb. So as can be concluded that if a space has a problem but
especially at a frequency of 1000 Hz , for example, want to absorb the energy that comes at a frequency of 1000 Hz , the
acoustic panels can be used in the form of a convex shell with the arrangement .

4.2 Comparison scattering patterns

The second measurement is scattering pattern measurement. The panels measured are:
a. Convex shell acoustic panel
b. Concave shell acoustic panel
c. Perforated convex acoustic shell
d. Perforated concave acoustic shell filled with sugarcane pulp
The measuring is using anechoic room method. The anechoic room used is the semi anechoic room at Physics Department
FMIPA ITS at Building Physics Laboratory. To make easy the analysis of the scattering patterns, discussion of the scattering
pattern is divided into three sub-topics.

4.2.1 Comparison scattering pattern for a diffuser in the form of convex shell and concave shell acoustic panel

This discussion has previously been done a comparison in that the absorption coefficient for a frequency of 1000 Hz acoustic
panels which have significant differences. For that to be seen in more detail when seen from the scattering pattern. Below are
shown (see Figure 4) the results of the scattering pattern for convex acoustic panel and concave shell at a frequency of 1000 Hz.

Fig. 4. Comparison scattering pattern for a diffuser in the form of, a). convex shell and b).concave shell acoustic panel

The results obtained from the scattering pattern at get that in accordance with the value of the absorption coefficient obtained
previously for acoustic panels are more reflective is the concave shell, so when in use in a room can increase the energy because
it is a reflector.

4.2.2 Comparison scattering patterns for the diffuser shell in the form of convex shell and perforated convex
acoustic panel
Based on the results of previous results in the form of acoustic panels in the form of a convex shell is
absorbs especially at a frequency of 1000 Hz. For the next step will be the pattern scattering when given
perforation / hole on the panel. The hole that is used has a diameter of 10 mm. after perforation is then
seen dissipating effect on the sound. Below are shown the scattering pattern for the frequency of 1000 Hz
(Fig. 5).
Susilo Indrawati and Suyatno / Procedia Engineering 170 (2017) 293 – 298 297

a b
Fig. 5. Comparison scattering patterns for the diffuser shell in the form of convex shell and perforated convex acoustic panel
a. convex shell b. convex shell perforated

From the results obtained above in mind when added perforations obtained scattering patterns more evenly.

4.2.3 Comparison scattering patterns for the diffuser shell in the form of perforated convex and perforated
convex acoustic panel filled with sugarcane pulp

Based on the results of previous results in the form of acoustic panels in the form of a convex shell is absorbs especially at a
frequency of 1000 Hz. For the next step will be the pattern scattering when given perforation / hole on the panel. The hole that
is used has a diameter of 10 mm. after perforation is then seen dissipating effect on the sound. Below are shown the scattering
pattern for the frequency of 1000 Hz (Fig. 6)

a b
Fig. 6. Comparison scattering patterns for the diffuser shell in the form of a). perforated convex shell b). perforated convex acoustic panel filled with sugarcane pulp

The addition of sugarcane pulp have the same scattering pattern, but the amplitude of SPL is different. It’s reduced on all
measurement angle.

5. Conclusion

From this research, we can conclude that the absorption coefficient for convex shell has greater value than the concaves,
especially at a frequency of 1000 Hz and 4000 Hz. Perforate addition in the convex shell makes the scattering pattern smoother.
The addition of sugarcane pulp have the same scattering pattern, but the amplitude of SPL is different. It’s reduced on all
measurement angle.


The authors would like to thank the ITS university especially LPPM (lembaga penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat) ITS
and PNBP for their support of the work reported in this article.
298 Susilo Indrawati and Suyatno / Procedia Engineering 170 (2017) 293 – 298


Here is an example of some references listed according to the sequential numeric system:
[1]International Standard ISO 354, Acoustics – Measurement of sound absorption in reverberation room, Second edition,
Switzerland, 2003.
[2]Azma Putra, Yasseer A, Utilizing Sugarcane Wasted Fibers As A Sustainable Acoustc Absorber, Procedia Engineering.
Sciverse ScienceDirect, 2012.
[3]Nur salam (2015) “How to make panel Acoustic Diffuser wall” pemanfaatan limbah tempurung kelapa menjadi panel
acoustic diffuser wall dinding. 1080plus/How_Acoustic_Diffuser_wall/
[4]Smith, B.J, R. J Peters, Owen, Stephani, Acoustic And Noise Control, 2 ed. End, Addison Wesley Longman, England,
[5]Fang-Mig-Lin, pei-Yu hong, Chia-yen Lee, An experimental investigation into the sound-scattering performance of wooden
diffusers with different structutres, Applied Acoustics Elsevier ScienciDirect, 2010.
[6] Carlisle, E J. Hooker, R i , Small chamber reverberant absorption Measurement, Proceedings of Acoustics, Australia, 2004.
[7] Trevor. J. Cox, Acoustic absorbers and diffusers: theory, design and application, second edition Spoon Press: London, 2004.

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