Subtilase-Like Pro-Protein Convertases: From Molecular Specificity To Therapeutic Applications

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Subtilase-like pro-protein convertases: from molecular

specificity to therapeutic applications
F Bergeron, R Leduc and R Day
Département de Pharmacologie, Institut de Pharmacologie de Sherbrooke, Université de Sherbrooke,
3001, 12e Avenue Nord Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada J1H 5N4
(Requests for offprints should be addressed to R Day; Email:

Limited proteolysis of most large protein precursors structural analysis of the proteases, the mechanisms
is carried out in vivo by the subtilisin-like of enzyme/substrate specificity, their interaction
pro-protein convertases. Many important biological with other proteins such as 7B2, and the compara-
processes such as peptide hormone synthesis, viral tive tissue and cellular distribution of the enzymes
protein processing and receptor maturation involve and their substrates. These data are then used as a
proteolytic processing by these enzymes, making background for the review of the known biological
them potential targets for the development of novel functions of subtilisin-like pro-protein convertases,
therapeutic agents. However, the efficient develop- the reported clinical cases involving proteolytic
ment of such molecules requires a better under- processing defects and, finally, the ongoing develop-
standing of the molecular mechanisms of proteolytic ment of new therapeutic inhibitor molecules based
protein processing. Herein, we review the most on this knowledge.
recent findings on the molecular aspects of Journal of Molecular Endocrinology (2000) 24, 1–22
subtilisin-like convertase activity, such as the

INTRODUCTION family of subtilisin-related pro-protein convertases,

known as the SPCs.
Proteolytic processing is a post-translational The discovery of the SPCs was based on initial
modification by which the cell can diversify and observations made in the mid-80s using yeast
regulate the products of its genes. Just as a single genetics. A mutation in the Kex2 gene in
polycistronic bacterial gene can encode many Saccharomyces cerevisiae prevented conjugation
proteins with different functions, a mammalian because it did not permit proteolytic processing of
precursor protein can give rise, by hydrolysis of the alpha-mating factor precursor. Genetic com-
selective peptide bonds, to several molecules with plementation with Kex2 revealed a deficiency in the
different biological activities. Proteolytic processing expression of a peptidase with specificity for
within the secretory pathway is crucial for the cleaving on the carboxyl (C) side of paired basic
activation or inactivation of many proteins and the residues (Julius et al. 1984). The Kex2 peptidase,
regulation of their cellular localization. Indeed, now known as kexin, is a serine protease of the
processing is important in zymogen activation, subtilisin family (Wells et al. 1983, Mizuno et al.
peptide hormone processing, complement acti- 1988) that has been shown to be calcium-dependent
vation, clot formation and lysis, angiogenesis and (Fuller et al. 1989a, Mizuno et al. 1989) and to
tissue remodeling. Many precursors involved in cleave correctly the pro-hormone precursors in
these important biological functions require cleav- mammalian cells (Thomas et al. 1988). It was thus
age at specific pairs of basic residues, such a logical to assume that a mammalian homolog could
Lys-Arg. In mammalian species, this catalytic exist. Shortly after the discovery of the yeast
function is now understood to be carried out by a enzyme, a sequence homology analysis (Fuller et al.

Journal of Molecular Endocrinology (2000) 24, 1–22 Online version via
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2   and others · SPCs: molecular specificity to therapeutic applications

1989b) through the human genome database positively charged amino acids, usually to produce
identified a mammalian Kex2 homolog that was biologically active products. Other serine proteases,
encoded by the fur gene, on chromosome 15 (van such as trypsin or chymotrypsin, are far less
den Ouweland et al. 1989, 1990). Subsequently, selective, often playing a role in protein degra-
seven kexin-related mammalian enzymes were dation. Peptide processing events occur in the
identified. Although each enzyme has been secretory pathway of eukaryotes at the carboxyl
independently named by its discoverers, a simplified terminal of Lys or Arg residues (occupying the P1
nomenclature for the group of mammalian position). (The cleavage site of proteases is
processing proteases has been proposed (Chan et al. described according to a nomenclature proposed by
1992), using the term SPC: SPC1 (furin or paired Schechter & Berger (1967), whereby P1 is the first
amino acid converting enzyme (PACE)), SPC2 residue on the amino (N)-terminal side of the
(PC2), SPC3 (PC1 or PC3), SPC4 (PACE4), SPC5 cleaved peptide bond, P2 the second residue, and so
(PC4) SPC6 (PC5 or PC6-A) and SPC7 (LPC, PC7 on. The amino acids located on the C-terminal side
or PC8). of the cleavage site are named P1 , P2 , P3 , etc.)
The large number of mammalian SPCs now Typically, SPC cleavage sites feature Arg-Arg and
discovered raises several intriguing questions as to Lys-Arg motifs, but some are composed of
their potential overlapping or distinct functions. Arg-Lys, Lys-Lys, or even single Arg residues.
Functional specificity could be determined by 1) a The substrate specificity of SPC1 has been the
high degree of substrate specificity by each enzyme, object of numerous studies and is the best
and 2) a distinct cellular expression or specific understood, revealing the consensus recognition
intracellular localization of each SPC. The future sequence Arg-Xaa-Arg/Lys-Arg?, of which the P4
development and successful application of SPC arginine is critical for cleavage (Hosaka et al. 1991,
inhibitors as potential therapeutic agents is highly Molloy et al. 1999). Analysis of a repertoire of more
dependent on the availablility of this information. than 40 precursor molecules cleaved at furin sites
Within the context of the intracellular environment, also showed that 50% of the pro-proteins possessed
will SPC inhibitors have to be designed that target a serine residue in the P1 position. The mimi-
all SPC activities simultaneously, or will inhibitors mal recognition sequence, Arg-Xaa-Xaa-Arg?, is
that target specific SPC activities be more effective? observed in all substrates found to be cleaved by
Thus the knowledge gained from defining whether SPC1. This sequence was later confirmed in studies
SPCs have redundant or distinct functions, at the using random substrate phage display. In these
level either of expression or of activity, will be experiments, virtually all clones coding for SPC1
extremely useful. One approach to this problem is substrates had an RxxR? motif, and many had Lys,
to define the cellular localization of SPCs – that is, Arg, or Pro in the P2 position (Matthews et al.
to identify precisely the ‘cocktail’ of SPCs expressed 1994a). The presence of a P4 Arg residue is not
in any cell of interest. Indeed, this is an important mandatory for the activity of all convertases but,
criterion, as the specificity of processing function is generally, the presence of an Arg residue in P6, P4
not only dictated by the cleavage specificity of an or P2 has been shown to enhance the cleavage
SPC, but also by its distinct localization. A second efficiency by SPCs (Hosaka et al. 1991).
approach is to define better the cleavage specificity The general features of intracellular precursor
of each SPC and to define how SPCs are regulated, processing are shown schematically in Fig. 1.
for example at different levels including transcrip- Precursor processing can occur in both the
tional, translational, and through protein–protein constitutive and the regulated pathways. It is
interactions (e.g. SPC2/7B2, see later). Finally, believed that SPC1 is important in the cleavage of
the ability to ‘delete’ a specific SPC from the precursors in the constitutive pathway, whereas
cellular environment, such as has been accom- SPC2 and SPC3 are important in the cleavage of
plished with the creation of null mice, is especially precursors in the regulated pathway. After SPC
useful to define the unique functions of that SPC cleavage, the newly exposed basic residues of the
and the possible compensatory contributions of released N-terminal peptide are removed by
other co-localized SPCs. carboxypeptidases specific for basic residues
(Kemmler et al. 1973). Recently, it has been shown
that this role can be carried out, not only by
MECHANISM OF SPC PRO-PROTEIN carboxypeptidase E (CPE), but also by a structural
PROCESSING homolog known as carboxypeptidase D (CPD) (Xin
et al. 1997). CPE has been shown to be targeted to
In general, SPCs appear to be highly specific secretory granules and appears to play this role in a
enzymes, cleaving pro-protein precursors at specific relatively endocrine-specific manner (Fricker 1991).
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 1. Processing of inactive precursors into bioactive peptides in constitutive

and regulated secretory pathways.

In contrast, CPD appears to have a role in accumulation of C-terminally extended peptides

processing of proteins negotiating the constitutive (Naggert et al. 1995).
secretory pathway (Dong et al. 1999). Finally, after
removal of the basic residues, peptides having a
C-terminal glycine are often amidated by the action
of peptidyl-glycine--amidating mono-oxygenase. STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF SPC ENZYMES
This modification enhances the binding of neuro-
endocrine peptides to their receptor and increases Substrate specificity, catalytic efficiency and intra-
peptide stability in vivo (Mains et al. 1990). cellular localization of each SPC are conferred by
Interestingly, the steps of this enzymatic cascade the unique structural components of each molecule.
involving the SPCs and carboxypeptidases appear to All the members of this enzymatic family have
be functionally linked. It has been observed that similar N-terminal structures with common func-
carboxypeptidase activity enhances SPC2 process- tional domains, whereas their C-terminal domains
ing of pro-dynorphin, suggesting that the removal are variable. The more conserved N-terminal
of C-terminal basic residues prevents product domains are the signal peptide, the pro-segment,
inhibition (Day et al. 1998). Hence, CPE activity the catalytic domain and the P domain, which
could play a regulatory role on SPC activity in vivo. includes a conserved RGD motif (Fig. 2). The more
This notion is supported by studies on CPE-null variable C-terminal domains include Cys-rich
mice (fat/fat), which show generally reduced SPC regions, transmembrane and cytosolic domains,
processing activity that could be due to the amphipathic helices, and sorting domains. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology (2000) 24, 1–22
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 2. Structural comparison of the mammalian SPCs and their related yeast kexin (yKexin) and
bacterial subtilisin (Subt) BPN proteases.

Like other protein precursors, SPCs are first reticulum (ER) membrane. The second processing
synthesized as large inactive pro-proteins that event is the removal of the 80–90 amino acid
undergo proteolytic maturation in their transit pro-segment. This domain has two important
through the secretory pathway. The first domain to functions: as an intramolecular chaperone and as a
be removed is the N-terminal signal peptide that is competitive inhibitor. Study of the bacterial
required for the entry of the protein into the subtilisin model and other pro-proteins suggests
secretory pathway. This peptide is cleaved by a that N-terminal pro-peptides act as intramolecular
signal peptidase after the translocation of the chaperones and are essential for proper folding of
nascent polypeptide chain through the endoplasmic the proteins to which they are attached (Eder et al.
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1993, Shinde & Inouye 1993). It has been ing that negatively charged residues of the catalytic
demonstrated that these pro-peptides are cleaved by pocket interact with positively charged residues of
an intramolecular autocatalytic mechanism at the the substrate (Creemers et al. 1993b, Roebroek et al.
ER level (Leduc et al. 1992, Creemers et al. 1993b, 1994, Rockwell & Fuller 1998). Interestingly, SPC
Goodman & Gorman 1994, Matthews et al. 1994b, active site residues can be engineered to modify
Lamango et al. 1999), and this cleavage is important substrate specificity (Rheinnecker et al. 1993), as is
for the correct sorting of the enzymes out of the ER the case, for example with furilisin (Ballinger et al.
(Creemers et al. 1995, Zhou et al. 1995). Two 1996), a bacterial subtilisin mutant that has been
clusters of pairs of basic residues are found in the re-designed to induce a substrate recognition
pro-segment of each convertase. The excision of the similar to that of mammalian SPC1. The active site
pro-peptide in the ER occurs at the C-terminal site, of SPCs also contains a conserved Asn residue
for which the consensus sequence is Arg-Xaa-Arg/ needed for the stabilization of the oxyanion hole
Lys-Arg?. After this first cleavage, the pro-segment transiently formed during the hydrolysis reaction.
most probably occupies the active site, acting as a Curiously, SPC2 differs from the other SPCs, as the
competitive inhibitor until it is released. In the case Asn residue is replaced by an Asp. The significance
of SPC1, a correct calcium and pH environment of this special feature of SPC2 is not clear, as an
found in the trans-Golgi network (TGN) enables Asp<Gln mutation at this residue has been
cleavage at the N-terminally located pair of basic reported to produce minor effects on SPC2
residues of the pro-peptide, thus releasing it from activation and processing activity (Zhou et al. 1995).
the catalytic domain and activating the enzyme Other studies report that the Asp residue could be
(Anderson et al. 1997). Purified SPC3 pro-peptides involved in the characteristic slow activation of
have been shown to inhibit SPC3 and SPC1 activity SPC2 and its acidic pH optimum (Scougall et al.
in vitro (Boudreault et al. 1998), thus confirming the 1998).
role of the pro-peptide regulatory mechanism of The P domain (also called HomoB domain) is
SPC activity. It is likely that this two-step located C-terminally to the catalytic region of all
pro-segment processing is a common feature of all SPCs and is essential for the correct folding and the
SPCs. In most cases (with the exception of SPC2), stability of the enzyme. As the ternary structure of
the first cleavage is an early event that is necessary SPCs is not yet understood, the exact conformation
for the efficient folding and the sorting of the of this particular domain remains hypothetical.
protease in its appropriate cell compartment. The However, it has been proposed, on the basis of
second cleavage occurs later, when the enzyme has secondary structure predictions, that the P domain
reached its target compartment, where optimal is an independently folded component consisting of
conditions of pH, Ca2+ concentration and inter- eight-stranded beta-barrels with well-organized
actions with other proteins are found. The necessity inner hydrophobic cores (Lipkind et al. 1998). This
of a second cleavage for pro-peptide release insures compact subunit is believed to be essential for the
that the enzyme becomes activated only after structural cohesion of SPCs, by establishing strong
reaching its target cellular compartment. hydrophobic interactions with the catalytic domain.
The catalytic domain contains the active site of Mutational analysis and chimeric constructions in
the enzyme, with the typical catalytic triad of the P domain of SPC3 demonstrate the importance
subtilisin-related serine proteases, including the of this region in regulating the stability, calcium
Asp, His and Ser active site residues. SPCs use the dependence, and optimal pH of these enzymes
same enzymatic mechanism (i.e. the same catalytic (Zhou et al. 1998). The importance of this domain
triad) as the trypsin-related enzymes, although no for the structural cohesion of the enzyme is also
sequence homologies exist between these two demonstrated in human colon carcinoma LoVo
families. Hence, SPCs are believed to have arisen cells, in which a single nucleotide deletion in the
from a convergent evolutionary mechanism. Under- region covering the P domain of SPC1 completely
standing the conformation of the catalytic domain of abolishes its activity (Takahashi et al. 1993, 1995b).
SPCs is important, because this structure is The P domain of SPCs also contains a conserved
primarily responsible for substrate selectivity. RGD motif, the role of which remains unclear.
Although efforts are in progress to obtain three- RGD motifs are typically found in extracellular
dimensional structures of SPCs, the only catalytic matrix proteins, such as fibrinogen, and are
domain model available at present is based on the involved in cellular adhesion via integrins. How-
structure of bacterial subtilisin (Siezen et al. 1994, ever, there is at present no evidence that the RGD
Lipkind et al. 1995). Furthermore, various residues motif in SPCs is involved with integrin attachment,
that play a role in the substrate recognition of SPCs either intracellularly or extracellularly (Seidah et al.
have been identified by mutational analysis confirm- 1994, Rovere et al. 1999). Mutational analysis of the Journal of Molecular Endocrinology (2000) 24, 1–22
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RGD motif in SPC3 produces confusing results, protein related to clathrin-associated molecules
with effects on substrate processing (pro- (Wan et al. 1998). Other important cytoplasmic tail
opiomelanocortin, POMC), precursor processing sorting signals have been identified, namely a
(pro-segment removal and C-terminal cleavage), tyrosine-based motif important for the interaction
enzyme stability and intracellular sorting (Lusson with AP-1 Golgi-specific assembly proteins
et al. 1997). From these same studies, it also appears (Teuchert et al. 1999) and, recently, hydrophobic
that modification of the P domain (i.e., within the based motifs that could mediate internalization
RGD motif) probably results in a structural (Stroh et al. 1999).
destabilization that could explain all other effects Other SPCs, such as SPC3 and SPC2, do not
observed. Other experiments with kexin P domain have an integral membrane domain, but are believed
mutants support the notion that such modifications to have an amphiphatic helix that has been
can have drastic effects on enzyme trafficking, hypothesized to mediate hydrophobic interactions
resulting in a failure to exit from the ER with membranes (Seidah et al. 1990). However, an
(Gluschankof & Fuller 1994). SPC2 deletion mutant lacking the putative
The regions located C-terminal to the P domain C-terminal amphipathic helix was nevertheless
are highly variable for each convertase. For membrane associated, suggesting that this domain
example, cysteine-rich regions are found in SPC1 was not essential for attachment of SPC2 to
(van de Ven et al. 1990), SPC4 (Kiefer et al. 1991), membranes (Shennan et al. 1991).
and SPC6 (Lusson et al. 1993). The isoform of
SPC6, known as SPC6-B (see Fig. 2) has a
particularly extended Cys-rich region. Interest- A COMPLEX CASE: SPC2 BIOSYNTHESIS
ingly, this domain has some homology with receptor
protein tyrosine kinase precursors. However, few As for other SPCs, during its biosynthesis, SPC2
studies have examined the role of this domain, proceeds through a series of intermediate forms
which remains unknown. In contrast, the (Guest et al. 1992, Lamango et al. 1999). After
C-terminal domain of SPC7 displays a unique pro-peptide removal by an autocatalytic mechanism
serine/threonine-rich region of unknown function (Matthews et al. 1994b), the enzyme is further
(Bruzzaniti et al. 1996, Meerabux et al. 1996, processed by a truncation of its C-terminal domain
Seidah et al. 1996c), reminiscent of the yeast Kex2 and glycosylation to yield a final product of 64 kDa
enzyme. SPC2 (Shen et al. 1993). It is noteworthy that SPC2
Other regions in the C-terminal part of SPCs and SPC3 pro-segment removal occurs at different
have been identified for which the functions are pH and calcium requirements, suggesting different
better understood, such as those regions that intracellular locations for these events (Shennan et
interact with lipidic membranes. Some SPCs al. 1995). Finally, SPC2 is sorted to the regulated
(SPC1, SPC7 and the variant isoforms, SPC4E and secretory pathway (Guest et al. 1992, Taylor et al.
SPC6B) have an integral transmembrane domain 1998), where it fulfills its role in the production of
followed by a cytoplasmic tail. This domain affects bioactive peptide hormones.
cellular sorting and has been well studied for SPC1 The biosynthesis of active SPC2 is tightly linked
(Molloy et al. 1999). As a constitutive pathway- to the expression of the neuroendocrine poly-
associated protease, SPC1 is a resident TGN peptide, 7B2 (Jeannotte et al. 1997, Seidel et al.
protein (Shapiro et al. 1997) that can enter a 1998). This protein was first isolated from pituitary
recycling pathway through the plasma membrane extracts (Hsi et al. 1982, Seidah et al. 1983) and its
and the endosomes (Molloy et al. 1994). This cDNA was later cloned (Martens 1988, Mbikay et
particular sorting pattern is made possible by its al. 1989). It is a sulfated, non-glycosylated peptide
transmembrane domain and the interactions of its (Ayoubi et al. 1990, Paquet et al. 1994) with a
C-terminal tail with cytoplasmic proteins. An acidic strictly neuroendocrine distribution. 7B2 expression
amino acid cluster important for cell sorting has is required for the efficient transport, folding and
been identified within the SPC1 56 amino acid activation of SPC2 (Braks & Martens 1994, Martens
cytosolic domain (Schafer et al. 1995). This motif et al. 1994, Zhu & Lindberg 1995, Lamango et al.
contains phosphorylated serine residues (Takahashi 1996). The two molecules are bound together at
et al. 1995a) that regulate the SPC1 intracellular their entry in the ER and are later cleaved by an
traffic by casein kinase II (Jones et al. 1995). SPC1-like activity (Paquet et al. 1994) in their
Dephosphorylation is carried out by PP2A phos- transport through the secretory pathway (Braks &
phatase (Molloy et al. 1998). When phosphorylated, Martens 1994). The SPC2 pro-segment is required,
the SPC1 cytoplasmic tail interacts with phospho- but is not sufficient to confer 7B2 binding (Zhu
furin acidic cluster sorting protein 1, a novel sorting et al. 1998), and the interactions between these
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 3. Hypothetical model of 7B2 and SPC2 interactions. (A) Shortly after
biosynthesis, pro-SPC2 (75 kDa) specifically associates with pro-7B2 (27 kDa) within
the ER. (B) The complex exits from the ER and, within the TGN, SPC1 (scissors)
cleaves the C-terminal (C-T) peptide from pro-7B2 and also cleaves pro-SPC2
(75 kDa to 71 kDa form). (C) By an as yet unexplained mechanism, the 21 kDa 7B2
facilitates the conversion of pro-SPC2 to fully active SPC2 (68 kDa form). (D) The
C-T peptide inhibits the activity of SPC2 in late compartments (TGN or immature
secretory granules). Inhibition of SPC2 (68 kDa form) is released by cleavage of the
C-T peptide by SPC2 at KK residues (and after C-terminal basic residue trimming
by carboxypeptidases).

molecules have been used to explain the relatively In vivo studies have attempted to establish the
slow exit of SPC2 from the ER (Muller et al. 1997). role of 7B2. Whereas 7B2 and SPC2 are clearly
7B2 is considered to be a bifunctional molecule, co-localized in rat brain neurons, 7B2 has also been
with its N-terminal domain behaving as a shown to be more widely distributed than SPC2
chaperone-like protein, while its C-terminal peptide (Seidel et al. 1998), with many 7B2-positive neurons
domain is a specific SPC2 inhibitor (Martens et al. showing a lack of SPC2 expression. What is the
1994, Lindberg et al. 1995, Zhu & Lindberg 1995) function of 7B2 in these SPC2-negative neurons? It
having no effect on SPC3 activity (van Horssen remains to be established whether 7B2 specifically
et al. 1995). This C-terminal region appears not to binds another protein, maybe even an ‘SPC2-like’
be responsible for the observed binding of pro-7B2 molecule, in these neurons. These potential
with pro-SPC2 in the ER. A working model of 7B2 additional functions of 7B2 have been highlighted
and SPC2 interactions based on these results is by recent gene knockout experiments (Westphal
summarized in Fig. 3. et al. 1999). Although gene disruption of 7B2 Journal of Molecular Endocrinology (2000) 24, 1–22
8   and others · SPCs: molecular specificity to therapeutic applications

 1. Overall distribution profile of the SPCs

Tissue distribution Intracellular localization

SPC1 Ubiquitous, but expressed at variable levels TGN, endosomes, cell surface
SPC2 Neuroendocrine cells Secretory granules
SPC3 Neuroendocrine cells Secretory granules, TGN
SPC4 Endocrine and non-endocrine, widespread tissue expression TGN, ?
SPC5 Testicular germ cells ?
SPC6-A Endocrine and non-endocrine, widespread tissue expression Secretory granules, TGN
SPC6-B Digestive system and adrenal cortex TGN
SPC7 Widespread, with higher levels in lymphoid-associated tissues TGN

prevents activation of SPC2, other important effects this way, as they show that some SPCs (SPC2,
have been observed. 7B2-null mice display hypo- SPC3 and SPC6) are exclusively expressed in
glycemia, hyperproinsulinemia, and hypogluca- neurons, whereas others (SPC1, SPC4 and SPC7)
gonemia. They also have increased circulating are expressed in both neurons and glial cells. In
adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) and corti- contrast to glial cells, which possess only a
costerone concentrations, with adrenocortical constitutive secretory pathway, neurons also have a
expansion. 7B2-null mice do not survive more than regulated secretory pathway. These data suggest
9 weeks, because of severe Cushing’s syndrome. In an association of SPC2, SPC3 and SPC6 with
these mice, pituitary intermediate lobe ACTH the neuroendocrine phenotype and specialized
hypersecretion results in a far more severe functions within the regulated secretory pathway.
endocrine disorder than is found in the SPC2-null Of the seven known mammalian SPCs, the
mice (Furuta et al. 1997). Thus it is highly likely distribution of SPC5 is the most restricted, as it is
that 7B2 has functions additional to that of not expressed elsewhere than in testicular germ cells
activating SPC2. (Nakayama et al. 1992, Seidah et al. 1992).
Although this unique expression pattern may reflect
a highly specialized processing function, no SPC
TISSUE DISTRIBUTION AND CELLULAR substrates have, as yet, been identified in germ cells.
LOCALIZATION OF SPC ENZYMES The exclusive expression of SPC5 in germ cells also
suggests unique transcriptional regulation of this
Numerous studies have been carried out to examine gene. However, the germ cells also have the capacity
the detailed tissue and cellular distribution of each to express other SPCs, including SPC1 and SPC7.
SPC (Day et al. 1992, 1993, Schafer et al. 1993, A comparative in situ hybridization analysis of
Seidah et al. 1994, Beaubien et al. 1995, Dong et al. adjacent sections of rat seminiferous tubules (Fig. 5)
1995, 1997, Seidel et al. 1998). Table 1 summarizes reveals that both SPC5 and SPC7 are expressed
the overall distribution profile. In general, it can be within germ cells, but in a mutually exclusive
stated that cells or cell lines do not express only one pattern, some tubules containing greater levels of
SPC at a time, but rather express a distinct SPC5 mRNA, the others being rich in SPC7. These
‘cocktail’ of SPCs. Overlapping cellular expression patterns of expression suggest distinct roles of SPC5
of SPCs raises the question of possible redundancy and SPC7 in the different stages of germ cell
of processing. This is best illustrated by studies maturation.
carried out in the rat brain, which examined The extensive tissue distribution studies carried
SPC mRNA distribution by in situ hybridization out on the SPCs have revealed that each SPC could
(Fig. 4). Analysis of the brain localization shows have a distinct function in vivo, as no two SPCs
that SPCs have distinct distribution patterns, have identical patterns. These patterns of expres-
suggesting that they also have distinct functions. sion (whether at a cellular or intracellular level)
However, overlapping regional expressions are also could compensate for some apparent common
observed, which hints at some redundant functions cleavage specificities observed in vitro. A substrate
in the brain. cleaved by an SPC in vitro may in fact never
A summary of the analysis of the cellular encounter that SPC in vivo, because they either are
distribution of SPCs in the rat brain is given in not co-expressed in the same cell or are simply
Table 2. In situ hybridization studies of brain tissue sorted to different intracellular compartments. Thus
at a cellular level are very useful when illustrated in overlapping functions of SPCs in vivo may in fact be
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 4. Photomicrographs of in situ hybridization of SPC mRNAs in adjacent rat

brain sagittal sections. Distinct distribution patterns are observed for SPCs. 3V, third
ventricle; 4V, fourth ventricle; Acb, accumbens nucleus; AD, anterodorsal thalamic
nucleus; AO, anterior olfactory nucleus; CA3, field CA3 of Ammon’s horn; Ce,
cerebellum; Cx, cerebral cortex; DG, dentate gyrus; Hy, hypothalamus; IC, inferior
colliculus; ICj, islands of Calleja; LS, lateral septum; LV, lateral ventricle; Olf,
olfactory bulb; PCL, Purkinje cell layer; PF, parafascicular thalamic nucleus; Pn,
pontine nucleus; S, subiculum; SC, superior colliculus; Th, thalamus; Tu, olfactory

minimized as a result of different regulatory gene suggesting that other convertases are able to provide
expression mechanisms of the enzyme and sub- some compensatory cleavage at SPC2-favored sites
strate. Compensatory mechanisms have been in pro-insulin. In SPC2-null mice, pancreatic
observed in SPC-null mice, but often represent only concentrations of insulin are still detectable, but
a fraction of the processing activity of the SPC that represent only about 20% of normal insulin
was inactivated. For example, in SPC2-null mice concentrations. Thus, whereas some substrates are
(Furuta et al. 1997), the processing of pro-glucagon, in fact cleaved by more than one SPC (at the same
pro-somatostatin, and pro-insulin in the pancreatic cleavage site), it appears that in vivo compensatory
islets was shown to be severely impaired. However, mechanisms are mostly limited events.
in the case of pro-insulin processing, a severe but
incomplete block in processing was observed, BIOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS OF SPC ENZYMES

 2. Cellular distribution of SPCs in rat brain A major objective of investigations on SPCs has
been to determine the specific biological functions
Neuron Glia
of each enzyme – that is, to establish specific target
Enzyme substrates within their biological context. Many
SPC1 + + studies have focused on the use of cellular
SPC2 + 
co-infections using Vaccinia virus recombinants
SPC3 + 
SPC4 + + (Thomas et al. 1988) to establish the cleavage
SPC6 +  properties of SPCs on target substrates. This
SPC7 + + approach has been useful in certain applications, for
example in the rapid production of recombinant Journal of Molecular Endocrinology (2000) 24, 1–22
10   and others · SPCs: molecular specificity to therapeutic applications

 5. Comparative distribution of SPC5 and SPC7 mRNAs by in situ

hybridization in adjacent sections of rat testis. In the top panels, note the
complementary distributions, which show seminiferous tubules with high levels of
SPC7 (open arrows) or high levels of SPC5 (white arrows). In the bottom panels,
numbers indicate identical seminiferous tubles in adjacent tissue sections. Tubules
1–5 express high levels of SPC7, whereas tubules 6–9 express high levels of SPC5.

SPCs for in vitro studies. Also, with the use of a transfection studies (Rouille et al. 1994, 1995,
cellular co-infection approach (co-infection of a 1997a, Furuta et al. 1997) all showed the obvious
target precursor substrate with a particular SPC), involvement of SPC2 in the formation of glucagon.
interesting results have been obtained regarding the Thus only a partial assessment of SPC biological
unique specificity of SPCs and their ability to cleave function is possible with co-expression or in vitro
precursors differentially (Thomas et al. 1988, studies. To complete the elucidation of the
Benjannet et al. 1991, Leduc et al. 1992). However, biological role of SPCs, complementary in vivo
this method has its drawbacks, such as degradation approaches must be considered, such as the study of
of the cellular environment induced by vaccinia naturally occuring mutants (e.g. the LoVo cell line)
infection and the difficulty of carrying out compara- and SPC gene modulation using antisense (or gene
tive kinetic studies of substrate cleavage. Taken knockout) technologies. Another interesting method
together, these conditions may explain certain by which to investigate the role of SPCs in vivo is to
ambiguities that have been observed with the use study the co-localization of the enzymes with their
of co-infection, as for example in the cleavage of substrates at the tissue, cellular and intracellular
pro-glucagon by SPC2. In this case, the Vaccinia level. An example of such an approach is illustrated
virus approach was unable to demonstrate the in Fig. 6, showing the co-localization of POMC
specific formation of glucagon by SPC2 (even in the mRNA with various SPC mRNAs in hypothalamic
presence of 7B2) (Dhanvantari et al. 1996), whereas neurons. The data show that all POMC neurons
SPC2 antisense studies, gene knockout and gene contain SPC2 and SPC3, that some POMC neurons
Journal of Molecular Endocrinology (2000) 24, 1–22
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 6. Co-localization of SPCs and POMC in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus

neurons, using double labeling in situ hybridization histochemistry. POMC neurons
were labeled with a digoxygenin-labeled cRNA probe and appear in each panel as dark
purple. SPC cRNA probes were radioactively labeled with [35S]UTP/[35S]CTP and
appear in each panel as autoradiographic grains (white dots). (A) Co-localization of
POMC and SPC3; all POMC neurons express SPC3 (black arrows). (B) Co-localization
of POMC and SPC2; all POMC neurons express SPC2 (black arrows). (C) POMC
neurons do not express SPC6 (open arrows). (D) Partial co-localization of POMC and
SPC4; black arrows show examples of co-localization and open arrows show examples
of POMC neurons that do not express SPC4.

contain SPC4, but that none can be shown to (Mondino et al. 1991), pro-von Willebrand factor
express SPC6. These data reflect the established (Wise et al. 1990), pro--nerve growth factor
role of SPC2 and SPC3 on in vivo POMC (Bresnahan et al. 1990), pro-transforming growth
processing, but also suggest that SPC4 could also factor 1 (Dubois et al. 1995) and pro-endothelin-1
play a role in POMC processing in a subset of (Denault et al. 1995a). SPC1 does not appear to be
arcuate neurons. This type of co-localization essential for survival in established cell lines, as the
approach is a powerful way to gather data on absence of active SPC1 in LoVo or CHO RPE.40
cellular enzyme–substrate relationships and cells is not lethal. Survival of these cells without
potential SPC biological functions. functional SPC1 may be due to the expression of
One of the SPCs with the best-defined biological other SPCs, such as SPC4, in LoVo cells,
function is SPC1 (Denault & Leduc 1996, suggesting compensatory functions by other SPCs.
Nakayama 1997, Molloy et al. 1999). In terms of However, the essential role of SPC1 has been
cell metabolism, SPC1 is believed to be vital, as it is revealed by in vivo studies demonstrating that SPC1
considered to be a ‘housekeeping’ convertase, expression is essential for the normal development
processing constitutively secreted proteins in all of the mouse embryo (Roebroek et al. 1998).
cells. Its ubiquitous distribution, cellular localiz- Whereas SPC1 is ubiquitously expressed, other
ation and substrate specificity support this notion. SPCs, such as SPC2 and SPC3, have well-defined
In vitro and in vivo studies reveal that SPC1 is patterns of expression that are mostly restricted to
able to cleave various constitutively secreted pro- the neuroendocrine system. This distribution is
tein precursors, including insulin pro-receptor consistent with their accepted role in pro-hormone Journal of Molecular Endocrinology (2000) 24, 1–22
12   and others · SPCs: molecular specificity to therapeutic applications

and pro-neuropeptide processing. Furthermore, magnocellular neurons express both SPC2 and
SPC2 and SPC3 are co-localized with peptide SPC3, whereas anterior lobe gonadotropes express
hormones within dense-core secretory granules. only SPC3. Thus complete processing of pro-
The specific role of SPC2 and SPC3 has been dynorphin to biologically active opioid peptide
shown in the processing of pro-insulin (Bennett products is dependent upon the expression of
et al. 1992, Smeekens et al. 1992), pro-glucagon SPC2. Additional support comes from studies with
(Rouille et al. 1995, 1997a,b) and POMC (Benjannet SPC2-null mice, which showed impaired pro-
et al. 1991, Thomas et al. 1991). These cleavage dynorphin processing, especially in the formation of
specificity studies have been supported by gene dynorphin A(1–8) (Day et al. 1998).
knockout (Furuta et al. 1998) and antisense studies Compared with SPC1, SPC2 and SPC3, the other
(Bloomquist et al. 1991, Rouille et al. 1994, members of the SPC family have been the object of
Rothenberg et al. 1996, Johanning et al. 1998). fewer studies and, thus, their biological roles are not
These substrates possess multiple basic residues as well defined. The first enzymatic studies on
that are differentially cleaved by SPC2 and SPC3, SPC4 activity revealed characteristics similar to
yielding different products depending on the those of SPC1, but with some differences in
relative expression of SPC2 and SPC3. In general, specificity (Rehemtulla et al. 1993). On the basis of
it appears that SPC3 activity results in a more preliminary studies on tissue distribution and
limited precursor proteolysis, generating relatively enzymatic properties, SPC4 was first believed to
high-molecular-weight species, whereas SPC2 be very similar to SPC1. Moreover, the close
cleavage is more extensive, producing smaller forms proximity of the SPC1 and SPC4 genes on
of mature products. chromosome 15 suggested that these genes evolved
The issue of differential processing by SPC2 and from a common ancestor by gene duplication
SPC3 can be exemplified with pro-dynorphin as a (Kiefer et al. 1991). However, more recent studies
model precursor. The interest in pro-dynorphin lies on SPC1 and SPC4 in vitro activities have
in the fact that it contains multiple apparently highlighted the differences between these enzymes.
similar paired basic amino acid cleavage sites, in Compared with SPC1, SPC4 has a low sensitivity
addition to two potential single Arg cleavage sites. for calcium chelators and dithiothreitol (Mains
Pro-dynorphin is also, along with POMC and et al. 1997), and it is not affected by the SPC1
pro-enkephalin, one of three precursors involved inhibitor, 1-antitrypsin-portland (AT-PDX, see
in the production of mammalian opioid peptides. below). In fact, several reports show that SPC4 is
In vivo, differential processing of this 26 kDa closer to SPC6 than SPC1 in many respects. SPC6
pro-protein is observed in different tissues (Day & is the enzyme with the greatest degree of sequence
Akil 1989). For example, pro-dynorphin is ex- homology with SPC4 (Lusson et al. 1993,
pressed in anterior pituitary gonadotropes and in Nakagawa et al. 1993). In vitro enzymatic studies
magnocellular neurons of the hypothalmus. In the of the recombinant enzymes revealed a close
anterior pituitary, pro-dynorphin is processed to relationship between SPC4 and SPC6 (Creemers
yield high-molecular intermediates of 8, 10 and et al. 1993a). Finally, a distinct distribution has
16 kDa, whereas, in the hypothalamus, final opioid been observed for the two enzymes, which is
peptide products, including dynorphin A(1–17,) complementary in some tissues (Dong et al. 1995,
dynorphin A(1–8), dynorphin B(1–13) and -neo- Zheng et al. 1997). Despite the differences in the
endorphin, are obtained (Fig. 7). In vitro studies in vitro properties of SPC1 and SPC4, all the
demonstrated that SPC3 is primarily responsible for reported SPC4 substrates can also be cleaved by
the production of the high-molecular-weight inter- SPC1 or other SPCs with an equal or superior
mediates. The 8 kDa intermediate requires cleavage efficiency. Among the reported SPC4 substrates
at a single Arg residue, a function that can be are pro-brain-derived neurotrophic factor, pro-
carried out by SPC3 (Dupuy et al. 1994). In neurotrophin 3 (Seidah et al. 1996a), the insulin
contrast, SPC2 was shown to generate the smaller receptor (Alarcon et al. 1994), pro-nerve growth
opioid-active dynorphin A(1–17), dynorphin B(1– factor (Seidah et al. 1996b), pro-somatostatin
13), and -neo-endorphin products (Day et al. (Brakch et al. 1995), human serum albumin (Mori
1998). In common with SPC3, SPC2 was also able et al. 1999) and the HIV viral coat protein, GP160
to cleave at single Arg residues, generating the (Hallenberger et al. 1992, Morikawa et al. 1993).
C-peptide but, in addition, dynorphin A(1–8). The The cleavage of the GP160 precursor illustrates
differential cleavage patterns of pro-dynorphin the need to confirm in vitro data with in vivo
by SPC2 and SPC3 obtained in vitro reflect observations. Even though enzymatic assays with
the processing patterns observed in vivo. Co- recombinant proteins suggest that GP160 is cleav-
localization studies indicate that hypothalamic able by SPC1 and SPC4 (Decroly et al. 1994), this
Journal of Molecular Endocrinology (2000) 24, 1–22
SPCs: molecular specificity to therapeutic applications ·   and others 13

 7. Differential processing of pro-dynorphin by SPC2 and SPC3. Cleavage by SPC3

produces large intermediate molecules, whereas SPC2 generates smaller peptides. The
processing pattern obtained with SPC3 corresponds to that observed in vivo within the
anterior lobe gonadotropes. The processing pattern obtained with SPC2 corresponds to that
observed in vivo within the hypothalamus (see text for discussion). NE, -neo-endorphin;
Dyn, dynorphin.

processing is probably not physiologically relevant, The cloning of SPC6 cDNA revealed the
because it occurs with very low efficiency (Inocencio existence of two enzyme isoforms, named SPC6-A
et al. 1997). Moreover, SPC1-deficient cell lines and SPC6-B, which differ only in their C-terminal
process GP160 as efficiently as do normal cells end. These isoforms are believed to exert different
(Ohnishi et al. 1994). Finally, it has been proposed functions, as SPC6-A has a soluble C-terminal
that a Ca2+-independent protease may in fact be domain and is targeted towards the dense-core
responsible for in vivo GP160 cleavage (Inocencio secretory granules in endocrine cells, whereas
et al. 1997). The role of SPC4 in vivo remains SPC6-B has a transmembrane C-terminal domain
unclear, as none of the above cited precursors and is located in the vesicles of the Golgi apparatus
demonstrates a clear preferential susceptibility to (De Bie et al. 1996). The SPC6 isoforms are
SPC4 activity. differentially expressed in the gastrointestinal tract, Journal of Molecular Endocrinology (2000) 24, 1–22
14   and others · SPCs: molecular specificity to therapeutic applications

and the expression of SPC6-A is affected by dietary The first evidence of a metabolic disorder
content (Udupi et al. 1997), suggesting a regulatory induced by a defective enzyme involving precursor
role for the processing of gut peptides. Other cleavage came from the study of fat/fat mice. A
potential biological functions of SPC6 have been spontaneous mutation in the CPE gene of this strain
identified. It may play a role in the cleavage of induced a single amino acid substitution in a highly
pro-neurotensin/neuromedin N in human colon conserved domain of the exopeptidase, yielding an
cancer cells (Rovere et al. 1998). It may be also inactive enzyme. Biochemical analysis of insulin-
involved in the process of sexual differentiation, by like peptides in these animals revealed a high
activating pro-Müllerian substance (Nachtigal & content (approximately 80%) of unprocessed pro-
Ingraham 1996). In addition, the transfection of insulin, whereas the processed insulin chains still
SPC6 in COS cells induces cleavage of the had their C-terminal pairs of basic residues
extracellular domains of the receptor protein untrimmed. However, an unexpected finding was
tyrosine phosphatases (Campan et al. 1996). the detection of unprocessed pro-insulin. This
Enzymatic characterization of the recombinant phenomenon may be explained by the observation
SPC7 reveals a substrate specificity largely similar that SPC2 activity is inhibited by C-terminally
to that of SPC1 (Munzer et al. 1997), with which extended peptides, possibly by a product inhibition
it is highly homologous. Just like SPC1, SPC7 has mechanism (Day et al. 1998).
a C-terminal transmembrane domain and a cyto- Recently, an isolated case of SPC3 deficiency has
plasmic tail responsible for its subcellular localiz- been identified in a human patient. One allele of the
ation at the TGN level, possibly with an SPC3 gene has a Gly<Arg483 mutation that
endosomal recycling pathway similar to that of prevents processing of pro-SPC3 and leads to its
SPC1. At the structural level, PC7 has a retention in the ER. The mutation of the other allele
C-terminal region rich in serine and threonine, causes skipping of exon 5, leading to loss of 26
whereas SPC1 has a cysteine-rich domain. residues, a frameshift and creation of a premature
Interestingly, SPC7 is not phosphorylated like stop codon within the catalytic domain (Jackson et
SPC1, but is palmitoylated in its cytoplasmic tail al. 1997). These mutations seem to produce effects
(van de Loo et al. 1997). As this enzyme was only similar to those observed in the fat/fat phenotype –
recently discovered, more studies are needed to that is, obesity and pro-insulinemia, accompanied
determine its role in vivo. by abnormal glucose homeostasis, hypogonado-
tropic hypogonadism and hypocortisolism. Such
inherited syndromes of normal proteolytic process-
CLINICAL ASPECTS OF SPC ACTIVITY ing are uncommon; they arise from the occasional
combination of two alleles containing random
Theoretically, there are two ways of designing mutations of an SPC gene. Recent advances in
therapeutic approaches targeting SPCs: restoring gene transfer therapy (Knoell & Yiu 1998) raise the
the defective processing responsible for a disorder, hope that these rare inherited defects could be
and blocking a processing event that is essential for corrected by the reintroduction of normal SPC
a given disease state. genes.
With regard to the restoration of defective The other field of therapeutic application involv-
processing, there is, at present, little evidence of ing SPC activity is the inhibition of unwanted
pathologies associated with altered protein process- proteolytic processing. Various pathogenic agents,
ing. Some autosomal dominant syndromes have been including bacterial toxins and viral coat proteins,
identified in which a mutated precursor leads to an have been found to require proteolytic processing
incorrect processing pattern, inducing pathological by SPCs in order to produce their effects (Garten
conditions. These diseases are related to the et al. 1994, Gordon et al. 1995, Rott et al. 1995).
impaired processing of pro-insulin (Peters 1987), Blocking the proteolytic processing of such patho-
pro-albumin (Brennan 1989), and blood coagulation genic proteins opens the way to the development of
factor IX (Bentley et al. 1986). However, these new therapeutic treatments based on enzyme
diseases are not related to an impaired activity of inhibition.
SPCs, but are caused by structural modifications in Blocking SPC activity may be deleterious, as
the substrate. One interesting application of SPCs these enzymes are essential for the normal expres-
in the restoration of hormone production is the sion of important cellular proteins. Thus, for each
re-engineering of rat prepro-insulin-1 to introduce disease state, the enzyme specificity of patho-
SPC1 cleavage sites, thus allowing processing genic precursors must be well understood and
into mature insulin by SPC1 in liver (Muzzin et al. the design of therapeutic SPC inhibitors should
1997). be made as specific as possible, in order to avoid
Journal of Molecular Endocrinology (2000) 24, 1–22
SPCs: molecular specificity to therapeutic applications ·   and others 15

cross-inhibition of important cellular proteolytic synthesize compounds of higher specificity. One of

processing. Nonetheless, it cannot be ruled out that, these is the availability of all SPCs, enabling re-
in certain pathological states, wide-spectrum SPC searchers to compare the inhibitory properties of a
inhibitors may also be useful. given molecule in vitro. The use of these isolated
SPCs for the identification of specific SPC inhibitors
with high throughput methods such as peptide com-
SPC INHIBITION binatorial libraries is already under way, as in the
case of SPC2 and SPC3 (Apletalina et al. 1998).
Ideally, effective control of the production of biologi- Because most enzymes possess natural inhibitors,
cal peptides involved in various disease states could be efforts have also been made to identify endogenous
achieved by specifically inhibiting the enzymatic ac- molecules that could modulate SPC activity. As
tivity of SPCs. Although antisense technologies aimed discussed above, one of these, the dual function 7B2
at decreasing the endogenous levels of SPC mRNA that facilitates pro-SPC2 maturation (Muller et al.
have been considered, enzyme-based inhibition 1997), has also been found to be inhibitory. Indeed,
achieved by designing a variety of molecular entities, within its C-terminal peptide, the Lys171-Lys172
ranging from non-peptidic or peptidomimetic site is particularly important for the ability of 7B2
molecules to small peptide substrates and to larger to inhibit SPC2 (van Horssen et al. 1995).
proteins, would be the preferred choice. Pro-segments of SPCs can also be considered to be
The initial characterization of the enzymatic modulators of enzymatic activity. Acting as a
specificities of SPCs spearheaded efforts in the multifunctional domain, the pro-peptide not only
design, conception and testing of compounds aimed acts as a steric chaperone, but also binds to catalytic
at inhibiting these enzymes. A straightforward domains of SPCs and inhibits protease activity.
approach has made use of the consensus cleavage This mechanism has been observed in vitro and
site sequence of SPCs for the synthesis of peptides in vivo for SPC1 and SPC3, whereby pro-segments
capable of acting as pseudosubstrates or transition inhibit the enzymes by a slow, tight-binding
state analogues. For example, elucidation of the mechanism (Boudreault et al. 1998). In fact, the
SPC1 recognition sequence, Arg-Xaa-Xaa-Arg, has pro-domains are quite potent inhibitors, as
led to the design of molecules such as the family demonstrated for SPC1, with IC50 values of 14 nM.
of chloromethylketones, which behave as tight- Serpins (SERine Protease INhibitors) are nat-
binding irreversible inhibitors of SPC1 (Angliker urally occuring proteins that play a role in the
1995, Jean et al. 1995). regulation of serine proteases activity. Although
Structure–activity studies using peptidyl sub- most serpins identified today specifically inhibit
strates based on a region spanning the pro-region trypsin-like serine proteases, a recently described
and catalytic domain of mouse SPC3 (Molloy et al. member of this family, called PI8, has been shown
1992, Basak et al. 1995) or the cleavage sequence of to inhibit SPC1 by a rapid, tight-binding mech-
human pro-parathyroid hormone (Lazure et al. anism (Dahlen et al. 1998). PI8 is a 45 kDa
1998), showed that inhibition constants in the ovalbumin-type serpin that contains two SPC1
micromolar range can be attained. Some of the pepti- recognition sequences, Arg-Asn-Ser-Arg339 and
domimetic agents irreversibly react with the active- Arg339-Cys-Lys-Arg342 in its reactive site loop.
site serine, thus acting as suicide inhibitors. These Once this loop enters the catalytic pocket, it forms
peptide-based molecules have proven quite useful in an SDS-stable serpin–enzyme complex, characteris-
ascertaining the role of SPCs in processing precur- tic of physiological serpin–proteinase interactions.
sors of viral glycoproteins (Hallenberger et al. 1992, Attempts at abolishing SPC activity that were
Volchkov et al. 1998), hormones (Lazure et al. 1998), based on redesigning the reactive site of known
enzymes and other pro-proteins (Denault et al. inhibitors of serine proteinases to fit SPC recog-
1995b, Jean et al. 1993, Ledgerwood et al. 1996). nition sequences were initially performed using
They have the inherent advantage of being synthe- turkey ovomucoid third domain. Its reactive site
sized on a large scale and having the propensity of was re-engineered by incorporating the SPC1
modified peptides to penetrate membranes, making cleavage site, Arg-Xaa-Lys-Arg, in its reactive
them well suited for therapeutic use as large- pocket, yielding a molecule of Ka 1·110 7 M 1
spectrum, pharmacologically stable inhibitors. How- (Lu et al. 1993). Similar modifications of the bait
ever, none of them has, as yet, demonstrated marked region of the general protease inhibitor, 2
specificity. It is clear that, because of the enzymatic macroglobulin (Gly-Phe-Tyr-Glu686-Ser-Asp<
property of this family of proteinases of cleaving on Arg-Ser-Lys-Arg686-Ser-Leu), also led to the
the C-terminal of basic residues, other consider- production of an intracellularly active SPC1
ations will have to be taken into account in order to inhibitor (Van Rompaey et al. 1997). Journal of Molecular Endocrinology (2000) 24, 1–22
16   and others · SPCs: molecular specificity to therapeutic applications

Using a similar approach of site-directed muta- CONCLUSIONS

genesis of reactive centers, other existing poly-
peptides of the serpin family were targeted that The mammalian SPCs comprise a complex family
led to the development of a potent inhibitor for of enzymes that carry out apparently similar
SPC1. Indeed, changing residues corresponding to processing functions (cleavage at basic residues), yet
the P4 and P1 residues of the reactive site loop of clearly have unique biological roles as a result of
1-antitrypsin to accommodate the specificity of their distinct catalytic specificities and localizations.
SPC1 (Ala-Ile-Pro-Met<Arg-Ile-Pro-Arg) led to a Although the clinical relevance of SPCs remains
molecule specifically inhibiting SPC1, with an IC50 unclear, the design of specific inhibitors will
of 0·6 nM (Anderson et al. 1993). Interestingly, this undoubtedly lead to a better understanding of the
serpin, AT-PDX, conserves the biochemical complex cellular mechanisms in which the SPCs
properties of the native serpin, by rapidly forming participate. A better understanding of the substrate
an irreversible complex with SPC1 that is specificity of each SPC could lead to a rational
resistant to heat and denaturants. Kinetic analysis design of specific inhibitors. These substrate-
of AT-PDX inhibition has revealed that it acts specificity studies must be focused on a more
through a slow, tight-binding mechanism. It also relevant biological context than has been done
behaves as a suicide substrate inhibitor, as previously. Although the design of specific SPC
binding to the active site results in an equal inhibitors is a major goal, targeting a single SPC
probability that proteolysis will ensue or that a with a highly specific inhibitor may not have the
kinetically trapped SDS-stable complex with the fully desired effect, because of some partial
enzyme will be formed (Dufour et al. 1998, Jean compensatory mechanisms, thus the development of
et al. 1998). Because of its high selectivity toward wide-spectrum inhibitors may also be useful under
SPC1 (Jean et al. 1998), this novel inhibitor certain conditions. However, as several SPCs are
has already been used to assess the biological role often co-expressed within a particular cell type, this
of SPC1 in processing different precursors approach may prove to be particularly risky. The
(Anderson et al. 1993, Denault et al. 1995b, knowledge of how these enzymes function and
Watanabe et al. 1995, Decroly et al. 1996, Kayo interact is critical for the future successful appli-
et al. 1997, Zarkik et al. 1997, Abrami et al. 1998, cation of SPC inhibitors within a therapeutic
Cui et al. 1998, Logeat et al. 1998). Other context.
naturally occuring substances have been tested for
their ability to inhibit SPCs. A recent study
reported the identification of substances (an- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
drographolides) from the medicinal plant, An-
drographis paniculata, that possess low (>30 µM) We wish to thank the Medical Research Council of
inhibitory potencies toward SPCs (Basak et al. Canada for supporting this work. R L and R D are
1999). both scholars (Chercheurs-Boursiers) of the Fonds
Lately, much focus has been put on develop- de la Recherche en Santé du Québec. We also wish
ing approaches to abolishing SPC1-mediated to thank Mr Eric Dufour for helpful discussion.
cleavage of viral and bacterial pathogens. However,
because not all these precursors are processed in
the same cellular compartment, the physicochemi-
cal properties of the inhibitory compounds must be REFERENCES
considered. For example, it is believed that
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