Diploma in Pharmacy
D. Pharm.
[Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2011-12 till revised]
With amendments as approved by VC on 17.2.2012
To qualify the course a student is required to secure a minimum of 40% marks in aggregate in every final
university examination and teachers continuous evaluation (i.e. both internal and external). A candidate who
secures less than of 40% of marks in a course shall be deemed to have failed in that course. The student
should have overall 50% marks in every year of the course to clear the same. In case a student has more than
40% in each course but less than 50% overall in an year, he/she shall re-appear in one or two course(s) to
improve the percentage. There will be three Class Tests, one half yearly and one final university examination
in every year. The average of two class tests and another one class test including the half yearly examination
will be computed for final result
The class tests would comprise of five questions. Students shall have to answer three questions out of which
one question will be compulsory. Each question would be of five marks.
Question Paper Structure:
1. The question paper shall consist of eight questions. Out of which first question shall be of short
answer type (not exceeding 50 words) and will be compulsory. Question No. 1 shall contain 8 parts
representing all units of the syllabus and students shall have to answer any five (weightage 4 marks
2. Out of the rest seven questions, student shall be required to attempt any five questions. There will be
maximum one question from each unit of the syllabus. The weightage of Question No. 2 to 8 shall be
12 marks each.
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Study & Evaluation Scheme
Programme: D. Pharm.
1 year
S. Course Subject Periods Evaluation Scheme
N. Code L T P Credits Internal External Total
1 DPH101 Pharmaceutics-I 4 - - 4 20 80 100
2 DPH102 Pharmaceutical Chemistry -I 4 - - 4 20 80 100
3 DPH103 Pharmacognosy 4 - - 4 20 80 100
4 DPH104 Biochemistry & clinical 4 - - 4 20 80 100
5 DPH105 Human Anatomy & Physiology 4 - - 4 20 80 100
2 year
S. Course Subject Periods Evaluation Scheme
N. Code L T P Credits Internal External Total
1 DPH201 PHARMACEUTICS II 4 - - 4 20 80 100
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D. Pharm. –I year
Objective: The basic objective of this course is to get familiar with history of pharmacy,
pharmaceutical calculations, size reduction, mixing, extraction and galenicals
Introduction of different dosage forms. Their classification with examples - their relative
applications. Familiarization with new drug delivery systems.
a. Study of percolation and maceration and their modification, continuous hot extraction–
Applications in the preparation of tinctures and extracts.
b. Introduction to Ayurvedic dosage forms.
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Aseptic techniques. Application of sterilization processes in hospitals particularly with reference to
surgical dressings and intravenous fluids. Precautions for safe and effective handling of sterilization
13. Processing of Tablets-Definition; Different types of compressed tablets and their properties.
Processes involved in the production of tablets; Tablets excipients; Defects in tablets.
Evaluation of Tablets; Physical Standards including Disintegration and Dissolution. Tablet
coating–sugar coating; film coating, enteric coating and microencapsulation (Tablet coating
may be dealt in an elementary manner.)
14. Processing of Capsules–Hard and soft gelatin capsules; different sizes capsules; filling of
capsules; handling and storage of capsules, Special applications of capsules.
15. Study of immunological products like sera vaccines, toxoids & their preparations.
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I year
Objective: The basic objective of this course is to get familiar with chemical impurities, physical
chemistry and various organic compounds used in pharmaceutical formulations, organic reactions,
aromatic and aliphatic compounds.
A. Acids, bases and buffers Boric acid*, Hydrochloric acid, strong ammonium hydroxide,
Calcium hydroxide, Sodium hydroxide and official buffers.
B. Antioxidants–Hypophosphorous acid, Sulphur dioxide, Sodium bisulphite, Sodium
metabisulphite, Sodium thiosulphate, Nitrogen and Sodium Nitrite.
C. Gastrointestinal agents--
D. Topical Agents-
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A. Electrolytes used for replacement therapy –Sodium chloride and its preparations, Potassium
chloride and its preparations.
B. Physiological acid-base balance and electrolytes used-Sodium acetate, Potassium acetate,
Sodium bicarbonate injection, Sodium citrate, Potassium citrate, Sodium lactate injection,
Ammonium chloride and its injection.
C. Combination of oral electrolyte powders and solutions.
3. Inorganic Official compounds of Iron, Iodine, and, Calcium Ferrous Sulfate and Calcium
4. Radio pharmaceuticals and Contrast media-Radio activity-Alpha, Beta and Gamma
Radiations, Biological effects of radiations, Measurement of radio activity, G. M. Counter
Radio isotopes their uses, storage and precautions with special reference to the official
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I year
Objective: the basic objective of this course is get familiar with medicinal plants and their uses.
Gross anatomical studies of Senna, Datura, Cinnamon, Cinchona, Fennel, Clove, Ginger, Nux
vomica &Ipecacuanha.
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I year
Objective: the basic objective of this course is to get familiar with biochemistry.
1. Introduction to biochemistry.
2. Brief chemistry and role of proteins, polypeptides and amino acids, classification,
Qualitative tests, Biological value, Deficiency diseases.
3. Brief chemistry and role of Carbohydrates, Classification, qualitative tests, Diseases related
to carbohydrate metabolism.
4. Brief chemistry and role of Lipids, Classification, qualitative tests. Diseases related to lipids
5. Brief chemistry and role of Vitamins and Coenzymes.
6. Role of minerals and water in life processes.
7. Enzymes: Brief concept of enzymatic action. Factors affecting it. Therapeutic and
pharmaceutical importance.
8. Brief concept of normal and abnormal metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids.
9. Introduction to pathology of blood and urine.
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I year
Objective: the basic objective of this course is to get familiar with human body, organization,
anatomy & physiology of human body.
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I year
Objective: the basic objective of this course is to get familiar with basic health education &
community pharmacy
1. Concept of health —Definition of physical health, mental health, social health, spiritual
health determinants of health, indicators of health, concept of disease, natural history of
diseases, the disease agents, concept of prevention of diseases.
2. Nutrition and health—Classification of foods requirements, disease induced due to deficiency
of proteins, Vitamins and minerals –treatment and prevention.
3. Demography and family planning—Demography cycle, fertility, family planning,
contraceptive methods, behavioural methods, natural family planning method, chemical
method, mechanical methods, hormonal contraceptives, population problem of India.
4. First aid—Emergency treatment in shock, snake-bite, burns poisoning, heart disease,
fractures and resuscitation methods. Elements of minor surgery and dressings.
5. Environment and health –Sources of water supply, water pollution, purification of water,
health and air, noise light –solid waste disposal and control –medical entomology, arthropod
borne diseases and their control, rodents, animals and diseases.
6. Fundamental principles of microbiology classification of microbes, isolation, staining
techniques of organisms of common diseases.
7. Communicable diseases —Causative agents, modes of transmission and prevention.
8. Non –communicable diseases –Causative agents, prevention, care and control; Cancer,
Diabetes, Blindness, Cardiovascular diseases.
9. Epidemiology– Its scope, methods, uses, dynamics of disease transmission, immunity and
immunization: Immunological products and their dose schedule. Principles of disease control
and prevention, hospital acquired infection, prevention and control. Disinfection, types of
disinfection, disinfection procedures, for faeces, urine, sputum, room linen, dead –bodies,
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Objective: the basic objective of this course is to get familiar with general pharmacy, formulations .
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I year
Objective: the basic objective of this course is to identify the impurities in pharmaceuticals and
other pharmaceutical aids, gastro intestinal agents electrolytes and trace elements.
1. Indian Pharmacopoeia.
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I year
Course Code: DPH153 L-0, T-0, P-4, C-2
Objective: the basic objective of this course is to get familiar with Pharmacognosy practicals
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I year
Course Code: DPH154 L-0, T-0, P-4, C-2
Objective: the basic objective of this course is to get familiar with biochemistry and clinical
pathology practicals
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I year
Course Code: DPH155 L-0, T-0, P-4, C-2
Objective: the basic objective of this course is to get familiar with microscopic study of different
tissues and clinical analysis.
a. Digestive system.
b. Respiratory system.
c. Cardiovascular system.
d. Urinary system.
e. Reproductive system.
f. Nervous system.
g. Eye.
h. Ear.
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II year
Objective: the basic objective of this course is to get familiar with different formulation
pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.
(i) Prescriptions –Reading and understanding of prescription; Latin terms commonly used
(Detailed study is not necessary), Modern methods of prescribing, adoption of metric system.
Calculations involved in dispensing.
(iii) Posology—Dose and Dosage of drugs, Factors influencing dose, Calculations of doses on
the basis of age, sex and surface area. Veterinary doses.
2. Dispensed Medications:
(a). Monophasic–Theoretical aspects including commonly used vehicles, essential adjuvant like
stabilizers, colourants and flavours, with examples.
Review of the following monophasic liquids with details of formulation and practical
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(b) Biphasic Liquid Dosage Forms:
(i) Suspension (elementary study) ----Suspensions containing diffusible solids and liquids and
their preparations. Study of the adjuvants used like thickening agents, wetting agents, their
necessity and quantity to be incorporated. Suspensions of precipitate forming liquids like,
tinctures, their preparations and stability. Suspensions produced by chemical reaction. An
introduction to flocculated, non-flocculated suspension system.
(b) Pastes--- Difference between ointments and pastes, bases of pastes. Preparation of pastes
and their preservation.
(c) Jellies –An introduction to the different types of jellies and their preparation.
(e) Suppositories and pessaries –Their relative merits and demerits, types of suppositories,
suppository bases, classification, properties, Preparation and packing of suppositories.
Use of suppositories for drug absorption.
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II year
Objective: the basic objective of this course is to get familiar with medicinal compounds for various
therapeutic applications their usage and important marketed preparations of them
The stability and storage conditions and the different type of Pharmaceutical formulations of
these drugs and their popular brand names.
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General Anaesthetics –Halothane*, Cyclopropane*, Diethyl ether*, Methohexital sodium, Thiopental
sodium, Trichloroethyelene.
Objective: The basic objective of this course is to get familiar with the mechanism, therapeutic
application and adverse effects of various classes of drugs.
3. Various processes of absorption of drugs and the factors affecting them, Metabolism,
distribution and excretion of drugs.
4. General mechanism of drugs action and the factors which modify drug action.
(b) Analgesic antipyretics and non-steroidal anti –inflammatory drugs, Narcotic analgesics,
Antirheumatic and antigout remedies, Sedatives and Hypnotics, Psychopharmacological
agents, anti convulsants, analeptics.
(vi) Antacids, Physiological role of histamine and serotonin, Histamine and Antihistamines,
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(vii) Cardio Vascular drugs, Cardiotonics, Antiarrhythmic agents, Antianginal agents,
Antihypertensive agents, Peripheral Vasodilators and drugs used in atherosclerosis.
(viii) Drugs acting on the blood and blood forming organs. Haematinics, Coagulants and anti
Coagulants, Haemostatics, Blood substitutes and plasma expanders.
(x) Hormones and hormone antagonists –hypoglycemic agents, Antithyroid drugs, sex
hormones and oral contraceptives, corticosteroids.
(xi) Drugs acting on digestive system-Carminatives, digestants Bitters, Antacids and drugs
used in Peptic ulcer, purgatives, and laxatives, Antidiarrhoeals, Emetics, Antiemetics,
7. Chemotherapy of cancer.
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II year
Objective: the basic objective of this course is to get familiar with laws & rules and regulations
related to the pharmaceuticals industry and practices
2. Principles and significance of Professional Ethics. Critical study of the code of Pharmaceutical
Ethics drafted by Pharmacy Council of India.
3. Pharmacy Act, 1948 –The General study of the Pharmacy Act with special reference to
Education Regulations, working of State and Central Councils, constitution of these councils and
functions, Registration procedures under the Act.
4. The Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940—General study of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act and the
Rules there under. Definitions and salient features related to retail and wholesale distribution of
drugs. The powers of Inspectors, the sampling procedures and the procedure and formalities in
obtaining licenses under the rule. Facilities to be provided for running a Pharmacy effectively.
General study of the Schedules with special reference of schedules C, C1, F, G, J, H, P and X and
salient features of labeling and storage condition of drugs.
5. The Drug and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisement) Act, 1945-General study of the
Act Objectives, special reference to be laid on Advertisements. Magic remedies and objectionable
and permitted advertisements –disease which cannot be claimed to be cured.
6. Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985-A brief study of the act with special
reference to its objectives, offences and punishment.
3. Medicinal and Toilet Preparations (Excise Duties) Act, 1995 (as amended to date)
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II year
Objective: the basic objective of this course is to get familiar with business management relating to
drug and maintenance of various records required.
3. Channels of Distribution.
4. Drug House Management –Selection of Site, Space Lay-out and legal requirements.
Importance and objectives of Purchasing, selection of suppliers, credit information, tenders,
contracts and price determination and legal requirements thereto.
5. Inventory Control –objects and importance, modern techniques like ABC, VED analysis, the
lead time, inventory carrying cost, safety stock, minimum and maximum stock levels, economic
order quantity, scrap and surplus disposal.
8 Banking and Finance Service and functions of the bank, Finance Planning and sources of
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II year
Course Code: DPH206 L-4, T-0, P-0, C-4
Objective: the basic objective of this course is to get familiar with the applicability of
pharmaceutical education in hospitals.
2. Hospital Pharmacy:
(a) Definition
(d) Personnel and facilities requirements including equipments based on individual and basic
4. Manufacturing:
(b) Sterile manufacture-large and small volume parenterals, facilities, requirements, layout
production planning, man-power requirements.
5. Nomenclature and uses of surgical instruments and Hospital Equipments and health
6. P.T.C (Pharmacy Therapeutic Committee), Hospital Formulary System and their organisation,
functioning, composition.
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8. Surgical dressing like cotton, gauze, bandages and adhesive tapes including their
pharmacopoeial tests for quality. Other hospital supply e.g I.V sets B.G sets, Ryals tubes, Catheters,
Syringes etc.
2. Modern dispensing aspects –Pharmacists and Patient counseling and advice for the use of
common drugs, medication history.
6. Drug Interactions:
(c) Drug –drug interaction with reference to analgesics, diuretics, cardiovascular drugs,
Gastro-intestinal agents, Vitamins and Hypoglycemic agents.
9. Drug dependences, Drug abuse, addictive drugs and their treatment, complications.
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Objective: The basic objective of this course is to get hands over on unit operation techniques.
1. Indian Pharmacopoeia.
2. British Pharmacopoeia.
3. National Formularies (N.F.I, B.N.F)
4. Remington’s Pharmaceutical Sciences.
5. Martindale Extra Pharmacopoeia.
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II year
Objective: The basic objective of this course is to get familiar with medicinal chemistry practicals.
2. Official identification test for certain groups of drugs included in the I.P like barbiturates,
sulfonamides, phenothiazine, Antibiotic etc (8 compounds).
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II year
Objective: The basic objective of this course is to get familiar with pharmacology practicals.
The first six of the following experiments will be done by the students while the remaining will
be demonstrated by the teacher.
2. Effect of acetylcholine on rectus abdominis muscle of Frog and guinea pig ileum.
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II year
Course Code: DPH254 L-0, T-0, P-4, C-2
Objective: the basic objective of this course is to study the preparation and sterilization practices and
maintenance of various other records in hospital formulary and pharmacy.
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