Visitors Endorsement Form
Visitors Endorsement Form
Visitors Endorsement Form
Purpose of Visit
Date of Visit
From: To:
Expected Time of Arrival Expected Time of
Total No. of Guests Point Person* Contact Number Plate Number (if
*Guest must present a valid government-issued ID together with this endorsement form at the Village’s Main Gate Security Post
and to the Designated Attendant if using the facilities/ amenities.
1. 7. 13. 19.
2. 8. 14. 20.
3. 9. 15. 21.
I hereby agree to abide by the duly established Village House Rules and Regulations, including but not limited to the
1. Observance of all traffic rules and parking instructions imposed by the village.
2. Courtesy and respect to the security personnel and all other village personnel (i.e. admin, maintenance staff, etc.)
3. Observance of courtesy to all residents of the village.
a. No excessive noise after 10:00 p.m. including the use of videoke and all loud entertainment systems.
b. Running, pushing, games, drinking alcohol outside the houses, on village streets are strictly prohibited.
4. Respect for Other Properties
a. Loitering around the village, taking photos or videos of other houses are strictly prohibited.
b. Playing on or using vacant lots for activities are not allowed.
c. Open fires and fireworks are not allowed.
5. Bringing in of pets is tolerated but owners should be responsible for them.
a. Pets should be on a leash or in proper cages.
b. Pets are not allowed to loiter around the village. If and when will be brought outside of the residence,
owners must always bring a poop bag for their pet.
c. Stray pets will be captured and will be subjected to corresponding penalties prior to release.
6. Minors and persons requiring special needs should at all times be accompanied by their parent/s, guardians or
an authorized person of legal age. Village curfew is at 10:00 p.m.
Waiver of Liability
1. In consideration of being allowed to enter Camella La Vecina at Dos Rios Village, I hereby agree to absolutely waive
and release any and all claim, actions, demands, liabilities, damages and expense against Camella La Vecina at Dos
Rios Homeowners’ Association, Inc., its directors, employees, agents, representatives, and volunteers due to
negligence and imprudence.
2. I agree to release Camella La Vecina at Dos Rios Homeowners’ Association, Inc, its directors, employees, agents,
representatives, and volunteers from all liability and responsibility whatsoever and for any claims or causes of action
that I, my estate, heirs, executors, or assigns may have for personal injury, property damage, or death arising from
the use of the facilities and amenities, activities and events whether caused by active or passive negligence or
imprudence of LVDRHOAI, or otherwise.
3. I also agree to hold LVDRHOAI, safe and harmless against, and indemnify them in conjunction with, any loss of life,
personal injury, and/or damage to property sustained by third parties that may occur as a result of using the facilities
and amenities and engaging in activities.
I hereby certify that all information in this Application is true and correct and will remain in effect for the duration of the
event. Written notification of any change herein will be provided immediately.